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The World of Innovation Granchak, T. Yu. (, and Bondarenko, V. I. ( Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, 3, Holosiivskyi Ave., Kyiv, 03039, Ukraine, +380 44 524 1770, library @ Immersive Technologies in the Library: Organization of Innovative Service for Science and Education Introduction. The need to raise the efficiency of scholarly research and to create conditions for the production of new knowledge and its exchange actualizes the study of the cognitive potential of immersive technologies. Problem Statement. The research deals with issues related to unlocking the potential of immersive technolo gies for the organization of an innovative library and information service to promote the development of science and education. Purpose. The purpose is to substantiate the need to introduce immersive technologies in the practice of scien tific libraries in order to provide information and technological support for research and educational activities, to develop theoretical and methodological approaches to the organization of library services based on immersi ve technologies. Materials and methods. The study is based on information of scientific library websites, thematic resour ces (MIT Media Lab Research portal, websites of software development corporations and official virtual reali ty hackathon websites), professional publications covering the specifics of immersive technologies, experience in their use in scholarly research and library practice. Systemic, functional methods, methods of observation, hypo theses in combination with the social communication method have been used. Results. The expediency of introduction of immersive technologies into the practice of scientific libraries as an innovative tool of information and technological support of science and education development has been shown. The cognitive potential of immersive technologies has been emphasized. Theoretical and methodological frame works for organization of complex library and information service based on immersive technologies have been developed. Case studies of efficient use of these frameworks by scientific libraries have been given. Conclusions. The positive effect of using the cognitive potential of extended reality in educational practice and research actualizes the development of strategies for organizing a comprehensive library and information service in scientific libraries to provide access to immersive technologies. K e y w o r d s : virtual reality, augmented reality, immersive technologies, extended reality technologies, scientific libraries, library service, and innovation. C i t a t i o n : Hranchak, T. Y., and Bondarenko, V. I. Immersive Technologies in the Library: Organization of In novative Service for Science and Education. Sci. innov. 2021. V. 17, no. 2. P. 94—104. scine17.02.094 94 ISSN 2409-9066. Sci. innov. 2021. 17 (2)
Immersive Technologies in the Library: Organization of Innovative Service for Science and Education Technologies That Expand Reality C. Ball, J. Francis, R. Ratan, J. Bowmis, J. Ford ham [5], J. Johnson [6], V. Klimnyuk [7], Yu. Trach Internet technologies have caused revolutionary [8], and others. changes in various spheres of public life, including R.L.S. Silva, P.S. Rodriguez, J.C. Oliveira, G. Gi the transformations in the system of government, raldy [9], V. Gopalan, J.A.A. Bakar, A.N. Zulkifli, economy, social structure of society, art, ways of A. Alwi [10], M. Shabrov and M. Kurikov [11], and communication and perception of information. others have substantiated the potential of exten The space itself and our conceptions of it are chan ded reality for analysis and visualization of re ging: it is about the emergence of the phenomena search results. of virtual, augmented, and mixed reality (VR, AR, The possibilities of effective use of augmented and MR). Accordingly, the effective use of new and virtual reality technologies by scientific lib technologies and the introduction of innovations raries have been discussed by B.E. Massis [12], developed on their basis in practical scholarly re A. A. Oelyude [13], S. Avila [14], D. Khan, Ch.-M. search and educational activities have been actua Chen and E.-N. Tzai, A. Boyadjian, E. Humphreys, lized. Virtual, mixed, and augmented reality tech D. Hawkins [15], and by others who focus on the nologies (immersive technologies, extended reality technologies and their prospects for expanding technologies) are among the latest achievements, the range of library services. The potential of vir the importance and potential of which have not tual reality technology for creating virtual rea been yet fully understood. In particular, this app ding rooms with open access in order to support lies to the library industry, especially, scientific browsing by analogy with hardcopies has been libraries, one of the tasks of which is library and studied by M. Cook [16]. information support of research and educational In recent years, there have been attempts to process. The understudy and insufficient use of generalize the existing experience of libraries in the potential of extended reality technologies by the use of extended reality technologies at the libraries has been discussed at the discussion pa