The Philosophy and Functions of Verbal Violence in Harold Pinter's Mountain Language: A CDA Approach

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The Philosophy and Functions of Verbal Violence in Harold Pinter’s
                             Mountain Language: A CDA Approach

Behrooz Mahmoodi-Bakhtiari*
Mahsa Manavi**


   The present study considers the issue of verbal violence in the language of drama. In
the evaluation of verbal violence, Jeanette Malkin (2004) proposes six maxims, through
which language may be considered as an arrogant element. The characters in dramatic
texts (as in other literary texts) are created, developed, evolved and - in some cases -
destroyed by language. In a considerable number of modern plays, language acts as an
antagonist who is to destruct and demolish the personality of the other(s) in the play
with violence and aggression; so, the theoretical study of dramatic verbal violence as a
component of dramatic discourse is considered indispensible to critical discourse analysis
of dramatic texts and the study of power relations as reflected in the dialogues.; Focusing
on the patterns of dramatic verbal violence introduced by Malkin, this study aims to
discuss the dominant patterns of verbal violence in Mountain Language, a play by Harold
Pinter, and investigates the role of language in shaping, and destroying of human identities

  Key Words: verbal violence, discourse analysis, stylistics of drama, Pinter, Mountain
Language, Malkin.

*. Associate Professor, University of Tehran. Email:
**.M. A. Graduate of English literature, Kharzmi University, Tehran. Email:
Introduction                                    study of dramatic verbal violence as a
    Most analysts in critical discourse         component of dramatic discourse sounds
analysis (CDA) endorse the claim that           indispensible to discourse analysis of
language can be regarded as a medium            dramatic language.
of domination and social force, serving             In the plays by Harold Pinter, territory
to legitimize the relations of organized        is typically a room (refuge, prison, cell,
power. Insofar as the legitimizations           trap) symbolic of its occupant’s world. Into
of power relations are not articulated,         this, and into their ritualized relationship
language is also ideological, portraying        with its rules and taboos, comes a stranger
the structural relationships of dominance,      on to whom the occupants project their
discrimination, power and control as            deepest desires, guilt and neuroses (See
manifested in itself. Typically, CDA            (Gale Contextual Encyclopedia of World
researchers are interested in the way           Literature). The breakdown that follows
discourse (re)produces social domination,       may be mirrored in the breakdown
that is, the power abuse of one group over      of language. His preoccupation with
others, and how dominated groups may            confined spaces, with small rooms, with
discursively resist such abuse (Wodak,          constraining circumstances and brief
2001: 9). In other words “texts are often       events provides a context for exploring
sites of struggle in that they show traces      the complexities of local pictures, the
of differing discourses and ideologies          instability and indispensability of verbal
contending and struggling for dominance”        interaction, the shifting status of social
(ibid. 10). Wodak believes that language        realities, the precariousness of attempts
indexes and expresses power, and is             to establish general agreement and the
involved where there is contention over         riskiness of anyone’s efforts to function as
and challenge to power. It shall be noted       leader or spokesperson for a social group
that power does not necessarily derive          (Quigley, 2009: 9). In his paper entitled
from language, but language can be used         “The Theatre of Harold Pinter” Dukore
to challenge power, to subvert it, to alter     (1962: 43-44) notes that Pinter’s plays
distributions of power in the short and the     are frequently funny and also frequently
long term (ibid. 10).                           frightening. Their meaning usually
    The characters in dramatic texts (as in     seems obscure. The characters behave
other literary texts) are created, developed,   in a “believable” manner, but they are
evolved and in some cases destroyed             shrouded in twilight of mystery. We can
by the medium of language. Since the            never be precisely sure who they are, why
characterization is done through the            they are there, or what they have come to
dialogues of the characters, the theoretical    do. Their motives and backgrounds are
Quarterly            Third Year, No. 11 Summer 2015

