The State of Nature in the EU - Conservation status and trends of species and habitats protected by the EU Nature Directives 2013-2018 - European ...

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The State of Nature in the EU - Conservation status and trends of species and habitats protected by the EU Nature Directives 2013-2018 - European ...
The State of
Nature in the EU
Conservation status and trends of species and habitats
  protected by the EU Nature Directives 2013–2018

The State of Nature in the EU - Conservation status and trends of species and habitats protected by the EU Nature Directives 2013-2018 - European ...
© European Union, 2020

Author: Kerstin Sundseth, Ecosystems LTD, Brussels
Commission coordinator: Sofia Pachini & Angelika Rubin, European Commission, Natura 2000 unit D.3, - B-1049 Brussels
Graphic design: NatureBureau, United Kingdom.

Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2020

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Print   KH-04-20-577-EN-C      ISBN 978-92-76-22783-0     doi:10.2779/5120
PDF     KH-04-20-577-EN-N      ISBN 978-92-76-22784-7     doi:10.2779/928382

Cover: Heathland, Arne RSPB reserve, Dorset, England © Ross Hoddinott / 2020VISION /

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The State of Nature in the EU - Conservation status and trends of species and habitats protected by the EU Nature Directives 2013-2018 - European ...

Foreword			                                                      5

Introduction		                                                  11
How does the reporting process work?                             7
Assessing conservation status                                    8
Measuring conservation trends                                    9

Birds				                                                       10
Population status of bird species at EU level                   11
Population trends of breeding bird species at EU level          12
Population trends of wintering bird species at EU level         12
EU population status by taxonomic order                         13
EU status and trends of species listed in the Birds Directive   13
State of birds in the EU: Examples                              14
State of birds in the EU: Success stories                       15

Other species                                                   17
Conservation status and trends of other species at EU level     17
Conservation status at the biogeographical level                18
Conservation status per marine region                           18
Conservation status by taxonomic group                          19
Conservation trends by taxonomic group                          19
State of other species in the EU: Examples                      20
State of other species in the EU: Success stories               21

Habitat types                                                   23
Conservation status and trends of habitat types at EU level     23
Conservation status per biogeographical region                  24
Conservation status per marine region                           24
Conservation status and trends by habitat group                 25
State of habitat types in the EU: Examples                      26
State of habitat types in the EU: Success stories               27

Key pressures and threats                                       29
Reporting on threats and pressures                              29
High-ranking pressures                                          30

The role of the Natura 2000 network                             33
The growth of the Natura 2000 network                           33
Coverage of species and habitats in Natura 2000                 34
Management effectiveness within Natura 2000                     35

Looking to the future                                           36
The new EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2030                        37

Further reading                                                 39
Photo credits		                                                 39
The State of Nature in the EU - Conservation status and trends of species and habitats protected by the EU Nature Directives 2013-2018 - European ...
4   T h e   s t a t e   o f   n a t u r e   i n   t h e   E U
The State of Nature in the EU - Conservation status and trends of species and habitats protected by the EU Nature Directives 2013-2018 - European ...

Europe hosts an impressive variety of wild plants, animals and landscapes, many
of them unique to our continent. The EU Birds and Habitats Directives play an
essential role in conserving this rich natural heritage, protecting over 2000 species
and habitats all around the Union.

Every six years, we take a long, careful look at how that protection is working in
practice, and we gather together the findings in a State of Nature report. This
brochure summarises the key findings of the latest assessment, covering the period 2013–2018. This
third edition of the report is the single most comprehensive health check ever undertaken of the species
and habitats protected under the EU Nature Directives.

Its conclusions make for sobering reading. Protected habitats and species face strong pressures from all
sides, and are still declining at an alarming rate. We have not yet succeeded in stemming this tide.

But as this brochure shows, targeted action can bring inspiring stories of success. The task now is ensure
that these actions are undertaken at a sufficient scale. There is an urgent need for a step-change in
our actions to put Europe’s biodiversity on a path to recovery by 2030. Failing to do so would mean the
continued erosion not only of our shared natural heritage, but also of the vital services it provides, which
ultimately underpin human health and prosperity.

Recognising the need to redouble our efforts, I have pushed for a truly ambitious programme of action
under the new EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2030, and I will make every effort to ensure that we achieve
our goals within the next ten years, as part of our wider ambitions to kick-start Europe’s economic
recovery after the COVID 19 pandemic and to transition towards a more sustainable growth agenda
under the European Green Deal.

The findings of this latest State of Nature report provide us with vital knowledge that will inform and
boost our capacity to act on protection, on restoration and on the nature based solutions for the climate
challenge. By acting together, I am convinced that Member States, stakeholders, NGOs and civil society
can achieve great things in the next ten years.

Virginijus Sinkevičius
European Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries

                                                                                                               opposite Eurasian lynx, Lynx lynx.
The State of Nature in the EU - Conservation status and trends of species and habitats protected by the EU Nature Directives 2013-2018 - European ...
6   T h e   s t a t e   o f   n a t u r e   i n   t h e   E U
The State of Nature in the EU - Conservation status and trends of species and habitats protected by the EU Nature Directives 2013-2018 - European ...

The State of Nature in the EU

The EU Birds and Habitats Directives are the cornerstones      How does the reporting process work?
of the EU’s biodiversity policy. Together, they protect all
460 wild bird species naturally occurring in the EU and a
                                                               Gathering comparable data on the conservation status of
further 1400 other rare, endangered or vulnerable species,     EU-protected species and habitats across so many countries is
as well as 233 characteristic habitat types.                   a major undertaking and one that requires an unprecedented
                                                               level of collaboration between Member States and European
The overall objective is to ensure that these species and      Institutions.
habitats are restored to, or maintained at, a favourable
conservation status across their entire natural range within   After years of careful groundwork, the present reporting cycle
the EU. This requires more than just halting their further     can claim to be the largest and most extensive data-gathering
decline or disappearance; measures must also be taken          exercise ever undertaken on the state of Europe’s nature.
to ensure they recover sufficiently to remain healthy over
the long term. This can only be achieved if all EU Member      This is not to say that the records are complete or of consistently
States work together.                                          good quality; there are still a number of significant information
                                                               gaps, especially for species and habitats that are difficult to
                                                               survey, such as in the marine environment. But the data gathered
Every six years, Member States are asked to report back        to date already provides an invaluable snapshot of the current
to the European Commission on the conservation status of       situation.
those EU-protected species and habitats present on their
territory. The Commission then pools all the data together,    Having good quality data is essential not only to monitor progress
with the help of the European Environment Agency, in order     in the implementation of the EU Nature Directives but also to
to see how well they are faring across the EU.                 help underpin any further action required to address any gaps or
                                                               shortcomings. Additionally, it offers a valuable tool for assessing
Published in October 2020, the ‘State of Nature in the         the contribution of the Nature Directives towards meeting the
European Union’ report presents the results of the 3rd         EU’s broader biodiversity policy objectives under the new EU
reporting cycle for the period 2013–2018. This brochure        Biodiversity Strategy to 2030.
summarises its key findings.

left Zois' bellflower, Campanula zoysii.
The State of Nature in the EU - Conservation status and trends of species and habitats protected by the EU Nature Directives 2013-2018 - European ...
8   T h e    s t a t e   o f   n a t u r e   i n   t h e   E U

