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Any correspondence and corrections regarding this ABBREVIATIONS: INTRODUCTION publication can be directed to: MCI Thank you for using this Prayer Journal. It In this book you will find information on Methodist Church in Ireland is offered to you to help you to pray in a all aspects of the Methodist Church in ‘Prayer Focus’ focused and informed manner for brothers Ireland so that we can pray specifically for Methodist Home Mission WMP and sisters across the Methodist Church in one another. Alongside this information Mayo House, 61 Rathdown Park, World Mission Partnership Ireland and those with whom we partner are prayers which can be used in private Terenure, Dublin D6W AD86 beyond these shores. or public worship as they are. Our hope MHM is that these will be a resource for public Email: prayerfocus@irishmethodist.org Methodist Home Mission Heather was in a conversation recently worship and, in particular, that there will Web: www.irishmethodist.org/prayer with two people who had not met be a copy of Prayer Focus in every Irish WDR previously. On being introduced, one Methodist pulpit and prayer room. Most © 2018 The Methodist Church in Ireland World Development & Relief person responded, “Oh I know your name of the prayers for circuits, districts and from Prayer Focus.” This Journal is a way departments have been written by them, All rights reserved. Please do not MWI of getting to know one another’s names so they give insight into our deepest photocopy (or produce in any way) any Methodist Women in Ireland and holding one another in prayer before longings as a people. part of this publication without prior God. permission. PCI “Do not be anxious about anything, but Presbyterian Church in Ireland Of course, those who commit to ‘living in every situation, by prayer and petition, Editorial Team: with gospel focus’ will necessarily be with thanksgiving, present your requests Rhoda Nixon IMYC committed to prayer. As we live in the to God. And the peace of God, which Laura Kerr Irish Methodist Youth and Children’s light of Jesus’ cross we will enjoy prayer as transcends all understanding, will guard George Orr (Proof reading) Department grateful communication with our Saviour; your hearts and your minds in Christ Heather Morris we will be driven to our knees as we pray Jesus.” Doug Edmondson TOM that our desires might be conformed to (Philippians 4: 6-7). Team on Mission God’s desires; as we step out in faith we Additional Prayers: Rosemary Fletcher will rely on prayer that, in the power of the This Journal comes with the prayer that Additional Photos: William Newell UMC Spirit, we might be courageous. we will devote ourselves to prayer. Design and Layout: Dan McKinney United Methodist Church (usually referring to Methodism in USA) So, we encourage you to use this Journal Heather, Doug and Rhoda When a capital C is used in Church, it daily in your personal prayer times and in is to denote a national denomination. corporate prayer. COLOUR LEGEND World Mission Partnership THREE VITAL BOOKS Committees/Schools/ Departments/Chaplaincies Districts/Circuits/ Congregations/ Pioneer Mission World Development & Relief Read the BOOK Sing the BOOK Pray the BOOK BIBLE SONGS PRAYER FOCUS A sign in Dundrum Methodist Church Methodist Home Mission, Mayo House, 61 Rathdown Park, Terenure, Dublin D6W AD86 Tel: (01) 5580978; Email: mhm@irishmethodist.org; Web: www.irishmethodist.org/prayer 4
PRESIDENT’S LETTER LAY LEADER’S LETTER Living with Gospel Focus ‘The eye is the lamp of the body. If your – the God we look to. eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light’ Matthew 6: 22 (NIV). Acts Chapter 4: vv 29-31 tells us about opposition the apostles faced as they The mobile device pings…a message went about spreading the gospel of Jesus pops up…. we’re talking to one friend Christ. A blind man was healed and the and texting another...These days our religious authorities had Peter and John attention is often divided and it’s easy to punished for healing in the name of be distracted. The news is often bad and Jesus. But how did they respond to such it’s easy to become downhearted. opposition and persecution? That’s why, as a body, it’s so important to They returned to their friends and shared draw on our relationship with God and our what they had suffered for Christ. Luke companionship in Christ, to be reminded says, “When they heard this, they lifted of things that centre us and lift our spirits. their voices together in prayer to God.” Prayer Focus can help here. How good The Rev. Billy Davison “Sovereign Lord”, they said, “you made Mrs Lynda Neilands to have in our hands a booklet that the heavens and the earth and the sea, encourages us to take time in God’s and everything in them.” He continues, presence, to be still and breathe in his in v 29, “Now Lord, consider their threats love – a booklet that provides us with and enable your servants to speak your content, guidance and a daily pattern for word with great boldness.” our prayers. It would have been easy for the disciples A small child once said to her to focus on their circumstances and grandmother: ‘Granny, if God lives in us difficulties. They could have been and God is bigger than we are – should discouraged and even depressed as God not be showing through?’ events unfolded. However, they focused on the gospel, and the certainty of God’s Our prayer life - our talking and listening faithfulness strengthened them as they to God - is the tonic that keeps us prayed. This illustrates my theme of spiritually resilient and ready to meet ‘Living with Gospel Focus’ by fixing our challenges with faith. So, may we take it gaze upon God’s love, power and grace daily, may our spiritual eyes be healthy, through scripture and prayer. He calls us may this Church body be filled with to focus on him and his amazing resources light and may our wonderful God show of power and strength for every occasion. through. Billy Lynda The additional prayers, written by Mrs Rosemary Fletcher, are based on the President’s theme: “Living with Gospel Focus, leading to Growing Faith, Living Hope, Genuine Love.” 6
PRAYER FOCUS Ireland and overseas and for their families as they give them essential support as Superintendents and the Connexional Team as they train and prepare. Amen. they fulfil busy schedules. We pray for DAY 1 David Nixon, our President Designate, that STATIONING COMMITTEE you may guide him in the coming year of preparation for the office of President. The Stationing Committee is TRUSTEES OF THE METHODIST We beseech you to bless all who provide responsible for consulting and then bringing proposals to the Conference as CHURCH AND OFFICE OF THE servant leadership throughout your Church to the appropriate matching between so that your mission becomes more and SECRETARY OF CONFERENCE more our mission. Amen. ministers and circuits. The Trustees have oversight of the President: Billy Davison investments and other financial Secretary: Tom McKnight functions of the Church. GENERAL COMMITTEE Secretary: Tom McKnight The General Committee acts as a TRUSTEES OFFICE Treasurers: David Mullan, Irene Dickson management committee on any PRAYER: Loving Lord, we remember all The Secretary of Conference, the Chief Financial Officer: Gillian Laney aspects of our life together, and also those on the Stationing Committee. We Rev Dr Tom McKnight, and the Human Resources and Payroll: encourages and guides strategic pray that they would