The Montessori School - Auction 2013 - imagine NATION!

Page created by Tina Stephens
Live Auction Closes at 09:00 PM

                       The Montessori School                                                    40
                           Auction 2013 - imagine…NATION!
                                      Live Auction
  1000 Wish Upon a Star
          In the 19th century, letter writing was the major means of communication amongst
          family, friends and businesses. The Dutch, not wanting to waste the patterned paper
          often lining the inside of envelopes they received, created a beautiful way to reuse
          the paper. Called iris folding, this paper craft creates a very distinctive layered look
          that resembles the iris of an eye, or lens of a camera.

          As they worked on this project, the students in Trista and Lorrie's class found that
          those fine motor skills developed in Primary really do matter! The "stars" in Trista
          and Lorrie’s class each drew their own interpretation of a star and then used this
          wonderful technique to create a shining masterpiece. The framed piece measuring
          30” x 40” is sure to light up any room!
          Trista and Lorrie's Class

  1001 Centered Within
          The students of Betsy and Kate’s class practiced their control of movement when
          creating this spectacular wall hanging invoking our labyrinth. With little feet and
          centered souls, they extended their work of walking on the line to walking the
          labyrinth. This treasured symbol of moving up in our school is a rite of passage
          captured in paint and toes. A striking addition to any room, and a great memory at
          each stage of transition, moving up, up, up.
          Betsy and Kate's Class

  1002 Flights of Fancy
          Jennie and Trish's class have been studying birds all year, peering out the hall
          window at our "bird sanctuary" to spot everything from cardinals, to blue jays, to
          chickadees, and even a tufted titmouse! Using stencils, the students created a
          grand flock of their own. This 24" x 24" canvas masterpiece is sure to make your
          spirits soar like the birds in the sky!
          Jennie and Trish's Class

                                                                            Live Auction - Page 1
Live Auction Closes at 09:00 PM
  1003 Up, Up and Away…
          Picture this…a balloon ride in the sky. Imagine rising majestically above the
          Litchfield Hills or the Farmington Valley with an incredible birds’ eye view unlike
          anything you've seen before. Imagine sharing this experience with up to five of your
          nearest and dearest. What a great way to celebrate a special occasion such as an
          anniversary or birthday. Or just make an ordinary day extraordinary for you and your
          family or friends.

          Now imagine your own personal photographer documenting this incredible
          experience! Professional photographer and Montessori parent Pam Zaremba
          Vlahakis will fly with you to photograph the journey. Pam has been shooting editorial
          photography for 15 years, and her passion for travel and portrait photography is a
          perfect match for the adventure. And as a keepsake, Pam will create a photo album
          for you, in addition to giving you and each of your guests a disc with all the fantastic
          images she captures that day.

          You will meet the pilot and ground crew at the launch site where you'll watch the
          beautiful balloon being inflated. After launching, the balloon will gently ascend and
          float between 500 and 1,000 feet. You will travel above the treetops and below the
          clouds for about an hour, covering five to ten miles--wherever the wind takes you!
          The whole experience will take about three fantastic hours, and you'll wish you could
          stay aloft all day!

          The exhilarating experience will no doubt whet your appetite so enjoy a delicious
          picnic lunch, courtesy of caterer and friend of our school Peggy Lewis. So let your
          spirits soar as you take this very special flight in a hot air balloon – a day you and
          your loved ones will never forget!
          Restrictions: You may choose to take off in the Litchfield Hills or the Farmington
          Valley of Connecticut. Depending on weight limits, 4 or 5 people can ride in the
          balloon (in addition to Pam). Children six years old and above may fly with an adult.
          Winners of this adventure in the sky should coordinate dates with Pam and book the
          balloon flight at least one month in advance for preferred dates; (Pam will not be
          available from July 4-September 3, 2013). Flight must be completed by May 30,
          Chris Andrews & Andrew Nelson, Peggy Lewis, Pam Vlahakis

                                                                             Live Auction - Page 2
Live Auction Closes at 09:00 PM
  1004 Tanzanian Treasure
          In March, The Montessori Middle School 8th Year students traveled 7500 miles to
          Arusha Tanzania where they helped construct a 10 foot holding tank so that the Poli
          Secondary School could have fresh water. Previously, part of each day at the school
          was devoted to hauling water in buckets from a river half a mile away, a job shared
          by everyone so that there would be water for cooking, cleaning, and sanitation. The
          8th Year students experienced this burden firsthand, as they made many round trips
          to bring the water needed to mix mortar for setting the bricks in the water tank. The
          trip included a 3 day safari, where they witnessed the power and beauty of animals
          in the wild, and a hike to the first base camp at Kilimanjaro, a capstone to the many
          expeditions they've made over the years. Another day, it was a visit with children at
          an orphanage that offered the students a deep connection to a world far removed
          from everything familiar.

          And while here the news was crowded with basketball stats and March Madness, the
          Middle School students traveled to a Maasai village, where they made yet another
          cultural connection. This stunning framed work was designed and executed by the
          8th Year students to present as their auction project. The Maasai tribe of Africa is
          well known for its traditional handmade bead jewelry, and the students worked side
          by side with the Maasai women to create a pattern and then practice the art of
          beadwork. Maasai beaded jewelry is created based on strict tribal rules pertaining to
          the colors and design. These striking collar necklaces are worn by men and women,
          both as ornamentation and for ceremonial purposes.

          Travel is transformative. Visiting a new place and its people forces you to imagine
          life in a new way – both literally and figuratively. The idea of going out and exploring
          the unknown often serves as motivation for a journey, but it is the interior dimension
          of the return trip home that is really the most profound. This beautiful reminder of
          the students’ time away is a wonderful Tanzanian Treasure.
          The Montessori Middle School Class of 2013

  1005 Book of Mormon…and Backstage!
          You've seen the reviews…so what are you waiting for? This show has earned critical
          acclaim and numerous awards -- including nine Tony Awards and a Grammy. And
          after the show…you'll have a private backstage tour with cast member Alison
          Semmes. Raise your paddle high -- because $100 buys a raffle ticket for a chance at
          this unique experience.
          Ossen Delbrun and Darlene Bell
          Patrick and Pilin Giddings

                                                                             Live Auction - Page 3
Live Auction Closes at 09:00 PM
  1006 Toddler Terrarium
          Tiny tots toiled to create this terrific terrarium! Little fingers of the students in both
          Toddler classes fashioned a green world unto its own. First, the students decorated
          the base abstractly with colorful paint on a dark green background. Then they
          arranged a variety of hardy and beautiful succulents to create this tiny landscape. A
          grand glass cloche encloses the whole ecosystem, which sits on a distressed dark
          verdigris metal stand. Remarkably easy to care for (with a guide included!) and a
          delight to behold, this terrarium is a cheery conversation piece that could grace any
          room in your home.
          The Lois Street and Whipple Road Toddler Classes

  1007 Comforts of Home
          When Hurricane Sandy hit last October, the students in Lynn and Maureen’s class
          were surprised and saddened. They knew that lots of people had been affected and
          that many of our own Montessori families had experienced damage in their
          neighborhoods or at their homes. Inspired by the outreach the Middle School
          students did to help those hit the hardest, the students decided they too could help in
          some way. The class quickly decided on a lap blanket project, hoping that their
          donation of small colorful blankets would remind people of the brighter days to come
          and also keep them warm in the coldest and darkest months of the year. Each
          student made a small lap blanket, cutting the fabric and knotting the ends. The
          blankets were delivered to Breezy Point, in the spirit of giving to a community in
          some need of encouragement and love.

