The VOICE of the FAMILY in GAMING - August 2021 - Family Friendly Gaming
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The VOICE of the FAMILY in GAMING TM Families will get to go fast thanks to Sonic Colors Ultimate! August 2021 Issue #169
CONTENTS August 2021 169 Links: Home Page Section Page(s) Editor’s Desk 4 Female Side 5 Comics 7 Sound Off 8 - 10 Look Back 12 Quiz 13 Devotional 14 In The News 16 - 23 We Would Play That! 24 Reviews 25 - 37 Sports 38 - 41 Developing Games 42 - 67 Now Playing 68 - 83 Last Minute Tidbits 84 - 108 “Family Friendly Gaming” is trademarked. Contents of Family Friendly Gaming is the copyright of Paul Bury, and Yolanda Bury with the exception of trademarks and related indicia (example Digital Praise); which are property of their individual owners. Use of anything in Family Friendly Gaming that Paul and Yolanda Bury claims copyright to is a violation of federal copyright law. Contact the editor at the business address of: Family Friendly Gaming 7910 Autumn Creek Drive Cordova, TN 38018 Trademark Notice Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft all have trademarks on their respective machines, and games. The current seal of approval, and boy/girl pics were drawn by Elijah Hughes thanks to a wonderful donation from Tim Emmerich. Peter and Noah are inspiration to their parents. Family Friendly Gaming Page 2 Page 3 Family Friendly Gaming
Editor’s Desk FEMALE SIDE Wealth Disparity wanted to give you the opportunity to cover this story.” Really? An opportunity Loyalty is rewarded in too many companies too often. They are trampling on others to Every so often I use my Editor’s Desk column for to work for you for free with no financial I find it very sad that so many companies are not make themselves more money. Wouldn’t an important issue facing the video game indus- compensation ever? If thats how they loyal to their people. Paul and I have both seen it be ironic if they were let go because try. This time I want to discuss wealth disparity want to play it, then how about this. I this in our lives working at a variety of differ- they made too much money? That would in the video game industry. I am sure many of am giving them the opportunity to show ent places. The most recent example happened be poetic justice in my opinion. I don’t ya’ll will immediately jump to mega corporations they appreciate our hard work by pro- to my sister. She had worked at this same place know how many managers that has hap- like Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft having all this viding financial compensation. I am giv- for twenty-seven years. It is the only place she pened to though. money and poor indie developers struggling to get ing them the opportunity to provide us had ever worked after finishing Nursing School. by. There is certain some of that going on in the paid advertisements and paid sponsor- Do you know why they let her go? They let her I know a lot of people that tell manage- video game industry. How do we correct that? Do ships for our hard work that makes them go because she makes too much money. She ment at companies what they want to we take from successful companies and give mon- money. I find it funny all these “woke” has been there too long. Her work is good and hear so they can stay employed. They ey to failed companies? After all plenty of video politically correct liberal companies are she has saved the lives of countless patients that don’t believe all the politically correct game companies went bankrupt from bad deci- guilty of what they claim they are trying would have died if she had not intervened. She “woke” garbage they have to endure. sions over the years. Do we bring them all back to fix. They need to take the beam out of was loyal to that hospital for close to three de- They don’t want to rock the boat. Instead and fluff them up over and over again so they can their own eyes before trying to help take cades. What is her reward? She gone. It is repul- they want to keep that paycheck com- keep making the same mistakes? How will they a small speck out of the eyes of others. sive that companies act that way. They focus on ing so they can work on their dreams learn from those mistakes? What about companies Practice what you preach liberals. only the bottom line while telling their employ- in their off time. They will feign loyalty that take six to ten years to release a game? Is there ees they are the best in the world. Those kinds of because they know that is exactly what some standard on how often they must produce God bless, managers do not care about the people one bit. the company is doing with them, and for something? I could work on the same video game Paul Bury They have no honor and they have no integrity. them. for ten years and never produce something while being paid. I find it funny when these companies are run- God bless, ning campaigns telling everyone to be gung-ho Yolanda Bury If we are going to talk about publishing and pro- all supportive of their organization and make it ducing why don’t we talk about Family Friendly more than a job. What is the reward for being Gaming. The What’s New? Website Updates page their cheerleader? They will eventually cut you on the Family Friendly Gaming website shows all loose because you have earned a few perks along of the work we have done for this ministry/busi- the way. No wonder so many employees see it as ness for a great many years. Our hard work has just a job. It is not their dream. It is not what they helped a plethora of video game companies make really want to do with their lives. It pays the bills all kinds of money. None of those companies have and nothing more. I know this might be con- ever given us any kind of profit sharing for the troversial to some people. The problem is these work we have done that has made them money. companies do not care about their people and We are seen as slave labor. To add insult to injury will send them to the unemployment line faster we have heard plenty of people in PR and Mar- than you can cheerlead because they don’t care keting brag about six to seven digit bonuses they about people. received for good sales of games. They also did not share with us any of that wealth. We actually lose There are obviously options and solutions the money on every single website thing we publish. I companies could come up with. They could of- have a day job, and Yolanda has a part time job to fer another position within the company under pay for the bills. We do most of the Family Friend- a competent manager. They could suggest a pay ly Gaming work pro bono. The super majority of cut instead of the loss of a job. They could pay for the products that are sent to us for review have some additional training for a different position. zero value to them. We do all this work that helps They could offer a promotion into management. all of these companies and all of them can’t find a There are numerous options that companies few hundred dollars to help us out. Even the ones could come up with if they actually really and bragging about having billions in the bank. truly cared about people. As obnoxious as unions are they protect employees from toxic work envi- Less than one percent of the video game compa- ronments like the ones I have been referencing. nies advertise with us. We are extremely thankful You have to actually mess up to be removed from for the ones that do. As we discuss the topic of an union job. wealth disparity I find it interesting that smaller to medium size gaming media outlets help us out Companies cannot expect loyalty from employ- more than the big ones. We do a lot of hard works ees when they show them no loyalty. It is one that makes these companies money. They treat us thing when a company is losing money and they like slaves. Do you know the reward for making can’t keep people employed. It is a complete- them all kinds of money? They expect us to do ly different story when they brag about record even more work for them. Again without any pay. profits and only want to make cuts to get them- They even try to twist it and say things like: “we selves a promotion. That kind of ugly behavior Family Friendly Gaming Page 4 Page 5 Family Friendly Gaming
