PRAYER FOCUS 2020-2021

    Any correspondence and corrections
    regarding this publication can be
    directed to:                             MCI
                                             Methodist Church in Ireland
                                                                                                Welcome to Prayer Focus 2020-2021.           creative participation in God’s mission,
    “Prayer Focus”                           WMP                                                                                             in whatever circumstances we find
    Methodist Home Mission                   World Mission Partnership                          Prayer Focus is a prayer journal for the     ourselves.
    Edgehill House, 9 Lennoxvale,            MHM                                                Methodist Church in Ireland.
                                             Methodist Home Mission                                                                          Use this journal daily for personal
    Belfast, BT9 5BY
                                                                                                For almost two decades, Methodists           prayer.
                                                                                                across the island have been using
    Email:    World Development & Relief
                                                                                                Prayer Focus daily to pray for all aspects   Pray through it with other church
    Web:       MWI                                                of the Methodist Church in Ireland:          members.
                                             Methodist Women in Ireland                         local churches, local communities,
    © 2020 The Methodist Church in Ireland   PCI                                                the Methodist Church in other parts          Let it guide your intercessory prayers
                                             Presbyterian Church in Ireland                     of the world, our partners overseas,         when you gather for worship.
    All rights reserved. Please do not                                                          departments and committees of the
    photocopy (or produce in any way) any                                                       Church, our schools and chaplains,           Listen to what God has to say to us as
                                             Irish Methodist Youth and Children’s
    part of this publication without prior   Department                                         pioneer mission projects and more.           the Methodist Church in Ireland as you
                                                                                                Prayer Focus provides not only the           pray.
                                                                                                information needed for focused and                                    From all in the
                                             Team on Mission
    Editorial Team:                                                                             informed prayer but also contains                         Home Mission Department
                                             UMC                                                prayers that can be used in prayer
    Mark Forsyth
                                             United Methodist Church (usually referring         groups and public worship.
    Laura Kerr                               to Methodism in USA)
    George Orr                               When a capital C is used in Church, it is to
                                             denote a national denomination.                    As the Methodist Church in Ireland,
    Linda McGuffin
                                                                                                God is consistently asking us to pray.
                                             COLOUR LEGEND                                      This is all the more important in
    Prayers chosen by:                       n World Mission Partnership
                                                                                                2020/21, a year that will without doubt
    Rosemary Fletcher                        n Committees/Schools/Departments/
                                                                                                hold a deep significance for us as a
                                             n Districts/Circuits/Congregations/
                                                                                                Connexion. When this journal went to           PRAYER FOCUS DIGEST
    Design and Layout:                         Pioneer Mission                                  print, there was no way of knowing for
                                                                                                                                               Prayer Focus is also sent out in the form
    Ricky Stone                              n World Development & Relief                       sure what Church life would look like
                                                                                                                                               of a daily email newsletter. Sign up to
                                                                                                in three months, six months or even a
                                                                                                                                               receive the Prayer Focus Digest email
                                                PRAYER FOCUS    PRAYER FOCUS     PRAYER FOCUS
                                                                                                year down the line. We have tried in
                                                   DAY           DAY              DAY                                                          at and it will
                                                                North            North
                                                                                                our prayers to balance difficulty and
                                              Southern                                                                                         arrive in your Inbox every morning at
                                                               Western          Eastern         uncertainty with the unchanging nature
                                               District                                                                                        about 7.00am.
                                                               District         District        of God, and our continuing hopeful and

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PRESIDENT’S LETTER                                                                           LAY LEADER’S LETTER
                                                                                                 I read a story recently in a book on
                                                                                                 prayer, about drought in an area and
                                                                                                 how the churches responded to it.
                                                                                                 Some simply accepted that it was all
                                                                                                 predestined and asked the Lord to
    When I was elected President-                                                                show them clearly what they needed
    Designate in June of 2019 and thought                                                        to learn. Some started to form a
    about the challenges the Church                                                              committee to look at what practical
    might face during my Presidential year,                                                      measures could be taken. Some decided
    I forgot to include pandemic on the list.                                                    to hold a meeting and pray for rain,
    That won’t happen again in a hurry.                                                          although it was noticeable that only
                                                                                                 one woman brought her umbrella.
    One thing the coronavirus pandemic                                                           This made me smile but it makes a
    has done is to remind us of the                                                              point. I am very aware of my timid
    importance of prayer. Because we have                                                        expectations when I pray, I think I might
    not been able to meet together for                                                           have turned up at that meeting without
    worship, personal prayer has become         The Rev. Dr Tom McKnight.                        my umbrella.                                  Mrs Hazel Loney.
    vital in maintaining our spiritual lives.
                                                above which is the chief fruit of the            I’m writing this as we are all caught in      Do you believe this? Jesus addressed
    For many years now, Prayer Focus has        grace of God.                                    the COVID-19 crisis when our lives            that question to Mary and I sometimes
    been a way for us in the Methodist                                                           have been upended and everything is           ask it of myself when I consider the
    Church in Ireland to focus both our         “Here, likewise, God commands all to             uncertain. Because of that we need to         great truth claims of our faith; and my
    corporate and our personal prayer. As        pray who desire to receive any grace            look again at the certainties of our faith.   response is “Yes, oh yes Lord, I believe!”
    we enter this new Connexional year,          from him. Here is no restriction as to          God who spoke in the past through a
    amid the uncertainties caused by the         believers or unbelievers, but least of all to   long line of prophets, in these last days     In the light of this incredible truth
    lockdown and its easing, we need this        unbelievers; for such, doubtless, were          has spoken to us through his Son. He          we pray with the knowledge that our
    prayer – we need this focus – more           most of those to whom he said, ‘Ask,            is before all things and in him all things    prayers take us into the purposes of
    than ever.                                   and it shall be given you.’”                    hold together, Paul tells us. He made         God, into partnership with him in the
                                                                                                 it possible for our sins to be forgiven,      affairs of our Church, our nation and
    My theme for the year is “Grace             In other words, as surprising as it              he sent his Spirit as the deposit             our world.
    without Limits”. When John Wesley           seems, John Wesley is saying that                guaranteeing what is to come. He is
    listed the so-called “Means of Grace”,      prayer is for everyone, not just for             seated at the right hand of the majesty       To help us in this urgent business Prayer
    he lists prayer first. He quotes from       believing Christians. That is the                and one day every knee will bow, and          Focus is offered as a resource as we
    Matthew 7: 7 “Ask and it shall be given     vastness of God’s grace.                         every tongue confess that he is Lord.         pray for the work of all the departments
    to you,” and James 1: 5 “If any of you                                                       In one of the great “I Am” passages he        of our Church, for our circuits the
    lacks wisdom, you should ask God.” He       So do use this year’s Prayer Focus in your       assured us, “I am the resurrection and        length and breadth of our beloved
    then says:                                  church and in your personal prayer.              the life; he who believes in me will live     island and for our mission partners
                                                We – the Church, this island, the world –        even though he dies, and whoever lives        scattered across the world. I heartily
    “Here God plainly ordains prayer as the     need God’s grace and wisdom as much              and believes in me will never die.”           commend it to you.
     means of receiving whatsoever grace        as ever before.                                                                                                                    Hazel
     we want; particularly that wisdom from                                           Tom

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PRAYER FOCUS                                                                                    PRESIDENT, LAY LEADER AND                      The Connexional Team is made up
                                                                                                       PRESIDENT DESIGNATE                            of the President of the Conference

