The - The Meadows Community Association of ...

Page created by Arthur Luna
The - The Meadows Community Association of ...
The Meadoword
October 2021
                 The Meadoword
                    The Meadows Community News and Lifestyle       Volume 39, Number 8

                                                               Spicing up Fall
                               The Meadows Canine Commons, fun events,
                                         progress on our capital projects
                                                              and more.

       NEWS         Pages 10-19               AND EVENTS         IS CHANGING OUR         Pages 22–23
     Pages 2–9                                 Page 10-11            LANDSCAPE
                                                                     Pages 12–13
The - The Meadows Community Association of ...
2                                        THE MEADOWORD                                                              October 2021

Community News                                                        Variety Is The Spice of Life
                                                                                           Jan Lazar—MCA Board President

                                          V     ariety is the spice of life”
                                                This phrase was first seen in
                                          1785, in William Cowper’s poem
                                                                                 do other things that distract us
                                                                                 from what is happening around
                                                                                 us are a hazard to ourselves and
                                                                                                                         destination. Local realtors are
                                                                                                                         bemoaning the lack of availability
                                                                                                                         of homes, villas, condos and rentals
                                          The Task: “Variety is the very         those around us, especially the         here in The Meadows. While
                                          spice of life, that gives it all its   children. SLOW DOWN, pay                this is a good thing for us, and
                                          flavor.” Over the past 235 years, it   attention and help keep yourselves      for the value of our homes, it is
                                          continues to be as true as when it     and others safe as you travel           leading to a number of developers
                                          was first penned. We all know that     through the community. We               proposing higher density building
                                          it is the wide variety of things in    have a good safety record but as        adjacent to us. We need to watch
                                          our lives and in our environment       more things are going on, more          these proposals and be prepared
                                          that help to keep each day             people are moving around, often         to comment on public hearing for
                                          interesting. When we had to deal       is places where we haven’t seen         re-zonings which may affects us.
                                          with a serious limitation in the       them before. And there are lots         We are a gem with lovely green
                                          variety of things we could do each     of workers working on Meadows           space, mature trees, and spaces
                                          day, limits on where we could go       projects and individual owner's         between us, which is becoming
                                          and with whom we could socialize       projects. We are a busy, thriving       increasing uncommon here in the
                                          with, it turned the flavor of our      community, not a sleepy little          region. That adds to our property
                                          lives a little bitter. But even with   haven where activity is low. Stay       values but it also makes us need
                                          that, we still had and continue to     alert, be considerate of those          to be always vigilant in protecting
                                          have variety that adds the spice       around you and make sure we are         those irreplaceable assets. When
                                          to our routines and makes life         all having the enjoyable life we        the trees are gone, and everything
                                          interesting.                           want to have.                           is built on or paved over, we will
                                                                                                                         never get them back. We here
                                          Seeing what limiting the variety       As the height of hurricane season       in The Meadows adopted as our
                                          in our lives can do, we can all the    is upon us, we also need to avoid       mission and vision a commitment
                                          more appreciate the many new           being complacent because we have        to preserving and protecting our
                                          initiatives in our community. As       been lucky for so long. Now is a        green space and the beauty and
                                          we open new facilities, add new        great time to make sure dead tree       environmental positives they
                                          programs, and see new neighbors        limbs are pruned to avoid dangerous     provide to us. We all need to work
                                          moving in, the flavor of our lives     flying debris in any serious wind we    together to achieve this. If we don’t
                                          gets better and better. This issue     may get. And be prepared to move        make an concerted affirmative
                                          includes reports and photos of         other things that can be turned in to   effort to preserve these treasures,
         REMINDERS                        the various new facilities that        flying threats in strong winds. This    they will surely be lost before we
                                          are either under way or already        includes flower pots, urns, smaller     know it. So I urge all of you to work
                                          completed. It highlights the many      statuary and outside furniture or       hard to help us keep The Meadows
                                          new programs we have available to      grills. We did have one serious wind    the haven that it still is.
                                          all the residents of The Meadows.      storm in August and we saw a lot of
            New to                        It shows us a vibrant spice for our    limbs down and other things blown       Finally, and on a note I wish didn’t
         The Meadows?                     lives if we only make the choice to    around. We can keep our selves, our     need to keep reiterating, COVID
                                          utilize some of the many options       neighbors and our homes safer if        continues to endanger us and
         WELCOME                          that have opened to us. We urge        we pay attention to severe weather
                                                                                 warnings and be proactive in moving
                                                                                                                         requires our continued vigilance.
                                          you to look at all that is available                                           Masks, social distancing, and
         Pick up your                     and choose those things which will     potential missiles inside. Our          vaccinations are best protections.
     “Newcomers Packet”                   most enhance your lives.               Emergency Preparedness Committee        Please keep yourselves, your
          at the MCA                                                             does a great job of alerting            friends and neighbors and our
      2004 Longmeadow                     While we are looking at all the        the community and providing             families who visit safe from
                                          positives in our Renaissance, we       recommendations and assistance in       serious illness. Nothing is ever a
                                          also have to continue to address       being prepared. Pay attention and as    guarantee, but we need to do all
                                          some of the things we still need to    one famous rock song by Queen says      we can. We thank you for your
           Annual Assessments
                                          do. As we have more families with      “keep yourself alive”.                  cooperation with the various
           are mailed in January.
                                          children here in The Meadows,                                                  requirements and limits that this
     If you have an address change,
      please contact MCA by email:        we must be more cognizant that         Changing topics, I want to take         continues to place on our activities.
             mcaaccounting@               speeding, being on our telephones      note of the fast pace of sales
                   while driving, wearing headphones      in The Meadows. Like many               Thank you for your support.
       to ensure prompt delivery of       while we walk or ride bikes or         areas in Florida, we are a prized
             your assessment.

                           Our Vision                                                                           Our Mission
       To be known as a well-maintained, welcoming,                                         To preserve the property values, ambiance and
          safe community with up-to-date housing,                                           vitality of our community.
         activities and services designed to meet the
                     needs of all residents.
The - The Meadows Community Association of ...
October 2021                                                         THE MEADOWORD                                                                        3

                                                                SPICE IT UP
                                                                Frances Rippcondi—MCA General Manager

