Sharing the Journey to a Brighter Future - Catholic Charities of ...
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Dear Friends in Christ: As we celebrate the gift of another year, we remember the many blessings God bestowed upon us and our families. We are also grateful for the countless lives that were bettered in 2017 thanks to the work of Catholic Charities, its vital supporters and from so many others in our Archdiocese. This year’s annual report, whose theme is “Sharing the Journey to a Brighter Future,” helps us to recall the ways in which Catholic Charities accompanied our sisters and brothers in need over the past year. And how appropriate that the theme reflects the Our Mission: Inspired by the Gospel mandates to love, serve and invitation of our Holy Father to be present with and for those in our midst who are teach, Catholic Charities provides care and services to improve newly-arrived, fleeing difficult circumstances in their homelands, or who are simply the lives of Marylanders in need. in need of basic necessities to overcome life’s obstacles. The programs of Catholic Charities provide a welcome hand to the newly-arrived. Our Vision: Cherishing the Divine within, we are committed to The Esperanza Center offers much-needed services to immigrants seeking help with issues a Maryland where each person has the opportunity to reach his ranging from legal support to English classes and access to healthcare. And the adoptions or her God-given potential. program of Catholic Charities helps bring together children in need of love and security with parents seeking to share God’s unending love. Our Values: To love, to serve, to teach and to work for justice. Other services, including Catholic Charities’ Senior Living Communities and Head Start, mean God’s children, young and old, have someone to accompany them as they continue on life’s journey. Through these encounters, these individuals see God in the faces of those serving in His name. I thank you for all you do to support Catholic Charities of Baltimore. Because of you, we are able to share God’s abundant blessings with those in need. May God continue to bless you and your families in 2018 and beyond. Faithfully in Christ, Most Reverend William E. Lori Archbishop of Baltimore Chair, Catholic Charities Board of Trustees 1
Dear Friends: S t. Francis of Assisi once said that “it is no use walking anywhere to preach unless our walking is our preaching.” As you will see in these pages, Catholic Charities follows this call to action every day. Through thousands of encounters in our 80 programs and 200 locations across Maryland, we share the journeys of individuals, families, and communities as we move together to a brighter future. Throughout our work in 2017, three themes have resonated with special importance—our desire to welcome our new immigrant neighbors, our efforts to assist all to become self-sufficient and live a purposeful life, and our commitment to forming dynamic partnerships with fellow community groups and individuals in the neighborhoods we serve. At the Esperanza Center, we welcome and assist new neighbors who benefit from our English language classes, health care, career, and legal advice. Last year, our Family Reunification Program reunited 932 unaccompanied minor children with a family member here in Maryland. As Pope Francis says, “hope is what drives ‘sharing the journey of life.’ And our hope and generosity OU R has no borders.” MILE STONE S To support all people on their journey to live a purposeful and enriched life, our work with 2017 individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities at Gallagher Services has also evolved. Now, all of our offerings focus on helping every person explore their personal vision of a fulfilling life—and on creating a pathway and support system tailored to help each individual achieve his or My Sisters Place Women’s Center Gallagher Services her vision of where to live and how to have a meaningful day. My Sister’s Place Women’s Center (MSPWC), marks 35 years of In Timonium, Gallagher Services celebrates To stay current and truly meet the needs of all people, Catholic Charities stays connected to welcoming women and children who are experiencing homelessness 40 years of serving individuals with intellectual communities through dynamic partnerships. This is true with Penn North’s Kids Safe Zone in the to share a meal and benefit from a wide range of services. In 2008, and developmental disabilities. In June of 1977, Sandtown-Winchester neighborhood of Baltimore City. Through our partnership, we build upon MSPWC relocated to its current location on Cathedral Street from Gallagher Services opened its doors at its campus on their personal relationships and insights within the neighborhood while offering the support of its original location on Mulberry Street. Since that move, My Sister’s Pot Spring Road. Named in memory of the former our experienced staff of therapists and educators. Place has served more than 800,000 meals to women and children Catholic Charities Board Member, Francis X. Our partnerships will continue to grow and strengthen as the journey continues. Catholic in need. In the past year, MSPWC’s participants made more than Gallagher, the Center began as a program serving Charities is a movement to improve lives. We are a family of more than 2,100 talented and dedicated 22,000 visits to the Day Room to gain access to emergency 13 children with intellectual disabilities. Forty years colleagues, supported by nearly 17,000 selfless volunteers and more than 10,000 generous donors. services as well as case management, employment, housing, and later, Gallagher Services supports 250 adults Many of our generous supporters became involved with Catholic Charites during the late 1970s other programs. residentially in 50 homes throughout our and early 1980s when we opened Francis X. Gallagher Services, My Sister’s Place and Sarah’s House. community. Nine of those 250 adults were among This year marks significant anniversaries for these programs. the first 13 children at Gallagher in 1977. The In September, Gallagher Services celebrated 40 years of service to individuals with intellectual Center also offers a medical day program, volunteer and developmental disabilities. In November, My Sister’s Place Women’s Center celebrates 35 years work and employment programs for 207 individuals. of service in providing essential services and daily meals to women and children in need. And finally, Many Gallagher individuals are presently at Sarah’s House in Anne Arundel County, we commemorated 30 years of assisting families participating in training programs, classes and experiencing homelessness. All three of these programs genuinely make a difference in empowering partnerships to live the life of their choice. the lives of our fellow Marylanders. It is imperative that Catholic Charities assist and bring awareness to our brothers and sisters who Sarah’s House have been marginalized in our society. Everyone deserves the chance to live a productive and In Anne Arundel County, Sarah’s House purposeful life, and we are here to walk with them together on a journey to a brighter future. commemorates 30 years of assisting thousands of families who are experiencing homelessness by Peace, providing shelter and holistic supportive services. To date, Catholic Charities has served 16,027 guests, provided 1.7 million meals, and helped 3,002 families find permanent housing and employment. William J. McCarthy, Jr. Our 27,000 volunteers at Sarah’s House have Executive Director provided 650,000 hours of volunteer service. 2 3
