The President of the Republic tours New Cruise Terminal - Panama Ship Registry

Page created by Justin Horton
The President of the Republic tours New Cruise Terminal - Panama Ship Registry
The President of the Republic tours New Cruise
 First cruise ships expected to arrive in November

The President of the Republic                   concept, which means that tourists can           The Cruise Terminal is built within an 88
Laurentino Cortizo Cohen, in company            come to Panama to board their cruise             hectare-area, with a natural reserve
of the Panama Maritime Authority (AMP)          ships. The terminal          can dock            area, ample sectorized parking, stores,
Administator, Noriel Araúz and the              simultaneously 2 cruise ships and will           restaurants, high technology and a
Administrator of the Panama Tourism             have the capacity to receive more than           modern, comfortable, safe and attractive
Authority (ATP), Iván Eskildsen, toured         5,000 passengers, with the highest               infrastructure for visitors.
the facilities of the new $136M-Panama          standards of quality and safety",                The 343m-long and 36m-wide- terminal
Cruise Terminal which will boost the            Panama Maritime Authority (AMP)                  is equipped with the best land and
country's tourism sector.                       Administrator, Noriel Araúz said.                maritime facilities; it will allow
                                                                                                 passengers and cruise operators to
During the inspection of the construction,      "This terminal is an attraction that will
                                                                                                 enjoy their stay; and can receive vessels
the officials could verify the state of the     contribute to boost the cruise industry
                                                                                                 of up to 360 meters in length.
works, 80% complete, that will allow the        and        tourism        nationally     and
new terminal to begin operations in             internationally since it will become the         The Panama Cruise Terminal is a reality
November.                                       first cruise port built in the Pacific sector,   that will place Panama at the forefront of
                                                giving Panama a strategic position",             the industry, offering a new tourist
"For the month of November, we expect           commented the Administrator of the               destination, reactivating the economy
the arrival of the first cruise ships to this   Panama Tourism Authority (ATP), Ivan             and attracting thousands of visitors.
terminal, based on a Home Port                  Eskildsen.

The President of the Republic tours New Cruise Terminal - Panama Ship Registry
Shipowners show their trust in Panama's Ship Registry

The Panama Ship Registry is the largest        the most favorable option for ship            The performance of the Panamanian
in the world since 1993. This year, most       owners thanks to the country´s legal          fleet at the end of July 2021 remains at
of the vessels that entered the                security, the 24/7 attention and human        96.68% compliance in relation to the
Panamanian registry were Bulk Carrier          resources´ level of professionalism and       various Memoranda of Understanding;
vessels. Panama-flagged bulk carriers          effort.                                       in addition, the country remains on the
represent 22% of the world´s bulk carrier                                                    White Lists of the Paris MoU and Tokyo
fleet, with 2,725 vessels and 112.1M GT,       Panama, as a flag state, has registered       MoU.
according to the Clarksons Research.           the 24 largest container ships in the
                                               world, in relation to their cargo capacity,   Panama has been part of the Maritime
Between January and August 2021,               totaling 5.5M GT and having less than 2       Anti-Corruption Network (MACN) for
Panama       has     incorporated       218    years of construction.                        more than a year, reaffirming its
newly-built ships to its fleet, contributing                                                 commitment to be a transparent and
6.6 M GT, of which 61 vessels are from         In the cruise ship segment, the Panama        responsible registry with international
the bulk carrier segment.                      Ship Registry is among the three flags        compliance.
                                               most chosen by shipowners. The
Despite the pandemic caused by                 Panama fleet includes 42 cruise vessels
Covid-19, the Panamanian Registry is           representing 3.4M GT.

The President of the Republic tours New Cruise Terminal - Panama Ship Registry
President Cor�zo thanks the World Bank for its
confidence in establishing its regional
headquarters in Panama

