CAREGIVER SUPPORT AND TRAINING - Alzheimer's Disease Association

Page created by Sally Gibson
CAREGIVER SUPPORT AND TRAINING - Alzheimer's Disease Association
A P RI L- SE P T E MB E R 2 018

D E M EN T I A HE L P L I NE 6377 070 0
CAREGIVER SUPPORT AND TRAINING - Alzheimer's Disease Association

“    Doctors diagnose, nurses heal, and
     caregivers make sense of it all.
     - Brett Lewis

This fittingly sums up the role of caregivers and the
responsibilities they shoulder when embarking on a journey to
provide care to their loved ones. With multiple responsibilities
and expectations, the caregiving journey can become
challenging. Therefore, supporting caregivers remains a priority
of Alzheimer’s Disease Association (ADA).
This booklet aims to provide easy access to information on

ADA’s programmes and services. The integrated information
also allows caregivers to identify their needs and plan their
learning to enhance their caregiving skills and abilities.

Through our various caregiver support groups and training
                                                                         Section 1:
programmes, ADA hopes to equip caregivers with knowledge
and skills in dementia care, while acknowledging their unique            Caregiver Support Group
caregiving experiences with the ultimate aim to empower and
encourage transformation in their caregiving journey.
                                                                    11   Section 2:
                                                                         Training for Family

                                                                    14   Section 3:
                                                                         Training for Foreign
                                                                         Domestic Workers

                                                                    18   Section 4:
                                                                         Registration Details
                                                                         for Caregiver Training
CAREGIVER SUPPORT AND TRAINING - Alzheimer's Disease Association
WHAT IS                                Are you experiencing caregiver
                                             stress, seeking information on
                                                                                          Caregiver Support Groups (English)

                                                                                                                                                                              Caregiver Support Group
                                             dementia care, or wanting to meet
                                             other caregivers?                               DATE                           TOPIC                          VENUE

      SUPPORT                                Join the Alzheimer’s Disease
                                                                                                                Chronic Illnesses Management

                                             Association  (ADA)  Caregiver                07 Apr 2018                                                         JP
                                                                                                                 for Persons with Dementia
                                             Support Group!
                                             Caregiver Support Groups provide
                                             an opportunity for respite, while            28 Apr 2018         Expressive Art Therapy Workshop                 TP
                                             meeting other caregivers in similar
                                             situations to share caregiving
                                                                                                              Sundown Symptoms Management
                                             experiences and practical tips,              19 May 2018                                                        BB
                                                                                                                    in Dementia Care
                                             learn    about  dementia,      and
                                             discover resources in a relaxed
                                             and safe environment.                        26 May 2018            Young Onset Dementia Care                    TP
                                             Sessions are conducted in English
                                             for two hours, consisting of a talk
                                             by a guest speaker and a sharing             23 Jun 2018     Effective Communication in Dementia Care            JP
                                             session amongst caregivers.
                                                                                                            Using Stimulating Activities to Engage
                                                                                          30 Jun 2018                                                         TP
                                                                                                                   Persons with Dementia

      To register                            BB                                            14 Jul 2018
                                                                                                                  When is it the Right Time?
                                                                                                               - Nursing Homes and Other Care                BB
      Please call our Dementia Helpine       New Horizon Centre (Bukit Batok)
      at 6377 0700 or register online at     Blk 511 Bukit Batok St 52, #01-211, Alternatively, email   S(650511)
      us at
                                             JP                                           28 Jul 2018      Community Resources in Dementia Care               TP
      Please register at least two weeks     New Horizon Centre (Jurong Point)
      before the scheduled sessions.         1 Jurong West Central 2, #04-04,
                                             Jurong Point Shopping Centre,                                   Providing Comfort and Quality of Life
      Caregiver Support Group                S(648886)                                    04 Aug 2018                                                         JP
                                                                                                                 in Late Stage Dementia Care
      sessions are free of charge
      (unless specified).                    TP
                                             New Horizon Centre (Toa Payoh)                                  Anxiety, Depression and Sleep Issues
                                             Blk 157 Toa Payoh Lorong 1, #01-1195,        18 Aug 2018                                                         TP
                                                                                                                         in Dementia

                                                                                        Note: Topics and schedules are subjected to change without prior notice.
      Note: Our Caregiver Support Group
      is strictly for family caregivers of
      persons with dementia.                 2.30pm to 4.30pm.
                                             Participants are to be seated by 2.15pm.

