Page created by Karen Mccormick
                                                    DECEMBER 20 2017
                                                           ISSUE 194


thE year’s best music marketing campaigns
        elcome to sandbox’s massive
        run down of the best, the
                                        Contents                       16 ... DUA LIPA                 28 ... BRUNO MAJOR           42 ... ED SHEERAN
                                        03 ... ALT-J                   17 ... FOO FIGHTERS             29 ... MAROON 5              43 ... SIGRID
        most innovative and the most
                                        04 ... ARCADE FIRE             18 ... HAIM                     30 ... MURA MASA             44 ... SAM SMITH
exciting music marketing campaigns
                                        05 ... THE BEATLES             19 ... IMAGINE DRAGONS          31 ... TOKIO MYERS           45 ... SPARKS
of the past 12 months. As usual,
                                        06 ... BIG SHAQ                20 ... IMAGINE FESTIVAL         32 ... NOTHING BUT THIEVES   46 ... SUNDARA KARMA
all campaigns are listed in non-
                                        07 ... BLOSSOMS                21 ... ELTON JOHN               33 ... OH WONDER             47 ... TAYLOR SWIFT
partisan alphabetical order. But, for
                                        08 ... NICK CAVE               22 ... KASABIAN                 34 ... OTHERKIN              48 ... VERA LYNN
the first time, we have pinpointed
                                        09 ... THE CHAINSMOKERS        23 ... HARNAAM KAUR,            35 ... LIAM PAYNE            49 ... CARLOS VIVES
the campaigns that have impressed
                                        10 ... CHARLI XCX                     THE BEARDED DAME AND     36 ... P!NK                  50 ... LEWIS WATSON
us most to give them special
                                        11 ... THE CRIBS                      SAMMY K, JEWISH RAPPER   37 ... PVRIS                 51 ... THE WEEKND
commendations. It has been a great
                                        12 ... DEF LEPPARD             24 ... KESHA                    38 ... RISE AGAINST          52 ... YELLOW LOUNGE
year for music and an equally great
                                        13 ... DEUCE                   25 ... ALICIA KEYS              39 ... ROYAL BLOOD
year for music marketing. Here is the
                                        14 ... DISCO DONNIE PRESENTS   26 ... KOVE                     40 ... ROBIN SCHULZ
cream of the crop.
                                        15 ... DIZZEE RASCAL           27 ... LITTLE MIX               41 ... SHAKIRA
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ALT–J                                  INFECTIOUS MUSIC/BMG
                                                                                                                             Photo: Mads Perch

Jo Power – senior marketing manager, BMG
Sam Hill – director of digital marketing, BMG
                                                                                                                                                        CAMPAIGN BREAKDOWN
                                                                                                                                                        CAMPAIGN BUDGET £10,000–£15,000
Will Cooper – director of digital retail, BMG
Dan Robinson – product manager, BMG
                                                                                                                                                        AUDIENCE DEMOGRAPHIC
Stephen Taverner – East City Management
                                                                                                                                                        AGE: 18–24, 24–34
Patrick Perring – web designer, Another Kind
                                                                                                                                                        FEMALE: 56%
                                                                                                                                                        MALE: 44%
OVERVIEW OF CAMPAIGN                                                                                                                                    LOCATION: Global
For alt-J’s third album, Relaxer, the artist’s
creative was based on the 1998 videogame,
LSD Dream Emulator – a cult Japanese game                                                                                                        an alt-J super room, featuring an interview with the band – one of
envisaged as one of the first videogame art                                                                                                      the first times such a feature had run. Spotify supported through
projects and based on its developer’s “dream                                                                                                     playlists, mobile marquee and an outdoor advertising campaign; they
journal”. With this strong concept, we licensed                                                                                                  also ran homepage takeovers in various territories using animated
imagery from the game and worked with                                                                                                            visuals from the ‘In Cold Blood’ video. Spotify created boutique
visual artists to create unique teaser content                                                                                                   content, including a “gamified” Facebook canvas marketing plan.
on social media. Alongside this, snippets of
historical code languages were used on socials                                                                                                   KEY LEARNINGS
for fans to decipher ‘in video’ content and in
the source code of The fanbase                                                                                                     The momentum gained from prioritising streaming on the
was hugely engaged, creating microcosms of                                                                                                       campaigns for the band’s first two albums has helped generate
fan conversation – reaching almost triple the                                                    Thanks to BMG’s in-house advertising            nearly 2bn streams to date and meant they had already grown a
existing social following organically over the                                                system, wide targets and engaged fans from         loyal and engaged fanbase on streaming platforms, who were ready
teaser and announcement campaign.                                                             previous album campaigns were segmented            and waiting for the new album. This has helped Relaxer already race
    Working with design agency Another            rewarding engaged fans and capturing        out to push awareness content or early             past 100m streams on Spotify alone and has established the band
Kind, we replicated an entire level of            them for specific retargeting. We also      pre-orders to specific fan groups. Each group      as one of the biggest independent UK streaming artists.
LSD Dream Emulator on to             used media partners to reflect this         was monitored and optimised on a day-by-             • Over 100m Spotify album streams of Relaxer
create an interactive visual experience to        creative style; for example, an exclusive   day basis and all data remains within BMG.           • Over 2bn artist streams to date
flesh out the design concept and create           video launch with WeTransfer to their          Our sales team engaged with leading               • Top 10 charting album
an atmospheric world. Entirely mobile             network of creatives, showcasing the        digital retailers and streaming services as          • Organically reached over 250% of the social following around
focused, fans could navigate around the           video, but also offering an in-depth        early as possible to set up features and             announce
site to find bonus content, teasers, stems        interview with the band on their creative   editorial support on a global basis, with a          • Identified super-fans and different consumer markets early on to
and sound effects from unreleased songs,          video commissioning process.                focus on key markets. Apple Music created            retarget later

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ARCADE FIRE                                                        COLUMBIA RECORDS UK

Simon Rollison
Charlie Shawcross
                                                                                                                                                  CAMPAIGN BREAKDOWN
                                                                                                                                                  CAMPAIGN BUDGET £25,000+
Claire Higgins
Paula Hanley
                                                                                                                                                  AUDIENCE DEMOGRAPHIC
                                                                                                                                                  AGE: 18-24, 24-34, 34-44
Terence Summerbell
                                                                                                                                                  FEMALE: 48%
                                                                                                                                                  MALE: 52%
OVERVIEW OF CAMPAIGN                                                                                                                              LOCATION: Worldwide
The overall concept of the campaign
stemmed from the music itself, which was
a comment on consumption culture and
corporate greed in an increasingly connected
world. The narrative constructed had the         around all the unusual marketing activity         another and we seeded our hero article with
band forced to sign their rights away to the     – co-opting third-party content, rumour,          a media campaign that mimicked clickbait
fictional corporation called Everything Now      memes etc.                                        ads. Once we saw pick up among fans, press
that then took control of all aspects of the         Each track on the album had an associated     and influencers (some taking the articles at
campaign, allowing us to engage with social      product – e.g. a track called ‘Chemistry’         face value, some playing along), we began to
media, content creation and all aspects of       was also an energy drink. Fake adverts            reference them on the socials.
marketing in ways that would never have          were created for several of the products,
been possible before.                            with content created around each “product         KEY LEARNINGS
    To launch, we created a 12-hour live         launch” being used across social media,
stream from Death Valley, California, where      both organically and in promoted posts. The       Earned media for the satirical articles via
the album was written. This ended to reveal      announcement of fake fidget spinner USBs          pick up in a national newspaper in Canada,
the new album title and artwork as the band      (which had been teased previously) created        included widespread coverage in music and
took to the stage at Primavera Sound to play     a huge amount of traffic and widespread           lifestyle press – Dazed, NME, Stereogum,
the new album for the first time.                coverage during release week.                     SPIN and Vice - as well as from celebrities
    All communication channels were                  Underpinning the whole campaign was           Terry Gilliam and Lorde. The fidget spinners
controlled throughout by a fictional social      the use of satirical news articles. These         were covered by Billboard, Mashable, The
media intern from the corporation, a             all played into the ridiculous nature of the      Verge and The Next Web among others.
character who would be slowly revealed over      campaign, the band’s involvement with                 Over 425k albums were sold worldwide in
the campaign. One key event was an Ask Me        the corporation and ironic takes on music         release week. Everything Now was the best-
Anything on Reddit, carried out in character     journalism, product placement and today’s         selling album in six countries that week,
and fans delighted in playing up to the furore   news cycle. All the articles were linked to one   including the UK, US and Canada.