The President of the Republic,             the bank's director for Central America      The President explained to the World
Laurentino Cortizo Cohen, thanked the      and the Dominican Republic. "Welcome         Bank executives the government
World Bank for its confidence as he was    to you and your family to Panama. This       strategy to confront the pandemic, with
told by Word Bank´s vice president for     is a country of good and noble people.       balanced measures in health, economic
Latin America and the Caribbean,           As President of the Republic, I welcome      and social areas.
Carlos Felipe Jaramillo, that Panama       you on behalf of all Panamanians," said
City will be the World Bank´s regional     the President.                               In addition to Jaramillo and Kerf, Emmy
headquarters for Central America and                                                    Yokoyama, World Bank Senior Advisor
the Dominican Republic.                    During the meeting, they also discussed      for the Vice Presidency of Latin America
                                           Panama's       Covid-19     vaccination      and the Caribbean, also participated in
"I am grateful for the World Bank's        process. Carlos Felipe Jaramillo said he     the meeting.
confidence in Panama for establishing      was extremely impressed by the number
the regional headquarters here. That is    of people who have been vaccinated in        President     Cortizo     Cohen      was
an important proof of the World Bank´s     such a short time.                           accompanied by the Minister of
trust in Panama," said President Cortizo                                                Economy      and      Finance,    Héctor
Cohen during a meeting with the World      President Cortizo Cohen highlighted          Alexander, and Saleh Asvat, Executive
Bank's vice president for Latin America    that Panama has enough vaccines for          Secretary    of     the    Public-Private
and the Caribbean.                         all the population with the application of   Partnership (PPP).
                                           vaccines from two pharmaceutical
President Cortizo Cohen welcomed           companies, Pfizer and AstraZeneca.
Jaramillo and Michel Kerf, who will be

The President of the Republic tours New Cruise Terminal - Panama Ship Registry
The General Directorate of Merchant Marine is
con�nuously improving its Quality Management System
During 2021 first semester, a total of four   platform, and the compliance with         the staff of SEGUMAR's International
internal audits have been carried out in      national and international regulations.   Headquarters in Imabari (Japan) and
remote     (virtual)  mode       to     the                                             the Directorate General’s, with a total of
International headquarters of Segumar         The Directorate General of Merchant
                                                                                        15 participants.
in Dubai, London, Singapore and Miami,        Marine plans in the coming months of
completing the program of this year first     July and August, to complete the remote
                                                                                        The use of communication tools, in
semester.                                     internal    audits    of     Segumar's
                                                                                        addition to connectivity and the
                                              international headquarters at Imabari
                                                                                        implementation   of    all digitalized
 The audits showed the commitment of          (Japan) and Houston (US), and
                                                                                        platforms,     demonstrate         the
the technical and administrative staff at     completes the internal audit at the
                                                                                        Management’s capacity at meeting the
SEGUMAR's                    international    headquarters of the Directorate General
                                                                                        Panama Ship Registry customers’
headquarters, becoming opportunities          of Merchant Marine, in Panama.
                                                                                        needs and expectations.
to improve and verify the conformity of
the vessels’ technical certification          Training sessions have also addressed
process, the service of its e-Segumar         quality management issues and given to

                                                                                  & Innovation
                                                             MARITIME AUTHORITY   Faster registry processes

                                                                                    Just a click away

The President of the Republic tours New Cruise Terminal - Panama Ship Registry
Panama supports construc�on of vessels
using alterna�ve fuels

The Panama Maritime Authority            Panama's Permanent Mission to the      MARPOL requirements, by 2020,
(AMP), as a responsible flag, is         International Maritime Organization    Panama was to issue declarations
attentive for the protection of the      (IMO), has participated in various     for 4,811 ships, according to AMP
environment,       complies       with   meetings on responsible maritime       data, within the scope of the
international    regulations      and    industry and was present in the        requirements of the 22nd regulation
participates in various international    proposals on medium and long-term      of Annex VI of the MARPOL
on the subject.                          measures as a follow-up to the         convention.
                                         IMO's initial strategy on Greenhouse   In accordance with the amendments
The Panama Ship Registry, to             Gases (GHG) and the supporting         to Annex VI of the MARPOL
promote     the    construction   of     work arrangements, during which:       Convention on the collection of Fuel
environmental-friendly ships, offers     the work plan for the development of   Consumption data for 2020, the
the incentive “Eco Ship” for             medium and long-term measures          Panama Ship Registry achieved
shipowners who want to register          was approved and the ISWG-GHG          optimum compliance in the issuance
their vessels in Panama.                 10 was requested to use this work      of the Declarations corresponding to
                                         plan as a basis and guidance for       its fleet, which in turn were reported
   “Eco Ship” incentive allows           future work on the consideration of    in the IMO's Global Integrated
shipowners that can demonstrate          specific proposals for medium and      Maritime       Information     System
corporate     social    responsibility   long-term measures.                    (GISIS).
programs focused on the reduction        It is important to mention that the    Fuel    consumption    data     are
of atmospheric or sea pollution, to      Republic of Panama was one of the      fundamental     information      for
enjoy this type of benefits.             co-sponsoring     States   of   this   decision-making    regarding    the
The vessels must comply with the         proposal (MEPC 76/7/10) along with     adoption of effective and efficient
following provision: the percentage      Australia,     Canada,      Croatia,   measures to reduce greenhouse gas
of the Energy Efficiency Design          Denmark, France, Germany, Ghana,       emissions.
Index (EEDI) obtained must not be        India, Jamaica, Japan, Liberia,         For calendar year 2021, it is
greater than the percentage of the       Mexico, Morocco, Norway, Republic       estimated that this indicator will
required      EEDI;      percentage      of    Korea,    Singapore,    Spain,    remain in high compliance.
calculated by Panama-Segumar's           Sweden, United Arab Emirates,          The     respect    of   international
technicians, based on the prescribed     United States and Vanuatu.             standards and care for the
EEDI Reduction Factors, during the       Regarding the collection of fuel oil   environment is a very important
time established for each of the         consumption data applying to ships     issue and part of the Registry's
phases.                                  of 5000 GT or larger according to      constant improvement process.

