The Kashmir Earthquake of October 8, 2005: Impacts in Pakistan

Page created by Roger Clark
The Kashmir Earthquake of October 8, 2005: Impacts in Pakistan
EERI Special Earthquake Report — February 2006

Learning from Earthquakes

The Kashmir Earthquake of October 8, 2005: Impacts in Pakistan

An EERI reconnaissance team             House. This report summarizes the             at 87,350, although it is estimated
comprising Saif Hussain, Coffman        salient portions of the information           that the death toll could reach over
Engineers, Inc., Encino, California;    gathered during the visit.                    100,000. Approximately 138,000
Ahmed Nisar, MMI Engineering,                                                         were injured and over 3.5 million
                                        The publication of this report is fund-
Oakland, California; Bijan Khazai,                                                    rendered homeless. According to
                                        ed by EERI’s Learning from Earth-
Columbia University, Earth Institute;                                                 government figures, 19,000 children
                                        quakes Program, under National
and Grant Dellow, Institute of Nu-                                                    died in the earthquake, most of
                                        Science Foundation Grant #CMS-
clear and Geological Sciences,                                                        them in widespread collapses of
                                        0131895. (Note: Additional photos
New Zealand, visited Pakistan                                                         school buildings. The earthquake
                                        from the reconnaissance team can be
November 13-20, 2005. During the                                                      affected more than 500,000 families.
                                        viewed at
visit, the team was hosted by the                                                     In addition, approximately 250,000
North West Frontier Province                                                          farm animals died due to collapse of
(NWFP) University of Engineering        Introduction                                  stone barns, and more than 500,000
and Technology (UET) and spent          On October 8, 2005, at 8:50 a.m. lo-          large animals required immediate
four days in the earthquake-affected    cal time, a magnitude Mw = 7.6 earth-         shelter from the harsh winter.
areas of northern Pakistan. NWFP        quake struck the Himalayan region of
UET staff included Dr. Qaisar Ali,      northern Pakistan and Kashmir. The            It is estimated that more than
Syed M. Ali, and Mr. Mansoor            earthquake epicenter was located ap-          780,000 buildings were either de-
Khan. The trip included a helicop-      proximately 19 km north northeast of          stroyed or damaged beyond repair,
ter survey of the area courtesy of      the city of Muzaffarabad, the capital         and many more were rendered
the Pakistan Army. The team also        of the Pakistani-administered part            unusable for extended periods of
attended a two-day international        of Kashmir, known as Azad Jammu               time. Out of these, approximately
conference on the earthquake            Kashmir (AJK).                                17,000 school buildings and most
organized by the NWFP UET in                                                          major hospitals close to the epicen-
Islamabad and met with the Prime        The Pakistani government’s official           ter were destroyed or severely dam-
Minister of Pakistan at the PM          death toll as of November 2005 stood          aged. Lifelines were adversely af-
                                                                                      fected, especially the numerous
                                                                                      vital roads and highways that were
                                                                                      closed by landslides and bridge
                                                                                      failures. Several areas remained cut
                                                                                      off via land routes even three
                                                                                      months after the main event. Power,
                                                                                      water supply, and telecommunica-
                                                                                      tion services were down for varying
                                                                                      lengths of time, although in most
                                                                                      areas services were restored within
                                                                                      a few weeks.

                                                                                      Massive landsliding was a particular
                                                                                      feature of this event. A very dense,
                                                                                      high-frequency band of landslides
                                                                                      was triggered along the fault rup-
                                                                                      ture trace in the midslope areas;
                                                                                      however, it quickly dissipated with
                                                                                      distance away from the fault rupture
                                                                                      zone. Almost all landslides were
                                                                                      shallow, disaggregated slides, with
                                                                                      two of them larger than 0.1 km2.
                                                                                      Due to the generally arid landscape,
                                                                                      liquefaction was not observed or
     Figure 1. General location map, Mw = 7.6 Kashmir Earthquake                      reported by others.

