Nagaajiwanaang Dibaajimowinan - Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa
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Nagaajiwanaang March 2022 Dibaajimowinan Stories from where the water stops 2022 Election Fond du Lac held the election lottery Feb. 7 to determine the ballot order of the primary election scheduled for Apr. 5. The primary election will only have one position as 5 candidates are vying for the Sawyer seat. The Secretary Treasurer position will not have a Primary as only two candidates are running for election, that winner will be determined June 14. Local News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 RBC Thoughts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6 13 Moons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 School News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-10 2022 Legends. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Election News. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 12-14 Etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-17 55720 Cloquet, MN Health News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Permit #155 Paid Community News . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 19 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED U.S. Postage CLOQUET, MN 55720 Presort Std BBCR Events. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 1720 BIG LAKE RD.
Page 2 | Nagaajiwanaang • Dibaajimowinan | March 2022 Local News 2021 Best of the Northland Rule wins FDLTCC Best of Festival Survey Best Community T asheana Rule (FDL), a FDLTCC multimedia pro- One of the judges for the competition was Gary Activist: Arne Vainio duction student, entered her photograph in the Thunder Indigenous Festival and her photo was Farmer, Actor, musician, cultural activist, and film- maker, really liked Tasheana’s photo and according to The following first appeared in the Duluth Reader Weekly voted Best of Festival. her teacher, Farmer made it very clear from the moment “It’s a photo I took in my living room actually,” Tashe- he saw it. ana said of the photo. “That’s my “The next week after in class, D r. Vainio is a family practice physician on the Fond son Benson. I dressed him up and my teacher said ‘I just want Du Lac Reservation. “If a 4-year-old comes in with I said let’s play around. Let’s do to tell you that Gary Farmer an ear infection, I show them an ear anatomy chart this and we took maybe 10 differ- saw your picture and said yes and explain what’s happening. I show them they’re respect- ent picture, different photos, and that is the winner, I love that ed and hold them to a higher standard,” he said. that’s my favorite one.” picture,’ and was just talking Not only does he treat his patients’ health, he talks to Tasheana and her son, 6, up my picture. That was pretty them about their life plans and what opportunities are open worked on a photo for this con- cool.” to them, and uses the time to educate them. He sees health test for a couple of days, mak- “I felt great!” Tasheana said care as a path to a better society. “If you look worldwide ing sure that everything turned with a laugh about learning she at what medicine has done, it’s brought basic things like out perfectly. The photo is very had won this Best in Festival. clean water and education, things that should be available impressive and those voting on it “I was like ‘oh my gosh, I to everyone.” thought so too. won!’ I was surprised because He was born to a Finnish father and an Ojibwe mother, For her amazing photo, Tashe- there was a lot of great pictures one of seven children. When he was four years old, his ana had the option to either get a and videos. It was just really father committed suicide and poverty followed. From his cash prize, or a gift that anyone cool.” teens through his 20s he worked as an auto body shop who works with photos would Someday Tasheana hopes to worker, lumberjack, sawmill worker, farmhand, bartender really enjoy. be able to spend more time and heavy equipment operator. In the ‘80s he worked as “I could either win money, or working on her business, a professional firefighter and paramedic, which made him Adobe Creative Cloud so I took which as she continues through realize he could become a doctor. that,” Tasheana said. Adobe school, she can’t spend as In the ‘90s he attended medical school at UMD and he be- Creative Cloud includes many much time on it as she would came a doctor at age 30. After a family practice residency in programs, but the program that like to. Seattle, he went to Fond du Lac starting in 1997. His audio photographers are most excited about is Adobe’s Pho- “I currently run my own photography business,” essays on life, work, medicine and spirit have been on the toshop for editing photos just like how Tasheana edited Tasheana said of her focus for why she is a multime- air on The North (formerly KUMD) since 2018. He also does this photo of her son to win the competition. dia production student. “I can’t focus on it so much the Health Matters segment of Native Report on PBS affiliate “Yeah it was a virtual ceremony. It was three days and because I’m in school. In the summertime it picks up WDSE/WRPT. we took these different virtual classes or trainings. I got really well.” He credits less than a double-handful of people for chang- to meet different people and then got to see everybody’s Tasheana hopes to finish school this fall and then be ing his course. “We are all that person for someone who work,” Tasheana said of the festival. “Then on the third able to spend time working on her business. might be lost,” he said. day, they announced the winners.” The mission of this publication is to provide opinion pieces or letters to the editor. There is Nagaajiwanaang Dibaajimowinan the Anishinaabeg community of the Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa, Fond du Lac an abundance of opportunity for the publishing, airing and dissemination of material of personal Translation: Stories from where the water stops Reservation, with news and information that will opinion in other communication vehicles avail- be of help to them in their everyday lives. In ad- able throughout the area, region and state. TA B L E o f C O N T E N T S Published monthly by the Fond du Lac Reservation Business Committee. dition, our goal will be to highlight many of the Our mission is to provide for Fond du Lac Local News........................................................2-3 Subscriptions are free for Fond du Lac Band honors, accolades, accomplishments and awards Anishinaabeg a publication that will not dismiss RBC Thoughts....................................................4-6 13 Moons..............................................................7 Members. To inform us of a change of ad- that are earned by community members but their culture, heritage, hopes and dreams. We are School News..................................................... 8-10 dress, write to: are mostly overlooked by the mass mainstream striving to make this newspaper fill that role. 2022 Legends....................................................... 11 Fond du Lac News, Tribal Center, media. Election News................................................. 12-14 1720 Big Lake Rd., It is our hope that through greater information Corporate Member of the Etc................................................................. 15-17 Cloquet, Minn. 55720. about the activities of our people, this publica- Native American Journalists Health News........................................................18 tion can be an instrument of true community. It Association Community News................................................19 Editor: Zachary N. Dunaiski is not our intention to be a vehicle of divisive- BBCR Events.......................................................20 • (218) 878-2682 ness. To that end, we do not publish editorials,