Assessing conservation status
A number of scientific                       then subjected to a common                    Also, as there is less scientific      Conservation status categories
parameters are used to assess                assessment procedure to                       merit in using the concept of          for species and habitats under
the status (good, poor, bad)                 determine their status at the                 biogeographical regions for            the Nature Directives
of an EU-protected species                   wider biogeographical level                   birds, the data are collected only
or habitat across its natural                within each Member State,                     at the national level and then          Good
range within the EU (not just in             and across the EU as a whole.                 aggregated at EU level.                 Poor
protected areas).                            Working with biogeographical                                                          Bad
                                             regions is a more meaningful                  Despite these differences in
For the Habitats Directive,                  way in ecological terms of                    methodology, every effort has
these are defined on the basis               aggregating the results. It also              been made to ensure that the
of the criteria used to assess               makes it easier to develop                    assessment categories used
whether a species or habitat                 an overall picture of the                     under the two Directives are
has reached a Favourable                     conservation status of species                defined in broadly comparable
Conservation Status across                   or habitats across the EU.                    terms and that the reporting is
the EU or not. Thus, for species,                                                          done over the same time period.
this means looking at their range,           For the Birds Directive,
population, suitable habitat and             which protects all wild bird                  In order to further facilitate the
future prospects. For habitat                species present in the EU and                 understanding of the results,
types, it focuses on the area,               not just those that are rare and              a traffic light system has been
structure and functions of the               threatened, there is a much                   applied to denote whether
habitat, as well as its range and            longer history of collecting                  the species or habitat has a
future prospects.                            population data. So, although                 ‘good’ (green), ‘poor’ (amber),
                                             the data collection is similar                ‘bad’ (red) or ‘unknown’ (grey)
Data for each of these                       to that used by the Habitats                  conservation status.
parameters are collected at                  Directive, the assessment
the Member State level and                   method at EU-level is different.
                                                                                                                                             below Cyprus tulip, Tulipa cypria.

What does a good conservation status mean?
The ultimate objective of the Habitats Directive is for all species and habitats it protects to achieve a Favourable (Good)
Conservation Status.
For a habitat type this is achieved when:
• its natural range and areas it covers within that range are stable or increasing;
• the specific structure and functions which are necessary for its long-term maintenance exist and are likely to continue
  to exist for the foreseeable future; and
• the conservation status of its typical species is favourable.
For species under the Habitats Directive this is achieved when:
• population dynamics data on the species concerned indicate that it is maintaining itself on a long-term basis as a
  viable component of its natural habitats;
• the natural range of the species is neither being reduced nor is likely to be reduced for the foreseeable future; and
• there is, and will probably continue to be, a sufficiently large habitat to maintain its populations on a long-term basis.
In the case of birds, the EU assessment of status and trends is a bit different (based on IUCN’s red listing method with some
slight adaptations in the Least Concern category) but the overall objective is similar: to maintain and restore the populations
of all naturally occurring wild bird species present in the EU at a level that will ensure their long-term survival.
The State of Nature in the EU - Conservation status and trends of species and habitats protected by the EU Nature Directives 2013-2018 - European ...

Measuring conservation trends
Because of the very broad                     conservation category (eg from            work that quickly. It takes time      Conservation status trends for
categories and the high level of              poor to good) will not be                 to respond to targeted                species and habitat types under
data aggregation used for                     picked up.                                conservation action and show          the Habitats Directive
assessing the conservation                                                              signs of recovery.
status of species and habitat                 It is also important to recognise
types at EU level, only really                that a change from one                    Thus, even if all the conditions       Stable
substantial changes will appear               conservation status class to the          are right and all threats have
from one reporting period to                  next, for instance from ‘poor’ to         been removed across its entire
another. This means that many                 ‘good’, is very difficult to achieve      range within the EU, it may still      Unknown
positive developments that do                 over a period as short as six             take several generations before
not result in a change of                     years. Nature simply doesn’t              a particular species is able to       Population trends for bird species
                                                                                        produce enough offspring for its      under the Birds Directive
                                                                                        population to increase and             Increasing
                                                                                        significantly expand its range.
                                                                                        That is why the State of Nature        Fluctuating
                                                                                        report also analyses                   Declining
                                                                                        conservation status trends.
                                                                                        These provide important clues
                                                                                        as to whether a species and
                                                                                        habitat is at least heading in the
                                                                                        right direction, i.e. improving, or
                                                                                        whether it is remaining stable or
                                                                                        continuing to decline.

                                                                                                                                 left European pond turtles, Emys orbicularis.

What is a biogeographical region?                                                         The biogeographical and
                                                                                          marine regions of the
The EU has nine terrestrial biogeographical regions and five marine regions,              European Union
each with its own characteristic blend of vegetation, climate, topography and
geology. Some Member States may have several biogeographical regions within
their territory (e.g. France has four such regions: Atlantic, Alpine, Continental and
                                                                                               Black Sea
Mediterranean) whereas others have only one (e.g. the Netherlands has only the
Atlantic region).                                                                              Continental
Using biogeographical regions to select sites for the Natura 2000 network and                  Macaronesian
assess the conservation status of species and habitats under the Habitats                      Mediterranean
Directive is very useful from a scientific point of view since it allows the species           Pannonian
and habitats to be examined under very similar natural conditions, irrespective of
                                                                                               Marine Atlantic
national boundaries.
                                                                                               Marine Baltic
                                                                                               Marine Black Sea
                                                                                               Marine Macaronesian
                                                                                               Marine Mediterranean
                                                                                               Overlapping submissions
                                                                                               to UNCLOS
The State of Nature in the EU - Conservation status and trends of species and habitats protected by the EU Nature Directives 2013-2018 - European ...
10   T h e   s t a t e   o f   n a t u r e   i n   t h e   E U

The Birds Directive protects all wild bird species that are      Population status of bird species at EU level
naturally present in the EU. In total, this amounts to some
460 species, ranging from familiar garden birds such as          The latest State of Nature report shows that            EU population status for
                                                                 almost half of all European wild bird species           birds in 2020
the Eurasian blue tit, Cyanistes caeruleus, or European
robin, Erithacus rubecula, to much rarer species such as         (47%) have a good population status and
the Corsican nuthatch, Sitta whiteheadi or the Spanish           are holding their own, despite the immense
imperial eagle, Aquila adalberti.                                pressures they continue to face. On the                        19%
                                                                 other hand, around 39% still have a poor or                      19%
                                                                 bad status.
Because birds are highly mobile and do not respect                                                                                              47%
national boundaries, there are good reasons for tackling         The number of species with a good status

their conservation at EU level, with all Member States           has decreased by 5% while those with a                              14%
working towards the same objectives. The Birds Directive         poor or bad status have gone up by 7%.
aims to do precisely that. It requires the introduction of       However, this does not necessarily mean
the same EU-wide provisions for the protection of wild           there have been genuine changes on the                     ■ Good
                                                                                                                         ■ ■Good
bird species in all Member States, and during all stages of      ground. Differences seem at least partly due
                                                                                                                         ■ ■Unknown
their life cycle, whether breeding, wintering, or migrating.     to a refinement in data quality and analysis,               Bad
                                                                                                                         ■ ■Poor
It also regulates the hunting of certain species listed in       rather than a real change in conservation
                                                                                                                         ■ Bad
Annex II.                                                        status at EU level.

