The Sky's the Limit for Certified EMTs and Paramedics Trained at PTC

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The Sky's the Limit for Certified EMTs and Paramedics Trained at PTC


                             RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMER

                                                             The Sky’s the
Piedmont Technical College

                                                        Limit for Certified
Greenwood, SC 29648

                                                      EMTs and Paramedics
PO Box 1467

                                                            Trained at PTC

                     Piedmont Tech                  Must Love Gadgets?           Piedmont Tech
                     Cybersecurity                  PTC Electronic               Sees Surge in
                     Curriculum Offers              Engineering Tech             Dual Enrollment
                     Essential Skillset             Program Welcomes YOU         Students
The Sky's the Limit for Certified EMTs and Paramedics Trained at PTC

Are you looking for a way to upgrade
your skillset or jumpstart a new career?
A Quickskills Certificate from Piedmont
Technical College is the perfect
place to start.

These short-term certificates will train you
for entry-level work in areas like advanced
manufacturing, computer technology, health
care and more. Plus, for a limited time, eligible                                                 TUITION-
students can complete them at no cost for
tuition and fees.

 • Automation                            • Manufacturing Production
 • Computer Certifications                 Technician

 • CNC Operator                          • Masonry

 • Emergency Medical Technician          • Precision Metrology
                                         • Welding

 • Certified Nursing Assistant           • Phlebotomy                                 STARTING SPRING 2022
 • Certified Production Supervisor       • South Carolina Logistics
 • Contact Tracing                                                                    • CDL - Truck Driver Training
                                         • South Carolina Manufacturing
 • Emergency Medical Technician
                                                                                      • Advanced EMT/Community
 • Green Belt Certification                                                             Paramedic
                                         • Truck Driver Training
 • Manufirst Pre-employment                                                           • MSSC Logistics Certification
                                         • Welding Certifications
 • Microsoft Office Specialist                                                            ENROLL NOW!

Tuition-Free Eligibility:
To be eligible to complete these programs tuition-free, you must be 18 or older and
a resident of South Carolina. Some programs may have additional requirements.

Learn More:
Visit or give us a call at (864) 941-8400.
The Sky's the Limit for Certified EMTs and Paramedics Trained at PTC
Questions about the PTC programs and services                                                                                                    Contents
described in this publication should be directed to the
Office of Admissions at (855) 446-3864. Comments or
questions about the publication itself can be directed
to the PTC Office of Marketing and Public Relations at
(864) 941-8669.
Editor: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Russell Martin
Assistant Editors: . .  Kristine Hartvigsen, Jackie Mathis

 Visit Piedmont Technical College                                                FEATURES
   on the Web at
    Piedmont Technical College Area Commission
                  Y. J. Ahn—Greenwood                                            2    Facts and Finds
          Cherry Houston Brown—McCormick
          Dr. George P. Cone, Jr.—Greenwood
              Richard Cain, Chair —Laurens
                  Blake Davis—Laurens                                            3    The Sky’s the Limit for Certified EMTs
               Jane J. Herlong—Edgefield
       Peter J. Manning, Vice Chair—Greenwood
                                                                                      and Paramedics Trained at PTC              3
            H. George Piersol, II—Newberry
              Rufus C. Sherard—Abbeville
              Charles Graves—Greenwood
                                                                                 4    College to Renovate and Expand
         Thelma Woody, Secretary—Abbeville                                            Nursing and Health Care Facilities
                       Institutional Officers
          Hope E. Rivers, Ph.D., President
   K. Paige Childs, Vice President for Business,
        Finance and Facilities Management                                        5    Piedmont Tech Offers Tuition-
                                                                                      Free Certificate Through Historic
  Keli Fewox, Ed.D, Vice President for Academic
Joshua Black, Vice President for Student Affairs and                                  Partnership with SC Criminal                                    5
Alesia Brown, Vice President for Human Resources
                                                                                      Justice Academy
                       Institutional Mission

Piedmont Technical College transforms lives and
strengthens communities by providing opportunities                                    Profiles:
for intellectual and economic growth.
                                                                                      Steve Hudson
The College, a member of the South Carolina Technical
College System, is a public comprehensive two-year                                    ‘Sometimes It’s Not the Band-Aids
postsecondary institution. Piedmont Technical College
                                                                                      and Medication a Person Needs’
contributes to the economic growth and development
of the largest and most diverse region of the technical
college system, Abbeville, Edgefield, Greenwood,
Laurens, McCormick, Newberry and Saluda counties                                      Briana Carruth
and to the state. The College responds to the academic,
training and public service needs of the community                                    Determination Grounds
through excellence in teaching and educational services.
Piedmont Technical College's open admissions policy
                                                                                      Criminal Justice Student
provides accessibility for individuals with diverse
backgrounds the opportunity to acquire the knowledge

and skills for employment in engineering technology,
industrial technology, agriculture, business, health,                                 Piedmont Tech Cybersecurity
and public service. Piedmont Technical College
graduates develop competencies in communication,                                      Curriculum Offers Essential Skillset
mathematics, problem solving and technology.
The College offers university transfer; associate
degrees, diplomas and certificates in technical and
occupational areas; college preparatory programs;                                8    Catheterization Simulator Aiding
student development programs providing academic,
career and individual support; and custom-designed
                                                                                      Piedmont Tech CVT Students
credit and non-credit programs to provide training for
business and industry and to meet the needs of the

community. To optimize access to higher education
in the rural seven-county service area, Piedmont                                      Must Love Gadgets?
Technical College offers distance learning courses
through multiple modes of delivery.                                                   Electronic Engineering Tech
                                                                                      Program Welcomes Tinkerers Who
CareerFocus is published twice a year by Piedmont
Technical College, PO Box 1467, Greenwood, SC 29648
in partnership with Academic Marketing Services.                                      are Good with Computers
All rights reserved. No part of the material printed may
be reproduced or used in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying,
recording, or by any information storage retrieval                               10   Piedmont Tech Sees Surge
system without the permission of the publisher.                                       in Dual Enrollment Students
Piedmont Technical College does not discriminate on
the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin,
age, disability, sexual orientation, or veteran status
in its admissions policies, programs, activities or
                                                                                 11   Where Do You Want to Go?
employment practices.

