The Meadoword - again - The Meadows Community Association of ...

Page created by Stephen Coleman
The Meadoword - again - The Meadows Community Association of ...
The Meadoword
September 2021
                 The Meadoword
                    The Meadows Community News and Lifestyle    Volume 39, Number 7


      NEWS         AND WELLNESS               Pages 10-19         Pages 12–13           Pages 20–21
    Pages 2–7        Page 8-9
The Meadoword - again - The Meadows Community Association of ...
2                                THE MEADOWORD                                                          September 2021

Community News                                      Let's Come Together
                                                                                Jan Lazar—MCA Board President

                               T   he roller coaster year of
                                   separation and isolation that
                               the COVID pandemic has caused
                                                                      of The Meadows as a thriving
                                                                      community. Our new Community
                                                                      Lifestyle and Wellness building is
                                                                                                           While we continue with all
                                                                                                           these efforts, we look forward
                                                                                                           to returning to a less stressful
                               finds us once again facing a           under construction, the dog park     environment when COVID
                               daunting number of new COVID           is underway, the expanded dining     is finally not the threat and
                               cases. It has put us back to having    at Centre Court Lounge/ pool is      impediment that it unfortunately
                               to deal daily with personal health     being completed and numerous         still is today. We urge you all
                               and safety issues just when we         other infrastructure projects are    to stay safe, and follow safety
                               are trying to come back together       either done or in process. Timing    measures so that we can finally
                               in a more normal life. Very few of     of all of these projects has been    meet and greet each other without
                               us have ever lived through such a      affected by the COVID impacts        worry of illness and quarantines.
                               prolonged period of public crisis      on availability of workers, delays
                               engulfing the nation and the           in obtaining necessary permits       One final note. We have all the
                               world. Many of us have not seen        from the County due to lengthy       Q & A materials from the annual
                               many of our family or friends for      processing time, and materials       meeting, various reports that
                               more than a year and a half. The       shortages but all are still moving   have been published in The
                               strains that this has placed on our    forward. We have not let the         Meadoword, the annual Audit
                               lives is incalculable.                 challenges derail our progress.      and other material on our website
                                                                      Our staff has been phenomenal!       so that it is easily accessible for all.
                               While we have been lucky enough
                               to live in a place which has allowed
                               us to be outside continuing many           We are having many more outdoor
                               recreational activities over this         events that allow us to interact safely
                               period, that same blessing has
                               also shielded us from seeing
                                                                        and enjoy the entertainment and fun...
                               the enormous effects of lock
                               downs, restricted movement             They have provided programming,      If you have missed any of these,
                               and economic displacement              shepherded major construction        they can be found in the NEWS &
                               that has occurred. Just when           projects and serviced a wide         RESOURCES section under the
                               we hoped that we might be past         variety of community needs with      heading FAQs.
                               all the restrictions and fear, the     dedication in an unprecedentedly
                               resurgence of COVID cases again        difficult environment.
                               threatens our physical and mental
                               health and our economic stability.

                               But we are resilient and
        New to                 determined to work toward the
                               renaissance that we envisioned
     The Meadows?
                               pre-COVID. We see the return of
                               some of our long absent neighbors
     WELCOME                   and the re-opening of some of our
                               favorite places, such as restaurants
     Pick up your              and theaters. We are having many
                               more outdoor events that allow
 “Newcomer’s Packet”           us to interact safely and enjoy the
      at the MCA               entertainment and fun that we
                               missed for a whole year.
  2004 Longmeadow
                               We have continued our efforts
                               to improve our community’s
                               facilities to provide the enhanced
                               amenities we determined several
                               years ago to be vital to the future

                      Our Vision                                                                     Our Mission
     To be known as a well-maintained, welcoming,                                   To preserve the property values, ambiance
        safe community with up-to-date housing,                                     and vitality of our community.
       activities and services designed to meet the
                   needs of all residents.
The Meadoword - again - The Meadows Community Association of ...
September 2021                                                       THE MEADOWORD                                                                   3

                                        Our Community's Refresh
                                                                Frances Rippcondi—MCA General Manager

D    rive down Longmeadow and
     it is clear that construction is
underway for our new Meadows
                                        and boards will soon
                                        be laid. As we move
                                        through the construction
                                                                                                                Drive and Highland Oaks have been
                                                                                                                completed with Glebe Farm and
                                                                                                                Ringwood Meadow soon to follow.
Community Lifestyle and Wellness        process, paths are being
Facility. Our groundbreaking            temporarily redirected to                                                   The Meadows Country
celebrated this momentous occasion      provide ample space for                                                          Club Entry
and soon work began as crews            construction workers.                                                   Residents and club members
expanded the pond, hauled off excess    Once completed, you                                                     participating in a Renaissance
dirt, and focused their attention on    will be able to experience                                              Access Event at the club will be
the project’s infrastructure.           dining poolside under                                                   rerouted to the north entrance of
                                        the oak trees.                                                          the building while construction at
If you have ever engaged in a                                              communities. Increasing
construction project, the one                    Walking Paths             wildlife habitats is an important
thing you know for certain is           The Meadows offers unique          environmental agenda set forth
that the beginning and the end          walking path experiences           by the MCA. This year, the
are the best parts. It’s the in         throughout the community.          MCA, generous contributors,
between times when we have to           Underfoot one may transition       and hardworking volunteers are
remind ourselves to be flexible         from concrete, to crushed shell,   responsible for installing and or
and patient. Therefore, if there        asphalt or the natural land with   donating over 2,000 aquatic plants
is an occasional sidewalk closure,      each step leading you to a new     to our ponds and 46 trees to the
a slow in traffic, a disruption in      place. Fourteen miles of walking   community. Newly planted trees
parking, or an alternate path to        paths keeps our maintenance        such as Pines, Sabal palms, and
be taken, understanding that it is      team hard at work as they perform Bald Cypress support our native
only temporary, this may ease the       ongoing repairs and enhancements habitats and wildlife species and
frustration.                            to community sidewalks, lake       add to the natural tree hammocks
                                        paths and recreational areas. This of The Meadows.                      the main entrance is underway.
Despite the construction                year alone crews have replaced                                          Due to structural issues needed to
industries’ challenges with             roughly 6,000 ft. of concrete,     As stewards of the land, the MCA     protect residents’ safety, portions
material and labor shortages,           asphalt and crushed shell.         provides routine maintenance for     of the board walk ramp leading to
The Meadows continues to make                                              both our Oaks and Palm trees.        the club and pro shop have been
improvements to the overall                                                You may notice while driving         removed. A temporary entrance
community that often times                                                 around pink flags on palm trees.     will be provided while a new entry
get overshadowed by the big                                                These flags mark a palm tree that    is being designed and permitted.
projects but by no means are                                               will receive its annual pruning.
less important. Therefore, the                                                                                  Whether we are initiating
next time you are out and about                                               Directional and Common            new construction projects,
you may notice the following                                                        Area Signage                modernizing, renovating or
enhancements listed below. Each                                             Wondering which way to go?          maintaining our facilities and
project is a step advancing the                                             Follow the freshly painted          grounds, it is our goal to achieve
Renaissance plan forward.                                                   directional signage. Our            the best living experience while
                                                                            directional signage is getting a    providing a welcoming friendly,
    Outdoor Dining/Deck                           Landscaping               fresh coat of paint to protect it   active lifestyle to residents of The
        Expansion                       The Meadows is home to a diverse    from Florida’s harsh elements,      Meadows. Coming together and
The phase I deck expansion is in        ecosystem that inhabits a wide      high heat and rain. Recently        being together is what community
progress. Electricians are moving       range of flora and fauna which      the signage along Longmeadow,       is all about.
junction boxes; post are being set,     sets us apart from surrounding      Highlands Bridge Road, Hadfield

