The Staggering Value of Forests-and How to Save Them

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The Staggering Value of Forests-and How to Save Them
The Staggering Value
of Forests—and How
to Save Them
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                 GEORG KAPPEN

                 ELISABETH KASTNER

                 TORSTEN KURTH

                 JOHANNA PUETZ

                 ANDREAS REINHARDT

                 JUUSO SOININEN

June 2020 | Boston Consulting Group

                 3   THE FOREST IMPERATIVE

                 5   THE VALUE OF FORESTS
                     An Overview of Forests
                     Quantifying the Value of Forests

               11    THREATS TO FORESTS
                     Land-Use Changes
                     Rising Temperatures
                     Unsustainable Logging
                     Abiotic Disturbances
                     Biotic Disturbances
                     The Impact of Forest Threats

                     Restore and Plant Forests and Manage Existing Forests Sustainably
                     Boost Sustainable and Productive Agriculture
                     Promote Sustainable Sourcing
                     Reduce Meat Consumption
                     Push Recycling of Wood-Based Products
                     Limit Global Temperature Increase to Less Than 2°C

               29    A CALL TO ACTION

                     Methodology for Valuing Forests
                     Quantification of the Impact of Forest Threats
                     Quantification of the Impact of Actions

               38    FOR FURTHER READING

               39    NOTE TO THE READER

2 | The Staggering Value of Forests—and How to Save Them

T   he world’s forests—which today
    cover 30% of the earth’s land surface—
are an incredibly valuable resource, storing
                                                  Among our findings:

                                                  ••   The estimated total value of the world’s
massive amounts of carbon, helping to purify           forests is as much as $150 trillion—nearly
water and air, ensuring natural biodiversity,          double the value of global stock markets.
and providing livelihoods for millions of              The ability of forests to regulate the
people. But despite the vital importance of            climate through carbon storage is by far
forests, they are under worldwide assault,             the largest component of that total value,
with the equivalent of 30 soccer fields                accounting for as much as 90%.
disappearing every minute.
                                                  ••   The most serious threats are not always
In response to the growing crisis, BCG con-            the ones garnering the most public
ducted a comprehensive analysis to answer              attention. Recent media coverage, for
three questions: What is the financial value           example, has intensely focused on the
of global forests? What are the biggest threats        devastation brought by wildfires. However,
to that value? How and to what extent can              our analysis finds that land use changes
we preserve (or even increase) the value of            and rising global temperatures, major
forests?                                               drivers of deforestation, will actually be
                                                       the main causes of forest value losses. Of
Our analysis addresses the value of forests            the five primary threats to forest value
across four attributes: their climate regulato-        that we identified, these two account for
ry function; their environmental benefits,             about 70% of projected losses between
such as air purification and water filtration;         now and 2050. Ultimately, if the five
their commercial output; and their social val-         major threats to forests today are not
ue. We realize that quantification of these di-        addressed, global forest value will drop by
mensions is difficult, and certainly always im-        roughly 30% by 2050.
perfect. For example, the value of forest
biodiversity cannot fully be captured. Never-     ••   All stakeholders, including governments,
theless, we believe that a valuation is essen-         NGOs, the private sector, and consumers,
tial in order to create transparency with re-          have a role to play. Governments are partic-
spect to the value of forests in comparison            ularly important and must create a robust
with other assets and thereby introduce clari-         regulatory framework that drives real
ty to a discussion that is often dominated by          change. We have identified six critical
emotion.                                               actions that can protect forests and limit

                                                                                      Boston Consulting Group | 3
deforestation—and therefore preserve            As our analysis underscores, the value of for-
                  forest value: (1) restore and plant forests     ests and the threats facing them are inextrica-
                  for the purpose of protection as well as        bly linked to climate change. Existing forests
                  wood production, sustainably manage             store CO2 in the form of carbon on a massive
                  these and more of the existing forests, and     scale—and young, growing forests absorb sig-
                  increase their productivity; (2) boost          nificant amounts of CO2. However, on a glob-
                  sustainable and productive agriculture; (3)     al scale, because of deforestation (the perma-
                  reduce meat consumption; (4) push for           nent loss of forested area) and decay, forests
                  deforestation-free production of palm oil,      are now releasing more CO2 than they are ab-
                  soy, beef, and timber; (5) increase wood        sorbing—meaning forests are net carbon
                  recycling; and (6) limit global temperature     emitters. Depending on the actions we take
                  increase to less than 2°C. Ambitious but        today, forests will either be a powerful tool
                  realistic action, including follow-through on   for combating climate change or a major con-
                  current global pledges for forest protection,   tributor to rising CO2 levels.
                  can preserve 20% of value and thus reduce
                  value loss to about 10% by 2050.                If adopted, the measures we outline in this
                                                                  report would drive significant progress in pro-
               To preserve the full value of today’s forests      tecting forest value—something that must be
               we would need even more aggressive steps,          achieved if society is to ensure a sustainable
               such as new forest plantings that cover an         planet for future generations. With a collec-
               area larger than Australia and, critically, sus-   tive push for action, we can preserve a su-
               tainable management of 100% of new and ex-         premely valuable, but increasingly endan-
               isting forests, up from the 40% currently.         gered, global asset.

4 | The Staggering Value of Forests—and How to Save Them

F   ew of the numerous publications on
    forests offer a comprehensive yet easily
understandable overview of forest value. To
                                                   in regions such as North America, Europe,
                                                   and China.

help fill this gap, we studied the current state   Tropical forests can capture and store more
of forests around the world and developed a        carbon in their biomass than other forest
methodology for valuing them.                      types owing to their fast-growing and very
                                                   dense trunks, canopies, and roots. In addition,
                                                   thanks to the mild climate in which they grow
An Overview of Forests                             and the fact that much of their acreage re-
Forests today cover nearly 4 billion hectares      mains undisturbed, they are the most biodi-
around the world. They are found in almost         verse, providing a home for many more spe-
every region, but their sizes and compositions     cies than do the other two biomes. Temperate
differ greatly among continents and countries      forests, meanwhile, are the smallest biome
(See Exhibit 1.) Five countries jointly account    (accounting for 15% of total forest area) but
for more than half of the global forest area:      account for an outsized share (29%) of global
Russia (20%), Brazil (12%), Canada (9%), US        forest product output. That’s because they’re
(8%), and China (5%).                              generally more easily accessible than the oth-
                                                   er types of forests, are relatively dense com-
From a biological perspective, forests are cat-    pared with boreal forests in particular, and
egorized according to their biome: tropical,       are often managed using processes that make
temperate, or boreal. The differences be-          them highly productive. (See Exhibit 2.)
tween forest biomes are determined largely
by precipitation patterns related to tempera-      It is also instructive to assess forests in terms
ture. Tropical forests are generally located       of the type and degree of use by humans.
close to the equator and are concentrated in       Commercially used forests, such as planta-
South America (including the Amazon), Afri-        tions and natural forests that are used for pro-
ca (primarily the Congo Basin), and Asia           duction, are major drivers of carbon capture
(largely in Southeast Asia), where they cover      and storage through the young, growing trees
roughly 2.3 billion hectares. Boreal forests,      they hold and the wood products that they
about 1.1 billion hectares in total, are found     yield. Other forest types include those that
in the coldest regions, mostly North America,      have limited or no commercial activities to-
Northern Europe, and Russia. Temperate for-        day, such as inaccessible primary forests and
ests are located between tropical and boreal       mixed-use forests. Primary forests are forests
forests, covering roughly 600 million hectares     with high levels of biodiversity but no visible