Mission SOCIAL MEDIA Lesson-based education & Fun Statement TIDBITS Family Friendly Gaming (FFG) was created in March of the year of our Lord 2005 as the first ever Christian video game magazine. The goal of Family Friendly Gaming is to report on video games from the family view point. Family Friendly Gaming takes a fair and balanced approach to all news, previews, reviews, interviews, Colossians: 9781935915010 | 1 Peter: 9780976054870 | 2 Peter: 9780976054887 | Phillipians: 9781935915010 | James: 9780976054863 features, and other articles found 1 Timothy: 9780976054825 | 2 Timothy: 9780976054894 | Interactive Parables: 9780976054801 | Interactive Parables Spanish: 9780976054818 within. The secular video game media reports mainly on the most morally bankrupt games and call those games Interactive Bible Series for Windows by GraceWorks Interactive good. The major secular media reports on the bad side of video games main- ly. Most other Christian media outlets claim video games turn the player into a zombie, or they completely worship video games. Family Friendly Gaming a talog features 150 reports the good, and bad side effects Th i s c 0+ to video games. It is the belief of the va ilable Homeschoo 00 0 a l tit owners that readers are smart enough DVD-ROMs contain PowerPoint Bible stories, 3 - 5 on each disk. The PowerPoints contain stunning lifelike o f 9 les . to come to their conclusions without still graphics. Not cartoons, but computer generated those in the media handing opinions photorealistic imagery. Their purpose is to provide a great backdrop while the teacher articulates the story, to them. Those of us at Family Friend- there is no audio, but a lesson outline is provided for the ly Gaming believe by giving you the teacher along with Bible references. Each story also has a printable PDF activity sheet and a coloring page. facts, you can decide for yourself. 14 DVD ROM titles There are plenty of really good video $10.99 each Easter 1 EAN 5060209840680 games on the market that teach won- Easter 2 Christmas EAN 5060209840697 EAN 5060209840673 The comics are a further resource. Children derful lessons. Both inside the Chris- Failure and Redemption Fifty Days EAN 5060209840741 EAN 5060209840703 love to read them and learn Bible stories. tian video game market, and from Jesus Saves EAN 5060209840666 6 COMIC titles John Baptist EAN 5060209840734 $1.50 (issues 1-4) $2.99 (issues 5,7) non-Christian video game developers. Miracles of Jesus 1 Miracles of Jesus 2 EAN 5060209840635 EAN 5060209840710 Issue 1 Jonah ISBN 9781904064947 For a complete listing, Family Friendly Gaming seeks out Obedience EAN 5060209840642 Issue 2 Samaritan ISBN 9781907731006 Parables of Jesus 1 EAN 5060209840758 Issue 3 Adam & Eve Issue 4 Christmas ISBN 9781907731013 ISBN 9781907731068 visit our reference only website these video games to bring them to Parables of Jesus 2 EAN 5060209840765 Power and Glory Women of God EAN 5060209840727 EAN 5060209840659 Issue 5 Easter Issue 7 Titanic ISBN 9781907731075 ISBN 9780957152304 your attention. Since it is unknown be- fore playing a game how family friend- ly it is; it is possible that this magazine Products can be ordered from your will preview a game, and then the local Homeschool Retailer. review will expose problems previous- ly unknown. Family Friendly Gaming promises to always ask the question: “how God feels about certain video games.” God’s opinion on the matter is Advertisement more important than any mere mortal. Which is why the rest of the industry does not influence FFG. Family Friendly Gaming Page 6 Page 7 Family Friendly Gaming
SOUND OFF The Sound Off section and when I get time I work on you Brad. reality right now is - it is not. is where you the reader/ recording them. Stay tuned. I am being real, honest, and emailer is heard. What you You know all about the How transparent here. I love doing have to say is put in this you Can Help Us Page - http:// this. I work hard at it. I keep section for all the readers Help Me!! www.familyfriendlygaming. learning, growing, and devel- to see. Of course certain com/How-you-can-help.html oping trying to find ways to I commend Family Friendly content is edited for appro- right? We purposely found as make it work. I call out the priateness issues. This is a Gaming on not charging read- ers and viewers for your con- many non financial ways for wealthy liberal companies on family friendly magazine, assistance as possible. Those the wealth disparity within the and certain content is just tent. I also commend Family Friendly Gaming for having so things help us too. Every single gaming industry while they not proper. We hope you enjoy this section as much many ways to be helped that unique IP address that accesses complain about it in society. as we do. Keep an eye out do not involve money. I final- our site gives us numbers that I find clever ways to market for your comments appear- ly commend Family Friendly interest advertisers. Every sin- things. I reinvest every single ing in these very pages. Gaming for not having money gle view on our videos helps dollar right back into Family You have our attention, so donation drives multiple times us get sponsors on our videos Friendly Gaming. I reach out SOUND OFF! every year. I help out Family and live streams. All of the to a plethora of places, organi- Friendly Gaming because I ap- chat during a live stream helps zations, and companies. I treat preciate what you do as well as us get closer to Partner on them better than they treat me itics videos I have ever seen. how you do it. I am so sick of Twitch. Those things help us over and over again. I expose Presidential Med- The wig and the robe are really That particular topic was a re- all these people constantly try- a lot. I would prefer a million important issues like gaming hits a month on the website media being treated like slave al from Joe Biden cool too. ally tough one for me to decide ing to peddle some book, CD, compared to a hundred dollar labor. I work hard to open the - Karl on. There are so many nuances or service. I am tired of always I loved your video about to the topic. Ultimately I hope I hearing about a new mon- advertisement or donation. I eyes of so many people. I have whether or not you would {Paul}: Karl, came to the right decision. God ey drive for donations. There would prefer a thousand views talked to management coaches accept the Presidential Medal is the one who judges us and I needs to be a better model. on a video and live stream as (usually they just want mon- from Joe Biden. Your videos Thank you so much for your want to always do right by God opposed to a ten dollar do- ey for their programs). I have are so thoughtful, deep, and words of high praise. I try. I go not man. That’s why I