          Calling on this spirit of Civitas, for this year’s Auction project, the students cut small
          squares from the same colorful fabric used in the fall to fashion a larger quilt of
          compassion. A memory book and custom lamp are offered with the quilt to remind
          everyone of how important it is help others, no matter how small the gesture seems.
          The lamp is made of birch bark limbs that fell during the storm, and the book holds
          pictures of the project and simple quotes from the students. As one student said
          recently, "I think we might be lighting up the world with our blanket and our love!”
          We hope this gift of light and love finds you and yours well, warm, and snuggly.
          Lynn and Maureen's Class

                                                                               Live Auction - Page 4
Live Auction Closes at 09:00 PM
  1008 De-lightful, De-lovely Del-Marvelous!
          Enjoy a week of fun, luxury and endless options in sunny Southern California at the
          Grand Del Mar Resort. The Grand Del Mar is located near the coast in Northern San
          Diego, surrounded by the pristine coastal communities of La Jolla, Del Mar and
          Rancho Santa Fe. This luxury resort is just a short drive from top attractions, such as
          renowned beaches, the Del Mar Thoroughbred Club and much more. As an added
          convenience, it's also close to the San Diego International Airport.

          The villa is 4,500 square feet with three bedroom suites each with a king-sized bed
          and private bath. Every amenity you can imagine -- glorious social and sleeping
          areas, full gourmet kitchen, private elevator, hot tub, TVs/ WiFi, piano, washer/dryer,
          and movie room. With housekeeping taken care of daily, spend your time, golfing,
          getting a massage, reading, shopping, or snoozing at the beach. Or plan an outing
          to visit LegoLand, Sea World, the Chopra Meditation Center, Safari Park and don’t
          forget the world famous San Diego Zoo!

          The Resort offers free tennis, a kids’ club, full-size gym, and direct access to world
          class golf, pool, horseback riding, and snorkeling. It sleeps up to a limit of 6, so head
          out for a week of family fun! Or, leave the kids with Grandma and get away with
          some friends! How about a moms only get-away? You decide, but however you
          enjoy it, you’re guaranteed to have a del-marvelous time!

          Currently, three airlines offer direct flights from New York to San Diego: American,
          Jet Blue and United.
          Restrictions: Villa available upon mutual agreement with donor anytime before May
          31, 2014 EXCEPT THE FOLLOWING: The month of August 2013; December 20,
          2013 - January 5, 2014; and March 15 - March 24, 2014. (Note: TMS March Break is
          March 10-March 23, 2014).
          Anonymous Alumni Family

  1009 Matisse Inspired Masterpiece
          The students of Heather and Fabi’s class have studied musical instruments and art
          all year, in particular Matisse. In his seventies, Matisse became too ill to paint, so he
          devised a way to channel his creativity into something startlingly new and beautiful.
          He called this new technique “painting with scissors”, using large sheets of colored
          paper to create uplifting, vibrant shapes…just as the students have! Combining
          collage techniques and the extraordinary whimsy of line drawing, their little hands
          have created a masterpiece for your wall!
          Heather and Fabi's Class

                                                                              Live Auction - Page 5
Live Auction Closes at 09:00 PM
  1010 The Art of the Matter
          Design Specialist Marissa Ferguson invites one lucky artist – budding or
          accomplished – to her Westport studio overlooking the beautiful Sherwood Mill
          Pond. You'll spend time creating an autobiographical mixed-media art piece jointly
          executed by you and Marissa that will capture the joy of art for art’s sake! The day
          will include a delicious lunch on the waterside patio, and maybe a walk to the beach
          or a canoe ride on the pond to inspire creativity. Who knows? Your muse may just
          be that heron standing quietly in the reeds! Marissa will help you refine the initial
          design and then gather material for your piece prior to the mutually agreed upon
          date. Open to artists from age 10 and up. So come spend a day (or two…if that’s
          what it takes) and let your imagination soar high above Long Island Sound!
          Marissa Ferguson

  1011 Art Nation
          Imagine…a nation of Montessori friends old and new gathered together to create a
          bit of art...or just to mingle and chat over cocktails and nibbles. The scrumptious
          food will be created by Montessori mom and caterer extraordinaire, Briana Pennell,
          and we'll gather at Firing Circuits, a local artists' cooperative in Norwalk where
          creative types gather to express their talents and display their work. One of our own,
          Montessori dad Jahmane West is one such talented artist with a studio in this
          fantastic space. Together we'll create an art piece in a casual and collaborative way
          (no smocks necessary -- feel free to dress up!) So raise your glass -- and your
          paddle -- $60 makes you an honorary citizen of this Montessori Art Nation!
          Restrictions: Raise the Paddle Event is scheduled for Saturday, June 22, 2013 at 5
          FCStudios, The Pennell, O'Meara, and West Families
          $60 per Person

  1012 Take Me Out to the Ball Game -- in Style!
          There's nothing like the Boston Red Sox and the New York Yankees. And now you
          can win two of the hottest tickets in town to see them square off at Yankee Stadium
          on Saturday, June 1, 2013. These seats are at field level, Section 125, Row 24
          behind the visitor dugout. First pitch is at 7:15 p.m. It doesn't get much better than
          that for a fan . . . unless you have a ride in a town car to and from Yankee Stadium!
          That's right, you will ride from your doorstep to Yankee Stadium thanks to the
          generous donation from Sal Tobar, President of Excel Limousine Service in Norwalk.
          And when the game is over, just sit back and enjoy the ride. Traffic?
          Fuhgeddaboutit! So don't miss out . . . be a part of one of the greatest rivalries in
          Susan Luse, The Shah/Nathwani Family, Excel Limousine Service

                                                                           Live Auction - Page 6
Live Auction Closes at 09:00 PM
  1013 Tablecloth and Linens for Eight
          In the words of the students themselves:
          "The Upper Elementary students all worked hard to make you this beautiful dinner
          set. Now you can have dinner in style! At Montessori, we believe that every child is
          different -- that's why the school logo was made a little bit differently on each napkin,
          with various stitches. The table cloth measures 60" x 84" and features Mary Z's one-
          of-a-kind sun."
          Upper Elementary Students

  1014 Goddess of Earth…Day
          Art Specialist Mark Stephenson’s passion for ceramics inspired this beautiful
          interpretation of an ancient Greek kantharos -- a type of Greek pottery used for
          drinking. While it is said that the god Dionysus had a kantharos which was never
          empty, Mark’s creation is vessel open at the top with a sealed bottom reinforced for
          stability and it is intended as a sculptural object. Truly a work of art from his heart,
          Mark spent many hours refining the piece working from photos and sketches made
          after an initial model’s sitting. The bust measures 18” high and 10” deep – stopping
          at the crown, where in ancient times the vessel would have flared into a cup with
          high swung handles extending above the lip of the pot.