© 2021 Piedmont Technical College
(855) 446-3864 I Piedmont Technical College I                                                                      CareerFocus I Fall 2021 I 1
The Sky's the Limit for Certified EMTs and Paramedics Trained at PTC
Facts and Finds

                                             PLENTY OF JOBS FOR COUNSELORS, TEACHERS
                                             AND HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS
                                             Looking through to the year 2029, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
                                             predicts where college graduates will find the most opportunities. Teachers

                                             of all sorts, from elementary through post-secondary, will find lots of
                                             openings and a number of health care professions. The 10 occupations with
                                             the most openings, along with their median annual earnings, are:

                                             1.    Lawyers ($122,960)
                                             2.    Educational, guidance, school, and vocational counselors ($57,040)
                                             3     Health specialties teachers, postsecondary ($97,320)
                                             4.    Nurse practitioners ($109,820)
                                             5.    Education administrators, elementary and secondary school ($96,400)
                                             6.    Health care Social Workers ($56,750)
                                             7.    Postsecondary teachers, all other ($68,970)
                                             8.    Instructional coordinators ($66,290)
                                             9.    Physical therapists ($89,440)
                                             10.   Speech-language pathologists ($79,120)
  Music has positive affect on your mental
  and positive health according to many                                    AND CASHIERS, WAITERS AND CLERKS
  studies. It helps improve stress levels
                                                                           Workers without a college degree have opportunities too, of course. Many
  and keep you productive.
                                                                           of these jobs are in retail and food service. The ten non-college degree jobs
  “One thing is certain – you will never                                   with the most openings, along with their median annual salaries, are:
  find an office where everyone likes
                                                                           1.  Home health and personal care aides ($25,280)
  listening to the same type of music.”
  Some may prefer jazz for creativity,                                     2.  Customer service representative ($34,710)
  while others may like classical or pop                                   3.  Office clerks, general ($34,040)
  for concentration.                                                       4.  Stockers and order fillers ($27,380)
                                                                           5.  Secretaries and administrative assistant, except legal, medical and
  Outside of those in health care, law
                                                                               executive ($37,690)
  and finance, most employees enjoy a
  creative environment. In one field music                                 6. Childcare workers ($24,230)
  can hinder productivity while it can be                                  7. First-line supervisors of food preparation and serving workers ($33,400)
  beneficial in others.                                                    8. Security guards ($29,680)
                                                                           9. Maintenance and repair workers, general ($39,080)
  Source: The Undercover Recruiter,                                       10. Receptionists and information clerks ($30,050)

                                             TELEWORK: NO TURNING BACK NOW
                                             When the pandemic hit in
                                             2020, companies were forced
                                             to figure out ways to allow
                                             employees to work from
                                             home. Now, as offices open
                                             back up, businesses are trying
                                             to figure out the best way to
                                             bring them back – if at all! Big
                                             tech companies were among
                                             the first to shut down, leaving
                                             expensive corporate campuses
                                             vacant. Each company is
                                             approaching its telework
                                             policy differently: Twitter
                                             and Facebook are letting
                                             employees continue to work
                                             from home full-time, while
                                             Amazon, Google and Apple
                                             prefer to have employees
                                             come back to the office, even
                                             if it’s part-time.

2 I Fall 2021 I CareerFocus                                                     Piedmont Technical College I I (855) 446-3864
The Sky's the Limit for Certified EMTs and Paramedics Trained at PTC

        Students in the Emergency Medical Technician Program (EMT)
        at Piedmont Technical College (PTC) recently learned about
        career options available after completing their one-semester
        EMT Certificate. An information session earlier this year featured
        several professionals in the health care first-responder field
        sharing insights about their work. Students learned that their
        opportunities are not limited to work on the ground. If they so
        choose, they eventually may even take to the skies.

Rod Stoll, a flight paramedic with         EMT training was even more difficult       their jobs to stay home
Life Flight Air Medical Transport,         than paramedic training because the        with children after
told the group that the basic EMT          EMT instruction is establishing the        schools closed or
course they are taking                               core competencies that           care for relatives who
will serve as the core to a                          apply across the board.          had fallen ill. Others
health care career layered                                                            may have balked at
in progressive increments.                            “You are building your          the risk involved with
Around every turn are                                 foundation. It becomes          transporting COVID-19
more choices that go in                               easier as you go, but           patients.
many directions.                                      it still is a lot of work.
                                                      You have to make a              Oliver recruits through
“What you learn now is                                commitment to be in                                                                              Cameron Word
                                                                                      multiple channels,                                                  of Laurens
the foundation for where       Rod Stoll              paramedic school,” he           including high school                                              County EMS
you are going,” he said.                              said, adding, “There            and college campus                                                   chats with
“That continues into                                  are paramedic positions         visits, as well as local
nursing, medical school,                              open at every agency in         job fairs. “I also give
or critical care transport.                           our seven-county service        potential recruits the opportunity to   EMT or paramedic training financially
… We are the 1% of the                                area.”                          ride around on one of our units,” he    painless.
1%. Statistically, about                                                              added.
1% of the population                                   Nursing is another                                                     “There are a dozen different ways
works in health care, and                              field some EMTs and            Cameron Word with Laurens County        that you can get this training
1% of those people work                                paramedics may gravitate       EMS transfixed a handful of students    free,” said Ann Skinner, workforce
in critical care.”                                     toward. PTC Health             with stories from the field. Word       development director at the Upper
                                 Steve McDade          Care Dean Tara Gonce           himself is a graduate of the PTC        Savannah Council of Governments.
Perhaps the most                                       noted that, because of         program’s first EMT cohort, receiving   Upper Savannah received a half-
exciting thing about                                   their background and           both the program award and Health       million-dollar, four-year grant to
EMT/Paramedic training is that the         training, paramedics make excellent        Care Division award.                    train 100 EMTs and paramedics.
demand is very strong. “The average candidates to enter the nursing field.                                                    Therefore, the prospect of tuition
age of a paramedic in South Carolina                                                  “We have driver positions open right    costs should not deter anyone
is 49 years old. They will be exiting      A follow-up event allowed recruiters       now for our non-emergent transport      from considering EMT training
the workplace,” Steve McDade, PTC from several EMS                                            truck,” he said. “It’s a good   opportunities.
Paramedic Program Director, told           agencies to speak                                  way to get into the field and
                                                                                                                              “We do a little bit of everything in
the group. “I am looking for the next personally with                                         then work your way up.”
                                           students who will be                                                               EMS and paramedicine,” Hudson
leaders of EMS in South Carolina.”
                                           entering the job market                            Representatives from the        said. “You can look in the mirror and
McDade noted that there are 269            soon.                                              privately owned Thorne          know at the end of the day that you
EMS agencies across the state,                                                                Ambulance Service also          have made a difference in someone’s
and opportunities are abundant             Derek Oliver, director                             were on hand to answer          life. I wouldn’t trade it for anything in
right now. “The jobs are there, and        of Emergency Services                              questions and outline           the world.”
they have gotten better. There are         for Greenwood County,                              benefits for those willing to
                                                                       Derek Oliver                                           For more information about PTC’s
flexible hours. You can choose the         said the pandemic                                  make a minimum two-year         EMT and Paramedic training
shifts that fit your life schedule.”       over  the past  year has                           commitment.                     programs, go to
                                           impacted the EMT
Steve Hudson, Paramedic Lead               shortage, as some professionals            A number of grants and other
Instructor, said that he felt the basic    made difficult choices to leave            funding sources combine to make

(855) 446-3864 I Piedmont Technical College I                                                                      CareerFocus I Fall 2021 I 3
The Sky's the Limit for Certified EMTs and Paramedics Trained at PTC