The President of the Republic tours New Cruise Terminal - Panama Ship Registry
Cruise ship Star Breeze, captained by a Panamanian,
inaugurates the 2021-2022 cruise season in Panama

                                                                               economy by generating income and
                                                                               providing new job opportunities in
                                                                               the regions that are visited, favoring
                                                                               tourism, transportation, restaurants,
                                                                               tour operators, etc.

                                                                               It also boosts the country's image
The cruise ship Star Breeze, of the    disembarkation operations".             and strengthens its position in the
US line Windstar Cruises, that                                                 maritime, port and logistics sector
operates small luxury cruises in       The first officer and the 5             worldwide, sectors that have not
Europe,      South     Pacific,  the   Panamanian crew members were            stopped working in spite of the
Caribbean and Central America,         selected to embark as they met the      pandemic, and which are one of the
inaugurated the 2021-2022 cruise       required profile, in terms of           fundamental     pillars   of    the
season in Panama. The cruise ship,     competencies as well as knowledge       Panamanian economy.
thanks to the efforts of the Panama    of the English language and joined
Maritime Authority (AMP), embarked     the crew of the cruise ship, whose      The AMP is            promoting    job
a first officer and 5 Panamanian       Captain Ricardo Pinzón is also          opportunities     for    Panamanian
crew members in the port of            Panamanian.                             seafarers,     demonstrating      that
Cristobal, province of Colon.                                                  Panama is focused on providing the
During the welcome ceremony for        Panama is showing the world that by     international maritime industry with
crew and passengers, the Secretary     working as a team, in a                 officers, cadets and junior personnel
General of the AMP, Elvia Bustavino    public-private           partnership,   with high-level professional training,
said "we are extremely proud that      complying with the established          competitive and at the forefront of
this cruise line has chosen Panama     biosecurity measures, a safe            technological requirements that
as its Home Port for all its           reactivation of the cruise season is    ensure safe and reliable maritime
passengers´ embarkation and            achieved, directly stimulating the      transport.

                                       Experience is our strength

                                                                                              MARITIME AUTHORITY

                                       Leader since         16% world fleet            Technology
                                          1993              representa�on             & Innova�on

The President of the Republic tours New Cruise Terminal - Panama Ship Registry
Shipping Companies interested in boarding
Panamanian seafarers

Capt. Juan Maltez, Director of Seafarers, with representatives of Candina group and Mitsui O.S.K Lines

The Republic of Panama, through the                      shipping company, since several years,          Japan to establish a bilateral recognition
Panama Maritime Authority (AMP), is                      has a similar agreement with the                between the two countries with respect
centered on promoting the placement of                   Panama       International   Maritime           to the 1/10 rule of the STCW
Panamanian officers and cadets in the                    University (UMIP).                              Convention, 78 Amended, that will
international maritime industry. Those                                                                   provide opportunity for Panamanian
seafarers       possess         high-level               The company agreed, to provide                  seafarers to embark on ships flying the
professional training, competitiveness                   opportunities for Panamanian cadets             Japanese flag.
and are at the forefront of technological                and officers for the months of October
requirements that guarantee safe and                     and November since it wants to increase         The AMP and the Candina Group
reliable maritime transportation, favoring               its Panamanian personnel on board. At           agreed upon signing of a Memorandum
the image of the country and the                         the moment, there are 28 Panamanian             of Understanding that will define a
competence of its seafarers.                             officers and 2 cadets who are finishing         comprehensive cooperation framework
                                                         their time at sea for obtaining the             for creating academic type actions on
The Directorate General of Seafarers                     officer's license. The AMP is executing         board ships and the promotion of job
(DGGM), seeking job opportunities, has                   its role as manager to concrete this job        opportunities for Panamanian officers,
held     important    meetings    with                   opportunity.                                    cadets and junior staff.
internationally   renowned    shipping
companies interested in embarking                        The Resolution ADM No. 017-2021 of              The Candina Group offered, starting
Panamanian seafarers such as Mitsui                      February 24, 2021, issued by the                August 27, 7 job vacancies for
O.S.K Lines (MOL) and Candina Group.                     institution, grants a discount incentive to     Panamanian crew members and the
                                                         shipping companies of up to fifty percent       Group expects to have for November, 50
                                                         (50%) on the current rate for technical         vacancies for Panamanian junior staff.
The meeting with Mitsui O.S.K.Lines                      documentation services for foreign
addressed various issues, including the                  seafarers working on board of                   Candina Group is one of the most
possibility of developing and signing a                  Panama-flagged vessels and embarking            prestigious companies in management,
Memorandum of Cooperation (MoU)                          officers and cadets of Panamanian               training and screening of marine
between the AMP and MOL, aiming at                       nationality.                                    personnel at international level. It
formalizing     shipping     opportunities                                                               currently manages a team of more than
offered to Panamanian seafarers, and                     Also, it was announced that Panama will         1,200 onboard professionals.
expanding benefits to other maritime                     soon sign a cooperation agreement with
universities with nautical careers. The

