Led by the Sp DISCERNING IN THE MIDST OF CHANGE - Dimensions A publication of Theresians International

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Led by the Sp DISCERNING IN THE MIDST OF CHANGE - Dimensions A publication of Theresians International
Dimensions   A publication of Theresians International
                                Fall 2019 | www.theresians.org

      b y t h e S p i r i t
           MIDST OF CHANGE
Led by the Sp DISCERNING IN THE MIDST OF CHANGE - Dimensions A publication of Theresians International


                                                                                         MARIBETH ANDERSON,
                                                                                         OUTGOING PRESIDENT
                                                                                         FOR 2018-2019

    8                                                  A time for prayer
                                                       Hello Theresian sisters! So what are you doing
                                                       for the next year and a half? Is there room in your
                                                       prayer schedule for just one more prayer?
                                                          As you know, this last Oct. 4-5, 32 Theresians in current and past
                                                       leadership descended on Springfield, Ill., for a 2-day discernment
                                                       process called “Discernment in a Time of Transition: Theresians
                                                       Evolving Toward a Bright Future.” A Search Committee was called
                                                       forth to find a new Executive Director, as our faithful leader of the
                                                       past 20 years, Vicki Schmidt, will retire on Sept. 18, 2021.
                                                          The Search Committee will spend the next 23 months preparing
                                                       to advertise the position nationally, receive applicants, narrow them
                                                       down to the top three and then schedule interviews. Doing all this
                                                       and more is what is required to put a new Executive Director at the
                                                       helm. Together, we will pray the Prayer in a Time of Transition.
                                                          It is through prayer that this process will go smoothly and
                                                       successfully; we are counting on your collaboration with us in this
                                                       huge endeavor. It will feel like a difficult task to replace Vicki, but
                                                       we trust the Holy Spirit is walking beside us on this journey. We
    Fall 2019                                          encourage all our communities to pray with us each month at our
                                                       monthly meetings.
                                                          When transition happens, it can be a stressful process for an
      	 FEATURE STORIES                          organization. We certainly experienced this stress during the 2008
       We gather in community because we are called
     4	                                               formation of Theresians International when we did the work of
                                                       bringing Theresians of the United States and the Theresian World
     5 Led by the Spirit – Discerning through change   Ministry under one international umbrella. It was new and some-
     6 Loras College students: A gift to               times daunting, and while many were excited about that transition,
    		 Dubuque Theresians                              there were many who felt uneasy with the change. I personally
                                                       believe that the consolidation made us a stronger organization, with
     7 Surrendering to God’s will                      arms reaching outward in friendship across the oceans. And Vicki
     8 COVER STORY                                     was the visionary responsible for us making this shift. I am grateful
    		 Led by the Spirit – Discerning in the midst     for the possibility that she could see in us.
    		 of change                                          So in this process of change, as we begin to feel that the earth is
                                                       shifting once again under us, let us pray together regularly and let
      	 FEATURE STORIES                          us keep our eyes on the prize, on the outcome we are hoping for,
    12 Change is constant, let us welcome this gift    which is a holy, dedicated, qualified and capable woman to step up
                                                       to become our new Executive Director. No doubt she will be wear-
    13 Thoughts on Holy Emergence
                                                       ing a different size and style of shoe, but if her heart is as compas-
    14		 Life in the House of Belonging – Discerning   sionate and loving as Vicki’s, and if she can make us all continue to
    		 our way in the Holy Spirit                      feel like family and keep our organization strong, then we will have
                                                       accomplished our sweet mission! On behalf of the TI Board and the
    15		 THERESIAN ANNUAL FUND 2018-2019
                                                       Search Committee, we promise to stay in close communication with
    16		 PERENNIAL DONORS, LEGACY DONORS               all our communities throughout this process. ◊

2   Theresians International • Fall 2019
Led by the Sp DISCERNING IN THE MIDST OF CHANGE - Dimensions A publication of Theresians International

                     Who is Holy
                     Mystery luring
                                                                          Time to let the
VICKI SCHMIDT,                                                                                                               ROSEMARY SIMEK,

                     us to become?
EXECUTIVE                                                                                                                    INCOMING PRESIDENT
DIRECTOR                                                                                                                     FOR 2019-2020

   “Nothing in this universe remains unchanged, this is the fallacy
                                                                          divine grace us
of fixity. We are often captured by the spell of fixity. The reality is      Prayer, laughter, hugs, listening, learning, discerning –
that we are all part of a vast process of becoming. We are a human        Theresians. You could feel the love and passion for Theresians
becoming not a human being. We still have not become all we were          in the women who attended the Discernment Weekend in
meant to become.” Theresians International is still becoming.             Springfield, Ill., Oct.4-6, 2019. We prepared by reading Who Do
   When I heard Sister Sharon Zayac, OP speak these words at our          We Choose to Be? by Margaret J. Wheatley. It is a timely and chal-
meeting on Oct. 4th, it was a great reminder and a reinforcement of       lenging book focusing on the need for leadership in our time.
the idea we already know that nothing remains the same, everything        We shared our meals with the Dominican Sisters who prayed for
is always changing. Even though things seem static at times around        us and pampered us with the warmest hospitality. Our goal was
us, Sister Sharon’s statement reminded us that we are all part of a       to discern a Search Committee for our new Executive Director.
vast system of change on a global and universal level. It was a great        We learned quickly from our moderator, Sister Sharon Zayac
introduction to the task we were addressing, that of change with the      OP, how story impacts our lives and undergirds our culture,
leadership of TI. Change is inevitable, even though we are here for       our attitudes and our actions. And so we pondered the Genesis
such a short time in terms of the history of the planet we inhabit.       creation story and an evolving creation story, how God, Holy
   We were advised last January by a nonprofit consultant, Joan           Mystery, reveals self in creation and in the diversity of the world
Garry, that this type of change in any nonprofit can be life-giving       around us; how science is confirming the interconnectedness
or bring chaos and confusion. Of course, our intention is to make         of all things; how everything and everyone is in process. We,
this journey towards change a life-giving and energizing gift for         Mother Earth and our Universe are becoming, unfolding. We are
all of our members by keeping you informed about the progress             constantly being called by Holy Mystery into Holy Mystery.
along the way. Communication will be the best way to make this a             We recalled the origin of our Theresian story and recounted
positive movement for the entire organization. Rather than focus on       ways Theresians has evolved over the years. During sharing in large
what will be lost, we are calling all of our members to be aware of       and small groups, we asked: How are we challenged to live our
the movement of the Holy Spirit through it all. In a spirit of hope       Theresian call differently? What work needs to be done to move
and trust, let us imagine that the Spirit has an eye on everything we     Theresians International into the future? How can we imagine new
are doing and will not lead us astray.                                    ways of making our core values relevant today and going forward?
   The Prayer in a Time of Transition was written so that all Ther-       What choices must we begin to make to move us forward?
esians could be a part of inviting the Holy Spirit to usher in new           On Saturday afternoon, Jim Connolly introduced us to “Choos-
leadership. Every community will receive the prayer cards before          ing Talent Themes: Identifying the Talent Themes We Need for
Thanksgiving. We encourage communities to pray this prayer of             the Future.” The presentation was fascinating and we learned that
invocation of the Holy Spirit to begin this journey of discernment        IQ, education and experience often focused on in the interview-
with us. The solidarity of our prayers for this purpose will make a       ing process will not guarantee the most effective person for the
big difference as we slowly make our way to January 2021, when            job. The best predictor for on the job success is Emotional Intelli-
we begin to advertise the position of Executive Director. Any future      gence (EQ), how we manage behavior, navigate social complexi-
information or updates on the process will come from the TI Board         ties and make personal decisions. Enter here the Talent Themes –
leadership and the Search Committee.                                      naturally occurring pattern of thought, feeling or behavior. We all
   We are excited about the International Gathering in Toronto, July      operate out of our basic talent themes, especially in times of crisis.
23-26, 2020. Mary Sharon Moore is our keynote speaker and we              In small groups, we were challenged to identify five, out of 34,
are excited about the powerful message she will bring to all of us.       Talent Themes that we would like to find in our new Executive
Dare to Believe, Rise Up to Act is the title of her most recently pub-    Director. Some talent themes that surfaced are: Connectedness,
lished book. We hope that you will make a commitment to join us           Relator, Communicator, Achiever – goals accomplished, Harmony
with our sisters in Toronto to help us create yet another new story       – consensus decision-making, Futuristic. The Search Committee
of women supporting women, reaching out with Gospel values!               will finalize the five Talent Themes. Pray for them!
Together, we can see once again what Holy Mystery is luring us to            Then it was time. Time to sit in silence. Time to let the Divine
become! This will be my last conference/gathering as your Director        grace us. Time to be together in unspoken harmony. Quietly, Sis-
– so come and join us. We’ll have a wonderful weekend in Toronto          ter Sharon asked if anyone would like to nominate a Co-Chair. In
with our Canadian sisters!                                                a matter of minutes, we called forth our seven-member team and
   Sending each of you all the best for the upcoming holidays.            six additional women offered to help. All the women who attend-
May our hearts be filled with gratitude for the solidarity we share       ed this powerful weekend are indebted to Theresians around the
as Theresian Sisters. ◊                                                   world who prepared the way through prayer and good works. ◊