        Piedmont Technical College has received
        a total of $6.8 million in state funding to
        renovate and expand its health care education
        facilities on the Lex Walters Campus-
                                                                                Lena Wood Warren
        Greenwood. As the leading educator of health                            Retired Program Director Remembers
        care workers in the region, PTC is well-known                           Health Care Programs’ Earliest Days
        for educating a large number of nurses, but its
                                                                                Lena Wood Warren wasn’t             impressive initial cohort of about
        Health Care Division also trains hundreds of                            sure what to expect when she        30 students.
        students in fields across the health care service                       stepped into the President’s
                                                                                Office at Piedmont Technical        Warren, a Saluda native, retired
        spectrum, including surgical technology,                                College back in 1971 to             from PTC in 2007 after more
        medical assisting, cardiovascular technology,                           interview for a position            than 35 years with the college. In
                                                                                establishing the college’s first    training and mentoring others to
        and respiratory care.                                                   health care program                 work in nursing or other health
                                                                                — medical assisting.                         care fields, Warren
“Over the past two years, Piedmont                                                                                             believes that, for
Technical College has conferred                                                 Warren soon learned                            the very best, it is a
more than 700 degrees and                                                       that then-PTC                                  sincere calling.
diplomas to graduates in health                                                 President Dr. Lex
                                                                                Walters was quite                              A longtime
care-related professions,” said
                                                                                the intuitive straight-                        relationship with Self
PTC President Dr. Hope E. Rivers.
                                                                                shooter who often                              Regional Healthcare
“We work closely with health care
                                                                                was one or two                                 has been invaluable
providers across the region to
                                                                                steps ahead in any                             making health care
identify the most pressing workforce                                                                      Lena Wood Warren
                                                                                conversation.                                  programs available
gaps and build a pipeline of
                                                                                                                               through the college.
graduates qualified to fill them. We
                                                                                “I asked him if he ever would
are very thankful for the continued                                                                                 “From the very beginning, we
                                       “We are very excited to hear the         consider establishing a nursing
support we receive from the state                                                                                   have had the support of the
                                       news of the expanding healthcare         program at Piedmont Tech,”
General Assembly and county                                                                                         administration at Self,” she said.
                                       education facilities at Piedmont         she recalled. “At the time, there
councils.”                                                                                                          “From the very beginning, they
                                       Technical College. As a partner with     were no medical programs of
                                                                                any kind yet at PTC. No paper.      have been our partner.”
                                       Prisma Health in developing the
The project will include renovations
                                       future healthcare workforce, we are      No chairs. No desks. Even           Warren says she is deeply
to approximately 24,000 square
                                       proud of Piedmont Technical College      though I was applying to start a    indebted to the health
feet of existing space devoted to
                                       for taking this step to expand and       medical assisting program, my       care faculty and support
training health care workers as well
                                       proactively address the growing          ultimate desire was one day for     personnel at PTC. In 1990,
as construction of a new two-story
                                       challenges of resourcing healthcare,”    PTC to have a nursing program.”     they established the Lena
12,100 square foot structure. The
                                       said Justin Benfield, CEO of Prisma                                          Wood Warren Scholarship for
college is covering the remaining                                               Dr. Walters clearly had given
                                       Health-Laurens County Hospital.                                              practical or associate degree
cost of the project above the                                                   this topic some thought over
                                       “This expansion will bring additional                                        nursing students in her honor.
$4.8 million dollars received for                                               the years and had a practical
                                       highly-qualified talent to our area.”                                        This spring, she returned to
renovation.                                                                     answer at the ready. “He told
                                                                                me that, as soon as Lander          PTC to personally endow that
                                       “This is yet another significant
PTC Health Care Dean Tara Gonce                                                 decided to establish a 4-year       scholarship so it will exist in
                                       advancement for Piedmont Tech in
said that improvements are timely,                                              nursing program, he would apply     perpetuity.
                                       their mission to provide workforce
as the existing building was           training for the Lakelands area,”        for a 2-year program at PTC.”       To learn more about PTC’s
constructed 30 years ago.              said Chuck Moates, chairman              That is exactly what happened,      health care programs, visit
                                       of Greenwood County Council.             and Warren – who got the  
“We are very excited about             “Greenwood County is proud to            job she interviewed for that
this project,” Gonce said. “The        be a contributing partner in this        fateful day – was instrumental
expansion will increase our capacity   endeavor.”                               in getting the college’s Nursing
to enroll even more students who                                                Program running in 1987 with an
are seeking needed heath care          Pre-construction preparation work is
certifications.”                       currently underway.

4 I Fall 2021 I CareerFocus                                                    Piedmont Technical College I I (855) 446-3864
The Sky's the Limit for Certified EMTs and Paramedics Trained at PTC

        To address training needs and workforce shortages in law enforcement in
        the state, a progressive partnership announced earlier this year includes
        Piedmont Technical College (PTC) and 15 other of the state’s technical
        colleges to assist the Academy by offering a new pre-Academy certificate.
        PTC will start offering the new training in January 2022.

The partnership establishes a new
career pathway in law enforcement,
the Police Pre-Academy Training
Certificate, a 14-week program
offered through PTC and the state’s
other technical colleges. Candidates
who apply for the program learn
basic introductory law enforcement
tactics and procedures to better
qualify them for police employment
and increased training success at the
“I think it’s going to be great,”
said John Sloan, Criminal Justice
Program director at PTC. “There’s        Guest Lecturer David Stumbo, Eighth
no doubt that it should bolster and      Judicial Circuit Solicitor, addresses criminal
improve the academic qualifications      justice students in 2019.
of law enforcement candidates.”
                                         complete 6 months (24 weeks) of
Support from the state’s Lottery
                                         training before they are hired.
Tuition Assistance and SC WINS                                                            Criminal Justice Instructor Courtney Smith,
Scholarship programs covers full         “If the community colleges can                   left, with officers from the South Carolina
                                                                                          State Transport Police at impaired driver
tuition for students in the new          help, why not do it?” he said. “The              training.
pathway program.                                  partnership couples the 14-
Candidates are                                    week Police Pre-Academy
expected to secure                                Training Certificate with the           seen a need for modifications to
employment with a                                 8 weeks of intense Police               law enforcement training due to the
SC law enforcement                                Academy training for a total            changing expectations of society.
agency within one                                 of 22 weeks of education                “Improved hiring standards and the
year of completing                                and training. This is certainly         new pathway certificate comprise a
the program. Once                                 a mutual benefit for all                step in the right direction,” he said.
employed, they are                                entities.”
                                                                                          For information about PTC’s
assessed for entry into     John Sloan
                                                  After more than 30 years in             Criminal Justice Program, visit
the Academy. The
                                                  law enforcement, Sloan has    
measure is particularly
timely as communities across the
country re-evaluate their police
training standards.                      “I think it’s going to be great. There’s no
To offer perspective, Sloan noted        doubt that it should bolster and improve the
that, while South Carolina requires a
minimum of only 8 weeks of police        academic qualifications of law enforcement
training, many other states require
significantly more. For example, New
                                         candidates.”                                                                                   A Criminal Justice student participates in
                                                                                                                                        an impaired driver simulation during the
Jersey requires its police officers to                                       -John Sloan                                                summer 2021 term.