monographic level [17, 18]. However, such mono nel Tech Trends of the Library and Information graphs focus mainly on the experience of indivi Technology Association, in the winter of 2019 [1]. dual U.S. libraries and the applied aspects of indi Although virtual reality has been identified by vidual projects (room selection, engagement, user the American Library Association as one of the instructions, equipment placement, etc.). They do 10 leading trends in library technology in the fu not cover issues related to developing a concep ture, as of July 10, 2019, the main search in the tual model or library service organization system scientometric database of Web of Science by key based on the use of extended reality technologies. words “Augmented Reality in Academic Libraries” On the other hand, I. Joiner in his monograph [19] and “Virtual Reality in Academic Libraries” ga that deals with emerging library technologies as ve 5 and 24 results, respectively. a whole, while considering such innovative tech Recently, the issues related to the development nologies as artificial intelligence, robotics, drones, and the use of extended reality technologies have driverless cars, big data analysis and so on, very been in focus of domestic and foreign researchers. briefly touches on extended reality technologies Different types of extended reality have been as promising and does not justify the feasibility of compared by M. Speicher, B.D. Hall, M. Nebe systematic implementation of these technologies ling [2], S. Mann, T. Furness, Y. Yuan, J. Iorio, in scientific libraries. Z. Wang [3], D. Bowman, C. Wingrave, D. Hix, Thus, despite a large massif of scholarly re B. McIntyre, M. Mine, D. Schmalstieg [4], and others. search literature on extended reality, in particu The use of immersive technologies in the educa lar, its implementation in library practice, the aut tional process has been considered by K.-T. Huang, hors have not generalized the existing exper ien ISSN 2409-9066. Sci. innov. 2021. 17 (2) 95
Hranchak, T. Y., and Bondarenko, V. I. ce of scientific libraries in using extended reality ty curators). The addition of the functional met technologies to provide information support for hod to the system one has led to the definition of research. the functions of such employees. The observation Therefore, the purpose of this research is to method has been used to study the experience of determine promising areas of implementation of virtual, mixed, and augmented reality technolo immersive technologies in the practice of scien gies in the practice of individual libraries. The tific libraries from the standpoint of substan method of hypothesis in combination with the so tiation of the research potential of extended and, cial communication method has allowed to assu especially, virtual reality and to suggest metho me the expediency of introducing immersive tech dological approaches to the organization of lib nologies into library practice in the context of rary service based on immersive technologies, pro information technology support of scholarly re ceeding from the analysis of recent professional search and educational process by libraries. publications and current experience of library in Extended Reality for Scholarly Research stitutions. The main source base of the research is websi Today, the most developed among immersive tech tes of scientific libraries (having studied their con nologies are virtual and augmented reality techno tent, the authors analyzed the activities of library logies. For comparison: as of July 10, 2019, “vir institutions and the level of immersive technolo tual reality,” “augmented reality,” and “mixed rea gies implementation); special thematic resources, lity” keyword search in Web of Science Core Col such as the MIT Media Lab Research portal and lection scientometric database showed 41,518, the official virtual reality hackathon websites; web 15,396, and 5,449 scholarly research publications, sites of corporations involved in the development, respectively. Therefore, first of all, we consider manufacture, and distribution of virtual reality the possibilities of applying these technologies headsets and content, training in the use of ex in the practice of scientific libraries to support tended reality technologies; and professional li research. terature: 1) publications that deal with the specif First of all, let us talk about the advantages of ics of immersive technologies as such; 2) publica using immersive technologies in research and edu tions that highlight the experience of using im cation: their visibility, security, opportunities to mersive technologies in research; 3) publications attract and to focus audience [8], relative afforda that show the experience of using immersive tech bility, and cognitive potential. In particular, experts nologies in libraries. from the Fluid Interfaces Group of the MIT Media The have used several methods to achieve this Lab (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) ha purpose. In particular, solving the problem of de ve found that with augmented reality technology, veloping methodological principles for organizing the accuracy of long-term retention of a sequence library services with the use of extended reality of objects in memory is