THE GUIDE The Member Magazine for WTTW and WFMT

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THE GUIDE The Member Magazine for WTTW and WFMT
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98.7wfmt                     The Member Magazine
                              for WTTW and WFMT

                  SUN SEPT 19 7PM

September 2021

                 ALSO THIS MONTH
                 In tribute to Muhammad Ali, WFMT will air a November
                 1975 Studs Terkel interview with Ali from the Studs Terkel
                 Radio Archive and publish an interview on September 21
                 with Jahlil Beats, composer of the score for MUHAMMAD ALI,
THE GUIDE The Member Magazine for WTTW and WFMT
From the President & CEO                                                                            The Guide
Dear Member,                                                                                        The Member Magazine
   This month, I am excited to announce the premiere of MUHAMMAD ALI, a new film by                 for WTTW and WFMT
Ken Burns that follows the life of one of the most consequential men of the 20th century, a         Renée Crown Public Media Center
three-time heavyweight boxing champion who captivated billions of fans with his combination         5400 North Saint Louis Avenue
of speed, agility, and power in the ring. At the height of his fame, Ali challenged Americans’      Chicago, Illinois 60625
                                racial prejudices, religious biases, and notions about what roles
                                celebrities and athletes play in our society.                       Main Switchboard
                                                                                                    (773) 583-5000
                                   You may know that Ali was a Chicago South Side resident from     Member and Viewer Services
                                roughly the mid-1960s through the late 1970s, a defining period     (773) 509-1111 x 6
                                in his life. WTTW will explore the watershed moments with a
                                companion website ( featuring an image gallery
                                in partnership with the Chicago History Museum; a Q&A with
                                the filmmakers; a photo essay by Chicago architecture expert
                                Lee Bey tracing Ali’s footsteps in Chicago; an interview with
                                Ali’s biographer Jonathan Eig, a native Chicagoan who outlines      Publisher
                                ways that the city shaped Ali before and during his time here;      Anne Gleason
                                and the storied history of boxing in Chicago.                       Art Director
                                                                                                    Tom Peth
  Also, join us for two related virtual events: in partnership with the Chicago History Museum,     WTTW Contributors
we’ll host a preview and discussion focusing on Ali’s time in Chicago, his life and legacy, and     Julia Maish
                                                                                                    Lisa Tipton
the intersection of sports, race, and politics; and an event and performance in partnership
                                                                                                    WFMT Contributor
with PBS Books featuring New York Times bestselling author Kwame Alexander, co-writer of            Andrea Lamoreaux
the biographical novel Becoming Muhammad Ali. Visit for more information
and to register.
                                                                                                    Advertising and Underwriting
  In tribute to Muhammad Ali, WFMT will air a November 1975 Studs Terkel interview with             WTTW
Ali from the Studs Terkel Radio Archive and publish an interview on September 21 with               Nathan Armstrong
Jahlil Beats, composer of the score for MUHAMMAD ALI, on And join us for a                (773) 509-5415
virtual Classical Conversation on September 9 featuring composer D.J. Sparr and librettist/         WFMT
lead Solomon Howard for the opera Approaching Ali, a one-act chamber opera with music               Alexander Stonor Saunders
                                                                                                    (773) 509-5357
by Sparr and libretto by Mark Campbell and Davis Miller. The discussion will focus on the
creation of the work and the challenges in portraying one of the most popular people in the
world. Register at                                                                 The Guide: The Member Magazine
                                                                                                    for WTTW and WFMT
   I hope you will explore Muhammad Ali’s life and legacy with us this month, and don’t forget      (ISSN 2329-1338)
to tune in to watch the miniseries beginning on Sunday, September 19 at 7:00 pm. As always,         September 2021
thank you for your support.                                                                         Volume 35, Number 279

                                                                                                    The Guide: The Member Magazine
                                                                                                    for WTTW and WFMT is published monthly
                                                                                                    (for contributors of $40 or more annually) by
                                                     Sandra Cordova Micek                           Window To The World Communications, Inc.,
                                                     President & CEO                                5400 North Saint Louis Ave., Chicago, IL
                                                                                                    60625-4698. Periodical postage paid at

Inside the Guide                                                                                    Chicago, IL and additional mailing offices.