                                                                                      Boston Consulting Group | 5
Exhibit 1 | Forests Worldwide Cover Roughly Four Billion Hectares

                                        752                                                                   841

                                     North and                          Europe                                 CIS
                                   Central America

                                        829                              609                                  580


 2019 world forest                 South America                         Africa                                Asia                       Oceania
  area (millions
   of hectares)
                                     Tropical         Temperate          Boreal      ### Forest area in millions of hectares

 Source: UN Food and Agriculture Organization Global Forest Resources Assessment 2015.
 Note: Area extrapolated to 2019 from historical net forest cover change rate for 2005 to 2015. Region totals may not add to the composite total
 because of rounding.

                     indications of human activities. Mixed-use for-                     are a self-sustaining asset that will continue
                     ests have portions that are undisturbed and                         to provide benefits into the future.
                     portions that are used commercially.
                                                                                         Our analysis reveals that the total value of
                                                                                         forests is $50 trillion to $150 trillion—with
                     Quantifying the Value of Forests                                    the upper limit being roughly double the val-
                     Drawing upon previous research, we devel-                           ue of global stock markets and more than ten
                     oped a methodology for valuing forests. This                        times the value of the world’s gold, including
                     exercise can drive a concrete discussion about                      reserves. (See Exhibit 3.) It is worth noting
                     the asset value at risk, the impact of certain                      that this is a conservative estimate; we consis-
                     actions to preserve that value, and, by exten-                      tently used figures based on academic con-
                     sion, the amount we should be willing to                            sensus or, where none existed, the most con-
                     spend to implement those actions.                                   servative values in our calculation. (For
                                                                                         details on the data and sources used in our
                     Our goal was to capture the full value of glob-                     calculation, see the appendix.)
                     al forests, not simply the value that can be ex-
                     tracted through commercial activities such as                       The largest share of forests’ total value—be-
                     harvesting timber. Consequently, our analysis                       tween 65% and 90%—lies in their climate-
                     assesses value in four dimensions—climate-                          regulatory function. Commercial value ac-
                     regulatory, commercial, environmental, and                          counts for the next largest share, and environ-
                     social. We are not looking at the value in just                     mental and social value, in equal amounts,
                     one year; rather, we are calculating the cumu-                      account for the remainder. (See Exhibit 4.)
                     lative value in all four dimensions in perpetu-
                     ity, much as one would in valuing a stock.                          Climate-Regulatory. Trees regulate the
                     This approach makes sense given that forests                        climate in two ways. First, they absorb CO2

6 | The Staggering Value of Forests—and How to Save Them
Exhibit 2 | Three Types of Forest Biomes: Tropical, Temperate, and Boreal

                                              Tropical                           Temperate                               Boreal

                                                Brazilian                                 Germany's                             Russian
                  Examples                      Amazon                                    Black Forest                          Taiga


                                                                           Eastern North America,
                                                                                                                 Broad belt of Eurasia
      Geographical location       Near the equator                         northeastern Asia, and
                                                                                                                 and North America
                                                                           western and central Europe

  Area (millions of hectares)                                  2,299                596                                         1,087

   Available timber volume
                                                               121                                   112                             77
  (cubic meters per hectare)

  Commercial use of wood
  (cubic meters per hectare                        1.5                                                   2.6              0.8
                  per year)

             Carbon storage
                                                               91                           53                                  41
           (tons per hectare)

                      Trees         45,000                                  1,500                                 160
      hectare)     Animals                                  15,000,000      7,000                                 3,000

  Sources: UN Food and Agriculture Organization Global Forest Resources Assessment 2015; UN Food and Agriculture Organization STAT data
  (2017); University of California Museum of Paleontology; ZDF documentary “Faszination der Wälder” (2017).
   Includes subtropical and Mediterranean forests.
   Refers to growing stock (i.e., volume of all living trees).
   Data on wood in tons was converted to cubic meters using a conversion factor of 1.4.
   Includes living biomass above and below ground.

from the air, store the resulting carbon in                     the current 50-day moving average of the car-
their biomass, and release oxygen into the air.                 bon price in the EU, while the higher figure is
Second, they play a significant role in regulat-                the price necessary to keep global warming
ing temperature and precipitation.                              below 1.5°C by 2030 according to the Inter-
                                                                governmental Panel on Climate Change
We quantified the first component by deter-                     (IPCC).
mining the amount of carbon currently
stored in tree biomass. On the basis of that                    We excluded from our calculation timber that
figure, we calculated the CO2 emissions that                    has been removed from forests but still exists
existing forests have prevented from being re-                  in the form of products such as building mate-
leased into the atmosphere. Those prevented                     rials. Certainly, the carbon in such wood prod-
emissions, roughly 1,000 Gt of CO2 in total,                    ucts also represents a form of carbon storage,
are priced at $27 to $135 per tCO2 to arrive at                 and its impact is especially considerable when
the climate-regulatory value from carbon cap-                   looking at the “substitution effect,” the avoid-
ture and storage. The lower figure represents                   ed CO2 emissions from materials substituted

                                                                                                               Boston Consulting Group | 7
Exhibit 3 | The High End of Forest Value Is Roughly Double That of Global Stock Markets

                 Value in $trillions




                                Forest                 Global stock markets                   Gold                            Oil

                 Sources: Bloomberg (2020); World Gold Council (2020); OPEC (2020); BCG analysis.
                  Based on Bloomberg World Stocks Market Capitalization Index (April 29, 2020).
                  Based on approximately 197,500 metric tons and an average 2020 LBMA gold price of $1,586 per ounce.
                  Based on approximately 1.5 trillion barrels of crude oil reserves and an average OPEC basket price ( January-April 2020) of
                 about $44.

