The Mobility Era and The Changing Automotive Industry Customer Journey

Page created by Judy Mcdonald
The Mobility Era and The Changing Automotive Industry Customer Journey
InMoment White Paper

The Mobility Era and The
Changing Automotive Industry
Customer Journey
  Copyright © 2021 InMoment, Inc. All rights reserved.
The Mobility Era and The Changing Automotive Industry Customer Journey
The Mobility Era
        and the Changing
     Automotive Industry
The McLaren Formula One car in which Daniel Ricciardo and Lando Norris will

compete for the 2021 World Championship is a remarkable piece of machinery. During

the course of an average Grand Prix, over 300 sensors monitor 1000 input parameters

and transmit over 1.5 GB of live data back to the pits as well as the Technology Centre

in Woking. McLaren claims the number of data points collected for analysis is in excess

of 750 million per race—twice the number of words each of us will speak in a lifetime.

The goal? Make the car go faster.

Organisations striving to design and create a better customer experience can learn

from this. Strategically positioning sensors at each touchpoint of the customer journey

will yield a continuous flow of business-critical information, allowing decision makers to

make more informed decisions to deliver on customers’ ever increasing expectations.

                    MCLAREN FORMULA ONE CAR

                                                                                   PAGE 02
The Mobility Era and The Changing Automotive Industry Customer Journey
The concept of the customer journey          5.   Identifying the moments that matter

is not new. Fundamentally, we want to             to nurture a customer-centric culture.

enable customers to achieve what they             Communicating what’s important for

want to do seamlessly and with little ef-         customers to those responsible for

fort. Mapping out what customers experi-          delivering customer service on the

ence when they interact with a company            frontline is essential. These moments

and buy (or not) has tremendous benefit.          become talking points that become

Some of these include:                            ingrained in a company’s culture

                                                  since they relate directly to sales,
1.   Identifying pain points so solutions
                                                  profitability, and market dominance.
     can be developed to deliver a better

     customer experience.                    But in automotive, customer journeys are

                                             becoming increasingly complex. We are
2.   Understanding areas of customer
                                             now in the mobility era, so the lifetime
     frustration and delight to prioritise
                                             value of the customer is paramount.
     investments. If something is
                                             Brands must manage multiple journeys
     important to a customer, resources
                                             across a lifetime with the intent of
     can be directed there. The opposite
                                             increasing brand engagement, and along
     is also true. If something doesn’t
                                             with it, greater revenue and profitability.
     impact the customer experience,
                                             Each manufacturer is on a continuum
     why spend money on it?
                                             with some farther along than others.

3.   Directing training efforts for the
                                             It’s worth repeating that there is no one
     frontline. If a common area of
                                             customer journey that will work for every
     customer concern exists, frontline
                                             organisation. Instead, the approach to
     employees need to be empowered
                                             the customer journey needs to meet
     to manage those situations with
                                             the needs of the manufacturer and its
     better training, empowerment, and
                                             customers. Some have the resources to
     effective policies.
                                             create and provide different mobility

4.   Predicting happy customers and          solutions while others don't, so their

     those likely to churn. Customers        customer journey will be different.

     who are likely to be promoters,         Remember: one size doesn't fit all.

     passives, and detractors can be

     identified so appropriate action can

     be taken to increase brand loyalty.

                                                                                    PAGE 03
The Mobility Era and The Changing Automotive Industry Customer Journey
The Traditional Journey
The traditional journey looks at a small subset of the total journeys possible. A cus-

tomer buys a car and gets it serviced. Then feedback about the experience is collected

shortly after the sale and on a transactional basis after the car is serviced. Historically,

automotive CX programmes took this approach (and many still do), which is great if it

meets the needs of the manufacturer and the resources they have available. However,

there is a risk that they will be left behind.

                              SERVICE                SERVICE               SERVICE


                                                          01- Traditional Journey

The Expanded                                     a sub-sample of the customer base and

                                                 often stay within the silos of quality and
Customer Journey
                                                 product planning. This needs to change.

The expanded customer journey rec-
                                                 Quality affects all customers. Wouldn’t
ognises that loyalty is more than just
                                                 it make sense to measure it that way?
an exemplary experience a customer
                                                 Incorporating quality metrics as part of
receives at their dealership and that to
                                                 the CX programme not only provides a
deliver an excellent experience, a brand
                                                 more complete picture of loyalty, but as
must consider vehicle quality. A customer
                                                 budgets come under increasing scrutiny,
may love their dealership, but if the car
                                                 building quality tracking into the CX
breaks down every three months, the
                                                 programme makes inherent sense. The
brand likely won’t be on the consideration
                                                 infrastructure is already in place at the
list when that same customer comes back
                                                 individual customer level, so why not
into the market.
                                                 leverage it to save the company money?

