The Journal of Surfers Against Sewage

The Journal of Surfers Against Sewage
 The Journal of Surfers Against Sewage
       Issue 104 | Winter 2017/2018
The Journal of Surfers Against Sewage
P ipeline
                                                                                                        Environment                                             WAVES                                       Community

                                                                                              Deposit Return Systems                                  Safer Seas Service                         Autumn Beach Cleans

                                                                                                            Surfers Against Sewage is a marine conservation
                                                                                                               & campaigning charity inspiring, uniting &
                                                                                                              empowering communities to protect oceans,
                                                                                                                      waves, beaches and wildlife.

                                                                                             Chief Executive’s Foreword                                        4      Be The Change                                                   28
                                                                                             Convenience Vs Future                                                     Our education programme goes national!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Winter 2017/18
                                                                                             Plastic Free Coastlines                                           8      Interview30
                                                                                             Stopping ocean-bound                                                      Cyrill Gutsch, Founder of
                                                                                             plastic together!                                                         Parley for the Oceans

                                                                                             Autumn Beach Clean                                              16       SAS Shop                                                        32
                                                                                             Lead a beach clean with us!                                               Plastic free gifts for all

                                                                                             Message In A Bottle                                             22       Safer Seas Service                                              58
                                                                                             Overwhelming support for deposit                                          The importance of water quality

              PROUD PARTNERS
                                                                                             returns as Scotland commits

 Thisbottleof WASHING UP LIQUID ismade
                         hichwou ASldTHEIR
                                      otherwise                                              Chief Executive
                                                                                             Hugo Tagholm
                                                                                                                                              Finance Manager
                                                                                                                                              Rosanna Harris
                                                                                                                                                                                          Design & Art Direction:

   ‘Ocean Plastic Bottle Recycling Partner’
                                                                                                                                                                                          Printed by: St Austell Printing Company
                                                                                             Plastic Free Coastlines Officer                  Finance & Fundraising Assistant
                                                                                             Emily Haggett   Jacey Russell              Pipeline is printed on 100% recycled and FSC
                                                                                                                                                                                          certified paper, using vegetable based inks for
                                                                                             Head of Community & Engagement                   Deputy Head of Fundraising &                minimum impact to the environment. Please
                                                                                             Dom Ferris                        Communications                              recycle after reading!
                                                                                                                                              Jessica North
                                                                                             Community Coordinator                                                                        Registered Charity in England & Wales no. 1145877
                                                                                             Jack Middleton                   SAS Retail Coordinator
                                                                                                                                              Amy Fitzgerald               Trustees:
                                                                                             Science & Policy Officer                                                                     Ben Hewitt – Chairman
                                                                                             David Smith                     Photographers:                              Peter Crane – Treasurer
                                                                                                                                              Cover –SAS/M&C Saatchi/TNR                  Dr Heather Koldewey
                                                                                             Education & Design Officer                       Luke Gartside                               Lauren Davies
                                                                                             Ellie Ewart                     Greg Martin                                 Alex Wade
                                                                                                                                              Philippa Velhinho                           Jon Khoo
                                                                                             Head of Fundraising                              Jo Jo Harper                                Chris Hides
                                                                                             Peter Lewis                     Hannah Wright                               Lesley Kazan Pinfield
                                                 0% w
                                                          LEDe5h0e%alth of your homeinmind
                                                                     OCEAN PLASTIC           Fundraising Officer
                                                                                                                                              Alexa Poppe
                                                                                                                                              David Smith
                                                                                                                                                                     Tom Baker
                                                  Find out more at     Katie Eddy                      Taylor Butler Eldridge Adam El-Naggar
The Journal of Surfers Against Sewage
4      Chief E xecutive’s Foreword                                                                                                                       Chief E xecutive’s Foreword   5

                                                                                                            your water bottle, picking up plastic at       the biggest DRS petition in the UK, with
                                                                                                            the beach, refusing single-use cutlery or      more than 270,000 signatories. We were
                                                                                                            choosing recycled products - we can all        delighted to deliver the petition to 10
                                                                                                            do our part. At the Boardmasters festival      Downing Street recently and hope that
                                                                                                            this summer alone, we distributed over         the Prime Minister will be bold enough
                                                                                                            7,000 reusable water bottles, all to be        to respond to the overwhelming public

                                                                                                            used at refill stations we set up across       support for new measures and systems to
                                                                                                            the site, helping reduce the need for tens     tackle the runaway flow of plastic to our
                                                                                                            of thousands of single-use plastic water       oceans. We’d like to thank everyone who
                                                                                                            bottles. Thank you if you’ve already joined    signed the Message In A Bottle petition
                                                                                                            the Resistance and if not, please visit        – we were proud to take your voice to
                                                                                                   to watch our campaign       Westminster.
                                                                                                            film and sign up.                                  Whilst we continue to push for new

                                                                                                                We’re also thrilled that the First         legislation and community initiatives
                                                                                                            Minister of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon          to prevent plastic pollution, we are
                                                                                                            MSP, recently announced Scotland’s             committed to redoubling our efforts
                                                                                                            commitment to introduce a deposit              to protecting our beaches with direct
                                                                                                            return system (DRS) for drinks bottles         community action. Our beach clean
                                                                                                            and cans. This is a huge step forward in       community continues to grow with tens
                                                                                                            the campaign to rid our oceans of plastic      of thousands of volunteers joining us

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Winter 2017/18

                                                                                                            pollution by placing a value on the plastics   annually, and we’d like to invite you to
                                                                                                            we currently view as waste. This fantastic     be part of the Autumn Beach Clean from
                                                                                                            campaign victory is a result of a concerted    23rd – 29th October. Sign up to lead an
                                                                                                            campaign from various organisations            event today –
               Society currently seems hell-bent on         water, food, and blowing on the wind            and individuals, spearheaded by the            Protecting the beaches we love is easiest
               trading the future health of our oceans,     that surrounds us. Studies consistently         Have You Got The Bottle coalition -            when we join forces!
               and indeed all natural environments, for     show that plastic pollution will persist - of which              Thank you for your support. It makes a
               the convenience of today. Mirroring the      for hundreds of years, the toxic fallout        we are a founding member. With over 16         big difference.
               cheap credit crisis that hit the world so    from today’s explosion of the ‘need for         million plastic bottles being landfilled or
               dramatically in 2008, society is building    convenience’ in our busy lives.                 littered every day, and 200 bottles found
               up a huge ‘convenience overdraft’ fuelled         Thankfully, thousands of you have          on every mile of UK coastline surveyed,
               by throwaway plastic culture, poorly made    already joined us in our vision for Plastic     this measure is exactly the type of
               goods, our increasingly busy lifestyles      Free Coastlines, taking a stand against         protection our oceans need and follows on      Hugo Tagholm
               and our expectation to be able to have       single-use plastics with everyday actions       from the highly successful 5p bag charge       CEO, SAS
               whatever we want whenever we want it.        of resistance. Eliminating unnecessary          which has already eliminated billions of
               But, the cracks are beginning to show as     throwaway plastics is something we can          plastic bags from the environment. We
               the bank that runs this overdraft, Mother    all try to do in our daily lives to help stop   hope that Scotland’s progressive approach
               Nature, finds it just doesn’t have the       ocean-bound plastic from taking it’s            to tackling plastic pollution will further
               capacity or capital to sustain it for much   onward journey along our rivers, down           push England, Wales and Northern Ireland
               longer. New science emerges almost every     our drains or taken by the wind across our      to follow suit quickly.
               day about the toll plastics are now taking   favourite stretch of beach. Every action            The DRS campaign victory also owes
               on the stable environment we so heavily      counts in this push-back against plastics       a debt of gratitude to all those north of
               depend on but so quickly overlook and        and the movement is building quickly            the border who signed the Message in
               undermine; micro-plastics in our drinking    around the UK and beyond. Refilling             a Bottle petition, which now stands at
The Journal of Surfers Against Sewage
6                            Wasteland   Wasteland   7