March 2022 | Nagaajiwanaang • Dibaajimowinan | Page 3 Local News More Election News P rimary Election Notice teeperson – 4 Year Term tion Election Board. disability, an eligible voter is not teeperson. If an eligible voter does A Primary Minnesota Chip- Daniel G. LaPrairie 1.6(B). Eligibility to Vote: Generally. able to vote at the polls and notifies not and has not previously designat- pewa Tribal Election of the Michael J. Diver Eligible voters are enrolled mem- the General Election Board consis- ed a district, that eligible voter may FOND DU LAC Reservation Business Brad (Raff) Blacketter bers of the Tribe, 18 years of age or tent with this Ordinance, he/she cast an absentee ballot that includes Committee will be held on April 5, Bruce M. Savage (Incumbent) over. All eligible voters shall vote will be entitled to vote by absentee only the at-large positions up for 2022 to fill the following positions: Naomi Northrup by secret ballot. To be eligible to ballot in the manner and under the election. Once a voter has resided Election Date: April 5, 2022 cast a ballot a voter must meet all procedures as provided by Section in or declared a district, the voter POLLING PLACES: The following is an excerpt constitutional requirements. In ad- 2.2(B). To cast an absentee ballot may not thereafter change his/her DISTRICT II: Sawyer Community from Election Ordinance revised dition, to be eligible to cast a vote for Committeeperson, an eligible district for absentee voting purposes Center December 14, 2021, which states for Committeeperson, a voter must voter must have resided within that without actually residing within a 3243 Moorhead Road voting requirements. have resided within that district for district for a period of at least thirty different district on his/her reserva- Sawyer, MN Section 1.6. Voter Eligibility. at least thirty (30) days immediately (30) days as his/her last reservation tion of enrollment for at least thirty Polls Open 8 a.m.-8 p.m. 1.6(A). Judging Qualifications. preceding the election, unless the residence. In the event an eligible (30) consecutive days immediately Candidates for Secretary/Treasurer Each Band governing body will be voter casts an absentee ballot as voter has never resided on the reser- preceding the election. e– 4 Year Term the sole judge of the constitutional permitted by this Ordinance. vation of his/her enrollment, he/ Only two (2) candidates, No Pri- qualifications of its voters and may, 1.6(C). Eligibility to Vote: Absentee. she may declare in his/her request The rest of the election news appears mary Election by official action, delegate this Whenever, due to absence from which district has been selected in on pages 12-14. Candidates for District II Commit- responsibility to its General Reserva- the reservation, illness or physical which to cast the ballot for Commit- Fond du Lac Housing and Community Needs Assessment T he 2022 Needs Assessment Where? Fond du Lac is an effort being led by the Online & in person. h Fond du Lac Band to collect When? accurate and up-to-date infor- Spring 2022 mation concerning housing and Why? future community needs on the Your input matters to help Fond Housing and Community Needs Assessment Fond du Lac Reservation. du Lac plan for the future. Com- Who? munity feedback helps us obtain 1) A random sampling of house- funding to plan, support and holds living on the Reservation prioritize programs and other will be selected to complete the investments. Your participation primary survey with an assigned is important and greatly appreci- survey code. ated! 2) Off-Reservation households How? will have the opportunity to com- 1) FDL field staff will be visiting plete a separate survey. No survey selected homes to request their code will be needed for those participation using a door hanger respondents. What? with an online survey link and unique code. Field staff will be Coming soon Spring 2022! A housing & community needs available to help tribal members Madwetaagozin enendaman! survey. The survey includes complete the survey in-person. (be heard with your thoughts)! questions about you and other 2) The off-reservation survey link residents of the household. will be posted to the FDL Web- NOTE: Survey responses are site and Social Media for broader CONFIDENTIAL and cannot be used to identify you or impact the participation. Questions? FDL’s VSO is available services that you or any member Contact the Fond du Lac Planning of your household receives. Division Tom Whitebird, Fond du Lac’s Veteran’s Services Officer, has been back to work and available to Tel. 218-878-2642 help FDL Veterans in need. Email: If you are a Veteran in need of assistance call (218) 221-5423 and Tom can help you.
Page 4 | Nagaajiwanaang • Dibaajimowinan | March 2022 RBC Thoughts Secretary/Treasurer new system for providing drinking Cloquet News As mentioned before they plying for positions. If you are water through a tower. We explored News several potential sites in Brookston will be upgrading the entire interested in being employed Hello all infrastructure system in the please review our Human Re- to locate the well and each had its area including new roads and sources webpage to see open Boozhoo, A own challenges. Eventually, we walkways throughout the positions. s we enter into the T found a site in Cloquet that had an area. I am looking forward Fond du Lac Reservation is he circle of life continues new season, lots of adequate water supply and met our to getting this project com- working with the 6th Judicial with spring around the folks are developing standards for drinking water. We pleted as it will be an District Public Attorney’s of- corner. The snow is melt- plans for the summer have been working on the tower extreme update for fice in an effort to help folks ing and the lakes and streams are activities. We have site and running the supply lines all folks, not only in resolve any warrants they may starting to open up. Soon we will spring fishing and to our communities. As spring rolls the compound area have. These warrants create be out in the woods tapping trees sugar bush activi- around you should see plenty of but for the folks in a hurdle for being employed. to collect the sweet nectar of maple ties right around the activity along the water line route. the supportive and The public defender’s office is syrup and sharpening our spears corner. Crews are With the State of the Band now Vets housing as willing to resolve/remove any and repairing our nets to prepare preparing for sum- behind us, it seems like a good time well. As this project warrant through an agreement for another fishing season. We will mer construction to report on the financial condition moves along, please with them. Please give them renew old friendships work and transition- Wally Dupuis of the Band. Our enterprises be understanding of a call to talk about resolving and make new ones. I ing from the winter did very well this past year. the workers that may warrants. often wondered about construction activities. They We had a total of 23.5 mil- be in the area as well as the the knowledge that my have been