sense your leading Chief Financial Officer, Mrs. Gillian Laney Gillian Skillen thinking around the mission to which and guiding as they meet, discuss, discern Office Staff: God calls us. and consult. May they be prompted by Donna Ahrens, Carol Gilmore President: Billy Davison your Holy Spirit and may there be a real Lay Leader: Lynda Neilands sense of your guiding presence among Secretary: Tom McKnight them. We pray for those ministers and PRAYER: Gracious Lord, we give you General Purposes Fund Ministerial their families who will be stationed and for thanks for all those who support the work Secretary: Jeremy Nicoll the circuits who will be receiving them. Be of the Church through prayer, time and General Purposes Fund Lay Secretary: at work among us we pray. Amen. finances. As the Trustees of the Methodist John Carson Church make decisions regarding the use of property and money, we ask that all FAITH AND ORDER their decisions would be for your glory PRAYER: Heavenly Father, we ask COMMITTEE and for the extension of the Kingdom. We that you continue to lead and guide the The Faith and Order Committee ask that as a Church you would give us members of the General Committee, scrutinises and makes recommendations that sense of your mission and a desire to that they will make wise and Spirit-led regarding any doctrinal statements and serve others. We ask for your blessing on decisions which will equip the Church to documents to be issued in the name of the work of the staff in the Trustees’ Office reach outwards and serve others. May the Church and considers and makes and on the Secretary of Conference. In they rise to the challenges before them recommendations concerning any PRESIDENT DESIGNATE Jesus’ name we pray, Amen. with perseverance and hope. As your revision in orders of worship. The Rev. David Nixon people, give them confidence to live and Joint Chairs: We continue to uphold John Stephens speak for you. Through Christ our Lord. Billy Davison and Fergus O’Ferrall and his wife Gillian and family, and pray Amen. Convener: David Turtle for his health and healing. Amen. CONNEXIONAL STRUCTURE PRAYER: Our Heavenly Father, we PRESIDENT, LAY LEADER AND Conference agreed a move to a new praise you that through the ages you Connexional Structure, with three have guided your Church. We pray that PRESIDENT DESIGNATE Districts and three full-time District the Faith and Order Committee will President: Billy Davison Superintendents, who will begin this experience the strong leading of the Holy Lay Leader: Lynda Neilands work in July 2019. Spirit as they continue to consider difficult President Designate: David Nixon Southern District: Andrew Dougherty and complex issues. As the committee do North Western District: Stephen Skuce their work, give them listening ears that PRAYER: Gracious and loving Father, North Eastern District: Philip Agnew they may hear your voice, and so offer we pray for our President, Billy, and for our guidance to our Connexion which will help FAITH AND ORDER COMMITTEE Lay Leader, Lynda: may they be imbued PRAYER: Lord, we pray that the new us to walk in your paths. Amen. Symposium Day with your Holy Spirit as they lead your Connexional Structure will resource Church to serve your mission. We pray the work of the Church. We pray for for safe travel for them as they travel in your blessing on the nominated District 8
PRAYER FOCUS PRAYER: Dear Lord, help this circuit to constantly discover new avenues of service Church Development & Youth Pastor: Dave Gardner Youth Volunteers: DAY 2 for every member or attendee. Give new opportunities to further your Kingdom and Carissa Smith, Amy Bergvall inspire them with new ways in which they DUBLIN DISTRICT can make known your love. Amen. PRAYER: Lord God, thank you for the ministry of David Nixon. We pray for Ivor The Dublin District incorporates DUBLIN CENTRAL MISSION as he adjusts to the rhythm of this circuit. counties Dublin, Wicklow and Wexford. It stretches 130 kilometres from INCLUDING ABBEY ST, Lord, we live in a country where many Skerries, a seaside town, to Gorey, a BLANCHARDSTOWN people are turning away from you and DUBLIN DISTRICT market town. AND LUCAN from the message of the gospel. Help your Farewell to the Revs Cheryl Patterson and Alan Wardlow District Superintendent: A welcoming family, rich in diversity, people in Skerries, Sutton and Clontarf Andrew Doughery one in Christ, prayerfully seeking to Societies to be courageous in making a District Secretary: Ivor Owens love and serve. stand for you. By your Holy Spirit enable Superintendent Minister: them to share the gospel with those they Laurence Graham (Abbey St) meet daily on their frontlines. Grant them PRAYER: Lord God, we pray for the Minister: Tawanda Sungai wisdom, guidance, discernment, patience, Rev. Tawanda Sungai and family as they (Blanchardstown and Lucan) love and compassion as they seek to shine settle into life in Ireland and as Tawanda Abbey Street Pastoral Assistant: your light in a dark world. In Jesus’ name ministers in Blanchardstown, Lucan and Avril Carroll we pray. Amen. within the Zimbabwean Fellowships. Abbey Street Centre Manager: Remind all the people called Methodist Graham Caswell ONE MISSION on the Dublin District that it is easy to Care of the Older Person CEO: Several departments and organisations talk of being your people; though much David Reynolds within the Methodist Church in Ireland harder to live that out. Equip them and Director of Care, Mount Tabor Nursing who are explicitly concerned with DUBLIN CENTRAL MISSION enable them to respond to that challenge, Home: Najamol Natarajan mission have covenanted to work Welcoming President Higgins to Abbey Street and reach out to others, not simply other Director of Sheltered Housing: together and have agreed: ‘Recognising at Christmas, 2017 believers, nor merely in words, but to Caroline Casserly-Farrar that God’s mission is one, we commit all people, and through actions that Financial Controller: Karena O’Sullivan our various departments to working speak unmistakably of their sincerity and together.’ unconditional love. Amen. PRAYER: Father God, we pray that Dublin Central Mission would always be It was the ‘One Mission’ team who DUBLIN SOUTH CITY, a place where everyone is really seen. In organised the ‘ALL IN’ Conference INCLUDING CENTENARY, Sheltered Housing complexes, Nursing last April. It is exciting to see how this DUBLIN KOREAN CHURCH Home, vibrant church congregations, partnership is growing as we learn AND RATHGAR in the busy community centre at Abbey together and share the stories of what Centenary is a city church in the centre Street and on the streets of Dublin city God is doing here and around the of Dublin, seeking to ‘receive God’s centre among homeless people, may world. love and share it with others’. Dublin people see Jesus in DCM’s work. As we DUBLIN NORTH Korean Church seeks to be a place of give thanks for the Rev. Ken Lindsay’s PRAYER: Father, we rejoice that you Clontarf, 24/7 Prayer Room welcome for Korean and other Asian ministry we especially pray for the Rev. invite us to make your mission our mission. expatriates and students living in Tawanda Sungai and his family moving May Church departments strive together Dublin. Rathgar continues to strengthen from Zimbabwe and for Lucan Society as it to make your name known across the its local ecumenical ties and to open its joins the DCM Circuit. Amen. world. May they pray for, and seek and doors to the local community. embrace opportunities to share your Superintendent Minister: DUBLIN NORTH INCLUDING gospel in word and deed. May they Andrew Dougherty SUTTON, CLONTARF learn from brothers and sisters and share Minister in Part-time Appointment to the Dublin Korean Church: AND SKERRIES that learning so that we may be a truer A diverse church family seeking to reflection of you as a Church and as Yongnam Park glorify God, grow in faith and share his individuals. Amen. Retired Minister Assisting: love with those in our communities. Vanessa Wyse Jackson Minister: Ivor Owens ONE MISSION The band leading worship at the ALL IN 10 Conference in Newry