don’t -Brad nation. Those things bring us worked on building coalitions thought provoking. You ex- into each video recording with listen to the angry mob, haters, more money in the long run. of like minded organizations. I plore an idea. So many videos an idea what I want to touch and those that embrace rebel- {Paul}: Brad, have even reached out to non- out there give the liberal side on. At times I might have to lion. I listen to and follow God. Here comes the real whopper. like minded organizations to or the conservative side. Your think about it. We have gotten Thank you so much for your Family Friendly Gaming does give them an opportunity to videos give the real side. I can some comments wanting us to I am so pleased to hear you are kind words of encouragement. not bring in enough money prove they will no longer dis- feel that you are a real person cut out those few seconds here enjoying the FFG Politics se- I am so pleased that you ap- to be a full time job for any- criminate against Christians exploring some really difficult and there. To me doing those ries. I ams also glad you enjoy preciate what we do and what one. I have a day job that helps and conservatives. Not one of and challenging issues. You are cuts really makes the videos the wig and the robe. We like we don’t do. I have listened pay the bills and helps pay those ideas has worked in a honest, genuine, and real. That fake. Too many channels cur- to try things here at Family to radio hosts plugging their for Family Friendly Gaming. way that allows us to continue is what makes your videos so rently have all these cuts and it Friendly Gaming. I have an products or having a donation Yolanda has a part time job to to do Family Friendly Gaming very good. I really enjoy your shows. This is one the reasons interest in politics and felt like drive and trying to guilt trip help with our bills as well. I as a full time position. FFG Politics video series. I we do so many live streams. expressing myself as the song people into giving them money wish it were not so. My hope, could watch them all day long. Mistakes as well as triumphs used to say. We plan on many so they can continue to exist. I dream, and prayer is that Fam- I am not giving up though. I Please keep making more FFG are shown in real time. No more FFG Politics videos to be understand their desperation ily Friendly Gaming becomes continue to strive to be and Politics videos. Your channel need to cut out who I really coming in the future. I write and frustration. I have a whop- a full time job for myself, and do better every single day. I has the most interesting pol- am. down ideas as they come to me per of a reality to share with many others. The financial find new ideas and I try them. Family Friendly Gaming Page 8 Page 9 Family Friendly Gaming
SOUND OFF Continued Every so often someone new really comes into our orbit because cool. of one of those ideas. I see that as a win. It is not the end goal, - Kim but a step closer to the goal. Want to know a secret? The {Paul}: smaller companies are more Kim, generous than the billionaire ones. Thank you so much Free at Last for You are an extremely talented your writer. I just finished reading amaz- Future Glimpses Free At Last. ing What an amazing book filled words with excitement, intrigue, and of en- action. I never knew you had cour- that kind of talent in you. I age- enjoy reading Family Friend- ment. ly Gaming which is usually I loved pretty straight up and straight writing forward. Future Glimpses Free both of At Last is filled with all kinds those of imagination. I love the books. Christian science fiction uni- I have verse you created in that book. some Kudos! Cheer! Smiles! Hugs! notes Would you like to be heard in Family Keep up the amazing work. for some scenes I want in the Friendly Gaming? Want to Sound Off on next book. Thank you so much something in video games, the website, the magazine, etc? Log on to the Internet BTW I enjoyed Future Glimps- for your prayer of blessings. and go to our Comments page: es Moon Murderer as well. That means a lot to me and everyone else here at Family comments.html, or send an email to: That book was fantastic as well. I pray that God blesses your Friendly Gaming. I am so glad Mail us comments at: books so you will have the you enjoyed the imagination Family Friendly Gaming and creativity in those books. 7910 Autumn Creek Drive time to write more of them. Cordova, TN 38018 I also think Future Glimps- The whole thing came from a es could be made into some few different ideas and looking amazing movies and maybe at the way our world is head- even animation as well. I know ed. I loved getting to express a lot of people that would go myself in a meaningful way and watch a Future Glimpses that impacts so many people. movie. The books have been Movies would be great. I am great and a movie would be certainly open to that. Family Friendly Gaming Page Page Family Friendly Gaming 10 11
Look BACK QUIZ There has been a lot of history made here at Family Friendly Gaming. Let us take a look at some of the historic Family Friendly Gaming decided to do some fun little historic quizzes. Anyone who is front covers to a few of the issues in our long and storied history. not a business partner, advertiser, PR contact, or works for Family Friendly Gaming can answer these questions. Email answers to After three months the person with the most right answers will be logged in a future issue. Question: Can companies sponsor Family Friendly Gaming? Answer: Question: Do you enjoy watching R-rated movies? Why or why not? Answer: Question: Do you enjoy playing M-rated games? Why or why not? Answer: Question: Where can the Video Game Lies book be purchased? Answer: Question: Is there a page on how you can help Family Friendly Gaming? Answer: Question: Does Family Friendly Gaming have a Twitch channel? Answer: Question: Does Family Friendly Gaming have a Daily Motion channel? Answer: Question: Have you been to the advertise page on the Family Friendly Gaming website? Answer: Question: Where can you buy shirts that show off your FFG Universe pride? Answer: Question: When can you catch FFG Twitch streams? Answer: Question: What was the first video game system everyone at FFG played? Answer: Question: How long have you read/watched Family Friendly Gaming? Answer: Question: Are you one of the 8.88 million readers of FFG? Answer: Family Friendly Gaming Page Page Family Friendly Gaming 12 13