The President of the Republic tours New Cruise Terminal - Panama Ship Registry
MARITIME AUTHORITY               3rd Edition - 2021

                                           Merchantt Marine Circular
                                           Me               Circular - Augustt 2021
      Title                                                                                                     Number      Update
     Adopted Standards regarding watchkeeping, applicable to seafarers working onboard ships under Panamanian flag,
     according to the STCW´78 Convention, as amended, the MLC, 2006, amended and the national regulations. MMC-268          August 2021
     Recognition of Company Security Officers (CSO).                                                           MMC-206      August 2021
        st of Apprro
                     ved P&I Clubss///IInsure
                                               s.                                                             MMC-202       August 2021
     Authorized service providers for maintenance, thorough examination, operational testing, overhaul and
     repair of lifeboats and rescue boats, launching appliances and release gear.
                                                                               r                               MMC-258      August 2021

                                             Merchant Marine No�ce - August 2021
      Title                                                                                                     Number      Release

     Persian gulf – strait of hormuz - Gulf of Oman.                                                          MMN-01/2021    August 2021

     AMSA - focused inspection campaign - Safety of Navigation.                                               MMN-17/2021 August 2021

                                       Merchant Marine Circular - September 2021
      Title                                                                                                     Number       Update

     Continuous synopsis record (CSR) Adopted by the Panama Maritime Authority                                 MMC-325        Sept 2021

     Radio Accounting Authorities and Point Service Activations                                                MMC-169        Sept 2021
     Authorized service providers for maintenance, thorough examination, operational testing,
     overhaul and repair of lifeboats and rescue boats, launching appliances and release gear.                 MMC-258        Sept 2021

     Technical E-Certificates onboard.                                                                         MMC-368        Sept 2021

                                        Merchant Marine No�ce - September 2021
      Title                                                                                                     Number      Release
     SEGUMAR offices contact points
     (24/7 COVERAGE)                                                                                         MMN-18/2021      Sept 2021

    Routeing measures other than traffic separation schemes – Danish waters                                  MMN-19/2021     Sept 2021

   New reporting requirements for foreign flag vessels entering China                                        MMN-20/2021     Sept 2021

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The President of the Republic tours New Cruise Terminal - Panama Ship Registry
MARITIME AUTHORITY   3rd Edition - 2021

       Our 53 consular offices and 14 Segumar international
              technical offices are 100% operational                        24/7
     Americas                                                                         Asia
                                                                                      8 Offices
         3 Offices
                                   3 Offices

      Main office                                                  Middle
                                                                 1 Office

     SEGUMAR TOKYO, Japan                          

     SEGUMAR PIRAEUS, Greece                       

     SEGUMAR SINGAPORE, Singapore                  

     SEGUMAR MIAMI, USA                            

     SEGUMAR SEOUL, South Korea                    

     SEGUMAR BUSAN, South Korea                    

     SEGUMAR ISTANBUL, Turkey                      

     SEGUMAR IMABARI, Japan                        

     SEGUMAR LONDRES, UK                           

     SEGUMAR DUBAI, UAE                            

     SEGUMAR MANILA, Philipines                    

     SEGUMAR HOUSTON-TX, USA                       

     SEGUMAR SHANGHAI, People’s Republic of China  

     SEGUMAR HONG KONG, People’s Republic of China 

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The President of the Republic tours New Cruise Terminal - Panama Ship Registry
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