Page created by Mike Ellis

[Front cover]
    View of Barcelona from the Picornell swimming pools.
    Property: Catalan Tourist Board
    Copyright: Lluís Carro

                                                                                                                                                 THE SPORTS SECTOR
                                                                                                                                                      IN BARCELONA
                                                                                                                                                     AND CATALONIA

                                                                                                                                             BARCELONA, WORLD SPORTS CAPITAL

                                                                                                                                            10 REASONS WHY CATALONIA IS SPORT
                                                                                                                                            01 Sports power: major clubs
                                                                                                                                               and sports practitioners.
                                                                                                                                            02 Organiser of top international
                                                                                                                                               sports events.
                                                                                                                                            03 Top level sports facilities
                                                                                                                                               and infrastructure.
                                                                                                                                            04 Land of sportsmen and women:
                                                                                                                                               talent, training and education.
                                                                                                                                            05 Home of major companies
                                                                                                                                               and leading brands.
                                                                                                                                            06 Headquarter of major foreign
                                                                                                                                               sport companies.
                                                                                                                                            07 Sports tourism: a perfect location
                                                                                                                                               with perfect conditions.
                                                                                                                                            08 Leader on ICT, Health, Design and R&D.
                                                                                                                                            09 The Barcelona brand: much
                                                                                                                                               more than a city.
                                                                                                                                            10 INDESCAT: the Catalan Sports Cluster.

                                                                                                                                                                                     Image courtesy of
                                                                                                                                                                        the Barcelona brand campaign
                                                                                                                                                                          by the Barcelona City Council

2                                                          THE SPORTS SECTOR IN BARCELONA AND CATALONIA   BARCELONA, WORLD SPORTS CAPITAL                                                                 3

    Since the beginning of the 20th century Catalonia has been very actively in-         is Futbol Club Barcelona. It plays a      of the sports that have held some of    This document describes all the assets
    volved in sports, ranging from football to motorsports, and the sports world,        crucial role and has become the best      their most prestigious international    and potential of the sports sector in
    ranging from clubs and social participation to companies and entrepreneurship.       ambassador of Catalonia and Barce-        competitions in Barcelona and Cata-     Catalonia and in Barcelona, giving 10
    This dynamism culminated in the 1990s with the 1992 Olympic Games, but also          lona around the world. Barça is one of    lonia. At the same time, Catalonia is   strategic reasons WHY CATALONIA
    with the internationalisation of Football Club Barcelona, the F1 Championship,       the world’s best-known football clubs     experiencing a massive growth in the    IS SPORT.
    and the development of excellent infrastructures such as the High Performance        and a regular participant in the UEFA     practice of sport and fun runs, with
    Centre (CAR). With all these assets, entrepreneurs and sportspeople, a powerful      Champions League. Barça players are a     local and international participants
    and growing sports industry cluster has developed what is a pole of attraction       good example on how Catalan sports-       in races such as the Zurich Barcelona
    for companies and talent.                                                            men are among the best of the world,      Marathon which has more than 18,000
                                                                                         but the club is also a good example       runners, over 40% from outside Spain.
    The great importance that Catalan         ranch, and the international media.        on how foreign sportsmen are trained
    society attaches to sport has helped      Today, Catalonia and Barcelona hold a      here to succeed internationally. Kilian   Last but not least, this constant
    Catalonia to become a world leader in     leading position in sport, propped up      Jornet (ski mountaineer and long-dis-     spirit of improvement is also shared
    this field, making Barcelona the third    by several pillars described below. But    tance runner) or Pau Gasol (basketball)   by the business sector, another
    most sport-oriented city worldwide.       there is still much to improve and we
    As early as 1926, on his visit to Bar-    are all working together to strengthen     Catalonia is the territory with the greatest concentration of sports
    celona, the founder of the modern         this leading position.
                                                                                         businesses in Europe. It has more than 500 companies linked to sport, which
    Olympic Games Baron Pierre de Cou-
    bertin wrote: “Before my visit to Bar-    One important pillar is the Sant Cugat     represents more than 70% of Spanish production, with a turnover exceeding
    celona, I thought I knew what a sport     CAR, a facility created for the Olympic
                                                                                         4 billion euros and more than 22,000 employees. This growing sector includes
    city was like”.                           Games. It is one of the most advanced
                                              elite sports centres in the world,         a wide variety of industries and accounts for 2.1% of the Catalan GDP1.
    With a large capital, Barcelona, and      receives top athletes and is in charge
    a strong personality, Catalonia has       of training national sportsmen and         are other examples of local talent, and   key pillar. Local sports businesses
    always been defined as a sports coun-     women. Another pillar and a crucial        obvious pillars of the Catalan sports     develop around the organisation of
    try. The 1992 Olympic Games marked        sports facility is the Circuit de Barce-   ecosystem.                                sports events, building and man-
    a turning point in the city’s transfor-   lona-Catalunya. Located near Barce-                                                  aging sports facilities, or designing
    mation and had an impact on an inter-     lona, it hosts prestigious motorsports     In recent years Catalonia and Barce-      and distributing sports goods. Local
    national level. Catalonia showed the      competitions, such as Formula 1 and        lona have showed the world a great        entrepreneurs combine with the
    rest of the world it led the way in the   Moto GP, which have an economic            organisational capacity, hosting some     local headquarters of international
    organisation of great sports events.      impact worth more than 175 million         of the most prestigious sports events.    big brands. The competitiveness of
    In fact, the XXV Olympic Games were       euros a year.                              Football, handball, snowboarding,         this cluster comes from this capac-
    described as “the best of the modern                                                 extreme sports, basketball, horse rid-    ity to combine sport and business,      1
                                                                                                                                                                               El pes econòmic de l’esport a Catalunya.
    era” up to that point by the former       With over 160,000 club members,            ing, tennis, motorsports, swimming,       to attract talent and the atmosphere        Consell Català de l’Esport.
    IOC President, Juan Antonio Sama-         another key pillar of Catalan sport        sailing, athletics and cycling are some   Barcelona inspires.                         Secretaria General de l’Esport.

