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  The Husky Task
 Force: Gathering
   members to
vaccinate the pack
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The ledger - The Husky Task Force: Gathering members to vaccinate the pack - University of Washington Tacoma - The Tacoma Ledger
2    MAY 3, 2021         THE LEDGER                                                                                                                                                                                                                       NEWS

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               PHOTO COURTESY OF EFFIE GURMEZA
Cupcakes for Valentine’s Day.

                                Sweet stops on campus: Hello, Cupcake
     Store Owner, Allix Waller, speaks to the Ledger about the delicious cupcakes they serve for all Tacomans to have.
By Rosie Mendoza-Bautista                     “The concept for the shop began                      gredients,” Waller said.                                they have four to five that change                   noted that the cupcakes that make a
News Reporter                             as a daydream long before cupcake                            Baking and decorating fresh cup-                    every season, and one to two flavors                 lot of Tacomans flock to Hello, Cup-
                                          bakeries were strip mall staples, and                    cakes every day means that when it                      changing monthly.                                    cake differ from her choices and are
     Hello, Cupcake is a bright, pastel   it blossomed over the course of                          comes to creating the cupcake flavors,                      “Our spring menu includes choc-                  primarily chocolate, red velvet, straw-
cupcake shop located at the heart of      countless conversations around the                       Waller and her team are tasked with                     olate macaroon, coconut, mint choc-                  berry cheesecake, pink champagne
the UW Tacoma campus. Store own-          kitchen table that began with ‘If we                     having to be innovative in order to cre-                olate, pecan turtle and pink cham-                   and cookie dough,
er Allix Waller spoke about their         had a cupcake shop’,” she said.                          ate something new and exciting. And                     pagne. Our flavor of the month for                       And to the UWT students, staff
dedication to providing methodi-              Waller spoke about the rise in                       after nearly 14 years of business, their                April is Key Lime Pie, and we will                   and faculty, Hello, Cupcake stands
cally made cupcakes for all Tacomans.     popularity of cupcake shops that she                     creativity is alive and the team is always              also have Mexican chocolate from                     ready to help any and all celebrate
     “We believe that cupcakes should     saw back when she bought the shop                        working to improve their stock.                         May 1 to May 5!” Waller said.                        occasions big or small. This is the
be simple, elegant, and delicious, and    in 2014. She saw what Hello, Cupcake                         Although they don’t 100% special-                       Even with all these delicious fla-               goal they set out to achieve.
it’s with this in mind that we meticu-    had to offer with its elaborate cupcakes                 ize in custom designs (i.e., custom                     vors of cupcakes in mind, Waller still                   “Our passion is fueled by the op-
lously craft every cupcake, every day,”   that come in such small packages.                        fondant or custom piping), they still                   has her favorites.                                   portunity to take part in life’s joyful
said Waller.                                  “Over the years, Hello, Cupcake                      have an assortment of designs available                     “My favorite cupcake to eat is                   moments — whether it’s passing an
     Although Waller didn’t start Hel-    has become a fixture in the Tacoma                       and their cupcake flavors are all their                 pumpkin spice, and my favorite cup-                  algebra test, getting a promotion or
lo, Cupcake, she spoke about the          community and a must-stop destina-                       own. Hello, Cupcake has a wide variety                  cake to make is our french toast cup-                marrying your best friend,” she said.
intentions both Reina Beach and her       tion for locals and tourists alike. Our                  of tantalizing tastes to choose from.                   cake because of how good it smells                   “Every day is a reason to celebrate,
mother, Tina Miller, had when estab-      cupcakes are baked from scratch                              Year round they carry chocolate,                    when it comes out of the oven! Both                  and if you ask us, every celebration
lishing the brand as a full fledged       daily and topped with handmade but-                      vanilla, red velvet, carrot, strawberry                 are available on our fall menu,” she said.           is a reason to eat cupcakes!”
small business in downtown Tacoma.        tercreams, using only the finest in-                     and lemon. Besides these six flavors,                       Besides her own favorites, Waller

        The Ledger
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                                                                                                             Phone: 253-692-4428                           Editor-in-Chief .....................Talia Collett   Illustrator .............................Lore Zent

    UWT’s weekly student publication                                                                         Email:                          Managing Editor ...........Alyssandra Goss           Photographer....Nickolus Patraszewski

