Page created by Guy Garcia
                   ASSOCIATION OF VICTORIA                                                                                 WELCOME TO MAV21                                               CONTENTS
                                                                                                                                                          Welcome to MAV21                KEYNOTES                                Page 4
                                                                                                                                                          – The Capabilities in
                                                                                                                                                          Mathematics Teaching            PROGRAM AT A GLANCE                     Page 10
                                                                                                                                                          and Learning                    PROGRAM IN DETAIL                       Page 18
                                                                                                                                                                                          SPONSOR AND EXHIBITOR ZONE              Page 56
                                                                                                                                                          On behalf of the MAV
                                                                                                                                                          Board and the conference        GENERAL INFO                            Page 57
                                                                                                                                                          committee I invite you
                                                                                                                                                          to the 58th Annual
COMMUNICATION                                                                                CONFERENCES
 > Website                                                                                    > Annual conference
                                                                                                                                                          Conference and our second
                                                                                                                                                          conference online.
 > Publications                                                                               > Primary conference
 > Matrix newsletter
 > Advocacy                                  THE MATHEMATICAL                                 > New Frontiers of
                                                                                                Learning                   MAV21 will be held online from Thursday 2 to Friday 3
 > News page
 > Public events
                                               ASSOCIATION                                                                 December 2021. The theme for MAV21,The Capabilities in
                                                OF VICTORIA                                                                Mathematics Teaching and Learning, sets the stage to share     Thursday 2 December 2021
                                                                                                                           new, forward-thinking concepts, and leading best practices
                                                                                                                                                                                          9am - 9.15am             Opening and welcome
PUBLICATIONS                                                                                   RESOURCES                   among mathematics educators. The future workforce and
 > Prime Number                                                                                 > MAVshop
                                                                                                                           societies’ development and sustainability require a strong     9.15am - 10.15am         Keynote presentations
   (Primary journal)                                                                            > Teaching resources
 > Vinculum                                                                                     > Professional resources   focus on the capabilities. Often called entrepreneurial        10.15am - 10.25am        Coffee break
   (Secondary journal)                                                                          > VCE trial exams,
 > Common Denominator                                                                             SACs, solutions          or 21st Century skills, the capabilities underpin how our      10.25am - 11.10am        Sessions
    (Magazine)                                                                                  > Parent support           students think, understand themselves, engage with each
                                                                                                                                                                                          11.10am - 11.20pm        Coffee break
                                                                                                                           other, society and their learning, alongside their deepening
                                                                                                                           understanding of mathematics.                                  11.20am - 12.05pm        Sessions
           PROFESSIONAL                                                          STUDENT
           LEARNING                                                              ACTIVITIES                                                                                               12.05pm - 12.15pm        Coffee break
            > Contracted in-school                                                > Maths Talent Quest                     We are anticipating over 800 mathematics educators
            > Network days                                                        > Girls in STEM                          including teachers, academics, policy makers, curriculum       12.15pm - 1pm            Sessions
            > VCE                                                                 > Maths camp
            > Professional learning events                                        > Games days
                                                                                                                           experts and resource developers coming together to share       1pm - 1.45pm             Lunch
            > Virtual learning sessions                                           > Family maths activities                their collective expertise, experiences, and ideas. Join       1.45pm - 2.30pm          Sessions
                                                                                  > VCE revision program
                                                                                                                           us online to share your ideas, stories, and enthusiasm for
                                                                                  > Victorian Coding Challenge                                                                            2.30pm - 2.40pm          Coffee break
                                                                                                                           engaging in mathematics.
                                                                                                                                                                                          2.40pm - 3.25pm          Sessions
                                                                                                                           - Ann Downton, Conference Convenor                             3.30pm                   End of day 1
                                                  > Become a member
                                                  > Mathematics Active Schools
                                                                                                                                                                                          Friday 3 December 2021
                                                                                                                                                                                          9am - 9.15am             Opening and welcome
                                                                                                                                                                                          9.15am - 10.15am         Keynote presentations
                                                                                                                                                                                          10.15am - 10.25am        Coffee break

   Your MAV membership is                                                                                                                                                                 10.25am - 11.10am
                                                                                                                                                                                          11.10am - 11.20pm
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Coffee break

   an essential part of a
                                                                                                                                                                                          11.20am - 12.05pm        Sessions
                                                                                                                                                                                          12.05pm - 12.15pm        Coffee break

   successful career.
                                                                                                                                                                                          12.15pm - 1pm            Sessions
                                                                                                                                                                                          1pm - 1.45pm             Lunch

   Renew or join today.
                                                                                                                                                                                          1.45pm - 2.30pm          Sessions
                                                                                                                                                                                          2.30pm - 2.40pm          Coffee break
                                                                                                                                                                                          2.40pm - 3.25pm          Sessions
                                                                                                                                                                                          3.30pm                   Conference close
    Keynotes will be live from 9:15am – 10.15am.


                          SHARYN LIVY                               algebraic thinking, robotics and coding; mathematics learning     successfully complete the education journey. He is a         ASHLEIGH KOO AND THOMAS MOORE
                                                                    within families, communities and early years settings; and        lifelong learner who understands the importance of
                          ELICITING CRITICAL                        culturally responsive approaches to supporting Indigenous         education and the need to keep improving.                    TEACHING IN ACTION: USING PROBLEM
                          THINKING THROUGH THE                      students’ mathematics learning. A commitment to equity                                                                         BASED LESSONS TO DEVELOP STUDENT
                          USE OF SEQUENCES OF                       and social justice means Jodie’s research is primarily focused    Fernando has taught in the Mathematics and Science           CAPABILITIES IN MATHEMATICS
                          CONNECTED CUMULATIVE                      on supporting those most at risk of marginalisation from the      Domains, as well as in Education at Higher Education,
                                                                                                                                      TAFE and Secondary school in Australia and in the UK.        Secondary
                          CHALLENGING TASKS                         school curriculum.
                                                                                                                                      Kylie Slaney is the Acting Leader of Learning,                                     Anyone who knows Ashleigh Koo
    Early years                                                     PANEL: SECONDARY                                                  Mathematics and Computing at Carey Baptist Grammar                                 is aware that she loves teaching
    Dr Sharyn Livy is a Senior Lecturer of mathematics education                                                                                              School. She has been a secondary                           mathematics. She has worked as
                                                                    THE CAPABILITIES IN MATHEMATICS AS A                                                      teacher for 8 years, teaching
    at Monash University. Her research and teaching are driven                                                                                                                                                           a maths educator in primary and
                                                                    VEHICLE TO PREPARE STUDENTS FOR THEIR                                                     Mathematics Year 7-12 and STEM                             secondary settings. She is a Learning
    by the desire to understand how teachers can be supported
    to extend their knowledge and pedagogical approaches
                                                                    PROFESSIONAL, PERSONAL AND CIVIC LIVES                                                    and Computing electives in the                             Specialist for Mathematics at Victoria
    for teaching mathematics. Improving teacher knowledge           Claire Delaney is a teacher of mathematics and science                                    Middle School. Prior to teaching,                          University Secondary College.
    and practices were the driving force behind Sharyn’s PhD        at Lalor Secondary College where she has worked for over                                  Kylie worked in the IT Industry,
                                                                                                                                                              with a Bachelor of Engineering       Ashleigh is studying a Master of Education at Melbourne
    thesis, a study of pre-service teachers’ mathematical content   10 years. She has held various roles such as High Potential
                                                                                                                                      (Electronics). Kylie focusses her energies on developing     University, taking a special interest in mathematics education.
    knowledge. Sharyn’s current research includes an Australian     Program Leader and Numeracy Leader during which she
                                                                                                                                      students’ abilities to engage in their learning, inspiring   She is focussed on improving not only her own teaching,
    Research Council (ARC) Linkage project titled Exploring         explored and implemented ways to engage and challenge
                                                                                                                                      and supporting students to develop a growth mindset,         but also facilitating professional development to advance
    Mathematics Sequences of Connected, Cumulative and              students as well as provide support in areas in which they
                                                                                                                                      supporting students to engage in non-routine problem         the pedagogy of those around her. Ashleigh is particularly
    Challenging tasks project (EMC3) with colleagues. Her           struggle.
                                                                                                                                      solving, making their thinking visible. As a mathematics     interested in the role that gender plays in mathematics
    contrition to the broader mathematical education community
                                                                    More recently, Claire has taken on the role of Learning           teacher she is an advocate for STEM, teaching and            education, looking at ways to support all people in choosing
    is wide and includes past VP (Treasurer) of the Mathematics
                                                                    Specialist specialising in Inquiry Based Learning in which she    writing STEM curriculum and supporting students in           mathematics as a career pathway. This is Ashleigh’s first
    Education Research Group of Australasia and regular
                                                                    will be responsible for developing and training teachers in the   the Lego Robotics Competitions. Her passion is to help       experience presenting at MAVCON and she is extremely
    presenter at MAV’s annual conference.
                                                                    introduction of an inquiry-based program at Year 8. This will     students connect life skills to mathematics.                 excited to share her experiences in the classroom with you all.