Led by the Sp DISCERNING IN THE MIDST OF CHANGE - Dimensions A publication of Theresians International

    We gather in community because we are called
                                T    herefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with
                                     compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other
                                and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive
                                as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them
                                together in perfect unity. – Colossians 3:12-14

            JULIA BATDORF,         This was the opening prayer of my very first      conversations about marriage and, months later,
               ANAM CARA
                                Theresian meeting. I was 25 years old and            my sisters celebrated with me at my wedding. My
           HOUSTON, TEXAS       while everyone was warm and welcoming, I was         Theresian sisters ached with me through infertility
                                intimidated. The women were older than me,           and rejoiced at the arrival of my children. They
                                in a totally different stage of life, and were so    stood by loving me and mentoring me as I grew
                                comfortable with one another. But then we settled    into myself – and allowed me to love and share
                                into prayer; Mary Singleton read the verse and       with them.
                                somehow I knew I was home. After that meeting,          We moved and I joined another community
                                I remember thinking that my daily life was not the   closer to my home. With these sisters, I have
                                life of these women at all, yet when they shared     journeyed through the ups and downs of later life –
                                about their faith, I could so easily relate.         theirs and mine. We have grieved together through
                                   What I love about the Theresian model of          losses and celebrated together life’s triumphs.
                                community is that the Community Dimension is            Over the years, there have been times when
                                there for its own sake. We gather in community       programs don’t necessarily inspire me, when I
                                because we are called. We don’t gather because we    struggle to connect with some of my sisters, and
                                are studying the same book of the Bible or because   even times of loneliness at my Theresian meeting.
                                our children go to school together or even because   And through all those times, I have hung in
                                we belong to the same parish. We gather because      there, recognizing that love that is “put on” in
                                we recognize the truth of Jesus’ words, “When two    community will override all else.
                                or more are gathered in my name, I am there.” We        Growing up and growing older as a Theresian
                                need a safe space from which to live our lives.      have given me the gift of discernment – a safe
                                   Because I became a Theresian as a young           space in which to share life’s inevitable changes. It
                                adult, my Theresian sisters have walked with         gives me the gift of women who are rooting for me,
                                me through many of life’s journeys. I remember,      who are praying for me and who are “putting on
                                when my husband and I were dating, having long       love, which binds us together in perfect unity.” ◊

        Search Committee
         called forth at the
     Discernment meeting
           on October 5th:
           (L to R): Sharon
              Benson, Ariz.;
        Mary Anne Camillo,
          Philippines; Linda
             Alesi, La.; Mary
     Nauman, Iowa; Sandy
        Smith, Texas; Claire
        Mueller, Texas; and
     Stephanie Hawkins, Ill.

4   Theresians International • Fall 2019
Led by the Sp DISCERNING IN THE MIDST OF CHANGE - Dimensions A publication of Theresians International
Led by the Spirit
Discerning through change
L     ife changes can bring joy, sorrow or even a combination of both, but with every
      life change comes that big ugly word that we all hate – UNCERTAINTY. On the
list of things people fear the most, we always find public speaking, heights, spiders and
                                                                                                             KATIE AUSTIN
                                                                                                             LES AMIES
                                                                                                             DE L’AVENT,
death. But uncertainty is a big fear we often forget. Uncertainty induces anxiety and                        LAFAYETTE, LA.
allows an opportunity for the enemy to remind us of all the ways we do not trust. At
times of uncertainty, we often forget all of the other times we have felt the Lord holding
us up. Like Peter when he asked the Lord to invite him onto the water – we suddenly
look down and realize we have no idea how to take our next step, and we begin to                             “Our stories
sink. And that’s where my Theresian sisters have come to the rescue!