3   EMPOWERING YOU, TRANSFORMING CARE                                                                                                 EMPOWERING YOU, TRANSFORMING CARE   4
CAREGIVER SUPPORT AND TRAINING - Alzheimer's Disease Association
何谓关护者                             您是否正面临着关护者压力,在


                                                                                                                                                         Caregiver Support Group
                                                                              日期                         课题                              地点
                                        关护者互助小组!                           12 May 2018
                                                                                                    (Outdoor Yoga)
                                        的空间,在一个轻松安全的环境                                              失智症慈怀疗护
                                                                           16 Jun 2018                                                    TB
                                                                                              (Palliative Care in Dementia)
                                        及相关的关护知识和社区支援的                                                 社区资源
                                                                           07 Jul 2018                                                    TB
                                                                                         (Community Resources in Dementia Care)

                                        关护者互助小组将会以华语进                                                 饮食与营养
                                               小组包括由受邀                    25 Aug 2018
                                                                                                  (Food and Nutrition)


      若有兴趣报名                            地点
      请拨打失智症援助热线           6377         TB
      0700 或到报名。          Family of Wisdom(Tiong Bahru)
      您也可以电邮到registration@              瑞智互助家庭(中峇鲁)。请在至少两个星期前              298 Tiong Bahru Road,
      报名。                               #10-05 Central Plaza, S(168730)



5   EMPOWERING YOU, TRANSFORMING CARE                                                                            EMPOWERING YOU, TRANSFORMING CARE   6
CAREGIVER SUPPORT AND TRAINING - Alzheimer's Disease Association
APAKAH ITU                                                                                                                                                   “
                                          Adakah anda mengalami tekanan
                                          menjaga     pesakit   demensia?                         I always appreciate and benefitted from

                                                                                                                                                                             Caregiver Support Group
                                          Adakah anda mencari maklumat                         gaining more knowledge on dementia from
                                          untuk penjagaan pesakit demensia
                                                                                            the speaker and sharing with other caregivers.
      SOKONGAN                            atau berminat untuk bertemu
                                          penjaga-penjaga lain?                                            - Mdm T (Participant of open caregiver support group)

      PENJAGA?                            Sertai
                                          Association (ADA)!                          Kumpulan Sokong Penjaga (Melayu)
                                          Kumpulan Sokongan Penjaga                     TARIKH                             TOPIK                           LOKASI
                                          menyediakan peluang kepada
                                          para penjaga untuk berehat sambil                                      Sumber Masyarakat
                                          bertemu para penjaga lain yang              05 May 2018            dalam Penjagaan Demensia                         TB
                                          mengalami situasi sama, untuk                                 (Community Resources in Dementia Care)
                                          berkongsi pengalaman penjagaan
                                          dan tip-tip praktikal yang berguna,                                      Pencegahan dari jatuh
                                          serta belajar tentang demensia di            21 Jul 2018          dan Keselamatan di dalam rumah                    TB
                                          dalam persekitaran yang selamat                                   (Fall Prevention and Home Safety)
                                          dan selesa.
                                                                                                         Mengurusi tingkah laku yang mencabar
                                          Sesi-sesi ini dikendalikan dalam            29 Sep 2018                                                             TB
                                                                                                           (Managing Responsive Behaviours)
                                          bahasa     Melayu    merangkumi
                                          ceramah      oleh    penceramah
                                          jemputan dan sesi perkongsian             Nota: Topik dan jadual tertakluk kepada perubahan tanpa notis.
                                          antara penjaga selama dua jam.

      Untuk mendaftar                     Lokasi
                                                                                “     The programme
                                                                                      was very well run,
      Sila hubungi talian Dementia
                                                                                      the staff are attentive
      Helpline di 6377 0700 atau daftar   TB                                          and knowledgeable.
      secara online di    Family of Wisdom Centre
      Alternatif lain, emel kami di       (Tiong Bahru)                               We, as caregivers,            298 Tiong Bahru Road, #10-05,               feel very supported
                                          Central Plaza, S(168730)
      Sila daftar dua minggu sebelum                                                  throughout.
      sesi yang dijadualkan.                                                          Well done!
      Sesi Kumpulan Sokongan Penjaga
                                          10.30 pagi hingga 12.30 petang.
                                                                                      Keep it up!
      adalah percuma.
                                          Sila hadir sebelum jam 10.15 pagi.          - Ms Ho
      Nota: Kumpulan Sokongan Penjaga                                                 (Participant of closed
      kami hanya untuk ahli keluaraga                                                 caregiver support group)
      yang menjaga pesakit demensia.