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SANDBOX 2017 SURVEY                                                                                                                                                               BEST

THE BEATLES                                                       APPLE CORPS/UMC

                                                                                               share their love for the album. Highlights
                                                                                               included over 60k authors using the Sgt.
                                                                                               Pepper Twitter stickers, 25k Facebook profile
                                                                                               frame additions and over three minutes
                                                                                               on average dwell time exploring the story
                                                                                                                                                      CAMPAIGN BREAKDOWN
                                                                                                                                                      CAMPAIGN BUDGET £25,000+
                                                                                               behind the artwork. Access to Giles Martin
                                                                                               for a Facebook Live Q&A and playback of
                                                                                                                                                      AUDIENCE DEMOGRAPHIC
                                                                                               the 2017 mixes drove over 140k views as
                                                                                                                                                      AGE: 14-18, 18-24, 24-34, 34-44, 44-60
                                                                                               well as questions from loyal and casual fans
                                                                                                                                                      FEMALE: 41%
                                                                                                                                                      MALE: 59%
                                                                                                  Facebook is the biggest social platform
                                                                                                                                                      LOCATION: UK
                                                                                               for The Beatles, with over 41m fans
                                                                                               worldwide, but Instagram
                                                                                               continues to be the
                                                                                               fastest growing. Branding
                                                                                               organic content with Sgt.                                                   KEY LEARNINGS
TEAM MEMBERS                                  define the overarching campaign objectives       Pepper frames created
INVOLVED                                      – to preserve the legacy of The Beatles and      a dedicated campaign                                                        We took a mobile-first approach to all
                                              this album, whilst providing a new, younger      narrative within the                                                        of the campaign creative. This meant
Katie Alley – UMC                             audience an entry point to discover or           feed and the use of real                                                    repurposing and refreshing existing
Lee Jenson – UMC                              rediscover it.                                   time stories around key                                                     content for social environments. YouTube
Olly Walsh – UMG International                    In addition to the release date itself, we   moments has helped to                                                       instream ads achieved a 31% higher
Jack Thomson – UMG International              created a secondary impact moment in             drive the growth of under-                                                  view through rate than UMG’s current
Leda Chang – Ume                              #SgtPepperDay (1st June) and maximised           24s following the profile                                                   benchmarks and complimented native
Jeff Jones – Apple Corps                      partnerships with the City Of Liverpool,         to over 40%.                                    social feed uploads. An energetic Spotify homepage takeover
Jeremy Neech – Apple Corps/Motherlode         Abbey Road Studios and Chiswick House               A series of impactful vertical Snapchat      achieved 12.5m unique sessions and drove almost 5m clicks, was
Media                                         to globalise regional activity surrounding       ads also helped us to target a potential new    supported on the service further by a Beatles takeover of the
Lisa Salem – Motherlode Media                 this iconic anniversary. Keen to encourage       audience and reach beyond the hard core         platform-owned #ThrowbackThursday playlist (1.4m+ followers) and
Orla Lee-Fisher – UMG International           a sense of communal listening and mass           and lapsed fanbase on a platform that the       pre-save mechanic. This activity resulted in an uplift of 33% streams
Guy Hayden – UMG International                celebration, the #LetsPlayPepper map was         band previously had no presence on. This        in The Beatles’ catalogue overall.
Richard Hinkley – UMC                         developed to encourage fans to plot their        was enhanced by the use of interactive              Sequential Facebook marketing was essential to isolate the loyal
Mickey Tropeano – Fused, Universal Music UK   location when listening and filter by track      Snapcodes on outdoor advertising and a          and engaged fans and direct them through a funnel to conversion.
Russell Archer – Fused, Universal Music UK    or country to explore worldwide streams –        dedicated geo-filter around Abbey Road on       Whilst a combination of captivating Snapchat and YouTube ads,
                                              something that resonated with thousands          impact date.                                    strategic Instagram content and Twitter tools, positioned this album
OVERVIEW OF CAMPAIGN                          of fans across over 25 countries.                   Across the multiple physical products,       front and centre for a potential new audience. A series of Sgt. Pepper
                                                  We created a suite of accessible social      download and streaming, the campaign            Twitter stickers were used over 70k times during release week,
We worked closely with Apple Corps to         tools that enabled all fans to show and          delivered a #1 album in the UK.                 including by Ringo Starr himself.

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SANDBOX 2017 SURVEY                                                                                                                                                                   BEST USE
                                                                                                                                                                                                         OF AN

BIG SHAQ                                          ISLAND RECORDS

                                                                                                went viral immediately, clocking at least 100
                                                                                                shares within an hour. To date, it has had
                                                                                                more than 2,000 shares on Facebook since
                                                                                                its video release date on 10th November
                                                                                                                                                        CAMPAIGN BREAKDOWN
                                                                                                                                                        CAMPAIGN BUDGET £2,000–£5,000
                                                                                                    To date, the video post on Preetipls’
                                                                                                Facebook has reached more than 399,000
                                                                                                                                                        AUDIENCE DEMOGRAPHIC
                                                                                                people, with 144,119 views of the video,
                                                                                                                                                        AGE: 14-18, 18-24, 24-34
                                                                                                more than 2,000 shares and garnered 8,936
                                                                                                                                                        FEMALE: 40%
                                                                                                reactions in less than two weeks.
                                                                                                                                                        MALE: 60%
                                                                                                    For Twitter, her tweet received 363,746
                                                                                                                                                        LOCATION: Singapore
                                                                                                impressions and media views of more than

                                                                                                                                                KEY LEARNINGS
Aidil Yusof
Nikki Tan                                                                                                                                       i. Singaporeans truly engage with humorous content that is relatable
Shafiqa Amira                                                                                                                                   to them. In this instance, wearing a thick jacket in Singapore weather
Bryan Wong                                                                                                                                      and claiming it is not hot.

OVERVIEW OF CAMPAIGN                                                                                                                            ii. Engaging the correct influencer for the correct content.

Our artist, Big Shaq, released a single, ‘Man’s                                                                                                 iii. Knowing the best time to create awareness of the song and to
Not Hot’, in late September that went viral                                                                                                     take advantage of the virality hype online
online with its cheeky lyrics. Our primary
objective was to create awareness of the                                                                                                        iv. Using a third-party platform (e.g. an influencer’s socials) to create
song among the local audience who loves                                                                                                         awareness of the song helps to not restrict activity and awareness
humour and memes.                                                                                                                               exclusively to our own socials.
    Riding on the hype of the song, we
engaged a local influencer – Preetipls – who      the post as content on our social media       280,000. Total engagement goes beyond
is known for her humorous interpretation          platforms. The messaging that accompanies     186,500.
about life in Singapore. From there, the          the video includes the call to action of         For Instagram, her impressions were
team agreed on the idea of her video parody,      purchasing the single through iTunes and      13,510 and reached about 9,564 people.
‘Gal’s Not Hot’. The video was placed on her      streaming the single on both Apple Music         With the main focus on her Facebook, the
Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Universal        and Spotify.                                  song entered the Spotify chart on Singapore
Music Singapore re-shared it and boosted             Upon release, Preetipls’ ‘Gal’s Not Hot’   Top 50.

