In 1978, Butcombe Brewing Co. began.
   It was a time of cultural, social and political
    change, soundtracked by bands full of spit
  and anger riding the crest of the punk wave.
  Margaret Thatcher took the Tory leadership,
  the IRA waged war, the Yorkshire Ripper cast
a long shadow over the North and the meaning
       of life was revealed as the number 42.

     We shut out the world and made beer.

  You see, at that time, no one was risking it all
  starting a traditional brewery, making simple,
premium, easy-drinking ale. To do so was an act
   of defiance. Or madness. But, 40 years later,
   by staying true to our beliefs – and with a lot
  of hard graft – it looks like owning a resolutely
 traditional brewing company isn’t such a crazy
     idea after all. By going against the grain,
   to work intimately with it, we made our own
     statement with every pint. And what was
        true then is just as important today.

   We all share a passion of creating warm,
   hospitable pubs. Every last one of them is
       individually unique and proud to
        pull a pint of our famous beer.

    We are looking forward to welcoming yo
     to our team and can’t wait to see the
      great job you do with your tenancy.
THE PUB                       Adherence to the COP
                              is a binding term of all
                                                             an incumbent Business
                                                             Partner we will by means
SECTOR                        our new tied tenancies
                              and is therefore legally
                                                             of a side letter ensure the
                                                             COP transfers as part
                              enforceable. The COP is        of the sale, unless the
The way Butcombe will         binding on both Butcombe       pub transfers to a pub
work you is aligned to the    and its Business Partners      operating company where
requirements in the Pub       and lessees and may be         500 or more pubs are
Sector England & Wales        used in pursuance of a         owned; this will result in the
Code of Practices (1-499      claim of non-compliance.       pub and Business Partner’s
Tied Pubs) (COP)                                             rights being under statutory
Tenanted and Leased           Our existing Business          legislation.
which can be found on         Partners may also have the
ours and the British Beer     benefit of the provisions      Alternatively the provisions
Pub Association websites.     of the COP by invoking an      and benefits of the
                              open and unlimited offer       COP can be relied upon
The COP places a number       accepting its terms. Signing   if a tenant initiates a
of obligations on us as a     an agreement at any            complaint through the Pub
company as to how we will     time can do this and your      Independent Conciliation
work with you.                Operations Manager (OM)        and Arbitration Service
                              will be pleased to assist in   (PICAS) or commences
We offer other services and   this respect.                  court proceedings with
make additional obligations                                  reliance on the provisions
to the COP which are          If Butcombe sell the           of the COP.
covered in this document.     interest of property with
OUR                             your agreement until we
                                have received a signed
                                                                 resulting in potential quality
                                                                 issues. This will be discussed
                                                                                                  BEFORE YOU                       least five days before you
                                                                                                                                   have your final interview
                                                                                                                                                                  range from £10,000 or 25%
                                                                                                                                                                  headline rate. You will also
AGREEMENT                       offer letter from you. Our
                                agreements do not have a
                                                                 and where appropriate
                                                                 a similar or appropriate
                                                                                                  TAKE AN                          with us. Further information
                                                                                                                                   on PEAT is provided by
                                                                                                                                                                  need an amount of working
                                                                                                                                                                  capital to cover initial
                                cooling off period.              substitute product will be       AGREEMENT                        the British Institute of       valuation and training fees.
                                                                 offered if required.                                              Innkeeping (BII).
All of our agreements
are protected under the         The Agreement Tie                                                 WITH US                                                         We will explain the
                                                                                                                                                                  valuation process and
Landlord and Tenant Act                                          Maintenance                                                       In order to sell alcohol
                                There is a full tie for beer,                                                                                                     provide you with details of
1954. We will advise you of                                      Responsibilities within                                           or authorise the sale
                                cider, minerals, wines and                                                                                                        nominated independent
                                                                 your Agreement                   Professional advice              of alcohol you need to
the remaining years on the      spirits. We do not offer                                                                                                          licensed property valuers.
