The Importance of Getting Automated Grammar Feedback via Grammarly, for Increasing Students' English Language Proficiency

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The Importance of Getting Automated Grammar Feedback via Grammarly, for Increasing Students' English Language Proficiency
The Importance of Getting Automated Grammar Feedback via
   Grammarly, for Increasing Students' English Language Proficiency
         Michael Stefanus Soegiyarto1; Radya Ayufa Putri2; Samiaji Dwi Saputra3
                            Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia;;
            Corresponding Author:
                    Faculty of Humanities, Campus B Airlangga University
                   Jalan Dharmawangsa Dalam, Surabaya, Indonesia. 60286
                           Phone: 031-5035807 Fax: 031-5035807

Abstract – In the last decade, technology has played a significant part in human civilization.
One example of technological advancement is the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a tool for
learning. One digital application, namely Grammarly, is an AI tool used to edit sentences to
eliminate grammar errors and deliver conciseness and engagement for the readers. We conducted
research involving Indonesian university students, in which they do not possess English as a
native language. Using this application to receive feedback and help with learning writing in
English, we hope to find out how Grammarly as an AI tool for learning has a significant effect
on English proficiency. The results showed that Grammarly had helped them form English
sentences, learn grammar rules, and improve their writing performance overall.
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence; writing; English language
        Technological advancements are becoming more rapid in the age of globalization, and
they may touch people at all levels. To create more effective diagnostic procedures, scientists
and researchers are developing novel methodologies in computer modelling, machine learning,
probability statistics, and decision theory. (Kumar, 2019). The purpose of technological
development is none other than aimed at facilitating and assisting various human activities. The
impact of new technologies on all aspects of our lives is significant and growing over time
(Michailidis, 2021). No wonder if in this era, human life is very closely related to technology.
One form of technology that continues to be developed is artificial intelligence. Artificial
intelligence is a system that is added to a technology-based tool that can execute commands that
have been set, and it is almost similar to what humans do (Nawi, 2019). This artificial
intelligence is the driving force in the current 4.0 revolution. Artificial intelligence has been
applied in various fields such as services, trade, education, banking, manufacturing, government,
and other sectors (Sasmito et al., 2022).
The Importance of Getting Automated Grammar Feedback via Grammarly, for Increasing Students' English Language Proficiency
Grammarly as an Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool

        Artificial intelligence is devices that interact with the environment through precepts,
process inputs, and apply knowledge to take actions on the environment. (Russell & Norvig,
2020). AI has also entered the world of education. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, all learning
processes have been carried out online. This does not rule out the possibility that there will be a
lot of technological innovation development to support the learning process, especially with the
help of artificial intelligence (Sakti & Sulung, 2020). Learning using artificial intelligence will
give birth to innovation to support the student learning process. The entire academic community
needs to continuously upgrade their ability to use technology so that technology-based artificial
intelligence will positively impact student learning. (Liu, 2021)
        Grammarly application is a form of artificial intelligence. This application was created to
help someone check the English grammar they use. It was founded in 2009 by Max Lytvyn, Alex
Shevhcenko, and Dmitry Lider to help people communicate more easily. The presence of this
application is one form of development in technology, especially in terms of artificial
intelligence (Fitria, 2021). Grammarly is a grammar application that is easy for students to use.
This application can correct grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors in English writing.
With these advantages, the Grammarly application has positively impacted the quality of
students' English (Pratama, 2020).
        Similar research has been conducted about perceptions toward automated feedback via
Grammarly (O'Neil & Russell, 2019). They studied and compared results and students'
satisfaction between using a Grammarly application and non-Grammarly (a language advisor.)
The research concluded that most students agree that they achieved more satisfaction and
confidence after obtaining feedback from Grammarly because the process is faster, easier, and
most accurate. However, their study only involved primarily domestic Australian students that
used English as a first language. In this study, we aim to expand to Indonesian students who do
not possess English as a native language and how Grammarly may have affected their progress
in learning English.
        Based on the explanation that has been given, we formulate the research question as
follows: how are students' perceptions on getting automated feedback via Grammarly? Our
research objective is to find out how artificial intelligence-based grammar influences students'
English skills through this article. One hypothesis is that some students who use English as their
non-native language may need more help forming English sentences so that they would consult
the Grammarly app.