F  all is the perfect time to add
   a little spice not only to your
recipes but to your life. Although
                                        Meadows’ residents and The
                                        Meadows Country Club members.
                                        For additional information
COVID continues to be an                please contact Sue Lytle, Lifestyle
obstacle, you can still add a little    Coordinator at 941-377-2300 for
zest to your life by celebrating,       assistance.
learning and looking toward
the future - right here in The          Learn Something New About
Meadows.                                your Community
                                        Learn something new and expand
Celebrate New Things - Canine           your knowledge base. Stimulating
Commons                                 your brain with information about
After months of planning and            your surroundings is the best way      Q. Will there be a separate fee to     Look Towards the Future
approvals, and input from the           to learn about the community you       use the new Meadows Community          Having something to look forward
dog committee, the community            live in and the latest happenings      Lifestyle & Wellness Facility?         to keeps us energized, focused
dog park is now open. Celebrate         in The Meadows. Understanding                                                 and looking toward the future.
your dogs’ freedom to run without       and following the basic rules          A. No. The new facility will           And here at The Meadows there
being on a leash at The Meadows         and regulations set forth by the       house meetings, events and             is a lot to look forward to. Our
new dog park – Canine Commons.          MCA promotes a friendly, strong,       activities along with the fitness      renaissance plan has kept us on
The dog park is great way to meet       and unified community working          center. Access to the fitness center   track and focused on the future
new people, socialize while being       together to achieve similar results    and other recreational offerings       as we continue to enhance our
entertained by your furry friends.      - a safe, healthy and friendly         are included in the Renaissance        structures, common areas and
You don’t have to be a pet owner        community.                             Access Plan which is a part of your    lifestyle program.
to enjoy the antics and frolicking                                             assessments. Specialty events,
of dogs having fun.                     Here’s a quick peppering of            parties and classes may have a         The excitement around The
                                        questions commonly asked by            small charge associated with them.     Meadows Community Lifestyle
The MCA has set in place dog park       residents to the MCA team that         Aside from celebrating a new           & Wellness Facility continues
requirements to ensure the safety       will help keep you in the know.        building, things will be the same as   to mount. Crews finished the
of your dog and the community.                                                 they are now.                          pond expansion and turned
Therefore, all residents wanting        Q. Who sets MCA’s policy on                                                   their focus toward installing the
to use the dog park must be a           COVID regulations and mask             Q. What do my MCA                      infrastructure (water, sewer,
Renaissance Access Card holder and      requirements?                          assessments pay for?                   stormwater and utility lines).
                                                                                                                      Before you know it, the slab will be
                                                                               A. MCA assessments pay                 poured and vertical construction
                                                                               all expenses required for the          will begin. This facility will be
                                                                               operation, management, lifestyle       the perfect venue for meetings,
                                                                               activities, safety patrol, repair,     learning, activities, events and
                                                                               maintenance, and improvement           celebrations.
                                                                               of roads and other common
                                                                               areas in The Meadows. This             The best way to add flavor to your
                                                                               includes expenditures for lakes,       social life is to become active and
                                                                               canals, lighting, landscaping,         get involved. Planning your next
have their pet registered at the MCA.   A.   The Meadows Community             horticultural improvements,            activity or event will liven up your
                                        Board of Directors. All policies are   irrigation, drainage, and aquatic      social life and keep you looking
Registration requires filling out       set by the Board of Directors and it   plant control. The Meadows has         towards the future. Whether you
a dog owner Informational form          is management’s responsibility to      85 lakes, 14 miles of walking trails   enjoy activities such as Bingo,
and submitting proof of pet’s           implement the policies.                and an abundance of open space         Bridge, Crafts and Mah Jongg or
vaccinations for both rabies and                                               which receives monthly care along      you prefer to join social mingles,
DAPP/DHPP (which is Distemper           Q. Are golf carts allowed on           with a wide range of activities        music events and parties, The
- Adenovirus - Parainfluenza –          pathways?                              provided for residents.                Meadows has it all.
Parvovirus) in advance of entering
the park. Once registered,              A. Yes. Bike paths in The              Q. What do I need to do if I want      The MCA’s primary goal is to
your Renaissance Access Card            Meadows are limited to bicycles,       to make exterior improvements to       preserve and protect our property
will receive a sticker showing          pedestrians, and golf carts.           my house?                              values and lifestyle within the
proof that you have submitted           Bicycles have the right-of-way over                                           community. We will continue
the appropriate paperwork to            pedestrians and golf carts, and        A. All exterior improvements           to make enhancements to our
the MCA. In addition, you are           pedestrians shall have the right-      (landscaping, painting, removing       community and provide residents
required to have your Renaissance       of-way over golf carts. All bicycles   trees or replacing windows             an active lifestyle then can be
Access Card with you when               and golf carts using the bike paths    etc.) require an Architectural         proud of and enjoy.
utilizing the park as this is the       must be equipped with a warning        Application. The only exception is
best way for us to determine            device such as a horn or a bell to     if you can add plants to an existing
our park is being used solely by        alert other users of the paths.        landscape bed.
The - The Meadows Community Association of ...
4                                      THE MEADOWORD                                                            October 2021

                          Assembly of Property Owners Update
                                                                      Mike Mazur—Assembly Chair

T   he first 2021-2022 program
    for the Assembly of Property
Owners occurs on Wednesday,
                                       the tragic building collapse in
                                       Surfside, raises new issues and
                                       questions about risk management
                                                                            in serving on the Board of
                                                                            Directors must have submitted
                                                                            an application form by October
                                                                                                                    list of nominees if the number of
                                                                                                                    applicants exceeds that limit. As
                                                                                                                    we did last year, the presentations
October 20, 2021 at 4 pm when          and the fiduciary responsibilities   1, 2021 in order to be considered       that each of the applicants make
we present Insurance Updates           of association boards. Tom will      by the Assembly Delegates who           will be recorded so that those
presented by Tom Kochis, Partner       provide the latest information       serve as the nominating body. The       can be shared with the Assembly
and Vice President of Sales for        on trends that are developing for    Assembly Executive Committee            Delegates representing the
Atlas Insurance, an independent        the upcoming years. In addition,     is responsible for confirming that      condominium and homeowner
insurance agency based in Sarasota.    he will touch on the HO6 condo       applicants are Meadows property         associations and the commercial
                                       insurance market for condo           owners based on official county         entities that are property owners.
As the dozens of Associations          owners and the property and          records. They also contact each
within The Meadows commence            casualty market for single family    applicant to confirm their interest     The October Assembly meeting
the budget process for next year,      homeowners.                          in serving in these three-year          will be a hybrid event so watch for
we have asked Tom to provide an                                             voluntary roles.                        MCA Constant Contact notices in
overview of current developments       At the October 20 meeting,                                                   the days before the meeting for
in the key coverages areas for         applicants for the three positions   At the November 17, 2021 meeting,       remote connection information.
those entities. Many of you            that will be open on The Meadows     the Assembly Delegates will vote        Please note that priority for in-
already know, the Association          Community Association Board of       to confirm the nominees from            person seating is being provided
insurance climate in Florida is        Directors will be introduced and     among the field of applicants who       for the Board applicants, Assembly
often in flux and this year is no      will briefly address the Assembly    will become candidates for the          Delegates and then other
exception. News of double-digit        delegates and other attendees.       MCA election. The Assembly rules        residents. In person seating will
rate increases, possible diminished                                         specify that there be no more than      be on an advance reservation basis
coverage, and our highly litigious     As announced in my last article      two nominees above the number           and the reservation and ticketing
society are just some of the factors   and publicized in multiple           of open positions. In its role as the   process which will be outlined in
that are raising concerns among        Meadoword ads, those Meadows         nominating body, the Assembly           Constant Contact notices.
association leaders. Additionally,     residents who have an interest       delegates will vote to narrow the
The - The Meadows Community Association of ...
October 2021                                                        THE MEADOWORD                                                                 5

                                                               Spicing Up Fall
                                  Of course in Standards Terms, it is sprucing up Fall!
                                                                         Bob Clark—Standards Chair