lease if Butcombe does not                                                                                                         complete the National
                                free of tie or partial free of   With a Tenancy Agreement,        It is strongly recommended                                      Butcombe is not involved
own the premises and the                                                                                                           Certificate for Personal       in the valuation process
                                tie agreements. We brew          Butcombe is responsible          that you seek appropriate
procedure for termination                                                                                                          Licence Holders course         and is not responsible
                                our cask-conditioned ales,       for the structural repairs,      and good business advice
when the lease comes to                                                                                                            (APLH). Once you have          for the condition or
                                lager and cider. We can also     including the roof and           from various professional
                                                                                                                                   completed and passed the       replacement of any items
an end.                         stock a wide selection of        walls. Business Partners         people such as an
                                                                                                                                   course you will be required    purchased. Your valuer will
                                national and international       are responsible for all          accountant, surveyor,                                           check the suitability of all
We have a small number of                                                                                                          to obtain a criminal record
                                lagers, keg beers and            minor repairs and internal       solicitor and bank manager.                                     inventory items and value
full repairing leases that we                                                                                                      check (CRB) upon receipt
                                minerals. We also supply an      decorations. Business            You will be asked to confirm                                    accordingly. Fees for the
let to small companies.                                                                                                            of which you can then
                                extensive range of wines         Partners are required to         that you have done this                                         valuation vary and are paid
                                                                                                                                   apply for your Personal
                                and spirits. All available       put and keep in good             during your initial interview.                                  by you but are typically 5%
Once terms have been                                                                                                               Licence from your Local        of the agreed valuation.
                                products are detailed in our     repair all areas within
discussed we will write                                                                                                            Licensing department.
                                Tenanted Trade Price List.       their responsibility. A full     There are trade
to you with a formal                                                                              organisations that provide                                      Staff
                                                                 schedule of responsibilities                                      Start Up Costs
offer of the tenancy and        We reserve the right to                                           tools and information for                                       There may be members of
                                                                 is provided.
include a copy of the           restrict supply of any                                            business planning including      Ingoing costs vary             staff that have protection
Tenancy Agreement. You          product if there is a                                             the Association of Licensed      depending on the pub for       of employment under the
will not be asked to sign       concern on the rate of sale                                       and Multiple Retailers           which you have applied.        Transfer of Undertakings for
                                                                                                  (ALMR), British Institute        Typically a smaller tenancy    Protection of Employment
                                                                                                  of Innkeepers (BII) and                                         (TUPE) regulations. The
                                                                                                                                   will require an investment
                                                                                                                                                                  effect of this is your
                                                                                                  the Federation of Licensed       of between £15-20k. Larger
                                                                                                                                                                  legal obligation to take
                                                                                                  Vituallers Association           houses may require funds       on existing staff under
                                                                                                  (FLVA).                          up to £60k. You will need      their existing terms and
                                                                                                                                   to purchase the fixtures       conditions. The legislation
                                                                                                  Training                         and fittings, stock and        allows for redundancy in
                                                                                                                                   glassware at valuation. In     specific circumstances but
                                                                                                  Before taking a tenancy
                                                                                                                                   addition there is a Security   you will need to consult
                                                                                                  you must undertake to                                           with an employment
                                                                                                                                   Deposit which is held by
                                                                                                  complete the Pre-Entry                                          specialist for advice before
                                                                                                                                   Butcombe during your
                                                                                                  Awareness Training (PEAT).                                      the start of your tenancy.
                                                                                                                                   tenancy. The deposit will
                                                                                                  This must be completed at
WHAT WE                        turnover or profits. The
                               gross profit calculation will
                                                                Pub Information

                                                                We will provide full details
GIVE YOU                       be based on our current
                               tenanted trade price list
                                                                of the pub to include the

BEFORE AN                      including discounts.
                                                                extent of areas that form
                                                                part of the tenancy trading
AGREEMENT                      This is not a substitute for a
                               business plan. We strongly
                                                                area together with details
                                                                of any material changes to
WITH US                        advise all prospective           the commercial conditions
                               Business Partners and            and planned capital
                               their advisors to liaise with    developments in other
Shadow Rent Assessment         the outgoing Business            Butcombe properties within
                               Partners to seek more            the locality.
You will be provided at the    detailed information. In
start of our negotiations      such circumstances we can        Premises Licence
with a Shadow Rent             only supply you with details     Information
Assessment based on            of the volume of beer and
our knowledge and                                               A copy of the current full
                               other products purchased
assumptions of the                                              Premises Licence will be
                               direct from the company.
trade for the pub. This                                         given to you before the
                               We will in any event tell you
will be prepared by the                                         start of your tenancy.
                               why we cannot provide you
Operations Manager (OM)                                         The Premises Licence is
                               with any information that
and approved by the                                             held by Butcombe and
                               you request from us.