working on the lion transferred to develop- disturbances that you may be Wally Dupuis elders gave me. As a kid Brookston/Danielson water ment for Reservation use, confronted with while they District one Rep. it didn’t seem to have line project throughout the third party health put 16.6 are demolishing and recon- Fond du Lac Reservation much relevance. As a winter and it is coming along million in its coffers to structing the area. 1720 Big Lake Road teenager it had a little at a pretty good pace. Our provide healthcare needs for We continue to have a short- Cloquet MN 55720 more meaning but I was Ferdinand Martineau Public Works department the Band and our insur- age of employees in many (218) 878-8078 forgetting some of it. As a has a good plan on starting ance company had a profit different divisions and we are young man the knowledge was put the sewer water line proj- of 347K. Our cash flow shows a 3.8 having a shortage of folks ap- away and I didn’t use it much. Now ect in the compound area. million overspend but we placed as I am approaching Elder status I 17.5 million back into our invest- find myself recalling the knowledge. ments. We are administering 179 I now share that wisdom with the grants for a total of 213 million of younger people. It is funny how which we have spent 97.8 million things change only to remain the and a balance of 115.1 million. Our same. member services budget spend for We are working to complete a the year was 30.9 million. During new drinking water system for the a very trying time these past few Mahnomen and Danielson housing years we managed to increase our communities. Several years ago, the investments. system at Mahnomen was cited for too high a concentration of organ- If you have any questions or com- ics. At that time, we worked on try- ments please feel free to contact me. ing to clean the system to meet the My office number is (218)878-8158 guidelines for safe drinking water. or you can e-mail at ferdinand- Although we were able to bring the organics down the system was not adequate for our community. It was Gii ga waa ba min. able to provide drinking water but did not provide fire protection. We looked at designing and building a
March 2022 | Nagaajiwanaang • Dibaajimowinan | Page 5 RBC Thoughts Brookston News and unfortunately again this year, Through all of this, I am pleased at this project as not wanting to pictures to see where we are at 2021 was a very trying year for all. to report our advancements just put a band aid on it, but to and with a completion date within Boozhoo, We are still having to quarantine, within the District. We have come up with a solution. When the next couple of months. This still having to take precautions made significant progress on our complete this project will have has been a very important project I would like to welcome our of wearing masks and keeping a Regional Water Project. We have cost just over $16M. I would for us as our youth will now not Elders and Band safe distance from others started visible construction on the like to say Chi Miigwech to the have to go to the Carlton or St. Membership to when we venture out. I treatment plant that is located off other RBC Members for making Louis County youth shelters as the 2022 State of the have stated it before, I am of Brookston Rd and the addition the commitment to approve this we will have our very own. I am Band. It is nice to see so grateful for our resilient of red fire hydrants situated along project. I would also like to say very excited as this project moves so many Band Member ancestors and those that the roadway as you make your Chi Miigwech to all staff that along as this has been discussed participants from still share our teachings way towards Mahnomen Rd. have worked on this very vital for numerous years and numerous around the world. Once of love, wisdom, bravery, Once there we can see the start of community project. administrations. I am sure there again, we unfortunately humility, honesty, truth construction of where OUR water I would also like to update you will be postings in the coming have to give this Roger M. Smith Sr and respect. It is with tower will be located. You can all on another very vital and future for positions in the facility. presentation by a Zoom these important teachings see by the drawings that it will be amazing project. Our “FDL Youth Now that I mentioned the youth. meeting. I wouldn’t have thought that we are to survive and evident it is OURS! We are looking Shelter”, it’s what I will call it I now want to update on Elders, that we would still have to do this to adapt to these situations by at a substantial completion date for now. I have stated before that in particular the “Brookston virtually. Like I stated last year, being very resilient Anishinabe. this fall. I have always looked I would give you some “teaser” Elders Complex” is what we call it
Page 6 | Nagaajiwanaang • Dibaajimowinan | March 2022 RBC Thoughts for now. I have mentioned before that they have been through and Patrol Officer, Investigations to safely. I feel it is that we have set the location, reminisce about the past while Director of Training. She then important that as we it is where the old school was having a fantastic view. This will went to Ramsey County Sheriff’s gain ground on this located on 2nd St. South in the be an absolute beautiful building. Office serving as Inspector and latest surge that we town of Brookston. Again, I will We will also be able to review again rising through the ranks can safely reopen show a couple “teaser” drawings. the need and the possibility of to become Chief Deputy. I am our centers in order This will be a five-unit complex additional units in the future excited that we start this office for our youth to to start off with. We have been located in the same area. off with someone that is very have other avenues very fortunate to be able to look I would like to update everyone motivated. for outreach. I at both the Elder complexes in on the Governors MMIW There are a number of other will continue to Cloquet and Sawyer, and to find Task Force I had the honor of issues that we continue to work be dedicated to out what works and what doesn’t representing Fond du Lac. It is on with Superior National Forest, promoting our Band work. There will be a community with great pleasure that I can University of Minnesota and Member owned room that the occupants can announce that the Governor obtaining the Forestry land back, businesses. use. We have looked at safety for has looked at the Final Report mining issues and other Tribal I would like to a pillar to the community and to the occupants and will have a and looked at the mandates that Sovereignty issues that I’m sure end on offering my deepest Fond du Lac. After giving over 47 sprinkler system as well as doors were listed. The Director for the Chairman will update on. One condolences to all of the families years of service to his people, he that are controlled access so the the NEW, Office of Missing and issue that I am very proud of that that have lost loved ones this deserved to have his work place occupants will not be disturbed Murdered Indigenous Relatives ALL the Tribal Leaders in the state past year. We have unfortunately named in his honor. I again say by anyone that is not invited has been selected. Juliet Rudie, worked on is that the Codification lost some way to early as they Chi Miigwech to the family for into the building. I like that the a Tribal Member of the Lower of the