A    s I reflect on my comments last
     month hoping that by now we
would feel safer because the worst
                                       would be a safety check of your
                                       home. While we do not have a
                                       major problem with crime in                                    Architectural Review
of COVID would be behind us, I         The Meadows, one of our recent
have to be greatly disappointed.       home burglaries could have been                                August Approved Applications
When this was written we are           prevented by the simple task of
                                                                                 Springlake Condo Assn          4939 Rutland Gate
having an upsurge in the virus that    installing a safety bar or placing a
                                                                                 4852 Greencroft Rd             4626 Arborfield Rd
may eclipse the past peaks of this     rod in the track of a sliding patio
dreaded plague. I hope that the        door. Thieves can additionally be         4521 Highland Oaks Circle      3405 Highlands Bridge Rd
booster shots and an increase in       deterred by light or sound through        3319 Highlands Bridge Rd       3818 Oakley Greene
the percentage of us who have been     the installation of a motion detector     2927 Taywood Meadow            3321 Sandleheath
vaccinated will soon get us back to    activating a light or an alarm.           4563 Windsor Park              3385 E. Chelmsford Cl
normal. My special thanks go out       There are a number of relatively          4563 Windsor Park              3017 Rosemead
to the staff of the MCA for their      inexpensive home security systems         5045 Vivienda Way              2850 Wrenwood Ct
scheduling of both the Flu and         or devices on the market today that       3303 Ringwood Meadow           Chanteclaire Condo Assn
Pneumonia vaccines at the MCA          could help protect your home and          3677 Longmeadow                4717 Ringwood Meadow
building.                              belongings.                               5112 Everwood Run              4773 Ringwood Meadow
                                                                                 5416 Downham Meadow            2928 Heather Bow
But enough of my ramblings             On the positive side, in spite of a       2403 Arborfield Sq             Quail Hollow Condo Assn
about COVID, how are things            difficult year there have been many       4717 Ringwood Meadow           3818 Surrey Ct
going with the work of the             great things that have happened in
                                                                                 4771 Ringwood Meadow           5234 Villa Majorca Ct
Standards Committee? As was            the Meadows and those great things
                                                                                 5419 Chantilly                 Sarasota Manatee Jewish Housing
evident from the number of the         were driven by the people who live
                                                                                 5370 Everwood Run
approved Architectural Reviews         here. Your ideas, suggestions and
in last month’s Meadoword, the         participation on committees and
hard work by the residents of The      projects have and will continue to
Meadows to keep this a premier         make this a great place to live. As
property in Sarasota is continuing
at a good pace.
                                       individuals and a community we
                                       have made this a very good home.                                               PLEASE
The cooler months are just around      My continued appreciation goes
                                                                                                                      Do Not Feed the
the corner and this gives us a good
chance to upgrade some of our
                                       out to our talented staff and the
                                       many volunteers who make the                                                   WILDLIFE
landscaping without suffering the      positive things happen here. It is
heat of summer. Fall and Winter        our combined synergies that have                                              It is against state law to
are the ideal times to plant trees     resulted in a comfortable place to                                             feed ­wildlife and fresh
in Florida as the cooler weather       live for all of our residents.
prevents burnout and promotes
                                                                                                                       water fish.You ­never
root growth. It is also a good time                                                                                    want to teach wildlife
to refresh your lawn with an over                                                                                   that YOU are their food
seed or new sod for a lush, green                                                                                   source. They can forage
look in the Spring.                                                                                                   for food on their own.
One great thing to undertake

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       CELL: (941) 321-1549
The - The Meadows Community Association of ...
6                                          THE MEADOWORD                                                                 October 2021

                                                     Jan Lazar—President and Bob Clark—Vice President

A    n individual elected to
     the position on the Board
of Directors of the Meadows
                                         making decisions or acting in any
                                         official capacity.
                                                                                 and policies of the organization. The
                                                                                 exercise reasonable care, good faith
                                                                                 and due diligence in governing the
                                                                                                                           plus special meeting and work
                                                                                                                           sessions as needed. There is usually
                                                                                                                           no meeting in August as most
Community Association must               First and foremost, each                affairs of the Association is required.   committees are on summer hiatus.
be committed to observing and            Board member has a fiduciary
promoting the highest standards          responsibility to act in the best       A Board member must respect               A member of the Board must
of dedication and ethical conduct        interest of the community. This         the confidentially of sensitive           maintain a professional level of
in the performance of their              requires that actions and decisions     information presented to the Board        courtesy, respect and objectivity in
responsibilities. This includes the      be made taking in to account            during executive sessions.                all matters and activities that come
avoidance of any conflict of interest    the whole community, not any                                                      before the Board.
between their board service on           one segment. A fiduciary has a          A Board member must make full
behalf of the MCA and their own          legal liability which can involve       written disclosure of interests,          Board members are assigned
personal, professional and business      personal liability if they do not act   relationships and holdings that           duties and roles by the President
interests. As a candidate for election   in accordance with their fiduciary      could potentially result in a conflict    and are expected to perform the
to the Board, it is important that the   responsibilities. Such a failure can    of interest between themselves and        duties necessary to fulfill those
following be understood.                 result in a personal liability which    any action being taken on behalf of       responsibilities. This may include
                                         is not covered by MCA’s Officer’s &     the MCA.                                  serving as a committee chair or
Each member of the Board                 Directors E & O policy, and usually                                               liaison, serving on one or more
of Directors has duties and              not covered by personal insurance       Board members are required to             committees representing the Board
responsibilities that are defined        such as an umbrella policy, if they     take a State mandated certification       in meeting with other entities, etc.,
from several sources. The MCA            act outside their authority or breach   course within (90) days of election       and reporting back to the Board.
documents, Florida Statue                their fiduciary responsibility.         to be a board member. This                When representing the Board, the
720, other legal commitments                                                     certification is required to be on file   Board member has a responsibility
including contracts, adopted             A member of the Board of Directors      with the MCA.                             to represent Board policies,
policies, adherence to regulatory        of the Meadows Community                                                          requirements, etc.
requirements and more all require        Association must abide by the           Board members are required to
Board member adherence when              Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws       attend meetings, including regularly      Board members do not have the
                                                                                 scheduled Board meetings, special         authority to make commitments
                                                                                 meetings, and committee meetings          or incur legal or financial
                                                                                 as assigned. Regular Board meeting        obligations on behalf of the Board
                NEW HOURS STARTING OCT. 4th                                      are held on the second Thursday of        or the community nor to sign
               OPEN 7 DAYS FROM NOON to CLOSE                                    each month at 1pm and the annual          any document which would be
                                                                                 meeting held the first Monday in          construed as a commitment on
                                                                                 March. Typically, there are (10)          behalf of the community unless
                                                                                 or (11) regular meetings per year         authorized by action of the Board.

                      Lunch - Happy Hour - Dinner

                       Karaoke Wednesdays
            LIVE Music Thursday to Saturday call for info

                                         Happy Hour!
                                           Monday to Friday 3PM to 6 PM

                                                                                           CALL FOR APPLICANTS
    food & drink specials                                                                   The Meadows Community Association MCA seeks
                                                                                           applicants for election to the 2022-2023 MCA Board
                                                                                           of Directors. Interested property owners are invited
                                                                                             to submit their names for consideration no later
                                                                                           than noon on October 1, 2021. All applicants must
                                                                                              complete a Personal Information Questionnaire

                  OPEN TO THE PUBLIC                                                                     For more information call
      5013 RINGWOOD MDW SARASOTA FL 941.342.5050                                                          the MCA at 941-377-2300
              Dining Room Available for Parties & Events
The - The Meadows Community Association of ...
October 2021                                                            THE MEADOWORD   7

               Welcome to October
                                Michael Cox

A    utumn has always been my
     favorite season. While I love
living in Sarasota with all that we
                                         wary of these! Do not click links,
                                         open attached files or give out
                                         personal information such as your
are able enjoy here year-round,          social security number if you do not
I miss experiencing an actual            know the source of the message. If
autumn. Having grown up in               the message is something you think
Chicagoland I looked forward to          you should be concerned about, you
the heat of the summer ending            can always follow up with a call or
and “sweater weather” beginning,         email from your end.
crisp air and colorful trees, Bears
football (in particular, sitting with    Keep track of your financial
friends and reminiscing about the        accounts. Review them on a regular
’85 Bears, decade after decade           basis. If you use autopay for bills
after decade). This being said, I‘m      it’s easy to forget this. Use secure
trying to learn to enjoy autumn          passwords. Use a separate password
while relaxing around the pool and       for each online account. Change
remembering raking way too many          passwords every now and then. I
bags of leaves.                          know this is a pain, but it’s worth it.