tripled as compared with technologies requires the system method, because the memorizing information from paper [20]. the library service based on immersive technolo Moreover, some studies cannot be conducted un gies operates in a system that includes compo less with the use of these technologies (for examp nents such as library space (the real space that le, studies of changes in the behavior of a human houses the necessary hardware and users, and the who has long been under the influence of virtual “extended” one that is an artificially created pro reality, or related to the study of digital art, etc.). duct based on computer technology, which might Prospects for the use of extended reality techno be tested by users), a set of technical and techno logies to solve research problems in various fields logical support (hardware and software), users and of science, including cosmology, medicine, biolo librarians (managers, marketers, extended reali gy, chemistry, engineering, archeology, history, art 96 ISSN 2409-9066. Sci. innov. 2021. 17 (2)
Immersive Technologies in the Library: Organization of Innovative Service for Science and Education history, and so on, are definitely promising [11, It should be noted that in Ukraine the first hac 21—23]. Specific narrow-field tasks even neces kathon X REALITY HACK ( sitate the development of special software, such that gathered participants for finding ways to as InViewR in the field of biology. This necessity implement their ideas for business, entertainment, results in the specialization of software develop cultural and social projects was held a year ear ment corporations [24]. lier upon the initiative of the organizers of Sen Virtual reality space might be used for social sorama Lab, a virtual and augmented reality la interaction in general and in the field of scholarly boratory that develops projects using immersive research, in particular. According to Springer Na technologies and interactive media, teaches AR/ ture Senior Semantic Data Manager M. Kaindl, VR, and supports the development of new ideas virtual reality is a collaborative environment that and product development in this area. allows researchers to work together in a created The prospect for widespread introduction of im space thereby enriching each other through shar mersive technologies in the practice of research ing experiences and knowledge, while implemen and education in Ukraine opens new horizons for ting joint projects, and visualizing the data in a domestic science and education. Given the rela unique new way [25]. tive novelty of technology, Ukrainian researchers In order to explore the potential of virtual rea who join the pool of scientists studying the phe lity, in 2016, leading manufacturers and universi nomenon of extended reality and the possibili ties launched the VRFirst initiative that is a glo ties of its use in various spheres of public life will bal program that combines business, university, contribute to the formation of a positive image of and academic science. The partner of the prog Ukrainian science at both national and interna ram is the Institute of Electrical and Electronics tional levels and secure its place among world re Engineers (IEEE). The program aims at promo search leaders. The use of immersive technologies ting the creation of laboratories and centers of becomes an additional factor for strengthening virtual reality. As of January 2020, more than 50 and establishing scientific communication, being VRFirst laboratories have been launched [26]. involved in relevant international research pro Another international structure created to de jects, and growing scientific capital. The introduc velop cooperation between innovative compa tion of immersive technologies in scholarly re nies and researchers in the VR and AR ecosys search practice enables implementing studies for tem is VR/AR Association (VRARA) that focu which, nowadays, Ukraine has no favorable finan ses on stimulating research and education in the cial or security conditions in real space. In its wi field of VR/AR and development of industry der application, the use of extended reality tech standards, as well as on consolidating member nologies is an effective tool for bridging the gap organizations and promoting services and pro between theory and practice, education and in ducts based on immersive technologies [27]. At dustry, for improving the quality of training, gi the European level, EuroVR has been operating ven the requirements of employers and a rapid since 2010. It is an international non-profit as development of innovative technologies. sociation, a network of stakeholders for studying Given the prospects for immersive technolo VR and AR [28]. gies in modern domestic science and education, On November 7—9, 2018, to explore the po the leading higher educational establishments in tential of augmented and mixed reality for re Ukraine have launched appropriate laboratories. search, the academic publishing house Springer In particular, almost simultaneously (in the late Nature for the first ever time organized a hacka 2019 — the early 2020) virtual reality laborato thon of mixed reality that took place in San Fran ries were opened at Sumy State University and cisco [23]. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. ISSN 2409-9066. Sci. innov. 2021. 17 (2) 97