    May 3, 2021 | Vol. 25, Issue 28                                                                                                                        News Editor .........................Garrett Yaen
                                                                                                                                                           Opinion Editor .....................Andrea Nadal                         Design
                                                                                                                                                           A&E Editor.........................Madeline Hiller   Page Designer...............Natalie Peyton
                     ZOOM Office Hours:                                                                                       Copy Editor.........................Elijah Freeman   Page Designer...............Phong Ngyuen
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                Wednesday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.                          News Reporter...Rosie Mendoza-Bautista                                                                                        Cover Art
                                          Thursday 10:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. & 1 - 4 p.m.               Opinion Columnist .........Bengisu Incetas                                                                                by Morgan Morgans
                                            Friday 9 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. & 3 - 5 p.m.                 Opinion Columnist ...........Madi Williams                              Managers
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The ledger - The Husky Task Force: Gathering members to vaccinate the pack - University of Washington Tacoma - The Tacoma Ledger
NEWS                                                                                                                                                                              THE LEDGER       MAY 3, 2021          3

                      The Husky Task Force: Gathering members to
                                  vaccinate the pack
                                             The Husky Task Force is looking for new members to help.
By Garrett Yaen                             Spencer Tyson, Amandeep Dhillon,             organize vaccine clinics in Pierce Coun-      regarding what steps to take and who          Lopez said that they want to en-
News Editor                                 Emily Lopez-Allende, Anatoliy                ty. Lopez indicated the benefits of joining   to prioritize first. Students may be      sure that they are not missing out on
                                            Voznyarskiy, Sarah Solano, Michael           the Task Force, such as receiving volun-      pleasantly surprised to learn that the    the vaccine or delaying it just because
    The Husky Vaccine Task Force,           Villalpando, Miranda Stein, Aaron            teer hours and making connections.            vaccinations will not cost anything.      they don’t know where to go or what
led by the Healthcare Leadership stu-       Dawson Becker and Ashly Norton. In                “People should join because they             “Our first step is to make sure we    to do, which is why they're prioritiz-
dents, is on a mission to vaccinate         addition, they have an Associate Pro-        are going to help get us towards our          have enough staff, this includes staff    ing groups who need them the most.
members of the community. Though            fessor, Dr. Robin Evans-Agnew, lead-         goal of herd immunity, but they’re            to give the shots and staff to help out       If people choose to be vaccinated
around 21% of Pierce County resi-           ing the project along with nurse pre-        also going to help save lives,” Lopez         with traffic and any other things that    they will receive a link to their sign
dents are vaccinated, the Task Force        ceptor Juana Gallegos teaching other         said. “There are various benefits that        come up,” Villalpando said. “After        up genius survey, will be able to sign
believes they can pump those num-           students how to succeed in the field.        students will get from participating          that, if people get their 1st shot and    up and leave their information such
bers up by recruiting volunteers from           “This Task Force was officially          in the Husky Task Force. This is a            schedule out their second dose per        as name, phone number, and email
the community. UW Tacoma Task               started by professor Dr. Robin Evans-        good way for students to get volun-           recommendation of manufacturers           address. Once the information is ac-
Force Members explained how the             Agnew,” Voznyarskiy said. “He start-         teer hours, and it is a great opportu-        such as Pfizer and Moderna.”              quired, the Task Force will reach out
task force plans to healthify the cam-      ed it as a fieldwork project that sev-       nity to make connections with com-                Villalpando explained further,        to provide the necessary information
pus and the greater community.              eral of us Healthcare Leadership             munity members.”                              noting that as long as supplies are       surrounding the next steps they need
    “The main mission of this Task          major students have been selected to              Although any UWT student can             available, they’ll keep going until all   to complete.
Force is to spread awareness on the         join and help.”                              join if they’re looking to volunteer,         of Pierce County is vaccinated. Lopez
importance of the COVID-19 vaccine              Lopez said that everything has           they prefer students who have the             then spoke of vaccinating the com-
and to help get community members           been up and running since the second         most experience and thus may be best          munity in an equitable manner by
to get vaccinated,” student Anatoliy        week of April. Since then, social me-        suited for the task. These students           focusing on the underprivileged.
Voznyarskiy said. “We also hope to          dia accounts have been created on            may include, but are not limited to,              “Based on the statistics there are
bring vaccines to those who possibly        platforms such as Instagram and              registered nursing, biomedical and            still a huge chunk of people that have              Questions?
don’t know about it or those who            Facebook where they post informa-            healthcare leadership students.               not been vaccinated, and we are here
aren’t in priority in taking the vac-       tion about the vaccines. The task                 Lopez said they’re not exactly sure      to help have all of Pierce County vac-                Email:
cine, such as the BIPOC and non-            force is also reaching out to other          how the vaccination sites will look           cinated,” Lopez said. “We are focusing
English speaking communities.”              organizations such as local leaders          on campus and are currently in dis-           on vaccinating marginalized popula-            Facebook & Instagram:
    There are currently 11 people on        and community organizations.                 cussion with UWT’s administration             tions who come from low-income                  @uwhuskytaskforce
the team. Nine of them being Health-            Beyond this, the group’s other goal is   regarding how they’ll work. What              families or have hardships with lan-
care Leadership students including          to recruit volunteers to work at and help    they are sure of though are their plans       guage barriers.”