               The SAS Bottle Battleship at
               Marazion Beach, Cornwall
               © SAS / TNR

                                                                          Summer 2017

               Image: Mike Lacey
The Journal of Surfers Against Sewage
8                                                         9


                                                                             winter 2017/18

                                Ocean plastic pollution is one of
                                the biggest global threats of our age.
                                It’s time to take a stand.
The Journal of Surfers Against Sewage
10      Plastic Free coastlines                                                                                                                           Plastic Free coastlines   11

               Imagine living in a world where your                                                          Step 2: The Community Leader                journey as successful and as long lasting
               beaches are so polluted that when you                                                         So you’ve already made these personal       as possible. With sections to note down
               go for a walk along the sand you would                                                        lifestyle changes and you already use       your progress, tick off your daily actions
               have to avoid stepping on plastic bottles,      With every single                             minimal amounts of single-use plastics      and advice on how to engage others,
               plastic netting and sharp fragmented                                                          on a day-to-day basis. However, you’re      this toolkit allows you to completely
                                                               piece of plastic
               plastic objects. Imagine a world where                                                        frustrated with others around you for       personalise your community’s PFC
               your beaches contain single-use bathroom        litter we dispose of                          not doing the same. Don’t worry SAS         journey. Even better, the toolkit is printed
               plastics that are covered in harmful            incorrectly we are                            has the solution for you – become a         onto algae paper, helping to reduce
               bacteria from being flushed down the                                                          Community Leader!                           harmful algal blooms in our oceans –
               toilet. Imagine a world where there are
                                                               ‘feeding’ the plastic                             An entirely voluntary role, Community   awesome!
               currents in the ocean that circulate plastic    problem and creating                          Leaders will start to lead the change            There are five objectives this toolkit
               litter, concocting a plastic soup containing
                                                               the superpower that                           in their local area to reduce single-use    lays out for you. You need to accomplish
               more plastic fragments than plankton.                                                         plastics and the throwaway culture that     all five of these to secure ‘SAS Plastic
               Imagine living in a world where our             is ‘Wasteland’.                               so drastically impacts our environment.     Free Coastlines Status’ for your area.
               greatest threat is a man made material.                                                       On stepping up to this position, you will   The intention is that further down the
               Single-use plastic.                                                                           receive a ‘Community Toolkit’.              line we can connect these approved
                   With every single piece of plastic litter                                                     This toolkit will guide you on your     villages, towns and maybe even cities to
               we dispose of incorrectly we are ‘feeding’                                                    plastic free journey, providing advice      create large areas and stretches of the
               the plastic problem and creating the            Step 1: The Individual                        and ideas on how to get your community      UK with ‘Plastic Free Coastlines’ status
               superpower that is ‘Wasteland’. At SAS we       To ‘Join The Resistance’ against Wasteland    involved and engaged with the future you    and map them all to our website. Could

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Winter 2017/18

               created Wasteland as a metaphor for the         and do your part to help reduce single-use    want to create for them. The toolkit is     you lead the change in your community?
               largest concentration of ocean plastics in      plastics ending up in the ocean, SAS have     super flexible to ensure it works for any   Register your interest now by sending an
               the world (the North Pacific Gyre) and we       created the ‘Individual Action Plan’. This    community anywhere. We understand           email to
               are conceptualising it as a new country         is a handy document with tips on how to       each place has different requirements and   uk and join our ever-growing force
               fuelled by single-use plastics and one          lower your individual reliance on single-     so the toolkit can be used to personalise   of Community Leaders!
               that will take over the world unless action     use plastics, such as what to resist, reuse   your plan of action, making your PFC
               is taken.                                       and remember to take with you when out
                   Luckily for our members and                 and about. This tick-off list is super user
               supporters, SAS have come up with a way         friendly and is great to use alone or as a
               to fight it. This weapon to fight back is       family. Why not tick off your actions to
               ‘Plastic Free Coastlines’. We have designed     keep track of how you’re doing and let us
               a community approach to bring people            know? The action plan encourages you to
               together to reduce the nation’s overall         stick to the single-use plastic hierarchy               £0.001                    Used just for                    Each person
               reliance on single-use plastics.                – ‘Refuse, Refill, Reuse, Recycle’. It also        is the average                 20 minutes, a                      in the UK
                                                               contains facts about marine plastic              cost of a litre of             straw can last in               generates around
                                                               pollution that will help you keep on           tap water. This is 500         the environment for                175kg of plastic
                                                               track with your new lifestyle choices.            times less than              hundreds of years.                pack aging waste
                                                               There is even a handy foldout Plastic Free         bottled water!                 Straws suck!                      every year
                                                               Coastlines poster that you can put up in
                                                               your local café to encourage others to get
                                                               involved. Fancy getting your hands on one
                                                               of these action plans? Head to
                                                      and download yours for
                                                               free now!
The Journal of Surfers Against Sewage
12     Plastic free coastlines                                                                                                                            Plastic free coastlines   13

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Winter 2017/18

               Will it work?                                  Successes so far                            when people see that in action (through           Plastic Free Coastlines is already
               Plastic pollution in the marine                The implementation of the project has       the presence and use of the beach clean       working and if we all come together in our
               environment is not something we can stop       already seen some amazing progress          bins), they are much more inclined to         communities we can make these changes
               overnight. It’s something that is caused       nationwide. Our Community Leaders           follow that example”.                         long-lasting and nationwide.
               by the whole population. Many people           in Aberystwyth approached their                 Our community leaders in North                Imagine a world where you could walk
               don’t realise that plastic litter dropped in   town council and have managed to            Devon have also been making huge steps.       freely on the beach barefoot without
               a central city is likely to end up hundreds    get a Plastic Free Coastlines motion        They have teamed up and have secured          having to dodge around plastic litter.
               of miles away in the marine environment        passed! The Aberystwyth town council        a space for Plastic Free Coastlines to be     Imagine a world where marine wildlife
               by blowing into streams and rivers. These      now fully supports the changes these        discussed on the Town Council agenda for      doesn’t get entangled in plastic waste,
               all lead to the sea and funnel the pollution   Community Leaders are trying to make        their September meeting.                      or starve due to digesting plastic bags.
               out to our coasts. So it’s not just a case     in the area and have set up monthly             The weekend of Boardmasters festival      Imagine a world where everyone was
               of people living in coastal areas making       meetings at their offices to discuss        saw over 3000 people sign up with SAS         conscious about the issues surrounding
               changes, but rather a large lifestyle          areas and businesses to target, helping     volunteers to receive their free Individual   single-use plastic reliance and one where
               change nationwide. To successfully wean        to make their changes longer lasting.       Action Plans. This shows the true extent      everyone did their bit to help.
               the population off single-use plastics,        The town council have even provided         of the support and excitement behind              Imagine a world that has Plastic Free
               this will have to be a slow and ongoing        them with large recycling bins for beach    the Plastic Free Coastlines project and       Coastlines. This is the world we are trying
               process. This is where Plastic Free            cleans which were labelled up by the        proves that if you take the time to begin     to create. Download your free Individual
               Coastlines fits in because it’s the ideal      Community Leaders to leave on the           a meaningful conversation with someone        Action Plan now at to
               tool to initiate these changes. Through        beach to reduce plastic waste left behind   about the issue of single-use plastics,       begin your journey to a reduced single-use
               the changes that individuals make and          by beach-users. Alan Cookson – one of       people are willing to make a few small        plastic lifestyle.
               the progress created by our Community          our Community Leaders has commented:        lifestyle changes to benefit the marine
               Leaders, together we can Fight Wasteland       “It’s the people of Aberystwyth that        environment. Try this tactic out yourself
               to create Plastic Free Coastlines.             are the custodians of our coastline and     with one of your friends!
The Journal of Surfers Against Sewage
©Luke Gartside Photography
The Journal of Surfers Against Sewage
               16                                                 17


                                                                       Winter 2017/18

                                       Battening down the hatches
                                            against winter’s plastic
                                                 pollution storms!

