Information about the Bachelor Degree Programme InterMedia 2019/20 - BA Bachelor of Arts in Arts and Design Full-time + 6 semesters

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Information about the
Bachelor Degree Programme
InterMedia 2019/20

BA Bachelor of Arts in Arts and Design
Full-time + 6 semesters
What is                     The internet has fundamentally changed the range
                            of tasks and responsibilities of design. People don’t
                                                                                      The word study means to strive for something,
                                                                                      to make an effort for something. To study means
                                                                                                                                              What Is
Design?                     just want to listen and watch anymore, but they           more than just following and completing a time-         Your Role
                            also want to be heard and seen. It is no longer only
                            about setting striking examples, but rather to join
                                                                                      table. The curriculum offers space and time for
                                                                                      self-regulated studying, in particular by the free
                                                                                                                                              as a Student?
From Monologue              the discussion. In contrast to the classic notion of      choice of a project, which means that students
to Dialogue                 design that sees individuals imprinting their “de-        acquire an extensive specialisation.                    Individual
                            sign-will” onto the world, the focus is nowadays on
                            skills and competences to create a space for others,      The amount of skills and competences that stu-          Effort and
“Designers nowadays         in which they can successfully communicate with           dents can adopt is infinite. This also applies to the   Commitment
challenge existing          each other. Successful design therefore means to          optional specialisations, which students can elect.
structures. They look       be able to bring people to talk instead of just filling   Enormous experience has been gained in every
for new answers and         the space.                                                single field, which is worth to be built upon. It is    “You only have to start.
cross the boundaries                                                                  not possible for students to learn everything in        Then learning follows
of the discipline. They     Designers do not only have to be able to play with        three years. Therefore, students are requested to       by itself.” David Butler
– with or without order –   formal elements, but they also need to understand         define the fields for which they have most passion
‘adopt’ themes, which       how these elements work in social correlation and         and enthusiasm by themselves.                           “Study hard, use technology
are relevant and thus       how this shaping assists people in their daily lives.                                                             and all other available
give design a new social    Design is the development of models, which seem           In addition to their own topic, students can also       resources in order to in-
meaning?” Florian Pfeffer   to make sense. It is always necessary to reflect why      start collaborating with others and supporting          crease your set of tools.
                            we look for models and why we want to make them           each other with their presentation of a problem.        And adopt skills and
                            visible. Why do people always try to give meaning         This means that students can decide for them-           competences needed in
                            to design, which is by far beyond matter-of-fact          selves how deeply they engage and interact with         the second machine age.”
                            reflection? What are the connections and why do           the great variety of currently discussed topics.        Erik Brynjolfsson
                            people design objects? Which ideas should these                                                                   & Andrew McAfee
                            objects represent?

                            Only culture introduces mankind to freedom of
                            action. Without the orientation-giving power of
                            design the bottomless amount of options could
                            not be handled. Shaping is thus a vital fundament
                            of human action.

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International guests from various fields stimulate
OpenIdea   inspiring discussions and reflections. Students
                                                                  Every semester the focus is on a prototypical
                                                                  task in the design process: Perception / analysis
           have about 10 times per year the opportunity to
           personally meet renowned experts and to practi-
                                                                  / experiment / development / implementation /        of the
           cally analyse current design topics.
                                                                  evaluation. In every semester both the theoretical
                                                                  discussion and the practical work are oriented on
                                                                  the particular task.
           These events consist of four different forms of                                                             Individual and personal
           involvement:                                           Links to other areas of learning are shown through   support • state-of-the-art
                                                                  a further semester focus: Social Behaviour & De-     in terms of technical de-
           1.   Pre-information about the guest speaker and       sign, Culture & Design, Economy & Design, Technol-   velopment and body of
                self-study of the topic. Which expertise of the   ogy & Design, Communication & Design, Mankind        knowledge • international
                guest speaker is of particular interest to us?    & Design.                                            network • possibility to
                                                                                                                       cooperate with other degree
           2.   Public talk by the guest speaker, then discus-    Individual and self-paced analysis and reflection    programmes • evaluation of
                sion with the audience, in which students         is possible when it comes to traditional lectures    design ideas offers remarka-
                have the chance to discuss and reflect upon       (with texts, documents, videos, artefacts, etc.).    ble experience
                specific aspects.                                 Assignments are better done in collaboration with
                                                                  lecturers and other students. With such feedback
           3.   On-topic workshop and discussion with guest       students can gain new views and perspectives. The
                speaker. Through the direct exchange with         highest motivation to study derives from concrete,
                guests, students learn first-hand about new       self-proposed questions and the discussion with
                areas of design operation and new work-           other people.
                                                                  Theory and practice are constantly linked in this
           4.   Follow-up of the event. How can students          bachelor degree programme. The theoretical dis-
                implement this experience in their project?       course is immediately put into practice and exam-
                                                                  ined in various exercises.

