The untold true story of the Witches of Oz - Venue Date Time Kravis On Broadway 2020-2021 - Kravis Center for ...

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The untold true story of the Witches of Oz - Venue Date Time Kravis On Broadway 2020-2021 - Kravis Center for ...
Raymond F. Kravis Center for the Performing Arts s Volume 31 s Number 3 s Spring 2020

The untold true story
of the Witches of Oz

                                        JIMMY BUFFETT’S

                                                           Set Your Mind
                                                          on Island Time.

                                    Venue • Date • Time

                             Kravis On Broadway 2020-2021
The untold true story of the Witches of Oz - Venue Date Time Kravis On Broadway 2020-2021 - Kravis Center for ...
Raymond F. Kravis Center
    ceo notes                                                                in this issue                                                               for the Performing Arts
                                                                                                                                                           BOARD OF DIRECTORS
                                           During these challenging          3                                                                                    Jeffrey A. Stoops
                                                                             Community Outreach Event                                                                 Chairman
                                           times, we at the Kravis Center                                                                                          John H. Kessler
                                           want to express our gratitude     4-5                                                                                      Vice Chair
                                                                                                                                                                   Sherry S. Barrat
                                           to the community for your         Kravis On Broadway
                                                                                                                                                                      Vice Chair
                                           continued support. As we all
                                           navigate this unprecedented
                                                                             7                                                                                   Joseph M. Sanches
                                                                                                                                                                      Vice Chair
                                                                             Education Committee Events                                                           Stephen L. Brown
                                           situation, we hope that you       Spotlight on Young Musicians                                                             Treasurer
                                           will follow recommendations
                                           to keep yourself and your         8                                                                                    James W. Harpel
                                                                             Student Theater Critics                                                                Penny Bank
                                           family healthy and well.          Professional Development                                                             Michael J. Bracci
                                        It’s during this time of                                                                                               Alexander W. Dreyfoos
                                        uncertainty we need the arts
                                                                             9                                                                                     Stuart Frankel
                                                                                                                                                                  Robert L. Fromer
                                                                             Alan Lebow Award
                                        most to unite us as a society—                                                                                           Bradley J. Hurston
                                        as music, theater and other          10                                                                                      Irene Karp
                                                                                                                                                                  Norma E. Klorfine
                                        cultural experiences provide         Lunch and Learn                                                                      David G. Lambert
                                                                             In Memoriam                                                                           Paul N. Leone
                                        entertainment, comfort and                                                                                                  Mark F. Levy
                                        ease stress. We hope that            11                                                                                    David S. Mack
                                                                                                                                                                  William A. Meyer
                                        you will continue to support         African-American Film Festival                                                       Jane M. Mitchell
                                        the Center and the other             Magnifique Winter Intensive                                                            Bill Peterson
                                                                                                                                                                 Monika E. Preston

              Judith A. Mitchell
                                        arts venues in the community
                                        including the galleries,
                                                                             12                                                                                    Richard Sloane
                                                                             Regional Arts Classical Concert Series                                                  EX OFFICIO
            Chief Executive Officer
                                        museums, and theaters. I                                                                                                 Mayor Dave Kerner
     know I speak for my fellow arts administrators when I express my        13                                                                                  Palm Beach County
                                                                                                                                                               Mayor Keith A. James
                                                                             Kravis on Broadway Student Workshops
     gratitude for your support.                                                                                                                              City of West Palm Beach

     I’d like to take a moment to give special thanks to our extraordinary   14                                                                                   Judith A. Mitchell
                                                                                                                                                               Chief Executive Officer
                                                                             Dress Circle Dinner
     volunteers who we honor at this time of year as part of National                                                                                             LIFE TRUSTEES
     Volunteer Week April 19 through 25. Our many volunteers give their      15                                                                                     Patricia Cook
                                                                                                                                                                 Harold F. Corrigan
     time by serving as ushers, handling administrative tasks, providing     Helen K. Persson Society                                                           E. Llwyd Ecclestone
     hospitality services, leading tours and more. Our performances
     would not be possible without these generous individuals, including
                                                                             16-17                                                                               George T. Elmore
                                                                                                                                                                 Herbert Gimelstob
                                                                             Kravis 2020:The Future is Now                                                        Shannon R. Ginn
     those who graciously serve on our Board of Directors and as Life                                                                                       Barbara Evans Golden, Ph.D.
     Trustees.                                                               18                                                                                    Judy Goodman
                                                                                                                                                                     J. Ira Harris
                                                                             Palm Beach Wine Auction Sponsors’ Vintners Dinner                                     Marshall Hess
     The Kravis Center was built by and for this community and has                                                                                                John H. Howard
     been sustained by your support through your ticket purchases            19-21                                                                                John E. Jenkins
                                                                                                                                                                   Amin J. Khoury
     and contributions for over 28 years of operations. Today the            13th Annual Palm Beach Wine Auction
                                                                                                                                                                   Sidney A. Kohl
     Kravis Center, like all of our performing arts groups, faces serious    22-23                                                                              Garrison duP. Lickle
                                                                                                                                                               George J. Michel, Jr.
     challenges and we hope you will help us with your generous tax          Gala Kickoff Reception                                                             Thomas R. Pledger
     deductible donations.                                                   Gala Thank You                                                                    Daniel Edward Ponton
                                                                                                                                                                 David B. Robb, Jr.
     On an optimistic note, your Kravis Center Programming team has          24 SHOWBusiness                                                                       Carl J. Shapiro
                                                                                                                                                                  Laurie S. Silvers
     been hard at work over the past six months curating an outstanding      	Corporate Partners Business Speaker Series                                       Kathryn C. Vecellio
     line-up of performances for the 2020-2021 season and beyond. I            25 Founder Member Dinner                                                              Lee Wolf
     know we all look forward to the future when we can again come             27 Corporate Partners
                                                                               28-32 Dress Circle Annual Campaign
     together to be entertained, inspired, moved and awed by the                                                                                                   Linda Bryant Birdsey,
                                                                               Honor Roll
     talent and beauty that live performance brings to our lives and           33-35 Honor Roll of Donors
                                                                                                                                                                Director of Marketing & P.R.
                                                                                                                                                         Brandon Newman, Marketing Coordinator
     hearts. I want to assure you that we will move forward for you, our                                                                                 Cody DeCarlo, Marketing/P.R. Associate/
                                                                                                                                                                      Social Marketing
     community and our supporters to continue to bring you the best in                                                                                     Ashley Douglass, Marketing Manager
                                                                             The Raymond F. Kravis Center for the Performing Arts, Inc. is a 501(c)(3)
     entertainment, cultural offerings and arts education programming        not-for-profit corporation and all gifts made to the Center are tax-
                                                                                                                                                         Phala Murray, Digital Marketing Manager
                                                                                                                                                          Coreen Gottschalk, Production Manager
     for students of all ages.                                               deductible to the extent provided by state and federal law. 100% of            Wendy Vogeley, Creative Manager
                                                                             such gifts are retained by the Center to support its operations.                Sarah Blake, Marketing Assistant
     We need your help to do that so we ask that you continue to support                                                                                                   s
     the Kravis Center and ALL of our local arts organizations who           A COPY OF THE OFFICIAL REGISTRATION AND FINANCIAL                                   Designer: Patrizia Sceppa
                                                                             INFORMATION FOR THE RAYMOND F. KRAVIS CENTER                                           Contributing Writers
     depend so heavily on that support. We all exist for you but can only    FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS, INC., A FLORIDA BASED                                           Wendy Vogeley
     survive with your support.                                              NONPROFIT CORPORATION (REGISTRATION NO. CH3470),                                Slatkow & Husak Public Relations
                                                                             MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE DIVISION OF CONSUMER                               Photo Contributors: Capehart Photography
                                                                                                                                                                      Alicia Donelan
     I thank you for your words of encouragement that have come to me.       SERVICES BY CALLING TOLL FREE 1-800-HELP-FLA
                                                                                                                                                                      Jason Gillman
                                                                             (435-7352) WITHIN THE STATE OR VISITING
     It has been wonderful to share those with our staff who are working     THEIR WEB SITE AT WWW.FLORIDACONSUMERHELP.COM
                                                                                                                                                                 Jason Nuttle Photographer
                                                                                                                                                                 Mary Stucchi Photography
     hard to weather this very difficult time.                               REGISTRATION DOES NOT IMPLY ENDORSEMENT, APPROVAL                                         Jacek Photo
                                                                             OR RECOMMENDATION BY THE STATE. FEDERAL TAX ID NUMBER:
                                                                                                                                                                  Please direct inquiries,
     Again, we truly appreciate your continued support and hope that         59-2245054                                                                        comments and suggestions to
     you and your family will stay healthy and well. We look forward to      Raymond F. Kravis Center for the Performing Arts, Ovations Magazine,
                                                                                                                                                                 Ovations, Kravis Center
                                                                                                                                                                  701 Okeechobee Blvd.
     seeing you again soon at the Center. s                                  Volume 32, Number 3 (Spring 2020) is published by                                     West Palm Beach, FL
                                                                             The Raymond F. Kravis Center for the Performing Arts, Inc.,                              33401-6399.
                                                                             701 Okeechobee Boulevard, West Palm Beach, FL 33401-6399
{2} OVATIONS SPRING 2020                                                                                                                                           All rights reserved.
The untold true story of the Witches of Oz - Venue Date Time Kravis On Broadway 2020-2021 - Kravis Center for ...
community outreach event