Governors Executive order have succumbed to COVID. sharing Chief Conservation Officer back entrances and private patio Sioux Indian Community will on Tribal Consultation. It is now Some have lost more than one John Smith with all of us. areas will face southeasterly and lead the first office of its kind in Law that the Commissioners must family member and I know of Miigwech!!! overlook the Stoney Brook River. the Nation. The MMIR office will have Tribal Consultation! one family that had lost both To me that has a meaning that be housed in the Department of For this upcoming year I look parents unexpectedly. Please Roger M. Smith Sr they are able to sit and face east. Public Safety Office of Justice forward to working with the keep these folks in your thoughts District III, Brookston From what I was taught of our Programs. She brings to this office Intertribal Buffalo Council as we and prayers. I also want to touch Representative teachings, that is the direction more than 27 years of experience complete our Feasibility Study in on one in particular that as the of the start of life. They could in Public Safety. Beginning order to establish our very own family mentioned that was a pillar think back to where they all in St. Paul Police Department herd. I also will focus on how of their family. Well he was more came from and the experiences rising through the ranks of we can open back up our centers than just a pillar to the family, but
March 2022 | Nagaajiwanaang • Dibaajimowinan | Page 7 Ashi-niswi giizisoog (Thirteen Moons) Onaabani- Anishinaabemowin Lessons giizis Double Vowel Chart “aa”- sounds like the “a” in Biiwan blizzard Zhaawani-noodin .wind (south) This is how to pronounce father Ningwaanakwad...........cloudy Goon.............................. snow The new Onaabani-giizis begins March Ojibwe words. “i”- sounds like the “i” in sit Awan .....................foggy (be) Maajipon . ....... snow (start to) 6. This is the Hard Crust on the Snow Moon. Other names for this moon are All consonants sound the same “ii”- sounds like the “ee” in feet Zasakwaa ...........frost (heavy) as in English. “o”- sounds like the “o” in go Mashkawadinfrozen (........ be) Source: Bebookwedaagime-giizis, the Snowshoe “Zh”- sounds like the “su” in “oo”- sounds like the “oo” in Dakaanimad ........ wind (cold) pdf/ojibwe_beginner_ Breaking Moon; Aandego-giizis, Crow measure food Waabani-noodin....wind (east) dictionary.pdf moon; Nika-giizis, the Goose Moon and Ziinsibaakwadooke-giizis, the Sugar “a”- sounds like the “u” in sun “e”- sounds like the “ay” in stay Giiwedin.............wind (north) Making Moon. Ashi-niswi giizisoog BIGADA'WAA WORD SEARCH Find the Ojibwe words in the puzzle below BIGISHKANAD/Rotten BIMIKAWAAN/Footprint BIZAAN/Quiet DIKINAAGAN/Cradle Board GITIGAAN/Garden GODIGOSHIN/Injured GWEKIWEBINIGAN/Pancake MAAMAKAADIZ/Astonish MITIGWAAB/Bow NENOOKASI/Humming Bird OMASHKOOZ/Elk ONIGAMIINSING/Duluth WETOTWAAG/Jello ZHINGOS/ Weasel Don’t forget to check us out on Facebook! 13 Moons Ashi niswi giizisoog This page addresses culture, ecology, and natural resource management. Thirteen Moons is the Fond du Lac Tribal College Extension Program and is a collaboration of Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College, Fond du Lac Resource Management, funded by the USDA-National Institute of Food and Agriculture.
Page 8 | Nagaajiwanaang • Dibaajimowinan | March 2022 School News Principal update Kindergarten news Howah! on their NWEA testing. This had to be done completely online with the stu- dents this time. The students not only explore this and other available STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) projects and programs. We will The Kindergarten students have been B oozhoo Fond du Lac Ojibwe School com- very resilient with their learning this took their time and carefully answered also incorporate more Achieve 3000 in munity. year. We have been challenged with the questions, but also showed great their reading. We do need help from Mino giizhigud. I am so glad our students distance learning several times this respect during this important test. families at home to encourage our are in the building. We had a dull roar of student year. Miigwech to families who have Miigwech to the amazing second students to slow down and try their excitement when students returned to in-school been able to help with Chromebooks grade! best. However, they should not receive learning on February 14, 2022. They were so and getting students onto our classes too much help because the program excited to be here. We are continuing to ask that matches their reading to each stu- students and staff wear masks. We are also testing and individual meetings. We are Third grade news fortunate to have our specialists meet Boozhoo from grade niswi! Mrs. dents’ abilities. If they get too much students weekly, and asking staff to test weekly. with students while working online. It help their assigned reading articles Shamra Benson here. Just giving Don’t worry, the test we give at the school only re- has not been easy when internet con- will become too difficult for them to you a hint at what we’ve been up to quires to swab an inch or so into the nose. I know nections cause problems, but we have do on their own. during the first two quarters. Third many of us remember the clinics’ version when the a great IT team and staff to help us Miigwech for all the support we re- grade students have been busy learn- nose swab was a much bigger annoyance. work through and solve these issues. ceive at home and in our community. ing their multiplication and being Congratulations to Dawn LaPrairie’s 7th Grade Our class continues to work on introduced to division. We are always and Amy’s 2nd Grade! The classes have been men- tioned in the Achieve 3000 Newsletter that goes the foundational skills of counting, brushing up on our reading skills; Fourth grade news recognizing letter names and sounds, and are learning about text features, Dear Families, out to all the Tribal schools who use the Achieve writing, and sight words. These skills main idea, and grammar. In Science Happy New Year and welcome 3000 Program (supplemental reading program). are a priority to master during the class, we have made dioramas about back! We hope that everyone has Second grade was mentioned as reaching Smarty Kindergarten year. We ask for families the different ecosystems on Earth. had a wonderful break and that Ants Gold. This means they reached a class aver- to help practice and reinforce these We have also explored different states students have returned ready to take age score of 70-74% in Lexile Growth. The 7th skills throughout the year. Working of matter. We are currently learning on whatever comes their way! We grade class (Ms. Dawn’s class) was also mentioned together we strive to stay safe by about the Grandfather teachings and look forward to an amazing 2022, as for Lexile Growth with an average growth score wearing our masks, washing hands, how they can help lead us to good we continue on our journey through between 70-74%. HOWA! while keeping our room and learning things in life. fourth grade together! I would like to welcome a new staff member that tools sanitized. These next two quarters, we will Sincerely, have joined us this winter. Ashley Clark-Terry is We are happy to have an amazing begin to learn about fractions in math, Andrea and Shawn our new social worker at the FDL Ojibwe School. group of creative learners and look character in reading, and nature