The "Mozart Effect": Hard Science or Hype
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The "Mozart Effect": Hard Science or Hype Andrew Gorman ( ) Department of Computer Science and Institute of Cognitive Science University of Colorado Boulder, CO 80309-0430 Abstract conditions. Their results showed that the IQ scores follow- The positive effects of the music of Wolfgang Amadaus ing the music condition were significantly (8-9 points) Mozart on spatial reasoning ability have become a popular higher than the other two conditions. Furthermore, the order topic. Some studies suggest that listening to Mozart has a of condition and the order of task was not significant (condi- short-term positive effect on spatial IQ. Others suggest that prenatal and early childhood exposure to music can tion was balanced for order to compensate for a possible lead to long-term positive effects. However, some attempts practice effect). They speculated that the complexity of the to duplicate and generalize these findings have failed. This music was a factor of the increased performance and sug- paper explores the research behind such claims in an at- gested that music lacking such complexity or that was re- tempt to demystify the current hype. petitive might, in fact, decrease performance. They also noted that this effect was temporary and did not last more Introduction than 15 minutes. The positive effects of the music of Wolfgang Amadaus In the years that followed, Rauscher and her colleagues Mozart on spatial reasoning ability have become a popular performed follow-up studies that supported their initial find- topic. Some studies suggest that listening to Mozart has a ings (Rauscher et al., 1995; Rauscher et al., 1994). These short-term positive effect on spatial IQ (Nantais, 1997; subsequent studies used a mixture of conditions including Nguyen, Shaw, & Tran, 1996; Rauscher, Shaw, & Ky, other types of music and stories. In all of the studies, the 1993; Rauscher, Shaw, & Ky, 1995; Rauscher, Shaw, effect was temporary. Furthermore, these tests were per- Levine, Ky, & Wright, 1994; Rideout, Dougherty, & formed over a five-day period and after the second day there Wernert, 1998; Rideout & Taylor, 1997; Wilson & Brown, was no significant difference between the Mozart condition 1997). Others suggest that prenatal and early childhood ex- and the silence condition. The researchers speculated that posure to music can lead to long-term positive effects this might have been due to a ceiling effect caused by prac- (Costa-Goimi, 1997; Douglas & Willatts, 1994; Hurwitz, tice. Wolff, Bortnick, & Kokas, 1975; Rauscher, Robinson, & Jens, submitted 1998; Rauscher et al., 1997; Spychiger, Inconsistent Results 1993). These studies have led to broad claims in the popular press that view this as a panacea. For example, a popular University of Auckland, New Zealand Study news broadcast has reported that, "anyone can benefit from In an effort to replicate and extend the results from UC, Ir- this" (NBC News, 1994, September 1). Further unqualified vine, Stough, Kerkin, Bates, and Mangan performed a simi- claims have stated that "It (music) clears our minds and has lar study using 30 subjects, but they changed the condition been known to make us smarter." (Campbell, 1997, p. 1) and measurement (Stough et al., 1994). In order to test the However, not all researchers would agree and many efforts to hypothesis that repetitive music might decrease spatial IQ duplicate and generalize this effect have been either unsuc- (Rauscher et al., 1993), the relaxation condition was replaced cessful (Kenealy, 1994; Newman et al., 1995; Steele, Ball, with 10 minutes of disco music that had a repetitive beat & Runk, 1997; Stough, Kerkin, Bates, & Mangan, 1994) or throughout. Also, the dependant measurement was changed have had mixed results (Wilson & Brown, 1997). from the Stanford-Binet test (Thorndike et al., 1986) to the Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM) (Raven & Initial Studies Court, 1992). In the early '90s Rauscher, Shaw, and Ky at the University The results of their test showed that while there was a of California, Irvine performed a study examining the effects small mean difference in scores across conditions in the pre- of music on spatial task performance (Rauscher et al., dicted direction, these differences were not significant. The 1993). They tested thirty-six college students' performance researchers suggested that the APM was a more general test on a set of three standard IQ spatial reasoning tasks of IQ that requires spatial aptitude, inductive reasoning, and (Thorndike, Hagen, & Sattler, 1986). Each test was pro- perceptual accuracy, all of which contribute to spatial IQ. ceeded by one of three conditions: (1) listening to 10 min- The researchers concluded that further research in this area utes of Mozart's sonata for two pianos in D major, k488; (2) would not be of any benefit. listening to 10 minutes of relaxation instruction; or (3) 10 minutes silence. All the students participated in each of the