               Image: Jojo Harper
The Journal of Surfers Against Sewage
18        Autumn Beach clean                                                                                                                                 Section Title   19

               In recent weeks over 300 intrepid             October. Find your nearest event at www.
               volunteer Beach Clean Leaders from  , wrap-up warm and head down
               across the country have been working          to shake the hand of your Beach Clean
               with us here at SAS HQ to organise            Leader before mucking in!
               their own Autumn Beach Cleans. These
               incredible people are driven by a desire to   Become A SAS Beach Clean Leader
               unite, inspire and empower their coastal      There is still time to volunteer to lead your
               communities to take action to create          own Autumn Beach Clean. There are also
               Plastic Free Coastlines and now is the time   still plenty of beaches.
               for us to show them our support.                  To begin planning your Autumn
                                                             Beach Clean simply explore your nearest
               Autumn Is Coming                              stretch of coastline or river, scouting for
               Each year our coastal communities brace       beaches and coves that are affected by
               themselves against the winter conditions      plastic pollution. Once identified, map the
               that create a ‘Perfect Storm’ of plastic      location and contact us at beachcleans@
               pollution on our beaches. The Autumn to register your beach and
               Beach Clean extends deep into this darker,    begin a hugely enjoyable, empowering and
               colder time than any other beach clean        vital role as a Beach Clean Leader.
               project. It brings those who use their            Remember too, that whether you’re a         Image: Alexa Poppe
               beaches year round together, in a time        new recruit and you’d just like to try doing

                                                                                                                                                                                                 Winter 2017/18

               when the health of our coastlines can slip    an ABC #MiniBeachClean or a veteran
               from the nation’s mind.                       with plans to lead an epic multi-beach
                   We are now calling for 10,000 of you to   expedition, the important thing is that
               volunteer at your nearest Autumn Beach        you are taking a stand against plastic          The Problem With Plastic In Our Oceans
               Clean (ABC) during the 23rd – 29th of         pollution at your beach.                        With as many as 51 trillion microplastic
                                                                                                             particles – 500 times more than there
                                                                                                             are stars in our galaxy – polluting the         With as many as 51
                                                                                                             world’s seas, the crisis facing our oceans is
                                                                                                             nearing the point of no return.
                                                                                                                                                             trillion microplastic
                                                                                                                 Hundreds of species of marine wildlife      particles – 500 times
                                                                                                             are now affected by plastic pollution, with     more than there are
                                                                                                             millions of animals, from seabirds to seals,
                                                                                                             dying every year through entanglement,
                                                                                                                                                             stars in our galaxy –
                                                                                                             injury, drowning and starvation.                polluting the world’s
                                                                                                                 The threat to humans is no less
                                                                                                                                                             seas, the crisis facing
                                                                                                             severe. At risk are our wild spaces and
                                                                                                             oxygen supply as well as our health. The        our oceans is nearing
                                                                                                             chemicals that plastics leach and absorb        the point of no return.
                                                                                                             in seawater have been linked to endocrine
                                                                                                             disruption and some cancers and with 1
                                                                                                             in 3 fish caught for human consumption
                                                                                                             now containing plastic, it’s no longer
                                                                                                             a question of if there is plastic in our
                Image: Hannah Wright
                                                                                                             seafood, but how bad exactly that is for us.
20       Autumn Beach clean                                                                                                                           Autumn Beach clean   21

               We’re delighted to be supporting
               Surfers Against Sewage. This a
               fantastic project, working to protect
               the fragile ecology of the nation’s
               coastline and ensure our beaches
               remain great places to visit and enjoy.
               Gary Thompson, rural and coastal asset manager for The Crown Estate

                                                                                                                                                                                               Winter 2017/18

               Together Stronger
               Dom Ferris, Head of Community and                     and Ocean Plastic Bottle Recycling                                 THANKS TO OUR ABC PARTNERS
               Engagement says; “It is in the face of such           partners Ecover. Together with YOU, our
               overwhelming odds that the sacrifice and              community volunteers the formation of
               passion of the 16,000 Autumn Beach Clean              this pioneering ‘circular economy alliance’
               volunteers who have joined SAS to remove              presents an opportunity to tackle plastic
               43 TONNES of marine debris from 612                   pollution at all levels, raising awareness
               beaches since 2011 shines. We can’t wait              and creating change from source to sea
               to welcome thousands more people to our               and shore to store.
               beach clean family in 2017”.
                   It is this indomitable spirit that                The Time For Action Against                                             @TheCrownEstate
               has inspired and enabled us to bring                  Plastic Pollution Is Now
               together a dedicated and ambitious                    You are reading this because you care
               group of Autumn Beach Clean partners,                 about the health of our oceans and
               all of whom share SAS’ and our force of               beaches. Sign up with us TODAY to tackle
               volunteers’ commitment to create                      plastic pollution at your beach!
               Plastic Free Coastlines.
                   The solution does not lie with beach    
               cleans alone which is why we are delighted            @surfersagainstsewage                           @GreggsOfficial        @parleyfortheoceans           @EcoverUK
               to be working with; lead partners The                 01872 553001                                  #GreenerWithGreggs           #ParleyAIR               #OceanPlastic
               Crown Estate; community building                      #PlasticFreeCoastlines
               partners, Greggs, Parley for the Oceans
22                                23

                                                      Winter 2017/18

               Message In
               A Bottle
               Overwhelming public support
               for deposit return systems as
               Message In A Bottle petition is
               submitted to Downing Street.

               Image: © Philippa Velhinho
24     Message In a bottle                                                                                                                                Message In a bottle   25

               We were stoked to lead a delegation of
               cross-party MPs and charities to submit
               our Message In A Bottle petition, the         Our recent YouGov poll
               UK’s largest petition calling for a deposit
               return system with more than quarter          demonstrates just how
               of a million signatures, to 10 Downing        strong public support is
               Street. Joining us for the submission, the
               Marine Conservation Society (MCS) also
                                                             for a Deposit Return System.
               released a new poll showing 73% of the        The MCS annual survey
               British public support the introduction       shows that drinks related
               of a deposit return for single-use drinks
               bottles and cans. The petition and            litter make up 10% of the                      There is growing cross-party support
               poll clearly demonstrate the UK public        refuse found at the coast,                 with our Protect Our Waves All Party
               overwhelmingly supports introducing a                                                    Parliamentary Group (POW APPG)
               deposit return system to stem the tide of
                                                             indicating the scale of the                members championing deposit returns
               ocean plastic pollution.                      problem. A deposit return                  and challenging the government to
                   Strong and effective action to protect    system has been shown to                   adopt this system as soon as possible.
               our oceans from plastic pollution is                                                     The petition submission – supported
               urgently needed and the introduction of       be simple and effective in                 by POW APPG Chair Steve Double MP
               a deposit return system would prevent an      reducing litter.                           (Conservative), Vice Chair Geraint Davies