     vague or unknown. We recognize that there             varied; they vary in genre, in idiom, and
     is motivation but we are unsure what it is.           in subject matter. In the works of Harold
     We recognize that there is a background,              Pinter, for instance, concrete actions of
     but that background is clouded. Each piece            language which are violent, coercive, and
     of knowledge is a half-knowledge, each                domineering are demonstrated. “Language
     answer a springboard to new questions.                is either metamorphosed into a dramatic
                                                           antagonist that destroys the characters
     Verbal Violence: Some Basic                           or forces them into conformity with its
     Theoretical Issues                                    pre-given structures and precepts; or it is
         Dramatic inquiry into the relationship            portrayed as an inescapable prison which
     between man and his language is hardly                determines the characters’ fate and defines
     a uniquely contemporary (post-World War               the limits of their world — conceptual and
     II) phenomenon. Jarry’s King Ubu (1896),              moral” (See. Malkin: 2). According to the
     Shaw’s Pygmalion (1913), Hofmannsthal’s               investigations of Malkin, man speaks so
     The Difficult Man (Der Schwierige,                    far as he skillfully conforms to language
     1921), some Dada theater evenings, the                and language functions upon us: closing
     Volksstiicke of Odon von Horvath and                  us in within its own laws and restrictions,
38   Marieluise Fleisser all suggest, in varying           coercing our obedience.
     ways, a concern with this issue (Malkin,                 This study is concerned with the
     2004: 1). The elevation of language to the            issue of verbal violence in the short
     central action, and actor; in the pessimistic         play Mountain Language (1988), one
     vision of man’s ability to remain free and            of Pinter’s plays mostly involved with
     humane in the face of verbal coercion; and            the matter of violence done by means
     in warning that man has become a prisoner             of language. In this play, language gets
     of his speech are the major factors which             on trial: it stands accused of usurping
     relate to this inquiry. Verbal violence               and molding reality, of replacing critical
     is a characteristic of recent twentieth-              thought with fossilized and automatic
     century drama. (Culpeper, 2002: 87). As               verbiage, of violating man’s autonomy, of
     long as any analysis of dialogue needs                destroying his individuality.
     to be sensitive to the social dynamics of                As an avant-guard playwright, whose
     interaction, it would be concerned with               plays are also classified in the category of
     critical discourse analysis, evaluating the           Absurd drama, Pinter watchfully portrays
     power- based relations and the systematic             man’s miserable and tragic condition in the
     operations of violence upon the human                 verbal world in which he has caught up.
     subjects.                                             His plays involve a considerable degree of
         The plays that animate these views are            violence. The characters have aggressive
conflicts with each other, or with their     structures and precepts; or it is portrayed
surrounding world. This aggression           as an inescapable prison which determines
which, in many of his plays culminates       the characters’ fate and defines the limits
in acts of language-motivated violence,      of their world - conceptual and moral
signals a disturbed and threatening          (See. Malkin, 2). The following is the
relationship between contemporary man        characteristic maxims of verbal violence:
and his language.                               1- Language is demonstrated as
   This study aims to investigate the        antagonistic force operating upon the
aggression that centers to a great extent    individual. 2- Language is a tyrannical
on the dramatization of man’s loss of        weapon of dominance and destruction.
autonomy and selfhood through the            3- Language imprisons and brutalizes.
normative pressures, reductive tendencies,   4- Language is menacing torture
or pre-determination of language.            interrogation. 5- Language embodies and
   Focusing on the Malkin’s patterns of      controls political power. 6- Language as
verbal violence, the present study aims      verbal cruelty defines human relations.
to explain how language becomes an
autonomous element in the play; and          Verbal Violence in Mountain
what kind of effect the autonomous play      Language                                          39

of language has got upon the human              Mountain Language (1988) consists of
individuals; what is the relation of human   four short acts. The setting is in front of and
being with the language he speaks and        within a prison. In the first act, a group of
how language becomes the ideological         women who want to visit their imprisoned
apparatus that exercises power upon the      husbands are standing at a prison wall.
human subjects.                              They have been standing there for eight
                                             hours in the snow. They are questioned
The Patterns of Verbal Violence              by a sergeant and an officer. One of the
   Malkin (2004) introduces six major        women is bitten by a dog. The officer tells
maxims for the analysis of verbal violence   the women that their language, namely
in the language of drama. According to       that of the mountain people, is forbidden
her, the verbal aggression demonstrates      and that their husbands are enemies of the
concrete actions of language which are       state. Althogether one of the women turns
violent, coercive, and domineering. In       out not to belong to the mountain people.
contemporary drama language is either        Act 2 is set in a visitor’s room, in which an
metamorphosed into a dramatic antagonist     elderly woman visits a prisoner. She is told
that destroys the characters or forces       by the guard not to talk in her own language
them into conformity with its pre-given      and is jabbed by him with a stick, when she
Quarterly             Third Year, No. 11 Summer 2015