(855) 446-3864 I Piedmont Technical College I                                                                                CareerFocus I Fall 2021 I 5
The Sky's the Limit for Certified EMTs and Paramedics Trained at PTC


Steve Hudson
‘Sometimes It’s Not the Band-Aids and
Medication a Person Needs’
As a career first responder, Steve       Fire Department, he also participates
Hudson often feels invisible, noting     in efforts to recruit new firefighters.
that people generally don’t think
of first responders until there’s        “The majority of firefighters in the
an emergency. He’s                        United States are volunteers,” he
OK with that. Just                             explained. “Volunteers are
glad to help. But                                the backbone of the fire
someone has been                                   service.”
watching Steve                                            No two days are the
Hudson. And                                               same when a first
that someone                                              responder is on duty.
nominated                                                 Despite the dispatcher’s
Hudson for                                                best efforts, the first
recognition with                                         responder often has
the Daily Point                                        little idea what they are
of Light Award,                                      walking into. It can be scary   day, you understand that you will         with the department since 1978, still
sponsored by the                                  at times. “Even after all these    have another one. Find something          drives a fire truck at age 70.
national Points of Light                  years, it is the same,” Hudson said.       that you enjoy doing. I like spending
Foundation.                              “I still get that adrenalin.”               time in the woods, camping, fishing,      “Sometimes it’s not the Band-Aids
                                                                                     or hunting. Spending time with my         and medications that a person
“To this day, I don’t know who           Because they witness terrifying                                                       needs. Sometimes it’s just that
                                                                                     family is huge to me.”
nominated me,” Hudson said. “I was       injuries, traumatic events, and                                                       shoulder to cry on that makes a
blown away.”                             sometimes the darker elements of            Hudson and his wife, Tracie, have         difference,” he said. “It’s really
                                         humanity, all first responders need to      two daughters — Carlie, 17, and           amazing at the end of the day to go
Hudson is the Paramedic Lead             take care of their mental health.                                                     home and look in the mirror and say,
                                                                                     Abbie, 20. Involvement with the
Instructor at Piedmont Technical                                                                                               ‘I made a difference in somebody’s
                                                                                     Hickory Tavern Fire Department
College (PTC). In this role at PTC, he   “I don’t have all the answers and                                                     life today.’”
                                                                                     is definitely a family affair. Tracie’s
strives to promote interest in careers   sometimes feel like I am flying by the      father was one of the first fire chiefs
like Emergency Medical Technician        seat of my pants. But I know it’s OK                                                  For information about PTC’s EMT
                                                                                     in the department, and her mother,
(EMT) and Paramedic. As a volunteer      to not be OK,” Hudson said. “If you                                                   and Paramedic programs, visit
firefighter with the Hickory Tavern      are lucky enough to survive a bad                                           


Briana Carruth                                                                            “My cancer started in my foot,
                                                                                            and they had to amputate
                                                                                                                               “I have set so many goals for myself
                                                                                                                               since I was very young,” she said.
                                                                                              my leg below the knee,”          “I try to keep a good attitude
Determination Grounds                                                                          Carruth explained.              and surround myself with positive
Criminal Justice Student                                                                       However, a post-surgical
                                                                                                scan showed cancer
                                                                                                                               people. The thing that has gotten
                                                                                                                               me through is the goals I have set
                                                                                                in her lungs, so she           for myself. I haven’t wanted to give
Briana Carruth knows the despair         opener into the                                        has been receiving             up.”
and frustration of one who has           field,” she said.                                     chemotherapy for that
experienced devastating trauma.          “Victim advocacy                                     as well. “Being on chemo         What lies ahead is unknown. Follow-
She knows what it’s like to need         is what I want to                                   pushed my semester back.”         up scans may shape Carruth’s path,
a champion. When she was 16,             do when I get my                                                                      but determination will help her blaze
that champion turned out to be           degree.”                                          Despite the diagnosis and           trails.
a professional victim’s advocate.                                                    treatment, Carruth refuses to quit.
Five years later, Carruth is not only    Carruth is especially interested in                                                   “This year has been rough. I didn’t
                                         working with survivors of domestic          It’s just not in her nature. The young    get to take a full load,” she said.
a trauma survivor but a criminal                                                     woman is a fighter, and some
justice major at Piedmont Technical      violence. “I just know I want to                                                      “But school has kept my mind busy
                                         be helping somebody and giving              day, when she is cancer-free, she         throughout.”
College whose goal is to be a                                                        is determined to fight for crime
victim’s advocate for others who are     somebody a voice,” she said.
                                                                                     victims. Carruth says she has always
vulnerable, stressed, or frightened                                                  had a strong ability to focus, and she
                                         As she neared graduation, in
due to trauma.                                                                       remains optimistic while enjoying a
                                         February 2021, Carruth received an
“When I found myself in need of a        unexpected and sobering diagnosis           great support system of friends and
victim’s advocate, it was a real eye-    — cancer.                                   family around her.

6 I Fall 2021 I CareerFocus                                                           Piedmont Technical College I I (855) 446-3864
The Sky's the Limit for Certified EMTs and Paramedics Trained at PTC

                                                                                                                   It starts innocently enough. An
                                                                                                                   employee receives an email that
                                                                                                                   appears to be from a company

OFFERS ESSENTIAL                                                                                                   superior attending a professional
                                                                                                                   conference, asking them to click

                                                                                                                   a link and upload an important
                                                                                                                   presentation to the conference
                                                                                                                   website. It feels urgent. The
                                                                                                                   boss is in a bind. The employee
                                                                                                                   clicks on the link, inadvertently
                                                                                                                   installing vicious malware to the
                                                                                                                   company’s network.

Piedmont Technical College’s (PTC)         security measures. No one thought           So they introduced usernames and
cybersecurity curriculum is teaching       about it. Then Covid happened, and          passwords to better control access.”
the future computer                                  more people were online,
technology workforce to                                and they got hacked.            For social engineering to work,
combat these types of                                  Zoom had to add security        perpetrators gradually establish
attacks and more.                                      features because of             trust, targeting the most vulnerable
                                                       that. Sometimes people          users, many of whom are those who
“Even though we                                        don’t think about it until      did not grow up with the internet.
were talking about                                     something happens.”
cybersecurity issues,
                                                                                       “On the corporate side, you have
even though they’d                                       Historical perspective
                                                                                       the people who are not versed in
been taught not to                                       provides insights to
                                Coronicca Oliver                                       technology. A lot of people who
reveal things like Social                                system weaknesses today.
                                                                                       fall victim are from an era when,
Security Numbers, a lot
                                                         “Many years ago, security     if you couldn’t get in the room or
of new students in a class exercise,
                                           was   linked  with physical access.         access the physical equipment,
when asked to provide their last
                                           If you   could  physically get your         then you were OK. It’s an attack on
name and the last four digits of
                                           hands    on a  computer   or networking     knowledge,” he said. “It’s very much
their SSN, actually did it,” said
                                           device,   you  would  have  free reign      akin to spying. The perpetrator        The profile of cybersecurity training
Coronicca Oliver, program director
                                           to  do  anything,”  PTC   Computer          is gaining trust, establishing a       has expanded significantly in recent
for computer technology at PTC.
                                           Technology Instructor Henry Ecker           relationship, and when they ask for    years, yet some companies actually
“It’s called ‘social engineering,’ and
                                           explained. “If you                                 something, it doesn’t raise     choose to be less secure simply
it’s such a big thing.”
                                           could restrict access                                 alarm bells.”                to make life easier. Ecker says
Manipulating our human tendency to to the hardware,                                                                           companies actually do cost analyses
trust, cybercriminals use all manner       you were protected.                                Ecker noted that knowledge      to justify less-intrusive policies.
of social engineering tactics to           Things changed                                     and training combat security
                                                                                              breaches pretty well.           “The more secure something is,
gain access to information systems         when computers got
                                                                                                                              the more annoying it is to use,” he
and wreak havoc. There were an             more networked and
                                                                                               Oliver says students who       said. “Sometimes we risk security
estimated 65,000 ransomware                data became more
                                                                                               receive their Cybersecurity    in favor of increased accessibility
attacks last year in the United            portable.”
                                                                                               Certificate often can find     and convenience.” Nonetheless,
States. In addition to the immediate                                     Henry Ecker                                          cybersecurity professionals are
financial cost of such breaches, there Another factor                                          immediate employment,
                                           beyond rapidly                                      and many continue their        more necessary than ever in order
are pass-along costs that include
                                           increasing data                             education, sometimes pursuing an       to keep up with new strategies by
loss of productivity, legal action, a
                                           portability was the size of the             associate in computer technology.      bad actors and maintain a balanced
damaged reputation, and the costs
                                           networks.                                   Examples of entry-level positions      infrastructure for information
of new security resources.
                                                                                       include help desk technician,          security.
PTC began offering the                     “When the internet started, there
                                           was a set number of devices,” Ecker         junior network administrator, and      For more information about
Cybersecurity Certificate in 2017.                                                     IT support technician. PTC also
                                           continued. “You knew everybody                                                     PTC’s Computer Technology
“Cybersecurity today is a major            on the network because it was               offers an associate in applied         Program, including the
concern of any industry,” Oliver           very, very small. That is not the           science degree with cybersecurity      Cybersecurity Certificate, please
said. “In the past, there was a lack of case now with billions of devices.             concentration.                         visit

