Page created by Jaime Brewer

Information Pack

   The International
   Junior Netball Festival

    The International Junior Netball Festival at Disneyland® Paris   Sport Experiences’ International Junior
    is rapidly becoming the premier European event in the junior     Netball Festival, based at Disneyland® Paris,
                                                                     includes a choice of travel and accommodation
    netball calendar. In 2022 the Festival is a great opportunity
                                                                     arrangements, our exclusive Netball
    to bring your young netballers back together, training and       Festival programme and three days admission
    competing after the long enforced break.                         to both Disneyland® Park and Walt Disney
                                                                     Studios® Park.

    The Festival is open to girls teams of all ability levels at
                                                                     For young players this unique Festival provides
    Under 12, Under 14, Under 16 and Under 18 age groups.            them with the opportunity to take part in a
                                                                                                                                   SPORT EXPERIENCES’
    Sport Experiences, in partnership with England Netball,          professionally-organised overseas tournament,      SAFETY MANAGEMENT STANDARDS
    delivers the ultimate festival experience for junior teams and   as well as enabling them to develop their
                                                                                                                        At Sport Experiences, the safety            Accommodation is checked for comfort,

    staying at Disneyland® Paris ensures that outside of the time    netball skills, confidence and ability level
                                                                     through the support of expert coaches and          and security of you and your groups is      convenience, safety and security and
    devoted to netball, everyone enjoys a full and fun-packed                                                           our absolute priority. We operate a         our staff are resident. 24-hour office

                                                                     international and Superleague netball players,
    itinerary.                                                                                                          detailed Safety Management System, with     support is also provided throughout the
                                                                     at a highly enjoyable and fun destination.
                                                                                                                        all suppliers chosen for the quality of     duration of your time away with us.
                                                                                                                        their services, compliance with our

                                                                                                     TRAVEL GROUP
                                                                     As a result of our partnership with England
                                                                     Netball, the coaching clinics and masterclasses
                                                                                                                        safety management standards and
                                                                                                                        experience in working with schools and
                                                                                                                                                                    Sport Experiences is an Assured
                                                                                                                                                                    Member of the School Travel Forum and
                                                                     are supported by top-class players and coaches.    youth groups.                               has also been awarded the Learning
                                                                                                                                                                    Outside the Classroom Quality Badge.
                                                                     These truly inspirational and passionate players
Introduction			                        2-3                                                                              Sport Experiences is proud to hold
                                                                     and coaches, including international and                                                       Details of our Safety Management
                                                                                                                        the Customer Service Excellence
                                                                     Superleague players, are involved in the game      accreditation which means we welcome        Standards, the Learning Outside the
Tournament                                4                          at the highest level.                                                                          Classroom Quality Badge and the STF
                                                                                                                        an external body to verify the standard
                                                                                                                        of our service.                             Code of Practice are available from
Itinerary		                               5                          For coaches, teachers and parents, there is                                                    Sport Experiences
                                                                     the peace of mind of booking to stay at
Coaching Masterclass		                    6                          Disneyland® Paris, which offers a good
                                                                     standard of accommodation in a safe and
                                                                     secure environment. In addition, outside of the
                                                                                                                                                 How to Book
Travel Options			                         7                                                                                                      Simply call us to register your interest and then to reserve
                                                                     time devoted to netball, our included admission
                                                                                                                                                 your team(s) entry for the Festival. Festival entries can be
                                                                     to both Disney® Parks ensures your tour
Disneyland® Paris			                      8                                                                                                      held WITHOUT OBLIGATION to give you time to collect
                                                                     party is fully entertained throughout their                                 your team(s) deposit payments.
                                                                     time away.
                                                                                                                                                 Call: 020 8335 4949

Online: Call: 020 8335 4949                                                                                                                                                          3
The International
Junior Netball