     4                                                                                                                                5
What                           It is essential to be willing to learn and to take a
                               road, even though it is difficult and challenges need
                                                                                       The technological development and the increasing-
                                                                                       ly differentiated and specialist areas of life have
Do You Study                   to be overcome.                                         also reached visual design and have widened the         Practical Skills
in the Degree                  The aim of the bachelor degree programme Inter
                                                                                       potential areas of operation. Here is a selection of
                                                                                       the ever-expanding list of professional design tasks:
                                                                                                                                               are Needed
Programme                      Media is the teaching of the design methods, which      3D Animation, Advertising, Exhibition Design, Book      Nowadays?
InterMedia?                    are necessary to solve a complex and current prob-
                               lem. This process mirrors today´s requirements of
                                                                                       Design, Corporate Design, Editorial Design, Enter-
                                                                                       tainment Design, Event Design, Experience Design,       “It is easy to predict
                               the market on professional design.                      Food Design, Game Design, Generative Design,            which jobs will get lost.
“When people ask me                                                                    Illustration, Inclusive Design, Information Design,     But rather difficult to
what designers know, can       The priority is not on the teaching of specialist       Internet of Things, Interface Design, Light Design,     see which jobs will still
and should understand,         technical skills (such as print, photography, video,    Magazine Design, Trade Fair Design, Orientation         exist. Every business field
then I like to quote the       audio, web, etc.), but training students to recognize   Systems, Poster Design, Retail Design, Typeface         will change, the whole
T-Modell.                      the important synergy of various theoretical and        Design, TV Design, Packaging Design,                    civilisation will change,
There the horizontal           technical skills.                                       Visualisations, Web Design, Newspaper Design, etc.      everything will change.”
symbolises the whole                                                                                                                           Jürgen Schmidhuber
world. Designers need to       In every study year students have two senior            Not only the design tools, but also the design tasks
be interested in this world,   lecturers and many experts in the labs as their         have rapidly changed in the last few decades. The       “In the second machine age,
with all its facets. In all    primary contact persons and coaches.                    design possibilities have enormously increased.         it is always about ideas, not
its width. The vertical                                                                Regionally it will still be the work of pioneers to     about things – about the
however is for all designers   Some courses and coaching sessions are also             convince agencies and companies of these new            mind, not about the matter,
of equal importance.           offered in English.                                     design services. In their studies, our students learn   about bits, not about atoms,
It means that there should                                                             how jobs that currently don’t exist can be created in   and about interaction, not
be an area for each and                                                                the future.                                             about transaction. Free
everyone, in which they                                                                                                                        digital products and the
can become experts. If                                                                                                                         economy of sharing and
possible, in deepest depth.”                                                                                                                   exchanging have already
Prof. Bernard Stein                                                                                                                            had an enormous impact
                                                                                                                                               on our well-being. They also
“We cannot teach people                                                                                                                        require a new organisational
anything; we can only                                                                                                                          structure, competences and
help them discover it in                                                                                                                       institutions. And maybe even
themselves.” Galileo Galilei                                                                                                                   a re-evaluation of some of
                                                                                                                                               our values.”
                                                                                                                                               Erik Brynjolfsson
                                                                                                                                               & Andrew McAfee

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Students Define                Design gains in importance when it proves to be
                               helpful. Design means to bring something into
                                                                                      All InterMedia students work on their own, com-
                                                                                      plex communication topic. They can define a topic
                                                                                                                                             Bachelor Topics
a Topic that                   shape. Design means to change something. Design        themselves or they can choose from a range of