PRAYER FOCUS DUBLIN WEST (TALLAGHT) A welcoming society, rich in diversity, METHODIST WOMEN IN IRELAND Spirit led, prayerfully seeking to DAY 3 witness God’s love to one another and Mission Statement - “To know Christ and make him known.” to their community. There are approximately 1,900 amazing Superintendent Minister: ladies meeting around this island under Andrew Dougherty the banner of MWI. All-Ireland President: PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for Elizabeth McWatters your faithful love. Enable Tallaght church General Secretary: Liz MacBean community to be a prayerful people, General Treasurer: Barbara Fennell World Mission Secretary: Mamie Davis WORLD DEVELOPMENT & RELIEF listening for your ‘still small voice’. May your Holy Spirit move powerfully amongst World Federation President: Some of the 84 people who took part in the Alison Judd 2018 Belfast Marathon in support of WDR them. Give them a vision for your Church and a longing to bring glory to Christ and World Federation European Area be a light in their community. Empower President: Louise Wilson them to be your ears, hands and voices as METHODIST WORLD they journey with you. Amen. PRAYER: Heavenly Father, we pray DEVELOPMENT & for all the Methodist ladies in Ireland, RELIEF (WDR) DUBLIN SOUTH (DUNDRUM) and their witness. We ask your guidance We exist to glorify the Father, Son on Elizabeth as President, and on the WDR shows Christ’s love by and Spirit, by being loving, vibrant general officers as they prepare for the becoming partners in change with witnesses in our local communities and restructuring into three new districts. local development organisations and personal living. We give thanks for the success of the empowering people and communities Minister: Stephen Taylor President’s project which enabled to deliver projects with a long-term and Chaplain, Wesley College: Nigel Mackey members of the World Federation from sustainable focus. Youth Pastor: Joel Herman poorer Eastern European countries to DUBLIN WEST Convener: David Nixon Lay Pastoral Assistant: attend our area seminar in June 2018 Seder Passover Meal Treasurer: Jonny Best and ask your blessing on our new Secretary: Beth Hand Christine O’Connor project which follows up on the World World Development Officer: Development Sustainable Goals. We Tim Dunwoody SANDYMOUNT UNITED thank you for the friendships made with Administration and Communications PRESBYTERIAN/METHODIST our sisters in Myanmar and ask your Officer: Laura Kerr Living gratefully, simply, generously and blessings on them as we continue to work well, where God has placed us. with them. Lord, you have called MWI PRAYER: Almighty God, we praise and Superintendent Minister: members to serve your world; may they thank you for your amazing generosity Laurence Graham be your ears, eyes, hands and voice, and towards us. Thank you for the opportunity Minister: Katherine Meyer (Presbyterian) may the living Christ journey with them. which WDR gives us to be generous Amen. in our love for our brothers and sisters PRAYER: God, you love all that you in other parts of your world. May our have made. Bless our joyfully boisterous partners be generous as they share their and prayerfully thoughtful weekly knowledge, experience and time with their gatherings, and then send us out to the communities and work together to find many places where you are ever at work solutions to their problems. May the WDR for the good of us all, that we may join committee be generous with their time you there. May it be so! Amen. and wisdom as they continue to build the Celtic circling prayer relationships with our partners. May we, as WDR supporters, be generous with our Circle me Lord. Keep peace METHODIST WOMEN IN IRELAND resources and time: resources to support the work and time to pray for our brothers within, keep harm without. Keep Mrs Louise Wilson and Mrs Elizabeth McWatters and sisters who, like us, are so precious to love within, keep hate without. you. Amen. Amen. 12
PRAYER FOCUS SOUTH-EAST LEINSTER INCLUDING DUN LAOGHAIRE, DAY 4 BRAY, WICKLOW, ARKLOW AND GOREY IRISH METHODIST YOUTH The South-East Leinster Circuit has seen AND CHILDREN’S much change and transition; however, DEPARTMENT (IMYC) the presence and power of God have IMYC is responsible for youth and SOUTH EAST LEINSTER been constant, for which we are children’s work in the Methodist Church Celebrating the Christmas story with children thankful. in Ireland. from Gorey Methodist Church Superintendent Minister: David Nixon Team Leader: Gillian Gilmore Ministers: Mark Forsyth (Bray & Wicklow); Youth: Lisa Best, Gemma Barclay Katherine Kehoe (Arklow & Gorey) Children: Janette McCormick, Nicky Blair Training and Development: Leanne Hill WORLD MISSION PRAYER: Unchanging God, we praise Administrator: Liza Wiseman you for your work throughout this circuit. Communications: Michael Sloan PARTNERSHIP (WMP) Thank you for the ministries of Alan and Safeguarding: Nicky Blair Vision: Together, sharing Christ Cheryl. We pray for David, Mark and around the world General Secretary: Laurence Graham Katherine as they settle into life and PRAYER: Father God, today we place ministry on this circuit. Please strengthen into your hands a generation of young Lay Treasurer: Ian Patterson these churches’ relationships with one people and children connected, and not Ministerial Treasurer: Peter Murray another; encourage unity in their mission yet connected, to our church communities. URBAN JUNCTION World Mission Partnership Officer: and enlarge their vision. Give this circuit We thank you for the passion and Lamp Restoration Project Complete! Tim Dunwoody a boldness to serve, and a passion to enthusiasm that young people and Administration and Communications worship you. May your Kingdom come, children bring to our communities of faith Officer: Laura Kerr and your will be done in these societies. and pray that they would be secure in, Amen. and find rest in, your love. Father, give PRAYER: God, thank you for our world wisdom, boldness and creativity to those and each person in it. Thank you for the URBAN JUNCTION, who serve young people and children opportunity we have within MCI to be BLACKROCK each week and to the staff of IMYC as they part of a World Mission Partnership which Superintendent Minister: support and resource them. Amen. seeks to share the Good News of Jesus Heather Morris across the world by partnering in mission Urban Junction Leader: Simon Kilpatrick TEAM ON MISSION (TOM) with people, churches and projects where Missional Community Leader: TOM is the gap year programme of the resources are scarce. Bless, guide and Belinda Briggs Methodist Church in Ireland for 18- to inspire the WMP team as they facilitate Teaching Ministry: Michael Briggs 25-year-olds. The mission has been, and IMYC STAFF TEAM this two-way mission and encourage us Voluntary Youth