The Beatitudes There are angry psycho way they persecuted the haters constantly attacking prophets who were before Part 2 us and trying to destroy us you. Imaging being in the because we obey God and same class as the prophets Let us continue on with the point people to Him. Mat- of old. These two verses Beatitudes from Matthew thew 5:10 Blessed are those also remind us to rejoice Chapter 5. There is so much who are persecuted because and be glad when this hap- wonderful wisdom from of righteousness, pens. It can be difficult at Jesus Christ and his sermon for theirs is the kingdom times to do so. Ultimately I on the mount. Things that of heaven. It is wonderful to realize that the work we do we could learn about this know the kingdom of heav- at Family Friendly Gaming very day and age. We hu- en is ours for caring enough has gotten under the devil’s mans are aggressive, angry, about the souls of others skin. That is why he is ag- vicious, mean, and nasty in to point them to God. It itating those under him to our normal worldly ways. can be difficult at times attack us. We have made an Matthew 5:9 Blessed are to continue to obey God impact on souls and that the peacemakers, when the world is trying to means more for God and for they will be called brainwash all of us through less for the devil. We are children of God. Jesus entertainment, politicians, helping those in need. knew our normal world- schools, business and more ly nature and offered us a to join them in open rebel- God Bless, better path. Peacemakers lion. Our eyes are on the Paul Bury are considered children of true prize in eternal life. God. God wants us to be at What about you? peace with Him and with one another. We are the These next two verses have PRAYER ones messing it up, follow- given me comfort in times ing some strange blowing of great persecution from Jesus, in the wind new concept those blindly serving Sa- I know that I am a sinner from man. Obedience to tan and trying to make and need Your forgiveness. God is something those the world a worse place to Nothing I can do of my own new blowing in the wind live in. At the same time is power will give me true joy. I concepts from man never have humbled me greatly believe that You died for my seem to acknowledge. because I do not see myself belonging in their company sins. I want to turn from my Christians have faced and after their amazing feats enslavement to sins, and re- continue to face all kinds of faith. Matthew 5:11-12 pent of them. I now invite You of persecution because we “Blessed are you when peo- to come into my heart and faithfully obey God. I have ple insult you, persecute you life. I want to trust and follow experienced all kinds of and falsely say all kinds of You as my personal Lord and persecution for applying evil against you because of Savior. I welcome the trans- God’s standards and obe- me. 12 Rejoice and be glad, dience to what we do here because great is your reward forming power of the Holy at Family Friendly Gaming. in heaven, for in the same Spirit. Amen. Family Friendly Gaming Page Page Family Friendly Gaming 14 15
In The NEWS CONTENTS share our vision and values. When we founded Massive Miniteam we made it our goal to offer a stable and healthy work environment in the games industry. We are very happy that this step allows us to focus on the production of high-quality indie games and to grow into a well-known game studio while staying true to our core values”, says Tim Schroeder, CEO of the Massive Miniteam. Massive Miniteam is a motivated and highly creative development team working with HandyGames on sev- eral titles like their co-op multiplayer mayhem Spitlings, the console ports of Little Big Workshop from Mi- Story Page(s) Massive Miniteam – Welcome to the THQ Nordic family 16 - 17 Capcom Arcade Stadium Available Now 18 Konami Announces Partnership with Atalanta B.C. 18 SpongeBob Krusty Cook-Off Combats Malnutrition 19 Konami Signs Partnership With Kazuyoshi Miura 19 Rune Factory 4 Special and STORY OF SEASONS Friends of Mineral Town coming to PS4 and Xbox One 20 Limited Run Games & Wired Productions Get Physical 20 The FINAL FANTASY PIXEL REMASTER Series Announced 21 Firegirl announced 21 Starfield Announced 22 Planet Zoo Africa + 1.6 Update Releases 22 -23 Nakara Bladepoint to be Published by Netease Montreal 23 Massive Miniteam – Welcome to the THQ Nordic family “HandyGames promised to invest into the German game industry and Massive Miniteam is simply the per- fect fit! The clear vision of the management combined with an experienced team sets the foundation for our growth plans in the Cologne region. A warm welcome to the HandyGames and THQ Nordic family!”, com- rage Game Studios, and of Chicken Police from The Wild Gentlemen. The Pulheim based game studio is also ments Markus Kassulke – CEO of HandyGames – this historical step. keen on working with new technologies like Google Stadia or next-gen consoles and will focus on creating new game titles based on its own and external IPs. Founded in the co-working space Cologne Game Haus in April 2018 the team around Tim Schroeder, Mi- chael Koloch, and Robert Schneider moved in early 2020 into the WALZWERK in Pulheim, a small city near The company will be fully integrated into the HandyGames organization while the founders will focus on Cologne. In this stylish location, the company grew to around 20 team members from all across Europe. managing and growing Massive Miniteam to an attractive, diverse, and multicultural place to work on awe- some games in the attractive Cologne region and North Rhine-Westphalia. The purchase price will not be “We have been working with HandyGames as partners on several projects successfully and know that they disclosed. Family Friendly Gaming Page Page Family Friendly Gaming 16 17
In The News Continued In The News Continued Capcom Arcade Stadium Avail- Konami SpongeBob Krusty Cook-Off able Now Announces Combats Malnutrition Partnership Relive the glory days of the arcade with Capcom Arcade Stadium, releasing today on with Ata- To coincide with World Hunger Day and in partnership with The Eleanor Crook the PlayStation®4 computer entertainment lanta B.C. Foundation and LifePack™, the kitchens of system, Xbox One Consoles and Steam. The SpongeBob: Krusty Cook-Off have intro- title will also be playable on Xbox Series duced two new limited-time bundles that X|S via Backward Compatibility. Previously Konami Digital will serve up much needed real-world food released on Nintendo Switch™, this nostal- Entertainment, and help combat malnutrition in Eastern gia-packed collection contains some of Cap- Inc. has an- Africa. Konami Signs Partnership With com’s most beloved arcade games, from ’80s nounced that classics like BIONIC COMMANDO and the company Malnutrition is the number one killer of Kazuyoshi Miura STRIDER to iconic ‘90s titles like SUPER has signed a children, killing a child every 11 seconds – STREET FIGHTER II TURBO. Players can long-term, ex- and COVID has made the situation worse. choose to purchase one of three different 10 clusive partner- Every 25 cents raised through LifePack will Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. an- game packs for MSRP $14.99 each, or ac- ship agreement provide one life-saving Ready to Use Ther- nounced the signing of Kazuyoshi Miura quire the bundle pack, which contains all 32 with Atalanta Bergamasca Calcio (“Atalan- apeutic Food (RUTF) packet to a child in (Kazu) to a partnership agreement. With a games together for MSRP $39.99. ta”), the top-tier Italian football club who need. Three packets a day for six to eight career spanning five decades, the 54-year recently finished the season in third place. weeks can bring a child back from the brink old forward continues to build upon his Capcom Arcade Stadium allows players to of death. playing legacy, recently setting the record bring home the electrifying thrill of an ar- As “Official Video Game Partner”, KONAMI for world’s oldest professional goal scorer. cade with 32 action-packed classics, which has secured exclusive rights to the use of the In SpongeBob: Krusty Cook-Off, players Starting today, Kazu will be immortalized includes a free download of 1943 - The Bat- Atalanta license, including team name, crest cook delicious nautical meals as they in- through the eFootball PES series. tle of Midway -. Retro fans can then choose and kits, within real-time football simula- teract with Mr. Krabs, Patrick, Squidward, to purchase one of three different arcade tion games, starting with the 2021/22 