This is why measuring quality of the
                                                 An agile design means that manufactur-
vehicle should be considered a part of
                                                 ers can try something new, see if it works
the expanded journey. However, very
                                                 (or doesn’t) and implement it according-
few manufacturers do so today. Why?
                                                 ly. This can affect future product. Asking
Because quality is typically managed
                                                 customers their opinions about a vehicle
outside the CX department. Quality
                                                 being considered for market not only is
studies are done, but they only involve

                                                                                      PAGE 04
a potential source of valuable informa-          disposal dynamics yields tremendous

       tion, but it also engages customers in the       insight into the customer mindset,

       brand. Insight communities have done             helping to craft more effective

       this effectively, but in this case, we’re        marketing strategies. This could include

       casting the net wider, encouraging dia-          key questions from syndicated studies

       logue with all customers.                        (such as those used in NCBS or IACS),

                                                        but doing it within the framework of the
       Lastly, buyer behaviour metrics could
                                                        CX programme, getting insight into the
       be incorporated into the expanded
                                                        hands of decision makers faster.
       journey. Understanding the motivations

       behind the purchase, consideration, and

                            FUTURE                                   BUYER
                           PRODUCT                                 BEHAVIOUR

       SERVICE                                     SERVICE                             SERVICE

SALE                                 PRODUCT                                 PRODUCT

                 QUALITY                                 QUALITY

                                                                   02- Expanded Journey

       The Enhanced                                     sell them a car. How do we know they’re

                                                        still in the market unless we ask, and
       Customer Journey
                                                        more importantly, have a process in place
       The enhanced customer journey incor-             to handle the response.
       porates touchpoints either pre-sale or
                                                        Test drives are also critical. Done well,
       immediately after a purchase. Contacting
                                                        they can turn shoppers into customers,
       potential customers who shopped the
                                                        so we need to know what works and
       brand either in person or online not only
                                                        what doesn’t. Here too is an opportunity
       provides valuable CX insights, but offers
                                                        to close the sale.
       tremendous sales opportunities. We want

       satisfied customers, but we also want to

                                                                                             PAGE 05
According to industry association ACEA,        And to supplement what is being learned

                                    full-electric and plug-in hybrid cars in       in the enhanced journey, monitoring and

                                    Europe almost tripled to over 1 million        managing the reviews about a brand or

                                    vehicles in 2020, accounting for 11 per-       dealership in social media is critical. The

                                    cent of overall sales. Understanding this      last 12 months in particular have shown

                                    growing population of vehicle buyers is        we are living online, so this additional

                                    critical for future growth. The enhanced       touchpoint in the customer journey needs

                                    journey contacts these customers shortly       to be incorporated to keep brands up to

                                    after purchase. What worked and what           date with their evolving customers.

                                    didn’t when you purchased your EV? Was

                                    the salesperson knowledgeable (this can

                                    be a problem the data would suggest)?

                                    Do you know where the charging stations

                                    are? Has the vehicle met your expecta-

                                    tions in terms of driveability and range?

                            EV                                FUTURE                            BUYER
                         SPECIFIC                            PRODUCT                          BEHAVIOUR

          DRIVE                             SERVICE                             SERVICE                        SERVICE

SHOPPER                       PRODUCT                             PRODUCT                            PRODUCT

                  SALE                            QUALITY                           QUALITY

                                                   SOCIAL CX

                                                                                              03- Enhanced Journey

                                                                                                                        PAGE 06
The Mobility Journey                          site. Other manufacturers have a similar

                                                                        strategy, but this illustrates how changing
                          The automotive industry’s transition into
                                                                        needs in the mobility industry mean feed-
                          the mobility industry directly impacts
                                                                        back has to be obtained differently. A
                          the customer journey. In addition to the
                                                                        diagnostic survey isn’t appropriate here,
                          relevant touchpoints from the journeys
                                                                        but a quick always-on digital sensing ca-
                          above, the mobility journey adds addi-
                                                                        pability needs to be incorporated, which
                          tional layers of complexity since the way
                                                                        captures key information like NPS and
                          in which customers ‘consume’ transpor-
                                                                        ease of use measures.
                          tation is changing. New touchpoints have

                          emerged and new ways of measurement           Customers can go through some or all of

                          are required.                                 these four journeys. Therefore, it can get

                                                                        very complicated very quickly.
                          The graphic below is based on the mobili-

                          ty services offered by PSA (pre Stellantis)

                          and is publicly available on their web-

                                          PAY FOR                          TOLL
         RENT                             PARKING                          PASS

                      CHARGING                             VALET                            REMOTE
                      STATIONS                            SERVICE                         ACTIVATION

CAR ON                        CONNECT                         PERSONAL
DEMAND                         FLEET                         ASSISTANTS
                 FLEET                        FREE2MOVE                          FLEET
                SHARING                         LEASE                           SHARING


                                                                                     04- Mobility Journey

                                                                                                            PAGE 07
What Does All
                                   This Mean?