Intern: Tara Redmond always will be, to answer the call of Nicky Blair, Liza Wiseman, Lisa Best, Gillian to graciously give and learn from seeing Jesus – to love God and others and to Gilmore, Janette McCormick, Leanne Hill, you at work with our partners around the make disciples, through work among Gemma Barclay and Michael Sloan world. Amen. PRAYER: Father, we pray for the Men’s Shed started at Urban Junction. Thank young people and children across this you for all those who have joined, keen to island. work on DIY projects together and make new friends. We pray for the leadership as PRAYER: Heavenly Father, we praise they work alongside the Council to secure and thank you for the love that you have a patch of ground to create a Community for your people. We pray that as TOM30 Garden alongside the Shed. Thank you for journey through this year you will guide your faithfulness to us, Lord. Amen. them and strengthen them in their faith in you. We pray that you will work through them to impact and challenge those they work with to live a life for you. Unite them as a team, give them safety in travel and TEAM ON MISSION GLOBAL MISSION VOLUNTEERS energy for what this year holds for them, Natalie Cavanagh, Ben McGurk, Carlos, Nyasha, Dorcas and Neo for your glory. Amen. Jodie Walker and Peter McCrea 14
PRAYER FOCUS PRAYER: God of justice and grace, we pray for our healthcare and prison systems PROPERTY BOARD The Property Board offers advice and guidance in the planning of property- DAY 5 and all who work in them. We uphold those who search for hope and healing, related issues. It has a responsibility that they may find the comfort and peace to protect the interests of circuits and of the Saviour. We pray that all who face the Connexion through scrutinising and CHURCH DEVELOPMENT the challenges of change may find the assessing plans and proposals. BOARD grace and enduring love of Jesus. Bless Chair: Colin Duncan. The Board supports and coordinates the the various chaplaincy ministries, in the Secretary: John Beacom work undertaken by our Home Mission knowledge that what is done for others is Ministerial Treasurer: Thomas Clarke Department, Property Board, Pioneer done for you. In Jesus’ name. Amen. Lay Treasurer: Keith Irvine CHURCH DEVELOPMENT BOARD Mission Committee and the Prison and Executive Committee Members Healthcare Chaplaincy Committee. It PRAYER: Lord, may all with seeks to encourage every opportunity responsibility for property be diligent for development that can enhance stewards of the resources you have placed our witness and service through the into our care. We thank you for those who Connexion. serve as Property Stewards, and on District Chairperson: David Twyble Property Committees and the Property Board. Across our Connexion, guide PRAYER: Heavenly Father, we rejoice all who are charged with the upkeep, in you, the rock of our salvation and the METHODIST HOME maintenance and developing of buildings of all types. Help us to have in our hearts sure ground of our faith. We thank you MISSION (MHM) that our buildings are a means to mission, that you have raised up the people called The Home Mission Department exists Methodists in our land and for the many worship and service. Amen. to help districts, circuits and local opportunities before us at this time for congregations to glorify God in every the growth and development of your aspect of their life. THE METHODIST CHURCH Church. We pray for the ongoing work General Secretary & Ministerial LATVIA (WMP) of the Church Development Board and Treasurer: Heather Morris The Church was closed down for 50 particularly for the Executive Committee Lay Treasurer: Doug Edmondson years by the occupying, atheistic Soviet that meets at least five times a year. Grant Office Administrator: Rhoda Nixon regime. It is a Church whose focus is to all involved with the work of the Board Project Workers: on Christ as their strength in creating a clarity of vision, wisdom and discernment, Kathryn Harte and Simon Kilpatrick deep desire to care for the overlooked grace and courage as they seek to be in society. faithful in the service of your Kingdom. Amen. PRAYER: Loving God, we pray for the Methodist Church in Ireland. Would you PRAYER: O God our Father, we pray place in our hearts a longing for you; for the Latvian Methodist Church. We deepen our commitment to you that pray for men to fill leadership roles and PROPERTY BOARD we might obey you joyfully; and give for ministry among the youth. Holy Spirit, Work being carried out on the Living Rooms touch lives at Camp Wesley. May grace, Project, Ballymena us courage to serve you and others. In PRISON AND HEALTHCARE the power of your Spirit we pray that we love and practical help be given to those CHAPLAINCY COMMITTEE would be your disciples every day, in our who come to the Hope Centre. You are a To support and promote Christian homes, work and neighbourhoods, and God who provides and so we pray for the chaplaincy ministries of healing, care that your life would be seen in our lives. finances needed to engage in outreach in and restoration among vulnerable We hold our communities before you, communities. We pray for Edgars Sneiders people. praying for blessing for them and that (the District Superintendent) and for Gunta Chairperson: John Warren many would come to know Jesus. We Grina Soluguba, as she ministers in Tasi Secretary: Derek Johnston remember the work of the Home Mission and Liepaja. God, continue to move in Healthcare Sunday is normally a Sunday Department. At this time of transition Latvia, to save souls as the congregations near to St Luke’s Day would you give its workers wisdom and honour you. Amen. (18th October 2018) discernment that they might see your ways and walk in them. We pray in Jesus’ METHODIST CHURCH LATVIA Prisons Week NI is 14th - 20th October Visitors from the Methodist Church Latvia with 2018 name. Amen. the Rev. Dr Laurence Graham See www.prisonsweek.org 16
PRAYER FOCUS MULTI-ETHNIC CONGREGATIONS UNIVERSITY AND COLLEGE CHAPLAINS DAY 6 Queen’s University Belfast: Barry Forde PRAYER: Jesus, teach us your way of Ulster University peace. Teach us to embrace difference (Belfast and Jordanstown): Gail Mercer MISSION PARTNERS (WMP) and cherish unity. Teach us that your Ulster University (Coleraine): Mervyn and Raing McCullagh Kingdom includes all people. Enable us Stephen Woods Mission partners serving as programme, to grow in respect and understanding. University College (Cork): partnership and strategy consultants Help us to be communities of trust and Andrew Robinson with the National Christian Council of acceptance. Give us grace to be open to Trinity College Dublin: Julian Hamilton MISSION PARTNERS Sri Lanka (NCCSL). encounter and listening, And may your University College (Dublin): Scott Evans Mervyn and Raing McCullagh Kingdom come on earth as in heaven. (Church of Ireland Chaplain) pastors PRAYER: Gracious God, we give you Amen. Methodist students thanks for the opportunities that Mervyn University College (Galway): and Raing have to share in the work of WDR PARTNER Helen Freeburn NCCSL. We pray for the Council as it EAST JERUSALEM YMCA University College (Limerick): seeks a peaceful and reconciled society East Jerusalem YMCA is a vibrant Vicki Lynch where all can live together in dignity, member of the Palestinian social equality, security and with mutual respect, movement and has a vision of PRAYER: Loving God, we pray for all believing that all people can be reconciled