Now, without sounding like an            Since we often give our email address
alarmist, I’d like to touch on           to stores or people we meet, it’s a
cybersecurity. I’m certain we’ve all     good idea to use a separate one for
heard of hackers stealing personal       your financial accounts. Create a
information. Unfortunately, it’s         new email to use as the email contact
become almost commonplace.               for your financial accounts. Look
While I’m definitely not an expert in    into putting freezes or locks on your
cybersecurity, or much of anything,      credit with the three main credit
for that matter, I have made an effort   bureaus – TransUnion, Equifax
to learn what I can and found a few      and Experian. Consider purchasing
easy steps that can be taken to be       identity theft software.
proactive regarding online security.

I hope by now we all know to be
suspicious of text messages or email
that include links or attached files
they are asking you to open. Phone
calls saying that some problem
exists with something like your
social security or credit card account
and they are there to help. Be very      MHOA presents their contribution
                                                to the dog park.

     Be a member of MHOA. It's only $15 a year or $25 for two years. For
information contact the MHOA at

                  AUGUST SAFETY
D    uring the month of August,
     2021 there were nineteen
(19) incident-free days, four (4)
                                         Suspicious Person: On Thursday,
                                         August 19, 2021, in the 3000 block
                                         of Willow Green a male approached
more than last month. There were         the handyman for a unit. The male
nineteen (19) reported incidents,        said to the handyman that he knew
eight (8) less than last month.          the unit was for sale and wanted to
There were one hundred twenty            see the inside. The handyman did
(120) citations issued this month,       not let the male in the unit.
eighteen (18) more than last month.

     In the event of an emergency 		                911
     The non-emergency 			                          941-316-1201
       Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office
     The Meadows Safety Patrol 		                   941-809-0084
The - The Meadows Community Association of ...
8                                                         THE MEADOWORD                                                                 October 2021

                                                                                                                  Spicing up Fall
                                                                                                                  Might Get Dicey
                      MOST IMPROVED                                                                                        Roy Wysnewski—August Report

                       2021 FALL AWARDS
                        JUDGING: November 2-3                                                       W     eather Analysis: August
                                                                                                          is the first month this year in
                                                                                                    which both temperature and rainfall
                                                                                                                                                 Meadows Rainfall and
                                                                                                                                                  Temperature Data
                                                                                                    were somewhat normal.
                               For New Improvements                                                                                          Rainfall: 11.39 inches (YTD: 36.87
                                                                                                                                             in.) 23 yr. August rainfall average:
                                                                                                    It appears that the heat dome we’ve
                                    TO BE ELIGIBLE
                                                                                                                                             10.55 in.
                                                                                                    been under since January 1st may be
                                                                                                                                             Average high temperature: 93.F
                                         Submit an                                                  dissipating. Above-normal monthly        Above normal high-temp. days: 16
                                    Architectural Review                                            temperature spreads began the year       Record high-temperature days: 3
                                                                                                    at +6 F for the first three months,
                                      to be nominated
                                                                                                    then declined to +5 F in April, May,     they upped the range to 15-21.
                                                                                                    and June, +3 F in July, and finally
                           Your submission should
                                                                                                    +1 F in August. However, that            As of September 1st, eleven named
                            reflect The Meadows
                                                                                                    near-normal August temperature           storms formed – Bill, Claudette,
                        high standards of curb appeal
                                                                                                    was certainly deceptive. I’m sure        Danny, Elsa, Fred, Grace, Henri,
                              Homes and Associations                                                many residents thought that it was       Julian, Kate, and Larry. At this
                                   are eligible                                                     a warmer month because we felt the       rate, the number of named storms
                                                                                                    ‘heat’. This is explained by the daily   should equal, if not exceed last
                                                                                                    presence of dew-point and wet-bulb       year’s record number!
                          The most improved winners                                                 temperatures near maxed-out levels
                                  will receive                                                      – 77 F each with heat indices in the     Both our atmosphere and the
                             a check for $250 and                                                   very dangerous 103 F to 124 F range!     bodies of water surrounding
                              have their property                                                   Summarizing the other important          Florida – the Atlantic Ocean and
                          featured in The Meadoword.                                                temperature statistics: Maximum          the Gulf of Mexico – continue to
                                                                                                    daytime temperatures exceeded            be super-energized via prolonged
                                                                                                    normal on 16 days, and there were        high temperatures. The potential
                                Lesley Totten, Chairman
                                                                                                    three record high-temperature days.      for tropical cyclone development is
                                                                                                                                             elevated, consequently, everyone
                                                                                                    Historically, August is the wettest      needs to remain vigilant for the
                                                                                                    month. And, true to form, it seemed      next two months.
                                                         Your Full Service Window Company           to rain every day. Not quite, but
         Terry & Diana                                                                              the rain did fall on 23 days – the       Send comments and questions about
       Proudly Represent                                                                            average for August is 16. With           this month’s report to:
                                                                                                    one month remaining in the rainy
            THE #1                                                                                  season, projections indicate a near- 
      TOP SELLING OFFICE                                                                            normal year for rain.
       in Sarasota & Manatee                                                                                                                 Roy's passion for sharing his
                                                                                                    Monthly temperature and rainfall         knowledge about climate change has
    DONOVAN HAYES GROUP                                                                             data are presented in the graph.         motivated him to write a book on the
                                                                                                                                             topic—Climates in Crisis.
                                                                                                    Hurricane Season Analysis:
                                                                                                    Depending upon Mother Nature,            This educational guide defines the                                                             spicing up fall might take on a          basic characteristics of climate
                                                             Custom Window Coverings &              dicey, more dangerous tone in the        change. It also examines a new
                                                                  Custom Draperies                  weeks ahead because September            teaching tool that "visualizes" climate
                                                                                                    1st represents the start of a two-       changing where we live and, with
                                                              Treatments for Every Room             month period when, historically,         limited research, reveals how these
                                                           Silhouette Blinds & Roller Shades        tropical cyclone activity increases      changes impact our weather and
                                                                                                    significantly in southwest Florida.      lives today.
                                                          Customized Designs for Your Home
                                                                                                    Prior to the start of hurricane          Numerous examples that highlight
                                                                                                    season, NOAA predicted 13 to 20          the present climate crisis are cited.
                                                                                                    named storms. Then, just recently,
     Today’s housing market is a big win for
     sellers, but these conditions won’t last
    forever. If you’re in a position to sell your
      residence now, why wait any longer?

    Give us a call so we can confidentially
       discuss the value of your home.

    “My experience working with Terry and Diana was
     completely different, and so much more positive
      than any other real estate deal I’ve ever done.“
                        ... Deb. W

                                                                    CALL TODAY
       Let our proven success
            work for you!                                     941-371-4139
                                                         5401 Palmer Boulevard Sarasota, FL 34232
The - The Meadows Community Association of ...
October 2021                                                          THE MEADOWORD                                                                                               9


                General                         First Aid                      Important Documents
        At least two weeks' supply      First Aid Manual                         Insurance cards
        of medication, medical          Sterile adhesive bandages                Medical records
        supplies used regularly and     of different sizes
        a list of allergies                                                      Bank numbers
                                        Sterile gauze pads
        List of the style, serial                                                Credit card numbers
                                        Hypoallergenic adhesive
        number, and manufacturer                                                 Copy of social security
        information of required                                                  card
        medical devices                 Triangular bandages
                                                                                 Copies of birth and/or
        Flashlight                      Scissors                                 marriage certificates
        Do not use candles and be       Tweezers
        sure to have enough batteries                                            Other personal documents
                                        Sewing needle
        Radio                                                                    Set of car, house, and
        Battery operated or hand        Moistened towellettes                    office keys
        cranked radio, a NOAA           Antiseptic                               Service animal I.D.,
        weather radio                                                            veterinary records, and
        Cash                                                                     proof of ownership
        Banks and ATMs may not be       Tube of petroleum jelly
                                                                                 Information about where
        available after a storm         Safety pins
                                                                                 you receive medication,
                                        Soap                                     the name of the drug, and
           Pet Care Items               Latex gloves                             dosage
        Pet food and water              Sunscreen                                Copy of will
        Proper identification           Aspirin or other pain reliever         *Items should be kept in a water
                                                                               proof container
        Medical records/                Anti-diarrheal medicine
        microchip info                  Antacid
        A carrier or cage
        Muzzle and leash
                                        Cotton balls                              Keep your motor vehicle
        Water and food bowls                                                      tanks filled with gasoline
        Supplies for your service
        animal                            Food and Water                            Phone Numbers
                                        Food                                     Maintain a list of important
                Clothing                Enough for at least seven (7)            phone numbers including:

