The high-energy universe - The Universe in my pocket - Mimoza Hafizi Tirana University

Page created by Derrick Hayes
The high-energy universe - The Universe in my pocket - Mimoza Hafizi Tirana University
The Universe in my pocket

The high-energy universe

              Mimoza Hafizi
 No. 9
 ES-001        Tirana University
The high-energy universe - The Universe in my pocket - Mimoza Hafizi Tirana University
Even with the naked eye, we can
                                            see that some celestial objects
                                            are brighter than others. Are they
                                            closer to us and thus look brighter?
                                            Or do they release more energy?
                                            Astronomers know how to measure
                                            the distances of many celestial
                                            bodies, so they can estimate the
                                            energy these emit in visible light.
In the Cassiopeia Constellation, the five   Using special detectors working in
brightest stars form a ‘W’ shape. These     the high-energy domain they can also
stars are up to a thousand times more
powerful than our Sun. But they do not
                                            gauge the energy that is invisible to the
emit in the high-energy domain.             eye, being emitted by high-energy
Special instruments used for high-energy    photons (UV, X and gamma-rays*),
astrophysics are able to detect UV, X       high-energy particles (neutrinos,
and gamma rays released by certain          cosmic rays) and gravitational waves.
objects. Photometers measure the            Some of the objects emitting in the
amount of light coming from these           high-energy domain, like Supernovae,
objects and provide us with an accurate
measurement of the total energy they
                                            Neutron Stars, Black Holes or
release.                                    Active Galactic Nuclei emit extreme
Many objects emitting at high energies      amounts of energy. They radiate billions
cannot be detected in visible light.        of times more energy than our Sun.
                   2                        *see TUIMP 2      3
The high-energy universe - The Universe in my pocket - Mimoza Hafizi Tirana University
Left: In the star                    Supernovae
                        map of
                        Cassiopeia, the          What a surprise if you watch the sky
                        astronomer               and suddenly observe a new star
                        Tycho Brahe              shining in a place that was empty
                        marked by ‘I’ the        before! Maybe you would cry: A new
                        ‘new-born star’,         star is born! A nova, in Latin. Or, a
                        on 11 November           supernova, if the new light is extremely
                        1572, later              powerful! The first such case was
                        named Tycho’s
When it appeared,                                that of the guest-star seen by
                        supernova. ‘F’,
Tycho’s supernova was ‘E’, ‘D’, ‘C’, ‘B’, ‘A’,   Chinese Astronomers in 1054*.
as bright as Venus,     ‘G’ are long-            In fact this light does not signal the
although the burst      lasting stars,           birth of a new star: A supernova is
occurred about 9 light- and can be seen          the explosion of an existing star.
years away. It dimmed in the photo of
                                                 The burst is so tremendous that in
day after day and after Cassiopeia on
about two years it
                                                 a few minutes it releases as much
                        page 2, but the
could no longer be seen ‘I’ star is no           energy as our Sun during its
with the naked eye.     longer seen.
                                                 lifetime of10 billion years!
                                                 Afterwards, the burst decays and
                 Left: The supernova
                 2010ltd, discovered by a
                                                 the star becomes invisible again.
                 ten-year old girl, Kathryn      What remains is a neutron star or
                 Gray. The burst happened        a black hole. Telescopes show a large
                 240million light-years away.    amount of matter moving away.
                                                 *see TUIMP 10 5
Black holes
                                              When a star with mass above 30
                                              solar masses explodes as a
                                              supernova, a black hole of several
                                              solar masses forms in its center,
Left: A diagram demonstrating the             inside a region of a few kilometers.
collision between two black holes. The
ripples propagating like waves in a pool      Why this unusual name? Because a
represent gravitational waves.                black hole has such strong gravity
The first gravitational wave detected by      that nothing can escape from it.
humans on 14 September 2015                   No light, nor particles!
informed us about such a collision, that
                                              How then, can we observe them? By
happened 1.3 billion years ago between a
pair of black holes of 36 and 29 solar        their influence on their surroundings!
masses. The power released during such a      Their gravitational energy is huge,
collision reached a level greater than that   because their mass is concentrated
of the light radiated by all the stars in     in a very small region. This energy
the Universe!                                 can be released in the form of
Right: A photo of the LIGO Hanford site,      gravitational waves.
one of the observatories where                Gravitational waves were observed
gravitational waves are detected. The
                                              for the first time in September
observed waveform matches the
predictions of General Relativity
                                              2015. They were radiated by the
developed by Albert Einstein.                 collision of two black holes.
                    6                                           7
Neutrinos                           Neutron stars