          The gorgeous colors come from using red and black clay which is then enhanced
          with an ancient pottery technique roughly translated as “sealed earth". Contemporary
          potters use modern substitutions to mimic the process used in Ancient Greece
          during the late Geometric period (roughly 1000 BCE). The technique, known as terra
          sigillata, is made by mixing clay with water and an additive that causes particles in
          aqueous suspension to repel one another. After the mixture is left to stand, the
          heavier particles of clay settle out. The resulting clay slip is then brushed on in
          stages and polished between coats. The clay color changes as it undergoes firing in
          the high carbon, low oxygen atmosphere of a wood-fired kiln. The process is
          sometimes referred to “carbon trapping” and creates the appearance of black smoke
          occurring randomly on the surface of the pot.

          The Goddess was “born” on Earth Day 2013 – after a long gestation as part of the
          Elementary Art curriculum this year. In addition to Mark’s creation, students fired
          their own pieces which were added to a newspaper kiln built by the group with help
          from Mark, Gerard and some parent volunteers. The process was an authentic
          Montessori experience to the end, with the final unveiling a lesson in itself. The firing
          resulted in some fine cracks and fragmentation, but Mark's careful hand restored her
          integrity and the Goddess rose like a phoenix from the ashes. And now you can take
          home a bit of history – reflecting both the ancient Greek past and a vibrant
          expression of what makes our school unique today.
          Mark Stephenson

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Live Auction Closes at 09:00 PM
  1015 Garden of Delight
          The children in Ashley and Kim’s class are budding flower experts! They have been
          studying different kinds of flowers since early Spring, and it has been a full sensory
          experience. They studied how flowers vary in color, smell and feel. In addition, the
          children learned the names for all the parts of a flower as well as why bees are so
          important. This fascination with flowers has blossomed into a beautiful work of art
          you can take home!

          The piece was created using vibrant colors and shapes to represent the flowers of
          early spring: pansies, daffodils, iris, tulips and lily of the valley. Throughout this
          process, the children have been inspired to go out into the world and discover
          Nature’s wonder. This garden of delight is filled with love and joy by every child in
          the class!
          Ashley and Kim's Class

  1016 Two VIP Colbert Report Tickets
          Need we say more? Well, yes, just a few details. The show tapes Monday through
          Thursday and arrival time is 6:00 p.m. for the VIP line, with taping at the show's
          West 54th Street studio from approximately 7 to 8 p.m. You'll need to book at least
          two months in advance of the show you want to see, and the final contact date to
          arrange booking is October 31, 2013.
          Restrictions: Valid for adults 18 years of age or older.
          Clyde Phillips and Jane Lancellotti

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Raffle Closes at 08:00 PM

                       The Montessori School                                                      40
                            Auction 2013 - imagine…NATION!
  1200 Breitling Colt 33 Stratus Silver Ladies Watch
          Ladies -- last year the men had all the fun, and now it's our turn! $50 buys a raffle
          ticket and a "lucky charm" on Auction night for a chance to win your own spectacular
          time piece from Breitling USA. The Colt 33 Stratus Silver is designed for women
          wishing to combine ultra-sporty character with elegance. The 16 mm steel bracelet is
          sure to "charm" any princess -- and it could be yours! And as an added enticement,
          the first 50 ticket buyers will enjoy a glass of bubbles to help lift spirits while waiting
          for their lucky number to be called!
          Breitling USA, Inc.
          $50 per Ticket

  1201 Montessori Mystery Bus Tour
          Ten students will join Mary Zeman and Jason Brasher for an afternoon adventure on
          one of The Montessori School’s big green buses. You will begin with a treasure hunt,
          and each clue will be solved with lively consensus by the group. The last clue will
          lead the merry troupe to an early supper and ice cream. Inside sources have shared
          Clue #1 with us. Can you solve the riddle?
          "Someplace large and open and wide, certainly someplace not inside. Big enough
          for Noah’s Ark , Clue #1 is at ___________ _____________!”
          Hmmm….destination to be determined, and $10 buys a raffle ticket that just might
          get you a seat on the bus!
          Restrictions: Open to children aged 6 and up. $10 per ticket or "an arm's length" for
          $25. A total of five (5) tickets will be drawn for this raffle. Each winner may invite one
          friend (That makes 10!) The Montessori Mystery Bus Tour will depart from Whipple
          Road on Monday, December 2, 2013 at 3:30 p.m.
          Jason and Veronica Brasher
          Mary Zeman
          $10 per Ticket

                                                                                      Raffle - Page 9
Elementary Art Portraits Closes at

                        The Montessori School                                                   40
                            Auction 2013 - imagine…NATION!
                               Elementary Art Portraits
  1400 Elementary Students and Their Art
           The Elementary Art Program challenges students to stretch themselves creatively
           and to be disciplined when working to master new skills, always resulting in
           wonderfully creative art. Photographs of each child with his or her individual art piece
           will be on display the night of the auction. Unframed 11" x 14" matted color prints will
           be available for order. Many thanks to the Elementary students for their fine artwork
           under the guidance of Art Specialist Mark Stephenson, and to the photography by
           Montessori grandparent Frank White with assistance from Charisse Czaja.
           $45 per Photo

                                                                Elementary Art Portraits - Page 10
Auction Memorabilia Closes at

                       The Montessori School                                              40
                            Auction 2013 - imagine…NATION!
                                Auction Memorabilia
  1500 Auction Memorabilia
          Take home a beautiful pendant as a reminder to let your imagination soar, now and
          $20 per Pendant

                                                               Auction Memorabilia - Page 11
Services Closes at 09:40 PM

                       The Montessori School                                                  40
                           Auction 2013 - imagine…NATION!
  2000 Another Set of Hands
          Spring Cleaning got you frozen? Montessori mom Deering Rose offers to help you
          get started on any home project--organizing, cleaning out your attic, basement,
          playroom, or closets! Then leave the donation drop-offs, the returning of long-lost
          library books, recycling or boxing and bagging to Deering! Or, how about help with
          holiday decorating or take-down or any time you need…Another Set of Hands? This
          item entitles you to 3 hours, any way you like.
          Deering Rose
          Value: $ 120

  2001 Home Wiring Project
          Need an outlet or switch installed or replaced? Have you wanted to add a telephone
          or computer network jack in an additional room? Montessori dad and handyman
          Malcolm Dickinson has been doing all sorts of basic home electrical work for 15
          years and will work with you at your local home for up to 4 hours. Take this
          opportunity to learn a few tricks as you assist Malcolm with the project!
          Restrictions: Winning bidder will be responsible for cost of any materials.
          Malcolm Dickinson
          Value: $ 320

  2002 Income Tax Preparation
          Montessori parent Malcolm Dickinson, a trained tax preparer, has been completing
          complex tax returns (Schedules C, D, E, etc.) for twenty years. Malcolm will come to
          your home at a convenient time and will work on your return with you, making sure
          you get all possible deductions and credits.
          Malcolm Dickinson
          Value: $ 200