Navigating a Long Road G to Parenthood rowing up in Nigeria, adoption was not a familiar concept to Tare Youdeowei, now a U.S. citizen living in Burtonsville, Maryland. “There are many unofficial adoptions, it’s TARE often a secret,” she said. Then, during AND LU C IA a 2000 trip to visit family, she FAMI LY S E RV I C E S attended a celebration of a friend’s adopted daughter. That planted a W I T H A D E E P B E L I E F T H AT S T RO N G FA M I L I E S M A K E S T RO N G seed of hope which would take more C O M M U N I T I E S , C AT H O L I C C H A R I T I E S ’ C E N T E R F O R FA M I LY than 15 years to bloom into a family. S E RV I C E S O F F E R S A W I D E A R R AY O F S E RV I C E S TO S U P P O RT Tare started research in earnest in FA M I L I E S — F RO M C R I S I S S E RV I C E S A N D T R E AT M E N T F O S T E R C A R E 2010, eventually connecting with TO M E N TA L H E A LT H A N D E D U C AT I O N A L P RO G R A M S TO C O M P L E T E St. Anne’s Orphanage Home in A D O P T I O N A N D P O S T- A D O P T I O N S E RV I C E S F O R FA M I L I E S Delta State and embarking on the I N T E R E S T E D I N A D O P T I N G F RO M A B RO A D. T H E P RO C E S S O F I N T E R N AT I O N A L A D O P T I O N C A N B E C H A L L E N G I N G I N WAY S approvals, interviews and paperwork FA M I L I E S C A N ’ T A N T I C I PAT E . C AT H O L I C C H A R I T I E S D E M Y S T I F I E S required by Nigeria. In 2015, she T H E P RO C E S S A N D H E L P S L AY T H E F O U N DAT I O N F O R S T RO N G adopted her daughter, Lucia. But the A N D S TA B L E FA M I L I E S — H O W E V E R T H E Y C A M E TO G E T H E R . process of bringing her to the United States looked as daunting as the one Tare had just completed. When Tare found Catholic Charities Adoption Services, the agency had been working in Nigeria since 2014. To date, it has helped more than 200 families navigate Nigerian adoptions. Ellen Warnock, the program’s Associate Administrator, explained, “The culture of Catholic Charities gives us permission to go into places where other agencies are less willing to go. These families invest so much to bring children out of terrible situations and give them a family. We are just a guidepost. We know the road they will have to travel. It’s their journey, and we help them along their way.” Lucia stayed with Tare’s family for eight months awaiting approvals for Tare to bring her to the United States. “But as soon as she came,” Tare said, “none of that mattered any more. In the end all that matters is that we’re here, living our life together.” 4 5
After a Dangerous Journey— Welcome W hen their mother traveled to Maryland from El Salvador in 2012 unaccompanied minors in Houston, Texas, staff helped them reconnect applications for juvenile visas—the first step on a path to citizenship. to work and help support her with their mother, who arranged for They attend school, and the home I N 2 0 1 4 , R E P O RT S B E G A N TO E M E R G E O F A H U M A N I TA R I A N C R I S I S A L O N G family, she left her three young them to travel to Maryland. Once they share with their mother is a OUR BORDER—TENS OF THOUSANDS OF CHILDREN FLEEING VIOLENCE IN daughters Mabel, aged 12, Maria, they arrived here, Esperanza Center flurry of love, learning and creative C E N T R A L A M E R I C A W E R E T R AV E L I N G TO R E C O N N E C T W I T H FA M I LY I N T H E 10 and Gilma, 8, at home with their was able to offer free legal activity—drawing and painting, U N I T E D S TAT E S . C AT H O L I C C H A R I T I E S H A S O F F E R E D S E RV I C E S TO father. She could not know that representation for the girls, and cooking, knitting, traditional I M M I G R A N T S I N O U R C O M M U N I T Y S I N C E T H E 1 9 6 0 S T H RO U G H E S P E R A N Z A these daughters would suffer from their attorney, Kelvin Rosado, embroidery and jewelry making. C E N T E R . D I R E C T S E RV I C E S F O R U N A C C O M PA N I E D M I N O R S R A N G E F RO M violence at the hands of their father helped their mother gain full legal The girls dream of careers in fashion FA M I LY R E U N I F I C AT I O N A N D L E G A L R E P R E S E N TAT I O N TO E N G L I S H and his family, who were tasked custody to protect the girls from design, teaching and engineering. C L A S S E S A N D OT H E R S E RV I C E S TO H E L P T H E S E C H I L D R E N T R A N S I T I O N GIL MA, with their care. being returned to the dangerous Their mother is grateful for the help TO S C H O O L A N D L I F E H E R E — A S W E L L A S C O N N E C T I O N S TO R E S O U R C E S MABEL, MARIA In 2015, the girls set off to find situation they had fled. Esperanza Center offered in TO H E L P T H E M D E A L W I T H T H E T R A U M A T H E Y ’ V E S U F F E R E D B E F O R E A N D O N M A K I N G T H E DA N G E RO U S J O U R N E Y H E R E . AND GIL M A their mother—and a life free of Today, all three girls have been providing her children with the ESPERANZ A violence. The only point of contact granted special immigrant juvenile legal foundation for a bright—and CENTER the girls had for their mother was a status, and with help from safe—future here. telephone number. At a shelter for Esperanza Center they are filing 6 7
W hen their grandson, Oliver, was born, Susan and Marlin Felmey were there to help. “It’s so expensive to live in Carroll County, it’s hard to make ends meet,” they said. So their empty nest was full again. When Oliver was 18 months old, their daughter enrolled Oliver in Head Start, and “our only complaint is that it doesn’t go to 12th grade,” Marlin said. “We have loved every minute.” The Felmeys take every opportunity to be involved. Marlin sits on the program’s Policy Council and was recognized for his service as Carroll County Head Start Parent of the Year. It’s been a learning experience not just for Oliver, but for his grandparents, said Marlin, “I was working when my children were small, and the ideas about raising children have changed so dramatically since our day.” Catholic Charities has operated Carroll County Head Start and Early Head Start since 2000. Today, it serves 191 families in home-based programs, its main center and two satellite locations. According to program director Patricia Foley, “poverty is everywhere—and that is why Head Start is in just about every county and state in the U.S., including Alaska and Hawaii.” A regular presence at Oliver’s Head Start center, the Felmeys are mentors and supports for young OLIVE R, parents, encouraging them to take MARLIN advantage of resources available to AND SU SAN them through Head Start. They C AR RO L L C O U NT Y are passionate advocates for a H E AD S TART program they didn’t know existed C AT H O L I C C H A R I T I E S H E A D S TA RT A N D E A R LY H E A D S TA RT P RO V I D E E A R LY E D U C AT I O N , just a few years ago. As Susan Giving Kids a explained, “Every child deserves the same opportunities C H I L D D E V E L O P M E N T A N D I N T E RV E N T I O N P RO G R A M S F O R 9 1 8 C H I L D R E N AT 2 0 S I T E S I N B A LT I M O R E C I T Y, H A R F O R D C O U N T Y A N D C A R RO L L C O U N T Y. W E A L S O O P E R AT E T WO H O M E - B A S E D P RO G R A M S , I N C A R RO L L A N D H A R F O R D C O U N T I E S , W H E R E P O V E RT Y C A N H I D E B E H I N D Head Start T H E N AT U R A L B E A U T Y O F T H E S U B U R B A N A N D R U R A L L A N D S C A P E . B E C A U S E FA M I LY M E M B E R S to learn and succeed.” A R E T H E M O S T I M P O RTA N T I N F L U E N C E O N A C H I L D ’ S D E V E L O P M E N T, A L L O F O U R H E A D S TA RT P RO G R A M S I N V O LV E FA M I LY M E M B E R S I N P O L I C Y, P L A N N I N G A N D O P E R AT I O N S D E C I S I O N S . 8 9