community, based upon the universal who minister on university campuses one with another, without fear and holding values of human dignity, peace and throughout the island. We ask that no animosity, hatred or suspicion in their justice. East Jerusalem YMCA works your light would shine in these places hearts. We pray for the present and future amongst those with disabilities, of learning and growth, change and MULTI-ETHNIC CONGREGATIONS leadership of the Churches in Sri Lanka offering vocational training, personal opportunity. May those who minister in Baby Angela Adade is dedicated in Clontarf that they would be true servant leaders, development and advocating for social the role of chaplain sense your life, your Methodist Church by the Rev. David Nixon witnessing to your Kingdom. We pray change. light, your hope and your purpose in especially for Mervyn and Raing, that they those amongst whom they live. We pray would be full of God’s love for each other PRAYER: Father, the Holy Land is far for all involved in caring for, educating, and all those around them as they serve from holy. We ask for peace in Palestine and forming the lives of students: may you in Sri Lanka. Amen. and Israel so that there can be justice and they know your strength and patience, equality for all. Thank you for the beacon wisdom and inspiration.Finally, we pray MINISTRY OF HEALING of hope and practical help that is the for the students of this land, that they, in COMMITTEE YMCA. We think of its rehabilitation work all the moments of campus life, its joys The Committee exists to promote and with those who suffer disability; for its and pleasures as well as its troubles and facilitate the ministry of healing across rights work with those who are oppressed anxieties, will know and live under your the Connexion. and experience discrimination; and for peace. Amen. Chair: Colin Duncan its livelihoods work with those who are Secretary: Chris Mathison dependent upon others. Protect and EAST JERUSALEM YMCA inspire Nader Abu Amsha as he leads the Children playing PRAYER: We acknowledge before you, team. Amen. heavenly Father, that Jesus is the healer and our healing ministry is his work. We ask for healing of all who are broken and sick, that Jesus may bind wounds and make whole bodies, minds and spirits. We pray for all who are called to, and engage ‘The Lord is compassionate and with, this ministry in its various aspects. gracious, slow to anger and Amen. abounding in love’. Psalm 103:8 Hallelujah! We praise your name, O Lord. Amen. GAIL MERCER UNIVERSITY AND COLLEGE CHAPLAINS Students having fun 18
PRAYER FOCUS and demonstrating your love for them; and for the partnership with Carlow presence may pervade all aspects of the lives of those whom they meet. Gracious Women’s Aid. Help the members of this God, help us all to turn again and follow DAY 7 circuit as they seek to be a safe place for your path, the way of righteousness, to all and to reach out to others, both near our journey’s end. Amen. and far, with the love of Christ. Amen. MIDLANDS AND MISSION PARTNERS (WMP) SOUTHERN DISTRICT WATERFORD Barry and Gillian Sloan The district extends from Galway To serve the present age Barry is working as Director of to Athlone to Carlow and includes Minister: Sahr Yambasu Evangelism at national level in MIDLANDS AND SOUTHERN everything South and West. It is a large Gateway Centre Manager: Tom Hosford Germany. Gillian (full-time) and Barry Volunteers serving others at the National Ploughing Championship geographical district with 10 Societies Circuit Steward: Ken McCormick (part-time) are involved in ‘Inspire‘, an and many faithful, committed members. Global Mission Fellows Program UMC: interdenominational fresh expression of District Superintendent: Denis Maguire Dorcas Zhang (China) Church in Chemnitz, Germany. District Secretary: Paul Maxwell PRAYER: We thank you, God, for the PRAYER: Loving God, we ask your PRAYER: Gracious God, we pray ongoing ministry and mission of Waterford blessing upon Barry and Gillian’s ministry for the Midlands & Southern District Church and Gateway Centre; their youth in Inspire, a fresh expression of Church and all its faithful societies. We thank missionary from China, Dorcas Zhang, in Chemnitz. Grant them courage and you for the emergence and continued and her work; all the children and youth wisdom to lead, grace and humility to growth of multi-cultural congregations leaders; the phase two building works serve, and, in all things, love. May your in Galway, Waterford, Limerick, Killarney which have started; Tom Hosford the Spirit of renewal continue to breathe new and elsewhere. We thank you for the Centre manager; the Circuit Steward life into the Inspire community and those commitment and dedication of ministers, Ken McCormick, the Gateway Centre it seeks to serve. Almighty God, we also WATERFORD both those retired and those stationed Board, the church committee and all the ask you to bless and anoint Barry’s work Mount Sion Secondary Boys’ Choir and some on this district: Lord, guide them by members of our community. May all know as Director of Evangelism for the German members of St. Patrick’s Church your Spirit and grant them safe travel your loving and merciful guidance as they Church. In Christ’s name, and for his glory. as they journey over long distances. seek to fulfil your mission, in the name of Amen. We pray for the ministry of the Food Christ. Amen. Pantry, Carlow, offering practical help to those in need. Bless the work of ‘City of NORTH TIPPERARY, INCLUDING Sanctuary’ in Waterford that it may be ROSCREA, CLOUGHJORDAN, a place of sanctuary for all. We pray for the community using Central Buildings BORRISOKANE, AND ‘Do not be afraid. I bring you in Limerick. Lord, we give thanks for the SHINRONE good news of great joy…..a Our hope is to help others in the ministry of Funky Fish Café which closed in community connect with Christ as we Saviour has been born to you: June. We thank God for Keith and all the support one another with love and he is Christ the Lord’ volunteers who served so faithfully over NORTH TIPPERARY 12 years. Grant all your vison for ministry grace. Through this, our discipleship is Luke 2:10,11 Some of Roscrea congregation enjoying a across this district. Amen. strengthened, and it makes the world a Sunday afternoon together better place. Thank you, Lord, that the KILKENNY AND CARLOW Minister: Shannon DeLaureal Retired Minister Assisting: gospel of Jesus Christ is good Two churches seeking to serve and news for all people. Thank share God with the wider community. Tom Kingston Minister: Paul Maxwell you that the gospel is about PRAYER: Loving Lord, we thank you salvation, rescue, freedom and PRAYER: Loving Lord, you love us with for the spirit of love and cooperation that forgiveness. Thank you that a generous, extravagant and undeserved flows throughout the churches of this the gospel brings joy. It lifts us love. We thank you for the Food Pantry circuit. Help the members, dear Father, above the circumstances of our to continue to work together in your in Carlow which seeks to model Christ by name, so that ecumenism may prosper, lives to bring a lightness to our coming alongside families in need in the and through them, the feeling of your hearts. Help us to live today community, providing practical assistance in the joy and freedom of the MISSION PARTNERS gospel. Amen. The Rev. Dr Barry and Mrs Gillian Sloan 20