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Winter 2017/18

               estimated 4 million plastic bottles from                                                 MP (Labour), POW APPG member and
               entering the oceans every week in the UK.     — Sandy Luk, Marine Conservation Society   co-leader of the Green Party Caroline
                                                                                                        Lucas MP. Secretary of State for the
                                                                                                        Environment, Michael Gove MP recently
                                                                                                        described deposit return systems as “a
                                                                                                        great idea”, saying he’d like to see one
                                                                                                        introduced “as soon as possible”.
                                                                                                            The recent YouGov poll,                   public support for the introduction of
                                                                                                        commissioned by the MCS, shows                a deposit return system to help curb
                                                                                                        that almost 3 out of 4 people would           ocean plastic pollution. We also welcome
                                                                                                        either support or strongly support the        the growing cross-party support for a
                                                                                                        introduction of a refundable deposit on       comprehensive deposit system and would
                                                                                                        single-use drinks containers with only        welcome a timetable to map, cost and
                                                                                                        6% against and 3% strongly against.           deliver the scheme as soon as possible
                                                                                                            The delivery of the Message in a          to protect our beaches. We hope that
                                                                                                        Bottle petition comes on the back of the      the rest of the UK can follow Scotland’s
                                                                                                        announcement in September that Scotland       progressive commitment to introduce
                                                                                                        will develop a deposit return scheme.         DRS. Society’s plastic addiction has
                                                                                                        The First Minister for Scotland, Nicola       reached crisis point and we need to fast-
                                                                                                        Sturgeon, confirmed the commitment            track proven and effective systems that
                                                                                                        while unveiling her new programme             will protect people and planet from the
                                                                                                        for government, which sets out how the        scourge of plastic pollution.”
                                                                                                        country will be run for the next 12 months.   — Hugo Tagholm, Chief Executive of
                                                                                                        “We’re delighted to see the overwhelming      Surfers Against Sewage
26     Just Add Surf                                                                                                                                                       Just Add Surf       27

               Just                                                                                           If you share the ocean,

                                                                                                              well then you’re completely
                                                  The Power of Surfing as a                                   bonded because that’s like
                                                  Medium to Challenge and                                     being blood brothers or
                                                  Transform Gender Inequalities                               blood sisters. And Aloha
                                                  — An extract By Dr. Easkey Britton

                                                                                                              is to keep giving that love                    Surfing gives you great inner strength”.
                                                                                                              and feeling it come back,                      In early January 1998, aged 11, I found
                                                                                                                                                             out the devastating news of her death.
                                                                                                              until there’s nothing else
                                                                                                                                                             Rell had lost a 15-year battle with cancer
                                                                                                              you have to give.                              aged 47. She was a woman who blazed an
                                                                                                                                                             unconventional path and breached the
                                                                                                              — Rell Sunn
                                                                                                                                                             predominantly male domain of surfing,
                                                                                                                                                             opening the way for other women. A
                                                                                                              got had a beautiful image of a Hawaiian        woman I had never met, yet she taught me
                                                                                                              woman on the cover and inside was the          the importance of sharing your passion.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Winter 2017/18

                                                                                                              story of a remarkable modern day surfing       Fast forward 15 years and women’s surfing
                                                                                                              queen and water warrior battling breast        has exploded in many respects, closing
                                                                                                              cancer. Her name was Rell Sunn, called         the ‘gap’ with the guys. One ‘gender norm’
                                                                                                              ‘Queen of Makaha’ by her friends. From         that is certainly being challenged is the
                                                                                                              that moment, she became my role model.         view that you need to have balls to charge.
                                                                                                              It is no surprise that Rell’s Hawaiian         Women are going wave for wave with the
                                                                                                              name, Ka-polioka’ehukai, means heart of        worlds best male big-wave chargers at
                                                                                                              the sea. She was a real embodiment of the      some of the heaviest breaks in the world,
                                                                                                              aloha spirit of surfing and inspirational      proving that the ocean (whatever about
                                                                                                              in terms of bringing kids into surfing and     society) does not discriminate. Keala
                                                                                                              pushing the standards of women’s surfing       Kennelly on winning the Billabong XXL
               The Importance of Role Models                  The report emphasised the importance of         at a time when they were getting little or     award in 2011, famously quipped, “When
               According to recent research on gender         female athletes and leaders sharing stories     no support. Her philosophy of aloha and        you ride one of those big waves it doesn’t
               equity, sport and development, a lack          to inspire, create visions for girls and open   respect for the mana of the ocean has          matter what you got between your legs!”
               of female role models is a key issue for       doors for new opportunities, so they can        influenced my whole life. Growing up in        It’s inspirational to see other women
               female participation in sport. This is         re-imagine future possibilities. When           the ocean and traveling the world surfing,     in their element in what for so long has
               not for a lack of role models but rather       I was a kid growing up on the remote            Rell heard all kinds of great stories: “As a   been thought of as a wholly male domain.
               the result of differing media access and       northwest coast of Ireland there was little     woman, I swore they would not be stories       When in fact women have been charging
               coverage in sport as well as gender norms      or no surf scene, and I relied on my annual     that belonged only to men. That women          for a very long time, further back than we
               – how society expects men and women to         birthday subscription to what was then          could tell these same stories”. An all-        can dream.
               behave. These norms permeate our beliefs,      the only women’s surf publication, Wahine       round water woman, her constant love
               attitudes and behaviours and can strongly      magazine. That was my way of connecting         was surfing and she talked about its power     From: Sustainable Stoke: Introducing Sustainability
               control the accepted and expected roles for    with what other women and girls were            to heal, “When you get in the water and        to the Surfing World
               women in different cultures and society.       doing in surfing. One of the first issues I     catch a wave, you own your life again.         Edited by Gregory Borne & Jess Ponting
Be The change   29

                                                                                                         Image: Taylor Butler Eldridge

                                                                                                           We’re calling on engaged schools,          Together we have implemented
                                                                                                        teachers, pupils and parents to               innovative and exciting Anti-Litter
                                                                                                        nominate their local school to get            Action Plans in Essex, Birmingham,
                                                                                                        involved with the following Be The            Cornwall and North Devon. Pupils

               Be The
                                                                                                        Change tour dates:                            and teachers who take on the Be The

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Winter 2017/18

                                                                                                                                                      Change challenge have the chance to
                                                                                                        Be The Change North East (Newcastle &         leave a positive legacy for the continued
                                                                                                        Tyneside) – October 12th - 20th 2017          collaborative protection of their schools

               Change UK
                                                                                                        Be The Change Bristol –                       and communities precious wild spaces.
                                                                                                        December 4th – 8th 2017                       How cool is that!?
                                                                                                        Be The Change Remote – February (dates            If you need any more encourage-
                                                                                                        tbc) – this tour will reach the remote        ment to get involved in this fantastic
                                                                                                        isolated schools in every nook and            education program we think this
               Let the Anti-Litter education tour begin!                                                cranny of our island nation.                  quote from Krisha Gandhi at Thornton
                                                                                                        Be The Change South Wales –                   Primary School in Birmingham sums
                                                                                                        March 2018 (dates tbc)                        what it means to be a part of the Be
                                                                                                        Be The Change Edinburgh & Glasgow –           The Change education program:
               With the start of the new school year        Litter and plastic pollution is a crisis    May 2018 (dates tbc)                          “Thank you so much for initially
               comes an exciting step for our anti-litter   that affects every street, park, beach                                                    approaching our school to work with
               education programme Be The Change.           and community across the UK. It’s down      What is Be The Change?                        you and be a part of your workshops.
               In collaboration with our friends at the     to us as school children, pupils, parents   Be The Change offers a positive solution      Thornton children have been really
               Greggs Foundation we are delighted           and teachers to make a difference           to the current litter crisis, it challenges   inspired and have had their eyes-
               to announce that Be The Change will          and protect our community spaces for        pupils to take a leading role in tackling     opened to the severity of littering - as
               be setting off on tour once again to         everyone to enjoy.                          this issue and keeping the communities        well as the positive impact we can all
               challenge students in five regions across                                                they represent litter free. It’s also loads   have on improving the situation.”
               the UK to take a leading role in keeping                                                 of fun!
               their communities litter free. The tour                                                      Now in its second year, Be The            To book a place on any of our upcoming
               begins this October 12th – 20th in the                                                   Change has worked with almost 2000            Be The Change Education Tours please
               Newcastle and Tyneside area.                                                             super engaged pupils across the UK.           contact Ellie on
30     Interview                                                                                                                                                     Interview        31