What does this mean and how can In-          or micro surveys into each touchpoint

Moment help? Changing mobility needs         of the journey will be necessary. With

mean a more complex customer journey         InMoment’s acquisition of Wootric,

and a more robust CX infrastructure to       building sensors across the customer

capture, understand, and provide the right   journey, especially as more mobility

intelligence to decision makers so strate-   solutions come to market, can be done

gies can be implemented to drive a better    easily and cost effectively.

customer experience. Understanding how
                                             Cleaning Up Disparate Data:
listening posts can be built into the cus-
                                             Another challenge that may surface is
tomer journey and what is appropriate for
                                             what we call “dirty data.” All the different
a manufacturer or brand based on their
                                             data that flow from so many touchpoints
CX level of maturity are areas with which
                                             can result in very messy data, and the
your InMoment Consulting and Insights
                                             automotive industry especially is notorious
Specialists can help. Here are just a few
                                             for this. The data needs to be cleaned
ways in which our technology and services
                                             and normalised to make it fit for purpose.
can help automotive brands succeed:
                                             InMoment’s CXWorkflow was built for

Sensors Across the Journey:                  this very reason and has been utilised

An increasingly multiplex customer           successfully across our automotive clients

journey means that incorporating sensors     globally for many years.

                                                                                    PAGE 08
Identifying the Moments That Matter:          Pinpoint At-Risk Customers:

Fundamental to understanding and              We help clients understand and optimise

optimising your customer journeys is          the moments that matter by looking

the ability to quantify the moments that      at individual customers across all their

matter; this is where InMoment excels.        journeys using an unique identifier

Ingesting CX and operational data into our    such as VIN or customer ID. If this isn’t

Experience Intelligence (XI) Platform and     available, we run a cohort analysis to

applying appropriate analytic techniques      look at how customers could be grouped

will help you to determine which              based on life stage, behaviours, or

aspects of the journey are imperative         attitude across the journeys. Knowing

to organisational success and which           this allows you to reach out to ‘at risk’

aren't. With the XI Platform, artificial      customers with an appropriate offer in an

intelligence is employed to identify and      attempt to prevent defection.

rank the moments that matter, but an
                                              Know (and Reward) Your Promoters:
informed human touch is still required.
                                              Since dealers love referrals to generate
Our InMoment Consulting and Insights
                                              digital and in-person traffic, we can
Specialists don’t use just ‘one’ analytic
                                              identify promoters so they can be
technique, but rather, their approach is
                                              incentivised to share their positive
driven by the client’s business needs or
                                              experience on social media. We need
the problem they are trying to solve.
                                              to understand the passives—and what

For example, with the move to shorter sur-    made them that way—so specific actions

veys and a greater emphasis on custom-        can be identified to transform them

er comments, machine learning is used         into a promoter. Here too InMoment’s

around text analytics to build and optimise   Consulting and Insights Specialists can

the customer journeys. This technique         provide guidance to add value to your

known as Unstructured Customer Journey        data, reduce churn, generate referrals, and

Mapping (UCJM) is extremely effective         increase sales.

in allowing customers to tell us what is
                                              Cultivate a Customer-Centric Culture:
important to them in their own words.
                                              Ultimately, a customer-centric culture

Identifying Emotion with                      needs to be created to drive experience

World-Class Analytics:                        improvement. Your InMoment consultancy

Combining client operational data such as     team will help you to identify messages

customer carpark, demographics, previous      that resonate across the company and

brand history, and key financial metrics      enable you to democratise relevant

delivers even greater insight. And since      findings with key stakeholders. Actual

so much of vehicle purchase is driven         customer comments can be disseminated,

by emotion, when operational data are         especially at the C-suite level, through our

integrated with InMoment’s text analytics     Moments app to put meat on the bones of

Emotion Derivative Algorithms (EDA),          quantitative scores so they come to life.

brands have an even greater ability to

manage loyalty and churn.

                                                                                      PAGE 09
Parallels Between                           Sound familiar? There are definite

                                            parallels between Formula One and
Formula One and
                                            improving the customer experience in
Improving Customer                          the automotive/mobility industry. Want

Experience                                  to learn more about how you can make

                                            transformational changes that improve
To bring things full circle, just because
                                            your experience and bottomline? Then
McLaren keeps recording lap times,
                                            connect with us today to find out how
it doesn’t make the car itself faster.
                                            our technology, industry expertise, and
Measurement alone will not move the
                                            insights can help you be a CX leader.
needle unless you take action to improve.

Analysing all the information received

from the sensors on a Formula One
car and adjusting the car accordingly

will lead to a more nimble, quicker, and

ultimately more competitive vehicle to

win the race.

                                                                                 PAGE 010
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About InMoment
Improving experiences is why InMoment exists. Our mission is to help our clients improve
experiences at the intersection of value—where customer, employee, and business needs come
together. The heart of what we do is connect our clients with what matters most through a unique
combination of data, technology, and human expertise. With our hyper-modern technology
platform, decades of domain authority, and global teams of experts, we uniquely deliver a focus
on Experience Improvement (XI) to help our clients own the moments that matter. Take a moment
and learn more at

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