                                                                                                       President: Tom McKnight                        (Tom McKnight), the Lay Leader of the
                                                                                                                                                      Conference (Hazel Loney), the Secretary of
                                                                                                       Lay Leader: Hazel Loney                        Conference (Heather Morris), the President
                                                                                                                                                      Designate, the Director of Ministry (John
                                                                                                       PRAYER                                         Alderdice), the General Secretary of the
                                                                                                       We thank you Lord for Tom and Hazel. We        Irish Methodist Youth and Children’s
                                                                                                       thank you for calling them to the roles of     Department (Gillian Gilmore), the Chair
    THE OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF                                                                     President and Lay Leader and ask that you      of the Connexional Finance Committee
    CONFERENCE                                                                                         would protect them from all harm and guide     (Harold Baird), the Chair of the Church
    This team exists to support circuits in                                                            them in all that they do for you during this   Development Board (Tom Clarke), and the
    their life and mission.                                                                            year. Bless our Connexion through them.        District Superintendents (Philip Agnew,
                                                                                                       We also ask your blessing on Tom’s wife        Andrew Dougherty and Stephen Skuce).
    Secretary: Heather Morris                                                                          Elizabeth and Hazel’s husband Bobby as
    HR Manager and PA to the Secretary of                                                              they support them. In your name we pray.       PRAYER
    Conference: Gillian Skillen                                                                        Amen.                                          Father, as we seek to be a Church where
    Safeguarding Officer: Nicky Blair                                                                                                                 mission is our priority, we pray that
                                                                                                       GENERAL COMMITTEE                              you would use the connexional team to
    Chief Financial Officer: Gillian Laney                                                             The General Committee acts as                  encourage and support our whole Church.
    Accountant: Sharon Brown                                                                           “Conference between Conferences”. It           We long to see more people come to know
    Finance Officers: Maureen Crothers,                                                                acts as a management committee for our         you personally and pray that this team will
    Jacky Brown                                                                                        life together and encourages and guides        be used to this end. In Jesus’ name we pray.
                                                                                                       strategic thinking on the mission into         Amen.
    Estates Manager: Simon Kinghan                                                                     which God calls us.
    Facilities Manager and IT Support:                                                                 President: Tom McKnight
    Wayne Mulholland                                                                                                                                  The Sub-group of the Connexional
                                                                                                       Lay Leader: Hazel Loney                        Team is responsible for discerning,
    Edgehill House Receptionist: Ruth Weir                                                                                                            consulting, and then bringing proposals
                                                                                                       Secretary: Heather Morris
                                                 Heather Morris, Secretary of Conference.                                                             to the Conference as to the appropriate
    TRUSTEES OF THE METHODIST                                                                          General Purposes Fund Ministerial              matching between ministers and circuits.
    CHURCH                                                                                             Secretary: Jeremy Nicoll
                                                                                                                                                      That Stationing Sub-Group is made up of
    The Trustees have oversight of the                                                                 General Purposes Fund Lay Secretary:           the President of the Conference, the Lay
    investments and other financial functions                                                          Doug Edmondson                                 Leader of the Conference, the Secretary of
    of the Church.
                                                                                                                                                      Conference, the President-Designate of the
    Treasurers: Sam McGuffin, Rory O’Ferrall                                                           PRAYER
                                                                                                                                                      Conference, the District Superintendents
    Chair of Trustees Standing Committee:                                                              As many changes come this year in the          and the Director of Ministry.
    Tom Millar                                                                                         General Committee, we pray that you
                                                                                                       will be especially near to all who serve       PRAYER
    PRAYER                                                                                             in this way. We thank you for their skills     Lord, we ask your blessing on stationing:
                                                                                                       and abilities and ask that you grant them      for those who are tasked with making
    Lord, we thank you for the resources we                                                            wisdom and a will to make decisions, guided
    have in the Methodist Church in Ireland.                                                                                                          decisions – the committee, ministers and
                                                                                                       by the Holy Spirit, that serve the Connexion   circuits. Help all to listen for your voice and
    We ask that you guide those entrusted                                                              well. In your name we pray. Amen.
    with oversight of these resources and give                                                                                                        to be willing to do your will. We pray that
    them wisdom as they carry out their work.                                                          CONNEXIONAL TEAM                               you will bless the families who will move and
    We pray your blessing on Heather as she                                                                                                           the circuits experiencing a change this year.
    co-ordinates this work and may every                                                               The purpose of the Connexional Team            Help all to work together for your Kingdom.
    decision that is made bring you glory and                                                          is to serve the Methodist Church in            In your name. Amen.
    help to extend your Kingdom. Amen.                                                                 Ireland by enabling, co-ordinating and
                                                                                                       implementing the Church’s vision for
                                                                                                       mission and discipleship, that the Church
                                                 David Griffith, Secretary of Conference Ambassador.   might be a growing, vibrant, faith-filled
                                                                                                       community of disciples.
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    District Superintendent:
    Andrew Dougherty
    District Lay Leaders: Ruth Mathews,
    Gillie Hinds
    The Southern District comprises around
                                                                                      Mary and Yvonne preparing Christmas hampers in Dublin.
    50 societies and 16 circuits, with a
    membership of almost 5,500 people. The
    Lay Leaders and District Superintendent                                           DUBLIN SOUTH CITY, COMPRISING                       new life. We pray for An Solas, Tallaght;
    seek to be available and travel widely,                                           CENTENARY, RATHGAR, DUBLIN                          that it will continue to be a light through
    offering encouragement and support                                                KOREAN CHURCH AND TALLAGHT                          the God’s Store House Foodbank. We pray
    as appropriate. Most societies have                                                                                                   for Methodist Centenary, that through
                                                                                      Superintendent Minister:
    prayerfully considered their Discipleship                                                                                             vibrant worship, many will encounter
                                                                                      Andrew G. Kingston
    and Mission Strategies and seek to                                                                                                    the living Christ. We remember before
    implement them with passion and                                                   Minister: Yongnam Park                              God those most severely impacted by
    creativity. It’s our desire to witness the                                        Facilities Manager: Don Black                       exorbitant housing costs, including several
    district grow spiritually and numerically                                                                                             in our congregations who find themselves
                                                     Andrew Dougherty.
    and support God in his mission.                                                   PRAYER                                              homeless. Amen.
    PRAYER                                                                            We pray for this wonderfully diverse                THE METHODIST CHURCH, TOGO
                                                                                      circuit, giving thanks for the work among
    Spirit of the Living God fall afresh on us, so                                    the Korean population. It is likely that many       World Mission Partnership is helping each
    that we might be willing to experiment, risk                                      Koreans will not now study here next year.          of MCI’s districts to develop a link with
    misunderstanding and try new things. Break                                        Strengthen the core that remains and                a World Church. The Southern District is
    us, to discern your will, your activity and                                       equip those who sojourned here, even for            linked with the Methodist Church, Togo.
    your guidance. Melt us, so that we might not                                      a short time, for a lifetime of service. We
    live in the past, worry about the present or                                      pray for Rathgar where there are signs of           PRAYER
    be frightened concerning the future. Mould                                                                                            God, we pray for the Southern District
    us, so that we become relevant disciples                                                                                              Link with the Methodist Church, Togo. Use
    with an appreciation of the challenge                                                                                                 this relationship to further your Kingdom.
    and cost involved. Fill us, so that we have                                                                                           We pray for the leaders in the Togolese
    the confidence to know your power and                                                                                                 Church and ask that you grant them
    unconditional love to live as you desire us                                                                                           wisdom, knowledge and the assurance of
    to live and impact the communities in which                                                                                           your presence with them. We pray that
    we serve. Amen.                                                                                                                       you will pour out your blessing on the
                                                                                                                                          new strategic plan in the Church, and that
                                                                                                                                          you will continue to shape it. Thank you
                                                                                                                                          for the Church’s ministry amongst the
                                                                                                                                          most vulnerable in their society. We pray
                                                                                                                                          that people will know you through their
                                                     Ruth Mathews and Gillie Hinds.   Bevin Jennings, Southern District Ambassador.       compassion, love and care. Amen.

