The National Pharmaceutical Strategy 2016-2018
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Contents National Pharmaceutical Strategy 7. Strategy for whom?.......................15 2.4. F ollow-up of medicines in collab- for better use of medicines............. 3 oration between government 8. Organisation...................................16 agencies and healthcare............32 1. Why a national pharmaceutical strategy?................ 4 9. How do we measure whether Objectives area 3 development is moving in the Economically and environmentally 2. What has the national direction of the objectives?...........17 sustainable use of medicines.......34 pharmaceutical strategy Implementation of the National 3.1. E valuation of existing anti- contributed to?...................................... 5 Pharmaceutical Strategy....................17 biotics for best possible use......34 3.2. Models for availability and 3. What are the great challenges Action plan 2016.................................20 responsible use of both new in the short and long terms?........... 6 and old antibiotics of Equal and patient-centred Objectives area 1 particular value.............................34 healthcare ................................................ 6 Effective and safe use of 3.3. E ndeavour to make it possible Ethical challenges .................................. 6 medication............................................22 for consideration to be given Patient groups in which use of 1.1. S afer management of to environmental aspects in medicines poses special risks............. 7 medicines for children.................22 the production and use of Trend in costs .......................................... 8 1.2. V aluation of treatment efficacy medicines........................................35 Availability of medicines........................ 8 in everyday clinical practice.......22 3.4. E nvironmental assessment E-health .................................................... 9 1.3. S tructure for documentation of non-prescription medicinal Knowledge-based and innovative and follow-up.................................23 products..........................................36 development and promotion of 1.4. National medication list..............24 3.5. M anagement of primary-care life science ................................................ 9 1.5. P revent prescribing of medi- medicines not included in Long-term skills supply ......................10 cines contrary to scientific the pharmaceutical benefits Environment..........................................10 and proven experience...............24 scheme ...........................................36 Improved follow-up of medicines....10 1.6. M ake electronic reporting Antibiotic resistance............................10 of side effects possible................26 Further proposals being pre- How are the challenges 1.7. Improved follow-up of pared for new activities..................39 addressed?.............................................11 pharmaceutical dosing................26 1. Shelf lives of medicines...................39 1.8. E fforts to improve patient 2. S elf-medication with focus on 4. The vision for the national safety in generic substitution....27 non-prescription medicines.........39 pharmaceutical strategy................12 1.9. S tructured discussions on 3. C larification of the position medication in pharmacies..........28 of regulatory approval in public 5. Objectives of the knowledge management...............39 pharmaceutical strategy................13 Objectives area 2 4. Improved use of medicines for Effective and safe use of Accessible medicines and vulnerable groups of patients – medicines................................................13 equal use...............................................30 the elderly and medicines.............39 Accessible medicines and 2.1. National collaboration for develop- 5. Orderly phase-out of equal use.................................................13 ment of adaptive licensing of medicines at society level..............40 Economically and environmentally new medicines...............................30 sustainable use of medicines............13 2.2. M onitor and evaluate the Completed activities benefit of work aimed at man- monitored under the national 6. The three perspectives of the aged national introduction of pharmaceutical strategy................41 pharmaceutical strategy................14 new medicines...............................30 Knowledge support in prescribing 2.3. Greater quality and safety medication for children......................41 at pharmacies................................32 Reason for prescribing........................41 2 The National Pharmaceutical Strategy 2016–2018
National Pharmaceutical Strategy for better use of medicines The Government and the Swedish there is cooperation with initiatives in Association of Local Authorities and these areas, as well as permeating all Regions, together with a broad set of activity under the NPS so that they pharmaceutical actors, have agreed contribute to safe, effective and equal to continue to build on and enhance use of medicines. the work that has been in progress for several years under the National As a result of the long-term collabo- Pharmaceutical Strategy (NPS). ration platform the NPS has created There is a consensus that the complex between the most important actors in challenges that exist in the pharma- the pharmaceutical field, it is possible ceutical field must be addressed jointly to bring about real improvements and and that both a long-term and a short- attain the strategy’s long-term vision term approach must be adopted in of Correct use of medicines to the benefit of addressing these shortcomings. patient and society. The strategy part of the NPS there- fore extends over the period 2016– 2018, while the action plan is revised Gabriel Wikström annually. As the pharmaceutical field Minister for Health Care, has interfaces with other important Public Health and Sport strategies and initiatives, there is also a need for close cooperation with these Lena Micko activities. The three perspectives in Chair, Swedish Association the strategy – patient, innovation and of Local Authorities and Regions e-health – have to guarantee that The National Pharmaceutical Strategy 2016–2018 3
1. Why a national pharmaceutical strategy? Medicines provide great opportuni- The challenges require collaboration ties to cure and alleviate disease, but between different parties and a strate- also pose a number of challenges that gic approach. Since 2011 there has must be addressed in both the short been a national pharmaceutical stra- and long terms. One challenge is to tegy and associated action plan, aimed make equal access to medicines pos- at addressing the challenges in the sible for the whole population, based pharmaceutical field in both the short on the needs of the individual person. and long terms and promoting correct Another is to ensure environmentally use of medication. This work encom- sustainable use of medicines. The use passes almost the entire value chain of medicines must also be effective of medicines: from research and inno- and safe, while the relationship be- vation to follow-up of effects in every- tween costs of medicines and efficacy day clinical practice. of treatment must be reasonable. The objectively ultimately is to use med- There is a broad consensus among the icines in as cost-effective a way as parties and stakeholders involved in possible so that the greatest possible the strategy that intensified and last- health can be achieved for the re- ing cooperation is required so that sources allocated to healthcare. specific and systematic improvement Research and development of new measures can be implemented in the medicines is also of great significance pharmaceutical area and benefit pati- in ensuring that we will continue to ents, the healthcare system and society. have access to adequate treatment of The national pharmaceutical strategy diseases and injuries in the future. is a necessary collaboration platform on which to put this into effect. 4 The National Pharmaceutical Strategy 2016–2018