                                                                                                                                                                                                  PHOTO COURTESY OF PIXABAY
The Task Force is taking volunteers of all backgrounds.
The ledger - The Husky Task Force: Gathering members to vaccinate the pack - University of Washington Tacoma - The Tacoma Ledger
4   MAY 3, 2021         THE LEDGER                                                                                                                                                                            OPINION

                              Nigeria Protests: Organizing for a better world
A revitalization of protests demanding an end to the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS), a brutal Nigerian Police Force linked
                                                 to human rights violations.
By Andrea Nadal                            extrajudicial killings, enforced disap-         On Oct. 11, 2020, within a few days     that at least 100 individuals have lost      protestors in the aftermath and many
Opinion Editor                             pearances, torture, armed extortion         of renewed protests, the Nigerian Police    their lives; 48 of whom were killed          people were missing after that night.
                                           and kidnapping. These complaints            Force announced the dissolution of          on Black Tuesday alone.”                         It is clear, from these events and
     *FIFTH ARTICLE IN A SERIES ON         were largely ignored by those in            SARS, effective immediately.                    A lot is still unclear about what        many others around the world, that a
    PROTESTS AROUND THE WORLD*             power for years.                                Muhammed Adamu, inspector               unfolded that night, the article             state will use whatever means it deems
  **TW: POLICE BRUTALITY, EXTRAJUDI-           In 2018, the federal government         general of police, also declared that       “#ENDSARS MOVEMENT: FROM                     necessary in order to maintain its pow-
   CIAL KILLINGS, DISAPPEARANCES,          set up a committee to investigate the       all SARS officers would be redeployed       TWITTER TO NIGERIAN STREETS”                 er. The state possesses a monopoly on
 TORTURE, KIDNAPPING, SHOOTINGS **         reports made against SARS. However,         to other police commands, formations        from Amnesty International sheds             violence, and it has control over the
    In the early 1990s, the Special        this committee’s findings were never        and units. However, as these officers       some light on the events of that night,      mainstream narrative. These things
Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) was es-          made public and despite repeated calls      were still not being held to account or     as well as the efforts from the govern-      make it incredibly difficult to generate
tablished by Police authorities in         for the demobilization of SARS over         re-trained, this action did not meet        ment to hide them.                           real, lasting change, to sustain a move-
Lagos, Nigeria to combat armed rob-        the years and broken promises by the        the demands of the protestors, and              “Testimonies of eyewitnesses and         ment and to gain broad support.
bery in the city and its suburbs           government to do exactly that, no ac-       thus demonstrations continued.              families and analysis of hours of foot-          As was made painfully clear by
through undercover operations.             tion was taken against SARS or any of           The state responded with in-            age and images tell the shocking truth       the events of Black Tuesday, the state
    According to Tarila Marclint           the officers involved in these abuses.      creased levels of violence to the sus-      of that day.” Nigerian security forces       can murder dozens of people and
Ebiede in a 2020 article for the Wash-         “The hashtag #EndSARS began             tained protests. On Oct. 20, 2020, a        began shooting into the air and at pro-      injure significantly more while es-
ington Post about the protests in          trending (again) on social media on         night that would become known as            testors. Later that night local hospitals    sentially getting away with it. For a
Nigeria, SARS would later become a         Oct. 4. The immediate trigger was a         Black Tuesday in Nigeria, “[i]n a           reported civilians bringing in protestors    long time, the official numbers and
part of Nigeria’s national police strat-   video that showed a SARS officer            darkness broken only by the blue light      with gunshot wounds and cuts.                the official records were in no way
egy to fight armed criminals. Soon         shooting a young motorist in Ughelli,       of cellphone screens, the sound of              Initially, the government denied not     reflective of the reality that people
after, the unit began operating with       in Delta state, then pushing his body       gunshots rang out as the army and           only the loss of life tied to that night,    saw on the ground that night.
no real accountability and committed       out of the car and driving off with the     police fired into a crowd of young          but also the military’s role in those mur-       The word of the state is the default,
regular human rights violations.           dead man’s Lexus SUV. Within days,          people who had gathered at Lagos’s          ders. Evidence now suggests that elec-       and it is up to us to combat that. This
    Verified victims’ reports showed       crowds of young people gathered in          Lekki toll gate to protest the Special      tricity was cut off and cameras were         is one way that we can disarm the state
that SARS officers regularly engaged       Nigerian cities to demand the aboli-        Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS),” said            sabotaged minutes before the security        and empower the masses. When the
in extreme abuses of power and se-         tion of SARS.” Said Abosede George          George, going on to explain that “[s]       force opened fire. Ambulances were           narrative no longer serves the state it
vere forms of brutality, including         in a 2020 Washington Post article.          ince the protests began, estimates are      even blocked from reaching injured           may serve the truth.