Managing Director (MD).                                         the Business Partner is
Your OM has received           Benchmarking reports             normally the Designated
appropriate training either    are available from the           Premises Supervisor; the
internally or externally       Association of Licensed          person responsible for the
in the preparation of a        Multiple Retailers (ALMR:        day to day operation of the
Shadow Rent Assessment. and             business. The annual cost
It is not always possible to   the British Beer and Pub         of the licence is charged to
obtain the exact figures       Association (BBPA: www.          your trading account.
on turnover and operating ‘costs of
                                                                We will bring to your
cost from an outgoing          running a pub’, which may
                                                                attention any restrictions,
Business Partner and any       provide further assistance.
                                                                enforcement notices or
information we supply, or                                       formal correspondence
                               Evaluation of the business
base our calculations on,                                       regarding the licence of
                               prospects and profitability
is on the understanding                                         which Butcombe are aware.
                               are a matter for you and
that this cannot represent
                               your Business Advisor.
any guarantee of trade,
Service Charge -                 We will write to let you       history of the wholesale        Price List                      information you receive to       Performing Rights,
Maintenance Service              know when new services         beers and wines etc into                                        monitor your line cleaning,      Phonographic Performance
                                                                                                A full Tenanted Trade
Agreement (MSA                   are added together with        the pub.                                                        beer quality, throughput         Licence and Sky.
                                                                                                Price List will be supplied
                                 the monthly and                                                                                and yield by your OM.
There are many legal and                                        We will provide you with the    together with all products                                       Open Book Accounting
                                 annual cost.                                                                                   You will be responsible
insurers’ requirements                                          details to access this and      available. All our prices are
                                                                                                                                for the electricity to run
that you must undertake                                         other information.              available on our extranet                                        You are required to sign-up
                                 Dilapidations                                                                                  this system.
as part of your Tenancy                                                                                                                                          to Open Book Accounting
                                 We will provide you with       Some of the products            Payments                                                         for the first year of your
Agreement. We organise                                                                                                          Machines
                                 a report on the internal       listed will receive discount,                                                                    tenancy. This requires a
this for you through our
                                                                written details of which        Payment for goods is
Property Maintenance             decorations in the private                                                                     You are not tied to              new Business Partner to
                                                                will be provided at your        by Direct Debit: goods
Department. At the start of      quarters. The report will                                                                      Butcombe for machines            appoint a nominated
                                                                interview.                      delivered between 26th and
your tenancy we will provide     include where possible                                                                         but you must have written        Accountant who will have
                                                                                                10th are payable on 25th
you with a service schedule      photographs of all areas.                                                                      Butcombe consent for any         details, knowledge and
                                                                Deliveries                      of the month and goods
and agree a monthly              We will try to ensure that                                                                     machine on your premises         experience of the licensed
                                                                                                delivered between 11th and
service charge. The service      the accommodation              Deliveries to our pubs are                                      including pool tables, juke      trade and its practices. We
                                                                                                25th are payable on 10th
charge includes, but is not      is in good decorative          normally made weekly.                                           boxes and other ancillary        will explain fully how Open
                                                                                                of the following month
restricted to, gas safety        order at the start of your     Delivery times will vary                                        equipment such as pin            Book Accounting operates.
                                                                                                allowing a maximum of one
checks, boiler servicing, fire   tenancy. However, in some      within an agreed time                                           tables, bar billiard and         Experience has shown
                                                                                                month or a minimum of 2
alarms, fire risk assessment,    circumstances we will need     window. Any delivery                                            similar equipment. The           that the first 12 months
                                                                                                weeks credit.
sewage treatment plant           to agree with you a suitable   issues or problems should                                       income from machines will        are crucial to the financial
and extraction canopies          programme for this to be       be reported immediately         Rent is charged on 25th of      be reflected in the shadow       stability of the business.
cleaning. The service charge     achieved and who will be       to Butcombe and we will         each month and becomes          Profit and Loss account.         Open Book Accounting
is reviewed annually. Full       responsible for meeting        advise of an appropriate        payable by direct debit                                          simply allows us to share
                                                                                                                                A Consent Fee is payable
details of items included in     this cost                      course of action to resolve     on 10th of the following                                         and exchange information
                                                                                                                                which is currently £500 p.a.