                                                                 Genuine changes for individual species are more visible at the Member State
In addition, the Birds Directive requires the protection
                                                                 level. This is the case, for instance, for the Eurasian bittern, Botaurus stellaris
of key sites for a subset of 197 threatened bird species         in Belgium, the cinereous vulture, Aegypius monachus in Spain, the aquatic
listed in Annex I of the Directive, as well as other regularly   warbler, Acrocephalus paludicola in Poland or the little bustard, Tetrax tetrax
occurring migratory species.                                     in France. Many of these species have benefited from targeted conservation
                                                                 action under the EU LIFE Fund.
The 2020 State of Nature report concludes that almost
half (47%) of all bird species show a good population
status while over a third (39%) show a poor or bad

                                                                  The Birds Directive                            Number of species
                                                                  All naturally occurring wild bird species in   463 (of which 30 endemics and 66
                                                                  the EU                                         marine)
                                                                  Annex I (sub) species requiring designation    197 species
                                                                  of Special Protection Areas
                                                                  Annex II (sub) species that may be hunted      86 (of which 4 are non native/feral
left Ural Owl, Strix uralensis.
                                                                  under national legislation                     species)
12       T h e    s t a t e   o f     n a t u r e     i n     t h e   E U

Population trends of breeding bird species                                                       Population trends of wintering bird species
at EU level                                                                                      at EU level
Member States were asked to report on population trends for both                                 While many of Europe’s breeding birds migrate to warmer climates
breeding and wintering bird populations over the short (12 years) and                            outside Europe during the winter months, some (91 species) choose
the long term (38 years). In the case of breeding birds, about a                                 to stay within the EU. They are either resident species that stay in
quarter (23%) of species continue to show an increasing short-term                               one area their entire lives or species that migrate within the EU.
population trend, which is an encouraging sign as it indicates that                              Migratory birds also tend to congregate in certain key areas in winter,
some species are recovering across their range in the EU.                                        such as large coastal wetlands, which makes their monitoring and
                                                                                                 conservation that little bit easier.
A further 30% are said to be stable or fluctuating, which is 7
percentage points higher than in 2015. Some species might have                                   Exploring the short and long term trends of wintering species
reached a plateau compared to 6 years ago and are no longer                                      therefore provides another important clue as to the overall health of
increasing. On the other hand, 30% of species are still showing a                                Europe’s birds. In this context, it is encouraging to note that around
decreasing short-term trend.                                                                     half of the wintering populations have an increasing trend over the
                                                                                                 short term (45%) and especially over the long term (54%).
Looking at breeding bird population trends over the long-term, more
species (29%) are showing an increasing long-term trend compared                                 Just under a third (29%) show a decreasing population trend over
to the short term, but, on the other hand, only 20% have a stable or                             the short term, but over the long term this falls to around 13%,
fluctuating trend, which is significantly lower than over the short term.                        which is again a good sign. Overall, birds that overwinter in the EU
The situation therefore looks to become more volatile for many                                   seem to have a better long-term prospect than those that migrate
species in the long term.                                                                        further afield.

Left: Short term (12 years) breeding bird population trends at EU level                          Left: Short term (12 years) wintering bird population trends13%
                                                                                                                                                              at EU level
Right: Long term (38 years)23%
                             breeding bird population trends at EU 29%
                                                                   level                         Right: Long term (38 years)23%
                                                                                                                              wintering bird population trends at EU29%
                  30%                                           32%                                               29%
                                                                                                                   30%                                       32%                                   29%
                                                                                                                                   45%                                           54%
                                23%                                                                                                                           13%
                                                                              29%                                                                     2%
                 30%                                        32%
                                                                 32%                                        29%
                                                                                                                 29%                                                                               9%
                  17%           28%                                          18%                                   17%       28%                        13%
                                                                                                                                                             13%            18%
                                                                   20%                                                15% 45%                                 20%
                                                                                                                               45%                                          54%
                                                                                                             2%                                                                               2%
                   2%                                                        1%                              9%9%9% 2%
                                                                                                            9%                                    2%2%2%
                                                                                                                                                 2%                         1%
                  17%      28%
                                28%                                      18%
                                                                              18%                                                                          18%
                                                                   20%                                             15%
                 2%                                                          1%1%1%
       ■ Increasing     ■ Stable      ■ Fluctuating     ■ Unknown           ■ Decreasing                 Increasing
                                                                                                        ■■  Increasing ■ ■
                                                                                                                            Stable ■ ■
                                                                                                                                        Fluctuating ■ ■
                                                                                                                                                        Unknown ■ ■
                                                                                                                                                                    Decreasing               ■ Increas

  ■■ Increasing
      ■Increasing         ■rufina
                                                    ■■ Unknown
                                                            Unknown       Decreasing Tichodroma muraria
                                                                 ■■ Decreasing
                                                                      ■Decreasing                    ■■ Increasing
                                                                                                                       ■■ Stable
                                                                                                                                   ■■Fluctuating  Black-tailed
                                                                                                                                             Fluctuating       godwit,
                                                                                                                                                      ■■ Unknown
                                                                                                                                                                       ■    ■limosa
                                                                                                                                                                        ■ Decreasing

EU population status by taxonomic order                                                                       EU status and trends of species listed in the
                                                                                                              Birds Directive
If one looks at the status of Europe’s birds according to their                                               Looking at the population status and trends of species listed in Annex I
taxonomic order (i.e. belonging to the same order or family), one can                                         (in need of site protection), the results reveal that the proportion of
see that some groups are clearly doing better than others.                                                    Annex I species with a secure status decreased by 8% from 2015, while
                                                                                                              the proportion of those with poor and bad status increased by 6%.
Almost 90% of all herons, pelicans and spoonbills and 65% of hawks
and eagles have a good population status in the EU, compared to                                               As for huntable species listed in Annex II, the proportion with a good
only 28% of all cranes, rails, gallinules and coots, and a quarter of                                         status is 9% lower now than in 2015. 46% of huntable species also
pheasants, partridges and grouse. Many species of ducks, geese and                                            show a decreasing trend over the short term which is twice as many
swans, waders, gulls and auks, falcons and marine birds like petrels,                                         as for Annex I species (23%). This is a cause for concern as it indicates
storm petrels and shearwaters are also mostly in a poor or bad                                                that existing provisions in the different Member States are not
conservation status (50% or more).                                                                            providing sufficient safeguards for these species.

Below: Population status of EU birds by taxonomic order (number of species per                                Left: EU population status of Annex I and II, non‑Annex I/II and all bird species
group in brackets)                                                                                            Right: EU short-term breeding population trends for Annex I and II, non‑Annex I/
                                                                                                              II and all bird species
                                            Flamingo(3)(3)                                                    100%                                         100%
                                                                                                               100%                                        100%
                          Bee-eatersand andHoopoe
                        Gannetsand andCormorants
                               Hawksand andEagles
                                                      (28)                                                     80%                                          80%
                                                                                                                80%                                         80%
                               Pigeonsand andDoves
                                          Falcons                                                              60%                                          60%
                                                      (10)                                                      60%                                         60%
                                     Woodpeckers(11)  (11)
                    Ducks,   Geese   and   Swans  (36)                                                         40%                                          40%
                       Ducks, Geese and Swans (36)                                                              40%                                         40%
                                                      (10)                                                     20%                                          20%
                                                      (13)                                                      20%                                         20%
                                     Sandgrouse      (2)
                                         Sandgrouse (2)
               Storm-petrelsand andShearwaters
                                     Shearwaters(15)  (15)
                                            Nightjars(8)(8)                                                      0%                                          0%
                                                                                                                  0% Annex I Annex II Non- All taxa          0% Annex I Annex II Non- All taxa
                                                        0%0%       25%
                                                                    25%       50%
                                                                               50%        75%
                                                                                           75%        100%
                                                                                                       100%           Annex I Annex IIAnnex
                                                                                                                                            II All taxa         Annex I Annex II Annex
                                                                                                                                                                                   Non- II All taxa
                                                                                                                                       Annex II                     Increasing   Annex II
                                                                                                                       Good    Unknown    Poor     Bad                 Increasing    Stable/Fluctuating
                                                                                                                                                                      Uncertain/Unknown      Declining
                                                                 Good   Unknown
                                                                          Unknown   Poor
                                                                                      Poor   Bad
                                                                                               Bad                      Good    Unknown     Poor     Bad              Uncertain/Unknown      Declining

Northern wren, Troglodytes troglodytes                                              Squacco heron, Ardeola ralloides                                       Common diver, Gavia immer
14   T h e    s t a t e   o f   n a t u r e      i n   t h e   E U

STATE OF BIRDS IN THE EU                                                                  Examples of birds that are increasing, decreasing
                                                                                          or remaining stable across the EU
                                   Atlantic puffin
                                 Fratercula arctica

                                                                 Little bunting
                                                                Emberiza pusilla