The Kashmir Earthquake of October 8, 2005: Impacts in Pakistan
EERI Special Earthquake Report — February 2006

                                                                                          Muzaffarabad suffered great dam-
                                                                                          age (IX-X on MMI scale), and the
                                                                                          city of Balakot was almost totally
                                                                                          destroyed (X on MMI scale). The
                                                                                          distribution of subsequent after-
                                                                                          shocks, in the Balakot, Batagram,
                                                                                          Allai, and Beshram Qila areas,
                                                                                          suggests that the fault rupture
                                                                                          extended in the NW direction.

                                                                                          The surface trace of the causative
                                                                                          fault can be interpreted from the
                                                                                          map of ground displacements from
                                                                                          radar amplitude measurements
                                                                                          (COMET 2005). The surface ex-
                                                                                          pression of the fault can also be
                                                                                          clearly detected in images of lithol-
                                                                                          ogy change from Landsat data. A
                                                                                          3-D relief projection shows the ex-
   Figure 2. Tectonic map of northwestern Pakistan (Hussain et al. 2004).                 pression of this fault not only in the
                                                                                          surface geology, but also in the
  Seismotectonics                                with the rupture zone. Outside the       surface geomorphology. Figure 3
                                                 narrow (5-10 km) width of the rupture    shows ground deformation that ap-
  Seismic activity in South Asia is a            zone, the signs of damage appeared
  direct result of the collision of the                                                   pears to be tectonic in nature, pos-
                                                 to be fairly minor. While there was      sibly but not necessarily associated
  Indian and the Eurasian plates, which          damage in more distant locations
  results from the northwestern motion                                                    with the main rupture trace.
                                                 such as Abbotabad (35 km from
  of the Indian Plate at the rate of             rupture zone), Islamabad (64 km),
  4-5 cm per year (Figure 1). The re-                                                     Because of the lack of instrumen-
                                                 and Lahore (> 250 km distant), it can    tation, there are no strong motion
  sulting collision has fractured the In-        be attributed to local site effects or
  dian plate into several slices beneath                                                  records within the zone of intense
                                                 poor construction rather than direct     shaking. Observational data and
  the Kashmir Basin and is known as              intense shaking from the earthquake.
  the Indus-Kohistan seismic zone                                                         reports from locals suggest a
                                                 Within the rupture zone, the city of
  (Seeber and Armbruster 1979).

  The earthquake occurred within the
  Hazara-Kashmir syntaxis of the Him-
  alayan fold belt. The main identified
  feature in this zone is the Balakot-
  Bagh fault (Hussain 2005), which is
  the likely source of the earthquake
  (Figure 2). The fault plane solution
  shows a strike of 338 degrees, dip-
  ping about 50 degrees in the N-NE
  direction near the surface with a
  more gentle dip at depth. Net slip for
  this event, estimated by field survey
  and radar range changes, is 4.2 ±
  0.5m, with a maximum slip of ap-
  proximately 5m. The reported focal
  depth for this event ranges from
  13km (MSSP), to 20km (USGS), to
  26km (IGS).

  The intensity distribution estimated
  and interpreted by the Pakistan Geo-
  logical Survey is closely associated           Figure 3. Localized zone of uplift.

The Kashmir Earthquake of October 8, 2005: Impacts in Pakistan
EERI Special Earthquake Report — February 2006