4                                      THE SPORTS SECTOR IN BARCELONA AND CATALONIA      BARCELONA, WORLD SPORTS CAPITAL                                                                                                  5
01           SPORTS POWER: MAJOR
                 CLUBS AND SPORTS

         Barcelona is the third city in the world as regards club members.

                 The practice of sport in Catalonia is    Some of them are internationally rec-
                 increasing. The number of people         ognised because of their long tradition,
                 who do sport rose to 50% in 2009,        their large membership and their suc-
                 up from 35% in 1990. In fact, a study    cess in competitions.
                 carried out in 2012 and coordinated by
                 INDESCAT, the Catalan Sports Cluster,    In Barcelona we find the oldest club
                 put the number of sports practition-     in Spain, the Círculo Ecuestre. Since
                 ers in Catalonia to 63%. This study      it was founded, many other clubs
                                                                                                                                                                                                              FIATC Joventut.
                 pointed to a big growth                              have followed and today                                                                                                      Palau d’Esports, Badalona.
                 in “sports lovers”: people                             some have a history                                                                                                           Property: Catalan Tourist Board
                 who do sport more than                                stretching back around                                                                                                                  Copyright: Cablepress

                 twice a week. They repre-                             100 years. Futbol Club
                 sent around 20% of the                                  Barcelona is one of
                 Catalan population and                                  Barcelona’s best global
                 have led a big growth in                              ambassadors, with over
                 fun runs and the level of                            160,000 members around
                 participation.                                    the world. And with the slo-
                                                                                                                                                                       Lionel Messi.
                                                           gan “more than a club”, Barça has                                                                           Property: Mundo Deportivo
                 A clear example of the importance        won top championships not only as a                                                                          Copyright: Eduard Omedes

                 that sport has in Catalan life is the    football team but in other sports too,                                                                                                    Spanish youth water polo
                 number of sport facilities registered    such as basketball, handball, futsal       Swimming: Club Natació Sabadell,         the 1992 Olympic Games equestrian                               championship.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Club Natació Sabadell.
                 throughout the country: 35,424 sports    and hockey.                                from which as many as eight athletes     events; Real Club Náutico de Barce-
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Property: UFEC: Catalan Sports
                 facilities, 14,316 sports clubs, 21                                                 took part in the 2012 London Olympic     lona, a reference point in Mediter-                                 Federations Union
                 recognised national teams and                   There are other internation-        Games, Club Natació Atlètic-Barce-       ranean sailing; FIATC
                 72 sports federations, which                    ally renowned clubs as well         loneta, with more than 11,000 mem-       Joventut, the first
                 are grouped together in the                       that are inherently linked to     bers; and Club Natació Barcelona.        Cata­lan club to win the
                 UFEC, the Catalan Sports                            Barcelona and Catalonia in                                               Euroleague Basketball
                 Federations Union.                                   sports such as football,       Tennis: Real Club de Tennis Barcelona,   League; the RACC, a
                                                                      swimming and tennis.           which organises the Barcelona Open       landmark in the motor-
                 Catalonia, and especially                                                           Banc Sabadell Trofeu Conde de Godó;      ing sector; the Cen-
                 Barcelona, has a large                            Football: Real Club Depor-        and Club Tennis de La Salut.             tre Excursionista de
                 number of sports clubs that                    tivo Español, the second                                                      Catalalunya, the Grup
                 promote the practice of sport, civic     football club in Barcelona in terms        Top clubs should be highlighted in       Excursionista i Esportiu
                 commitment, competition and the          of membership, and Gimnàstic de            other sports to, such as Real Club       Gironí and the Sícoris
                 international projection of the city.    Tarragona.                                 de Polo de Barcelona, the venue for      Club, among others.