                          JODIE MILLER                              include the use of mathematics and other disciplines in the                                                                                             It does not take long to notice that
                                                                    immersion of students in real world, deep thinking, engaging                             David Tout is an experienced
                                                                                                                                                             numeracy and maths educator                                    Thomas Moore is extremely passionate
                          ENACTING INTERCULTURAL                    tasks which will cross the barriers of curricula and industry.                                                                                          about teaching Mathematics. He is the
                                                                                                                                                             who is particularly interested in
                          CAPABILITIES THROUGH                                                                                                                                                                              founder of EngageME Mathematics
                                                                                          Fernando Ianni is in his 38th year                                 making maths relevant, interesting
                          EARLY ALGEBRAIC                                                 teaching in state education with 13th                              and fun for all students especially                            and is currently completing his PhD,
                          THINKING                                                        year as Principal at Roxburgh College,                             those students who are disengaged                              exploring how Maths teachers build
                                                                                          located in Melbourne’s outer north                                 from mathematics. He has                                       productive pedagogical relationships
                          Primary                                                                                                                                                                  with their students in the middle years. Thomas has been
                                                                                          corridor. The College caters for Year 7     over 40 years’ experience, mainly in the VET sector,
                                                                                          to 12 across two sites, which includes a    and has worked in schools, TAFEs, ACE providers,             a leading teacher (Head of Mathematics) in the past, and
    Dr Jodie Miller is the Deputy Head of School in the School of
                                                                                          FLO campus, the Gateway School.             universities and workplaces. Dave has worked at a state,     he is currently working as a tutor at Frankston High School.
    Education at the University of Queensland. Her teaching and
                                                                                                                                      national and international level in research, curriculum,    He is also interested in school leadership and affording
    educational research explore best practice in mathematics
                                                                    Described by his peers as a visionary, Fernando has inspired      resource development, assessment and professional            Maths teachers the agency to take risks and develop their
    and STEM education. As a primary school teacher working
                                                                    and implemented numerous initiatives to overcome                  development. Dave has written numeracy and maths             craft. Thomas loves presenting at conferences, and he
    in culturally diverse school communities, Jodie wanted to
                                                                    disadvantage in Melbourne’s outer north. From refugee             curriculum including for the VCE and VCAL, and is an         looks forward to sharing his learnings with you at this year’s
    understand how students develop conceptual understandings
                                                                    support groups to vocational programs for disengaged              author of the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF).       MAVCON.
    of mathematics and what teaching actions could foster
                                                                    youths. Fernando has an absolute commitment to equity             Dave has been involved in international numeracy/
    success for all students.                                                                                                                                                                      This keynote presentation is supported by
                                                                    and inclusion. Through his school’s vision statement – ‘With      maths assessments including PISA and PIAAC. Dave is
    Being curious about teaching and learning led Jodie to          mutual respect, we learn and achieve’ – he has instilled a        currently chair of the Numeracy Expert Group for the
    establish a career in classroom research, where she works       collective responsibility in the Roxburgh College culture,        OECD’s international survey of adult skills (PIAAC).
    with teachers and students to enhance the conditions            curriculum and community.
    for mathematics learning. Through this work, Jodie has                                                                            This keynote presentation is supported by
                                                                    Fernando leads with a moral purpose and a determination
    established a national reputation for her research exploring
                                                                    to support and empower every one of his students to

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               - INTERNATIONAL SPEAKER -                              TOBY RUSSO AND JAMES RUSSO                                                               MATT SKOSS                                 SARAH FENTON, JENNIFER PALISSE AND
                                                                                                                                                                                                          HELEN SILVESTER
                          PETER LILJEDAHL                             MATHEMATICS IN A MULTI-AGE SETTING.                                                      GENERAL CAPABILITIES…
                                                                                                                                                               STRATEGIES FOR INFUSING                    MATHEMATICS BY DESIGN
                          BUILDING THINKING                           Primary                                                                                  THEM INTO STUDENT
                          CLASSROOMS                                                                                                                           LEARNING                                   Secondary (7-10)
                                                                                                Toby Russo is a learning specialist,
                          All levels                                                            maths leader and classroom                                                                                                       With over 15 years’ experience working
                                                                                                teacher at Spensley Street Primary                             Secondary (7-10)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 in education across the government,
                          Dr. Peter Liljedahl is a Professor of                                 School in Melbourne, Victoria. He                                                                                                independent and not-for-profit sectors,
                                                                                                                                         Matt Skoss is an experienced classroom teacher, having
    Mathematics Education in the Faculty of Education. He                                       works in a unique multi-age, open-                                                                                               a large focus of Sarah Fenton’s work
                                                                                                                                         taught for over 30 years, most recently at Centralian Senior
    is the former president of the International Group for the                                  plan environment and is actively                                                                                                 has been exploring how design thinking
                                                                                                                                         College, and Centralian Middle School (formerly Alice
    Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME), the current                                      exploring how to engage and                                                                                                      can be used as a framework in existing
                                                                                                                                         Springs High School). He has enjoyed several curriculum
    president of the Canadian Mathematics Education Study             challenge all learners through careful task design. He regularly                                                                                           and new learning design. She is also
                                                                                                                                         roles with a Maths and ICT focus for the Northern Territory
    Group (CMESG), senior editor for the International Journal        collaborates with his brother James on research projects.                                                                           interested in the alignment of the design thinking process
                                                                                                                                         Department of Education. He has also worked as a consultant
    of Science and Mathematics Education (IJSME), on the              Recent projects include exploring the ways maths games                                                                              and principles with the general capabilities and how this
                                                                                                                                         for schools in Australia, with a strong interest in supporting
    editorial boards of ESM, JMTE, MERJ, MTL, CJSMTE,                 are used by Australian teachers and action research into the                                                                        may elevate the capabilities in curriculum design and in the
                                                                                                                                         remote and country schools. In 2016-19, Matt worked for
    and a member of the NCTM Research Committee.                      impact of leveraging teacher passion to engage students in                                                                          classroom. Sarah is Principal Consultant at Square the Circle,
                                                                                                                                         the Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers on a
                                                                      their mathematical learning. He has published in a number of       collaborative project, reSolve: Maths by Inquiry, with the       a consultancy focussed on re-imagining what is possible in
    Peter is a former high school mathematics teacher who
                                                                      teacher practitioner journals and enjoys sharing tasks that use    Australian Science Academy. His role has been working with       education and youth engagement.
    has kept his research interest and activities close to the
                                                                      narrative hooks to contextualise problem-solving.                  Champions, developing the human legacy of the reSolve
    classroom. He consults regularly with teachers, schools,                                                                                                                                                                     Jennifer Palisse is a mathematics
    school districts, and ministries of education on issues of                              James Russo is a researcher and pre-         Project. Matt is committed to developing and supporting
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 educator who enjoys designing
    teaching and learning, problem solving, assessment, and                                 service teacher educator based out           Maths300, a subscription-based collection of rich maths
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 unconventional but engaging
    numeracy.                                                                               of Monash University, Victoria. His          lessons that typically work very well across a broad range of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 activities. She enjoys using hands-
                                                                                            research interests include:                  students, creating an environment for students to ‘work like a
    This keynote presentation is supported by                                                                                                                                                                                    on manipulatives in collaborative
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 settings, often with the use of CAS,
                                                                                            •    teacher and student emotional
                                                                                                                                         This keynote presentation is supported by                                               to encourage students to become
                                                                                                 responses in the primary
                                                                                                                                                                                                          curious about the mathematical world around them.
                                                                                                 mathematics classroom.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Jennifer now works with Monash Tech School delivering
                                                                      • the role of challenging tasks, games, and children’s                                                                              enrichment material for high-achieving primary students that
                          JENNIFER BOWDEN                                 literature as pedagogical approaches to support positive                                                                        include investigations including magic tricks, spirographs,
                                                                          student learning experiences in primary mathematics.                                                                            puzzle solving, and more! She is also completing her PhD,
                          MATHEMATICAL THINKING                       • better understanding the relationship between classroom                                                                           investigating the use of comparative judgement as an
                          IN THE EARLY YEARS:                             practice and academic research                                                                                                  alternative approach to peer assessment.
                          DEVELOPING CRITICAL AND                     • the learning and teaching of mental computation and
                          CREATIVE THINKERS FOR                                                                                                                                                                                  Helen Silvester has been an educator
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 for over 20 years and has a wealth
                          OUR FUTURE!                                 James writes regularly for a range of teacher practitioner                                                                                                 of experience writing and reviewing
                                                                      journals and continues to spend some of his week team-                                                                                                     in STEAM and the Sciences. She
    Early years
                                                                      teaching in a primary classroom. He uses this as a space to                                                                                                has written STEAM curriculum for
    Jennifer Bowden has worked as an Education Consultant at          develop and test teaching ideas, and to stimulate thinking                                                                                                 the Australian Science Teachers
    the Mathematical Association of Victoria for 14 years. She        about his research. James is currently working on an                                                                                                       Association websites and Oxford
    enjoys inspiring teachers, maths coaches, consultants and         Australian Research Council project looking at developing                                                                           University Press, as well as reviewed VCE examinations for
    leaders to become more critical and creative in their teaching,   sequences of learning experiences built around challenging                                                                          the Science Teachers Association of Victoria. In a previous
    empowering consultants, and teachers to be better educators       tasks.                                                                                                                              life, Helen worked as a researcher at Walter and Eliza Hall
    and provide the best learning experiences for their students.                                                                                                                                         Institute and the Royal Children’s Hospital. She is currently
                                                                      This keynote presentation is supported by
                                                                                                                                                                                                          the Director of the STEAM-focused Casey Tech School.
    Jen coaches, mentors and guides consultants, teachers, and
    leaders to build teacher capacity, increase knowledge of                                                                                                                                              This keynote presentation is supported by
    curriculum content, and to develop better pedagogies to
    establish school-wide improvement. Jen’s current interest is in
    helping teachers to improve their own teaching in a way that
    promotes and challenges students’ thinking