               with wood, such as cement. The European                            Tropical forests, heavily concentrated in
               Forest Institute estimates that every ton of                       South America and Africa, account for a stun-
               wood used in place of non-wood products                            ning three-quarters of that value, thanks to
               represents 1.2 tons of avoided carbon emis-                        several factors. First, they are the largest for-
               sions.1 But given that we focus on the value                       est biome by area (58% of total forest area).
               of forests as they exist today, we did not in-                     Second, they hold a large share of primary
               clude the value of those prevented emissions                       forests, which have the highest carbon densi-
               in our calculation.                                                ty. Third, they have higher tree biomass than
                                                                                  other biomes. That translates into carbon
               Although a clear methodology exists for de-                        storage per hectare of roughly 90 tons, more
               termining the carbon capture and storage val-                      than double that of boreal forests.
               ue of trees, the value created by their role in
               lowering temperatures and regulating precip-                       Environmental. Forests help manage natural
               itation is trickier to quantify. Transpiration                     systems. Trees, for example, absorb harmful
               and evaporation of water stored in forests                         particles and help provide clean water by
               help regulate heat flows and aid in the forma-                     filtering it. They also help prevent or regulate
               tion of precipitation. A loss in forested area                     natural disturbances, providing protection
               can influence this cycle and lead to a signifi-                    from soil erosion, rock falls, and high tides,
               cant reduction in local rainfall.2 However, giv-                   for example. In coastal areas, forests such as
               en the complexity of forests’ impact on pre-                       mangroves shelter local populations from
               cipitation and the complex spillover effects,                      tsunamis. Forests also provide critical support
               we did not quantify this value.                                    of species-related and genetic diversity.

               The capability of forests to regulate climate                      We based our environmental valuation on
               through carbon capture and storage is the                          avoided costs, such as what it would cost to
               most important factor in our value assess-                         filter water through a mechanical process, the
               ment, accounting for 65% to 90% of the total                       healthcare costs that would result from high-
               value of forests.                                                  er air pollution levels, and the increased

8 | The Staggering Value of Forests—and How to Save Them
Exhibit 4 | The Majority of Quantified Forest Value Lies in Climate Regulation

  % of total forest value/$T


      Total forest value       Climate-regulatory        Environmental              Commercial                  Social
           in 2020                  value                   value                   value                     value

                                                        Value element not quantified

  Sources: United Nations; Markets Insider; BCG analysis.
  Note: All values are rounded; all values are perpetuated annual values, with the exception of climate regulation, which
  reflects current carbon stock in forests.
  1Carbon stock valuation; underlying carbon price range: 27–135 $/tCO2; does not quantify temperature regulation.
  2Does not quantify biodiversity or soil nutrient cycling.
  3Does not quantify intangible value of forests.

disturbance-related costs that would be in-                        The environmental value of forests in our cal-
curred without forests.                                            culation is about 2% to 7% of the total. The
                                                                   value from air purification is the most signifi-
Calculating the value associated with biodi-                       cant, followed by that of watershed services.
versity support is more challenging. Biodiver-                     The latter is especially important in Asia,
sity exists on multiple levels. It is reflected in                 which accounts for more than 60% of the vol-
the different types of ecosystems, including                       ume of fresh water that is withdrawn global-
forests, around the world, in the variability                      ly. The disturbance regulation value is a small
and abundance of species within those eco-                         part of the total, but it can be critical in such
systems, and in the diversity of genes within                      regions as Asia and Oceania, where forests re-
those species. The details of how biodiversity                     duce damage from landslides and cyclones.
works within and across ecosystems are not
fully understood. But we do know that forests                      Commercial. The commercial value of forests
both rely on biodiversity (to remain healthy)                      stems from profits generated by their use in
and provide biodiversity (by offering habitat                      the production of certain products. These
that supports species and genetic variety). In                     profits, distributed among players along the
addition, biodiversity has a direct impact on a                    production chain, including forest manage-
forest’s ability to provide benefits such as dis-                  ment, harvesting, manufacturing, and retail,
turbance regulation.                                               come largely from wood products and fiber
                                                                   products such as pulp and paper. Each of
Given the fundamental importance and inter-                        these product categories accounts for roughly
relatedness of forests and biodiversity, we ex-                    half of our total estimated commercial value
pect the value of biodiversity to be a multiple                    of 5% to 20% of total forest value. Non-wood
of our total forest value estimate. We exclud-                     forest products such as food and animal-
ed this factor from our environmental value                        based products (mushrooms, fruits, and
calculation because of the difficulty in isolat-                   honey for example), medical raw materials,
ing its value from that of the other benefits                      and exudates (including latex and gums) are
forests provide.                                                   important raw materials for certain processes

                                                                                                                  Boston Consulting Group | 9
and products. However, they account for a         rely on forests for subsistence—they reside in
               very small share (1%) of forests’ commercial      and live off forest resources.3 We based the
               value.                                            calculation of this subsistence value on what
                                                                 those individuals would need to pay for
               Interestingly, Europe and Asia jointly account    things like housing and food if they lived in a
               for almost half of forest economic value but      nonforested rural community. Second, forests
               only 20% of global forest area. That’s because    provide jobs and income to another 12.6
               they each hold a relatively high share of the     million people worldwide who work in the
               world’s productive forests and have very effi-    forest industry.4 We calculated the personal
               cient commercial forestry operations. Further,    income for this group of people to determine
               both hold a large share of temperate forest,      the associated value. Third, forests offer
               which provides the best conditions for pro-       recreational benefits, which we quantified by
               ductive use in terms of accessibility and rate    considering the travel costs people are willing
               of tree growth. Forest plantations are the        to pay for access to forests.
               most productive type of forest in terms of
               commercial output, accounting for only 3% of      Forests certainly have significant intangible so-
               total forest area but 12% of total forest com-    cial value as well, for example the psychologi-
               mercial value.                                    cal and emotional benefits that the mere pres-
                                                                 ence of forests provide to humanity. This value,
               If anything, the commercial value of forests is   however, is difficult to quantify accurately, and
               likely to increase. To meet the demands of a      we do not include it in our valuation.
               growing population while decarbonizing the
               global economy, humanity must increasingly        Social value constitutes 2% to 7% of total for-
               rely on nature-based solutions—what is            est value, and the vast majority of that value
               called the “circular bioeconomy.” Forest-         comes from subsistence use of forests and for-
               based products are at the heart of multiple       estry employment. Recreational value is a
               industries in the circular bioeconomy, includ-    very small percentage.
               ing bioenergy, biofuels, textiles, building ma-
               terials, chemicals, and packaging. And with       By far the largest share of global social value
               the World Business Council for Sustainable        comes from tropical forests in Asia and Afri-
               Development projecting that the circular bio-     ca, where the forest products industry is a
               economy will grow to $7.7 trillion by 2030,       major employer and large numbers of people
               forest-based products will be in increasing de-   also live in and rely on the forest for their
               mand. In order to avoid a loss of forest value    livelihood. Only a small share of forestry em-
               in other dimensions, such demand must be          ployees and forest-dependent people are
               met through sustainably harvested timber.         from South American countries.