                                                                                              The Kravis Center’s annual Gospel Gala took place
                                                                                              on Wednesday, March 11. Before the presentation
                                                                                              of the Tony Award-winning The Color Purple, guests
                                                                                              gathered in Dreyfoos Hall to experience an uplifting
                                                                                              performance by the St. John Missionary Baptist
                                                                                              Church Mass Choir, under the Direction of Gwendolyn
                                                                                              Scruggs and accompanied by Wilson Scruggs on
                                                                                              keys, Sherwin Foster on drums and David Dulcio
                                                                                              on bass. The Kravis Center’s Community Relations
                                                                                              Committee enjoyed a reception in the Carl and Ruth
        Gospel Gala is hosted by the Center’s Community Relations Committee
Back Row: Allyson Dupree Smith, John Jenkins, Cheryl Jones-Pouncey, Constance Ward            Shapiro Founders’ Room before the show. s
          Second Row; Lee Bell, Bradley Hurston, Sonja Kelly, Orville Lawton
  Front Row: Lee Hooks, John Howard, Vanessa Young, Zenetta Miller, Jane Mitchell             Sponsored by Jane M. Mitchell

       Cheryl Jones-Pouncey, Amber Conrad                                            St. John Missionary Baptist Church Mass Choir

                                                                             Aaron Neely, Janice Snow, Orville Lawton, Claudia Hammond

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The untold true story of the Witches of Oz - Venue Date Time Kravis On Broadway 2020-2021 - Kravis Center for ...
kravis on broadway

                                       Kravis On Broadway

                  HITS   HOME
                    NOVEMBER 2020!

                                                                                                           Event Guest and Vanessa Young

                                                                                               Beach balls and excitement filled the air on
                                                                                               February 17 as the Kravis Center unveiled the
                                                                                               eagerly anticipated 2020-2021 season of Kravis On
                                                                                               Broadway. Broadway fans, media representatives,
                Cody DeCarlo, Briana Beaty, Linda Birdsey, Alexandra Hegarty, Pamela Vargas,   social media influencers and members of the
                                    Hallie Rosenthal, Marianna Frances                         community gathered on the lawn at Rosemary
                                                                                               Square and were among the first to get a sneak peek
                                                                                               at the newest Broadway hits hitting home for the
                                                                                               Center’s next season.

                                                                                               From ticket giveaways to goody bags for all, everyone
                                                                                               in attendance was treated to a great time while
                                                                                               learning about the seven top-touring Broadway shows
                                                                                               coming to the Kravis Center. Next season, Kravis On
                                                                                               Broadway guests will experience an array of inspiring
                                                                                               musicals and unforgettable stories that will capture
                                                                                               the heart including An Officer and a Gentleman,
                                                                                               Jimmy Buffett’s Escape to Margaritaville, My Fair
                                                                                               Lady, Wicked, Dear Evan Hansen, Anastasia and Mean
                                                                                               Girls. The event was co-hosted by the Kravis Center,
                                                                                               Rosemary Square, Il Bellagio Italian Restaurant, who
                                                                                               provided delicious hors d’oeuvres and wine, and
                                                                                               Virginia Sinicki of 97.9 WRMF’s the KVJ Show.

                                                                                                    Virginia Sinicki, Linda Birdsey, Ron Del Signore
                                                                                                                   Amanda Rypkema

The untold true story of the Witches of Oz - Venue Date Time Kravis On Broadway 2020-2021 - Kravis Center for ...
Jimmy Buffett’s Escape to Margaritaville

                                    An Officer and a Gentleman

Kravis On Broadway’s spectacular 2020-2021 season will kick off with an all-new production
based on the Oscar-winning film, An Officer and a Gentleman (November 24-29). A compelling
story of adversity and triumph, this breathtaking romance captivates audiences around the
world and reminds us all that anything’s possible if you have the courage to pursue your dreams.
Next, grab your flip-flops and head on over to where it’s always five o’ clock with Jimmy Buffett’s
Escape to Margaritaville (December 15-20). A light-hearted musical comedy packed with
enough Buffett tunes to delight any Parrothead, critics are calling this new Broadway production
“A little slice of paradise!”                                                                                              My Fair Lady

                                                                       Lincoln Center’s lavish new production of Lerner and Loewe’s My Fair Lady
                                                                       (January 5-10) breathes new life into the timeless classic. Show tunes that have
                                                                       stood the test of time, I Could Have Danced All Night and Wouldn’t it be Loverly,
                                                                       among others, are better than ever in this glorious revival.
                                                                       Then, discover what happens when the fieriest of rivalries turns into the unlikeliest
                                                                       of friendships. The Broadway smash Wicked (February 3-14) tells the story of
                                                                       what really happened in the Land of Oz, but from a different angle.
                                                                       One of the most remarkable shows in musical theater history, according to the
                                                                       Washington Post, Dear Evan Hansen (March 9-14) delivers a deeply personal
                                                                       message about life and the way we live it. A contemporary musical that resonates
                                                                       with all ages.
Take off on an incredible adventure as you’re transported from the Russian
Empire to Paris in the 1920s with the beloved Anastasia (March 30-April 4). This
magnificent production tells the story of a brave young woman on a journey to
discover the mystery of her past.
And get set to laugh aloud as you experience Tina Fey’s hilarious hit musical
Mean Girls (May 11-16). This acclaimed production gets to the heart of what it
means to be a true friend, a worthy nemesis and above all, a human being.
Kravis On Broadway subscribers are receiving their renewals now, donors will have
the opportunity to subscribe in May and subscriptions will go on sale to the general
public in June.
                                                                                                                   Dear Evan Hansen
Visit to learn more. s

                      Anastasia                                                                       Mean Girls

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The untold true story of the Witches of Oz - Venue Date Time Kravis On Broadway 2020-2021 - Kravis Center for ...
                             OUR VOLUNTEERS!

         The show could not go on without our team of dedicated volunteers! Each of these extraordinary
         individuals, including our Board Members, Life Trustees and Standing Committee Members, ushers
         and those who handle hospitality, administrative and customer service tasks, are the reason we can
         continue our mission of enhancing life in Palm Beach County. We salute each and every one of you!

The untold true story of the Witches of Oz - Venue Date Time Kravis On Broadway 2020-2021 - Kravis Center for ...
education committee events                                           spotlight on young musicians
                                                                                 Kravis Center Aims a
Kravis Center’s Education Committee
                                                                             SPOTLIGHTon theTALENT
                                                                            ofLOCAL YOUNG MUSICIANS

         Martha Brown,                  Julie Hetherington, Maxine Marks,
          Penny Bank                              Barbara Golden
The Education Committee of the Kravis Center’s Board of
Directors, hosted four meetings during the 2019-2020 season,
which started in November with a presentation by speaker
Dr. Donald Fennoy, Superintendent of the School District of Palm Beach
County. The committee also participated in a new Member Engagement
program that allowed it to host several special events throughout
the season.
                                                                            Spotlight on Young Musicians perform their showcase performance
At the first meeting, Dr. Fennoy shared                                     in 2019.
highlights from the district’s 2016-2021
Strategic 5-Year Plan, including the district’s                             Crossing the threshold from practice to stage is every music
commitment to arts education through grant                                  student’s dream, and the Kravis Center has been helping to make that
writing and long-range capital planning.                                    dream a reality for more than 27 years. Nearly 40,000 students have
                                                                            performed in the annual Spotlight on Young Musicians. The eagerly
In December, the committee served as                                        anticipated annual event not only showcases emerging talent but
hosts for the Kravis Center’s S*T*A*R                                       also promotes the excellent choral and instrumental music programs
                                             Judy Mitchell, Bill Peterson
Series, greeting and interacting with                                       within area schools.
teachers and students attending a performance of The Very Hungry
Caterpillar by the Mermaid Theatre of Nova Scotia.                          “The Kravis Center is delighted to have this legacy partnership with
                                                                            the Youth Orchestra of Palm Beach County, the School District of Palm
In January, Dr. Martha Brown, Project Evaluator, and Ms. Sonja Kelly,       Beach County and the Palm Beach Music Teacher Association, formed
Teaching Artist, shared that Broadway Reach is in its fifth year of         when we first opened in 1992,” said Judith Mitchell, Kravis Center
providing sequential arts education and exposure to live Broadway touring   CEO. “We are seeing the children of performers from the early years
productions to nearly 100 underserved children from neighborhood            now appearing on our Dreyfoos Hall stage, continuing the tradition of
afterschool programs in Palm Beach County. The 2019 and 2020 programs       sharing their musical talents with the community.”
were made possible by a two-year grant from the Max M. & Marjorie S.
Fisher Foundation Arts & Culture Fund of the Community Foundation                                                        Each year the Spotlight
for Palm Beach and Martin Counties along with support from Rick and                                                      performance features
Rosemary Johnston. The grant totals $55,000 over two years.                                                              ensembles such as
                                                                                                                         Elementar y Honors
“Broadway shows often have themes that transcend the actual
                                                                                                                         Chorus, the Honors
performance that are relevant to our students,” said Brown. “In Broadway
                                                                                                                         Handbell Ensemble, the
Reach, we explore social and emotional learning opportunities that arise
                                                                                                                         Middle School Honor
from these themes and also relate to academic content within arts
                                                                                                                         Choir and the Youth
                                                                                                                         Orchestra of Palm Beach
In February, Paul McEneaney, Artistic Director of Cahoots NI Theatre                                                     County Ensembles.
Company spoke about how its Kravis Center S*T*A*R Series performance
of Penguins explored friendship, fun, identity and the ever-changing                                                     Visit s
meaning of family. This new theatre and dance production was inspired
by a true story reported in the New York Times that touched
earts worldwide.

