The tourism industry network

Page created by Judith Wolf
The tourism
                   industry network
                    The Federal network                                   the Chinese Government and a foreign destination
                                                                          (in this case Australia), whereby Chinese tourists
                                                                          are permitted to undertake leisure travel in groups
                                                                          to that destination. The Department of Resources,
                                                                          Energy and Tourism manages the Australian
                                                                          scheme on a day-to-day basis. For more
                                                                          information, visit

                                                                          Tourism Australia
                                                                          Tourism Australia is the Federal Government
                                                                          statutory authority responsible for international and
                                                                          domestic tourism marketing, as well as the delivery
                                                                          of research and forecasts for the sector. Its main
                                                                          objectives are to influence people to travel to
                                                                          Australia and visit as many places as possible;
                                                                          encourage Australians to see their own country;
                                                                          and help build a sustainable and profitable industry.
                                                                          For further information, go to
                    Department of Resources,                    
                    Energy and Tourism (RET)
                    RET is responsible for the implementation of          Tourism Research Australia (TRA)
                    Australian Government tourism policy and              TRA collects research and intelligence across
                    programs. The Australian Government is                domestic and international markets and the
                    responsible for maximising tourism’s net              tourism industry and undertakes respected,
                    economic contribution to the Australian economy       reliable research and analysis. Key information
                    and to fostering an industry that promotes the        collected from the international visitor surveys
                    principles of environmental responsibility and        and national visitor surveys includes expenditure,
                    sustainable development.                              places visited, activities, accommodation,
                                                                          transportation and demographics. For more
                    The Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism       information, go to
                    has policy responsibility for two tourism programs.
                    The first, TQUAL Grants, is a competitive merit-      TRA offers a Statistical Enquiries Service to
                    based grants program aimed at stimulating             industry operators. More than 300 research
                    sustainable growth in the Australian tourism          publications and papers are available on the
                    industry. The second, Approved Destination Status     website and can be downloaded for free. For
                    (ADS), is a bilateral tourism arrangement between     enquiries, contact

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)                  The State network
The ABS is Australia’s official statistical            Each state and territory within Australia has its own
organisation. By providing a high quality, objective   government tourism agency that works with the
and responsive national statistical service, the ABS   industry within its borders. These agencies also
assists and encourages informed decision-making,       work in partnership with the Federal Government
research and discussion within governments and         to promote Australia as a tourism destination
the community. For further information, go to          internationally. Within each state and territory there                                         are a number of other organisations that address
                                                       issues of tourism and the needs of tourists.
Austrade                                               Destination NSW is the lead agency in this state.
Austrade assists Australian businesses to succeed
in international trade and investment in order to
boost national prosperity. Austrade also promotes
and supports productive foreign investment into
Australia and administers the Export Market                                  Northern
Development Grants (EMDG) scheme. For further
information about this scheme, go to                          Tourism                       Queensland                                           Western
                                                             Australia          South
                                                                                                New South
                                                                                            Tourism    Capital Tourism


                                                       Destination NSW
                                                       Destination NSW is the New South Wales (NSW)
                                                       State Government statutory authority responsible
                                                       for devising and implementing strategies to grow
                                                       the visitor economy, with particular focus on driving
                                                       tourism and acquiring and developing major
                                                       sporting and cultural events for Sydney and
                                                       regional NSW.

                                                       Destination NSW was established in July 2011 and
                                                       brought together the functions of four
                                                       organisations: Tourism NSW, Events NSW, the
                                                       Homebush Motor Racing Authority and the Greater
                                                       Sydney Partnership, into a new state body.

the role of Destination new south wales
                                               Destination NSW Role

                                                                                                      Industry Role

                      Awareness                     Preference                Intention                  Conversion
                      Increase awareness            Make NSW the              Generate the intent        Convert “intention
                      of NSW destinations           “destination of choice”   among international        to visit” to “action” by
                      and experiences.              for international and     and domestic visitors      providing destinations,
                                                    domestic visitors.        to visit NSW.              products and
                                                                                                         experiences that
                                                                                                         fulfill visitor needs.