                                                                                       Shallow, Disrupted Landslides:
                                                                                       Ubiquitous shallow landslides and
                                                                                       rock falls on steep natural slopes
                                                                                       and in steep road cuts were initiated
                                                                                       during the earthquake. They posed
                                                                                       the largest threat to mountain roads
    Figure 4.
                                                                                       and structures at slope bases.
                                                                                       Even though relatively small in
                                                                                       scale, the shallow landslides had a
   along mid-
                                                                                       pervasive nature that significantly
                                                                                       contributed to damage caused by
                                                                                       the earthquake, particularly in the
                                                                                       lower slopes inhabited by large
                                                                                       human populations. Many of these
                                                                                       slopes, such as along the river
                                                                                       terrace in Muzaffarabad, continue
                                                                                       to pose a major hazard due to the
                                                                                       presence of large tension cracks as
                                                                                       far back as 10 m, especially since
strong vertical component and            with aspects in the fault-normal              emergency shelters have been set
30-45 seconds of strong shaking.         direction, showing strong indication          up in such areas.
Strong motion records in Abbota-         of rupture directivity effects. Other
bad (35 km from rupture zone),           effects such as topographic ridge top         The shallow landslides were not
Murree (34 km), and Nilore (54 km)       amplification were widely observed,           associated with specific geologic
show maximum horizontal peak             especially in the case of elongated           units and/or type of slopes. They
ground accelerations (PGA) of            ridges with steep slopes. In some             were as deep as the root zone of
0.231g, 0.078g and 0.026g, re-           cases, where the ground motion                the vegetative cover, anywhere
spectively; and vertical PGAs of         was perpendicular to the ridge axis,          from several decimeters to a meter
0.087g, 0.069g and 0.03g, re-            damage was noted on one side of the           deep, and consisted of dry, highly
spectively (MAEC, 2005). Maxi-           ridge slope, but not on the other. This       disaggregated and fractured
mum horizontal PGA was 0.16g at          variability may be due to active road-        material that cascaded downslope
the crest and 0.1g at the base of        building that created a weakness              to flatter areas at or near the base
Tarbela Dam (located approximate-        in the direction of total collapse, in        of steep slopes.
ly 78 km distant), and 0.1g at the       addition to the structural/geologic
downstream toe of the Mangla Dam         component, thereby adding to the              Deep-Seated Landslides: Deep-
(approximately 90 km distant) were       greater susceptibility of one of these
                                                                                       seated landslides were far less
also reported (Ilyas 2005).              slopes.
                                                                                       numerous than shallow slides. The

Landslide concentrations along the
rupture zone were very high, but
quickly dissipated within as little as                                                                           Figure 5.
2 km of the surface projection of                                                                                Note mas-
the fault. During the aerial recon-                                                                              sive land-
naissance of the affected area,                                                                                  slide in the
landslide damage appeared to be                                                                                  background,
most severe on the hanging wall,                                                                                 completely
with relatively low concentrations                                                                               collapsed
on the footwall side. A very high                                                                                structures
concentration of large and small                                                                                 in the fore-
landslides was observed in the                                                                                   ground with
mid-slope area along the surface                                                                                 only roofs
projection of the fault (Figure 4).                                                                              intact.

The number of slope failures also
increased significantly along slopes

The Kashmir Earthquake of October 8, 2005: Impacts in Pakistan
EERI Special Earthquake Report — February 2006