And in March, the committee attended a screening of the 1932 film
So Big! starring Barbara Stanwyck and based on the book written by
                                     Edna Ferber, whose great-niece
                                     Julie Gilbert – also instructor
                                     of the Kravis Center’s Writers’
                                     Academy program – facilitated
                                     a discussion after the screening.
                                     Gilbert is the author of Ferber:
                                     A Biography of Edna Ferber
        Margaret May Damen,          and Her Circle about her great-
  Rosemary Johnston, Norma Klorfine
                                     aunt. s

                                                                                                                                       KRAVIS.ORG   {7}
The untold true story of the Witches of Oz - Venue Date Time Kravis On Broadway 2020-2021 - Kravis Center for ...
student theater critics & professional development
     Meet the                                                                                                                               ALL CRITICS

                                                                                                                                            Emma Beers
                                                                                                                                       Jupiter Christian School

           ofTHEATER CRITICS!
                                                                                                                                              Aliza Billet
                                                                                                                                       Katz Yeshiva High School
                                                                                                                                            Mya Bodnick
                                                                                                                                          Oxbridge Academy
                                            Thirteen local high school students were nominated by their teachers to
                                                                                                                                           Madison Brown
                                            represent their schools this season as Kravis Student Theater Critics for               Royal Palm Beach High School
                                            various Kravis Center presentations. The students received workshop training                 Stephanie Bruzon
                                            led by Dr. Susan Wemette of Blue Planet Writers’ Room on how to write theater              G-Star School of the Arts
                                            reviews and met and discussed theater reviewing with a local writing expert.                  Shaina Francis
                                                                                                                                 Santaluces Community High School
                                            Last season, the program was expanded to allow students to select                               Jenna Mather
                                            productions of their choice from the entire Kravis Center season schedule.                    Jupiter High School
                                            This year, they attended and reviewed a multitude of performances, including                    Grace Myers
                                            Fiddler on the Roof, The Play That Goes Wrong, A Bronx Tale and Hamilton.                    The Benjamin School
                                                                                                                                         Catherine Paulitz
                                         The 2019-20 Kravis Student Theater Critics are: Emma Beers,                             Wellington Community High School
         Shaina Francis, Mikayla Perry,  Jupiter Christian School; Aliza Billet, Katz Yeshiva High School;                                 Mikayla Perry
                 Riley Ziegler                                                                                                         G-Star School of the Arts
                                         Mya Bodnick, Oxbridge Academy; Madison Brown, Royal
     Palm Beach Community High School; Stephanie Bruzon, G-Star School of the Arts; Shaina Francis,                                         Sasha Smith
                                                                                                                                      Dreyfoos School of the Arts
     Santaluces Community High School; Jenna Mather, Jupiter Community High School; Grace Myers,
                                                                                                                                        Sarah Sondermann
     The Benjamin School; Catherine Paulitz, Wellington Community High School; Mikayla Perry, G-Star School of the                 Palm Beach Central High School
     Arts; Sasha Smith, Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts; Sarah Sondermann, Palm Beach Central High School                          Riley Ziegler
     and Riley Ziegler, Cardinal Newman High School. s                                                                              Cardinal Newman High School

     The Kravis Center, the School District of Palm Beach County and Florida
     Atlantic University have been Kennedy Center Partners in Education since
     2005. The Partners in Education program of the John F. Kennedy Center for
     the Performing Arts is designed to assist arts organizations throughout the
     nation to develop or expand educational partnerships with their local school
     systems. The primary purpose of these partnerships is to provide professional
     learning in the arts for teachers.

     On September 21, Dr. Martha Brown led a three-hour workshop at the Kravis
     Center entitled Healing Through the Arts: Restorative Practices for Arts Educators.
     The workshop was presented to Palm Beach County teachers in grades 3-8.
                                                                                                         Keena Gumbinner (Kravis Center Education Associate),
                                                                                                    Samika Satterthwaite (K-12 Arts Education Administrator SDPBC)
     During the workshop, arts educators learned how to create an emotionally safe              Edrick Rhodes (Director, Curriculum and Administration Kennedy Center)
     space in their classrooms, how childhood trauma impacts behavior, and how
     the arts can help students heal from trauma and build their social and emotional      Joined by Samika Satterthwaite, K-12 Arts Education Administrator, for
     competencies. Teachers considered how social justice-oriented projects build          the School District of Palm Beach County, and Edrick D. Rhodes, Director
     students’ capacity to act as change agents in their schools and communities.          of Curriculum and Administration for the Kennedy Center, Gumbinner co-
                                                                                           presented a session focused on the A.R.T.S. Leadership Model which provides
     Three other Professional Development workshops were held this season.
                                                                                           a blueprint for enhancing and expanding arts programs and experiences
     Mimi Herman led Coming to America for teachers of students in grades 2-6
                                                                                           within partnership teams.
     at the Conservatory School @ North Palm Beach on November 8. And on
     February 28, Paige Whelan led Digital Storytelling: Photography as a Writing          “We are incredibly proud that more than 2.6 million students from Palm Beach,
     Tool for teachers in grades 3-8.                                                      Broward, Martin, St. Lucie and Okeechobee counties have visited the Kravis
     Also, in February, Kravis Center Education Associate Keena Gumbinner went             Center since 1992, attending performances through our S*T*A*R Series and
     to Washington, D.C. to co-present a workshop at the Kennedy Center Partners           participating in a wide variety of educational programming,” said Tracy Butler,
     in Education Annual Meeting entitled Leadership in the Arts: Let’s Look at the        Director of Education. “Our educators work hard to engage those students
     A.R.T.S. Leadership Model. This annual convening of National Partnership              and provide them with worthwhile arts experiences. And our own professional
     Teams allows members to receive additional training related to professional           development focus gives us a great platform to the district’s instructional
     learning and to recast the terms of their written partnership agreement.              goals for teachers” s

The untold true story of the Witches of Oz - Venue Date Time Kravis On Broadway 2020-2021 - Kravis Center for ...
alan lebow award


                                                   Lebow Award 2020 Winners (1st row) Jordan Monteagudo
              (2nd row) Tedly Eximon, Ne’Quann Raymond, Andrea Figueroa-Rodriguez, Emily Moreland, Vanessa Whittle, Felicity Dillow, Madison Porter