                                                                             CALL FOR CANDIDATES
                                                                               The Meadows Community Association
                                                                                 MCA seeks Candidates for election
                                                                                to the 2022 MCA Board of Directors
                                                                                    Interested property owners
                                                                                 are invited to submit their names
                                                                                          for consideration
                                                                                        no later than noon on
                                                                                          October 1, 2021.
                                                                                  All candidates must complete a
                                                                                Personal Information Questionnaire
                                                                                     For more information call
                                                                                     the MCA at 941-377-2300
The Meadoword - again - The Meadows Community Association of ...
4                                         THE MEADOWORD                                                            September 2021

                         Together Again – Perhaps Under a Tree
                     A tree or two may be the solution to that cooped up feeling
                                                                         Bob Clark—Standards Chair

D   ue to a publishing deadline,
    I am writing this a month
before you will read it and at this
                                         I don’t mean to imply that we
                                         have a forest here, but we do have
                                         lots of groves of trees and plenty
                                                                                We go to great lengths in The
                                                                                Meadows to protect our trees.
                                                                                Before one can be removed,
                                                                                                                         As always, my thanks go out to
                                                                                                                         our many volunteers and our hard
                                                                                                                         working staff who bring positive
time several more virulent forms         of green space. If preserving our      an Architectural Review must             energy to our organization and
of COVID are making a surge              green space includes improving         be approved by the Standards             community. And when you get
in Florida. Hopefully this will          our feeling of peace and good          Committee and a replacement              that cooped up feeling, get out
inspire a few more people to get         will, the effort made over the past    tree is required for every tree that     there and look at a tree, some
vaccinated and finally stop this         few years to preserve it was well      is taken down. The Rules and             green space or a garden. It really
scourge in its tracks.                   worth it. What could be better than    Regulations regarding this and           does make you feel better.
                                         preserving your home’s value and       many other important standards
If that does not happen, then the        promoting a healthy lifestyle.         that must be observed in The             See Architectural Reviews for June
safest place to gather remains                                                  Meadows are posted on the                and July on page 5.
outdoors and that’s where the            The report cited above goes on         MCA website and I recommend
trees come in. The New York State        to say that green spaces in urban      reading them.
Department of Environmental              areas are just as important as rural
Conservation is reporting research       forests. It’s noted that gardens,      If you would like to get more
showing that visiting a forest has       parks and street trees make            involved in the community,
real quantifiable health benefits,       up what is called an urban and         volunteer for one of our many
both mental and physical. Even           community forest. This makes me        committees. It is rewarding and
five minutes around trees or in          want to extend a word of thanks        provides a way for you to have
green spaces may improve health.         for the Garden Club and Meadows        input into the future direction of the
Think of it as a prescription with       Gardening Group for the fine work      Meadows. It also lends credibility to
no negative side effects that comes      they do to bring even more beauty      any suggestions you may have for
with living in The Meadows.              to our surroundings.                   improvements in our organization.

                                                        Welcome Back
                                                                        Michael Cox

S  ummer break is over and we’re
   together again. Sort of like the
beginning of a new school year
                                         Community Lifestyle and Wellness
                                         Facility began and Elsa scared
                                         us a bit. One thing I’ve started
                                                                                Speaking of safety, I’d like to talk
                                                                                about keeping our homes safe
                                                                                when we’re away.
                                                                                                                         Another safety feature to consider
                                                                                                                         are outdoor motion detectors and
                                                                                                                         cameras. Again, these have come
except we don’t have to stand up in      since moving to Florida is to                                                   a long way. You can get solar
front of the class and talk about what   spend entire weeks glued to the        Even though The Meadows is a             powered ones that don’t need to
we did during the vacation months.       weather channel and picking            very safe community, taking a few        be wired into your electric circuit.
                                         which spaghetti model I want to        steps to further ensure the safety
September, that time when the            believe. Ala seemed to think that      of yourself and your home is a           If you’re going to be gone for an
heat and humidity of summer              during the Elsa scare, I might have    good idea.                               extended time you should let the
ends and the heat and humidity           gone a bit overboard in assembling                                              Meadows Safety Patrol know you’ll
of autumn begins. A lot happened         a hurricane kit. I don’t think         You may want to connect with a           be gone, as well as telling a trusted
over the summer, the Bolts               so. Storing a month’s worth of         trusted neighbor who can watch           friend when you’re leaving and
repeated, there were a slew              Little Debbie Nutty Buddy bars is      your property while you are away,        when you expect to return.
of activities in The Meadows,            entirely rational. Ala was wrong.      or invest in a home security system.
construction for the new Meadows                                                Security systems, have advanced          One of the most basic things you
                                                                                over the years. Current systems are      should always do is to lock your
                                                                                relatively inexpensive, easy to self-    doors, even when you’re home.
                                                                                install, can be taken with you if you    If you keep a vehicle in your
                                                                                move, don’t require a long-term          driveway, make sure it’s locked
                                                                                contract and usually have small          too. Most car break-ins happen to
                                                                                monthly oversight fees. They also        cars that are left unlocked.
                                                                                offer a lot more features like water
                                                                                sensors and window breakage              This being said, have a fun
                                                                                sensors. There are more to choose        September and safely enjoy all
                                                                                from than ever before: Simplisafe,       that The Meadows has to offer.
                                                                                Ring, Xfinity and many more.

                                                                                      If you aren't currently a member, please join us. Its only
                                                                                           $15 a year or $25 for two years. For questions
                                                                                            or futher information contact the MHOA at
The Meadoword - again - The Meadows Community Association of ...
September 2021                                                THE MEADOWORD                                                                              5

                    Architectural Review
                    June/July Approved Applications
                                                                           June Safety Report
                                                                                                                        to the master bedroom (doors