                                                                                                    POSTMASTER: Send address
3   WTTW Listings                                 16 Do it Yourself Saturdays                       changes to The Guide: The Member
4   Q&A with Jonathan Eig                         19 At-a-Glance                                    Magazine for WTTW and WFMT,
                                                                                                    5400 North Saint Louis Ave.,
6   WTTW Digital Channel Highlights               20 WFMT Listings                                  Chicago, IL 60625-4698.
8   WTTW Kid Grid                                 31 Sponsors                                       Copyright 2020, Window To The World
                                                                                                    Communications, Inc., Chicago, IL.
14 Multi-Channel Primetime Grid

ON THE COVER: Muhammad Ali

2    SEPTEMBER      2021
THE GUIDE The Member Magazine for WTTW and WFMT
Programming Subject to Change Without Notice                                                         Daily Television Programming •
                                                                                      Programmer’s Picks on WTTW11

   America ReFramed: The Area                                                      Sandra Day O’Connor: The First –                          NOVA: The Cannabis Question
   Follow the odyssey of Chicago’s Englewood                                           American Experience                                   NOVA joins scientists and experts around the
   neighborhood, where more than 400 Black                                         Ronald Reagan nominated Sandra Day O’Connor                country to ask: What are the risks cannabis
  families are being displaced by a multi-billion-                                  as the Supreme Court’s first female justice in             poses to the developing adolescent brain?
  dollar freight company. As their community is                                    1981. During her 25 years on the Court, she was           Does heavy cannabis use impair intelligence,
 being torn apart, residents maintain friendships                                        the critical swing vote on some of the              increase psychosis, or put future generations
     and traditions while fighting for respect.                                       20th century’s most controversial cases.                            at risk for addiction?
    Sunday, September 12, 5:00 pm                                                      Monday, September 13, 9:00 pm                        Wednesday, September 29, 9:00 pm

                                                                       See page 6 for information about WTTW Prime listings.

Wednesday 1                                                        4:30   Chicago Tonight [R]                7:00 Chicago Tonight
                                                                                                             8:00 Downton Abbey Season 3
                                                                                                                                                     In the Spotlight
EARLY MORNING                                                      MORNING-AFTERNOON                               on Masterpiece (Part 4

                                                                                                                                                                                                 Photo: Courtesy of History Making Productions
12:30 Lucy Worsley’s Royal                                         5:30-5:30 WTTW Kids                             of 7) The Crawley family
      Myths & Secrets: Henry                                       5:30 BBC World News America                     faces its severest test yet.
      VIII’s Reformation [R]                                                                                       Meanwhile, new faces try to
1:30 Antiques Roadshow:                                            EVENING                                         fit into the tight-knit circle
      Churchill Downs Racetrack                                    6:00 PBS NewsHour                               of servants. New evidence
      (Part 1 of 3) [R]                                            7:00 Chicago Tonight                            turns up in a baffling case.
2:30 Antiques Roadshow:                                            8:00 Nature: Natural Born                 9:15 Downton Abbey Season 3
      Churchill Downs Racetrack                                          Rebels – Survival Some ani-               on Masterpiece (Part 5
      (Part 2 of 3) [R]                                                  mals will do whatever it takes            of 7) Things go badly amiss
3:30 POV: The Song of the                                                to survive. Cockatoos turn to             at Downton Abbey. Robert
      Butterflies [R]                                                    vandalism, boxer crabs hold               and Cora are not speaking.
                                                                         anemones hostage, sloths                  The servants are shunning
                                                                         become filthy, puff adders                Isobel. And Matthew and
In the Spotlight                                                         have an “invisibility cloak” to
                                                                         hide themselves, and chimps
                                                                                                                   Robert have fallen out.
                                                                                                                   Bates takes a gamble.
                                                                         use violence to stay in power.      10:35 Secrets of the Royal
                                        Photo: Courtesy of Pond5