6                                                  THE SPORTS SECTOR IN BARCELONA AND CATALONIA      BARCELONA, WORLD SPORTS CAPITAL                                                                                                    7
02                                      ORGANISER OF TOP
                                            INTERNATIONAL SPORTS

                  Since the 1992 Olympic Games, Barcelona has become a worldwide reference
                                                                                                                           Barcelona World Race.
                  and a model to follow in the organisation of prestigious international sports.                           Property: Fundació Navegació Oceànica de Barcelona
                                                                                                                           Copyright: María Muiña                                          Zurich Barcelona Marathon.
                                            The Barcelona Olympic Games            cross Championship of Catalonia,                                                                                 Property: R P M Racing
                                            were the most important inter-         the World Rally Car Championship
                                            national event held in Barcelona       and the FIM Indoor Enduro World         Marathon (more than 18,000 run-                      BARCELONA WORLD RACE: the                    ZURICH BARCELONA MARATHON: an
                                            and Catalonia. They showed a new       Championship among others.              ners), the Barcelona Half Mara-                      first only double-handed non-stop            annual road running competition over
                                            and exciting city to the world and                                             thon, the Garmin Barcelona Triath-                   regatta around the world, organised          the classic distance of 42,195 km. held
                                            helped Spain, Catalonia and Barce-     At the same time Barcelona has          lon, the El Corte Inglés Race (more                  by the Fundació Navegació Oceànica           in Barcelona that started in 1978 and
                                            lona to improve their global image,    experienced a big growth in fun         than 50,000 participants), the Fire-                 de Barcelona, which begins and ends          that reached nearly 20,000 runners in
                                            thanks to modern organisation          runs, with local and international      fighters Race and the “Cursa de la                   in Barcelona and follows the Great           the 2012 edition, with more than 43%
                                            and great execution.                   participants. The Zurich Barcelona      Mercè”.                                              Circle line.                                 of foreign participation.

                                            Twenty years later Barcelona is                                                                                                                                                  BARCELONA OPEN BANC SABA­DELL
                                            still proud of this Olympic spirit.                                                                                                                                              TROFEU CONDE DE GODÓ: a prestig-
                                            In recent years Catalonia and Bar-                                                                                                                                               ious 50-year-old ATP World Tour 500
                                            celona have shown the world their                                                                                                                                                Series tennis tournament held annu-
    Barcelona Olympic Games
    opening ceremony.
                                            great organisational capacity by                                                                                                                                                 ally at the facilities of the Real Club
    Property: Fundació Barcelona Olímpica   hosting some of the most prestig-                                                                                                                                                de Tenis Barcelona (Barcelona Royal
                                            ious global sports events. For exam-                                                                                                                                             Tennis Club).
                                            ple: the European Athletic Champi-
                                            onships (2010), the Barcelona World                                                                                                                                              FORMULA 1 SPANISH GRAND PRIX,
                                            Race (2010, 2014), the X Games                                                                                                                                                   hosted by the Circuit de Barcelo-
                                            (2013), the FINA World Champion-                                                                                                                                                 na-Catalunya racetrack, together with
                                            ships (2003 and 2013), the Handball                                                                                                                                              the Moto GP Catalan Grand Prix and
                                            IHF Men’s World Championship                                                                                                                                                     other competitions.
                                            (2013), the FIS Snowboarding World
                                            Championships (2011), the Tour de
                                            France (2009), the IAAF World Jun-
                                            ior Championships (2012), the Bar-
                                            celona Open Banc Sabadell Trofeu
                                            Conde de Godó tennis tournament,
                                            the CSIO Barcelona (International
                                            Show Jumping Event), the Spanish
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya.
                                            Formula 1 Grand Prix, the Catalo-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Property: Catalan Tourist Board
                                            nia Moto GP Grand Prix, the Moto-                                                                                                                                                Copyright: Foto-tècnia fotògrafs

8                                                                           THE SPORTS SECTOR IN BARCELONA AND CATALONIA   BARCELONA, WORLD SPORTS CAPITAL                                                                                                             9
Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya.
                                                                                                                                                                                         Property: Catalan Tourist Board

                                                                                                                                                                                         Copyright: Cablepress

                                       TOP LEVEL                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Camp Nou.