They Want to                   proves to be helpful when it supports our life and
                               gives us security. Design proves to be helpful when
                                                                                      provided topics.
                                                                                                                                             Students define – based on
Research                       it enables us to exchange thoughts and emotions        Various companies and institutions have already
                                                                                                                                             their topic – a design task.
                               and to experience a community. Design is an im-        liaised with Vorarlberg University of Applied
                               pulse within complex processes and is much more        Sciences regarding real communication topics, for
“The question is not what I
                               than just the creation of artefacts.                   which students can also opt. In this case, they will
want to design. The question
                                                                                      be supported by the companies and institutions
is why I want to design.”
                               In the first semester students choose a topic.         with detailed information and helpful feedback.
Robert Amlung
                               Bases on profound research on this topic, stu-         This makes it possible to test ideas and concepts
                               dents develop by the end of the second semester        on their efficiency and functionality.
                               a concrete problem. In the following semesters
                               students work on this problem before they finally      The following examples of bachelor topics should
                               realise and evaluate their topic. In order to change   illustrate how students can gain experience:
                               the chosen topic, students need to come up with a
                               plausible and reasonable argument.                     + Development of a marketing strategy and
                                                                                        signage for a company
                               Nowadays design competences are needed in              + Development of an exhibition system for the
                               various fields. Therefore students opt for one of        presentation of the services of an institution
                               those areas: - lifestyle luxury • experience - con-    + Development of an image movie to present
                               sumption fashion • household • personal care •           the strategy of Vorarlberg University of Applied
                               electronics - culture & sub-culture architecture         Sciences to other higher education institutions
                               • art • museum • event • theatre • music - sports      + Development of a concept for a knowledge
                               event • shop • training - health surgery • medicine      platform for Vorarlberg University of Applied
                               • hospital - entertainment games • event - nutri-        Sciences
                               tion restaurant • packaging • recipe - economy         + Development of a cross-media publication about
                               management • finances • agriculture • ecology •          the basics of social work
                               commerce - tourism wellness - media telecommu-         + Development of an interface concept for a
                               nication - science education - society politics •        support robot for pensioners
                               security • mobility • identity -

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Teamwork                      Many of the tasks that nowadays are of vital
                              importance require consolidation and interplay of
                                                                                       More important than the title is in most cases the
                                                                                       higher education institute that provides the aca-
                                                                                                                                               What is the
Cooperation                   different competences. InterMedia thus supports          demic title. The reputation of a university highly      Value of a
Evaluation                    the following cooperation models:
                              1. teamwork among students
                                                                                       depends on the quality of students´ work and
                                                                                       achievement. Therefore, the works of students are
                                                                                                                                               Bachelor Title?
                              2. joint projects between bachelor and master            presented in the form of events, exhibitions and
Ideas originate where              students                                            the internet.
solutions are required.       3. cooperation with other departments / research
                                   centres at Vorarlberg University of Applied         The degree programme InterMedia relies on the
The degree programme               Sciences                                            support of students for such joint activities (ca. 20
InterMedia searches and       4. cooperation with other higher education               hours per semester). This applies for example to
supports a productive              providers (universities and tertiary education      contributing to the production of a radio show, a
cooperation with various           institutes)                                         video about the activities of Vorarlberg University
companies and institutions.   5. cooperation with companies and institutes             of Applied Sciences, an exhibition of an event, etc.

Successful teamwork           One can think a lot. Design however aims to develop      These practice-oriented skills and competences
needed: realization           interventions that are effective. Only the implemen-     help graduates in their professional career. The
autonomy, task-integrity,     tation of concepts and their use in realistic contexts   reputation and image of an educational pro-
planning autonomy, staff      offers the experience which is needed to realise         gramme therefore boosts the chances when en-
continuity, communication     promising ideas.                                         tering the workforce. But this reputation strongly
opportunities, small group                                                             depends on the visible achievements of students.
size with a suitable          Therefore, a cooperation with companies and
qualification structure.      institutions is recommended when developing
                              solutions. Such a cooperation needs to be beneficial
                              for both parties. Students get valuable input and
                              the opportunity to test their ideas in a real context.
                              Companies and institutions can profit from stu-
                              dents work through new questions, impulses and