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PRESENTERS                                                                                                                        MAV MEMBERSHIP                                                                               THE MATHEMATICAL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ASSOCIATION OF VICTORIA

    PANEL: ALL LEVELS                                                                       Mathew Lillyst belongs to the
                                                                                            Gunditjmara people of southwest            The Mathematical Association of Victoria (MAV) promotes        We develop educator skills in implementation of evidence-
    FIRST NATIONS STUDENTS AND                                                              Victoria. He has worked in public          the importance of mathematics to society. MAV has over         based and cutting edge teaching and learning approaches.
    MATHEMATICS EDUCATION, LESSONS FOR                                                      and private schools across Australia,      1400 members from all sectors of education including           We work directly with students to increase their engagement
    AUSTRALIA                                                                               primarily as an English and humanities     individuals, schools, universities. We provide membership      in mathematics through games days, our Maths Talent Quest,
                                                                                            teacher, and in the tertiary sector        benefits to a growing network of over 15,000 mathematics       Girls in STEM days, mathematics camps, VCE revision
                           Cynthia Nicol is a Professor in the                              as a sessional academic in literacy
                           Department of Curriculum and                                                                                educators and reach over 60,000 educators, students and        support, and other activities.
                                                                      and Aboriginal education. He is currently the Professional       parents across metropolitan and regional Victoria via our
                           Pedagogy at the University of British      Practice Leader – Koorie Literacy and Numeracy at the
                           Columbia, Vancouver Canada.                                                                                 100+ events each year. MAV is the peak professional body
                                                                      Department of Education and Training. In addition to his                                                                        We are educational experts and leaders, supporting the future
                           Cynthia’s research brings together                                                                          for mathematics educators in Victoria.
                                                                      professional career, Mathew was also one of the contributing                                                                    of mathematics education from early childhood to year 12.
                           intersecting theories of culturally        authors for the anthology Growing Up Aboriginal in Australia.
                           responsive pedagogies with place-                                                                           MAV works with teachers and school leaders to enhance
    based pedagogies, Indigenous epistemologies and critical                                Daniel Steele is an Assistant Principal    student outcomes in mathematics and numeracy, better
    mathematics education. Her long-term collaborative research                             of Aldercourt Primary School in North                                                                          To stay up-to-date, subscribe to the MATRIX
                                                                                                                                       preparing students for their personal, professional and
    with teachers, school administrators, Elders, and community                             Frankston. Over the last 13 years he                                                                           e-newsletter at
                                                                                                                                       civic lives. Our role is to support educators in developing
    members on Haida Gwaii in the Pacific northwest, has formed                             has working within primary schools,        and delivering curriculum and programs that challenge our
    the context for much of this work. With community members                               including two years in the remote          students to become the future of mathematical creativity and
    she developed a living model of culturally responsive                                   Aboriginal community of Bidyadanga         innovation.
    education. The books Tluuwaay Waadluxan: Mathematical                                   in WA, and undergraduate tutor
    Adventures and Living Culturally Responsive Mathematics           at ACU and Deakin University. His passions are student
    Education with/in Indigenous Communities exemplify some of        engagement, maths education, coaching and mentoring,                                                                            There is a member category for you:
    this work that intends to make mathematics education more         and designing curriculum that looks a little different. He has                                                                  • Individual member (teachers, academics, student
    relational and responsive for all learners.                       a BEd (Hons.), an MEd Leadership (Leading Learning),                                                                               teachers and those with an interest mathematics
                                                                      and is currently completing a PhD. in Education at Monash                                                                          education)
                           Dr Jodie Hunter is an Associate            University.                                                                                                                     • Institutional member (primary and secondary schools
                           Professor in mathematics education at                                                                                                                                         and early childhood centres)
                           the Institute of Education at Massey       This keynote presentation is supported by                                                                                       • Associate member (industry partners or resource
                           University, New Zealand. Previously                                                                                                                                           providers)
                           she was a Research Fellow and Lecturer
                           at the University of Plymouth in the
                           United Kingdom. Within New Zealand,
    Jodie co-leads a large-scale professional development and                                                                                                                                              Visit the MAV website for more information,
    learning project which focuses on developing culturally-                                                                                                                                               including member benefits,
    responsive teaching to address under-achievement
    in mathematics for Pasifika and Māori students at low
    socio-economic schools. Her research interests include
    mathematics education for equity and social justice, early                                                                          HOW I CAN I GET INVOLVED                                       MATHS ACTIVE
    algebra, and culturally sustaining pedagogy. Jodie is currently                                                                     IN THE MAV?                                                    ACCREDITATION FOR
    a Rutherford Discovery Fellow and was previously a Fulbright
    scholar at the University of Arizona.
                                                                                                                                        MAV depends on its members for success. Extend your
                                                                                                                                        professional learning and get involved in MAV’s activities:
                                                                                                                                                                                                       YOUR SCHOOL
                                                                                                                                        • present at MAV’s annual conference                           MAV’s Mathematics Active Schools initiative is a way
                                                                                                                                        • join one of our networks, or start your own with MAV         to recognise and support schools who demonstrate
                                                                                                                                            support                                                    excellence in learning and teaching practices in
                                                                                                                                        • write for MAV journals                                       mathematics.
                                                                                                                                        • join committees and working parties
                                                                                                                                        • develop resources                                            •     Publicise your schools Maths Active Schools
                                                                                                                                        • pilot mathematics initiatives                                      certification and demonstrate to your school
                                                                                                                                        • develop a PD event at your school or venue                         community that mathematics is enjoyable and highly
                                                                                                                                        • judge the MTQ awards, or                                           valued.
                                                                                                                                        • organise a maths games day for your region.                  •     Receive regular activities and information from MAV
                                                                                                                                                                                                             to promote maths to your school community.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       •     Be invited
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            participate in special
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Maths Active SchoolOFevents.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ASSOCIATION     VICTORIA

