Closing Date: August 25th, 2021 - Eastern Auctions Ltd.

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Closing Date: August 25th, 2021 - Eastern Auctions Ltd.

    Closing Date: August 25th, 2021

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                                          Eastern Auctions Ltd.
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                                                 Gary J. Lyon
                                              Licensed & bonded
Closing Date: August 25th, 2021 - Eastern Auctions Ltd.
Terms & Conditions: Page 37                                                          TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                 Symbols & Major Abbreviations: Page 39

Miscellaneous:                                       Lot #1001-1162           Canada Plate Blocks:                                Lot #1673-1712 Newfoundland Large & Small Lots: Lot #1979-2099
Mixtures & Packets:                                  Lot #1163-1188           Canada Sheets:                                      Lot #1713-1737 Provinces Small Lots:                                           Lot #2100-2126
Accessories & Literature:                            Lot #1189-1216           Canada Annual Collections:                          Lot #1738-1769 Foreign Large lots:                                             Lot #2127-2469
U.S.A. Large & Small Lots:                           Lot #1217-1257           Canada Precancels:                                  Lot #1770-1773 Foreign Small Lots:                                             Lot #2470-2935
U.S.A. Possessions:                                  Lot #1258-1265           Canada Covers:                                      Lot #1774-1911 British Comm. Large Lots:                                       Lot #2936-3229
Canada Large Lots:                                   Lot #1266-1324           Canada Revenues Federal:                            Lot #1912-1933 British Comm. Small Lots:                                       Lot #3230-3394
Canada Small Lots:                                   Lot #1325-1636           Canada Revenues Provincial:                         Lot #1934-1947 Late Arrivals:                                                  Lot #3395-3409
Canada Booklets:                                     Lot #1637-1665           Canada Wildlife Stamps:                             Lot #1948-1959
Christmas Seals:                                     Lot #1666-1672           Provinces Large:                                    Lot #1960-1978

 MISCELLANEOUS                             1011 MALI DIEPROOFS Three dif-
                                           ferent premium proof cards printed in
                                                                                              1019 UNUSED O.H.M.S. ENVELOPES
                                                                                              Seven blue envelopes likely from Great
                                                                                                                                           1028 ONE KILOGRAM WORLD-
                                                                                                                                           WIDE OFF PAPER Extensive "Off
                                                                                                                                                                                             1037B SCARCE CANADA OFFI-
                                                                                                                                                                                             CIAL BLOCK A lovely mint block of
                                           Paris, 1968 Bicycle theme with 2F                  Britain, each inscribed 'On His Majesty's    Paper" mixture, worldwide, including              four of Scott #EO1, fresh and well cen-
1001 SOMALILAND MINT STOCK Draisienne-1809, 10F Michaux-1861 and                             Service' at top, three different sized with  some Canada and USA in a full, one                tered, this is the 10¢ official special deliv-
1908-1960 Useful stock with no heavy 50F Bicyclette-1918, 109,111 and C60                     5X3" (2), 8¾X3¾" (2) and 9¾X4¾' (3),         kilogram bag, clean and recently assem-           ery stamp, the first ever issued by Canada,
duplication, between Scott #2 and #143, proof VF                      Est. 40.00              unusual, VF                      Est. 50.00  bled with good range of years and coun-           VF NH                             Cat. 96.00
mainly F-VF hinged, dozens and dozens
of stamps with Scott value of US$850.00                                                       1020     INTERNATIONAL             POLAR tries, thousands and thousands of stamps.
                               Est. 250.00                                                    YEAR The scarce album issued in 2007 F-VF                                     Est. 100.00
                                                                                              for the Arctic region with stamps from 1029BP            WHOLESALE             CANADA
                                                                                              Canada, Denmark, Finland, Greenland, BOOKLETS King George VI issue,
                                                                                              Iceland, Norway, Sweden and USA, VF          French booklet #34d, twenty examples of
                                                                                                                               Cat. 75.00 this scarce booklets which contains two
                                                                                              1021  EUROPEAN POSTAL STA- panes of #251a - the 3¢ dark carmine War
                                                                                                                                           Issue, the booklet staples are rusty and the
                                                                                              TIONERY A flat box containing over
                                                                                                                                           panes in some booklets have been exposed
                                                                                              200 postal cards, envelopes, wrappers,
                                                                                              etc., mainly from Western Europe, from to moisture, not as bad as it sounds how-
                                                                                              the stock of a retired dealer, looks almost ever as some are nice with fresh mint NH
                                                 1012 MALAYA AND AREA COVER all different and F-VF, we note individual panes, cat. $1,500.00                              Est. 250.00+
                                                 LOT Over 60 items from Malaya and retail prices up to $25 each, a good lot
                                                 States, Hong Kong, Singapore, etc., quite                                     Est. 225.00
                                                 a few are first day covers but you will also
                                                 find more interesting items such as a fold
1002 SET OF 24 FLIGHTS LABELS                   out souvenir from the ship 'Carthage'
A very nice lot of six sheetlets of four         mailed registered from Straits Sett. to
printed in blue, orange brown, red, green,       Canada 1938,        older postcards, more
purple and olive green, each with 4 de-          modern commercial mail, an RAAF Forc-
signs making all 24 are different depicting      es Mail cover from 1957, etc., mainly
early flights, an interesting lot, VF NH         F-VF                    Photo Est. 100.00+
                         Photo Est. 125.00+
1003 SCARCE CANADA CREA-                          1013 WORLDWIDE ASSORT-                                                                                                                  1038 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH
TURES FDC 39¢ Mythical creatures                  MENT Numerous countries sorted and                                                                                                        ACCUMULATION An extensive lot of
(Scott #1292d), this is the scarce perfora-       identified on individual glassines or                                                                                                     hundreds of stamps arranged in order on
tion variety (12.5 X 12), used examples           cards, mainly 1950's to 1990's plus                                                                                                       selection cards in a red box, each card
are very scarce and even singles catalogue        some earlier. Light representation          1022 GERMANY USED ACCUMULA-                                                                   with Scott number and price listed, ignor-
at $5.00 each, this lot contains ten first day    throughout noting countries as Afghani-     TION An excellent lot of collector's                                                          ing items listed at under $2 there is
covers each bearing a very fine used              stan, Bahamas, Bermuda, Isle of Man,        duplicates in a black-paged stockbook,                                                        US$3,000.00+ in catalogue value in sin-
block, cat. $200.00+               Est. 60.00     Grenada, Lebanon, Liechtenstein, Phil-      over 1500 stamps of mainly Germany and                                                        gles and sets up to $50 each, we estimate
1004 NHL HOCKEY PLAYERS Spe-                      ippines, Portugal etc. Majority mint,       east Germany, 1940s and up with the odd                                                       about 70% mint and 30% used, duplica-
cial set of six All-Stars Stamp Cards is-         overall F-VF. Scott 2020 catalogue          better items, hard to find large size stamps,                                                 tion is light, we note useful British Gui-
sued in 2000 by Canada Post celebrating           value $900                Est. 450.00       etc., F-VF                Photo Est. 225.00     1030         BRITISH         COMMON- ana, Ceylon, Cyprus, Fiji, Samoa, Rhode-
the 50th. Features Gretzky, Howe, Plante,                                                     1023 INDIAN OCEAN COUNTRIES                    WEALTH ALBUM Various countries sia, etc., F-VF, ideal for a collector or for
Harvey, Richard and Orr, (Thematic Col- 1014 CANADA UNCUT PRESS                              Light representation from a selection of 5      from Southern Nigeria to Zululand, hun- resale alike                 Photo Est. 750.00+
lection #93) VF NH             Cat. 25.00 SHEET 1997 Scott #1630aiv Lunar New                 different Islands, Christmas Island, Cocos      dreds of singles and sets in a binder, light-
                                                                                                                                              ly hinged on blank pages, looks to be all in  1039     CANADA      HISTORIC      VEHI-
1005  SHIPWRECK POSTCARDS Year - Year of the Ox, uncut press sheet.                          Island, Maldive Island, Mauritius and
                                                                                                                                              VF condition, earlies to 1980s with CLES FDC MAXIMUM CARDS The
Three old postcards depicting the wrecks Unitrade cat. value of US$225.00. VF                 Seychelles. Most from the 1960's /1980s
                                                                                                                                              strength in Africa and Caribbean areas, a complete set of 25 Thematic Post Cards
                                                                        Est. 150.00           period, sorted and housed neatly in a
of the SS Princess May, SS Devon and an
                                                                                              small stockbook.Overall F-VF LH. Scott          perfect lot for a general collector with issued by Canada Post over a four year
unnamed vessel near Long Beach, Wash- 1015 NEW ZEALAND: 1935/1975
                                                                                              2020 cat. value $625.95        Est. 350.00      scarcer items lurking Photo Est. 150.00+ period 1993-1996, each is franked with the
ington, great cards, F-VF      Est. 75.00 Album with about 200 different stamps on                                                                                                          respective stamp and first day cancelled,
                                          photocopied album pages, displaying                 1024     SASKATCHEWAN             TOWN          1031 IRISH POSTAGE DUE STOCK housed in a protective folder, these vehi-
                                          mostly part sets and singles. All in F-VF           POSTMARKS Nice selection of town                Mint dealer stock all mint and mostly NH, cles were actually on display at Capex
                                          condition with 2018 Scott cat. value of             cancels, mostly 1950s and 1960s stamps          issues from 1940 to 1978, F-VF, Scott 1996 in Toronto, a lovely lot, VF
                                          US$115.30 F-VF                 Est. 50.00           with a nice variety of 60 different towns,      value is US$250.00+            Est. 100.00+                                  Cat. 50.00
                                                 1016 NHL HOCKEY PLAYERS Spe- many are lovely socked on nose examples 1032  POSTCARDS OF SHIPS                                              1040 COLLECTION BALANCE A
                                                 cial set of six All-Stars Stamp Cards is-                                    Est. 40.00 About 150 mostly different postcards of             real mixed bag with much of interest, we
                                                 sued in 2000 by Canada Post celebrating 1025 REPUBLIK MALUKU SE- ship and ship related subjects, cards from                                note a small stockbook of Dutch Indies
                                                 the 50th. Features Gretsky, Howe, Plante, LATAN three Complete Sets including USA, Canada and around the world from                         and Indonesia, a 3-ring binder of German
                                                 Harvey, Richard and Orr, (Thematic Col- Fish, Flowers and Birds with a total of 52 earlies to 1960s, retail values from $1 to               area with useful Bavaria, a stockbook of
                                                 lection #93) VF NH               Cat. 25.00 different Cinderella stamps. VF NH          $15 each and up, a fascinating lot, mainly          Canada and Newfoundland, a small bind-
1006 CANADA COVERS UNSOLD                                                                                                                F-VF                         Est. 200.00+
                                                                                                                              Est. 40.00                                                     er of Hawaii and related postal stationery
LOTS A very nice lot of 14 items that            1017 INTERESTING ODDS AND
                                                                                                                                         1033    CARIBBEAN         STATIONERY                and covers, a mint and used selection of
went unsold in previous auctions, we note        ENDS Book from a dealer stock contain-
                                                                                                                                         SPECIMENS Postal cards from Tobago                  Tanna Tuva in a red stockbook, etc
a single use 5¢ Edward to Germany, 1935          ing over 50 postcards and other cards,