                                                                                                             impact all living
   When faced with change or an unclear path          hand-wringing, the perfect opportunity arrived,        things. What
forward, we often get stuck in analysis paralysis –   teaching seventh-grade religion part-time at a local
unable to quiet ourselves enough to hear the Holy     Catholic school. I was able to refocus my efforts at
                                                                                                             we do, who we
Spirit speaking. Over the last year of my life, it    the Catholic Student Center on what I truly love       are and how we
became increasingly apparent that it was time to      – teaching and bringing people to the sacraments,
reconsider my job description. I was not looking      while spending the first hours of my work day
                                                                                                             behave impact the
to leave the Catholic Student Center, where I had     with some of the cutest (and most spirited)            whole of creation.
been working for the last eight years, but like you   12-year-olds you have ever met.
do with any missionary call, the willingness to          What began as a small Theresian community
                                                                                                             What insight
hurriedly pack with loins girt and dust-shaken        of teachers, Les Amies de L’Avent expanded to          does this give us
sandals is always deep in your heart. However,        welcome me and others four years ago. During this
the uncertainty of what I should do next or if I      transition into teacher life, I have been surrounded
                                                                                                             about who we are
should move on became truly debilitating. Having      by an incredibly prayerful and humble group of         as Theresians?
the prayers of my Theresian community and their       ladies who have helped me at every turn. I’m not
encouragement that the Lord, in his own time          only lifted up in prayer, but I’ve been lifted up in
                                                                                                             Cultures are
(yikes!), would show me a clear path carried me       lesson planning, classroom management ideas and        defined by their
through this difficult time.                          the listening ears of so many who have been there
   After a couple of months of agonizing and          before. I am so thankful for my community! ◊
                                                                                                             stories. The single
                                                                                                             most fundamental
                                                                                                             story is the glue
                                                                                                             that binds our
                                                                                                             cultures together.
                                                                                                             Myth means to tell
                                                                                                             our sacredness –
                                                                                                             tell our stories.”
                                                                                                             – Sharon Zayac, OP

                                                                                                             Blessing of the Search
                                                                                                             Committee after the
                                                                                                             Discernment: (L to R):
                                                                                                             Sandy Smith, Texas;
                                                                                                             Linda Alesi, La.; Sharon
                                                                                                             Benson, Ariz.

                                                                                                                 www.theresians.org     5
Led by the Sp DISCERNING IN THE MIDST OF CHANGE - Dimensions A publication of Theresians International
A publication for
       Theresians                   MARY NAUMAN,
      International             WOMEN AT THE WELL,
                                   DUBUQUE, IOWA
      Victoria S. Schmidt

     Sharon Benson, Ariz.
      Julia Batdorf, Texas
    Stephanie Hawkins, Ill.
    Aliz Azurin, Philippines
     Tanya Greenwald, La.

      Maribeth Anderson
      Victoria S. Schmidt
       Rosemary Simek
         Julia Batdorf
         Katie Austin
         Mary Nauman           Loras College students:
                               A gift to Dubuque Theresians
      Gianinna Labicane
     Irene Acosta McGee
         Jamie Myers
         Sheryl Lyons
        Agnes Amihere             All the encounters I’ve had over the past few years      Leadership at Loras College has always been
          Judy Rolke
     Mary Sharon Moore
                               with the young Theresians at Loras College have          supportive and local Theresian communities have
    CONTRIBUTING WRITERS       revealed to me that they are truly led by the Spirit.    made ourselves available to them if needed. We try
                               With the pressures of peers, social media and college    to attend one of their first meetings in the fall to
       Agnes Amihere
      Maribeth Anderson
                               life, they still value their own spiritual growth and    welcome and encourage new members and again
         Katie Austin          support others within community. While they face         each spring to send off the seniors and remind
         Julia Batdorf         the same challenges that all Theresian communities       them to seek or start a Theresian community
      Gianinna Labicane
      Mary Sharon Moore
                               experience – commitment, membership, attendance          wherever they “land.” I’ve been so blessed by their
        Mary Nauman            at meetings, etc.– they trust in God’s grace and         energy and passion whenever I’ve been with them
          Judy Rolke           mercy and continue to nurture each other in prayer       and know they will find peace, joy and success as
        Vicki Schmidt
       Rosemary Simek
                               and the Five Dimensions.                                 they continue to be led by the Spirit. ◊
        Anna St. Blanc

    Theresians International
      1237 W. Monroe St.
                                                             PRAYER IN A T IM E OF T RAN S IT ION
     Springfield, IL 62704
        888.545.7230                                                Holy One, we thank you for all the blessings
          (USA only)                                     you have showered upon Theresians since our beginning in 1961.
                                                                      We come to you now seeking wisdom,
                                                                  guidance and an outpouring of your Holy Spirit
                                                             as we enter into discernment, preparation and selection
                                                          of a new Executive Director for our international community.
                                                                 Empower the TI Board and the Search Committee
        Patrick O’Brien
                                                                         in the work of leading Theresians
        Janna Stellwag
                                                                through the succession process in a timely manner.
      GRAPHIC DESIGNER                                           Grant them gifts of open collaboration and strong
        InnerWorkings                                                 communication with our membership.

6    Theresians International • Fall 2019
Led by the Sp DISCERNING IN THE MIDST OF CHANGE - Dimensions A publication of Theresians International

Surrendering to God’s will
I   have always been an idealistic and romantic person. When I was younger, I would
    stay up late talking to my father and mother about my dreams and ambitions. I
shared with such certainty and conviction that I would, someday, conquer the world                                GIANINNA LABICANE,
and make a huge contribution to humanity. I was so sure that I would serve a purpose                              MARINDUQUE
                                                                                                                  UNIVERSITY IN THE
more important than myself. And, only achieving that goal would make me feel truly                                PHILIPPINES
alive. Looking at the night skies, at the stars, I whispered to God, “I don’t know what
your plans are for me, but I am excited, and I am ready. Do as you will.

   As I grew older, reality began kicking in and I      about the destination, but more about the stories,
realized that getting to my destination would not       lessons and friends we gain along the way.
be as easy as I thought. I began thinking that all         Less than a year ago, a Theresian sister suffered
my dreams were products of my naiveté. As I failed      a devastating betrayal from a former partner. She
over and over, I began building walls. I lost people    felt it was something she had done and ques-
who were important to me. Worse, I stopped              tioned her behavior and her own worth. We                 “Life is not about
talking to God. I tried to fix everything myself and    worked together to rebuild her confidence and             the destination,
a friend reminded me I was clutching a handful of       affirmed that together we could help establish her
sand, which continued to trickle from my fingers.       self-worth.                                               but more about
   A heartbreaking incident in my life led me to           Through my years as a Theresian, I have devel-         the stories,
the night I sat alone in my bedroom, speaking           oped a better understanding and deeper appre-
to God in a moment of complete surrender. My            ciation of why we must weather storms in our              lessons and
silent prayer:                                          life. Just as friction is necessary to polish precious    friends we gain
                                                        gems so we are required to face difficulties to
  Lord, I don’t know what your plans are. I don’t       become a better person.                                   along the way.”
understand what you have in store for me, but I            At this point in my life, I find the Spirituality
surrender and am ready to do your will.                 and Community Dimension to be at the forefront,
                                                        while I still strive to continuously integrate all oth-
  I am still in the process of healing and accept-      er dimensions into my everyday life. I would now
ing who I am. My circumstances taught me that           like to focus on establishing spiritual maturity to
while the future does hold much promise, it is          better serve and show compassion to people both
important to enjoy living every day. Life is not        within and beyond the Theresian community. ◊

                                   Bless us with candidates who will lead us
                             in the continued growth of Theresians International,
                                     who will embrace the Theresian motto
                        “Women in Support of Women … Reaching Out with Gospel Values,”
                                 and the Five Dimensions that enrich our lives.
                            Protect all who will travel for meetings and interviews.
                                     In the spirit of St. Thérèse of Lisieux,
                                         we bring all our needs to you,
                                     trusting in your great love and mercy.