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PRAYER FOCUS                                Financial Controller: Karena O’Sullivan        PRAYER
          DAY                                       Care of the Older Person Chaplain:             Father, we thank you for 50 years of WDR

                                                    Mary Evuarherhe                                partner relationships. Help us to learn from
                                                                                                   one another, to give generously and serve
                                                    PRAYER                                         wholeheartedly. We praise you for your love
                                                    Father God, you welcome into your              and faithfulness in times of adversity and in
                                                    Kingdom anyone who turns to you in faith;      times of plenty. Inspire us to play our part
                                                    in Christ you entered humanity as a servant,   to help your Kingdom grow in the spheres
     DUBLIN CENTRAL MISSION,                        and now you offer the Holy Spirit to be a      of education, healthcare, water, housing,
     COMPRISING ABBEY STREET,                       support for us. As we reflect on the three     farming, skills training, business and
     BLANCHARDSTOWN AND LUCAN                       key words in DCM’s Mission Statement,          advocacy. May you fulfil every good purpose
                                                    Welcoming Serving and Supporting, we           and act prompted by faith for your honour
     Also including Ailt an Óir and                 pray that these words would encapsulate        and glory. Amen.
     Margaretholme Sheltered Housing                                                                                                               Rhys Earl, WDR Ambassador.
                                                    the ministry of DCM in Sheltered Housing
     Complexes and Mount Tabor Nursing              Complexes for older people, in Mount           WORLD MISSION                                   PRAYER
     Home.                                          Tabor Nursing Home, in seeking to address      PARTNERSHIP (WMP)
                                                                                                                                                   O Lord, our God, we thank you for your
     Welcoming, Serving, Supporting.                the myriad needs of those who use our          Vision: Sharing Christ                          amazing grace. It is grace which makes it
     Superintendent Minister:                       premises in Abbey Street, in offering help     around the world,                               possible for us and all the world to come
     Laurence Graham (Abbey Street)                 to homeless people, and in the worship         together.                                       into relationship with you. Help us as we
                                                    and witness of our congregations in Lucan,     General Secretary: Laurence Graham              build stronger relationships on each district
     Minister: Tawanda Sungai (Blanchardstown       Blanchardstown and Abbey Street. In Jesus’                                                     with Methodist Churches in Poland, Togo
     and Lucan)                                     name we pray. Amen.                            Lay Treasurer: Ian Patterson                    and Ghana. We ask you to guide the World
     Abbey Street Pastoral Assistant:                                                              Ministerial Treasurer: Peter Murray             Mission Partnership staff and committee
     Avril Carroll                                  CAVAN CHURCH PLANT                                                                             as they foster and develop these two-way
                                                                                                   World Mission Officer: Tim Dunwoody
                                                                                                                                                   relationships of sharing, listening and
     Abbey Street Centre Manager:                   PRAYER                                         Administration and Communications               learning. And help us all to be obedient to
     Graham Caswell                                 We pray for growth and outreach in the         Officer: Laura Kerr                             what you say. Amen.
     Care of the Older Person CEO:                  Cavan society and that plans to rent a space
     David Reynolds                                 in the town will allow the congregation to
     Director of Care, Mount Tabor NH:              engage more with the community. We thank
     Najamol Naterajan                              God for the enthusiasm of the people and
                                                    the two local preachers in training. Amen.
     Director of Sheltered Housing:
     Caroline Casserly-Farrar                       WORLD
                                                    DEVELOPMENT &
                                                    RELIEF (WDR)
                                                    Through WDR, the
                                                    Methodist Church
                                                    in Ireland continues
                                                    to show Christ’s love to those living in
                                                    poverty and suffering injustice around
                                                    the world. WDR does this by partnering
                                                    with local development organisations and
                                                    empowering people and communities to
                                                    deliver projects with a long-term focus.
                                                    Convener: David Nixon
                                                    Secretary: Beth Hand
                                                    World Development Officer:
                                                    Tim Dunwoody
                                                    Administration and Communications
     Archbishop Michael Jackson preaching in DCM.   Officer: Laura Kerr                            Tim Dunwoody and Laura Kerr, WMP and WDR.

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PRAYER FOCUS                                                                               URBAN JUNCTION, BLACKROCK                       TEAM ON MISSION
         DAY                                                                                       Superintendent Minister:                        TOM is a gap-year

                                                                                                   Andrew Dougherty                                programme of the
                                                                                                   Leader: Simon Kilpatrick                        Methodist Church in Ireland for
                                                                                                                                                   18-25-year-olds. The mission has been,
                                                                                                   Missional Community Leader:                     and always will be, to answer the call
                                                                                                   Belinda Briggs                                  of Jesus – to love God and others and
                                                                                                   Teaching Ministry: Michael Briggs               to make disciples, through work among
     CHRIST CHURCH, SANDYMOUNT                                                                                                                     young people and children across this
                                                                                                   Voluntary Youth Intern: Tara Redmond            island.
     METHODIST)                                                                                    PRAYER                                          PRAYER
     Superintendent Minister:                                                                      Father God, we thank you for your               Heavenly Father, we thank you that you
     Laurence Graham                                                                               provisions and blessings over the years         continue to move in the work of the TOM
     Minister: Katherine P. Meyer                                                                  with our journey towards our Community          team, and we praise you for the impact that
                                                                                                   Garden and Men’s Shed. God, we pray that        each team makes in the various places they
     To live gratefully, simply, justly and                                                        the shed and garden would be a safe space,
     generously, in the presence of God and                                                                                                        visit. Thank you, God, that you speak to,
                                                                                                   both physically and mentally, for the people    and guide, each team member in your ways
     our neighbours.                                                                               and, in particular, for the men of the local    and that the year is a significant one in their
                                                                                                   community. God, we ask that you would           walk with you. God, we pray for TOM32,
     PRAYER                                                                                        give leaders strength and courage to have       that they would be united as a team as they
     May we be witnesses to the things of                                                          conversations with those who don’t yet          serve you in a new way and that your name
     resurrection, as Jesus appointed us, though                                                   know you. Let us shine your light in all that   would be glorified in all that they do and
     they are so much larger than we are; may                                                      we do. We ask this all in Jesus’ name. Amen.    share. Amen.
     we remain attentive in our witness to the
     work of the Spirit, in and around us; and                                                     IRISH METHODIST
     may we work always to make human life                                                         YOUTH AND CHILDREN’S
     more human, as Christ was human, in these                                                     DEPARTMENT (IMYC)
     times. Amen.                                                                                  IMYC is responsible for youth and
                                                                                                   children’s work in the Methodist Church
     SOUTH-EAST LEINSTER, COMPRISING                                                               in Ireland.
     ARKLOW AND GOREY                                                                              Team Leader: Gillian Gilmore
     This district stretches from Dún Laoghaire                                                    Youth: Lisa Best, Gemma Barclay
     in Co. Dublin, south through Co. Wicklow                                                      Children: Nicky Blair
     and into Co. Wexford. This is an area
     of continuous and rapid housing                                                               Training and Development: Leanne Hill
     development, increasing our mission area      Urban Junction men’s shed and garden,           Communications: Amy Anderson
     each day.                                     Blackrock, Dublin.
     Superintendent Minister: David Nixon                                                          PRAYER
                                                   PRAYER                                          Heavenly Father, we pray that you bless and
     Ministers: Mark Forsyth, Katherine Kehoe
                                                   Father God, we pray for your disciples who      protect children and young people across        Danielle Chambers, IMYC Ambassador.
                                                   are living and ministering in South-East        this land, and that they would grow in
      Oh! The love that                            Leinster. Continue to inspire each one as       knowing you and recognising your love for
      drew salvation’s                             they open themselves to your leading in         them. We praise you for each person who          Grace tis a charming
      plan, Oh! the grace                          their daily mission to all the people whom      gives their time to walk with children and       sound, Harmonious
      that brought it down to man, Oh! the         they meet every day. Give them courage and      young people, to encourage and support           to the ear, Heaven
      mighty gulf that God did span, At Calvary.   boldness as they speak about their faith in     them and do what they can to ensure they         with the echo shall resound, And all the
      Mercy there was great and grace was          you. Continue to inspire the congregations      feel loved and valued. We pray for courage       earth shall hear. Saved by grace alone, This
      free, Pardon there was multiplied to me,     as they gather together in their collective     and confidence as a department as we seek        is all my plea; Jesus died for all mankind,
      There my burdened soul found liberty, At     activities and then as they scatter to serve    to support and resource children, young          And Jesus died for me. (Philip Doddridge,
      Calvary. (Wm. R. Newell, 1868-1956)          you in their individual mission fields. Amen.   people and their leaders. Amen.                  1702-51)

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PRAYER FOCUS                                                                                      PRAYER
          DAY                                                                                              Lord, may all with responsibility for