                                       SPORTS FACILITIES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Property: Fútbol Club Barcelona
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Copyright: German Parga

                                       AND INFRASTRUCTURE

                                       With 35,424 sports areas, Catalonia           fact, the wide variety of landscapes
                                       has more sports facilities than any           that Catalonia offers makes it the
                                       other region in Spain, which allows the       perfect place for any sports activity.
                                       Catalan population to enjoy more than
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Indoor trial & enduro
                                       300 different sports activities, offered      Catalonia also has a long golfing tra-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           event in Palau Sant Jordi.
                                       by both the public and private sectors1.      dition and is one of the prime Euro-                                                                                                  Property: RPM Racing
                                       Catalonia has world-class facilities for      pean destinations for golfers, offering
                                       hosting, playing, doing or training in        38 golf links and 34 pitch-and-putt
                                       any kind of sport, ranging from motor-        courses along the coast, in the hin-
                                       sports to sailing, skiing, cycling or golf.   terland and even in the Pyrenees.

                                       With 600 km of slopes and 16 ski              Motorsports have a long tradition in
                                       resorts for downhill and cross-country        Catalonia, the home of a number of car
                                       skiing, there are plenty of options for       and motorbike manufacturers, too. It
                                       doing winter sports, while 580 km of          hosts the most important motorsports

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Cross-country skiing.
                                                                                                                                 this rich motor sport tradition, along    the Futbol Salou Sports Complex or                                             Marxa Pirineus.
                                                                                                                                 with the big number of motor circuits     the campuses belonging to differ-                                      Property: UFEC. Catalan Sports
                                                                                                                                 here (7 speed circuits, 35 karting cir-   ent clubs and universities (Univer-                                                Federations Union

                                                                                                                                 cuits and 32 motocross tracks).           sitat de Barcelona and Universitat
                                                                                                                                                                           Autònoma de Barcelona).
                                                                                                                                 The Mediterranean climate means
                                                                                                                                 there are facilities for all kinds of     Finally, Catalonia has several sports
                                                                                                                                 sports, ranging from 15 moun-             arenas and stadiums capable of hold-
     Olympic stadium Lluís Companys.
                                       coastline with 42 marinas along the           events in the world (Formula 1, Moto        tain-bike centres with more than          ing international competitions in dif-
     Property: Catalan Tourist Board
     Copyright: Daniel Julián          Catalan seafront are the best option          GP and the World Rally Car Champion-        200 routes to one of the best-known       ferent sports: football, rowing, cycling,
                                       for nautical sports enthusiasts. In           ship). World Class facilities such as the   skydiving centres in Empuriabrava.        swimming, basketball, skiing, golfing
                                                                                     Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya, the         Moreover, there are specialist            and motorsports, among others.
                                           Catalan Sports Council. Barcelona has
                                                                                     Circuit de Motocross de Catalunya, The      resorts for training aimed at inter-
                                           60% of Catalan sport facilities, which
                                           represent 12% of Spanish ones. (Turisme   Parc Motor Castellolí and the Idiada        national sportsmen and women,
                                           de Barcelona.)                            Test Circuit are the best examples of       plus courses and campuses, such as

10                                                                            THE SPORTS SECTOR IN BARCELONA AND CATALONIA       BARCELONA, WORLD SPORTS CAPITAL                                                                                                                    11
Kílian Jornet.
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Property: UFEC: Catalan Sports

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Federations Union

                                    LAND OF SPORTSMEN AND                                                                                                                                                                                      Josep Guardiola.

                                    WOMEN: TALENT, TRAINING
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Property: Mundo Deportivo
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Copyright: Manel Montilla

                                    AND EDUCATION

                                                                           Catalonia is home to some of the                                                                                  Belmonte.
                                                                           world’s best-known sportsmen and                                                                                      Property:
                                                                           women, but is also known for its ca-                                                                                    Mundo
                                                                           pacity to attract talent through edu-                                                                             Copyright: Pep
                                                                           cation and training in sports: sports-                                                                                   Morata