The Tournament will undoubtedly be the              Tournament or the Challenger Tournament,
highlight of the Festival and has been              which will then determine the teams’
organised to be suitable for a range of junior      participation in either the International Cup,
age groups and abilities. Your teams will play      Shield, Plate or Bowl Competition of their
 in either the Showdown Tournament or               Tournament on Day Four. The Play-Offs and
Challenger Tournament at each age group,            Finals in each age group will then be played on   Age Groups
ensuring teams are closely matched and to           Day Four. Our Festival courts are all indoors
provide a competitive, safe and enjoyable           and have been reserved for our exclusive use      Easter:
experience for all involved.                        for the duration of the Festival.
                                                                                                      Under 18s – 7-a-side
Working with the direct support and input           The Tournament is open to all school and          Under 16s – 7-a-side
of England Netball, we will liaise with you         club teams at Under 12, Under 14, Under 16
to ensure your teams are entered into the           and Under 18 age groups. Please note that         Under 14s – 7-a-side
appropriate tournament. The Showdown                the Tournament is only open to girls teams.
Tournament is for the stronger teams, that          All matches are played in accordance with         Under 12s – 7-a-side
play more regularly in tournaments and              age-group laws. A full copy of the Tournament
                                                                                                      Ages as at 1st September
leagues.The Challenger Tournament is therefore      rules will be distributed to all teams prior
for teams that play less regularly, but who still   to the Festival.
wish to play in a competitive tournament.

Furthermore, as a professionally organised
tournament, the International Junior Netball               “Our girls had a great time -
Tournament will allow young players to enjoy               they played loads of netball
and benefit from their matches being
                                                           and that, combined with the
officiated by England Netball qualified umpires.
                                                           excitement of Disneyland, made
Every team will play Tournament matches on
Days Two and Four of the Five-Day Festival.
                                                           it a really worthwhile tour.”
On Day Two, teams will participate in the                      Maricourt Catholic High School
Pool matches of either the Showdown

Tournament Awards Dinner
On the final evening of the Festival, we host the Awards Ceremony in Disney Village®, with
complimentary dinner included for all players, coaches, teachers and official supporters.
The international and Superleague players will attend the dinner, that is sure to be highly
enjoyable for both the young players and accompanying adults. The international and
Superleague players will then present the tournament winners with their trophies, as well as
making a number of individual player awards.

Online: Call: 020 8335 4949                                                                           4
The International
Junior Netball Festival

The Festival itinerary reflects our appreciation of the importance of
ensuring you enjoy the right balance of time playing sport and at leisure
during your time away.
                                                   access on Days Two, Three and Four to both          the Finals is then free for you to enjoy the
Easter Holidays Festival:                          Disneyland® Park and Walt Disney Studios®
5th - 9th April 2022                                                                                   Disney® Parks. Once again, your Hopper
                                                   Park. Therefore outside of the time devoted         Ticket will provide you with unlimited access
                                                   to netball, everyone is free to enjoy both          to both Disneyland® Park and Walt Disney
October Festival:                                  Disney® Parks, ensuring a packed itinerary.
23rd - 27th October 2022                                                                               Studios® Park. The Festival will conclude with
                                                                                                       the Awards Ceremony, held in Disney Village®,
                                                   Day Three                                           with dinner included. The international and
Day One                                            Today players and coaches will take part in         Superleague players will present the
You have the choice of being collected by          our exclusive Coaching Clinics and Master-          tournament winners with their trophies.
Sport Experiences’ coach from your school          classes, delivered by England Netball’s team
or club in the morning, with all your travel       of experienced coaches and Superleague and          Day Five
arrangements organised and managed by              international players. Many of the coaches           After breakfast you will leave Disneyland®
Sport Experiences, or of making you own            have been involved in netball as players from       Paris and make the journey back to your
way to Disneyland® Paris. If you choose our        a young age, so there are no better people          school or club, either with Sport Experiences’
travel-inclusive package, our coach will collect   to learn from and to guide your team in what        coach or making your own travel
you from your school or club in the morning        it takes to perform to the best of their ability,   arrangements.
and take you to Dover or Folkestone for your       both as individuals and collectively. By spending
Channel crossing to Calais. The journey            time with each team and players individually it
from Calais to Disneyland® Paris takes             is possible to deliver bespoke and innovative
approximately five hours. On arrival, our          sessions that build on their current ability
Festival managers will check you into your         levels and lay the foundations for future           Sport Experiences’
accommodation and you will then have the           development. The session will be split once         International Junior
remainder of the evening free to settle in.        again into either a morning or afternoon
                                                   coaching session leaving your teams half a day
                                                                                                       Rugby & Football
Day Two
This morning we will commence the
                                                   to explore the Disney® Parks. Once again,           Festivals
                                                   today everyone will be able to use their
International Junior Netball Tournament                                                                Sport Experiences offers schools and colleges
                                                   Hopper Ticket, providing you with unlimited
matches, which (given the expected demand)                                                             the opportunity to provide their teams with
                                                   access to both Disneyland® Park and Walt
will take place throughout the morning,                                                                the ultimate sports festival experience. We
                                                   Disney Studios® Park.
afternoon & evening. At the pool stage of the                                                          hold both our International Junior Football
Tournament, teams compete to determine             Day Four                                            and Rugby Festivals on the same dates as the
their place in Competition Play-Offs and           The Competition Finals will be played today,        Netball Festivals, and you are therefore able
Finals. All games are played in accordance with    taking place during the morning and after-          to bring either your football or rugby teams to
age-group laws and are officiated by qualified     noon. Sure to be competitive and featuring          Disneyland® Paris with your netball teams.
England Netball umpires. Each team will only       a high standard of netball, they also enable
compete in either the morning or afternoon         players to put into practise the knowledge and
session leaving half of the day to explore the     skills picked up during the Coaching Clinics
Disneyland® Park and Walt Disney Studios®          and Masterclasses. The Superleague and
Park. All attendees of the International Junior    international players will rejoin us at the
Netball Festival receive a three-day Hopper        courts to support the teams in their Finals
Ticket, that will provide them with unlimited      matches. The remainder of the day after