Hranchak, T. Y., and Bondarenko, V. I. However, the immersive technologies in science wei VR, etc. are also available in Ukraine. exten and education are associated not only with ad ded reality can be created with the use of a regu vantages, but also with certain risks that should lar smartphone or tablet by downloading the ap be outlined. propriate application. As for mixed reality, Mic First, there appear problems related to intel rosoft has developed a special product, HoloLens lectual property and copyright, from the acquisi that is software and headset in the form of special tion, registration, and use of extended reality hard glasses that allow users to interact with virtual ware and software to the creation of new con elements of mixed reality while complementing tent/product by users with the help of immersive them with real objects [29]. technologies. Nowadays, extended reality technologies are Second, the use of immersive technologies crea not so widespread and cheap to be available for tes a risk of widening the digital divide in society every user. In such circumstances, libraries that in general and in science and education in par provide the necessary software and headsets and ticular. Given that not every institution in Ukrai give recommendations on available content ne can afford to purchase appropriate equipment might become a place where everyone can get ac and software, there arises the problem of provi quainted with extended reality. Paula MacKin ding students and researchers with equal access non Executive Director, CALIFA, defines the fo to information and technology and the formation cus, “Libraries are the perfect community space of competencies necessary for working with ex to provide access to new technologies and the tended reality technologies. wealth of educational VR content that is getting Third, the problem of adequate security for published today. Whether it’s exploring the en users (given the potential health risks), equip docrine system of a shark or traveling back in ment (given possible damage or theft), and con time or to Mars — Libraries are great social places tent (given possible copyright infringement or loss) that curate large collections of content and the is exacerbated. Special equipment and software means to experience it — for fun, for learning and being developed by foreign companies today, the for free.” [30]. reliability of data storage and protection beco In the domestic realities, the situation is some mes more and more important, especially when what similar to that in the late 90s—early 2000s it comes to the use of immersive technologies in with provision of users with access to the Inter science. net. At that time, the Ukrainian Library Associa Fourth, the further introduction of immersive tion, with the support of the U.S. Embassy in Uk technologies will increase the amount of extended raine, implemented a large-scale project Internet reality content, so the need for its systematization for Public Library Readers (LEAP), in which the and creation of conditions for its effective use is U.S. government allocated more than USD 1.5 mil actualized. It is about the need to form a SMART- lion to provide citizens of Ukraine with free ac space as an organic combination of high technology, cess to the Internet through opening 147 Internet software, intelligence, creativity, and engagement. centers in public libraries of Ukraine. Thanks to the program funding, the libraries had the op Is library Smart-Space Possible? portunity to purchase the necessary equipment, Yes, It Is Real! software, and trainings for staff. Today, this ex Working with immersive technologies requires perience can be used to create a network of the use of special equipment and software. Oculus SMART-centers in scientific libraries through Rift and HTC Vive are leading players in the vir out the country. tual reality software and headset market today. In The California libraries in the United States addition, Samsung Gear VR, XIAOMI MI VR, Hua followed this path. In 2016, in partnership with 98 ISSN 2409-9066. Sci. innov. 2021. 17 (2)
Immersive Technologies in the Library: Organization of Innovative Service for Science and Education Oculus, 90 California libraries installed virtual rea To support the functioning of such studios, lib lity systems. Subsequent to Oculus, HTC announ raries introduce a special position: library mana ced in 2018 the Vive Libraries Program aiming at ger, special or research librarian who provides the installing virtual reality systems in 110 libraries necessary advice to those teachers who are inte in California and Nevada. rested in integrating immersive technologies into Considering library as a catalyst for interac their courses and necessary project-specific inst tion between the community and the content de ructions for small student groups, as well as help velopers, Califa 1, in partnership with New Media generate ideas for smart digital media space or Learning and the California State Library, pur gain virtual reality experience. Equipment and suant to the Library Services and Technology Act premises are booked in advance (on average, 3 days that allows libraries to win federal grants