                                                                                                                                         (4) and British Guiana (3) plus two Lee-                                         Est. 250.00+
Silver Jubilee set of six separate first day     much U.S. and Canada including many
covers, two Small Queen era advertising          items of interest like early greetings, U.S.                                            ward Island wrappers, all overprinted with          1041 CANADA EARLY MINIATURE
covers, a single usage of the half cent          Bureau of Engraving, several poetry cards                                               large SPECIMEN in black, all different,             SHEETS A good wholesale lot of the
Small Queen etc., generally F-VF, previ-         by Bamforth & Co., Wetumpka, Ala.                                                       F-VF and scarce              Est. 200.00+           1963 Cameo Issue with ten each of two
ous estimates totaled $795.00                    State Penitentiary, comical cards, etc.                                                                                                     mini-panes from this popular set including
                       Photo Est. 400.00+                                        Est. 175.00                                                                                                 the 2¢ green (#402a) and 4¢ carmine
                                                                                                                                                                                             (#404b) mini-panes of twenty-five, not
1007 TONGA-NIAUFO'OU A small                                                                                                                                                                often seen today, VF NH, cat. $250.00
group of better sets from this seldom             1018 MEDICINE TOPICAL                                                                                                                                                    Est. 50.00
offered colony, includes #275-286 Butter-         COLLECTION Displayed on many
fly set, 301-312, CE1-CE4, etc., all nice         dozen pages with wide range of coun-        1026 SCANDINAVIAN COVER LOT                                                                    1042 CANADA: JANUARY 1973 TO
VF NH mint                    Cat. 240.00         tries and themes being represented          A hundred covers, strength in Denmark                                                          MAY 1974 A neatly presented collection
                                                  including hundreds of mint stamps /         and Norway, also including a little Fin-                                                       of singles, pairs, strips and blocks of
1008 ST. PIERRE & MIQUELON                                                                                                                                                                  various sizes (noted 25 different blocks of
SHEETS Scott #251-252, France Libre               sets or used tied by slogan cancellation    land, Greenland, etc., includes covers, first
                                                  related (or indirectly related) to Medi-    day covers, postcards, etc., many are from      1034 ASIAN AREA COVERS A flat box              25) and with 32 addressed FDCs. Housed
F.N.F.L. 60¢ on 90¢ and 1.50fr on 90¢                                                                                                                                                        in mounts or LH on quadrilled pages in a
Ultramarine, each in a full half sheet of 25      cine, stamps from 1920s to 1980s,           the 1930s to 1980s including some war-          full of covers from China, (both ROC and
                                                  noting France 1923-1926 Louis Pasteur       time censored mail, mainly F-VF                 PRC), Korea (North and South), Macao,          spring back Simplex album. Includes
stamps as surcharged, choice VF NH                                                                                                                                                           Canada Post issued pamphlets covering
condition, cat. $775.00         Est. 250.00       mint NH set, Russia, exotic countries;                               Photo Est. 150.00      Hong Kong, Viet Nam, etc., many are
                                                  some postal history and many free                                                           multi-franked covers often mailed from         the noted period. VF          Est. 100.00+
1009 CANADA WILDLIFE STAMPS                      franking or meter mail. Strength in the                                                     stamps shows but also including commer-        1043 CANADA FLIGHT CRASH
About 100 of the first Manitoba Wildlife          postmarks and special cancellations                                                         cial covers, postal stationery and older       COVER Cover mailed June 6, 1954 with
stamp, issued by the Winnipeg Game and            that are found throughout and will                                                          postcards noting several from Port Arthur,     5¢ meter stamp from Quebec, burn dam-
Fish Assoc. and depicting a Canada                certainly appeal the advanced collector                                                     China, F-VF             Photo Est. 175.00      age at lower left from the TCA airplane
Goose, printed in blue green with Davac           looking for inexpensive but special-                                                                                                       that crashed on April 8, thirty-seven peo-
gum, the lot includes singles, multiples,         ized / obscure items to display onto                                                        1035  GREAT BRITAIN POST-
                                                                                                                                                                                             ple lost their lives. The mail was later
shades, dull and fluorescent papers, perf         their collections, F-VF Est. 500.00+                                                        CARDS An excellent lot of 250 early
                                                                                                                                                                                             salvaged and delivered, comes with a
varieties, etc., catalogue value is $400.00                                                                                                   postcards from Great Britain, most are
                                                                                                                                                                                             letter from the District Director of Postal
                                   Est. 60.00                                                                                                 over 100 years old, good variety of towns,
                                                                                                                                                                                             Service in Moose Jaw, F-VF Est. 125.00+
                                                                                                                                              postmarks, etc., mainly F-VF Est. 300.00
1010 AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND                                                                                                                                                               1044 VICTORIAN RAILWAYS
COVERS Over 150 covers about two-thirds                                                                                                       1036 WINNIPEG DUCK STAMPS
                                                                                              1027 AUSTRIA AND SWITZERLAND                                                                   PARCELS STAMP 1902-17 ½p red on
                                                                                                                                              The first Issue form 1967, a nice group of
being New Zealand, good value in 1920s to                                                     COVERS 19 items from Austria and                                                               lilac Victorian Railways Seventh Series - a
                                                                                                                                              four varieties as follows: 1) vertical strip
1950s period with many items having been                                                      about 75 from Switzerland, an excellent                                                        rare item. Light horizontal crease, blue
purchased individually by the previous owner,                                                                                                 of 3 with perf shift variety 2)strips of 3
                                                                                              range of usages and frankings are present       with left stamp imperforate at the sheet       oval cancel.       Web Photo Est. 50.00+
includes scarce Australia 1930s FDCs, rate                                                    with many covers retailing $5 to $20 and
covers, postmarks, also note an experimental                                                                                                  margin, 3) strip of three with the centre
                                                                                              up, strength in World War I and II period,      stamp double perforated 4)mint block
flight; then New Zealand with FDCs including
high value definitives, event and anniversary
                                                                                              we note registered, airmail, censored,
                                                                                              postcards, etc., mostly F-VF
                                                                                                                                              double perforated at centre, all mint F-VF       FAX: 1 (888) 867-8267
                                                                                                                                              NH,                             Est. 200.00
covers, flights, etc.      Photo Est. 250.00                                                                           Photo Est. 200.00

Eastern Auctions Ltd.                                                                                            -2-                                                                   August 25th, 2021 Mail Sale
Closing Date: August 25th, 2021 - Eastern Auctions Ltd.
1056 BP CANADA EARLY BOOK-                    1066 AITUTAKI COOK ISLANDS:                                                                  1090 LEATHER POSTCARDS Seven
                                              LETS 1¢ Green Admiral Issue complete          2010-2014 SOUVENIR SHEETS An                                                                  various unused leather postcards from
                                              booklet with four panes of #104a; also 2¢     attractive selection of 19 different with                                                     Canada or the U.S. including two from
                                              Carmine booklet with two panes in #106a,      virtually complete representation for the                                                     Lake of the Clouds and Exshaw, Alberta, F-
                                              seldom seen early Canadian booklets in        period, includes Scott #561a set of 15                                                        VF                             Est. 75.00
                                              VF condition, cat. $600.00 (Unitrade          Island Views, 562-568 Royal Engagement                                                        1091S NEW ZEALAND SEMI-
                                              #BK3e, BK5d)                  Est. 200.00     in assortment of sheetlets, 569-570, 571,                                                     POSTAL SHEETLETS An unusual
                                                                                            578, 580 Pope, 593 set of 12 Whales, 599,                                                     collection of sheetlets, almost all are used,
                                                                                            612 set of 12 Cetaceans, 613, 614, 619 and                                                    good coverage from 1957 to 1990 in nice F-
1045  CANADA ARCH ISSUE CO-                                                                620. 2019 Scott cat. value $256. VF NH                                                        VF quality, Scott value is US$1,000.00 F-
                                                                                                                            Est. 90.00                                                    VF CDS             Web Photo Est. 350.00+
VERS Ten King George V 1930s era
covers, all bear multiples of the Arch                                                      1067 ASIA COLLECTION MINT                     1078 COVERS FROM EUROPE'S
Issue, we note a 1¢ green major re-entry,                                                   AND USED About 1,700 stamps on old              PRINCIPALITIES Monaco, Liechten-               1092 MYSTERY CARTON FULL
an 8¢ dark blue block on a registered                                                       Minkus album pages, value concentrated          stein and Luxembourg, about 70 items in        Over the years we have purchased vast
cover, a 4¢ block on Royal Train post-                                                      in issues of the 1930s to 1970s, better         all with first day covers, commercial          amounts of collections, dealer stocks,
marked airmail cover to Detroit, a regis-                                                   represented countries include Afghani-          covers, postcards, etc., mainly 1930s to       estates and other purchases that we don't
tered cover to Denmark, etc., a good lot 1057 CENTRAL AMERICAN COVER                        stan, Brunei, Taiwan, Laos, Mongo-              1980s with a few earlier as well, mostly       have time to classify and catalogue. We
for a specialized collection, F-VF                                                          lia,Thailand, etc., looks to be all different   F-VF                   Photo Est. 100.00+      have made up some cartons in which
                                             ACCUMULATION About 150 items                                                                                                                  you will find stamps on album pages, in
                        Photo Est. 150.00+ mostly 1930s to 1970s, includes Guatema-         with very few flaws noted, F-VF, cata-
                                                                                                                                            1079BP CANADA WHOLESALE                       glassines, on stock cards, on stock
1046 CANADA PRIVATE COURIER la, Costa Rica, Honduras, Panama and                            logued years ago at over US$1,000.00
                                                                                                                            Est. 250.00     BOOKLET PANES Scott #165b, 2¢                  sheets, loose etc. This shipping carton is
AND POSTAL STRIKES 1970s & especially El Salvador, wide variety of                                                                          Deep Red Arch Issue booklet pane of six,       14 inches square and about 6½ inches
1980s assortment mounted on pages with frankings and usages with covers, station-                                                           a good dealer stock of forty nice mint         deep (350mm X 350mm X 165mm).