Online: Call: 020 8335 4949                                                                                                  5
The International
Junior Netball Festival

The International Junior Netball Festival
Coaching Clinics and Masterclasses
have been created to improve both the skills
of individual players and team development.
These clinics will be led by full time England Netball coaches
who are involved at the game at the highest level.

We will also be joined by International and       In the last three years, we have been joined by     against their teammates and utilise some
Superleague players who will spend time with      International and Superleague stars, including      of the skills learnt within the coaching clinics
teams during the clinics and masterclasses to     Joline Henry, Chioma Matthews,                      and masterclasses.
offer advice, answer positional specific          Josie Janz-Dawson, Sasha Corbin,
                                                                                                      As well as the on court benefits provided
questions and inspire our young netballers        Ama Agbeze, Mikki Austin, Rachel Dunn,
                                                                                                      to young players by working with highly
to play to the best of their ability.             Stacey Francis, Lindsay Keable, Sophia
                                                                                                      experienced coaches and international and
                                                  Candappa, Natalie Haythornthwaite, Kim
The aims of the clinics and masterclasses are                                                         Superleague players, the coaching clinics and
                                                  Commane and Suzie Liverseidge.
to develop individual and team skills by offer-                                                       masterclasses are also delivered to boost
ing bespoke coaching sessions on all aspects      The coaching programme will begin with a            confidence and self-belief.
of the game including attack, defence, ball       fun and innovative warm up before teams
                                                                                                      We also invite teachers and team coaches
handling and shooting. This coaching delivery,    take to the court for their coaching clinics and
                                                                                                      to observe the clinics and masterclasses, so
combined with the knowledge and enthusiasm        masterclasses.The warm up will provide
                                                                                                      that the England Netball coaching team can
of England Netball’s top level coaches and        players and coaches with new and fun ideas
                                                                                                      provide you with new ideas and develop
the international and Superleague players,        whilst also incorporating the ‘Disney Spirit’.
                                                                                                      your coaching skills.
creates the perfect environment to encourage
                                                  No two sessions will be the same, as they
positive game play and promote                                                                        To supplement this all teachers and team
                                                  are all tailored to your teams’ requirements;
player progression.                                                                                   coaches will be provided with a copy of the
                                                  whether you are a club who competes weekly
                                                                                                      England Netball Festival Coaching Manual
The team of coaches and elite players             or a school taking part in your first festival.
                                                                                                      which contains coaching plans, ways to
understand the importance of delivering fun       In addition to the coaching clinics and master-
                                                                                                      progress your drills and further ideas and tips.
and enjoyable coaching sessions. Therefore        classes, teams will also take part in the ‘Disney
we guarantee these clinics and masterclasses      Netball Skills Challenge’. This offers the chance
to be interactive and engaging for players of     for players to compete in a series of fun
all ability levels.                               netball challenges, where they will compete
                                                                                                      “The girls have learned so much
                                                                                                      about themselves on the tour,
                                                                                                      not just about netball but about the
                                                                                                      life skills needed to be independent.
                                                                                                      All have returned with much more
                                                                                                      confidence and I am hopeful that
                                                                                                      they will now transfer that onto the
                                                                                                      netball court and throughout
                                                                                                      their education.”
                                                                                                               Hinchingbrooke School