Neutrinos are elementary particles        When a star with mass between 8
with no charge and with a tiny, as yet    and 30 solar masses explodes as
undetermined, mass. They interact         a supernova, a neutron star forms.
very weakly with other matter, so it is   It is so dense that one teaspoonful
hard to detect them. Some giant           would weigh a billion tons!
experiments have been established         Neutron stars are composed of
on Earth to detect neutrinos.             neutrons and rotate up to several
Neutrinos are created by nuclear          hundred times per second,
reactions, such as those taking           accelerating the particles in their
place in the core of a star or in         atmosphere to near-light speed and
nuclear experiments. In supernova         generating a narrow radiating beam.
explosions, more than 99% of the          In some cases, this beam sweeps
energy can be released as neutrinos.      across the Earth, making these
Despite their small mass, neutrinos are   stars detectable as pulsars*. The
thought to be so numerous that they can   fastest pulsar, PSR J1748-2446ad,
influence the history of the Universe.    rotates 716 times per second!
Right : The IceCube Neutrino              During the supernova burst leading to
Observatory. Thousands of                 neutron star formation, apart from
sensors are placed under                  light, a huge stream of neutrinos leaves
the Antarctic ice, distributed            the star at nearly the speed of light.
over a cubic kilometer for                Some of these are observed on Earth.
detecting neutrinos.
                      8                   * See TUIMP 10 9
Left: The Fermi Gamma-               Gamma Ray Bursts
               ray Space Telescope,
               which detects gamma-           Gamma Ray Bursts (GRB) are the
               rays, the most energetic       most powerful electromagnetic
               form of radiation, a million   events known to happen in the
times more energetic than visible light.      Universe. Their energy, mostly
On 17 August 2017, the Fermi
                                              released in the form of gamma
telescope detected a short Gamma Ray          photons*, can exceed one thousand
Burst (GRB), just 1.7 seconds after a         times that of a supernova.
gravitational wave signal had reached         Discovered fifty years ago, their
Earth observatories. Both of these            physics is not yet fully understood.
signals originated from the same event,
two merging neutron stars, 130 million        GRB can be of short duration (from
light-years away. Later, this event was       tens of milliseconds to few
observed in X-rays, ultraviolet light, and    seconds) or long duration (from
other bands of the electromagnetic            seconds up to hours). Long GRBs
spectrum.                                     are linked with the burst of a star,
                                              during a supernova explosion. Short
Right: The same GRB                           GRBs are thought to originate from
seen in X-rays by the                         the merging of two neutron stars or
Chandra Space                                 of a neutron star and a black hole.
observatory, 9 days                           Satellite telescopes discover about
after the burst.
                                              one GRB per day.
                                              *see TUIMP 2
                   10                                         11
Cosmic rays
                                           Not only photons, neutrinos and
                                           gravitational waves reach us from
                                           Space. The high-energy Universe
                                           also sends us charged particles,
                                           mostly protons, but also electrons
                                           and nuclei of atoms; these are
                                           called cosmic rays. Billions of
An artist’s view of the impact of cosmic
rays with the Earth’s atmosphere. Upon
                                           billions of cosmic ray particles
interaction with the atmospheric           bombard Earth from Space every
molecules, a ‘shower’ of elementary        second.
particles is produced. Some of these       Discovered at the beginning of the
particles may reach some of the
                                           20th century, they are still of
thousands of detectors deployed by
scientists in grids covering several       uncertain origin.
thousand square kilometers.                Cosmic ray particles can carry huge
After a century of numerous                energies, and travel nearly at the
experiments, the scientific data up to     speed of light. In extreme cases,
now lead to the conclusion that a          their kinetic energy can be billions of
significant fraction of cosmic rays
                                           billions of times greater than their
originate from outside our Galaxy, in
supernova explosions or from Active        rest-mass energy.
Galactic Nuclei*.
*see TUIMP 6      12                                        13
An illustration
                                                     the collision
                             The five brightest      between two
                             stars of the Cassiopea black holes
                             constellation are
                             1000 times more
                             powerful than our Sun.
Quiz                         But this is not what is
                             called high energy!
         Which of these                             GW170817
          images is not                             event seen by
         related to high
       energy phenomena                             observatory
                              The supernova
        of the Universe?                            in X rays.

                                                 The impact of
                                                 cosmic rays with
       Answers on overleaf                       the Earth’s
The Universe in my pocket No. 9

This booklet was written in 2018 by
Mimoza Hafizi from Tirana University
    Nr 1 and revised by Stan Kurtz from the
UNAM Radio Astronomy Institute in Morelia

Cover image: Artist’s illustration of two
merging neutron stars. [Credit: NSF/
LIGO/Sonoma State University/A.

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