foot- Sandy and many other familiar faces. Play- “I am excited to announce this partnership packs that highlight a different era of Cap- ball season. ers can visit famous SpongeBob landmarks with KONAMI and to be part of the eFoot- com arcade goodness. Players can also pur- like the Krusty Krab and Sandy’s Treedome, ball PES franchise,” said Muira. “I am hum- chase all three packs of 10 games in addi- Naoki Morita, President at Konami Digi- collect and customize outfits for their favor- bled to have Konami recognize the many tion to the Ghosts ‘n Goblins stand-alone tal Entertainment B.V. commented: “As we ite characters, design and upgrade their own decades I have given to football by giving add-on. This must-have collection includes prepare to unveil the future of the eFootball versions of Bikini Bottom’s seven restau- fans a way to relive and bask in those magi- (up to four-player) local multiplayer for the PES series, I am delighted to announce this rants. Players cook up grub across 400 story cal moments.” games that support it. exclusive partnership with Atalanta B.C., a levels on their journey to be the best fry truly formidable club with an exciting future cook under the sea, and now with the Life- Kazuyoshi Miura began his professional Additionally, each title within Capcom at the highest levels of European football. Pack bundles can help provide therapeutic career in 1986 with Brazilian powerhouse Arcade Stadium comes with a variety of Working side by side with our Partner Clubs food to actual children who need it most. Santos F.C., spending two stops in a Peixe options that can be adjusted such as Game is an important element of our strategy to uniform while honing his craft amongst the Speed, Difficulty Level, Display Settings, deliver industry-leading video games to Prior to its mobile launch, SpongeBob: Kru- country’s elite. His return to Japan in 1990 Display Filters and various frames including football fans all over the world.” sty Cook-Off saw immediate success and featured hundreds more professional club a variety of 3D-rendered arcade cabinets. fan excitement with more than 17 million appearances including 89 caps for the Na- Each game also comes with a Rewind fea- “We are extremely delighted to announce pre-registered players, the strongest pre-reg- tional team. In 1994, Kazu further gained ture, allowing players to jump back in time the partnership with KONAMI”, said Luca istration performance of any Nickelodeon international acclaim by becoming the first to save themselves (or a friend) from any Percassi, Atalanta B.C. CEO. “KONAMI is game ever. At launch, it was one of the top Japanese footballer to play for a first division unforeseen dangers. an international brand that needs no intro- 10 most downloaded games on iOS in 97 Italian club. Today, at 54, Kazu is the old- duction. It represents another important countries, and 79 countries on Google Play est active professional footballer playing in moment of growth for Atalanta”. -- reaching the top 100 grossing in 66 coun- Japan’s top-flight league. tries on iOS and eight countries on Google Based in Bergamo, Italy, Atalanta has com- Play. In its first week alone, SpongeBob: To celebrate the agreement and legendary peted in the top-tier Italian football league Krusty Cook-Off reached over 2.2 million career of “King Kazu”, along with other for 60 years and commands a passionate daily active users. Japanese players past and present, KONA- fanbase across Europe. The team has also MI will host multiple eFootball PES 2021 proudly reached the quarter finals and the Players can support LifePack in-game campaigns for console and mobile, last 16 in the most prestigious European now by downloading SpongeBob: including revisiting Kazu’s time with San- club tournament for the past two seasons. Krusty Cook-Off on iOS and tos as part of the Iconic Moment series. The Android. While the opportunity Kazuyoshi Miura Partnership Log-in Cam- KONAMI’s latest partnership announce- to purchase LifePack gems is only paign begins today where fans can earn his ment for the eFootball PES series follows available on these mobile plat- Legend, along with the #VamosJ Campaign previous Italian agreements including the forms, the game is also available on social media. Italian Football Federation, AS Roma, SS on the Nintendo Switch and for Lazio and SSC Napoli. PC on the Microsoft Store. Keep it here for more news on this game and the partnerships as they emerge. Family Friendly Gaming Page Page Family Friendly Gaming 18 19
In The News Continued In The News Continued Rune Factory 4 Special and STORY OF SEASONS Friends of Mineral Town The FINAL FANTASY PIXEL REMASTER Series Announced coming to PS4 and Xbox One SQUARE ENIX® announced that the six original FINAL FANTASY® titles that inspired a generation of RPG Fans are coming to life once more in the FINAL FANTASY pixel remaster series. Fans and newcomers are in- Marvelous Europe Limited are excited to announce that Rune Factory 4 Special, the remastered High Defi- vited to dive into six masterpieces that bridge the ages with unique tales of epic adventure. The company will nition game of the critically acclaimed RPG simulation title that was originally released onto the Nintendo release the beloved titles individually, from FINAL FANTASY I through FINAL FANTASY VI, for Steam® 3DS™ system, and STORY OF SEASONS: Friends of Mineral Town, a High Definition remake of the 2003 and mobile platforms. GameBoy Advance game Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town, will make their PlayStation 4 and Xbox One debuts within Europe and Australia later this year. FINAL FANTASY I, FINAL FANTASY II, FINAL FANTASY III, FINAL FANTASY IV, FINAL FANTASY V, and FINAL FANTASY VI are not yet rated. The release of both Rune Factory 4 Special and STORY OF SEASONS: Friends of Mineral Town marks the first time that both franchises have been released onto PlayStation 4 and Xbox One platforms, as well as acts About FINAL FANTASY as a debut for Marvelous Europe Limited as a publisher on the Xbox One platform. For over 30 years, the FINAL FANTA- SY series has delighted generations of The excitement does not end there either, as the release of Rune Factory 4 Special on the PlayStation 4 will gamers and millions of players world- also mark the first time in 10 years since a Rune Factory title was released onto a PlayStation platform. The wide through beloved Role Playing news of STORY OF SEASONS: Friends of Mineral Town announced for new platforms also accompanies the adventures that are built upon the celebration of STORY OF SEASONS 25th Anniversary, which started with the release of Bokujou Monogatari benchmarks of spectacular visuals, on the Super Nintendo Entertainment system in 1996. highly imaginative worlds rich stories, memorable characters and technical and Originally released onto the Nintendo Switch in February 2020, Rune Factory 4 Special saw the Nintendo gameplay innovation leading the indus- 3DS title remastered with updated visuals and an enhanced user interface combined with new additions such try and earning the highest accolades as a more challenging ‘hell’ difficulty mode, a new newlywed mode, and dual-audio language support with from around the world. Each mainline updated text localisation support for French and German languages. game in the series is a completely new experience, and an ideal entry point to This PlayStation 4 and Xbox One release of Rune Factory 4 Special will feature all of the