(855) 446-3864 I Piedmont Technical College I                                                                      CareerFocus I Fall 2021 I 7
The Sky's the Limit for Certified EMTs and Paramedics Trained at PTC

        The students have named him “Keanu,” which
        seems somehow appropriate for the brand-
        new catherization simulator that has been used
        to train its first cohort this spring semester at
        Piedmont Technical College (PTC). Contained in
        the body of a high-tech mannequin, the simulator
        enables students to conduct procedures as
        closely as can be approximated to the real clinical
        setting as possible.

“I like for each class to name             the simulator is as authentic as it can
the mannequin,” Cardiovascular             be.
Technology (CVT) Invasive Program
Instructor Lena Scott said. “This          “I think it’s a great simulation of what
semester, it was ‘Keanu.’ We also have     to expect when you actually get in the
another, ordinary lab mannequin, an        clinical setting,” she said. “I think to
older lady we call ‘Geri.’”                have the patient in front of you is the
                                           biggest factor in that.”
Scott says when “treating Keanu,”
students see images of the procedure       Scott says her students love the
in progress — such as a coronary           simulator and would much rather be
intravascular ultrasound or the            working on the simulator than sitting
implantation of a stent — on a             in a lecture.
computer screen.                           “They are grateful for the opportunity
“Each student has their own profile on     to do interventions before they go out
the simulator,” Scott explained, “and      into the clinical setting,” she said. “In
                                                                                           Students work with ‘Keanu’ in the catheterization lab at PTC.
I can track what they are doing. They      addition, the simulator communicates
log in and complete cases each day         radiation levels. That’s important
when they are here.”                       because we can’t ‘see’ radiation. It
                                           helps us teach about radiation safety.”
“The simulator is great. It gives you an
idea of what to expect,” PTC student       “The Cath simulator has been a great
Jacob Childress said. “It also gives you   tool to learn about the projections, the
the foundation of what to expect for       coronaries under fluoroscopy and the
the angiograms. It will show different     process to expect in the Cath Lab,”
angulations and what to expect when        Childress added.
it is done in the Cath Lab. … This has     For more information about PTC’s
been a great help identifying lesions      Cardiovascular Technology Program,
during procedures at the hospital.”        go to
As a former clinician with many years
of experience in practice, Scott says

“Each student has their own profile on the
simulator, and I can track what they are doing.
They log in and complete cases each day when
they are here.”
                                     -Lena Scott                                           PTC students perform a coronary ultrasound on another lab mannequin.

8 I Fall 2021 I CareerFocus                                                            Piedmont Technical College I I (855) 446-3864


        A good electronic engineering technician can                                                                                                Student Joseph
        smell trouble. Literally.                                                                                                                 Pinkard performs
                                                                                                                                             tasks in the EET lab at
                                                                                                                                                PTC in Greenwood.

“Electronic Engineering Technology        With electronic and computer
(EET) is one of the few educational       circuits now being used in everything
areas that has a specific smell.          from factory and office equipment
When you wire something wrong,            to cars and household appliances,
it smells funny,” said Jason White,       EETs can work in a wide variety of
EET instructor at Piedmont Technical      businesses and industries. They are
College (PTC). “They can see it, face     skilled in operating, troubleshooting,
it, smell it. That is                           calibrating and repairing
part of what makes                              electronic instruments and
a good EET.”                                    systems. Employment in the
                                                field is projected to grow by 3%
Other qualities of a                            through 2029, and talented EET
good EET include                                professionals can earn upwards
natural curiosity,
                                                of $60,000 annually or more.                                                  “What I have
and problem-                                   After completing the program,                                                  enjoyed the most
solving ability,                               EET graduates may be                 In a partnership launched in spring
strong IT skills,
                        Maulik Patel
                                               qualified for positions such         2018, ABB (a global supplier of           at PTC is the
and an interest in                             as engineering technician,           industrial robots), selected PTC as a     programming side
technology. White noted that there        maintenance technician, electrician,      U.S. training site for its equipment
is a common belief that one must be       electrical tester, product designer       and provided a series of robots to        and robotics. That
extremely strong at math to work in
the field, which doesn’t hurt. Clearly,
                                          and cable technician. Advancement
                                          is possible with experience and
                                                                                    multiple campuses. The arrangement        has been so much
                                                                                    affords students valuable hands-on
math skills are important, but the        continuing education.                     experience working with ABB robots        fun!”
typical EET need not be a math
savant.                                   “The bulk of our graduates will wind
                                                                                    in the lab setting.                           -Joseph Pinkard
                                          up working in the industrial sector, in   “We have six ABB industrial robots
“Good EETs are people who                 manufacturing, helping design and         that are the same as those used         Pinkard offered high praise for
like gadgets and are good with            maintain mechatronic and electrical/      at BMW Manufacturing. That              instructors White and Maulik Patel,
computers,” White said. “You need         mechanical systems and things of          sets us apart,” White said. “Our        citing their ability to relate complex
to consistently want to take things       that nature,” White said. “An EET         students have the ability to work       concepts in ways that he could
apart and find out how they work.         may be editing programmable logic         with some very expensive industrial     understand.
We need people who want to know           controllers (PLCs) or designing           equipment.”
what’s happening inside the little        new systems for the manufacturing                                                 “Jason and Maulik are fantastic.
black box.”                               process.”                                 One student who appreciates that        They are really doing a good job,”
                                                                                    access is student Joseph Pinkard        he said. “I had never done anything
                                                                                    of Abbeville. He participated in a      in electronic engineering before. It
                                                                                    summer internship at Greenwood          was like rocket science to me. I was
                                                                                    CPW, which has offered him a part-      coming in blind. They have done a
                                                                                    time position with an eye toward        great job explaining things. And, of
                                                                                    permanent employment.                   course, at PTC you get the hands-on
                                                                                    “What I have enjoyed the most at        experiences. It’s really helpful.”
                                                                                    PTC is the programming side and         For those who want to earn a
                                                                                    robotics,” he said. “That has been so   bachelor’s degree in electrical
                                                                                    much fun!”                              engineering or mechanical
                                                                                    With a strong background in             engineering, PTC has signed
                                                                                    information technology going            articulation agreements with SC
                                                                                    into the program, Pinkard already       State University and University of
                                                                                    understood computer programs and        South Carolina Upstate that facilitate
                                                                                    how software works. “Nothing works      work toward that goal.
                                                                                    without power,” he noted. “That         “Our students can actually earn their
                                                                                    is why I got interested in the EET      bachelor’s degree right here on our
                                                                                    Program, especially the electronic      campus,” White said. “That’s pretty
                                                                                    part.”                                  big.”