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BLOSSOMS                                              VIRGIN EMI

                                                                                                                                                   KEY LEARNINGS

                                                                                                                                                   We gained over 3k new sign-ups to our email database, achieved
                                                                                                                                                   427k reach on Facebook and 20.1k reactions/shares across the
                                                                                                                                                   campaign, as well as a +7.3% increase in Spotify streams over the
                                                                                               reactions/shares across the campaign, as            period of our advent calendar.
TEAM MEMBERS                                  incentivising fans to get into the Christmas     well as a +7.3% increase in Spotify streams            We gained 500 new sign-ups to our database, 1.2m reach on
INVOLVED                                      spirit and create heat about Blossoms online,    over the period.                                    Facebook across the campaign and a 35.4% increase in Spotify
Betsy Chadbourn – digital campaign            alongside promotion for their eponymous             Just a month later, Blossoms were                streams during our Brits campaign.
manager, Virgin EMI                           debut #1 album. For 24 days throughout           nominated for the Best British Breakthrough
Connie Meade – senior product manager,        December, a door was opened and a unique         Act at the Brits, inspiring us to run an original
Virgin EMI                                    prize released, encouraging fans to sign up      and fun voting campaign in true Blossoms
Anique Cox – marketing, Virgin EMI
Conrad Murray – management, SJM
Dave Salmon – management, SJM
                                              with their email address to be entered into
                                              the sweepstakes.
                                                  Prizes included a personal Christmas video
                                                                                               style. Guitarist Josh Dewhurst became the
                                                                                               lovable face of the campaign – the “working
                                                                                               class hero”. We created our very own political
                                                                                                                                                          CAMPAIGN BREAKDOWN
Sean Bullingham – lead designer, Pretty       from the band, tickets to sold-out shows, a      campaign, including badges, rosettes and                   CAMPAIGN BUDGET £1,000–£2,000
Good Digital                                  Christmas card handwritten by the band and       campaign posters – even pushing out a
Samantha Neville – designer, Pretty Good      signed bundles. We also created bespoke          political broadcast on Facebook in the week                AUDIENCE DEMOGRAPHIC
Digital                                       Christmas-themed assets to run on social         running up to the awards. The support                      AGE: 18–24
Al Petfield – designer, Pretty Good Digital   media on each day of the activation, giving      was incredible, including promotion from                   FEMALE: 52%
                                              people the chance to share these unique          Stockport Council (where the band are from).               MALE: 48%
OVERVIEW OF CAMPAIGN                          opportunities with their friends. We gained      We gained 500 new sign-ups to our database,                LOCATION: UK
In December 2016, we launched 24 Days         over 3k new sign-ups to our email database,      1.2m reach on Facebook across the campaign
Of Blossmas, a digital advent calendar        achieved 427k reach on Facebook and 20.1k        and a 35.4% increase in Spotify streams.

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NICK CAVE                                             BMG

TEAM MEMBERS                                                                                                 who may have only heard of the
INVOLVED                                                                                                     band in passing or heard the odd

Didier Dehauteur – marketing
director, BMG
                                                                                                             song via a sync, for example. This
                                                                                                             worked incredibly well.
                                                                                                                It was also backed up by a
                                                                                                                                                          CAMPAIGN BREAKDOWN
                                                                                                                                                          CAMPAIGN BUDGET N/A
Matt Dixon – label manager, BMG                                                                              promotional campaign covering
Thomas Cerha – marketing                                                                                     national and regional UK PR and
                                                                                                                                                          AUDIENCE DEMOGRAPHIC
assistant, BMG                                                                                               national radio, which garnered
                                                                                                                                                          AGE: 35–44
Press – Sarah Lowe, Fifth Avenue                                                                             key tracks hitting higher rotation
                                                                                                                                                          FEMALE: 35%
Online PR – Nathalie Quesnel,                                                                                across key stations and rave
                                                                                                                                                          MALE: 65%
Yes Please                                                                                                   reviews across the board.
                                                                                                                                                          LOCATION: UK
National radio – Caroline Poulton
and Nicki Kefalas, Out Promotion
Regional radio – Rob Kerford, Sonic             containing rare and unseen archive footage.
                                                Lovely Creatures is available in four physical
OVERVIEW OF CAMPAIGN                            formats, all featuring personal and rare
                                                photographs of the band (standard CD, triple
Lovely Creatures is the most comprehensive      LP, deluxe 3CD with DVD and the super-
overview of the recorded work of Nick Cave      deluxe limited-edition package) along with
& The Bad Seeds to date. Spanning 30 years      regular and deluxe digital releases.
of music from their debut album, From               Marketing for the campaign included TV
Her To Eternity, through to Push The Sky        advertising (for the first time in the band’s
Away, their 15th studio album, the collection   history – with voiceover from Kylie Minogue),    KEY LEARNINGS
navigates one of the most exhilarating,         cinema, outdoor (including an early teaser
idiosyncratic and inventive bodies of work      campaign of the symbols from the artwork         Lovely Creatures, despite containing no UK
created in contemporary music.                  in key cities across the UK. This was mirrored   top 10 hit singles and only one top 20 hit,
    The album was compiled by Nick Cave         with a teaser campaign via the band’s social     gave the band a top 10 album, their second
and founding member Mick Harvey, with           networks), radio, and online (using the TV       in the space of a few months, following
help from the current Bad Seeds. Band           ad and pushing images of the amazing             Skeleton Tree, and their fifth overall – a feat       Despite the lack of any new music, fans embraced all formats,
members past and present raided their           product itself). The online campaign not         replicated in Australia and Germany. It was       with the super-deluxe boxset particularly popular, and the double
personal archives to provide previously         only targeted fans of the band and similar       rapturously received by fans and media alike,     CD appealing to the more latent fan. From day one, BMG was
unseen photos and memorabilia, which have       acts, but also fans of relevant literature, TV   and has recently made the top 10 of Uncut’s       committed to make this a long-term campaign. We stick to our initial
been collected into a beautiful hardcover       shows, and films in an effort to not only        Archive Releases for 2017, picked up the          vision and are still working since the release in May, this campaign
book, along with a series of original essays.   garner the support of the hardcore fan, who      prestigious AIM award for Special Catalogue       re-boosted by perfectly timed dates this autumn and with the aim
The book is available as part of the limited-   would already own most of, if not all, of the    Release Of The Year and was nominated             to regain more visibility around the holiday season. We believe this
edition, super-deluxe album collection          music on the compilation (there was no new       for a 2018 Grammy Award in the Boxed Or           is a remarkable achievement in these days and age of short-term
which also comes with a two-hour DVD            or unreleased music involved), but also those    Special Limited Edition Package category.         exploitation cycle.