  2003 Charisse Czaja Photography Session
          Enjoy a photo session with award-winning children’s photographer and Montessori
          mom, Charisse Czaja. Charisse specializes in natural light photography of children
          and families. Her style is fun and relaxed. This item includes a photo session for up
          to five people, (1) unframed 11" x 14" print and a DVD of your session’s images set
          to music. See for more information.
          Restrictions: Non-transferable. Must be used by May 31, 2014; cannot be used
          October through December 2013.
          Charisse Czaja
          Value: $ 1,200

                                                                              Services - Page 12
Services Closes at 09:40 PM
  2004 Three Hour Jeeves
          Montessori School alum (and 6'2" high school rising senior) Harrison Potter will be
          your own personal Jeeves for three consecutive hours. Need help cleaning out the
          car? Someone to watch the kids? Do you wish someone could take photos of your
          child's birthday party while you socialize? Carry in the groceries, sort the
          recyclables, inflate those flat bike tires, and wash the car? An extra set of hands on a
          Home Depot run? He's all yours, at a mutually convenient time this summer.
          Restrictions: Must be scheduled between June 6 – Sept 1, 2013.
          Harrison Potter
          Value: $ 60

  2005 Daffodil Bulb Planting
          Who needs a gnome when you can have the Chamberlin "elves" work their magic in
          your garden? This fall, the Chamberlins will come to your home ready to plant 100
          daffodil bulbs around the garden. This gift will keep on giving -- a welcome burst of
          color in spring 2014, and a continued delight for years to come!
          Restrictions: Bulbs will be planted on a mutually agreed upon date in October 2013.
          Teague, Martine, and Oliver Chamberlin
          Value: $ 100

  2006 Haul-atious Dump Run
          Have you been avoiding that attic clean out because you dread the idea of multiple
          trips in the Prius or Mini to get the job done? Well roll up your sleeves and start
          sorting because Montessori dad Jules Jonckheer will bring a set of hands and a
          pickup truck to your house ready to take care of business! Odds and ends, Aunt
          Minnie's moth-eaten couch, that old suitcase from college you've been meaning to
          toss? Help load the truck and then let Jules take your troubles away!
          Jules Jonckheer and Michele Knapp
          Value: $ 300

  2007 Five Individual Hair Blow Outs
          Want to look extra special for an anniversary dinner, wedding, or perhaps the next
          Montessori School Spring Auction? Let Montessori mom and stylist Meskerem West
          craft your mane into a beautiful and flattering style. This item includes five individual
          blow drying services by Meskarem (dba "Hair by Missy") at a local salon.
          Restrictions: Scheduling of appointments to be mutually agreed upon.
          The West Family
          Value: $ 250

                                                                                Services - Page 13
Services Closes at 09:40 PM
  2008 Family Knitting Lessons
          Montessori mom Claudine DiSario loves to knit, and you will too, when you learn how
          with private lessons. You and up to four other friends or family members will meet
          with Claudine in your home for 3 one-hour lessons, starting with the basics. At the
          end you will have not only a new skill, but a new scarf! Claudine will provide a set of
          needles, pattern and yarn (or provide your own, if you want something special) for
          each person -- all you need are your two hands! Invite some friends, or keep it all in
          the family so you'll have matching scarves for that next holiday photo!
          Restrictions: For ages 8 and up. To be arranged at three mutually convenient dates
          during Fall 2013 (likely Sunday afternoons, or early evenings during the week).
          Gerald Steele and Claudine DiSario
          Value: $ 150

  2009 Two Hour Family Photo Shoot
          Montessori parent and professional photographer Mark Smith offers a photography
          session for your family at the location of your choice. Includes all digital images and
          a four-image print package.
          Restrictions: Date to be mutually agreed upon between donor and winning bidder.
          The Smith Family
          Value: $ 800

  2010 Trash to Cash
          Why pay for a dumpster when you can sell your treasures on Craigslist? Montessori
          mom April Baez will spend one afternoon helping you sort through the stuff you want
          to get rid of, then teach you the Craigslist rules, and even help draft a listing for the
          items. She'll be your guide through the entire process from beginning to end. Help
          the planet and make a little cash -- a win/win!
          April Baez
          Value: $ 100

  2011 Write and Record Your Own Song
          Montessori dad Mark Maidique found his passion for guitar at age 5. He studied
          music in college, while also pursuing a degree in architecture and has been writing
          songs and recording music for many years. Now he'll share his talents and passion
          with you at his home recording studio. Bring your lyric snippets and bits of a melody
          and together you'll put together a song. Just bring the song in your heart and get
          ready to jam!
          Restrictions: Open to adults or children; to be scheduled at a mutually agreed upon
          date and time.
          Mark Alex Maidique
          Value: $ 600

                                                                                Services - Page 14
Services Closes at 09:40 PM
  2012 Kitchen Design
          Does that chipped cast iron sink make you cringe? Have you been dreaming of a
          more functional kitchen? Take advantage of this certificate for a three-hour initial
          design consultation offered by Montessori parent Mark Maidique. Mark Maidique and
          Charles Wheelock both trained as architects and are now partners in an award-
          winning, innovative kitchen design company. Your design consultation will define
          program requirements to include appliances, styles, function, materials and outline
          your goals for the project. Initial design drawings including floor plan and elevations,
          along with an initial project budget matrix will also be provided.
          Restrictions: Expires May 1, 2014.
          Wheelock, Maidique, LLC
          Value: $ 1,800

  2013 Your Own Vegetable Garden - One Hour Consultation
          Want an abundance of delicious summer and fall produce? Love to get your hands
          dirty? Enjoy a customized consultation at your home that will help you plan and
          implement a vegetable garden. Tracy Castelli & Associates will help you realize the
          dream of your own backyard garden.
          Tracey Castelli & Associates
          Value: $ 125

  2014 Tree and Shrub Fertilizing
          Competing for Yard of the Month? Fertilize your shrubs and ornamentals with high-
          quality fertilizer, and gain an advantage over that guy Jones. Let the professionals at
          Weston Arborists feed your greenery!
          Restrictions: Valid for Fall 2013 or Spring 2014. The application of 200 gallons of
          fertilizer covers an average size property, or you may choose to focus on specific
          trees or plants.
          Weston Arborists, Inc.
          Value: $ 275

  2015 Informal Photo Shoot and Photo Book
          Montessori mom Mariana Buckmir loves photography and likes nothing more than
          spending hours pouring over her digital photos to put together a book for friends or
          family. Mariana will spend an hour taking photos and then work with you to create a
          photo memory book using Snapfish. You may choose black and white or color
          shots, and together you'll pick a theme for the book.
          Restrictions: Date, time, and location to be mutually agreed upon between donor and
          winning bidder.
          The Buckmir Family
          Value: $ 200

  2016 ApolloX Pest Control Gift Certificate
          Got critters? This $500 gift certificate is valid for any pest control service offered by
          ApolloX Pest Control. Owner (and Montessori dad!) Brian Buckmir notes "We'll
          handle your pest control needs quickly, efficiently, and discreetly. We use unmarked
          trucks and the safest possible methods. We'll be there when we say we will and try
          never to keep you waiting."
          ApolloX Pest Control
          Value: $ 500