7   EMPOWERING YOU, TRANSFORMING CARE                                                                                                EMPOWERING YOU, TRANSFORMING CARE   8
CAREGIVER SUPPORT AND TRAINING - Alzheimer's Disease Association
CLOSED CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP                                                          CLOSED CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP

      HOLISTIC WELL-BEING                                                                     CAREGIVERS

                                                                                                                                                                                         Caregiver Support Group
      FOR PERSONS WITH                                                                        WHO ARE SINGLE
      DEMENTIA                                                                              It has been recognised that
                                                                                                                                           Who Should
                                                                                            caregivers who are single may
    Overall                                       Who Should                                have specific and unique needs                 Attend
                                                                                            and thoughts about caregiving.
    Objectives                                    Attend                                    Thus, this support group is
                                                                                                                                           • Family caregivers who are
                                                                                                                                             caring for their loved ones
    • Provide a holistic understanding            • Family caregivers who are caring        started with the following                       diagnosed with dementia, and
      of the changing needs of a                    for their loved ones diagnosed          objectives:                                    • Single (i.e. not married,
      person with dementia                          with dementia and are keen to                                                            widowed, divorced), and
                                                    learn and acquire knowledge and         • Discuss caregiving experiences
    • Equip caregivers with various
                                                    skills in these areas, and                and choices                                  • Able to speak and comprehend
      knowledge and skills to manage
                                                                                            • Support caregivers to find                     English and can commit to
      these changing needs                        • Able to speak and comprehend
                                                                                              meaning and purpose in their                   attending all 5 sessions of this
    • Gain understanding and learn                  English and can commit to
                                                                                              caregiving                                     closed support group
      how to care for yourself as a                 attending all 5 sessions of this
      caregiver                                     closed support group                    • Foster and enhance support for
                                                                                              self and fellow caregivers

       DATE                             TOPIC                               VENUE
                                                                                               DATE                            TOPIC                             VENUE
                     The Brain - Understanding how Dementia
    12 May 2018        Affects Behaviours and Psychology
                                                                                            23 June 2018                      First Link
                                    of a Person
                                                                           10.30am –                                                                            10.30am –
                                                                            12.30pm                                                                              12.30pm
                       How Dementia Affects Communication                                   30 June 2018                   Second Choice
    19 May 2018
                                and Swallowing                        Caregiver Support                                                                     Caregiver Support
                                                                            Centre,                                                                               Centre,
                                                                        70 Bendemeer        07 July 2018                     Third Hand
    26 May 2018               Dementia and Daily Care                                                                                                         70 Bendemeer
                                                                            Road,                                                                                 Road,
                                                                       Luzerne Building                                                                      Luzerne Building
                                                                                            14 July 2018                    Moving Forth
    02 June 2018             Dementia and Incontinence                     #03-02A,                                                                              #03-02A,
                                                                          S(339940)                                                                             S(339940)
                                                                                            21 July 2018                       Closure
    09 June 2018               Dementia Care and You

                                                                                            There are limited vacancies for this group; registration will be on first come, first
    There are limited vacancies for this group; registration will be on first come, first   served basis and will close on 08 June 2018. No walk-ins will be accommodated
    served basis and will close on 20 April 2018. No walk-ins will be accommodated          as this is a closed support group.
    as this is a closed support group.

9   EMPOWERING YOU, TRANSFORMING CARE                                                                                                          EMPOWERING YOU, TRANSFORMING CARE    10
CAREGIVER SUPPORT AND TRAINING - Alzheimer's Disease Association
FAMILY CAREGIVER                                                      CORE MODULE:

       TRAINING PROGRAMME                                                    Living with Dementia
       Caring for a person with dementia can be very difficult at times.     • Recognise the symptoms of dementia and
       Dementia not only affects the person living with the condition,         its impact on the person with dementia
       but the entire family. The greatest challenge is on you, the            and caregivers.
       caregiver. With better understanding of dementia, you can plan
                                                                             • Appreciate the principles of Person-Centred Care.
       and cope with the challenges that you may encounter in your
       caregiving journey.                                                   • Communicate effectively with the person with dementia.
                                                                             • Understand the nature of behavioural and psychological symptoms
       Family Caregiver Training Programme (FCTP) is a two-day                 of dementia.