  two most significant ones (larger
  than 0.1 square km) were noted in
  Muzaffarabad and in the Jhelum
  Valley. The former, located north of
  Muzaffarabad, occurred in a dolo-
  mitic limestone unit that had pre-
  viously failed and dammed the
  Neelum River for a day. There was
  evidence of a pre-existing landslide
  in this formation that had also
  dammed the river. The enormous,
  deep-seated failure in the Jhelum
  Valley was 36 km southeast of the
  epicenter and within 3 km of the
  surface projection of the fault in a
  jointed sandstone unit. The land-
  slide was over 1 km wide and the
  distance between the top of the slip
  surface and the toe of the debris
  was more than 2 km. (See the spe-
  cial earthquake report insert in the
  December 2005 EERI Newsletter
  for further discussion of this slide.)         Figure 6. Man in front of his sister’s house in Muzaffarabad that collapsed and
  The landslide debris created a dam             killed her. Masonry bearing wall construction.
  that blocked the convergence of two
  small rivers at the bottom of the
  valley.                                        vial deposits along the Neelum and        Bearing Wall Construction: Most
                                                 Jhelum rivers. Damage in Balakot          of the buildings in the affected area
  Rock Falls: Rock falls involving               was directly related to fault rupture.    are of nonengineered unreinforced
  large rocks or boulders were com-              In Abbotabad, damage was due to           masonry (URM) wall construction.
  mon and resulted in considerable               local site response in the Canton-        The typical structure consists of
  damage and disruption to road-                 ment area that was reportedly de-         one or two stories of unreinforced
  ways, structures, and communities.             veloped on former marshland. Sev-         stone, solid brick or solid concrete
  Many such slides, triggered by                 eral other towns located along the        block masonry-bearing walls with
  frequent aftershocks, resulted in              rupture zone (Bagh to Batagram)           reinforced concrete floors. Roof
  significant fatalities.                        also suffered significant damage to       structures are flat or pitched. Flat
                                                 their building stock. The widely          roofs in smaller towns and villages
                                                 photographed collapse of the high-        consist of wood (non-machined)
  Structures                                     rise Margala Towers in Islamabad,         beams and straw-reinforced mud
  Most building damage resulted from             located over 80 km from the epi-          slabs and occasionally lightly rein-
  ground shaking, though a large                 center, may have been due to con-         forced concrete slabs (“Tayyar
  number of buildings located mostly             struction-related issues.                 Chath”) or GI (galvanized iron)
  on or near slopes were destroyed                                                         sheets. Larger towns have build-
  by ground failure due to landsliding           A helicopter survey revealed that         ings built of reinforced concrete
  or subsidence (Figure 5). The larg-            a large number of buildings in the        slab roofs. Pitched roof construc-
  est concentration of destroyed or              more rural, mountainous areas—            tion, gabled, with or without hips,
  damaged buildings was in Muzaf-                perhaps as much as 50% in areas           is framed with wood or light steel
  farabad and Balakot. Other cities              proximate to the fault rupture—           trusses with corrugated sheet metal
  such as Bagh and Rawlakot also                 were destroyed or severely dam-           roofing. Tiled roofs can also be
  had significant damage, but were               aged. These were mostly farm-             found in this region. The smaller
  not visited by the EERI team due to            houses belonging to migratory and         villages also contain adobe struc-
  limited time. It is estimated that in          non-migratory mountain slope farm-        tures that, as expected, performed
  Muzaffarabad, 30-50% of the build-             ers. The government of Pakistan           poorly in the earthquake.
  ings were either destroyed or badly            estimates that more than 80% of
  damaged in the main event. Major               the total destroyed buildings were        Foundations are constructed mostly
  damage concentrations in Muzaffar-             located in rural regions.                 of stones or bricks bearing on na-
  abad were in areas of deeper allu-                                                       tive soils about two to three feet

The Kashmir Earthquake of October 8, 2005: Impacts in Pakistan
EERI Special Earthquake Report — February 2006

                                         strength, weak mortar, and lack of            rely on emergency medical aid from
                                         seismic detailing. In general, fired-         the military and NGOs like the Red
                                         clay brick masonry wall buildings             Crescent/Red Cross as they mobil-
                                         appear to have performed better than          ized for the rescue effort 24 hours
                                         the other types of wall construction.         after the earthquake.