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     SUB-THEMES                                                                                            YEAR LEVEL RANGE: For actual target year levels per session see session descriptions.
     Capability development in students           Valuing mathematics in society                              Rooms 1, 2, 6, 7              Foundation to Year 8
     Numeracy in context                          Multiple sub-themes                                         Rooms 3,4,8,9                 Year 7 to Year 12
     ICT capabilities                                                                                         Rooms 5, 10                   Misc levels

     Time                           Room 1                       Room 2                     Room 3                       Room 4                      Room 5                     Room 6                Room 7                      Room 8                     Room 9                    Room 10
     9am -9.15am                                                                                                                            Opening and welcome / Annual sponsor promotion
     9.15am-10.15am         Early years                   Primary                    Secondary                    Secondary                  All levels

                            Eliciting critical thinking   Enacting intercultural     The capabilities in          Teaching in action:        Building thinking
                            through the use of            capabilities through       mathematics as a             using problem based        classrooms
                            sequences of connected        early algebraic thinking   vehicle to prepare           Lessons to develop
                            cumulative challenging                                   students for their           student capabilities in    Peter Liljedhahl
                            tasks.                        Jodie Miller               professional, personal       Mathematics                Brought to you by
                                                                                     and civic lives
                            Sharyn Livy                                                                           Ashleigh Koo
                                                                                     Panel: Claire Delaney,       Thomas Moore,
                                                                                     Fernando Ianni,
                                                                                     Kylie Slaney, David Tout     Brought to you by

                                                                                     Brought to you by

     10.15am - 10.25am                                                                                                                                           Coffee break
     10.25am-11.10am        Planning to maximise          Using cultural artefacts   Utilising textbook-          2020 Mathematical          Driving your own          Improving mathematics   What does it really         New teacher series,        Using computers in a       Mathematical entrees -
                            number                        to explore geometry        based questions to           Methods Examinations       brain: metacognition in   outcomes of First       mean to think               part 1: Effective and      maths classroom and        reasoning starters
                                                          concepts                   promote students’                                       mathematics               Nations Australian      mathematically?             powerful pedagogical       home learning with Year
                            Cassandra Lowry                                          capability of thinking       Allason McNamara,                                    learners through                                    approaches. Thrive         11/12+ students            Andrew Lorimer-Durham
                                                          Kate Copping,              beyond procedures            Rob Watson                 Lyn Coote                 culturally responsive   Ellen Corovic               in your first 5 years of
                                                          Carmel Mesiti,                                                                                               pedagogy and                                        teaching!                  Robert Rook
                                                          Cath Pearn                 Echo Gu, Jiqing Sun                                                               curriculum
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Danijela Draskovic
                                                                                                                                                                       Caty Morris

     11.10am-11.20am                                                                                                                                             Coffee break
     11.20am-12.05pm        Teacher planning - time       What is the BIG Idea?      Problems Worth               2020 Specialist            Teaching Middle School Using reasoning            Statistics and Probability New teacher series,         The new VCE                Area (and how to use
                            for a change?                                            Coding - Episode IV          Mathematics                Maths for Conceptual   to develop deep            Number Talks               part 2: Effective use       Foundation Maths:          it to teach the entire
                                                          Michael Minas                                           Examinations               Understanding          understanding                                         of ICT. Our favourite       Enhancing student          curriculum)
                            Susan Graham,                                            Peter Fox                                                                                                 Catherine                  digital tools. [Thrive      capabilities in
                            Jane Hubbard                                                                          Dean Lamson , Allason      Nadia Abdelal             Michael Nelson          Epstein/Rodgers            in your first 5 years of    mathematics for use        Chris Wetherell
                                                                                                                  McNamara                                                                                                teaching!]                  in everyday life, future
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      study and work
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Danijela Draskovic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Justine Sakurai,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Dave Tout

10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11


     SUB-THEMES                                                                                        YEAR LEVEL RANGE: For actual target year levels per session see session descriptions.
     Capability development in students              Valuing mathematics in society                      Rooms 1, 2, 6, 7            Foundation to Year 8
     Numeracy in context                             Multiple sub-themes                                 Rooms 3,4,8,9               Year 7 to Year 12
     ICT capabilities                                                                                    Rooms 5, 10                 Misc levels

     12.05pm-12.15pm                                                                                                                                       Coffee break
     Time                           Room 1                       Room 2                  Room 3                     Room 4                   Room 5                       Room 6                  Room 7                   Room 8                    Room 9                   Room 10
     12.15pm-1pm            Student voice and             Transforming the        STEM activities in         Measurement in           What is the problem         My top 5 tips for        Taking teacher maths      Introduction to the      Enhancing learning        MathsCraft - doing
                            agency to promote             maths experience - a    astronomy                  practical contexts       with problem solving?       running a successful     support to the next level mathematics of machine   outcomes with             maths like a research
                            critical and creative         community learning                                                                                      parent maths night:                                learning                 CAS (TI-Nspire) in        mathematician
                            thinkers in the               project                 Stephen Broderick          Marj Horne,              Janine Sprakel              maths advocacy in        Sophie Matta                                       Mathematical Methods
                            mathematics classroom                                                            Rebecca Seah                                         action                                             Georgia Gouros                                     Anita Ponsaing
                                                          Alex Box                                                                                                                                                                            Sanjeev Meston
                            Stacey Lamb                                                                                                                           Angela Rogers

     1pm-1.45pm                                                                                                                             Lunch break and networking function
     1.45pm-2.30pm          It is a matter of time        Addressing the          Promoting numeracy         Creating an engaging     How to make                 Sharing the love: tips   Taking mathematics out   Using mathematics to      Mathematical              Building a community of
                                                          capabilities through    across the secondary       mathematics classroom    GeoGebra a learning         for having your ideas    of the classroom         drive future-focused      investigations for the    mathematicians
                            Carmel Delahunty,             contextual problem      curriculum                 through programming      tool for students.          published.                                        financial capability      new VCE structure
                            Judy Gregg                    posing                                                                                                                           Kristen Westcott                                                             Alex Fox, Kathy Harrison,
                                                                                  Helen Forgasz,             Robin Wang               Narcisa Corcaci,            Angela Rogers                                     Jill Brown,               Brian Lannen              Jeff Segal
                                                          Kate Eastcott           Jennifer Hall,                                      Uyen Lavie Vo                                                                 Carly Sawatzki
                                                                                  Gillian Kidman

     2.30pm-2.40pm                                                                                                                                         Coffee break
     2.40pm-3.25pm          Rich Mathematical             Making maths fun        Imagine if all our         How risky is life?       Spiralling through the      Developing maths         NBA math hoops           To CAS or not to CAS?     On writing a
                            Connections                   through contexts        students considered                                 surds                       concepts with receipt                                                       mathematics
                                                                                  themselves ‘maths          Kaye Stacey                                          roll and number lines    Nick Devereux            Chris Ireson              assessment for learning
                            Marissa Cashmore              Bernard Kerrins         people’                                             Roger Wander
                                                                                                                                                                  Tierney Kennedy                                                             Paul Allsopp,
                                                                                  Lindy Bayles,                                                                                                                                               Robin Wang
                                                                                  Julian Lumb

     3.30pm                                                                                                                                            Conclusion of day one

12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  13


     SUB-THEMES                                                                                        YEAR LEVEL RANGE: For actual target year levels per session see session descriptions.
     Capability development in students         Valuing mathematics in society                           Rooms 1, 2, 6, 7               Foundation to Year 8
     Numeracy in context                        Multiple sub-themes                                      Rooms 3,4,8,9                  Year 7 to Year 12
     ICT capabilities                                                                                    Rooms 5, 10                    Misc levels

     Time                         Room 1                      Room 2                     Room 3                     Room 4                       Room 5                       Room 6                       Room 7                  Room 8                    Room 9                    Room 10
     9am -9.15am                                                                                                                        Opening and welcome / Annual sponsor promotion
     9.15am-10.15am        Early years                 Primary                    Secondary (Yr 7-10)        Secondary (Yr 7-10)         All levels                                                                                                   Room 9 sponsor