                                         Written by Rosemary Simek and Anne Murphy (2019)
                                          Women of the Spirit Community, Phoenix, Arizona

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Led by the Sp DISCERNING IN THE MIDST OF CHANGE - Dimensions A publication of Theresians International

         b y t h e S p i r i t
     Led                                   DISCERNING IN THE

                                           MIDST OF CHANGE

8   Theresians International • Fall 2019
Led by the Sp DISCERNING IN THE MIDST OF CHANGE - Dimensions A publication of Theresians International
I  am Irene Acosta McGee and I have been a Theresian
   in Lake Charles since 2003. Our community is
                                                                                By Irene Acosta McGee,
called SISTERS — Sisters Inspired to Seek Theresian                            SISTERS COMMUNITY, LAKE CHARLES, LA.
Experiences Revealed by the Spirit. We pray each
month using Lectio Divina as part of our program and
I believe we have been guided by the Spirit in our quest
for knowledge and understanding for our lives and for
our world.

   I was born in El Paso, Texas, in 1941, and was fortunate to have
been brought up in a very loving, child-friendly Mexican family with
a grandmother that lived with us until I was 8. Much of my faith was
instilled in me as a child by my grandmother. She took me to Mass
weekly; I loved going to church with her and watching her pray. Her
lips moved silently as she moved the beads with her hands. During
the month of May, she also took me to offer flowers to the Blessed
Virgin. I also loved going to catechism classes as I got older. I studied
and knew my faith well, until I was challenged by some life events.
My father died when I was 29. A few years later, three of my Catho-
lic-educated nephews embraced Judaism (they discovered that our
ancestral family had been Jewish). Were they all going to hell? As I got
older, I prayed more, meditated more, studied more and tried to under-
stand what the truth really was. I was discerning in the midst of change.
   The Spirit was with me as I studied and grew from a pre-Vatican II,
spoon-fed Catholic who questioned nothing into an adult Catholic
who wanted to understand the teachings of the Church. I moved from
reading Scripture literally to reading and studying Scripture with
help from the writings of theologians and Scripture scholars such
as Fathers Richard Rohr, Ronald Rolheiser and Thomas Merton, and,
of course, St. Therese of Lisieux.
   Life has changed quite a lot in my lifetime; many lifestyles are
different and I have found that it does no good to judge or to try to
change people. I only live by what I believe to be true and pray to
bring others to Christ by my example and not my mouth.
   Many years ago, I read a passage from 1 John 46: “God is Love.
And he who abides in love, abides in God, and God in him.” I have
pondered this for many years and have come to believe that if God
IS Love, and if God lives in me, then I must also be Love. I want to
be Love; I want to respond to all situations with Love. Sometimes that
means just being silent, instead of responding in difficult situations.
It means praying for the rapists and killers as well as for the victims.
It means not to judge.
   My Theresian SISTERS and I have prayed and studied with a
video series called “The Wild Goose” – alias “The Holy Spirit,” for
the past two years. I can truly say that we have all grown in prayer,
love, understanding and knowledge. We experienced a wonderful
adventure with the “Wild Goose” and I’m sure we are better prepared
to face our lives in the midst of continuing change.
   It is a joy to say that committing for life to Theresians has created for
me a family of sisters. We share our joys and our sorrows; we pray for
each other; and we know that all we have to do is ask or even let a need
be known and we are there for each other.
   In closing, I want to express deep gratitude for my faith, my family,
my SISTERS and for the Holy Spirit that guides my life in the midst
of change. Amen.
                                                                                                   www.theresians.org   9
Led by the Sp DISCERNING IN THE MIDST OF CHANGE - Dimensions A publication of Theresians International
Invite the Holy Spirit                                               By Jamie Myers,
                              to guide your life                                                    SISTERS ON THE
                                                                                                FAITHFUL JOURNEY,
                                                                                                     LAFAYETTE, LA.

      E     very life event — good, bad, joyous, or painful — really is
            in accordance with his will. You hear the words “It is God’s
     will.” But I have always been a planner and perfectionist by
     nature, so when life threw challenges that yielded big changes
     for me in my early 20s, I struggled to understand how or why
     any of it was part of his plan.

        Shortly after graduating from college, my boyfriend (now husband) and I be-
     came pregnant with our daughter Cadence, Within the same year, I also lost my
     best friend to a drug overdose. As a young girl, I often imagined that my adult life
     would be a nonstop array of glamour and good times, but at 23 I was finding out
     that God had other plans. Adversity both challenges and strengthens you. During
     that difficult year, as I mourned the loss of one life and welcomed the uncondi-
     tional love of another, I felt a pull to deepen my faith and find a place to share
     and connect with others.
        For me, having faith means inviting the Holy Spirit into my circumstances,
     knowing I don’t have to know the plan or have the answers. The invitation from
     myself to the Spirit is ongoing – requesting my needs to him and listening to
     where he is leading me every day.
        I was introduced to Theresians by a dear friend that I met at work. Looking
     back, I truly believe that God placed me in that particular job for two very import-
     ant reasons: first, to gain the experience and recognition I would need to further
     my career and be successful; and, secondly, to meet her and be led to where he
     was calling me. God chose the right person to encourage me, and I still turn to
     her for spiritual guidance, direction and inspiration today.
        There is serenity in knowing that you are in the exact right place at the
     exact right time, and I felt that so deeply at my very first Theresian meeting.
     The yearning and pull for a deeper connection to my faith finally had an
     outlet to grow in my life.
        Therese’s Little Way and the Five Dimensions of Theresians are perfect in their
     simplicity. The idea of growing and loving in community with a few awesome soul
     sisters is the best part of all! I belong to a community of diverse women ranging in
     ages and we are beautiful in all of our differences. What I value most is the trust
     and support that we share and the comfort in knowing that my sisters pray
     for me and with me. The Holy Spirit led me to Theresians nine years ago. In my
     community, I feel home.
        One of the things I love most about God is his unwavering commitment to lead
     me through the Holy Spirit. I like to think that God has curated a collection of
     tools just for me that I can pull from when I am facing difficult times or am in need
     of him in any way. I only need to pray and discern to choose the right tool. A few
     things in my personal tool collection are meditation, prayer, Our Blessed Mother
     Mary, favorite books, my family, my Theresian sisters and, of course, St. Therese.
        Looking back now, I am so thankful for the struggles, challenges and change in
     my life because they allowed me to deepen my faith and desire to grow spiritually.
     Change for me has truly been grace – leading me to some of my biggest blessings,
     and a community of faith-filled women that I cherish.