             JUNE 2021                     JULY 2021
                                                                    D     uring the month of June,
                                                                          2021 there were eighteen
                                                                     (18) incident free days, five (5)
                                                                                                                        not locked), and used the tub
                                                                                                                        or shower. Towels laying in
                                                                                                                        the bathroom had been used,
   3000 Highlands Bridge Rd       2905 Sandringham Place             more than last month. There were                   but nothing else was disturbed.
   (2) Papillon Condo Assn        Somerset Condo Assn                nineteen (19) reported incidents,                  Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office
                                                                     eighteen (18) less than last month.                arrived and took charge of the
   4748 Ringwood Meadow           Longwater Chase Condo Assn         There were one hundred twenty one                  incident (C#: 21-50497).
   5292 Everwood Run              5452 Downham Meadows               (122) citations issued this month,
                                                                     forty (40) less than last month.
                                                                                                                            July Safety Report
   Sandleheath Condo Assn         5465 Downham Meadows
                                                                                                                    In the month of July, 2021 there
   5330 Charmes                   4988 Greencroft Rd
                                                                     •	Burglary- Structure: On                     were fifteen (15) incident free days,
   4403 Longmeadow                4831 Greywood Lane                    Thursday, June 10, 2021 a                   three (3) less than last month.
   Chelmsford Close Condo Assn    5324 Huntingwood Ct                   report of a burglary in the 3200            There were twenty seven (27)
   5053 Vivienda Way              4732 Longwater Chase                  block of Ringwood Meadow.                   reported incidents, eight (8) more
                                                                        The Sarasota County Sheriff’s               than last month. There were one
   (2) 5433 Champagne             5078 Marsh Field Rd
                                                                        Office arrived and took charge              hundred two (102) citations issued
   3902 Stable Ln                 3017 Rosemead                         of the incident (C# 21-49168).              this month, twenty (20) less than
   Hadfield Greene Condo Assn     4939 Rutland Gate                     Perpetrators entered through                last month.
   5016 Marsh Field Rd            5652 Sheffield Greene                 the rear sliding glass door.
                                                                        Estimated $1000 worth of                    •	Theft-Petit: On Wednesday,
   5028 Marsh Field Rd            Penshurst Park HOA
                                                                        jewelry was taken.                             July 7, 2021 in the 5100 block
   4842 Greywood Ln               2341 Arborfield Ln                                                                   of Everwood Run some time
   4842 Greywood Ln               4631 Glebe Farm Rd                 •	Animal Complaint: On Sunday,                   between July 6, 2021 and
   5151 Everwood Run              4812 Greencroft Rd                    June 13, 2021 in the 4700                      July 7, 2021 (5:20 pm and
                                                                        block of Ringwood Meadow,                      7:30 am) someone took the
   3550 Trebor Ln                 3000 Highlands Bridge Rd              Safety Patrol was stopped by                   electric scrubber for the pool.
   4415 Highland Oaks Cir         5094 Marsh Field Rd                   the complainant, a passing                     Estimate value: $150.
   2969 Heather Bow               3000 Ringwood Meadow                  motorist. Complainant stated
                                                                        his 40 lb. tortoise was missing             •	Petit Theft: On Monday, July
   5009 Vivienda Way              3228 Ringwood Meadow
                                                                        from its pen.                                  19, 2021 in the 5094 block of
   2850 Wrenwood Ct               Bunker Oaks Condo Assn                                                               Marsh Field Rd. sometime over
   1912 Deancroft Rd              4852 Greencroft Rd                 •	Burglary- Structure: On                        the winter months someone
   Chandlers Forde Condo Assn     4749 Harvest Bend                     Monday, June 14, 2021 in                       cut the cable and took a blue
                                                                        the 5400 Downham Meadow                        Raleigh ladies bicycle. Estimate
   2423 Arborfield Square         4967 Taywater Dell
                                                                        the complainant stated that                    value: $150. The victim was
   5511 W Long Common Ct          4773 Ringwood Meadow                  sometime between Friday and                    advised to notify the Sarasota
   5143 Marsh Field Ln            3131 & 3141 Heatherwood Ln            Monday, someone entered                        County Sheriff’s Office.
   4779 Ringwod Meadow            3340 Highlands Bridge Rd              through the sliding glass doors
   3375 Sandleheath
   3425 Highlands Bridge Rd                                            In the event of an emergency       911
                                                                       The non-emergency 			              941-316-1201
                                                                         Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office
                                                                       The Meadows Safety Patrol 		       941-809-0084

                                            RENTALS NEEDED!!!!           Who Watches Your Property
                                          YOU CAN TRUST ME TO
                                        MANAGE YOUR PROPERTY!
                                                                           When You Are Away?
                                      I HAVE YEARS OF EXPERIENCE        Consider someone who:
                                       LEASING BOTH ANNUAL AND           • Has a home watch business and carries liability insurance
                                      SEASONAL PROPERTIES IN THE         • Has numerous references of satisfied Meadows clients
                                                MEADOWS.                 • Has repair capability and is on call 24/7 for emergencies
                                           ***CALL ME NOW***             • Provides written record of every aspect of your home’s checkup
                                         I PAY ATTENTION TO THE
                                                                         • Is a Meadows resident and property owner for over 15 years
                                       INVESTMENT AND MINIMIZING
       RENTING & SELLING                                                                      Call me to see why I say…
                                              THE HASSLES.
         THE MEADOWS                          941-954-4443                              “There is no traffic jam on the extra mile”
       FOR OVER 30 YEARS!                                                    HAL POSCHMANN • 941-284-4315
       CELL: (941) 321-1549                                                      
The Meadoword - again - The Meadows Community Association of ...
6                                                       THE MEADOWORD                                                         September 2021

                                                                     Assembly Committee
                                                                                  Mike Mazur—Assembly Committee Chair

T   he Assembly Executive
    Committee is preparing an
interesting and information-
                                                address the Assembly
                                                delegates and other
                                                                                              homeowner association volunteer
                                                                                              roles of responsibility and
                                                                                                                                     we did last year, the presentations
                                                                                                                                     that each of the applicants make
                                                                                                                                     will be recorded so that those
packed series of programs for                                                                                                        can be shared with the Assembly
2021-2022.                                      The terms of Jan Lazar, Amy                   The Assembly Executive                 Delegates representing the
                                                MacDougall and Tom Pound                      Committee is responsible for           condominium and homeowner
The Assembly of Property Owners                 expire at the March 2022                      confirming that applicants are         associations and the commercial
is currently on hiatus until the                Annual Meeting. Amy and                       Meadows property owners based          entities that are property owners.
fall and the Assembly Executive                 Tom are eligible to run for                   on official county records. They
Committee is actively working                   another three-year term.                      also contact each applicant to         By mid-January, each property
on the 2021-2022 programs. At                                                                 confirm their interest in serving in   owner will be provided with the
the writing of this article, we are             Those Meadows residents who                   these three-year voluntary roles.      list of nominees, their candidate
working to finalize our October                 have an interest in serving on                                                       statements and instructions on
20, 2021 topic so watch for details             the Board of Directors must                   At the November 17, 2021 meeting,      casting votes which must be
in the October Meadoword. In                    complete an application form                  the Assembly Delegates will vote       received by March 1, 2022. This is
addition, the meeting, unless                   in order to be considered by                  to confirm the nominees from           the date of the Annual Meeting at
COVID-19 precautions are                        the Assembly Delegates who                    among the field of applicants who      which the election will be finalized.
changed, will be a hybrid event.                serve as the nominating body.                 will stand for the election by the     The elected Board members take
                                                Application forms are available on            MCA. The Assembly rules specify        office at the conclusion of that
Also, at the October 20                         the MCA website and at the MCA                that there be no more than two         meeting.
meeting, applicants for the                     Community Center and are due                  nominees above the number of
three positions that will                       by the close of business on Friday,           open positions. In its role as the     See you on October 20, 2021.
be open on The Meadows                          October 1, 2021. Applicants                   nominating body, the Assembly
Community Association                           should note that it is especially             delegates will vote to narrow the
Board of Directors will be                      important to detail their Meadows             list of nominees if the number of
introduced and will briefly                     as well as condominium or                     applicants exceeds that limit. As

                                                  HURRICANES AND TORNADOS
F  loridians know that this is the peak of the hurricane season, so while                                                                     Top left:Tornado see in
   we have been lucky so far, be prepared, waiting will only bring more                                                                       Sarasota in 2020.
stress and uncertainty, and we have had enough of that.