                                                                                                           property be diligent stewards of the
                                                                                                           resources you have placed into our care.
                                                                                                           We thank you for those who care for
                                                                                                           and manage our properties. We pray for
                                                                                                           the Estates Manager as he continues to
                                                                                                           develop this role. We pray for the Executive
     METHODIST WOMEN IN IRELAND                          unprecedented times with the coronavirus,         members as they work with the District
                                                         but we can rely on your Word to sustain us        Superintendents and the Connexion in
     “To know Christ and make Him known.”                                                                  fulfilling their responsibilities. Help us
     There are approximately 1,900 members               as we learn to live life to a different normal.
                                                         Father, we ask your blessing on Joan, our         to have in our hearts a desire to develop
     around the island who meet under this                                                                 mission, worship and service that can be
     banner.                                             President, and all the General Officers, as
                                                         we seek to serve you and to make Christ           facilitated within our buildings. Amen.
     President: Joan Strong                              known to all women in Ireland. Amen.                                                               Rebecca Snoek, MHM Ambassador.
                                                                                                           PRISON AND HEALTHCARE
     Secretary: Liz MacBean                                                                                CHAPLAINCY COMMITTEE
                                                         PROPERTY BOARD
     Treasurer: Barbara Fennell                                                                                                                             METHODIST HOME
                                                         The Property Board offers advice and              To support and promote Christian
     World Mission Secretary: Pat Jamison                guidance in the planning of property-             chaplaincy ministries of healing, care and
                                                                                                           restoration among vulnerable people.             The Home Mission
     World Federation President: Alison Judd             related issues. It has a responsibility to
                                                                                                                                                            Department exists to help
                                                         protect the interests of circuits and the         Chairperson: John Warren
     World Federation European Area                                                                                                                         districts, circuits and local societies to
                                                         Connexion through scrutinising and                Secretary: Derek Johnston
     President: Louise Wilson                                                                                                                               glorify God in every aspect of their lives.
                                                         assessing plans and proposals.
                                                                                                           Healthcare Sunday is normally a Sunday           General Secretary and Ministerial
     PRAYER                                              Chair: Keith Irvine                               near to St Luke’s Day, 18 October 2020.          Treasurer: Mark Forsyth
     Our gracious and heavenly Father, we are            Secretary: Ken Connor                             Prisons’ Week NI is 11-17 October 2020.
                                                                                                                                                            Lay Treasurer: Simon Kilpatrick
     grateful for your guidance and direction in         Lay Treasurer: Paul Cummings                      See
     our lives and particularly with Methodist                                                                                                              Project Worker: Kathryn Harte
                                                         Ministerial Treasurer: Andrew Kingston            THE PRISONS’ WEEK PRAYER
     Women in Ireland. We are living through                                                                                                                Office Administrator: Linda McGuffin
                                                                                                           Lord, you offer freedom to all people. We
                                                                                                                                                            Communications: Amy Anderson
                                                                                                           pray for those in prison. Break the bonds
                                                                                                           of fear and isolation that exist. Support        PRAYER
                                                                                                           with your love prisoners and their families
                                                                                                           and friends, prison staff and all who care.      Heavenly Father, we thank you for those
                                                                                                           Heal those who have been wounded by the          who work in the Home Mission Department
                                                                                                           actions of others, especially the victims of     as they promote and encourage prayer,
                                                                                                           crime. Help us to forgive one another, to act    discipleship and mission in the life of the
                                                                                                           justly, love mercy and walk humbly together      whole Church. Give them wisdom and
                                                                                                           with Christ in his strength and in his Spirit,   discernment as they support existing
                                                                                                           now and every day. Amen.                         circuits and assess new initiatives. We thank
                                                                                                                                                            you for the growth of Pioneer Mission in
                                                                                                           PRAYER FOR HEALTHCARE                            recent years and we pray that you would
                                                                                                                                                            continue to call your people to step out in
                                                                                                           Loving God, we give thanks for all who work
                                                                                                                                                            faith in new and exciting ways. Bless and
                                                                                                           within our health and social care services,
                                                                                                                                                            protect all those involved in reaching out
                                                                                                           for their commitment, care and sacrifice,
                                                                                                                                                            into their communities. Amen.
                                                                                                           especially in times of great challenge. May
                                                                                                           your grace without limits surround them,
                                                                                                                                                             Gracious Spirit, Holy
                                                                                                           sustain them and continue to use them as
                                                                                                                                                             Ghost, Taught by
                                                                                                           a blessing to many others. May that same
                                                                                                                                                             thee, we covet most,
                                                                                                           grace inspire us in our lives, for your glory.
                                                                                                                                                             Of thy gifts at Pentecost, Holy, heavenly
     Joan Strong, MWI President, with Wanda Hogan, Southern District MWI Vice-President.                                                                     love. (Christopher Wordsworth, 1807-85)

14                                                                                                                                                                                                          15
PRAYER FOCUS                                  KILKENNY AND CARLOW
          DAY                                          Two churches seeking to serve and share

                                                       God with the wider community.
                                                       Superintendent Minister:
                                                       Andrew Robinson
                                                       Minister: Susan Gallagher

     SUTTON, CLONTARF AND SKERRIES                     Loving Father, we thank you for the
                                                       ongoing ministry and mission in Kilkenny
     A diverse church family seeking to glorify        and Carlow. We thank you for the faithful
     God, grow in faith and share his love with        witness to your limitless grace throughout
     those in our communities.                         Kilkenny and Carlow. At this time of
     Superintendent Minister: Ivor Owens               transition from one minister to another,
                                                       we pray that God will continue to lead and
     Probationer Minister (Part-time):                 guide these communities. We thank you
     Michael Jones                                     for the Food Pantry in Carlow and for the
     Church Development and Youth Pastor:              connection with Carlow Women’s Aid. Help     Some of the staff team at EJ-YMCA.
     Dave Gardner                                      the members of the circuit as they seek to
     Youth Volunteer: Carissa Smith                    live out grace without limits. Amen.
                                                                                                    Trinity College Dublin (Part-time):           PRAYER
     PRAYER                                            UNIVERSITY AND COLLEGE                       Julian Hamilton                               We acknowledge before you, heavenly
     We rejoice that, in all the uncertainties of                                                   University College Dublin: Scott Evans        Father, that Jesus is the healer and our
     life, we find in you one who is unchanging, a     Queen’s University Belfast: Barry Forde      (C of I) pastors Methodist students           healing ministry is his work. We ask for
     rock on which we can base our lives, a shield     University of Ulster (Belfast and            University College Galway:                    Jesus’ hand on the Healing Committee
     to protect us along the way, a light to guide     Jordanstown): Gail Mercer                    Helen Freeburn                                members and the task before them; and for
     our footsteps, and a love that fills our hearts                                                                                              all who are called into healing ministry in
                                                       University College Cork: Andrew Robinson                                                   our Connexion. May our Connexion have
     with joy. Amen.                                                                                PRAYER
                                                                                                                                                  a ministry of healing at its heart. We ask
                                                                                                    Heavenly Father, we pray for Universities     for the healing of all who are broken and
                                                                                                    and Colleges at this time. Grant those who    sick, that Jesus may bind wounds and make
                                                                                                    oversee these institutions wisdom and         whole bodies, minds and spirits. Amen.
                                                                                                    discernment in providing safe campuses
                                                                                                    that seeks to put staff and students first.   WDR PARTNER: EAST JERUSALEM
                                                                                                    May students grow in knowledge and            YMCA (EJ-YMCA)
                                                                                                    understanding and may their experience
                                                                                                    of University life be undimmed by any         EJ-YMCA works with young people with
                                                                                                    restrictions imposed on social mobility. We   disabilities, offering vocational training,
                                                                                                    pray for chaplaincies, Christian Unions,      counselling and psychosocial support.
                                                                                                    and all local churches as they seek to        PRAYER
                                                                                                    equip students in their faith and reach
                                                                                                    new students with the good news of Jesus      Our Father, we pray for our partner East
                                                                                                    Christ. In his name we pray. Amen.            Jerusalem YMCA as they are delivering
                                                                                                                                                  your message of hope, comfort, love, justice,
                                                                                                    MINISTRY OF HEALING COMMITTEE                 and peace to young people who desperately
                                                                                                    The Committee exists to promote and           need to hear it. God Almighty, help the East
                                                                                                    facilitate the ministry of healing across     Jerusalem YMCA to continue its work in the
                                                                                                    the Connexion.                                Holy Land. Help its staff and volunteers to
                                                                                                                                                  have patience and give them the power to
                                                                                                    Chair: Colin Duncan                           continue proclaiming their message so that
                                                                                                    Secretary: Chris Mathison                     more young people will experience life to
     Trinity College Dublin.                                                                                                                      the full. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