                                                                                                                                                        Avoid plastic wherever possible; Intercept
                                                                                                                                                        plastic waste; Redesign the materials and
                                                                                                                                                        methods behind the problem.
                                                                                                          Together we’ll make
                                                                                                          sure no cleanup ends                          Why are you partnering with Surfers
                                                                                                                                                        Against Sewage?
                                                                                                          at the beach.                                 We’re most successful when we work
                                                                                                          — Cyrill Gutsch                               together and with the people who know
                                                                                                                                                        their coastlines best — those who
                                                                                                                                                        understand the problems and are already
                                                                                                          this life support system. We have tools       standing up to correct them. Surfers
                                                                                                          and knowledge today like no generation        Against Sewage is a leader in the fight
                                                                                                          before us and we get to use them to           against marine plastic pollution and
                                                                                                          explore and protect this unknown blue         shares our vision for solutions. Together
                                                                                                          universe and create the future. That          we can stem the plastic tide by cleaning
                                                                                                          thought drives me every day. If we can        up our coastlines, diverting and upcycling
                                                                                                          solve plastic, this superstar of design       intercepted plastic waste, educating the
                                                                                                          failure, we can solve anything.               future and amplifying the messages of all
                                                                                                                                                        the above.
                                                                                                          You’re bringing international brands and

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Winter 2017/18

                                                                                                          organisations to the ocean conservation       How are you working with the surf

                                                                                                          discussion. What inspires them?               community globally?
                                                                                                          I think the reality of the state of our       Surfers make the best champions for
                                                                                                          oceans — and what it means for our            our cause because they spend their lives
                                                                                                          future — inspires our partners, once          in the water. Surfers Greg Long, Ramon
                                                                                                          they see it firsthand and feel a sense of     Navarro and Zane Schweitzer are Parley
               SAS meets Cyrill Gutsch                                                                    responsibility. Real change only works        Ambassadors; taking action and inspiring
               Founder, Parley for the Oceans                                                             if it comes from within. Therefore the        their networks to follow. We are also
                                                                                                          inspiration is personal, even for large       working with a number of surf brands,
                                                                                                          brands and organisations. We want people      including StarBoard SUP, the WSL, and
               How and why did you found Parley                                                           to feel empowered, not crippled by guilt.     SIMA to accelerate change in the industry
               for the Oceans?                                                                            Our goal at Parley is to help major players   that knows our oceans best. With our
               The turning point in my career came in       generation that fixes this, the legacy        realise their power, and then harness it by   partner Corona (AB-InBev), we brought
               June 2012, when I met Captain Paul Watson,   we leave behind will be a dead ocean. I       connecting the dots for solutions.            the AIR Strategy to the Corona Open J-Bay,
               founder of Sea Shepherd Conservation         couldn’t accept that. It didn’t just change                                                 surf competition where Matt Wilkinson,
               Society and co-founder of Greenpeace. He     my mindset; it changed my life. I decided     Tell us about the A.I.R strategy.             Jordy Smith, Conner Coffin and Sebastian
               was being held in Germany at the time,       to make the oceans my biggest and most        The Parley AIR Strategy is simple and can     Zietz competed wearing jerseys made from
               under attack for defending defenseless       important client and launched a project       be easily scaled across private households,   Parley Ocean Plastic™. Throughout the
               sea life in the oceans. It was shocking. I   with the ultimate deadline.                   governments, corporations and the             competition, surfers and spectators alike
               thought, here’s this altruist legend being                                                 creative industries. Based on the fact that   pledged to protect 100 islands against
               treated like a criminal for protecting       What drives you to protect our oceans?        most of the air we breathe is generated by    marine plastic pollution by 2020. This is
               the life that allows for our own survival.   Every second breath we take is generated      the oceans, that mankind cannot survive       just the beginning.
               Through Paul, I learned that if we don’t     by life in the sea. And yet today, everyday   on a planet with lifeless seas, the name
               turn things around, if we are not the        materials, products and habits are killing    Parley AIR also stands for three actions:
32   Section Title                                                                                                                         sas Shop         33

                                    SAS SHOP                                                      Introducing our
                                                                                                 Plastic Free Bundle

                                                                                                                                                                                Winter 2017/18

                           All profits fund beach cleans,         Plastic Free Bundle. £60

                        campaigns and education initiatives       Humans have produced 8.3bn tonnes of plastic        • Set of 4 Stainless Steel Reusable straws with
                                                                  since the 1950s with the majority ending up in        cleaner and cotton bag.
                                                                  landfill or polluting the world’s continents and    • Adult Bamboo Toothbrush.
                                        Visit us online at
                                                                  oceans. This Plastic Free Bundle will help you to   • Reusable Bamboo Cutlery Set.
                                         do your bit to offset your plastic use.             • Coconut scrub pad.
                                       or call: 01872 553001                                                          • 100% cotton Plastic Free Coastlines Tote bag.
                                                                                                                      • 50 envelope reuse labels.
                                                                  This Plastic Free Bundle contains…
                                                                  • 750ml Stainless Steel reusable water bottle.      Do your bit to offset the 8.3 billion tonnes of plastic
                                                                  • Blue reusable Bamboo Coffee Cup.                  and get your SAS Plastic Free Bundle today.
                    New 10% membership discount code: ecoliving
34       sas Shop                                                                        sas Shop   35

               Gift Cards
               Not sure what to buy? Let someone
               special choose just what they want
               from the SAS Eco Surf Shop. Simply
               choose the gift amount, add a
               personalised message and we can
               either send it to the lucky recipient or if
               you prefer to you to give as a gift!

               SAS Gift Cards are available in
               denominations of £10, £25, £50, £75,
               £100, £150, £200 and £250.

                                                             This beanie is made with 100% British
                                                             Wool, knitted in England. It’s thick,
                                                             stylish and oh so warm, and if treated
                                                             right it will last you a lifetime. The

                                                                                                                        Winter 2017/18
                                                             beanie is made in Nottinghamshire

                                                             by a small family run business, which
                                                             between its members have over 100
                                                             years experience in the production of
                                                             quality knitwear.

                                                             Why choose wool? It’s all natural, and
                                                             when washing a woollen beanie no
                                                             nasty acrylic micro plastics are flushed
                                                             into our ocean. — £30

               Kids Book
               Duffy The Sea Turtle is the engaging
               story of the relationship between
               humans and wildlife and the dangers
               turtles face in their own natural habitats
               due to plastic pollution.