                           Mathematical thinking       Mathematics in a multi-    General capabilities…      Mathematics by design       First Nations students
                           in the early years:         age setting.               strategies for infusing                                and mathematics
                           Developing critical and                                them into student          Sarah Fenton,               education, lessons for
                           creative thinkers for our   Toby Russo and             learning                   Jennifer Palisse,           Australia
                           future!                     James Russo                                           Helen Silvester
                                                                                  Matt Skoss                                             Panel: secondary
                           Jennifer Bowden             Brought to you by                                     Brought to you by
                                                                                  Brought to you by                                      Jodie Hunter, Mathew
                                                                                                                                         Lillyst, Cynthia Nicol,
                                                                                                                                         Daniel Steele

                                                                                                                                         Brought to you by

     10.15am - 10.25am                                                                                                                                         Coffee break
     10.25am-11.10am       Work like a                 Teaching and assessing     The place of               VCAA Further and            Infusing Aboriginal          An instructional model       Bringing computational What role does              Different numeracies       The power of
                           mathematician with          the capabilities through   manipulatives in the       General Mathematics -       perspectives in your         that supports structured     thinking and dynamic    mathematics education      for the digital age:       purposeful puzzles
                           Professor Morris!           authentic mathematical     secondary classroom        helpful hints               mathematics lessons          inquiry approaches           models to the classroom play in developing         putting applied learning
                                                       tasks and projects                                                                                                                                                  students’ 21st Century     up front in VCE            Andrew Lorimer-Durham
                           Jennifer Bowden,                                       Vicky Kennard              Rebecca Hansen ,            Aylie Davidson,              Peter Sullivan               Kelly Lean, Farid Pasha skills and STEM
                           Douglas Williams            Jess Szalek                                           Neale Woods                 Mathew Lillyst                                                                    capabilities?              Justin Sakurai,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Dave Tout
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Rachael Whitney-Smith

     11.10am-11.20am                                                                                                                                           Coffee break
     11.20am-12.05pm       Using reverse fraction      MathUp                     Free financial literacy    Further Maths Exams:       Let’s open with number        Picture this...              It is a matter of time   Geometry expressions   MYLNS - Snapshots of          Using Islamic and
                           tasks to promote                                       education resources        using the CAS              talks                                                                               and GX Web - Putting   successful practice           traditional geometry to
                           reasoning.                  Hannah Marino              to deliver numeracy in     calculator efficiently and                               Amanda Cassidy               Carmel Delahunty,        the umph into geometry                               learn pattern, shape and
                                                                                  context                    effectively                Alex Box                                                   Judy Gregg                                      Naomi Coleman, Helen          number
                           Kate Copping,                                                                                                                                                                                    Neale Woods            Haralambous, Carly
                           Carmel Mesiti,                                         Damien Nicholson           Kevin McMenamin                                                                                                                       Joyce, Lachlan Hillier,       Nabeel Khan
                           Cath Pearn                                                                                                                                                                                                              Kylie O’Sullivan

     12.05pm-12.15pm                                                                                                                                           Coffee break
     12.15pm-1pm           Rekenrek 101: How           Disposition. the 5th       Kant and mathematics       Using AI and machine        The skill, will and thrill   Teaching in reasoning in     Change the attitude      Kicking goals and falling The net worth of           Equity and agency
                           to teach numerous           proficiency strand.                                   learning to dramatically                                 statistics and probability   towards maths            ladders                   networks: getting ready    within mathematics
                           maths facts/ concepts                                  Terence Mills              improve marking in          Shane Crawford                                                                                               for the new AC             education
                           with this versatile math    Paul Staniscia                                        mathematics                                              Michelle Fyfe,               Kylie Love               Peter Fox
                           manipulative.                                                                                                                              Dilys Potter,                                                                   Anna McGann,               Andie Hoyt,
                                                                                                             Brenton Wyett                                            Hannah Young                                                                    Bex Thompson               Daniel O’Kane,
                           Amy How

14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          15


     SUB-THEMES                                                                                     YEAR LEVEL RANGE: For actual target year levels per session see session descriptions.
     Capability development in students         Valuing mathematics in society                       Rooms 1, 2, 6, 7                Foundation to Year 8
     Numeracy in context                        Multiple sub-themes                                  Rooms 3,4,8,9                   Year 7 to Year 12
     ICT capabilities                                                                                Rooms 5, 10                     Misc levels

     Time                         Room 1                    Room 2                    Room 3                      Room 4                     Room 5                      Room 6                    Room 7                   Room 8                    Room 9                   Room 10
     1pm-1.45pm                                                                                                                            Lunch break and networking function
     1.45pm-2.30pm         Unlock student            Introducing students      Problem solving             Exploring infectious       The IB approach to         Maths in schools should    Practising your way to   Successfully              Why are the fonts         Engage in STEM
                           engagement                to computational/         through creative            disease models with        mathematics that every     be like a good spag bol!   mastery                  differentiating maths     all different? Writing    learning with PYTHON
                           through scaffolded        algorithmic thinking      explorations and            handshakes                 educator can use.                                                              lessons to address gaps   assessments that look
                           mathematical reasoning    -how computers think      investigations                                                                    Lauren Lamont              Anthony Harradine        in understanding using    professional.             Sanjeev Meston
                                                     differently from humans                               Anthony Morphett           Katrina Mooney                                                                 low-floor, high-ceiling
                           Joel Townsend             - through five number     Bozenna Graham                                                                                                                        problems                  Ewan Campbell,
                                                     sorting activities                                                                                                                                                                        Laura Gilbert
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Alex Blanksby,
                                                     Sebastian Sardina,                                                                                                                                              Thomas Christiansen
                                                     Max Stephens

     2.30pm-2.40pm                                                                                                                                        Coffee break
     2.40pm-3.25pm         ABC of activities         Addressing the            Using effective starters,   Enhancing student          The 3 E’s - an elegant     Critical thinking in       Edrolo for Year 7        So: you now teach         Real trigonometry using Worthwhile CAS
                           to include in junior      capabilities through      closers and reflections     engagement through         thinking routine?          primary mathematics        mathematics: deep        maths - what now?         real-time real-world    calculator use in this
                           secondary classrooms      contextual problem        to enhance critical and     inquiry-based                                         classrooms                 engagement and                                     data                    year’s Mathematical
                                                     posing                    creative thinking and       learning and valuing       Kathy Harrison                                        meaningful learning      Peter Collins                                     Methods exam 2
                           Shelley Pendlebury                                  student voice               mathematics in society.                               Peter Stowasser                                                               Enzo Vozzo
                                                     Kate Eastcott                                                                                                                          Laura Dortmans                                                             Kevin McMenamin
                                                                               Mark Collins,               Penelope
                                                                               Samantha Horrocks           Kalogeropoulos,
                                                                                                           Angela Liyanage

     3.30pm                                                                                                                                            Close of conference

16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              17
KEYNOTES: Thursday, 9.15am-10.15am
             ELICITING CRITICAL THINKING THROUGH                                  challenging. In this keynote presentation Jodie will share
             THE USE OF SEQUENCES OF CONNECTED                                    learning tasks designed to enact intercultural capabilities that
             CUMULATIVE CHALLENGING TASKS.                                        develop and sustain young culturally diverse learners’ natural
                                                                                  curiosity about number, patterns and relationships.
             (Capability development in students)
             Sharyn Livy, Monash University
             (F to Year 2)                                                        PANEL: THE CAPABILITIES IN MATHEMATICS
                                                                                  AS A VEHICLE TO PREPARE STUDENTS FOR
             Robust critical and creative thinking is crucial in both the
                                                                                  THEIR PROFESSIONAL, PERSONAL AND
             teaching and learning of mathematics, when used effectively
             it can facilitate deeper thinking and reasoning. In this keynote
                                                                                  CIVIC LIVES
             presentation Sharyn will share findings from her research            (Capability development in students , Valuing
             describing pedagogical practices that teachers use to guide          mathematics in society , Workplace capabilities)
             student thinking through the use of sequences of connected
             cumulative challenging tasks. She will present a model for           Claire Delaney, Lalor Secondary College
             student-centred inquiry learning experiences that support            Fernando Ianni, Roxburgh College
             students to justify their strategies and critical thinking skills.   Kylie Slaney, Carey Grammar