in Dates to remember: Some of you may remember her as she worked forward to ziigwan as we will be able science. We have also started to learn 3/24 Ziigwan Celebration at the school in previous years. We also have two to spend more time outside. about coding using a program called 3/25 End of 1st Quarter and Early cook helpers who have joined our team: Shawna Mrs. Carol Smith, Ms. Maggie, Ms. Scratch Jr. The students are very Release Shabaiash and Starr Shabaiash. It is nice to see Anna interested in this project. We will graduates of the school come back and work with us. In addition, Brian Stillday has been hired as the drum instructor. He has worked with our students Second grade news previously, and we are so glad he is here with us Boozhoo from second grade. Our again. students have recently been navigat- Miigwech to all the families that are calling the ing working from home with distant school to let us know of their child’s absence. It learning. We are starting to find our is especially important for our school to know footings and are adjusting back to this why students are absent this school year. Please new way of learning. contact the school nurse if symptoms described to Second grade has been engaging in the school secretary are COVID related. Our school lessons about Martin Luther King and nurse will assess to see if the student needs a CO- the great accomplishments he made VID test before re-entering the school. to civil rights. We have also been Please continue to be safe by wearing your learning about the Sun and the Moon masks, social distancing, and washing your hands. in science. In math, we are learning to Valerie Tanner do double-digit addition, and regroup- Anung Ginew Ikwe ing. FDLOS K-12 Building Principal I would like to acknowledge the second grade for how well they did Fourth grade class
March 2022 | Nagaajiwanaang • Dibaajimowinan | Page 9 School News Big ACHIEVEment! Month” or her to read. Every student In addition to our daily reading Snuggle up with a good book & in the class gets the same basic curriculum, students at stay warm… lesson, but the content is custom- Fond du Lac Ojibwe School par- ized to match your child’s own ticipate in the Achieve Here are some literacy activities reading level. The lesson comes 3000 Literacy program. Achieve to celebrate this special month with a variety of fun activities to 3000 provides online reading and help your family develop a improve your child's comprehen- content to students and focuses life-long love for reading… sion, vocabulary, and writing on building phonemic aware- 1. Visit your local library or book skills. As your child's reading ness, phonics, fluency, reading store level improves, Achieve 3000 will comprehension, vocabulary, 2. Read aloud to/or with your increase the level of difficulty and writing skills. Last month, child for at least 15 minutes a so he/she remains challenged 4th grade students from FDLOS day; this can include a cereal box and interested. Doing his or her were mentioned in the program’s label or a shopping list best on the activities will ensure national newsletter for having 3. Let your child see you reading the best match between your high accuracy scores and earned 4. Place books everywhere in your child's ability and the content themselves an ice cream party! home delivered. It is also important WAY TO GO! 5. Challenge your child to read an that your child's answers to the Anokii, Nanda-gikendan, Enigok entire book series questions reflect work completed gagwe, Gashkitoon 6. Buy books as gifts or incentive. independently and without extra (Work, Study, Strive, Succeed) assistance. All 3rd through 12th grade stu- and uses personalized instruction a code to log in or it may already dents use Achieve 3000 in class, Gifted and Talented but you can also share in the fun to inspire students to become life- be set up on their Chromebook long readers. depending on the classroom he art class at home - or anywhere a com- Our school license also gives stu- or she is in. If your child is not Beginning this February, 4th and puter is connected to the internet. dents FREE access to the program set up, you can always log into 5th grade students participated Here's how: outside of school hours. Research the website above and create an in the Gifted and Talented Art 1. Have your child log on to shows that many children spend account. This is a great reading Class were given the opportunity an average of six hours on com- source for all students. to study multiple areas of visual with their unique username and puters and/or devices every day. According to the Epic website arts including painting, ceramics, password. I encourage you to make that (2022), “Epic is the world's lead- sculpture, and photography. They 2. Encourage your child to follow time as productive as possible by ing online children's subscription will explore various art materi- these five easy steps: giving your child access to Smarty book service offering immediate, als such as pastels, clay, paper Step 1: Respond to the Before Ants at home. You can use any on-demand access to over 40,000 mache, and watercolors while Reading Poll iPad, Chromebook, or computer high-quality illustrated books and creating landscapes, portraits, Step 2: Read the article to access Smarty Ants. chapter books for children ages 12 sculptures, and collages. Step 3: Do the activity questions Smarty Ants requires minimal and under.… In a world of unlim- Studies have shown that stu- Step 4: Respond to the After Read- internet connection to access the ited screen time, Epic is a smart dents who are exposed to a ing Poll site at https://play.smartyants. and safe alternative to generic consistent, quality arts education Step 5: Answer the thought ques- com/login We have also installed games and videos.” develop skills that will enhance FDLOS - how can your tion. an App on your child’s Chrome- In January, we did have NWEA their ability to learn throughout child improve his/her 3. Explore other Achieve 3000 book where they can just log in as testing. We will also begin MCA their whole lives. We are excited features, including other articles, they do in school. Testing in March and continue to watch these students grow as reading? puzzles, and more. with that through April. Look With Smarty Ants, students they let their creative minds go to Achieve 3000 Smarty Ants become better readers. I’m excited for more information in the mail work! Now your child can improve For those students in our K-2 pro- that they can continue their learn- about MCA testing as the dates his or her reading skills at home gram, they can learn by using the ing with participation from home. approach. Please be sure that your A message from with the same great technology individualized reading program, If you have any questions, please child eats a good breakfast and program we're using in school: Smarty Ants. The Smarty Ants feel free to call or email me. gets a good night sleep the night Grandma Ginny & Achieve 3000 Literacy. literacy program by Achieve3000 Epic Reading before. Mrs. Martin Throughout the week, Achieve is different than other reading pro- Many classrooms participate As always, stay safe and healthy (FDLOS academic specialists) 3000 will send your student vari- grams because it considers your in Epic Reading at www.getepic. and we hope you enjoy exploring February is “I Love to Read ous interesting articles for him child’s individual reading needs, com Your child may already have Achieve 3000, Smarty Ants, and