Know your evacuation zone and shelters near you and which shelters
accept pets, if you have one. Remember the following key planning
points below and use the MCA website: News and Resources/
Preparedness to access all the important links. We recommend that you
print out the information in case of a loss of power.
                                                                                              Bottom right: Tornado that
             Sign up for Alert Sarasota County at                                             touchdown in Venice, lasted 4
                                                         minutes, was an E4 at 75 MPH

                            Disaster Supply Checklist                                         Hurricanes shouldn’t be the only possible disaster to be prepared for.
    S tart now. Here are some of the items to ensure your family’s basic comfort and well-   With all the hurricanes predicted in 2020, it was the tornadoes that
     being in the aftermath of a hurricane. The time to prepare is now.                       surprised Sarasota County that year and with little to no warning. Did
          • Cash—banks and ATMs may not be open or available for extended periods.           you know that Florida leads the nation with 12.2 tornadoes per 10,000
       •     ater—at least one gallon per person per day for three to seven days, plus
            W                                                                                 square miles and ranks number 3 nationally in terms of number of
            water for pets.                                                                   tornadoes? South Florida Sun Sentinel reported this data on December
                                                                                              30, 2020. Just last year, Florida had 54 tornadoes. In 2019 there
       •    F ood—at least enough for three to seven days, including: non-perishable
             packaged or canned food and juices, food for infants and the elderly, snack      were 29, even in 2021 there have been instances seen throughout the
             food, non-electric can opener, vitamins, paper plates, plastic utensils.         sunshine state. It’s not known how many of Florida’s tornadoes are
       •    Radio—battery powered and NOAA weather radio with extra batteries.               brought on by hurricanes, but Florida tornadoes are usually on the
                                                                                              lower end of the Enhanced Fujita scale. That’s the rating system for
       •    Blankets, pillows, etc.
                                                                                              tornadoes. Sunshine state tornadoes aren’t as big or devastating as EF3s
       •    First aid kit—plus medicines, prescription drugs.                                with winds of 136-165 MPH or EF4s at 166-200 MPH or a devastating
       •    Special items—for babies and the elderly.                                        EF5 at 200+ MPH, they are ranked EF-0 and EF-1s. None the less, it can
                                                                                              cause damage and a threat, so it’s important to be aware and prepare for
       •    Flashlight and batteries—make sure they are in working order.
                                                                                              disasters that may be unexpected, HAVE A PLAN IN PLACE.
       •    Keys—easily accessible location.
       •    Important papers in a water proof baggie.                                            Check out the MCA website News & Resources
                                                                                              to see all the helpful links on disaster preparedness
The Meadoword - again - The Meadows Community Association of ...
September 2021                                                           THE MEADOWORD        7

        Emergency Prep. Committee: Be prepared to get TOGETHER AGAIN
                   Meadow’s Weather/Hurricane Season Analysis: June-July 2021 Report
                                                                              Roy Wysnewski

W     eather Analysis: The
      Meadow’s June-July weather
was a near mirror-image to what
                                           Meadows Rainfall and
                                            Tempurature Data
we experienced in April and May.
Most day-time temperatures were          June
above normal in both June and July       Rainfall: 9.33 inches (YTD: 18.51
while rainfall again was a mixed-bag     in.) 23 yr. June rainfall average:
– above average in June and below        8.81 in.
average in July.                         Average high temperature: 92.3 F
                                         Above normal high-temp. days: 27
The above-normal temperatures            Record high-temperature days: 3
we have experienced for the past
year and a half continued through
June and July. Both months
were downright hot and ‘muggy’!
                                         Rainfall: 6.98 inches (YTD: 25.49
Maximum day-time temperatures            in.) 23 yr. July rainfall average:
for the two months exceeded normal       8.52in.
on 52 days (out of 61 total), and
                                         Average high temperature: 93.2 F
the average monthly temperature
                                         Above normal high-temp. days:
exceeded normal by 5 F in June and
                                         25 Record high-temp. days: 5
3 F in July. Also, there were eight
record high-temperature days for
the two-month period.                    Elsa, moved northward in the Gulf
                                         of Mexico, paralleling Florida’s west
June ‘kick-starts’ the four-month        coast, then became the season’s
rainy season here in Southwest           first hurricane at a location just
Florida. It did not let us down as it    adjacent to Tampa before crossing
exceeded the monthly average, but        Florida north of Tampa.
not by much (6%). Following in
the footsteps of May, July rainfall      In response to observations that
was below normal. It’s worth             equatorial sea temperatures in
noting that July’s rainfall varied       the eastern Pacific Ocean are
greatly across Sarasota County, as       starting to fall, the National
the Sarasota-Bradenton Airport           Weather Service issued a ‘La
recorded approximately 50 % more         Nina Watch’ for September and
rain than that measured at The           October. Unfortunately, this is
Meadow’s Community Association           not good news for Florida because
(MCA) weather station. Also, it was      historically, a La Nina event
surprising to see another weather        translates to increased tropical
station in The Meadows – just a          cyclone activity in the Atlantic
short distance northeast of the          basin. And history confirms that
MCA -- exceed the MCA total by           Atlantic basin-formed hurricanes
20%! It appears that this variability    make landfall in Florida 40% of
results from a ‘shift’ in a historical   the time.
summertime weather/climate
pattern first reported a year ago. In    Elsa gave The Meadows
this shift, much of our summertime       Emergency Preparation
east-to-west thunderstorm activity       Committee an opportunity
transitioned to a west-to east on-       for a dry run. With ‘feverish’
shore direction.                         temperatures presiding in
                                         our atmosphere and the Gulf
Monthly rain and high-                   of Mexico, be prepared to get
temperature data are presented in        together again in the coming
the two graphs.                          months. The next event may be
                                         the real ‘McCoy’.
Hurricane Season Analysis:
As of August 1, one-third of the         Send comments and questions
2021 tropical cyclone season             about this month’s report to:
became history. This season’s  
activity picked up where 2020
finished – at a record-setting pace!
So far, we have seen five named
(tropical) storms form. During the
first week in July the fifth storm,
The Meadoword - again - The Meadows Community Association of ...
8                                THE MEADOWORD                                                             September 2021

Health & Wellness                                       Kennel Cough is Back
                                                                    David J. Smith, VMD—Bay Road Animal Hospitals

                                 K   ennel cough is back. The
                                     irritating “honking” cough
                                 that was always associated with
                                                                        to pneumonia and were more
                                                                        dangerous than the Bordetella
                                                                        bacteria. With the vaccines being
                                                                                                               get your dog vaccinated for both
                                                                                                               the bacterial and viral form of
                                                                                                               kennel cough prior to boarding
                                 boarding dogs seems to be a            used for prevention, it seemed that    and/or if you frequent dog parks
                                 problem of the past. Most kennels      the kennel cough problem had           or plan on stopping at rest stops
                                 required proof of the Bordetella       been resolved.                         while traveling. Remember, if
                                 vaccination within six months                                                 your dog has not been vaccinated
                                 of boarding. This was the most         Recently, we started seeing case       for these diseases, it takes two
                                 common bacterial form of the           after case of what seemed to be        shots three weeks apart to obtain
                                 cough. Several years ago, a strain     the cough related to dogs being        full protection. I will keep you
                                 of virus called canine influenza       at dog parks, where unvaccinated       updated as more information
                                 was identified in the New England      dogs would be exposed to others        becomes available about these new
                                 area and a vaccine was produced        carrying the kennel cough              outbreaks.
                                 for the virus. A new canine            organisms and get the disease.
                                 influenza virus strain later started   We have now seen some
                                 in the Chicago area and that           completely vaccinated dogs
                                 vaccine has been included with         (with both the viral and
                                 the first. The influenza viruses       bacterial vaccines) still
                                 were so contagious that when           get the cough. One patient
                                 they were first identified some        developed pneumonia that
                                 hospitals, including the University    was confirmed on x-ray.
                                 of Florida Veterinary Hospital,        Luckily, with treatment all
                                 would not allow patients inside        patients have recovered.
                                 the hospital if they were suspected    We are still trying to
                                 of having the virus. These viruses     identify the cause of these
                                 had more potential to progress         outbreaks. My advice is to