A Pathway to Meaningful Work SHAWN AND RU DY GALLAGHER I N 2 0 1 7 , G A L L AG H E R S E RV I C E S C E L E B R AT E S 4 0 Y E A R S O F O P E N I N G SERVICES D O O R S TO A F U L L E R L I F E F O R I N D I V I D U A L S W I T H I N T E L L E C T U A L D I S A B I L I T I E S . B E G U N A S A R E S I D E N T I A L P RO G R A M F O R C H I L D R E N I N 1 9 7 7 , TO DAY, G A L L AG H E R S E RV I C E S O F F E R S A R A N G E O F H O M E S F O R A D U LT S , A M E D I C A L DAY P RO G R A M A N D S U P P O RT F O R V O C AT I O N A L T R A I N I N G A N D E M P L OY M E N T. A L L O F O U R O F F E R I N G S F O C U S O N H E L P I N G E V E RY P E R S O N E X P L O R E T H E I R P E R S O N A L V I S I O N O F A F U L F I L L I N G L I F E — A N D O N C R E AT I N G A PAT H WAY A N D S U P P O RT S Y S T E M TA I L O R E D TO H E L P E AC H I N D I V I D U A L AC H I E V E H I S O R H E R V I S I O N O F W H E R E TO L I V E A N D H O W TO H AV E A M E A N I N G F U L DAY. R udy Boston and Shawn Haynie have been familiar faces in the person-centered model of planning and thinking about how to support sachets and soaps from herbs grown in the Center’s greenhouses. Gallagher Center kitchen for more individuals in achieving their goals Rudy has been a Gallagher than a decade. Both men have a and dreams. This program is one of resident since childhood. Shawn passion for working with and many innovative approaches to entered the program in 1994, and around food, and Shawn, an avid meaningful work opportunities for is a representative on Gallagher Orioles fan, has a singular focus on adults with intellectual disabilities. Services’ strategic planning his version of success—a job in food Each person’s path is unique, committee. This year, they graduate service at Camden Yards. and may include volunteer work, from training to developing When Gallagher Services was involvement in the Center’s gardens additional abilities in the CSG seeking a vendor for its meal or on a local farm and bringing kitchen at St. Vincent Villa—the service, Shawn and Rudy inspired a vegetables to farmer’s markets, next step in pursuing community pilot vocational program with the making artwork or participating in employment. And two more vendor, Culinary Services Group a wide range of entrepreneurial residents will take their place in (CSG). This move is part of a larger ventures—designing and creating the training kitchen, following shift in the program’s journey to a clothing, custom floor mats or in their footsteps. 10 11
A fter the April 2015 unrest, Catholic Charities began working ERI CK A T H E K I D S SA FE THE 2015 CITYWIDE UNREST AFTER with Penn North Community ZO N E F R E D D I E G R AY ’ S D E AT H I N P O L I C E Resource Center on an evidence- C U S TO DY S H O N E A H A R S H L I G H T O N T H E based violence prevention and S E E M I N G LY I N T R AC TA B L E D I F F I C U LT I E S interruption program—Safe Streets. FA C E D B Y T H E W E S T B A LT I M O R E Family Services Director Kevin N E I G H B O R H O O D S AT T H E E P I C E N T E R O F Keegan explained, “To make a T H E P ROT E S T S . C AT H O L I C C H A R I T I E S H A D program like this work, you need to R U N H E A D S TA RT A N D OT H E R P RO G R A M S partner with a trusted community I N T H E S E N E I G H B O R H O O D S , A N D N OW organization. Safe Streets’ success BEGAN A JOURNEY OF LISTENING AND encouraged us to think differently D I S C O V E RY, E X P L O R I N G I N N O VAT I V E about how we can best serve a WAY S O F WO R K I N G W I T H T R U S T E D N E I G H B O R H O O D O R G A N I Z AT I O N S TO community’s needs. Neither of our L E V E R A G E O U R O R G A N I Z AT I O N A L organizations would have gotten R E S O U R C E S A N D E X P E R I E N C E TO grant funding for Safe Streets S U P P O RT S O L U T I O N S T H AT WO R K F O R without the other,” said Keegan. T H E C O M M U N I T Y. Another entrepreneurial idea was also taking shape at Penn North. Ericka Alston-Buck had just started her job as PR director there, and “what everyone saw on TV was right outside our door,” she said. “The international press was here. In every interview I heard the same thing— there’s nothing for kids to do.” When she asked if Penn North could start a drop-in after-school center, she was handed keys to the vacant laundromat next door and got to work, raising money and building a program from the ground up. As the Kids Safe Zone gained momentum, Alston-Buck realized “our children need more than hugs and high fives. This community has Mapping a New Route been traumatized.” She partnered with Catholic Charities to apply for funding for an onsite therapist. She said, “Their team understood our demographic and provided a therapist who looks like us and speaks our language. I have a relationship with these families. to Partnership If we fail, it’s Miss Ericka failed me. We’re all about relationships here, and Catholic Charities has allowed us to build relationships with therapists our children can trust.” 12 13
Still Exploring— with Help from Friends IRIS AND ANGE LA TRINITY HOUSE F O R O L D E R A D U LT S W H O L OV E L I V I N G O N T H E I R OW N , T H E C H A L L E N G E S O F M A N AG I N G T H E AC T I V I T I E S O F DA I LY L I V I N G C A N M E A N L O S I N G T H E I N D E P E N D E N C E T H AT K E E P S T H E M T H R I V I N G . C AT H O L I C C H A R I T I E S S E N I O R S U P P O RT S E RV I C E S , A M A RY L A N D D E PA RT M E N T O F A G I N G C O N G R E G AT E H O U S I N G S E RV I C E S P RO G R A M , H E L P S M O R E T H A N 2 0 0 O L D E R A D U LT S I N S E V E N O F O U R S E N I O R H O U S I N G C O M M U N I T I E S . A S S I S TA N C E TA I L O R E D TO T H E I N D I V I D U A L N E E D S O F R E S I D E N T S , L I K E DA I LY M E A L S , H O U S E K E E P I N G A N D L A U N D RY A N D O N E - O N - O N E A S S I S TA N C E , A R E O F T E N A L L I T TA K E S TO H E L P R E S I D E N T S C O N T I N U E L I V I N G I N D E P E N D E N T LY. T o the sons and daughter-in-law who make sure she gets to the many then in practice on his own. After retirement, the couple spent she likes and eat when she wants, and to stay in her apartment activities she enjoys, and to the winters traveling as missionaries in surrounded by the friends she’s Senior Support Services team who Mexico. About four years ago, her made here. She takes long walks in make it possible for her to continue sons helped her move to Trinity her neighborhood most days, but living in her apartment at Trinity House to have her closer to them. “The Queen” also appreciates the House in Towson, 97-year-old Iris Her son Dave knows a lot about support she gets from Resident Dallas is simply “The Queen.” Catholic Charities Senior Associate Angela Callum and The title is well-earned, as is the Communities—he lives at Basilica CHSP Supervisor Tricketya White dignity and little indulgences it Place in Mount Vernon, where he Satterfield. “Angie does the implies. After all, she spent a loves being in the heart of the city. apartment cleaning for me. I did it lifetime caring for others. Born in “I like it here. It’s home to me. for many years, and now I don’t Raleigh, North Carolina, in 1920, I have my apartment with my key, have to. I haven’t even turned on she raised four sons while her and I know how to use it!” my stove since I’ve been in this husband, a civil engineer, worked laughed Iris. She loves having the apartment. I don’t have to cook, for the State of Maryland and independence to sleep as late as so I’m not cooking!” 14 15
With Gratitude for Your Partnership... The Hon. Mary Louise Preis & Frederick G. Preis, DDS Mr. & Mrs. Larry J. Puglia Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Radmer Mr. James Francis Conway Correct Rx Pharmacy Services, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. George C. Creel Mr. Stephen J. D’Adamo Mr. & Mrs. Kevin F. McAndrews Mr. & Mrs. Mark G. McGlone Mr. John J. McLaughlin Morris A. and Clarisse B. Mechanic The Anita Rose Williams Society ($2,500.00 + ) Anonymous (6) A. E. Dott & Associates On behalf of our board of trustees, clients, volunteers and staff, we extend our deepest gratitude to the individuals, corporations, and RCM&D, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Randall J. Davis Foundation Above All Construction foundations that gave generously during the period of July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017. Financial support to Catholic Charities provides Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Reese, Jr. DCO Energy Med-Care Transportation, LLC Absolute Investigative Services, Inc. life-changing opportunities for families and individuals in need. Reval Foundation, Inc. The Helen P. Denit Charitable Trust* Mr. Jack C. Miglioretti II Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Agnone Mr. & Mrs. Brooks C. Robinson, Jr. DLA Piper Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Milan Agora, Inc. The Hon. Steven R. Schuh and Mr. John G. Dreyer Mr. & Mrs. Anthony G. Moag Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Arnold The Director’s Council Council of Caring Mr. & Mrs. Mark P. Huston Mr. & Mrs. Clinton R. Daly the Schuh Family Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Eby Morgan Stanley AT&T United Way Employee Giving ($100,000.00 + ) ($50,000.00 + ) Marie P. Kronman Charitable Trust* DAP Products Inc. The Jean & Sidney Silber Fund, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Ralph W. Emerson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David H. Morrow Ms. Susan Bahl & Mr. Rohit Marwaha Abell Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Christopher E. Andon Mr. & Mrs. Earl L. Linehan DavCo Restaurants, Inc. Ms. Abigail Smith & Arnold & Robyn Eppel Ms. Cassandra R. Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Baird Archdiocese of Baltimore Anne Arundel County Department of Mr. & Mrs. John D. Linehan The Geaton & Joann Decesaris Family Mr. John Shettle, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Hugh M. Evans III Network for Good Mr. A. Richard Bastinelli Arundel Community Development Social Services Northrop Grumman (ECHO) Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Brian D. Stansky Mr. & Mrs. Steven B. Fader Mr. Joseph Nigro Battelle Eastern Science & Tech Center Services, Inc. Anne Arundel County Executive Office PNC Bank & PNC Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Mathias J. DeVito Mr. & Mrs. John P. Stanton Family League of Baltimore City Mr. & Mrs. David J. Norman Bauguess Electrical Baltimore City Health Department Mr. & Mrs. James M. Bannantine Seedco Mr. & Mrs. Carmen F. Deyesu The James M. & Margaret V. Stine Summer Learning Collaborative Northern Pharmacy and Medical Mr. & Mrs. David I. Bavar The Kenneth S. Battye Charitable BGE Mr. & Mrs. Truman T. Semans Dimensional Health Care Foundation, Inc. Franey Family Foundation Equipment Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Benicewicz Trust CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield The James L. Sherman Foundation Associates, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. William G. Franey Sr. Ms. Jane O’Leary & Mr. & Mrs. Carl Bice Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Bisciotti Annie E. Casey Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Edward K. Dunn III Mr. & Mrs. Robert Emmett Mr. & Mrs. James A. Gabriel Mr. Jonathan Ruckdeschel Ed Block Courage Award Ms. Mary Catherine Bunting Ms. Dorothy B. Concordia* SunTrust Bank & SunTrust Foundation Ferguson HVAC Voelkel III Mr. Navroz Gandhi Our Lady of the Angels Church Foundation, Inc. Bunting Family Foundation, Inc. Constellation, an Exelon Company T. Rowe Price & T. Rowe Price Mr. & Mrs. Eugene P. Foley, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John F. Wakeman Mr. & Mrs. Cutberto Garza Mr. & Mrs. Don I. Patch, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Eddie L. Book Estate of Carryl Jean Calvert* The Dresher Foundation, Inc. Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Fortunato Mr. & Mrs. Gino J. Gemignani, Jr. Mr. Russell A. Phelps, CFA Mr. & Mrs. David E. Brainerd Combined Federal Campaign FEMA - Federal Emergency Food & The David P. Tenberg Charitable Mr. & Mrs. David M. Gaines The Bishop P. Francis Murphy Give with Liberty / Mr. & Mrs. Brett Plano Mr. & Mrs. Frank P. Bramble, Sr. The Cooke Family Shelter Program Foundation, Inc. Mr. Mark D. Gately Society Liberty Mutual Insurance Plano-Coudon Construction Mr. & Mrs. John F. Brennan The Adah D. Enis Trust* Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Gula U.S. Department of Justice / CCUSA Mr. & Mrs. Gary N. Geisel ($5,000.00 + ) GKV Mr. Kenneth F. Porter Mr. & Mrs. Martin P. Brunk Governor’s Office of Crime Control & Harkins Builders, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. J. Scott Wilfong Mr. Kenneth H. Gentry Anonymous (4) Goodell, DeVries, Leech & Dann, LLP Ms. Sarah Portwood The Bryn Mawr School Prevention for Maryland The Hoffberger Family Philanthropies WPW Foundation Good Ground Consulting LLC Active Network, LLC The Herbert N. Gundersheimer POS Construction Inc. Mrs. Ellen M. Burger Kaiser Permanente for the Maryland Charity Campaign Dr. Ellen H.Yankellow & Mr. & Mrs. Brian W. Gracie America’s Charities Foundation, Inc. Mr. George E. Quinn Mr. Paul E. Burke III Mid-Atlantic States Mr. & Mrs. James D. Miller Mr. William E. Chapman Mr. & Mrs. John S. Halaby Annapolis Volvo W. Daniel Hale, Ph.D. R.E. Michel Company Inc. C1P Cabinet Supply, Inc. The Marion I. & Henry J. Knott Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Rizzo / Manus Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Hall Mr. & Mrs. R. Lee Arnold, Jr. Havtech Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Regan Ms. Christina L. Cafeo Foundation Christi Charitable Fund The Archbishop Borders Society Mr. & Mrs. John W. Harbaugh Ms. Sharon J. Augustiny Mr. & Mrs. John C. Heisler Rhona’s Place Call to Action Maryland - Maryland Energy Administration Mr. & Mrs. Brian C. Rogers ($10,000.00 + ) Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Hellauer, Jr. Bank of America United Way Campaign Heritage Properties, Inc. Roman Company, Inc. Latino Racial Justice Circle Mayor’s Office of Human Services of The George & Edna Schwarzmann Fund Anonymous (3) Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Helm Mr. Charles L. Bauermann Ms. Elizabeth Hess Mr. & Mrs. S. Ford Rowan Dr. & Mrs. Michael R. Camp Baltimore City for Handicapped Children Mr. Kevin O. Abell The Estate of Marjorie Leigh The Benevity Community Impact Fund Reverend Milton A. Hipsley, Jr.* Mr. & Mrs. James C. Scully Mr. & Mrs. Alan B. Carey Estate of Leonard E. Narcavage* Estate of Mary M. Smith* Aegon Transamerica Foundation Hendricks* Benfield Electric Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Hohman / Mr. & Mrs. James B. Sellinger Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Carney, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. O’Neil, Jr. Leonard and Helen R. Stulman Charitable Alban Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Hennessy BGE Home Products and Services Hohman Family LLC Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Shields, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Kevin B. Cashen The Samaritan Women, Inc. Foundation Mrs. Brenda K. Ashworth & Ignatius House Jesuit Community at Mr. Donald W. Bisant Mr. & Mrs. F. Patrick Hughes Mr. Alexius D. Smith Mr. & Mrs. W. Timothy Cashman III The John L. Stasiak Private Foundation Mr. Donald Welch Loyola University Maryland Mr. Carroll A. Bodie IBM Employee Services Center Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Smith Mr. John M. Castner Mr. & Mrs. William J. Stromberg The Cardinal Shehan Society Mr. & Mrs. William J. Baird III Johns Hopkins Health Systems Mr. & Mrs. John M. Bond, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Imhoff Mr. Robert W. Smith, Jr. Centric Business Systems Mr. John P. Thompson* ($25,000.00 + ) Mr. & Ms. Joseph G. Baldwin Jones Junction, Inc. Box’N Save of Maryland, Inc. Insurance Buyers’ Council, Inc. St. John the Evangelist Church, Mr. Samuel W. Chairs, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Mark T. Timbie Anonymous (2) Bank of America & Bank of America Mr. & Mrs. Mark K. Joseph / Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Bozzuto The John & Bridget Irwin Long Green Valley Chesapeake Corporate Advisors, LLC United Way of Central Maryland Allegis Group, Inc. & Allegis Group Charitable Foundation, Inc. The Shelter Foundation Mr. & Mrs. James T. Brady Charitable Fund St. Joseph Catholic Community Chesapeake Plumbing & Heating, Inc. U.S. Department of Housing & Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Batza, Jr. The Judy Family Foundation Ms. Leila J Broadbent Jacksonville Veterinary Hospital St. Margaret Church Chesapeake Professional Women’s Urban Development Mr. & Mrs. Gregory C. Andon Mr. Scott W. Becker KELLY Mr. & Mrs. Andrew M. Brooks JD Carpets, Inc. Steele Foundation, LLC Network, Inc. The Estate of Mario Vahos, M.D.