Page 10 | Nagaajiwanaang • Dibaajimowinan | March 2022 School News child eats a good breakfast and Ms. Dawn Liimatainen, FDLOS We were able to make it through together. gets a good night sleep the night Reading Coach last year's full year of distant The 7 - 12 students have still before. learning in the music department. had great opportunity to learn As always, stay safe and healthy Music news Although distant learning is not their notation and instrument of and we hope you enjoy exploring Boozhoo Fond du Lac Commu- ideal for learning and teaching choice while being online or in Achieve 3000, Smarty Ants, and nity! music, we were able to find some person. We have learned songs Epic with your child. We have made it to the 3rd positives and created some cool online with me exampling each Miigwech quarter here at the Ojibwe School. new methods of teaching that instrument individually while we can take with us they play along at home, whether moving forward. As on a real instrument or mentally. we progress through The high school pep band has this school year, been practicing and learning new last year’s distant songs all year preparing to play learning methods are during the basketball season. proving to be useful. Unfortunately, most games have We have gone distant been cancelled, but the students twice now as a full still tried their best to keep their school and several heads up and practice the music times as individual for the love of music itself. classrooms. Being I, unfortunately, don't have a Introducing the able to adapt to learn long list of positives coming out of new school social in-class one week these last 2 years when comparing worker M and distant the next it to the level of success during y name is Ashley week is becoming a March of 2020. However, I am Clark and I am critical skill for our always so proud of our students the School Social Stay warm this season students. Our K - 6 students K - 12 with their ability to easily adapt to the inconsistent lifestyle Worker at the Ojibwe School. I am so excited to be back and remember to: have been able to have their music that has become our new way of living. Everyday there is new here working in the school with the students, staff, and classes online look optimism for what the future can community again. similar to what their provide to our students in the Working with children and It is imperative that you check your tanks music class would music department. It may seem families has always been a look like in person, in the very distant future, but we passion of mine; and I look regularly and call 218-879-4869 when your therefore, the change have plans to have our Biboon forward to being a part of hasn't been as severe and Ziigwan festivals have music tank is at 30%. of a difference. They performances once again. We the team. I graduated with my bachelors in Social Work are able to learn have plans for our Pep Band to from The College of Saint songs by singing play at our boys and girls bas- If you run out we can not guarantee a same them, dancing, and ketball games again, as well as Scholastica. I have worked with children and families day fill especially during bad weather by learning their at a Minnesota Timberwolves in various different settings. notes and reading game! We also hope to play at the I enjoy spending my spare them. The biggest 1st Annual Modern Band Festival time with my family and drawback, or course, at the Anoka-Ramsey Community Driveways need to be plowed and a path is not having the College with other modern bands children, going to their sport- ing events, and enjoying the shoveled out so our delivery drivers can get instruments, space, from around the state in May. little things in life. and camaraderie of I look forward to seeing you all to your tank their fellow class- sometime soon at an event for our I am looking forward to be- ing a helpful resource to the mates in person to young musicians. students, parents, guardians, share in the experi- Josh Danderand and community members. ence. We are always Please contact me at the looking forward to school with any questions. the next time we can learn music
March 2022 | Nagaajiwanaang • Dibaajimowinan | Page 11 2022 Legends Research by Christine Carlson of my exploits, for I am a Mani- shall do upon bended knee.” Mukwa, the bear saw waa- the world was nearly extin- tou”. I blow my breath and the Then the maiden moved away gosh, the fox eating the fish guished. This happened just D uluth Daily News of waters of the river stand still.” through the woods and over the while the wolf was gone. at the beginning of the winter January 31, 1892 - An The maiden answered. “I will plains and all the birds sang to “Where did your fish come season. The birds of the air Indian Legend from breathe and flowers spring up her, and wherever she stepped, from?” asked mukwa? “Follow were filled with anxiety, for the Pictured Rock. The Story on all the plains.” The old man but no where else, grow the that road down to the river and their intuition told them they Gathered from an Indian said: I shake my locks and arbutus. you will find a fishing hole. would need heat to keep them Chieftain on the Shores of snow covers all the ground.” “I Put that long busy tail of yours warm through the winter. Lake Superior shake my curls, returned the The Tale of Waagosh and the into the water. Wait until the A bird council was held and On the south shore of Lake maiden, and warm rains fall Tail of Mukwa fish bite it, then snatch them it was decided that birds who Superior in the vicinity of the from the clouds.” Waagosh, the fox saw an out.” could fly the highest should Pictured Rocks there lives an When I walk about, the leaves Indian with a sled load of fish. Mukwa ran down to the river soar into the air and see if old Indian chieftain. He has fall from the trees at my com- Waagosh wanted the fish but and did just as waagosh had they could find a spark of fire been my companion in many a mand the animals hide in their was afraid of the man. How told him but while waiting somewhere. The efforts of the summer’s jaunt; and it is most holes in the ground and the could waagosh get a fish for the fish to bite, the fishing eagle, lark and raven were in sad that he is almost the last of birds get out of the water and without letting him know? hole froze over. Mukwa did vain. The honor was left to the his race. He lives ten miles or fly away, for I am Manitou. After much contemplation, not realize this, for his back little brown sparrow who spied more from the south shores of The Maiden made answer: she thought of a plan. She laid was turned to the water. It was a spark of fire in the hollow of the great lake, and at the head “when I walk about the plants herself down by the road and a very cold day and thought an old stump in the heart of a waters of a beautiful river so lift up their heads; the trees pretended to be dead. he better walk around and get deep forest. broken with cascades, rapids cover their nakedness with The Indian wanted the skin warm. When he tried to get The birds flocked around the and falls that we cannot ascent many leaves; the birds come of waagosh the fox but did not up, his tail broke off in the ice. stump and tried to decide who it in our canoe. So, we follow a back and all who see me sing. have time to take it. He just Mukwa was mad and ran so should pick the spark out. But trail along its banks, through Music is everywhere.” threw waagosh on the sled fast and found waagosh and