The knowing child's quest in contemporary American fiction

Page created by Christina Valdez
The knowing child's quest in contemporary American fiction
Dr Yuki Namiki
                            E:      T: +81-80-4209-0760 W:

                                                                                                                                     Sergey Nivens/
The knowing child’s quest in
contemporary American fiction
Research Objectives                                                 References
Dr Namiki examines two 21st century American                        Namiki, Y. (2020). It’s a wise child who knows his own father:
Bildungsromane, both featuring prepubescent boys                    the figure of the American family in The Last Samurai and
rediscovering their families, and their mothers in particular.      Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. Textual Practice, 34,
One is Helen Dewitt’s The Last Samurai (2000), and the              2130-2142. Available at:
other is Jonathan Safran Foer’s Extremely Loud and                  6X.2020.1834701
Incredibly Close (2007).
                                                                    Svonkin, C., & Axelrod, S. (2018). Introduction: The
                                                                    Metafamily. Pacific Coast Philology, 53(2), 145-154. Available
Detail                                                              at:

Yuki Namiki (PhD English, City University of New                    Personal Response
York) is Associate Professor of English at Tokyo Kasei
University, Tokyo, Japan. Her main field of research is
                                                                    What inspired you to conduct this research?
Contemporary American Literature, with a specific focus
on representation of family at the time of crisis. Native               In the time of uncertainty, it seems that more and
of Tokyo, her research interest also includes catastrophe           more people seek refuge in the family as a reliable
and its representation and Japanese contemporary                    social unit. The family can be a refuge from outside
culture.                                                            world, so to say, but at the same time it can be a source
                                                                    of tilted power balance among its members, especially
                                                                    between mother and children. I found this phenomenon
                                                                    very interesting from a feminist point of view and tried
This work was supported by the JSPS KAKENHI under
                                                                    to tackle the issue from a cultural representation angle.
Grant Number 15K16703.
• John Frow
• Melissa Hardie
• Vanessa Smith
• The University of Sydney, Australia
The knowing child's quest in contemporary American fiction
Arts & Humanities ︱ Yuki Namiki                                                                                                                                                                                         © Foto H.-P.Haack, Attribution, via Wikimedia Commons

The knowing child’s
quest in contemporary
American fiction                                                                                                                                                                                                        Goethe’s Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        (German: Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre) is generally
  The image of an adolescent             iterary critics generally agree that    featured in literature since classical                                                                                                 recognised as the prototype Bildungsroman.

  growing up and making sense            universal human experience can          times, literary critics cite the importance
  of the world is a familiar icon        be reduced to, and described in, a      for its development of the German
  in many cultures around the       limited number of archetypal plots. From     Romantic writer Goethe’s Wilhelm                                                                                                       THE LAST SAMURAI
  world. Yuki Namiki from Tokyo     “rags to riches” to “the quest” and “the     Meister’s Apprenticeship. Written at                                                                                                   Set in London, The Last Samurai
  Kasei University in Japan         journey”, distinct narrative arcs reappear   the end of the 18th century, the work is                                                                                               describes the relationship between an
  looks at how two 21st century     in the stories told in poems, novels,        generally recognised as the prototype                                                                                                  isolated and troubled single mother,
  American novels use the trope     films, television dramas, video-games        “Bildungsroman” or “education novel”.                                                                                                  Sibylla, and her exceptionally gifted
  in line with literary tradition   and comic strips around the world.                                                                                                                                                  child, Ludo. The story unfolds through
  but also depart from it to                                                     More closely defined than the “coming                                                                                                  seemingly random anecdotes narrated by
  explore family relationships in   A particular cultural icon is the theme      of age” story, an important feature                                                                                                    the American Sibylla and later by Ludo,
  contemporary society. Both        of the adolescent, usually male, who         of the Bildungsroman theme in 19th                                                                                                     who was conceived after a one-night
  novels narrate the story of an    sets out from the countryside to seek        century Europe is the time-setting: the                                                                                                stand with a man who is unaware of
  adolescent boy who is at the      his fortune in the city. After a series      hero’s journey of self-discovery takes        be traced by literary critics to this day.   from the post-World War II ideal of the     Ludo’s existence.
  same time innocent and mature     of often negative experiences, he            place in a wider national context, for        Yuki Namiki from Tokyo Kasei University      nuclear family, the modern ‘metafamily’
  – a “knowing child” – who         arrives at a state of self-realisation       example Germany’s political trajectory        in Japan specialises in Contemporary         comprises various models as the notion      To provide positive male role models,
  embarks on a quest to find a
                                    and reconciliation with the situation        towards unification. The change in the        American Literature. In a recent paper,      of what it means to be part of a family     Sibylla shows Ludo reruns of the
  lost father.
                                    from which he was originally trying          hero’s inner world therefore parallels        she examines two                                                                                             Japanese warlord film
                                    to escape. He returns home, having           external change in his homeland.              contemporary                                                                                                 The Seven Samurai.
                                    emerged from his                                                                           novels which          A particular cultural icon is the theme of                                             She also introduces