mint NH blocks, singles, varieties, and ery, first days.registered, censored, offi-                                                         panes, fresh and Fine, cat. value $800+        There are literally thousands of mint and
few usages on cover. Mainly British Co- cial, airmail, etc., mostly F-VF                                                                    F+ NH                        Est. 250.00       used stamps including scarce and off-
lumbia private courier stamps, Canada                                  Photo Est. 300.00                                                                                                   beat items, very good value at the esti-
postal strikes, Snowbird issues, etc. Minor                                                                                                 1080 KIRIBATI MINT COLLEC-
                                             1058 USED BRITISH COLONIES                                                                                                                   mate. There are little or no covers in
flaws in places, but clean throughout.                                                                                                      TION An excellent lot of mint singles and
                                             Mainly Caribbean area countries but also                                                                                                      these lots and little or no kiloware
Interesting and odd ball material which                                                                                                     sets from 1979 to 1986, includes many
                                             note useful Gibraltar ($104), other higher                                                     colourful stamps often with thematic           (stamps on paper).           Est. 500.00
will certainly enhance your collection,
                                             cataloguing colonies are Montserrat ($209                                                      appeal, looks to be all in VF NH mint
F-VF                            Est. 150.00+
                                             noting #2 and 46-49), Turks & Caicos                                                           condition                    Cat. 140.00 1093 BRITISH COLONIES LOT Main-
                                             (142 with #3-4), mainly in F-VF condi-                                                                                                   ly mint but some earlier used as well, from
                                             tion with a total Scott value of US$780.00      1068  WORLD POSTCARDS Fifteen                                                           around the world, a few hundred stamps
                                                                             Est. 250.00+    world postcards, all depict stamps of                                                    1880 to 1975most are identified with Scott
                                              1059 CANADA 1992 SIGNATURE various nations such as Spain, Russia,                                                                      numbers and old catalogue values, a useful
                                              SHEET The scarce special edition souve- Monaco, Germany, etc., F-VF, an attrac-                                                         assortment for any collector Est. 100.00
                                              nir sheet issued at the World Philatelic tive lot                    Photo Est. 125.00
                                              Youth Exhibition in Montreal in 1992,
                                              only 10,000 were printed (#1407ai), VF 1069               BRITISH       COLONIES
                                              NH. 2020 Scott cat. value US$125.00              MINT COLLECTION A lovely lot
1047 BRITISH AFRICA COVERS                                                      Cat. 100.00 of mint singles, mainly Caribbean
Over 75 items, we note censored World                                                          area, some higher cataloguing coun-          1081 SOUTH AMERICAN COVER
War II mail, postcards, first days, com-      1060B ONTARIO LAW STAMPS $3 tries are Bahamas ($277 with #39, 41,                            ACCUMULATION Over 160 items
mercial mail, stationery, etc., from the      Orange, a beautiful mint block of twenty 65-69, 83); Barbados ($120 with #74                  mostly 1930s to 1960s, strength in Brazil,
Rhodesia's, Egypt (with airmails), South      with full plate imprint at left, a few natural and 137); extensive British Honduras           Chile, Uruguay and Colombia, wide varie-
Africa, etc.           Photo Est. 150.00      bends as often seen, F-VF NH, cat. ($697 with #4,8,13,30,37,48,54, etc.),                     ty of frankings and usages with covers,
                                              $600.00+ (Van Dam #OL59) Est. 200.00 Montserrat ($221 with #11 and 92-                        stationery, first days.registered, censored, 1094  CANADA 1994-1998 $8.50
1048 INDONESIA AND SOUTH                                                                                                                   official, airmail, etc., mostly F-VF          WILDLIFE HABITAT CONSERVA-
MOLUCCAS SELATAN MINT Vari-                   1061 WHOLESALE CENTENNIAL 103), Turks & Caicos ($246 with #10-
                                                                                                                                                                       Photo Est. 300.00 TION STAMPS Unitrade #FWH10-
ous mint (cat. US$220.00) plus about 40       ISSUE BOOKLETS Fifty each of two 12, 25-35, 56, etc.), F-VF, Scott Value
                                              different booklets issued in 1968 and 1970 totals US$2,100.00                                                                               FWH14, the set of five first day covers, all
Moluccas mint perf and imperf unofficial                                                                               Est. 750.00          1082 FRENCH EQUATORIAL AF-
                                              respectively, the first is BK59 (contains se                                                                                                with official Ottawa cancellation, un-
issues, F-VF H             Est. 150.00+                                                                                                     RICA WHOLESALE Scott #B9, the addressed and cacheted from a Limited
                                              -tenant booklet pane #454b) and the                                                           1941 Brazza and Stanley Pool semi-postal, Edition of 50 prepared from Gary J. Lyon
1049 NEWFOUNDLAND SLOGAN                      second is BK63 (the Opal booklet with the 1070 LEATHER POSTCARDS Five                         a dealer stock of about 220 stamps in large Philatelist Ltd., VF        Photo Est. 75.00
COVERS Two covers each bearing the            se-tenant pane of ten 2¢ and 3¢ stamps), different early Canadian or American                 blocks, F-VF NH, cat. US$440.00
scarce June 14, 1929 slogan cancel that       all in VF condition, these are from the leather postcards, four are used (two still                                             Est. 100.00 1095B SASKATCHEWAN CINDER-
was only used for one day. It commemo-        famous Bileski stock, cat. $375.00, un- have the stamp), seldom seen any more,                                                              ELLA REVENUES #SL72-SL82, $1 to
rated the first flight across the Atlantic    checked for varieties               Est. 75.00 fine                        Est. 125.00        1083 CANADA: SEPTEMBER 1978 $50 Law Stamps complete in lovely mint
Ocean by aviators Alcock and Brown in                                                                                                       TO JANUARY 1980 A clean collection blocks of four, each is overprinted with the
                                                                                            1071C3c/C98 var LIBERIA AIR-
1919, one cover has two singles of #145 1062 COVERS FROM BRITISH COL-                       MAIL ERRORS Airmail variety lot of
                                                                                                                                            housed in a Simplex springback album, in prairie lily on a silver background, VF NH,
and the other one a single of #146, F-VF    ONIES A flat box full of covers and                                                             mounts or LH on quadrilled pages and a splendid lot from the estate of K. Bileski
                                                                                            nine different items on selection
                                 Est. 30.00 postcards, well over 150 items chiefly          cards,each with a missing colour or imper-
                                                                                                                                            including matched plate block sets, souve- VF NH                              Est. 100.00
                                            from the Caribbean area but also including                                                      nir sheets, over 20 different blocks of 20,
1050  UNITED STATES EARLY Atlantic and                     Mediterranean, includes         forate error, VF LH             Est. 75.00      and a couple dozen unaddressed FDCs,
1900S TO 1960S COVERS Fifteen some of the usual FDCs but also note a                        1072 BRADBURY WILKINSON SAM-                    also some Canada Post pamphlets an-
various mailed to foreign destinations, good group of Barbados, postal stationery           PLE CARD 1904 Sample card from this             nouncing the issues. VF          Est. 200.00+
includes covers, post cards and postal cards, etc., much of interest with a decent          venerable company, showing nine en-
envelopes, destinations include Canada, percentage of King George VI period, F-                                                          1084S CANADA DUCK STAMP
                                                                                            graved stamps of Crete, small nick to card   FULL PANE #FWH2, the $4.00 Canvas-
France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, VF                                Est. 150.00+       near foot, rarely seen, a fine showpiece
etc. A nice variety of Registered, Airmail,                                                                                              back Ducks Federal Conservation stamp
                                                                                            F-VF             Web Photo Est. 350.00+      from 1986, a complete plate sheet of 16
multiple frankings and usually showing
clear post marks. Items retail in the $5 to                                                 1073 CANADA POSTAL STATION- stamps, VF NH, cat. $375.00 Est. 125.00
$30+ range.                      Est. 80.00                                                 ERY 1890'S TO 1940'S An intriguing 1085 LATIN AMERICA ACCUMU-
                                                                                            group of over 100 postal cards and enve- LATION A thick stockbook containing                  1096 BRITISH PACIFIC COVER LOT
1051 PATRIOTIC COIN POSTCARD                                                                lopes with various usages, postal markings hundreds of unsorted stamps with strength          Covers and FDCs galore, also some postal
A German produced card for Great Britain                                                    and upratings. We note cross-border, in issues from late 1800s to 1930s, in-                  stationery, from places like Fiji, Norfolk,
and Ireland, VF unused       Est. 60.00                                                     squared circles, fancy corks, Flag Cancels, cludes Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile,         Samoa, Niue, Cook Islands, P&NG and,
                                                                                            coloured postmarks, etc., F-VF                                                                Pitcairn, quite a few are FDCs but there
1052  MANITOBA POSTMARKS                                                                                                                Colombia, Cuba, Dominican Republic,              are also commercial usages, interesting
1984-1986 Over 300 used #8 size enve-                                                                                     Est. 150.00+ Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, etc.,
                                                                                                                                                                                          items throughout        Photo Est. 200.00
lopes addressed to the Manitoba Tele-                                                       1074 FRANCE USED INVENTORY mostly used and in F-VF condition, if you
phone System and cancelled, about a third                                                   A useful stock of used singles, in selection have a good knowledge of Latin America           1097 AUSTRALIA AND DEPENDEN-