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THE CHAINSMOKERS                               RCA RECORDS UK

                                                                                                    CAMPAIGN BREAKDOWN
                                                                                                    CAMPAIGN BUDGET £25,000+

                                                                                                    AUDIENCE DEMOGRAPHIC
                                                                                                    AGE: 18–24
                                                                                                    FEMALE: 45%
                                                                                                    MALE: 55%
                                                                                                    LOCATION: UK

                                                                                             transparent PNG lyric photo ads and an album canvas ad, which
                                                                                             reached more than 100,000 UK fans during our pre-order phase.
TEAM MEMBERS                                   an estimated audience size of 2.5m people     On average users spent 45 seconds inside the canvas, viewing
INVOLVED                                       which – at the time – was 25% of the total    93% of its components – making it the most successful canvas ad
                                               Snapchat UK audience.                         for RCA Records.
Nick Antoniou – senior digital marketing          The national ad campaign went live            As part of our album campaign, we also launched an AR campaign
manager, Sony Music UK                         straight after their live performance         with Shazam. Scanning the Shazam code on our outdoor creative
Martin Harris – senior marketing manager,      and ran for 24 hours, reaching more           brought the artwork to life and users were able to watch an exclusive
Sony Music UK                                  than 2m UK users. This felt like the          video in AR and buy the album. The national campaign ran for
Jon Davies – director of music partnerships,   perfect opportunity for us to test a Snap     two weeks around the album release. This was a UK first for both
Shazam UK                                      Ad campaign on the app, as Snapchat           Shazam UK and Sony Music UK.
Miles Byrd – account manager, Ralph LDN        had the perfect demographic for The
                                               Chainsmokers and there was a natural          KEY LEARNINGS
OVERVIEW OF CAMPAIGN                           momentum around the Brits to capitalise
                                               on. Following their performance, The          As a result of our digital campaign, we managed to capitalise on
To support The Chainsmokers’ Brits             Chainsmokers were trending on Twitter in      the buzz around The Chainsmokers last year and their #1 single,
performance with Coldplay and the              the UK with more than 25,000 tweets in        reaching more than 4m people in the UK with our digital and
release of ‘Something Just Like This’, we      the first 10 minutes, while ‘Something Just   social campaign, delivering a top 3 UK album, two platinum and
ran a focused digital campaign around          Like This’ shot up to #1 on iTunes.           two double-platinum singles. Delivering bespoke creative for the
the performance across their socials. As          A few weeks later, we partnered with       UK market and partnering with key digital platforms while having
part of the digital activity, we launched      Ralph to deliver bespoke digital creative     the duo in our market, were two key elements to our campaign
the first Sony UK Snapchat ad campaign,        for the Memories… Do Not Open album           – resulting in one of the most successful campaigns for RCA
targeting pop music fans aged 13-34 with       campaign. Our ad creative included            Records this year.

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CHARLI XCX                                                  ATLANTIC RECORDS UK

Nick Long
Jamie Ahye
                                                                                                                                                       CAMPAIGN BREAKDOWN
                                                                                                                                                       CAMPAIGN BUDGET £15,000+
Domenico Bartolo
Sean Ward
                                                                                                                                                       AUDIENCE DEMOGRAPHIC
Tom Peacock – Beautiful Digital
                                                                                                                                                       AGE: 13–24
Timothy Luke – freelance designer
                                                                                                                                                       FEMALE: 65%
Chloe Sheppard – freelance designer
                                                                                                                                                       MALE: 35%
                                                                                                            boys and then followed up to
                                                                                                                                                       LOCATION: UK and global
OVERVIEW OF                                                                                                 users who had engaged with
                                                                                                            “matched” creatives of Charli and
                                                                                                            the boys
With the launch of Charli’s single                                                                          • We ran video advertising with      • The artist worked alongside the developers InConversation to
‘Boys’, we had a fantastic video                                                                            Grindr whereby users of the free     script out a whole messenger tree that asked fans questions about
directed by Charli XCX alongside                                                                            version of the app could get more    “Who the most fanciable boy was” and “What’s the best piece of
Sarah McColgan and produced in                                                                              “matches” by watching 30 seconds     boy advice?” results of these polls could be seen in real time.
house by Atlantic Records UK. It                                                                            of the ‘Boys’ video.
featured an epic cast of over 60                                                                            • We enlisted the help of Social    KEY LEARNINGS
actors, musicians and internet                                                                              Chain to create and push out
celebrities, including Joe Jonas,                                                                           memes relating to the track         Video launch campaign
Charlie Puth, Cameron Dallas, Riz Ahmed,         video scratched out.                              on their spread of student- and youth-        • Video was trending worldwide on Twitter and hit #2 trending
Khalid,, Wiz Khalifa, The Vamps and    • To harness the talent and artists in the        focused community social media accounts.      video on YouTube globally in first 24 hours of launch.
more. We therefore wanted to create a real       video for launch, we gave them a package          • Alongside our SnapChat
online moment on launch and then continue        of assets including, exclusive BTS photo,         lens featuring 30 seconds                                  Creative advertising
this momentum through the summer.                individual short video clip and individual gif    of the song, we used a                                     • The advertising on Grindr generated thousands
   Below are some of the key online parts of     • Charli then also shared BTS photos and          service called FanBytes                                    of additional impressions through users sharing
the single campaign.                             text message conversation of her and the          to run a small influencer                                  screengrabs of the advert about how great it was.
                                                 various boys in the video, giving fans great      campaign with Snapchat                                     • Fanbytes campaign generated over 300k+ additional
Video launch campaign                            insight into how the video came together          micro influencers.                                         views and our Social Chain memes were engaged with
 • Teasing for the video started two weeks                                                                                                                    over 1m times.
 before with Charli tweeting lyrics from the    Creative Advertising                              Messenger bot
 song, we then followed this with Nineties-      • We ran Facebook and Instagram ad                • A month after the initial                                Angel Chat FB Messenger
 inspired collages of her favourite “boys”.      carousels with the boy images, mimicking          launch of the track, we put                                • On launch we added over 9k fans to this app on
 The final stage was series of Instagram         Tinder profiles. Running these sequentially       her Angel Chat live on her                                 messenger and had a huge amount of interaction
 stories with the faces of the boys in the       we started with a selection of different          Facebook page.                                             from fans.

10 | sandbox | ISSUE 194 | 20.12.17
SANDBOX 2017 SURVEY                                                                                                                                                                  BEST
                                                                                                                                                                                                  WHEN SWEARING

                                                                                                                                                                                                 CAUSED PROBLEMS

                                                          SONIC BLEW/THE ORCHARD
                                                 Photo: Steve Gullick

TEAM MEMBERS                                                                                  from our in-house design team. The site
INVOLVED                                                                                      showcased various retail options linking