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What Is the                    For their practical work students can use a variety
                               of design labs, in which they can work together with
                                                                                        Design labs are available in the following fields:
Focus in the                   students from other semesters. The design labs are       + 3D animation + 3D modelling, visualisation           and Skills
Design Labs?                   open to both bachelor and master students.                 and animation Lab Supervisor: Andreas Künz
                                                                                        + Analogue image composition + drawing,
                                                                                                                                               “Our relationships to the
                               At defined times lecturers provide students with           sketching, collaging, painting techniques
                                                                                                                                               world are always conveyed
By applying basic design       relevant practical input.                                  Lab Supervisor: Petra Eckelmann
                                                                                                                                               in a physical, emotional,
tools, it is possible to get                                                            + Audio + sound recording and processing,
                                                                                                                                               mental and symbolic way.”
an essential understanding     InterMedia does not teach specific software-tools          sound collages Lab Supervisor: Robert Lang
                                                                                                                                               Hartmut Rosa
for the range of current       in its courses. A range of video-tutorials facilitates   + Digital Media Formats + Video and Podcasting
media technologies as          the learning of computer programmes. We are                Lab Supervisor: Margarita Köhl
well as the corresponding      not restricted to the most common programmes             + Interactive Coding and Prototyping + internet,
fundamentals of design.        nowadays used in agencies, but we also provide the         applications, interface design, 3D printing,
                               chance to look into alternative open source solu-          Internet of Things, microcontrollers, electronics,
                               tions. Individual coaching with the lab supervisors        robotics Lab Supervisor: Michael Kneidl
                               is also available for students.                          + Photography + lighting, aperture, camera
                                                                                          techniques, image processing Lab Supervisor:
                               The degree programme InterMedia recommends                 Mathias Weissengruber, Claudio Hils
                               students to share their skills and expertise. This       + Post-digital design + design of posters,
                               should help all students to become more familiar           newspapers, magazines and books
                               with the use of specific computer programmes.              Lab Supervisor: Ylène Dona
                                                                                        + Video + lighting, camera techniques, direction,
                                                                                          video processing Lab Supervisor: Edmont Gruber
                                                                                        + Virtual reality + expanded reality, games
                                                                                          Lab Supervisor: Roland Witsch
                                                                                        + Text + analysis, discussions and creating various
                                                                                          types of text Lab Supervisor: Natasha Doshi

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4th Semester          “Progress mostly happens
                      in small steps – lots and lots
To Develop and        of them. And your current
to Bring into Shape   project is one of them, no
                      matter how good or bad
                      the results will be, whether
                      it fails or not. It is the next
                      step.” Ralph Ammer

                      “Form can always be also
                      content.” Andreas Koop

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4th Semester                In the 4th semester the previous results of the
                            project work are evaluated in order to find out if
                                                                                     Besides design expertise students also need to be
                                                                                     able to speak foreign languages and acquire inter-
To Develop                  there is a useful approach to solve the problem.         cultural skills as well as show an awareness of the    Exchange
and to Bring                Does the concept support humans in their fulfilling
                            of latent wishes, needs and behaviour? Does the
                                                                                     European and international nexus. Understand-
                                                                                     ing other cultures and different working styles is
into Shape                  concept stimulate locations or situations and does       therefore essential for students to be successful
                                                                                                                                            Ideas emerge where
                                                                                                                                            interests, competences,
                            it somehow change possible options? What is the          in today´s job market, which is characterized by
                                                                                                                                            cultures and perspectives
                            role of concrete varieties of an idea in relation to     globalisation and internationalisation.
Students develop various                                                                                                                    meet.
                            the perception options? When and where is the idea
solution models and then
                            implemented? What are the consequences in social,        In the 4th semester students have the possibility to
choose one model to start
                            economic and ecological terms?                           spend one semester at a partner university, where      Currently students can
the realisation process.
                                                                                     their project work will also be supervised. Stu-       choose from partner
                            Based on prior decisions, ideas and concepts are         dents are recommended to choose a partner uni-         universities in the
                            gradually realised. If a concept deals with many         versity that has the needed specialisation to help     following countries:
                            different design moments, then it is necessary to        them realise and implement their project idea.         Australia, Chile, Czech
                            develop and define a consistent use of forms.                                                                   Republic, Denmark,
                                                                                     While one part of the students is abroad, incoming     Finland, Germany, Mexico,
                            It is only possible to anticipate but not to predict     students study for one semester at Vorarlberg Uni-     Netherlands, Norway,
                            how something feels and functions when put into          versity of Applied Sciences. Therefore, all courses    Portugal, Switzerland,
                            shape. Often only while developing prototypes it         of the 4th semester are offered in English.            Turkey and the USA.
                            becomes clear whether an idea can be realised or
                            not. The interplay of many details often makes the       In this semester students focus on technical ques-
                            decisive difference.                                     tions. In order to better understand the impact
                                                                                     and interplay of design, a range of practical exam-
                            The goal of the 4th semester lies on the necessary       ples is described, examined and analysed.
                            preparation for the realisation and implementation
                            of a design idea. This also applies to the acquisition
                            of the required technical design skills.