from Winnipeg, others from various small                                                    cards arranged in Scott order, includes low this lot is for you          Est. 200.00          CIES MINT A good clean stock of mint
villages and towns, an attractive lot for a                                                 to medium priced stamps cataloguing up                                                        stamps from 1995 to 2000, includes Aus-
Manitoba collector, VF          Est. 90.00                                                                                                                                                tralia ($300), Christmas I. ($60) and Cocos
                                                                                            to $25 each, good variety including a
                                                                                                                                                                                          I. ($40) for a total Scott         value of
                                                                                            useful selection of airmails, F-VF, Scott
                                                                                                                                                                                          US$400.00, we note individual stamps
                                                                                            value is US$2,500.00+         Est. 500.00+                                                    cataloguing up to $16 each, only light
                                                                                                                                                                                          duplication (1 to 3 of each) and all in VF
                                              1063930 IRAQ MINT SOUVENIR                                                                                                                 NH mint condition                Est. 175.00
                                              SHEET From 1979 -- the 100f Interna-
                                              tional Year of the Child souvenir sheet of                                                                                             1098 PENRHYN: 2010/2013 MINT
                                              one, VF NH               Photo Cat. 30.00                                                                                              Nice ensemble of four different sets includ-
                                                                                                                                                                                     ing Scott #472-475 World Wildlife Fund,
                                                                                                                                                                                     487-501 Island Views, 519-520 J. F. Ken-
                                                                                                                                        1086  WORLDWIDE FLIGHT CO- nedy and 521-532 Fish, VF NH
                                                                                                                                        VERS Good lot of 1950s - 1960s first                                          Cat. 102.60
                                                                                                                                        flight and aviation events covers and
                                                                                                                                        cards, concentration in European including
                                                                                            1075 CUBA , DOMINICAN REPUB- incoming, noting Germany, Russia, Aus-
                                                                                            LIC AND HAITI COVERS Over 80 tria, etc., over 200 covers in all with a nice
                                                                                            items mostly 1930s to 1950s, a few are range of cachets and frankings, clean F-
                                                                                            fronts, good variety with covers, regis- VF condition               Photo Est. 150.00+
                                                                                            tered, censored, airmail, a few more mod- 1087 ST. PIERRE & MIQUELON
                                                                                            ern Cuba, etc., mostly F-VF
                                                                                                                                        SHEETS Scott #226, France Libre
                                                                                                                   Photo Est. 175.00+
                                                                                                                                        F.N.F.L. 10¢ Bistre brown in a full half
                                                                                            1076 KUNSTLER NUMBERED sheet of 25 stamps as overprinted, choice 1099  COVERS FROM THE CARIB-
1053 TONGA - EARLY TO MOD-                                                                CARDS A rare selection of nine postcards VF NH condition, cat. $425.00                   BEAN About 175 covers from various
ERN 1886-1989 with regular issues Scott                                                     each embossed with the ruler's profile and                                  Est. 150.00 islands including Bermuda, excellent varie-
1/ 717 and some back of the book from                                                       showing a well adorned, flag bearing 1088 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH ty of countries, all commercial usages from
C1/ C305, CO179/ CO180 and O52/ O77.          1064 FAR AWAY PLACES COL-                   personification with a shield bearing an
Nice selection of singles, partial and nu-    LECTION A thick stockbook full of                                                         MINT ACCUMULATION A small but the 1930s to 1990s, mostly F-VF
                                                                                            image of a stamp from the country in                                                                                      Est. 300.00
merous small sets along with various          singles and sets from such countries as                                                   excellent stock of various countries, strong
                                                                                            question. (Two are the same except for the
souvenir sheets and booklets. All stamps      Equatorial Guinea, Afghanistan, Oman,                                                     in Atlantic and Europe areas, all are mint 1100 CANADA ADVERTISING
                                                                                            printing ink color on reverse.) Appears
neatly placed in protective mounts on         Cambodia, Ajman, Togo,        Mongolia,                                                   singles or sets cataloguing at least $10 COVERS An interesting lot of ten different
                                                                                            early 1900's, F-VF
pages, plenty of catalogue value $2,000+,     Nagaland, Yemen, etc., hundreds of                                                        each, nice F-VF H condition with nothing 1930s to 1960 illustrated covers with clear
                                                                                                               Web Photo Est. 200.00
overall F-VF            Photo Est. 800.00     stamps predominantly used, VF                                                             after 1960, some duplication so an ideal CDS cancels and postmarks, includes
                                                                    Photo Est. 150.00       1077 1937 CORONATION ISSUE An lot for a show or internet dealer, Scott exceptional advertising covers from JA &
1054  WORLD WAR II CORRE-                                                                  old Whitfield-King album produced espe- catalogue value is over US$700.00                M Cote Shoe Factory, Vi-Tone Hot Malt
SPONDENCE Six airletters written in           1065 CANADA: MAY 1971 TO NO-                 cially for this King George VI issue,                                  Est. Cat. 175.00 Chocolate, The Macdonald Hotel, etc., a
1945 from a member of RCAF 436 Squad-         VEMBER 1972 Collection of singles,            looks complete in fresh F-VF LH condi-                                                   useful group indeed, F-VF        Est. 75.00+
ron in South East Asia to Toronto, inter-     pairs, strips and blocks plus 26 FDC's.       tion, most examples are sheet marginal
esting contents, F-VF         Est. 75.00      High degree of completion, housed in          and many show the plate number, a nice
1055  CANADA 1927 SCARE FDC
                                              mounts or LH on quadrilled pages in a         lot                             Est. 125.00 1089 ROYAL MAIL STEAM PACKET COMPANY COLLECTION
                                              springback Simplex album. Includes                                                          (later Royal Mail Line) A collection written up on pages, includes a VF NH mint
3¢ Confederation (Scott #143) tied to June                                                                                                single of their 10¢ rose special stamp, used Grenada and St. Vincent KE7 stamps
                                              Canada Post issued pamphlets on stamps
29, 1927 FDC by Maxville, Ontario post-                                                                                                   with Agency cancellations, several postcards depicting their ships, some scarcer
mark, the multi-coloured cachet produced      for the indicated period. VF Est. 125.00
by George Eppstadt with printed address                                              postmarks, a wonderful pair of 'Progressive Whist' scorecards with mutli-coloured
                                                                                                                                          illustration and marked 'Lady' and 'Gentleman' respectively, a super lot, F-VF
to him, scarce and attractive. Est. 150.00                                                                                                                                                            Web Photo Est. 350.00

Eastern Auctions Ltd.                                                                                          -3-                                                                   August 25th, 2021 Mail Sale
Closing Date: August 25th, 2021 - Eastern Auctions Ltd.
1124 OFFICIAL / MINISTRY DE-                    1138 SENEGAL FIRST DAY COVERS                 1149 CENTRE BLOCK FIRST DAY
                                                                                            PARTMENTAL HANDSTAMPS most-                     An extensive holding of 115 different first   COVERS Canada #522pi, 525pi, the two
                                                                                            ly from the 1920s and later. Near to 200        day covers, chronologically arranged and      scarce Winnipeg Tagged on first day of
                                                                                            assorted handstamps on piece. Germany,          providing excellent coverage from Oct.        issue cacheted covers, seldom seen, VF
                                                                                            Egypt, Berne, Leningrad, Ecuador, Mexi-         1969 to Dec. 1992, cacheted and un-                                         Cat. 400.00
                                                                                            co, Chile, Colombia, South Africa, Argen-       addressed. Very Fine        Est. 175.00+
                                                                                            tina, Romania, London, Bolivia, Singa-                                                        1150  WORLD REFUGEE YEAR
                                                                                            pore, Algeria, Poland, etc. F-VF                                                              two distinct sets of first day covers, Africa
                                                                                                               Web Photo Est. 100.00                                                      -Asia (14) and Europe (20), with Europe
                                                                                                                                                                                          set signed by artist Jean Cocteau. The first
                                                                                            1125 CANADA LARGE SELEC-                                                                   UN omnibus issue (1959-1960) with
                                                                                            TION OF 1930S/1960S POSTAL STA-                                                               stamps representing 34 different countries