               Social. The social value of forests has several
               components. First, nearly 200 million people

10 | The Staggering Value of Forests—and How to Save Them

F   orests are disappearing at a rapid
    pace—we lose an area equivalent to
40,000 soccer fields every day. These heavy
                                                   ter of 2020, reaching an all-time high.5 Similar
                                                   trends have been reported in other areas and
                                                   countries that are subject to deforestation, in-
losses are driven by a number of threats that      cluding Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Republic
destroy the value of forests through deforesta-    of the Congo.
tion, degradation, or both. (See Exhibit 5.) We
studied each threat and, extrapolating from
current trends, calculated the potential           Land-Use Changes
impact each is likely to have on forest value      Our analysis shows that land-use changes,
between now and 2050.                              through the deforestation of 425 million hect-
                                                   ares, will account for 14% of forest value loss.
Our analysis yielded sobering results. On the      There are three key elements to this threat.
current trajectory, one-third of forest value      First, and most significantly, forests are being
will be lost by 2050. The major culprits: land-    removed so that land can be used for large-
use change and rising temperatures. (See Ex-       scale production of commodities, primarily
hibit 6.) Although wildfires are responsible       through agriculture but also through mining.
for 23% of annual forest loss, most of this is     Second, use of the “shifting agriculture” mod-
temporary loss. Understandably, wildfires of-      el in small-scale subsistence farming involves
ten dominate the news, but they are likely to      clearing land for farming for a limited period.
account for less than 1% of forest value de-       Third, urbanization in many parts of the
struction over the next thirty years. In gener-    world is leading to the destruction of signifi-
al, tropical forests, which account for a large    cant amounts of forest to pave the way for
portion of overall value, face the greatest        new cities or the expansion of existing ones.
potential loss, with land-use change and ris-      In all three cases, responsible parties gain
ing temperatures the biggest threats. Temper-      more direct benefits (in terms of money or
ate and boreal forests are also at risk, primar-   food) from converting land than from leaving
ily from logging and abiotic and biotic            the area forested.
                                                   Large-scale agriculture is a particularly sig-
The COVID-19 crisis has exacerbated forest         nificant factor. Indeed, the top three com-
loss. The crisis led to less aggressive law en-    modities driving deforestation are palm oil,
forcement and relaxed regulations in some          soy, and beef. Meat consumption alone, in-
locations. Deforestation in the Amazon, for        cluding beef, poultry, and pork, is currently
example, increased by 107% in the first quar-      responsible for more than 2 million hectares

                                                                                    Boston Consulting Group | 11
Exhibit 5 | Five Key Threats Put Forest Value at Risk

       Land-use                  Rising                Unsustainable                     Abiotic                   Biotic
        change                temperatures                logging                     disturbances             disturbances
        Permanent            Forest biomes shift          Unsustainable              Disruption of forest    Disruption of forest
  conversion of forested        due to climate        removal of wood from          health from increased   health from increased
   area for agriculture,     change, which leads      natural forests for the       impact of wind-throw,      impact of pests,
       mining, and            to a loss of tropical     commercial use of            floods, and wildfires    diseases, and invasive
     urbanization—                 forest area           forest resources                                          species
     cleared through
      cutting or fire

 Source: BCG analysis.

                    of deforestation annually. This includes the                13% of the projected decline in total value
                    clearing of forest for use as pastureland and               through deforestation of roughly 400 million
                    for soy cultivation (some 80% of soy produc-                hectares. The trend is expected to lead to
                    tion is used in animal feed). As the global                 widespread deforestation in the tropics as for-
                    population expands and incomes rise in the                  ests in those areas die and essentially be-
                    years ahead, the rate of deforestation associ-              come deserts. Rising temperatures will cer-
                    ated with meat consumption is likely to grow                tainly have some countervailing effects. Some
                    significantly, if no action is taken.                       areas, such as those in which permafrost
                                                                                thaws, may become more forested. And high-
                    At the same time, shifting agriculture, the                 er CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere (a
                    conversion of small- or medium-scale forests                leading cause of temperature rise) may in-
                    and shrub land to temporary farmland, also                  crease forest growth rates (the “fertilizer ef-
                    contributes to deforestation. Under shifting                fect”). Still, the net impact on forest value will
                    agriculture, the land is farmed for a period                be negative.6
                    and then left fallow, often followed by a re-
                    sumption of farming or the regrowth of for-                 Rising temperatures will also have indirect
                    est. Although this practice allows for refor-               effects on forest value. They may reduce wa-
                    estation (the planting of trees in an area that             ter and air purification and other environ-
                    was previously forested), that can take a long              mental benefits of forests without necessarily
                    time, roughly 15 years or so. In addition, in               leading to complete deforestation. Higher
                    countries with fast-growing populations, such               temperatures will further exacerbate other
                    as the Democratic Republic of Congo, the                    disturbances: faster growth of pest popula-
                    pressure for agricultural output increases and              tions puts more strain on forests, and rising
                    fallow periods get shorter, ultimately leading              sea levels lead to forest death through salini-
                    to depletion of the soil and poor prospects                 zation of soil. Given the difficulty in isolating
                    for reforestation. The shifting agriculture                 and valuing the net impact of such indirect
                    model is the dominant system in tropical de-                effects, we excluded them from our analysis.
                    veloping countries where the quality of soil is
                    low and farmers have limited access to fertil-
                    izers and sustainable farming practices.                    Unsustainable Logging
                                                                                The rising demand for forest products is ex-
                                                                                pected to trigger more unsustainable logging,
                    Rising Temperatures                                         activity that we project will remove an
                    An increase in global temperatures, and the                 amount of wood equivalent to 65 million
                    resulting decrease in precipitation, will have a            hectares of forest. Such activity will account
                    major impact on forests, accounting for about               for 3% of the total decline in forest value.