                                                                                 Services - Page 15
Services Closes at 09:40 PM
  2017 Family Photo Session
          This is a unique family photo session, because you'll want to bring along your fluffy,
          feathered (or scaly!) family members too! Professional photographer David
          Emberling offers a package that will include a pre-planning meeting, location scout
          (if necessary), session, and private viewing of the images in his Weston studio.
          Winning bidder will pick a favorite image from the session and choose to receive
          either a fully enhanced, mounted table size portrait (up to 10") OR a $300 credit
          towards a fully enhanced, mounted wall portrait (20" or larger).
          Restrictions: The session can take place in David's Weston studio, or any location
          within an hour's drive of the studio.
          David Emberling Studio, Inc.
          Value: $ 600

  2018 Will Preparation for Two
          Do you have a current will? Have you been meaning to make one, but not sure
          where to start? Montessori parent Malcolm Dickinson, a Notary Public, will assist you
          in creating customized wills, then notarize the signatures (yours and two witnesses).
          Take this opportunity to create some peace of mind -- simply! This includes
          preparation of two wills (one for each parent) and notary services.
          Restrictions: This service is fine for most families, but would not be sufficient for
          those with complex financial situations (establishment of trusts, S corporation, etc.)
          Malcolm and Ellen Dickinson
          Value: $ 150

  2019 Color and Cut
          Lighten up just in time for summer! Effi's Salon stylist Erin Dworak (aka Office
          Goddess Donna's daughter!) will give you a great haircut and single-process color
          for a quick boost to kick off your summer.
          Erin Dworak
          Value: $ 155

  2020 Four Private Flute Lessons
          Do you or your child want to try the flute? Jane Shelly, cofounder of the Wilton
          Music Studio and Principal Flute with the Greater Bridgeport Symphony is an active
          free-lance chamber musician throughout the New York Metropolitan area. She offers
          four half-hour flute lessons that will introduce you to the basics.
          Wilton Music Studio
          Robert Yingling and Linda Steininger
          Value: $ 152

  2021 Two Private Dance Lessons and Practice Party
          At every Fred Astaire Dance Studio, learning how to dance is always easy and fun!
          In your very first lesson, you'll learn the basic elements on which all dance patterns
          are based and within hours you'll be ready to dance! Don't put it off for another
          moment! After your two private lessons, join other couples for a practice party where
          music, refreshments, and a good time is had by all!
          Fred Astaire Dance Studios
          Robert Yingling and Linda Steininger
          Value: $ 250

                                                                               Services - Page 16
Services Closes at 09:40 PM
  2022 Car Seat Safety Check and Consultation
          A properly installed car seat can make a world of difference in protecting the safety
          of your child in the event of an accident. Montessori parent Malcolm Dickinson is a
          trained car seat technician and will review your seat(s) to be sure they are adequate
          for your child's height and weight. He will make recommendations on how long each
          child has left in their current seat, and answer questions about rear-facing vs. front-
          facing, five-point harnass vs. booster, etc.
          Restrictions: To be scheduled between donor and winning bidder at mutually agreed
          upon date and time. The entire check will last about half an hour for one or two
          seats, 45 minutes for three or four.
          Malcolm and Ellen Dickinson
          Value: $ 50

  2023 Four Half-Hour Piano Lessons
          You can brush up on your own rusty piano skills or discover that your child is the
          next Billy Joel when you win these four 30 minute piano lessons with Heather
          Hamilton. Bravo!
          Hamilton Music Services
          Value: $ 180

  2024 Three Hours of Organizing by Smart-Space, LLC
          Whether you are the family manager, a busy professional or daunted by too much
          stuff and not enough storage space, here is your solution! Smart-Space will help
          you organize your home, office, or schedule by designing systems that improve your
          efficiency, provide peace of mind and allow you time to do the things you value most.
          Visit for more information.
          Pernille Nils Ebbesen
          Smart-Space, LLC
          Value: $ 295

  2025 Pam Zaremba Vlahakis Photo Shoot
          Award Winning editorial photographer and Montessori parent Pam Zaremba
          Vlahakis will spend up to two hours photographing your children, each separately,
          capturing their spirit. Pam has been shooting for more than 15 years for national
          magazine and advertising agencies. She enjoys giving children the opportunity to be
          themselves and then capturing it on "film". Pam will provide a disk of all your images
          plus one 8"x10" print.
          Restrictions: Date, time, and location to be mutually agreed on.
          Pam Zaremba Vlahakis
          Value: $ 800

  2026 Computer Lessons with a Mac Whiz
          Whether you're switching from a PC to Mac or just want to expand your skills, this
          service is for you! Spend up to two hours with Mac whiz and Montessori School Alum
          Daniel Bogaev and you'll learn tips and tricks you probably didn't even know you
          were missing. Daniel is especially apt at editing photos or videos and can show you
          how to create photo books on a Mac. Take a bite out of the Apple!
          Restrictions: Date and time to be mutually agreed upon.
          Daniel Bogaev
          Value: $ 150

                                                                               Services - Page 17
Services Closes at 09:40 PM
  2027 Keeping the Micro-Tradition Alive!
          Montessori mom Andrea O'Meara is offering micro-flower arrangements in honor of
          our dear Mary Reinhardt and the tradition that she began years ago. The winner can
          expect a weekly delivery of a seasonal arrangement in a delicate vase arrangement
          to Whipple Road during the 2013-2014 school year.
          Restrictions: Winning bidder to contact donor to arrange deliveries starting in
          September 2013.
          Patrick and Andrea O'Meara
          Value: $ 100

                                                                           Services - Page 18
Sports Closes at 09:40 PM

                       The Montessori School                                                     40
                            Auction 2013 - imagine…NATION!
  3000 Backyard Driving Range
          Focused practice and repetition are critical to improving in any sport, particularly
          golf. This is the ultimate package for your golf training needs! Includes the Teego
          portable automatic golf ball teeing and dispensing machine which eliminates the
          hassle of manually teeing up the golf ball when practicing. It also includes the
          Profinity 4-Way Chipping Net, which can be used inside or outside. This lightweight
          but sturdy, four-sided contraption, offers multiple targets so that you can practice
          your chipping shots in a variety of ways. Includes a Practice Stick that makes it easy
          to pick up your balls and refill the Teego. Fore!
          The Blechinger Family
          Value: $ 200

  3001 Adult Sailing Lessons
          Whether you're just starting out, building your skills, or looking to improve your
          racing tactics and boat handling skills, former US Sailing Level I & II sailing instructor
          and current Montessori parent Will Beery will deliver personalized sailing instruction
          tailored to your needs. Over the course of two 1.5-hour sessions this summer, Will
          will help you gain confidence and expertise on the water. Instruction will be on one of
          Norwalk Yacht Club's fleet of Ideal 18's - a stable, easy-to-rig sailboat.
          Restrictions: Offered for one to two adults, lessons to be held on two mutually
          agreed upon dates during Summer 2013.
          The Beery Family
          Value: $ 360