                                                                           men and women, managers, trainers,
                                                                           coaches, designers and sports engi-
                                                                           neers.                                                                                           Synchronised
                                                                                                                                                                            Catalan Swimming
                                                                           technical and scientific quality. It is                                                          Federation.
                                                                           one of the most prestigious perfor-                                                              Property: UFEC
                                                                           mance centres on the planet, training
                                                                           Catalan and Spanish athletes as well       lonia but other clubs and federations    women born around the world who
                                                                           as welcoming athletes and teams            in different sports have schools that    have chosen this welcoming coun-
                                                                           from all over the world. Today some        are actively and successfully training   try to live and train in during part
                                                                           320 men and women from 30 differ-          future world champions.                  of their lives: Andy Murray (tennis),
                                                                           ent sports train at the CAR facilities2.                                            Lionel Messi and Johan Cruyff (foot-
                                                                           In fact, 34% of the Spanish Federa-        Catalonia is also known for being        ball), Fernando Alonso (motor rac-
                                                                           tion that participated in and obtained     the birthplace of former and current     ing) and some of the Tour de France
                                                                           a medal at the 2012 London Olympic         leading sports figures, such as Pep      winners (cycling). A lot of clubs,
                                                                           Games came from Catalonia, and 40%         Guardiola, Xavi Hernández and Carles     teams and individual sportsmen and
                                                                           of the Spanish team had trained at         Puyol in football; Nacho Solozábal,      women from all over the world train
                                                                           the CAR before.                            Pau Gasol and Juan Carlos Navarro in     in Catalonia on various courses and
                                                                                                                      basketball; the handball coach Valero    at training camps, as it is has ful-
     CAR. High                                                                                                                                                                                                Pau Gasol.
                         Joel Gonzalez, Brigitte Yagüe, (Taekwondo), Andrea Fuentes and Ona                           Rivera, and Manel Estiarte and Roser     ly-equipped resorts that specialise
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Property: Mundo Deportivo
     centre.                                                                                                          Tarragó in water polo; Sito Pons and     in different sports.
                   Carbonell (synchronised swimming), the national hockey team, the national                                                                                                                  Copyright: Manel Montilla
                                                                                                                      Dani Pedrosa in motorsports; Sergi
                   water polo team, Mirea Belmonte (swimming) and Maialen Chourrat (white                             Bruguera and Arantxa Sánchez             Last but not least, Catalonia is home          institutes. These range from phys-
                                                                                                                      Vicario in tennis; or Melcior Mauri      to different training programmes               ical activity and sports sciences, to
                      water) are a few examples of CAR’s success at the 2012 Olympic Games.
                                                                                                                      and Joaquim Rodríguez in cycling,        and schools for sports professionals           sports management, sports law and
                                    The best example for training is the   “La Masia”, the training school for        Gemma Mengual in synchronised            and the sports industry. There are             sports technology. Managers, train-
                                    CAR, the High Performance Centre       Barça football players, is the best-       swimming, and Killian Jornet in sky      more than 30 sports education pro-             ers, coaches, designers and engineers
                                    which trains elite sportsmen and       known private sports school in Cata-       running and ski mountaineering, just     grammes (undergraduate and post-               from top sports organisations and
                                    women. The CAR offers an extraor-                                                 to mention a few of them. Catalonia      graduate courses) run by more than 10          companies have been born, trained or
                                    dinary infrastructure of the highest   2
                                                                               Mundo Deportivo.                       is home too for many sportsmen and       prestigious universities and education         lived in Catalonia.

12                                                                  THE SPORTS SECTOR IN BARCELONA AND CATALONIA      BARCELONA, WORLD SPORTS CAPITAL                                                                                                                 13
Zurich Barcelona

                                                                                                                                                      Property: RPM Racing

                      HOME OF MAJOR COMPANIES
                      AND LEADING BRANDS

                                                                                                                                                      Fluidra headquarters.
                      The importance of sport in Catalonia and the entrepreneurship that has tradi-                                                   Sabadell.
                      tionally characterised the Catalan population has helped to produce the wide
                      range of local companies that make up the Catalan sports industry.

                      In Catalonia there are more than 500 com-     Some Catalan companies are also
                      panies whose activities are linked to sport   global leading brands in their busi-
                      and which can be grouped into 3 different     ness. Furthermore, their internation-
                      sports segments. Some examples of busi-       alisation strategy is one of the pillars
                      ness leadership are provided below:           of their business model. In that sense,
                                                                    there is a strong link between these
     Facilities   Events                 Consumer Goods             leading brands and the sport they rep-
                                                                    resent: small and medium-sized com-
                                                                    panies with very specialised products
                                                                    sold worldwide.

                                                                    Two main factors have helped
                                                                    increase the number of sports com-
                                                                    panies. The first was the 1992 Olym-                                                                   Buff.
                                                                    pic Games. A diverse group of com-                                                       Design Department.
                                                                    panies emerged from the Games that
                                                                    involved sports facilities (architects,    The other key success factor that
                                                                    builders, managers and equipment)          allows these companies to be com-
                                                                    and sports events. After 2000, the         petitive in an international market
                                                                    new globalisation era and new tech-        is innovation. This may come from
                                                                    nologies have helped to produce            technology but also from the defi-
                                                                    a new generation of companies.             nition and implementation of each
                                                                    These take advantage of technology         business model. Moreover, we are
                                                                    and design but they have also been         not just talking about successful
                                                                    inspired by the growth in the num-         sports companies being created in
                                                                    ber of people who do sport and they        Catalonia but also leading compa-
                                                                    mostly have an international focus. In     nies in the consumer market, such as
                                                                    this group we find companies rang-         Mango, Desigual, Puig, Natura Bisse
                                                                    ing from sports services (tourism or       and Tous.
                                                                    training) to sports products (nutri-
                                                                    tion, monitoring or social networks).