through before the event), for a period of several hours to public libraries of their states, has launched a pi several days. lot project to enable California public libraries to In addition to the hardware, users get access install a fully loaded virtual reality system comp to a collection of software products from leading leted with a computer/software/ educational me corporations, developers of such software. In par dia catalog and an Oculus RIFT with touch sen ticular, HTC Vive Libraries provides access to 35 sors or a HTC VIVE headset [31]. free educational products that have been develo Today, the libraries involved in the program ha ped and made available to VIVE Studios in geog ve established centers, laboratories, and virtual raphy, art and culture, history, design and health reality studios, which allow visitors to test immer care, based on VIVEPORT, the official application sive technologies. store and HTC Vive content platform [30]. Earlier, from 2014—2015, U.S. university lib Among the programs available through uni raries started providing access to immersive tech versity libraries are Apollo 11 VR Experience (abi nologies. The libraries of Oklahoma, Pennsylva lity to control a command module, land a lunar nia, and North Carolina State Universities, the shuttle, and to explore the moon’s surface by ex Universities of Western Michigan, Miami, Ade periments), Star Chart (to study the solar system, laide, Clemson, Arizona, the DeLaMare Science & to view constellations and meteorite showers, ). Engineering Library of the University of Neva constellations and meteor showers, to explore da, Reno, and many others have organized spa Mars, etc.), Athenian Acropolis (to visit the rec ces for students and teachers to access virtual rea reated Acropolis of Athens, every detail of which lity technology and resources that could help corresponds to the available archaeological da staff and students create content for this new me ta), Quill (VR illustration tool designed to enhan dia format. Such laboratories meet the purpose ce the capabilities of artists), Google Earth VR (to of scientific libraries of higher education insti explore the Earth in cyberspace: to fly over cities, tutions in terms of providing information on edu to climb mountain peaks, etc.), 3DOrganonVR cation and research. Anatomy (3D anatomical atlas showing various human body systems with more than 4,000 rea listic images of anatomical structures and organs, 1 Califa ( is a non-profit library consor tium representing 230 libraries in California. Engaged which can be enlarged and studied from different in brokerage activities and facilitates procurement for angles, and additional and descriptive informa libraries at reasonable prices, cooperates with the Califor tion on the topic), etc. nia State Library in the management of several national There are also programs for developing one’s projects. With many years of experience and a network of professional contacts, Califa has become effective in the own innovative media projects: 3dsMax 2018 (soft development, implementation, and management of grant ware for modeling, rendering, and creating 3D ani programs. mation), Adobe Creative Cloud (services for de ISSN 2409-9066. Sci. innov. 2021. 17 (2) 99
Hranchak, T. Y., and Bondarenko, V. I. sign, processing of photos, videos and web con attention to the possible difficulties of its pro tent), Blender (free and open source 3D anima motion in the university library: the need to en tion software that supports each stage: modeling, sure the preservation of equipment and to pre rigging, animation, simulation, rendering, compo vent theft, to hire backstopping staff, to update siting, and motion tracking, video editing and ga hardware and content, to encourage users to fur me creation), Unity3D (cross-platform tool for ther use of technologies [33]. developing 2D and 3D applications and games), At the same time, the favorable prospects for Unreal Engine (a set of software tools to create con integrating extended reality technologies into the tent for extended reality). library information service have been eviden Collections of VR/AR products in different ced by the fact that having collaborated with Ca libraries are not standard and constantly chan lifornia libraries and sponsored virtual reality re ge depending on library’s capabilities. search programs at U.S. universities, including In addition, in order to facilitate scientific com the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and munication, special software systems are being Harvard, Oculus announced the launch of pilot created. They allow many distributed users to ma programs for implementing immersive technolo nipulate virtual 3D objects from different fields of gies in educational institutions of Japan and Tai research. An example of such systems is the OVAL wan. Moreover, in the case of Taiwan, in coopera (Oklahoma Virtual Academic Laboratory) platform tion with the Taiwan Association of Internet and implemented in the University of Oklahoma Li E-Commerce, it is planned to attract VR-pro brary that supports the operation of a kind of vir ducts to the collection of public libraries and mu tual class Portals, within which students, teachers, seums across the country. Among prospective