                                       Celebrating its 11th year of               Judith Mitchell, CEO of the Kravis Center, welcomed guests to the Lebow
                                       awarding local high schoolers              Award ceremony and recognized the Kids’ Dreams Board of Directors in
                                       for     their   excellence         in      attendance. Ms. Mitchell also recognized Patricia Lebow, president and
                                       Shakespearean performances,                co-founder of Kids’ Dreams, for her commitment to providing a variety
                                       the Lebow Award presentation               of outstanding arts opportunities for children in the community including
                                       was hosted on February 15                  the Lebow Award for Excellence in Shakespearean Performance. In 2015,
                                       in the Kravis Center’s Weiner              Kids’ Dreams made a gift to the Kravis Center to permanently endow the
                                       Banquet Center. Cash prizes                Lebow Award.
                                       totaling $5,000 were bestowed
                                       on eight Palm Beach County                 “I am pleased to honor the accomplishments of the 2020 Alan Lebow
                                       students from six local Title I high       Award recipients,” Mitchell said. “This program would not be possible
                                       schools following an adjudication          without the support of Kids’ Dreams. We also acknowledge the dedication
                                       process. Alpha Media’s X102.3              and commitment of the high school teachers. Without their guidance
                                       Radio’s MoShay LaRen served                and support, the students would not be prepared to participate in this
                                       as the event’s keynote speaker.            outstanding program.”
                                       After the awards ceremony,
           Vanessa Whittle                                                        The two Top Winners were Jordan Monteagudo and Vanessa Whittle, both
                                       participating    students       and
                                                                                  juniors at Royal Palm Beach Community High School. Each won a prize of
teachers were provided tickets to attend the evening’s performance of
                                                                                  $1,000. Ne’Quann Raymond, a senior at Forest Hill Community High School,
                                                                                  and Emily Moreland, a freshman at FAU High School were both awarded
Sponsored by Kids’ Dreams, Inc., in memory of its co-founder, Alan                $750 as an Honorable Mention.
Lebow, the award program engages students from Title I high schools               Andrea Figueroa-Rodriguez, a
and provides the opportunity for them to perform short selections from            senior at Forest Hill Community
William Shakespeare’s works before a panel of distinguished judges. The           High School, and Madison Porter,
student adjudication took place on January 11, at which they performed            a sophomore at Forest Hill
their selected work and were evaluated and scored by three judges in              Community High School, were
five categories of performance: concentration, emotional commitment,              awarded $500 as Distinguished
energy, evidence of understanding, and overall performance. The judges            Participants. Notable Participants
were Desmond Gallant, Sally Ricca and Karen Stephens.                             Felicity Dillow, a sophomore at
                                                                                  Royal Palm Beach Community
“This award ceremony at the Kravis Center is a fitting tribute to my              High School, and Tedly Eximon,
husband,” said Patricia Lebow. “He was a man whose passion in life                a senior at Glade Central
involved theater, film, art and literature — always with an overriding touch      Community High School were
                                                                                                                              Jordan Monteagudo
of kindness for all those he met on his journey through life.”                    both awarded $250. s

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The untold true story of the Witches of Oz - Venue Date Time Kravis On Broadway 2020-2021 - Kravis Center for ...
lunch & learn - in memoriam

     POPULAR ArtSmart Lunch & Learn Series HIGHLIGHTS
     Who Lives Here? Behind the Hedges in Palm Beach: Bill Bone and
     Alexander Hamilton: The Man Behind the Musical: Dr. Robert Watson
                                                                                       Two popular events were featured in the 2019-2020 ArtSmart Lunch &
                                                                                       Learn series in association with the Kravis Center Cultural Society.
                                                                                       Guests spent the afternoon of February 3, peeking behind the
                                                                                       hedges of a handful of Palm Beach’s most famous residents.
                                                                                       Bill Bone, attorney and co-founder of the law firm Larmoyeux &
                                                                                       Bone, described how those residents have impacted our local
                                                                                       culture, public spaces and infrastructure in the surrounding cities.
                                                                                       Who Lives Here? Behind the Hedges in Palm Beach, was sponsored by
                                                                                       Patricia and Edward Falkenberg.

                                                                                       On February 24, Dr. Robert Watson took guests behind the scenes to
                                                                                       learn surprising and inspiring aspects of Alexander Hamilton’s life they
                                                                                       never knew and the stories that set the context for the major scenes
                                                                                       in the musical. Alexander Hamilton: The Man Behind the Musical was
                                                                                       sponsored by Bonnie and Steven Stern.
                                                                                       The ArtSmart Lunch & Learn series is held in the Kravis Center’s
                                                                                       Gimelstob Ballroom in the Cohen Pavilion and includes a lunch prepared
         Bill Bone, Patricia Falkenberg           Robert Watson, Bonnie Stern
                                                                                       by Catering by The Breakers at the Kravis Center. s

                Kathryn Vecellio, Judy Mitchell                        Steve Caras, Jane Mitchell                             Alex Dreyfoos, Barbara Golden

     In Loving Memory SHARON MCDANIEL
                                                    The Kravis Center has lost a beloved member of our team. Sharon McDaniel, Regional Arts Programming
                                                    Associate, passed away Saturday, February 29 after a battle with cancer. Sharon inspired a love of classical
                                                    music to all who were lucky enough to experience one of her many pre-concert talks and community education
                                                    programs. She had a unique ability to be able to share her vast knowledge of the music, the composers and
                                                    the stories behind each piece, and a gift for fostering interest for classical music in others. Her passion and
                                                    enthusiasm for the genre was evident in all that she did and was instrumental in building the Regional Arts
                                                    Classical Concert Series to where it is today. A classical pianist, Sharon dedicated her life to sharing her love of
                                                    classical music. She was highly respected for her musical knowledge and deeply appreciated for her humor
                                                    and infectious smile by all who worked alongside her.

                                                    Before joining the Kravis Center team in 2010, Sharon was the music and dance critic for the Palm Beach Post
                                                    and shared her immense understanding of both disciplines in an important way.

                                                    She earned a bachelor’s degree in music from the College-Conservatory of Music at the University of
                                                    Cincinnati, a master’s degree from Boston University’s College of Fine Arts and a Certificate in Piano from
                                                    the Paris American Academy in France. Sharon then continued her education as a fellow at the National Arts
                                                    Journalism Program at Northwestern University and the Knight Center for Specialized Journalism as well as
                                                    the education and opera institutes of the Music Critics Association of North America. s

african-american film festival                                                 magnifique winter intensive
African-American Film Festival

                                                                                        The students and teaching artists of the Magnifique Intensive

                                                                                  MAGNIFIQUE WINTER INTENSIVE
                                                                                  CELEBRATES THIRD SEASON
                                                                                  at Kravis Center
                                                                                  The Magnifique Winter Intensive was held January 2-6. Founded by
                      Ken Bowers with Operation Hope                              Jean-Hugues Feray, former principal dancer with many international
                                                                                  companies, including Ballet Florida and National Ballet de Marseille,
In January, the Kravis Center’s African-American Film Festival marked             the Magnifique Winter Intensive featured an all-French faculty from
15 years of showcasing important African-American actors, directors,              such prestigious ballet companies as the Paris Opera Ballet, Ballet de
writers and producers and their contribution to the film industry.                l’Opera National de Bordeaux, National Ballet de Nancy and the Ballet du
This year’s theme highlighted several of the major works by director              Capitole, among others.
John Singleton.
                                                                                                        Instructors included Charles Jude, former star of
The festival opened on January 20                                                                       the Paris Opera Ballet and now artistic director
with 1991’s Boyz N the Hood, the                                                                        of the Ballet de l’Opera National de Bordeaux;
story of Tre, who is sent to live with                                                                  Olivier Pardina, former principal dancer with the
his father in tough South Central                                                                       Nice Opera House, Bejart Ballet and a principal
Los Angeles. MoShay LaRen from                                                                          teacher with the Miami City Ballet School and
Alpha Media’s X102.3 served as the                                                                      Stephanie Roublot, former dancer with Ballet de
host for the evening. The festival                                                                      Nancy and now a principal dancer with the Ballet
continued on February 3 with a                                                                          de l’Opera National de Bordeaux.
screening of Rosewood (1997),                         Kathy Chiarello,
based on the true story of the 1923                   Maxine Fechter                                    The program is designed for intermediate and
massacre by a white mob in the small town of Rosewood, Florida. And on             Pas de deux with
                                                                                                        advanced students in grades 4th-12th, and
February 24, the festival concluded with Higher Learning (1995),                  Raelin Flanigan and   placements are by audition. Auditions were held
                                                                                     Devon Luxton       in September, 2019.
Singleton’s powerful portrait of college life in the 1990s. Bill Nix, President
of Nix Communications Group, served as host for the second and third              For more than 27 seasons, the Kravis Center has helped students
evenings of the festival.                                                         of all ages fuel their imaginations and expand their lives through
The African-American Film Festival at the Kravis Center, founded by               comprehensive arts education programs. Since 1992, 2.6 million
James Drayton, has presented 45 films beginning with Stormy Weather,              students from Palm Beach, Broward, Martin, St. Lucie and Okeechobee
Within These Gates and Sankofa in 2005. Each season, a series of films            counties have visited the Center, attending performances through
are selected that are not only entertaining, but provide an educational           the S*T*A*R Series and participating in a wide variety of educational
experience. Prior to each screening, hosts present a 20-minute talk and           programming. To learn more, please visit
following each film lead a lively question-and-answer session which               or further information about the Paris Ballet Conservatory,
allows the guests to exchange ideas and share personal experiences                please visit s
related to the film.
The hosting community organization for the African-American Film Festival
is Kappa Upsilon Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. s

                                                                                                   Students from the advanced level of the
                                                                                         Magnifique Intensive demonstrate warm-up exercises during
                      Lee Bell, Bill Nix, John Jenkins                                                 the end-of-the-week showcase

                                                                                                                                               KRAVIS.ORG   {11}
CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA                                         CLEVELAND ORCHESTRA                                   PHILADELPHIA ORCHESTRA

                                                                                                                                 The world’s finest classical symphony orchestras,
                                                                                                                                 chamber ensembles, and recitalists at extremely
                             Regional Arts Classical Concert Series sponsored by Leonard and Sophie Davis                        affordable prices.