             Examples of tasks for engaging Early Years students in critical      Dave Tout, ACER
             and creative thinking experiences will also be shared.               (Year 7 to Year 12)
                                                                                  Students are going to leave school to more uncertain world

                                                                                  than any of us could have imagined. It is our responsibility
                                                                                  as educators to contribute to their preparedness for the
                                                                                  challenges that lie ahead. How do we best achieve this using

 THURSDAY    (Valuing Mathematics In Society)
                                                                                  the capabilities as a foundation for learning in secondary
                                                                                  mathematics? What skills are the most important? How for
                                                                                  example do Critical and Creative Thinking, Personal and
2 DECEMBER   Jodie Miller, The University of Queensland
             (Year 3 to Year 6)                                                   Social capabilities and Numeracy remain front and centre, as
                                                                                  we improve students’ mathematics skills and knowledge? Let’s
    2021     Teaching in ways responsive to the cultures of our students
             is vital towards enhancing equity of access to mathematics
                                                                                  hear why this is so important, what evidence tells us, learn
                                                                                  explore how we can all move forward to ensure our students
             achievement and putting educational policy and curriculum            are prepared for their professional, personal and civic lives.
             into practice. So how can we achieve this in our mathematics
             classrooms? This presentation focuses on an approach to              Brought to you by
             enhancing intercultural capabilities in mathematics through
             early algebraic thinking. Algebra is often thought to be a topic
             introduced to secondary school students. In fact, early lessons
             in algebraic thinking establish important foundations that
             prepare students for success in mathematics in the later years
             of schooling. For this reason, the Australian and Victorian
             curricula take a longitudinal approach to developing algebraic
             concepts, with knowledge and skills spanning Foundation
             to Year 12. In the primary years teachers and students
             explore tasks involving: generalised arithmetic; patterning;
             equivalence, equations, and expressions; and functions.
             Simultaneously, mathematical processes are being developed,
             including: representations, generalisations, justification and
             reasoning. These processes are often embedded in the
             curriculum capabilities. However, tasks are often designed
             as ‘culture free’ and designing and implementing learning
             tasks that draw on students’ cultural backgrounds can be

KEYNOTES: Thursday, 9.15am-10.15am (cont.)                                                                                             SESSION 1: Thursday, 10.25am-11.10am
     TEACHING IN ACTION: USING PROBLEM                                    BUILDING THINKING CLASSROOMS                                      PLANNING TO MAXIMISE NUMBER                                        reason could be the lack of purposefully designed resources.
     BASED LESSONS TO DEVELOP STUDENT                                                                                                                                                                          On the other hand, the exercise questions in textbooks
                                                                          (Capability development in students)                              (Numeracy in context)                                              might be one of the most accessible teaching resources for
                                                                          Peter Liljedahl, Simon Fraser University                          Cassandra Lowry, St Francis of Assisi                              teachers. However, the textbook exercise is usually used for
     (Capability development in students)                                                                                                                                                                      drill practice to familiarise students with learnt procedures.
                                                                          All Levels                                                        (F to Year 2)
                                                                                                                                                                                                               In this report, by showcasing how some textbook-based
     Ashleigh Koo, Victoria University Secondary College
                                                                          Much of how classrooms look and much of what happens in           Schools are busy places. Sometimes the amount of content to        exercise questions (even exercises with ‘Fluency’ strand) can
     Tom Moore, EngageME Mathematics
                                                                          them today is guided by institutional norms laid down at the      be covered in Mathematics seems overwhelming and despite           be utilised to spark students’ discussion, hence promoting
     (Year 7 to Year 12)
                                                                          inception of an industrial-age model of public education.         our best efforts students do not seem to be able to retain key     students’ capabilities of thinking conceptually, the presenters
     Have you ever been to a workshop or presentation and asked           These norms have enabled a culture of teaching and learning       concepts. How can we help students to develop their number         would like to encourage classroom teachers to discover and
     ‘but what does it look like in the classroom?’ If so, then this is   that is often devoid of student thinking. In this session Peter   knowledge while at the same time develop the skills and            use the ‘power’ of textbook questions that are very accessible
     the keynote for you!                                                 will present some of the results of over 15 years of research     conceptual understanding they need to apply this learning          in teachers’ daily practice.
                                                                          into how teachers can transform their classrooms from a           in a wider context? This workshop will aim to overcome this
     In this unique and entertaining presentation, Ashleigh               space where students mimic to where students think. The           challenge. Participants will be shown redeveloped overviews,       2020 MATHEMATICAL METHODS
     will give us front row seats to all of the action happening          practices discussed will intertwine with, and make extensive      planners, checklists and assessment strategies that aim to         EXAMINATIONS
     within her class. In doing so, the presenters will explore how       references to, the recently published book, Building Thinking     strengthen students’ knowledge of number concepts while at
     Ashleigh uses a Problem Based Lesson (PBL) framework                                                                                                                                                      (Capability development in students , ICT capabilities)
                                                                          Classrooms in Mathematics (Grades K-12): 14 Teaching              the same time ensuring the development of broader problem
     to develop the capabilities within her students. Using               Practices for Enhancing Learning.                                 solving and communications skills.                                 Allason McNamara, Trinity Grammar School
     Smith & Steins’ (2018) book: 5 Practices for Orchestrating                                                                                                                                                Rod Watson,
     Productive Mathematics Discussions, Thomas and Ashleigh              Brought to you by                                                 USING CULTURAL ARTEFACTS TO EXPLORE                                (Year 11 to Year 12)
     will then explore how the steps of ‘anticipating’, ‘monitoring’,                                                                       GEOMETRY CONCEPTS
     ‘selecting’, ‘sequencing’ and ‘connecting’ can be used to                                                                                                                                                 Allason and Rod will do a similar session to the 2021 MAV
     enhance students’ critical & creative thinking, and personal &                                                                         (Capability development in students)                               Meet the Examiners Lecture for Mathematical Methods.
     social learning.                                                                                                                       Kate Copping, Carmel Mesiti, Cath Pearn, The University            They will discuss common errors that students made on the
                                                                                                                                            of Melbourne                                                       2020 examinations. Rod will talk about Exam 1 and Allason
     This presentation is guaranteed to have all of the highlights,                                                                                                                                            Exam 2. The statistics for each question will also be shown.
     action packed replays and one-on-one interviews that you                                                                               (F to Year 6)
     might hope for when reflecting on one’s performance.                                                                                   Cultural artefacts provide rich visual stimuli for investigating   DRIVING YOUR OWN BRAIN:
     Brought to you by                                                                                                                      geometry concepts in primary schools. Patterns of lines            METACOGNITION IN MATHEMATICS
                                                                                                                                            and shape found in decorative quilts, vases, wall hangings,
                                                                                                                                                                                                               (Capability development in students)
                                                                                                                                            and buildings, which can be used to investigate concepts
                                                                                                                                            such as 2D shapes, angles, translations and transformations.       Lyn Coote, Corwin Australia
                                                                                                                                            This session will focus on incorporating the intercultural         (F to Year 10)
                                                                                                                                            capability and critical and creative thinking into the teaching
                                                                                                                                            of geometry concepts. Participants in this session will explore    Metacognition enables learners to become aware of how
                                                                                                                                            geometry activities using cultural artefacts to support            they learn and to evaluate and adapt these skills to become
                                                                                                                                            the development of content knowledge and conceptual                increasingly effective at learning. How does this look in
                                                                                                                                            understanding.                                                     mathematics? How can we deliberately and explicitly teach
                                                                                                                                                                                                               metacognitive strategies? You will leave this session with
                                                                                                                                            UTILISING TEXTBOOK-BASED QUESTIONS                                 information about metacognitive strategies and practical
                                                                                                                                            TO PROMOTE STUDENTS’ CAPABILITY OF                                 ways they can be implemented in your mathematics classes.
                                                                                                                                            THINKING BEYOND PROCEDURES                                         Participants will experience strategies and have opportunities
                                                                                                                                                                                                               to collaborate with others, testing out some of the strategies,
                                                                                                                                            (Capability development in students)                               as we delve into handing over the wheel to our learners
                                                                                                                                            Jiqing Sun, Deakin University                                      through metacognition.
                                                                                                                                            Echo Gu, Lauriston Girls’ School
                                                                                                                                            (Year 7 to Year 12)
                                                                                                                                            Fostering students’ deep thinking beyond memorising
                                                                                                                                            procedures is well discussed in mathematics education, but
                                                                                                                                            it could be challenging for everyday teachers’ practice. One