                                                                                            TIONERY About 150 prestamped enve-                                                            F-VF                              Est. 60.00
1101 RARE USA BANKNOTE                       1112  NOVA SCOTIA FIVE CENT                  lopes, mainly #8 size, also includes a few
ISSUE Scott #77, the 1866 15¢ Black, a        COVERS Three covers bearing a 5c              #10 envelopes one of which is an electoral                                                    1151 ONE KILOGRAM CANADA
rare mint single, one shorter perf at top,    Queen Victoria (Scott #10), includes          (Form 95-12-60-50m); includes about 10                                                        ON PAPER mixture, in a full, one kilo-
otherwise sound with fresh colour and         Wilmot to Annapolis dated NO 8 1860                                                           1139  EARLY CAPE BRETON                      gram bag (2.5 lbs), clean and recently
                                                                                            King George V, 30 King George VI, 15
part OG, a very presentable example of        (very early use - 2nd month of issue);                                                        COVER TO ENGLAND 1839 Folded                  assembled with year range appearing to be
                                                                                            'Cameo', 35 'Karsh', 10 'Wilding' return
this classic stamp, cat. US$5000, F           Wilmot to Kentville AU 12 1862; and                                                           cover carried privately from Sydney, Cape     1960s to 2000s, hundreds of "ON PAPER"
                                                                                            post cards and 50 'Centennial' mainly 5¢
                   Photo Est. 1000.00+        Liverpool to Mabou, Cape Breton NO 12                                                         Breton to Halifax, where it was placed in     Canadian stamps. F-VF          Est. 80.00
                                                                                            blue covers, F-VF with high catalogue
                                              1866. All with respective dispatch and        vale.                           Est. 150.00     the mails and sent to London; Halifax JY      1152 BRITISH COLUMBIA: LO-
1102 CENTRAL AMERICA LOT A receiver backstamps, F-VF                                                                                        15 1839 "Fleuron" type datestamp on           CAL POST STAMPS Issued by the
blue stockbook with over 200 stamps from                                Photo Est. 75.00+ 1126 VIET NAM (NORTH) ACCU-                      front, rated "2/-" and 5 AU 1839 receiver
                                                                                            MULATION A valuable lot of mint                                                               Overseas Courier Service in Victoria,
Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicara-                                                                                                    backstamp in red. An appealing cover          British Columbia, the set of five in full
gua, Panama and El Salvador, unsorted 1113                  BRITISH          COLLON- strips, blocks and sheets from 1963 to                originating from Cape Breton, rated dou-      sheets of 10, VF NH, commemorating the
and uncatalogued, mostly in F-VF condi- WEALTH OMNIBUS ISSUES Binder 1971, all fresh mint in F-VF NH condi-                                 ble weight (1sh sterling per half ounce) to   1981 Royal Wedding of Charles and
tion                              Est. 100.00 filled with modern era omnibus series tion, an exceptional lot of these hard to               be collected by recipient, VF                 Diana, denominations are: 25¢, 75¢, $1,
                                                including 1981 Royal Wedding, 1982 find issues, Scott catalogue value is over                                      Photo Est. 150.00+
1103 UNITED NATIONS FDCS Several Princess Diana, 1984 & 1986 Lloyd's US$6,000.00, a real opportunity.                                                                                     $1.25, $5.00, cat. $150.00     Est. 50.00
dozen modern first day covers, most are List, 1990 Queen Mother, 1993 RAF,                                                 Est. 1000.00     1140 TONGA-NIUAFO'OU BUT-                    1153 PETRO-CANADA SHEETLETS
large sized affixed with full sets, all are some souvenir sheets; missing colour                                                            TERFLY SHEETLETS #287,313, 2012               WHOLESALE A dealer stock of this
cacheted and unaddressed, also a few mint errors (6 different).            Also includes                                                    45s-8pa Sheet of 12 different butterflies     interesting item, includes ten each of the
sheets, condition is VF. VF       Est. 100.00 Liberia American Bank Note Company                                                            with light blue background and 2013 20s-      four different sheetlets of four, these were
1104  NEWFOUNDLAND ADVER- Specimen stamps, officials and revenues                                                                          20pa sheet of 12 different butterflies and    used as a promotional item and the
TISING COVERS A nice group of 9 and Egypt 1874 5pa brown mint perf                                                                          flowers with blue frames. VF NH               stamps differ from those issued in full
different mainly 1930s - 1940s items 13½12½ positional block of eight (4x2;                                                                                               Cat. 109.00     sheets, VF NH, cat. $500.00 (#1283a-
displayed in mounts on pages with write- one stamp LH, rest NH) displaying                                                                                                                1286a)                         Est. 150.00+
up, generally F-VF              Est. 150.00+ three different tête-bêche          varieties,                                                  1141S SPANISH CIVIL WAR An
                                                F-VF, a useful lot            Est. 400.00                                                    unbelievable lot of 50,000 mint              1154 STATE OF CALIFORNIA
1105       NEWFOUNDLAND                USED                                                                                                  stamps, mostly in full sheets, some          DISTILLED SPIRITS 2¢ Tax Stamp of
STARTER COLLECTION Fifty differ- 1114 FINE ENGRAVINGS grey                                                                                  with a few bent stamps from storage,         1935, a full sheet of 36 cancelled, Sep 17
ent used Newfoundland stamps, mainly green, grey blue, and black in honour of 1127 EASTERN EUROPEAN CO-                                      nevertheless a fantastic buying oppor-       1937, rouletted horizontally but imperf
F-VF, a nice assortment from the 1880s to Jehudi Ashmun founder of Liberia. Ap- VERS From Latvia, Bulgaria and Greece,                       tunity with 25 different items (2000 of      vertically, F-VF.               Est. 60.00
1940s                              Est. 40.00 pearance of trade sample sheets with gum over 100 items mainly 1930s to 1970s                  each), perfect to make packets, singles,
1106  GREAT BRITAIN STRIKE (25x22cm) and probably reserved for sets includes first days, stationery, censored                               blocks, etc., These stamps appear to
MAIL COVERS A large binder contain- 332-337, C68-C69, etc. Nice items declar- mail, stamps used on postal forms                              sell for $1 to $5 per stamp on internet
ing over 40 covers related to the 1971 ing "The Love of Liberty Brought Us (Latvia), good Greek items including                              sites, F-VF NH          Est. 2000.00+
postal strike, includes different companies, Here". F-VF NH Web Photo Est. 90.00 some bought as auction lots, etc.,
internal usages, foreign, locals, etc., also 1115 NHL HOCKEY PLAYERS Spe-                                            Photo Est. 150.00      1142 POLAND:1919/1971 A desira-
some I. of Man and C.I. FDCs Est. 125.00 cial set of six All-Stars Stamp Cards is- 1128BP ISRAEL: 1990S-2000S BOOK-                         ble starter collection with over 1,000
1107 U.S.A. SEMI-OFFICIAL AIR- sued by Canada Post for the 50th anniver- LETS 1990's-2000's era, Limited editions,                          different mostly used stamps, nicely orga-
MAIL COVERS Pristine lot of fifteen sary pf the NHL All-Star game, the cards numbered, privately prepared complete                          nized on about 30 stocksheets, F-VF
different First Day Covers (1982-1984) picture Gretsky, Howe, Plante, Harvey, booklets with retail values from $10-$50.                                                    Est. 150.00
from the short-lived Joint Venture for Richard and Orr, great item for the hock- Lot of 12 different each containing valid                  1143 CANADA POSTAGE DUE
Expedited Airmail Letter Delivery. The ey fan (Thematic Collection #93)                     postage stamps. Production as high as 200       STOCK Several hundred stamps from the
companies involved and featured are                                             Cat. 25.00 but usually limited to about 100. VF NH
                                                                                                                                            first issue to the 1935 Issue (Scott #J1-
Burlington Northern, American Express, 1116 BRITISH AFRICA A small mint                                         Web Photo Est. 95.00       J20), good representation used and the
PRIDE and Western Airlines. The high stock of various African countries, all are 1129  CANADA FIRST DAY CO-                                1935 issue is also well covered mint NH
value, large sized stamps are beautifully singles or sets cataloguing at least $10 VERS Scott #204, 5¢ Royal William                        including a few plate blocks, huge cata-
designed highlighting airplanes and flags. each, nice F-VF H condition with nothing steamship, a nice lot four first day covers,            logue value in this lot, mainly F-VF
VF and scarce.                    Est. 100.00 after 1960, some duplication so an ideal each from a different city, cat. $140.00,                                            Est. 250.00
1108 COMPANY STOCK CERTIFI- lot for a show or internet dealer, Scott F-VF                                                     Est. 50.00
CATES Attractive group of 10 different catalogue value is over US$700.00                    1130  1986  AMERIPEX      CATALOGUES
large size - mainly 12 x 8 in. from various                               Est. Cat. 175.00
                                                                                            With opening greetings from President
companies, mostly USA companies and 1117 ST. PIERRE & MIQUELON Ronald Reagan, showing an attractive
corporations, cancelled (or punch can- MULTIPLE Scott #250, 30¢ on 10¢ hologram of the Statue of Liberty on front
celled). All with beautiful figurative en- Bister Brown mint lower margin mint half cover, group of three very fine copies of                                                             1155         BRITISH          COMMON-
graving and elaborate security engine- sheet of 25 stamps, the lower right stamp this 397 page catalogue.                                                                                 WEALTH ALBUM Various countries
                                                                                                                              Est. 30.00                                                  from Aden to Cocos Islands, hundreds of
turned engraving and other features. Nice shows the scarce 'square period' variety
collateral material. F-VF          Est. 50.00 which occurs only once per setting, VF 1131 CANADA: SEPTEMBER 1975                                                                         singles and sets in a binder, lightly hinged
                                                                                            TO MAY 1977 A good presentation of                                                            on blank pages, looks to be all in VF
1109341/389 var LIBERIA ERRORS NH, from the famous stock of dealer K. singles, pairs, souvenir sheets, blocks of                                                                         condition, mostly 1930s to 1980s with
Sixteen cards with sets or singles, almost Bileski, cat. $300.00+             Est. 100.00+
                                                                                            various sizes, and 22 unaddressed FDC's.                                                      concentration in the Caribbean area but
all show various errors like imperf singles 1118 AUSTRAL-ASIA FIRST DAY Housed in mounts or LH on quadrilled                                                                              also note useful Asia Photo Est. 150.00+
and pairs, missing centers, missing col- COVERS Forty-five FDCs from 1937 to pages in a springback Simplex album.