  3002 Packer Soccer Camp - Ages 3 to 4
          Montessori mom Susie Roddy has a passion for soccer and is always looking for
          opportunities to highlight "the other football". Through her association with Packer
          Soccer Camps, she's able to share her passion but leave the coaching to a team of
          professionals! The focus of the Grasshoppers Program is to make learning soccer
          fun and to build confidence through success. Grasshoppers receive a ball, t-shirt,
          engraved medal and camp photo. This certificate is good for one week of Packer
          Soccer Camp. More information at
          Restrictions: Choice of either June 24 - 28, 2013 (Mon-Fri) or July 1 -6, 2013 (Mon -
          Sat, no camp on July 4th) from 10-11 a.m. at Rowayton Elementary School.
          Packer Soccer Camps
          Eric and Susie Roddy
          Value: $ 250

                                                                                   Sports - Page 19
Sports Closes at 09:40 PM
  3003 Packer Soccer Camps - Ages 5-11
          Through her association with Packer Soccer camps, Montessori parent Susie Roddy
          hopes to inspire a passion for a sport near and dear to her. At Packer Soccer Camp,
          "Kicks For The Fun of It," is a lot more than a phrase. Dick Packer and his team
          have been coaching soccer to Fairfield County kids for over 35 years. This offering is
          good for one week of Packer Soccer Camp ages 5 - 11. More information at

          Restrictions: Choose either June 24 - 28, 2013 (Mon-Fri) or July 1 - 6, 2013 (Mon -
          Sat, no camp on July 4th) from 9 a.m. to Noon at Rowayton Elementary School.
          Packer Soccer Camps
          Eric and Susie Roddy
          Value: $ 250

  3004 One Lil' Kickers OR Lil' Laxers Session At Sono Field House
          Could your child be the next super soccer or lacrosse player? Head to Sono Field
          House and find out! Lil' Kickers (for 1.5 to 9 yr olds) is a non-competitive
          introductory soccer and developmental skills program offering weekly classes for
          boys and girls. The classes focus on critical early childhood development skills in a
          safe and fun setting. Little Laxer's (for 3.5 to 7 yr olds) is a fundamental lacrosse
          program for Lil' Athletes' interested in learning basic lacrosse skills, developing their
          social skills and having fun!
          Restrictions: Choose any session before December 2013.
          Eric and Susie Roddy
          Sono Field House
          Value: $ 250

  3005 Touchdown! Four Tickets to an NFC Game
          Are you ready for some football? Take advantage of four tickets to your choice of
          one of the NFC East Match-ups. The seats are located in Section 210, Row 5,
          Seats 19-22 and offer an excellent view of the gridiron action. These are extra wide
          cushioned seats with access to the exclusive 50,000 sq. ft. Touchdown Club
          featuring over 100 TVs, restaurants, couches and table seating, as well as access to
          the private stadium entrance and parking.
          Restrictions: Contact donor about your choice of game. Not available for opening
          Ryan and Jillian Rozycki
          Value: $ 1,600

  3006 Football Para -Fanalia
          Everything you need to enjoy football at home or on the field. Two folding chairs,
          foam fingers, megaphone, a really cool helmet shaped cooler…and even a gridiron
          rug. Go Team!
          Pam Venn
          Value: $ 260

                                                                                   Sports - Page 20
Sports Closes at 09:40 PM
  3007 A Day of Fly Fishing For Two
          Join Montessori dad Duncan Coker for a fun, instructional day of fly fishing on either
          the Farmington or Housatonic Rivers. Lunch, guiding, rods, and reels will be
          provided. You will need boots, waders, and a CT state fishing license.
          Restrictions: Offered for two adults or one adult and one child age 10 and up. Date
          and location to be mutually agreed on. Must be used between June 1 and October
          31, 2013.
          Duncan and Julie Coker
          Value: $ 350

  3008 One Hour Ice Skating Lesson at Longshore
          Montessori students Priya and Sarina Shah love ice skating and want to spread the
          love! Come out for a one hour ice skating lesson with their favorite instructor at the
          Westport P.A.L. Rink at Longshore, overlooking Long Island Sound. The Shah
          family will coordinate the lesson date and time and also serve hot cocoa, homemade
          cookies and be rinkside to cheer you on!
          Saurin Shah and Sara Borden
          Value: $ 100

  3009 Four Riding Lessons at The Fairfield Country Hunt Club
          Do you have a horse enthusiast at home? Or do you sometimes dream of just
          saddling up and riding off into the sunset? Stop wondering and take the reins! This
          certificate for four group horseback riding lessons is an opportunity to learn the
          basics in a fun, safe environment.
          The Breslin Family
          Value: $ 320

  3010 Snow Board Gloves
          Next time you're shreddin' the gnar let your hands do the talking! Snow boarders
          sometimes get a bad rap, but with these rad gloves you'll bring civitas to the slopes!
          Stylish in colorful blue, red and white -- the palms read "Be the Change" and "Make
          a Difference". Women's size small, made of water-resistant stretch fabric.
          The Grace Family
          Value: $ 45

  3011 Golf Bag
          Need a bag for your clubs? This Poland Spring Golf Bag is for you. Black with Blue
          Pam Venn
          Value: $ 135

  3012 Spectator Sports Survival Kit
          Here's everything you'll need to take to the field as you head out to cheer your
          favorite athlete! Two Poland Spring spectator chairs, a Coleman organizer for all
          your paraphernalia and a big orange basketball cooler!
          Pam Venn
          Value: $ 210

                                                                                 Sports - Page 21
Sports Closes at 09:40 PM
  3013 Eight Private Children's Swim Lessons
          Montessori parents Courtney and Lyes Mahfoudia, owners of Children of the Sound,
          Fairfield County's largest private swim school, offer this package of eight private
          swimming lessons. Children of the Sound emphasizes gentle and patient
          encouragement to help children progress at their own level of learning readiness with
          individualized lessons. See website for more details:
          Children of the Sound
          Lyes Mahfoudia and Courtney Kilcoyne
          Value: $ 440

  3014 Crazy for Crossfit
          As a number of Montessori parents (and kids!) already know...CrossFit is for anyone,
          at any level! The On Ramp Program includes the 3-week program plus 1-week of
          WOD ("Workout of the Day") classes at Crossfit Stamford. Classes are one-hour
          long. New members must complete at least 8 out of the 9 "On Ramp" classes in
          order to graduate to the faster paced, more intense WOD classes. During the 9
          sessions you will learn how to safely perform common CrossFit movements,
          increase general conditioning, and begin to get accustomed to training in a large
          CrossFit group. CrossFit Stamford coaches will slowly ramp up the intensity and
          volume as the classes progress. And don't forget another benefit of completing the
          On Ramp program -- the new found friends you will make in your class that will
          carry over to the WODs.
          Crossfit Stamford
          Value: $ 195