14                                                           THE SPORTS SECTOR IN BARCELONA AND CATALONIA      BARCELONA, WORLD SPORTS CAPITAL                                     15
06                                HEADQUARTER OF MAJOR
                                       SPORT COMPANIES

                                                                                                                                                                      Puma headquarters.
                                                                          Catalonia has a long history as an in-         These are some of the reasons why           Cornellà de Llobregat.
                                                                          dustrial and entrepreneurial country. It       leading sports companies such as Nike,
                                                                          is one of the most developed regions           Puma, HAVAS Sports & Entertainment,
                                                                          in Spain and Europe. Most foreign              Polar, Isostar, Rossignol, Amer Sports,
                                                                          sports companies choose Catalonia              Honda, Gore-Tex, Euroleague, IMG, Atos,
                                                                          and Barcelona as their headquarters            ASICS and Fox Head, among others, have
                                                                          in Spain, and even as a major global           decided to rely on Catalonia to expand
                                                                          headquarters, with commercial, R&D             their business market. Good examples of
                                                                          and production centres.                        this are the recent investments of Adidas
                                                                                                                         in an ICT team, Rossignol in renewing its
                                                                          Barcelona owes much of its success in          production plant, Atos with its Olympic
                                                                          developing into a commercial and indus-        IT team based in Barcelona, or Fox Head
                                                                          trial centre to its strategic location and     with its new EMEA headquarters.
                                                                          historically good transport links. Its posi-
                                                                          tion on the Mediterranean has allowed it       Moreover, companies not linked to
                                                                          to develop one of Europe’s most impor-         sport but which are leading companies
                                                                          tant ports, while its proximity to early       in the consumer market also choose
                                                                          developers, France and Italy, encouraged       Barcelona for their headquarters, pro-
                                                                          the city to grow and become Spain’s            duction plants or design centres, for
                                                                          international trade centre.                    example, Nestlé, Danone, Unilever,
     Image courtesy of the Barcelona
     brand campaign by the Barcelona                                                                                     Sara Lee and Massimo Dutti.
     City Council
                                                                             Barcelona is ranked:
                                                             The 2nd Best sports city in the world
                                                             The 1st European Innovation Capital
            The 1st Smart city in the Spanish State, the 4th in Europe and the 10th in the world
                                   The 3rd City the world in number of international congresses
                                    The 1st City with the most congress attendees in the world
                                                  The 3rd European city in attracting investment
                                                  The 4th European city in international tourism
                                           Barcelona City Council (

16                                                                  THE SPORTS SECTOR IN BARCELONA AND CATALONIA         BARCELONA, WORLD SPORTS CAPITAL                                      17
07                                SPORTS TOURISM:
                                       A PERFECT LOCATION
                                       WITH PERFECT CONDITIONS

                                       Located in the north-east of Spain, between the Pyrenees and the shores of
                                       the Mediterranean Sea, Catalonia has a strategic geographical position that
                                       gives it a Mediterranean climate that is ideal for any sport.

                                       On the one hand, the Pyrenees dom-       150,000 skiers an hour, making them       On the other hand, Catalonia’s loca-               Views of Cadaqués.
                                       inate the whole of northern Catalo-      an ideal place for skiing in this land    tion by the sea benefits the region           Property: Catalan Tourist Board
                                                                                                                                                                                  Copyright: Marc Ripol
                                       nia, extending for more than 230 km      of snow.                                  and its capital, Barcelona, with mild
                                       from the peaks of Val d’Aran to the                                                weather and pleasant temperatures
                                       Cap de Creus, where they sink into       Together with winter sports, this         throughout the year. Water sports,
                                       the Mediterranean. This natural bor-     mountainous country, full of valleys      such as diving to discover the amaz-
                                       der between France and Spain, with       carved out by rivers, glaciers, natural   ing Medes Islands or sailing, are also
                                       summits rising to 3,000 meters,          parks and protected areas, is espe-       popular among those eager to face
                                       makes all kinds of winter sports         cially suitable for activities such as    extreme challenges.
                                       possible. With more than 600 km of       hiking, with a network of footpaths
                                       slopes and 16 ski resorts for downhill   over 5,000 km long. Climbing,             As already noted, Catalonia also has a
                                       and cross-country skiing, Catalonia      cycling, horse-trekking and a wide        great number of sports facilities that
                                       has more winter facilities than any      range of activities are also possible     are adequate for almost any kind of
     Golf Serres. Pals.                                                                                                                                              “Volta” ciclista
                                       other region in Spain. These have        in this diverse and charming land-        sport, and that are a pole of attraction   a Catalunya
     Property: Catalan Tourist Board
     Copyright: Golf Serres de Pals    130 ski lifts capable of carrying over   scape.                                    for clubs, sportsmen, sportswomen and      Property: RPM Racing
                                                                                                                          children’s camps throughout the year.