                                                                   9:00 NOVA: Nature’s Fear Factor                 Kitchens If you’ve ever
                                                                         When top predators disap-                 wondered what is in the Royal
                                                                         peared from Mozambique’s                  refrigerator, this documentary
                                                                         Gorongosa National Park,                  dishes out the truth. Take a        Yannick Nézet-Séguin
                                                                         other animals fell into unusual           deliciously entertaining romp
                                                                         patterns. Now scientists are              through the kitchens of the
                                                                         reintroducing wild dogs to                world’s most famous family.       Great Performances:
                                                                         restore the park’s “landscape       11:30 BBC World News                    Yannick – An Artist’s
                                                                         of fear” and with it, the natural
                                                                         balance of the ecosystem.
                                                                   10:00 The Future of Work: The New
                                                                                                             Friday 3                                This film tells the story of Canadian-
                                                                         Industrial Revolution (Part         EARLY MORNING                           born conductor Yannick Nézet-
                                                                         1 of 3) Explore disruptions         12:00 Amanpour and Company              Séguin as he rises from a child
                                                                         to the world of work – AI,          1:00 Nature: Natural Born               prodigy to one of the most
                                                                         robotics, globalization, labor            Rebels – Survival See Wed.        acclaimed and sought-after
                                                                         practices. The pandemic                   Sept. 1 at 8:00 pm. [R]           music directors of his generation.
                                                                         is a new driver of change,          2:00 NOVA: Nature’s Fear                He is currently music director
                                                                         with unemployment flipping                Factor See Wed. Sept. 1           of the Orchestre Métropolitain,
                                                                         from lowest in 50 years                   at 9:00 pm. [R]                   the Metropolitan Opera, and
 A robot pulls a cart                                                    to highest in a century.            3:00 The Future of Work: The            the Philadelphia Orchestra.
                                                                   11:00 BBC World News                            New Industrial Revolution
                                                                   11:30 Amanpour and Company                      (Part of 3) See Wed.              Friday, September 3
The Future of Work                                                                                                 Sept. 1 at 10:00 pm. [R]          9:35 pm
This three-part series probes the                                  Thursday 2                                4:00 Samantha Brown’s Places
                                                                                                                   to Love: Samantha’s Tips
seismic upheavals transforming how
                                                                   EARLY MORNING                                   for Making Travel Count [R]              competition comes to the
Americans make their livelihoods
today, exploring the roots of these                                12:30 Generation 9/11 [R]                 4:30 Chicago Tonight [R]                       Midsomer village of Burwood
changes and addressing how                                         2:30 Native America: Nature                                                              Mantle. When the race leader
                                                                         to Nations [R]                      MORNING-AFTERNOON                              is murdered, DCI Barnaby and
colleges or vocational training
are preparing the next generation                                  3:30 Great Performances at the            5:30-5:30 WTTW Kids                            DS Nelson find themselves
of U.S. workers. How will businesses,                                    Met: Diana Damrau and               5:30 BBC World News America                    drawn into a ruthlessly com-
communities, and governments                                             Joseph Calleja in Concert [R]                                                      petitive world of blackmail,
                                                                   4:30 Chicago Tonight [R]                  EVENING                                        bribery, and bloodshed where
respond to this latest revolution?
And will the American Dream –                                                                                6:00 PBS NewsHour                              winning comes at any cost.
                                                                   MORNING-AFTERNOON                         7:00 Chicago Tonight: The               8:48   Midsomer Murders: Breaking
the good life attained through
hard work and upward mobility –                                    5:30-5:30 WTTW Kids                            Week in Review                            the Chain (Part 2 of 2)
survive these upheavals?                                           5:30 BBC World News America               7:30 Washington Week                    9:35   Great Performances:
                                                                                                             7:59 Midsomer Murders: Breaking                Yannick – An Artist’s Journey
Wednesdays,                                                        EVENING                                        the Chain (Part 1 of 2)                   This film tells the story
September 1-15, 10:00 pm                                           6:00 PBS NewsHour                              An international cycling                  of Canadian-born conductor