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4th Semester                Technology and Design
                            Which technologies are currently used in the
                                                                                 Project Management of Design Processes
                                                                                 How can projects be successfully initiated,
                                                                                                                                      Project Management of
                                                                                                                                      Design Processes
                            production of visual and acoustic media? Which       planned and implemented? Which tools are helpful     Timeframe 50 hours
Technology and Design       concept, methods and tools will be important         in the different phases?                             Class-time 30 hours
Timeframe 100 hours         when processing specific media?                                                                           Individual study 20 hours
Class-time 60 hours                                                              Stage and Elements                                   Roland Alton-Scheidl
Individual study 40 hours   Open Idea                                            Which design elements are available? What distin-
Karl-Heinz Weidmann         What does design mean in a high-tech world? How      guishes use of forms? How do they differ? How can    Stage and Elements
                            has humanity’s image of itself changed as a result   individual design elements correlate dramatur-       Timeframe 200 hours
OpenIdea                    of technological developments? Are we restrict-      gically? How can consistence and consistency be      Class-time 45 hours
Timeframe 25 hours          ing ourselves to selection of and resistance to      achieved with changing designs?                      Individual study 155 hours
Class-time 15 hours         unpleasant developments? What design scope do                                                             Margarita Köhl
Individual study 15 hours   we continue to use? When programmes write and        Design Basics
Markus Hanzer               machines build, when variants are tested using       How to translate a concept into a specific product   Technical Skills
                            the random principle and systems are generated       or service? How to define requirement parameters     Timeframe 50 hours
Best Practice Analysis      in ever more complex interactions that we are only   and success criteria for a concrete project? Which   Class-time 30 hours
Timeframe 75 hours          able to observe but no longer understand the indi-   practical tasks to expect, overcome and anticipate   Individual study 20 hours
Class-time 30 hours         vidual aspects of, what will the consequences be?    when implementing the project? How to decide         + see labs
Individual study 45 hours                                                        whether individual competences to solve the task
Angelika Simma–Wallinger    Best-Practice Analysis                               are adequate or whether to draw from external        Design Basics
& guest lecturers           Why have certain solutions been developed            services?                                            Timeframe 100 hours
                            and why have they proven to be good in certain                                                            Class-time 30 hours
                            contexts? Why have other approaches failed, even                                                          Individual study 70 hours
                            though they had a higher budget and more effort                                                           Florian Ennemoser, Armin
                            was made? How can existing design solutions help                                                          Wolf, Michael Lung
                            students to realise their individual projects?
                                                                                                                                      Project Work
                                                                                                                                      Timeframe 150 hours
                                                                                                                                      Class-time 60 hours
                                                                                                                                      Individual study 90 hours
                                                                                                                                      Michael Kneidl
                                                                                                                                      & Alexander Rufenach

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The technological developments give us the       “We are free to change the
opportunity to perceive and observe each other   world and start something
as never before. It absolutely makes sense to    new in it.”
use these chances to listen to each other and    Hannah Arendt
to develop a new society, which is based on
many personal truths that are no longer hidden
in privacy.
Programme Director
Markus Hanzer

Degree Programme Administration
Sabine Fister-Tramschek
+43 5572 792 5200
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