THE VATICAN OBSERVATORY - 710L At the Intersection of Faith and Science

Page created by Gabriel Buchanan
THE VATICAN OBSERVATORY - 710L At the Intersection of Faith and Science

        At the Intersection of Faith and Science

THE VATICAN OBSERVATORY - 710L At the Intersection of Faith and Science
COVER: Frescoed           RIGHT: Castel
ceiling with windrose     Gandolfo, Italy
and anenometer at the
Tower of the Winds
in Vatican City in Rome

CASTEL GANDOLFO is also home to the            ing religion and science for more than
Vatican Observatory. This observatory is       100 years. Its library holds more than
one of the oldest in the world. It is run by   22,000 books. It includes historic works
the Catholic Church. Since 1891, the           by Copernicus, Galileo, Newton, and
pope’s astronomers have been using the         Kepler. Every summer, the astronomers
observatory to study the night sky. They       at the observatory update the pope on
have one of the oldest telescopes in the       their work.
                                               “The Church has a serious interest in un-
They hope to use science to answer a           derstanding the Universe and everything
question that occurs to all people: How        in it,” said Father George Coyne. Father
did the Universe begin? What is our place      Coyne used to run the Observatory.
in it?
                                               In his view, “True science, good science,
The Vatican Observatory has been bridg-        does not conflict with religious belief.”

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THE VATICAN OBSERVATORY - 710L At the Intersection of Faith and Science
“The Church has         A HISTORY OF CONTROVERSY
                         Today, the Catholic Church supports
                                                                       his ideas. Galileo himself was punished
                                                                       with house arrest. He died in 1642, still
                                                                                                                    MOVING TO ARIZONA
                                                                                                                    Today, the telescopes at Castel Gandolfo

 a serious interest      astronomy. But in the past, this was not
                         always true. In the 1600s, Italian astron-
                                                                       not allowed to leave his house.              are rarely used for astronomical research.
                                                                                                                    They are usually used by visiting groups
 in understanding        omer Galileo Galilei challenged the teach-
                         ings of the past. Galileo observed the sky.
                                                                       Since then though, the Church has sup-
                                                                       ported astronomy. Popes set up three
                                                                                                                    or students. The Vatican’s serious research
                                                                                                                    now takes place in Arizona.
 the Universe            He concluded that the Sun was the cen-        different observatories in the 1700s and

 and everything
                         ter of our Solar System.                      1800s.                                       Eventually, the skies around Rome be-
                                                                                                                    came too bright. The Vatican set up an

 in it.”                 But the Church supported the Earth-cen-
                         tric views of Ptolemy and Aristotle. It did
                                                                       Vatican astronomers made a major break-
                                                                       through in the mid-1800s. Father Angelo
                                                                                                                    observatory in Arizona. The skies there
                                                                                                                    are very dark and clear. It’s a perfect place
                         not accept Galileo’s new ideas.               Secchi was the first to sort stars based     for stargazing. The Vatican’s telescope
                                                                       on their spectra. The spectra were deter-    there is cutting-edge.
 telescope on            In 1542, the Church began the Inquisition.    mined by the color of light they give off.
 Mount Graham, Arizona   Authorities in the Church investigated        Modern spectroscopy is very important in     “We are priests and religious men, but we
                         religious questions. The Inquisition found    astronomy today.                             also are scientists. Astronomy is our main
                         Galileo’s writings about the Earth revolv-                                                 service to the Church,” said observatory
                         ing around the Sun incorrect. They banned                                                  director Jose G. Funes.
THE VATICAN OBSERVATORY - 710L At the Intersection of Faith and Science
THE CHURCH RECONSIDERS GALILEO                 Pope Benedict XVI said in 2008 that the       LEFT: Portrait
                                                                                             of Galileo Galilei
Even today, the subject of Galileo is tricky   Church’s decision against Galileo made
for the Church. In 1992, Pope John Paul II     sense. Many did not welcome his remarks.      CENTER: The
                                                                                             Copernican model
showed regret for the way Galileo had
                                                                                             of the Universe
been treated. Later, he called for a bal-      Rachel Hilliam authored a book on Gali-
ance between faith and reason. “Faith          leo. She wrote that Galileo never turned      RIGHT: Portrait of
                                                                                             Nicolaus Copernicus
and reason are like two wings on which         away from the Catholic faith. He was “not
the human spirit rises to the contempla-       trying to start a conflict between science
tion of truth,” he wrote in a letter.          and religion,” she wrote. “He believed that
                                               the Bible was there to instruct people in
But the balance between faith and reason       how to get to heaven and was not meant
is sometimes difficult for popes.              to be a scientific book explaining how the
                                               Universe worked.”