2 SUNY, Albany Study Steele et al. concluded that backwards digit span tasks in- Citing other studies that failed to show a “Mozart Effect” volved spatial reasoning because it required rotation of the (Kenealy, 1994; Stough et al., 1994), Newman, Rosenbach, digit sequence. They also noted that there was a strong cor- Burns, Latimer, Matocha, and Vogt tried to duplicate the relation between performance on this type of task and per- conditions of the original study by Rauscher et al. (Rauscher formance on tests such as the APM. et al., 1993) while improving its design (Newman et al., Steele et al. found no improvement on backwards digit 1995). Newman et al. pointed out that the posttest-only span tasks after exposure to the Mozart condition. One ex- design of the Rauscher et al. study permitted ambiguous planation offered for the inconsistent results was that differ- interpretation of the results: the control conditions (relaxa- ent dependant measures were used in experiments supporting tion and silence) may have depressed performance while the the effect vs. experiments that did not support the effect. Mozart condition may have depressed it less or not at all. They also added that the dependant measure could not be the For this reason, the researchers choose to perform a pretest only factor since other studies used paper folding tasks and posttests within subjects. As a consequence, the re- (Kenealy, 1994) (like those used by Rauscher et al.), but searchers used a different measurement than that of the found no effect. Rauscher et al. study. Instead of the Stanford-Binet test they used the APM (also used by Stough et al. (Stough et al., An Explanation of the Inconsistent Results 1994) described above). This allowed them to generate the Because of the lack of support from the aforementioned stud- required number of equivalent tests so both pre- and post- ies, Rauscher and Shaw wrote a clarifying response paper treatment tests could be administered. A second change was (Rauscher & Shaw, 1998). The goal of this paper was to in testing for the conditions between rather than within sub- explain the theory behind the effect and to suggest reasons jects. This was to control any possible order effect. why some studies have not been able to reproduce it. Rauscher et al. tested within subject by rotating the subjects through the conditions, which they claimed controlled for Neurological Theory order, but it is unclear exactly how this was done. Newman The "trion" model of the cerebral cortex (Leng & Shaw, et al. added a dimension to the test by surveying the subjects 1991; McGrann, Shaw, Shenoy, Leng, & mathews, 1994; to ascertain their musical preferences and education. They Shaw, Silverman, & Pearson, 1985; Shenoy, Kaufman, speculated that some subjects might have had exposure to McGrann, & Shaw, 1993) motivated the initial studies on classical music for years, while others may have had little the effect of Mozart's music on spatial-temporal tasks. prior exposure. This, they claimed, could affect the level of Rauscher and Shaw describe this as a mathematical represen- listener's enjoyment, perception, and attention. tation of Mountcastle's model (Mountcastle, 1997) of the In analyzing their results they first performed a two-tailed cerebral cortex. They describe that the neural firing patterns t test of the pre and posttest scores for gender. This yielded that occur during spatial-temporal tasks are similar to those no significant difference so they collapsed subsequent tests that occur for music cognition. Citing Leng and Shaw, they across this variable. They also used an analysis of variance propose that exposure to music might excite the cortical (ANOVA) and ruled out any significant differences between firing patterns used during spatial-temporal reasoning and the three group’s pretest scores. They then performed an thus might have a priming-like effect, which would improve ANOVA of the pre and posttest scores (condition was used performance (Leng & Shaw, 1991). as a between-subject variable and testing time was used as a within-subject variable). This showed that there was a prac- Aspects of Spatial Tasks tice effect that was equal across condition group. Next the posttest scores were analyzed (using the pretest scores as a Rauscher and Shaw make the distinction between spatial covariance). This showed no significant difference between recognition tasks and spatial-temporal tasks. Spatial recog- condition group and thus did not support the Rauscher et al. nition tasks require