         Include seasonal or rain
                                        days, nonperishable packaged
                                        or canned food and beverages,
                                                                                 county emergency
                                                                                 management office,                                                 Sign up for
         gear and sturdy shoes or       snack foods, juices, baby
                                        food, and any special dietary
                                                                                 evacuation sites, doctors,
                                                                                 banks, schools, veterinarian,
                                                                                                                                                   Email Updates
                                        items                                    a number for out of
                                        Non-electric can opener                  town contact, friends & family
       Special Needs Items              Paper plates
         Be sure to include             Napkins                                  COVID-19 Supplies                                                  Community News
         specialty items for infants,
         small children, the elderly,
                                        Plastic cups                              Face masks                                                             Updates
         and those family members       Utensils                                  Disinfectant wipes                                              Activities and Events
         with a disability.             Water (1 gallon per person)               Hand sanitizer                                                   Latest Club Event
                                                                                                                                                    go to: https://www.
   Keep this checklist handy, it will help you focus on what you                                                                                            org/

               will need for disaster preparedness.                                                                                                Click on the Constant
                                                                                                                                                  Contact icon on the top
                                                                                                                                                   right of MCA website
                                                                                                                                                         or call MCA
                                                                                                                               by t
                                                                                                                         ion     in
                                                                                                                      ect 4 po
                                                                                                            - i nsp es a
                                                                                                       p re        l u d     e )
                                                                                                                 c        lu
                                                                                                   ar y r, in 0 va
                                                                                                ent cto           0
                                                                                           p lim nspe 50-$5
                                                                                         m       i
                                                                                      Co nsed n. ($4
                                                                                       lice ectio
                                                                                         ins                                                                     I’M NOT JUST A
                                                                                                                    Meadows Resident                        REAL ESTATE AGENT
                                                                                                                                                                 I’M ALSO YOUR
                                                                                                                    30 Years of Real Estate Experience

                                                                                                                    More than 1000 homes sold                 NEIGHBOR
                                                                                                                    Committed to the highest level
                                                                                                                    of service

                                                                                                                   Proven techniques that ensure
                                                                                                                   your property sells fast and for
                                                                                                                   the highest price

                                                                                                         Knowledge-Experience-Results                       Maria Catanescu
                                                                                                                  3192 Fruitville Road, Sarasota FL 34237
The - The Meadows Community Association of ...
10                                      THE MEADOWORD                                                 October 2021

Our Lifestyle                       Activities, Events & Services
                         Garden Walk In                                  MCA Halloween Pet Costume Contest
                          The Meadows                                             Friday, October 29, from 2:30 pm– 3:30 pm
                                 PRESENTED BY
                                THE GARDEN CLUB

                         Join Hester Jeswald on a tour
                           of the Memorial Garden,
                         Butterfly Barden on Butterfly
                         Lake and landscaped areas in
                        The Meadows, as she identifies
                            Florida friendly plants.
                                   OCTOBER 7
                                    9:30 AM
                         FOR RESERVATION EMAIL
                                                                                         MCA Trunk or Treat
                               Mindful                                                Friday, October 29, Outside at
                               Walking                                                      MCA parking lot.

                               IN THE MEADOWS                                                  4:30 to 5:30 pm
                                                                                       Participants, who want to pass out
                        Outdoor active meditation grounds                              candy from their trunk, or wish to
                       us, and opens the world of awareness                              attend, call Sue 941-377-2300.
                           and our senses to the beautiful
                        nature surrounding all of us. Please

                                     join us for

                                Mindful Walking
                                  MCA Parking Lot                                     MCA Outdoor
                                                                                  Halloween Boo Bash
                               October 16—8:30 am

                       You may want to bring a folding chair                                Friday, October 29
                       to sit as we talk about the practice and                             6:30 pm– 9:00 pm
                      then we will begin our walk in the area.
                        Sign up with                           RSVP to Sue call 941-377-2300
                                                                                            space is limited,
                                                                                       secure your ticket today!
                                                                                            $15 per person.

                                                                                               SOCK HOP
                                                                                                OUTSIDE UNDER THE STARS
                                                                                                       AT MCA, THURSDAY
                                                                                                   NOV 4, 6:30-9 PM-tickets $10
                                                                                                    LIVE MUSIC * DANCE OFF
                                                                                              BEST 50’s LOOK * HULA HOOP CONTEST
                                                                                                       Collecting NEW socks
                                                                                                     for local children's shelter.

                                                                       BE THERE OR BE SQUARE — Register now. Limited Space.
                                                                                     Call Sue 941-377-2300
October 2021                                                        THE MEADOWORD                                              11

                               12th Annual
               Veterans Day C
                   Honoring All M
                                         eadows    Veterans
                    WHERE: The M                                                                     THE MEADOWS
                                   eadows Countr
                             Regency Room         y Club
                   WHEN: Thurs
                                  day, November
                   LUNCH: Com                    11, Noon
               All Meadows V
                               eterans, their                                       IS BACK & LOOKING FOR MEMBERS
                   are welcome.               guests & frien
                                  Registration is               ds
                             Call 941-371-6       re q u ire d.                             The Meadows Chorus
                                             000                                           will resume rehearsals on
                      Veterans Day C
                                     ommittee Chair
                       Saul Feldman &                 s                                    Thursday, October 14
                                        Joe Gleason
                                                                                        to prepare for the holiday season.
                                                                                      New chorus members are welcome.
                                                                                              For more information,
                                                                                     please contact Paul and Becki Felten at

                     SAVE THE DATE                                                       941-724-9589
                    Saturday, November 13
               Driveway Garage Sale, 8 am-1 pm
                 Craft & Bake Sale, 9 am-2 pm
                            (Located at MCA )
                           AND A NEW ADDITION
                           The Garden Sale
                 (Located at 4975 Waterbridge Down. )

      Participants must sign up by November 1 to be included
          on the Garage Sale Map. Please check with your
          association to confirm they will be participating
                   prior to signing up with MCA.                                                     N I N G  C  L INIC
                                                                                       FREE SCR
                                                                                                  , O C  TO   B ER 26
                                                                                               9 AM-NOO
                                                                                                  p t A u d i o logy to
                                  OCTOBER 7—8 AM-5                                       Call Ade
                                                              PM                                  sign up
                             Major insurance acce                                                             781
                                                  pted, including
                                  Medicaid and Medic
                                   To make an appointm
                                                         ent call

                                           Residents, if you see these
           ROCK MARKERS                    rocks while walking along our
                                           many walking paths within
                                           The Meadows, please do not
                                                                                    Get your Flu shot at MCA
                                           pick these up and take them
                                           along with you.

