The Singleton Winter Breeze - March 2021 - Singleton United Methodist Church

The Singleton Winter Breeze - March 2021 - Singleton United Methodist Church
The Singleton Winter Breeze
                            March 2021

                 Although the groundhog said six more week of winter
                 and it is cold as I write this, Spring is coming. As our life
                 has changed over the past year, hopefully we used it as
                 a time of reflection. We reflected on what we value
                 about life and what was not as important. As we come
                 our of the pandemic our life will look a little different.
                 The same is true in a relationship with Christ. We
                 reflect and realize what is helping us grow closer to
                 Christ and push away what is pulling us away. We are
                 entering into the season of Lent, which gives us a
perfect time for this reflection. Blessings for you during this season.

Pastor Calvin
The Singleton Winter Breeze - March 2021 - Singleton United Methodist Church
Recipe from the Parsonage

                                                   Homemade Tossed Salad
                                              1 tbsp Dijon mustard
                                              2 tsp Honey or maple syrup
                                              1/8 tsp Black pepper
                                              1/4 tsp Kosher salt
                                              9/16 cup Olive oil
                                              3 tbsp White wine vinegar
                                              Combine and shake well.
Donna’s Valentine’s Day Activity!!! Zzzzzz!

                                              United Methodist Men are going
         Donna’s Valentine Dinner
                                              to have a clean up day in March.
“Love is our true destiny. We do not find     We are asking over the next few
the meaning of life by ourselves alone;       weeks that everyone clean off
we find it with another.”
                                              the Christmas flowers in the
—Thomas Merton                                cemetery. Thanks.
The Singleton Winter Breeze - March 2021 - Singleton United Methodist Church
March 2021
                                               1              Julie Stone
                                                              Patrick Stone

                                               3              Jacob Monfort

                                               4              Madison Barbie

                                               5              Linda Looman

                                               6              Tracey Kellum
Our Church Celebration Committee is now
complete. Sue Antonick and Susie Welker        13             Margaret Champion
are excited to be the co-chairs of this                       Malinda Floyd
wonderful group. Helping us plan will be
Judy Smith, Linda Looman, Ginger Van Atta                     James Chapman
and Hunter and Michelle Stone. We plan to
meet the first time on March 8th . Here is     14             Mary Alice Williams
where you can help at this time. If you have   18             Matt Soles
a great idea which you would like to share
with this committee, please contact Sue at     19             Pat Houtz or 804-694-0935 or Susie
                                               20             Natalie Arrington
at or 804-693-7506. We
would really like to hear from our Church      23             Shirley Hudgins
family about what you would like to have in
the way of a celebration. It won’t be long     26             Brian Kellum
now!!! I for one am most anxious to see all
of you and catch up!                           Anniversary
Love to all                                    David and Denise Williams
Susie and Sue

           NEW ADDRESS                         “Today is the tomorrow you worried
Jean Smith Heron Cove 1 Rm                     about yesterday.”
7375 Heron Cove Way
                                               —Dale Carnegie
Gloucester, Va., 23061
The Singleton Winter Breeze - March 2021 - Singleton United Methodist Church
Congratulations to Charlie
Poulson for making the                    Our Precious Twins –

Dean’s List this semester          Karen Soles and Connie Field
at Virginia Tech. We are all          Covid Compliant with their
so proud of you, Charlie!

                                  Singleton UMM had a very successful UMM
                                  fundraiser this past fall with the Brunswick Stew
                                  and BBQ meal. I have had some discussions
   Announcement: Linda and        with other members, and wonder if we want to
  Larry Makowski of Express       do a fundraiser around April 2021.
Auctions have announced that      Suggestions:
the auction at the Williamsburg
                                      1. Take out Fish Fry Meal (Fried fish, hush
  Location on March 27 , 2021            puppies, baked beans, slaw, string
     will include “Texaco”               beans and dessert) feeds 1, price
memorabilia from the estate of           $10.00
          Andy James.
The Singleton Winter Breeze - March 2021 - Singleton United Methodist Church
2. Take out Brunswick Stew, BBQ and bun
        sale (1 quart stew, 1 pint BBQ, 4 bums)
        feeds 2, price $15.00
  Each would require ticket sales, phone and
online orders, so we can plan for the number of
people to be served.

  Because of the COVID pandemic, we have not
been having regular bi-monthly meetings. So, I
am hoping we can maybe get this issue on your
agendas so we can fund some church projects
this year.

  Let me know what you think email or call at

    Lester Sterling

The Singleton Winter Breeze - March 2021 - Singleton United Methodist Church
                                                      Walnut Pumpkin Bread


                                                      2/3 cup all-purpose flour

                                                      1 ½ cups sugar

                                                      1 teaspoon baking soda

                                                      ½ teaspoon baking powder

                                                      1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

                                                      ½ teaspoon ground nutmeg
Around the back of our house the water turtles
                                                      ¼ teaspoon ground cloves
come to our yard to lay eggs. So far we have
never seen the babies. Usually something              ¼ teaspoon salt
comes and eats them. There are a number of
                                                      2 large eggs, beaten
holes dug this year so I will be watching to see if
this is the year to watch for baby turtles.           1 cup pumpkin puree

                                                      ½ cup canola oil

                                                      ½ cup water

                                                      ½ cup chopped walnuts


                                                      1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease a 9 x
                                                      5 inch loaf pan.