PRAYER FOCUS GALWAY AND BALLINASLOE UNITED METHODIST/ WDR PARTNER DABANE WATER DAY 8 PRESBYTERIAN WORKSHOPS, ZIMBABWE Shining brightly for Christ! In uncertain circumstances, Dabane Superintendent Minister: continues to help local people access Shannon DeLaureal clean water and develop livelihoods. PORTLAOISE INCLUDING Minister: Helen Freeburn (Presbyterian) ATHY, MOUNTMELLICK AND BALLYHUPAHAUN PRAYER: Father, your rain can bring life BIRR, ATHLONE AND TULLAMORE PRAYER: Dear Abba Father, help and destruction. We pray for those living Seeking to connect community life, the members to shine with your grace, Congregation in Athlone gather for fellowship in rural Zimbabwe, where rivers can be share the Gospel and encouraging our mercy and love. Please continue to bless on Good Friday dry for months, where cyclones can wipe Children and Youth. your Kingdom work in Galway and the out crops and where the government Superintendent Minister: surrounding areas, through youth and may struggle to meet people’s needs. We Clodagh Yambasu student ministry, leadership development, pray for Stephen, Joyce and all the team Minister in Part-time Appointment: home groups and outreach activities. Help at Dabane and for the communities with Yongnam Park the members to grow closer to you, grow whom they work; bless all their efforts to closer to one another and grow deeper in bring water and its benefits. May pumps, PRAYER: Loving Father, thank you for their faith and commitment. Please guide pipes, solar panels, expertise and hard the good relationships within this circuit their steps and witness, fill them with your work enable people to have the lives you and the developing relationships with their Holy Spirit, grant them your power and surely intended for them. Amen. societies. We thank you for your continued vision, and build your Kingdom there we blessing, unity, and grace to those on pray, to the glory of your name. Amen. this widespread circuit. Grant your help GALWAY AND BALLINASLOE and presence to all. We pray that all of CORK SOUTH AND KERRY Church visit to Aran Islands the members may become authentic A widespread circuit of long-standing disciples of Christ, learning, growing, and societies in Cork, Youghal and Kinsale producing fruit for his Kingdom. May they and more recent congregations in live out their faith with love and hope ‘By this everyone will know that Killarney, Kenmare and Millstreet. granted by you. Amen. Superintendent Minister: Karen Spence you are my disciples, if you love Minister: Andrew Robinson one another.’ John 13:35 BIRR, ATHLONE Retired Minister Assisting: AND TULLAMORE Geraldine Gracie Forgive us, Lord, when we fail Three small Midlands churches, building Ardfallen Grove Sheltered Housing to show by our love for each Manager (part-time): Cathy Murray bridges into their communities. other that we belong to you. Minister: Clodagh Yambasu Forgive us when we are over- Retired Minister Assisting: PRAYER: We thank you, Lord God, Irene Morrow for the opportunities you have given to critical, when relationships break CORK SOUTH AND KERRY minister your love and grace on the Cork down, when we gossip unkindly. Douglas Churches Together - PRAYER: Lord Jesus Christ, as you are South and Kerry Circuit. We pray that your Help us always to look for the Palm Sunday Pilgrimage the Good Shepherd of Birr, Athlone and Word will be faithfully preached in each of best, to build bridges, to seek Tullamore so your people lack nothing. the societies, and that the congregations to understand, to be ready to will be blessed with a spirit of unity which Thank you that you lead them in green will enable them to find ways to tell your admit our failure as well as to pastures and beside still waters. Your Gospel in their communities. We pray for forgive failure in others. May goodness and kindness follow, and will follow, them all the days of their lives. Your the ministers and leaders, that you will our love be sincere, enabling Holy Spirit guides, and will guide, them give them discernment and wise direction your Church to fulfil its mission and their churches in right paths for your in the many administrative decisions that in this world. Amen. name’s sake. Enable them to continue to must be made. Amen. see this so that they are overwhelmed by your unfailing love. Amen. DABANE WATER WORKSHOPS A solar panel powers the pumping of water from 22 below a seemingly dry river bed
PRAYER FOCUS WEST CORK INCLUDING BANDON, BALLINEEN, THE METHODIST CHURCH GHANA (WMP) DAY 9 CLONAKILTY, DRIMOLEAGUE The Methodist Church Ghana has AND SKIBBEREEN 20 dioceses with a total Christian Introducing people to Jesus and making community of almost 800,000. The disciples through the Church. Presiding Bishop of the Church is WDR PARTNER the Most Rev. Titus K. Awotwi Pratt Superintendent Minister: WENCHI METHODIST Gregory Alexander and the Lay President is Mr Bernard HOSPITAL, GHANA Minister: Denis Maguire Clement Kwesi Botwe. The hospital continues to serve a Retired Deacon: Gordon Wallace WENCHI METHODIST HOSPITAL, GHANA population of over 100,000 in central PRAYER: Eternal God, thank you for Dr Boateng Bosomtwi, resident urologist at Ghana. It is a growing institution which Wenchi Methodist Hospital witnesses to God’s love through the PRAYER: Loving Father, we give the Methodist presence in Ghana for thanks for growth, both in numbers and the past 183 years. We praise you for its practical care of its staff and partners. continuous impact on society and pray in spiritual life. Continue to strengthen the connections between church and for more grace to be a blessing to all. We PRAYER: Loving God, we give thanks community. May your Holy Spirit create in thank you for the leadership of the Church for Wenchi Methodist Hospital and the hearts of all people a hunger for God. and its vision for evangelism and social its recent expansion to include a new Guide each society as they seek to share work in and beyond the borders of Ghana. dental department. We praise you the gospel with all ages and bring healing Continue to renew the Methodist Church for the skill and expertise of the staff to broken lives. Amen. Ghana by the power of your Holy Spirit for there, particularly in the ophthalmology, effective witness and stewardship. Amen. optometric and urology departments. May each member of staff be a blessing CHRIST CHURCH LIMERICK to every patient they treat. God, we pray UNITED PRESBYTERIAN / WEST CORK for all those who travel from far and wide METHODIST AND CENTRAL ‘perfect love drives out fear’. The Ex-President the Rev. Dr Laurence Graham to be treated at Wenchi and ask that you BUILDINGS COMMUNITY 1 John 4:18 on his visit to the circuit keep them safe on their journeys. Lord PROJECT, LIMERICK God, we pray for Bernard (Administrator) Connecting Community Life as he prepares for retirement and mentors Minister: Vicki Lynch Lord, as we look around us we the person who will succeed him; may Mission: Sean Roys see so much fear. Yet your word this be a smooth transition. Pour out your tells us that perfect love drives blessing on Wenchi that it may continue to be a hospital where people are treated PRAYER: God of life and opportunity, out fear. Thank you for your with respect, kindness and love. Amen. thank you for your limitless love and perfect love. May we as your generosity. We give thanks for all the work people reflect that love that it that happens in this community project; ADARE/BALLINGRANE for all the connections and growth they may shine out into the darkness A rural circuit in west Limerick. are now experiencing; for the outreach of your world and bring peace. LIMERICK Minister in Part-time Appointment: Amen. in their community gallery and coffee Irish World Music Cafe Ruth Watt dock; for all the wonderful meetings, conversations and relationships. As your PRAYER: Father God, we thank you for faithful church help them to pray for a the fellowship and witness of your people deeper understanding of how you want in this area. Encourage them as they share them to work together for your Kingdom ‘We always thank God for….. Christ, that others may be helped, loved in the City of Limerick. Enable them to your endurance inspired by hope and drawn to Him. Be with them as they meet the challenges and to share their in our Lord Jesus Christ.’ continue to pray together and with the learning. Amen. 1 Thessalonians 1:3 local community. Help them discern what it is that God is calling them to be and do. May they be guided by the Holy Spirit Lord, may our hope in Christ as they continue to serve you through inspire endurance that keeps us worship, work and witness. Amen. moving forward with you and METHODIST CHURCH GHANA The Rev. Daniel Tannor, Bishop of the Sunyani helps us and others to see light Diocese, Methodist Church Ghana with his in the midst of darkness. Amen. wife Alice 24
PRAYER FOCUS SPRINGFIELD AND CHURCH HILL INCLUDING UPPER ERNE INCLUDING BROOKEBOROUGH, DAY 10 DERRYGONNELLY LISNASKEA, Jeremiah 29:13 ‘You will seek me and NEWTOWNBUTLER, DRUMADY, find me, when you search for me with CORLESPRATTEN AND your heart.’ THE LAKELANDS DISTRICT We seek to follow where God leads, TULLYBOY Sharing the gospel and Christ’s love in Wanting to grow closer to God, to one walking in his ways, loving those we eight circuits covering eight counties. another in unity and closer to those meet along the journey. District Superintendent: Jeremy Nicoll beyond our churches, through more Minister: Amanda Durrell THE LAKELANDS DISTRICT District Secretary: Robin Toner consistent prayer and more time given Manorhamilton Girls’ Brigade, one of the to one another. largest groups on the island! PRAYER: Lord, we thank you for your PRAYER: Our loving Father, we thank Minister: Colin Milligan faithfulness - that we know in our lives and you for your constant presence with us, Part-time Lay Worker: Ian Graham your patience and your unending love for see manifest in your wonderful creation us. We thank you and praise you that you around us in its seasons and splendour. are faithful to us; help us to be faithful to PRAYER: Our gracious heavenly Father, Thank you, too, for the faithfulness and we have so much to thank you for; you you. We pray for opportunities to arise witness of generations before us in our have strengthened us, encouraged us, within this community to serve you, and towns and villages. May we continue to blessed us and allowed us to come closer to witness for you. Open the eyes of our be faithful in worship and outreach. Lord, to you, so that our relationship with you hearts, Lord, and give us ears to hear and equip us by your Holy Spirit for mission, has become deeper, more meaningful. We hearts that seek after you. Renew in each service and witness and bless our leaders, pray for the Upper Erne Circuit, for all its of us the passion to witness and serve you, lay and ordained, as they serve you and members; even though they are far apart our God and King. In Jesus’ name. Amen. us, for your glory. Amen. in distance you are the one who, in love, SPRINGFIELD AND CHURCH HILL reaches out to the needs of each person. Community Lunch during Love Week ENNISKILLEN INCLUDING LISBELLAW, MAGUIRESBRIDGE We pray that they will keep their eyes KNOCKNINNY, AND TEMPO focused on Jesus. Amen. Seeking to glorify God through FLORENCECOURT, worship, strengthening community LETTERBREEN AND THE METHODIST CHURCH relationships and deepening our BLACKLION experience of God in daily life. UPPER MYANMAR (WMP) Minister: Mark Durrell MCI continues in partnership with Seeking to be biblical, God-honouring MCUM. This has involved two-way and Kingdom-expanding servants. visits, dialogue, prayer and funding of Superintendent Minister: PRAYER: Living God, we give you Church growth activities in Myanmar. Lorna Dreaning thanks and praise for the three churches Minister: Darrin Thompson within this circuit. We ask that you empower and inspire their congregations PRAYER: Heavenly Father, we thank LISBELLAW, MAGUIRESBRIDGE AND TEMPO you for the relationship we have with PRAYER: Gracious God, your Word and their surrounding communities the Methodist Church Upper Myanmar. Circuit Prayer and Bible Study Group says, ‘Blessed is the nation whose God through the power of the Holy Spirit. Help them as they continue to explore the gifts Lord, we are grateful for the opportunities is the Lord.’ Thank you for the desire in you have given them to use them freely to work within Myanmar and share in the hearts of so many of your people on to serve you and others. Create within your ministry. We pray for guidance this circuit to honour you in their lives, them a passion for your Word, and a thirst as the MWI connects with the Council in their families, amongst their friends for your holy presence, so that their lives, Methodist Women’s Association (CMWA) and neighbours, in their church, in their words and actions may carry the scent of in Myanmar. Bless them, Lord, for the community, on their circuit and in their Jesus Christ. Amen. passion and desire they have to work nation. Forgive them when their practice within their communities to share your falls short of their own desires and of love. Father, we pray for the President of yours. Bless them, Lord, and make them CMWA, Mrs Irene Myint, and thank you to be a blessing. Thank you for your for her commitment to working with the THE METHODIST CHURCH UPPER MYANMAR faithfulness. Amen. MWI. God, may we be faithful in prayer for Methodist Women in Ireland visit Upper Myanmar the ministry of our brothers and sisters in Myanmar as they take your name to those who haven’t heard it. Amen. 26
PRAYER FOCUS BALLINAMALLARD AND TRILLICK WDR PARTNER PHAKAMISA, SOUTH AFRICA DAY 11 Seeking to grow in faith, love and unity, and to follow Christ as he leads us into Phakamisa serves local impoverished communities through pre-school mission. education, as well as offering support Minister: John Beacom for caregivers of orphans and those FIVEMILETOWN INCLUDING Youth Worker: Sarah Vaughan affected by, and infected with, HIV and CLABBY AND CREAGH (joint with Magheracross Church of Ireland) AIDS. A welcoming community who desire to glorify God and share his love with FIVEMILETOWN others. A worshipping community PRAYER: Lord, we pray that you PRAYER: Loving God, your Son lived The Rev. Janet Rossell with her continue to lead the congregations of a life of compassion and we thank you husband Michael whose desire is to glorify God and to Ballinamallard and Trillick as they seek to that Phakamisa seeks to live this out serve others, through the power of the draw closer together and as they desire to through the love and support offered to Holy Spirit. learn from you. Be with the youth worker children and caregivers. Thank you for the Minister: Janet Rossell on the circuit and encourage others education children receive from Phakamisa to offer themselves as leaders. Bless and for the opportunities for further PRAYER: Almighty God, we thank you the fellowship groups as they continue growth and development. We pray for the for the