                                         Framed Construction: A small                  A major hospital in Abbotabad, the
                                         percentage of buildings in the area,          Ayub Medical College, was a criti-
                                         mostly larger multistory buildings            cal care facility lost due to lack
                                         in the larger towns, are nonductile           of a proper post-earthquake
                                         reinforced concrete stick frame               assessment process. The hospital
                                         construction with nonstructural in-           was evacuated and patients re-
                                         fill block or brick walls with plaster        located to the front yard of the facili-
                                         finish (Figure 7). The floors are             ty due to mistaken categorization
                                         mostly of beam and slab construc-             of nonstructural damage as major
                                         tion supported by columns resting on          structural damage. This resulted
                                         pad foundations. There is no lateral          in significant disruption of hospital
                                         force-resisting system, and it is             operations. A similar problem oc-
                                         mostly infill walls that provide some         curred with the Abbas Medical Insti-
                                         amount of lateral strength and stiff-         tute in Muzaffarabad.
Figure 7. Failed column at a store-
                                         ness. A number of buildings, some of
front showing three aspects of dam-
                                         them three or four stories tall, were         The issue of post-earthquake safety
age: (1) column failure; (2) soft/
                                         seen resting entirely on “nonstruc-           assessment is a significant one
weak story at storefront; (3) infill
                                         tural” infill walls while the columns         even for ordinary buildings. Due to
walls preventing total collapse of
                                         had failed just below the first ele-          lack of qualified personnel, a num-
                                         vated floor. Many soft/weak story             ber of homeowners uncertain
                                         failures were observed in mixed use           about the safety of their homes
below grade and 18 to 24 inches
                                         multistory buildings with open store-         temporarily relocated to distant
wide. The only steel reinforcing
                                         fronts at the first/ground floor level        towns or tents, even though their
found in most of the bearing wall
                                         and walled office/residential space in        homes did not appear to have any
construction is in lintels (window or
                                         the upper stories.                            significant damage.
door headers), and normally con-
sists of four #4 bars in a 9 x 9 con-
                                         Schools and Hospitals: Virtually all          Lifelines
crete beam with stirrups or ties at 9-
                                         school buildings are government-built
12 inch spacing. Typically, no bond                                                    Transportation: Road closures
                                         and owned, and every community
beams are part of the wall and no                                                      completely cut off land access to
                                         has an elementary school, even the
positive ties exist between the walls                                                  the Jhelum, Neelum, and Kaghan
                                         remote villages. Anecdotal evidence
and the floors/roofs. The perfor-                                                      valleys. Landslides were the pre-
                                         suggests catastrophic damage to a
mance of the URM wall buildings                                                        dominant cause of the closures.
                                         much higher proportion of public
in the earthquake was varied and                                                       The problem of slope failures along
                                         schools than nongovernmental build-
seems to have depended on factors                                                      road cuts was exacerbated by a
                                         ings in the same areas. Poor quality
such as redundancy in structural                                                       road-building process that uses ex-
                                         of construction and lack of seismic
walls and quality of materials and                                                     plosives in weak structures and
                                         design has been faulted in these
construction (Figure 6).                                                               cuts into toes of pre-existing land-
                                         building collapses. Although most
                                         school buildings collapsed totally or         slides. Many road closures were
In areas of strong shaking, most                                                       due to shallow disaggregated slides
                                         partially, many schools were open
stone masonry-bearing wall struc-                                                      and rock falls that rarely caused the
                                         and functioning with the classes be-
tures collapsed or suffered severe                                                     complete loss of the roadway
                                         ing held in the adjacent school yard.
damage. A majority of these struc-                                                     bench. However, the unstable na-
tures were constructed of non-                                                         ture of the debris and the presence
                                         Many hospitals in the region also
dressed round stones with mud or                                                       of disrupted rock masses along the
                                         suffered severe damage or collapsed.
weak cement mortar. The weak-                                                          slopes above the roadway created
                                         Of the two main hospitals in Muzaffar-
ness of the mortar was clearly evi-                                                    ongoing challenges in clearing and
                                         abad, the main Combined Military
dent; the mortar would crumble                                                         opening the roads.
                                         Hospital (CMH) totally collapsed, kill-
even when manipulated with bare
                                         ing or injuring many patients and
hands. Issues with concrete block                                                      The problem of road closures was
                                         workers. Residents of the city had to
construction were poor block                                                           so significant that the army dedi-
The Kashmir Earthquake of October 8, 2005: Impacts in Pakistan
EERI Special Earthquake Report — February 2006

                                                                                         There was no damage to cables or
                                                                                         cable anchorage, except in one
                                                                                         bridge where the cables were frac-
                                                                                         tured after the collapse of the tow-
                                                                                         ers due to a fire in an adjacent
                                                                                         store containing gas cylinders.
                                                                        Figure 8.
                                                                        Shearing fail-
                                                                                         Reinforced concrete bridges in the
                                                                        ure of bridge
                                                                                         area typically consisted of single or
                                                                        tower foun-
                                                                                         multiple span reinforced concrete
                                                                        dation, Bala-
                                                                                         decks supported on reinforced con-
                                                                                         crete columns or pier walls. Dam-
                                                                                         age to reinforced concrete bridges
                                                                                         ranged from sliding of deck or sig-
                                                                                         nificant movement of wing walls.