                                                                                                                                                                                   COURTESY OF WIKIMEDIA COMMONS, KAIZENIFY
People occupy a street and one man stands on a structure waving a Nigerian flag at an “End SARS” protest in Lagos, Nigeria on Oct. 13, 2020.
The ledger - The Husky Task Force: Gathering members to vaccinate the pack - University of Washington Tacoma - The Tacoma Ledger
OPINION                                                                                                                                                                          THE LEDGER         MAY 3, 2021        5

                                                     Brands to support this Ramadan
                 There are many Muslim owned brands around the world that you can support, especially during Ramadan.
By Bengisu Incetas                           operate this shop, Marwa and Tasneem,      are the future hope for Palestine,” as          Guided by their desire to be inclu-     Hilfiger, Calvin Klein, Apple and Nike
Opinion Columnist                            on Instagram @velascarves. First es-       stated by PaliRoots on their website.       sive of a variety of cultures and cele-     until they take concrete action to end
                                             tablished in 2009 to create scarves that   “We partnered with the Middle East          brate each through creativity and com-      their use of Uyghur forced labor.
    There are numerous Muslim-owned          would elevate Muslim veiled women,         Children's Alliance (MECA) team to          munity, their designs are vibrant and           Another important initiative to
brands that sell clothing, headscarves,      they now have many beautiful scarves       do a 3-month pilot program to research      stylish for day to day outfits.             support is to boycott dates — the fruit
jewelry and more. Whether you’re             in many different colors produced with     food and nutrient deficiency in four                   UYGHUR COLLECTIVE                — from certain brands this Ramadan.
Muslim or not, prefer women’s or men’s       high-quality fabric.                       kindergartens in some of the poorest            As the last brand I want to men-        According to American Muslims for
products, these brands may be suitable            This Ramadan, they are participat-    areas of the Gaza Strip.”                   tion, you can find this collective on       Palestine, brands such as Jordan Riv-
for you to both support and enjoy. This      ing in the Solidarity Campaign, which           With Israel colonizing Palestine and   Instagram @uyghurcollective.                er, Mehadrin, Delilah, Carmel Agrex-
article includes a list of these brands to   donates 100% proceeds bought from          the 2014 war in Gaza, inhabitants in            Supporting Uyghurs this Ramadan         co, Hadiklaim and King Solomon
support during Ramadan who also              it to three important causes: support-     Gaza have suffered from lack of clean       is so crucial. They are unable to ob-       Dates must be boycotted.
donate a fraction of their profits to or-    ing Uygur orphans, food baskets for        water and access to necessities. “We        serve Ramadan in East Turkistan as              “This Ramadan and beyond, boycott
ganizations that help those in need.         Yemen and supporting domestic vio-         found that among the 372 children at        the Chinese Communist Party detains         Israeli dates, many of which are grown
                NOMINAL                      lence survivors. The colors for this       these kindergartens, 37% were anemic,       them and other Turkic ethnic groups         and packaged in illegal Israeli settle-
    You can find this brand on Insta-        campaign are Uyghur Blue, Yemeni           4.1% were stunted, 23% were at risk of      in concentration camps. There are           ments in the Jordan Valley of the Pales-
gram @nominal. Akram Abdallah,               Coffee and Brave Purple.                   stunting, 3% were underweight, 20.5%        ways, however, where you can help           tinian West Bank. When you boycott