        This study is conducted with qualitative descriptive and interviewing participants to get
direct feedback concerning the issue. Our qualitative data are obtained through reliable sources
and were published online within the last three years on trustful websites such as preprints and
Sinta. The data involve articles and journals that discuss Artificial Intelligence (AI), language
learning, English as second language acquisition (ESL), and technological advancement.
        The participants involved in our research were students who used Grammarly with
varying intensity. They consist of six students where four of them are Airlangga University
students, and the remaining two are from other campuses. In addition, one of the participants
from Universitas Airlangga is a student currently studying in the English Department. All
participants learn English as their second language (ESL). They were purposefully selected since
they have long-term experiences in using this program in evaluating their academic writing and
need a grammar corrector. By involving them in this research, it is intended that they can share
experiences and feedback they feel while using Grammarly for their academic writing purposes.
Data Collection Strategy
        The data we obtained from the participants in this study went through several stages. We
first compiled a list of interview questions that developed from the background and objectives of
this study. Then we tried to contact the participants to ask their willingness to be involved in this
study and conduct a written interview. Interviews were conducted online by sending several
       The literature review approach aims to gather and summarize the essence of prior studies.
Using this method will ease identify substantial research gaps, develop better and more precise
hypotheses and research questions, and improve research quality as a community. (Snyder,
2019). A zoom meeting was also used to accomplish the research.
        In the interview method, we use exploratory, descriptive questions and an in-depth
interview to go extensively into one issue that has been decided (depending on the interview's
aim and objective). Exploratory questions are questions to find indications and events broadly;
in-depth and descriptive questions describe an event or indication of what is being studied
(Harys, 2020). This inquiry is carried out to understand their thoughts on a topic based on
respondents' viewpoints. This study sought to discover what informants thought about
Grammarly's function in assisting students with their English learning.
Data Analysis Strategy
       From the data, we get through literature study and interviews. We used three stages of
analyzing data (Sidiq U, 2019), which consist of:
1) Data Reduction.
       During the first step, after data had been obtained, we filtered through the contents and
studied them to take the core message that matched our objectives.
2) Data Exposure.
       In this stage, we provide data findings to readers with descriptive and qualitative styles to
understand what the study has concluded.
3) Conclusion/Verification.
We aim to present the readers with conclusions based on results and discussions.

       Our respondents were Indonesian university students with English as their second (or
non-native) language. This would play a part in which they perceive Grammarly's suggestions
and measure students' base proficiency in English. All respondents are knowledgeable in English
and are pretty fluent. Even so, sentence corrections in writing manuscripts required for an
assignment are "still needed." (Syafitri, A., personal communication, December 28, 2021).
       Through a series of interviews we have conducted, the majority of answers pertaining to
questions with the frequency of Grammarly use, get an answer fairly frequently that follows with
only using it in specific situations, such as needing help to finish an assignment that requires
English language accuracy (essays, articles, etc.) When contacted, few respondents admitted that
they used Grammarly in order to assist them in forming sentences due to them not knowing what
word/vocabulary to use.
        Other questions involve a satisfactory personal level when using Grammarly compared to
other similar sentence checkers applications. Most respondents answered Grammarly provided
more accurate results and that students were feeling pretty confident about their edited script.
       Some students have also answered that Grammarly helped them recognize many
mistakes, even the trivial ones. Such as wrong spellings, better word suggestions, even
something as small as typos.
       According to the research, the majority of our respondents used the free version of
Grammarly. However, few also have the premium version to be more accurate and varied in their
English writing. Grammarly premium includes a variety of additional features such as clarity-
focused sentence rewrites, tone adjustments, plagiarism detection, word choice, formality level,
fluency, and additional advanced suggestions. Meanwhile, free users can only use Grammarly to
eliminate basic corrections such as spelling errors, grammar, punctuation, and conciseness
(Grammarly, 2017). Both can be used properly by the informants according to their intended use.
       Furthermore, one of our respondents gave one example essay using Grammarly (free),
and we compared it with Grammarly (premium).
Figure 1. Editing script with Grammarly free.
        The picture above is the text that has used grammar (free). There are no typos or
significant grammatical errors in vocabulary from the picture. It is just that some changes are
needed to the clarity of the text (sentences/words that have yellow underline). Some informants
can correct the error themselves or ignore it. However, some informants also argue that
Grammarly premium can correct the error quickly so that the text is clear.