                                                                                                                                                               2021    SEPTEMBER             3
THE GUIDE The Member Magazine for WTTW and WFMT
Photo: Courtesy of Michael Gaffney
                                                                                                                         After a shocking loss of
                                                                                                                        the Heavyweight title to
                                                                                                                      Leon Spinks, with swollen
                                                                                                                     eyes Muhammad Ali faces
                                                                                                                     the press conference after
                                                                                                                        the fight. Las Vegas, NV.
                                                                                                                                February 15, 1978.

     with Jonathan Eig
                   Muhammad Ali biographer and consulting producer
                   By DANIEL HAUTZINGER
                                                                               We spoke to him about Ali, the boxer’s time in Chicago,
                   From September 19-22 (7:00 pm on September 19 and           and his significance today.
                   8:00 pm on September 20-22), Ken Burns tells the story
                   of “the greatest of all time” with a four-part documenta-   The Guide: Why did you want to write a biography of
                   ry, MUHAMMAD ALI. Written and co-directed by Sarah          Muhammad Ali?
                   Burns and David McMahon, the film takes on the life of a
                   man both lauded and vilified in and out of the ring – for   Jonathan Eig: I think he’s one of the most important and
                   his boxing championships, opposition to the Vietnam         fascinating figures of the twentieth century, certainly
                   War, and involvement with the Nation of Islam.              the second half of it. He captured so much of what made
                                                                               America fascinating in his lifetime. His story is about
                   Ali’s most recent biographer, Chicagoan Jonathan Eig,       race, it’s about religion, it’s about protest, it’s about re-
                   served as a consulting producer on the documentary.         bellion – all of it in one guy.

4   SEPTEMBER   2021
THE GUIDE The Member Magazine for WTTW and WFMT
The Guide: What is the significance of            Eig: After he refused to fight in Vietnam, ev-     relevant and even stronger today.
Chicago in Ali’s story?                           ery town and city in the country was putting
                                                  out a statement saying, “We don’t want Ali         The Guide: You ended your biography with
Eig: Ali lived here for some of the most im-      to fight here.” He was planning to fight Ernie     a story about Ali quietly helping someone
portant years of his career. You could say        Terrell in Chicago, and that got canceled be-      during Martin Luther King, Jr.’s campaign for
that he had his racial awakening here, be-        cause Illinois didn’t want to offer even a tacit   fair housing in Chicago. Why did you choose
cause it’s when he began to box as an ama-        acknowledgment that he was a legitimate            that as a postscript?
teur and in traveling to Chicago for the first    heavyweight champion.
time, he saw that the rest of America was                                                            Eig: Stories like that are everywhere. I can’t
different [than Louisville]. There was more                                                          go to a party or sit on a plane next to some-
mixing of the races in the North than there                                                          body without hearing stories about their en-
was in the South. He heard the preaching of                                                          counters with Ali. It seems like everybody
Elijah Muhammad and read [the Nation of                                                              has a story of meeting Ali somewhere and
Islam newspaper] Muhammad Speaks, and                                                                him doing these magical things. When he
his eyes began to open.                                                                              saw somebody with a flat tire on the side
                                                                                                     of the road, he would stop and suddenly
The Guide: You also point to Chicago as the                                                          there’d be two hundred people helping to
place where Ali reached adulthood as well                                                            change the tire because Ali was there. I
as national stardom. How did that happen?                                                            talked to somebody not long ago who told
                                                                                                     a story of being in a restaurant with a sister
Eig: He says he lost his virginity in Chicago,                                                       had just had a massive operation and was
so that’s a big deal. But it’s also a place                                                          wrapped in bandages. Ali spotted this lit-
where he started to get national attention.                                                          tle girl and came over and sat at the table
He loved those two things a lot: sex and                                                             with her and paid all of this attention to her
                                                                 Jonathan Eig
media attention. But to be serious about it,                                                         because she was obviously having a rough
Chicago was really where he began to find         He still stayed in Chicago. He bought a house      time.
a national stage and to realize that he could     across the street from Elijah Muhammad. He
be special.                                       bought an apartment building on the South          Ali was unbelievably gracious and eager to
                                                  Side. He tried to open up a small restaurant.      give of himself. He was so generous with
 He was still in high school [when he first       He could have owned the town. He could             his time and money. He just genuinely
 came to Chicago for the Golden Gloves tour-      have opened a chain of boxing gyms. He             loved people and needed to feel their en-
 nament], and he was cocky, but he didn’t         could have opened a nice steakhouse down-          ergy. That’s a really important part of un-
 know yet whether he was special as a boxer.      town. He never did any of those things.            derstanding Ali: that he could be incredibly
 And there’s reason to believe that he was                                                           selfish at times, but he always gave more
 not. A lot of people were skeptical: he was      The Guide: Why is it a good time to revisit        than he took.
 too small to be a heavyweight; he didn’t real-   the story of Ali with this documentary?
 ly have great technique. He was determining                                                         The reason I wanted to end the story with
 whether he could compete on that national        Eig: First of all: he was probably the great-      that is that Ali’s life was very dark at times.
 level. When you combine that awakening           est athlete of the twentieth century. And          He wrecked three marriages. He didn’t pay
 with the discovery of the Nation of Islam        enough time has gone by that we can eval-          as much attention to his children as he
 and a record that he brought home called         uate not only his career as a boxer, but to        would have liked to. He boxed too long and
“A White Man’s Heaven Is a Black Man’s Hell,”     look at what he meant to the country. We’re        underwent a significant brain trauma that
 it’s clear that he began to think differently    still fighting so many of the battles that Ali     left him in terrible shape. I wanted to leave
 about what it means to be a Black man in         fought over our prejudices when it comes           the reader with one last little bit of magic.
 America, and he became a little bit more         to race and religion. Ali took a stand against
 cynical about that. Those are two of the         those things when it was really unpopular;         This interview has been condensed and ed-
 most important moments in his life.              he risked his entire career to do so. The fact     ited for clarity.
                                                  that those issues are still so vital today and
The Guide: Ali’s career not only took off in      that he was fighting way out in front of the       Explore the MUHAMMAD ALI companion
Chicago; it also ran into a roadblock here.       curve on those things makes his story really       website:

                                                                                                                          20212021 AUGUST
                                                                                                                                SEPTEMBER         5
THE GUIDE The Member Magazine for WTTW and WFMT
WTTW Digital Channel Highlights
These digital channels are available with digital cable or over the air with a digital receiver. For more information
about digital television and for complete schedules, visit

                                                                                                                                                          Photo: Robyn Von Swank
                                                                   Open a Book, Open the World:
                                                                   The 2021 Library of Congress
                                                                   National Book Festival
                                                                   Sunday, September 12 at 6:00 pm
                                                                   Enjoy highlights from this year’s National Book Festival with a
                                                                   celebratory sense of renewal. The many new works featured
                                                                   this year remind us of how books provide a lifeline in hard times
    WTTW Prime                                                     and how they often enrich our lives with new possibilities. This
    WTTW Prime is our “prime time all the                          special is hosted by LeVar Burton.
    time” channel. Free TV, over-the-air antenna
    viewers can tune to channel 11-2 to find WTTW                  Full schedule online at
    Prime. WTTW Prime is on Comcast digital
    cable channel 370 and on RCN channel 37.                       Pictured: LeVar Burton

                                                                                                                                       Photo: All Rights Reserved; Content © 2021 American Public Television
                                                                   Pati’s Food and Fiesta
                                                                   Sunday, September 18 at 11:00 am
                                                                   WTTW Create kicks off Hispanic Heritage Month with a special
                                                                   marathon of Pati’s Mexican Table! Join chef Pati Jinich on her
                                                                   culinary adventures through Mexico as she encounters, then
                                                                   recreates, authentic south-of-the-border dishes.

    WTTW Create                                                    Full schedule online at
    WTTW Create is our how-to and lifestyle                        Pictured: Pati Jinich, Pati’s Mexican Table
    programming channel. Free TV, over-the-air antenna
    viewers tune to channel 11-3. WTTW Create is on
    Comcast digital cable channel 369 and on RCN
    channel 38. WTTW Create programming airs from
    6:00 am to 6:00 pm.