2. What has the national pharmaceutical strategy contributed to? The strategy has contributed to estab- More than half of around 40 activi- Further activities that have been com- lishing a national collaborative proce- ties in the strategy’s previous action pleted in the national pharmaceutical dure with a clear work process. It has plans have been completed.1 Some strategy and that have contributed to also meant that the parties involved activities have been particularly better use of medicines are the online – the Government and the Swedish valuable as they have contributed to pharmaceutical training programmes Association of Local Authorities and practical improvements in the area of that have been developed for home Regions – as well as other stakehold- medicines. Examples of these are ef- help staff and doctors. In addition, ers, the Medical Products Agency, the forts to improve pharmaceutical treat- the working group for environmental National Board of Health and Welfare, ment of children, where the strategy indicators under the national pharma- the Swedish Council on Health Tech- has contributed towards paediatric ceutical strategy has reported its work nology Assessment and Assessment medicine having come closer to the on the “measurement of levels of of Social Services, the Swedish introduction of national knowledge pharmaceuticals in the environment”. E-health Agency, the Health and support for prescribing medication The working group has submitted Social Care Inspectorate, the Dental for children. In addition, needs for proposals on 22 pharmaceutical and Pharmaceutical Benefits Agency, knowledge with regard to the pharma- substances whose presence in the the Public Health Agency of Sweden, ceutical treatment of children have aquatic environment it is relevant to county councils, the Swedish Associ- been identified together with paediat- monitor. These substances include ation of Health Professionals, the ric medicine, and knowledge in this anti-inflammatories, antibiotics and Swedish Medical Association, the area has been enhanced through the endocrine disrupting substances. Association of the Pharmaceutical preparation of, for example, treat- Industry in Sweden and the Swedish ment recommendations. Pharmacy Association have agreed on what efforts must be prioritised in The process of bringing about nation- the area of medicines to enable the al managed introduction of new pha- vision to be put into effect. This applies rmaceutical treatments has also been to what objectives are to be attained, pursued under the strategy. This has what activities are to be carried out contributed, among other things, to and how the work is to be followed Sweden being the fastest internation- up and evaluated. Cooperation also ally to introduce new medicines for increases knowledge and understand- hepatitis C. The effects of this work ing of what needs exist, contributes are being evaluated at present, with to coordinating development activity the objective of obtaining knowledge that takes place in government agen- on whether the process has addition- cies, county councils and organisa- ally contributed to more equal pharma- tions and increases the interfaces for ceutical treatment. cooperation with other initiatives and strategies. 1 The National Pharmaceutical Strategy 2016–2018 5
3. What are the great challenges in the short and long terms? The greatest challenges for the pharma- of care actions by several different rities in healthcare) which has three ceutical area are disparate and exist parties is also of key significance. guiding principles: the principle of throughout the life cycle of medicines. human dignity, the principle of need The national pharmaceutical strategy Equal care also means equal access to and solidarity and the principle of includes activities that are to contrib- pharmaceutical treatment. One of the cost-effectiveness. The principle of ute within a relatively foreseeable per- challenges in this area is that respon- human dignity means that everyone iod of time to solving the problems sibility is largely shared between coun- is of equal value and has the right to and to tackling the challenges that exist. ty councils, which may have differing care on equal terms regardless of age, At the same time, the strategy contains priorities. Another is the way in which gender, education and social or eco- a long-term perspective aimed at plan- the costs are to be borne in continued nomic status. In order to be able to ning to meet future challenges. It is prin- development that provides access to prioritise on the basis of the principle cipally initiatives requiring collabora- new, effective, but also expensive med- of human dignity, there is a need to tion between several parties or stake- icines and more prescription medicines acquire greater knowledge and illu- holders in the pharmaceutical area that are not covered by the pharma- strate gender-related challenges, for that fall under the national pharma- ceutical benefits system. Equal access example, in healthcare. The principle ceutical strategy. Some of the areas that to medicines is probably also fostered of human dignity is an overarching require special efforts – within or out- by a pharmacy market with high avail- principle that can be said to represent side the work on the national pharma- ability and good service throughout a framework within which decisions ceutical strategy – are described below. the country. Pharmaceutical treatment on priority must always be made. The that is patient-centred is also depend- other two principles are less absolute, Equal and patient-centred ent on access to good and readily avail- in the sense that a balance should be healthcare able information for the individual on struck between them. While the prin- There are differences in health between medicines and how they are to be used. ciple of cost-effectiveness is concerned different groups in society, for example with the amount of health benefit between socio-economic groups, geo- Ethical challenges created per SEK invested, the prin- graphical areas and genders. Equal, Priorities in healthcare in Sweden are ciple of need and solidarity indicates accessible and patient-centred health- a key issue with ethical dimensions. that the health benefit created has to care is an important factor in attaining It is the