10   Theresians International • Fall 2019

“What I thought was                                                                                          By Sheryl Lyons,
 gonna be the death of
 me was my saving grace.”                                                                                     ROSÉ JOLIE COMMUNITY,
                                                                                                                     LAFAYETTE, LA.

                             — LUKE COMBS, WHEN IT RAINS IT POURS

 H   urricane Katrina struck New
     Orleans on Aug. 29, 2005. I had
                                                      developed into a close-knit group of grace-filled
                                                      women who accompany each other through all
evacuated in advance of the storm                     the joys and heartbreaks of life.
                                                         Fast forward to August 2016. Eight months ear-
with my two young sons and my
                                                      lier, my 21-year marriage had ended in a painful
widowed mother-in-law. My husband                     divorce. I woke up one morning to discover that
had insisted on staying behind “to                    floodwaters were about to enter the home that I
protect our things.”                                  purchased as a newly single mom.
                                                      I was displaced for over a year and had to endure
   The immediate effects of the storm were min-       my home being gutted and repaired, all while
imal, but the levee breach that followed caused       working full-time and trying to maintain a sense
floodwaters to rise to the third floor of our         of normalcy for my sons, who were now in high
split-level home, and both of our vehicles were       school. Initially, the former me, as I like to refer
totaled. For nearly one week, I was unable to         to as the pre-K (pre-Katrina) me, responded
speak to my husband. At the depth of my despair       with a “Why me?” mentality. Eventually,
of not knowing his fate, I fell to my knees and       however, I was able to see God’s purpose in
bargained with God, promising to give up all of       the trials and tribulations that I have faced.
my material possessions if he were to spare my        Two one hundred-year floods in 11 years! Are
husband’s life. My prayer was answered. Several       you kidding me?
days later, my husband was rescued by some               Through discernment and a strong prayer
Good Samaritans and joined us in my hometown          life supported and encouraged by my
of Lafayette. My husband longed to return to          Theresian sisters, I have learned that relation-
New Orleans, but because I was fearful of return-     ships are more important than money and
ing to a city that lay below sea level, our family    possessions. I have learned that human
relocated to Lafayette.                               suffering, when accepted and offered up
   I remember attending a talk given by Father        in union with Christ’s suffering, can have
Hampton Davis, a local priest who had to evac-        redemptive value. I have learned that in
uate the Notre Dame Seminary in New Orleans.          serving others, one becomes more aware
He relayed a conversation that he had with a          of her own blessings. I have learned
saleswoman he encountered while shopping              to trust God and his plan for my
to replace his favorite pillow. When he told her      life. And I am so very thankful
that he was a victim of Katrina, she had replied,     that he surrounded me with
“You’re not a victim, you’re a survivor!” That        beautiful women of faith
sentiment has resonated with me ever since.           and hope who are there for
   Several months later, I headed to meet my sons     me when I need them most.
at their school Mass. As another woman and I             “Our sufferings bring
discovered, the Mass had been rescheduled. We         acceptance, acceptance
struck up a conversation that soon developed          brings hope, and our
into my first new friendship. Over the next few       hope will not deceive
years, I became friends with many other women         us, for the Spirit has
who had children who attended school with my          been poured into
sons, and I was invited to join a group of them       our hearts.”
in forming a Theresian community. We were              (Rom 5:3-5) ◊
chartered in November 2010, taking the name
Rose’ Jolie, or Beautiful Rose. Since then, we have

                                                                                                                 www.theresians.org   11

         KNUST, GHANA

                          Change is constant,
                          let us welcome this gift
                          C   hange is a constant thing in social and organizational life. People and organizations
                              change leaders, systems and practices on a continual basis with the view of improving
                          organizational effectiveness and fulfilling set goals. However, a change process has to be
                          properly handled for it to become successful.

         I am your           As an organization, Theresians International, which     the work of the Search Committee. This involves
                          is a global ministry founded in a Catholic tradition,      constantly imploring the Holy Spirit for the seven
           servant;       finds itself in the tentacles of change. In October        gifts of Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude,
            give me       this year, Theresians will commence the process to         Knowledge, Piety and the Fear of the Lord; and
                          call forth a new Executive Director as Vicki Schmidt       being mindful of the 12 fruits of Charity, Joy,
      discernment         retires. Under the theme “Discernment in a Time of         Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Generosity,
        that I may        Transition: Theresians Evolving Toward a Bright Future,”   Faithfulness, Modesty, Self-control and Chastity.
                          this process, which includes prayers by all Theresians,       In going through our discernment, we have to
       understand         advertisement and interviews by the Search                 rest assured that so long as we seek God’s direction
     your statutes.       Committee, will end hopefully in August 2021 when          and depend on the Spirit, the search process will be
                          a new Executive Director takes over.                       successful. Those who allow themselves to be carried
       – Psalm 119:125       Very critical in this process is the need to manage     along by the Holy Spirit will have prophecies revealed
                          it properly and ensure that it becomes effectual.          to them through the will of God. (2 Pt 1:21)
                          For Theresians International, this means being led            Therefore, I wish to entreat all Theresians to pray
                          by the Spirit and going through our discernment            ceaselessly to God, imploring the Spirit to be our
                          process patiently and diligently. As women of faith        helper, intercessor, comforter, strengthener and
                          with diversity of gifts and varied backgrounds, we         leader in this time of transition as we search for
                          need a change process that will allow the Spirit of        our next Executive Director. Indeed, we all have to
                          God to lead and guide us in our deliberations and          be confident that the Lord who goes before us will
                          sharing of ideas and perspectives during the October       not fail us (Dt 31:8) and will allow a new, competent
                          meeting, gatherings of the various communities and         Executive Director to emerge in August 2021. ◊

12   Theresians International • Fall 2019
Thoughts on Holy Emergence
Pope Francis has asked, “How can we proclaim
Christ to a world that is constantly changing?”