Dan Griffiths – director of interactive
marketing, The Orchard
                                                                                              through to the band’s D2C store (provided by
                                                                                              Townsend Music) and skinned in the band’s
                                                                                                                                                       CAMPAIGN BREAKDOWN
                                                                                                                                                       CAMPAIGN BUDGET £1,000–£2,000
James Moodie – director of artist marketing,                                                      A Vevo series which the band had filmed
The Orchard                                                                                   prior was aired at this time, helping build
                                                                                                                                                       AUDIENCE DEMOGRAPHIC
Airene Resurreccion – associate art director,                                                 remarketing pools of video viewers. Content
                                                                                                                                                       AGE: 0-14, 14-18, 18-24, 24-34, 34-44
The Orchard                                                                                   included a three-track live session and
                                                                                                                                                       FEMALE: 40%
Nick Scott – The Cribs’ designer at Narcsville                                                30-minute documentary featuring the one
                                                                                                                                                       MALE: 60%
                                                                                              and only Gordon Burns.
                                                                                                                                                       LOCATION: UK
OVERVIEW OF CAMPAIGN                                                                              We drove as much traffic to the band’s
                                                                                              website or a Genius Link User Choice
For The Cribs’ seventh studio album, 24-7                                                     Landing Page as we knew that this would
Rock Star Shit, we were tasked with driving                                                   not only allow us to showcase all retail
pre-orders within a window of only two-                                                       options seamlessly but also allowed us
and-a-half weeks. This was a record that                                                      to create pools of highly engaged fans
was very much for the fans. The band                                                          that could continue to be remarketed to
recorded the album in a five-day session                                                      throughout release week with different
with producer Steve Albini (Nirvana, PJ                                                       creatives and offers.
Harvey etc.) that was originally intended as a                                                    Creatives and offers were refreshed
session for an EP.                               the album’s title (but had no mention of     on a daily basis, as we did not want the
    In advance of social hype being built,       The Cribs) were placed throughout London     messaging or communication to become
we added remarketing pixels to The               and shared via the band’s socials using      stale. These included a lottery for a signed
Cribs website, D2C store, YouTube, Vevo          the domain, which        test pressing, a £5 download album
(via their new CMS tool) and converted           redirected to the clock on the band’s        incentive and geo-targeted in-store tour ads      audience pools were determined using Facebook’s ability to build
their Instagram account to an Instagram          website.                                     that focused on fan and lookalike audiences       page engagement Custom Audiences and Google’s video viewer
Business Profile so we could retarget fans          Doing this allowed us to grow pools of    within 80km of towns on the tour.                 audiences via AdWords, this was only amplified by the coverage
who engaged on the platform. We knew the         highly engaged fans that could then be                                                         offered by the band’s video series with Vevo.
setup of this was crucial as we had such a       retargeted over the coming weeks. During     KEY LEARNINGS                                         Although we intended to run digital advertising from five
limited period to capture fans’ attention.       the short pre-order period leading into                                                        platforms, we ended up being banned from two (Twitter and Amazon
    In an effort to make the news of an          release week, over 8,000 website visitors    Enabling Instagram Business Profile allowed       Marketing Services) due to the profanity in the album’s title!
impending announcement more obvious,             were cookied (with separate audience for     us to segment part of the band’s fanbase          Although we avoided using any bad language on the actual ads,
our in-house design team built a website         D2C).                                        to determine those that were engaged and,         Twitter revokes advertiser access for any account that is seen to be
featuring a clock that counted down to what         On release week the website was flipped   therefore, more likely to support the album’s     using too much profanity, while Amazon’s platform pulls in product
would be the album announcement. During          to a layout that Nick Scott had designed     release, which when you are seven albums          details directly from their store. When the album’s title features the
this time, stencils and posters featuring        which was built by Airene Resurreccion       into your career, is pretty invaluable. Similar   word “Sh★t” this get rather hard to avoid!

11 | sandbox | ISSUE 194 | 20.12.17

DEF LEPPARD                                                         UMC

Leslie Gilotti – senior digital manager, UMC
James Meadows – campaign manager, UMC
                                                                                                                                                      CAMPAIGN BREAKDOWN
                                                                                                                                                      CAMPAIGN BUDGET £15,000–£25,000
Lewy Lytton – creative content assistant,
                                                                                                                                                      AUDIENCE DEMOGRAPHIC
Steffan Hughes – marketing director, USM
                                                                                                                                                      AGE: 24-34, 34-44, 44-60, 60+
Jeremy Sponder – marketing director, UME
                                                                                                                                                      FEMALE: 42%
Doug Barasch – senior digital director, UME
                                                                                                                                                      MALE: 57%
Mike Kobayashi – artist manager, CSM
                                                                                                                                                      LOCATION: UK and US
Robert Dippold – partner, Primary Wave
Alisha Franxman – digital marketing                                                                                                            guitarist Phil Collen created by US label Universal Music Enterprises;
specialist, Primary Wave Entertainment                                                                                                         and a series of Hysteria 30 shout-out videos from celebrity fans,
                                                                                                                                               including Queen, AC/DC, Aerosmith, Megadeth and Mötley Crüe.
OVERVIEW OF CAMPAIGN                             Anthony. The event was streamed live on        superfans alike to create a personalised
                                                 Facebook from London’s Gibson Guitars          Hysteria album cover with their photo          KEY LEARNINGS
Def Leppard celebrated the 30th anniversary      showrooms in front of an audience of media     and name written in the Def Leppard font,
of their seminal album Hysteria with a           and 50 competition winners selected via        sharing it using #Hysteria30 for a chance to   A mix of low-barrier-to-entry activations, bitesize video content
seven-disc expanded edition, prepared with       media partner Planet Rock. The 1.5-hour live   win a boxset. There were over 25k visits to    and premium money-can’t-buy experiences was key to engaging
Def Leppard frontman Joe Elliott acting as       stream reached over 1m people.                 the generator and 10k images were shared       superfans and teeing up a more casual userbase for future Def
executive producer.                                 The Def Leppard album cover generator       in the UK. Although the primary aim was        Leppard activities.
    The challenge was to engage superfans,       was a simple tool that allowed casual and      awareness rather than data collection,            The Facebook live stream reached over 1m people, while the
to whom the boxset appeals, and more                                                            we achieved a 40% increase in mailing          album cover generator received over 25k visits and was used to
casual fans, where our objective was to grow                                                    list signups on the already extensive Def      create over 10k images in the UK alone, increasing the Def Leppard
sales of existing formats such as vinyl and                                                     Leppard database.                              UK mailing list by 40%. The mechanic has since been repurposed and
CD. As the band’s catalogue is not available                                                        In a nod to Def Leppard’s 1980s roots,     translated for use in European and Asian markets.
digitally, our objective was to translate fan                                                   we also created a Pac-Man-inspired Def            The Def Leppard Pac-Man game received over 40k plays and
experiences into physical sales.                                                                Leppard game, which allowed players to         increased the Def Leppard mailing list a further 10% for an overall
    Fans “joined the Hysteria” via a series                                                     choose their characters from the 1987 lineup   50% increase. The bespoke video
of promotions designed to bridge the gap                                                        of the band.                                   content has received over 1.5m views
between the digital and physical worlds.                                                            All of this was rounded out with video     on Facebook and over 200k views
For the super-engaged fans, we held An                                                          content filmed with the band: a YouTube        on YouTube. The boxset hit the UK
Evening With Joe Elliott, featuring the singer                                                  mini-documentary created by in-house           midweeks at #2 – no small feat for a
in conversation with Planet Rock DJ Paul                                                        brand, uDiscover; guitar tutorials with        premium priced physical-only format!

12 | sandbox | ISSUE 194 | 20.12.17
SANDBOX 2017 SURVEY                                                                                                                                                                    BEST “TURNING
                                                                                                                                                                                                          A NEGATIVE
                                                                                                                                                                                                             INTO A


                                        BETTER NOISE RECORDS/ELEVEN SEVEN MUSIC

                                                                                                                                                            CAMPAIGN BREAKDOWN
                                                                                                                                                            CAMPAIGN BUDGET N/A

                                                                                                                                                            AUDIENCE DEMOGRAPHIC
                                                                                                                                                            AGE: N/A
                                                                                                                                                            FEMALE: N/A
                                                                                                                                                            MALE: N/A
                                                                                                                                                            LOCATION: N/A