  3015 Kayaking Adventure to the Fish Islands
          Join the Papp Family for a sea kayaking adventure to the Fish Islands off the coast
          of Darien. A family or group of up to four people will enjoy a guided tour out to the
          tranquil sanctuary of the Fish Islands, where you can explore the beaches and tide
          pools, wild with life; soak up the sunshine, fill your lungs with fresh salty air, and
          simply marvel in the beauty of this local hidden gem. The journey will begin in the
          morning at Down Under Kayaking in Rowayton, and the Papps will provide a
          wholesome lunch to enjoy after your arrival at the islands.
          Restrictions: Date and time (Saturday or Sunday) to be arranged with the Papp
          Family during the period of June through September 2013.
          Alex and Jessica Papp
          Value: $ 300

  3016 Leisure Sports Kit
          Ready for some R&R? You'll certainly enjoy an afternoon nap after a little yoga and
          workout with the exercise ball. So relax in your portable hammock under a sky blue
          Pam Venn
          Value: $ 260

                                                                                 Sports - Page 22
Sports Closes at 09:40 PM
  3017 Four Tickets to NY Yankees vs. Tampa Bay Rays
          Is there anything better than heading out to a ballgame on a Friday night? On July
          26, 2013 don't miss the first pitch at 7:05 p.m. at Yankee Stadium. You'll be sitting in
          the Jim Beam Suite, Section 321, Row 4, seats 9-12. Access to Audi Yankees Club
          and Mohegan Sun Sports Bar with all the amenities included!
          Faros Trading LLC
          Ray and Sarah Kamrath
          Value: $ 400

  3018 Three One-on-One Personal Training Sessions
          Personal Training Professionals (PTP) of Wilton is a state-of-the-art fitness facility
          with a team of certified health and fitness professionals providing high quality
          personal training and nutritional counseling in a relaxed and positive atmosphere.
          Take advantage of this introductory training package and experience the benefits of
          working out with a personal trainer!
          Personal Training Professionals of Wilton
          Value: $ 287

  3019 Two Personal Training Sessions
          Andrew Kindt, owner of Achieve Fitness, is offering two one-hour training sessions.
          The gym is located in Norwalk across from The Montessori Middle School. The
          training sessions will be followed by a 30-minute full body stretch including foam roll
          Achieve Rehab and Fitness
          Dimitri and Pam Vlahakis
          Value: $ 200

                                                                                  Sports - Page 23
Body, Mind & Soul Closes at 09:40 PM

                       The Montessori School                                                 40
                          Auction 2013 - imagine…NATION!
                                  Body, Mind & Soul
  4000 Montessori School Star Charm Bracelet
          Jewelry designer and Montessori mom Cynthia Ryan designed a charm based on
          the four stars in The Montessori School logo. Each star represents one level of the
          four program levels offered at our school. Up to four Star Charms can be strung on a
          leather cord that wraps around the wrist. Bracelets begin at $100; the Star Charm
          alone for your own bracelet is $60.
          Bill O'Brien and Cynthia Ryan

  4001 Montessori School Star Charm Necklace
          Jewelry designer and Montessori mom Cynthia Ryan designed a charm based on
          the four stars in The Montessori School logo. Each star represents a level of
          program offered here. Necklace options include a leather cord with a sterling toggle,
          or a sterling chain. Charm alone: $60; Base price of necklace $100.
          Bill O'Brien and Cynthia Ryan

  4002 Civitas Pendant
          Jewelry designer and Montessori mom Cynthia Ryan offers a beautiful pendant to
          make your own. The sterling pendant may be strung on a leather cord or on a
          sterling chain. Pendant is available in 1" or ½" diameters, and “Civitas” can be
          engraved on the outer edge of the one-inch size. Pendants begin at $70 and
          Pendant Necklaces begin at $110.
          Bill O'Brien and Cynthia Ryan

  4003 INNARAH™ VenoDefense™ Crème
          Montessori mom Deering Rose offers you pampering in a jar! Decades of research
          by one of the skin care industry’s leading chemists led to the development of the
          INNARAH™ line of products. Natural botanicals, minerals and oils have been
          sourced from all over the world to address skin concerns of women due to natural
          aging and environmental stress. VenoDefense™ features a proprietary complex of
          anti-inflammatory ingredients that mimic the effects of snake venom and smooth the
          appearance of lines and wrinkles instantly, helping to repair skin damage over time.
          For more information and the full line of products see:
          Deering Rose
          Value: $ 300

                                                                    Body, Mind & Soul - Page 24
Body, Mind & Soul Closes at 09:40 PM
  4004 One Month of Unlimited Yoga
          Feeling stressed? Step into the oasis of Elements Yoga & Wellness Center in
          Darien, CT. Enjoy a month of unlimited classes to experience the benefits of yoga in
          a serene, welcoming environment and become a stronger, more creative, and
          centered you! For more information see
          Restrictions: Must be used by November 18, 2013.
          William and Katie Beery
          Elements Yoga & Wellness Center
          Value: $ 195

  4005 Freestyle Fitness 21-Day Jumpstart Program
          No more excuses! Montessori parent Patrick Giddings, owner of Freestyle Fitness in
          Westport, offers this total fitness package. The 21-Day Jumpstart Program includes
          three weeks of personal training with Patrick, weekly body composition testing, a
          customized diet plan and full membership at Freestyle Fitness. Voted Best Fitness
          Studio of the Gold Coast for 2012 by Westport, Weston and Wilton Magazines, so
          what are you waiting for? Jump on it!
          Restrictions: Sessions must be completed within four weeks of start date.
          Patrick and Pilin Giddings
          Value: $ 1,550

  4006 Gift Certificate to Henry Lehr
          Summertime is a great time to try a new look! The hardest part will be deciding how
          to spend the $600 as you browse the great selection of women's fashion by top
          designers such as American Vintage, Seven, Habitual, Vince and Epice, among
          others. Gift certificate valid at the Henry Lehr women's clothing boutique in Westport.
          Alexandre and Camilla de Toulouse Lautrec
          Value: $ 600

  4007 Afro Flow Yoga Class
          Grounding, Energizing, Rhythmic, Peaceful. Afro Flow Yoga infuses electrifying
          dance movements of the African Diaspora with a meditative yoga sequence of gentle
          yet powerful stretches. Join Montessori mom Pilin Giddings while she leads a class
          where you'll deeply connect with the soulful rhythmic drums, energize your chakras,
          gain strength and flexibility and rejoice in the bliss of feeling renewed, grounded and
          Restrictions: Class date and time to be mutually agreed upon.
          Patrick and Pilin Giddings
          Value: $ 20

                                                                     Body, Mind & Soul - Page 25
Body, Mind & Soul Closes at 09:40 PM
  4008 Xoçai Anti-aging Skin Care System
          Diana Deene (Alex and Zach Rothwell's ageless grandmother!) offers this bountiful
          beauty treat. Discover the age-defying combination of XoVitality, anti-aging
          capsules, and Xophoria, anti-aging skin care products. Together they act as vehicles
          to neutralize free radicals, the major cause of aging. XoVitality heals cellular damage
          from the inside out while Xophoria heals from the outside in to offer you a new
          youthful appearance, increased energy and vitality, along with improved overall
          wellness, mental focus and enhanced mood. Once again, Xoçai has advanced the
          science of isolating the essence of the cacao bean to create the first of its kind,
          cacao-based anti-aging products.
          Diana Deene
          Value: $ 477