* Mr. & Mrs. R. Donald Awalt Ms. Theresa D. Becks KPMG, LLP Mr. Kevin G. Byrnes Mr. & Mrs. Gerard E. Keefe Mr. & Mrs. Arun Subhas Ms. Terry Choi The Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Mr. Andrew R. Becker Mr. Richard O. Berndt Mr. Richard M. Lombardo CAM Construction Co., Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Kevin C. Kelley Mr. Taymour Tamaddon Mr. & Mrs. John Christman Foundation, Inc. Behavioral Health System Baltimore Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Bernstein Most Reverend William E. Lori, Carrier Enterprise, LLC The Hon. & Mrs. Francis X. Kelly, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Cinquegrana The Whiting-Turner Contracting Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Bowie BFG Community Foundation S.T.D., Archbishop of Baltimore Mr. & Mrs. Torin T. Caverly Mr. Brian Kennihan Trinity Quality Homes, Inc. City Light & Power Company, Inc. Brown Advisory Mr. John Bovaird & Ms. Ellen Warnock Dr. Michael J. Lynch & Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Cawley Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Kern, Jr. Type Supply LLC Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Clancy Mr. & Mrs. George L. Bunting, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Edwin J. Bradley, Jr. Dr. Mary Lee Lynch Chartwell Charitable Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. George J. Kilroy United Way of Greater Atlanta Mr. & Mrs. Jose L. M. Clemente St. Ignatius Loyola Society Mr. Marc G. Bunting Mrs. Patricia M.C. Brown & M&T Bank & M&T Bank Foundation Chesapeake Employers’ Insurance Mr. & Mrs. David W. Kinkopf Universal McCann CMC Concrete Construction, Inc. ($75,000.00 + ) Mr. & Mrs. Scott B. David Mr. Joseph P. Gill The Estate of Frank J. Majewski* Company Charles A. Klein & Sons, Inc. UPS Foundation Cochran Tile Mr. & Mrs. Daniel F. Dent Mr. & Mrs. James C. Davis / Cathedral of Mary Our Queen Mr. & Mrs. William J. McCarthy, Jr. Chubb & Son, Inc. Mr. Mark O. Knott Mr. Michael D. Vanous Community Foundation of Exelon Corporation United Way The Davis Family Foundation Catholic Community Foundation Mr. John McCauley & Ms. Nina Jones CIGNA HealthCare Kramon & Graham, P.A. Veteran Design & Construction, Inc. Frederick County, MD, Inc. Campaign Mr. & Mrs. William S. Dunahoo, Jr. Mr. John F. Cavanaugh McCormick & Company, Inc. Clayton Baker Trust Mr. & Mrs. Leonard A. Kraus, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Walton Mr. & Mrs. William S. Corey, Jr. The Estate of Ellen Bowden Fletcher* Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Finn Clayton Fund, Inc. of Texas Mrs. John P. McKenna The Coastal Companies Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Langmead Mr. & Mrs. Timothy T. Weglicki Cornerstone Financial, LLP Harford County Department of Gallagher Evelius & Jones LLP Mr. & Mrs. George J. Collins Mr. & Mrs. Harry E. Merriken III Mr. & Mrs. Jason T. Collins Mr. & Mrs. James L. Lekin Wells Fargo Bank Corporate Office Properties Trust Housing and Community Hamel Builders Inc. Combined Charity Campaign Nikipro Foundation Inc. Colonial Electric Co., Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Liberatore Mr. Gary Wells (COPT) Development Harford County Department of Mr. Gregory D. Conderacci Mr. Joseph O’Connor Mr. & Mrs. J. Michael Connelly, Jr. Bradley MacDonald Family Foundation Tom White & Associates, LLC Mr. & Mrs. John A. Cress Legg Mason Charitable Foundation Community Services Mr. & Mrs. Dominic A. Corriere Our Lady of the Fields Church Dr. & Ms. John V. Conte, Jr. Mr. Michael J. Mahon Estate of John D. Cullen* & Legg Mason Global Asset Estate of Margaret A. Hatfield* Mr. & Mrs. Sean Creamer Mr. & Mrs. Jason B. Polun Mr. & Mrs. Francis A. Contino Maryland State Council Knights D.F. Dent & Company Management Dr. & Mrs. Barry D. Daly of Columbus Maryland Department of Human Services Estate of B. Thomas Rachuba* Walmart Foundation / CCUSA 16 17
Mr. Brian B. Daily Mr. Michael C. Janus Mr. & Mrs. Ludge Olivier St. Joseph’s Church AOL Charitable Foundation The Ann & Frank Cahouet Foundation Ms. Jill Daschle Ms. Victoria Fretwell Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Daley, Jr. Mr. Joseph Jeppi, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Brian H. O’Neil St. Louis Parish Aon plc Mr. Ronald Cameron Dr. Barbara J. De Lateur Mr. & Mrs. John R. Frost Mr. & Mrs. Wallace Dann Mr. & Mrs. Russell E. Jones, Jr. Ms. Noreen E. O’Neill St. Paul Catholic Church ARINC Incorporated Mr. Keith Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Deaver Ms. Noreen A. Frost Davidsonville Ruritan Foundation, Inc. Peter E. Keith, Esq. Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Orrson Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. James C. Arnold Ms. Betsy Campochiaro Ms. Nancy DeFrancesco Mrs. Anna Fuller Dr. M. Carmel Deckelman Mr. & Mrs. Francis X. Kelly III Mrs. Margaret B. Otenasek Mr. & Mrs. Leonard A. Strom Mr. & Mrs. Todd D. Aspell Canton Storage Ms. Mary Alice Delaney Mr. Daniel L. Gahagan Mrs. Esther J. Dott Kindred Healthcare Ms. Teresa K. Paffenback SunTrust United Way Campaign Associated Italian American Mr. & Mrs. David Carlberg Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Dell Mr. Louis P. Galambos Mr. Joseph C. Dukehart Kiwanis Foundation of Mr. Stephen F. Page Mr. Robert Sylvester Charities, Inc. Mr. Glenn Carlson Ms. Reneira B. DeSilva Dr. & Mrs. Ivan H. Garcia, Jr. E & A Contractors, Inc. Crofton Maryland, Inc. Mr. Ralph Partlow & Systematic Management Services, Inc. Atlantic Financial Federal Credit Union Mr. Matthew Carpenter Mr. Patrick B. Dever Mr. & Mrs. John F. Garpstas Mr. & Mrs. Brian M. Eakes Knott Mechanical, Inc. Mrs. Jeanette Glose-Partlow Mr. Richard Tayag Reverend Msgr. John J. Auer Reverend Patrick M. Carrion Bill & Nancy Devine Mr. & Mrs. Todd Garside Entrust Capital Management LP Mrs. Elizabeth Kolbe & Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Paska Telligent Masonry, LLC Mr. Brett D. Ayotte The Carrion & Flahavan Family Fund Mrs. Sue A. Dillport Mr. William Walter Gay Mr. & Mrs. Matthew W. Evans Mr. John Moore C. Robert Passantino Charitable Lead Ms. Mary Tilghman & Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Bair Carroll Park Ladies Golf Association Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Dinoto, Jr. Mr. George Gayno Fidelity Engineering Krick Plumbing and Heating Co., Inc. Annuity Trust* Mr. Raymond Truitt Mr. & Mrs. William J. Baird, Jr. Ms. Janette L. Carson Mr. & Mrs. Sam A. DiPaola GE United Way Campaign Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Finan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Dilip V. Kulkarni PCF Management, Inc. TowerCares Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Baldwin Mr. & Mrs. Steven B. Cascio Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Dodson Mr. Thomas D. Geil Ms. Jo Ann Fogarty Mr. & Mrs. Victor J. Lancelotta Penguin Heating & Travelers Community Connections Mrs. Peggy A. Baldwin Mr. & Mrs. Neil J. Cashen Mr. & Mrs. Vladimir Dolmatov Ms. Carol M. Gentry Mr. Ryan Fogarty Mrs. Anne C. Landry Air Conditioning, Inc. Tufton Capital Management Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Balhoff Mrs. Susan T. Cashman Domino Food, Inc. Dr. & Mrs. Robert G. Gibson Mr. & Mrs. David E. Franasiak Mr. & Mrs. Constantine H. Lanzi People’s Bank University of Maryland St. Joseph Dr. Gregory F. Ball Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Cass Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey H. Donahue Mr. Gary T. Gill Mr. & Mrs. David C. Franchak Reverend Robert F. Leavitt, S.S. Peroutka & Peroutka P.A. Medical Center Barlow Concrete Construction, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Willem D. Cassard The Hon. Ann Marie Doory & The Hon. & Mrs. R. Michael Gill Mr. & Mrs. George H. French III Mr. & Mrs. Keith W. Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Stephen G. Peroutka Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Valancius Mr. & Mrs. Stephen F. Barnett Catholic Community of Mr. Robert Doory Jeanette M. Glose-Partlow, Esq. Mr. & Mrs. Louis F. Fries III Mr. & Mrs. Timothy D. Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Phelps Mr. & Ms. Mark Van Tuyl Mr. & Mrs. Nasir Bashirelahi South Baltimore Mr. & Mrs. Scott E. Dorsey Ms. Cynthia M. Glover Mr. Mark Fulchino & Mr. & Mrs. Dean Lin Mr. Richard V. Piel, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Vaughan Mr. & Mrs. John H. Basler Catholic Relief Services Mr. James Michael Doty Goldseker Foundation Ms. Aimee O’Neill Mr. & Mrs. Brian T. Lindner Mr. & Mrs. Walter D. Pinkard, Jr. Mrs. Anne B. Wagner Mr. Richard J. Battafarano The Thomas M. & Mary Chairs Mr. Lawrence M. Druckenbrod Good Samaritan Hospital Mr. William H. Fusting, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Linehan Matthew L. Pirnot, Esq. Dr. & Mrs. Patrick C. Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Bauermann Family Fund Mr. Jerrel Duffy, Jr. Mrs. Jana L. Goodney-Ross Mr. & Mrs. Brendan Gaeng Mr. Walter G. Lohr, Jr. PMG, LTD. Mr. & Mrs. Francis R. Walter Ms. Carol A. Baumerich Chesapeake Building Components Dunbar Armored Mr. & Mrs. Michael Scott Goodwin Mr. John J. Gallagher Mr. R. Noel Longuemare, Jr. Ms. Diane Polk WebbMason, Inc. Ms. Susan E. Beasley Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Chew Mr. Denis Duncan Mr. Thomas J. Gorman Mr. & Mrs. Gary J. Garofalo Mr. Joseph F. Loosmore Presidio Wellbridge Club Management LLC Mr. & Mrs. Raymond L. Beauregard Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey E. Chrest Mr. & Mrs. Edward K. Dunn, Jr. Mr. Matthew F. Gorra Geico Philanthropic Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Douglas B. Lopez PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey W. Wendel Ms. Eileen M. Beck The Christmas Project Inc. Echo Communicate Mr. Joseph Sebastian Grabenstein Mr. & Mrs. Jerome G. Geraghty Loyola University Maryland Mr. & Mrs. David F. Punshon-Smith Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Werthman Mr. James Beck Mr. & Mrs. David M. Churchill Edison Electric Company, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Shirl C. Grable Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Gillich Reverend Msgr. Joseph L. Luca CDR & Mrs. Armando Ramirez Mrs. Martha D. Wetzel Mr. & Mrs. Auburn R. Bell, Jr. Churchville Tile & Marble Mr. & Mrs. James K. Eichelberger Mr. Alec Graham Ms. Susan E. Gilmore Mr. Sean M. Magee Ravens ACT Foundation Mr. & Mrs. W. Daniel White Mr. & Mrs. Adrian G. Bergin Ms. Christine S. Cieslowski Mr. Chad Ellis Greater Severna Park Mom’s Club Mr. & Mrs. Saul E. Gilstein Ms. Anne V. Majerik Mr. & Mrs. James L. Redifer Whiteford, Taylor, & Preston LLP Mr. Thomas P. Bernier Clarion Partners Mr. & Mrs. Andrew C. Endres, Jr. (GSPMC) Global HVAC Ms. Marian C. Marbury Respira Medical, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Wiese Mrs. F. Claire Bevans Clark Builders Group Envirocon Associates, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Green Mr. Mario Golle, Jr. Marks, Thomas Architects, Inc. RFC, Inc. Mr. Bryan G. Wilhelm Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Biagiotti Mr. Corey M. Clatworthy Ms. Joyce Epstein Greenspring Associates Mr. & Mrs. W. Kyle Gore MFRW, In Honor of Yumi Hogan Mr. Earl Jonathan Rich Mr.& Mrs. Kevin Wille Biegel & Waller, LLC Mr. & Mrs. James R. Clement Mr. & Mrs. Gerard J. Erdman Ms. Susan Griisser & Ms. Helene T. Grady & Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Maskell, Jr. Mr. Robert Rininger Ms. Sky Woodward & Kathleen Birrane, Esq. The Cole Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Stuart A. Erdman Mr. Stephen Fruin Mr. Matthew D. Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. McAllister Mr. George A. Roche Mr. Andrew R. Arthur Mr. Stephen Blair Mr. Michael Coleman Erickson Living Management Agency Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin H. Griswold IV W. R. Grace Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. McBride Mr. Wilfred J. Roesler Mr. Benjamin T.Yeagle Mr. & Mrs. James Y. Blanchard Mr. & Mrs. Wayne N. Collier for Oak Crest Mr. Frank D. Grosshans Ms. Ilka K. Gray Mrs. Marie C. McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Marc P. Blum Mr. & Mrs. Kevin A. Collins Mr. Christopher J. Esoldo Mr. & Mrs. Carlton K. Gutschick Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Gross Mr. & Mrs. William D. McCloskey Roland Slate Service Co., Inc. Loaves & Fishes Society BMW Construction Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Collins Ms. Betty J. Espinoza Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan L. Hackbarth Mr. Peter Guattery & Mr. Brian McGraw Rome Technologies, Inc. ($1,000.00 + ) Mr. & Mrs. Angelo M. Boer Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Colombo Mr. & Mrs. John P. Falvey, Jr. Mr. Gilbert Hageman Ms. Su Yun Chang Mr. & Mrs. Gerald L. McKenna Dr. Atena Rosak & Anonymous (17) Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Bogue, Jr. Ms. Janet L. Commarata Ms. Pamela Y. Faulkner Ms. Gen R. Haines Mr. & Mrs. Keith Hahn Ms. Christie Devore McMullen Mr. David J. Dukehart 1st Choice Realty, Inc. Ms. Nancey Bohlen Community Foundation of Mr. & Mrs. John F. Feezer, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Franklin J. Hajek Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Hankin Reverend Vincent dePaul McMurry, Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Ruck, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Matthew B. Aaron Mr. & Mrs. Carl K. Bond Harford County Fells Point Tavern Mr. Charles E. Hall Mrs. Lindsay Hardesty P.S.S.* Rule 4, LLC Mr. Gerald Abbott Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Boos II John S. Connor, Inc. Fidelity Mechanical Services Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Hall The Harford Mutual Insurance M. Natalie McSherry, Esq. Mr. & Mrs. David M. Rust Aberdeen Proving Ground Federal Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Bouyea Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Conrad The Fields Family Mr. Fred C. Hallahan, Jr. Company Mr. James M. Merwald Safeway, Inc. Credit Union Ms. Judith C. Boyce Mr. Bradley Considine Mr. & Mrs. Roger L. Fiery III Ms. Jean C. Halle Mr. Martin C. Hauf The Harvey M. Meyerhoff Fund Dr. & Mrs. Richard J. Santangelo Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Ackerman Mr. & Mrs. Lambert G. Boyce, Jr. Mr. Andrew Cooch Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Finigan Mrs. Victoria C. Hammond Haymaker Technologies, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Adam Michel Mr. Peter J. Savage Acme Paper & Supply Co., Inc. Mr. Clarence C. Boyle & Mr. & Mrs. Philip A. Cooke Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Fiore Ms. Gigi Hampshire Hirsch Electric, Inc. Miles & Stockbridge P.C. Schaefer Mechanical Services, Inc. Dr. Deborah Adams & Mrs. Patricia A. Boyle The Cordish Family Foundation, Inc. Ms. Ruth Fisher Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Hannan The David and Barbara B. Hirschhorn Catherine J. Motz, Esq. Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Schroeder Dr. George W. Adams Bozzuto Group Mr. & Mrs. William F. Corley Ms. Kathleen Fitzsimmons Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Hanssen Foundation Mt. Carmel United Methodist Church Mr. & Mrs. Fredric W. Schultz IV The Adams Foundation Mr. & Mrs. John C. Brandenburg Corrigan Sports Enterprises, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Leo W. Fitzsimmons, Jr. Mrs. Mary D. Harkins Timothy A. Hodge, Jr., Esq. Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Muldowney Nita L. Schultz, Esq. Advanced Window, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Brando Costco Wholesale Corporation Mr. & Mrs. Edward N. Flood Mr. & Mrs. James R. Hartman Mr. & Mrs. Gerard E. Holthaus Mr. & Mrs. Peter H. Nachtwey Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Schwabe Aegean Inc. Mr. Stephen C. Brandt Mr. & Mrs. Albert R. Counselman Floors Etc. Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Harvey Holy Family Catholic Church NAF Financial Services Mr. Joel D. Seledee Ahold Financial Services Ms. Theresa M.P. Brandt Cove Electric Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Florenzo Mr. & Mrs. Roland Harvey Mr. Lawrence L. Hooper, Jr. Ms. Katharine E. Nardone Mr. & Mrs. Brian M. Sheahan Aimia Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Brennan, Jr. Ms. Andrea Cox Mr. & Mrs. Harry M. Ford, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Haupt Mr. & Mrs. George S. Hopkins Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Nattans Mr. Steven Sinsabaugh Alco Doors Mr. Carl A. Brewer The Cresston Company Form Services, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. John T. W. Hawkins Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Huber Mr. & Mrs. William J. Nicholas, Jr. Ms. Claire M. Smith All-American Intelligent Solutions, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. James W. Brinkley Crew-Baltimore Ms. Josephine H. Forrest Ms. Margaret Hayes Hussman Strategic Advisors, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Harwood S. Nichols Mr. & Mrs. Bradley A. Spry Mr. Kennard Allen Mrs. Mary S. Brown Mr. & Mrs. M. Jenkins Cromwell, Jr. Estate of Frances R. Fortenbaugh* Mrs. Carol