all their efforts were in vain. grassy meadows, the work of And thus, they talked and the with all his fish and pulled the wanted to fight her. “I have To their dismay they saw the that industrious mechanic, air became warm in the lodge. big load toward the wigwam done nothing,” said waagosh. spark growing smaller and the beaver; over hills where The old man’s head dropped and home. While the Indian “It is all because you are so smaller. The turkey then volun- every rod of ground is covered upon his breast and he slept. was hard at work pulling, sly slow at fishing.” teered to keep the tiny coal with ferns and wild flowers; Then the sun came back and waagosh pushed off two or Mukwa never had a long tail alive by fanning the spark with through ravines where at every the bluebird came to the top of three good fish and rolled off after that time. Waagosh never its wings. Day after day the turn you look deep into caves the ledge and called; “say-ee, I herself. In a minute she was lost her fine, bushy tail. turkey kept fanning; the heat in the rocks, once the homes am thirsty,” and the river called out of sight with the fish. The Legend of the Bird and became greater each day, until of countless wild animals; back, “I am free, come and Later waagosh met a wolf the Blisters from leaning over so much, the and through forests of birch, drink.” who asked her, “Where did The Indians of our country feathers were singed off the maple and hemlock, where the As the old man slept, the you get the fish?” Waagosh have many legends connected turkey’s head. If one notices startled deer and partridge sur- maiden passed her hands did not like the wolf, but told with certain peculiar habits carefully, you will see lumps prise your dreamy eyes for an above his head and he began him the trick she played on the or customs prevalent among on the head of a turkey that instant, and are out of sight. to grow small; streams of Indian. “It is easy. Go and do them. If one should visit the appear as blisters. water ran out of his mouth it,” said waagosh. The foolish home of an old Indian, one It is believed that the turkey The Two Tell Their Stories and soon he was a mass upon wolf ran away. He then saw might notice a turkey wing was so badly burned that all The old man said, “My the ground, and his clothing the Indian and quickly laid hanging near the fire. The turkeys since have bald heads daughter, I am glad to see you. turned to green leaves. Then down and waited as waagosh Indian uses the wing to fan and wear the blisters as a My lodge is cold and cheerless the maiden, kneeling upon the had told him. The Indian saw the fire into a flame and make memento of the brave deed. yet it will shield you from the ground, took from her bosom him but not to be fooled twice it burn brightly, or perhaps, The faithful turkey lost its head tempests of the night. But tell the most precious white flowers by the same trick, he pounded fan himself. If asked why he feathers but gave fire back to me who you are that you dare and hid them all about under the old wolf with a stout stick uses the turkey wing instead the world. So to honor this to come to my lodge in such the leaves, and breathing upon that he used for a cane. The of the wing of any other bird, brave bird, the Indian uses the strange clothing. Come, sit here them said, “I give thee all my wolf jumped up fast and ran he would no doubt relate the turkey wing to make or keep and tell me of thy country and virtues and my sweetest breath, away to find waagosh. He did following story: the fire burning.” thy victories, and I will tell thee and all who would pick thee, not find her. “Many years ago, the fire of
Page 12 | Nagaajiwanaang • Dibaajimowinan | March 2022 Election News Election lottery Election Calendar count, if allowed. June 15: General Reservation July 8th (at least two (2) days Feb. 7 Fond du Lac held its March 31: Notify MCT on choice April 22: Deadline for Decision Election Board certifies results of prior to the hearing date): election lottery to determine the of appellate forum. on Contest Election. Prior to 8 p.m. Record of contest forwarded to order of the names on the ballot April 5: Primary (Polling places April 25 (or within 3 days of June 16: General Reservation Court of Election Appeals. for the April Primary of the Saw- open from 8:00 a.m. until 8:00 decision on Contest) 4:30 p.m. - Election Board publishes Elec- July 12th (hearing within 7 days yer District Representative. p.m.) 2 Deadline for Appeal to Court of tion results. of notice of appeal). Last Day for On June 14, the date of the April 6: General Reservation Election Appeals. (Filed with the June 17: Deadline for Request Hearing on Appeal. General election, the Secretary Election Board certifies Primary Executive Director of the Min- for Recount. (Filed with Gen- July 12th: Winning candidates Treasurer position will also be on Results. (Prior to 8:00 p.m.) nesota Chippewa Tribe and with eral Election Board prior to 5:00 assume office by operation of the ballot, but as only two can- April 7: General Reservation Reservation Tribunal rendering p.m.) law, unless sooner seated, or the didates are on the ballot, there Election Board publishes Primary Decision). June 21: 4:30 p.m. - Deadline for election is subject of appeal to will be no need for a primary Results. April 28 (at least two (2) days Notice of Contest. (Filed with the Court of Election Appeals. election. April 8: Deadline for Request for prior to the hearing date): Reservation Election Judge and July 22 (or Ten days from Hear- The election lottery, which took Recount. (Filed with General Record of Contest forwarded to Executive Director of the Min- ing on Appeal): Deadline for place in person for vaccinated Election Board prior to 5:00 Court of Election Appeals. nesota Chippewa Tribe.) decision of the Court of Elections and masked individuals, but was p.m.) May 2 (hearing within 7 days of June 22 (or 21, if request for Appeal. limited to candidates, current April 8: Deadline to Post Regular notice of appeal). Last Day for Recount is filed before deadline): Day following Decision of Ap- RBC members, and a few select Election Notice without Primary Hearing on Appeal Decision on Request for Recount peal: Winning candidate prevail- others, but was also available via April 12: 4:30 p.m. - Deadline for May 12 (10 days from hearing on and Results of Recount, if al- ing on appeal takes office. zoom. The order of the names Contest of Primary Election. appeal). Last Day for Decision lowed. drawn were to determine the or- (Filed with Reservation Election on Appeal July 1st: Deadline for Decision NOTICE der on the ballot for the primary Judge and Executive Director May 13: Notice of General Elec- on Contest for General Election. The mailing address of the Gen- election. Another lottery will be of the Minnesota Chippewa tion (or earlier if no appeal). July 5th (or within 3 days of eral Reservation Election Board held to determine the order of Tribe). May 13: TEC provides ballots for decision on Contest): 4:30 p.m. is PO Box 430, Cloquet, MN the General election. April 13: (Results, if Allowed or General Election (or earlier if no - Deadline for appeal to Court of 55720. 11th or 12th If earlier request) appeal). Election Appeals. (Filed with Ex- Deadline for Decision on Request June 14: General Election (Poll- ecutive Director of the Minnesota for Recount and Results of Re- ing Places open from 8 a.m. until Chippewa Tribe and Reservation 8 p.m.) Tribunal rendering Decision).