                                                                                         Water Supply: Private water stor-
                                                                                         age in the form of roof-mounted
                                                                                         storage tanks is prevalent in the
                                                                                         area. In the earthquake zones,
  cated 12 engineer battalions to                bridges. The former consist of a wood   many overhead water tanks shifted
  open roads. Due to the army’s ex-              deck supported on steel girders sus-    or collapsed. Municipal water sup-
  tensive experience with road build-            pended by steel cables on either side   ply to Muzaffarabad comes from
  ing, and the availability of skilled           of the deck. The cables are supported   the River Neelum. River water
  builders in the mountain communi-              by a tower at each end and anchored     is lifted from six intake lines and
  ties after many years of building the          in a concrete anchor block. In addi-    treated in a series of rapid sand
  Karakoram Highway, the opening                 tion, the deck is prevented against     filters and clarifiers. Damage to
  and reconstruction of roads was                sway by cables attached to a longitu-   this water system ranged from
  handled efficiently. At the time of the        dinal cable on each side below the      damage to clarifier baffles, motor
  reconnaissance, the Jhelum Valley              deck elevation and anchored in con-     control units, and distribution piping
  Road, the Kaghan Valley Road, and              crete anchor blocks. The suspension     in some areas. With help from
  the Karakuram Highway had been                 bridges are typically for pedestrian    UNICEF, the system was repaired
  cleared and opened. The Neelum                 use, with some allowing vehicular       fairly quickly—untreated water
  Valley Road, the only other major              traffic. Damage to suspension bridges   was returned within five days, and
  road in the affected area, had                 ranged from shearing of the tower       treated water was available ten
  only a 5-km stretch remaining to be            foundation (Figure 8) to complete       days following the earthquake.
  cleared. While most major roads                collapse of the towers (Figure 9).
  have been reopened, there is a
  vast network of tertiary roads serv-
  ing the mountain community in the
  higher elevations. Many of these
  roads remain closed, cutting off
  populations that did not even ex-
  perience the direct effects of the
  earthquake and hampering relief

  Several bridges were damaged, es-
  pecially within the Jhelum Valley
  and in Balakot. However, a number
  of bridges did not suffer much dam-
  age and were open to traffic. Within
  the earthquake-affected zone, the
  most prevalent bridge type was
  either suspension bridges or rein-
  forced concrete multiple span
                                                     Figure 9. Collapsed suspension bridge, Jhelum Valley.

The Kashmir Earthquake of October 8, 2005: Impacts in Pakistan
EERI Special Earthquake Report — February 2006