     does not obey. The prisoner turns out to be                   have yet committed no crime!
     a joker. Act 3 is set in a corridor, where                    Sergeant: Sir! But you are not
     a hooded man is led to a young woman.                         saying they are without sin?
     She has come in through the wrong door.                       Officer: Oh, no. Oh, no. I’m not
     The hooded man collapses and is dragged                       saying that!
     off. The sergeant advises the woman to                        Sergeant: This one is full of it!
     ask a specific person for information.                        She bounces with it! (Pinter, 8- 9)
     The payment can be aggression. Act 4 is
     again set in the visitor’s room. This time                 The stubborn repetition of the same
     the elderly woman is allowed to talk in                question is echoed by an equally stubborn
     her own language but she keeps silent.                 echo of the same answer, thus ridiculing
     The prisoner, her son, falls from his chair,           the formal procedure of questioning. Later
     violently shaking.                                     on this formal procedure is again ridiculed,
                                                            when the officer claims that the dogs do
     The Analysis                                           give their names before they bite - as this
     Language is demonstrated as                            is the formal procedure. The assumption
     antagonistic force operating upon                      of moral behavior and some code of honor
40   the individual.                                        in dogs are so absurd:
         The individual is converted from his
     language to the one imposed upon him.                         Officer: Every dog has a name!
     The speech in dialogue of cruelty is                          They answer to their name! They
     saturated with unrealistic verbal assault                     are given a name by their parents
     and vague phrases. The human subject                          and that is their name! That is their
     silenced and emptied of his language, is                      name! Before they bite, they state
     reshaped by the language which destroyed                      their name. It’s a formal procedure!
     him. The totalitarian style allows no space
     of response and self-defense for the victim               The meaninglessness of the jargon
     of verbal aggression. These are features of            contributes to dumbness of the mind of
     the so-called interrogation: The vicious,              the individual under subjugation of the
     irrational and contradictory accusations               powerful.
     of the victim which has the power of
     creating an image of the impersonal web                Language is a tyrannical weapon
     that society weaves in order to snare the              of dominance and destruction.
     individual (See. Malkin, 58).                              The control of the subject takes place
                                                            through possession of the language: The
                 Officer: These women, sergeant,            voice of the victim grows dull and dull
and he gives acquiescent responses to         of sessions of interrogation he is being
the opponents. His energy gradually           force-fed clichés, faked truths and so on.
wanes, and he repeats the words dictated      This happens implicitly, and affects the
to him (See. Malkin, 43). The victimized      unconscious, so that individual is not able to
characters in the play, the elderly woman,    get noticed of his own being brain-washed.
her son and Sara all undergo the harsh        The peaceful and friendly conversation
verbal violence, they are being dominated     abruptly switches to interrogation (See.
and ultimately are silenced and mutilated.    Malkin, 57), and interrogation serves to
                                              reshape the individual as product of the
3- Language           imprisons       and     domineering organization (party), and
brutalizes.                                   also extracts confession and converts
     The individual is a prisoner in the      belief through the force of the word the
painfully limited, obscene and cliché-        quick, gapless rhythm of speaking of the
ridden verbal world. In literary texts this   victimizers, as well as accelerating speed
finds its articulation when the characters    and rhythm of speech which take on the
are imprisoned in the rigid system of         tone and threatening curtness of public
language. This stunts the relationship        prosecuters.
between characters and the outer world,          The totalitarian style, in the process        41

so that the individual has no way out of      of violent dialogue, allows no space of
this harsh, rigidly rule governed system of   response and self-defense for the victim.
language (Malkin, 104). He or she as the      These are features of the so-called
inmate of this system is prevented to think   interrogation: The vicious, irrational and
beyond the fragmented speech-world.           contradictory accusations of the victim
       Elderly woman: I have bread-              The case of Sara in prison exemplifies
       The guard jabs her with a stick        this condition. A hooded man closes her,
       She looks at him. He jabs her.         and in a give and take of some sentences
       Elderly woman: I have apples-          the young woman is abused, and ultimately
       The guard jabs her and shouts.         the act is so naturalized that the woman
       Silence                                offers another sessions of it, herself. (See.
       (Pinter, 13- 14)                       Pinter, 19)