the MSA are contained                                           the problem. In exceptional     month. The rent is charged                                       over this period to try
                                 Trading Information                                                                            for each Amusement with
in our Maintenance &                                            circumstances and where         monthly in advance: for                                          and ensure that you are
                                                                                                                                Prize Machine and £250
Service guide.                                                  Business Partners are           example rent charged on                                          operating the business in a
                                 With the exception of                                                                          p.a. for each Skill with Prize
                                                                consistently requesting         25th July would cover the                                        financially viable manner. If
The services covered in the      newly acquired houses,                                                                         Machine. The fee is charged
                                                                second deliveries we            rent the period from 26th                                        there are concerns with the
MSA will be updated during       Butcombe provides full                                                                         monthly in arrears on your
                                                                reserve the right to            July to 25th August.                                             business we can identify
the course of your tenancy.      and authenticated supply                                                                       Trading Account. There are
                                                                charge for these.                                                                                the problems and work with
                                                                                                                                no other charges for any
                                                                                                I-Draught                                                        you and your accountant to
                                                                                                                                other equipment such
                                                                                                                                                                 resolve them.
                                                                                                You will have beer flow and     as administration or
                                                                                                beer quality monitoring         royalty fees.                    Property Insurance
                                                                                                equipment in your pub
                                                                                                                                Business Partners are            Butcombe will insure the
                                                                                                called I-Draught. You will
                                                                                                                                responsible for all permits      building at our cost, this is
                                                                                                be trained on how to use
                                                                                                                                and licences associated          not recharged to you.
                                                                                                this equipment and the
                                                                                                                                with music including
During the first 3 months of   Proof of Identity               both positive and negative.
your tenancy the Financial
                               Your passport, driving          Insurance Information
Advisor will visit as often
                               licence with photograph
as is required to ensure
                               and/or National Insurance       You are responsible for
that you are fully confident
                               number will be required.        insuring fixtures and
and conversant with the
                                                               fittings, stock, cash
financial aspects and
                               Business Plan                   on premises (including
controls of your business.
                                                               machines), loss of business
                               We will require you to
We strongly recommend                                          and business interruption
                               complete a Business
that you have regular                                          together with your own
                               Plan for your business,
extended stock takes every                                     personal contents. Your
                               which should include
four to six weeks.                                             insurance should also
                               estimations of income and
                                                               include employee and
                               related costs. It is strongly
WHAT WE                        recommended that you
                                                               public liability cover.

REQUIRE BEFORE                 take professional advice,       The cost of insurance
                               both legal and business,        will vary depending on
AN AGREEMENT                   when preparing this.            the type of business. It is
                               The Royal Institution of        important that sufficient
Proof of Funding
                               Chartered Surveyors (RICS)      cover is taken for the full
Proof of finance is required   provides advice on matters      replacement value of the
at your initial interview to   that should be considered       inventory and not the
comply with current money      when preparing a Business       current value or the value
laundering regulations.        Plan and we would strongly      paid on the day of change.
You will also need to          recommend that Business         We can provide you with
confirm if the funds you       Partners and their advisors     details of insurers who
have available to fund         refer to the guidance.          specialise in the licensed
the tenancy are secured        You should consult your         trade sector. We will require
against an asset or subject    Financial and Business          a copy of your insurance
to a loan agreement.           Advisor on the effects of       policy and cover.
                               changes to the business,
DURING                         three year agreement we
                               will write and advise that
                                                              the company’s internal
                                                              procedure we voluntarily
YOUR                           your rent is due for review.
                               An appointment with your
                                                              agree that you can elect
                                                              for a referral through the
AGREEMENT                      OM will be arranged to         PIRRS Scheme. PIRRS offer
                               visit your pub within the      an accessible, independent,
                               following two months. As       low cost rent review
                               part of their normal duties    resolution service.
                               they will have visited three
                                                              Upon jointly agreeing to
The rent for your tenancy      months before any rent
                                                              resolve a rent negotiation
or lease agreement             assessment is undertaken.
                                                              via PIRRS both parties will
is negotiated on an            We will ask you for your
                                                              be required to renounce
individual basis taking into   last set of Profit and Loss
                                                              any right to arbitration
consideration the location,    accounts together with
                                                              or referral to original final
tie, current market trends     details of current overheads
                                                              offers by signing a deed of
and fair maintainable trade    and expenses in operating
based on the trade you         the business. You should
would expect a reasonably      advise us of any factors       Business Partners and
efficient Business Partner     that have affected your        landlords are then required
to achieve.                    business. You may want to      to contact the PIRRS
                               involve your Accountant        administration team
Rent Reviews at Renewal        with the discussion. We will   to request the PIRRS
Rents are agreed at the        provide you with a shadow      information pack and
beginning of each three        Profit & Loss Account/         application form.
year agreement or at           Rent Assessment similar
                                                              Business Partners will be
rent review if you have        to that at the start of your
                                                              asked to begin proceedings
a lease. We try to agree       agreement. We would
                                                              by completing their PIRRS
a fair rent and disregard      aim to complete our rent
                                                              application form and
personal goodwill, we          negotiations one month
                                                              selecting their preferred
follow the Royal Institution   before the rent review date.