     MUSIC “AT EIGHT” (8 pm)                                                                                          MUSIC “AT TWO” (2 pm)
     Sunday, November 15, 2020 at 8 pm
     Tian Zhou, Tchaikovsky, Dvořák

                                                                                                                      INTERNATIONALE BACH
                                                                                                                      HANS-CHRISTOPH RADEMANN,
                                                              PHILADELPHIA ORCHESTRA                                  CONDUCTOR
                                                              SIR ANDREW DAVIS, CONDUCTOR                             Sunday, November 22, 2020 at 2 pm
                                                              DAVID KIM, VIOLIN                                       Bach/St. Matthew Passion
                                                              Tuesday, February 16, 2021 at 8 pm
                                                              Rimsky-Korsakov, Massenet, Sarasate,                                          MOSCOW STATE
                                                              Mussorgsky, Ravel                                                             SYMPHONY
     GEORGE LI, PIANO                                                                                                                       ORCHESTRA
     Wednesday, December 9, 2020 at 8 pm                                                                                                    PAVEL KOGAN,
     Beethoven, Schumann                                                                                                                    CONDUCTOR
                                                                                                                                            BLAKE POULIOT,
                              FLEMING,                                                                                                      January 18, 2021
                              SOPRANO                                                                                                       at 2 pm
                              Sunday,                                                                                                       Prokofiev, Bruch, Strauss
                              January 3, 2021
                              at 8 pm                         ITZHAK PERLMAN, VIOLIN
                                                              ROHAN DE SILVA, PIANO
                                                              Monday, March 1, 2021 at 8 pm

                                                                                                                      PHILADELPHIA ORCHESTRA
                                                                                                                      SIR ANDREW DAVIS, CONDUCTOR
                                                                                                                      Wednesday, February 17, 2021 at 2 pm
                                                                                                                      Weber, Mozart, Brahms

     Tuesday, January 19, 2021 at 8 pm                        BUFFALO PHILHARMONIC
                                                              JOANN FALLETTA, CONDUCTOR                               ACADEMY OF ST MARTIN
                                                              PAVEL ŠPORCL, VIOLIN
     CLEVELAND ORCHESTRA                                                                                              IN THE FIELDS
                                                              Monday, March 22, 2021 at 8 pm
     FRANZ WELSER-MÖST, CONDUCTOR                                                                                     JOHANNES MOSER, CELLO
                                                              Rossini, Mendelssohn, Tchaikovsky
     Thursday, January 28, 2021 at 8 pm                                                                               Sunday, March 7, 2021 at 2 pm
     Mozart, Tchaikovsky                                                                                              Schubert, Schumann, Sallinen, Tchaikovsky

     BECOME A SUBSCRIBER For information on how to
                                                                    MUSIC @ 8 pm                            ORCHESTRA /GRAND TIER                        Front       Rear
     become a subscriber and enjoy substantial savings off                                                   Left & Center Right  Loge        Mezz       Balc.       Balc.
     individual ticket prices, please call the Kravis Center Box     (8 concerts)
     Office at 561.832.7469 or 800.572.8471                         MUSIC @ 2 pm        MUSIC @ 8 pm           $600      $560     $440       $360        $248        $200
                                                                      (4 concerts)      MUSIC @ 2 pm           $300      $280     $220       $180        $120        $100
     All programs and artists subject to change without notice.

kravis on broadway student workshops

                    THEATER STUDENTS
                 Get a TASTE of BROADWAY!

                                               Desmond Nunn and Lisa Finegold lead Hamilton Workshop Q & A

Each year, more than 700 local students studying the performing arts benefit from over 20
workshops taught by leading Broadway musical theater stars, dance company members and other
professionals, hosted by the Kravis Center.
The Kravis On Broadway workshops and the Master Class program connect theater professionals
– actors, dancers, directors, choreographers and others – with students from throughout the area
who also dream of one day performing on stage.
“We are delighted to offer students free Kravis On Broadway workshops and Master Classes
throughout the season that provide real world theater training experiences and interaction with top
performing professionals,” said Tracy Butler, Director of Education for the Kravis Center.
The 2019-2020 workshops kicked off with a class by Fiddler on the Roof dance captain Jessica       Jesse McCoy from Palm Beach Atlantic University
                                                                                                                 Hamilton Workshop
                                                      Altchiler, who worked with dance
                                                      students on a combination from the production. Other guest artists included Todd Buonopane
                                                      from the cast of The Play That Goes Wrong, who led an acting workshop, as well as additional
                                                      dance workshops taught by Hallie Brevetti from A Bronx Tale and Lisa Finegold and Desmond
                                                      Nunn from Hamilton. The workshops wrapped up with a vocal audition workshop by a cast
                                                      member from Miss Saigon.
                                                           The Master Class program included classes led by dancers from Koresh Dance Company
                                                           and Victoria Regan, from the original cast of 42nd Street, who taught an advanced tap class.
                                                           Instrumental music classes were taught by members of the Aizuri String Quartet.
                                                           Students from local and state high schools and colleges participated this season, including
                                                           American Heritage, Bak Middle School of the Arts, The Benjamin School, Boynton Beach
                                                           Community High School, Calvary Christian Academy, Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the
                                                           Arts, Florida Atlantic University High School, Forest Hill Community High School, G-Star
                                                           School of the Arts, John Carroll Catholic High School, Oxbridge Academy, Palm Beach Atlantic
                                                           University, Palm Beach Gardens Community High School, Palm Beach State College, Park
                                                           Vista Community High School, Pompano Beach High School, St. Joan of Arc Catholic School,
                                                           St. John Paul II Academy, Spanish River Community High School, Suncoast Community High
                                                           School, University of Florida, Wagner College and West Boca Raton Community High School.
                Hamilton Workshop

                                                                                                                                          KRAVIS.ORG   {13}
dress circle dinner

     An Evening of DINNER, DANCING
                     and PHILANTHROPY

                                                                                Alex Dreyfoos,
                                                                     Mayor of West Palm Beach Keith James              Goldie Wolfe Miller and Jack Miller

                  Eileen Berman and Jay Bauer

     Dress Circle members were honored at a special Dinner
     Dance on December 3, at the Kravis Center, where
     over 350 supporters attended. The highlight of the
     evening was an announcement from Board Chairman
     Jeffrey Stoops that the Kravis 2020 campaign recently
     received a $10 million gift from The Raymond and
     Bessie Kravis Foundation.
                                                                           Joan Stecker, Amy Remer                        Brian and Heather Lowenthal
     Sponsored by UBS Private Wealth Management for
     the fifth consecutive year, the annual event included
     a cocktail reception and dinner by Catering by The
     Breakers at the Kravis Center and live music from
     Marcia Mitchell Music.
     During the dinner, Mr. Stoops recognized Kravis Center
     CEO, Judith Mitchell, and thanked her for 30 years of
     her expert leadership. He then thanked the guests for
     their generous support of the performing arts center.
     “It is encouraging to see community engagement
     at all levels of giving,” continued Mr. Stoops. “Today
     we had the pleasure of announcing a lead gift of
     $10 million to the campaign from The Raymond and
     Bessie Kravis Foundation. In recognition of their
                                                                                  Chris Farrell and Dawn Clifford, Mark and Levi Morrow-Brown
     generosity, our beautiful new urban plaza in front of
     Dreyfoos Hall will be named The Kravis Family Plaza.
     “With this very generous gift, we are about two-thirds of the way to our Kravis 2020 campaign goal of
     $50 million. Given the inspiration this gift will bring to the campaign, and what might be the strongest
     season of programming ever, combined with the spectacular improvements to the facilities, we could
     not be more excited about the year ahead!”