individual medical needs and be distributed on the basis of solidari- greater equality in health. The care not the patient’s ability to pay or other ty, which means that priority is given that is offered is, as far as possible, to external factors that are to dictate what to the greater need ahead of the lesser be designed on the basis of the indi- care is to be offered. need. It is thus incompatible with the vidual’s needs and be of equally good principle of human dignity for needs quality regardless of the patient’s gen- More and more medicines aimed at generally to be given lower priority on der, country of birth, age and other small groups of patients are now app- the grounds of the patient’s age, birth similar factors. Equal care does not earing. The way in which these med- weight, lifestyle or economic circum- always mean that the same care has to icines are managed with regard to stances. On the other hand, it is com- be offered, but means that everyone assessing the ability of society to pay patible with the ethical principles to has to be given the same opportunity is therefore becoming an ever more take account in the individual case of to achieve treatment targets and good important issue. Medicines of this type circumstances that limit the benefit health. The care also has to be carried are therefore very highly priced in rela- of the medical measures for the patient. out in consultation with the patient tion to their benefit, which poses a cha- and with respect for her or his right llenge from the ethical point of view. It is less likely that medicines will be of self-determination and privacy and, developed to treat uncommon diseas- with regard to children, in considera- Priorities in healthcare have to follow es than more common ones, and in tion of age and maturity. Good avail- the ethical platform adopted by the addition it may be more difficult to ability and functioning coordination Riksdag (Govt Bill 1996/97:60 Prio- carry out research on unusual con- 6 The National Pharmaceutical Strategy 2016–2018
ditions because of small patient vol- properly and attention is paid to side umes. It may therefore be reasonable effects. for medicines for very uncommon and severe conditions to be allowed to cost A vulnerable group, which includes more than medicines for a more com- many elderly people, is that of multi- mon condition but with the same morbid women and men. They are at severity. There is, however, no guid- particular risk of being affected by ance at present on how much such a side effects, both because they take treatment may cost, making it very many medicines which in each indi- difficult for the healthcare authorities vidual case can cause side effects to allocate priorities. and because of the risks that exist of unsuitable interactions between Patient groups in which use of medicines. How responsibility for medicines poses special risks and follow-up of the patient’s use of There are groups of patients who are medicines is to be organised for these at greater risk of being affected by un- patients, who may have many different desirable side effects of pharmaceuti- healthcare contacts, poses a challenge. cal treatments. These groups include the elderly, multimorbid patients, The EU Regulation on Medicinal children and people with mental ill- Products for Paediatric Use, the objec- health. tive of which is to improve the health of children by increasing research on Among elderly women and men, it can medicines for children, has existed be noted that physical changes due to since 2007. Pharmaceutical treatment age and disease lead to greater sensi- of girls and boys is, however, made tivity to medicines. Concurrent use of more difficult by a lack of medicines many medicines is common among adapted for children, knowledge gaps the elderly and poses an increased risk and potential safety problems. Many of side effects and of medicines inter- present-day medicines are incomple- acting with each other. For example, tely documented in terms of dosage, many urgent admissions of elderly efficacy and safety for children. In patients to hospitals are due to side eff- the absence of scientific documenta- ects of medicines or lack of efficacy, tion, recommendations on pharma- and a large proportion of these situ- ceutical treatment of children have to ations are considered to be preventable. some extent been based on proven Most side effects are not caused by experience in paediatric medicine. directly unsuitable medicines but by There is also a shortage with regard incorrect use of medicines that are to dosage forms and preparations important in order to treat somatic specially suited to children, increasing diseases in the elderly. There is there- the risk of incorrect use. The general fore a need for healthcare providers lack of data on use of medicines in to take measures aimed at ensuring children may also have contributed to that the elderly patient receives the under-reporting of side effects in correct doses, that prescribed med- children. Children may also have a icines are compatible with each other pattern of side effects that differs and that the treatment is followed up from that of adults. The National Pharmaceutical Strategy 2016–2018 7
Trend in costs the effects of price caps for older med- cipated. A shortage of medicines can Pharmaceutical treatment is the most icines and factors of a one-off nature, also arise when companies stop mar- common medical measure and is an for example decisions on the intro- keting medicines or in cases where important aspect of healthcare. In rec- duction of medicines free of charge the medicine is not supplied to the ent years, more than 6.3 million people for children. Swedish market at all. in Sweden have had prescriptions filled at pharmacies annually. In addition Many of the challenges for the future When medicines are no longer avail- there are those patients who have re- are the present-day cost-drivers, bio- able, it poses an evident risk to patient ceived pharmaceutical treatment in logical medicines, whose patents have safety as treatment may need to be hospital and those who buy non-pre- expired or will soon expire. An impor- postponed or discontinued. In add- scription medicines in a pharmacy or tant reason is that biological medicines ition, the situation may mean that the other retail outlet. Medicines result in are often used for long-term treatment healthcare system, pharmacies and high costs for central government and in chronic diseases and that the Med- patients may all need to spend time county councils and for individuals. ical Products Agency deems biologi- finding alternative treatments, result- The total costs of medicines for hu- cal medicines not to be substitutable ing in repeated contacts with the health man use in Sweden totalled SEK 36.6 by “copies”, known as biosimilars, in service and pharmacies. billion in 2014. Total pharmaceutical pharmacies. These factors create lock- costs have been relatively stable as a in effects, meaning that price pressure Treatments may also be delayed and proportion of the total healthcare becomes weak or disappears. Unlike other inconveniences may arise due expenditure. It is notable, however, biological medicines, there has been to medicines for which