12 | The Staggering Value of Forests—and How to Save Them
Exhibit 6 | Roughly 30% of Forest Value May Be Lost by 2050
  % of total 2020 forest value threatened


                                                                                                                                              ~ –32%
                              ≈425 million
                                hectares                                3%
                                                                                               1%                   1%
                                                ≈400 million
                                                 hectares           ≈65 million           ≈35 million          ≈20 million
                                                                      hectares             hectares            hectares

         Total 2020             Land-use           Rising          Unsustainable       Abiotic disturbances   Biotic disturbances    Total 2050
        forest value             change         temperatures          logging             (e.g., wildfires)        (e.g., pests)     forest value

                                                                  ≈ xx Impacted area

  Sources: “Supplementary Data for Forest Restoration Potential,” ETH Zurich, 2019; Global Forest Watch dashboards (,
  2019; L. Soerensen/UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre, 2007; BCG analysis.
   Gross loss of forest area; no afforestation assumed on areas newly available due to rising temperatures (e.g., thawed permafrost areas).
   Refers to forest area where amount of growing stock is equal to logged wood (4 billion tons); does not imply deforestation.
   Refers to additionally degraded area compared with today.

Unsustainable logging involves the excessive                     through 2015 reveals that the area burned
harvesting of trees and leads to significant                     each year actually decreased over that 17-year
degradation (reduction in a forest’s ability to                  period.7
provide services such as air and water purifi-
cation) and even deforestation. It is often                      Going forward, however, a majority of studies
driven by volatile timber prices (which incen-                   predict an overall increase in burned area
tivize high-volume logging when prices are                       and/or fire intensity due to a warmer and dri-
high), unclear ownership rights (which con-                      er climate. And as recent events in Australia
tributes to illegal logging), a lack of long-term                have proven, such a development would pose
management plans from public- or private-                        a significant threat to biodiversity. Still, given
sector forest owners, or subsistence use of                      the uncertainty and complexity of climate
wood by economically disadvantaged                               models, and the fact that rising temperatures
populations.                                                     could increase precipitation and therefore re-
                                                                 duce wildfires in tropical areas, the ultimate
                                                                 trajectory of global wildfires is difficult to
Abiotic Disturbances                                             predict.8
Abiotic, or nonbiological, events such as ex-
treme storms or wildfires are projected to ac-
count for roughly 1% of forest value loss                        Biotic Disturbances
through the degradation of an additional 35                      Although threats from pests, diseases, and in-
million hectares. Although wildfires have dev-                   vasive species are on the rise around the
astating effects on local populations, they are                  world, they are expected to account for only
generally natural events in forest ecosystems,                   roughly 1% of the value deterioration be-
returning nutrients to the soil from decaying                    tween now and 2050, through the degradation
plants and allowing growth of native species.                    of an additional 20 million hectares. The rela-
And contrary to the impression left by much of                   tive importance of this threat is highly depen-
the media coverage, historical data from 1998                    dent on the region, of course. For instance, in

                                                                                                                Boston Consulting Group | 13
the past two decades, reduced tree diversity   timber industry in these regions. Although cli-
               and rising temperatures have fueled the ex-    mate change will have a major impact on the
               pansion of pine and spruce beetle outbreaks    extent and intensity of biotic disturbances
               across North America, Europe, and Siberia,     well beyond 2050, it is difficult to forecast
               causing millions of dollars of damage to the   those effects today.

14 | The Staggering Value of Forests—and How to Save Them
                                       GLOBAL FORESTS

T   he current range of threats to forests
    around the world requires aggressive and
immediate action by all stakeholders. Con-
                                                 ic backgrounds. Action by governments and
                                                 the private sector—including investors—is
                                                 particularly vital. (See the sidebar “The Role
crete actions can be taken today to address      of Investors.”)
these threats. We zeroed in on actions in six
areas that can have significant impact. These    Even if we take ambitious action in all of the
actions take aim at the threats outlined         areas described here, our model shows a val-
above, either directly (by restoring forest      ue loss of 10%. Preserving, or even bolstering,
area, for example) or indirectly, by reducing    the total value of forests today would require
the drivers of deforestation. (See Exhibit 7.)   more aggressive action: we would need to not
                                                 only start managing all existing productive
As detailed below, we have based our projec-     and mixed-use forests (an area of more than
tions on ambitious but feasible assumptions.     2.7 billion hectares) sustainably but also af-
Those assumptions largely reflect existing       forest and reestablish forests on about 900
commitments and goals as outlined by play-       million hectares—all the land, including pri-
ers in the global community. Under this sce-     vate holdings, available for such activities to-
nario, forest value loss can be reduced from     day.9 To implement measures on such a large
roughly 30% to 10%. That equates to the pres-    scale, we would need a much greater commit-
ervation of $30 trillion in value—an amount      ment from public- and private-sector leaders
roughly six times the combined value of Ap-      than is currently evident.
ple, Microsoft, Amazon, Alphabet, and Face-
book. (See Exhibit 8.) Given that the overall
value does not include components such as        Restore and Plant Forests and
biodiversity, it is likely the value preserved   Manage Existing Forests Sustainably
through these measures could be even higher.     The largest impact of our six areas for action
                                                 comes from driving sustainable management
We focused our recommendations on four           of forests through large-scale restoration and
key stakeholder groups: governments, both        afforestation (the planting of trees in an area
those in countries with significant forest ar-   that was not previously forested) and the es-
eas and those in countries with less forested    tablishment of the right incentives and regu-
acreage but a commitment to preservation of      lations to promote sustainable practices in ex-
global forests; NGOs, including both interna-    isting forests. In total, these efforts can
tional and local organizations; the private      reverse about one-third of value loss, preserv-
sector; and consumers from all socioeconom-      ing 13% of current forest value.

                                                                                  Boston Consulting Group | 15
Exhibit 7 | Action in Six Areas Can Preserve Forest Value

 Plant, restore,         Boost sustainable             Promote              Reduce            Push recycling           Limit
 manage forests           and productive              sustainable            meat                of wood           temperature
  sustainably               agriculture                sourcing           consumption           products             increase
  Increase health                 Reduce             Fully eliminate     Limit meat-driven      Increase the        Keep global
   of productive             deforestation          deforestation for     deforestation by   share of recycled   temperature rise
  forests through             from shifting         key commodities        reducing meat        wood-based
Exhibit 8 | Action in Six Areas Can Prevent Two-Thirds of Projected Value Loss

  Value savings categories (% of total 2020 forest value)

                                                                                                                             3%                       –10%
                                                                                                   2%          2%                         Overlap
                                                                    3%                                       ≈25 M ha
                                                                                                                          ≈90 M ha
                    ~32%                            13%                                          ≈50 M ha
                                                                                 ≈75 M ha
                                                                 ≈100 M ha

                                                 ≈300 M ha

                                                      1              2                3             4           5             6
      2020           Value        2050 value    Plant, restore,     Boost         Promote        Reduce        Push           Limit      2050 value
  forest value        loss        at current    and manage       sustainable     sustainable      meat       recycling    temperature       with
                                    trends         forests      and productive    sourcing     consumption    of wood      increase to    actions
                                                 sustainably      agriculture                                products    less than 2°C     taken

                                                                         ≈ xx Avoided loss

  Source: BCG analysis.
  Note: Uplift potential does not reflect costs associated with levers; figures are rounded, and the sum of the value preservation percentages
  exceeds the total impact of the actions (22%) because there is overlapping impact for actions 2 through 4 that totals 3%.
   Action also includes sustainable forest management on about 200 million hectares of existing forest.
   Refers to forest area with an amount of growing stock equal to the amount of fresh wood saved through recycling (1.5 billion tons). This estimate
  does not suggest that, without recycling, deforestation of 25 hectares would occur.