      Great white egret                                                                                         Red throated diver
         Ardea alba                                                                                               Gavia stellata
                                                                Bonelli's eagle

                                                                Aquila fasciata

                                                                                      Eurasian Golden oriole                           Golden eagle
                                                                                          Oriolus oriolus                            Aquila chryseatus
                                                                                                               ➔ STABLE ➔
                                                                                                                                         Little tern
                                                                                                                                     Sternula albifronsa
      Rock ptarmigan
       Lagopus muta

                                Common kingfisher                                          Woodlark
                                  Alcedo atthis                                          Lullula arborea

                                                                                                                 Eurasian green
                                    Hazel grouse                                      Lanner falcon               woodpecker
                                   Bonasia bonasia                                   Falco biarmicus               Picus viridis
                                                                     Common swift
                                                                       Apus apus


                                     Tufted duck                                     Eurasian Skylark
                                    Aythya fuligula                                   Alauda arvensis

                                                               Yelkouan shearwater
                                                                 Puffinus yelkouan

                                      Griffon vulture                                Red kite
                                      Gyps fulvus                                    Milvus milvus
                                     The griffon vulture started to decline          Like many birds of prey, the red kite was
                                     already in the second half of the               once heavily persecuted and hunted. This,
                                     nineteenth century as a result of               combined with the loss of breeding and
                                     persecution, poisoning and a reduction          foraging habitats (usually related with
                                     in food availability, caused by the             agricultural intensification) meant that the
                                     disappearance of extensive grazing              species range shrank considerably across
                                     practices. The species has, however, made       the EU and became highly fragmented.
a remarkable recovery in recent years thanks to its legal protection under           Illegal poisoning is thought to be another main driver of its decline these days.
the Birds Directive and to concerted conservation efforts. A series of very          As occasional scavengers, red kites are particularly sensitive to poisons used
successful reintroduction programmes have been launched, notably in France,          to control foxes, crows and other species.
Italy and the Balkans. Much of this conservation work was funded by the EU
                                                                                     However, thanks to the prohibition of the use of poison under the Birds
LIFE programme.
                                                                                     Directive and the launch of a series of species reintroduction programmes,
The EU population has quadrupled in size since the 1980s, and the species is         the red kite population has begun to increase again. In total, 18 LIFE-nature
starting to recolonise parts of its range where it had previously disappeared.       projects have been implemented for the species so far, which has led to a
The conservation status of the griffon vulture is now considered to be secure        genuine improvement in both its status and trend in recent years. The species
at EU level.                                                                                       is now considered to have a secure conservation status at
                                                                                                   EU level.

                                      Aquatic warbler                                              Eurasian bittern
                                      Acrocephalus paludicola                                      Botaurus stellaris
                                      The aquatic warbler was                                       The Eurasian bittern is
                                      once relatively common in many fens,           a well camouflaged bird that lives in
                                      mires and wet meadows throughout               extensive reedbeds where visibility is
                                      much of mainland Europe. However, after        generally limited. Although the species
                                      years of large-scale habitat loss and          has a very large range within Europe,
                                      agricultural intensification, its population   its numbers fell over the years due to
                                      plummeted, earning it the title as one         the loss of its prime habitat: large wet
of Europe’s rarest songbirds. But, thanks to the combined effects of Natura          reedbeds. Scientific studies have demonstrated that these habitats should
2000 site protection and targeted conservation projects funded for the most          ideally be at least 20 hectares to support a viable population.
part by the EU LIFE programme, notably in Poland, Germany and Lithuania,
                                                                                     A European Action Plan was drawn up in 1999 to help coordinate conservation
the situation is slowly improving for the little bird.
                                                                                     efforts across the EU. Since then, over 80 LIFE-funded projects have been
The projects focused on restoring the hydrology of core wetlands where               undertaken for the bittern in 20 Member States. This has had a significant
the species is known to breed, and then reintroducing regular habitat                impact. The species is now considered to have a good conservation status at
management measures that mimic past, but long-since abandoned, farming               EU level. However, on-going management of its reedbed habitat is essential,
techniques. Thanks to these efforts, the aquatic warbler is slowly recovering,       and further wetland restoration measures will probably be needed to sustain
but its future remains precarious as its EU population is still low and remains      the population in the long-term.
heavily dependent on conservation management.
16   T h e   s t a t e   o f   n a t u r e   i n   t h e   E U
                                                                                                                                                             ■ Bad
                                                                                                                                        14%         17

                                                                                                                                ■ Good
                                                                                                                                ■ Unknown
                                                                                                                     47%            19%
                                                                                                 20%                            ■ Poor             23%       ■ Good

Other species
                                                                                                                                ■ Bad                        ■ Increasing
                                                                                                                                                             ■ Unknown
                                                                                                                                                     47%     ■ Stable
                                                                                                        14%                      20%                         ■ Poor
                                                                                                                                                             ■ Fluctuatin
                                                                                                                                                             ■ Bad
                                                                                                                                                             ■ Unknown
                                                                                                                                    17%14%          28%      ■ Decreasin

                                                                                                            2%     23%
The Habitats Directive protects almost 1,400 rare,             Conservation status of30%
                                                                                      other species at■EU   level
                                                                                                                                 ■ Stable
threatened or endemic species of wild animals and plants,
                                                                                                                                 ■ Fluctuating 23%           ■ Increasing
other than birds – often collectively referred to as species   Overall, the State of Nature report concludes
                                                                                                                                 ■ Unknown status of         ■ Stable 20
of European importance or of Community Interest.               that the conservation status is good        28%
                                                                                                17% for just                    other species at EU level
                                                                                                                                 ■ Decreasing                ■ Fluctuatin
                                                               over a quarter of species (27%) listed in                                                     ■ Unknown
                                                                                                                                    17%             28%      ■ Decreasin
They include some high-profile species like the Iberian        the Habitats Directive. This is up from
                                                                                                  2% 23%                            21%             27%
lynx, Lynx pardinus, and the Mediterranean monk seal,          during the last reporting round. Nevertheless,                                                ■ Good
                                                                                                                                       2%                    ■ Unknown
Monachus monachus, as well as many lesser known, but           the majority (63%) still have a poor or bad
                                                                                                                                                             ■ Poor
equally important, species such as the Northern birch          conservation status.                                                                  10%             3
                                                                                                                                                             ■ Bad
mouse, Sicista betulina, the stag beetle, Lucanus cervus,                                                                              42%
                                                               The share of species with an unknown
the lady’s-slipper orchid, Cypripedium calceolus, and the                                      21% notably,27%
                                                               conservation status has decreased
southern damselfly, Coenagrion mercuriale.                     indicating that Member States have made
                                                                                                                                ■ Good
                                                                                                                                ■ Unknown 6%
                                                                                                                                   21%       27%
                                                               a greater effort at monitoring during this                                                    ■ Unfavour
                                                                                                                                ■ Poor                       ■ Good
As with the Birds Directive, the Habitats Directive requires   reporting round. However, data on marine 10%                      35%
                                                                                                                                ■ Bad
                                                                                                                                                               – improvin
                                                                                                                                                             ■ Unknown
the application of uniform EU-wide provisions to ensure                                          42%                                                 31%     ■ Unknown
                                                               species remains largely incomplete,  even for                                                 ■ Poor
                                                                                                                                                             ■ Unfavour
the protection of those species listed in Annex IV and         well-known species such as cetaceans and                         Conservation    status
                                                                                                                                                             ■ Bad
                                                                                                                                                               – stable
the regulated use of those in Annex V. The Directive also      marine turtles.                                                  trends for 28%
                                                                                                                                            species not in a ■ Unfavour
                                                                                                              6%                good status at EU level
requires core sites to be designated for around 1000                                                                             ■ Unfavourable
                                                                                                                                                               – deterior
species listed in Annex II. Along with sites protected under                                      35%                              – improving6%
the Birds Directive these form part of the EU-wide Natura      Trends of species with a poor or                      31%         ■ Unknown                   ■ Unfavour
2000 Network.                                                  bad status                                                          Unfavourable
                                                                                                                                 ■ 35%
                                                                                                                                   – stable
                                                                                                                                                               – improvin
                                                                                                                                                     31%     ■ Unknown
                                                                                                                                 ■ Unfavourable              ■ Unfavour
According to the State of Nature report, just over a           Looking at the trends of species with28%a poor                      – deteriorating             – stable
quarter (27%) of the species have a good conservation          or bad status, only 6% show an increasing                                                     ■ Unfavour
                                                               trend, while 35% are still deteriorating. This                                            4%    – deterior
status at EU level, up from 23% in 2015. Nevertheless,                                                                                           15%
                                                               is a cause for concern as it indicates that
the majority of species (63%) continue to have a poor          very few species are showing any signs of
                                                                                                                                ■36%                         ■ Good
or bad status.                                                                                                                  ■ Unknown                    ■ Unknown3
                                                               recovery. The trend is stable for 28% species                    ■ Stable                     ■ Poor
                                                               and for 31% the trend is simply not known.                       ■ Decreasing       45%       ■ Bad