the ability to recognize and classify experiments. In analyzing the scores using music training physical similarities among objects. Spatial-temporal tasks as the factor, no significant difference was found. Interest- are more complex. In addition to requiring the recognition ingly, the subjects who reported liking classical music of object relations, they explained, spatial-temporal tasks scored significantly lower than those who did not. require the ability to transform mental images of an object without the use of a physical model. In their original study Appalachian State University Study (Rauscher et al., 1993), they used the Stanford-Binet test, which included three tasks. However, only one of the tasks, In another attempt to extend the results of Rauscher, Shaw, the paper-folding task, measured spatial-temporal reasoning. and Ky (Rauscher et al., 1993; Rauscher et al., 1995), The other two tasks required only spatial recognition skills. Steele, Ball, and Runk at the Appalachian State University Leng and Shaw predicted that exposure to music would only studied the effect of Mozart's music on backwards digit span affect spatial-temporal tasks and would not affect spatial performance (Steele et al., 1997). A backwards digit span recognition tasks (Leng & Shaw, 1991). Upon reexamina- task requires a person to listen to a series of digits and them tion of their original data, Rauscher and Shaw confirmed this recall them in reverse order. The decision to use this task as prediction: the scores on the paper folding task were signifi- the dependent measure was based on the suggestion of cantly higher after listening to Mozart, while the scores on Rauscher et al. that tasks including spatial and temporal the other two tests were not. Therefore, they concluded that transformations should be affected by music. Based on other research (Carroll, 1993; Das, Kirby, & Jarman, 1979),
3 exposure to music might affect spatial temporal tasks, but music selection. In addition to using the Mozart piano so- not tasks that only required spatial recognition. nata, they also used a piece by Yanni (Acroyali/Standing in Motion). The Yanni piece was chosen because it was similar Experiment Design to Mozart’s in tempo, structure, melodic and harmonic con- Dependant Measure Of the three studies cited above that sonance, and predictability. A relaxation tape was used as do not support the Mozart effect, two (Newman et al., 1995; the control condition. Their results showed a significant Stough et al., 1994) used the Raven's APM as the dependant effect for the two music conditions. Furthermore, the effect measure and one (Steele et al., 1997) use a backwards digit from both musical conditions was not significantly different span task. Rauscher and Shaw suggest that these measures from each other. do not test spatial-temporal reasoning and therefore, it Contrasting these studies, Rauscher, Shaw, and Ky should not be surprising that they were not enhanced by the showed no effect after exposure to minimalist or contempo- Mozart condition. To further support their claim, the authors rary dance music (Rauscher et al., 1995). Because of this, cited the work of Eliot and his colleagues who have created a Rauscher and Shaw concluded that, “these varied findings taxonomy of spatial tasks (Eliot, 1980; Eliot & Smith, suggest that complexly structured music, regardless of style 1983; Stumpf & Eliot, 1995). Included in this taxonomy or period, may enhance spatial-temporal task performance are paper-folding and maze tasks. Studies using paper fold- more readily than repetitious music.” However, Don ing as the dependent measure have shown a significant posi- Campbell, author of the popular book, The Mozart Effect tive performance gain after exposure to Mozart (Rauscher et (Campbell, 1997) does not completely agree and suggests al., 1993; Rauscher et al., 1995; Rauscher et al., 1994; special status for Mozart's music over the music of others. Rideout et al., 1998; Rideout & Taylor, 1997). Likewise, a Campbell makes general references to the work of French study using maze tasks as the measure have also shown an physician Alfred Tomtias, M.D. According to Campbell, effect (Wilson & Brown, 1997). Rauscher and Shaw went on Tomatias has found a greater and more consistent effect on to suggest that, "two components of the spatial-temporal spatial perception from exposure to Mozart’s music than tasks -- spatial imagery and the temporal ordering of spatial from other composers like Bach or Beethoven. As Campbell components -- are essential for the Mozart effect.” They states: noted that the matrices tasks from the APM lacked both of Clearly, the rhythms, melodies, and high frequencies of Mo- these components and that the backwards digit span task zart’s music stimulate and