16                                                                                                                                                                                                17


     AND GATEWAY CENTRE                             Living God, we praise you for the
     To serve the present age.                      community and heritage of Methodists in
     Superintendent Minister: Sahr Yambasu          North Tipperary, and good relationships
                                                    with all. Strengthen your people with
     PRAYER                                         renewed vision for the life of your Kingdom
                                                    in this area – for our environment and
     God of all hope, we call on you today.         people from all backgrounds. Give us
     Father, we pray that your will is done, and    boldness and wisdom as we step out in your
     your name honoured in all that we do, say      ways and in the new things that you have       MDRS work with farmers in Ghana.
     and think. We pray for our minister and all    for us. Bless new initiatives and open doors
     the committee members to perform their         of hope to welcome the joy of your Kingdom
     work with honesty, wisdom and integrity        here. Amen.                                    WDR PARTNER: METHODIST                           PRAYER
     to accomplish your plans and purpose. We                                                      DEVELOPMENT & RELIEF SERVICES                    Gracious God, help us to follow you, day
     lift up all the members of the District Team   PORTLAOISE, COMPRISING                         (MDRS)                                           by day, step by step. Pour your grace into
     who support us. We pray for our church         PORTLAOISE, ATHY AND                           Through World Development & Relief,              our hearts so that the fruits of the Spirit
     and the communities they serve; pour out       MOUNTMELLICK                                   Irish Methodists partner with MDRS as            may become increasingly evident in our
     your blessings upon them. We pray for total                                                   they work with local people to develop
     commitment to accomplish our vision and        To build a vibrant, grace-filled family                                                         lives. Help us to be kind to others, to love
                                                    which reaches out into the community.          agriculture and livelihoods. MDRS has            our neighbour, and even to bless those who
     mission as a church. We pray God’s blessing                                                   been a WDR partner since 2012.                   would make our lives more difficult. And
     for all our children’s and families’ workers   Superintendent Minister:                                                                        may our witness be ever true and faithful to
     and the work they are doing. Guard us from     Clodagh Yambasu                                PRAYER                                           your gospel of love. To your glory. Amen.
     all danger and harm and deliver us from
     anger that leads to division. Empower us to    PRAYER                                         Father God, thank you for the development
     forgive as we have been forgiven. We pray                                                     work of the Methodist Church,
                                                    Heavenly Father, thank you for your            Ghana through MDRS. In challenging
     for the growth of God’s Kingdom of peace,      faithful people in Portlaoise, Athy and
     justice and righteousness in Waterford and                                                    circumstances and where poverty is
                                                    Mountmellick. Draw each and every one          widespread, we praise you for innovation,
     its environs. We ask these prayers through     closer to you and inspire their worship.
     Jesus Christ your Son and our Lord. Amen.                                                     for people with skills and expertise to share,
                                                    Shine through their serving and everyday       and for lives and communities transformed.
                                                    living so that people in their families
     NORTH TIPPERARY, COMPRISING                    and communities notice that they are
                                                                                                   God, continue to guide their work so that
     ROSCREA, CLOUGHJORDAN,                         different because they spend time with
                                                                                                   more people, families and communities can
     BORRISOKANE AND SHINRONE                       you. Make them eager to explain to others
                                                                                                   see their situation changed. Amen.
     Helping others in the community connect        the difference you make to their lives         MISSION PARTNERS (WMP)
     with Christ as we support one another          and please draw new people into their
     with love and grace. Through this, our         churches. Thank you, Lord. Amen.               The Rev. Dr Barry and Mrs Gillian Sloan.
     discipleship is strengthened, and Christ’s                                                    Barry serves as Director of Evangelism
     Kingdom grows.                                                                                at national level in the United Methodist
                                                     Let us then approach                          Church of Germany, and as Europe
     Superintendent Minister: Steven Foster          the throne of grace                           Partnership Co-ordinator of the
     Retired Minister Assisting: Tom Kingston        with confidence,                              Methodist Church in Britain. Gillian (Full-
                                                     so that we may receive mercy and find         time) and Barry (Part-time) are involved in
                                                     grace to help us in our time of need.         “INSPIRE”, an interdenominational fresh
                                                     (Hebrews 4: 16)                               expression of church in Chemnitz.                Gillian and Barry Sloan.

18                                                                                                                                                                                                 19


     BIRR, ATHLONE AND TULLAMORE                      may our faith grow deeper and wider. May
     Three small Midlands churches, building          people use their gifts and be generous in
     bridges into their communities.                  their financial giving. Help us, O Lord, to
                                                      draw closer to you. Amen.
     Superintendent Minister:
     Clodagh Yambasu                                  CORK SOUTH AND KERRY,
     Probationer Minister (Part-time): Nigel Gill     COMPRISING CORK, YOUGHAL,
                                                      KINSALE, KILLARNEY, KENMARE AND
     Retired Minister Assisting: Irene Morrow         MILLSTREET
     PRAYER                                           A large circuit, geographically, with
                                                      six churches, and fellowship groups in
     Thank you, Lord, for the promise that you        Castleisland, Gneeveguilla and Cahir.
     will build your Church as Birr, Athlone
     and Tullamore continue to look to you for        Superintendent Minister: Karen Spence
     growth, both spiritually and physically.         Minister: Andrew Robinson                      Mhlangeni gardeners in Zimbabwe.
     Thank you, gracious Father, for the blessing
     they have seen over the past year, filling       Retired Minister Assisting:
     them with hope of even greater things            Geraldine Gracie                               WDR PARTNER: DABANE WATER                    Joint Chairs: Tom McKnight, Hazel Loney
     as they continue to serve you in their           Manager Ardfallen Grove Sheltered              WORKSHOPS                                    Convener: David Turtle
     respective communities. May everyone             Housing: Cathy Murray                          In uncertain circumstances, Dabane
     deepen their experience of you as their                                                         continues to help rural communities in       PRAYER
                                                      Lay Assistant (Youghal): Ross Barrett
     heavenly Father, know you as Lord and                                                           Zimbabwe to access clean water and           Heavenly Father, you call your people to
     Saviour, be empowered by the Holy Spirit         PRAYER                                         develop livelihoods.                         journey with you in every part of our daily
     and impact the lives of all they meet, to your                                                                                               lives. Help us, within the work of the Faith
     glory. Amen.                                     Gracious God, in uncertain times we thank      PRAYER                                       and Order Committee, to be attentive to
                                                      you that we can be certain of your grace,
                                                                                                     Thank you, God, that Dabane is striving      your guidance. Grant us wisdom and insight
     GALWAY AND BALLINASLOE (UNITED                   love and mercy. Equipping God, continue to
                                                                                                     to be a leading organisation dedicated       into the matters under discussion. Help
     METHODIST AND PRESBYTERIAN)                      equip these churches and fellowships to be
                                                      agents of your transforming grace as they      to establishing water sources and food       us to be led by your Spirit, in our decision-
     The Lord God is at work in Galway! We            reach out to different communities with        security for communities in arid and         making, so that each member of the Church
     give thanks to our Lord for his continued        compassion. Amen.                              semi-arid areas. We ask for your provision   will be encouraged and grow in knowledge,
     presence with us.                                                                               for them as they seek to secure funding.     truth and grace. Amen.
     Superintendent Minister: Steven Foster                                                          God, continue to bless their programme
                                                       He giveth more                                participants, hard-working staff, Board
     Minister: Helen Freeburn (Presbyterian)           grace as the burdens                          members and Executive Committee who
                                                       grow greater, He                              are dedicated to duty and service. May
     PRAYER                                            sendeth more strength as our labours          the Lord Almighty continue to grant them
     Gracious God, as you came walking on the          increase, To added affliction he addeth       strength, despite the prevailing economic     But he said to
     water, you said, “Take courage! It is I. Don’t    more mercy, To multiplied trials his          meltdown in the country. Amen.                me “My grace
     be afraid.” and you invited Peter to come         multiplied peace. His love has no limits,                                                   is sufficient for
     to you. Help us to follow you in these            his grace has no measure, His power no        FAITH AND ORDER COMMITTEE                     you, for my power is made perfect in
     uncertain times. Give us grace to navigate        boundary known unto men, For out of           The Faith and Order Committee considers       weakness.” Therefore, I will boast all
     through these times; give us wisdom,              his infinite riches in Jesus, He giveth and   the Church’s view on various issues           the more gladly about my weaknesses,
     patience, love and light. As we meet in           giveth and giveth again. (Annie Johnson       related to our theological understanding,     so that Christ’s power may rest on me.
     the building, online, in all different ways,      Flint, 1866-1932)                             worship and Church order.                     (2 Corinthians 12: 9)