                     Destination NSW’s vision is to make Sydney               Destination NSW’s main priorities are:
                     and NSW one of the world’s most successful               ∙∙ increasing domestic and international visitor
                     tourism and events destinations with the strategic          nights and expenditure in NSW to drive economic
                     aim of achieving the NSW Government’s goal of               growth for businesses in the tourism industry
                     doubling of the overnight visitor expenditure by            and benefit the NSW community;
                     2020 and maximising the benefits of the visitor          ∙∙ building and communicating destination appeal
                     economy for NSW.                                            to potential visitors;
                                                                              ∙∙ Attract and secure high value major events to
                     The NSW Government has established a Visitor                drive visitation;
                     Economy Taskforce to develop a tourism and events        ∙∙ working with and providing advice to
                     strategy to help it reach the 2020 goal. The Visitor        industry, government agencies and other
                     Economy Taskforce is coordinating planning for the          key stakeholders about the development
                     strategy which is due to be presented to the                of sustainable destinations;
                     Government during 2012 for implementation by             ∙∙ and retaining the State’s position as tourism
                     Destination NSW.                                            market leader and growing market share.

                     Our Strategic Objectives                                 Working with industry
                     1. To generate increased overnight visitor               Destination NSW works closely with other
                        expenditure to Sydney and NSW to achieve              government agencies, industry associations, local
                        the 2020 goals                                        councils, regional tourism organisations (RTOs),
                     2. Position DNSW / Sydney & NSW as Australia’s           local tourism associations (LTAs), visitor
                        premier tourist and events destination                information centres (VICs) and tourism managers.
                     3. Develop the strongest and most compelling
                        events calendar in Australia                          Destination NSW has also developed partnerships
                     4. Maximise yield and dispersal for the                  with key festivals, major events and industry
                        visitor economy                                       stakeholders. By working across all sectors of
                     5. Create and sustain a high performance                 the industry, Destination NSW is ideally placed

to provide quality advice to government              International marketing
regarding tourism; major events; develop             ∙∙ New product workshops, in which operators
strong strategies to guide the industry;                ready to enter the international market can
effectively influence the development of the            showcase their product to the trade.
industry; and maintain the State’s position as       ∙∙ Overseas sales missions and trade events.
Australia’s premier visitor destination.             ∙∙ Familiarisation visits for visiting travel trade
                                                        buyers, showcasing NSW destinations and
Most successful operators develop strong links          export-ready product.
with their tourism manager and VIC, including
working with them to access Destination NSW’s        Public relations
services. When tourism managers and VICs             ∙∙ Publicity opportunities for NSW tourism
develop an understanding of an operator’s business      products, events and destinations, including
this can be combined with their detailed knowledge      NSW itineraries for visiting journalists
of Destination NSW services, so as to provide        ∙∙ An image library with high-quality images
operators with more targeted advice. Many tourism       showcasing NSW is available to journalists
managers and VIC’s consult with Destination NSW         and the industry at
on behalf of operators.                       

Services to industry                                 Other services
Destination NSW offers a number of services to       ∙∙ The accredited Visitor Information Centre
assist the tourism industry grow and develop in         program provides accreditation for VICs.
NSW. The following information provides an              Accredited VICs, AVICs, are recognised as being
overview of what is offered in each service area:       of a high standard, and therefore eligible for
                                                        inclusion in Destination NSW collateral
Developing tourism                                   ∙∙ TASAC: Tourist Attraction Signposting
∙∙ Up-to-date research, analysis and market             Assessment Committee is responsible
   information for the NSW tourism industry.            for the brown and white road signage on
∙∙ Business development resources, events and           the NSW road network.
   advice for tourism operators.
                                                     If any of these items are of interest to your business,
Domestic marketing                                   please contact your tourism manager or VIC, to
∙∙ E-business opportunities, including tourism       discuss how to access these services and to find
   product listings on consumer travel, events       out about the latest opportunities. For information
   and tourism websites and targeted consumer        about Destination NSW services and opportunities
   e-newsletters.                                    to work with Destination NSW, go to
∙∙ Participation in domestic marketing campaigns.