gameplay elements the series. Titles of the series have sold found in the original Nintendo Switch release, including both English and Japanese audio languages, over 161 million units worldwide. Limited Run Games & Wired Productions Get Physical Firegirl announced Limited Run Games and video games publishing label Wired Productions today announced a new partner- Thunderful Publishing & Dejima Games are thrilled to announce that Firegirl, its action rescue platformer ship that delivers exclusive distribution in North America and expanded cooperation across more product with roguelite elements is coming this Fall to PC (Steam®), Nintendo Switch™, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, lines going forward. The new partnership will not only see The Falconeer: Warrior Edition launch on PlaySta- PlayStation®4 and PlayStation®5. tion 4, PlayStation 5 and Nintendo Switch August 5th 2021, but also the release of the new Black Label In Firegirl you take on the role of a young fire rescue officer breathing new life into her rundown local fire Both companies initially worked together in 2020 through the distribution of various titles, and realised a station. Armed with your trusty axe and high-pressure fire hose that doubles as a jetpack, you’ll respond to shared passion for games, music and community gave opportunity to work even closer as friends in a more emergency calls across a procedurally generated city. fluid and collaborative banner. Kicking this BFF relationship off is the creation of ‘The Black Label,’ by Wired Productions, a new strictly limited collector’s item featuring numbered and authenticated premium products When Firegirl arrives on the scene, she has 3 minutes to save all civilians caught in the blaze! Feats of bravery only available for a limited time that celebrates and fuses gameplay, art and music together. and other gameplay features can be leveraged to extend your rescue time, ensuring you complete your mis- sion. Uncover the truth of why these fires have engulfed the city, in a mystery that goes all the way to the top! Leo Zullo, Managing Director, Wired Productions commented, “Limited Run Games really are an awesome company. We share many principles, beliefs and work ethos.” He continued, “Having spent over a year deal- Douse roaring flames, chop through obstacles, ing with Brexit, bureaucracy and really, a lot of {EDITED OUT}; working with a partner like Limited is like extinguish dastardly pyro-monsters, and use finally breathing fresh air again. Not only are our fundamentals similar, but our gamers are too. Our players your hose to boost your jumps and reach high understand video games. They appreciate the work that goes into crafting these stories and want to celebrate places to find all sorts of extra goodies. Hang with us and embrace the curated range of collector’s both Limited and Wired have already released individ- out at the Firehouse between missions to up- ually. Coming together really is the best of both worlds and I’m so excited to have players receive their first grade your equipment, hire new staff, pay any Wired and Limited Run Games orders in the coming weeks and months ahead.” bills you’ve accrued, and hear from your ev- er-growing fanbase after your heroic exploits. Douglas Bogart, co-founder, Limited Run Games said, “Working with Wired Productions is like working Working at a top fire rescue station isn’t a cake with our internal teams, where we aim to deliver the passion that these games have given us for so long. walk, and you’ll need all the help you can get Without a doubt, Wired Productions publish some fantastic indie titles, and we’re delighted to be sharing to prepare for the next fires about to break them with our community and customers beginning with The Falconeer: Warrior Edition and The Black out! label moving forward.” Family Friendly Gaming Page Page Family Friendly Gaming 20 21
In The News Continued In The News Continued Firegirl fuses retro and modern sensibili- Starfield Announced ties, mixing pixel art with 3D visuals and next-gen rendering techniques like dynamic lighting to create a wholly unique look and Starfield will arrive on Xbox Series X|S and feel. PC on November 11, 2022 and will be avail- able day one with Xbox Game Pass. “Firefighting is such a thrilling setup to create our vision of an action rescue plat- Starfield is the first new universe in 25 years former,” said Dejima founder Julien Rib- from Bethesda Game Studios. In this next assin. “We wanted to capture the sense of generation role-playing game set amongst imminent danger that comes facing this the stars, create any character you want natural disaster and translate it into a whim- and explore with unparalleled freedom as sical arcade adventure. Although the players you embark on an epic journey to answer will come face to face roaring blazes and humanity’s greatest mystery. Fans can join fire-monsters, the goal is rescuing and help- Constellation now and be among the first ing survivors. Firegirl was designed with both newcomers and veterans to the genre to receive news and updates on Starfield, including developer interviews and behind- Nakara Bladepoint to be Pub- game reach a worldwide audience for its global launch this summer. They will be the of action platformers in mind, and we can’t the-scenes looks at the game. lished by Netease Montreal publisher of NARAKA for its global launch. wait for people to try it out for themselves With the collaboration of NetEase Games when it launches this Fall.” Montreal, 24 Entertainment aims to serve 24 Entertainment is proud to announce and support NARAKA players across the “We’re always on the lookout for new, excit- that their first game will be published by globe. ing games at Thunderful and Firegirl is right NetEase Games Montréal. NetEase Games up our alley,” said Thunderful’s Head of Pub- Montréal is a newly established studio in With 24 Entertainment located in the East- lishing, Dieter Schoeller. “It takes the seem- Quebec, Canada; where considered to be ern hemisphere and NetEase Games Mon- ingly simple concept of fighting fires and the hub of Canada’s video game industry. It tréal placed in the Western hemisphere makes it utterly captivating. It’s the perfect is composed of industry heavyweights who — each studio are in a perfect position to pick up and play title, offering a zippy arcade have worked on huge titles at top studios all support one another for the likely surge of twist on rescuing people from an environ- around the world. They have already pro- global players set to follow the release of mental disaster.” vided invaluable support during NARAKA: NARAKA: BLADEPOINT. BLADEPOINT’s development, helping the Planet Zoo Africa + 1.6 Update with over 180 new pieces of scenery inspired by the colourful architecture of North Af- Releases rica. Zookeepers can use everything from mudbrick, vivid mosaic tiles, brightly paint- ed benches, and a wide range of new foliage, Frontier Developments plc announced an including tall green palm trees, to create im- exciting new expansion for the ultimate zoo mersive experiences for their guests as they simulation, Planet Zoo. Inspired by Africa’s take in the continent’s rich culture. cultures and rich ecosystems, Planet Zoo: Africa Pack released on Steam on for a sug- Also included in the pack is a brand new gested retail price of $9.99. timed scenario, which unfolds in a seclud- ed oasis bazaar. Things could get heated, as Packed full of new content for zookeepers