                                                                Species on the Habitats Directive
                                                                                           36%                                  ■Number
                                                                                                                                  Good of species 4%
                                                                                                                                ■ Unknown 202
                                                                Annex II: species requiring site designation only                          9%
                                                                                                                                                             ■ Unfavour
                                                                                                                                ■36%                         ■ Good
                                                                Annex IV: species requiring strict protection only                        269                 – improvin
                                                                                                                 45%              Bad
                                                                                                                                ■36%            21%          ■ Unknown
                                                                                                                                                             ■ Unknown
                                                                Species on both Annexes II and IV                                             789            ■ Poor
                                                                                                                                                             ■ Unfavour
                                                                                                                                                             ■ Bad
                                                                Annex V: species whose taking in the wild and exploitation                    96 45%           – stable
                                                                is subject to management measures                                            34%             ■ Unfavour
left Sand lizard, Lacerta agilis.                                                                             9%                                               – deterior
                                                                Species on both Annex IV and V                                               45
                                                                                                                                ■ Unfavourable
                                                                                                                                 – improving
                                                                                                 36%                 21%        ■ Unknown 9%                          36
                                                                                                                                                             ■ Unfavour
                                                                                                                                ■ Unfavourable                – improvin
                                                                                                                                  – stable        21%        ■ Unknown
                                                                                                           34%                  ■ Unfavourable               ■ Unfavour
                                                                                                                                  – deteriorating              – stable
18                       T h e   s t a t e     o f   n a t u r e   i n     t h e      E U

Conservation status at the                                                                                                Conservation status
biogeographical level                                                                                                     per marine region
Looking at the conservation status of species at the biogeographical                                                      Species in the marine environment are faring much worse than their
level, it is clear that species are doing better in some EU                                                               terrestrial counterparts. Of the 44 marine species listed in the
biogeographic regions than in others. For terrestrial species, the                                                        Habitats Directive, 36% have a bad or poor status, and only 5% have
highest proportion with a good status can be found in the Steppic                                                         a good status. For the vast majority (59%), their status remains
region (43%) and to a lesser extent in the Boreal (33%), Black Sea                                                        unknown, reflecting the general lack of marine data.
(32%) and Mediterranean (31%) regions.
                                                                                                                          At the biogeographical level, the marine Baltic region has the highest
On the other hand, the Atlantic and Continental regions have the                                                          proportion of species with a poor or bad status assessment (86%).
lowest share of good conservation status assessments (19% and                                                             This, however, concerns only seven species. The marine
21%). In both regions, almost three quarters of species have a poor                                                       Mediterranean and marine Black Sea regions also have a significant
or bad status (72% and 70%).                                                                                              proportion of species assessments with a bad status (62% and 75%
                                                                                                                          respectively). The status of species in the Atlantic and Macaronesian
                                                                                                                          regions remains largely unknown (69% and 94% respectively).

Conservation status of species per biogeographical and marine region.
Biogeographical regions

                                     Black Sea
                                 Macaronesian                                          Reptiles (106)
                                         Alpine                              Vascular plants (650)
                                    Pannonian                                    Amphibians (71)
                                   Continental                                   Arthropods (129)
                                                                                  Mammals (141)
                                  Marine Baltic
Marine regions

                                                                       Non-vascular plants (37)
                          Marine Mediterranean
                                Marine Atlantic                                        Molluscs (48)
                          Marine Macaronesian                                             Fish (203)
                              Marine Black Sea                           Other invertebrates (4)
                                                  0%                            20%                     0%         40%
                                                                                                                    25%            50%           60%
                                                                                                                                                75%     100%             80%                             100%
                                                                                                                      Good     Unknown   Poor   Bad

Eurasian brown bear, Ursus arctos                                                                European bullhead, Cottus gobio                               Bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops truncatus.

Conservation status by taxonomic group                                                       Conservation trends by taxonomic group

The State of Nature report also examines the conservation status of                          Looking at the trends of those with a poor or bad conservation
species according to different taxonomic groups. The results indicate                        status, one can see that fish and amphibians have the highest share
that reptiles and vascular plants are faring best, with 40% and 36%                          of species with a deteriorating trend (49%) whereas reptiles have
in a good status respectively, followed by amphibians (27%) and                              the lowest share (23%). Mammals have the highest proportion of
arthropods (25%).                                                                            species that are improving but at only 10%, this remains very low.
                                                                                             Amongst those that are improving, are well known species like the
By contrast, fish or non-vascular plants have an overwhelmingly                              Eurasian otter Lutra lutra, and the harbour seal, Phoca vitulina.
poor or bad status (82% and 73% respectively). In the case of fish
species, this points clearly to continuing pressures on their                                But other lesser well known species are also showing signs of
freshwater habitats in particular.                                                           recovery at a national or biogeographical level such as the forest
                                                                                             reindeer Rangifer tarandus fennicus in the Boreal region, the yellow
Regarding mammals, it is encouraging to note that twice as many                              twayblade Liparis loeselii in the Atlantic region, the yellow-bellied
species have a good status (25%) as have a bad status (12%).                                 toad Bombina variagata in Luxembourg, and the sand lizard, Lacerta
Nevertheless, almost half (45%) continue to have a poor status.                              agilis in Spain. All have been targeted by conservation projects
                                                                                             funded under the EU LIFE Fund.

Conservation status per species group at EU level (number of species per group               Conservation status of species with poor, bad or unknown status at EU level,
in brackets)                                                                                 per group

           Reptiles (106)                                                                              Mammals
   Vascular plants (650)                                                                                        Fish
         Amphibians (71)                                                                     Non-vascular plants
        Arthropods (129)                                                                              Arthropods
         Mammals (141)                                                                            Vascular plants
Non-vascular plants (37)                                                                                    Molluscs
            Molluscs (48)                                                                                   Reptiles
               Fish (203)                                                                            Amphibians
  Other invertebrates (4)                                                                    Other invertebrates
                            0%           25%         50%          75%          100%                                    0%      25%            50%               75%          100%
                                          Good   Unknown   Poor   Bad                                                       Improving   Unknown     Stable   Deteriorating

Alpine longhorn beetle, Rosalia alpina                             Yellow-bellied toad, Bombina variegata                                European mink, Mustela lutreola
20      T h e    s t a t e     o f   n a t u r e    i n   t h e    E U

STATE OF OTHER SPECIES                                                                                   Examples of species improving,
                                                                                                         decreasing or remaining stable at the
IN THE EU                                                                                                biogeographical level

          Eurasian Otter                                             Schreibers's bat                               European green toad                                      Northern birch mouse
            Lutra lutra                                           Miniopterus schreibersii                             Bufotis viridis                                          Sicista betulina