                                                                                                                                       Photo: South Carolina ETV
                                                                   Gullah Roots
                                                                   Sunday, September 19 at 10:00 pm
                                                                   Gullah Roots dives deep into the Gullah Geechee commu-
                                                                   nity and its ties with West Africa, educating viewers about
                                                                   Gullah heritage including spiritual, musical, and artistic
                                                                   traditions. This film examines the challenges many in that
    WTTW World                                                     community face today and the progress they have made
    WTTW World features public media’s signature                   since the first homecoming to Sierra Leone 30 years ago.
    documentary, science, and news programming
    complemented by original content from emerging                 Full schedule online at
    producers. Free TV, over-the-air antenna viewers
                                                                   Pictured: Baindu Jabati and Natasha Robinson
    tune to channel 11-3. WTTW World is on Comcast
    digital cable channel 369 and on RCN channel
    38. WTTW World airs from 6:00 pm to 6:00 am.

                                                                                                                                                          Image: Courtesy of © 2020 WGBH Educational Foundation.
                                                                                                                                                                                              All rights reserved.
                                                                   Arthur’s First Day
                                                                   Monday, September 6 at 6:00 pm
                                                                   It’s a new school year and Arthur is moving into the 4th
                                                                   grade. On Labor Day, see how he and his friends Buster and
                                                                   D.W. navigate new teachers, new friends, and new adventures
                                                                   in this special one-hour movie.

                                                                   Full schedule online at
    WTTW PBS Kids 24/7
    Free TV, over-the-air antenna viewers can tune                 Pictured: Arthur’s First Day
    to channel 11-4. The WTTW PBS Kids 24/7 is
    on Comcast digital channels 368 and on RCN
    channel 39.

6      SEPTEMBER       2021
THE GUIDE The Member Magazine for WTTW and WFMT
In the Spotlight

                                                       Louisiana: Toledo
                                                       Bend Lake Country
                                                 11:00 Lidia’s Kitchen
                                                 11:30 Flavor of Poland: Krakow

                                                 12:00 Cook’s Country: Grilled
                                                       Chicken, Two Ways
                                                 12:30 Steven Raichlen’s Project
                                                       Fire: Barbecue on a Budget
                                                 1:00 Simply Ming
                                                 1:30 Sara’s Weeknight Meals:
                                                       Tuscan Villa Pizza
                                                 2:00 America’s Test Kitchen
                                                       from Cook’s Illustrated:         Chicago Tonight:             Raul Julia: The
                                                       Updated Italian
                                                 2:30 America’s Test Kitchen
                                                                                        Latino Voices                World’s a Stage -
                                                       from Cook’s Illustrated          Saturdays, 6:00 pm           American Masters
                                                 3:00 Christopher Kimball’s
                                                       Milk Street Television:
                                                                                                                     Sunday, September 19, 7:00 pm
 Lucy Worsley
                                                       Quick Pasta                      Pati’s Mexican Table
                                                 3:30 Pati’s Mexican Table              Saturdays, 3:30 pm
                                                 4:00 A Chef’s Life: Obviously,                                      Great Performances:
Lucy Worsley’s                                         It’s Pecans                                                   John Leguizamo’s
Royal Myths & Secrets                            4:30 Check, Please! Robert’s
                                                       Pizza & Dough, Entente,
                                                                                        Kitchenistas                 Road to Broadway
Lucy Worsley takes viewers on
a journey across Europe to visit                       Red Hot Ranch                    Saturday, September 18,      Sunday, September 19, 8:30 pm
the incredible locations where                   5:00 Rick Steves’ Europe:              5:00 pm
royal history was made. From the                       Scotland’s Islands
Spanish Armada to the French                     5:30 Samantha Brown’s Places to                                     POV: América
Revolution, we learn how the story                     Love: Budapest, Hungary
                                                                                        Raul Julia: The              Sunday, September 19, 9:30 pm
is a mixture of facts, exaggeration,
manipulation, and mythology.
                                                 EVENING                                World’s a Stage -
Sundays, September 5
                                                 6:00 Chicago Tonight:
                                                       Latino Voices
                                                                                        American Masters             POV: The Infiltrators
and 12, 7:00 pm                                  6:30 PBS NewsHour Weekend              Sunday, September 19,        Sunday, September 19, 10:30 pm
                                                 7:00 Wicked in Concert Celebrate       2:00 pm
                                                       the iconic hit Broadway
                                                       musical with this all-star                                    Wonders of Mexico
      Yannick Nézet-Séguin as he
      rises from a child prodigy to
                                                       concert version featuring
                                                       songs from the beloved
                                                                                        Voces on PBS:                Sunday, September 26, 7:00 pm
      one of the most acclaimed                        score, including “The Wizard     The Pushouts
      and sought-after music direc-                    and I,” “Defying Gravity,”       Saturday, September 25,
      tors of his generation. He is                    “Popular,” “Wonderful,” “No                                   POV: Stateless
      currently music director of the                  Good Deed,” “For Good,” and      10:00 pm                     Sunday, September 26, 10:00 pm
      Orchestre Métropolitain, the                     “As Long As You’re Mine.”
      Metropolitan Opera, and the                9:00 Agatha and the Midnight
      Philadelphia Orchestra.                          Murders Discover Agatha          Voces on PBS:                Canvasing the World
11:32 BBC World News                                   Christie’s plan to sell a
                                                       manuscript that kills off her
                                                                                        Adios Amor: The Search       with Sean Diediker:
Saturday 4                                             famous detective Hercule         for Maria Moreno             Southern Patagonia
                                                       Poirot. Struggling with money    Saturday, September 25,
EARLY MORNING                                          and under investigation by                                    Sunday, September 26, 11:30 pm
12:00 Amanpour and Company                             tax authorities in America and   11:00 pm
1:00 Firing Line with                                  the UK, Agatha must come
      Margaret Hoover                                  up with an enormous sum.
1:30 The Chavis Chronicles                       11:00 Downton Abbey Season 3 on