(855) 446-3864 I Piedmont Technical College I                                                                    CareerFocus I Fall 2021 I 9

        Piedmont Technical College (PTC) this fall has seen a surge in high
        school students looking to get a head start on their career pathways.
        In total, PTC has nearly 900 dual-enrolled students in classes across its
        seven-county service area. Through dual enrollment, students in high
        school take college courses and learn about careers as well as transfer
        opportunities to four-year institutions.

Machine Tool Technology Instructor
Phillip Calhoun can barely contain
                                          “I am ecstatic about the potential in
                                          this room,” Calhoun said. “They are
                                                                                  Calhoun’s class
his excitement about the dual             probably the best dual enrollment       is what he calls a
enrollment students in his class this     group I have had in a long while.”
fall at the PTC Center for Advanced
                                                                                  “blended” class
Manufacturing in Laurens. The high        As Calhoun poses review questions
                                          to the students during the morning
                                                                                  in which dual
schoolers from Clinton and Laurens
completed writing computer code           classroom portion of their day,         enrollment students
                                          the students respond readily with
for a program within their first week
                                          answers. The more they answer           and traditional
in class.
                                          correctly, he smiles and says,          college students take
                                          “Alright, you’re all cooking now.”
                Phillip Calhoun assists                                           classes together.
                     students entering    Calhoun’s class is what he calls
             programs into classroom      a “blended” class in which              classes together. At a dry-erase
                                          dual enrollment students and            board, Calhoun goes over formula
                                          traditional college students take       computations that will guide the
                                                                                  “Make sure you do your math
                                                                                  correctly,” he tells the students.          The Machine
                                                                                  “The math in machine tool is not            Tool Technology
                                                                                  hard. It’s basic, simple math.”
                                                                                                                              Program at PTC
                                                                                  The Machine Tool Technology
                                                                                  Program at PTC offers degrees               offers degrees and
                                                                                  and certificates qualifying program         certificates qualifying
                                                                                  graduates for a multitude of jobs in
                                                                                  advanced manufacturing. Students            program graduates
                                                                                  learn how to work with blueprints
                                                                                  and computer-aided design files,
                                                                                                                              for a multitude of
                                                                                  how to align and adjust cutting tools,      jobs in advanced
                                                                                  how to test finished work for quality
                                                                                  and precision, and how to develop
                                                                                  programs to control machining of            Bridges’ classmate at Laurens High
                                                                                  metal or plastic parts.                     School, Brandon Matthews, agreed.
                                                                                  Dual enrollment student Colby               “I think this should be a good career
                                                                                  Bridges of Laurens High School              path for me,” he said, “and I enjoy
                                                                                  chose machine tool because his              it.”
                                                                                  brother works in a job that requires
                                                                                  machine tool skills.                        Calhoun continues to be impressed
                                                                                                                              by the abilities of his dual enrollment
                                                                                  “He makes pretty good money,”               students. “By the time we get to
                                                                                  Bridges said, “and I have always            mid-terms, they will be able to pretty
                                                                                  liked working on mechanical things.”        much run their own jobs,” he said.
                                                                                  When asked if he was at all                 For more information about dual
                                                                                  intimidated by the college course or        enrollment at PTC, visit www.ptc.
                                                                                  found it particularly difficult, Bridges    edu/dual. For more information
                                                                                  shook his head. “It’s just practice. It’s   about the Machine Tool
 Dual-enrolled students Colby Bridges
 (left) and Brandon Matthews
                                                                                  just repetition,” he said. “And Mr.         Technology Program at PTC, visit
                                                                                  Calhoun, he’s pretty fun.”        

10 I Fall 2021 I CareerFocus                                                       Piedmont Technical College I I (855) 446-3864

                                                    For many people, deciding on a career can feel like taking a journey without
                                                    either a map or a destination. Eventually, with some advice and direction, a
                                                    little exploration and maybe a dead end or two, you begin to get a sense of
                                                    where you’d like to go and how to get there. Whether you’re just starting out
                                                    or picking up a new career mid-life, Piedmont Tech offers courses and services to
                                                    help you find your path and get to your goal.
                                              Good advice and good resources are the best road maps.                      you into a job, in two years an associate degree can move
                                              PTC’s Counseling, Career Planning and Employment                            you a little farther along your career path, and transferring
                                              Services can help you explore your options and get                          to a four-year college will take you even farther.
                                              started on a plan of action. Academic advisors, too, can
                                              help you choose the right classes for your goal.                            Map out your options by taking a look at the PTC A-Z
                                                                                                                          listing below. And when you’re ready to start planning
                                              PTC’s 80+ certificate, diploma and degree programs are                      your career, visit to find out how to enroll in
                                              some of the best vehicles around for taking you to your                     classes. Call the Admissions Office at (855) 446-3864 for
                                              career destinations. In a year or less a certificate can get                answers to your questions.

                                       UNIVERSITY TRANSFER PROGRAMS
                                       If you’re headed toward a bachelor’s degree, we can help you get there. Piedmont Tech offers more than 80 courses that transfer to any public university
                                       or college in South Carolina, and hundreds of PTC students transfer credits earned at Piedmont Tech to universities throughout the state each year.

 Associate in Arts                                                                                 University Studies Certificate
 The Associate in Arts program prepares students for four-year baccalaureate majors in fields      This certificate is designed to allow students to transfer to a senior institution after two
 such as business, accounting, management, English, journalism, social work, education,            semesters and a minimum of of thirty (30) transferable credit hours.
 music, psychology, history, pre-law, humanities, fine arts and social sciences.
                                                                                                   Transfer Partnerships & Career Path Transfers
 Associate in Science                                                                              PTC has established specific transfer agreements with more than 19 colleges and
 The Associate in Science degree stresses mathematics, as well as natural and physical             universities, as well as specific career path transfers in areas such as business, criminal justice,
 sciences, and prepares students for four-year baccalaureate majors in those fields, plus          engineering technology, education and many more. Talk to your advisor to decide which
 engineering, pre-med, veterinary medicine, chiropractic and education.                            path is right for you.