  4009 Indian Jewelry
          Step out in style! Pick a piece from this assortment of authentic Indian jewelry, and
          add interest to any outfit.
          The Mahajan Family
          Value: $ 40

  4010 Reef & Reed Shoulder Bag with Fins - Blue Tang
          This fine, fun bag is perfect for carrying the essentials when you don't want to bring it
          all. Take it to the beach, on a cruise, or out for a day to the museum. Made from
          high quality nylon with a durable hand-designed, printed surface. Finished black
          satin interior with heavy sport zippers.
          Reef & Reed
          Value: $ 36

  4011 Reef & Reed Shoulder Bag with Fins - Purple Tang
          Reef & Reed
          Value: $ 36

  4012 Reef & Reed Shoulder Bag with Fins - Orca
          Reef & Reed
          Value: $ 36

  4013 Reef & Reed Shoulder Bag with Fins - Great White Shark
          Reef & Reed
          Value: $ 36

  4014 Reef & Reed Shoulder Bag with Fins - Tomato Clownfish
          Reef & Reed
          Value: $ 36

  4015 Reef & Reed Shoulder Bag with Fins - Cutthroat Trout
          Reef & Reed
          Value: $ 36

                                                                      Body, Mind & Soul - Page 26
Home & Garden Closes at 09:50 PM

                        The Montessori School                                                  40
                         Auction 2013 - imagine…NATION!
                                   Home & Garden
  5000 Handmade Coffee Table
         Montessori parents Jaime and Patrick Roche, owners of Knock on Wood Again, take
         great pleasure in bringing unique, special, and one-of-a-kind antiques from all over
         Europe to their customers. In addition, they also feature custom reproductions built
         and finished on site in their SoNo warehouse location using reclaimed or old wood.
         Patrick designed and built this fabulous coffee table, sure to be a beautiful addition
         to any home. It is made of old cherry wood, and measures 52 inches long, 28
         inches deep, and 19 inches high.
         Patrick and Jaime Roche
         Value: $ 1,295

  5001 Four Colorful Bar Stools #1
         Perfect for the patio or rec room as you sip a refreshing glass of Acqua Minerale!
         Take a seat on this set of four modern bar stools with chromed footrests which
         swivel and feature adjustable height. Red, Orange, Yellow, and Green with the San
         Pellegrino branding.
         Pam Venn
         Value: $ 280

  5002 Four Colorful Bar Stools #2
         Ancora una volta!
         Pam Venn
         Value: $ 280

  5003 iPad Mini
         Everything you love about iPad — the beautiful screen, fast and fluid performance,
         FaceTime and iSight cameras, thousands of amazing apps, 10-hour battery life — is
         everything you'll love about iPad mini, too. All in the palm of your hand.
         Tom and Kim Sheridan
         Value: $ 400

  5004 Decorative Pillows from Claudine Maidique Noir
         Interior designer Claudine Maidique offers these two beautiful custom-designed
         luxury pillows. The pair of 18x18" pillows feature purple and beige cut velvet and
         linen Designers Guild fabric with a smooth leather metallic back. 100% down filled
         insert. Instantly transform a room by injecting color, texture and vibrancy to your
         Claudine Maidique
         Value: $ 450

                                                                     Home & Garden - Page 27
Home & Garden Closes at 09:50 PM
  5005 Rustic Chalk Board
         Parents Jaime and Patrick Roche, owners of Knock on Wood Again offer this
         custom chalkboard. Crafted from found wood, it's sure to add a personalized flair to
         any room in the house.
         Patrick and Jaime Roche
         Value: $ 50

  5006 $50 iTunes Gift Card #1
         Have songs, a movie or games you've wanted for a while? This $50 gift card will
         make your ears smile!
         Dustin Glick and Pam Wilder
         Value: $ 50

  5007 Birding Basics
         Everything you'll need to entice rare species on their spring migration or just observe
         some local favorite birds in your backyard or garden. Set up this squirrel proof bird
         feeder, fill it with seed and use your pocket guide to start identifying Connecticut's
         beautiful birds!
         Chris and Sarah Thomas
         Value: $ 100

  5008 Sandalwood Buddha
         This serene Buddha was carved in sandalwood by artisans from South India. A
         beautiful reminder of the practice of compassion and peace for your sacred space.
         Rock Rockefellar and Priya Kottapalli-Suman
         Value: $ 60

  5009 Hand Painted Wooden Bowl
         What a great place for keys or other odds and ends in the kitchen -- or fill it with your
         favorite citrus fruit!
         Christine Brandon
         Joan Mizrahi
         Value: $ 45

  5010 Gift Certificate to Home Goods
         Looking for something to brighten up your home? Head to Home Goods with this
         $100 gift certificate and let your inner design stylist shine!
         The Saleeb Family
         Value: $ 100

  5011 $100 Gift Card To Walmart
         Use this gift card for anything from clothes to sports equipment, from craft supplies
         to gardening tools!
         Michael and Carie Connell
         Value: $ 100

                                                                        Home & Garden - Page 28
Home & Garden Closes at 09:50 PM
  5012 Kerosene Space Heater
         You can always stand in line at Home Depot when the next hurricane hits…or beat
         the crowds and have this handy heater at the ready! The DuraHeat 23,000 BTU
         portable kerosene heater can help you reduce your total home heating costs as well
         as provide warmth to those hard-to-heat areas up to 1,000 sq. ft. The heat output is
         adjustable with a simple dial control and an auto-shutoff feature is built in for your
         safety. This heater operates without electricity and offers an excellent source of
         emergency heat and light during power outages.
         The Blechinger Family
         Value: $ 139

  5013 Home Renovation Survival Kit
         It’s often a wise investment to renovate your kitchen…but it can be particularly
         challenging if you are staying for the renovation and don't have a kitchen for a while.
         Here are two major necessities – a Temporary Sink and an Emerson 900 Watt
         Microwave - to help you set up a temporary kitchen so you can feed your family
         during the process. These items can be set up in your basement, spare room or
         back patio, anywhere you have water access for the sink. Just plug them in, sit back
         and enjoy watching your kitchen transform.
         Kenneth and Nancy Nessel
         Value: $ 150

  5014 Pair of Custom Made Decorative Pillows
         Looking for that perfect something to spruce up the living room? These 22" square
         pillows are made with high-end fabric (Cowtan & Tout / Manuel Canovas) with a
         botanical print in beautiful lilac hues. Feather and down insert.
         Filip Mitev and Pavleta Landjeva
         Value: $ 400

  5015 Border of a Dream: Selected Poems of Antonio Machado
         Enjoy wonderful family time with a collection of poetry by renowned poet Antonio
         Machado (1875–1939). Machado is Spain’s master poet, the explorer of dream and
         landscape, and of consciousness below language. Widely regarded as the greatest
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         Value: $ 25

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         A second iTunes Gift Card to make you sing! Buy that album or favorite game for
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         Value: $ 50

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