players work to solve problems and trans- to test their skills, Planet Zoo: Africa Pack form a struggling attraction into the perfect introduces a selection of extraordinary an- environment for both animals and guests. imals to game. The sociable Meerkat - a sought after fan favourite sure to delight Planet Zoo: Africa Pack launched alongside guests as they create their tunnel homes us- a free base-game update that brings a range ing an authentic new digging behaviour; the of extras and improvements. This includes endearing Fennec Fox, whose small stature behaviour updates, habitat webcams, vista and enormous ears help it to stay cool on points and a free Timed Scenario set in gor- the African plains; the amazing African Pen- geous Guatemala. guin, whose fun side comes out to play with the new Disco Ball enrichment item; and the Please note the Planet Zoo: Africa Pack re- striking Southern White Rhinoceros. quires the Planet Zoo base game in order to download and play. Planet Zoo is available Alongside the four new habitat animals now on Steam with an RRP of $44.99, Planet available in Planet Zoo: Africa Pack, is the Zoo Deluxe Edition RRP for £42.99 / $54.99 Sacred Scarab Beetle exhibit animal. Zoo / €54.99 or the Planet Zoo Deluxe Upgrade guests will watch in amazement as these Pack for $11.99. impressive insects roll their signature dung balls. In addition to this exciting range of crea- tures, players can unleash their creativity Family Friendly Gaming Page Page Family Friendly Gaming 22 23
We Would Play That! REVIEWS There are all kinds of cool on the home consoles in the would pay twenty dollars to Welcome to our reviews section. We have a couple of rules when it comes to our reviews. The reviewer must family friendly video game past. Maybe they scrapped see and play games like that. give an honest accounting as to why he/she liked or disliked something. No fanboy reviews allowed here, or at ideas out there. This col- a game and started over. It Would you? This would help the very least they are discouraged (after all everyone has their own personal biases, likes, and dislikes). Ev- umn features ideas of video would be so cool to see what the video game industry feel eryone also has different tolerances, and weaknesses - we strive to keep that in mind in our reviews. We have the scrapped game was. This more transparent, open, and been burned ourselves by reviews saying a certain game is great, only to be greatly offended by that game. Re- games we would play. We would not cost the video game honest if they would share viewers must be kind in their reviews. A game may be horrible, but there is no need to degrade the developer, hope games like these are companies a lot of money to with us previously unreleased publisher, artists, etc. There is also no need for name calling. created in the near future. do either. They might have to video games. Family Friendly We review video games on five separate criteria: graphics, sound, replay/extras, gameplay, and family Can you make it happen? finish a game off if it was never Gaming has provided some friendly factor. Review scale can be found here. The editor in chief coordinates reviews to have as much cohe- done. Or maybe give a dis- interesting ideas for cartridges sion as possible. We are very open about the way we review video games. Each section starts with a 75 score, claimer that this was an unfin- on the Evercade in the future. and can earn or lose points based on the content of the game, using our grading scale (found on the website). The Evercade hand held and ished product. Family Friendly There are plenty that could Parents, please do not take any of our reviews as gospel. Different people are offended by different things. soon to be released home con- Gaming don’t care if the game work really well. Especially We work hard here at Family Friendly Gaming to discern the good from the bad in the teachings of each dif- sole systems prove that ret- was never completed 100%. for companies that are doing ferent video game. What may seem harmless to our reviewer(s), could be a big deal to you. We encourage you ro compilations sell. Family Family Friendly Gaming just nothing with those old ROMS to spend time with your children and investigate each video game yourself. Each review is written with you Friendly Gaming would love wants to see what was being of their games. This is a way to in mind, and we try to mention each problem we find. We are not perfect, and miss things from time to time to see this concept explode done. Maybe there were some add to their profit margin with - just as the ESRB does. The ESRB rating is merely a start, and since they ignore many of the moral and spiri- in massive growth in the vid- cool ideas that never made it content that is not being used tual factors important to parents all across America, we do our small part to fill that huge void. We are a small eo game industry. Physical to the market. Maybe we see anymore. Square Enix recently ministry and your prayers are so very important to us. copies of retro and never be- the game and understand why announced some apps based Questions, suggestions, comments, or got a game you would like for us to review? Then please email us fore released video games is they scrapped the project and on the first Final Fantasy video at: awesome. There are so many started all over again. May- games. Those six games would video games that should have been released in the past. The be we like the thrown away video game more and better make a perfect Evercade car- tridge if you know what Fam- CONTENTS Bonk RPG is a great example. than the one that eventually ily Friendly Gaming means. Amazon Prime Score Page Taxi Chaos 75 33 There was going to be a Bonk made it to the market. Plus There are plenty of other video Who’s Your Caddy? 54 35 video game on the PS3 and the video game companies can game franchises that would PS5 Score Page Xbox 360 that never came out. financially profit from a vid- work really well on the Ever- Blu-ray Score Page It Takes Two 80 30 Fairy Tail Collection Five 60 34 Super Bomberman R Online 61 27 Video game companies could eo game release that curious cade systems. What are some show off some of their ideas gamers want to see. Family franchises you can think of? DVD Score Page Stadia Score Page that never made it to market Friendly Gaming knows we Send us an email. Fairy Tail Collection Five 60 34 Super Bomberman R Online 61 27 Who’s Your Caddy? 54 35 Xbox One Score Page Evercade Score Page Harvest Moon One World 70 32 Hebrews 6:9-12 Atari Lynx Collection 2 79 Namco Museum Collection 1 83 37 36 It Takes Two 80 Super Bomberman R Online Taxi Chaos 75 61 30 27 33 Manga Score Page 9 Even though we speak like this, dear friends, we are convinced of bet- Dr. Stone 7 71 29 Xbox Series X Score Page It Takes Two 80 30 ter things in your case—the things that have to do with salvation. 10 Nintendo Switch Score Harvest Moon One World 70 Page 32 Super Bomberman R Online 61 27 God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have New Pokemon Snap 90 26 Super Bomberman R Online 61 27 shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them. 11 Taxi Chaos 75 33 We want each of you to show this same diligence to the very end, so that PC Score Page what you hope for may be fully realized. 12 We do not want you to be- It Takes Two 80 Super Bomberman R Online 61 30 27 come lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised. PS4 Score Harvest Moon One World 70 Page 32 It Takes Two 80 30 Super Bomberman R Online 61 27 Family Friendly Gaming Page Page Family Friendly Gaming 24 25