                                                                                                                                                                    Training for Family Caregivers
       programme designed to support you in your caregiving role.
                                                                             • Identify a range of strategies to cope with the changing behaviour of
       Comprising of core and elective modules, this programme
                                                                               persons with dementia
       provides you with essential knowledge and skills to care for the
       person with dementia using the Person-Centred approach. The
       interactive training workshops serve as a platform for you to gain    ELECTIVE MODULE 1:
       new insights into caring for the person with dementia and yourself,
       share real-life scenarios for discussion, and identify potential      Purposeful and Meaningful
       strategies for managing caregiver stress.                             Engagement
                                                                             Due to changes in their thinking abilities, and reduced motivation, persons
                                                                             with dementia struggle to continue with everyday activities, interests and
                                                                             valued roles. Family caregivers will learn creative ways of engaging the
                                                                             person with dementia in purposeful and meaningful activities to enhance
                                                                             their physical and psychological wellbeing.

                                                                             ELECTIVE MODULE 2:
                                                                             A Positive Approach to
                                                                             Challenging Behaviour
                                                                             Changes in the behaviour of persons with dementia often appear challenging
                                                                             to their caregivers, family and friends. The impact of behavioural and
                                                                             psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) may be minimised through
                                                                             the use of positive methods of communication, environmental modification,
                                                                             and by addressing unmet needs. In this workshop, participants will identify
                                                                             ways to manage their everyday challenges in caregiving through a problem-
                                                                             solving approach.

11   EMPOWERING YOU, TRANSFORMING CARE                                                                                     EMPOWERING YOU, TRANSFORMING CARE   12
CAREGIVER SUPPORT AND TRAINING - Alzheimer's Disease Association
                                                                            DEMENTIA CARE
       When are the Training                                                TRAINING WORKSHOPS
       Sessions?                                                            FOR FOREIGN DOMESTIC
                   MODULE                       TIME            DATE
                                                                            WORKERS (FDWs)
                                                              21 Apr 2018   FDWs find it challenging to cope when a person with dementia
                                                                            exhibits behaviours such as repetitive questioning, agitation and
                                                              07 Jul 2018   anger. They may find it difficult to assist the person with dementia
                Core Module:
                                           9.00am – 5.00pm
            Living with Dementia                                            in daily activities such as eating, taking a shower and going to
                                                              20 Oct 2018
                                                                            the toilet. As the condition progresses, the person’s mental and
                                                              19 Jan 2019   physical capacity changes, affecting his/her ability to express
                                                                            thoughts and emotions. Communication can be challenging. As
                                                              19 May 2018   such, FDWs may struggle to address the person’s needs and wants.
                                                                            The following training modules are designed to cover different
              Elective Module 1:                              04 Aug 2018
                                                                            aspects of dementia care to equip FDWs with practical knowledge
          Purposeful and Meaningful        9.30am – 12.30pm
                Engagement                                    17 Nov 2018   and skills to handle different challenges that they will face in caring
                                                                            for the person with dementia.
                                                              23 Feb 2019   • Core Module – Essentials of Dementia Care
                                                                            • Elective Modules – Caring for a Person with Dementia
                                                              23 Jun 2018

                                                                                                                                                            Training for Foreign
                                                                                                                                                             Domestic Workers
                                                                            The FDWs will learn these modules through classroom lecture,
              Elective Module 2:                              22 Sep 2018   experiential learning, group discussions, sharing & role play.
             A Positive Approach           9.30am – 12.30pm
          to Challenging Behaviour                            08 Dec 2018
                                                                            Why should I send my domestic
                                                              02 Mar 2019   worker for training?
                                                                            • To gain knowledge and practical