20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               21
SESSION 1: Thursday, 10.25am-11.10am (cont.)
     IMPROVING MATHEMATICS OUTCOMES                                      NEW TEACHER SERIES - PART 1: EFFECTIVE                           USING COMPUTERS IN A MATHS                                          MATHEMATICAL ENTREES - REASONING
     OF FIRST NATIONS AUSTRALIAN LEARNERS                                AND POWERFUL PEDAGOGICAL                                         CLASSROOM AND HOME LEARNING WITH                                    STARTERS
     THROUGH CULTURALLY RESPONSIVE                                       APPROACHES. [THRIVE IN YOUR FIRST 5                              YEAR 11/12+ STUDENTS
                                                                                                                                                                                                              (Capability development in students)
     PEDAGOGY AND CURRICULUM                                             YEARS OF TEACHING!]
                                                                                                                                          (Capability development in students , Numeracy in
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Andrew Lorimer-Derham, Think Square
     (Capability development in students, Numeracy in                    (Capability development in students , Numeracy in                context , Valuing mathematics in society , Workplace
                                                                                                                                                                                                              (Year 3 to Year 10)
     context, Valuing mathematics in society)                            context)                                                         capabilities)
                                                                                                                                                                                                              We’ve probably all been to one of those fancy events where
     Caty Morris – ATSIMA                                                Danijela Draskovic, The Mathematical Association of              Robert Rook, mathplotplus
                                                                                                                                                                                                              they bring out little canapés to snack on while you wait for the
     (F to Year 8)                                                       Victoria                                                         (Year 11 to Year 12)
                                                                                                                                                                                                              main course. For some of us these entrées become the main
                                                                         (Year 7 to Year 12)
     First Nations Australian students, on average, remain at least                                                                       All participants will receive a free site license for their         course as we follow our favourite hors d’oeuvre around the
     2 years behind non-Indigenous students in mathematics               Important: This is part 1 of a special 3-part series aimed       school of the latest software. Among the topics covered             room claiming, “they’re for a friend” to the waiter who looks at
     learning outcomes. This presentation will provide an overview       to assist new teachers in navigating their first five years in   are graphing, calculus, consumer maths, complex numbers,            you suspiciously!
     of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mathematics            the classroom. (Part 1 and 2 will be presented during the        distributions, functions, parametric and polar graphs,
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Mathematical entrees are designed to whet your learner’s
     Alliance’s (ATSIMA) action to redress this, including               conference with Part 3 as a bonus presentation to watch later)   regression, statistics (junior & senior), modelling data,
                                                                                                                                                                                                              appetite and get them excited for what’s to come, generate
     classroom examples from ATSIMA’s current project with the           You do not have to register for Part 1 and 2, however, to get    trigonometry, probability and vectors to name a few.
                                                                                                                                                                                                              rich mathematical reasoning or even become the main lesson
     Connected Community schools in NSW, and recent work                 the most out of the series, Part 1 and 2 should be attended on   Generation of various 2D and 3D equations including
                                                                                                                                                                                                              when you see how engaged your learners are.
     with ACARA in developing over 100 content elaborations              the day. (Part 3 will be available as a recorded video).         above topics plus 3D planes, surfaces, tori, knots, solids of
     in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures                                                                      revolution. Use of the senior worksheet generator (Year 12),        In this session we will playfully explore a range of
     for the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics. Participants will       It has been well publicised that a significant percentage (up    topic revision/test program (now producing questions in 23          mathematical entrees and learn to design our own.
     get a first-hand look at the rich contexts, numeracies, and         to 50%) of graduate teachers leave the profession before         different languages with options for displaying questions in
     mathematics themes that underpin these elaborations and the         they have reached the milestone of five years of teaching.       English and/or another language to assist in home learning),
     narratives they weave throughout the 6 mathematics strands          With the balance of classroom management and establishing        homework book generator will be explained. Questions are
     and Years F-10.                                                     relationships with key stakeholders, managing workload, and      randomly generated giving an infinite number of questions
                                                                         ensuring your curriculum planning caters to varying abilities    with not only answers but full solutions available for questions.
     This session will focus on examples from F to Year 8.               and linked to assessment data, there is no doubt graduate        Demonstration on emailing of student work, students can
                                                                         teachers can feel overwhelmed.                                   load saved questions from a pdf file whether generated by
                                                                         In this first part of the 3-part Series, we will share and       themselves or sent from teacher and add their solutions to the
     MATHEMATICALLY?                                                                                                                      pdf files and email back to teachers. All pdf editing is within
                                                                         unpack engaging warmups/games, and look at the powerful
     (Capability development in students)                                pedagogical approach of starting with a problem students         the program itself. Robert is the author of the program, ex
                                                                         want to solve. We will discuss how to effectively weave all      maths teacher, conducted inservices in over 3500 secondary
     Ellen Corovic, Monash University                                                                                                     schools and universities and conducted approximately 400
                                                                         four proficiencies (understanding, fluency, problem solving
     (F to Year 6)                                                                                                                        sessions at maths conferences worldwide.
                                                                         and reasoning) into our practice. The work of Professor Peter
     In this session Ellen will outline the three skills students need   Sullivan is the main inspiration for this session.
     to act and think mathematically. Thinking mathematically has
     been a concept of mathematics teaching for some time. But
     what is it? How do we break it down and what are students
     actually doing when they are doing it? Combining her
     experience and research Ellen will provide practical teaching
     advice to help you to get students thinking.