                                                                                                                        JUDY ROLKE,
                                                                                                                        THERESIAN VII
                                                                                                                        HOUSTON, TEXAS

                                                                                                    Daniel Ibáñez/CNA

   We see this change daily in the world as refugees     the WEET community. As we listened to hear the                 For those
leave troubled areas in search of safety. We see it      concerns, observations and ideas from each other,
in ourselves as we go through all the phases of our      we prayed for the guidance of the Holy Spirit. As we
                                                                                                                        who are led
lives. And we see it clearly in Theresians and in the    worked, our friendships in Christ developed.                   by the Spirit
history of our Theresian organization. More change         From the many ideas we discerned, there were 2
is coming with Vicki’s future retirement in 2021.        key components to be addressed: revitalization and
                                                                                                                        of God are
Though we have been and continue to be “Women            formation. We needed to embrace our vocation as                the children
in Support of Women Reaching Out with Gospel             Theresians and to visualize the process of opening
Values,” Theresians are experienced with change, yet     our Theresian communities to women who could
                                                                                                                        of God.
always with prayerful guidance and support!              benefit from living the Five Dimensions. The WEET              – Romans 8:14
   In 1961, when Theresians was first established,       Team gathered input, with suggestions of hosting
its corporate ministry was to promote the vocations      more Days of Prayer and developing a Mentor
of women religious. As the role of women in society      Training Program. The WEET Team produced final
evolved, and with the Holy Spirit at our side, we        recommendations that were given to the National
discerned our mission would be to acknowledge the        Leadership Team and the Theresian International
role of ALL women as we advocated living the Five        Board. Many of these recommendations have been
Dimensions. In 2008, again with the Holy Spirit at       implemented, and our membership is increasing.
our side, we discerned a call to unity and equality      But maybe the best outcome has been that within
for Theresians around the world and we became            our membership, we have learned to embrace change
Theresians International.                                together knowing that the Holy Spirit is with us.
   But change did not stop there. In November 2010,        At our final meeting, Kathy McCormick chose this
Vicki called together a group of Theresians to address   prophetic Scripture reading:
another change. Our numbers were declining and
we were becoming less active. From that group, the          According to the Grace of God given to me, like a
WEET Team formed, Women Emerging to Embrace              wise master builder I laid a foundation, and another
Theresians. I was blessed to work with more than         is building on it. But each one must be careful how
25 beautiful women for about three years. We             he builds upon it, for no one can lay a foundation
talked, we prayed, we emailed, we phoned, we met,        other than the one that is there, namely, Jesus
we observed ... we communicated as we formed             Christ. (1 Cor 3:10-11) ◊

                                                                                                                        www.theresians.org   13

                                    Life in the House of Belonging
                                    Discerning our way in the Holy Spirit
                                                                                                    three in everlasting, loving communion, a holy con-
                                                                                                    versation of love that is heaven. Their communion
                                                                                                    also is an everlasting invitation to you and to me, to
                                                                                                    dwell in, to make our home within, the Holy Trinity.
                                                                                                       Do you know what this means? The Holy Trinity is
                                                                                                    our House of Belonging.
                                                                                                       We dwell, you and I, already in this House of
                                                                                                    Belonging, in the Holy Trinity. Therefore, let noth-
                                                                                                    ing disturb you! Especially in times of uncertainty,
                                                                                                    when chaos runs wild in our cities and thunderous
            is author of several                                                                    clouds rise on every horizon.
               books, including                                                                        Our work, yours and mine, is to lean intently into
      Conformed to Christ and                                                                       the Holy Spirit of the risen Lord and wait upon and
       Anointed for a Purpose.                                                                      trust the subtle and gracious movement as we make
          Her latest book, Dare                                                                     our way through dark and troubling spaces, through
          to Believe, Rise Up to                                                                    unsettling landscapes of change.
       Act, will be the resource                                                                       Do we dare lean this deeply? Do we dare trust
             for her talks at the                                                                   the Spirit whom the Lord promised will instruct us
       Theresians Conference                                                                        and lead us, if we but allow?
        in Toronto, July 24-26,
                                                                    RUBLEV, ICON OF HOLY TRINITY
                                                                                                       Daily, I tell you, we are being apprenticed, you

           2020. Her website is                                                                    and I, to the work of complete abandonment and
                                          n my prayer table, I behold a large,                     radical trust in the Holy Trinity, whose only conver-
                                          sacred icon of the Holy Trinity. You                     sation is everlasting love.
            where you can read
      sample pages of Dare to       may know this icon, with the three holy                           We are being apprenticed daily to the subtle
        Believe and order your      visitors sitting at Abraham’s table.                           and sure discernment toward the next steps, new
     advance copy. (For orders                                                                     understandings and courageous actions, at home
        outside the U.S., select       The three are in conversation. But notice the               and abroad, as we rise up, anointed and fully
         International Orders.)     dynamic: the Son, seated in the center, gazes with             equipped, to act in the place of him who was raised
                                    everlasting, love upon the Father. The Father does             from the dead.
                                    not return the gaze, but gazes, instead, with ever-               We do this rising up with confidence and joy, be-
                                    lasting love, upon the Holy Spirit. And the Holy               cause we know, you and I, whose flesh is embedded
                                    Spirit gazes at neither Father nor Son, but with               in our flesh, and whose blood flows in our veins.
                                    everlasting love upon the world – the world that                  Our mission is quite simple: To remain in Christ
                                    you and I inhabit right now – with hand extended               and reveal him everywhere, just as his mission
                                    in everlasting blessing.                                       was simple: To remain in his Father and, yes, reveal
                                       To consider one of these figures is to consider all         him everywhere. ◊

                                                             JULY 24-26, 2020
                                                           TORONTO SHERATON
                  Keynote Speaker: Mary Sharon Moore                                   Plan to arrive on July 23 so you can participate in a
                         (marysharonmoore.com)                                         visit to Niagara Falls and enjoy lunch at a Carmelite
                                                                                                   Monastery on Friday, July 24.
                 “Dare to Believe: Equipping Theresians
                     to be the Public Face of Jesus”                                Limited number of 75 for this excursion, so reserve your
                                                                                          space soon. Cost is an additional U.S. $80.
          Registration is U.S. $225 payable to Theresians International
                                 Register online

                                      Please pray for the success of our gathering!

14     Theresians International • Fall 2019
Theresian Annual Fund 2018-2019
I am honored to be the Chairperson of the Annual Fund Drive. These donations are critical to the operation and growth of our
beloved organization! We have many generous Theresians, but increasing the percentage of those who give could make such a
difference for our Theresian Women of Faith globally. I hope we can count on ALL of you to take a minute, fill out your donation
form (either one lump sum or a monthly donation) and send it in! Every dollar helps! My heartfelt thanks and love, Sharon Benson.