March 2022 | Nagaajiwanaang • Dibaajimowinan | Page 13 Election News Candidate Statements I would like to close by asking you to youth; the future of our Reservation, and have been difficult for a lot of people, as we The 2022 election is coming up beginning PLEASE VOTE Daniel G. LaPrairie on April elders. have seen the passing of many people close with the primary election on Apr. 5. There 5th, 2022. • Tribal youth council: I would like to start to us, myself included. I’ve lived in Saw- are two positions up for eligibility, but only We are limited on words but please reach a tribal youth council and get their input yer my whole life, and many of you have one position will have a Primary Election. out to me at and outlook, on what they would like to known me for many years. With the op- District II will have a Primary Election, to discuss any wide range of topics, issues, see for our future. portunity to represent the people of Sawyer, but as only two candidates are running and concerns you have as a voter. • Living wages for our employees: I would I would have the foundation to maximize for the position of Secretary Treasurer, no Miigwech! like to look at our wages and determine if my ability to give back to the community Primary Election is needed. we have a competitive wage and labor mar- that a lot of us have grown up in, and still The following statements are of the can- Michael J. Diver ket with other businesses in our area. call home to this day. The things that I am didates, they have not been altered except Boozhoo, I wish to continue my service to the Fond committed to implementing, if given this to meet our format. The candidates’ names My name is Michael J. du lac people as the District II Representa- opportunity, would be to open back up the appear here as they will on the ballot as Diver, I am running for tive. I am writing today, asking for your community centers in a way that still keeps determined by the election lottery. Sawyer: Sawyer District Repre- support and vote in the upcoming District us safe, bringing accessible jobs back to Daniel LaPrairie, Michael J. Diver, Brad sentative. I have served II, Primary Election on April 5, 2022. band members, and opening up some of “Raff” Blacketter, Bruce Savage (Incum- the people of Fond du Miigwech the many houses that have been boarded bent), and Naomi Northrup. Lac since my teenage years and currently, Feel free to contact me at 218-590-1097 up. With all of this being said, I welcome Lieutenant of the any conversations, and am just a phone call Brad “Raff” away, if anyone wishes to speak with me. Daniel LaPrairie Fond du Lac Tribal Sincerely, Boozhoo Sawyer Dis- Police Department. Blacketter Some areas of Brad Blacketter. (218) 221-5016 trict 2 voters, Dear Fond du My name is Daniel G. interest I would Lac Band Mem- LaPrairie, and I humbly like to address, Bruce Savage ber, ask for your Vote in the if elected, would I, Brad (Raff) (Incumbent) primary election on April include: Blacketter, have Bruce Savage Boozhoo, 5th. • The current drug chosen to run Gwaaba’iganing The good people of I am a Proud member of the Fond Du epidemic that our in the upcoming Gwaaba’iganing, we Lac Band, Husband, Dad, Grampa, Uncle, people are strug- 2022 election for have begun to see Cousin and Friend. I have always cared gling with: As the District of campaign signs and campaign letters from very deeply about our community. One someone that has Sawyer. It is my leaders in our community. You have an of the most amazing things we do time been working in wish to represent important task; to vote for the future of our and time again is COME TOGETHER as Law Enforcement the Sawyer com- community. I have been representing Saw- a community when in need. Since I was for 20 + years, I munity mem- yer District II with leadership that seeks to know that we can- #FDLSTRONG very young I have witnessed this countless bers, as well as maintain critical infrastructure & services. times, not just in hard times but in times not arrest our way those band mem- My experience & knowledge in the area of of great joy and healing. That is why I love out of the issue, so bers from Sawyer business is necessary in order to problem our community and that has led me to the I would like to meet who now live off solve & manage aspects of day to day work decision to run to represent Sawyer District with treatment reservation. It is on the Reservation Business Committee. I 2. directors and hear their ideas for helping no secret that we have all been struggling have also served as Vice Chair of the Fond If chosen as your next district representa- our people. to stay connected as a community, some- du Lac Band in Chairman’s absence. I work tive I will hit the ground running. I have • Housing issue: I hear of Fond du Lac thing that has always been an essential at structuring meetings for discussion in been a tribal employee for many years and families without a house to live in, most part of our lives as community members. order make choices that are well informed currently I oversee a division in enterprise. with children. I want to get houses fixed, Because of that, we have witnessed a & provide a voice for community members. I am a lifelong student of our Tribal govern- so that these families can plant their roots further degradation of healthy living, as The last couple years have been challeng- ment, Tribal ordinances, On-reservation and have a home to call their own. we are so far removed from our ability and ing due to the unpredictability of COVID. and Ceded territory conservation codes • Economic development and stability: We natural preference to stand strong together However, it has also provided our commu- 1837 1842 1854, Gaming ordinances and need to diversify our current businesses as a community. Without the community nity the time to evaluate our vital services Tribal state compacts, as well as many of and look outside the box and start thinking centers open, activities to keep the youth and how the Sawyer community could best our committee bylaws and Robert’s rules of laterally, into developing new money-mak- engaged, and accessible jobs for people be served during the most concerning times Order. These are but a few things that will ing enterprises. struggling through the pandemic, we have of our generation. Services that I see our allow me to effectively represent you the • Youth and Elder Engagement and Well- begun to witness a further degradation of Band Members need the most are housing, bandmember. being: I would like to expand on these our beloved community. 2020 and 2021 human services, higher education & com- programs and improve them to engage our
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