                                           These are rock markers that
                                                                                           Oct 5—10 am-1 pm
                                           The Garden Club places when                     Oct 6—1pm to 4 pm
                                                                                     Protect yourself and our community.
                                           planting a variety of plants, in
                                           The Meadows.
                                                               Thank you.                  Reservation Required
                                                                                          Call 941-377-2300
12                                 THE MEADOWORD                                                    October 2021

                                MEADOWS RENAISSANCE IS C

                                       Moving forward- a new community lifestyle and wellness building under
                                       construction, expanded outdoor dining, new equipments along the
                                       walking trail, a new dog park, new benches, new trees and water plants,
                                       renovated bridges! Improvements in The Meadows are underway all
                                       over the community. All these improvements offer more recreational
                                       and lifestyle opportunities while maintaining and enhancing the most
                                       valuable asset in our community after our residents- our green space!
                                       We want to thank you all for all the support and positive feedback.

                                                          Jan Lazar—MCA Board President

                                         Canine Commons kicked off
                                its opening with fun & barks of happiness.
                                Thank you to our sponsors, who made our Canine Commons Dog
                                                  Park kick-off opening special.
                                Jersey Mikes, WSRQ, Three Dog Bakery, Dog Perfect, Bay Road
                                          Animal Hospitals and Wolf Gang Bakery.

 Adding to Our Trees
We enhanced our environment by adding more
trees and aquatic plantings to our landscape.
Trees provide oxygen, store carbon, stabilize the
soil and gives quality of life to our community                                                                  New maintenance trash
and our wildlife.                                                                                                     enclosure.
October 2021                                           THE MEADOWORD                                        13


                                                                            Centre Court Lounge decking/dining
                                                                                  expansion is completed.

The Pond expansion is completed and infrastructure continues to
         progress—building slab is soon to be poured.

                                                                                 Harvest Bend Bridge
                                                                                  repairs completed.

     FVL work in progress, temporary entry soon to be completed.
14                                         THE MEADOWORD                                                             October 2021

         Falling for Spice—For taste. For health.
                                                          Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

“There are more than 100 common            and triglyceride levels. That’s       people with arthritis.                  stir-fry dishes, smoothies or
spices used in cooking around the          especially important for people                                               sipping it in tea. You can also add
world. Spices are concentrated             with diabetes who are at greater      Meal tip: Want to add this              it to homemade salad dressings
sources of antioxidants,” says             risk for developing heart disease.    powerhouse spice to your diet?          and baked goods.
Diane Vizthum, M.S., R.D.,                 Cinnamon is not a replacement         Rub it on roasted vegetables and
research nutritionist for the Johns        for diabetes medication or a          meats, sprinkle it in tacos or create   Allspice comes from a tropical
Hopkins University School of               carbohydrate-controlled diet, but     a curry.                                evergreen tree. It’s native to
Medicine. “But some have been              it can be a helpful addition to a                                             Central America and the West
more studied for their therapeutic         healthy lifestyle.                        Ginger to Relieve Nausea            Indies, but is used around the
properties than others.”                   Meal tip: Try sprinkling it on                                                world in just about every culture’s
                                           yogurt, fruit or hot cereal, or use                                           cuisine.
Some of the best spices can be found       it in stews and chilis or as a meat
at your local market. Here, Vizthum        rub.                                                                          The spice itself is the unripe, dried
suggests which spices to consider                                                                                        berries of the Pimenta diocia tree.
incorporating into your meals.             Turmeric to Fight Inflammation                                                Its spicy, slightly sweet flavor is
                                                                                                                         similar to cloves, nutmeg, and
One note: Most studies that                                                      Ginger is a tropical plant that’s       cinnamon. Allspice can be added
show benefits use supplements                                                    been used in Asian cultures             to sweet or savory food, or even
to control the dose of spice (or                                                 for thousands of years to treat         brewed as a tea. No matter how
the spice’s active compound) that                                                stomach upset, diarrhea and             you enjoy it, allspice has several
participants consume. Often these                                                nausea. In the U.S., it comes in        health benefits.
provide bigger doses than you’d            Turmeric is best known for its use in a variety of convenient forms —
normally eat in a day.                     Indian curry dishes and has become lollipops, candies, capsules and               Allspice Health Benefits
                                           a trendy superfood for its ability to teas. You can also purchase the
Cinnamon to Lower Blood Sugar              reduce inflammation — a common        dried powder in the spice aisle of
                                           cause of discomfort and illness.      the grocery store, or buy it fresh to
                                                                                 make teas or grate into recipes.
                                           One of the components of turmeric
                                           is a substance called curcumin.       Research has found that ginger is
                                           Research suggests it may reduce       effective at calming pregnancy-
                                           inflammation in the brain, which      related nausea and reducing             The minerals, vitamins, and
This popular spice comes from              has been linked to Alzheimer’s        tummy upset after surgery.              antioxidants found in allspice
the bark of the cinnamon tree              disease and depression. In a small Some studies have also found               may have several health benefits.
and is used in everything from             study of adults over 50, those who that ginger cuts the severity of           Many of the compounds in allspice
pumpkin spice lattes to Cincinnati         consumed curcumin supplements motion sickness or prevents the                 are being studied as potential
chili. Cinnamon is especially great        over the course of 18 months had      symptoms altogether. It may             treatments for inflammation,
for people who have high blood             improvement in memory test            even help with chemotherapy-            nausea, and even cancer.
sugar. It lends a sweet taste to           scores. They also reported being      induced nausea and vomiting
food without adding sugar, and             in better spirits. Most impressive? when taken along with anti-nausea                 Cloves and Cumin
studies indicate it can lower blood        Scans of their brain indicated        medications. (Ask your doctor           Cloves are low in calories but a
sugar levels in people with type 2         significantly fewer markers           first before taking ginger while        rich source of manganese.
diabetes.                                  associated with cognitive decline.    on chemotherapy drugs, as it can
Cinnamon Health Benefits                                                         have a negative interaction with        Cumin- Cumin seeds may be a
Cinnamon may also provide                  Because of its anti-inflammatory      certain medications.)                   good source of iron, manganese,
heart-healthy benefits, such as            qualities, curcumin is also effective Meal tip: Work this zingy spice         magnesium, calcium, and
reducing high blood cholesterol            at reducing pain and swelling in      into your diet by adding it to          phosphorus.

             The Meadows, Hub of Sarasota
 Resales ending the months of August 2021 and August
       2020 In The Meadows & Sarasota County
  SALES                    THE MEADOWS             SARASOTA COUNTY
  Sales 2021 & 2020        ↓2021 (28) 2020 (29)    ↓2021 (989) 2020 (1112)
  Median Sale Price        ↑$275,000 $236,900      ↑$367,400 $295,000
  Condominium Sales        ↑2021 (24) 2020 (21)    ↓2021 (309) 2020 (372)
  Med Condo Sale Price     ↑$237,950 $205,000      ↑$305,000 $240,000
  House Sales              ↓2021 (04) 2020 (08)    ↓2021 (680) 2020 (740)
  Med House Sale Price     ↑$465,500 $320,000      ↑$390,000 $320,000
  For sale on the 31st     ↓2021 (06) 2020 (39)    ↓2021 (753) 2020 (2410)
  Property Pending         ↓2021 (27) 2020 (29)    ↓2021 (1395) 2020 1687)
  Listing Supply           ↓2021 (0.2) 2020(1.4)   ↓2021 (0.8) 2020 (2.0)
                                                                                          Serving Lunch Monday - Saturday 11:00-3:00
     Dick Plumb, 24 years Full-time             Call or Email
                                                 me if you                                                5045 Ringwood Meadow
     Resident, Specializing in listing &
     selling homes in “The Meadows”.             would like
     Call Anytime Direct 941-266-2512               more                                                    Sarasota, Fl 34235                  detailed
     Horizon Realty International                statistics.                                      Located in the Meadows Village Shops
October 2021                                                            THE MEADOWORD                                                                               15

                            Spicing Up Your Celebrations
                                                         Ashley Watts—TMCC Outside Catering Director