20                                                                                                                                                                                                21


     DUBLIN SOUTH (DUNDRUM)                              ADARE AND BALLINGRANE
     We exist to glorify the Father, Son and             A small country circuit in West Limerick.
     Holy Spirit by being loving, vibrant                Superintendent Minister (Part-time):
     witnesses in our local communities and              Ruth Watt
     personal living.
     Superintendent Minister: Stephen Taylor             PRAYER
     Chaplain, Wesley College: Nigel Mackey              We pray for the people who worship in the
                                                         Adare and Ballingrane churches. We pray
     Chaplain, Trinity College (Part-time):              that as they seek to live and worship under
     Julian Hamilton                                     the influence of COVID-19 they would not
     Youth Pastor (Part-time): Andrew Mullen             be afraid to witness God’s love into their
     Lay Pastoral Assistant (Part-time):                 community. We pray that they would not be
     Arun Kumar                                          afraid to worship together and would not be
                                                         afraid to invite others to worship with them.
     PRAYER                                              May the love of God overcome fear and
                                                         build a stronger church in their community.     A COVID-19 room at Wenchi Hospital.
     Heavenly Father, as we begin to emerge              We pray that God would be glorified in
     from the COVID-19 restrictions, we thank            all the churches, homes and communities
     you for a strong local fellowship and for the       around. Amen.                                   LIMERICK (CHRIST CHURCH,                       institution which witnesses to God’s love
     vital ministry of the Food Bank. We continue                                                        PRESBYTERIAN AND METHODIST)                    through the practical care of its staff and
     to pray for those who have suffered from            WEST CORK, COMPRISING                           Including the Central Building Community       partners.
     illness, financial loss, loneliness and stressful   BANDON, BALLINEEN, CLONAKILTY,                  Project. Connecting Community Life.
     home situations; and for those who respond          DRIMOLEAGUE AND SKIBBEREEN                                                                     PRAYER
     to that suffering. As the world awakes to                                                           Superintendent Minister:                       Loving God, we give thanks for Wenchi
     the pervasive evil of racism, we pray to you,       Introducing people to Jesus and making          Andrew Dougherty
                                                         disciples through the church.                                                                  and its recent expansion to include a
     the God of all nations, to heal hurts and                                                           Minister: Stephen Hancock                      Physiotherapy Centre. We praise you for
     challenge sinful attitudes and behaviour            Superintendent Minister: Greg Alexander                                                        the skill and expertise of the staff; may they
     within society and within your Church. Pour         Minister: Denis Maguire                         PRAYER                                         be a blessing to every patient they treat.
     out your Spirit upon all flesh, so that your                                                                                                       We pray for those who travel from far and
                                                                                                         God of Transformation, remind us of your
     Word of Peace may be heard in all nations,          PRAYER                                                                                         wide to be treated at Wenchi – keep them
                                                                                                         unconditional love which enables us to
     tribes and languages. Amen.                                                                                                                        safe on their journeys. We pray for Bernard
                                                         Heavenly Father, we give thanks for the         trust you as we continue to face change
                                                                                                         in the present and uncertainty about the       Botwe (Administrator) as he prepares for
                                                         message of the gospel. We pray that each
                                                                                                         future. Make the way clear as we face many     retirement and mentors his successor; may
                                                         local church will understand that they are
      For the grace of God                                                                               transitions in our personal lives and in the   this be a smooth transition. Amen.
                                                         God’s means for changing the nations. We
      that brings salvation                              pray that each church member will grow          life of the Church. Continue to take us by
      has appeared                                       stronger in faith and love each day and that    the hand and lead the way. Amen.
      to all men. It teaches us to say “No” to           “the Master’s Word will simply take off and
      ungodliness and worldly passions and to            race through the country to a groundswell       WDR PARTNER: WENCHI METHODIST                   Gracious Spirit dwell
      live self-controlled, upright and godly lives      of response.” 2 Thessalonians 3: 1 The          HOSPITAL                                        with me, I myself
      in this present age. (Titus 2: 11-12)              Message). Amen.                                 Wenchi Methodist Hospital continues             would gracious be,
                                                                                                         to serve a growing population of over           And with words that help and heal, Would
                                                                                                         120,000 around the middle part of Ghana.        thy life in mine reveal, Would for Christ my
                                                                                                         A WDR partner since 2006, it is a growing       Saviour, speak. (T.T. Lynch, 1818-71)

22                                                                                                                                                                                                       23
PRAYER FOCUS                                                PRAYER
         DAY                                                        We pray for the Fermanagh area, especially

                                                                    Enniskillen circuit and area; for its return
                                                                    to God and not to a building; for those
                                                                    struggling with depression and loss. We
                                                                    continue to pray for those grieving, and for
                                                                    the economic climate which affects many of
                                                                    our congregations. Most of all we pray for

                                                                    protection and vision. Open our eyes and let
                                                                    us see Jesus: his healing, his power, his love

                                                                    and his abundant mercy and grace. Lead us
                                                                    on with yourself, Lord Jesus. May we know
                                                                    your guidance. Amen.                                    Joshua McRoberts, Youth Ambassador.
     District Superintendent: Stephen Skuce
     District Lay Leader: David Best                                SPRINGFIELD AND CHURCH HILL,                            THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH
                                                                    INCLUDING DERRYGONNELLY                                 (UMC) POLAND
     The 25 circuits in the North Western
     District have a lot of differences due to                      We seek to follow God wherever he leads                 World Mission Partnership is helping
     being spread across much of Northern                           us; sharing his love on this journey as we              each of MCI’s district to develop a
     Ireland and the Republic of Ireland and                        travel it together.                                     link with a world church. The North
     ranging from rural communities to towns                                                                                Western District is linked with the United
                                                                    Superintendent Minister: Sam Livingstone
     and cities. But we are united in our desire                                                                            Methodist Church Poland.
     to share the good news of Jesus and                            Lay Pastoral Assistant: Roy Dreaning
     help people become his followers. We                                                                                   PRAYER
     don’t find this easy but are committed to                      PRAYER
                                                                                                                            Thank you, Father God, for our global
     sharing and living out the gospel so that                      Dear Lord Jesus, we thank you for your                  relationships and connections. Today we
     others can discover God’s love.                                mercy, love and grace over the past                     pray for our brothers and sisters in Poland.
                                                                    years, and we praise you that you are still             We pray for the children in their Church;
     PRAYER                                                         merciful, loving and gracious. We lift up               may they grow in the knowledge of your
     God our Father, we thank you for how you                       the societies of Derrygonnelly, Church Hill             grace and love so that they would transform
                                                   Stephen Skuce.
     have blessed us in the past. We pray that                      and Springfield to you, and ask that in your            this world as they grow. Thank you for
     we may have purpose and unity of mind and                      mercy love and grace you would come and                 UMC’s ministry with the elderly and those
     heart as we look to the future. May we be                      move in all our hearts and draw us closer to            who are unwell. Lord God, we pray that
     open to the prompting of your Holy Spirit                      you, that you would step into the lives that            your name will be glorified through it. As the
     and listen to one another as we seek to see                    don’t know you personally, and bring them               Church consider their outreach and growth,
     your Kingdom extended in our churches.                         to saving faith. This we ask solely for your            grant them wisdom, insight and direction. In
     Enable us to be a people of hope who share                     glory and for the praise of your name. Amen.            your name, Lord. Amen.
     our stories with those who do not know
     Jesus. Amen.