               This beautifully illustrated story
               guides young children through Duffy’s
               adventure and her encounter with
               plastics in the sea after a storm. It
               teaches children the importance of
               looking after our environment and how
               they can help in a fun and friendly way.
               — £8
36   Section Title                                                                            Section Title   37

                                                                                           LESSON THREE:

                                    At this year’s Boarmasters
                                    Festival we challenged the
                                    crowds to add their own           MAKE YOUR OWN
                                    artwork to our Wall of
                                    Resistance. The Wall of
                                    Resistance encouraged people
                                    to make their own mark and
                                                                      WHAT YOU WILL NEED:

                                                                                                                                  Winter 2017/18

                                    inspire other festival goers to
                                    boycott the use of
                                    unnecessary Single - Use
                                    Plastic items.

                                    POSTER POWER!                     - Paper
                                    Throughout history posters        - Drawing / painting materials
                                                                      - Imagination
                                    have been used as key tool for
                                    change and rallying               REMEMBER:
                                    communities. Use your own
                                                                      Take a photo of your finished poster
                                    posters to inspire others to      and post it on social media. Use the
                                    #JOINTHERESISTANCE against        following tags so that we can see
                                                                      your work.
                                    single-use plastics.

                                                                      FB : @SurfersAgainstSewage
                                                                      TWITTER : @sascampaigns
                                                                      INSTA : @surfersagainstsewage
38    Section Title                                                                                                                                          Fundraising          39

                                                                                 Sophie walked the coast of             Thank you to all of those who          Well done Gemma, who entered a
                                                                                 Cornwall in aid of SAS and the         attended the Paddle Round The          triathlon along with her 2 friends in
                                                                                 Cornwall Wildlife Trust and            Pier festival – your donations         aid of SAS - £175 was raised
                                                                                 donated £300.50 to SAS!                added up to £40!                       through JustGiving!
                                                                                 (opposite page)
                                                                                                                        Thank you Zuzana for your
                                                                                 Nick took on the 14km Marathon         ongoing support making bracelets!
                                                                                 Swim in aid of SAS, raising £714.56!   You raised a fantastic £73.10!

                                                                                                                        Daryl sold booklets at his end of
                                                                                                                        year show, highlighting the ‘Drastic   Regional Rep Andrew took on the
                                                                                                                        Plastic’ that face our oceans and      Steelman Half Ironman covering
                                                                                                                        raised £20!                            70.3 miles and raising £535!

                                                                                                                        Thank you to Bethany Junior
                                                                                                                        School, Penpond’s school and
                                                                                 Our friends at Finisterre hosted a     Callington School, who collectively
                                                                                 repair day and donated £75!            raised £580.87 to help protect
                                                                                                                        their coastline!
                                                                                 Thank you to all who attended the                                             Andrea hosted a beach clean and
                                                                                 March of The Mermaids!

                                                                                                                                                                                                       Winter 2017/18
                                                                                                                                                               through sponsorship raised £100!

                                                                                 You raised £678.98
                                                                                                                                                               Thank you Lush Cardiff for hosting
                                                                                                                                                               another Charity Pot Party… they

                                                                                                                                                               raised a fantastic £328.7

                                                                                                                        Thanks to Regional Rep Cliff who
                                                                                                                        hosted a creek clean at Alverstoke
                                                                                 Regional Rep Hugo organised a
                                                                                                                        and raised £104.57 from rental
                                                                                 Hawaiian Luau Fundraiser to help
                                                                                                                        of kayaks and paddle boards and
                                                                                 protect the UK’s coastline – he
                                                                                                                        cake sales!
                                                                                 raised £339.05!

                                                                                                                        Thank you to Dan at Breathe            Skip paddled from Falmouth to
                                                                                 Lush Exeter hosted a Charity Pot
                                                                                                                        HQ whose collection box raised         Swanage in an outrigger canoe
                                                                                 Party and donated £149.60 to SAS!
                                                                                                                        £92.75!                                (va’v) raising £557.13!

                                                                                 Wesley Stand Up Paddle Boarded
                                                                                                                        Thank you to Joe who entered the
                                                                                 18 miles along the River Avon for
                                                                                                                        Torbay ½ Marathon in aid of SAS,
                                                                                 SAS and he raised £320 through
                                                                                                                        raising £147.50!
               Thank you to all of you who fundraise for SAS! If you’d like to   JustGiving! Thank you!

               get involved email Katie ( with your ideas
               and we’ll go from there! Whether it’s a cake sale, book swap,                                                                                   A huge thank you to Alex, who
               a triathlon or swim, you are protecting the UK’s coastline                                                                                      once again has donated his
               through selfless acts! We cannot do it without you!                                                                                             wages for working at the End of
                                                                                                                                                               the Road festival!
40      Fundraising                                                                                                                                           Fundraising   41

                                                                                                                Join Chris Bannister for
                                                                                                               ‘The Music of John Denver’
                                                                                                                    with Cornwall Symphony Chorus on
                                                                                                                 Saturday 30th December 2017 at 7.30pm in
                                                                                                                 aid of SAS in the Truro Methodist Church!

                                                                                                                                                                                                Winter 2017/18

               Thank you to Hannah, who                         raise awareness of plastic pollution and
                                                                how we as individuals contribute to the
               decided to walk El Camino
                                                                problem every day, I decided to avoid all
               de Santiago in aid of SAS!                       single-use plastics on my epic journey.
               We caught up with her to                             Life on the road turned out to be my
                                                                dream lifestyle. I loved every second of it!
               find out how it went!                            The joint pain, the blisters, the heat, the
                                                                exhaustion, it just made the good things
               “I found out about El Camino a year prior        even sweeter. It made me value every
               and was lured in by the life purpose of          meal, every bed and every friendship.
               walking and having everything I need in a        The scenery is stunningly beautiful and
               tiny backpack. It got to July this year and      the Spanish culture is warm and inspiring.
               I genuinely didn’t think I would have the        The sensation of my body growing
               time or the money to find a whole month to       stronger and my mind growing quieter
               walk 500 miles... I chose to look at things      became addictive.
               differently, quit my job, packed up my               I aimed to raise £500 which has been
               rented room and booked a one way flight.         achieved. So thank you to everyone                  Tickets are £10 and available online at or by
               Best decision ever.                              who encouraged me to walk, everyone                   phoning the Cornish Riviera Box office on 01726 879500.
                   SAS were my charity of choice. The           who donated and everyone who let me
               Cornish coastline brings me so much joy,         open their eyes to the plastic problem.                 Although tickets will be available on the door, these
               I feel like it is my responsibility to protect   Someone said to me on the road, ‘There               concerts often sell out, so don’t miss your chance to go!
               its beauty. The amount of unnecessary            is a life before El Camino and a life after                    For more information, please visit
               throw away plastic in our society has been       El Camino’ and now that it is all over, I             
               frustrating me for a long time. So, to help      couldn’t agree more.”
               42                                                           43

                                                 From storms to Stormzy
                                                    and coasteering to
                                                   campaign launches
                                                Boardmasters 2017 was our
                                                  most successful so far.


                                                                                 Winter 2017/18

               Image: Boardmasters
44        Sas x boardmasters 2017                                                                                                                       SAS x Boardmasters 2017   45

               The (plastic) elephant in the room
               Amidst the fun, music and campaign
               success of this awesome festival there
               has always been a (plastic) elephant in            One of the best sights was                                                           I heard of Boardmasters
               the room for us. 50,000 people attended
                                                                  two ten year olds running                                                            pickers beach cleaning
               Boardmasters. That’s a lot of people and
               where there is a lot of people, there is litter!   around the main venue                                                                every morning and
                   Our primary campaign aim is to reduce
                                                                  picking up cups, I reckon                                                            throughout the day as
               ocean plastic pollution so it might seem
               contradictory for us to align ourselves            they are now two wealthy                                                             well as in the town. The
               so closely with a festival where so much           young lads.                                                                          hedgerows are clear and
               single-use plastic waste is generated.                                                                                                  the locals mostly content
               However we strongly believe that, if               — Zoe Steel , concerned festival goer
               we are to tackle society’s reliance on                                                                                                  — Curly Steve
               throwaway plastics, it is our responsibility
               to catalyse positive behaviour change at
               every opportunity.