“      The Family Caregiver Training Programme (FCTP)
       is a good programme that helps participants learn
                                                                              skills in dementia care from
                                                                              specialists in the field
                                                                            • To facilitate employers who
       from one another. The facilitator was knowledgeable,                   are applying for the *Foreign
       encouraging, and helpful in sharing her personal                       Domestic Worker Grant (FDWG)
       experiences. I realised I was not alone - there are other
       caregivers who need help and training. I recommend                   *The FDWG is administered by the
       training for everyone, including young adults.                       Agency for Integrated Care (AIC).
                                                                            Please visit to find out more
       - Kok Wai Tong (Family Caregiver)

13   EMPOWERING YOU, TRANSFORMING CARE                                                                                 EMPOWERING YOU, TRANSFORMING CARE   14
CAREGIVER SUPPORT AND TRAINING - Alzheimer's Disease Association
CORE MODULE:                                                               ELECTIVE MODULES:
       Essentials of Dementia Care                                                Caring for a Person with Dementia
       This is a one-day training workshop that offers core information and
                                                                                  This is a series of training workshops, which comprises of seven elective
       useful techniques for domestic workers to apply when caring for a person
                                                                                  modules covering different aspects of dementia care. It offers coping
       with dementia.
                                                                                  strategies and useful techniques for domestic workers to apply in a home
       It is conducted in English, Malay & Burmese from 9.00am to 5.00pm.         environment. Participants are recommended to attend all seven modules
                                                                                  to be equipped with knowledge and skills in dementia care.
                                                                                  Modules are conducted in English & Malay from 9.30am to 12.30pm.
           MODULE                           SYNOPSIS                   DATE

       Essentials of          Participants will learn :                14 Apr
                                                                                                                                  See schedule on page 17.
       Dementia Care                                                    2018
       • Orientation on       • how to identify the signs and          28 Jul
         Dementia               symptoms of dementia;                   2018
       • Managing             • how dementia causes changes in the
         Changing               behaviour of a person and ways to     06 Oct
         Behaviour              manage these behaviours; and           2018
       • Effective            • techniques to communicate with the
         Communication          person with dementia effectively       05 Jan

                                                                                                                                                                    Training for Foreign
                                                                                                                                                                     Domestic Workers
“       The ADA training gave me good ideas to help grandma
        eat and swallow better. I learnt how to recognise when
        grandma is taking too long to eat; what taking too long
        may mean and what I should then do. I also learnt the
        importance of daily exercise for older people so that their
        muscles can still work well.
        - Riza Salajog Burgos
        (Foreign Domestic Worker
        Training participant)

15   EMPOWERING YOU, TRANSFORMING CARE                                                                                         EMPOWERING YOU, TRANSFORMING CARE   16
CAREGIVER SUPPORT AND TRAINING - Alzheimer's Disease Association
MODULE                           SYNOPSIS                        DATE     REGISTRATION DETAILS
                          Participants will gain a better understanding            FOR CAREGIVER
         Module 1:
                          of the impact of dementia on Activities
                          of Daily Living (ADL), and learn tips on
                          assisting persons with dementia with
                                                                          05 May
       Everyday Care
                          their ADLs through the Prepare, Involve &                How do I register?
                          Comfort (PIC) model                                      • Via phone call at Dementia Helpline 6377 0700
                                                                                   • Via email at:
          Elective                                                                 • Online:
                           Participants will learn to identify and
         Module 2:                                                        02 Jun
                           conduct suitable activities for persons
         Meaningful                                                        2018    What are the course fees for Core & Elective modules?
                           with dementia.
         Activities                                                                • Per Core Module : $140 (without CTG) or min $10 co-payment
                                                                                     (with CTG), dependent on eligibility and CTG balance.
                                                                                   • Per Elective Module : $50 (without CTG) or min $10 co-payment
           Elective       Participants will learn about factors causing
                                                                          18 Aug     (with CTG), dependent on eligibility and CTG balance.
         Module 3:        falls, fall prevention and correct techniques
       Fall Prevention    of assisting someone who has had a fall.                 What is Caregivers Training Grant (CTG)?
                                                                                   The Caregivers Training Grant (CTG) is a $200 annual subsidy that allows
          Elective        Participants will comprehend the mechanics               caregivers to attend approved courses to better care for their loved ones.
         Module 4:        of swallowing, how dementia can impact          01 Sep   Only care recipients who are Singapore Citizens or Singapore Permanent
         Managing         swallowing, and ways to manage food              2018    Residents are eligible for this grant. The CTG is administered by AIC.
         Mealtimes        refusal in persons with dementia.                        Please visit to find out more.