H   ello everyone! We hope you’ve
    stayed cool this summer; things
have certainly been hot, hot, hot here
                                          from six-course bespoke tasting
                                          menus to an evening of just dessert.
                                          Personalized menus, unique décor,
                                                                                  space. Newly painted, the fantastic
                                                                                  views combined with our impressive
                                                                                  gleaming wood floors and the grand
                                                                                                                            casual get-togethers, neighborhood
                                                                                                                            gatherings, and appreciation parties
                                                                                                                            let us take over so you can enjoy.
at The Meadows Country Club with                                                  bar make for a charming area. Ideal
private events. It seems the word is                                              for live entertainment and with           All of these spaces and the ones
out that we are the place to be!                                                  plenty of room for dancing, you and       located across the street (to include
                                                                                  your guests can really let loose! Our     our spacious outdoor deck and
Recently, we hosted a “Passport                                                   new Banquet Menus offer anything          pool area) are also in the process of
to Italy” themed 80th birthday, a                                                 from a Flatbread or Stir-Fry Station      revitalization and are available for
Mexican surprise 50th birthday, and                                               to a Sushi Display with House-Made        all to use. Room charges are waived
we decked out the entire Regency                                                  Wontons or Chef Kory’s famous             for members of the club. Please call
Room with mountain scenes for             total privacy, and your own staff for   fried chicken and biscuits. This          me with any questions, and let’s
a “Three Bears” baby shower. We           the evening will ensure you and your    room works well for both cocktails        start planning your next fantastic
turned The Fountain View Lounge           guests have an exceptional one-of-      and hors d’œurves or down-home,           celebration!
into an orange grove for a “Cutie”        a-kind experience. This service is      delicious meals; you decide!
party… and that was just in August!       what entertaining is all about here                                               Call Ashley Watts for your next event.
We know how to help you throw a           at The Meadows                                                           941-377-8552.
party!                                    Country Club:
                                          Making our                                                                         “What a wonderful evening!
The beautiful newly renovated             guests feel                                                                        Everything was PERFECT!
Regency Room can accommodate              exclusive and                                                                      I couldn’t believe all the
30 to 200 guests. We can transform        unique. Come                                                                       personalized touches, it was
this gorgeous space into anything         and see for                                                                        my favorite birthday dinner in a
you can think of; the world is your       yourself and let                                                                   long time, thank you so much.”
oyster here! Floor-to-ceiling windows     us plan a private                                                                                     MW, The Meadows
give you and your guests incredible       dinner for you
views of our beautiful landscape          and yours. It is
and golf course. Linen, centerpieces,     the “crème de la                                                                   “What an absolutely amazing
decorations, and helpful planning are     crème” of private                                                                  evening last night. Everything
all included. With our experienced        events!                                                                            was over the top (food, service,
staff and world-class chefs, we are                                                                                          decorations and of course the
indeed a one-stop shop.                   Sometimes you                                                                      people) This will be a memory I
                                          “Just Wanna                                                                        know I will never forget as well as
While a big party is always grand, I’ve   Have Fun,” which is precisely what      Next to the Fountain View Lounge           my dad. “
recently had the most fun planning        The Fountain View Lounge offers.        is one of my favorite spots, The                              LD, San Francisco
the intimate and extraordinary            Perfect for parties of 50 to 100, the   Fountain View Lounge Patio. Fall
dinner parties in The Boardroom.          Fountain View Lounge is an exciting     is right around the corner, so this
Able to accommodate up to 25                                                      beautiful Patio is the perfect place       “The dinner that Chef Kory
guests, this very private room is a                                               for a cocktail party or evening soiree.    designed and prepared showed
marvelous way to spoil your loved                                                 We can accommodate up to 40                off his awesome five-star
ones and friends. Breathtaking                                                    people, and with a gas fireplace,          culinary talents. Each course
panoramic views of the water and                                                  twinkle lights, and the best view          was perfectly executed, truly
surrounding nature truly make this                                                in The Meadows overlooking the             delicious and professionally
a perfect escape from the ordinary.                                               water, bridge, and putting green, you      presented as well.”
Our culinary team will sit down                                                   and your guests can’t help but have                       MM, The Meadows
with you and plan what you want,                                                  a good time! An excellent spot for

16                   THE MEADOWORD                                                        October 2021

                                                       Kinda corny but is it spicy?
                                                                         The National Confectioners Association

                  BEST KEPT                            HISTORY OF CANDY CORN                  and orange colors. Originally, it

                  Fall Awards                          Candy corn has existed for more
                                                       than 100 years. According to
                                                       legend, a Wunderlee Candy
                                                                                              was delivered by wagon in wooden
                                                                                              boxes, tubs and cartons.

                     October 4-7                       Company employee named George
                                                       Renninger invented the confection
                                                                                              The process of making candy corn
                                                                                              is very similar today, but now
                                                       in the 1880s. The Goelitz Candy        machines do much of the work.
                     Criteria for Judging              Company (now Jelly Belly Candy         Manufacturers use a corn starch
                                                       Company) started producing             molding process, in which kernel-
     Single Family Homes and Associations Qualify!     candy corn around the turn of          shaped depressions are made in
                 Excellent Maintenance                 the century and continues the          a tray of corn starch. Candy corn
                                                       tradition today.                       is made from tip to tip in three
                    Creative Landscaping                                                      color passes. First, the depression
                                                       Candy corn first appeared when         is filled with partially set white
                          Curb Appeal
                                                       the United States was a largely        candy, known as mellowcreme.
                                                       agrarian society, and its tri-         Next, the orange mellowcreme
                                                       color design was considered            is added. The mold is then
                                                       revolutionary. Lack of automated       finished by adding the yellow
                                                       machinery meant that candy corn        mellowcreme, and the entire candy
                                                       was only made seasonally, likely       is cooled. After it has finished
                                                       starting production in late August     cooling, the trays are emptied and
         Winners will receive a check and be           and continuing through the fall. It    a confectioners glaze is added to
          highlighted in The Meadoword.                has remained unchanged for more        make the kernels a little shiny.
                                                       than 100 years and is a favorite       At last, the little candy corns are
                                                       at Halloween.                          ready to be eaten.
                Jerry Bernier-Best Kept Chair
                                                       How is Candy Corn Made?                Candy Corn Fun Facts:
                                                       In the 1900s, many men needed          • October 30 is National Candy
                                                       to work together to produce candy        Corn Day.
                                                       corn. Sugar, corn syrup and other
                                                       ingredients were cooked into a         • Candy corn is not just for
                                                       slurry in large kettles. Fondant and     Halloween anymore. Candy
                                                       marshmallow were added to give           makers have made candy
                                                       a smooth texture and bite, and 45        corn themed for Christmas,
                                                       pounds of warm candy was poured          Valentine’s Day and Easter
                                                       into buckets called runners.             in recent years. They’ve also
                                                       Men called “stringers” walked            introduced several additional
                                                       backwards, pouring the candy into        flavors of candy corn – from
                                                       cornstarch trays imprinted with          peppermint to pumpkin spice.
                                                       the kernel shape. It took three
                                                       passes to make the white, yellow
October 2021                                       THE MEADOWORD                                                           17

           Mix and Mingle in a comfortable home setting.

                                                                       Sipping &


                                                                     outside, in The


                                                                                       Special thanks to our Mix and Mingle
                                                                                        sponsor AVIVA for helping to make
                                                                                        our social a success, and to Melinda
                                                                                       Haney, AVIVA—Director of Sales and

                             Top 1% Sarasota Real Estate Agent
                                                      FOR SALE IN THE HIGHLANDS
                             2891 Longleat Woods – Fabulous pool home with preserve views                  SOLD!
                             4086 Penshurst Park – Premium lake and golf course views                      SOLD!
  Fernando Viteri PA         3436 Hadfield Greene – Lush views near the community pool                     SOLD!