Figure 2. Editing script with Grammarly premium.
        Then, this is the text that has been moved to Grammarly (premium). We can see that
many things have changed from the Grammarly features in the text. Such as the change in the
correction of the sentence structure in the first sentence, from the yellow underline, which
indicates it needs an upgrade to premium to be able to paraphrase the sentence, to the blue
underline, which indicates that the text can be more clear if we use the premium Grammarly
feature. Moreover, there is a section that corrects the engagement of the text. This section is
underlined in green.
       Below is a table with the results of using Grammarly free and Grammarly premium.
From this example, we can see how both Grammarly features perform:

                Grammarly Free                                 Grammarly Premium

 In a Middle East country where 1001 nights        In a Middle Eastern country where 1001
 happened, there is a young man named Abu          nights happened, a young man named Abu
 Nawas who makes the citizens of the               Nawas makes the citizens of the kingdom
 kingdom commotion. He claimed that he             commotion. He claimed to fly to people, but
 wanted to fly to people but no one believed       no one believed him. Because the news of
 him. Because the news of Abu Nawas who            Abu Nawas, who wanted to fly, was
 wanted to fly was very exciting, this news        fascinating, this news also reached the king's
 also reached the ears of the King. The king       ears. The king ordered his people to gather in
 then ordered his people to gather in the square   the square to watch Abu Nawas, who wanted
 to watch Abu Nawas who wanted to fly, if he       to fly. If he failed, then Abu would be
 did not succeed then Abu would be punished        punished for lying.
 for lying.
Table 1. Editing differences between Grammarly free and premium.
        The text that has been corrected by Grammarly free still has some errors, and all of them
are corrected by Grammarly premium. Besides grammar correction, premium features of
Grammarly also provide suggestions for removing some convoluted sentences, such as the
examples in the first sentence, "there is" and "who" as well as one word in the second sentence
"that" are deleted because they have the same meaning and conduct the text. Punctuation in the
Grammarly free paragraph is also still bad. Grammarly premium suggests adding a comma in
sentences 3 and 5, replacing the punctuation of the comma with a full stop in the fourth sentence.
Also, notice there is a capital correction in the middle of the sentence on the word "King".
Grammarly premium recommends even capitalizing all the words "King" in the text. Not only
that, but this premium artificial intelligence feature also improves words by paraphrasing them to
make things more entertaining. There are three examples, as "very exciting" becomes
"fascinating", "the ears of the King" becomes "king's ears", and "did not succeed" becomes
       From some of the above advantages, Grammarly also has disadvantages. The following is
an example of a grammatical weakness.
Figure 3. Inaccurate suggestion.
        This example is a correction from Grammarly premium in the use of vocabulary. They
said that they used to use hide and seek for the subject, while Grammarly offered to use "-ing" as
a subject that has a preposition. Some of the informants felt that the vocabulary justification was
very out of place and felt that it was not in accordance with what they wanted and learned
       Lastly, we concluded the interview by asking participants how Grammarly has helped
them to improve their English (mostly in writing). Most respondents answered Grammarly had
helped them in improving their English language proficiency. Besides suggesting corrections,
paraphrasing, vocabulary uses, and readability, students were also provided with reasons as to
why the suggestions are worth taking. This feedback boosts students' perception in making better
sentences. This is also a way for the students to learn the right sentence structures and to learn
more grammar rules. Though not entirely significant, most respondents answered they've learned
and memorized better grammar and sentence structures to use in future projects.