                                                                                                                                                     samples of tracks that could be a single in order to get them sharing
                                                                                                                                                     and talking about Deuce’s return. We made another social post across
INVOLVED                                                                                                                                             his platforms, just saying “Which song first? Text me”, along with
Ben Lifson                                                                                                                                           the number in order to further encourage fans to opt into our text
Omar Ranaway                                                                                                                                         community.
Mary Thayer                                                                                                                                          Phase 4: Deuce texted the album cover to fans, exclaiming that this
Maddie Brady                                     happening/going to happen                                         socials or emails.                image needed to be shared with #deuceinvibcible in as many places as
                                                 with the second record.                                                                             possible in order for the first single to be released.
OVERVIEW OF CAMPAIGN                                This hiatus lasted years,                                        Phase 1: Break the social       Phase 5: In the middle of this sharing frenzy, we re-skinned his socials
                                                 with fans wondering what                                            media blackout by posting       with new imagery, and dropped the first single and the preorder, which
When Deuce left Hollywood Undead, he             had happened to their                                               only a phone number and the     ultimately got the entire fanbase back onboard the Invincible train.
started his own solo project and released a      favorite artist.                                                    words “text me. need all your
successful debut album (with sales of over          Though Deuce and                                                 help soon”.                     KEY LEARNINGS
100,000 units).                                  Better Noise Records were                                           Phase 2: Once enough
   His extremely loyal following was             on good terms, fans began                                           fans texted in, Deuce sent      Amongst other important data, including streams and in-depth
anxiously awaiting his second solo               to blame our label for not releasing the record   them a short, personalised text message           demographic information, the most important metric is the
album – Invincible – which was recorded          and a genuine hate for Better Noise Records       exclaiming that, in order for the second          thousands of phone numbers accrued that are now a part of our
and had rollout/release dates, but never         began to form.                                    record to finally be released, he would           system.
came to fruition.                                   We decided to capitalise on and play into      need their support. He would need help               Texts sent out have an open rate of above 90%, which is
   Right before it was planned to go out,        this distaste for the label, using a cryptic      proving to the label that everyone still          exponentially better than the mailing list – which had just under
Deuce decided to go on a musical hiatus,         marketing campaign backed by Superphone,          cared and didn’t forget about Invincible.         a 3% open rate. This gives Deuce a lifelong street team that
with radio silence via his online socials, and   a software that focuses on reaching fans          Phase 3: Deuce texted fans a SoundCloud link      will actually see any new content/updates the artist has to
no official announcement on what was             through text messages, instead of through         that had four, intentionally raw 20-second        announce.

13 | sandbox | ISSUE 194 | 20.12.17
SANDBOX 2017 SURVEY                                                                                                                                                                     BEST
                                                                                                                                                                                                      OF KINDNESS

DISCO DONNIE PRESENTS                                                                                              DISCO DONNIE PRESENtS / FAME HOUSE

                                                                                                  Dynamics we created a microsite asking
                                                                                                  fans to nominate their friends who inspire
                                                                                                  them with their selfless and friendly acts of
                                                                                                  kindness. The campaign expanded beyond
                                                                                                  digital, with on-site video booths available at
                                                                                                                                                           CAMPAIGN BREAKDOWN
                                                                                                                                                           CAMPAIGN BUDGET $10,000
                                                                                                  two of their summer festivals for attendees
                                                                                                  to nominate their friends’ good deeds.
                                                                                                                                                           AUDIENCE DEMOGRAPHIC
                                                                                                  We expanded on the traditional festival
                                                                                                                                                           AGE: 18–29
                                                                                                  aftermovie by creating special Celebrate
                                                                                                                                                           FEMALE: N/A
                                                                                                  Together(ness) videos as well, highlighting
                                                                                                                                                           MALE: N/A
                                                                                                  on-site stories and sharing them across
                                                                                                                                                           LOCATION: US
                                                                                                     After over 500 qualified entries, we
                                                                                                  promoted our favorite stories across social
                                                                                                  media with a voting mechanism in place to

Diane Tamulavage – Fame House
Matt Mannino – Fame House
Evan Bailey – Disco Donnie Presents
Donnie Estopinal – Disco Donnie Presents
Michele Servais – Disco Donnie Presents
Eric Sopp – Usibility Dynamics
Nikki Kilpatrick – Usibility Dynamics
Charles Rivers – Salvador Charlie Design                                                                                                            CEO and founder. We also gave these fans a GoPro to help us shoot
Jed Sawyer – Salvador Charlie Design                                                                                                                one final video documenting their experience. By appealing to values
Ryan Hall – Fame House                                                                                                                              which are core to the dance music scene (love, unity, acceptance) we
                                                                                                                                                    saw a strong response from fans when the campaign was launched.
                                                                                                                                                    KEY LEARNINGS
Reflecting on a year of division, the Electronic
Dance Music events company Disco Donnie            the Celebrate Together(ness) campaign,         allow fans to choose their own favorite. One      This appeal, coupled with a compelling prize, drove upwards of 500
Presents wanted to highlight the shared            which featured fans who bring these values     grand prize winner and a friend were chosen       nominations over the course of three months. Through a mix of
love, respect, and passion that fans bring to      from the festival out into everyday life. In   to receive the ultimate VIP experience –          social promotion, advertising, and on-site activations, we reached an
their electronic music events. With this in        conjunction with Disco Donnie Presents,        flights, hotels, a backstage tour, merchandise    estimated 300,000 fans, driving increased brand awareness for the
mind, Fame House developed and executed            Salvador Charlie Design and Usability          and dinner with Disco Donnie, the company’s       campaign and Disco Donnie Presents.

14 | sandbox | ISSUE 194 | 20.12.17
SANDBOX 2017 SURVEY                                                                                                                                                                  BEST USE
                                                                                                                                                                                                     OF OUTDOOR
                                                                                                                                                                                                   TO DRIVE ONLINE

DIZZEE RASCAL                                                                 DIRTEE STANK RECORDINGS/ISLAND RECORDS

Nicolas Detnon – management
George Strong, Dickie Chaytor and the team
at Lively Agency
Ciara Hanley – marketing manager, Island
Olivia Nunn – marketing director, Island
Faye Williams – digital marketing manager,
Island Records
Alex Boateng – senior A&R manager, Island                                                                                                        KEY LEARNINGS
Records                                                                                                                                          Raskit, Dizzee’s sixth studio album and first album in four years, was
                                                                                                                                                 released in July after a covert outdoor-led teaser campaign. The aim
OVERVIEW OF CAMPAIGN                                                                                                                             of this was to reassert Dizzee within the genre, re-engage his original
                                                  new album, Raskit, before debuting snippets    relationships were nurtured with exclusive      fanbase as well as encourage engagement with potential fans. The
The campaign kicked off when mysterious           of the videos for his new tracks. The same     content to share across their accounts, to      back-to-roots sonics of the album was mirrored in the street level-
outdoor posters began appearing around            creative and roll out was used online with     seed multiple creatives and content across      led campaign.
Bow, East London, in May. They continued to       video teasers mirroring the poster campaign    various platforms at the same time. By              The teaser campaign reignited engagement across Dizzee’s
spread around London and the UK labelled          in real time.                                  enabling fans to share content on socials       socials, seeing Facebook and Twitter posts increase tenfold on the
with “727548”, causing fans’ imaginations             On the day of the album announcement,      and facilitating discussion, we sustained       build-up to the album announcement. This use of the countdown
to run wild and message boards to ignite. was rebranded to     open engagement in the weeks leading up         helped fuel speculation and fan anticipation both offline and online.
This spilled onto social media as people          confirming the online speculation about        to album release.
tried to figure out the meaning of the cryptic    the sequence of numbers; 727548 spells             The extensive outdoor campaign

                                                                                                                                                        CAMPAIGN BREAKDOWN
message, with some fans coming up with            out Raskit when typed onto a phone pad.        expanded into LU, nationwide billboard and
elaborate connections to the numerical            All socials were rebranded and directed        projections on key London landmarks. The
sequence.                                         to, where the teaser reveal       album also garnered key support on release
    After weeks of rumours,          visuals were played on loop alongside          from all streaming partners, including                 CAMPAIGN BUDGET £25,000+
was launched with a series of mysterious          pre-order messaging. The campaign was          sponsored outdoor campaigns from Amazon
audio clips with a countdown, followed by         elevated from its covert beginnings with       and Spotify, as well as full-album playback            AUDIENCE DEMOGRAPHIC
CCTV footage from various East London             full media support and coverage for the        on 1Xtra to bolster digital and traditional            AGE: 18-24, 24-34
locations. After a week of teasing, all           announcement, as well as working with a        marketing. The album received impressive               FEMALE: 39%
conspiracy theories were put to rest with a       loyal group of influential figureheads who     reviews and support from grime blogs to                MALE: 61%
livestream video revealing Dizzee holed up in     supported across socials. We also identified   broadsheets, all reaffirming Dizzee’s “return          LOCATION: UK
a bunker in Bow, writing down what turned         superfans who supported Dizzee on social       to form”, which helped achieve a Top 10
out to be the track listing for his forthcoming   media who had significant audiences. These     chart position.