A. Hayes-Gegner Interstock Premium Cabinetry Mr. & Mrs. Carroll D. Nordhoff St. Agnes Hospital Mr. & Mrs. Kevin L. Allen Mrs. Paula Brown Ms. Karen E. Croson Mr. Daniel Fox Mr. & Mrs. John L. Hays IREM Maryland Chapter No. 16 Northrop Grumman Corporation St. Ann Catholic Church Ms. Mary Pamela Allen Mr. Robert Bruce Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cunningham Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Francisco HDG United Methodist Church J.W. & Sons, Inc. Number Ten Foundation, Inc. St. Bernadette Parish Mr. Jose Roman Almario Mr. & Mrs. Harmon Bullard Mr. & Mrs. James E. Cusack, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Herman Franke Mrs. Marion A. Hecht Ms. Mary Anne O’Donnell St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish Ms. Concetta R. Anaclerio Mr. & Mrs. Adam F. Burch Cushman & Wakefield Mr. & Mrs. Benedict J. Frederick, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Helensky Joseph H. O’Leary, M.D. St. Ignatius - Hickory Annapolis High School Mr. Ronald Burdinski Mr. & Mrs. Scott E. Dagenais Fred Frederick Chrysler, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. William L. Henn, Jr. St. Isaac Jogues Catholic Church Annapolis Rotary Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Burke Mr. Peter Thomas D’Agostino Mr. & Mrs. Herbert D. Frerichs, Jr. C & C Mechanical, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. William H. Daley III 18 19
Heritage Financial Consultants, LLC Mary Kraft Talent Acquisition & Ms. Elizabeth Caroline Mason Mr. Robert William Mullen Mr. Howard Ray, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. F. Nelson Smith III United Way of the Capital Region Partners in Hope Mr. & Mrs. Phillip O. Hicks, Jr. Management Mr. Ronald L. Mason, Sr. Municipal Employees Credit Union Dr. Shirley Reddoch & Mr. & Mrs. John K. Smith Mr. Thomas J. Urban ($250.00 + ) Mr. Chip Hiebler The Hon. Rona E. Kramer Ms. Suzanne A. Mason of Baltimore, Inc. Mr. Gregg Petersen Dr. & Mrs. James Smolev USNA Religious Offerings Fund 3-Point Products, Inc. Ms. Eva H. Hill Mr. Mark Kreafle Mrs. Melinda Massi Dr. & Mrs. Michael S. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Regis F. Reft Mr. & Mrs. Brian Snell Dr. & Mrs. O. Manuel Uy Abacus Corporation Mr. Jeffrey Hines Mr. Thomas J. Krzys Mr. & Mrs. Louis P. Mathews, Jr. Ms. Ann Murray Mr. Louis M. Rehak, Jr. Mrs. Rita M. Solinsky Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Vach Mrs. Rebecca Abrahamsen Mr. & Mrs. John N. Hinkle Mrs. Kay E. Kufera Ms. Joanna E. Matos Mr. & Mrs. David W. Mutschler Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Reichelt Ms. Johanna Som de Cerff & Mr. & Mrs. Frederick M. Valerino, Jr. Ms. Carol A. Abrams Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Hirsch Mr. John Kuhn Dr. Faith Mauro-Huse & Mr. Stephen K. Nalley Reliable Contracting Company, Inc. Mr. Robert Schoeberlein Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Veilleux Mr. Jeffrey C. Ackerberg Mr. & Mrs. Joshua P. Hochschild Mr. Walter Kuhn Mr. Dennis Mauro-Huse Mr. & Mrs. John M. Nehra Renegade Productions, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Scott R. Somerville Ms. Patricia L. Velez Adalman-Goodwin Foundation, Inc. Mr. Terence A. Hogan Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Lagna Mr. Robert P. May Mr. & Mrs. Eugene F. Nerf, Jr. Estate of Eleanor A. Reppucci* Sparrow Consulting, Inc. Ms. Maxine G. Verdier Mr. Richard C. Adams Holy Korean Martyrs Catholic Mr. Edward G. Lain Mr. Joseph V. McAndrew New Day Financial Dr. Stasia Reynolds & Mr. Stephen Spartano Ms. Kelly J. Vermace Mr. William J. Adams Jr. Congregation Mrs. Mary Kay Langan-Feirson Mr. & Mrs. Glenn F. McAvoy Mr. C. Ashton Newhall Mr. Patrick Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Mark Springmann Ms. Mary C. Vernetson Ms. Taiye Adedeji Holy Trinity Church Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Langhirt Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. McBryan Most Reverend William C. Newman, Ms. Melissa Richardson St. Andrew by the Bay Church Mr. & Mrs. William L. Via Mr. Philip J Adelmann Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Hooper Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Langmead Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. McCabe D.D., V.G.* Mr. & Mrs. Arnold I. Richman St. Anthony’s Shrine Visit Baltimore Foundation ADK SOR INC. M.D. Chi Chapter Mr. & Mrs. Terrence P. Horan Mr. & Mrs. James A. Lanier Ms. Sarah McCafferty & Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Newton Mr. & Mrs. John H. Riehl III St. Christopher by the Sea Mr. & Mrs. J. Timothy Voelkel Ms. Linda A. Adlum Ms. Kelley Horton Mr. & Mrs. Leon R. LaPorte Mr. Andrew Lapayowker Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Norman Ms. Jennifer M. Roberts St. John the Evangelist School Dr. Ralph John Volino Ms. Caroline Agresti Howard Bank Mr. Timothy G. La Valle Mr. James J. McDermott, Jr. NuStar Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Grant F. Roch St. Joseph on Carrollton Manor Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Wagandt Mr. Henry Aguirre, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Freeman A. Hrabowski III Ms. Traci La Valle Mr. & Mrs. James M. McDonald Ms. Anne H. Ober Mr. John E. Rock III St. Mark Church - Mrs. Carol S. Wagner Air Force Chaplain Corps Mr. & Mrs. Frederick M. Hudson Mrs. Patricia A. Lavenstein Mr. Michael P. McDonald O’Conor & Mooney, LLC Mr. & Mrs. Theo C. Rodgers St. Vincent de Paul Society Ms. Mary Judith Walsh Aireco Supply, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel W. Hurson Mr. Daniel A. Law Ms. Shelley B. McGarry Mr. James N. O’Donnell Rogers-Wilbur Foundation, Inc. St. Patrick Celebrations, Inc. Mr. Michael Walsh Maj. (Ret) & Mrs. Guy M. Akob Ms. Mary Hurst Mr. William J. Law Ms. Angelina M. McGinley Mr. Joseph F. Opert Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Rohrs St. Peter’s Catholic Church Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Walton Mr. Mark Alai IBM Retiree Charitable Campaign Mr. Eduardo P. Layug Mr. Hugh D. McGuirk Orbital ATK, Inc. Dr. Ellen Anne Rorke St. Stephen Church - Ladies of Charity Mrs. Jenine K. Warnke Mr. David S. Aland Mr. Robert C. Ihle Mr. John I. Leahy, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Francis X. McKee Ms. Conrad F. Orloff Ms. Coral V. Ross St. Ursula - St. Vincent DePaul Society Mr. & Mrs. David E. Waters Alban Tractor Co., Inc. Mr. & Mrs. John J. Imhoff, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Leary Mr. & Mrs. John I. McKenna, Jr. Ms. Eileen M. O’Rourke Ms. Eleanor Pat Ross Stanley Black & Decker, Inc. Watson Hall Partners, LLC Ms. Barbara C. Alexander Independent Order of Odd Fellows Mr. & Mrs. Steven E. Leder Mr. William E. McKenzie Mr. Feliberto Ortiz Mr. Stephen Ruane Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Stapleton Mrs. Valerie D. Weems Ms. Virginia C. Alinsao Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Jacapraro Mr. & Mrs. Mark LeFever Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. McMichael Mr. & Mrs. Patrick A. O’Shea Mr. & Mr. Randall P. Rupp Mr. Karl Steiner Mr. & Mrs. John C. Weigel Allen & Rocks, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Harry E. James Mr. Richard LeFever Reverend John E. McMurry Our Lady of Grace Church Ms. Laura B. Ruppalt Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm N. Stewart Mrs. Loretta Weinman Mr. John E. Allen Mr. & Mrs. Stuart S. Janney III Ms. Sylvia Leggette The McNallen Family Fund Mr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Owen Mr. T. Edgie Russell III Mr. & Mrs. Roger W. Stoy, Jr. Mr. Brian Welsh Mr. Justin Allen Ms. Mary Ellen January Mr. Jeffrey A. Legum / McNey Contracting, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Randy H. Packett Mr. & Mrs. James B. Rutledge III Strategic Wealth Management Mr. & Mrs. Vincent M. Wesley Ms. Margaret Allen & JBT Real Estate Enterprises LLC Legum Foundation Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Meehan, Jr. Mr. Bruce L. Palmieri, CFP Mr. Frank Ryan Group, LLC Western Asset Management Company Mr. Philip Perkins JCL Construction Inc. Mr. & Mrs. W. Robert Lepczyk, Sr. Ms. Rita Mendl & Mr. David Ward Ms. Linda Lee Panlilio A. J. Sackett & Sons Company Street Survivors of