22                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               23
SESSION 2: Thursday, 11.20am-12.05pm
     TEACHER PLANNING - TIME FOR A CHANGE?                               WHAT’S THE BIG IDEA?                                               2020 SPECIALIST MATHEMATICS                                      STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY NUMBER
                                                                                                                                            EXAMINATIONS                                                     TALKS
     (Capability development in students, Numeracy in                    (Capability development in students , Numeracy in
     context)                                                            context)                                                           (Capability development in students , ICT capabilities)          (Numeracy In Context)
     Susan Graham, St Therese’s School                                   Michael Minas, Love Maths                                          Dean Lamson, Kardinia International College                      Catherine Epstein/Rodgers, Maths Consultant
     Jane Hubbard, Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools                (F to Year 6)                                                      Allason McNamara, Trinity Grammar School                         (F to Year 6)
     (F to Year 2)                                                                                                                          (Year 11 to Year 12)
                                                                         One of the issues facing educators is a crowded curriculum,                                                                         Number Talks provide a rich opportunity for all students
     Challenging tasks encourage students to solve non-routine           and there is perhaps no subject where this is more evident         Allason and Dean will discuss the process for setting            to engage in mathematics by encouraging the students to
     problems and develop reasoning skills through rich classroom        than in mathematics. So how do we prioritise which elements        and marking the 2020 Specialist Mathematics VCAA                 think flexibly about numbers. But why not extend this flexible
     experiences to promote connectedness and transferability            of the curriculum to emphasize? What are the key aspects of        examinations. They will provide a full analysis of the 2020      thinking across the strands!
     across contexts. Effective implementation of challenging            mathematics that students need to focus on to ensure that          examinations, highlighting student responses and key
     tasks supports students in the development of critical and          their long-term progress is not adversely impacted? And how        misunderstandings, commenting on some of the questions           By providing rich prompts or probing questions we can ignite
     creative thinking and social and emotional capability whilst        can teachers make meaningful connections across content            in relation to these. There will be time for questions and       the spark to encourage flexible thinking and reasoning when
     promoting mathematics learning as a relevant and worthy             strands, to help students develop a relational understanding       discussion.                                                      looking at Statistics and probability.
     endeavour.                                                          of mathematics?                                                                                                                     Together we will use visual prompts and data from games to
                                                                                                                                            TEACHING MIDDLE SCHOOL MATHS FOR
     A key challenge for Foundation to Year 2 teachers who               This workshop will explore the big ideas of the curriculum-                                                                         explore Stats and probability in an analytical and collaborative
                                                                                                                                            CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING
     use a student-centred approach is identifying ways to               what they are, why they are important, and how to ensure your                                                                       way thus encouraging flexible thinking and promoting
     overcome the gap between students’ prior knowledge and              school is planning to teach them properly.                         (Capability development in students , Numeracy in                understanding.
     the intended mathematics goal of the lesson without relying                                                                            context)
                                                                         PROBLEMS WORTH CODING - EPISODE IV                                                                                                  NEW TEACHER SERIES - PART 2: EFFECTIVE
     on the traditional modes of instruction. In this session, we will
     present our experiences, as we support teachers to plan and
                                                                                                                                            Nadia Abdelal, eXpanding Minds Mathematics                       USE OF ICT. OUR FAVOURITE DIGITAL
                                                                         (ICT capabilities , Valuing mathematics in society ,               Consulting                                                       TOOLS. [THRIVE IN YOUR FIRST 5 YEARS OF
     implement challenging tasks as part of their mathematics            Workplace capabilities)                                            (Year 5 to Year 10)                                              TEACHING!]
     programs. We will discuss some of the challenges that we
     have overcome throughout the process and reflect on our             Peter Fox, Texas Instruments                                       Engaging students in maths at the middle school level can        (ICT capabilities)
     learning about planning for challenging tasks in mathematics.       (Year 7 to Year 12)                                                often be difficult. Many students can hit roadblocks during
                                                                                                                                            this critical stage of their mathematical development and as a   Danijela Draskovic, The Mathematical Association of
     From this session, teachers will be able to:                        Marty McFly, Max Rockatansky, John McClane and Ellen                                                                                Victoria
                                                                                                                                            result, lose the ability to connect with some of the higher-
                                                                         Ripley did it, now it’s my turn! The Problems Worth Coding                                                                          (Year 7 to Year 12)
     •   gain an insight into an effective planning framework                                                                               order skills. This hands-on workshop will focus on conceptual
                                                                         franchise kicked off in 2016. Episodes I, II and III explored
         to support teachers with anticipating responses to                                                                                 ways to teach some of the more abstract concepts like
                                                                         numerous great problems, definitely worth revisiting, but                                                                           Important: This is part 2 of a special 3-part series aimed to
         challenging tasks                                                                                                                  fractions, decimals, algebra, and geometry so that students
                                                                         many more challenges lie ahead for those willing to digitise                                                                        assist new teachers in navigating their first five years in the
                                                                                                                                            can more easily access the pure maths involved in tackling
     •   identify effective questions to support the various             their thinking. From creating functioning barcodes to flying,                                                                       classroom. If you missed Part 1, don’t worry as you will be
                                                                                                                                            problems associated with these concepts.
         learning pathways that occur throughout a lesson                the mathematical and physical world come together through                                                                           able to watch it at a later stage. Part 3 is a bonus presentation
                                                                         coding. Participants will not be writing programs, instead, they   USING REASONING TO DEVELOP DEEP                                  which will be available after the conference.
                                                                         will be given great mathematics problems to investigate and        UNDERSTANDING
                                                                         provided with the structures and basis of the code need to                                                                          It has been well publicised that a significant percentage (up
                                                                         enable such explorations.                                          (Capability development in students)                             to 50%) of graduate teachers leave the profession before
                                                                                                                                                                                                             they have reached the milestone of five years of teaching.
                                                                                                                                            Michael Nelson, Drysdale Primary School                          With the balance of classroom management and establishing
                                                                                                                                            (Year 3 to Year 6)                                               relationships with key stakeholders, managing workload, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                             ensuring your curriculum planning caters to varying abilities
                                                                                                                                             This presentation will explore how the reasoning and            and linked to assessment data, there is no doubt graduate
                                                                                                                                            understanding capabilities are linked and can be used            teachers can feel overwhelmed.
                                                                                                                                            together to develop best practice in the classroom. This
                                                                                                                                            presentation will investigate how teachers and educators can     This 2nd part of the 3-part Series will showcase a selection of
                                                                                                                                            increase their students reasoning and how by focusing on         digital technologies I have deemed to be very useful and user
                                                                                                                                            this, a deeper understanding of concepts will be developed.      friendly. These will include freely available software and maths
                                                                                                                                            This will involve exploring explicit teaching, small group       apps which you can easily and readily use in your classrooms.
                                                                                                                                            approaches, lesson activities and assessment tools to create a   We can leverage technology to help students visualise
                                                                                                                                            rich environment for students.                                   concepts, collect, model and analyse data, and help students

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SESSION 2: Thursday, 11.20am-12.05pm (cont.)
     stay connected to a safe community of learners. Technology
     can be one of your greatest teaching tools. No doubt since we
     have done quite a bit of remote-teaching and learning as of
     late, we have all been forced into considering the way we use
     our ICT. This session will provide opportunities to share those
     experiences, and share your personal favourites.

                                                                                                         your tailored
                                                                                                        career partner
     (Capability development in students, Numeracy In
     Context, Valuing Mathematics In Society, Workplace
     Justine Sakurai, Sandringham College and Educational
     Consultant                                                            At anzuk, we understand and specialise in assisting educators at every stage of your career.
     Dave Tout, Australian Council for Educational Research
                                                                           We have dedicated teams delivering to your specific needs from casual relief teaching, to contract,
     (ACER)                                                                permanent, and leadership opportunities. Our National and global divisions allow us to offer this
     (Year 11 to Year 12)                                                  service throughout Australia and abroad.
     The new 2023 version of VCE Foundation mathematics                    Relationships with educators and schools is always our priority. We pride ourselves on this
     includes the ability for students to study this mathematics           alignment, ensuring we maximise educational outcomes for students, in the classroom.
     subject for the first time in Year 12 through the development
     of Units 3 and 4. This presentation will outline the new VCE
     Foundation Maths curriculum that was reviewed and revised             PARTNERING WITH MATHS TEACHERS
     over 2019/20, and finalised after public consultations
                                                                           We provide career guidance and pathways for Maths Teachers at every stage of your career journey,
     in 2021. This session will share some of the insights,                from graduates to principals.
     background and content of this revised and new curriculum
     and how it can be used to better support more students gain           We assist in as many ways as we can, from building your capacity through mentoring, CV building or
     improved capabilities in mathematics understanding and use.           interview coaching.
                                                                           We align your skills, experience and values with the knowledge of our extensive school network to
     AREA (AND HOW TO USE IT TO TEACH THE                                  provide your next opportunity.
                                                                                          CASUAL RELIEF
     (Capability development in students , ICT capabilities ,                             We are the leading provider of casual relief teaching services. Working as a casual relief
     Numeracy in context)                                                                 teacher provides educators with the opportunity to work in a variety of educational
                                                                                          environments while gaining invaluable teaching experience and flexibility.
     Chris Wetherell, AMT
     (Year 5 to Year 12)                                                                  CONTRACT AND PERMANENT ROLES
                                                                                          Our permanent education team specialise in providing talented educators across all subject
     Well, maybe teaching the entire curriculum is the slightest                          areas. From maternity leave, short term contracts to ongoing placements in all educational
     exaggeration. But there are connections everywhere in                                settings including government and independent settings.
     mathematics, so it should not be surprising that an idea as                          LEADERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES
     fundamental as area should find natural links with such diverse                      Our permanent education team share a combined experience of over 70 years in education.
                                                                                          We understand the needs of leadership and providing guidance and coaching for educators
     topics as fractions, algebra, probability, statistics and calculus.
                                                                                          looking for that next step in their career. We utilise our extensive professional network
     Of course, all of these topics can be applied to solve various                       and connections in the Australian and International sector to align your next leadership
     problems about area, but in this workshop we will mainly be                          opportunity and build your capacity.
     interested in the reverse process of harnessing an intuitive
                                                                                          TEACH OVERSEAS
     grasp of area to help develop a deeper understanding of key                          With global offices in the US and UK, and opportunities in Asia, you’ll feel supported in fantastic
     concepts in other parts of the curriculum.                                           schools across our wide network. In the UK we specialise in primary, secondary or nursery
                                                                                          (early childhood).

                                                                                          Oliver Wurm
                                                                                          Permanent Opportunities Consultant - Maths & Science
                                                                                 | 03 9249 2492
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