                                                              independent valuer from
of Chartered Surveyors         Butcombe supports the          those nominated by
(RICS) guidelines when         Pub Independent Rent           the PIRRS Board.
negotiating rents. The RICS    Review Scheme (PIRRS)
guidelines are kept under
review and where changes                                      We may share rent
                               through our membership
arise will be applied to all                                  information, on request,
                               with the British Beer and
future reviews.                                               which may be used by a
                               Pub Association (BBPA). In
                                                              third party in determining a
Approximately six months       the event that any dispute
                                                              rent subject to appropriate
before the end of your         cannot be resolved through
PROPERTY                      if we agree, make the          PRODUCTS
                              application on your behalf.
Capital Improvement and       We reserve the right to        Guest Ales
Investment                    charge you the Local           Guest ales are supplied
Business Partners             Licensing Authority fee for    through us. Business
Improvements: Alterations     applying for the variation     Partners are able to join
and improvements to the       The fees are charged by        our Guest Ale Programme
premises must be agreed       the Local Authority and        subject to achieving
in writing with Butcombe      will vary depending on the     sufficient sales of
as a “Licence to Alter” and   public house.                  Butcombe own cask beer.
under no circumstances        Some Licensing Authorities     This is to ensure consistency
should be undertaken          may charge a Late Night        and quality of both
without full agreement and    Levy for those public houses   Butcombe beers and that
discussion with us.           who have a licence to trade    of other brewers.

Butcombe improvements:        between Midnight and
                                                             Breach of the Tie
Where Butcombe undertake      6.00am (variable). There is
to carry out improvements     a scale of charges and the     The full tie is a fundamental
to the building and           amount depends on the          part of our agreements and
such improvements will        Local Authority involved.      any Business Partner who
have the potential to         The charge is paid by          purchases outside of the tie
increase and improve          Butcombe and recharged         risks a charge being levied
the trade, we reserve the     to your trading account.       for all out of tie purchases.
right to renegotiate the                                     The charge will include an
rent to reflect the level     Maintenance Surveyor           administration fee together
of investment and the         We have a Maintenance          with a rate per barrel /
potential trade increase      Surveyor and use external      package for each purchase
that the improvements         consultants/surveyors to       made. Business Partners
will provide. We will agree   look after our properties.     also risk the forfeiture of
in writing with you any       In addition we have            their agreement. In the
changes in the rent before    a dedicated Property           unlikely event we are unable
the work commences.           Helpdesk to take details       to deliver over a prolonged
                              and deal with planned          period, and a short
Premises Licence              maintenance and                term solution cannot be
Variations                    emergency work.                provided, Business Partners
                                                             must obtain written
If you require to change or
                                                             consent from Butcombe to
vary the licence we may,
                                                             purchase elsewhere.
Ullage Policy                    industry recognised training    with whom you will have        Website                         Financial Assistance            your complaint within
                                 within their first year.        regular contact.                                                                               thirty-five days unless
We have an ullage policy                                                                        Websites are an important       We recognise that through
                                                                                                                                                                an extension has been
for the return of Butcombe/      Your OM will visit regularly    Sales and Promotions           tool to communicate with        no fault of their own
                                                                                                                                                                mutually agreed in writing.