there is de- that healthcare costs as a whole have extensive pressure on prices for big- mand not being in stock in community increased at a faster rate than the ge- selling chemical medicines that are pharmacies. When the pharmacy neral trend in prices in Sweden in substitutable at pharmacies. The fact market was re-regulated, the circum- recent years. The cost of pharmaceu- that biological medicines are not sub- stances for dealing with such situa- tical benefits in 2014 totalled SEK stitutable at pharmacies makes new tions changed, partly as a result of 19.3 billion. This represents a slight demands on the Dental and Pharma- pharmacy activity now being run by increase in comparison with 2013. ceutical Benefits Agency and county several different pharmacy compa- councils to be able to change prescrib- nies that do not have an insight into Forecasts for the trend in pharmaceu- ing patterns and put pressure on prices each other’s stock systems. Geograph- tical benefit costs, however, point to and costs in these segments when bio- ical availability is also of great signifi- a sharper increase over the next few similars are available. cance, and it can be noted that the years. This is considered to be due to new pharmacies that have come into more people using medicines and Availability of medicines being following re-regulation have those who use medicines using more Inadequate access to medicines is an mostly been established in the major medicines, as well as other factors issue that has become more topical in conurbations. A number of measures that may have a cost-increasing or recent years, and inadequate access to have been taken in recent times to cost-reducing effect. This applies, for various vaccines in particular has crea- increase availability and improve example, to the introduction of new ted difficulties for those concerned. service. Mention can be made, for and sometimes expensive medicines, There are various reasons why med- instance, of a search system for med- expiring patents and subsequent intro- icines are not available. The most icines that has been developed by the duction of generic medicines, reviews common is production problems at industry, and a statutory duty on of medicines included in the pharma- the pharmaceutical company or un- pharmacies to provide information ceutical benefits scheme by the Dental expectedly high demand, which means on where a medicine is to be found.2 and Pharmaceutical Benefits Agency, that stocks run out sooner than anti- In addition, a system of special grants 2 8 The National Pharmaceutical Strategy 2016–2018
for community pharmacy service in degree. An important task is to develop sparsely populated areas has been quality registries so that they are better introduced. There is a need to follow able to capture data on the efficacy of up and evaluate these measures. new medicines in everyday clinical practice. With better coordination of E-health quality registries and opportunities An area that offers great potential is to use other data, Sweden has potent- e-health. New ways of offering wel- ial to become one of the world’s lead- fare services are required in order to ing nations with regard to follow-up meet the needs and expectations of studies of new medicines. Together the public, patients and healthcare with a high level of basic research, professionals. Digitisation provides this makes Sweden more attractive to this opportunity, but success is depen- the pharmaceutical industry. dent on long-term work on several levels. There is a need to continue to At national level there are several develop the coordination that takes functions that are important in enab- place today. ling the life science sector in general and pharmaceutical development in Areas that need to be addressed in particular to be developed. For ex- the future to enable to the potential ample, it is crucial that there are effic- of digitisation to be fulfilled include ient and coordinated authorities, goal- ensuring a basic infrastructure, stru- adapted information on regulations, ctured healthcare documentation, coordinated registries and documen- common prioritisation processes, coll- tation systems and an opportunity to aboration in new groupings of parti- monitor the use of medicines. At regi- cipants and appropriate legislation. onal and local level, the healthcare system holds a key position in the deve- Knowledge-based and innovative lopment of the life science sector. The development and promotion of sector contributes to pharmaceutical life science development in many ways. This takes The life science sector is of great place, among other things, in parti- significance to human health, both in cipation in clinical studies, managed Sweden and globally. This sector is introduction of new, effective medicin- also significant for the Swedish eco- es and participation in follow-up of nomy, for the development of the medicines. The mutual dependency business community and for research. between the development of new med- Pharmaceutical development is a stra- icines through research and the use of tegically important area of innovation, the same medicines in the healthcare- and Sweden has strong biomedical and system is evident and must be noted. clinical research. It is, however, im- It is thus essential that the collabora- portant to create the necessary basis for tion in the sector between academia, continued good development in the the healthcare system, the business area. Our access to unique infrastruc- community and patients works. tures with national quality registries, biobanks and other databases and registries must be utilised to a greater The National Pharmaceutical Strategy 2016–2018 9
Long-term skills supply affect various organisations in water if the vision of correct use of medi- Skills supply means that the health- and soil if they escape into the environ- cines to the benefit of patient and care system must continuously meet ment. Pharmaceutical substances can society is to be attainable. There are both operational needs and the needs escape into the environment in three many challenges in the area of follow- of the individual for the right skills, i.e. different ways: with the wastewater up, in particular the fact that it may both pure manning issues and indi- from excretion by the patient, from be difficult to extract data from patient vidual development of skills. Knowl- the manufacturing industry or from record systems on non-prescription edge-based health and medical care is leftover medicines that are discarded medicines and the fact that present- based on science and proven experi- in the toilet or in household refuse day quality registries only contain pha- ence and has to be designed to meet instead of being returned to pharma- rmaceutical data to a limited extent. the needs of patients in the best poss- cies. By far the majority of the sub- ible way. Health and medical care being stances found in Swedish waters come Utilising and generalising the prac- knowledge-based depends to a great from excretion by patients. In other tical results from follow-up work extent on the skills of employees. Acc- parts of the world, for instance in done to date also poses a challenge. ess to staff with the right skills in the