In smaller villages and hamlets,        given a great deal of attention in ur-          ease, and severe malnutrition. The
water comes from private ground         ban planning and policy decisions,              early days of the disaster response
water wells or natural streams.         and seismic design does not appear              were marked by uncoordinated ef-
In one case, a hamlet located be-       to be high priority, except for major or        forts among a whole host of organi-
tween Mansehra and Ghari Habib-         high profile projects.                          zations involved in relief work.
ullah experienced a significant drop                                                    There was little information on who
in water elevation in its wells two     In meetings with public officials, it be-       was doing what and little oversight.
weeks after the earthquake, and         came apparent that there was no                 A coordinating structure was later
the locals reported high turbidity.     code enforcement in the region. It              created by the government under
                                        appears that most practicing engi-              the Federal Relief Commission
Other Lifelines: While land tele-       neers in major urban areas use the              (FRC) and the ERRA (Earthquake
phone service was not operational,      UBC for building design. The use of             Relief and Rehabilitation Authority)
new wireless telecommunication          ACI codes and British Standards is              to coordinate activities with other
towers were erected within days of      also common. In a meeting of the                international agencies and NGOs.
the earthquake, and communica-          EERI team with the Prime Minister               According to the World Bank, the
tions were fully restored relatively    of Pakistan, it was mentioned that              relief work will cost $2 billion. Ac-
rapidly after that.                     the development of a proper national            cording to another estimate, approx-
                                        building code with appropriate seis-            imately 0.5 million tents, 3.5 million
Electricity to the Muzaffarabad area    mic design provisions had been out-             blankets, 60,000 tons of food, and
is supplied from Mangla Dam and         sourced to local consultants, and               3,000 tons of medicine have been
from a local 30 megawatt Jhangra        they had been given one month to                required.
hydroelectric power plant. Power        produce such a document. A draft of
loss in Muzaffarabad was due to         this code document was not available            Shelter strategy was organized
fallen transformers and broken          for review at the time this report was          around three populations: people
lines. Electricity was fully restored   written. Many people have already               who lived in houses in the lower
to most of the city in five to six      started reconstruction without building         elevations, people living in higher
days. Main transmission towers          codes or enforcement.                           elevations who could come to the
fared very well, with no damage to                                                      lower elevations, and people living
the towers even in the area of in-      Response and Recovery                           in inaccessible snowline areas
tense shaking. In one case, how-                                                        (5,000-7,000 feet). People in the
ever, a landslide damaged the           The earthquake affected a population            former two categories were pro-
transmission line near Balakot.         of approximately 3.5 million people             vided with tented villages man-
                                        either directly or indirectly, and the          aged by some agency (Figure 10).
Heating is provided from either         logistics of administering aid and re-          People in the last category were
electricity or LPG. There are no        lief efforts have been extremely                not compelled to descend to the
natural gas supply lines to Muzaf-      daunting. In addition to the stagger-           tented villages. Survivors are being
farabad.                                ing numbers of deaths, the human                taught to build transitional shelter
                                        cost includes amputees, orphans, un-            using material from retrieved debris,
                                        hygienic conditions resulting in dis-
Seismic Planning Provi-
sions and Building Codes
Even though Pakistan has desig-
nated seismic zones, the area that
                                        Figure 10.
suffered in the earthquake was
                                        Children in
either not classified or was deemed
                                        makeshift play-
to be Zone 2 (equivalent to UBC
                                        ground in front
Zone 2: low to moderate risk). The
                                        of their tent
major cities of Peshawar (Zone 2),
                                        camp. White
Islamabad (Zone 2), Karachi (Zone
                                        plastic sheets
2) and Quetta (Zone 4) had been
                                        have been add-
classified, but not in a way that
                                        ed to the tents
agrees with those given in Appen-
                                        to protect
dix III of Chapter 16 of the 1997
                                        against rain.
UBC, where Islamabad, Peshawar,
and Karachi are all classified as
Zone 4. Seismic hazard is not

The Kashmir Earthquake of October 8, 2005: Impacts in Pakistan
EERI Special Earthquake Report — February 2006