To drive large-scale restoration and afforesta-                        to ensure that these forest areas are managed
tion initiatives, governments need to leverage                         sustainably and thus preserved in the long
both public- and private-sector resources.                             term. Consider Turkey’s ambitious initiative
They should integrate such initiatives into                            in 2019 that involved the planting of more
budget planning at national and subnational                            than 300,000 saplings in a single location in
levels through tools such as “ecological fiscal                        one hour. Nearly 90% of those trees died
transfers,” which allocate tax revenues to for-                        within a few months, most likely owing to
est owners based on the maintenance and                                poor timing of the planting and the selection
expansion of forest areas. At the same time,                           of a location with insufficient precipitation.11
they should find ways to fund restoration and                          Such projects should be planned with a holis-
afforestation initiatives through blended fi-                          tic view of existing forest landscapes. In addi-
nance, an approach that uses public resources                          tion, every project should include a clear de-
(in the form of insurance, for example) to at-                         lineation of whether restored or newly
tract private investment. The Land Degrada-                            planted areas will be used primarily for wood
tion Neutrality Fund, for instance, is an in-                          production or for the establishment of pro-
vestment vehicle that raises public, private,                          tected areas to support biodiversity and other
and philanthropic capital for land restoration                         environmental benefits. Such protected areas
projects implemented by the private sector.                            should be used to strategically link forest is-
The fund lowers private investment risk                                lands, forested areas that are too small to sus-
through public money from “de-risking part-                            tain biodiversity and are more likely to dry
ners,” such as the government of Luxem-                                out and become susceptible to disturbances
bourg, who cover more risky measures and                               such as wildfires.
give priority in the payment of returns to pri-
vate investors.                                                        Large-scale restoration and afforestation proj-
                                                                       ects, however, will not be enough. Govern-
All publicly funded restoration and afforesta-                         ments must also create a system that sup-
tion efforts must be combined with incen-                              ports the development of sustainable and
tives and rigorous outcome-based monitoring                            increasingly productive commercial forestry

                                                                                                                    Boston Consulting Group | 17
                  Large investors are increasingly making          on sustainable timber proceeds or other
                  capital allocation decisions to both miti-       forest products, sale of carbon offsets, or
                  gate environmental and societal risk in          leasing or sales of land for conservation.
                  their portfolios and advance critical
                  societal goals. They are motivated by            Investors can be catalysts for even more
                  mounting evidence that companies with            progress in the years ahead. Sustainable
                  strong environmental, social, and gover-         forestry funds, for example, are a relatively
                  nance performance can also outperform            small asset category despite their attrac-
                  financially. When it comes to the protection     tiveness. Policymakers should build a
                  of the world’s forests, they are making an       regulatory environment that incentivizes
                  impact in two main ways.                         (or requires) investors to take sustainability
                                                                   into account and promotes further develop-
                  First, some leading investors are encourag-      ment of the market. This can include the
                  ing companies to commit to sustainable,          development of a robust market for
                  deforestation-free supply chains and are         forest-backed securities and open-ended
                  steering their investments toward those          sustainable forestry funds that provide
                  public companies that do. In the fall of         more liquidity than their closed counter-
                  2019, investors with a total of $16.2 trillion   parts. Governments and NGOs can also
                  of assets under management signed an             ensure improved access to information on
                  open letter urging companies to prevent          sustainable forestry investment opportuni-
                  deforestation. Such action could have            ties for investors, reducing the need for a
                  significant impact. According to CPG, a          resource-intensive, detailed due diligence
                  nonprofit that runs the global environmen-       and the level of perceived risk in a current-
                  tal disclosure system, more than $940            ly complex investment landscape. At the
                  billion of public company revenue is             same time, large investors need to contin-
                  dependent on forest-risk commodities.            ue to push the public companies in their
                                                                   portfolio to take aggressive action on
                  Second, investors are putting some funds         deforestation. Such action can make
                  directly to work in sustainable forestry         institutional investors a potent force for
                  funds. These funds generate revenue based        forest preservation.

               operations. A robust commercial forestry sec-       will help to stabilize timber prices and reduce
               tor can drive increased investment in resto-        the tendency of commercial operators to
               ration and afforestation, spur innovation and       overharvest.
               efficiency in managing healthy and produc-
               tive forests, and establish incentives to pro-      Such a benefit, however, will depend on the
               tect them at a local level.                         degree to which wood-based products come
                                                                   from sustainably managed forests. After all,
               This should start with steps to advance the         unsustainable logging will drive degradation
               development of the wood-based products              or ultimately even deforestation, regardless of
               market. Governments can do this through             how the end product is used.
               multiple actions, including the promotion of
               long-term uses of wood, such as in construc-        That’s why governments need to marry their
               tion, and requiring a certain share of wood-        support of the wood-based products market
               based materials in public procurement. In ad-       with policies that drive an expansion of sus-
               dition, governments in regions where access         tainable forestry. They should establish policy
               to commercial forests is limited may need to        and regulatory frameworks that include clear
               invest in infrastructure such as road construc-     standards for sustainable forestry and trade
               tion and maintenance. Ultimately, action to         regulations that favor sustainably harvested
               support steady demand for wood products             wood. They must also clarify and secure land

18 | The Staggering Value of Forests—and How to Save Them
Exhibit 9 | Key Requirements and Practices of Sustainable Forest Management

   Pillar                  Requirement                    Practice

                                                          • Undertake management planning at appropriate levels
                                                          • Periodically revise management levels
                                                          • Make summary of plan publicly available

                                                          • Set harvest rates at sustainable levels
                           Sustained yields
   Economic                                               • Maintain record of actual production
                           of forest products
                                                          • Justify choice of silvicultural system

                                                          • Conserve diversity at genetic, species, and ecosystem levels
                           Conservation of
                                                          • Establish conservation zones and protected areas
                                                          • Avoid genetically modified organisms