     Dress Circle members are donors who support the Center by contributing $1,000 or more annually.
     Membership benefits include priority seating based on membership level, special ticketing privileges,
     invitation to the annual Dress Circle recognition event, listing in Kravis Center Playbill and Ovations
     magazines and acknowledgment of support on the Dress Circle Wall of Honor.
     For more information on becoming a member of the Kravis Center call 561.651.4320 or
     visit For more information about the Kravis 2020: The Future is Now
                                                                                                                            Michael and Janet Reiter
     project, visit s

               Make an ENDLESS                                                                          (List complete as of January 31, 2020)
                                                                                         The Raymond F. Kravis Center for the Performing Arts is grateful to those donors who have
               IMPACT with Your                                                          expressed their commitment to the Kravis Center’s Endowment Fund which helps sustain our
                                                                                         artistic and educational excellence for future artists, audiences, and students. Donors who

                                                                                         have made a current gift or informed us of a gift intention to the Kravis Center’s Endowment are
                                                                                         acknowledged as members of the Helen K. Persson Society and their generosity is recognized
                                                                                         with invitations to Persson Society events, acknowledgment in Kravis Center publications

                                                                                         and other benefits based on level of commitment. Embrace is the sculpture on The Kravis
                                                                                         Family Plaza honoring donors who have made a completed gift of $10,000 or above. If you
                                                                                         would like more information about the Helen K. Persson Endowment Society, please call
                                                                                         Margaret May Damen, CFP®, CLU®, ChFC®, CAP®, Planned Giving and Endowment Officer
                                                                                         at 561.651.4230.
                         Imagine making a lasting impact on your community for
                         generations to come with your gift.                             Mrs. Dorothy Adler in memory of       Mrs. Carmen Côté Gollance          Estate of Viola Odenheimer
                                                                                                     Herbert Adler         Mr. and Mrs. Murray H. Goodman         Ruth Opotow in memory of
                         A gift that brings enriching, awe-inspiring and joy-filled             Mrs. Francis Appleton              Marcie Gorman-Althof                  Harold A. Opotow
                         experiences to people of all ages and ensures these              Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Aquilino            Mr. and Mrs. Lionel P.       The Frank and Jennie M. Palen
                         unforgettable moments will continue into the future.                        Ilene G. Arons                      Greenbaum                          Foundation
                                                                                           Merrill L. and Helen S. Bank       Peggy and Richard Greenfield           Estate of Phillip Perkins
                         When you give a legacy gift to the Kravis Center’s                   Stephen and Janet Barr             Eileen Ludwig Greenland         Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Persson, Jr.
                         Endowment Fund, you’ll be among an esteemed group of                  Sherry and Tom Barrat                  John D. Herrick
                                                                                                                                                                Helen K. Persson in memory of
                         discerning donors who wish to help us continue our mission             Mrs. Leo M. Beckwith                Mrs. Grace E. Hokin                  Chester E. Borck
                         of enhancing the quality of life in Palm Beach County.            Ms. Marilyn Zelnick Berman         Mr. and Mrs. John H. Howard
                                                                                                                                                               Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Peterson
                         Your support today secures our future tomorrow—                          Dr. Nettie Birnbach                Allan M. Huss and
                                                                                                                                       Susan Stallard          Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Pledger
                         and will ensure that the Kravis Center retains its reputation    Carol M. Birney, in memory of
                         as South Florida’s premier center for the performing arts        my husband, Thomas J. Birney      Robert Janowitz Memorial Fund      Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin M. Polayes
                         and the community’s top cultural attraction.                      John J. Brogan Family Trust         Mrs. Justine Harvey Joseph            Daniel Edward Ponton
                                                                                              Estate of Milton Brothers     Jeanne and Richard A. Kaskey,             Mrs. Harold K. Raisler
                         The Kravis Center recognizes your generosity as a member            Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Brown        in memory of our beloved son,            Mr. Douglas P. Regan
                                                                                                    Larry E. Brown                     James Kaskey
                         of the Helen K. Persson Society (or respects your wishes to                                                                               Barbara and Irving Reifler
                                                                                                Mr. Stephen L. Brown           Sylvia and Frederick Kenner
                         remain anonymous).                                                                                                                     Mr. and Mrs. David B. Robb, Jr.
                                                                                         Mr. and Mrs. William E. Buckley          Henni and John Kessler
                                                                                                                                    Mrs. Morton Kesten              Mr. and Mrs. Eric F. Ross
                                                                                                 The Hazel B. Bundy
                                                                                                    Memorial Fund           Kids’ Dreams, Inc. in memory of     Mr. and Mrs. Walter Milne Ross
        For information about the Helen K. Persson Society, please                                                                       Alan Lebow                  Mr. and Mrs. Stanley M.
                                                                                              Mr. and Mrs. Iain Calder
        contact Margaret May Damen, CFP®, CLU®, ChFC®, CAP®                                   Mr. and Mrs. John Castle           Mr. and Mrs. Milton Klein                Rumbough, Jr.
        Endowment and Planned Giving Officer at 561.651.4230 or                             in memory of Alan H. Miller           Fruema Nannis Klorfein          Rose Sachs Memorial Fund or visit                                       Carol R. Feinberg Cohen          Leonard and Norma Klorfine      Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Salmanson
                                                                                              Irwin M. and Gail Cohen                    Foundation
                                                                                                                                                                  Lynn Joy and Meyer Sapoff
                                                                                         Community Foundation for Palm      Estate of Matthew R. Kornreich
                                                                                                                            Dr. and Mrs. David I. Kosowsky     Jordan and Thomas A. Saunders III
                                                                                            Beach and Martin Counties
                                                                                                                                   Molly Foreman-Kozel             in honor of Diane Bergner
                                                                                              Rose Smith Price Cooley
                                                                                                                               Raymond and Bessie Kravis        Priscilla and Richard Schmeelk
                                                                                              Janet A. Coulombe Trust
                                                                                                                                         Foundation                         Foundation
                                                                                           Margaret May Damen CFP®,

                         WHY I GIVE ...                                                          CLU®, ChFC®, CAP®                  The Kravis Center’s          Mr. and Mrs. Lewis M. Schott
                                                                                             Evelyn Y. Davis Foundation              Management Staff                    Beth K. Schwartz
                                                                                             Sophie and Leonard Davis           Felice and Mervin Kronfeld           Mrs. Natalie L. Secoles
                                                                                           Mrs. Arthur Stephen DeMoss            Estate of Simone Kruger                 Jody E. Sherman
                         “I was born and raised in Washington, D.C.                      Mr. and Mrs. A. Ephraim Diamond         Elinore Lambert in loving
                                                                                                                                                                       Marilyn J. Siebrasse
                         where a plethora of culture was 15 minutes                            Margaret C. Donnelley
                                                                                                                              memory of my beloved sister
                                                                                                                                        Marcia Dolin                  Fred and Joan Siegel
                         from my home. Between the many museums,                             Renate and Alex Dreyfoos      In memory of Emma V. Lambrose         Mr. Jody Sklar and Mr. Dana
                                                                                           Diana and Llwyd Ecclestone
                         galleries, the theaters and the symphony                                Harriett M. Eckstein
                                                                                                                                  Mrs. Blanche S. Levine                     S. Fishkin
                         there was always the opportunity to enjoy a                                                                 Cathy Kraut Lewis          Rachel Sommer in memory of
                                                                                         Debra A. Elmore/A.K. Consulting           Charitable Foundation              my sister Marcia Leff
                         performance or to enhance one’s education.                        Mr. and Mrs. George Elmore         Tim and Joan Litle in honor of   Mr. and Mrs. William F. Spitznagel
    Zelda Mason                                                                                 Don Ephraim for the             Alex and Renate Dreyfoos
                                                                                          Donald M. Ephraim Foundation                                           Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Starkoff
                                                                                                                                  Vicki and Arthur Loring
I came to the Palm Beaches in 1961 and immediately experienced                             Dr. and Mrs. Marshall A. Falk                 Lisa Lourie                      State of Florida
culture shock!! At that time, we only had the Norton Museum on                                         Rose Faroni                                                    Fine Arts Endowment
                                                                                                                              Joseph and Florence Mandel
                                                                                                        Jack Fein                    Family Foundation              Louise and Michael Stein
a much smaller scale, The Palm Beach Playhouse and a few Art                                                                                                             Mrs. Rita E. Stein
                                                                                                      Caryl R. Firth           Morton and Barbara Mandel
galleries. Often we would go to Ft. Lauderdale or to Miami for                                Stuart M. Fischman, Esq.               Family Foundation           Christine and Robert Stiller in
special events.                                                                             Miles and Shirley Fiterman            Cindy Costello Mandes         memory of Matthew Grennan,
                                                                                         Leona and Leo Fleur in memory           Diann and Thomas Mann           Phyllis Grennan Huffman and
                                                                                             of Frieda and Louis Cohan          Bernard and Chris Marden               Joy Stiller Matthews
Plans for the Kravis Center, which opened in 1992, created                               Florida Power & Light Company                  Susan Mark                       Natalie G. Stone
tremendous excitement in our community. Our beloved friend                                      Denise and Fred Fox                     Zelda Mason                   Rosalie W. Stone Trust
Natalie Stone asked us to host a "Cocktails for Culture" party in                               Maureen J. Gardella                Leni and Peter W. May          Morris and Elfriede Stonzek
                                                                                          Mr. and Mrs. James B. Gaynor        Carolyn and George Metskas                Endowment Fund
our home that we gladly did which helped to raise money for                               Marjorie and Mark Gershwind                    Foundation                     Sandra Thompson
seats. Today the Kravis Center remains very important to me.                                   and Kathy and Mitchell          Denise and William A. Meyer
                                                                                                                                                                      Mr. Bernard Weinstein
                                                                                                Jacobson in honor of
We are proud to be Founders as well as Sponsors of a                                      Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Jacobson
                                                                                                                                    Robin Ellen Meyers
                                                                                                                                                                     Dr. Marcia Robbins-Wilf
                                                                                                                                         John Mike
performance each season.                                                                       Dr. Theodore F. Gerson
                                                                                                                                   Harriet and Alan Miller              Charles R. Williams
                                                                                                  Denise K. Ghattas,                                             The David A. and Shoshanna
                                                                                                 in loving memory of           Jack and Goldie Wolfe Miller
                                                                                                                                                                    Wingate Foundation, Inc.
I am committed to the Kravis Center mission to bring exceptional                               Aunt Helen K. Persson         Mr. and Mrs. James P. Mitchell
                                                                                                                                      Jane M. Mitchell                Lee and John M. Wolf
educational programs and outstanding performances to our                                   Herbert and Elaine Gimelstob
                                                                                                                           Dr. David T. Nash Memorial Fund          Arthur and Joyce Yeckes
                                                                                                  J. Arthur Goldberg
community. It is my pleasure to include the Kravis Center in my                              Dr. Barbara Evans Golden                 Mrs. Clara Nevai                    Charitable Trust
estate planning for our generation and the generations to come.”                          Barry H. and Elisa R. Goldman     Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Newberger              Harriet Brogin Yogel
                                                                                                   Opportunity Fund                Barbara Suflas Noble           Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Zeitz
                                                                 - Zelda Mason
                                                                                                                                                                           KRAVIS.ORG        {15}