                                                FOR SALE ELSEWHERE IN THE MEADOWS
  Fourteen-Time Winner       5676 Pipers Waite – Updated, hurricane shutters, expansive lake views         SOLD!
    FIVE STAR                5507 Chanteclaire – Turnkey furnished with peaceful garden views
                             5034 Marsh Field – Coastal renovation in this second-story condo
          Best in Client     3037 Willow Green – Paradise found! Amazing renovation, gorgeous views        SOLD!
      Satisfaction Awarded

         30-YEAR                               FOR SALE IN THE SARASOTA METRO AREA
     Meadows Resident        Esplanade at The Heights – Brand new 4/3 pool home with lake views            PENDING
                             Grande Oaks Preserve – Pond views from this 2+den spotless condo              PENDING
                             Tamaron – Beautifully updated 3/2 home with ideal location                    SOLD!
                             Longboat Key – Intercoastal views, ready for remodel                          SOLD!

     Talk to Fernando 941.400.7676
18                                                       THE MEADOWORD                                                              October 2021

                                                         Safe Healthy and Happy with Vaccines
                                                                                         David J. Smith, VMD—Bay Road Animal Hospitals

      Your Neighborhood Pet Store
                                                       C   ongratulations on the opening
                                                           of The Meadows Dog Park!
                                                       These beautiful areas are important
                                                                                               recommended as preventative care.

                                                                                               Worm eggs can remain infective in
                                                       for both the physical and mental        the soil for long periods after the
                                                       well-being of your dog. As the          stool that contained them is gone.
                                                       caretaker of your pet, you will also    Dogs can easily pick up the eggs on
                                                       enjoy good exercise and bonding         their nose and ingest
                                                       with your dog.                          them. To prevent your dog from
                                                                                               being infected we recommend
                                                       To be safe while at the
                                                       park, a few precautions are
                                                       important. Core vaccines
                                                       are essential to the health of
                                                       your pet and your neighbors'
                                                       pets they are in contact with
                                                       at the park and elsewhere.
                                                       Make sure you have your
                                                       pet updated with rabies
                                                       and DAPP/DHPP vaccines.
 Full-Service Grooming                                 In addition to those core
   Healthy Pet Foods                                   vaccines needed for The                                                         These preventions should also be
                                                       Meadows Canine Commons                                                          given every month.
 Gourmet Baked Treats                                  Dog Park, dog owners will
     Stylish Essentials                                want to incorporate other vaccines      heartworm prevention to protect         Prevention of these problems
                                                       that will add to the health of          against intestinal parasites.           will make your dog park
  Plush & Tough Toys                                   their pet. Kennel cough in both         The prevention should be given          experience much more enjoyable
   Collars & Leashes                                   bacterial and viral forms is starting   monthly, year-round.                    and worry free.
                                                       to be diagnosed in our hospitals.
A Treat of A Franchise Opportunity                     Even though most dogs recover           Fleas and ticks can also be a
                                                       in 7-10 days, some may develop          problem where dogs congregate.
                                                       pneumonia. Bordetella and Canine        Effective flea and tick prevention
                                                       Influenza vaccinations are also         is available with your veterinarian.

                                             I live here.
                                                                                                     Bay Road                         AAHA Accredited

                                    Who better
                               to market your home?                                                   Animal
                                                                                                     Hospital                           PRACTICE HOURS:
                                                                                                                                         Monday – Friday:
                                                                                                                                        7:30 AM to 5:30 PM
       5-Star Rating
     Traditional Service | Progressive Marketing | Unparalleled Results                                East                             Saturday & Sunday:
                         Peggy Roberts, REALTOR®
                                                                                                            Beautiful new
                       941.357.7255 |
                                                                                                           location on the
                                                                          corner of                 New clients and
                                    Owned by a subsidiary of NRT LLC
                                                                                                            17th Street &              patients are always
                                                                                                           Honore Avenue
                                                                                                                                       welcome (including
                                                                                                                                      dogs, cats, birds, and

                                                                                                            5292 17th Street
                                                                                                          Sarasota, FL 34235

                                                                                                                                          Nicole Tisdale, DVM
October 2021                                                               THE MEADOWORD                                                                                        19

                                      Make Getting Together a Special Occasion
                                                                      Liz Barnett—Craft Group

F  all seems more like the beginning
   of a new year than January 1
does. The pace of life picks up in the
                                                                                      spiced things up at our meetings
                                                                                      with fresh ideas and enthusiasm.
                                                                                      We added another professional
                                                                                                                                     Josephine has taught three classes
                                                                                                                                     in different card making techniques.
                                                                                                                                     We are now happily making an
Fall and life is more exciting. You                                                   craft person to our group when                 even greater variety of cards for our
are ready to stop lolling about and                                                   Josephine DiLeonardo joined                    November 13 Craft Sale.
want to begin new projects. You’re                                                    us shortly after moving to The
ready to cook real meals; spice-laden                                                 Meadows. Josephine had studied                 You can make your year new, while
chili bubbles on the stove instead of                                                 art in Italy and completed her                 you add some fun to your days and
                                                                                      training at the Parsons School of              make new friends, by joining us
                                                                                      Design after she came to New York.             every Wednesday from 9 to 11 am at
                                            cookware clean as well as the             Multitalented like many of our                 The Meadows Community Building.
                                            knitted dishcloths and the crochet-       crafters, she has made fine jewelry            We’re currently making ornaments
                                            topped hanging towels that are            and conducted cooking classes, as              for Christmas trees and holiday
                                            perennial favorites at our annual         well as making cards to sell. After            packages, as well as jewelry, cards
                                            Craft Sale. For the kids, they’ve         reading about the Craft Group in               and a variety of holiday decorations.
                                            made fanciful bath mitts shaped like      The Meadoword, she came to a                   You’ll also be making a contribution
                                            fish, elephants and monkeys that          meeting hoping to meet women
                                            will lead to bath time fun and maybe      with similar interests since she knew
hot dogs on the grill. School starts.       to washing behind the ears with           no one in The Meadows.
Football with tailgating fun replaces       no protests.
baseball and its statistics. Best of all,   Of course,                                Josephine brought in some cards
snowbirds return to The Meadows.            there is more                             she had made and as soon as we
                                            to life than                              saw ¬her cards filled with butterflies
Even before the return of our               cleanliness,                              with movable wings that made them
seasonal members, the Craft Group           and there is                              appear ready to fly, we wanted to
was busy. Our needle workers never          more fun for                              learn how to make cards like that.
stop; whether they’re knitting and          little ones                               Then we saw her cards that used
crocheting at a meeting or at home,         with mittens shaped like pandas           other techniques to make special               to our community because all the
their fingers are flying. Along with        or bunnies, cuddly stuffed toys,          occasion cards by incorporating                crafts will be sold and the proceeds
crocheted shells and shawls, they           blankets and bonnets.                     fabrics, original sketches and a bit of        donated to local charities. If you
have made plenty of scrubbies to                                                      glitter. We wanted to learn to make            can glue, we want you.
whisk countertops and no-stick              During the summer new members             those too. Happy to share her ideas,

                                                                    ra s o ta , Brought H   ome
                                              The S p ir it o f S a

                                                                                     At Aviva, our residents do more than call our
                                                                                    community home. They live here, with purpose
                                                                                  and meaning at every turn. Embracing the
                                                                                beauty of Sarasota and our 27-acre campus.
                                                                               Curating a thriving arts and cultural scene.
                                                                             And ensuring your peace of mind with loving
                                                                            staff in a safe and secure environment —
                                                                           upholding the highest COVID safety standards.
                                                                                                                                     1951 N. Honore Ave. | Sarasota, FL 34235
                                                                        Visit us at                                 941.377.0781 |

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