re and specialists in various subjects: up to 20 users cipients of the Oculus Rift and Go headsets, the per session can jointly conduct research in virtual re are Kaohsiung Main Public Library, National reality environment. For example, that way, the Central Library, New Taipei City Library, and Tai inner part of the cave system of Arizona (in par pei Public Library. ticular, pieces of early archaic cave art) and the In Ukraine, access to immersive technologies ruins of Palmyra have been studied [32]. has been provided within several individual li In addition to US university libraries, although braries: the library of Sumy State University, the on a much smaller scale, extended reality access scientific library of the National University of services are now offered in specially equipped la Trade and Economics, Lviv Regional Library for boratories or centers by research libraries in hig Children, institutions of Ivano-Frankivsk city cent her education institutions of Denmark (e.g. the ralized library system through grant support of DTU Library Media Lab of the Technical Uni UAH 14,810 from the Teple Misto platform [35] versity of Denmark); Canada (Lab NEXT Library and some others. However, in order to support of the University of Calgary, Experience Lab of research and teaching and to ensure equal access Library of Mount Royal University); Netherlands to technology, it would be appropriate to arran (VR Zone New Media Center Library of Delft Uni ge VR/AR space on the basis of Vernadsky Na versity of Technology); Hong Kong (Creative tional Library of Ukraine (VNLU) as a method LabVR-AR-Media Production Center of the Lib ological center of academic libraries. Given the rary of the Educational University of Hong Kong, national status of the library, the creation of such i-Space Library of the Hong Kong Polytechnic a laboratory on its basis will expand the range of University, Tech @ Ingenium Library space of the potential users and provide access to equipment University of Hong Kong , and others. and content to researchers from different fields Although the new technology has many advan of knowledge and research institutions of va tages, D. Greene and M. Groenendyk have drawn rious subordination. 100 ISSN 2409-9066. Sci. innov. 2021. 17 (2)
Immersive Technologies in the Library: Organization of Innovative Service for Science and Education The analysis of the existing theoretical achie a result of increasing amount of digital content, vements of both librarians and researchers of im including e-books, the creation virtual card and mersive technologies, as well as the study and re book catalogs, VR/AR libraries, by analogy to view of practical experience in the use of exten those in the paper form, can help users navi ded reality technologies in library practice have gate across the existing stock by 3D visuali allowed the following conclusions on the promi zation. The study has shown the navigational sing areas of library involvement in production, benefits of such products that take into ac access to, and use of VR/AR products: count the psychological characteristics of hu First, given the growing number of ready-made man search [15, 16, 19, 36]. It is telling that products, it is very important to provide infor Springer Nature has introduced the first proto mation about available products and libraries type of spatial reading, which allows users to of VR/AR content and to assist in navigating view and to read books in virtual reality [21]. resources, i.e. to form special guides or inde Moreover, it has been suggested that by exami xes with the help of which users may naviga ning the user behavior in virtual library simula te through the existing VR/AR products, as tor space, namely, changes in the vector of his/ well as learn about the necessary software with her view, librarians may understand the possi which a product might be used. Seminars and bilities of improving the operation of the real lectures organized by libraries may also be in library space to more effectively represent the demand. Such activities, in addition to introdu library. The possibility for librarians to create cing a new technology, may also contribute to their own VR or AR products has been subs the formation and development of the concer tantiated by B. Massis who, by the example of ned community and the environment for the EON Reality and Aurasma software products, exchange and production of new knowledge; concludes that now it is not really necessary to Second, for the success of the innovative ser have programmer knowledge and skills in or vice of access to immersive technologies, the der to develop a content. The ease of using the systematization and preservation of content, se products allows even a librarian or a teacher creation of collections of relevant products to create original content, regardless of his/her and software that will be used along with the previous experience [12]; technology, as well as their maintenance with Fifth, purchasing the appropriate equipment, a detailed description are essential. In the case including Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Microsoft Ho of scientific libraries, the formation of such a lolens, Google Cardboard enables creating one’s collection shall give priority