Maryland Don White’s Timonium Mr. & Mrs. Paul X. Allen Jeffrey Group at Morgan Stanley Ms. Marie Louise Lerch Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Merchant Mrs. Joan A. Para Miller Ms. Naima Said Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Stromberg Mr. & Mrs. Daniel E. Wickenheiser Ms. Cheryl Christine Allender Jiffy Lube / Multi Management, Inc. Ben Lewis Plumbing Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Meredith Ms. Jung Sook Park & Saint Anselm College Mrs. Gloria J. Strutt Mr. Robert J Wieder Ms. Kathleen M. Allender Mr. & Mrs. David G. John Lewis Contractors Merrimack College Mr. Boniface D. Kim Saint Michael’s College Mrs. Amy L. Sullivan Mrs. Jeannette J. Wiedmann Ms. Diane R. Almony Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Johnson LG Tek Mr. Joseph F. Metz III Mr. Uriah Parker Mr. Karl D. Salnoske Mr. & Mrs. Peter P. Summers Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wiese Ms. Nancy C. Alperstein Mr. Gregory D. Jones Francis G. Lidinsky IV, Esq. Ms. Peggy A. Meyer Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Paszkiewicz Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin S. Schapiro The Estate of Edward A. Supik* Mr. Thomas E. Wilcox / Ms. Theresa Amann Mr. Leonard H. Jones III* Dr. & Mrs. Michael P. Lilly The Michael Companies, Inc. Ms. Christopher Pellegrino Ms. Jennifer B. Scharpf Mr. Jonathan P. Talbot Baltimore Community Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Leon M. Kaplan Reverend George A. Limmer Mr. & Mrs. Frank C. Miglioretti Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Peter Dr. & Mrs. James F. Schauble Reverend Warren V. Tanghe Ms. Linda K. Wilk American Legion Towson Post 22, Inc. Mr. Francis A. Kasper Mr. Russell C. Lindner Dr. Arthur Milholland & Mr. Michael G. Peters Mrs. Beverly A. Scheel Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Tarola Ms. Megan Williams Mr. Thomas J. Ames Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Keegan Mr. Barry Linkner Dr. Luann Mostello Mr. Thomas G. Peters Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Scheurich Ms. Angelina F. Taylor Mr. Michael D. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Bruce W. Anderson His Eminence Cardinal Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Logue Mr. & Mrs. Jan P. Miller Mr. Ronald R. Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Mark V. Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Alan D. Wilson Mrs. Kelly J. Anderson William H. Keeler* Lost in the 50’s Custom Car Club, Inc. Ms. Maryhelen Miller Ms. Joann N. Pettinicchio Mr. & Mrs. Steven L. Schneider Mr. Mark P. Teeters Ms. Brenda D. Wilson Mr. Stephen Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Joseph V. Kelly, Jr. The Loyola Dental Health Outreach Mr. Robert L. Miller, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Pevenstein Mr. Jeff Schoenborn TESSCO Technologies Mr. Edward P. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Erik J. Andersson Mr. Thomas Kelly Mr. Stuart M. Lucas Mr. & Mrs. Matthew C. Minahan Ms. Hollis A. Phillips School of the Incarnation Tesubcom Dr. Mary Ann Wilson & Mr. & Mrs. David J. Andrzejewski Kennedy Business Services Ms. Kara A. Lynch Skip & Fran Minakowski Mr. & Mrs. Charles Phipps Mr. & Mrs. George J. Schuette Ms. C. Elizabeth Thater Dr. Randy Kimble Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Angerer Reverend C. Douglas Kenney Macht Fund of THE ASSOCIATED Mr. & Mrs. Carmine Mistichelli Mr. & Mrs. James O. Pilotte Mr. & Mrs. H. Jack Schwartz Ms. Ann Marie Thomas Mr. Wade B. Wilson Ms. Veronica F. Annarino Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kernan Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Madden Ms. Linda Mital Mr. & Mrs. Paul P. Plevyak Mr. & Mrs. John Scollan Mr. & Mrs. David M. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Wist Anne Arundel County Retired Mrs. Judith Keys Madison Mechanical, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. John K. Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Plunkett Ms. Stella M. Seal Ms. Patricia Thomas & Woman’s Club of Towson Firefighters Assoc., Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan P. Keyser CDR Mark Maglin Mr. & Mrs. Martin F. Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Francis X. Poggi Mr. James P. Seeberger Jr. Dr. Christopher Bever, Jr. Women’s Giving Circle of Mr. & Mrs. Patrick M. Antkowiak Ms. Tanya M. King The Hon. & Mrs. Kevin J. Mahoney Mr. Aaron Moore Mr. Alexander D. Politis Mr. Daniel L. Seitz Mr. & Mrs. Albert A. Tomko Harford County Apartment and Business Flooring Ms. Marianne P. Kinkopf Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Mahr Mr. Gary Moore Mr. & Mrs. William C. Pomplon, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Seneschal Ms. Cora Traynham Women’s Golf Eagles Nest Systems, Inc. Mr. Edward J. Kirk, Sr. Mrs. Lynne J. Malley Mr. James J. Moore Mr. & Mrs. Charles Porter Mr. Dominic Seraphin Mr. Mark C. Treanor Ms. Cynthia L. Wood Archbishop Spalding High School Ms. Georgette D. Kiser Mr. John M. Maloney Mr. & Mrs. John M. Moore Ms. Ann L. Portnow Mrs. Julie A Sessa Mr. Timothy G. Trenkle Ms. Marjorie A. Wood Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Ariosa Kittamaqundi Community Inc. Mr. Gerald V. Maltagliati Morabito Consultants, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Gard L. Poward Mr. & Mrs. Matthew L. Seward Trexler Foundation, Inc. Mr. Patrick J. Woodhouse ARK Sign Services, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Frank V. Klein Management Recruiters of Ms. Deborah A. Morgan Mr. David Powell Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Shafer Trinity Sunday Community Mr. & Mrs. Greg M. Woolley Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Arnold Klein’s Family Markets Baltimore, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. James G. Morgan Mr. & Mrs. Gerald H. Preacher, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William D. Shaughnessy, Jr. Mr. Maximiliano Trujillo Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Worden Mr. & Mrs. Ralph L. Arnold Mr. George J. Klem Ms. Rosalie J. Mangen The Morgan Family Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Mark W. Preslan Mr. & Mrs. Mark Shaver Mr. & Mrs. David F. Tufaro Ms. Elizabeth Wright Mr. & Mrs. John Arrowsmith Mr. Emory J. Knight, Jr. Mrs. Mary C. Mangione Mr. & Mrs. Brett Moritz Ms. Margaret L. Proctor Ms. Joan Shobe Mr. & Mrs. Sean C. Tulenko Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Wrobleski Mr. William C. Arther Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Knudsen III Dr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Manning Mrs. Mary Morris Propeller Club of Baltimore Mr. & Mrs. Jon L. Shoemaker Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Tunanidas Mr. Louis C.Yakstis Mr. Charles F. Asa Mr. & Mrs. Eric L. Knutsen Mr. & Mrs. John G. Mannix Mr. & Mrs. Frank T. Morrison Ms. Rebecca R. Puente Ms. Beverly A. Sikora Mrs. Elizabeth B. Turnbaugh Mr. David J.Young Assumption College Mr. Nicholas J. Koas Mr. Anthony F. Marinaro The Hon. J. Frederick Motz Mr. John Quinn Mr. Norman Simms Mr. & Mrs. Frank K. Turner, Jr. Ms. Simone M.Youngblood AT&T Services, Inc. Mr. Raymond C. Koehler Mr. & Mrs. David P. Marshall Mount de Sales Academy Ms. Anne E. Quirk Mr. & Mrs. Albert B. Simon Dr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Twanmoh Mr. Steven A. Zabicki, Jr. & Son Athena Stone Corporation Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas J. Kollman Mrs. Catherine A. Martello Mount Hebron Presbyterian Church Mr. & Mrs. Miguel A. Ramirez Sinclair Broadcast Group United Way Metro Chicago Mr. & Mrs. Edward V. Zieglar, Jr. Mr. James W. Atkinson Ms. Kathleen C. Konopik Mr. & Mrs. John A. Martin Ms. Patricia A. Moyles Mr. & Mrs. Orest Ranum Lt. Col. (Ret.) & Mrs. Peter Singleton United Way of Frederick County Mr. Frank W. Ziegler Ms. Mary Atkinson Mr. Stephen C. Konsowski Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Martineau Mr. & Mrs. Neil J. Mrowca Ms. Darlene A. Skinner United Way of Greater Milwaukee Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Zorzi Ms. Kelly M. Kosino Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Masom Mrs. Floraine K. Muffoletto 20 21
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