Theresian Legacy               Blevins, Trudy             Warwick, Mary                Guidry, Susan            Quill, Joan
Builders                       Booth, Jeannette           Wingfield, Carol             Guillory, Barbara        Reilly, Rosemary
St. Thérèse Society            Boudreaux, Robyn           Yoggerst, Robin              Hall, Cecilia            Reynolds, Golda
– $2,500 and up                Burns, Mary Ann            Zander, Anna                 Hancock, Fran            Rizzotti, Ginny
Batdorf, Julia                 Clark, Ann                 Zehnder, Rosemary            Hanks, Syd               Robbins, Mary J.
Gilb, Rose Marie               Coselli, Nancy                                          Hargroder, Margaret      Robin, Dena
Kramer, Rita                   Delahoussaye, Hazel        Red Rose Guild – Up to $99   Harrold, Marlane         Rogers, Sherry
Mangum, Betty                  DeMont, Mary Ann           Albrecht, Mary Clare         Hartberger, Patricia     Rooker, Barbara
Rolke, Judy                    Deshotel, Martha           Altamira, Connie             Havel-Moser, Pamela      Ryan, Peaches
                               DiNardo, Daniel            Arendt, Marilyn              Healy, Pegge             Sakson, Kathy
Msgr. Voss Council             Dugas, Barbara             Aronson, Marianne            Hearts, Hopeful          Salerno, Elizabeth
– $1,000-$2,499                Duplechin, Carol           Atchison, Helen              Hensley, Liz             Salls, Bettie
Bruno, Pat                     Elsner, Katherine          Beauchamp, Kay               Hicks, Edna              Scherner, Joyce
Dederich, Madeline             Englert, DeAnn             Beique, Kathleen             Hodges, Lu               Schott, Joan
Duplantier, Sally              Fleming, Francine          Benoit, Lillian              Hotze, Cathy             Schreiber, Mary
Goudelocke, Melanie            Freeman, Rita              Bettis, Teresa               Huebner, Sharon          Scott, Eva
Herndon, Rebecca               French, Laura              Billeaud, Gail               Humphreys, Nicette       Shallock, Peggy
Jennings, Kathy                Fuhrwerk, Barb             Bindo, Elaine                Jarrell, Camille         Smith, Inga
Keppel, Barbara                Fuller, Marie              Bock, Margaret               Jewell, Jane             Sproat, Sharon
Phornmongkol, Paradee          Garlick, Paula             Bollich, Joan                Jones, Sharon            Steffes, Sandy
Phornmongkol, Pachuen          Gautreau, Roxane           Bond, Audrey                 Kaupiwe, Jan             Stewart, Dorothy
Rareshide, Liz                 Gessler, Jan               Bowslaugh, Toni              Kehoe, Lorrie            Stroh, Pat
Scott, Kathy                   Giaccio, Frances           Braden, Maria                Kelly, Mary Lou          Sugalski, Peggy
                               Giannoni, Janet            Briggs, Kathy                Kennedy, Judy            Sujdak, Luci
Theresian Founders’ Circle –   Green, Rose                Brindley, Patricia           Kiger, Martha            Talbot, Eva
$500-$999                      Greenwald, Tanya           Brueckbauer, Nerissa         King, Catherine          Tatford, Kristie
Carpenter, Bernie              Hanse, Kelly               Bruney, Debbie               Knoche, Lynda            Thomassee, Sharon
Staffel, Sharon                Harnden, Mary              Carl, Donna                  Koroshetz, Jackie        Thome, Marie
Benson, Sharon                 Hasenpflug, Jane           Carlin, Lawana               La Marca, Marilyn        Thousand, Kathy
Avioli, Stephanie              Hawkins, Stephanie         Carmouche, Quita             Laborde, Mary            Towns, Trice
Broussard, Anne                Hebert, Robin              Carr, Joan                   Landry, Claudette        Trahan, Alexis
Giglio, Debbie                 Henderson, Celine          Casey, Jan                   Langley, Ellen           Tusa, Sharon
Hurdle, Jean                   Herd, Irene                Castagno, Robin              Laursen, Cindy           VanCleave, Dee Ann
Kalman, Gloria                 Herrig, Marge              Caton, JoAnn                 LeBlanc, Margie          Veazey, Brenda
Mueller, Claire                Hilbe, Bridget             Chachere, Connie             LeDoux, Gayle            Vidoacovich, Alyson
Sauer, Marjo                   Hogarty, Mary              Condon, Harriet              Lyons, Sheryl            Volding, Nancy
Schmidt, Victoria              Hughes, Lorraine           Conmy, Marie                 Madeley, Diane           Von Borstel, Kathy
                               Jaeger, Judy               Cooksey, Elizabeth           Maier, Virginia          Washburn, Rosemary
Patrons Giving                 Joffrion, Louise           Cooney, Margaret             Maloy, Patricia          Webre, Mary
Levels                         Jones, Deborah             Corona, Barbara              Manthei, Catherine       Williams, Helen
Dimension Keepers              Karol, Kathleen            Coulombe, Rita               Manuel, Ph.D., Nancy     Willis-Mackey, Mary Ann
– $250-$499                    Kelly, Mary Ann            Coyle, Mary Margaret         Marse, Cheryll           Wilson, Carol
Alesi, Linda                   LeMond, Janice             Custer, Ellen                Marse, Martha            Wohlwend, Michelle
Anderson, Maribeth             Longoria, Mary Ann         Daigle, Anne                 Martin, Aline            Worscheh, Mary
Bayens, Carol                  Macha, Dianne              Daleo, Margaret              Martinez, Lourdes        Young, Arlene
Capretz, Marilyn               Malsam, Margaret           David, Mary Margaret         Maurin, Janet            Zrubek, Judy
Christ, Joyce                  Meyer, Marilyn             Davidson, Rose Marie         Maus, Jacqueline
Earthman, Jerrie               Meyer, Mary Ann            Davis, Susan                 McCullough, Corinne      Community Gifts
Fischer, Betty                 Miller, Charlene           Del Tatto, Lillian           McGlaun, Sharon          ACCRA Community, GH
Gonzales, Melanie              Monroe, Mary               Devlin, Claudia              McLaughlin, Karole       All Saints Community, GH
Hanse, Bettie Ann              Murphy, R. Anne            Domingue, Denise             McMahon, Rosemary        Holy Spirit Cathedral. GJ
Holland, Cathy Cutrer          Neyland, Ann               Donahoe, Denise              Montalbano, Barbara      Christ the King GH
Kennedy, Linda                 Penny, Gretchen            Donovan, Elizabeth           Moroux, Lynn             Fountains of Grace
Kloecker, Nona                 Phillips, Sharon           Doucet, Lyn                  Morris, Alice            Journey of Austin
Litzman, Carol                 Ploch, Eileen              Dougherty, Donna             Morris, Ann              MMGC Community GH
Martin, Gina                   Puccini, Mary              Dupre, Jalyne                Mouton, Catherine        Oasis Community
Martin, Patsy                  Reinhart, Olga             Durbin, Madeline             Mullen, Patricia         OLAM Community GH
McGill, Gretchen               Romero, Mary Ann           Durden, Rose Marie           Murphy Schneider, Gail   St. Theresa’s GJ
McNair, Evelyn                 Schwartzenburg, Nancy      Ellsworth, Karen             Myers, Mary Kremer       Theresians of Canada
Middleton, Kathleen            Segura, Soila              Erdmann, Barbara             Newby, Anne              West Valley Theresians
Mountain, Mignonette           Sheppert, Lisa             Falco, Francine              Newton, Jean
Nauman, Mary                   Silva, Nancy               Flasch, Marti                Niederkorn, Meridy       District Leadership Gifts
Niesslein, Pamela              Simek, Rosemary            Fontenot, Alyssa             Nilles, Karin            Fort Bend, Texas DLT
Sneed, Margaret                Simoneaud, Toni            Fox, Mary                    Novo, Sonja              Fleur de Lis DLT SW La.
Swinehart, Therese             Smith, Sandy               Frank, Kay                   Nunez, Carol
                               Snokhous, Clarice          Frankmann, Carol             Obey, LuRae              Diocesan Gifts
Fellowship of the              Spiller, Mary              Garcia-Prats, Catherine      O’Boyle, Mary Ann        Diocese of Colorado
Little Way – $100-$249         Stokes, Donna              Gardes, Beverly              O’Grady, Jane            Springs, Colo.
Adams, JoLynn                  Suggs, Dawn                Garland, Jess                Orman, Liz               Diocese of Austin, Texas
Albrecht, Mary                 Tenney, Jan                Gaubert, Linda               Orr, Mary Anne           Diocese of Galveston-
Appling, Jennifer              Trummer, Rosey             Gibbs, Joan                  Owen, Kate                  Houston
Baxter, Adele                  Uriegas, Kelley            Gomez, Catherine             Packard, Genie           Diocese of Charleston, S.C.
Berwick, Janet                 Vargas-Podorsky, Monique   Gomez, Maureen               Pesson, Antonio
Billmyer, Cheryl               Villegas, Beth             Grace, Fountains of          Piemontese, Claudia
Bleichroth, Janet              Waleke, Jean               Graziano, Joan               Pozzi, Mary Byrne