4- Language is menacing torture                  The speech in dialogue of cruelty is
interrogation.                                saturated with unrealistic verbal assault
      When the individual is socially,        and vague phrases. The individual silenced
politically or mentally insurgent, in a set   and emptied of his language, is reshaped
Quarterly               Third Year, No. 11 Summer 2015

     by the language which destroyed him.                     attempts to resist the authority of the
     The peaceful and friendly conversation                   officials through her questions and her
     abruptly switches to interrogation:                      silences. She meets the officials’ repeated,
                                                              foolish questions with silence, refusing
                 Guard: I’ve got a wife and three             to participate in meaningless dialogue.
                 kids. And you are all pile of shit.          Yet by the end of the play, her spirit has
                 Silence                                      effectively broken by the totalitarian
                 Prisoner: I’ve got a wife and three          system.
                 kids.                                            The meaningless jargon of the officer
                 Guard: You’ve got what?                      and sergeant gradually brings the men into
                 Silence                                      silence and conformity. They have given
                 Guard: You’ve what?                          every dog a name, in the case of young
                 Silence                                      woman’s pleading, they ask dog’s name
                 Guard: What did you say to me?               that has bitten the elderly woman’s hand.
                 You’ve what?                                 According to them, dogs have human
                 Silence (Pinter, 15)                         attributes and possess rights that mountain
                                                              men do not.
42      And interrogation serves to reshape the
     individual as product of the domineering                        Young woman: She’s been bitten.
     organization (party), and also extracts                         Officer: Who?
     confession and converts belief through                          Young woman: She has. She has
     the force of the word the quick, gapless                        a torn hand. Look. Her hand has
     rhythm of speaking of the victimizers,                          been bitten this is blood.
     as well as accelerating speed and rhythm                        Officer: Who did this?
     of speech which take on the tone and                            Young woman: A big dog.
     threatening curtness of public prosecuters.                     Officer: What was his name?
                                                                     (Pause) every dog has a name!
            Sergeant: Name?                                          They answer to their name. They
            Young woman: We’ve given our                             are given a name by their parents
            names!                                                   and that is their name! Before they
            Sergeant: Name?                                          bite, they state their name. It’s a
            Young woman: We’ve given our                             formal procedure. They state their
            names.                                                   name and then they bite. What
            Sergeant: Name?                                          was his name? If you tell me one
            Officer: Stop this shit! (Pinter,                        of our dogs bit this woman without
            1988: 5)                                                 giving his name I will have that
        Sara (the young woman) makes                                 dog shot! (Pinter, 8)
It is seen here that the interrogation              Remember that.
serves to reshape the individual as product            Sergeant: Sir! But you’re not
of the domineering organization (party),               saying they are without sin?
and also extracts confession and converts              Officer: Oh, no. Oh, no, I’m not
belief through the force of the word the               saying that.
quick, gapless rhythm of speaking of the               Sergeant: This one’s full of it. She
victimizers, as well as accelerating speed             bounces with it.
and rhythm of speech which take on the                 Officer: She doesn’t speak the
tone and threatening curtness of public                mountain language.
prosecuters.                                           Sergeant: So is she. She looks
   Sergeant and officer are torturing the              like a fucking intellectual to me.
young woman, their language shifts from                (Pinter, 10- 11)
normal tone to threatening interrogation.
The opponents who speak in the approved         5-Language       embodies             and
language, have right to accuse and blame        controls political power.
the mountain people for unreasonable               Characters are overtaken by language
matters. Although the young woman does          and are either destroyed or converted
not speak in mountain language, she is          and forced into preexisting verbal molds      43
a victim. They address her with abusive         which, implicitly or explicitly implicate
terms and accuse her of being sinful. Sara      a ruling ideology. Verbal terrorism is
continually tries to communicate with           another matter; the users of terror are
the prison officials in order to convince       the instrument of verbal power rather
them to treat her and the others humanly,       than autonomous speaking individuals.
but her dialogue with them continually          Verbal terror occurs when the meaning
degenerates into pointless babble. When         is frustrated and concealed from the
the officials realize that Sara is not a        audience. So, terror is conceived as the
mountain woman and so cannot control her        usurpation of individual’s capacity to
due to her social status, they find another     speak, and thus think, freely.
way to exercise power over her. After the          People speaking in mountain language
sergeant identifies her as “f- intellectual,”   are to be converted from their language.
he abuses her to assert his power over her.     For their language is not accepted in the
                                                totalitarian state. Although suddenly
        Sergeant: What language do you          the rule of prohibition is changed and
        speak? What language do you             mountain people are allowed to speak
        speak with your arse?                   their own language, the old woman is no
        Officer: These women, sergeant,         longer able to utter any single word. She
        have as yet committed no crime.         does not react to any word of his son who
Quarterly              Third Year, No. 11 Summer 2015