                                                                                                                                                                                          1156 CANADA MILLENNIUM IS-
ours, printed on gum side, plate proofs, the early 1990s, from Papua & New Guin- Includes Olympic Sites #687-688 in min-
                                                                                                                                                                                          SUES WHOLESALE Issues October 12,
etc. , VF F-VF                    Est. 300.00 ea, Cocos, Christmas and Nauru, a colour- iature panes of eight and Canada Post                                                             1999, a dealer stock of 38 sets of the three
                                              ful lot, F-VF         Web Photo Est. 75.00 issued pamphlets for the period. VF                                                              souvenir sheets of one, all clean VF NH
                                              1119 CANADA AIRMAIL FIRST                                                     Est. 150.00                                                  mint, cat. $855.00 (#1812-1814i)
                                              DAY COVER First Day Cover of Cana- 1132  UNITED STATES ADVER-                                                                                                            Est. 200.00+
                                              da's first airmail stamp, 5¢ Brown Olive TISING COVERS Late1800's to early                                                                  1157 KOREA SOUVENIR SHEETS A
                                              tied by neat Montreal duplex cancel Sept. 1900's advertising covers, some are Illus-          1144 CANADA AND NEW-                        clean VF NH mint lot of souvenir sheets,
                                              21, 1928 (#C1), VF               Cat. 125.00 trated, mailed domestically or to a Canadi-      FOUNDLAND COLLECTION BAL-                     all different and including #449a-453a,
                                              1120S INDONESIA SHEET LOT A an destination, a good group of 25 differ-                       ANCE A collection in mixed condition on       456a-467a, 473a-477a, 493a-504a, 552a-
                                              seldom seen group of full sheets from this ent covers and a few postcards, nice diver-        album pages, value is concentrated on         563a and 617a-623a, VF NH Cat. 217.50
                                              neglected country, good topical themes, sity of frankings and cancels. Est. 125.00            used singles, we note Canada #17-20, 23-      1158 MINT NH JORDAN COLLEC-
                                              includes Scott #724-725 (9), B146-B149 1133  VANCOUVER ADVERTIS-                             30, 34-45, 47-47, 50, 56-60, parcel can-      TION A clean lot of 80 different mint
                                              (4), B191-B194 (9) and B203-B206 (9), F- ING COVERS A fabulous lot of 250                     celled 64-65, 73, 74-84, 89-95, 96-103, E7    stamps from this seldom offered country,
                                              VF NH, Scott value is US$2,045.00             King George VI era covers, mainly World         -E9, F1-F3, O10, also Newfoundland #20,       includes Scott #552-559, 570-572, 576-
1110 FRENCH COLONIES COVERS                                                    Est. 350.00 War II era including some with 'black-out'       23, 32-34, 37-40, etc., also some mint        590, 651-656, 671-675, 750-768, 772-
About twenty items including interesting                                                    cancels, all covers with a corner card or                               Photo Est. 500.00+    780, 824-827, 831-840, C56 and C59-C68,
earlier covers from Cameroun, Indo- 1121 CANADA POSTAL STATION- illustrated advertising from various com-                                                                                loaded with popular topicals like animals,
                                              ERY LOT Nice group of about 800 co-                                                           1145 TRUCIAL STATES COVERS Ten
China, Madagascar, New Caledonia, etc.                                                      panies in Vancouver, British Columbia, a                                                      birds fish, flowers, etc., all are in post
                                                                                                                                            1960s covers from Ajman, Fujeira and
                          Photo Est. 100.00 vers and cards all with pre-printed merit little light duplication but mostly different                                                       office fresh mint condition, a lovely lot,
                                              numbers for prepaid postage reply. In-                                                        Umm al Qiwain, these stamps are rarely
                                              cludes a number of different permit types with excellent variety and retail values            seen on cover, F-VF        Est. 90.00         VF NH                           Cat. 237.00
                                              within the 1960s to 1990s period. A good anywhere from $2 to $20 each, a real                 1146S203-205 AUSTRALIA: 1946                 1159 CANADA POSTAGE DUES
                                              area of philately for future study.           opportunity for anyone interested in this
                                                                                                                                            FULL GUTTER SHEETS 1946 2½p-                  The 10¢ postage due from the 1935 issue,
                                                                               Est. 125.00 area, F-VF                      Est. 400.00+
                                                                                                                                            1sh Thomas Mitchell set of three in full      this is an unusual lot of 100 mint blocks of
                                                                                            1134 INVERTED CENTERS - BRIT-                  gutter sheets of 60, folded vertically in     ten in fresh mint condition, face value is
                                                                                            ISH COMMONWEALTH VARIETIES                      middle of wide gutter. 2018 Scott cat.        $100.00 and catalogue value is $750.00
                                                                                            1980S Mostly in pairs, all with centers         value $105.00+ VF NH          Est. 60.00      (Scott #J20), F-VF NH            Est. 80.00
                                                                                            inverted, 67 different stamps from various
                                                                                            Lesser Antilles regions such as St Lucia,       1147 INVERTED CENTERS - BRIT-
                                                                                            Montserrat, Nevis and St Vincent. Noted         ISH COMMONWEALTH VARIETIES
                                                                                            some complete sets of inverts, themes           1980'S Mostly in pairs and all with centers
                                                                                            represent Baseball, Butterflies, Birds, Cars,   inverted, 67 different stamps from various
                                                                                            QEII, the Queen Mother and Michael              Lesser Antilles regions such as St Lucia,
                                                                                            Jackson. Scarce. VF NH           Est. 200.00    Montserrat, Nevis and St Vincent. Noted
1111 WORLD COVERS Small Lindner 1122 WORLD COVERS A small but                                                                               some complete sets of inverts, themes
cover album with about 80 covers, some interesting group of about fifty covers, 1135519-520 PENRHYN ISLAND                                 include Baseball, Butterflies, Birds, Cars,
more common like FDCs but also includ- many from Eastern European countries JFK SHEETLETS 2013 $2.00-$3.00                                  QEII, the Queen Mother and Michael 1160 WINNIPEG DUCKS SPECIAL-
ing scarce and interesting items, note such as Romania, Yugoslavia, Estonia, President John F. Kennedy set of two in                        Jackson. VF NH, scarce. VF NH               IZED LOT Five items from this early
G4at Britain 2sh6p and 5sh on a censored Serbia, etc., a few common FDCs but also complete sheetlets of nine, VF NH                                                        Est. 150.00 Canadian Wildlife stamp, includes --
cover to Chile1943; other GB covers to includes scarce 1930s covers priced at up                                              Cat. 74.25                                                block of four with slanting perfs at left; a
Chile including one from the Jewish Refu- to 100 Euro each, quite a good lot and 1136 TELSTAR Seven stamps showing                          1148       FANTASTIC           RUSSIA vertical strip of five with imperf margin at
gees Committee franked 3p violet in           mostly   F-VF            Photo  Est. 200.00+
                                                                                            the satellite, needs only Andorra for            HOARD A dealer stock of mint sheets foot; block of four misperforated; strip of
1941; some 1930s South Africa covers, a 1123 MARITIME HERITAGE AL- completion, VF NH                                         Cat. 82.00     and multiples with issues from 1952 to three of imperf margin at left stamp; and
1940s Fiji postcard to Germany; etc.          BUM Celebrating the 500th anniversary                                                          1969, looks to be all in VF NH mint finally a block of six double perforated on
                         Photo Est. 100.00+ of Columbus' discovery of the New 1137 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH                                     condition, thousands of stamps, some the centre two stamps (cat. $170+), a
                                              World. Worldwide collection of mint BONANZA All British Commonwealth                           better items noted like #2534 and valuable and unusual lot, F-VF NH
                                              stamps in mounts on descriptive Westmin- and all mint, practically all different as            #2631A souvenir sheet both perf and                              Photo Est. 300.00+
    Call Toll Free:                           ster pages. Includes one bank note cover well, over 1,900 stamps in all from
                                              (Bahamas) and Europa cover with coin around the world from an interesting
                                                                                                                                             imperf, a super lot to break down and
                                                                                                                                             resell with huge profit potential, cat.
   1 (800) 667-8267                           (Portugal), several mint sets and a few assortment of countries, includes stamps
                                              souvenir sheets. VF NH           Est. 100.00 cataloguing $5 to $10 and more each, a
                                                                                                                                             US$19,000.00+              Est. 2500.00
                                                                                            great lot                        Est. 350.00

Eastern Auctions Ltd.                                                                                           -4-                                                                 August 25th, 2021 Mail Sale
Closing Date: August 25th, 2021 - Eastern Auctions Ltd.