charge the creative and motivational lacked spatial imagery. regions of the brain. But perhaps the key to his greatness is Procedure Rauscher et al. (Rauscher et al., 1993) choose that it all sounds so pure and simple. Mozart does not weave a not to use a pretest design, like that used by Newman et al. dazzling tapestry like that great mathematical genius Bach. He (Newman et al., 1995), because they feared that such a de- does not raise tidal waves of emotions like the epically tortured sign might result in a practice effect that might obscure Beethoven. His work doesn’t have the stark plainness of Gre- other effects. This prediction was later confirmed by a later gorian chant, a Tibetan prayer, or Sharker hymn. He doesn’t study (Rauscher et al., 1995). Further studies using pre and soothe the body like a good folk musician or slam it into motion posttest designs showed no Mozart effect until a distracter like a rock star. (p. 27) task was used between the pretest and the listening condition Campbell also suggests that the power of Mozart’s music (Nguyen et al., 1996; Rideout & Taylor, 1997). Rauscher comes from the facts surrounding his birth. Mozart’s prena- and Shaw concluded that, “practice effects may conceal the tal and childhood experience was saturated with music. Both effects of listening to music unless a delay period is intro- of his parents were musicians and this exposure throughout duced between the pretest and the listening condition during his early years had enhanced Mozart’s neurological develop- which subjects are cognitively engaged in a disparate activ- ment. But this ignores the fact that many famous compos- ity.” ers, including Bach and Beethoven (Kamien, 1984), were Choice of Music As mentioned above, Wilson and born into musical families. Brown performed a study using maze tasks as the dependant Mood-State Explanations Many believe that music is measure (Wilson & Brown, 1997). In this study, Mozart's strongly connected to the limbic system, which is central to piano concerto No. 23 in A major was used as the listening emotional processing (Dunbar, 1996; Spychiger, 1998). condition instead of Mozart’s sonata for two pianos in D Music can reliably be used to manipulate emotions, evoking major, which was used by Rauscher et al. (Rauscher et al., states of melancholy and despair or elation and joy 1993). Their results also showed improvements in spatial (Campbell, 1997; Pinker, 1997; Waters, 1998). There have task ability after the music condition. Nantais also per- also been many studies showing that mood can affect cogni- formed a study showing an effect after exposure to classical tion (for example see Matlin, 1998). Therefore, it makes music (Nantais, 1997). In this study, Schubert’s fantasia for sense that music may have an indirect effect on cognition. piano and 4 hands in F minor were used as listening condi- But these effects are most certainly short-term. tions. Both yielded enhanced performance. Rideout, Dougherty, and Wernert performed an experiment Long-Term Effects of Prenatal and Early to test the generality of musical characteristics needed to Childhood Exposure to Music produce the effect (Rideout et al., 1998). They used the pa- per-folding task that was used by Rauscher et al. (Rauscher Up until now, the focus of this paper has been on the short- et al., 1993), but they included an additional, contemporary term effects of music on spatial-temporal tasks. Another,
4 and perhaps more significant aspect of the relation between tionable as to whether any practical applications will come music and cognition is its potential long-term effects. from this research. Any hope that these results will directly In a recent paper, Katie Overy posed the question; “can influence educational policy seems misguided (i.e., it seems music really ‘improve’ the mind?” (Overy, 1998) This unlikely that music will be piped into America’s classrooms opened a discussion about the potential long-term effects of anytime soon). This research may, however, help guide music on cognition. In one study that was cited, primary theories regarding the architecture of the mind, which might school children received music instruction instead of other indirectly influence educational theory subjects over a three year period (Spychiger, 1993). The Howard Gardner has developed theories about the architec- results showed slightly increased language and verbal skills ture of the mind with the hope that these theories will help compared to their peers who had no music training. Fur- guide education policies (Gardner, 1983). The studies thermore, the test group was able to keep up with their peers showing the short- and long-term effects of music on the in the subjects that were sacrificed during their music train- brain seem to support