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Winter 2017/18

                                                                                                          Don’t beat ‘em, join ‘em
                                                                                                          Sadly in recent years the volume of
                                                                                                          single-use plastic litter has caused great
                                                                                                          distress to the local communities and
                                                                                                          they let us know!
                                                                                                             The words of local surfer and
                                                                                                          coastal business owner ‘Curly’ Steve
                                                                                                          Patterson illustrate this best; “Last
                                                                                                          year I felt the need to make a big noise
                                                                                                          about the clean-up operation. It was
                                                                                                          about litter that made its way all over
                                                                                                          the countryside and into the sea. I
                                                                                                          was extremely surprised that SAS was
                                                                                                          supporting this...”
                                                                                                             Whilst we shared his sadness,
                                                                                                          instead of condemning an event that
                                                                                                          brings many benefits and labelling
                                                                                                          festival goers, we felt it was our duty to
                                                                                                          engage with and empower them to take
                                                                                                          the simple steps that could bring about
                Image: Tom Baker                                                                          genuine, lasting change.
46       SAS x Boardmasters 2017                                                                              SAS x Boardmasters 2017   47

                                                   Where better than boardmasters?                               A final word from Curly Steve! “Credit
                                                   We’re proud to share details of some of the               where it is due, this year, the clean-up
                                                   innovative new initiatives put in place as a              was fantastic. There were a good number
               I heard of Boardmasters pickers     result of our partnership as well as the epic             of pickers during and at the end of the
               beach cleaning every morning and    efforts of our team of 25 Regional Reps who               festival. The site today almost looks as it
                                                   were charged with communicating them to                   did 3 weeks ago. Great work. Bigger and
               throughout the day as well as in    50,000 festival goers!                                    better next year and every year from now
               the town. The hedgerows are clear                                                             on. Being proud of being the cleanest,
                                                   • Plastic Free Coastlines – Was fully integrated          tidiest and most environmentally
               and the locals mostly content         across the festival and resulted in over 3000           conscious festival is an amazing thing.
               — Curly Steve                         festival goers pledging to #JoinTheResistance           Thank you”.
                                                     against single use plastics
                                                   • SAS X Visa #RefillPoints – Over 7000                    Onwards and Upwards
                                                     refillable bottles were bought by festival goers        We’re delighted to announce that
                                                     and refilled at water points which resulted             Boardmasters have commissioned a
                                                     in thousands less single-use plastic bottles            2017 – 2022 sustainability survey. This
                                                     being thrown away - all profits went to SAS!            consultant led assessment (we met Luke
                                                   • Cup Deposit Return Scheme: Plastic drinks               and were blown away by his passion!) will
                                                     cups could be returned for recycling for a              re-address major elements such as; travel,
                                                     10p reward.                                             power, energy, solid waste and recycling,

                                                                                                                                                            Winter 2017/18

                                                   • Litter Bond – Tickets included a £10 litter             water supply, wastewater and sewage,
                                                     bond. It was truly inspiring to see long lines          procurement and use of resources, and
                                                     of festival goers queuing up with full sacks of         communication.
                                                     litter to get their deposits back.                          We are incredibly proud of the part we
                                                   • Green Team & ‘Litter ASBOs’ – 40 volunteers             have played in helping the festival come
                                                     took on the task of engaging festival goers             this far and can’t wait to build upon these
                                                     with green issues. Particularly messy types             incredible first steps together.
                                                     were issued with comedy ASBO stickers!
                                                   • Sponsors and Traders Green Policies –
                                                     Strict single-use plastic free guidelines
                                                     that massively reduced the distribution of
                                                     throwaway plastics.
                                                   • First on Last Off Beach Cleans – Highly
                                                     visible ‘Boardmasters Beach Clean Teams’
                                                     checked and cleaned local beaches at the
                                                     start and end of every day.
                                                   • Campsite Clean-up – A massively accelerated
                                                     initial clean-up operation meant that the bulk of the
                                                     refuse was swept from the campsites by the end of
                                                     Tuesday after the event. An effort that was noted
                                                     and appreciated by the locals...
48   Section Title                                                                          Star Supporter        49

                                    Name: Cliff Culver                             My daughter Poppy was even awarded a
                                    Age: 46                                        gold star at school for organising a litter
                                    Occupation: Account Manager                    pick in the playground! Personally I have
                                    Lives: Gosport                                 had a challenging six months out of
                                                                                   employment and being able to focus on
                                                                                   my SAS work has probably kept me sane.
                                    How did you first get involved with SAS?
                                    I had been an SAS member on and off for
                                    years and after becoming a life member a
                                    couple of years ago, I was stoked to become
                                    a Regional Rep at the end of last year.

                                    What environmental concerns do you
                                    have in your area?
                                    Like many coastal towns, we really
                                    notice the impact of plastic pollution in
                                    the summer months. The vast majority

                                    of litter we pick up on beach cleans is
                                    food and drink related: plastic bottles,
                                    cans, glass bottles, plastic straws, plastic

                                                                                                                                      Winter 2017/18

                                    packaging and utensils.

                                    Tell us about the work you’ve been doing

                                    to tackle it.
                                    I’m raising community awareness of
                                    littering at the beach and although I find     What are your hopes for the future of the
                                    it daunting, I am doing talks with kids        marine environment?
                                    at schools and scout groups because I          My immediate hope is that the UK
                                    believe educating the younger generations      Government will implement a Deposit
                                    will have an impact. I’ve run Spring and       Return Scheme as soon as possible.
                                    Autumn beach cleans and a special SUP          Ultimately (and I have stolen this quote),
                                    and kayak clean where we raised over £80       I don’t want to protect the environment.
                                    and I’ve recently been invited to the launch   I want to create a world where the
                                    of a sea bin in Portsmouth Harbour. It is      environment doesn’t need protecting, so
                                    great to have the weight of SAS behind         we need to stop it at source.
                                    me when I‘m writing to our local MP or
                                    newspaper! The other Regional Reps help        What can people do to help you?
                                    and inspire me every day.                      Sign up for your free toolkit
                                                                         , do a #minibeachclean,
                                    How has being involved with SAS                speak at a group you are involved with,
                                    impacted on you personally?                    organise an Autumn Beach Clean or come
                                    As a family our attitudes have changed         along to my Autumn Beach Clean at Stokes
                                    and we never go out without our bamboo         Bay on Saturday 28th October at 10.30am,
                                    cutlery, refillable bottle and steel straws.   we normally have cake!
50       Charity R affle                                                                                                                                                             Charity R affle      51

                                                                All of the fantastic prizes up for grabs this
                                                                year have been donated to us so that every
                                                                penny raised goes directly to aid our work

                                                                protecting UK oceans, waves, beaches and
                                                                wildlife! This year, the raffle will close at
                                                                5pm, on Thursday 14th December. Please                                              6. Be the proud owner of an All-
                                                                                                                1. £2000 online spend at MSW!       Rounder SUP from Neptune!          11. 1 night Surf Snowdonia stay for
                                                                ensure your ticket stubs are returned to
                                                                                                                              2 with 4 hours of advanced surfing!