Libration own beers. Credit      depending on the needs of                                      existing and potential          some Business Partners
is not given on returns          the business but normally       You will have access to a      customers. We have web          may experience financial        Pub Independent
that are out of date and         this will be once a quarter.    number of seasonal beer        domain addresses for all        difficulties. Our policy        Conciliation and
contain less than 1/3rd of       Their role is to assist and     promotions which your OM       our pubs. The address           is to offer support and         Arbitration Service
the original contents of the     help you grow the business      will discuss. They will also   is available for your use       assistance where possible.      (PICAS)
container. Return of other       and maximise the trading        agree support activity to      during the term of your         The support may be specific
brewers’ beer is subject to      potential and profit from       promote your sales.            tenancy subject to our          or may involve support in       In the event that you
their individual ullage return   the business.                                                  jurisdiction. At the start of   a number of areas. The          have not been able to
                                                                 All tenants have access to
policy details of which are                                                                     your tenancy we will provide    assistance will depend          reach resolution of a
                                 Normally the initial contact    an online pub marketing
available on request.                                                                           you with a website home         on the problem being            problem or dispute with
                                 with your OM will be when       toolkit to design and order
                                                                                                page containing basic           experienced and the best        us, after going through
                                 you apply for your tenancy      posters, banners, menus
Sediment Duty Allowance                                                                         information on your pub.        solution to deal with it. We    our dispute procedure,
                                 and discuss your business       etc. The handling house will
                                                                                                This will be agreed at your     will require copies of your     or we have failed to
Our sediment duty                plan. This plan will form       charge you a fee depending
                                                                                                induction meeting.              accounts, VAT and stock         respond in accordance
allowance is 2.5% of the         the basis for your future       on the size and quantity
                                                                                                                                taking reports to enable us     with the timeframe of
cask contents. This equates      discussions when you take       of material ordered. The       You can build on the
                                                                                                                                to assess assistance. We        our procedures, you may
to 1.8 pints per firkin.         up your tenancy: your OM        site also includes useful      website to include
                                                                                                                                will respond within 35 days     refer the problem to PICAS
Note other brewers will          will formally review your       tips on how to run and         additional pages and
                                                                                                                                unless a further timescale is   (
have a different sediment        business with you every         organise promotions.           information on your
                                                                                                                                mutually agreed.
allowance, but this should       12 months.                      Glassware is supplied by       business through the                                            Full details of the
be on the cask label.                                            each brand owner, subject      website provider.                                               application process and
                                 Your OM will be your link       to availability, and can be                                    COMPLAINTS                      the procedures to follow
                                 with Butcombe and will                                         We retain the services of
BUSINESS                         keep you advised and
                                                                 ordered with your weekly
                                                                                                the website provider on         Disputes Procedure
                                                                                                                                                                when referring a complaint
                                                                 delivery or through                                                                            to PICAS are available
& RETAIL                         informed of Butcombe            your OM.                       your behalf and an amount                                       from their website
                                                                                                                                We will acknowledge a
DEVELOPMENTS                     activity affecting your                                        per month is charged. We
                                                                                                                                complaint providing the
                                 business and the                                               have a Digital Marketing
                                                                                                                                complaint is made in
Operations                       trade generally.                                               Manager who is available to
                                                                                                                                writing and addressed to
                                                                                                offer advice and training on
We will ensure all new OM        During your induction we                                                                       the Operations Director. We
                                                                                                website and social media
are appropriately trained        will provide you with a                                                                        will endeavour to conclude
                                                                                                activity for your pub.
and if required organise         contact list of key personnel
ENDING                           premises and our licensee
                                 is a sub Business Partner

                                                                 At the end of your
YOUR                             the term of the agreement
                                 will not extend beyond the
                                                                 tenancy a schedule of

AGREEMENT                        expiry date of the lease.
                                                                 dilapidations for the private
                                                                 accommodation will be
WITH US                          Surrendering Your               provided within 4 weeks
                                                                 of your notice. You will be
                                                                 required to attend to any
                                 We do not have a cooling        items on the schedule
Expiry of the Agreement
                                 off period, however it is not   before you leave and to
Butcombe is entitled to          in our interest to insist a     put the private quarters
serve a notice at least six      Business Partner stays at       into good decorative order
months before the end            a pub any longer than is        of no less a standard
of the tenancy stating           absolutely necessary once a     than that detailed in the
whether we require to take       Business Partner has made       schedule at the start
possession of the property       up their mind to leave.         of your agreement. A
as a managed house, for                                          schedule of conditions is
                                 Our tenancy agreements
redevelopment or if we                                           not prepared for the trade
                                 provide for notice to be
are prepared to negotiate                                        areas but on termination
                                 served by the Business
with the Business Partners                                       we would expect the
                                 Partners not less than six
a further term. If we wish                                       trading areas to be in a
                                 months and not more
to renew at this stage, we                                       reasonable condition and
                                 than twelve months from
will enter into the same                                         in no worse a condition
                                 the anniversary of their
negotiations as described in                                     than at the start of the
                                 agreement. If you wish
the section titled rents.                                        tenancy. A dilapidation
                                 to leave earlier we will
                                                                 charge will be made for
An agreement outside of          advertise the pub and once
                                                                 any outstanding works not
the Landlord and Tenants         a suitable new Business
                                                                 completed on the day you
Act will normally allow six      Partners is appointed,
                                                                 vacate. A charge will also
months’ notice on either         we will agree a change
                                                                 be made to clear or remove
side throughout the term. If     date releasing you from
                                                                 any rubbish or abandoned
it is our intention to end the   your obligation. You will of
                                                                 items not removed on the
agreement at the expiry          course be required to settle
                                                                 day of change. In the event
date you will be notified at     any outstanding accounts
                                                                 that there is a dispute over
least six months in advance      with us and carry out any
                                                                 the schedule of conditions
of the termination date.         repairs you are responsible
                                                                 the tenant can refer to the
Where we hold leases for         for.