to the acquisition own SMART-space that can be used to develop of software that has cognitive and research IT solutions that allow the use of virtual and potential; augmented reality for teaching and research Third, the involvement on a partnership basis (including the organization of scientific inte in the development of new VR/AR products raction in cyberspace following the example of and in the implementation of research in col OVAL University of Oklahoma Library). No laboration with other institutions and organi wadays, in the post-Soviet countries, the lea zations, in particular by creating digital con ders in the organization of such spaces are bu tent based on digitization of library collections siness structures and higher education institu (e.g. maps, drawings, illustrations, etc.) con tions. However, the creation of library-based tributes to simulate virtual spaces; VR/AR laboratories will help democratize ac Fourth, the development of own products and cess to immersive technologies. Such a space ma realization of own media projects on the basis kes it possible to acquaint users with new tech of, for example, 3dsMax2018, Unity3D, etc. As nology and to form their corresponding com ISSN 2409-9066. Sci. innov. 2021. 17 (2) 101
Hranchak, T. Y., and Bondarenko, V. I. petences, in particular, to allow use of VR/AR and partners) and ending with guides and nav equipment and related software for the crea igators of resources created by library, as well tion and use of VR in library space and to con as a range of services with a detailed descrip duct consultations and trainings. tion of these services; The analysis of experience has shown that de librarians: marketer, curator, content manager, pending on the scale of implementation of the ex and special librarian; tended reality library service, the backstopping users: researchers, students, the general public. team needs from one to several members: VR/AR Promising directions for the introduction of content marketer (for studying the institution’s immersive technologies in the practice of scien involvement in projects related to extended rea tific libraries to provide information technology lity technologies, media support of relevant pro support for research are to facilitate the naviga ducts and services); VR/AR content curator (for tion across finished VR/AR products, to create providing assistance and advice to users on the appropriate guides and navigators, to systemati use of certain products), research librarian (libra ze and to preserve the existing content, to create ry specialist involved in the implementation of one’s own and to contribute to developing new research projects), VR/AR space manager (for sup VR/AR products, to organize library VR/AR spa porting and organizing access of researchers to ce, to allow the use of VR/AR equipment, to or headsets and laboratories, conducting trainings, ganize and to hold consultations, seminars, lec seminars, inviting specialists). tures, and trainings. It is also important to purchase quality equip Actual tasks related to the implementation of ment. The costs might be reimbursed from va organizing the comprehensive library and infor rious sources: applications to manufacturers who mation service to provide access to immersive are interested in expanding the market; interac technologies and products and services based on tion with relevant business structures (such as them are to train specialists (because specialized the domestic corporation Sensorama); participa higher education institutions have not yet intro tion in grant project competitions; corporate ac duced courses on extended reality technologies quisition; and crowdfunding. in their educational programs; also, this compo Therefore, given the prospects of using exten nent is missing in the programs of advanced train ded reality technologies to solve research and edu ing of librarians), to organize (to allocate and cational problems, it is advisable for scientific lib to arrange premises) space, and to ensure security raries to organize a comprehensive library and measures (control over the content downloaded information service to provide access to immer to the device or created, observance of intellec sive technologies and products and services based tual property rights, property damage prevention on them. etc). The key components of such a service are as Having solved these problems enables the mo follows: dernization of the existing library and informa software and hardware — SMART-space crea tion service in accordance with the needs of the ted in the library; scholarly research and educational market and fa a set of products, starting with the content (both cilitates the transformation of libraries into mo library’s own and provided by manufacturers dern information and communication hubs. REFERENCES 1. Marcotte, A. (2019). Tech Trends. Library Tech Leaders Recommend Their Favorite Tips and Tools. American Libraries, March 1. URL: (Last accessed: 20.01.2020). 2. Speicher, M., Hall, B. D., Nebeling, M. (2019). What is Mixed Reality? CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Proceedings (CHI’2019), Glasgow, Scotland. 537, 1—15. doi: 102 ISSN 2409-9066. Sci. innov. 2021. 17 (2)
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