                                                                              Bay Road                        AAHA Accredited

                                        SAVE THE DATE
                                     YAPPY HOUR                               Hospital                          PRACTICE HOURS:
                                                                                                                 Monday – Friday:
                                               FRIDAY                                                           7:30 AM to 5:30 PM
                                            SEPTEMBER 10,
                                              2-3:30 pm
                                                                                East                            Saturday & Sunday:
                                                                                    Beautiful new
                                      a barking good time!                         location on the
                                                                                      corner of                 New clients and
                                                                                    17th Street &              patients are always
                                                                                   Honore Avenue
                                                                                                               welcome (including
                                                                                                              dogs, cats, birds, and
                                 WAG MORE SARASOTA
                                  Providing quality care for
                                 your furry family members
                                        •    Dog Walking
                                        •    Pet Sitting
                                        •    Training
                                                                                    5292 17th Street
                                                                                  Sarasota, FL 34235
                                       Cathy Brush-Owner                             941.378.1236
                                                                                                                  Nicole Tisdale, DVM
The Meadoword - again - The Meadows Community Association of ...
September 2021                                                            THE MEADOWORD                                                                         9

                                                                                             OCT, 5
                                                                                                            FOR APPOINTMENT CALL
     FLU SHOTS @ MCA                                                                        10-1 PM
                                                                                                           SUE AT MCA 941-377-2300
                                                             OCT, 6
                                                             1- 4 PM

                                                     FITNESS SCHEDULE —FOR QUESTIONS CONTACT: FITNESS CENTER 941-371-6000

                               Start                                         Preregistration   Zoom/ In-
   Class Name        Days              Duration    Cost     How to Pay                                                How to Register              Instructor
                               Time                                             Required        person

                    M& W       9:30       50       FREE         NA             yes -48hrs      In Person         Margie
                                                             Venmo or
   Gentle Yoga       TH        4:00       60      $12.00                       yes -48hrs        zoom        Cheryl
                                                     $         cash to
    Balance           Fr       11:00      25                                   yes- 48hrs      In Person            Rebecca
                                                   10.00     instructor
    Stretch &
                      Tu       9:00       50       FREE         NA             yes- 48hrs        zoom               Rebecca
    Stretch &                                                                                   Zoom &
                     TH        8:30       50       FREE         NA             yes -48hrs                     Penelope
      Tone                                                                                     in person
                                                               cash to
     Tai Chi       M,W & Sa    8:45       60       $7.00                       yes -48hrs      In Person                 Mike

                  resumes in                                   cash to
   Sports Yoga                 10:00      60      $12.00                       yes -48hrs      In Person          Sage
                      fall                                   instructor

 Monday-Friday 7am-7pm, Saturday 7 am-4 pm, Sunday 9 am – 1 pm (Excluding holidays). To work out in the Fitness Center you must complete the orientation
                     prior to the use of equipment. To schedule your fitness orientations via Zoom email:
                                         Check with the fitness center on schedules, as they are subject to change.
                                  Monday-Friday 7AM-7PM, Saturday 7 AM-4 PM, Sunday 9AM – 1 PM (Excluding holidays)
                 7 Great     Reasons
                     To work out in the Fitness Centerto    Join
                                                       you must        atheGroup
                                                                complete   orientation priorFitness             Classes
                                                                                            to the use of the equipment.

     nly about 23% of adults in To schedule  your fitness  orientations via Zoom
O    America are getting enough
                                     with stroke.
                                     the risk
Current pool hours: 7:15 AM-8:00 PM, excluding
                                                    You can
                                                             also decrease
                                                            weather, during
                                                                                                you can have a
                                                                                                  in your class, and
                                                                                              classes andother
                                                                                                                             DIVINE HEALING
                                                                                                                           The pool is closed for water aerobics
exercise. The truth is, with         exercise. People who workout are
everything we juggle in our lives — alsoMonday,    Wednesday
                                          at a reduced   risk offrom 8:20-10:30
                                                                               you can motivate each
                                                                                    Friday  from 8:20 AM-9:30 AM
                                                                                                                   go       MASSAGE & FACIAL
work, kids, a never-ending to-do     certain cancers.                                                                       Your body is divine, treat it well.
                                     Check  with the fitness center on all schedules,
                                                                               5. WORK asWITH
                                                                                           they are  subject to change.
                                                                                                 A PROFESSIONAL
list — it may seem like exercise     Regular exercise also helps               A professional workout instructor
would be another thing to add        strengthen your bones by slowing          can help you maintain the right                 Therapeutic Deep Tissue
to our list. But what if you make    down   the  loss of bone  density. For    workout form. This can help
working out a fun, essential part of older adults, exercise can decrease prevent strain or injury especially                        Signature Lomi Lomi
your week? What if it’s something    your risk of falling. Working out                                                                             Hawaiian
                                                                               if you’re a beginner or have never
you can look forward to?             can also help with arthritis.             done the types of workouts the                            Swedish Relaxing
Have you considered joining a        3. BE PART OF A TEAM                      classes are offering.
group fitness class? Group fitness   In addition to physical health            You get the benefits of working
classes are an exciting way to       benefits, there are mental health         with and learning from a group
incorporate exercise into your life  benefits you can gain by joining          fitness instructor.
and offer a host of health benefits. group fitness classes.
                                                                               6. MAKE FRIENDS                                                          Relax
1. LOSE WEIGHT                       Studies show that just feeling like       A group fitness class is a great
Nearly two-thirds of American        you’re part of a team can increase                                                                               Renew
                                                                               way to meet new people and make
adults are overweight or obese. A    your motivation. The feeling of           friends. You all already share                                    Rejuvenate
group fitness class can help you     teamwork also can push you to             something in common: you want
achieve goal and maintain.           complete a difficult task even if                                                                         Stress Relief
                                                                               to be healthier.
People lose weight when they burn you’re working by yourself.                                                                                Alleviate Pain
                                     The research shows that those             7. PUSH YOURSELF
more calories than are eaten.
                                                                               One final health benefit of joining
You can reduce your calorie intake individuals who believed they’re
                                                                               a group fitness class is that you
and lose weight. However, exercise on a team worked harder. The
                                     same can apply to a group fitness         get to push yourself. Maybe you’re
helps you burn more calories.
                                     class. By working out with others,        already working out alone, but
Even if you lose weight by eating
                                     you can work harder and gain              you’re feeling unmotivated. You’re
fewer calories, exercise helps you
                                     health benefits.                          doing the bare minimum.
maintain that weight loss.
                                                                               A group setting can help you
2. REDUCE RISK OF DISEASE            4. HOLD YOURSELF ACCOUNTABLE push yourself and workout
Getting the recommended amount Sometimes we need the motivation with more intensity, and can                                          CALL FOR AN
of exercise every week can also      to get in shape.  A  regular group        help push yourself mentally by                        APPOINTMENT
reduce your risk of certain weight- fitness schedule can help you              trying something new. By trying                   941-375-9417
related diseases. For instance,      hold yourself accountable. If you         something new, you will also learn
exercise can reduce your risk of     know that the class starts at a                                                        8383 Tamiami Trail, Sarasota 34238
                                                                               more about yourself and your likes                  Inside My Salon Suite
heart disease. Heart disease is one certain time each day, you’ll feel         and dislikes.
                                     motivated to show up.                                                           
of the top causes of death along
The Meadoword - again - The Meadows Community Association of ...
10                              THE MEADOWORD                                                          September 2021

Our Lifestyle                  Important Things to Know about Socialization
                                                                         Article from Mon Ami Blog

                                                 Mon Ami is a technology company that serves senior service providers
                                    across the country including Area Agencies on Aging, AmeriCorps Seniors and RSVP programs,
                                                             community health providers, and nonprofits.