along with his wife Lena Sarsour, are                       PALIROOTS                   were overweight, and 14.2% were             Uyghur refugees in Turkey.                  these dates, you're taking a stand against
the co-founders of this jewelry brand.            First founded in 2016, the goal of    obese,” according to their website.             The Uyghur Collective will be donat-    Israel's colonization of Palestinian land
Their high-quality and inexpensive           PaliRoots is to educate others on Pal-                  DAR COLLECTIVE                 ing all of their proceeds to the “Support   and the exploitation of Palestinian land
jewelry has a lifetime warranty and          estinian culture and make products              As stated on their website, the        Uyghur Refugees” campaign for the           and labor,” said AMP’s website.
does not fade, even when in water. They      inspired by the people of Palestine.       “Dar Collective is a study of our col-      month of Ramadan. Not only can you              Only shopping for necessities and
have expanded their brand since its          They have a number of products in-         lective cultures. We believe in the         stand in solidarity with Uyghurs with       keeping our shopping spree minimal-
inception and now also sell neon lights,     cluding Palestinian keffiyehs, shirts      shared experience of culture & value        clothes that support them, but also help    istic, especially from brands that are
headscarves, clothing and masks!             that symbolize Palestinian culture,        the traditions of our fellow brothers       refugees during this blessed month.         known as fast fashion, is important in
    More than this, they sell religious      jewelry, soap and more! You can find       & sisters. Our team is made up of               Any action standing in solidarity,      order to reduce waste and show less
jewelry with verses from the Holy            this brand on Instagram @paliroots,        third-culture kids with roots from all      whether big or small, will be an impor-     support for brands that use forced labor.
Quran, religious sayings with creative       and for every order placed, they do-       regions of the world.”                      tant step towards the day that human-       These steps are important, especially
designs and a hometown collection            nate a meal as part of the PaliRoots            Their products are inclusive of        ity is restored. We may be living far       during Ramadan, because it teaches us
with numerous different outlines of          Meal Program. Additionally, they           many cultures and countries around          from where these human rights viola-        to save money, put our funds towards
countries. For the months of April and       donate a meal for every $25 spent!         the world such as Palestine, Syria, Mo-     tions are taking place, but together we     other necessities or things that will keep
May, they are partnering with Islam-              “With the population of Gaza          rocco, and Pakistan. The “third culture     have just as much as an impact.             us satisfied and also be of benefit.
ic Relief to donate food boxes to Syr-       reaching close to 2 million and over       kids” they refer to are those who were          This Ramadan, join the campaign             Supporting brands that give to
ians for Ramadan through the “We             50% under the age of 18, it is our duty    born in the same country as one of their    by the student coalition @freeuy-           those in need and that stand for justice
are One for Syria” campaign.                 to help ease the living situation due to   birth parents or if one of their parents    ghurnow, posted on their Instagram          is important because by supporting
             VELA SCARVES                    the ongoing siege in Gaza. Our work        is from another country and they now        page, to take a 30-day boycott against      them we are also part of that change
    You can find the two sisters who         primarily focuses on children as they      live in a different country from either.    brands such as Zara, FILA, Tommy            that humanity wants to see.