India, as highlighted in several studies, New working methods probably need right place is one of the greatest chall- there may be very large discharges of to be developed for this. Such methods enges for health and medical care, active pharmaceutical ingredients from would create the necessary basis for among other things in view of the manufacturing. The environmental constant improvement in the oppor- demographic trend with a rapid in- risk assessments that have been made, tunities to follow up use of medicines crease in the number of elderly persons such as those by Mistra Pharma3, show and their effects. and more immigrants. The situation that some groups of substances pose that has arisen with more people than a risk to aquatic organisms. They may Antibiotic resistance ever seeking asylum in Sweden may also, in the longer term, cause poll- Bacteria that have developed resist- also pose challenges for health and ution of drinking water. Mistra ance to antibiotics are a growing medical care. Problems in the area of Pharma has also identified several public health problem. The develop- skills supply have an impact on a large ways of improving the risk assess- ment of resistance also leads to costs number of other areas, among which ment of medicines. Various strategies for society and the health service. is the possibility of offering need- and methods to prevent medicines Tackling the development of resist- adapted, safe and knowledge-based being dispersed in the environment ance at several levels is a national and pharmaceutical treatment. Enhanced need to be developed and tested, for global challenge. Using antibiotics in structures for knowledge management, example with regard to reduced dis- a rational way represents a challenge. e-learning and smart decision support carding of medicines, treatment of In addition, it is important to ensure can make medication management wastewater and reduced discharges that antibiotics of particular medical easier for staff. throughout the life cycle of medicines. value are available for infections that Sweden presses at the EU and inter- are difficult to treat. Diagnostics and Environment national levels for greater considera- preventive work are important in the Medicines in most cases contain sub- tion to be given to the environment battle against the continued develop- stances that are biologically active. in pharmaceutical legislation, in acc- ment of resistance. Reducing the This means that the substances can ordance with the special milestone spread of communicable diseases and target for the environmental quality infections also reduces the need for 3 Mistra Pharma is a research programme funded objective A Non-Toxic Environment. antibiotics. Alongside efforts to main- by Mistra 2008–2015. The main purposes are to identify pharmaceutical substances that pose a tain the efficacy of existing antibiot- risk in the aquatic environment and to propose strategies for risk reduction. Mechanisms for the Improved follow-up of medicines ics as far as possible, there is also a development of antibiotic resistance are also stu- The use of medicines in itself and need for research aimed at the develop- died. In addition, the programme covers a project for process engineering development for mun- effects of pharmaceutical treatment ment of antibiotics with new mecha- icipal sewage treatment plants. naturally also need to be followed up nisms of action. 10 The National Pharmaceutical Strategy 2016–2018
How are the challenges The Government intends to adopt a addressed? Swedish strategy to tackle antibiotic Outcomes in Swedish health and med- resistance. The strategy is to cover ical care have to be world-class. To several sector areas and guide Swedish achieve this, the area of medicines efforts nationally, in the EU and inter- must also achieve high quality. Some nationally. The antibiotic strategy is of the problems described above, for aimed both at giving this work a coll- example care and availability of med- ective focus and at being used in ex- icines sometimes being unequal, the change of experience with other demanded digitisation at times being countries and actors. delayed, the costs of medicines in- creasing while the opportunities of In addition, the Government is curr- society to finance these products are ently reviewing the formulation of not unlimited and that the surround- future work in the area of e-health. ing environment may sometimes be Various parties need to work together adversely affected by pharmaceutical to exploit the potential that exists in residues, should be addressed so that the area of e-health better. The Gov- we can have world-class medical care ernment will continue to press for co- and so that we achieve the vision of operation and coordination between correct use of medicines to the benefit the efforts of the various parties of patient and society. Sustainable involved. solutions are needed to meet these complex challenges. The challenges The national pharmaceutical strategy are addressed in one way or another also creates opportunities for coope- in the national pharmaceutical strategy, rative interfaces with parties in adjoin- with the aim of ensuring that use of ing areas. Among other things, per- medicines is effective, safe, accessible, spective groups will be set up that are equal and economically and environ- to comprise representatives of author- mentally sustainable. ities and organisations not involved in the high-level, expert or follow-up The challenges in the pharmaceutical groups in the national pharmaceutical area are, however, also addressed strategy. outside the national pharmaceutical strategy. An example of Government efforts is the appointment of the special life science coordinator. The work of the coordinator forms part of the Government’s prioritisation of life science, and is aimed at further strengthening the area. Based on Sweden’s competitive advantages and development potential, the coordina- tor contributes material to the Govern- ment’s efforts to further strengthen Sweden’s position in the area of life science. The National Pharmaceutical Strategy 2016–2018 11
4. The vision for the national pharmaceutical strategy The vision for the national pharma- ceutical strategy is Correct Use of Medicines to the Benefit of Patient and Society. The vision is formulated to safeguard the interests of both the individual patient and safety for app- ropriate use of medicines and is to focus on sustainability, care for equal health and patient safety. The concept of sustainability includes economic, social and environmental dimensions. If medicines are used correctly, they are a great asset for both patients and society: value is added throughout the care chain. Correct use of medicines means that it is both safe for patients and effec- tive: the correct medicine at the correct dose with patient-adapted information for the correct patient on each individual occasion. The goal ultimately is to use medicines in as cost-effective a way as possible from a societal perspective, in order to be able to achieve the greatest possible health for the resources allocated to medicines in Sweden. 12 The National Pharmaceutical Strategy 2016–2018