Gardner’s theory. According to ing. Other studies have shown similar results with enhanced Gardner, the mind is made up of multiple intelligences. verbal skills (Douglas & Willatts, 1994; Hurwitz et al., These include linguistic, musical, logical-mathematical, 1975). Still others have shown increased spatial reasoning spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, and two forms of personal intel- abilities in students who have had music lessons (Costa- ligence. Gardner further claims that under normal circum- Goimi, 1997; Hurwitz et al., 1975; Rauscher et al., 1997). stances, these intelligences interact with and build upon one Caution should be used, however, before concluding any another. The links shown in the studies cited in this paper causal relationship. Lamont points out that there are a between music, linguistic and spatial-temporal abilities number of factors that lead children to start and continue seem to support Gardner’s claim. music training (Lamont, 1998). These include the children's Steven Pinker is perplexed in trying to find a selective ad- own motivation, support from parents and teachers, and vantage leading to the evolution of musical intelligence, but available economic resources. All of these factors can influ- he explains how music interacts with other mental faculties ence scholastic achievement so it would be prudent to use (Pinker, 1997). To Pinker, "music is auditory cheesecake, caution before drawing any conclusions. an exquisite confection crafted to tickle the sensitive spots of In addition, the SUNY Albany study (discussed above) at least six of our mental faculties." He points out that it is showed no such correlation between music training and test very noticeable when an accented syllable in a lyric is scores (Newman et al., 1995). However, it should be aligned with an unaccented note or vice versa. Pinker claims pointed out that this study used a post hock survey to assess that this suggests that "music borrows some of its mental participants’ musical training. Therefore, there was no con- machinery from language -- in particular, from prosody, the trol over the consistency, style, and quality of the training contours of sound that span many syllables." He also that was received. It seems clear that an operational defini- points out the similarity between sound and visual percep- tion of “training” would be useful in these situations. tion in what he calls "auditory scene analysis." In visual In a response to Overy’s paper, Rauscher cited some inter- scene analysis, the viewer takes raw visual stimulus and esting neurological evidence indicating a correlation between segregates surfaces from their backdrops. Similarly, the lis- musical training and brain development (Rauscher, 1998). tener takes raw frequencies and segregates the streams of One cited study found that the planum temporale, a part of sound that come from different sources. For instance, the the cerebral cortex believed to be used to process language soloist is differentiated from the orchestra or a voice from a and categorize sound, was larger in the left hemisphere than noisy room. These are just two of the examples of the in- it was in the right hemisphere of musicians vs. non- terconnection between mental processes given by Pinker. He musicians (Schlaug, Jancke, Huang, & Steinmetz, 1994). gives other examples of links to functions such as emo- Further examination found that this was related to musicians tional calls, habitat selection, and motor control. The point who had perfect pitch and who began their training before is that music seems to be connected to other processes in the the age of seven (Schlaug, Jancke, Huang, & Steinmetz, mind and the implication is that music stimulation may 1995). Some believe that the increased development of this have extra-musical benefits. area of the brain may be linked to greater language skills Many of the studies of the long-term, extra-musical ef- (Campbell, 1997; Pinker, 1997). fects from music training are motivated by music teachers It was also found that the corpus callosums, the part of hoping to defend and promote music education. However, the brain that connects the left and right hemispheres of the many are also motivated by interest in neurobiology and brain, was larger in musicians (Schlaug et al., 1994). This psychology. It seems that these studies do support the supports Campbell who believe that music enlarges neural agenda of those promoting music education. As Spychiger pathways and stimulates learning and creativity (Campbell, has shown, students who were engaged in music training, at 1997). the expense of other subjects, were able to keep up with, and in some cases surpass, their peers (Spychiger, 1993). 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