                                                                 Managing Director.
YOUR LEASE                      We would aim to agree
                                the rent within three
                                                                reports be consulted.          Assignment                      whether they are suitable.     the Business and Financial
                                                                                                                                                              Plans for the premises.
                                                                The rent assessment,           Leases are individual           Butcombe will instruct
AGREEMENT                       months after the due
                                date. If the rent is not
                                                                incorporating a shadow         and you should take             a solicitor (at a cost of      An Authorised Guarantee
                                                                Profit and Loss account,       professional advice on the      the lessee) to prepare         Agreement must be
                                agreed after three months
                                                                will provide detail for you    condition and fabric of the     the necessary legal            entered into in advance
Butcombe operate a              and an extension to the
                                                                to take professional advice    premises as well as financial   documentation to enable        of assignment, unless
limited number of tied          negotiation period has not
                                                                and carry out bench            and legal advice before         the assignment to proceed.     a release fee of £3,000
and partially tied leases.      been reached the lessee
                                                                marking comparisons.           entering into an agreement                                     excluding VAT or 5% of the
Generally, these are            can refer the rent review to                                                                   The lessee is required to
                                                                                               of assignment of the lease.                                    premium plus VAT is paid,
houses acquired from            PIRRS.                                                                                         disclose trading information
                                                                Renewal                                                                                       whichever is the greater.
other operators, with lease                                                                    We will respond within          and all information
                                If the lease contains a
agreements in place. These                                      Where the principle of         20 days to a request to         necessary to enable the
                                provision for the rent to                                                                                                     Surrender
leases are of varied origin                                     renewal is agreed between      assign the lease and carry      prospective assignee to
                                increase in line with the
and differing terms.                                            parties, rental negotiation,   out a dilapidations survey      make an informed decision      Surrender of your lease can
                                retail price index (RPI) the
                                                                timetable and procedures       (at your expense) within        on taking the pub.             only take place with the
When Butcombe purchases         increase or decrease will
                                                                will be as for the rent        four weeks of a request to                                     agreement of Butcombe.
public houses held on           apply on the anniversary of                                                                    It is the responsibility to
                                                                review.                        assign.                                                        In cases of surrender a
leasehold terms, the            the agreement.                                                                                 ensure the prospective         dilapidation charge will be
existing tenure and terms                                       Property Repairs and           We will meet with the           assignee has completed         made and an early release
                                The rent proposed will be
are maintained. If we are                                       Maintenance                    proposed assignee on            appropriate pre-entry          fee of not more than
                                prepared in good faith
unable to supply existing                                                                      receipt of an application       training, holds a Personal     twelve months’ rent will be
                                in accordance with the          Leases are held on a full
brands or products stocked,                                                                    from the proposed assignee      Licence and has taken          charged.
                                current RICS guidelines,        repairing and insuring
we will endeavour to supply                                                                    within a reasonable             appropriate professional
                                based on FMT and market         terms, with the lessee
similar or substitute brands.                                                                  timeframe and determine         advice in connection with
                                rent. As part of the process    responsible for repair,
                                your premises will have         maintenance, decoration
Rent Review
                                been visited during the         and insuring of the
We will write to you not less   preceding three months.         premises as a whole.
than nine months before
                                We recommend that on            Individual leases describe
the due date and provide
                                receipt of the rent proposal,   whether the repair liability
a rent proposal to include
                                appropriate professional        is put or keep the premises
a rent assessment no less
                                advice be sought and that       in repair.
than six months before the
due date.
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