                               Socialization can play a powerful    people move or age, and loss of        making options such as Sudoku
                               role in health and wellness          family and friends. Some of the        and crossword puzzles a go-to
                               for seniors and others. Lean         harmful impacts of long-term           for many seniors. But your brain
                               how companionship and                isolation or loneliness can include:   wasn’t just made to think up
                               socialization can help mitigate        • Depression                         vocabulary words or solve number
                               ailments and reduce reliance on        • Increased risk of                  problems; it was made to deal
                               pharmaceuticals.                         cardiovascular disease             with all of day-to-day life, and
                               When talking about health,             • Increased risk of stroke           that includes conversing, enjoying
                               people often default to physical       • High blood pressure                laughter and simply spending time
                               considerations, bringing up            • Increased risk of clinical         with others. Research from Rush
                               topics such as diet, exercise and        dementia                           Medical Center notes that visiting
                               regular checkups with medical        In fact, long-term social isolation    with others and attending social
                               providers. While these things        has been shown to increase             events can be as beneficial as
                               are important for ongoing            someone’s risk of dementia by up       crossword puzzles in keeping your
                               health in people of all ages, so     to 64%. If someone already has         cognitive functions well-oiled.
                               is socialization. Studies have       dementia, a lack of socialization      Other studies have confirmed the
                               shown that regular socialization     can exacerbate the symptoms,           importance of socialization in
                               has been tied to positive benefits   even driving early onset cases         seniors’ cognitive capability. The
                               for mental and physical health.      forward to become more serious         Finnish Geriatric Intervention
                                                                    at a faster rate than they might       Study to Prevent Cognitive
                               The benefits of socialization
                                                                    otherwise have.                        Impairment and Disability —
                               are present at every age, but
                                                                                                           FINGER for short — came up with
                               in seniors, social outings and             Even if you are
                                                                                                           four practices that were equally
                               activities can reduce loneliness     surrounded by people , you
                                                                                                           important for the aging mind (and
                               and isolation while providing             can still be lonely.
                               positive benefits on cognitive
                                                                    Social isolation means having            • Physical activity
                               function, emotional well-being
                                                                    infrequent social contact. But you       • A healthy diet
                               and physical factors such as
                                                                    can have social contacts and still       • Challenging yourself mentally
                               mobility. This is especially
                                                                    feel lonely. To assess loneliness,       • Engaging in socialization
                               true for seniors with dementia.
                                                                    you might ask:
                               Anecdotal evidence, statistical                                             Individuals who engaged in
                               analysis and research studies         • How often do you feel that
                                                                                                           these four practices regularly
                               have all shown correlations             there are people you can talk
                                                                                                           scored higher on cognitive tests
                               between socialization in seniors        to?
                                                                                                           of executive function (the ability
                               and a positive impact on memory       • How often do you feel that you
                                                                                                           to consider data and make a
                               and other brain functions.              lack companionship?
                                                                                                           decision) and response times.
                                                                     • How often do you feel that
                               Whether you’re a caregiver or a
                                                                       your interests and ideas are not
                               senior looking forward to future
                               years in retirement, discover
                                                                       shared by those around you?         2.     Potentially Slows
                                                                                                                  Progression of Dementia
                               what you need to know about            5 Benefits of socialization           Researchers know that social
                               socialization below.                          to seniors.                   isolation can worsen the memory
                                                                    Research confirms that increased       deficit someone develops as they
                                   Why is Socialization             interaction and social activity        deal with Alzheimer’s or dementia,
                                 Isolation and loneliness           are associated with positive           and the opposite of that coin is
                                   harmful to seniors?              outcomes. Here are five benefits       that socialization in seniors can
                                Isolation and loneliness can        of socialization in seniors.           stop that deficit from growing
                               cause a mental health impact to                                             as quickly. One study pitted the
                               people of any age, but seniors
                               are particularly susceptible due
                               to potential mobility issues,
                                                                    1.     Reduces Cognitive
                                                                                                           memory functions of rats with
                                                                                                           Alzheimer’s against each other.
                                                                                                           The researchers divided the rats
                                                                     Many people take a use-it-or-lose-
                               changes in social structures as      it approach to brain functionality,    into socialized and unsocialized

                                                                            Together Again
                                                                                    Bonnie Detwiler—Chatsworth Greene

                                                                    Here we are celebrating a special birthday with friends! Oh how
                                                                    blessed we are! We are healthy, we are happy! We truly live in a
                                                                    beautiful community where we appreciate each other and share our
                                                                    talents. We are more than friends…we are family!
September 2021                                                        THE MEADOWORD                                                                                             11

                 Important things to know about Socialization—Continued from page 10

groups for the purpose of the         may seem simple: Seniors who               to bathe, groom and prepare meals              for anti-psychotic meds, but
study. The results indicated that     have the reason to get out and             for themselves declined more                   anytime someone is happier or
the socialized rats had better        do more are able to get out and            in the group of individuals who                experiencing better quality of life,
outcomes over time when it            do more, but generally this is             reported loneliness than in those              they may be relying less overall
came to retaining memory and          the truth. The use-it-or-lose it           who did not.                                   on pharmacological interventions
learning ability. You don’t have      mentality doesn’t just apply to the                                                       to help them cope on a daily
to stick with the rats to find this
type of benefit of socialization,
                                      brain. And even among seniors
                                      who are dealing with some level
                                                                                 4.     Improves Quality of Life
                                                                                        and Mood
                                                                                                                                basis. There’s a reason the old
                                                                                                                                saying goes, “Laughter is the best
                                                                                 Isolation and depression
though. A study published in          of disability, socialization can                                                          medicine.” When you’re spending
                                                                                 are known to be linked, and
the Social Psychological and          reduce the limitations they set for                                                       time with people you enjoy doing
                                                                                 researchers are now learning
Personality Science noted the         themselves. Yvonne Michael is an                                                          activities you enjoy, you get
                                                                                 that socialization in seniors can
benefits of regular conversation      epidemiologist who has studied                                                            benefits that can include:
                                                                                 actually lead to the opposite effect.
on improving memory and other         this phenomenon. In one study,                                                              • Stress relief, which can lead
                                                                                 In one study, seniors who engaged
functions, although it did point      Michael measured the social                                                                   to a reduction in physical
                                                                                 in regular socialization with staff
out that not all socialization is     capital of around 14,000 adults                                                               symptoms too
                                                                                 members of a care facility for nine
equal. Psychologist Oscar Ybarra      in a region. Social capital was                                                             • The release of endorphins
                                                                                 months reported a higher quality
notes, “This study shows that         defined as the person’s ability to                                                            and positive hormones that
                                                                                 of life as a result. Researchers
simply talking to other people, the   get help from, communicate with                                                               can reduce pain or boost mood
                                                                                 believe that the socialization
way you do when you’re making         or join in with people in their own                                                         • The ability to talk about issues
                                                                                 efforts reduced agitation in
friends, can provide mental           neighborhood. The results were                                                                and find new ways to address
                                                                                 individuals by the same degree
benefits.” In contrast, competitive   that individuals with higher social                                                           them through lifestyle when
                                                                                 that anti-psychotic drugs are
or argumentative conversations        capital tended to have higher                                                                 possible
                                                                                 known to.
don’t have this impact.               levels of mobility. It’s not only
                                                                                                                                   Join the team of MCA
                                      mobility that can be impacted by
3.    Helps Mitigate the Onset,
      Severity or Limitations
      of Disability
                                      a person’s level of socialization. In
                                      one study that compared seniors
                                                                                       Reduces Reliance
                                                                                       on Pharmacological
                                                                                                                                 volunteers and be socially
                                                                                                                                        engaged in
                                      who reported feeling isolated to
                                                                                                                                      the community.
Socialization doesn’t just help                                                  That leads into the fifth benefit of
with cognitive function, though.      those who didn’t, researchers              socialization in seniors: a reduced              Call Sue at 941-377-2300
It can help ensure seniors remain     noted an impact on the ability to          reliance on medication. The
overall as functional as possible—    perform activities of daily living.        study referenced above indicated
and for longer. The concept           Over a six-year period, the ability        a specific reduction in the need