                                                                                                   For more information, visit

                                       AGRICULTURE                                                                                           BUSINESS & INFORMATION

 We all know that agriculture is an important part of                                                 If you’re a good communicator who enjoys solving
                                                            South Carolina Mean Salaries                                                                           South Carolina Mean Salaries
 South Carolina’s heritage. But did you know that                                                     problems, a career in business might be right for you.
                                                            Agricultural Inspector - $45,490                                                                       Tax Preparer - $43,080
 agriculture-based businesses play a critical and                                                     Computers have also become an indispensible part
                                                            Agricultural Technician - $31,950                                                                      Medical Transcriptionist - $35,180
 expanding role in the growth of the state’s economy?                                                 of everyday life. Majoring in Computer Technology at
                                                            Nursery Operator - $25,440
 In fact, agribusiness is one of the largest economic                                                 Piedmont Tech will give you the knowledge and
 clusters in the state and a critically important part of                                             skills you’ll need to get started in Information
 the knowledge based economy.                                                                         Technology and computer science.

 Diversified Agriculture                                                                              Administrative Office Technology
 Provides students with advanced technical knowledge                                                  Actual work experience and instruction in
 in sustainable agriculture, field crop production,                                                   keyboarding, word processing, spreadsheet
 pest management, soil and water management,                                                          applications, transcription, office procedures,
 hydraulics and pneumatics, agriculture economics and                                                 communication, accounting and more give graduates
 marketing related to the agricultural industry.                                                      the ability to work independently and handle the
                                                                                                      details of office administration.
 A.A.S., Major in Diversified Agriculture
                                                                                                      A.A.S., Major in Administrative Office Technology
 Basic Diversified Agriculture Certificate
                                                                                                      Office Technician Certificate
 Horticulture Technology
 Students are prepared for supervisory, middle management and technical positions in                  Business Administration
 horticulture, including landscape design, implementation and maintenance.                            Probably no other occupational area encompasses
                                                                                                      a more diverse range of activities than the business
 A.A.S., Major in Horticulture Technology
 Turfgrass Management Certificate
 Landscape Management Certificate                                                                     A.A.S., Major in Business Administration
 Landscape Design and Installation Certificate                                                        Accounting Certificate
 Greenhouse Management Certificate                                                                    Entrepreneurship Certificate

(855) 446-3864 I Piedmont Technical College I                                                                                              CareerFocus I Fall 2021 I 11
BUSINESS & INFORMATION                                                                     ENGINEERING
                                       TECHNOLOGIES                                                                               TECHNOLOGY
                                                                                             Engineering Bachelor’s Degree Options
 Commercial Art                                                                              Agreements have been developed to provide options for transfer into three bachelor’s
 If you have an artistic streak and you enjoy solving problems by thinking creatively and
                                                                                             degree programs: The USC Electrical Engineering or Mechanical Engineering programs;
 interacting with computers, you should consider a major in Commercial Art.
                                                                                             SCSU’s bachelor of science in Electrical Engineering Technology (BSEET) degree or the
 A.A.S., Major in General Technology – Commercial Art
                                                                                             bachelor of science in Mechanical Engineering Technology (BSMET) degree programs;
     • Concentrations in advertising design, digital rendering and photography
                                                                                             and USC Upstate’s Engineering Technology Management B.S. program.
 Advertising Design Certificate
 Digital Rendering and Gaming Development Certificate
 Photography Certificate

 Computer Technology
 Students study computer maintenance, local-and wide-area networks and popular
 programming languages. Graduates are truly prepared to take their place in the                                                   INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY
 Information Age.
 A.A.S., Major in Computer Technology
 PC Technician Certificate
                                                                                             Students enrolled in any of the Industrial Technology
 Cybersecurity Certificate                                                                                                                             South Carolina Mean Salaries
                                                                                             curricula will gain practical experience and technical
 Certified IT Professional Certificate                                                                                                                 Automotive Technician - $41,480
                                                                                             knowledge. Well-equipped labs, broad-based
                                                                                                                                                       Carpenter - $46,780
                                                                                             programs and hands-on opportunities make the
                                                                                                                                                       HVAC Technician - $45,160
                                                                                             difference in their futures.
                                                                                                                                                       Electronics Technician - $61,900
                                                                                                                                                       CNC Machine Tool
                                                                                             Automotive Technology
                                                                                                                                                          Operator - $44,010
                                       QUICKSKILLS ADVANCED                                  Students are trained to perform quality maintenance,
                                                                                                                                                       Welder - $43,260
                                                                                             diagnosis and repair of complex modern vehicles.
                                       TRAINING OPTION                                       A.A.S., Major in Automotive Technology
                                                                                             Automotive Fundamentals Certificate
 In today’s Advanced Manufacturing operations, qualified employees are essential to a
 successful production operation. The Quickskills training programs listed below allow       Building Construction Technology
 people to learn in a relatively short time frame the necessary entry level skills to help   Students gain practical training in estimating building
 them start work with more than a basic understanding.                                       costs, carpentry, cabinet making, residential wiring,
                                                                                             blueprint reading, brick masonry, construction,
 Machine Tool CNC Precision Operator                                                         building codes and safety.
 Students will learn and perfect introductory skills in the programming and daily            A.A.S., Major in Building Construction
 maintenance of CNC machines. Various types of automated equipment, such as                  Technology
 Coordinate Measuring Machines are utilized so that students gain practical experience       Carpentry Certificate
 that will help them obtain gainful employment in industry.

 Manufacturing Production Technician                                                         Gunsmithing
 The curriculum includes mathematical and statistical techniques and applications,           A.A.S., Major in General Technology -
 industrial safety and operational principles, production process cycle including resource   Gunsmithing
 availability, product specifications and state-of-the-art manufacturing practices,          Advanced Gunsmithing Certificate
 including Lean Manufacturing tools and techniques.                                          Introduction to Gunsmithing Certificate

 Precision Metrology Certificate                                                             Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Technology
 The Precision Metrology certificate is designed to upgrade or refresh skills for people     Students in this program are educated in the installation, maintenance and repair of air
 familiar with measuring systems required in Advanced Manufacturing industries. Working      conditioning, refrigeration and heating systems.
 with tolerances on the order of millionths of an inch, Quality Control Inspectors require   A.A.S., Major in Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning Technology
 the knowledge to operate highly sophisticated inspection equipment such as optical          Heating Fundamentals Certificate
 comparators, profilometers and CMM (Coordinate Measuring Machine) systems.                  Refrigeration Applications Certificate
                                                                                             HVACR Installers Certificate