                                     INCREASING                                                                                                 ➔ STABLE ➔
                                                                      Lizard orchid                                  Eurasian Beaver                                           Jersey tiger moth

                                                                  Himantoglossum jankae                                Castor fiber                                         Euplagia quadripunctaria

                                                                                                                                                       Hermann’s tortoise
                                                                                                                                                        Testudo hermanni
       Italian marbled white
          Melanargia arge

                                          Grey seal
                                     Halochoerus grypus

                                                                                                                               pearl mussel
                                                                                                                         Margaritifera margaritifera
                                                                                         European ground squirrel
                                                                                           Spermophilus citellus

Hexagonal colour key
Biogeographical and marine
regions of the European Union

                                                          Fairy slipper orchid
                                                           Calypso bulbosa
     Alpine                                                                              DECREASING

     Black Sea
                                                                                             Atlantic sturgeon
     Mediterranean                                                                            Acipenser sturio
                                                             Green turtle                                                      Green hawker
     Steppic                                                Chelonia mydas                                                     Aeshna viridis
     Marine Atlantic
     Marine Baltic
     Marine Black Sea
     Marine Macaronesian
     Marine Mediterranean

                                    Wild forest reindeer                          Iberian lynx
                                    Rangifer tarandus fennicus                    Lynx pardinus
                                    Unique to Finland within the EU, the          The Iberian lynx was previously
                                    wild forest reindeer was once common          widespread across the Iberian peninsula,
                                    throughout Finland and Russia, but, by the    but by the 1960s the species had
                                    1900s, it had been hunted to extinction.      been pushed to the edge of extinction
                                    50 years on, individuals started to           through a combination of habitat loss
                                    cross back over from Russia and breed         and fragmentation, overhunting and
                                    in Finland. Further populations were          the depletion of its main source of food:
subsequently reintroduced to other old growth forests in central Finland. The     rabbits. By the 1990s, when the Habitats Directive came in force, the species
species is now protected under the Habitats Directive but remains at risk from    had become the most threatened wild cat species in the world.
incompatible forest management practices, predation and inter-breeding with
                                                                                  This prompted the launch of an intensive conservation programme, funded
the more common semi-domesticated tundra reindeer.
                                                                                  mostly by the EU LIFE programme which targeted core areas in both southern
Several LIFE projects have been undertaken to help the species. They include      Spain and Portugal. Numerous conservation measures were undertaken to
the re-enforcement of an 80 km fence in western Finland to prevent cross          improve the quality of the habitat, reconnect isolated populations, reduce
breeding with other reindeer herds, guidance on wild forest reindeer friendly     road kills and the illegal poaching of rabbits, all in close collaboration with
forest management practices as well as further reintroduction programmes.         local land owners and stakeholders. Captive breeding programmes were
Thanks to these efforts, the species has improved in status                                      established to supplement the wild populations. The species
since the last reporting round and is now considered to have a                                   now has a positive conservation trend, even if its status
good status in the Boreal region.                                                                remains poor.

                                    Harbour seal                                                Allis shad
                                    Phoca vitulina                                              Alosa alosa
                                     The harbour seal has had                                     A member of the herring
                                     a chequered history in Europe, having        family, the Allis shad was once widespread
                                     suffered heavily from overhunting,           across Northern Europe, spending much of
                                     disease, habitat destruction and pollution   its time at sea before migrating back up
                                     over the years. Thanks to the Habitats       along its native rivers to spawn. Only 150
                                     Directive the species is now protected       years ago, several hundred thousand shad
                                     across the EU and many of its core haul      were caught annually in the Rhine system
out sites are included in the Natura 2000 network.                                where they formed an important part of the local economy. But, overfishing,
                                                                                  pollution and habitat loss caused populations to crash. By the 1920s, the
Various international management programmes have also been adopted
                                                                                  species had disappeared altogether from the Rhine.
to ensure the conservation of the species in key areas like the Wadden Sea.
Thanks to the Trilateral Seal Management Plan adopted in 1994, the Wadden         Two EU LIFE projects are now helping to bring the species back to the Rhine.
Sea harbour seal population has increased rapidly over the years and now          They have re-introduced some 11 million Allis shad larvae into the river at
stands at 24,000, compared to just 3000 individuals in 1974. The overall EU       various points. So far 250 adults have been observed returning to the Rhine
population has also increased and is now considered to have a poor, rather        from the North Sea, which is probably only a proportion of the real total. The
than a bad, conservation status in the marine Atlantic region. However its        species still has a long way to go before it can get out of its bad conservation
status remains bad in the Baltic region.                                          status, but at least its conservation trend has already improved thanks to the
                                                                                  LIFE projects.
22   T h e   s t a t e   o f   n a t u r e   i n   t h e   E U
                                                                                                                                                                    ■ Stable
                                                                                                                                                                    ■ Bad
                                                                                                                                                                    ■ Fluctua
                                                                                                                                        42%         23              ■ Unknow
                                                                                                                                    17%             28%             ■ Decrea
                                                                                                                                ■ Good
                                                                                                                                     2%   6%
                                                                                                                                ■ Unknown                           ■ Unfavo

Habitat types
                                                                                                                     47%                                             – impro
                                                                                                20%                             ■35%
                                                                                                                                ■ Bad                    31%        ■ Unknow
                                                                                                                                                                    ■ Unfavo
                                                                                                        14%                                                           – stabl
                                                                                                                                          28%                       ■ Unfavo
                                                                                                                                                                      – deter
                                                                                                                                                                    ■ Good
The EU has a remarkable diversity of landscapes and             Conservation status of habitat                     23%                                              ■ Unknow
                                                                                                                                 ■ Increasing
habitats for its size, many of which have been fashioned        types at EU level       30%
                                                                                                                                 ■ Stable                           ■ Poor
through centuries of diverse farming and forest practices.                                                                                          10%
                                                                                                                                 ■ Fluctuating                      ■ Bad
                                                                As in the previous report, very few habitat                      ■ Unknown status of
                                                                types are in a good status (just 15%).             28%          habitats  at EU level
Some 230 of these natural and semi-natural habitat types                                           17%                           ■ Decreasing
are protected under the Habitats Directive in their own         The overwhelming majority are in a poor
                                                                                                                                               6%              4%
right. This is because they are in danger of disappearing       (45%) or bad (36%) conservation status.
                                                                                                     2%                                         15%
                                                                                                                                                                    ■ Unfavo
or because they present outstanding examples of                                                                                   36%
                                                                                                                                  35%                               ■ –Good
                                                                This is no doubt linked to a wide range of                                                          ■ Unknow
characteristic habitats from one or more of Europe’s                                                                                                     31%
                                                                factors, be it the high level of pressures they                                                     ■ Unfavo
biogeographical regions.                                        continue to face and their long recovery time                                                       ■ –Bad
                                                                                                                                                                    ■ Unfavo
                                                                even if all the pressures are removed and                                 28%
                                                                                                                                                                       – deter
Included in the list are such well known habitats as shifting   appropriate management measures      21%have been
sand dunes, western taiga forests and mountain hay                                                                              ■ Good
                                                                introduced. Many habitats are also so depleted                  ■ Unknown 9%
meadows, as well as other typically European habitats such      that they will require active restoration or even               ■ Poor                              ■ Unfavo
as active raised bogs, Mediterranean temporary ponds            recreation in order to kick start their recovery. 10%             Bad
                                                                                                                                ■36%                                 – impro
                                                                                                       42%                                               21%        ■ Unknow
and dehesas – the latter is a characteristic type of wooded
                                                                                                                                                                    ■ Unfavo
pasture found across much of the Iberian peninsula. It                                                                                                                – stabl
harbours a particularly rich biodiversity.                                                                    6%                              34%                   ■ Unfavo
                                                                                                                                                 15%                  – deter
                                                                                                                                 ■ Unfavourable
Across the EU, just 15% of habitats have a good status          Trends of habitat types 35%
                                                                                        with a poor                                – improving
                                                                                                                                  36%                               ■ Good
according to the State of Nature report. The vast               or bad status                     31%                            ■ Unknown                          ■ Unknow
                                                                                                                                 ■ Unfavourable                     ■ Poor
majority (81%) are in a poor or bad status.                                                                                        – stable                         ■ Bad
                                                                The trends of those with a poor or bad                          Conservation status
                                                                                                                                                 45% of
                                                                                                        28%                      ■ Unfavourable
                                                                                                                                habitats not in a good
                                                                status also raises serious concerns as only                        – deteriorating
                                                                                                                                status at EU level
                                                                9% show an increasing trend. For a third of
                                                                habitats, the trend is stable (34%) but an
                                                                equal number (36%) are continuing to decline.                                                       ■ Unfavo
                                                                For 21% the trend is simply not known.                                                               – impro
                                                                                                                                  36%                    21%        ■ Unknow
                                                                                                                                                                    ■ Unfavo
                                                                This decline is especially acute for bogs, mires                                                      – stabl
                                                                and fens, dunes and grassland habitats. In                                                          ■ Unfavo
                                                                                                                           4%                 34%
                                                                all cases, more than half of the habitats are15%                                                      – deter
                                                                deteriorating.                    36%                           ■ Good
                                                                                                                                ■ Improving
                                                                                                                                ■ Unknown
                                                                                                                                ■ Unknown
                                                                                                                                ■ Poor
                                                                                                                                ■ Stable
                                                                                                                   45%          ■ Bad
                                                                                                                                ■ Decreasing