        We chose Grammarly for this study due to its ability to generate automated correction in
an instance. Other than its ease of use, access to this application is also free. Grammarly works
by scanning a whole document or any copy-pasted sentences. It will categorize each section for
users to have an easier time navigating each error. This direct feedback allows users to see
modelled corrections performed by the AI and also recognize the problems. After that, users are
left to decide whether to edit the writings based on Grammarly's modelled suggestions or
rephrase the whole sentence by themselves.
       The paraphrasing suggestions proved to be an immense help for some students. As noted
by one respondent, when he is "in doubt", he would use Grammarly to assist in forming
sentences. (Praditya, A., personal communication, December 25, 2021). Many researchers have
concluded that writing is regarded as an activity that has a high degree of difficulty, even for
experienced writers and especially beginner writers (Helaluddin et. al, 2020).
        It takes a lot of practice to write essays or paragraphs (Al Hassan & Ahmed, 2019).
Undoubtedly, students desire to present the best results in their writing; to do that, they need
some assistance to integrate with reality and also to communicate effectively (Antón &
Duñabeitia, 2021). We also found that the student's point of view is critical, corrective feedback
also impacts how and when students want their mistakes addressed. When we better understand
particular preference feedback, we can improve our incentive to learn more without feeling
condemned by our teacher or peers when they make a mistake (Mentari, 2020). This answers our
hypothesis concerning the need to obtain grammar writing input as well as to assist in writing
English, as writing is one of the macro skills in language learning (Karami, 2019).
        All errors may be identified and categorized in categories when they have been detected.
Errors include failure to provide addition, omission, misinformation and misordering. Explaining
errors is the next stage after errors are found and marked. Students will be regarded as willing
partners in the formation of grammars (Vidhiasi et. al, 2021). Grammarly, as one of the CAE
(Computer-Aided Error Analysis), all types of errors can be detected properly and corrected
        In a study conducted by Fitria (2021), Using Grammarly (free), the performance of this
text was 34 out of 100. The score indicates the quality of writing in the text in the study. After
using some features of Grammarly (free), the text can increase in score. The performance of the
text is 74 out of 100. The score achieved is based on grammatical suggestions for writing
improvement. Of course, these scores do not completely describe the user's whole skills in
writing entirely. It should be noted that although responses have been tremendously positive for
Grammarly's feedback, a research by O'Neill and Russell (2019) also found that few students
expressed concerns relating to Grammarly's "inaccuracies" and how it gives them wrong
suggestions. Do note that these findings occurred with involving students with different language
proficiencies, thus it's suggested that different approaches in using Grammarly may be needed
with students according to their proficiency levels.
       Grammarly has a premium version. According to a survey conducted by Fitria (2021),
Grammarly premium is a proofreading program that can identify 24 errors and 250 grammar
rules (Grammarly Inc., 2017). The student is required to turn in their work and receive two
grades. The first score is determined by percentage correctness, while the second is determined
by the total number of errors found by the software. Students appear to prefer the free service
over the premium service, despite the fact that the premium version has more features.
        Furthermore, Grammarly provides features that can help students to overcome unsolved
problems from Grammarly free. Grammarly users certainly have different goals in each of their
writing texts. When users set goals for a particular piece of writing, Grammarly can offer writing
suggestions tailored to their audience and writing style. A "Set Goals" page will appear when
users upload a new document into Grammarly. Grammarly will display several settings to set
goals and customize how users will direct their writing. This feature can adjust the audience,
formality, domain, and even the text's tone and intent (Barrot, 2020). But the set goals of free
users are limited. The set goals will be expanded to several sectors when using premium features.
         Grammarly has many features and advantages, but this CEA website also has drawbacks.
For instance, when using Grammarly as an online grammar checker during the writing process,
students experience negative comments. According to a few students, Grammarly necessitates a
constant internet connection because students can use Grammarly on its website. Although
sometimes Grammarly makes some mistakes, which makes informants not trust Grammarly's
results, they still need it as self-learning (Pratama, 2020).

        We can draw the conclusion that indeed, Grammarly provides adequate help for
university students needing to correct grammar errors or sentence structures. This Grammarly
editing process proves to be useful for students who are not very familiar with specific grammar
rules. By consulting Grammarly, their knowledge about the errors being corrected is delivered,
thus making the students aware of the mistake and learn from it.
       Sentence structure corrections are also as useful. Grammarly can provide clutter removals
(eliminate unnecessary words) and suggests an alternative word that could expand students'
vocabulary. They can memorize it and use it for future projects.
       With English being their second (or non-native) language, some students required more
help in forming sentences. Besides helping students with their assignments, Grammarly also
boosts students' confidence in their later results.

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