                                                                  ta, Brou          ght Home
                                             The Spirit of Saraso
                                                                                At Aviva, our residents do more than call our
                                                                               community home. They live here, with purpose
                                                                             and meaning at every turn. Embracing the
                                                                           beauty of Sarasota and our 27-acre campus.
                                                                          Curating a thriving arts and cultural scene.
                                                                        And ensuring your peace of mind with loving
                                                                       staff in a safe and secure environment —
                                                                      upholding the highest COVID safety standards.             1951 N. Honore Ave. | Sarasota, FL 34235
                                                                                                                                   941.377.0781 |
                                                                  Visit us at
                                                                                                                                               Assisted Living Facility #8951

                        Independent Living    |     Assisted Living      |     Memory Care          |     Skilled Nursing & Rehabilitation
Together Again . . .
12                                                THE MEADOWORD                                                                       September 2021

                                                                                                                                                    The parade o

           A friendly game of water balloon catch.
                                                                                                                                                             We had fun

                                                                            Peggy's Lemon Meringu
                                                                           Peggy is a new resident of The Meadows and was excited to participate in the                          excited to
                                                                           Slice of Summer event and oh would Betty Crocker be proud of her. When                                agent with
                                                                           others saw her lemon meringue pie being placed on the table, we were all                              neighborh

PIE CRUST                                      it comes together. Don't work it - it        (using plenty of four) to fit in the       •	Remove pie from when golden.
Please Note: Makes two 9-inch crusts.          should still be lumpy. At this point,        pie plate, with extra allowance for           Carefully take out liner with pie
For this 10-inch-deep dish pie, l used         the dough temperature should be              fluting/finishing around the top.             weights and return crust to oven for
about two-thirds of the recipe for the         between 65 and 70 degrees. If it's too     •	Press firmly into pie plate and dust         a few minutes, if necessary, to brown
single bottom crust.                           warm, refrigerate before rolling it.          off extra flour.                             the bottom.
8 ounces Flour, plus extra                   •	Flour the work surface liberally; then    • Finish crust edge as desired.
                                                roll dough into a rectangle roughly                                                    FILLING
1 tbsp.Sugar                                                                              •	Prick bottom and sides with a fork to
                                                10 by 15 inches. Fold the two 10-                                                      3 cups Sugar
½tsp. Table salt                                                                             prevent crust from shrinking.
                                                inch sides to the middle; then fold in                                                 ¾ cup Cornstarch
2 sticks Unsalted butter                                                                  •	Wrap in plastic or foil and refrigerate
                                                half where the two sides met.                                                          3 cups Water
½ cup Cold Water                                                                             for at least two hours before baking.
                                             •	Fold one more time by bringing the                                                     6 Egg yolks, slightly beaten
                                                                                          •	Remove from fridge and carefully          6 tbsp. Butter
•   In medium bowl, whisk together             two, new, short sides together. You
                                                should have a thick                          line with parchment paper or foil         1 tbsp. Lemon zest
     flour, sugar, and salt.
                                                block of dough.                              and add pie weights, dried beans, or      1 cup Lemon juice
•	Cut chilled butter into pieces                                                            (sugar can be saved and re-used) to       2 drops Yellow food coloring
   (about½ inches square) and mix            •	At this point, if temperature has risen
                                                                                             weigh the crust down.
   lightly into flour mixture just to keep      above 70 degrees, wrap the dough
                                                in plastic and put in the refrigerator    •	Put pie plate on half-sheet pan and       • Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees.
   the pieces separated.
                                                to bring the temp down.                      bake in pre-heated 350-degree oven        • Mix sugar and cornstarch in
•	Use your fingers to flatten the                                                           on middle bottom rack for about 60          medium-sized heavy saucepan.
   individual cubes into the flour.          •	When dough is sufficiently chilled,
                                                                                             - 75 minutes. Top edge of crust may       • Gradually stir in water.
•	Stir in the water with fork; then            cut off the amount of dough needed
                                                                                             need to be protected by foil or crust     • Cook over medium heat, stirring
   knead the dough in the bowl until            (see note at top) and roll it out
                                                                                             guards for part of that time.               constantly, until mixture thickens and boils.
September 2021                                                               THE MEADOWORD   13

of summer themed golf carts.

 n!                             Pie Winners from left: Peggy Roberts—First place-
                                Meringue Pie, Chris Hannafin—Second Place, Apple
                                Crisp Pie, Kathy Easley—third place, Peanut Butter Pie.

ue Winning Recipe
o taste it, and it didn't disappoint! Great job Peggy. Peggy is a real estate
 h Coldwell Banker Realty in The Meadows, so when you see Peggy in the
hood, say hello.

        • Boil and stir 1 minute.                      MERINGUE
        • Little by little, stir half or more of the   8 Egg whites
          hot mixture into the egg yolks; then         ½ tsp. Cream of tartar
          blend with the rest in the pan.              1 cup Sugar
        • Boil and stir 2 minutes.                     1 ½ tsp. Vanilla
        • Remove from heat; stir in remaining          • Beat egg whites and cream of tartar
          ingredients.                                    until foamy.
        • Pour into pie crust. If you're not           • Beat in sugar, 1 tablespoon at a
          using a deep-dish 10-inch pie                   time; then continue to beat until
          plate, you may not use all the filling          stiff and glossy.
          (leftover lemon sauce is great on            • Beat in vanilla.
          vanilla ice cream).
        • Top with meringue, sealing to crust          Garnish with sugared berries, mint
          at edges to prevent shrinking or             leaves, and candied lemon peels as
          weeping.                                     desired.
        • Bake until meringue is a nice golden
          brown, about 10 minutes.
        • Cool away from draft and for several
          hours before refrigerating.
14                                                                      THE MEADOWORD                                    September 2021

                                      Activities, Events & Services
                                                                                                                           the meadows
          Wine , Cheese &
                                                                                                               Wednesday, September 8 - 6:00-7:00 pm
                                                                                                               Wednesday, September 29 - 8:30-9:30 am
                                                                                                                Registation Required Call Sue 941-377-2300

                               All Are Welcome                                                                            meet | mingle | mix
                                 Thursday, October 14
                             5-7 pm in the Regency Room
                              RSVP to John Helms, CFP
               Come and enjoy an evening of classical music,
          complimentary high-end wine tasting and hors d’oeuvre
                                                                                                                    SAVE THE DATE!
                                                                                                                    Garden Walk
                           in the presence of real
        Financial Planning Professionals-Objective Advisory.
                   Our mission is to enhance your life by
          helping create sound and stress-free financial strategies.

                                                                                                                     in The Meadows
                                                                                                                     Thursday, October 7
                                                                                                                          9:30 am
      Securities offered through AAG Capital, Inc. Investment Advisory Services offered through Accurate
     Wealth Management, LLC and SEC Registered Investment Adviser. Registration does not imply any level
            of skill or training. Insurance products and services offered through Objective Insurance.

                                                MCA Outdoor Halloween
                                                      Boo Bash
                                                              Friday, October 29, 6:30 pm– 9:00 pm

                                                                                                           SOCK HOP
                                                                                                           OUTSIDE UNDER THE STARS
                                                                                                             AT MCA, THURSDAY
                                                                                                     November 4, 6:30-9 PM-tickets $10
                                                                                                         LIVE MUSIC * DANCE OFF
                                                                                                  BEST 50’S LOOK * HULA HOOP CONTEST
                                                                                              Collecting NEW socks for local children's shelter.