left Mountain hay meadow.

                                                                                                                                ■ Unfavourable
                                                                                                                                 – improving
                                                                                                 36%                 21%        ■ Unknown
                                                                                                                                ■ Unfavourable
                                                                                                                                  – stable
                                                                                                             34%                ■ Unfavourable
24                       T h e   s t a t e    o f   n a t u r e   i n   t h e    E U

Conservation status                                                                                                 Conservation status
per biogeographical region                                                                                          per marine region
Regarding the conservation status of habitats across the different                                                  Of the nine marine habitats listed in the Directive, just 3% have a
biogeographical regions, the highest proportion of habitats with a                                                  good status compared to 70% with a poor or bad status at EU level.
good status can be found in the Steppic region (72%). This region,                                                  For over a third (27%), the status remains unknown.
which is exclusively confined to Romania, has several typically dry
habitats such as xeric sand calcareous grasslands or Pannonic salt                                                  The marine Black Sea region has identified one marine habitat type
steppes and marshes that require little or no management.                                                           in a good conservation status : submarine structures made by
                                                                                                                    leaking gases. In all other regions, the marine habitat types are in a
On the other hand, just 4% of the 117 habitat types present in the                                                  poor or bad status (100% in the marine Baltic region, 85% in marine
Atlantic region have a good status, with many semi-natural                                                          Atlantic and 75% in marine Mediterranean) or their status is simply
grasslands and coastal dune habitats being particularly degraded.                                                   unknown. This is the case for over 90% of the marine habitats in the
Overall, the share of habitat types having a poor or bad status                                                     Macaronesian region.
exceeds 50% in all regions, except the Steppic region.

Conservation status of habitats per biogeographical and marine region.
Biogeographical regions

                                     Black Sea
                                 Mediterranean                               Rocky habitats (14)
                                    Pannonian                         Sclerophyllous scrubs (13)
                                         Boreal                        Freshwater habitats (20)
                                   Continental                                      Forests (81)
                                       Atlantic                               Heath & scrub (12)
                              Marine Black Sea
Marine regions

                                                                                 Grasslands (32)
                          Marine Macaronesian
                          Marine Mediterranean                                Dune habitats (21)
                                Marine Atlantic                         Bogs, mires & fens (12)
                                  Marine Baltic                             Coastal habitats (28)
                                                  0%         10%             20%             30%0%           40%
                                                                                                               25%            50%
                                                                                                                               50%          60%
                                                                                                                                            75%    70%
                                                                                                                                                  100%             80%              90%           100%
                                                                                                                 Good     Unknown    Poor   Bad

Woodland, Huesca, Spain                                                                     Drifting sand dune, Skagen, Denmark                          Freshwater lake, Julien Alps, Slovenia

Conservation status and trends
by habitat group
Looking at the conservation status of different habitat groups, one can
see that the worst affected are the grasslands, dunes, bogs, mires and
fen habitats. In all cases, over 85% of the habitat types are in a bad or
poor status. Rocky habitats and sclerophyllous scrub habitats are
doing relatively better, but still only a fifth of these habitats have a
good conservation status (25% and 21% respectively).

Of those with a poor or bad conservation status, forests (13%) and
heath and scrub habitats (11%) have the highest share with
improving trends. By contrast only 4% of freshwater habitats, bogs,
mires and fens are improving. Once again, grasslands, dunes, bogs,
mires and fen habitats are showing the sharpest declining trends
with more than half of their habitats showing clear signs of a
continued deterioration.
                                                                                          above Red kite, Milvus milvus following the plough. Grasslands have the highest proportion of habitats with
                                                                                          a bad status (49%).

Conservation status per habitat group at EU level (number of habitat types per            Conservation status trends of habitats with poor, bad or unknown status at
group in brackets)                                                                        EU level, per group

      Rocky habitats (14)                                                                                   Forests
Sclerophyllous scrubs (13)                                                                            Grasslands
 Freshwater habitats (20)                                                                       Coastla habitats
              Forests (81)                                                                         Dune habitats
       Heath & scrub (12)                                                                             Freshwater
          Grasslands (32)                                                                         Rocky habitats
       Dune habitats (21)                                                                 Sclerophyllous scrubs
  Bogs, mires & fens (12)                                                                         Heath & scrub
     Coastal habitats (28)                                                                   Bogs, mires & fens
                             0%     25%         50%           75%            100%                                     0%              25%                50%                75%                100%
                                     Good   Unknown    Poor    Bad                                                                Improving      Unknown       Stable     Deteriorating

Alpine meadow, South Tyrol, Italy                              Corals on rocky reefs, Vis Island, Croatia                                          Bog pool with islands, Western Estonia
26      T h e    s t a t e   o f   n a t u r e   i n   t h e   E U

STATE OF HABITATS                                                             Examples of habitats improving,
                                                                              decreasing or remaining stable at the
IN THE EU                                                                     biogeographical level


        Coastal dunes with                                            Pannonian                            Apeninne                                 Sub-arctic
          Juniperus spp.                                             salt steppes                         Beech forest                              Salix scrub
                                   INCREASING                                                                                       ➔ STABLE ➔

           Continental                                            Macaronesian                                                                   Natural dystrophic
            turloughs                                             laurel forests                        Alluvial meadows                          lakes and ponds

                                                                                                                Northern Atlantic

                                                                                                                wet heaths with
Hexagonal colour key                                     Western taiga
                                                                                                                  Erica tetralix

Biogeographical and marine

regions of the European Union
     Black Sea
     Boreal                                                                                                     Semi-natural dry
     Continental                                           Mountain                                          grasslands on calcarious
                                                         hay meadows                                                substrates
                                                                                     Wooded dunes
     Marine Atlantic                                                                 with Pinus pinea
     Marine Baltic
     Marine Black Sea
     Marine Macaronesian
     Marine Mediterranean