                                                                                   What documents are required to register for the training?
                                                                                   • A copy of the Family Caregiver’s NRIC
         Module 5:        Participants will learn home safety
         Creating A       considerations for persons with dementia        03 Nov   • A copy of the Care Recipient’s NRIC
        Comfortable       as well as practical tips to provide a safe      2018    • A copy of the doctor’s memo confirming a diagnosis of dementia
           & Safe         environment                                              • A copy of the Foreign Domestic Worker’s work permit
        Environment                                                                  (for FDW training only)
                                                                                   • Completed CTG Application Form
                          Participants will comprehend the nutritional               (only for caregivers who wish to utilise the CTG)
                          needs of persons with dementia, strategies
         Module 6:                                                        01 Dec   What is the mode of payment?
                          to overcome under-eating or over-eating
         Managing                                                          2018    • Payment can be made by cash or cheque made payable to
                          and the importance of a healthy and

                                                                                                                                                                     for Caregiver Training
       Food Nutrition                                                                “ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE ASSOCIATION”

                                                                                                                                                                      Registration Details
                          balanced diet.
                                                                                   • Payment and all supporting documents should reach us at least seven
                                                                                     days before the training date.
                          Participants will learn how to manage
          Elective                                                                 • Please note that the course fee for training is non-refundable.
                          their emotions and cope with stress by          16 Feb
         Module 7:
                          discussing their roles and job expectations      2019    Where is the training held?
                          as a caregiver.                                          Alzheimer’s Disease Association (ADA) Resource & Training Centre
                                                                                   70 Bendemeer Road #06-02, Luzerne Building, Singapore 339940

17   EMPOWERING YOU, TRANSFORMING CARE                                                                                          EMPOWERING YOU, TRANSFORMING CARE   18
ADA provides care for persons with dementia at our New Horizon Centres and
Family of Wisdom centres. Caregivers may receive education and support from
the ADA Resource and Training Centre and Caregiver Support Centre.

ADA Resource & Training Centre             Family of Wisdom (Toa Payoh)
  70 Bendemeer Road                          7A Lorong 8 Toa Payoh
 #06-02 Luzerne Building, S 339940           #01-01 Agape Village, S 319264
  Monday - Friday: 9.00am - 6.00pm           Monday - Friday: 8.30am - 5.30pm
  6293 9971                                  6904 4095

Caregiver Support Centre                   New Horizon Centre (Bukit Batok)
  70 Bendemeer Road                          Blk 511 Bukit Batok Street 52, #01-211,
  #03-02A Luzerne Building, S 339940         S 650511
  Monday - Friday: 9.00am - 6.00pm           Monday - Friday: 7.30am - 6.30pm
  6389 5121                                  6565 9958

Dementia Helpline                          New Horizon Centre (Jurong Point)
  Monday - Friday: 9.00am - 6.00pm           1 Jurong West Central 2, #04-04
  6377 0700                                  Jurong Point Shopping Centre,
                                             S 648886
ADAcafé@AgapeV                               Monday - Friday: 7.30am - 6.30pm
  7A Lorong 8 Toa Payoh                      6790 1650
 #01-01 Agape Village, S 319264
  Monday - Friday: 8.30am-5.30pm           New Horizon Centre (Tampines)
  6904 4095                                  Blk 362 Tampines Street 34, #01-377,
                                             S 520362
Family of Wisdom (Bendemeer)                 Monday - Friday: 7.30am - 6.30pm
  72 Bendemeer Road                          6786 5373
  #05-29 Luzerne Building, S 339941
  Monday - Friday: 9.00am - 6.00pm         New Horizon Centre (Toa Payoh)
  6291 6268                                  Blk 157 Toa Payoh Lorong 1, #01-1195,
                                             S 310157
Family of Wisdom (Tiong Bahru)               Monday - Friday: 7.30am - 6.30pm
  298 Tiong Bahru Road                       6353 8734
  #10-05 Central Plaza, S 168730
  Monday - Friday: 8.30am - 5.30pm
  6593 6440 / 6593 6442
/          @alz_sg
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