5. Objectives of the pharmaceutical strategy Five long-term objectives based on the • is safe, i.e. the risk of medical Economically and environmentally principal challenges Sweden faces in injuries is low, sustainable use of medicines the pharmaceutical area have been • provides patient benefit, i.e. the The activities in this objectives area linked to the vision of correct use of medical outcomes are world-class are expected to contribute to use of medicines to the benefit of patient and the benefit from use of med- medicines that: and society: icines is high in relation to the risk • is cost-effective, i.e. entails a to the patient and society and reasonable relationship between 1. Effective and safe use of • is knowledge-based, i.e. systematic outcome and cost, medication knowledge and, where systematic • provides sustainable cost develop- knowledge is lacking, clinical exper- ment and 2. Accessible medicines and equal use ience, are used in pharmaceutical • is environmentally sustainable, i.e. treatment. leads to limited environmental 3. Economically and environmentally impact. sustainable use of medicines. Note that the National Board of Health and Welfare’s definition of The objectives have been formulated effective healthcare means that the care is on the basis of the concept of “Good designed and provided in collab- Care” but have been adapted to reflect oration between healthcare actors the challenges in the area of medicin- based on the severity of the condition es. The National Board of Health and and the cost-effectiveness of the mea- Welfare has defined Good Care as sures taken. However, the concept of knowledge-based and appropriate, effective use of medicines does not include safe, individually adapted, effective, cost-effectiveness, and instead means equal and accessible healthcare. Good that the use of medicines has to be Care is based on the intentions set out rational and knowledge-based. in the Health and Medical Services Cost-effective use of medicines is to Act and is a collective term that shows be found instead in the third objective which objectives and criteria are to of the strategy, together with the objec- serve as a guide in following up health- tive of environmentally sustainable care processes, outcomes and costs. use of medicines. Effective and safe use of Accessible medicines and medicines equal use Medicines are a great asset in creating The activities in this objectives area health and improved quality of life. are expected to contribute to use of However, if this is to be achieved there medicines that: is a need for medicines to be used in a safe way for patients and effectively. • is equal, i.e. access to pharmaceuti- cal treatment is not influenced by The activities in this objectives area external factors such as socio-eco- are expected to contribute to use of nomics, gender or geography but is medicines that: based on the medical needs of the individual and • ensures access to medicines at the right time The National Pharmaceutical Strategy 2016–2018 13
6. The three perspectives of the pharmaceutical strategy Perspectives Innovation There are three perspectives for the Attractiveness for innovation of strategy: patient, innovation and products and services was a separate e-health. These perspectives have objectives area in the previous stra- been chosen because they affect all tegy, but innovation is now raised to the objectives areas. There are special become a perspective that should be challenges for all three perspectives included in all objectives and strate- that need to be addressed in collabo- gies, wherever appropriate. As a result, ration with other strategies and initia- the concept of innovation can be tives outside the national pharmaceu- broadened to cover different types tical strategy. The perspectives help of initiatives that create new assets to to link the strategy objectives and the benefit of the patient and society. activities together with other strate- In other words, innovations are to be gies. The perspectives have to be viewed as means of attaining the vision considered in planning, decisions, and objectives of the strategy rather implementation, follow-up and than being an objective in themselves. evaluation. E-health Patient There are special challenges in the The long-term objectives chosen are area of e-health. Digitisation presents based on the National Board of great opportunities for improvements Health and Welfare’s objectives for in health and medical care, but more Good Care, but are adapted to the coordination and better cooperation area of medicines and the national are required if success is to be achieved. pharmaceutical strategy. Patients’ Efforts are needed at several levels, involvement in their own care and and there is a need for a long-term treatment is an essential requirement approach. To facilitate coordination for good health and medical care. between the national pharmaceutical This is also considered to promote strategy and other initiatives, e-health equality between women and men in has been chosen as a perspective. healthcare, which is an important aspect in work on the strategy. With regard to children and adolescents, there may be a need to take account of special factors in order to create the necessary basis for involvement. The purpose in making patient a per- spective instead of an objective is that the benefit for the patient should be considered in activities under the strategy. 14 The National Pharmaceutical Strategy 2016–2018
7. Strategy for whom? The national pharmaceutical strategy includes a broad set of stakeholders in the pharmaceutical area. A number of actors are involved in, or have respons- ibility for, the various stages, from research, manufacturing, approval, reimbursement, prescribing, distribu- tion and retailing to use and follow- up of medicines. Patients and health- care professionals are key parties alongside the county councils, among others. Central government has an important role to play. In addition, wholesalers and retailers have impor- tant functions in distribution and trade. In addition to this there is the research-based and manufacturing pharmaceutical industry and a large number of different special interest groups. The national pharmaceutical strategy covers human medicinal products, but not medical devices and veterinary medical products. The National Pharmaceutical Strategy 2016–2018 15