                                                     Destination NSW produces a weekly newsletter for
                                                     the tourism industry called Insights: Destination
                                                     NSW industry news. To subscribe to Insights, visit

Other State agencies                                    Transport for NSW
                     Trade and Investment (T&I)                              Transport for NSW is the leading public transport
                     The T&I’s major role is to expand business and          agency of the NSW Government. The agency is
                     industrial development by attracting domestic           responsible both for providing transport and
                     and international investment to NSW. T&I has            infrastructure policy advice and managing a
                     overall responsibility for economic development         multi-billion dollar budget allocation to support rail,
                     in NSW including enterprise development,                bus, ferry and taxi services in NSW.
                     export planning and development, industry
                     assistance programs and attraction of new               Transport for NSW is responsible for:
                     technology-based enterprises and investment.            ∙∙ developing and co-ordinating high level transport
                                                                                priorities in NSW;
                     T&I provides a range of business assistance for         ∙∙ providing funding for NSW public transport
                     start-ups through to established ventures:                 services and major capital works;
                     ∙∙ The Business Mentoring Program provides              ∙∙ planning and implementing NSW transport
                        company owners access to an experienced                 priorities in collaboration with other agencies;
                        business mentor to help develop a profitable         ∙∙ integrating policies, regulations and service
                        growth path. The program provides for targeted          initiatives across metropolitan and rural and
                        streams including Women in Business, Young              regional NSW;
                        Entrepreneurs, Small Business and an Advanced        ∙∙ managing NSW bus and ferry contracts;
                        program for High Growth Companies.                   ∙∙ and regulating the NSW bus, taxi and hire car
                     Assistance is provided to micro and home-based
                     business through various workshops and resources        For further information, go to
                     including business planning, marketing and better
                     systems to equip home-based operators with
                     essential business tools.                               Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH)
                                                                             OEH is responsible for co-ordinating, managing and
                     T&I supports 14 business advisory services around       planning activities that work towards a healthy
                     the State. These provide free advice to people          environment. This includes managing the natural
                     starting and operating a business.                      and cultural heritage; promoting sustainable
                                                                             consumption, resource use and waste
                     Available online at T&I, is the Small Business Tool     management; regulating activities to protect the
                     Kit, which covers topics such as marketing, finance,    environment; and conducting biodiversity,
                     employment, legal issues and business planning.         environmental and cultural heritage research to
                     For further information, go to                          ensure informed decision-making.
            This is the ideal
                     place to help you develop a business plan using an      Tourism operators intending to operate nature-
                     interactive, helpful tool.                              based businesses or who want to provide their
                                                                             visitors with information about the cultural
                     The small business website at                           heritage and natural environment in NSW would
            can also link you to other      benefit from accessing the resources of this
                     programs to help your business grow through             department. For further information, go to
                     exporting, innovation and lists a number of   
                     programs designed to help businesses grow.

NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS)          NSW Fair Trading
The NPWS (which is part of OEH) focuses on the          NSW Fair Trading safeguards consumer rights and
conservation and protection of the natural and          advises business and traders on fair and ethical
cultural heritage of NSW including National Parks;      practice in NSW. Businesses can register business
nature reserves; native animals and plants; historic    names; obtain the licences and certificates they
sites; and places, objects and sites of special         need to operate in NSW; and receive information on
significance to Aboriginal people.                      their rights and obligations under fair trading laws.
                                                        For further information, go to
Tourism operators wishing to conduct business 
(tours, surf schools, etc.) within a National Park or
any other type of reserve managed by NPWS must          Business Licence Information
obtain approval before they can conduct any activity.   Service (BLIS)
For further information, go to                          This service is provided by the NSW Government to                 help you find information about licences, permits
                                                        and other regulations that you might need in order
Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority (SHFA)               to run a business in NSW.
SHFA owns and manages some of the most
significant assets in NSW, including Sydney’s           If you are considering starting a business in NSW,
heritage and cultural precincts at The Rocks            but are not sure of what regulation might apply,
and Darling Harbour.                                    BLIS can provide a general business start-up
                                                        package that gives you the basic information and
The Authority operates education, tourism and           forms to get you up and running. If you are a bit
marketing services and holds significant events in      further down the track, and know what kind of
The Rocks and Darling Harbour each year. Between        business activities you might undertake, then BLIS
them, the precincts attract more than 40 million        can provide more tailored information, targeted
visitors annually.                                      specifically at your proposed business.