  reinforced with locally available              far away as Islamabad. Students,            ing the disaster). It is estimated that
  materials such as timber and hay               parents, and teachers want the              approximately 400,000 houses will
  in addition to the corrugated gal-             schools to reopen, but few schools          be reconstructed by the govern-
  vanized iron (CGI) sheets provided             in affected areas are functional.           ment. Numerous groups and indiv-
  to them.                                       Some tent schools have been                 iduals are presenting ideas on
                                                 opened, and gradually life is return-       earthquake-resistant construction,
  Recycling CGI sheet roofs from de-             ing to normal. Trauma counseling            but they are apparently not being
  stroyed homes has been problem-                for the students will be necessary for      coordinated properly at the pres-
  atic because of people’s preference            quite some time.                            ent time. Organizations interested in
  for using the retrieved material for                                                       constructing houses will have to
  their permanent structures later on            The earthquake destroyed 782 health         follow the standards and proce-
  and not for temporary structures.              institutions, so the area was nearly        dures set forth and coordinated by
  Outlets for provision of construction          devoid of any type of health facility       the Earthquake Reconstruction and
  material are being devised. The                after the earthquake. Despite the           Rehabilitation Authority (ERRA),
  government has created an incen-               base and field hospitals that worked        when those become available.
  tive for people to use their own               around the clock, it was difficult to get
  materials by giving free CGI sheets            the right kind of medical teams and         According to a World Bank esti-
  to people who use half of their own            equipment to the affected areas due         mate, $3.5 billion will be needed for
  material. NGOs working in Neelum               to the difficult terrain. The earthquake    reconstruction and rehabilitation.
  Valley noted the problem of people             also badly affected maternal health
  carrying heavy GI sheets, weighing             because most traditional birth              References
  8-9 kg each, to higher altitudes. Al-          attendants either died or moved to
  ternative lightweight materials such           safer places. Pregnant women will           Center for the Observation and
  as plastic sheets have been sug-               not get needed pre- and post-natal          Modeling of Earthquakes and
  gested, but their inability to carry           care. Mental health programs are            Tectonics (COMET), 2005. ���������
  the weight of the snow does not                being administered by both the gov-         the Kashmir Fault, http://comet.
  make them a viable alternative.                ernment and international agencies. uk/news_kashmir.html
  Debris clearance has been slow be-             A task force of psychiatrists has been
  cause much of the heavy equip-                 formed by the government that is            Durrani, A.J., Elnashai, A.S., Hash-
  ment has been tied up in road                  funded at $5 million to administer          ash, Y.M.A., and Masud, A., 2005.
  clearance and repair. Other sensi-             treatment for post-traumatic stress.        The Kashmir Earthquake of October
  tivities regarding debris removal in-                                                      8, 2005, A Quick Look Report, Mid-
  clude bodies and people’s posses-              Managing the displaced populations          America Earthquake Center, Univer-
  sions still buried under the rubble            in the shelter camps has proved to be       sity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
  and an unwillingness to part with              a major challenge, and some people
  potentially useful scrap. Dumping of           had not relocated to camps as of            Hussain, A., 2005. Geology and
  rubble collected from the city into            this writing. Prevention of disease in      tectonics of northern Pakistan with
  valleys and gorges has also been a             camps has government officials con-         respect to October 8, 2005, earth-
  problem, as people are putting their           cerned. Diseases such as diarrhea,          quake, presented at Earthquake
  lives at risk by attempting to re-             respiratory infection, and scabies in       Rehabilitation Conference, Seismol-
  trieve rebars with sledge hammers              crowded tent settlements have               ogy, Structures and Codes, Novem-
  and bare hands. Debris from chem-              sprung up in the weeks following the        ber 18-19, 2005, Islamabad.
  ical warehouses, hospitals, and                earthquake. Instructions on hygiene
  pesticide storage areas is a signifi-          are being published to create aware-        Ilyas, M., 2005. E-mail communica-
  cant cause of environmental con-               ness among the people in relief             tion with M. Wieland, Chairman of
  cern. Currently, the Pakistan Gov-             camps. Because the population is            the International Commission on
  ernment estimates 20-30% of de-                not used to living in such an environ-      Large Dams (ICOLD) Committee on
  bris is yet to be removed.                     ment, social and cultural issues are        Seismic Aspects of Dam Design.
                                                 creating difficulties. According to one
  About 67% of the educational insti-            relief worker, issues of modesty com-       Seeber, L., and Armbruster, J.G.,
  tutions in the affected area were              pel many women to wait until dark to        1979. Seismicity of the Hazara arc
  destroyed. The cost of rebuilding              use the communal toilet facilities.         in northern Pakistan: Decollement
  schools in the affected areas is esti-                                                     vs. basement faulting, in A. Farah
  mated at about $614 million. Many              A long-term project for reconstruction      and K. A. DeJong, eds., Geodynam-
  students and teachers have been                and rehabilitation is set to begin by       ics of Pakistan, Geological Survey
  displaced, and some migrated as                mid-February (the 18th week follow-         of Pakistan, 131-142.

The Kashmir Earthquake of October 8, 2005: Impacts in Pakistan The Kashmir Earthquake of October 8, 2005: Impacts in Pakistan
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