                                                                                                                                                                                                  COURTESY OF @VELASCARVES
Support Muslim businesses.
The ledger - The Husky Task Force: Gathering members to vaccinate the pack - University of Washington Tacoma - The Tacoma Ledger
6   MAY 3, 2021         THE LEDGER                                                                                                                                                                                OPINION

                                                                                                                                                                                                        COURTESY OF PIXABAY.COM

                                  Fentanyl: The new opioid epidemic
                   People are dying from a substance they didn't know they were ingesting, and it needs to come to an end.
By Madi Williams                           manufactured fentanyl.”                      cocaine or methamphetamine is not tol-        accounted for around 75 percent of all
Opinion Columnist                              When people are taking fentanyl le-      erant to opioids, which means they are        overdose deaths during the early months        The final 2020 total
                                           gally it is “approved for treating severe    going to be at high risk of overdose if       of the pandemic; around 80 percent of
                                                                                                                                                                                     in the United States
    Currently, we are in the third dead-   pain, typically advanced cancer pain. It     they get a stimulant drug that’s laced with   those included synthetic opioids.”
ly wave of the opioid epidemic. In order   is 50 to 100 times more potent than mor-     an opioid like fentanyl.”                         Not only does this show that people
                                                                                                                                                                                     could exceed 90,000
to better understand and combat this       phine,” according to the CDC. This is            Many people do not realize how            with substance use were greatly impact-        overdose deaths,
epidemic, we must first understand         part of what makes it so dangerous. It       dangerous fentanyl really is. “The lethal     ed by the stresses of COVID-19, but also       compared to 70,630
how we got to where we are today and       can lead to overdose faster and in lower     dose of fentanyl is generally stated to be    that for some of these individuals the         in 2019.
what this third wave really means for      doses than heroin.                           2 milligrams … there are approximate-         cause of their deaths were not from the
those struggling with addiction                The CDC states that the “most recent     ly 28.35 grams to an ounce,” as stated        original drug itself, it was the fentanyl it   better access to treatment centers.
    According to the CDC, “The first       cases of fentanyl-related harm, overdose,    on in a 2021 ar-          was laced with.                                    We need to provide access to testing
wave began with increased prescribing      and death in the U.S. are linked to ille-    ticle about lethal dosages on fentanyl.           The CDC recently published an in-          strips that are designed to test for fen-
of opioids in the 1990s, the second        gally made fentanyl. It is sold through      To give you a visual, it looks like a very    teractive visualization tool with prelimi-     tanyl, we need to conduct investigations
wave began in 2010, with rapid in-         illegal drug markets for its heroin-like     small pinch of salt.                          nary weekly estimates of overdose deaths.      with individuals who are trained in il-
creases in overdose deaths involving       effect. It is often mixed with heroin and/       These deaths continued to happen          This data suggest that overdose deaths         legal drug cases to go into these deaths
heroin, the third wave began in 2013,      or cocaine as a combination product —        and even rose during COVID-19. In their       remained elevated well into the fall before    and find out where these laced drugs are
with significant increases in overdose     with or without the user’s knowledge         2021 Commonwealth Fund article, Jesse         declining toward the pre-pandemic base-        coming from and to put a stop to the
deaths involving synthetic opioids,        — to increase its euphoric effects.”         C. Baumgartner and David C. Radley            line near the beginning of 2021.               selling of substances that are unknow-
particularly those involving illicitly         Essentially, people who sell drugs il-   stated that deaths began hitting record           The final 2020 total in the United         ingly playing a game of Russian roulette
                                           legally are often lacing the substances      levels shortly after the pandemic took its    States could exceed 90,000 overdose            with their lives.
                                           they sell with fentanyl because it makes     hold on the U.S.                              deaths, compared to 70,630 in 2019.
"[...] the third wave                      the high stronger.                               They explained that these numbers         Which would not only be the highest
began in 2013, with                                                                                                                                                                  If you or someone you know needs help
                                               According to Dr. Volkow, the director    grew monthly “by about 50 percent             annual number on record, but the largest       with substance use go to www.samhsa.
significant increases                      of the National Institute on Drug Abuse,     between February and May to more              single-year percentage increase in the          gov/find-help/national-helpline or call
in overdose deaths                         in a 2021 New York Times article, these      than 9,000; they were likely still around     past 20 years.
                                           drugs are being laced because the fen-       8,000 in August. Prior to 2020, U.S.              Knowing that people are dying from             1-800-662-HELP (4357)
involving synthetic                                                                                                                                                                    CONFIDENTIAL | FREE | 24/7
                                           tanyl makes it stronger for cheaper and      monthly overdose deaths had never             something they didn't even know they
opioids, particularly                      explains “that more deaths than ever         risen above 6,300.”                           were using and knowing that the number
those involving il-                                                                                                                                                                    information service that provides
                                           involved drug combinations, typically of         The two went on to point out that the     is continuing to rise is heartbreaking.         referrals to local treatment facilities,
licitly manufactured                       fentanyl or heroin with stimulants.”         main contributor of this increase can be      What is needed is more support for in-         support groups and community-based
fentanyl."                                     Volkow points out that “ … someone       attributed to opiod use “specifically syn-    dividuals who are using drugs and get                       organizations
                                           who’s addicted to a stimulant drug like      thetic opioids such as fentanyl. Opioids      them the help that they need, such as
The ledger - The Husky Task Force: Gathering members to vaccinate the pack - University of Washington Tacoma - The Tacoma Ledger
A&E                                                                                                                                                                                       THE LEDGER        MAY 3, 2021         7


                                                                                                                                                                                               “Shiva Baby”

                Drama at the funeral in “Shiva Baby”

                                                                                                                                                                                              The Good:
                                                                                                                                                                                              • Themes and narrative are
                                           A funeral transforms into a stressful ride of emotions.                                                                                              clear and well portrayed
                                                                                                                                                                                              • Scenes are well crafted
                                                                                                                                                                                              • Unique narrative that makes
                                                                                                                                                           COURTESY OF UTOPIA PICTURES
Stuck between lovers and her family, Danielle can’t catch a break at the funeral.                                                                                                               use of great cat