     now speaks in their mountain language.                         You may only speak the language
     Malkin states that the purpose of mental                       of the capital. That is the only
     torture is to control and shape the mind                       language permitted in this place.
     and also to gain power over the thoughts.                      You will be badly punished if you
     Characters are overtaken by language                           attempt to speak your mountain
     and are either destroyed or converted                          language in this place.
     and forced into preexisting verbal molds
     which, implicitly or explicitly implicate a                Ruth Wodak assumes that “inclusion/
     ruling ideology (See. Malkin, 150). The                 exclusion” of groups, people, nation states,
     users of verbal terror are the instrument               migrant groups, and so forth changes due
     of verbal power rather than autonomous                  to different criteria of how insiders and
     speaking individuals. As we see in the                  outsiders are defined in each instance.
     play that the officer, the sergeant and the             Thus a specific migrant status (coming
     guard, although are playing violence upon               from a certain host country) may serve as
     the mountain people, they are apparatuses               a criterion for exclusion (See. Renkema,
     themselves. “Verbal terror occurs when                  2009: 315). In Mountain Language, the
     the meaning is frustrated and concealed                 victims, as human subjects under the
44   from the audience” (Malkin, 90). So,                    violence of the dominant, are called as
     terror is conceived as the usurpation of                “other”, for they are outsiders who are to
     individual’s capacity to speak, and thus                be demolished in order that the dominants
     think, freely:                                          exercise control and power more fully.
                                                                The elderly woman has undergone
                 Sergeant: Your husbands, your               verbal tortures, has been forbidden from
                 sons, your fathers, these men               speaking and talking to his prisoner son,
                 you have been waiting to see, are           and now is in complete control of the state,
                 shithouses. They are enemies of             for her language and thinking has been
                 the state. They are shithouses.             manipulated. She grows weak and feeble,
                 Officer: Now here this. You                 and at the end is totally dumb, motionless,
                 are mountain people. You hear               and not able to hear and speak:
                 me? Your language is dead. It is
                 forbidden. It is not permitted to                  Guard: they’ve changed the rules.
                 speak your mountain language in                    She can speak. She can speak in
                 this place. You cannot speak your                  her own language until further
                 language to your men. It is not                    notice.
                 permitted. Do you understand? You                  Prisoner: mother, you can speak.
                 may not speak it. It is outlawed.                  (pause) mother, I’m speaking
to you. You see? We can speak.         force operates upon the individual.
       You can speak to me in our own         According to Malkin, dialogue of
       language.                              cruelty is wounding the person through
       She is still                           teasing, insinuation and taunting through
       You can speak.                         words alone. And second, Language is
       Pause                                  a tyrannical weapon of dominance and
       Mother, can you hear me?               destruction.
       (Pause) it’s our language. (pause)        Verbal cruelty brings ultimately the
       Can’t you hear me? Do you hear         destruction of the subject. Neither the
       me?                                    mother nor his son (the prisoner) is able
       She does not respond. (21)             to retain their subjective selfhood. Being
                                              devoid of their language, and unable to
6- Language as verbal cruelty                 absorb the language of the powerful, they
defines human relations.                      are destructed by the totalitarian system:
   Malkin believes that language
sometimes is treated as power tool,                  Prisoner: mother?
which is to be controlled and possessed.             She does not respond. She sits still.
Verbal power is given through wit and                The prisoner’s trembling grows.         45

creativity as conscious rebellion against            He falls from the chair on to his
the banal, in this sense verbal power is             knees, begins to gasp and shake
not given through linguistic control or by           violently. (22)
“knowing words,” but through wit and
creativity. Sara is not of mountain people,       Dialogue of cruelty is wounding the
she can speak her language, and due to        person through teasing, insinuation and
this she possesses a degree of power in       taunting through words alone (p.163).
her language, she questions, or does not      Language is treated as power tool, which
reply their questions and is able to get      is to be controlled and possessed (p.171).
engaged in the verbal playing with the        Violent actions within language destroy
state men. In the beginning of the play       individuality and bring the victim to
she pleads for help when the old woman        conformity. One of the ways the prison
is bitten. Violent actions within language    officials oppress the characters in the play
destroy individuality and bring the victim    is to sensor them. In order to strip them
to conformity.                                of their cultural identity, they decree that
   The below cited sample corresponds         mountain language is forbidden, that it
with both the first and second maxim of       should be considered dead, and those who
Malkin. First, language as antagonistic       speak it will be severely punished. This
Quarterly              Third Year, No. 11 Summer 2015