1161 BRITISH WEST INDIES A                    1180 NEWFOUNDLAND STARTER                      1200 2021 SCOTT CATALOGUES                    1214 GEORGE ALEVIZOS RARE                       1223  UNITED STATES, THE
small but useful mint stock of Caribbean       LOT Nice little lot of 50 used Newfound-        VOLUMES 2A AND 2B for C - CUR                  STAMPS AND POSTAL HISTORY                       PHILATELIC HISTORY OF each of
Islands, all are singles or sets cataloguing   land stamps, all different and a great start    and CYP - F countries of the world, set of     Run of 21 different auction catalogues          volumes I - IV present 50 different ca-
at least $10 each, nice F-VF H condition       on a Newfoundland collection, F-VF              two separate volumes in full colour, light-    (No. 18/67 Oct. 1979 / June 1988) plus six      cheted, and postmarked, first day covers,
with nothing after 1960, some duplication                                       Est. 40.00     ly used. F+                   Est. 100.00      Mail Sale catalogues No. 4/11 Nov. 1986 /       all are neatly addressed to Labrador city,
so an ideal lot for a show or internet deal-                                                                                                  March 1988. Excellent and often extensive       Canada.     Stamps     date   from     the
er, Scott catalogue value is over              1181 MALAYA AND MALAYSIA,                      1201 2021 SCOTT CATALOGUES                    offering and well known for offering            1970s/1980s, a limited edition Westport
                                               USED PACKET Glassine housing at                 VOLUMES 3A AND 3B for G and H - I,             unusual Far East material, China classic
US$500.00                  Est. Cat. 125.00                                                                                                                                                   Society collection. VF          Est. 80.00
                                               least 125 different stamps, noted small and     countries of the world, set of two separate    stamps and postal history before it became
                                               part sets, and better singles. Nice continui-   volumes in full colour, lightly used. F+       trendy and popular. Also worldwide es-       1224 USA 1874 TAX STAMPS for
        MIXTURES &                             ty from 1957 to 2004, Scott range from
                                               #1/992. F-VF                      Est. 75.00
                                                                                                                                Est. 100.00   says, proofs, esoteric postal history and    Manufacturers of Tobacco with coupons
                                                                                                                                                                                           for 1874 District of Arkansas. Full page
                                                                                               1202 2022 SCOTT CATALOGUES:                   offering of difficult to find areas, special-
         PACKETS                               1182 MAURITIUS PACKET, USED                    VOLUMES 3A AND 3B for G and H-I                ized lots, etc. Thousands of lots described  along with single receipt, front and back
                                                                                                                                                                                           covers of book. Ten punches, significant
                                               Glassine housing approx. 100 or more,           Countries of the world, two separate vol-      and illustrated. VF              Est. 100.00
                                                                                                                                                                                           toning, still an impressive and rare docu-
1162 NYASALAND SHEETS Nyasaland                mostly different issues, noted small and        umes in full colour. Brand new for 2020,       1215 2021 SCOTT CATALOGUES: ment.                                          Est. 200.00
1p and 2p Victory set (4 sheets of each),      part sets, and better singles. Emphasis on      never used, in original packaging. VF          VOLUMES 4A AND 4B for J-L and M
1p UPU (5 sheets) and ½p Coronation            QEII Marine Life with various wmk types.                                       Est. 200.00     countries of the world, two separate vol-    1225      POSTAL    STATIONERY        AS-
1937 (9 sheets), looks to be all F-VF NH       Nice continuity from 1948 to 2003, ap-                                                         umes in full colour. Brand new for 2021 SORTMENT 1890'S - 1930'S Over fifty
                                               prox. Scott range from #225/960 F-VF         1203 GREAT BRITAIN YEAR-                                                                      items, almost all used and often uprated
(Scott #51, 82, 83, 87)      Cat. 360.00+                                                   BOOK Royal Mail special stamps of                 never used, in original packaging. VF
                                                                                Est. 75.00                                                                                     Est. 200.00 with stamps, some sent internally or to
1163 USED CANADA FROM 1990                                                                 1988, display and detail events they cele-
                                                                                                                                                                                           Canada but also foreign destinations like
TO 1993 A clean assortment in a glassine       1183 PENRHYN COOK ISLANDS: brate, an elegant hard cover book with                             1216 CANADA PROOF STRIKES Scotland, Germany, Switzerland, Den-
envelope, you will find 175 all different      2010/2013 MODERN MINT glassine slipcase. Gibbons cat. £37. VF NH                               Proof Strikes of Canada edited by Mr. mark, Sweden, France and Spain, previous
stamps issued between 1990 and 1993            housing four complete sets: Scott #472-                                      Est. 40.00        Paul Hughes, published by Robert Lee dealer's retail was $750+             Est. 200.00+
(Scott #1298/1471), a very nice group          475 World Wildlife Fund, #487-501 Is- 1204 ROBSON LOWE LEEWARD                                 Philatelist, 6 different volumes - Mood,
from this era, F-VF           Est. 70.00       land Views set of 15, #519-520 JFK and                                                         Moto, Moon and Pocon of Quebec, Ontar-       1226  CANAL      ZONE   POSTAL     CARDS
                                                                                            ISLANDS The Encyclopedia of British
                                               #521-532 Fish set of 12. VF NH
                                                                                            Empire Postage Stamps, Volume VI -                io, Maritimes, Western Canada (one vol- Dealer stock of mint postal stationery
1164 USED CANADA FROM 1993                                                    Cat. 102.60
                                                                                            Leeward Islands, 1990, 293 pages, out of          ume for each), also volume for Post Office cards, 1920s to 1970s issues including a
TO 1997 A clean assortment in a glassine
                                               1184 USA 'ON PAPER' - 10 print and essential for the philatelist.                             Departmental strikes, another on Trans- good showing of airmails, almost all in VF
envelope containing 200 all different
                                               POUNDS Large box of 10 lbs of 'on Covers Antigua, Dominica, Montserrat,                        portation (cachets, seals, etc.). Over 1200 condition, over 80 cards         Est. 75.00
stamps issued between 1993 and 1997
                                               paper' USA, modern mixture. Typical St. Christopher-Nevis, Virgin Islands,                     pages of actual size illustration of postal 1227 CANAL ZONE POSTAL ENVE-
(Scott #1472/1640), a great little group
                                               church/mission mix with lots of duplica- from stampless colonial straightlines to              markings (proof strikes). Essential book LOPES Dealer stock of mint postal sta-
that includes many hard to find stamps,
                                               tion amongst the unsorted material appear- cancels, stamps, varieties, postal station-         for the enthusiast. VF                       tionery envelopes, 1920s to 1970s issues
much scarcer than their mint counterparts,
                                               ing to be mostly from the 1980s/1990s. ery, British Post Offices abroad, etc. VF                                   Web Photo Est. 125.00 including airmails, almost all in VF con-
F-VF                          Est. 100.00
                                               Great fun for variety collectors. VF                             Web Photo Est. 50.00                                                       dition, over 100 items with scarcer items
1165 USED CANADA 1982 TO 1990                                                  Est. 100.00 1205 WINTHROP BOGGS CANADA                                                                     noted, a good lot with high catalogue, an
A lovely assortment of 335 all different
                                               1185 DENMARK ON PAPER 10lb FIRST EDITION Postage Stamps and
                                                                                                                                                 UNITED STATES                             ideal hunting ground for different types,
stamps between Scott #971 and #1295,
includes scarcer high values and items         box of assorted Denmark stamps ON Postal History of Canada by Winthrop S.                          LARGE LOTS                               dies, watermarks, etc.         Est. 150.00
from se-tenant sheets and blocks, F-VF         PAPER with emphasis of years 1980s to Boggs The definitive work on Canada,                                                                     1228  1900'S / 1950'S COVER COL-
                                Est. 75.00     1990s. Postmark interest, small town 1946, 825 pages in two volumes; slight                                                                    LECTION of 20 different items with
                                               CDS, mixed condition. F-VF Est. 350.00 faults / ageing to spine of dustjacket -                1217 OLDER ISSUES COLLECTION                    various franked paying many different
1166 USED CANADA 1978 TO 1982                                                              these are often absent in the first place.        BALANCE Various mint and used 1860s             rates from the early 1900s to the1940s, we
A lovely assortment of 220 all different       1186 ONE KILOGRAM WORLD- There are about a couple hundreds pages                              to 1890s issues on album pages, mixed           note Registered, Air Mail, etc. Nice selec-
stamps between Scott #741 and #970,            WIDE OFF PAPER Extensive "Off of references not present in the more                            condition but some are sound are elusive        tion in generally F-VF condition.
includes higher values and seldom seen         Paper" mixture, worldwide, including common 1975 reprint edition. 1946, 1st                    items are included, we note banknotes,                                           Est. 60.00
stamps, F-VF                 Est. 50.00        some Canada and USA in a full, one edition, circa 825 pages, F+                                Columbian to 50¢1869 Pictorials to 15¢,
                                               kilogram bag, clean and recently assem-                         Web Photo Est. 100.00          etc.             Web Photo Est. 500.00          1229 1941 METER TRANS-PACIFIC
1167 USED CANADA 1936 TO 1977                 bled with good range of years and coun-                                                                                                        ROUTE COVER TO EGYPT 1941
A lovely assortment of 550 different           tries, thousands and thousands of stamps. 1206 AUSTRALIA LITERATURE                                                                            (June 27) Legal size airmail envelope, 70
stamps between Scott #231 and #740,            F-VF                             Est. 100.00 TITLES About a dozen different on                                                                 cent meter from New York to Alexandria,
includes higher values, Unitrade listed                                                     various subjects, includes 1p KGV 1914-                                                           Egypt, endorsed "By Transpacific route",
varieties and other hard to find stamps, a     1187 ONE KILOGRAM CANADA 1937, by D.M. Neil, Early Federal Period,                                                                            opened and sealed by Egyptian censor
great lot to full a ton of album spaces, F-    ON PAPER mixture, in a full, one kilo- airmail stamps, Aerogrammes of Australia                                                                tape, Cairo 24.?.41 backstamp. Minor
VF                               Est. 80.00    gram bag (2.5 lbs), clean and recently and Its Dependencies 1944-1980 but                                                                      soiling but unusual meter / destination, F
                                               assembled with modern year range appear- Robert Stein, Northern Territory: A Postal                                                                                Web Photo Est. 50.00
1168 MOROCCO PACKET French                    ing mostly to be 1960s to 2000s+, hun- History 1824-1975, by Williams & Collas,
Morocco and Morocco, a nice selection of       dreds of "ON PAPER" Canadian stamps. 1977, 178 pages; three titles related to                                                                  1230  1932 WASHINGTON BICEN-
over 250 different used stamps, strength       F-VF                              Est. 80.00 revenues, South Australia, by Craig, Pres-                                                        TENNIAL Set of 12 on individual ad-
in French Morocco regular issues and                                                                                                                                                          dressed FDC postmarked at Washington
airmails, a very useful group form this        1188 MALTA MODERN MIXTURE A grave & Walker, Victoria State, by James                                                                           JAN 1 1932 (Scott 704-715), VF
elusive country,            Cat. 375.00        full pound of Malta on paper, just received Simon, New South Wales, by Peck &                                                                                   Web Photo Cat. 120.00
                                               and loaded with large size pictorials and Smith, etc. Some light shelf use, otherwise
1169 USED MALTA PACKET Over                   commemoratives                    Est. 65.00 F-VF                            Est. 75.00                                                        1231  UNITED KINGDOM 1850
40 different used Malta, useful starter lot,                                               1207 COLOMBIA SCADTA EXHIBIT                                                                       PREPAID STAMPLESS TO USA Small
F-VF                            Cat. 61.50                                                 COLLECTION SCADTA: The Develop-                    1218 RYUKYU ISLAND USED                        envelope mailed from St. Andrews, Scot-
1170 AUSTRALIA: 1950/1990 ½
                                                   ACCESSORIES &                           ment of Colombia Airmail 1921-1940,                COLLECTION A well filled collection             land, rated "1/-" (prepaid) to Philadelphia,
                                                                                                                                              to about 1970 on White Ace pages, not           via Liverpool & London with next day
POUND - OFF PAPER Appealing mix-                    LITERATURE                             photocopy of what appears to be a 10-
                                                                                           frame exhibit, black and white, spiral-            much missing for completion, includes all       dispatch datestamps on back, faint large
ture of regular mail - (Scott #224/1329)                                                                                                                                                      circular British Packet and neat "5 cents"
                                                                                           bound. Traditional airmail exhibit with            the early issues and all the airmails, F-VF
along with Australian Antarctic Territory                                                                                                                                                     handstamp, F-VF                  Est. 50.00
                                               1189 LIDNER ALBUMS - 2 PACK stamps and postal history. Interesting                                                      Photo Cat. 575.00
(L6/L83) from the same era. The majority
seem to be well covering the time line.        lightly used, each with various display subject. VF                           Est. 50.00       1219  THE PRESIDENTIAL MED-                    1232  USA LOCAL HAND-
This should be a good source of the many       sizes of (Falzlos) hingeless album pages.                                                      ALS COVER COLLECTION This                       STAMPED FOLDED LETTER Ad-
                                               Useful lot of two quality albums, each      1208   VANUATU       POSTAL     HISTORY
interesting varieties that are found on                                                                                                       collection combines Official U.S. Mint          dressed to Washington County, NY with
modern Australian stamps. F-VF                 with 18 rings. F+                Est. 80.00 The First Decade (formerly New Hebri-              Presidential Medals - electroplated by the      faint red handstamps of "Hale & CO".