The Authority also owns sites at White Bay Power        For example, tourism operators may need a
Station, Rozelle railway yards and Ballast Point and    licence to:
manages other major waterfront assets around            ∙∙ operate as a travel agent;
Sydney Harbour on behalf of other agencies.             ∙∙ conduct guided tours and activities in National
                                                           Parks or marine parks;
The Authority can assist if you want to operate         ∙∙ and operate transport such as aircraft, buses,
a tourism business in any of these areas. For              coaches, motorcycles or 4x4 vehicles.
further information, call 1300 655 995 or go to                                     For further information visit
                                               and click on Tour
                                                        Operator, or search for specific licences.

Forests NSW                                             DNSW is also a major investor in Business Events
                     Forests NSW is a public trading enterprise within       Sydney, with the aim of securing more international
                     the NSW Department of Primary Industries. The           conventions, incentive travel reward programs,
                     role of Forests NSW is to sustainably manage            corporate events and exhibitions for the State.
                     approximately 2.8 million hectares of native State
                     forests and plantations for the supply of timber,       BESydney’s role within the partnership is to
                     along with a wide range of other social,                promote and develop Sydney and regional NSW as
                     environmental and economic values. State forests        the premier business tourism destination within
                     provide a significant resource for recreation, sport,   Australia and internationally.
                     tourism and training and offer a range of nature-
                     based opportunities that are not readily available on   BESydney is a not-for-profit membership-based
                     other land tenures.                                     organisation, which provides free advise and
                                                                             assistance on convention and meeting planning. It
                     Tourism operators require an annual permit to           offers members a variety of other services to
                     undertake activities in State forests. Forests NSW      promote Sydney and regional NSW, including bid
                     aims to promote and encourage the development of        development strategies; event planning services; and
                     tourism ventures in State forests through the           key linkages within the meetings industry through
                     availability of annual state-wide permits. These        road and trade show events.
                     provide operators with some security when making
                     investment decisions for their business.                BESydney also provides a free event planning
                     Opportunities in State forests are based on the         service, AccessNSW. This service assists meeting
                     willingness of operators to address sustainable and     planners to source accommodation, venues and
                     responsible practices. Applications for permits         suppliers in Sydney and regional NSW. For further
                     should be made to the relevant regional office of       information, call 1300 134 920 or go to
                     Forests NSW. For further information, go to   
                                                                             Roads and Maritime Services (RMS)
                     Business Events Sydney (BESydney)                       The RMS is the NSW State Government agency
                     Destination NSW (DNSW) and BESydney as a                responsible for:
                     partnership are committed to the development of         ∙∙ Improving road safety
                     tourism as a key strategic industry in NSW.             ∙∙ Testing and licensing drivers, and registering and
                     Together, they aim to generate employment,                 inspecting vehicles
                     business growth and investment.                         ∙∙ Managing the road network to achieve consistent
                                                                                travel times
                     In June 2011, DNSW was created to work towards
                     the mission of doubling visitor expenditure by 2020     The RMS provides financial assistance to local
                     and maximise the benefits of the visitor economy        councils to manage 18,474 kilometres of Regional
                     for NSW. To achieve this, DNSW works with the           Roads and also provides some funding and support
                     State’s tourism and events sector to sell Sydney and    to 144,750 kilometres of council-managed local
                     NSW to the world.                                       access roads, which are funded by local ratepayers
                                                                             and Federal road assistance grants.