                                                                                                                                                      the adolescent who sets out from the
                                    experience as a                              BILDUNGSROMAN INFLUENCE                       feature                                                                                                      him to classical
                                    grown man.                                   The influence of the Bildungsroman            prepubescent                                                                                                 literature, including

                                      Though the
                                                                                           spread across Europe to
                                                                                             America and the rest of the
                                                                                                                                                    countryside to seek his fortune in the city.                                            the Homeric epic The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Odyssey. The film
                                       storyline has                                          world, and continues to          their families:                                                                                              provides Ludo with
                                                                                                                               Helen Dewitt’s The Last Samurai (2000),      has been reconfigured by different          different concepts of what it means to be
                                                                                                                               and Jonathan Safran Foer’s Extremely         groups of people, for example same-sex      male and the epic poem inspires his own
                                                                                                                               Loud and Incredibly Close (2007).            couples, groups of homeless people,         quest to track down his biological father.
                                                                                                                                                                            and people of different ethnic and
                                                                                                                               Dr Namiki considers how Dewitt’s and         religious backgrounds.                      Ludo finds his father but does not tell
                                                                                                                               Safran Foer’s novels explore their heroes’                                               him he is his son, because Ludo regards
                                                                                                                               relationship with an absent paternal         Dr Namiki argues that The Last Samurai      him as unworthy. As a result, Ludo sets
                                                                                                                               figure but situate their growth within       and Extremely Loud and Incredibly           out to find seven other candidates for a
                                                                                                                               maternal relationships. Dr Namiki also       Close should be regarded as important       father figure, each of whom he judges
                                                                                                                               considers how the novels explore the         American Bildungsromane and that they       by their qualities rather than their genes.
                                                                                                                               character of an adolescent who is an         “portray aspects of the ‘metafamily’ of     He finally chooses Yamamoto, who
                                                                                                                               innocent child but at the same time          the mother and child”. She explains:        recognises what Ludo is seeking and
                                                                                                                               mature – a “knowing child”.                  “As both stories position the family at     agrees, as Dr Namiki explains, “to fill the
                                                                                                                                                                            the centre of emotion while focusing on     void in his family”.
                                                                                                                               Dr Namiki’s paper also adds to the           the boy-hero’s quest, examining their
                                                                                                                               growing body of literary criticism which     similarities and differences can serve as   EXTREMELY LOUD AND
                                                                                                                               considers how the concept of family is       an important starting point in discussing   INCREDIBLY CLOSE
                                                                                                                               understood in modern life and how it is      family figures in contemporary              Set in post-9/11 New York City,
                                                                                                                               portrayed in contemporary fiction. Far       American literature.”                       Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
The knowing child's quest in contemporary American fiction
Adam”. The concept was developed             How is the concept of family understood in modern
                                                                                                                                                                                          life? The modern ‘metafamily’ encompasses different
                                                                                                                                             by the literary critic R.W.B. Lewis in the   groups of people, such as same-sex couples and
                                                                                                                                             1950s to describe young heroes, who,         people of different ethnic and religious backgrounds.
                                                                                                                                             like the Biblical Adam – and America
                                                                                                                                             itself – grow up unburdened by a past
                                                                                                                                             and have to fashion their own identity
                                                                                                                                             as they discover the world and make
                                                                                                                                             sense of their place within it.

                                                                                                                                             REDEFINING MOTHERHOOD
                                                                                                                                             It is not just the heroes in The Last
                                                                                                                                             Samurai and Extremely Loud and
                                                                                                                                             Incredibly Close who differ from the
                                                                                                                                             Bildungsroman norm. While mothers
                                                                                                                                             in the genre are historically shadowy
                                                                                                                                             figures who stay in the background,
                                                                                                                                             Dr Namiki argues that the mothers in
                                                                                                                                             these 21st century interpretations have
                                                                                                                                             significant new roles.