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THE VATICAN OBSERVATORY - 710L At the Intersection of Faith and Science
THIS PAGE: Jesuit       RIGHT: Father           BOTTOM RIGHT: A
priest astronomers      Emmanuel Carreira       1.8-meter honey-
using the telescope     using the telescope     combed mirror crafted
at the Vatican          at the Vatican          for the VATT at the
Observatory in Castel   Observatory in Castel   University of Arizona
Gandolfo in 1946        Gandolfo in 2005

                                                                             “We are priests and religious men,
                                                                        but we also are scientists…Astronomy
                                                                           is our main service to the church.”
THE VATICAN OBSERVATORY - 710L At the Intersection of Faith and Science
SOURCES                                                                                   IMAGE CREDITS

                                                                                          The frescoed ceiling                   Jesuit priests Brother Matthew Timmer
BBC News. “Papal visit scuppered by scholars.” January 15, 2008.
                                                                                          of the Tower of the Winds              and Father Walter J. Miller at the Vatican
                                                                                          © Bob Sacha/Corbis                     Observatory in Castel Gandolfo in 1946
                                                                                                                                 © Hulton-Deutsch Collection/CORBIS
Consolmagno, Brother Guy. Brother Astronomer: Adventures of a Vatican Scientist.
                                                                                          Castel Gandolfo, Italy
New York : McGraw-Hill, 2000.
                                                                                          © Morton Beebe/CORBIS                  Father Emmanuel Carreira at the Vatican
                                                                                                                                 Observatory in Castel Gandolfo in 2005
Consolmagno, Brother Guy. God’s Mechanics: How Scientists and Engineers Make
                                                                                          The VATT facilities on Mount Graham,   © TONY GENTILE/Reuters/Corbis
Sense of Religion. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass/Wiley, 2008.
                                                                                          Arizona, courtesy of the Vatican
                                                                                          Observatory and Alex Lovell-Troy       A 1.8-meter mirror crafted
Farndon, John. From Ptolemy’s Spheres to Dark Energy: Discovering the Universe.
                                                                                                                                 for the VATT telescope
Chicago: Heinemann Library, 2007.
                                                                                          An undated portrait of Galileo         © Roger Ressmeyer/CORBIS
                                                                                          © Bettmann/CORBIS
Hilliam, Rachel. Galileo Galilei: Father of Modern Science. New York: The Rosen
Publishing Group, 2005.
                                                                                          Copernicus’s view of the Solar
                                                                                          System from the 1661 Harmonica
John Paul II. Evangelium Vitae. Encyclical letter on the relationship between faith and
                                                                                          Macrocosmia by Cellarius
reason. Vatican website. September 14, 1998.
                                                                                          © Bettmann/CORBIS

                                                                                          An engraving of Copernicus
Stiles, Lori. “Cardinal Who Oversees the Vatican Observatory Will Visit Tucson.”
                                                                                          © Copernicus/PoodlesRock/CORBIS
UA News, University of Arizona Communications, January 28, 2009.

Vatican Observatory, 2011 Annual Report.

Vatican Observatory Newsletter, Fall 2009.

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THE VATICAN OBSERVATORY - 710L At the Intersection of Faith and Science
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