By Henry Nguyen                                Max, played by Danny Defferrari. She         have developed during that time. The               With tight close up shots of charac-           The Bad:
Film Critic                                    then remembers that she has a funeral        film really gets interesting when it turns     ters that work to achieve the goal of              • Relies heavily on certain
                                               to attend but ends up missing the recep-     out that Danielle’s sugar daddy, Max from      putting the viewer into Danielle’s shoes,            aspects of scenes
    Emerging from the South by South-          tion. Danielle instead makes it to the       earlier, worked for Danielle’s dad and is      the framing in these claustrophobic                • Could have used the setting
West 2020 indie film category comes            Shiva, which, in Judaism, is the period      also attending the funeral … with his          scenes is also well done. Although, the              of the funeral better
Emma Seligman’s film debut, “Shiva             of proper mourning that begins after         wife … Awkward.                                film relies a bit too heavily on these
Baby,” a comedic drama taking place in         the funeral.                                     The drama and the awkwardness in           scenes, by the third or fourth time one
the confines of a funeral home. While              However, at the Shiva things don’t get   this film are very well built. There are       comes up, it’s easy to feel sick of it and    who knows what she wants to do in life
COVID has forced directors to adapt            any better for Danielle. Her parents con-    multiple scenes throughout where Dan-          comes across as though the director           while everyone around her has their ex-
their filmmaking skills, “Shiva Baby” uses     tinuously embarrass her causing her to       ielle and the viewer have moments of           didn’t really have any other ideas.           pectations lowered.
their limitations to their benefit by offer-   continue to lie to other family members      claustrophobic and cacophonous thought             The story itself, also done by Emma          “Shiva Baby” is a great drama for
ing a film that is more of a claustropho-      about what she’s been up to in school and    that build the tension and anxiety in each     Seligman, is very well written. It is un-     those looking for an unconventional
bic thriller than a comedy.                    her plans for the future. Even worse,        scene. The anxiety this film produces          conventional, and with the multiple ways      story, something to get a chuckle out
    The film starts with our main char-        Danielle runs into her ex-girlfriend Maya    rivals that of “Uncut Gems,” which is          in which it could have gone, the route        of and perhaps even relate to. Its
acter, Danielle — played by Rachel Sen-        — played by Molly Gordon. They haven’t       pretty fitting given that both films feature   that Seligman chose to go was the best.       unique story makes it worthy of at
nott — having sex with her sugar daddy,        talked in a while and some sour feelings     Jewish main characters.                        Ultimately, it fits the theme of a woman      least one watch.

  From books to browser: The growing industry of webcomics
                          Webcomics are a growing form of comic publication that utilizes technology to share their stories.
By Lore Zent                                   rather than horizontally. This allows the    New Zealand creator Rachel Symthe’s
A&E Columnist                                  comics to be read seamlessly through         “Lore Olympus.” In June 2020, it was
                                               scrolling, rather than being constrained     announced that the animated series will
    Over the past few decades, there have      to four or five panels and transitional      premiere on Netflix.
been great strides in the visual and tech-     shifts turning page to page. Other com-          Both Tapas and Webtoon are built
nological advances of comics. Since the        ics hosted individually, such as “Cucum-     upon a freemium model, where the ser-
mid-1990s, with the rising popularity of       berQuest,” can feature formats that          vice is primarily free but users can pay
the world wide web, creators have begun        mirror traditional comic books. The          through micro-transactions for addi-
to realize the potential the web holds for     medium, format and genre of webcom-          tional features. They offer both a platform
publishing their own works; lifted from        ics varies from series to series.            for growing authors to host original
some of the chains that traditional print-         Both of these services originate from    content along with a featured selection
                                                                                                                                                                                                               COLLAGE BY LORE ZENT
ed comic books held them down with.            South Korea but have expanded to reach       of promoted content.                           Webtoon series from top-left to bottom-right: Lore Olympus, Sweet Home, Surviving
    Webcomics are a form of comics             an international audience. Webcomics             However, Tapas and Webtoons free-          Romance, Brass & Sass, Age Matters, Odd Girl Out, Down To Earth, Your Throne.
published through a website or an app.         are a prominent form of entertainment        mium models are structured a little dif-
This may be through the author’s own           in South Korean culture. Many of those       ferently. Tapas’ featured content has a        equivalent to 50 cents.                       and Bound Entertainment, Rooster Teeth
domain name or one of the wide selection       from Webtoon have been adapted into          first few episodes free, but at a certain          Being the more popular of the two         Studios and Vertigo. Naver also acquired
of publishing portal services we have          anime or K-Dramas (Korean live-action        point asks you to pay “ink” for each           giants, Webtoons reports to currently         WattPad for around $600 million in ef-
today. Usually, webcomic creators publish      drama television series).                    following episode. Whereas Webtoon             have over 67 million active users. With       forts to expand their name as a multime-
new content on a weekly or monthly                 English speaking webcomic authors        holds the option for the whole series to       its success, the parent company Naver         dia storytelling company.
schedule, labeled as an episode or update.     and artists, however, also have the chance   be free but offers a “fast pass” for epi-      was able to trademark the word “Webt-             With the growing success and expan-
    Among these services, Tapas and            to see their series grow from webcomic       sodes not yet released to the public. This     oon.” Earlier this year, Naver launched       sion of the webcomics into the realm of
Webtoon are the most popular sources           to the big screen. In Oct. 2019, the Jim     fast pass allows users to buy individual       Webtoon Studios, a production studio          filmed entertainment, the question about
for reading a variety of webcomics.            Henson Company announced they will           episodes up to four weekly updates             which will increase the company’s pres-       the possibility for Webtoons to become
These services allow their audiences to        be partnering with Webtoon to create an      ahead of what is available to everyone.        ence in film and television; along with       a household name like DC and Marvel
read a majority of their series vertically     animated adaptation of the series from       Each fast pass costs about five coins,         this, they also announced partnerships        is being raised.
The ledger - The Husky Task Force: Gathering members to vaccinate the pack - University of Washington Tacoma - The Tacoma Ledger
8   MAY 3, 2021         THE LEDGER                                                                                                                                                                        A&E

                                                                                                                                                                                    COURTESY OF @UW_MBB ON TWITTER
A depleted Husky squad meets after practice which began this past week.