8. Organisation The national pharmaceutical strategy A new participant in the high-level tion of Local Authorities and Regions is established by the Government and and expert groups is the Swedish and the Swedish Association of the the Swedish Association of Local Pharmacists Association. The Pharmaceutical Industry. The group Authorities and Regions, the parties high-level group decides annually on also serves the purpose of broadening behind the strategy. an updated action plan. There is an collaboration between authorities and expert group linked to the high-level organisations. The work on the national pharma- group with a member from each ceutical strategy is directed by a high- authority/organisation. The There is a group attached to each per- level group chaired by the Ministry of expert group prepares proposals for spective to contribute to coordinating Health and Social Affairs and with changes to the pharmaceutical stra- objectives and strategies with other representatives from the Swedish tegy and associated action plan. strategies. The perspective groups are Association of Local Authorities and to provide support throughout the Regions, the Medical Products Agency, Work on following up the national life cycle of the activities, from plan- the Swedish Association of Health pharmaceutical strategy is directed by ning of the activities to conclusion of Professionals, the Swedish E-health the Centre for Rational Use of Med- the activities. The perspective groups, Agency, the Public Health Agency of icines (CBL). A follow-up group has together with the expert group, con- Sweden, the Health and Social Care been appointed for this task, consist- tribute horizon scanning and provide Inspectorate, county councils and ing of representatives of the Medical proposals for activities ahead of revis- regions, the Swedish Association of Products Agency, the National Board ion of the action plan. They are also the Pharmaceutical Industry, the of Health and Welfare, the Dental and to provide support in the evaluation National Board of Health and Welfare, Pharmaceutical Benefits Agency, the and follow-up of the activities. The the Swedish Agency for Health Tech- Swedish Council on Health Techno- perspective groups have representa- nology Assessment and Assessment logy Assessment and Assessment of tives from other ongoing relevant stra- of Social Services, the Swedish Phar- Social Services, the Public Health tegies or initiatives that have a bear- macy Association, the Swedish Med- Agency of Sweden, the Swedish Med- ing on the objectives and activities of ical Association and the Dental and ical Association, the Swedish Pharma- the strategy. Pharmaceutical Benefits Agency. cy Association, the Swedish Associa- Organisation National pharmaceutical strategy Ministry of Health and Social Affairs Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions High-level group Centre for Rational Use of Medicines Perspective Perspective Perspective Expert group Follow-up group Patient Innovation E-health 16 The National Pharmaceutical Strategy 2016–2018
9. How do we measure whether development is moving in the direction of the objectives? To enable it to be ensured that the ried out in structures that already exist. activities implemented in the strategy The action plan that the high-level contribute to the objectives of the group has produced by consensus strategy, the activities must be follow- therefore results in government remits ed up. Measures of progress towards for authorities, agreements between objectives also need to be formulated. the Government and the Swedish It may take time for an effect to be- Association of Local Authorities and come quantitatively measurable for Regions and other commitments by many of the activities in the strategy. parties concerned. In many cases the measures will there- fore be qualitative in the shorter term, The national pharmaceutical strategy but they may be quantitative in cases is applicable over the period 2016– where the follow-up is done over a lon- 2018, while the action plan will be ger period. revised annually. Implementation of the National Pharmaceutical Strategy Work under the national pharmaceu- tical strategy is, as far as possible car- The National Pharmaceutical Strategy 2016–2018 17
18 The National Pharmaceutical Strategy 2016–2018
The National Pharmaceutical Strategy 2016–2018 19
Action plan 2016 Introduction The activity has a high degree The action plan for 2016 under the of urgency national pharmaceutical strategy con- Horizon scanning, together with the tains three objectives areas and 18 innovation, patient and e-health per- activities. Suggestions for activities spectives, guides what activities are to be included in the action plan have significant and contribute to realising been received from parties and par- the vision of Correct use of medicines to ticipants in the national pharmaceuti- the benefit of patient and society. cal strategy, from the previous action plan and from the horizon scanning The activity contributes noticeably of the former Council for Rational Use to putting into effect one or more of of Medicines. The suggestions have the objectives areas been processed by the expert group, • Objectives area 1: Effective and and the high-level group has agreed safe use of medicines what activities are to be included in the action plan. • Objectives area 2: Accessible medicines and equal use The activities are aimed at addressing several of the challenges faced in the • Objectives area 3: Economically pharmaceutical area and, by extension, and environmentally sustainable at contributing towards use of med- use of medicines icines being effective, safe, accessible and equal, as well as economically The activity has a composite set and environmentally sustainable. of stakeholders There is a need for several govern- It is specific to work under the natio- ment agencies or organisations to nal pharmaceutical strategy that it is cooperate in order to implement the notable for collaboration between activity. stakeholders in the pharmaceutical area and that authorities, county coun- The activity has an cils and other stakeholders carry out implementation plan specific activities in accordance with There is an objective for the activity, current action plan. The activities there is a plan for how the objective is included in the action plan have ful- to be attained and measured and pro- filled the following four selection posals for how the activity is to be criteria: funded. 20 The National Pharmaceutical Strategy 2016–2018
Activities in 2016 action plan Objectives area 1 Objectives area 2 Objectives area 3 Effective and safe use Accessible medicines and Economically and environmentally of medicines equal use sustainable use of medicines 1.1. S afer management of medicines 2.1. N ational collaboration for the 3.1. E valuation of existing antibiotics for children development of adaptive licensing for best possible use of new medicines 1.2. V aluation of efficacy of treatment 2.2. M onitor and evaluate the benefit 3.2. M odels for availability and in everyday clinical practice of work aimed at managed national responsible use of both new and introduction of new medicines old antibiotics of particular value 1.3. S tructure for documentation 2.3. G reater quality and safety at 3.3. P romote possibility of addressing and follow-up pharmacies environmental concerns in the production and use of medicines 1.4. National medication list 2.4. F ollow-up of medicines in 3.4. E nvironmental assessment of collaboration between govern- non-prescription medicines ment agencies and healthcare 1.5. P revent prescribing of medicines 3.5. M anagement of primary-care contrary to scientific and proven medicines not included in the experience pharmaceutical benefits scheme 1.6. M ake electronic reporting of side effects possible 1.7. I mproved follow-up of medication dosage 1.8. E fforts to improve patient safety in generic substitution 1.9. C ommunity pharmacist-led medicine management inter- ventions The National Pharmaceutical Strategy 2016–2018 21