     Seeking to be biblical, God-honouring and
     Kingdom-expanding servants.
     Superintendent Minister: Lorna Dreaning
     Minister: Sam Livingstone

                                                                    District Superintendent the Rev. Dr Stephen Skuce (centre) with district partners from Poland,
                                                   David Best.      the Revs Andrzej Malicki (left) and Slawomir Rodaszyński.

24                                                                                                                                                                           25
PRAYER FOCUS                                                                                 BALLINAMALLARD AND TRILLICK                      NORTH CONNACHT AND
                                                                                                                                                      LONGFORD, COMPRISING SLIGO,
          DAY                                                                                        Seeking to grow in faith, love and unity

                                                                                                     and to follow Christ as he leads us into         MANORHAMILTON, COLLOONEY,
                                                                                                     mission.                                         BALLINA, LONGFORD, DRUMSHANBO
                                                                                                                                                      AND BOYLE
                                                                                                     Superintendent Minister: John Beacom
                                                                                                                                                      To share the love of the Lord Jesus
                                                                                                     Youth Worker: Naomi Armstrong                    Christ and his gifts in the church and
     FIVEMILETOWN, COMPRISING                       PETTIGO AND IRVINESTOWN                                                                           Superintendent Minister: Jeremy Nicoll
     FIVEMILETOWN, CLABBY AND                                                                        Heavenly Father we thank you for your love
                                                    Seeking to share the Good News of Jesus          and faithfulness, which is evident in all we     Minister: Christiaan Snell (Church of
     CREAGH                                         Christ, to bring hope, encourage personal                                                         Ireland), (Part-time)
                                                                                                     see. May we give to you our continual praise
     A three-church circuit who seek to serve       faith and use their gifts to build up the        and seek to honour you in our daily lives and
     God by showing his love to others, to          ministry of the Church and serve the             live according to your Word. Lord, we pray       PRAYER
     share his good news in all that we do, in      community.                                       for the continued mission in our village as      Heavenly Father, we thank you for your
     reaching out and connecting with the           Superintendent Minister: George Bowes            we seek to move out into the community to        continuing faithfulness and protection to
     communities around us.                                                                          show the love of Jesus. May you continue to      us in our large circuit of churches. Help
     Superintendent Minister: Janet Rossall         PRAYER                                           open doors, break down barriers and unite        us to be a courageous people in sharing
                                                    Gracious God, thank you for your blessing        divided communities so that the love of the      your love to those around us in our diverse
     PRAYER                                         through all the difficulties of the past year.   Lord Jesus Christ can be experienced in all      communities. We thank you for new
     Loving God, we thank you for the way you       We ask that you continue to nurture the          its power. Amen.                                 mission opportunities and we pray that
     have guided us this past year, especially      desire to share the good news of Jesus                                                            you would be glorified as we use our gifts,
     through the difficulties and pain of the       amongst us, encourage hope in us and                                                              our weaknesses and our strengths in your
     coronavirus pandemic. At the start of this     through us, that personal faith is gladly                                                         service. Jesus, bless the young and old in
     Connexional year we pray that we may           developed and faithfully expressed by us,                                                         our churches; strengthen our relationships
     know your guiding hand on Fivemiletown         and all our gifts used willingly and well                                                         with one another, enabling us by your
     Circuit, as we seek to reach out to those in   in the ministry of the Church, local and                                                          Spirit to learn from each other as we work
     our local communities. May we learn from,      connexional, and in the service of our                                                            together for you. In your precious name.
     and praise you for, what is past and trust     community. We pray these things for the                                                           Amen.
     you for all that is to come. Amen.             glory of your name. Amen.                                                                         WDR PARTNER: PHAKAMISA
                                                                                                                                                      Phakamisa serves local impoverished
                                                                                                                                                      communities through pre-school
                                                                                                                                                      education as well as offering support for
                                                                                                                                                      caregivers of orphans and those affected
                                                                                                                                                      by, and infected with, HIV and AIDS.

                                                                                                                                                      The earth is yours, Lord, and everyone in
                                                                                                                                                      it. Today we turn our hearts and minds to
                                                                                                     Sewing class at Phakamisa.                       South Africa and pray for our WDR partner,
                                                                                                                                                      Phakamisa. God, we praise you for their
                                                                                                                                                      ministry amongst children, caregivers and
                                                                                                      If you are weary in                             wider communities. Thank you, God, for
                                                                                                      the waiting, Take                               the lives that have been changed by their
                                                                                                      whatever strength                               work. We pray for their Director, Thokozani
                                                                                                      you have left, And run to the shore of          Poswa, and ask that you continue to give
                                                                                                      grace. Arrive broken, burdened, Carrying        her wisdom as she leads. In your name we
                                                                                                      your tapestry made of worries, And be           pray. Amen.
                                                                                                      willing and ready, To lay it all down, At the
                                                                                                      feet of Jesus. (Morgan Harper Nicholls,
     Mannorhamilton Methodist Church.                                                                 1990-)

26                                                                                                                                                                                                  27
PRAYER FOCUS                                     Operations Administrator: James McClure
          DAY                                             Learning Resources Officer:

                                                          Lindsay McAlinden
                                                          First Year Students: Jackie McNair,
                                                          Richard Wright
                                                          Returning Students: Tanita Lee,
                                                          Leah McKibben, Peter Morris,
                                                          Philip Patterson
     AND DEVELOPMENT                                      PRAYER
     The Board of Ministry, Learning and                  Lord, we ask for your guidance as the Board
     Development oversees and co-ordinates                supports the lay and ordained ministry
     the Church’s strategy for ministry                   of our Church in its discernment and
     development for all, lay and ordained. It            equipping of people. We thank you for your
     organises opportunities for theological              direction last year as the Board introduced
     learning and study, it seeks to develop              a number of changes for improving how it
     and inspire people to serve in and                                                                  District Local Preachers’ Secretaries on Zoom call.
                                                          operates and its effective use of resources.
     through the Church and manages the                   We pray for the Board this year that they
     Church’s formal selection procedures.                will make wise decisions as they address       LOCAL PREACHERS                                       PRAYER
     Chair: David Best                                    the evolving needs of different areas of       The office of Local Preacher has been                 Heavenly Father, you have called each
                                                          congregational life ministry. We pray for      interwoven into the fabric of the                     one of us to be your hands and voice here
     Director of Ministry: John Alderdice                 those who lead and teach in the College and    Methodist Church since the early days                 on earth. Help those who have taken the
     Principal: Janet Unsworth                            for all who attend courses, both ministerial   of John and Charles Wesley. Local                     same path as the disciples of old to boldly
     Learning and Development Officer:                    and lay. We thank you for the gifts our        preachers are members of the Methodist                proclaim the good news of Christ’s sacrifice
     Grace McGurk                                         people have, and we pray that we all will      Church who have been accredited to                    for us. May Local Preachers hold firm to
                                                          be open to learn and be creative in how        preach God’s word and lead his people                 the teaching of the Bible, listen to the
                                                          we share the good news of the gospel with      in worship. When the Methodist Church                 promptings of the Holy Spirit and follow, to
                                                          others. Amen.                                  in Ireland authorises someone to                      the best of their ability, the example set by
                                                                                                         undertake this ministry it does so, based             your Son, Jesus. Show your power through
                                                                                                         on evidence that the person concerned                 their weakness and your compassion and
                                                                                                         has the call, competence and character                mercy with their failings and faults. May
                                                                                                         to serve God’s people in this way. Local              they depend on you entirely, follow you
                                                                                                         preachers have played and continue                    closely and be a light to guide others to
                                                                                                         to play a significantly important role in             you through the work of your Spirit in their
                                                                                                         the life and ministry of the Methodist                hearts. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
                                                                                                         Church in Ireland. We continue to
                                                                                                         value our relationship with the Edgehill              SABBATICAL COMMITTEE
                                                                                                         College training staff and appreciate their           Sabbaticals are a gift from the Church to
                                                                                                         considerable contribution to the training             its ministers. They enable ministers to
                                                                                                         of Local Preachers.                                   receive space and time for renewal for
                                                                                                         Ministerial Secretary: Mervyn G. Ewing                themselves and their ministry.
                                                                                                         Lay Secretary: Tom Wilson                             PRAYER
                                                                                                         North Eastern District Secretary:                     Lord, we pray for all those who are taking a
                                                                                                         David Rodgers                                         sabbatical this year. We ask your blessing
                                                                                                         North Western District Secretary:                     on them and their families as they rest, have
                                                                                                         Anne Scott                                            different experiences and are re-energised
                                                                                                                                                               for your work. Bless those who take up
                                                                                                         Southern District Secretary:                          responsibility when ministers are absent;
                                                                                                         Heather Browne                                        may they find joy in serving you in this way.
     Ordination Formation Group. Front (L-R): Tanita Lee and Leah McKibben.
     Back (L-R): Peter Morris, Susan Gallagher and Philip Patterson.                                                                                           Amen.