                                                          • Adopt integrated pest management
                           Reduced use of
   Ecological                                             • Employ appropriate procedures for handling, storage, and disposal of chemicals
                                                          • Provide training and equipment for chemical use

                                                          • Uphold legal and customary rights of local communities
                           Recognition of
                                                          • Protect sites of special importance to indigenous people
                           rights and cultures
                                                          • Compensate indigenous people for knowledge application

                                                          • Meet or exceed all applicable labor laws
                           Relations with
     Social                                               • Provide adequate training for all staff
                                                          • Strive to strengthen and diversify the local economy

 Sources: “Global Forest Resources Assessment 2015,” Forest Ecology and Management, September 2015; L.Tacconi et al., “National and international
 policies to control illegal forest activities,” Center for International Forest Research, Jakarta, 2003; BCG analysis.

ownership rights—without which commercial                        NGOs. Nongovernmental organizations
operators will not make the investments re-                      should continue to research and share their
quired to operate sustainably. Governments                       expertise with other stakeholders to maxi-
must ensure that their regulatory approach is                    mize the impact of restoration and afforesta-
consistent; unpredictable changes make it                        tion initiatives. For example, they can work
difficult for commercial operators to plan for                   with the private sector to identify and devel-
the long term. And they should avoid exces-                      op technology-based solutions for sustainable
sive bureaucracy and such interventions as                       forest management or identify and help scale
subsidies for wood-based bioenergy, which                        new funding mechanisms. In countries where
distort market prices.                                           there is no public body equipped to drive
                                                                 restoration and afforestation projects, non-
At the same time, governments can look for                       governmental organizations should also help
new, innovative ways to support sustainable                      design and monitor such efforts. They can, for
forestry. They can, for example, establish                       example, facilitate landscape planning
schemes such as ecosystem service payments,                      initiatives, projects where NGOs and public
which provide remuneration to forest owners                      and private actors come up with a compre-
who use sustainable practices for the public                     hensive land use plan based on social,
benefits their forests provide. These pay-                       commercial, and environmental goals.
ments can in some cases be funded by reve-
nues generated by taxes on CO2 emissions. In                     Further, NGOs should encourage and facili-
Germany, one state is exploring a program                        tate donations for afforestation projects
under which the government would redirect                        through initiatives such as the Trillion Tree
tax revenues to private forest owners on the                     Campaign, a program that links donors with
basis of the value of the ecological benefits                    forest conservation ventures around the
that those forests provide.                                      world.

                                                                                                             Boston Consulting Group | 19
Private Sector. As governments create the         bonizing operations with currently available
               right incentive structure, companies and          technology is still challenging.
               investors should embrace sustainable forest
               management and productivity-boosting
               measures in their commercial forestry opera-      Boost Sustainable
               tions. Such practices will enhance revenues       and Productive Agriculture
               and lower risks by reducing forests’ suscepti-    A movement toward permanent, sustainable
               bility to disturbances, lowering costs for        agricultural cultivation, and away from shift-
               protecting and planting through natural           ing cultivation, and the adoption of more pro-
               regeneration, and promoting continuous and        ductive farming practices reduce the need for
               improved timber yields. Plantations in            farmers to clear forested land for agriculture.
               particular must be managed in a way that          We believe aggressive moves in both areas
               creates more diversity in tree types and that     can reduce deforestation by up to 100 million
               adjusts the composition of tree species (what     hectares by 2050, preserving roughly 3% of
               is known as “assisted migration”) toward the      today’s forest value.
               varieties that are most likely to thrive as
               temperatures rise and, potentially, those that    Transforming agricultural practices, however,
               also maximize CO2 capture.                        is not a matter of simply giving farmers infor-
                                                                 mation on more productive, permanent culti-
               Forestry companies can increase the produc-       vation techniques. Shifting agriculture today
               tivity of their sustainably managed forests by    is deeply rooted in the traditions and heritage
               adopting solutions such as genetic improve-       of many developing countries. There are very
               ment, plant breeding, and precision forestry.     tangible obstacles to encouraging permanent
               However, the development and application of       cultivation, including poor soil quality, a lack
               technology-based solutions in forestry (laser     of infrastructure and market access, inade-
               scanning to track forest inventory, for exam-     quate credit availability, and lack of clarity
               ple) lags behind that in comparable sectors       around property rights.
               such as agriculture. Startups and established
               forestry players should push to develop tools     Governments. In order to enable a movement
               and gain an early mover advantage.                away from shifting agriculture, governments
                                                                 in countries where the practice is prevalent
               In addition, commercial forestry players can      must create conditions under which farmers,
               acquire and cultivate trees on land that was      especially smallholders, can take such action
               previously used for other purposes, including     without risking their subsistence.
               marginally productive farmland or land that
               was previously covered by permafrost but is       The public sector should promote long-term
               now suitable for planting thanks to rising        investments by clarifying property rights. Fur-
               temperatures. The latter category is likely to    ther, they should provide independent train-
               involve as much as 150 million hectares by        ing and technical assistance to help farmers
               2050.12 And they should develop long-term         be more successful over the long term by lim-
               applications for a wide range of wood types       iting their dependence on agriculture-related
               on the basis of both the natural attributes of    companies.
               the tree and its resilience in the face of cli-
               mate change.                                      Governments should also provide direct fi-
                                                                 nancial support for farmers. They can, for ex-
               Companies can also lead or support afforesta-     ample, provide funding assistance for invest-
               tion initiatives as a way to accelerate their     ments in agricultural input, such as fertilizers,
               progress in becoming carbon neutral, an ef-       and establish a financial safety net for farm-
               fort that may be driven by legal require-         ers against crop failures. At the same time,
               ments, the demands of investors or consum-        governments should require that farmers who
               ers, or voluntary commitments. This is            receive financial support adopt sustainable
               particularly true for industries such as air-     farming practices that will limit environmen-
               lines and petrochemicals, where the environ-      tal degradation. This includes agroforestry, a
               mental pressure is highest and where decar-       popular approach in the tropics that involves

20 | The Staggering Value of Forests—and How to Save Them
integrating trees and shrubs into farmland as       Food companies, for example, can expand
a way to preserve biodiversity. Further, gov-       their network of smallholder farmers. Such
ernments should ensure that the regional            efforts can have dual benefits, helping to
market infrastructure is adequate to handle         improve the productivity and sustainability of
increased agricultural output from both pro-        those farm operations while making the
ductivity improvements and the shift toward         supply chain more resilient.
permanent agriculture.
                                                    In addition to supporting the move toward
Governments should also address the poten-          permanent agriculture, technology-based
tial negative ripple effect of increased agricul-   companies can improve agricultural produc-
tural productivity. As productivity improves,       tivity by developing tools that expand the
returns on a hectare of land increase—mak-          time periods when crops can be grown. These
ing the opportunity costs to farmers for pre-       tools include precision watering, analytics-
serving forested acreage even more steep.           optimized LED lighting, and hydroponics
Therefore, governments should include farm-         (growing plants in a nutrient-rich solution
ers in their discussion of afforestation and        rather than soil). They can also invest in tech-
restoration initiatives and possible financial      nologies, such as saltwater-cooled greenhous-
compensation mechanisms for those preserv-          es, that have the potential to turn unproduc-
ing forests on their land.                          tive areas such as deserts into arable land.