15 | sandbox | ISSUE 194 | 20.12.17

DUA LIPA                                          WARNER BROS RECORDS UK

                                                                                                                                                     KEY LEARNINGS
                                                                                                                                                     A string of press front covers, high profile TV performances and a
                                                                                                                                                     fan-focused, social-first marketing campaign has delivered huge
                                                                                                                                                     album success, an enormously engaged fanbase and one of the
                                                                                                                                                     most in-demand artists of the moment.

                                                                                                                                                     • 1.2m global album sales
                                                                                                                                                     • 8m singles sales
                                                                                                                                                     • 10m followers on socials
                                                                                                                                                     • Two Gold singles and two Platinum singles
                                                                                                                                                       in the UK
                                                                                                                                                     • The first female artist to have a UK #1
                                                                                                                                                       since Adele with ‘Hello’
                                                                                                                                                     • Over 1bn YouTube views
                                                  stream; she could sell tickets, stream and                                                         • Over 1bn Spotify streams
INVOLVED                                          sell physical product. The goal was to make
Warner Bros Records                               her creatively ahead of the competition and        Glastonbury, where Dua’s show was one of
TaP Management                                    not compromise at any stage.                       the busiest tents of the weekend.
Purple PR
This Is Fine Company
                                                      Her first single, ‘New Love’, firmly
                                                  established Dua as a credible artist,
                                                                                                        We wanted to make sure that the
                                                                                                     campaign put fans first, giving them content
                                                                                                                                                            CAMPAIGN BREAKDOWN
Arke Digital                                      adored by the blogs. ‘Hotter Than Hell’            before anybody else and reacting to what               CAMPAIGN BUDGET £25,000+
                                                  and ‘Blow Your Mind (Mwah)’ delivered              they were doing and saying online. For
OVERVIEW OF CAMPAIGN                              a first taste of success, ‘Be The One’             example, fans were the first people to hear            AUDIENCE DEMOGRAPHIC
                                                  became Dua’s first globally successful             the album in full at events at YouTube studio          AGE: 0-14, 14-18, 18-24, 24-34, 34-44
Dua Lipa was a brand-new pop artist in            single and ‘New Rules’ her first UK #1 and         spaces across different territories and after          FEMALE: 65%
an incredibly competitive and challenging         international smash.                               we saw so many fan interpretations of the              MALE: 35%
market. We needed to position her as a                The single releases were accompanied           ‘New Rules’ video, we created a bespoke fan            LOCATION: UK
credible and aspirational artist, as well as an   by a clever weaving of live shows and              video with all of the footage, which had over
artist who wasn’t pigeonholed to one sales        festival slots, including a key turning point at   1m views.

16 | sandbox | ISSUE 194 | 20.12.17
SANDBOX 2017 SURVEY                                                                                                                                                              BEST USE


                                                                      SONY MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT

Manos Xanthogeorgis
Maria Westergaard
                                                                                                                                                     CAMPAIGN BREAKDOWN
                                                                                                                                                     CAMPAIGN BUDGET $15,000
Tarek Al-Hamdouni
Scott Pollack
                                                                                                                                                     AUDIENCE DEMOGRAPHIC
                                                                                                                                                     AGE: 18-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54
OVERVIEW OF CAMPAIGN                                                                                                                                 FEMALE: 36%
                                                                                                                                                     MALE: 64%
This is an interactive site that contains
                                                                                                                                                     LOCATION: Global
personal gems from the band and lets fans
create their very own personalised Spotify
playlist built through our own playlist
algorithm.                                                                                                                                       The campaign was developed for both mobile and desktop
   This site idea was conceived at the end of                                                                                                 and users must connect via Spotify to be able to access the full
2016 as the band began announcing shows         younger demographic. Overall, we would be     Main page/the room: The smart playlist          functionality of the site.
throughout 2017. We wanted to find a way        building a platform that would allow us to    generator is visualised like a room from the
to engage and excite current Foo Fighters       showcase new music when the band was          1980s (with a Stranger Things feel to it). If   KEY LEARNINGS
fans and get them familiar with streaming       ready while capturing data and optimise our   you click around, you will notice there is a
while introducing the band’s catalogue to a     marketing and CRM efforts.                    lot of interactive functionality and Easter     Challenges and goals overview:
                                                                                              eggs: the globe spins, the TV turns on, the     • We wanted to introduce the Foo Fighters’ audience to streaming.
                                                                                              speakers make sounds and so on. The fans        • Capture as much data as possible.
                                                                                              are navigated to different parts of the room         Emails for future communication.
                                                                                              where they are asked to make selections              Retargeting data for future ad
                                                                                              between band photo Polaroids and posters             campaigns
                                                                                              that project different Foo Fighters moments     • Create a Foo Fighters streaming community which will be utilised
                                                                                              throughout their career and moods. We           during the later phases of the album campaign.
                                                                                              built a special algorithm that, based on
                                                                                              each user’s selections, creates personalised    How we utilised the generator throughout the Concrete & Gold
                                                                                              playlists. For example, if a fan picked the     album campaign:
                                                                                              romantic vibe Polaroid and the poster from
                                                                                              the 1990s, they’d get a slow playlist filled    • One day before the release of the first single, ‘Run’, a teaser was
                                                                                              with the band’s earlier songs.                  ingested on Spotify as a dummy track and was inserted to the top of
                                                                                                   The user can name the playlist, and        all user’s mixtapes to create organic chatter and excitement.
                                                                                              it is automatically stored in their Spotify     • As new tracks were releasing they were being added to all user
                                                                                              collection.                                     playlists

17 | sandbox | ISSUE 194 | 20.12.17

HAIM                                  POLYDOR

TEAM MEMBERS                                     list data and putting out Instagram Stories      filmed with actress Brie Larson. We also
INVOLVED                                         of them surprising fans with invites to          jumped quickly on viral digital moments,