                                     White dunes                                    Active raised bogs
                                    Shifting dunes, or white dunes, are mostly      Active raised bogs have been subjected
                                    found along the Atlantic coast, albeit          to centuries of turf extraction, drainage
                                    in small pockets. This is a rare habitat:       and afforestation, which is why they now
                                    its total surface area in the EU is just        have a bad conservation status across the
                                    380 km2. It has a poor conservation             EU. In some countries, like Ireland, turf
                                    status in the Atlantic region but thanks        extraction was once done on an industrial
                                    to targeted conservation action, notably        scale to supply the country with electricity
                                    in the Netherlands and Denmark, its             and fuel.
conservation status has gradually improved over the years (from bad in
                                                                                    In order to preserve what remains, several countries have launched national
2006 to poor-stable now). In the Netherlands, it even achieved a good status
                                                                                    restoration programmes for their raised bogs. This is the case in Ireland,
in 2018.
                                                                                    where the largest restoration effort of its kind was launched in 2015. It will
A key threat to the habitat is human-induced fixation of the dunes, mostly for      lead to improvement of 8 000 ha of raised bog, thanks to the blocking of over
coastal defence purposes. These prevent the habitat from being mobile and           200 km of deep drainage channels. Until now, any attempts to protect and
shifting in function of the prevailing winds. Several LIFE projects have focused    restore raised bogs have been met with strong resistance. Peat cutting is very
on restoring the habitat’s natural dynamics, amongst others by removing             much part of Ireland’s social history and traditions. The project is therefore
vegetation and plantations, in order to revert them to an earlier stage of          putting a lot of emphasis on engaging fully with local communities to win
succession. Wind patterns are now once again influencing the                                       their support and foster a greater national understanding of the
newly restored mobile dunes, and many typical yet rare pioneer                                     importance of Ireland’s raised bogs through a variety of public
species are starting to return.                                                                    awareness activities.

                                     Lowland grasslands                                           Fennoscandian
                                     in Latvia                                                    wooded pastures
                                     There are 29 different types                                  Unique to Sweden, Finland
                                     of grassland habitats on the Habitats          and the Baltic States, Fennoscandian
                                     Directive, many of which occur in the          wooded pastures host an exceptionally
                                     lowlands. Almost all have a poor or bad        rich array of species, including many
                                     conservation status in the EU, having          rare insects such as the hermit beetle,
                                     disappeared on a massive scale over            Osmoderma eremita, the great capricorn
                                     the past decades, mostly as a result           beetle, Cerambyx cerdo and the European
of changing agricultural practices. Such a large-scale habitat loss can only        stag beetle, Lucanus cervus. These rare habitats are characterised by their
really be effectively addressed through equally large scale conservation            mosaic pattern of open grasslands interspersed with a sparse coverage of
programmes aimed at a whole suite of sites in one go.                               ancient deciduous trees, such as oak, ash and lime.
Several LIFE projects have done exactly this in a bid to kick-start the long        Wooded pastures were of vital importance for livestock grazing right into the
term recovery of key grassland habitats. In Latvia for instance, the EU LIFE        20th Century. But, as intensive livestock husbandry practices took over, most
Meadows project set in motion a coordinated nation-wide programme for the           were abandoned and left to grow over. What remains today represents just
restoration of 15 of the best floodplain grassland areas in the country. This       a fragment of its former range, which is why they have a bad conservation
was followed by the reintroduction of regular management on all sites, using        status throughout the Boreal region. In a bid to improve the status of this
EU funded agri-environmental measures. Ten years on, some 70-80% of the             valuable habitat, around 20 LIFE projects have been funded over the years
floodplain originally included in the project are still being managed in a proper   to help restore and defragment key areas in Sweden and elsewhere. Thanks
way. Buoyed by its success, a new project has been launched to target further       to these efforts, the habitat now has an improving trend in the Continental
grassland areas in Latvia.                                                          Region of Sweden.
28   T h e   s t a t e   o f   n a t u r e   i n   t h e   E U

Key pressures
and threats
Living in one of the most densely populated regions of the     Reporting on threats and pressures
world, with a long history of land use, European society has
had a profound impact on nature. Initially, this led to the    Member States were asked to report on a range of key
creation of diverse cultural landscapes that are home to a     pressures and threats for each of the habitats and species
rich fauna and flora.                                          protected under the EU Nature Directives. This was done at
                                                               two hierarchical levels: the first covered 15 broad categories
But human activities have also caused the large-scale          while the second identified 203 individual activities.
destruction of nature, particularly during the 20th century.
By the mid-1980s, two-thirds of Europe’s wetlands and          The results were then aggregated at EU level in order to
                                                               see which high ranking pressures and threats were the
almost three-quarters of its sand dunes and heaths had
                                                               most common.
already disappeared.

In order to gain a better understanding of the underlying       Reported frequency of high ranking pressures for level
pressures and threats on the species and habitats protected     one categories (in %)
under the two Nature Directives, Member States were asked       Agriculture                                          21.4%
to report on what they considered to be the principle causes    Urbanization                                         12.9%
of species and habitat loss.
                                                                Forestry                                             10.8%
                                                                Natural processes                                    8.5%
The results show that agriculture remains the most
common pressure and threat on species and habitats,             Changes in water regimes                             8.3%
followed by urbanisation, forestry and the modification         Invasive alien species                               7.3%
of water regimes.                                               Over exploitation                                    7.2%
                                                                Energy infrastructure                                4.8%
                                                                Transport                                            4.7%
                                                                Climate change                                       3.7%

left Farmland, Cattenom, France.
30       T h e    s t a t e    o f   n a t u r e   i n   t h e    E U

High-ranking pressures

1. Agriculture                                                                                   2. Urbanisation
Agriculture remains the most frequently                                                          As more and more people live in cities and
reported pressure affecting over a fifth of all                                                  large conurbations, the pace of urban spread
protected species and habitats. This reflects                                                    has grown considerably in recent years.
not only the scale of agricultural land use in                                                   The significant network of roads has also
the EU but also continuing changes in                                                            fragmented the landscape and rendered the
farming practices.                                                                               countryside less permeable to biodiversity.

Agriculture exerts its pressure in two opposing ways. On the                                     According to the State of Nature report, the majority of pressures
one hand, there is the abandonment of agricultural areas and                                     linked to this category come from a range of activities linked to
their lack of management. On the other, there is the continuing                                  outdoor sports, recreation and tourism all of which can significantly
intensification of agricultural activities and the conversion of one                             deteriorate fragile habitats and cause disturbance to wildlife,
type of agricultural practice to another that has a greater impact on                            especially in breeding and overwintering sites. The spread of urban
nature. Other threats include the use of pesticides and fertilisers,                             areas – be it for industry, housing, or tourism and leisure – is also a
the removal of small landscape features, such as hedgerows, and                                  major threat to species and habitats.
drainage for agricultural use.

 Level 2 agricultural pressures for habitats and species, shown as the                            Level 2 urban pressures for habitats and species, shown as the
 percentage of pressures within this level 1 group                                                percentage of pressures within this level 1 group
 Abandonment of grassland management                                             14.3%            Sports, tourism and leisure activities                                       24.8%
 Use of plant protection chemicals                                                8.3%            Conversion from other land uses to housing, settlement or                    11.8%
                                                                                                  recreational areas
 Intensive grazing or overgrazing by livestock                                    8.2%
                                                                                                  Construction or modification in existing urban or recreational areas         10.4%
 Conversion from one type of agricultural land use to another                     8.2%
                                                                                                  Creation or development of sports, tourism and leisure infrastructure        6.0%
 Drainage for use as agricultural land                                            6.2%
                                                                                                  Modification of coastline, estuary and coastal conditions for urbane areas   5.9%
 Removal of small landscape features for agricultural land                        6.1%
 parcel consolidation                                                                             Drainage of natural systems to industrial or commercial areas                5.5%
 Agricultural activities generating diffuse pollution to surface or               5.5%            Industrial or commercial activities and structures generating noise,         4.0%
 ground waters                                                                                    light etc.
 Conversion into agricultural land                                                5.2%            Conversion from other land uses to commercial or industrial                  3.8%

Motorway transport infrastructure                                       Wind energy production                                                 Intensive farming
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