                                                                                           des), by Peter B. Smith, 167 pages, in
                               Est. 40.00      1190 THE PHILATELY OF TAHITI printed binder. F-VF                             Est. 25.00       Postal Commemorative Society in 24kt            Their Independent Mail Service began in
                                               1958-2008 Hardcover, French language                                                           gold - with historic U.S. stamps in a           Boston in December 1843. The first office
1171 TONGA: 1988/1999 Useful                                                              1209  CANADA      MILITARY      MAIL    Two                                                        was located at 13 Court Street and then
                                               book by Christian Beslu, covers regular                                                        stunning philatelic/numismatic tribute to
packet of 10 different mint NH, ships
theme spanning Scott #693/1017. VF NH          issues, airmails, postage dues, officials, binders containing research papers, arti-           the American Presidency. VF Est. 200.00         moved to 23 State Street. Boston was the
                             Cat. 38.25        postal stationery, etc., new     Est. 50.00 cles, photocopies of covers / cards, photo-                                                        most active of Hale's offices."Forwarded
                                                                                           copies of bulletins during war time period                                                         Through Hale & Co. 's Letter Office 13
1172 USED CANADA Good little lot of            1191 STAMPS AND POSTAL HISTO- related to Prisoner of War Mail from                                                                             Court St., Boston" handstamp was the
town postmarks from Saskatchewan, 32           RY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA The Canada or Germany+ Japan, markings,                                                                                 earliest handstamp of any type that Hale
different towns are represented, many with     definitive work on the collection of Gerald censor markings, etc.             Est. 50.00                                                       used, F-VF                  Est. 175.00+
nice socked on nose postmarks                  Wellburn, with full colour photographs of
                                               his album pages, a joy to look through,     1210   JAPAN     &    CHINA     AUCTION                                                     1233  USA - GERMAN SEA POST
                                 Est. 30.00
                                               F-VF                            Est. 75.00+ CATALOGUES Four different: Richard                                                          DUPLEX 1927 S.S. President Roosevelt
1173 MODERN MALTA MIXTURE:                                                                Canman Collection of China and Far East                                                     US-GERMAN-SEA-POST No.3 duplex
ON PAPER A full ½ pound of very mod-           1192 BOGGS NEWFOUNDLAND The and Collection of Japan (2 sale catalogues                                                                  ties US #619 on cover mailed on board
ern (2010 to 2018) Malta on paper - cut        scarce 1942 first edition, the original dated Dec. 14 (with PR) & Dec. 15, Harm-                                                        ship and addressed to Melville, NJ, light
properly close - from our favourite source     'bible' for Newfoundland stamps, auto- ers of New York), Far East featuring                                                             edge wrinkling from contents, F-VF F-VF
of this popular country. Noted lots of art,    graphed, Fine                    Est. 60.00 Clarke Braly collection of China & Treaty          1220  WELLS, FARGO COVER 3¢                                Web Photo Est. 50.00
                                                                                                                                              Washington entire with Wells, Fargo &
sea life, transportation etc. Moderate         1193 HISTORY OF DANISH POST Ports, Robert Simon collection of Classic                          Co. aid frank in black, mailed from San
duplication,                    Est. 45.00     OFFICES 1871-2006 Danish language Japan, Harmers of New York, May 1991                         Francisco to Portland and redirected to
1174 MODERN AUSTRALIA USED:                   hardcover book by Steffen Riis, profusely and The Isleham Collection of Classic                Port Townshend in the Washington Terri-
1973/1983 Clean selection of over 175          illustrated, like new            Est. 60.00 Japan, May 1986 + PR, F-VF Est. 30.00              tory, F-VF             Photo Est. 75.00+
different, off paper and ready to start this   1194 COMMONWEALTH REFER- 1211 WESTERN CANADA & BRIT-
popular area. Mostly commems with some         ENCE BOOKS Three items -- Robson ISH COLUMBIA POSTCARDS Seven
higher values noted, many with duplicates,     Lowe Vol. V (Bermuda and British Hon- spiralbound books compiling and / or
Scott range from #554 to 863. F-VF             duras), the Pitcairn Island Stamp Cata- cataloguing picture postcards published by
                                Est. 60.00     logue (1980) and Philatelic delights of different companies and early photogra-
                                               Singapore and Malaya             Est. 50.00 phers, 1996-2003, F-VF            Est. 60.00
1175 SOUTH AFRICA: 1967/1973
Small lot of 40 different used (15 com-        1195 USA LIBERTY ALBUM H. E.                1212   USA  POSTAL      MARKINGS        The                                                     1234 COLLECTION BALANCE OF
plete sets) along with 33 mint marginal        Harris two-post Liberty Album with pages David L. Jarrett Collection of United                                                              COVERS IN A BOX A flat box full of a
blocks of four, NH. Scott range is between     1847-1993, the binder is used and the States Postal Markings, Christie's Robson                                                             couple hundred covers, includes some
343/398a. F-VF                  Est. 75.00     pages are new                    Est. 50.00 Lowe, New York, Oct. 9-10, 1990; 1390                                                           postcards and postal stationery and also
                                                                                           lots with PR. Colonials, by States, Steam-                                                      some possessions (especially Phillipines),
1176 ANTIGUA: 1953/1988 Small lot             1196 SG ALBUM SUPPLEMENTS boat, Express, locals, superb quality mate-                                                                       we note diplomatic mail, first day covers
with 38 different used, range is between       Great Britain supplements for 1993, 1997, rial and clarity of postal strikes are evident       1221 MINT FEDERAL DUCK (note 3¢ baseball and 50¢ Prexy), several
Scott 107 and 1147. F-VF       Est. 40.00      1999 and 2006 , new              Est. 75.00 throughout this outstanding collection, VF         STAMPS A complete run from 1974 to nice first flight covers, postage due, some
                                               1197 LIGHTHOUSE ALBUM PAGES                                                   Est. 35.00       1990, all are fresh mint and in F-VF NH ship covers, etc.          Photo Est. 200.00+
1177 SOUTH AFRICA: 1974/1979                                                                                                                condition, a great start on this interesting
mint NH souvenir sheets and blocks along       Blank, headed album pages of Australia 1213          BUSTAMANTE            ECUADOR                                                          1235      SPECIAL     DELIVERY CO-
                                               (12), Canada (36) and USA (12) plus SALE Martin De Bustamante Collection                       area (#RW41-RW57) Photo Cat. 250.00
with used singles. Scott range between                                                                                                                                                     VERS lot of 19 covers, frankings paying a
400 and 531. Includes 20 sets, 7 souvenir      supplements for Canada (1978 and hinge- of Ecuador, plus various Latin America,                                                             variety of rates. Noted handstamps for
sheets and 15 blocks - 108 different           less 1989 and 2009) and USA (hingeless Portugal & Spain stamps / covers, Afinsa,                                                            Special Delivery, Fee Claimed by Office
stamps. F-VF                   Est. 75.00      1986 and 1989), new             Est. 125.00 May 10, 1996; 400 lots. Ecuador consist-                                                        of First Address, Via Air Mail, etc. CDS
1178 GREENLAND: 1981/1991 On                  1198 BOX OF STAMP SUPPLIES A ing of 106 lots with emphasis on first issue                                                                   sending and receiving cancels mainly
card in glassine 140, 141, 172, 191, 196,      small carton full of mount cutters, guillo- covers (nearly all as one lot per page),                                                        through the 1930s to 1950s. Overall sound
                                               tines, magnifiers, U-V lights, etc.         deluxe hardcover auction catalogue (no                                                          condition.                    Est. 100.00
214, 217, 231-232, 242-243, nice group of
12 different. CDS              Cat. 52.35                                      Est. 200.00 expenses spared).                 Est. 40.00
                                                                                                                                                                                              1236 POSTAL STATIONERY
1179 SWITZERLAND: FOUR DIF-                   1199 2021 SCOTT CATALOGUES                                                                                                                    LOT Featuring about 30 different postal
FERENT USED SEMI-POSTAL SETS                   VOLUMES 1A AND 1B for USA, Unit-                                                                                                               stationery envelopes and a few post-cards
1944/1954 On card in glassine, B137-
B140, B150-B153, B196-B200 and B237-
                                               ed Nations, A - Australia and Austria - B,
                                               countries of the world, set of two separate
                                                                                                   Call Toll Free:                            1222 MINT FEDERAL DUCK
                                                                                                                                              STAMPS Ten different with #RW58, 59,
                                                                                                                                                                                              etc., a few are unused, most are used to
                                                                                                                                                                                              various destinations in the US or Canada.
B241 VF                    Cat. 46.65          volumes in full colour. Lightly used. F+
                                                                               Est. 100.00
                                                                                                  1 (800) 667-8267                            63, 64, 65, 66, 68, 69, 71, and 73, all nice
                                                                                                                                              VF NH mint               Photo Cat. 312.50
                                                                                                                                                                                              A good lot with much to offer, contains
                                                                                                                                                                                              items that would retail between $5 and
                                                                                                                                                                                              $35 each.                     Est. 125.00

Eastern Auctions Ltd.                                                                                             -5-                                                                   August 25th, 2021 Mail Sale
Closing Date: August 25th, 2021 - Eastern Auctions Ltd. Closing Date: August 25th, 2021 - Eastern Auctions Ltd. Closing Date: August 25th, 2021 - Eastern Auctions Ltd. Closing Date: August 25th, 2021 - Eastern Auctions Ltd. Closing Date: August 25th, 2021 - Eastern Auctions Ltd.
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