wonder of creation and for your to bring believers together, building caregivers; grant them good health and goodness to us. Most of all we praise fellowship and trust. We ask you to guide empower them in their roles so that they you for Jesus who loved us and gave the outreach initiatives being planned feel equipped and able to look after the himself for us. Help this circuit to use outside of the church and help all to children. Be with Thokozani Poswa, who every opportunity to show your love so show the love of Christ in a practical way leads the organization, and the staff and that others will be drawn to the Saviour. throughout their communities. Amen. trainers in their roles. God, in all they do PETTIGO AND IRVINESTOWN Give them the courage to put themselves may they continue to fix their eyes on you. Members of Pettigo congregation praying at your disposal so that in Fivemiletown NORTH CONNACHT AND Amen. on a bridge over the Termon River on the Circuit they will truly be a worshipping people. Amen. LONGFORD INCLUDING Fermanagh-Donegal border SLIGO, MANORHAMILTON, PETTIGO AND IRVINESTOWN COLLOONEY, BALLINA, Seeking to share the Good News of LONGFORD, DRUMSHANBO Jesus Christ to bring hope, encourage AND BOYLE personal faith and use their gifts to To share the love of the Lord Jesus build up the ministry of the Church and Christ and his gifts in the church and serve the community. community. Hebrews Ch. 11 Minister: Steven Foster Superintendent Minister: Jeremy Nicoll Minister: Christiaan Snell Thank you, dear God, for the PRAYER: Eternal God, we praise you (Church of Ireland) for the faithfulness of many present and men and women of faith who we NORTH CONNACHT AND LONGFORD departed. Help your people in North PRAYER: Thank you, Lord, for your discover in the pages of the Old Some of the regulars who attend “Open Doors” in Sligo Methodist Church Fermanagh to grow in their desire for, and love, grace, protection and provision and New Testaments. Thank you obedience to, you. Be at work in all that for this widespread circuit. Enable them that they were ready to take goes on in this circuit. God of all, thank to continue to trust and rely on you for risks in order to go forward with you for the unique missional opportunities direction, guidance and strength. Thank and great community relations in both you for the faithful service of young and you. Help us also to be ready for Pettigo and Irvinestown. Help your people old. Lord, may each one of us grow in whatever you ask of us, knowing to step out with joy and boldness. In this grace. Help us to share your gospel with that you will be our strength. time of transition, protect community life love, both in word and deed to society. Amen. in border areas, we pray. Amen. Bless the lonely, the hurting, the stranger and those who are in need today. Amen. PHAKAMISA Nomalanga Mfoza, teacher at Phakamisa’s ‘wandering school’ 28
PRAYER FOCUS ministry, lay and ordained. We pray for those training for ordained ministry, that SABBATICAL COMMITTEE Sabbaticals are a gift from the Church they would be empowered to equip the to its ministers. They enable ministers DAY 12 Church and serve God. We pray that God to receive space and time for renewal would enhance vision for the ministry for themselves and for their ministry. and mission of the Church that we would Sabbatical Officer: Colin Duncan THE BOARD OF MINISTRY/ find new and innovative ways to serve. EDGEHILL BOARD OF We ask for wisdom for those who lead, PRAYER: We pray for all who are GOVERNORS teach and resource the College and the preparing for and taking sabbaticals The Board of Ministry and Board of ministerial training programme. We pray during this Connexional year; that they Governors work together to oversee for the opportunities that will arise for may rest in you, be renewed in spirit and NEWLY ORDAINED MINISTERS and co-ordinate strategy for ministry collaboration in mission and ministry as re-energised for ministry. Lord, guide and The Revs Darrin Thompson, Cheryl Patterson, development across the Church and the various Connexional departments direct the Sabbatical Planning Groups and Louise Monroe, Nigel Murphy, Katherine Kehoe provide opportunities for theological move onto the Edgehill site. Amen. all who cover for the ministers’ absence, and Amanda Durrell with the President of the training and study, especially in that they may rejoice in the opportunity to Methodist Church in Ireland preparing men and women for ordained LOCAL PREACHERS serve you. Amen. ministry. The two main subgroups of Local Preachers have served the the Board are the Ordained Ministry Methodist Church in Ireland from its Committee and the Lay Ministry inception and are an intrinsic part of the Committee. life and witness of our Church across Board of Ministry Chair: this island. We thank God for all our David Campton Local Preachers, in training, active and Board of Governors Chair: retired; men and women who have ‘You have forsaken your first Maureen Edmondson responded to his call and trained for love,’ Revelation 2:4 Principal Pro Tem: service both locally and connexionally. We are grateful too for our Janet Unsworth relationship with the staff at Edgehill Help us, O God, not to ‘forsake Director of Ministry: John Alderdice Theological College who have helped our first love’. Kindle our love Ordained Ministry Committee to facilitate the training of our Local for you afresh in our hearts, Preachers. Local Preachers continue in response to your great love EDGEHILL COLLEGE Secretaries: Philip Agnew Ministerial Students and Robin Waugh to demonstrate competence, call and for us, that we might truly be Lay Ministry Committee Chair: character as they serve the Methodist Church in Ireland. channels of your love in this Lynda Neilands (Lay Leader) Edgehill Lay Staff: Louise Wilson Ministerial Secretary: Mervyn Ewing world. Amen. (Training Development Officer until Lay Secretary: Tom Wilson September 2018), Stephen Edgar, Wayne Mulholland, Kay Irvine, PRAYER: Loving God, we pray for all Mandy Weir, Sylvia McAnally those called to be Local Preachers in your Part-time Lecturer: Alan Lorimer name, who have accepted this privilege to First Year Students: preach your exciting Good News for all. Tanita Lee, Susan Gallagher May each one be aware of your constant 1 Corinthians Chapter 13 Returning Students: Daphne Hanna, guidance and direction as they study, Marina Hassard, Nigel Gill, prepare and present the message to your Lord, we don’t want to be like Sam Campbell (Probationer Minister) Church family, and, through their role, may resounding gongs or clanging LOCAL PREACHERS they grow in their own personal journey cymbals. Please give us a Dublin District Local Preachers at their PRAYER: We give thanks for this with you and gain new experiences to genuine love that is patient and November Conference pass on with encouragement what you are exciting and challenging time of transition and change as we explore new patterns doing in their lives. And so, Holy Spirit, kind; always protecting, always of formation and training for God’s continue to kindle the fire of your love trusting, always hoping, always mission. We pray that as disciples we as they commit to your ongoing will. In persevering; a love that never would be shaped by the Word of God Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. fails, for the honour of your and hear the call of God in our lives to name. Amen. 30
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