     censure not only denies the characters a                indications. Language as the ideological
     sense of self but also serves to isolate each           apparatus has another function as well,
     from the other because communication                    which is the corruption of free thought.
     within     the     community        becomes
     impossible.                                             5-Language       embodies              and
        The sample below also corresponds                    controls political power.
     with the fifth maxim of Malkin that is                     And ultimately is the total destruction
     language operating as power tool:                       of the character, the prisoner, when his
                                                             mother has been silenced. They declare
                 Officer: Now hear this. You                 that the rules have been changed; now
                 are mountain people. You hear               the mountain language is no longer
                 me? Your language is dead. It is            banned. They can speak. But in reality the
                 forbidden. It is not permitted to           characters are knocked down under verbal
                 speak your mountain language in             terrorism and aggression. Having lost the
                 this place. You cannot speak your           linguistic power, characters are destructed.
                 language to your men. It is not             This indicates that how absurdly and
                 permitted. Do you understand? You           conventionally bound are the rules set in
46               may not speak it. It is outlawed.           the society. And how miserable is the life
                 You may only speak the language             of people subject to totalitarians:
                 of the capital. That is the only
                 language permitted in this place.                  Guard: I forgot to tell you.
                 You will be badly punished if you                  They’ve changed the rules. She
                 attempt to speak your mountain                     can speak. She can speak in her
                 language in this... (10)                           own language. Until further notice.
                                                                    Prisoner: She can speak?
        Language acts as an ideological                             Guard: Tell her she can speak
     apparatus. It is bound to change at                            in her own language. New rules.
     every time according to political plans.                       Until further notice.
     According to Malkin, when Language                             Prisoner: Mother?
     acts as the ideological apparatus it is the                    She does not respond. She sits still.
     expression of values: the seamless web                         The Prisoner’s trembling grows.
     of sententiousness, proverbial wisdom,                         He falls from the chair on to his
     and social clichés (p.66), the verbal                          knees, begins to gasp and shake
     formulations of moral norms (p.59) and                         violently. The Sergeant walks into
     invocation of total and unquestioning                          the room and studies the prisoner
     obedience and conformity (p.91) are of its                     shaking on the floor.
The stuy of Pinter’s Mountain Language     References
within Malkin’s pattern of verbal violence
shows that in modern times, the relation
                                                 Culpeper, Jonathan. Exploring the Lan-
between the characters and the outer
                                              guage of Drama. London: Routledge, 2002.
world is stunted, since language is no
                                                 Dukore, Bernard. “The Theatre of Harold
longer an application in the human world,
                                              Pinter”. The Tulane Drama Review, 6/3: 43-
and it operates automatically. The human
                                              54, 1962.
individuals are subjects to the tyrannical
                                                 Esslin, Martin. The Theatre of the Absurd.
operations of language, and are being
                                              London: Penguin Books, 1968.
victimized by its rigid rules, although
                                                 Gale Contextual Encyclopedia of World
language often functions as an ideological
                                              Literature. United States of America: Gale,
tool to dominate and destruct the subjects,
as we see in Mountain Language. The
                                                 Gilbert, Weiss and Ruth Wodak. Critical
character as the inmate of the rigid system
                                              Discourse Analysis- Theory and Interdiscipli-
of language is controlled by the system
                                              narity. (Great Britain, 2003), 15.
and is not able to think beyond its strict
                                                 Malkin, Janette. Verbal Violence in Con-
rules. Language controls and sustains the
                                              temporary Drama. Cambridge: Cambridge           47
power as well by its ideological functions.
                                              University Press, 2004.
The verbal violence acts as an important
                                                 Pinter, Harold. Mountain Language and
element in defining the power relations
                                              Ashes to Ashes. London: faber and faber,
and the usurpation of control over human
subjects in social and personal contexts.
                                                 Quigley, Austin. “Pinter, Politics, Post-
The result and effect of the autonomous
                                              modernism.” in. Cambridge Companion to
and aggressive play of language is the
                                              Harold Pinter. Peter Raby. Cambridge: Cam-
destruction and mutilation of the human
                                              bridge University Press, 2009.
voice, as represented in Mountain
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