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     TEMPO                                           Preserving the past to inform the present
     Seeking to glorify God through worship,         and shape the future.
     strengthening community relationships           President: Ian Henderson
     and deepening our experience of God in
     daily life.                                     Vice-President: Norman Taggart
     Superintendent Minister: Stephen Skuce          Secretary: Jennifer Stutt
                                                     Treasurers: Derek and Trudy Reid
                                                     Archivist and Editor: Robin Roddie
     Gracious God, we give you thanks for the
     life and witness of our three congregations.    PRAYER
     We give thanks that we experience God’s                                                           European Methodism: conference in Estonia.
     presence and power in both good and             Thank you, Heavenly Father, for the
     difficult times. We pray that we might have     richness of our inherited faith and witness,
                                                     especially for those through whose                METHODIST RESIDENTIAL AND                      PRAYER
     the confidence to share our faith with                                                            NURSING HOMES
     those around us, welcome the stranger           character and example we have been led                                                           Dear Lord Jesus, you showed great
     and be communities where all find support,      to Christ. May we keep the lamp of faith          Eastwell, Margaretholme, Kirk House,           compassion and care towards those who
     fellowship and full life in Jesus. Amen.        burning brightly in the present so that it will   Ailt an Óir, Mount Tabor, Embury               were needy. Help us, who have been
                                                     influence others today, and in the future,        Close and Ardfallen Grove all exist to         blessed with plenty, to generously support
     UPPER ERNE, COMPRISING                          to commit their lives to the Lord of Lords.       provide a caring sheltered environment         the Society as it helps those families who
     BROOKEBOROUGH, LISNASKEA,                       Amen.                                             for older people of any denomination           have very little. We pray that you will grant
     NEWTOWNBUTLER, DRUMADY,                                                                           where a sense of independence can be           wisdom to Dave and Margaret regarding
     CORLESPRATTEN AND TULLYBOY                                                                        maintained, and support is provided as it      the finances of the Society and decisions
     Through prayer and reading of his Word,                                                           is needed.                                     about payments to families. May those
     grow deeper with God. Through loving                                                                                                             who receive help know your love and your
                                                                                                       PRAYER                                         blessing. Amen.
     actions, share God’s grace to those
     beyond our church families in local                                                               We thank you, Lord, for all the wonderful
                                                                                                                                                      THE METHODIST CHURCH, ITALY
     society and globally.                                                                             work that is carried out in Residential and
                                                                                                       Nursing Homes around this island. We pray      There are over 4,000 Italian Methodists,
     Superintendent Minister: Eleanor Hayden                                                           for the staff and residents that they will     in about 50 congregations spread all over
     Probationer Minister: Daphne Hanna                                                                know your presence with them, especially       the country.
                                                                                                       in the sad and difficult times. We thank you
     PRAYER                                                                                            for loving caring people who show your love    PRAYER
     Loving God, we give you praise and thanks                                                         day by day and ask that you would continue     God of grace, today we pray for the
     for your enduring grace to your servants                                                          to bless all these communities. In Jesus’      Methodist Church in Italy. As their country
     on the Upper Erne Circuit. In this time of                                                        name. Amen.                                    recovers from the coronavirus pandemic,
     change, we pray that your Spirit would move                                                                                                      we pray that the Church will be a source of
     among us, encouraging and inspiring all                                                           METHODIST CHILD CARE SOCIETY                   hope, comfort and compassion. We pray for
     believers to lead others to you. We pray for                                                      Ministerial Secretary and Treasurer:           their communities and ask, God of mercy,
     those in leadership on the circuit, that they                                                     David Sweeney                                  that you will pour out your blessing on their
     may receive the wisdom and discernment                                                            Lay Treasurer: Margaret Copeland               relationships. God of love, be near to those
     needed to grow God’s Kingdom in this land.                                                                                                       who were affected by the virus; may they
     Amen.                                           The Rev. Daphne Hanna.                                                                           know you close to them. Amen.

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PRAYER FOCUS                                                                               PRAYER
          DAY                                                                                       Father, we thank you for the strength of

                                                                                                    so many women; strength which somehow
                                                                                                    enables them to survive; strength which
                                                                                                    helps them protect and do the best for
                                                                                                    their children; strength which enables
                                                                                                    them to maintain hope. Bless the Kopila
                                                                                                    team as they facilitate self-help groups to
     THE COVENANT COUNCIL                            MINISTERS WHO HAVE PERMISSION                  learn about their rights, grow in confidence,
                                                     TO SERVE WITH OTHER                            educate their children and start small          David Ntseng, Programme Manager at CLP.
     The Covenant Council is the joint working                                                      businesses. May these women and their
     body which oversees the implementation          CONFERENCES                                                                                    PRAYER
                                                                                                    families flourish and know that they are
     of the Covenant made between the                Methodist Church in Britain:                   loved. Amen.                                    Merciful and gracious God, thank you for
     Church of Ireland and the Methodist             Mark Liddicoat, William Mullally,                                                              your love; thank you for life; thank you for
     Church in 2002.                                 John Purdy                                     WDR PARTNER: CHURCH LAND                        the strength that you continue to give us,
     Co-Chairs: Bishop Michael Burrows, the                                                         PROGRAMME (CLP)                                 especially when we feel overwhelmed by
                                                     RETIRED MINISTERS FELLOWSHIP
     Rev. Dr Heather Morris                                                                         CLP works to affirm, learn from and             this world’s injustices. Help us to show love
                                                     A full list of retired ministers and widows    journey with those who are systematically       and mercy to one another, just as you do
     PRAYER                                          may be found in the Minutes of Conference.     excluded and impoverished in their              to all of us. Continue to guide us on this
     Loving God, as we journey together in our       Chairperson: Alan Meara                        struggles related to land and justice.          journey of walking, listening and giving of
     covenant relationship, we pray that your                                                       Through WDR, Irish Methodists have              ourselves. Use us as beacons of hope. In
                                                     Secretary: Ken Lindsay                         been partnering with CLP since 2014.            your precious name, we pray. Amen.
     Holy Spirit will enable us to learn and grow
     together in a spirit of unity and mission. In   PRAYER
     all things, may we seek first your Kingdom.
     Amen.                                           Our Father, we give thanks for the
                                                     fellowship shared over the past year. But
     MINISTERS WHO ARE UNDERTAKING                   in recognising that most of the participants
     SPECIALIST WORK                                 are in the over-70 age group, and are
                                                     considered vulnerable, we pray for the
     Derek Johnston, who serves as Lead              future of the group. The last meeting of the
     Chaplain with Belfast Health and Social         last session in March having been cancelled,
     Care Trust.                                     it has been felt unwise to plan a programme
     Gary Mason, who works with “Rethinking          for the immediate future. We pray for
     Conflict”.                                      guidance as to when meetings can resume.
     Phil Meadows, who is Director of the            In Jesus’ name. Amen.
     Inspire Movement.                               WDR PARTNER: KOPILA-NEPAL
     John Wonnacott, who serves as the               Kopila-Nepal works amongst single
     Specialist Palliative Care Chaplain in the      mothers and widows of the Dalit
     Macmillian Unit, Antrim Area Hospital.          community and lower castes in rural
     David Rock, who works with The Big              areas.

     The Surf Project led a camp in Senegal.                                                        A self-help group run by Kopila-Nepal.

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