New Pokemon Snap Super Bomberman R Online SCORE: 90 SCORE: 61 I am very the existing Pokemon will do Hopefully you caught the live are bet- thankful we different things. stream where I played Super ter than had enough Bomberman R Online for the others money to New Pokemon Snap is gener- very first time. That is now a in cer- purchase New ally very safe for families. I saw video on our website and of tain at- Pokemon no mention of the controver- course being dispersed to our tributes. Snap on the sial and highly divisive evolu- video sites. I was not impressed Players Nintendo tion belief in New Pokemon with Super Bomberman R can Switch. Did Snap. Certain Pokemon will Online. I read about some pur- you watch the butt heads like rams in New of the issues with the game chase live streams Pokemon Snap. That is as vi- from those who played Super better I did play- olent as this game gets which Bomberman R Online on the charac- ing New is a really good thing. New first day it was launched. Super ters to Pokemon Pokemon Snap teaches us to Bomberman R Online still has ensure Snap? I hope is so very cool. look around and explore. I some of those issues. future making in Super Bomberman you were able to catch them. love that lesson personally. I victories. Or at least to be R Online is horrible. As a Those were some hopping fun I was able to beat New also enjoyed seeing the dif- Super Bomberman R Online competitive. noob as I was routinely facing times. I am so thankful for all Pokemon Snap in under ten ferent Pokemon and seeing if starts out with four players in a others that were obviously way of the viewers chatting away hours. I did not level up ev- I could get them to give me a room. After so much time ex- The lag and glitches in Super better than me. They knew all while I was playing and show- ery single area though. I also different pose. pires it now opens up for play- Bomberman R Online are of the commands, and tricks ing off New Pokemon Snap did not do all of the quests. ers to move across rooms. Cer- what really hurt the game. I I had never seen or heard of on the Nintendo Switch. Our There were plenty of Pokemon There are diverse environ- tain rooms are instant death took so many hits thanks to before. audience continues to grow that I did not find either. Each ments to explore in New zones so you must not go into lag in the game. I also noticed and develop as we keep live Pokemon in New Pokemon Pokemon Snap. I loved the them. This is forcing players other characters just stand- One of the ways to judge a streaming some really cool Snap has four different pos- volcano and snow areas per- into less and less areas until ing there not doing anything free online battle royale vid- and fun video games. es. These are ranked by stars. sonally. Certain actions must there is only one player left which told me they were hav- eo game is how long does it There are one, two, three, be performed by the player to alive. Each player starts with ing lag issues. The constant take to earn coins to purchase New Pokemon Snap is all and four star pictures of the unlock different routes in New two hits and uses the character room changing can lead to things in the store. After hours about taking pictures of Pokemon. As we level up ar- Pokemon Snap. The more I they picked. Certain characters some strange scenarios. You of playing Super Bomberman Pokemon. We are in a vehi- eas new Pokemon appear and played New Pokemon Snap the might R Online I could not purchase cle that is on a set course. In more I figured out what to do be in a anything in the store. I did the video game world that is in each of these room unlock some small content by called being on rails. We look areas. Some are all by leveling up. For me this is what around and take pictures of easier to figure your- really kills Super Bomberman the Pokemon as they move out than others self. You R Online. I am not going to around in the levels. Different though. If you might buy victory in a game that is Pokemon will react to different like Pokemon be in a ultimately meaningless to me. things in different ways. We or photogra- room I hope Super Bomberman R can play music, throw them phy then New with six Online improves in the future. some fluff fruit and even hit Pokemon Snap other As of right now it is not much them with illumina orbs. What might be some- players. fun, and not worth our time do illumina orbs do? It makes thing for you. The unless we are provided a paid the Pokemon all shiny. Which - Paul match sponsorship. - Paul System: Nintendo Switch Graphics: 90% System: Nintendo Switch/PC/PS4/ Graphics: 70% Publisher: Nintendo Sounds: 95% PS5/Stadia/Xbone/Xbox Series X Sound: 66% Developer: Bandai Namco Publisher: Konami Replay/Extras: 85% Developer: Konami Replay/Extras: 60% Studios Gameplay: 90% Rating: ‘E10+’ - Everyone TEN and Gameplay: 50% Rating: ‘E’ - Everyone SIX and Family Friendly Factor: 90% OLDER ONLY {Cartoon Violence, Family Friendly Factor: 60% OLDER ONLY Mild Blood, Mild Language} Family Friendly Gaming Page Page Family Friendly Gaming 26 27
ADVERTISEMENT Dr. Stone 7 SCORE: 71 It may have taken me some attire, enticement to lust. time but I finally got through The third is two of the Dr. Stone 7 in Manga form. main characters conspire There are some exciting devel- to lie to the other village. opments in Dr. Stone 7, and The lying is something there are some disturbing ones. that can easily backfire A cell phone is finally created. and ruin any chances of The village is so excited. Then reconciliation in the fu- they realize they need to make ture. I understand they a second one. All of that hard are at war, but bold face work needs to be done again. lying will make them lose This is a rather large cell phone all credibility. as well. Not like the ones we currently have. SPOILER ALERT! Dr. Stone 7 connects us to There are a couple of things Senku’s father in a way that disturbed me in Dr. Stone I was not expecting. His 7. The first is the attacks on father created a record God. The second is the lack of for them that contained some important in- formation. It was re- ally neat to see how a record could be used to transmit voices across thousands of years. It was protect- ed quite well in a location have tried some kind of music that Senku figured out at some point. Maybe they are pretty quickly. He should too busy trying to survive. have thought of it sooner actually. Dr. Stone 7 is the last episode in this series that Peter cur- There is a bit of violence rently owns. I do not know if in Dr. Stone 7 but nothing we will try and purchase more too terrible. I continue to in the future here at Family enjoy the art and writing Friendly Gaming. I want to in Dr. Stone 7. Music is expand into some other series, something that is shock- and some different stuff in the ing and new to the stone future. I would like to continue world. Which is a bit Dr. Stone in the future though. strange in my opinion but I am very curious to see where what do I know. I would these writers take this story. think the village would - Paul System: Manga Graphics: 66% Publisher: Viz Media Writing: 70% Author: Riichiro Inagaki Replay/Extras: 75% Rating: ‘T’ for THIRTEEN and Story: 79% OLDER ONLY {Fantasy Vio- lence} Family Friendly Factor: 64% Family Friendly Gaming Page Page Family Friendly Gaming 28 29
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