  Rebuilding the Husky men’s basketball team
                       After one of the worst seasons in school history, the Huskies could be facing an even tougher year.
                                         How will Mike Hopkins and the staff be able to turn it around?
By Brooks Moeller                          not had in a long time.                   Emmitt Matthews Jr. and former            per game in his Junior year, giving him   aged 17 points for Olympia during his
Sports Reporter                                This will only make it harder for     Arizona guard Terrell Brown Jr.           looks from schools like Arizona. This     Junior season. To top off his accolades,
                                           the Huskies to turn around and be-            Matthews was originally the 177th     will be his final year of eligibility.    he earned a spot on the prestigious
    After some time has passed and         come a contender as UCLA along            overall ranked recruit out of Wilson          Both Matthews and Brown are           McDonald's All-American team,
the damage from the 2020-21 season         with USC, Oregon, Oregon State and        High School in Tacoma. He started         solid additions and will most likely      which is an honor given to the top 24
has been assessed, the Husky basket-       Colorado are all expected to return       the majority of his games at West         be in the starting lineup for game #1     high school recruits in the country.
ball team is in a very dangerous posi-     talent and be at the top of the confer-   Virginia as a sophomore and junior,       if no other major players are added           This starting five has the potential
tion. While it looks like the program      ence once again. But there is no rea-     but never really broke out into the       from the transfer portal. Jamel Bey       to be a very good one if Brown can
could be down for years to come,           son the Huskies cannot be in the          player most thought he could be. The      and Nate Roberts will also be return-     be the scorer he was at SeattleU, Mat-
there is always room for positivity        middle of the pack competing for an       hope is that Hopkins will be able to      ing to the starting lineup after being    thews finally develops into an offen-
and hope that the team can be turned       NCAA tournament at-large birth. So,       tap into his offensive potential to go    there for the majority of last season     sive weapon and Grant gets past his
around to contend in the Pac-12 next       what do they need to do in the mean-      along with his 6’7” frame so he can       as well.                                  freshman struggles to contribute
year, but it will be a tough road ahead.   time to make that a reality?              be a major contributor in the 2-3 zone        The final starting spot is still up   early in the season.
    Overall, the conference had one of         After losing five players to the      defense. Matthews will have two more      in the air but I believe the incoming         However, as it is right now, the
its best seasons in recent years. The      transfer portal along with two con-       years of eligibility.                     freshman out of Olympia High              team is extremely thin off the bench
three teams reached the Elite Eight of     tributing seniors, Mike Hopkins is            Brown has made multiple stops         School, Jackson Grant, will earn the      with 3-4 players needing to be added.
the NCAA tournament where UCLA             faced with the challenge to fully re-     over his college career and decided he    spot. Grant has been committed to         There are still names out there that
reached the final four and came with-      build the program. Thankfully, this       will make his final one in his home       the Huskies since November of 2019        could be possible additions but Hop-
in a buzzer of beating Gonzaga to          is not the worst thing to happen con-     state of Washington. He began at local    and stayed loyal throughout the time      kins will need to get on it fast before
advance to the national championship.      sidering it was clear that the group      Shoreline Community College, moved        in between.                               they commit elsewhere. The core is
    This is exactly what the confer-       of players last season did not mesh       onto Seattle University, then eventu-         At 6’10, Grant is the exact type of   there, now the surrounding pieces
ence needed after being almost com-        well together. It looked as if the only   ally ended up at the University of        big man Hopkins wants in his zone         need to be put in place in order for
pletely irrelevant in past seasons.        way this team was going to improve        Arizona. He only started nine games       defense to provide massive length         the Huskies to be in a much better
UCLA is now ranked in the top five         was with a new group of players.          while at Arizona averaging 7.3 points     down below where he can improve           position than they were at the end of
in severely different preseason polls          Hopkins has already made two          and 3.5 assists per game. It was at Se-   their rebounding — which was hor-         last season.
heading into next season which is          additions from the transfer portal,       attleU where Brown made a name for        rendous last season. He will also be a
something that the conference has          adding former West Virginia forward       himself averaging just over 20 points     worthy offensive weapon as he aver-
The ledger - The Husky Task Force: Gathering members to vaccinate the pack - University of Washington Tacoma - The Tacoma Ledger
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