           THE STAGE IS SET

                             Kravis 2020: The Future is Now
The Kravis Center’s extensive renovations will elevate and enhance the customer experience
                           before, during and after performances.

           Welcome to the new Kravis Center! A new experience awaits you.
  · A brand-new park-like outdoor urban plaza in front of the Center to enjoy the peaceful
  ambiance and lovely waterfall, enhanced with expanded walkways and new bicycle paths

· An expanded Dreyfoos Hall Lobby with 6,000 additional square feet that will include added
       seating in a new bistro area and more restrooms on the expanded Orchestra level

        · A valet-only entrance with dedicated parking garage offering expedited car
                                     drop off and pick up

· An enhanced self-parking garage with visible, artistic branding, a new entrance/exit ramp
  directly to the fourth floor to greatly reduce exit time, along with new technology that will
                     provide parking space availability to facilitate parking

 · A pedestrian-friendly plaza on the Okeechobee/Tamarind corner, that will be highlighted
                                 by an informational marquee

                                   For more information about how you can help:
Special Thanks to our Honor Roll of Donors!

                                               (List complete as of March 1, 2020)
Visionary Benefactors                      Pacesetters (continued)                        Major Contributors (continued)
($10,000,000 and above)                    ($100,000 to $249,999)                         ($10,000 to $24,999)
The Raymond and Bessie Kravis Foundation Emily and Stephen Magowan                        Silvana and Barry S. Halperin
                                           Diann and Thomas Mann                          Barry and Karen Hamerling
Grand Benefactors                          Harriet L. Miller in Loving Memory             John D. Herrick
($2,000,000 to $9,999,999)                   of Alan H. Miller                            William W. Karatz and Joan G. Smith
William A. Meyer                           Sydell Miller in Memory of                     Kristy and Josh Koenig
Christine and Bob Stiller                    Arnold Miller and Philip Zieky               George and Ruth Laboda
Principal Benefactors                      Peter M. Polow, Sr. and Family                  Charitable Foundation
($1,000,000 to $1,999,999)                 John J. Raggio and                             Karen and Martin A. List
Toby and Leon Cooperman                      Dr. Donna Kesselman Raggio                   Mr. James L. Long
Alex and Renate Dreyfoos                   Mrs. Ari Rifkin                                Brian and Heather Lowenthal
Leonard and Norma Klorfine Foundation      John and Diane Sculley Charitable Foundation   Dick and Jackie Loynd
Dorothy and Sidney Kohl                    Ira and Maryjo Sherman Family Foundation       Zelda Mason
Jane M. Mitchell                           Laurie Silvers and Mitchell Rubenstein         Mr. and Mrs. Eugene McGrath
Stoops Family Foundation                   Carolyn and Richard Sloane & Family            Mr. Ron Meshberg
Bruce and Robbi Toll                       Judy and Donald Smith Foundation               Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Miller
                                           Ellen and Larry Sosnow                         Stephen I. Rachlin
Major Benefactors                          The Stern Auto Group                           Mrs. Cobey Rapaport
($500,000 to $999,999)                     The Vecellio Family                            Martie and Bob Sachs
Tom and Sherry Barrat                      E.G. Watkins Family Foundation                  and Sachs Family Fund
The Breakers                               Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Weinberg                  Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Saunders III
George Elmore and Marti LaTour             Lee Wolf and Dr. Jordan Cohen                  Bruce Schonbraun - FTI Consulting Inc.
Department of State, Division of Cultural                                                 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sears
  Affairs, the Florida Council of Arts and Patrons
                                                                                          Beverly Sommer
  Culture and the State of Florida         ($50,000 to $99,999)
                                                                                          Jeffrey C. and Suzanne C. Walker
Eileen Ludwig Greenland Family Foundation Sylvia and Stanley Applebaum                    Charles R. Williams
Irene and Jim Karp                         Penny Bank in Loving Memory of
                                                                                          Joyce T. Yeckes
John and Monika Preston                      Helen S. and Merrill L. Bank
James L. Robo and Meredith B. Trim         Ara  D. Cohen Charitable Lead Trust            Contributors
Martin and Lynda Rothstein                 Stacey K. and Mark F. Levy                     ($1,000 to $9,999)
                                           Kathy and Bill Peterson                        Irwin M. and Gail Cohen
Benefactors                                Carol and Joe Rosetti                          Lori and Harold Corrigan
($250,000 to $499,999)                     Rosalie W. Stone Trust                         Peter and Ruth Derow
Anonymous                                  Beth and Leonard A. Wilf                       Lynne and Jack Dodick
Richard and Mary Lee Bastin                                                               Mrs. Margaret C. Donnelley
Estate of Milton Brothers                  Principal Contributors
                                                                                          Mary Alice Fortin Foundation
Stephen Brown and Jamie Stern              ($25,000 to $49,999)
                                                                                          Ms. Edith H. Friedheim
Kenneth and Sherry Endelson                Mr. Sanford Baklor and Ms. Arlene Kaufman
                                                                                          Herbert and Elaine Gimelstob
Dr. and Mrs. David I. Kosowsky             Jim and Judy Harpel
                                                                                          Stephanie Glavin
Sondra and David S. Mack                   Carolyne and Edwin A. Levy
                                                                                          Ruby S. and Bradley J. Hurston Sr.,
Northern Trust                             Judy and Jim Mitchell
                                                                                            Bradley J. Hurston Jr., Brailey A. Hurston
                                           J.M. Rubin Foundation
                                                                                          Mr. and Mrs. William Jordan
Pacesetters                                The Stanley and Arna Smith Foundation
                                                                                          Fruema and Elliot H. Klorfein, M.D.
($100,000 to $249,999)                     Robert Spiegel and Jan Willinger
                                                                                          Garrison duP. Lickle
Carol and Harold Baxter
                                           Major Contributors                             Gio & Grace Marquez and Gloria Ciongoli
James N. and Laurie V. Bay
                                           ($10,000 to $24,999)                             of FSB Menswear
Eileen Berman and Jay Bauer
                                           Marjorie and Barry S. Berg                     Ian and Staci Mussmacher
Stuart and Sharyn Frankel
                                           Diane and Peter Bergner                        Nancy and Steven Pokotilow
Ann and Robert Fromer
                                           Kristen and Russell Bissett                    Mr. Donald Riehl
The Glickberg Family
                                           Mr. Michael J. Dixon                           Louis and Enid Rogow
  in Loving Memory of Sidney Kutler
                                           Mrs. John B. Dodge                             Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sanches
Sherry and Jerry Heller
                                           Dreama Foundation LLC                          Joan and Stuart Schapiro
Ashley and Harriet Hoffman & Family
                                           Donald M. Ephraim for                          Catherine and Donald Sharkey
  in Honor of Harriet’s 85 Birthday
                                             The Donald M. Ephraim Family Foundation      Susan Shelling
Ellen S. and Robert M. Jaffe
                                           Maureen J. Gardella                            Marc Wise and Mariano Morales
Henni and John Kessler
                                           Barbara and Jerome Golden                      Ron and Jane Zimmerman
Francine and Edward Kittredge
                                           Dr. Stan and Mrs. Marcie Gorman-Althof
Nancy and Arthur R. Kramer
                                           Reva Grace
Lambert Family
                                           Audrey Halperin
Lisa Lourie
vinters dinner