Objectives area 1 Effective and safe use of medication 1.1. Safer management of boys supports the development of Introduction medicines for children more effective, safe, accessible and The purpose of the project is to im- equal use of medicines. prove the transferability of data from Main responsibility: Medical Products randomised clinical studies (RCTs) to Agency Collaborating activities follow-up of the efficacy of medicines This activity is in line with paediatric in everyday clinical practice. The pro- Introduction legislation in the EU and is in good ject is therefore intended to create The purpose of this activity is to bring agreement with the Medical Products better decision-support material for about safer management of medicines Agency’s government remit “to im- decision-makers in county councils, given to girls and boys. Children are prove knowledge of paediatric med- regions and authorities in follow-up at greater risk of being affected by icines and their use and promote safer after the introduction of new medi- medication-related problems as many medication management”. The activity cines. Another aim is for the project medicines used for children are in- contributes greater knowledge to nat- to contribute to better assessments of sufficiently documented in terms of ional knowledge support in medica- the cost-effectiveness of medicines efficacy and safety and are not adapted tion prescriptions for children, ePed. over time and generally improve qual- to children with regard to dose and ity in follow-up of the use of medicin- pharmaceutical form. The safety mar- Interfaces for cooperation es in clinical practice. Improving the gins in incorrect dosing for a young The activity involves collaboration quality and usability of data from child are also narrower than for an with the National Board of Health clinical registries can also, in a broader adult. Endeavouring to ensure safer and Welfare, the Health and Social perspective, bolster Sweden’s position use of medicines for children is a cru- Care Inspectorate, the Swedish Coun- and attractiveness as a country for cial issue of equality and patient safety. cil on Health Technology Assessment innovative development and follow- and Assessment of Social Services, up in the pharmaceutical area. Healthcare professions active in the the Swedish Association of Local paediatric area have prioritised med- Authorities and Regions, the Swedish Objectives areas ication management and children as Association of Health Professionals, Developing statistical methodology the crucially important area in which representatives of the healthcare sys- to compare efficacy outcomes in to produce a knowledge document. tem (doctors, nurses and pharmacists) quality registries or equivalent with Medication management covers the and children in the capacity of patients outcomes in treatment and control activities that form part of the patient’s and their carers. groups in randomised clinical trials medication process, from prescribing supports the development of more to administration of a medicine, and Implementation plan effective, safe, economically and includes both the physical handling In May 2016, the Medical Products environmentally sustainable use of of the medicine and transfer of infor- Agency will hold an expert meeting medicines. mation, regardless of who manages on medication management for child- the medicine. Information transfer to ren. A new knowledge document in Collaborating activities children that is adapted to their age the area is expected to be ready for This activity improves the possibility and level of maturity is also important publication in January 2017. of adaptive licensing being implement- in this context. There is also a need to ed with more reliable data on efficacy produce knowledge documents that and cost-effectiveness. The activity can be used as material in the training 1.2. Valuation of treatment effi- also radically improves the prospects of nurses, for example. cacy in everyday clinical practice of meaningful follow-up of medicines. It ought also to be possible for the Objectives areas Main responsibility: Swedish Council activity to provide a better basis for The work on developing safer manage- on Technology Assessment in the pharmaceutical treatment of ment of medicines given to girls and Health Care elderly patients. 22 The National Pharmaceutical Strategy 2016–2018
Interfaces for cooperation Introduction The project is a cooperation between The work on developing models that the Swedish Council on Health Tech- describe processes, information flows, nology Assessment and Assessment concepts and information structures of Social Services, the Dental and has begun and will continue in 2016. Pharmaceutical Benefits Agency, the The main purpose of the work is to Medical Products Agency, the Nat- contribute to uniform structures for ional Board of Health and Welfare, documentation and follow-up of use the Swedish Association of Local of medicines. The models will be supp- Authorities and Regions, Stockholm lemented by method descriptions for County Council and other affected operational information analysis to authorities and organisations. enable semantic interoperability, i.e. common understanding of the terms Implementation plan and the information descriptions that The activity consists of two or three are used. The principal focus for 2016 sub-projects. With effect from the will be an information structure for autumn of 2015, a systematic litera- the use of medicines in hospitals and ture review is being conducted to take the sharing of information about stock of current knowledge in the area. medications. Depending on the outcome of this study, it will be possible to develop a Objectives areas method that could be used to assess The work on models supports the efficacy outcomes in quality registries development of more effective and in relation to data from previously safer use of medicines. In a broader conducted randomised clinical trials. perspective, structured care docu- This method will then be applied to a mentation creates the necessary basis few suitable pilot medicines. Alterna- for work in all the objectives areas in tively, if the literature review identi- the national pharmaceutical strategy. fies an already established, usable method, this will be used directly. Collaborating activities and If the pilot tests show that the method interfaces for cooperation provides usable results, the methodol- This work is a continuation of the ogy can start to be used for routine activity Enable follow-up of ordered follow-up of the clinical efficacy of medicines at an individual level l in new medicines, for example under the previous action plan. the processes for managed introduc- tion and adaptive licensing. The work is expected, among other things, to provide support in the continued development of a national 1.3. Structure for documentation medication list. Models for prescrib- and follow-up ing and administration can also con- tribute to more systematic work on Main responsibility: Swedish Associa- improved follow-up of the use of med- tion of Local Authorities and Regions icines, among other things in Man- aged introduction. The work as a whole forms part of the fundamental The National Pharmaceutical Strategy 2016–2018 23
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