                                                                                                                          Finally, there is a set of international
                                                                                                                          sport events that attracts tourists,
                                                                                                                          ranging from spectators to those who
                                                                                                                          want to take an active part. In that
                                                                                                                          regard there has been a significant
                                                                                                                          increase in the number of participants
                                                                                                                          in races such as the Zurich Barcelona
                                                                                                                          Marathon, in which more than 40%
                                                                                                                          come from outside Spain. The For-
                                                                                                                          mula 1 Championship, Barça’s matches
                                                                                                                          and the Barcelona World Race, on the
                                                                                                                          other hand, help to promote specta-        Cross-country skiiing.
                                                                                                                                                                     Marxa Pirineus.
                                                                                                                          tor sports as another great source of
                                                                                                                                                                     Property: UFEC. Catalan Sports
                                                                                                                          tourism.                                   Federations Union

18                                                                       THE SPORTS SECTOR IN BARCELONA AND CATALONIA     BARCELONA, WORLD SPORTS CAPITAL                                                 19
08                     LEADER ON ICT, HEALTH,
                            DESIGN AND R&D

                                                                                                                                                                  Autonomous                                 TecnoCampus
                            Catalonia is one of the top regions in                                                                                                University of
                            terms of innovation in Europe, and                                                                                                    Barcelona.
                            its capital is home to leading health,
                            design and ICT clusters.

                            Barcelona, which has hosted the
                            GSMA Mobile World Congress since
                            2009, was chosen as the Mobile World
                            Capital in 2011 and will hold that title
                            until 2018. Barcelona is also home to
                            an ICT cluster composed of local com-
                            panies, training centres, research cen-
                            tres and also ICT multinationals that
                            have located development centres in
                            Barcelona, such as Telefonica I+D.

                            Another cluster that is emerging
                            around Barcelona is composed of
                            e-commerce companies such as
                            eDreams, Privalia, Intercom, Let’s
     Printed Electronics.
                            Bonus, Softonic and Atrápalo3. A new            biosciences, as most of the bioscience     or recover from all kind of sports inju-
                            generation of start-ups and entre-              research done in Spain is carried out      ries in specialist centres and clinics.
                            preneurs is also springing up around            in Barcelona and it is an important
                            these leading companies, some of                European hub. As regards sport, we         Barcelona is also known for its design
                            them generating new companies that              have the foremost research on sud-         centres and its capacity to attract tal-
                                                                                                                                                                                                               INEFC. The National
                            mix new technologies and sports.                den death in the world being carried       ent from all over the world. The clus-                                                  Institute of Physical
                                                                            out at Barcelona’s Hospital Clínic by      ter of institutes, training centres and                                                 Education in Catalonia
                            Yet another important cluster linked            Dr. Brugada’s team, or the research        companies dedicated to design is one
                            to sport is the health cluster. In Cat-         funded by the World Anti-Doping            of the growing clusters in Barcelona.      the twelve Catalan universities. One of
                            alonia we find prestigious research             Agency being done by the Anti-Dop-                                                    them, the INEFC, is a public university
                            centres and hospitals dedicated to              ing Control Laboratory of Barcelona        Together with these clusters, it is cru-   devoted entirely to sport. Finally, Cat-
                                                                            at the IMIM (Hospital del Mar Medical      cial to highlight the innovation infra-    alonia is also the home of prestigious
                                                                            Research Institute). Moreover, various     structures in Catalonia, a network         research institutions and infrastruc-
                                metropolis/20111204/54239695785/            sportsmen and women from around            made up of eight technology centers        tures such as the Alba Synchrotron or
                                barcelona-comercio-electronico.html         the world visit Barcelona to heal, treat   focused on different technologies, and     the MareNostrum supercomputer.

20                                                                    THE SPORTS SECTOR IN BARCELONA AND CATALONIA     BARCELONA, WORLD SPORTS CAPITAL                                                                                  21
09                                         THE BARCELONA BRAND:
                                                MUCH MORE THAN A CITY