                                                                                             Machine Tool Technology
                                                                                             Students in this program get training and practical experience in machining operations
                                       ENGINEERING                                           used in the manufacturing industry. The graduate is skilled in the use of precision
                                                                                             equipment and can make intricate parts.
                                       TECHNOLOGY                                            A.A.S., Major in Machine Tool Technology
                                                                                             D.A.S., Major in Machine Tool
                                                                                             Computerized Numerical Control Certificate
 If you’re fascinated by technology and enjoy a hands-on approach to problem solving,        Machine Tool Operator Certificate
 Engineering Technology may be the right career path for you.
                                                                                             Mechatronics Technology
 Electronic Engineering Technology                            South Carolina Mean Salaries   Combining electronic, mechanical, robotics and information system technologies,
 The graduate is skilled in the operation, troubleshooting,   Electrical and Electronics     this program provides the graduate with the skill set needed for today’s automated
 calibration and repair of electronic instruments and            Drafter - $62,130           manufacturing facilities.
 systems found in process control, communications,            Electronic Engineering         A.A.S., Major in Mechatronics Technology
 computers, manufacturing, programmable logic                    Technician - $65,520        Mechatronics Technology I Certificate
 controllers and microprocessors.                             Mechanical Engineering         Electrical Maintenance Technician Certificate
 A.A.S., Major in Electronic Engineering Technology              Technician - $58,000
 Engineering Design Technology                                                               Welding
 All phases of manufacturing or construction require the conversion of new ideas and         Students learn to join metal by use of gas-fueled torches and electric arc processes.
 design concepts into the basic line language of graphics.                                   A.A.S., Major in General Technology - Welding
 A.A.S., Major in Engineering Design Technology                                              D.A.S., Major in Welding
                                                                                             Basic Welding Certificate
 Mechanical Engineering Technology
 The Mechanical Engineering Technology curriculum equips the graduate for: performing
 a key role in the mechanical design process; installing, troubleshooting and repairing
 mechanical and electro-mechanical equipment; programming CNC machine tools, computers,
 programmable controllers and robots; and performing general maintenance functions.
 A.A.S., Major in Mechanical Engineering Technology

12 I Fall 2021 I CareerFocus                                                                 Piedmont Technical College I I (855) 446-3864
HEALTH CARE                                                                                       PUBLIC SERVICE

 With the complexity and diversity of today’s health
                                                             South Carolina Mean Salaries          Students interested in a career in Public Service
 care system, varieties of health care professionals                                                                                                       South Carolina Mean Salaries
                                                             Cardiovascular Technologist           may choose majors in Criminal Justice or Early Care
 are needed. To function effectively by providing                                                                                                          Police Officer - $43,520
                                                                - $58,880                          and Education.
 safe, knowledgeable patient care, the health care                                                                                                         Preschool or Daycare
                                                             Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)
 professional needs a thorough understanding of basic                                              Criminal Justice                                          Administrator - $44,780
                                                                - $42,190
 sciences and individual curriculum theory.                                                        This program is designed to prepare professionally-     Preschool Teacher -$28,380
                                                             Pharmacy Technician - $32,660
                                                                                                   educated and competent criminal justice                 Funeral Home Managers -$70,610
 Cardiovascular Technology                                   Radiologic Technologist - $54,840
                                                                                                                                                           Human Services Assistant - $31,700
                                                             Respiratory Therapist - $56,740       practitioners for careers within the criminal justice
 The Cardiovascular Technologist performs diagnostic
                                                             Registered Nurse (RN) - $64,840       system.
 tests which are used in the diagnosis, treatment,
                                                             Veterinary Technologist - $33,410     A.A.S., Major in Criminal Justice
 and serial follow-up of patients with cardiovascular
                                                                                                   Police Pre-Academy Training Certificate
 A.A.S., Major in Cardiovascular Technology                                                        Early Care and Education
                                                                                                   The Early Care and Education program offers a combination of classroom instruction and
 Emergency Medical Technician                                                                      supervised, hands-on experience that prepares students for direct entry into the field of
 The Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) is a vital link in the health care chain. Emergency        Early Care and Education.
 Medical Technicians (EMT) are employed in areas such as emergency ambulances, private             A.A.S., Major in Early Care and Education
 non-emergent transport services, clinics, and other allied health care settings.
                                                                                                   A.A.S., Major in Early Care and Education, Infant/Toddler Care Concentration
 Emergency Medical Technician Certificate
 Paramedic Certificate                                                                             Early Childhood Development Certificate
                                                                                                   Infant/Toddler Certificate
 Medical Assisting
 The Medical Assisting program prepares a multi-skilled graduate to function in clinical and       Funeral Service
 administrative areas of the physician’s office and ambulatory care centers.                       This program provides the educational foundation needed to seek South Carolina
 D.A.S., Major in Medical Assisting                                                                licensure both as an embalmer and as a funeral director.
                                                                                                   A.A.S., Major in Funeral Service
 Nursing                                                                                           Funeral Director's Certificate
 The Nursing program will assist students in developing the intellectual, technical and            Embalmer's Certificate
 professional competencies necessary to practice. Upon successful completion of the
 NCLEX licensure exam by the State Board of Nursing for South Carolina, graduates can              Human Services
 seek employment as licensed registered nurses or licensed practical nurses, depending on          The program prepares students to work in diverse settings such as group homes;
 their program of study.                                                                           correctional, special needs and mental health settings; family, child and youth service
 A.A.S., Major in Nursing                                                                          agencies; and programs concerned with alcoholism, drug abuse, family violence and aging.
                                                                                                   A.A.S., Major in Human Services
 D.A.S., Major in Practical Nursing
 LPN to ADN Nursing Transition Option

 Occupational Therapy Assistant
 As only one of three two-year programs of its kind in South Carolina, Piedmont Technical
 College’s Occupational Therapy Assistant program is a great option for students seeking
 this in-demand training in the Upstate and Midlands.
 A.A.S., Major in Occupational Therapy Assistant
                                                                                                                                         GENERAL TECHNOLOGY
 Patient Care Technician
 Because health care is changing at an unprecedented pace, new or varied approaches to             The major in General Technology is designed to provide students with an opportunity to
 patient care are emerging. One such approach is the use of multi-skilled individuals known        upgrade diploma or certificate programs into broader occupational degrees. The program
 as Patient Care Technicians who are a part of the health care team.                               is designed to be substantially individualized to meet the needs of employees who have
 Patient Care Technician Certificate                                                               or seek to have broad technical responsibilities. Total credit hours for this degree must
                                                                                                   equal 60 or more. Students in the following program areas, with general education
                                                                                                   courses, may earn an associate in applied science with a general major in general
 Pharmacy Technician
                                                                                                   technology: Welding, Gunsmithing, Commercial Art, and Health Care.
 Graduates of the pharmacy technician diploma are health care professionals who assist
 the pharmacist in a hospital or clinical setting to provide quality health care related to
 medication administration in an institutional setting.
 D.A.S., Major in Pharmacy Technician
                                                                                                 A.A.S. = Associate in Applied Science
 Radiologic Technology                                                                           D.A.S. = Diploma in Applied Science
 The Radiologic Technology curriculum is designed to assist students in acquiring the
                                                                                                 Source: May 2019, Occupational Outlook Handbook,
 general and technical competencies necessary to enter the radiography field.
 A.A.S., Major in Radiologic Technology

 Respiratory Care
 The respiratory care practitioner is trained to assist the medical staff with the treatment,
 management and care of patients with cardiopulmonary abnormalities or deficiencies.
 A.A.S., Major in Respiratory Care

 Surgical Technology
 Surgical technologists are members of the operating team who work closely with
 surgeons, anesthesiologists, RNs and other personnel to deliver patient care before,
 during and after surgery.
 D.A.S., Major in Surgical Technology

 Veterinary Technology
 The veterinary technician works under the supervision of a licensed veterinarian. The
 specialized training received will allow the graduate to seek employment in such areas as
 clinical medicine, laboratory animal medicine, emergency medicine, pharmaceutical sales,
 food inspection and government agencies.
 A.A.S., Major in Veterinary Technology

(855) 446-3864 I Piedmont Technical College I                                                                                         CareerFocus I Fall 2021 I 13
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