                                                                                                                    www.theresians.org        15
Dimensions       A publication of Theresians International
                                                                                                                                        U.S. POSTAGE
                                                                                                                                         LANSING, MI
1237 W. Monroe St.                                                                                                                     PERMIT NO. 689
Springfield, IL 62704

                                    Perrenial Donors for 2018-2019
    JoLynn Adams                           Ellen Custer             Cecilia Hall             Margaret Malsam           Joyce Scherner
    Mary Clare Albrecht                    Mary Jo Daugherty        Fran Hancock             Betty Mangum              Victoria Schmidt
    Mary Albrecht                          Madeline Dederich        Bettie Hanse             Liz Maraist               Joan Schott
    Linda Alesi                            Hazel Delahoussaye       Pat Hartberger           Patsy Martin              Mary Schreiber
    Connie Altamira                        Martha Deshotel          Jane Hasenpflug          Kathy McCormick           Nancy Schwartzenburg
    Maribeth Anderson                      Denise Donahoe           Stephanie Hawkins        Gretchen McGill           Kathy Scott
    Marilyn Arendt                         Sally Duplantier         Joanne Hector            Evelyn McNair             Soila Segura
    Stephanie Avioli                       Madeline Durbin          Irene Herd               Mary Ann Meyer            Peggy Shallock
    Julia Batdorf                          Jerrie Earthman          Rebecca Herndon          Kathleen Middleton        Lisa Sheppert
    Carol Bayens                           Katherine Elsner         Mary Hogarty             Mignonette Mountain       Nancy Silva
    Sharon Benson                          Betty Fischer            Cathy Holland            Claire Mueller            Rosemary Simek
    Trudy Blevins                          Marti Flasch             Sharon Huebner           Gail Murphy Schneider     Mary Singleton
    Joan Bollich                           Francine Fleming         Jean Hurdle              Anne Murphy               Teri Slaker
    Audrey Bond                            Carol Frankmann          Judy Jaeger              Mary Nauman               Sandy Smith
    Claire Bonfili                         Rita Freeman             Camille Jarrell          Ann Neyland               Mary Spiller
    Toni Bowslaugh                         Barb Fuhrwerk            Kathy Jennings           Sonja Novo                Sharon Staffel
    Anne Broussard                         Catherine Garcia-Prats   Louise Joffrion          Carol Nunez               Donna Stokes
    Pat Bruno                              Paula Garlick            Deborah Jones            LuRae Obey                Luci Sujdak
    Mary Ann Burns                         Linda Gaubert            Jan Kaupie               Mary Anne Orr             Therese Swinehart
    Donna Carl                             Jan Gessler              Lori Kehoe               Sharon Phillips           Eva Talbot
    Quita Carmouche                        Janet Giannoni           Linda Kennedy            Claudia Piemontese        Beth Villegas
    Bernie Carpenter                       Debbie Giglio            Barbara Keppel           Mary Byrne Pozzi          Michelle Wohlwend
    Joyce Christ                           Rose Marie Gilb          Jackie Koroshetz         Mary Puccini              Anna Zander
    Cindi Cooke                            Carol Gillespie          Rita Kramer              Liz Rareshide             Judy Zrubek
    Margaret Cooney                        Catherine Gomez          Margie Le Blanc          Rosemary Reilly
    Barbara Corona                         Rose Green               Janice LeMond            Ginny Rizzotti
    Mary Margaret Coyle                    Barbara Guillory         Patricia Maloy           Judy Rolke

                                                               Legacy Donors
     What better way to continue the vital ministry of Theresians than to consider leaving a bequest to Theresians International
   and/or the Theresian Foundation. As a woman who has been touched by this ministry, wouldn’t you love to help ensure a
   generation of Theresians to come after you? You can do so by leaving a bequest to Theresians in your estate planning. It matters
   not the amount. It matters that you care enough to remember Theresians.
     We are happy to recognize Theresian sisters who have decided to include this ministry in their estate planning. These Legacy
   Donors have acknowledged the gift that Theresians have been in their lives. They not only want to acknowledge the benefits they’ve
   received; they want to make it possible for women in the future to experience the ministry of Theresians. God bless each of them.

   Making a Legacy gift is easy:
    • Make a beneficiary designation to TI and/or TF through life insurance policies.
    • Include TI and/or TF in your estate plan. Our legal names are: Theresians International, Inc. and Theresian Foundation, Inc.
    •A gift to TI would be a gift toward the annual operating budget of TI. A gift to TF would be a gift that would continue
      to grow through investments with Christian Brothers Investment Services.
    •N otify us of your intentions to remember TI and/or TF in your estate planning so you can be added to our growing list
      of Legacy Donors. Talk to Vicki Schmidt, Executive Director, at 888.545.7230.

                     Legacy Donors for 2019                                                 James and Stephanie Hawkins, Illinois
                 Stephanie Avioli, Houston, Texas                                               Jean Lindberg, Houston, Texas
             Joseph and Julia Batdorf, Houston, Texas                                           Claire Mueller, Houston, Texas
            John and Sharon Benson, Phoenix, Arizona                                           Anne Murphy, Phoenix, Arizona
            Bob and Bernie Carpenter, Houston, Texas                                    Elisabeth Rareshide, New Orleans, Louisiana
                  Betty Fischer, Houston, Texas                                             Roger and Judy Rolke, Houston, Texas
                 Joe and Debbie Giglio, Louisiana                                            Victoria Schmidt, Springfield, Illinois
You can also read