                       BE THERE OR BE SQUARE — Register now. Limited Space. Don't wait tickets are going fast.
                                                 Call Sue 941-377-2300
September 2021                                             THE MEADOWORD                                                   15

                            Mah Jongg
                                        play and make
                     Come learn how to
                                           ur learning.
                      new friends while yo
                                         up plays every
                     The Mah Jongg Gro
                                              2 noon.
                        Monday from 9 am-1
                            Interested in joinin

                            12th Annual
             Veterans Day Ce
                             le              bration
                 Honoring All M
                                   eadows Vetera
                 WHERE:   The Meadows
                                        Countr y Club
                          Regency Room
             WHEN:        Thursday, Nove
                                         mber 11, Noon
             LUNCH:       Complimentary

          All Meadows V
                        eterans, their
                                       guests & frien
                         are welcome.                 ds
                 Call 941-371-6
                                000 to attend.
                                                                                            a u r a nts Participating!
                                                                       15+ Lo c a l R e s t
                  Veterans Day C
                                 ommittee Chai
                   Saul Feldman &              rs
                                   Joe Gleason

                     The MCA offices
                     will be closed
                     in observance of Labor Day
                                                                                      n e s d ay, O c tober 13
                     September 6. The public side and                             Wed
                     library will remain open.                                         5:30-8:00 pm
                                                                                    e t — w w w.ATasteOfSa
                                                                       $15 per tic k

                        I K E C L U B                                         The Meadows B
                      B                                                                     o                    ok Club
                         r e   r i d e throu m.                   The Meadow
                A leisu                         a                               s Book Club
                         d   o w   s  8 am-9                      September.                is not meetin
                       a                        b
               The Me -inclusive clu rider.                                    The next me                 g
                         l l                                     For the full              eting is Octo in
                 This a            t h e  s lowest                            book club s                ber 13,
                   s fast a                                      lifestyle an              chedule, ple
           rides a                               ll
                                                                              d scroll dow               ase go to
                                t h e  r ide! ca                                           n to the clu
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                                                                       Wednesday, September 15 at MCA
                                                                                  MCA Outdoor Patio
                                                                                    2:30-3:30 pm
                                                                                Doors open at 2:00 pm
                                r e W
                          All A                                      Registation Required Call Sue 941-3
16                                          THE MEADOWORD                                                      September 2021

             Get Ready for Fall Best Kept Awards
                                                          Jerry Bernier—Best Kept Committee Chair

                                                          It's time to Spruce up
     B    est Kept is around the corner and it's time to start looking at
          your homes maintenance and curb appeal with an objective
     eye. Stand across the street and look at the overall impression of
                                                                                  For those of you who have been thinking of ways to contribute to the
                                                                                  community, consider volunteering for Best Kept. We would love to
                                                                                  have you be a part of our team. This is a great way to get to know the
     your home. Walk around your home, look to see what may need                  community and make a difference, while recognizing our neighbors
     some attention or maybe it's just time to implement some of those            for taking great care of their homes.
     DIY improvement ideas you've been wanting to get to. Most of
     all, have fun with it, the beauty of landscaping or blooming native
     plants makes everyone happy. :)

     It’s also a good idea to look for safety concerns like overgrown
     bushes that may prevent your neighbors from seeing unwanted
     activity. Remember it's the peak of hurricane season. Check for
     dead limbs or loose items, or stray materials just laying along the
     perimeter of your home. They may contribute to safety concerns,
     as many may become projectiles during the high winds of tropical
     storms or potential hurricanes.

         Best Kept fall awards judging will be October 4-7,
     There is time to put your best foot forward before judging starts.
     Our Best Kept Committee will be out enjoying the beauty of all
     our homes, while looking for those special stand outs. Both single                             To Volunteer for Best Kept
     family homes and associations are eligible to win. Those special                                  Call Jerry Bernier at
     homes/associations who win, will receive a check and certificate.                                   941-554-8574 or
                              Criteria for Judging
                 Single Family Homes and Associations Qualify!
                             Excellent Maintenance
                             Creative Landscaping
                                  Curb Appeal

        An Active, Caring Community of Friends
         Full-Service Independent Living with Assisted Living, Memory
                Care, and Healthcare Services Provided On-Site.

        Make An Appointment To Visit Today!
               Call (941) 408-2050
       Now Open For Covid-Safe Personal Tours! • 3600 William Penn Way, Venice Florida
September 2021                                        THE MEADOWORD                                                              17

                                                             RENOVATION TRENDS FOR IN 2021
                                                             In 2020 and through this year,         features like large sliding or

             MOST IMPROVED
                                                             we saw an incredible shift in the      folding glass doors allow for
                                                             day-to-day operations in the           the option to let the outside
                                                             US. Offices worked remotely,           in, and vice versa.
                 2021 FALL AWARDS                            daily commutes ended, and we
                                                             tried to do it all—from schooling    3. Bathroom renovations are
                 JUDGING: November 2-3                       to working out, to healthcare,          popular as homeowners
                                                             to vacations—in our homes.              report it helps reduce
                                                             Here are some of the big home           stress. Houzz, an online
                   For New Improvements                      improvement trends that are             interior design/decorating,
                      TO BE ELIGIBLE                         predicted to continue the rest of
                                                             this year and into 2022.
                                                                                                     landscape design and home
                                                                                                     improvement company
                           Submit an                                                                 conducted a study in 2020
                      Architectural Review                     1. With more and more workers         on bathroom trends. Two in
                        to be nominated                           taking up remote positions         five homeowners (41%) who
                                                                  due to COVID, there has            renovated a master bathroom
                    Your submission should                        been a larger increase in          say they rely on their new
                     reflect The Meadows                          demand for live/work-space         space for rest and relaxation.
                                                                  renovation, focusing on
                 high standards of curb appeal
                                                                  creating functional spaces
                   Homes and Associations                         that can double for both           Global Home
                        are eligible                              purposes.
                                                               2. Comfortable outdoor living      Market is valued at
                 The most improved winners                        space that is an extension of
                         will receive                             your indoors will continue
                                                                                                  USD 887.53 Billion
                    a check for $250 and                          to be popular with home             in 2020 and
                     have their property                          renovations, and they say
                                                                                                   expected to reach
                 featured in The Meadoword.                       it’s not just in the warmer
                                                                  climates. Renovations that      USD 1207.80 Billion
                    Lesley Totten, Chairman                       create a natural flow between
                                                                  the indoors and outdoors with         by 2027.

                                Top 1% Sarasota Real Estate Agent
                                                         FOR SALE IN THE HIGHLANDS
                                2891 Longleat Woods – Fabulous pool home with preserve views                     PENDING
                                4086 Penshurst Park – Premium lake and golf course views                         PENDING
  Fernando Viteri PA            3417 Highlands Bridge Rd – Million-dollar views, updated pool home               SOLD!
                                3317 Highlands Bridge Rd – Chatsworth Greene, tranquil pond views                SOLD!
                                3436 Hadfield Greene – Lush views near the community pool                        PENDING
  Fourteen-Time Winner
                                                   FOR SALE ELSEWHERE IN THE MEADOWS
    FIVE STAR                   5465 Downham Meadow – Luxurious pool-home, spectacular golf view                 SOLD!
         Best in Client         5676 Pipers Waite – Updated, hurricane shutters, expansive lake views            PENDING
     Satisfaction Awarded
                                5034 Marsh Field – Coastal renovation in this second-story condo                 PENDING
                                3037 Willow Green – Paradise found! Amazing renovation, gorgeous views           PENDING
     Meadows Resident
                                                  FOR SALE IN THE SARASOTA METRO AREA
                                Downtown – Plaza at Five Points elegance, prime views and location               SOLD!
                                University Park – Masterpiece, preserve views in exclusive enclave               SOLD!
                                Esplanade at The Heights – Brand new 4/3 pool home with lake views               PENDING

     Talk to Fernando 941.400.7676
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