Tom Hoare – senior digital marketing
manager, Polydor
                                                 their intimate launch show, as well as a
                                                 Spotify playlist Easter egg revealing the Paul
                                                 Thomas Anderson connection to ‘Right Now’.
                                                                                                  such as the media and fan pickup on the
                                                                                                  band’s cover of Shania Twain’s ‘That Don’t
                                                                                                  Impress Me Much’. Data capture was key
                                                                                                                                                        CAMPAIGN BREAKDOWN
                                                                                                                                                        CAMPAIGN BUDGET £25,000+
Stephen Hallowes – head of marketing,                Partner support was crucial. We had          throughout, and the Haim mailing list
Polydor                                          major looks with each key partner, including     doubled in size over a six-month period.
                                                                                                                                                        AUDIENCE DEMOGRAPHIC
Brent Freaney – digital strategy & design,       an AAA campaign from Apple Music that
                                                                                                                                                        AGE: 14-18, 18-24, 24-34, 34-44
Special Offer                                    included a London gig and original content,      KEY LEARNINGS                                         FEMALE: 61%
                                                 a global outdoor and digital activation from
                                                                                                                                                        MALE: 39%
OVERVIEW OF CAMPAIGN                             Spotify and Spotify Singles campaign, Vevo       The campaign was a smashing success by
                                                                                                                                                        LOCATION: Global
                                                 Track Of The Week promotion for ‘Want            numerous measures. The album, Something
Launching the campaign was a studio              You Back’. On Facebook we ran multiple           To Tell You, debuted at #2 on the OCC album
session video for an album track – ‘Right        live streams (including one with director        chart, recording 18,324 units in its opening
Now’. The countdown to and reveal of this        Paul Thomas Anderson around the release          week; it has since gone on to cross over 50k   on Haim’s Vevo were over 40m, whilst streaming platforms also
first piece of content was key, involving        of the ‘Valentine’ short film) and embraced      units in its first six months. Consumption     saw significant consumption with over 50m Spotify plays and 20m
teasers of the band in the studio, rolled out    video cross-posting, such as with the piece      of the album across digital platforms          Apple Music plays on the album. Tracks from the album recorded
as video pieces both natively on Facebook        of Funny Or Die original content the band        outperformed expectations; video views         over 250,000 Shazam tags. Growth across Haim’s social and eCRM
and on YouTube, as well as social teases                                                                                                         channels was also impressive; the band’s email list doubled in size
of Haim billboards appearing in major                                                                                                            to over 60,000 subscribers, and the band’s Facebook page added
global cities and a website countdown. We                                                                                                        just shy of 1m new likes throughout the course of the campaign.
uploaded a video of a studio session of ‘Right                                                                                                   Our social spend also delivered fantastic returns, with conversations
Now’ on 27th April, almost a full week before                                                                                                    85% cheaper than our benchmark and engagement 171% higher
any audio for the first single proper, ‘Want                                                                                                     when targeting our custom audiences built from the ‘Right Now’ full
You Back’, debuted on DSPs on 3rd May. This                                                                                                      native clip.
full native strategy also played a key role in
building fresh audiences of “engaged” Haim
fans (key after such a long break) – using the
granularity of Facebook’s video engagement
metrics and custom audiences to inform
our paid-media strategy remarketing to
these engaged fans with subsequent pieces
of content and then, on release, to drive
    Other key buzz-building moments
around the launch involved the band
tracking down superfans in LA from mailing

18 | sandbox | ISSUE 194 | 20.12.17
SANDBOX 2017 SURVEY                                                                                                                                                              BEST USE
                                                                                                                                                                                                     OF A
                                                                                                                                                                                                 POP-UP VENUE

IMAGINE DRAGONS                                                                         Interscope Geffen A&M Records International

                                                                                              was special for the fans. To celebrate the
                                                                                              band, we included special touches so fans
                                                                                              could have the full Imagine Dragons fan
                                                                                              experience at the event. From gifting the
                                                                                              fans exclusive event badges to customising
                                                                                                                                                     CAMPAIGN BREAKDOWN
                                                                                                                                                     CAMPAIGN BUDGET £5,000–£10,000
                                                                                              the drinks sold at the club (“Believer” drink
                                                                                              and “Thunder” drink). During the event, we
                                                                                                                                                     AUDIENCE DEMOGRAPHIC
                                                                                              also conducted exclusive giveaways of the
                                                                                                                                                     AGE: 14-18, 18-24, 34-44
                                                                                              band’s merchandise and concert tickets. We
                                                                                                                                                     FEMALE: 44%
                                                                                              also had the band record a special message
                                                                                                                                                     MALE: 56%
                                                                                              for the fans which was played at intervals
                                                                                                                                                     LOCATION: Singapore
                                                                                              throughout the day.
                                                                                                 To execute the concept, we hired a local
                                                                                              media partner to assist with promoting and
                                                                                              organising the event. This media partner        on all their platforms including a header takeover on their website,
                                                                                              has a strong online presence in Singapore       Facebook page and multiple social posts. The pop-up Arcade Day
                                                                                                                                              yielded great results.
INVOLVED                                                                                                                                       • One week before event: Evolve iTunes chart position within Top 10
Nikki Tan                                                                                                                                      • Post event: Evolve iTunes chart position within Top 5. Peaked at
Aidil Yusof                                                                                                                                    #3 a day after event. Imagine Dragons’ songs also remained in the
Shafiqa Amira                                                                                                                                  top 5 one week after the event.
Bryan Wong                                                                                                                                     • Apart from Evolve, their previous album, Night Visions, also got
                                                                                                                                               back into the chart in iTunes at #34
OVERVIEW OF CAMPAIGN                                                                                                                           • 1,000 new sign-ups for the Imagine Dragons mailer database
                                                                                                                                               • Upon announcing the event, the RSVP link had a CTR of 1,000+.
Inspired by an arcade takeover idea from
the Imagine Dragons’ repertoire owner, we                                                                                                     KEY LEARNINGS
decided to re-create and adapt this concept
locally. In October, we held a free-for-all,                                                                                                  • Hiring a media partner/event company to execute the event was
pop-up arcade called Imagine Dragons                                                                                                          extremely helpful and alleviated a lot of work on our end. Tapping
Evolve Arcade Day at an Eighties-themed                                                                                                       into their strengths (social reach, reach from website etc.) really
club called Cherry Discotheque.                   Key elements of the Evolve Arcade Day       and is deemed as the local go-to website        helped amplify the event. Would seek to do the same in future.
   The main objective for this event was to    were the 12 vintage arcade consoles (Pac-      for all things entertainment, thus we felt      • Creative, interesting pop-up concepts are a great way for fan
drive album sales, increase awareness about    Man, Space Invaders, Street Fighter etc.), a   that they would be perfect for our target       engagement, even without the presence of the artists themselves.
Imagine Dragons’ latest album (Evolve) and     beer pong table and an air hockey table.       audience. On top of organising the event, the   • Creating hype and buzz with an artist-related event could be a
create a distinct fan experience.                 We wanted to make sure that the event       media partner offered us media coverage         more effective, indirect method of promoting an album.

19 | sandbox | ISSUE 194 | 20.12.17

IMAGINE FESTIVAL                                                                         IMAGINE FESTIVAL / FAME HOUSE

Madeleine Goodhand – Imagine Festival
Glenn Goodhand – Imagine Festival
                                                                                                                                          CAMPAIGN BREAKDOWN
                                                                                                                                          CAMPAIGN BUDGET $1,000
Diane Tamulavage – Fame House
Adam Rappoport – Fame House
                                                                                                                                          AUDIENCE DEMOGRAPHIC
Carrie Paul – Fame House
                                                                                                                                          AGE: 18–34
Sara McDougall – Fame House
                                                                                                                                          FEMALE: 52%
                                                                                                                                          MALE: 48%
OVERVIEW OF CAMPAIGN                                                                                                                      LOCATION: Atlanta, GA
Imagine Festival, an aquatic-themed EDM
music festival in Atlanta, released their
headliners through a Snapchat geofilter
scavenger hunt. This marks the first time a
festival has utilised the Snapchat platform
to “hide” and release their lineup via the
geofilter tool.
    To execute this campaign, we designed
several IMF-branded filters, each containing
a different headliner name, and purchased
geofilters around the city of Atlanta for a
specific timeframe.
    To follow the aquatic theme, we
released a Treasure Map across Imagine’s
socials hinting at the date and locations to
encourage local fans to “find” the “hidden
    To spread this moment far and wide, fans
who discovered the headliners were asked       KEY LEARNINGS                                 core, local Imagine demographic. Overall,
to screenshot and share their Snapchat                                                       inviting and rewarding fans in the lineup
photos on their own social channels for        Asking fans to partake in the largest         announcement drove loyalty to the
those around the world to see. Finally, we     marketing moment of a festival’s cycle        independently owned, growing EDM
rewarded fans who shared their Snapchat        by using a platform that they already         festival, showing our audience that the
filters using a specified hashtag on Twitter   typically use in their daily life, combined   true value in any brand is just that – the
and Instagram with VIP upgrades.               with a unique strategy, rewarded the          fans themselves.

20 | sandbox | ISSUE 194 | 20.12.17
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