                                                   Oskar also learns that his mother set                                                     One of the qualities that lead Ludo to
                                                   the trail for him to help him come to                                                     choose Yamamoto as his father figure
                                                   terms with his father’s death. As Dr                                                      is Yamamoto’s understanding of the
                                                   Namiki explains, the mother “restores                                                     strong emotional bond Ludo has with
                                                   Oskar to the position of the child he                                                     Sibylla. In some ways, Ludo is her
                                                   actually is”.                                                                             guardian as he comes to recognise
                                                                                                                                             that her constant rerunning of the film
                                                   KNOWING CHILD                                                                             of The Seven Samurai is a means of
                                                   The Last Samurai and Extremely Loud                                                       escape from her own difficult life.
                                                   and Incredibly Close differ from the
                                                   traditional Bildungsroman norm in                                                         In addition, it is Oskar’s mother who
                                                   that their young heroes are no longer                                                     masterminds his quest to find his father
                                                   “innocents”. Instead, Dr Namiki                                                           and ultimately restores balance to their
                                                   locates both Ludo and Oskar in the       Jonathan Safran Foer’s Extremely Loud and        newly shaped family unit. She does
Helen Dewitt’s The Last Samurai follows a single   tradition of the “knowing child”. The    Incredibly Close describes young Oskar’s quest   this by helping him to see the bigger
mother and her son Ludo, who tries to find his                                              to learn more about his father’s death.
                                                   concept was coined in 1998 by Anne                                                        picture as well as the emotional detail
                                                   Higonnet, an art historian who studies   quest – what literary critics refer to           that, as Dr Namiki explains, is “too loud
tells the story of the hypersensitive              the depiction of children in visual      as “sentiment analysis” or finding               and too close for his sensibilities”.
Oskar, who lives alone with his mother             culture. Dr Namiki explains: “Marking    “emotion in text”.
after his father was killed in the terrorist       a departure from the romantic idea                                                        FAMILY RECONFIGURED
attack on the World Trade Centre.                  of the ‘innocent child’, the term        Dr Namiki argues: “Equipped with                 Dr Namiki argues that the family unit in
                                                   illustrates the presence of children     the keen mind, yet innocence and                 contemporary America is redefined in
Unable to make sense of his father’s               ‘with body’, as subjects that actively   powerlessness of children, they are              The Last Samurai and Extremely Loud
loss, Oskar struggles with the void that           trespass on, and are agents of change    thrown into a world lacking a reliable           and Incredibly Close. Both are city
has also been created in his world.                in the adult realm.”                     foundation in both a broader social              novels which depict fragmented lives in
By chance he discovers a key that                                                           sense and in the characters’ personal            anxious times and both offer a “child-
may have belonged to his father and                Set in our troubled, contemporary        environment. Given this void, the                centric vision of family and childhood”
embarks on a quest that leads him to               times, both novels tell how Ludo         knowing child needs to construct a               as their heroes “project their inner
understand more about his father’s                 and Oskar try to make sense of their     new relationship with the world.”                worlds onto the outer world”.
sudden departure from the family.                  environment and find father figures.
                                                   Both also rely on narratives from        In addition, Dr Namiki locates Ludo              By exploring “possible forms of family”
Various clues present themselves in                fictional or real people to guide        and Oskar’s stories within an older              and positioning such exploration
the form of encounters Oskar has with              their feelings and help them in their    literary trope – that of the “American           as an essential part of the heroes’
different people. Each helps him to                                                                                                          quests to find lost fathers, the novels
piece fragments of information and                                                                                                           explore “new familial modes in their
emotion together to form a pattern.                   Both stories position the family at the                                                relations with the maternal”. Dr Namiki
This helps Oskar accept his loss and                                                                                                         concludes: “The family is reconfigured
realise that the pattern remains, like his           centre of emotion while focusing on the                                                 as an asylum for the mother-child
father’s and his own lives, even though
it can only be seen from a distance.                            boy-hero’s quest.                                                            relationship, with fatherhood being
                                                                                                                                             recognised as an empty space.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
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