                                                                us by then! This Christmas, we could be
                                                                phoning you with the news that you have
                                                                won one of these incredible prizes!
                                                                    Included with Pipeline 104 are 2 books
                                                                of raffle tickets, a freepost envelope &
                                                                payment form. All you need to do is fill out
                                                                the ticket stubs, keep the tickets, and send
               Win amazing prizes this                          the stubs back to us inside the freepost
                                                                                                                2. Firewire Longboard of your       7. Choose either a 3 night stay     Image:Sam Neill

               Christmas and raise vital                                                                        choice!                             in the Yurt Retreat’s Yurt or
                                                                envelope, with your chosen method of
                                                                                                                    Treehouse for 2 adults!            12. 2 night general admission
               funds for SAS!                                   payment.
                                                                                                                                                         tickets with weekend camping for
                                                                                                                                                                                       Boardmasters 2018!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Winter 2017/18

                                                                                                                3. Mid-week stay (Mon-Fri) in May   8. Fusion sit-on-top kayak from
               Top Seller prizes
                                                                                                                2018 for up to 6 at Longlands!      Pyranha!
               Don’t forget we have prizes for the top 3        get to choose their very own Firewire
               lucky people who sell the most tickets.          Shortboard, 2nd prize is a 2 night B+B
               Please contact Katie on           stay at the Bedruthan and 3rd prize is a
                                                                                                                                                                                       13. 5 night stay for up to 7 people
               uk or 01872 555947 for tickets to sell. The      stay and surf lessons at the Watergate
                                                                                                                                                                                       at Cornish Horizons 4* property,
               person who sells the most tickets will           Bay Hotel.
                                                                                                                4. Win a custom made SUP from       9. £300 Finisterre kit bag! *not
                                                                                                                Whiskey Jack!                       necessarily the items pictured

               1. Firewire Shortboard         2. Bedruthan 2 night B+B Stay with   3. Watergate Bay Hotel
                                              Spa Garden Journey

                                                                                                                5. Build your own Bamboo Bicycle!   10. 4m standard Bell Tent!
52   Meet the team                                                                                                            Meet the team     53

                                    Meet the
                                                                     Emily, you recently joined us, tell us about
                                                                     your journey to getting the job.
                                                                     I first heard about SAS when I read an
                                                                     interview with Hugo in Wavelength

                                                                     magazine. I had to do a placement as part
                                                                     of my Environmental Science degree, so
                                                                     I got in touch with SAS and worked last
                                                                     summer on the Beach Clean Boxes project
                                                                     and on Marine Litter Monitoring which
                                       Emily Haggett                 inspired my masters project on marine

                           Plastic Free Coastlines Project Officer   plastic pollution. I then became a
                                                                     Regional Rep for a year, before getting
                                                                     this job recently!

                                                                     What does your job involve at SAS?
                                                                     I’m the first point of contact for people
                                                                     to sign up to work towards Plastic Free
                                                                     Coastlines through reducing their
                                                                     personal single use plastic consumption.
                                                                     I’m also managing our 60 new Community

                                                                                                                                                                    Winter 2017/18

                                                                     Leaders who are really driven to initiate      all leads to the sea eventually! It’s a long
                                                                     Plastic Free changes in their local areas.     term campaign but one where if everyone
                                                                                                                    comes together, it will be achievable.
                                                                     Can you tell us more about
                                                                     becoming a Plastic Free Coastlines             What’s been the biggest challenge so far?
                                                                     Community Leader?                              Finding my way to work! (I’m living in
                                                                     It’s a commitment to leading your              the middle of nowhere!) The biggest
                                                                     community through 5 stages to being            challenge of the project is keeping
                                                                     granted a Plastic Free Coastlines status.      up with all the communications with
                                                                     You have to: get support from your local       everyone who is interested, which is a
                                                                     town council, approach businesses to           good problem to have!
                                                                     reduce their single-use plastics, get some
                                                                     community organisastions and schools on        What do you enjoy the most about
                                                                     board, run a beach clean and a fundraising     your job?
                                                                     event and form a steering group to help         The team! It’s like being part of a big
                                                                     support your work.                             family and everyone has been really
                                                                                                                    supportive. And the office dogs!
                                                                     Why is SAS running this project?
                                                                     The overall aim is to create a single-use      What’s the office gossip?!
                                                                     Plastic Free UK! But in the shorter term,      Katie Eddy (Community & Events
                                                                     we’re hoping to inspire 150 Community          Fundraiser) is spreading a rumour that her
                                                                     Leaders to get involved, they don’t have       banana bread is better than mine, so the
                                                                     to be on the coastline, inland towns, cities   only real option is to go into a full blown
                                                                     and villages can go plastic free too – it      office bake off!







     C   v       Y       K
56     FundR aising

                            Support SAS with a
                          corporate membership!

               “Hi! We are Wholegrain Digital, London’s    who are taking action to make a real
               Original WordPress agency. Founded in       difference. From inspiring the next
               2007, we are a certified B Corporation,     generation through the Ocean Schools
               driven by a belief that business can be     programme, to the beach clean projects
               a force for positive change in the world.   and the fantastic new Plastic Free
               One of the ways we try to work towards      Coastlines initiative, we are inspired by
               our goal of creating a truly sustainable    SAS’ passion for protecting our oceans
               and equitable world is by supporting        from plastic pollution and we are proud to
               organisations with similar values,          support their efforts to “Be The Change”.

               The 250 Club allows your business to show      If you would like more information on
               its commitment to the UK’s oceans, waves    how to join the 250 Club, please contact
               and beaches and is a great way to support Thank you to all of
               the work of SAS.                            those businesses already supporting us
                                                           throughthe 250 Club!
               58   Section Title                                                  Safer Seas Service    59

                                                              With attention focusing on the ever
                                                              growing threat of single-use plastics,

                                                              you may be forgiven for thinking SAS
                                                              have forgotten the ongoing topic of water
                                                              quality. But, the Safer Seas Service has
                                                              been operating nicely and informing users

                                                              of risks to water quality at local beaches up
                                                              and down the country.
                                                                  Working with water companies and the
                                                              Environment Agency, the Safer Seas Service
                                                              continues to provide real-time water quality
                                              Monitoring      information at 330 beaches across England
                                                              and Wales. Water companies provide live
                                              water quality   information on Combined Sewer Overflows
                                              in England      and warn users when it is not recommended
                                              and Wales       to enter the water. The Environment
                                                              Agency issues predictions on risk to water
                                                              quality based on catchment dynamics and
                                                              forecasted rainfall.
                                                                  On the back of one of the best seasons

                                                                                                              Winter 2017/18

                                                              (from a bathing water quality results
                                                              perspective) last year, we have seen very
                                                              few serious incidents in what has been a
                                                              relatively dry summer. This bodes well
                                                              for the end of season sampling results
                                                              which begin to show longer term trends
                                                              in improvement of water quality for the
                                                              country. Of course, water quality changes
                                                              in real-time, and what might look great
                                                              in a long term trend can be very different
                                                              on the day you choose to go to the beach.
                                                              This is where the Safer Seas Service fits the
                                                              missing piece of the water quality jigsaw.
                                                                  We are working behind the scenes to
                                                              continually improve the Safer Seas Service
                                                              for the end user to ensure we bring you the
                                                              best possible experience and guarantee
                                                              more members of the public are safer in our
                                                              coastal waters than ever before. We believe
                                                              we will bring you the most robust water
                                                              quality information provision in the world.
                                                                  Download the Safer Seas Service app for
                                                              free on apple and android devices. Or visit
                                                              the interactive map at
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