The RMS has a vast range of customers, including        Industry and sector associations
individuals, private organisations, community and       Industry and sector associations exist for almost
road transport groups, local councils and State and     every type of business. They provide specific
Federal Government agencies. For more                   advice, training and networking opportunities
information, go to                   for your business.

Tourist Attraction Signposting Assessment               Most associations produce a newsletter to
Committee (TASAC)                                       keep members informed of issues affecting
Formed by the NSW State Government, TASAC               their industry. If you are not clear which association
has overall responsibility for the planning and         is relevant to your business, talk to a few of them
implementation of tourist signposting systems.          and see which ones offer the best support. You
These safely and efficiently guide motorists to their   could also get some advice from your local tourist
destination and inform visitors of the range of major   association or tourism manager regarding the
attractions and services within a destination.          best association to help you develop and enhance
TASAC signage is brown and white.                       your business.

The TASAC team comprises representatives                A comprehensive guide of the different associations
from Destination NSW, the RMS, regional tourism         is available in the Destination NSW industry contact
associations and local councils. All TASAC              list at
members participate equally in the assessment           contacts-and-associations
and feedback process to individuals or groups
making representation.

TASAC’s key activities include:
∙∙ development of tourist signposting policy
   for NSW;
∙∙ assessment of applications for tourist
∙∙ input into National Tourist Signposting policy;
∙∙ consultation with other agencies to develop
   strategies and identify priorities in the
   implementation of signposting initiatives;
∙∙ project management of signposting initiatives
   across the State;
∙∙ communication of tourist signposting policy,
   initiatives and issues to stakeholders;
∙∙ and quality control audit of tourist signposting.

For further information, go to
or for enquiries email

Handy Hint
                       Never underestimate
                       the value to your business
                       of building networks and
                       maintaining relationships.

                     Tourism REGIONS in New South Wales
                     This diagram shows the coverage of each tourism region.

                                                                                                        Tourism regions in New South Wales
                                                                                                        1. Outback NSW
                                                                                       13               2. Riverina
                                                                                                        3. Murray
                                                                        12                              4. Snowy Mountains
                                                                                                        5. South Coast
                                                                                                        6. Capital Country
                                                                                                        7. Central NSW
                                                                                                        8. Blue Mountains
                                                    7                        10
                                                                                                        9. Central Coast
                                                                              9                         10. The Hunter
                                                                        14                              11. Mid North Coast
                                                                                  0 2km                 12. New England North West
                                          2                 6
                                                                                                        13. Northern Rivers
                                                                                                        14. Sydney
                                                                5                                       15. Lord Howe Island

                     The regional network                                                        Local tourism associations
                     NSW is divided up into 15 tourism regions.                                  Tourism associations are usually membership
                     These regions are supported by RTOs which are                               based groups of tourism-related businesses which
                     independent bodies separate to Destination NSW.                             work together to promote their destination and
                                                                                                 individual tourism products and services.
                     The RTOs work with Destination NSW, the local
                     tourist associations and VICs to package and                                Visitor information centres
                     promote products and services within their region.                          Visitor information centres showcase brochures
                     For the contact details of your RTO, go to                                  and maps, provide travel advice or book tourism
                                                  products for visitors. Accredited visitor information
                                                                                                 centres (AVICs) offer a higher range of visitor
                     The local network                                                           services and have trained tourism staff. For a list of
                     In NSW, there are various local tourism networks.                           AVICs in NSW, visit
                     Depending on the region, this might include a local
                                                                                                 Local councils
                     tourism association (LTA), visitor information centre
                                                                                                 Your local council may have a tourism employee, who
                     (VIC), local councils, or incorporated business
                                                                                                 can provide local tourism knowledge and a list of
                     groups with an interest in developing and promoting
                                                                                                 local contacts, including LTAs and VICs. Councils can
                     tourism in the local area.
                                                                                                 also provide information on local planning and other
                     Tourism operators should make contact with                                  issues that may affect your business.
                     their local tourism network to find out about the
                     services and benefits offered, and opportunities
                     to work together.

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