And governments should track their overall
progress in promoting permanent agriculture,        Promote Sustainable Sourcing
employing satellite-based and other data to         Right now, more than 3 million hectares of
develop sophisticated monitoring systems.           forest are lost every year for the production
                                                    of just four commodities: soy, palm oil, beef,
NGOs. Nongovernmental organizations can             and timber (a significant share of which is
run design courses and workshops on perma-          used for fuelwood). We estimate that 75 mil-
nent cultivation, as well as community-based        lion hectares of deforestation driven by these
projects focused on watershed and soil              “forest-risk” commodities can be avoided by
management, tree-based farming, diversified         2050, preserving roughly 2% of current forest
cropping, animal integration, and seed saving.      value. That projection assumes that the pro-
Such programs will also reduce food loss by         duction of these commodities becomes
minimizing the need for farmers to harvest          deforestation-free by 2050. This estimate may
crops prematurely in order to address a cash        prove to be conservative, given that many or-
flow crunch.                                        ganizations, including companies, NGOs, and
                                                    governments, are advocating for these com-
In addition, NGOs can shape the dialogue            modities to be deforestation-free by 2030.
around deforestation in a way that encourag-        While there is a role for all stakeholders, the
es collaboration by farmers, governments,           poor transparency within forest-risk supply
and conservationists. Often, public communi-        chains makes it difficult for consumers to
cation by NGOs, intended to raise awareness         have an impact. The responsibility for sus-
on the causes of deforestation, seems to re-        tainable sourcing lies most prominently with
flect the perspective of developed countries        governments and the private sector.
and does not account for some of the com-
plexities in developing countries, including        Governments. Governments must create a
the expanding need for arable land. Such            regulatory environment that enables, pro-
messaging often triggers a blame game rather        motes, and forces change in the private sector.
than the constructive development of com-           Extensive analysis of 500 companies that play
mon solutions.                                      major roles in the forest-risk commodities
                                                    supply chain shows that only a fraction have
Private Sector. Companies and investors             been able to make their supply chains
should support farmers in order to accelerate       deforestation-free over the past decade.
the move away from the shifting agriculture         Voluntary commitments alone have proven
model to permanent cultivation systems.             insufficient: Despite growth in the number of

                                                                                     Boston Consulting Group | 21
deforestation commitments of 63% from 2014         financial institutions will be required to con-
               through 2018, average annual forest loss has       duct due diligence to ensure they are not sup-
               increased by 44% over the same period.             porting practices or companies that contrib-
               That’s why legally binding regulation is           ute to deforestation.
               critically necessary to level the playing field
               among all players in the supply chain for          Governments must also ensure that both do-
               forest-risk commodities and penalize and           mestic and trade regulations are designed to
               incentivize change on the ground.                  minimize unintended consequences—spill-
                                                                  over effects that can arise in a number of
               There are two levels of regulations that sup-      ways. First, developed countries that put
               port sustainable sourcing—those aimed at           strict regulations on domestic producers,
               domestic production and those related to im-       without similar rules on imports, can end up
               ports. A significant share of beef, for example,   having little net impact on deforestation be-
               is consumed in the country where it is pro-        cause they essentially transfer unsustainable
               duced—making domestic regulations critical.        practices from their shores to countries (often
               At the same time, roughly 25% to 30% of            those in the developing world) that do not
               products produced in deforested areas are          have strict rules on deforestation. Further-
               sold to international markets, underscoring        more, the new location may have less effi-
               the importance of import regulations.13 If Chi-    cient production and require more land to
               na, for instance, required that all soy import-    generate the same output—worsening the de-
               ed from Brazil and the US be deforestation-        forestation problem. Second, pressure to elim-
               free, it would affect more than 30% of today‘s     inate deforestation impact in one product can
               global soy production. Smaller countries can       shift the problem to other product types. For
               exert influence through multilateral free          example, increased demand for deforesta-
               trade agreements (such as the one between          tion-free soy may result in soy production ex-
               the EU and the Mercosur, a South American          panding to land that was previously used for
               trading block of nations) that cover trade re-     cattle grazing—with cattle farmers then ex-
               lated to forest-risk commodities. These regu-      panding into forested areas. Such displace-
               lations must be based on well-established          ment effects are possible in many product ar-
               certifications, to make it easier for companies    eas. The World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
               to ensure that they are complying with the         calculated that if all the palm oil currently
               regulations.                                       consumed in Germany was replaced with oth-
                                                                  er vegetable oils, it would require five times
               There are clear signs of momentum on both          as much cropland.
               domestic production and import-related de-
               forestation policy. The EU Forest Law Enforce-     In the case of timber, governments can lead
               ment, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Action          by example—for instance by establishing pol-
               Plan, for example, is designed to encourage        icies to ensure that wood sourced for public
               sustainable practices and sourcing among           construction projects has zero deforestation
               both suppliers and buyers of forest-risk com-      impact. While some governments, including
               modities. In 2018, France introduced a Nation-     those in Norway and the state of California,
               al Strategy Against Imported Deforestation to      have already made general deforestation-free
               end the importation of nondurable forest or        commitments, those efforts must be paired
               agricultural products that contribute to defor-    with a robust implementation plan and effec-
               estation by 2030. In 2019, the UK government       tive monitoring.
               established an independent taskforce, the
               Global Resource Initiative (GRI), to develop       NGOs. Nongovernmental organizations such as
               recommendations to reduce deforestation and        the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) play a
               degradation related to agricultural and forest-    vital role in establishing standards related to
               ry products. Having concluded its assessment,      sustainable sourcing and operator certification.
               the GRI has recommended a legally binding          (See the sidebar “The Impact of Certification.”)
               target to make UK supply chains deforestation-
               free as soon as possible—but no later than         NGOs must continuously adapt these certifi-
               2030. As part of that target, businesses and       cations on the basis of market developments

22 | The Staggering Value of Forests—and How to Save Them
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