Online: Call: 020 8335 4949                                                                                                   6
The International                                                                                                   Festival
Junior Netball Festival                                                                                         Travel Options
                                                                                                                   & Prices
                                                                                                      Five day Travel-inclusive
                                                                                                      • Five days coach travel, with collection from
                                                                                                        and return to your school or club
                                                                                                      • Return Channel crossings
Sport Experiences and England Netball organise and deliver every aspect of                            • Four nights’ accommodation at Disney’s
                                                                                                        Davy Crockett Ranch
the International Junior Netball Festival at Disneyland® Paris. Therefore as well                     • Continental breakfasts
as arranging a highly competitive netball tournament and great masterclass                            • The International Junior Netball Tournament
coaching, we also manage all your travel and accommodation arrangements.                                Pool, Play-Offs and Finals Matches
                                                                                                      • Team and individual skills development
                                                                                                        Coaching Clinics and Masterclasses
You therefore have the assurance and peace of mind of knowing that the expert                         • Courts, balls and equipment for matches
team with whom you liaise and work with when organising and making your                                 and coaching sessions
booking is the same team that will host you and your tour party at the Festival.                      • Three day Hopper Ticket to Disneyland®
                                                                                                        Park and Walt Disney Studios® Park
                                                                                                      • Dinner and Awards Ceremony, including
Five Day Travel-inclusive                          Group Size                                           trophy presentations
Festival Arrangements                              The International Junior Netball Festival          • Festival Coaching Manual
We are pleased to offer all groups of 40           is available for all schools and clubs.            • Digital photograph of your school or
or more paying passengers the exclusive use        The minimum group size is 15 passengers,             club’s team
of their own 48 or 49-seater coach for the         including both players and accompanying            • Kit Bag for each team
journey to and from the Festival at no extra       passengers. Family members and non- playing        • Match ball for every player
cost. Groups of less than 40 paying passengers     guests are welcome to join The International       • One free tour organiser place for every
                                                                                                        ten paying passengers
may be allocated a shared coach with another       Junior Netball Festival, please note that they
                                                                                                      • Services of Sport Experiences’ Festival
school or club for the duration of the Festival.   will also be charged as per the price chart.
                                                                                                        management team throughout your stay
Alternatively, groups of less than 40 paying
                                                                                                      • Government taxes and service charges
passengers can pay a supplement to have            Five Day Self-Drive                                • Fully comprehensive insurance
sole use of their coach for the five days of the   Festival Arrangements
Festival.                                          We appreciate that some schools and clubs          Five day Self-Drive Festival
                                                   may wish to make their own travel arrange-         Our self-drive package includes all elements
On Days Two, Three and Four, you will need
                                                   ments, either using their own coach or             stated in the Five day Travel-inclusive Festival
to travel between your accommodation, the
                                                   minibus or even travelling with families by car,   above with the exception of:
Disney® Parks and the netball courts.                                                                 • Five days coach travel
                                                   therefore we also offer the Festival without
A number of Sport Experiences’ coaches will                                                           • Return Channel crossings
                                                   travel arrangements.
provide all these transfers for groups booking                                                        • Fully comprehensive insurance
our five day travel-inclusive Festival package.    On Days Two, Three and Four, you will need
                                                   to travel between your accommodation, the
‘Support The Festival’ Discounts                   Disney® Parks and the netball courts.              Easter 5 - 9 April 2022
We offer three discounts to encourage              You will therefore need to make your own
                                                                                                        Cabin Occupancy       Travel Inclusive   Self Drive
schools and clubs to help us to continue           arrangements for these transfers.
to grow the Festival and therefore ensure                                                                  5 SHARING               £639            £559
that we deliver the very best Junior Netball       Free Tour Organiser Places                              4 SHARING               £669            £589
Festivals!                                         Sport Experiences provides one free                     3 SHARING               £705            £625
                                                   tour organiser place for every ten paying
‘Repeat Customer’ discount of £200 is                                                                      2 SHARING               £799            £715
                                                   passengers. Our free tour organiser places
available for any school or club that has
                                                   are based on three adults sharing a cabin.
previously travelled with Sport Experiences.
                                                                                                      23 – 27 October 2022
‘Introduce a Team’ discount of £200 is available   For a twin share basis, a supplement of
for any school or club that introduces another     £100pp will apply. Free places are only              Cabin Occupancy       Travel Inclusive   Self Drive
school or club to Sport Experiences, which         given on our five day travel-inclusive Festival         5 SHARING               £625            £539
then also books to attend the Festival.            package, please note that our self-drive option
                                                                                                           4 SHARING               £649            £565
                                                   does not include any free places.
‘Large Group’ discount of £500 for any school                                                              3 SHARING               £699            £615
or club that books over 50 passengers.                                                                     2 SHARING               £799            £715

Online: Call: 020 8335 4949                                                                                                    7
Disneyland® Paris is the perfect venue for Sport Experiences
International Junior Netball Festival as it is a destination that
appeals to visitors of all ages. It offers a good standard of
accommodation and, outside of the time devoted to netball, you
are assured of non-stop fun and entertainment in Disneyland®
Park, Walt Disney Studios® Park and Disney Village®!
The price includes three days admission to both Disneyland® Park
and Walt Disney Studios® Park.