                                                Since the Olympic Games, Barcelona has been seen by the rest of the world as an in-                                                                                    Magic Fountain of
                                                novative cosmopolitan city, linked to creativity, culture, fashion, art and modernity.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Property: Catalan Tourist Board
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Copyright: Nano Cañas
     A study carried out by the ESADE Brand Institute called “Barcelona in the Eyes of
                                                                                                                                          Architecture and Design: the perfect
     the World” shows how the city is perceived worldwide and its attributes involved.
                                                                                                                                          distribution and design of the Eix-
     According to this study, Barcelona has a strong, positive image, linked to tourism,                                                  ample area, the Collserola tower, the
                                                                                                                                          Palau Sant Jordi, the Forum building,
          which is automatically attached to football, the Olympic Games and culture.
                                                                                                                                          and the constant presence of Gaudí in
     Moreover, Barcelona is considered to be the most attractive city to live in from the                                                 the Sagrada Família, the Parc Güell,
                                                                                                                                          etc. On the city streets, Modernista
       point of view of the 9 countries surveyed. In that sense, the capital of Catalonia
                                                                                                                                          façades coexist with new architec-
            can compete with other European cities, such as Berlin, London or Madrid.                                                     ture, creating an urban landscape
                                                                                                                                          that unites tradition and modernity.
                                                The values of the Barcelona brand are:      Tradition and culture: Gaudí, Dalí,           Barcelona is the only city in the world
                                                                                            Miró, Tàpies, Picasso, etc. Graphic           with nine buildings classed as UNE-
                                                                                            and visual creation has been an               SCO World Heritage sites.
                                                                                            inherent feature of Catalonia since
                                                                                            the Modernisme (Art Nouveau)                  Knowledge, experience and technol-
                                                                                            period. The work of immortal and              ogy: the training and professional
                                                                                                                                                                                                Zurich Barcelona
                                                                                            legendary artists such as these               tradition of Barcelona makes the                            Marathon.
                                                                                            lives on and exemplifies the great            city a hotbed of ideas and some-                      Property: RPM Racing
                                                                                            tradition of the community as a               where you can always learn. The city
                                                                                            creative place.                               is committed to the knowledge econ-
                                                                                                                                          omy, with initiatives such as 22@Bar-
                                                                                            Creativity and inspiration: Barcelona is      celona, a strategic project designed
                                                                                            the source of stimuli for a creator. This     so companies and institutions from
                                                                                            includes urban design, architecture,          the media, medical technologies, ICT
                                                                                            commerce and the bilingual situation,         and energy sectors can interact with
                                                                                            as well as the system of activities,          knowledge centres such as universi-
                                                                                            daily life, popular and leisure facilities.   ties and R&D centres.
                                                                                            Furthermore the city now has many                                                       View of Barcelona from
                                                                                            foreign students and this makes it                                                      the expiatory church of
                              Park Güell.                                                                                                                                           La Sagrada Família.
                                                                                            particularly accommodating for new
              Property: Catalan Tourist Board                                                                                                                                       Property: Catalan Tourist Board
                    Copyright: Oriol Alamany                                                arrivals.                                                                               Copyright: Imagen M.A.S.

22                                                                                   THE SPORTS SECTOR IN BARCELONA AND CATALONIA         BARCELONA, WORLD SPORTS CAPITAL                                                                       23
               SPORTS CLUSTER

                                                                                                                                             Energy Efficiency session.
                                   INDESCAT is the Catalan sports indus-      INDESCAT represents more than                                                 INDESCAT.
                                   try cluster, committed to improving the    50 companies and research centres         General Assembly.
                                   competitiveness of the sports industry     with an overall turnover of 1 billion     INDESCAT.
                                   by developing and encouraging projects.    euros, which provide services and
                                                                              pro­ducts for the entire sports mar-
                                   A business cluster is a geographic         ket: consumer goods, sports facilities
                                   concentration of interconnected busi-      and sports events. The main goal of
                                   nesses, suppliers, and associated insti-   INDESCAT is to help members identify
                                   tutions in a particular business4. In      and tackle new business opportuni-
                                   2009 it became obvious that a sports       ties which may come from innovation,
                                   business cluster existed in Catalonia,     internationalisation, training or fund-
                                   and that the creation of an organisa-      ing. INDESCAT promotes activities
                                   tion would help empower the compet-        that foster these opportunities such
                                   itiveness of the cluster and therefore     as work groups, seminars or collab-
                                   its companies. After developing a stra-    oration agreements with different
                                   tegic analysis, INDESCAT was founded       institutions. Since 2010 INDESCAT has
                                   in 2010 as a private association           arranged more than 20 projects and it
                                   focused on promoting and strength-         has succeeded in helping companies
         ening the Catalan sports industry.         start businesses together.

                                   INDESCAT is not a simple association,      INDESCAT works closely with ACCIÓ,
                                   but a cluster of companies that share a    the Catalan public agency for com-
                                   common language: “sport”. INDESCAT         petitiveness, which is currently
                                   members work together, looking for         working with 22 clusters across Cat-
                                   new business opportunities and also        alonia. It also holds the “AEI” label
                                   helping to ensure its environment is       awarded by the Spanish Ministry
                                   more suited to developing sports busi-     of Industry, and the Bronze label
                                   ness. Companies of different sizes and     for cluster management awarded
                                                                                                                                            Business and Sport awards.
                                   belonging to different segments col-       by the European Cluster Excellence
                                   laborate on different projects that the    Initiative. Finally, INDESCAT is also
                                   cluster coordinates, thus improving        an active member of the European
                                   their strategies and competitiveness.      Platform of Sports Innovation (EPSI)
                                                                              and has collaboration agreements
                                       Michael Porter in The Competitive      with several institutions.
                                       Advantage of Nations (1990)

24                           THE SPORTS SECTOR IN BARCELONA AND CATALONIA     BARCELONA, WORLD SPORTS CAPITAL                                                             25

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