                                                      2. In a large bowl, combine flour, sugar,
                                                      baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon,
                                                      nutmeg, cloves and salt.

                                                      3. In a separate bowl, add eggs, pumpkin oil,
We have resident Gopher turtles that have             and water and mix until well combined.
made a home in the front landscape of our
                                                      4. Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients and
house in Florida. It is illegal to move them. A
                                                      stir until moistened. Fold in walnuts. Pour
heavy fine will be given if we try to relocate
                                                      batter into prepared pan.
them. We put red mulch down to help
landscape their entrance but it was soon              5. Bake until toothpick inserted in the center
covered with dirt!                                    comes out clean, 65 to 70 minutes. Cool bread
                                                      in pan for 10 minutes before serving.
From Ginger and Brian Van Atta
The Singleton Winter Breeze - March 2021 - Singleton United Methodist Church
Tissue: To remind you to see the
                                        tears and needs of others, including
                                        those of yourself.

                                        Candy Kiss: To remind you that
                                        everyone needs a hug, a kiss, or a
                                        word of encouragement every day.

                                        Life Saver: To remind you to think of
                                        your peers as your "life savers." Care
                                        about each other and help each other
                                        through the stressful times that
                                        occur in life.
  Our own Butch Smith made the
 paper. Article relates how Butch       Penny: To remind you the value of
went to the Gloucester Museum to        your thoughts - BIG ones and little
purchase a coffee mug honoring the      ones! Share them with others.
USS Mathews. He served upon the         Eraser: To remind you that we all
    USS Mathews in the 1960’s.          make mistakes and with an eraser
                                        they can be erased, as our human
                                        mistakes can-be-overcome.

                                        Toothpick: To remind you to "pick out"
                                        the good qualities in others (and
                                        yourself) and to be tolerant and
                                        accepting of the differences in/of
                                        others...and finally,
"Anti-Stress Kit"
                                        Paper Clip: It's important to "keep it
This is an Anti-Stress
                                        all together." Find the balance in your
Kit...hopefully to help you relax and
                                        physical, professional, and spiritual
enjoy your life more!
                                        life. Explore the resources and
Rubber Band: To remind you to           programs available to you in your
stretch your new ideas and your mind    community (when "safe" again).
to new limits so you will continue to
                                        Submitted by Connee Sutton
grow and reach your potential.
The Singleton Winter Breeze - March 2021 - Singleton United Methodist Church
the entire menu for a single one of those

                                                  But I do know this: They all nourished me
                                                  and gave me the strength I needed to do my
                                                  work. If my wife had not given me these
                                                  meals, I would be physically dead today.

                                                  Likewise, if I had not gone to church for
                                                  nourishment, I would be spiritually dead

                                                  When you are DOWN to nothing, God is UP
                                                  to something!

                                                  Faith sees the invisible, believes the
                                                  incredible & receives the impossible!
              Why go to Church?
                                                  Thank God for our physical and our spiritual
If you’re spiritually dead, you won’t want to     nourishment!
read it.
                                                  B. I. B L. E. simply means: Basic
If you’re spiritually curious, there is still     Instructions Before Leaving Earth!
                                                  IN GOD WE TRUST
A Church goer wrote a letter to the editor of
a newspaper and complained that it made           "Faith is not about everything turning
no sense to go to church every Sunday.            out OK. It's about being OK, no matter how
                                                  things turn out.
He wrote: "I've gone for 30 years now, and
in that time I have heard something like          Submitted by Judy Smith
3,000 sermons, but for the life of me, I can't
remember a single one of them. So, I think
I'm wasting my time, the preachers and
priests are wasting theirs by giving sermons
at all".

This started a real controversy in the
"Letters to the Editor" column.

Much to the delight of the editor, it went on
for weeks until someone wrote this clincher:

"I've been married for 30 years now. In that
time my wife has cooked some 32,000
meals. But, for the life of me, I cannot recall
The Singleton Winter Breeze - March 2021 - Singleton United Methodist Church
We hope at some point this year            Secondly, we need to organize
we will be able to return to a new         who we want to be and what we
normal worship. We do not know             want to offer as we leave the
when this may happen. We want              pandemic. This includes worship,
to begin preparing in at least             activities and learning
three of ways.                             opportunities. How do we want to
                                           grow the church? We need a
                                           chairperson and volunteers.
First, we want to have a Day of
                                           Third, we need to rebuild most of
Celebration (something like a
                                           our church committees(PPR, Lay
Homecoming) to invite anyone and
                                           Leadership, Finance, Annual
everyone to return to in-person
                                           Conference Representative, etc.
worship. We have co-chairs,
                                           We need volunteers.
Susie Welker and Sue Antonick.

       Singleton United Methodist Church

     P.O. Box 27

    Schley, Va. 23154
The Singleton Winter Breeze - March 2021 - Singleton United Methodist Church
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