In a magical kingdom not so far away, classic         Welcome to Walt Disney Studios® Park...
Disney heroes and heroines live once upon a           where it’s lights, camera, 360° magic—every-
time in fairytales that are, happily, never ending.   where! In this never-ending, always-fascinating
                                                      world of movies, animation and television,                    YOUR
The story begins in the good ol’ days of the          there’s just one single focus: entertainment.                 ACCOMMODATION
early 1900s in Main Street, U.S.A.® Then, turn        Laugh, clap and marvel at a tribute to the best
the page and saddle up for some serious fun           of Tinsel Town. See little faces light up as they             Disney’s
in Frontierland—yee ha! Set sail for an               interact with the blue dude himself in Stitch                 Davy Crockett Ranch
Adventureland of swashbuckling thrills. Take          Live. Shrink down to the size of a rat in the
flight into Fantasyland where Disney princes          spectacular 4D Ratatouille: The Adventure*.                   Specifically chosen for its suitability for junior
and princesses are real. Chart a course into          Drop faster than the speed of gravity in the                  sports teams, Disney’s Davy Crockett Ranch
the past and live extraordinary visions of            Twilight Zone Tower of Terror™**, and dive                    offers cabin-style accommodation.
the future in Discoveryland. And finish your          into waves of fun on a spinning turtle shell in               The bungalow cabins all have two bedrooms,
day with the spellbinding night-time                  Crush’s Coaster†.                                             two bathrooms, a kitchen equipped with elec-
spectacular, Disney Illuminations. Welcome                                                                          tric hob and microwave oven and living/dining
to the storybook world of Disneyland® Park.           You just had a starring role in non-stop action               room with colour television and telephone.
Where enchantment lives.                              attractions. Walt Disney Studios® Park.                       The two-bedroom cabins all have one double
                                                      Appearing exclusively at Disneyland® Paris.                   bed in one bedroom and three or four single
                                                                                                                    beds in the second bedroom.
                                                      *Inspired by Disney•Pixar’s Ratatouille.
                                                      **Inspired by The Twilight Zone®, a registered trademark of
                                                      CBS, Inc. All rights reserved.                                It is therefore possible to accommodate up
                                                                                                                    to six people in a cabin. However due to
                                                                                                                    French legislation, please note that it is only
                                                                                                                    permitted for adults to share the double bed.
                                                                                                                    Breakfast is provided each morning, which
                                                                                                                    you eat in your cabin. For dinner, you are
                                                                                                                    welcome to select from the restaurants in
                                                                                                                    Disney Village®, pre-book meals at Disney’s
                                                                                                                    Davy Crockett Ranch or self cater in your
                                                                                                                    Ranch cabins.

                                                                                                                    Ideal for groups, the Ranch’s large indoor
                                                                                                                    swimming pool is available for use by guests,
                                                                                                                    free of charge.

Online: Call: 020 8335 4949                                                                                                              8

Sport Experiences provides a specialist travel service for schools’ sports
teams, sports clubs and sporting organisations. Our highly popular
International Sports Festivals at Disneyland® Paris provide junior teams
with the opportunity to enjoy a competitive sports festival with the
added value of entrance to the Disney® Parks. This unique combination
of fun and sport offers incredible value.

Contact a Tours Specialist Today
Call: 020 8335 4949
Keep in touch: @SportNextGen
Sport Experiences
Next Generation Travel Crosspoint House 28 Stafford Road Wallington SM6 9AA

Study Experiences, Sport Experiences and Remembrance Travel for Schools and Young People
are proud to be part of the Next Generation Travel Group.
Next Generation Travel (WST Travel, FHT Travel, Anglia Tours, Study Experiences, Sport
Experiences, Remembrance Travel for Schools and Young People and Galina Tours) are the
innovative parent company and driving force behind the UK’s fastest growing educational travel
brands; offering unique, immersive tours to young people from 10 -21 years, designed
to open minds and empower learning.
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