     Palm Beach Wine Auction

          Ted Mandes, Judy Mitchell, Jeff Stoops              Jill and Bill Wachter        Eddie Gottschalk and Patti Travis    Jonna Brown and John Banyard

          Michael Troise, Maggie Henriquez           Yves De Launay, Victor Blanquart         Mark and Sherri Carter                  Sherrye and Ira Fenton

           Ania Gatto and Tom Gamble                  Christine and Martin Rivard                 Henri Jean, Jamie Soriano, Maggie Henriquez, Cindy Jean

          Don Dady and Gilda Garza                 Jeff Miller, Todd Newman             Fernando Espinosa, Chris Espinosa         Oscar Henquet, Nicholas Conlin

     On January 19, the day before the Palm Beach Wine Auction, sponsors and vintners were treated to a special evening at 1000 NORTH in Jupiter.
     Guests enjoyed a reception featuring Krug Grande Cuvée 167e and a four-course dinner by Chef de Cuisine Lee Morris. The Sponsors’ Vintners Dinner
     was sponsored by Susan Hurley Esson, First Republic, and Jill and Bill Wachter.s

The Palm Beach Wine Auction

                                                               THE PALM BEACH WINE AUCTION celebrated its
                                                               13th year supporting students’ arts education
                                                               programs at the Kravis Center by welcoming
                                                               200 guests to 1000 NORTH, the exclusive
                                                               fine dining venue along the Jupiter Inlet, on
                                                               January 20. The event featured a large number
                                                               of 100-point wines never before offered at
                                                               auction, as well as luxury travel experiences
                                                               and unique treasures. Palm Beach Wine
                                                               Auction Founder and Chairman Ted Mandes,
                                                               Co-Chairmen Milly and Patrick Park and
                                                               Vice-Chairman Lois Pope welcomed guests.
                                  Lois Pope, Connie Frankino
                                                               Mandes thanked event sponsors and longtime
                                                               supporters, who over the Auction’s history have
                                                               raised more than $4 million to support the Kravis
                                                               Center’s mission to enrich local students’ lives
                                                               through access to the performing arts. The
                                                               evening featured outstanding signature lots,
Cindy and Ted Mandes                                           including the “Dream Experience at the House
                                                               of Krug for Four,” a travel experience donated
                                                               by Margareth Henriquez, President and CEO of
                                                               Krug Champagne; a NetJets lot featuring five
                                                               hours of flight in one of the company’s Citation
                                                               Latitude jets; a Franck Muller “Vanguard
                                                               Collection” timepiece with 475 brilliant-cut
                                    Aggie and Jeff Stoops      diamonds donated by Mayors Jewelers; and
                                                               a set of two iconic 18k gold and diamond ‘T’
                                                               bangle bracelets donated by Tiffany & Co.
                                                               THE PALM BEACH WINE AUCTION SPONSORS
                                                               are Premier Grand Cru: Milly and Patrick Park;
                                                               Grand Cru: Lois Pope; Premier Cru: Broadrick
                                                               Family Foundation, Hermé de Wyman Miro,
                                                               Connie Frankino, Tuny and David Page;
                                                               Private Reserve: Jen and Ed Dudnyk, Susan
                                                               Hurley Esson, Madeline and Roderic Fink,
                                                               First Republic, Harriet and Ashley Hoffman,
                                                               JPMorgan Chase & Co., The Lamelas Family
                                                               Charitable Fund, Bill and Marilyn Lane Family
Patrick and Milly Park             Kathryn and Leo Vecellio
                                                               Foundation, Jane M. Mitchell, Steve Myers,

                                                                                                   KRAVIS.ORG   {19}
thirteenth annual palm beach wine auction

                Betsy and James Meany       Tammy and Ron Broadrick

                                                                                         Tuny and David Page

                  Jen and Ed Dudnyk            Madeline and Rod Fink

                                                                                         Jim and Judy Mitchell

                                                                          Jacqueline and Neal Shear, Laurie Silvers and
                                                                          Mitchell Rubenstein, Kathryn and Leo Vecellio,
                                                                          Jill and Bill Wachter; Plus Grand Négociant:
                                                                          Imperial Wine Storage, Inc., NetJets, Inc.,
                                                                          Tiffany & Co.; Media Support: Jupiter Magazine.

                 Jeff and Gina Sabean       William Eady, Margie Betten   THE PALM BEACH WINE AUCTION COMMITTEE
                                                                          MEMBERS are Chairman Ted Mandes,
                                                                          Co-Chairmen Milly and Patrick Park,
                                                                          Vice Chairman Lois Pope, Michael J. Bracci,
                                                                          Tamara Broadrick, Amos Dare, Ed Dudnyk,
                                                                          Susan Hurley Esson, Roderic R. Fink,
                                                                          Barbara Evans Golden, Cynthia Jean,
                                                                          John H. Kessler, Peter Lamelas, Cory
                                                                          Lipoff, Shelley Menin, Tommy Morrison,
                                                                          I. Jeffrey Pheterson, Michael Rendina, Martin
                                                                          Rivard, Jeffrey Sabean, Laurie S. Silvers, Jill
                                                                          Sloane, Richard Sloane, Michael Troise, Cory
                                                                          Valentine, Kathryn C. Vecellio, Jill Wachter and
                                                                          Jeffrey A. Stoops, Ex Officio. For more information
                                                                          about the Palm Beach Wine Auction, visit
              Stephanie and Peter Lamelas     Marilyn and Bill Lane
                                                                 or call 561.651.4320. s

Jeffery Bland and Jane Mitchell                                     Harriet and Ashley Hoffman, Stacy Hoffman

Jacqueline and Neal Shear                      Diana and Cory Valentine                                Elizabeth and Al Rahm

    David Lambert, Laura and David Wrightson                                         Mariann Tenaglia and Stephen Colanero

Vikki Gonzalez, Shelley Menin                  Annie and Michael Falk                                 Melissa and Jeff Pheterson

                                                                                                                               KRAVIS.ORG   {21}
gala kickoff reception

                                                                                   AnEXQUISITE EVENT
                                                                                   the    2020 GALA

                 Christine and                           Irene and                    Kathryn and           Alex Dreyfoos,           Jeff Stoops,
                  Bob Stiller                             Jim Karp                    Leo Vecellio          Sondra Mack            Bradley Hurston

     To kick off the Kravis Center’s highly anticipated 2020 Gala on March 14,
     a private reception was held in honor of Gala Chairs, Honorary Gala Chairs,
     sponsors and committee members. Gala Chairs Christine and Bob Stiller
     and Irene and Jim Karp, warmly greeted guests at the Stillers’ home in
     Palm Beach on Tuesday, February 11.

     Guests were greeted upon arrival with cocktails and passed hors
     d’oeuvres. The party flowed through the Stillers’ home, where guests              Henni and              John and             Laurie Silvers and
                                                                                      John Kessler          Diane Sculley         Mitchell Rubenstein
     gathered to hear more about the upcoming Gala.

     Mr. Stiller gave a warm welcome to those in attendance and thanked them
     for their support of the performing arts center. He then introduced Kravis
     Center Board Chairman Jeffrey A. Stoops.

     “Thank you, Christine and Bob, for opening up your beautiful home, and
     for hosting this wonderful party with Irene and Jim Karp,” said Stoops. “In
     addition, I want to give a special thanks to Kathryn Vecellio and Monika       Jeffery Bland and      Jamie Stern and           Sharyn and
     Preston for serving as this year’s Honorary Gala Chairs and for their many       Jane Mitchell        Stephen Brown            Stuart Frankel

     years of support as Gala Chairs. To all the sponsors – thank you for your
     outstanding support of the Gala, most of whom are here this evening.
     Your support of the Kravis Center helps us provide the community with
     a premier world-class performing arts center that offers an outstanding
     arts education program – something that we know is near and dear to the
     Stillers and the Karps.”

     For information about the Center’s special events, contact the Development     Caroline Harless,   Goldie Wolfe Miller and      Eleanor Pao,
                                                                                     Diane Bergner            Jack Miller          Diana Lewinstein
     Office at 561.651.4320. s

             Jeff and              David Lambert,              Ellen and               Ann and             Kristin McCabe,             Ira and
           Gina Sabean              Judy Mitchell           Lawrence Sosnow          Robert Fromer         Barbara Golden            Nicki Harris

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