                                                                                                                                                         Photo: All Rights Reserved; Content © 2021 American Public Television
2:00 To be announced                                   Masterpiece (Part 4 of 7) See
5:00 Chicago Tonight: The                              Thurs. Sept. 2 at 8:00 pm. [R]
                                                                                                                PATI’S MEXICAN TABLE
      Week in Review [R]

MORNING                                          Sunday 5
5:30  Happy Yoga with Sarah                      EARLY MORNING
      Starr: Garden Paradise                     12:15 Downton Abbey Season 3 on
6:00 The Transformational                              Masterpiece (Part 5 of 7) See
      Power of Yoga                                    Thurs. Sept. 2 at 9:00 pm. [R]
7:00 Easy Yoga for Diabetes                      1:30 To be announced
      with Peggy Cappy
8:00 Easy Yoga: The Secret                       MORNING
      to Strength and Balance                    8:30  Classical Rewind Experience
      with Peggy Cappy                                 the beauty, romance, and
9:00 Step It Up with Steph:                            dramatic power of musical
      Sleepless Nights                                 masterpieces in this visual
9:30 Conscious Living: Busting                         and auditory joyride through
      Loose in Berlin                                  the world of classical hits.
10:00 Ask This Old House:                        10:00 Agatha and the Truth
      Rethinking a Garden                              of Murder [R]
10:30 Kevin Belton’s Cookin’

                                                                                                                        2021   SEPTEMBER             7
THE GUIDE The Member Magazine for WTTW and WFMT
In the Spotlight

                                                                 Kid Grid

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Photo: Apiciis doluptature, sim utent, quiatemqui si debit
                                                                                                                                                                           Mark Bonnar and Jamie Sives
                                                                                                                               12:00 Agatha and the Curse
                                                                                                                                     of Ishtar Travel to the
                                                                                                                                     deserts of Iraq for an epic
                                                                                                                                     archaeological dig, where
                                                                                                                                     the famous crime writer
                                                                                                                                     unravels a series of mysteri-
                                                   Monday-Friday Mornings                 2:30 Nature Cat                            ous murders. Lyndsey Marshal
                                                                                          3:00 Let’s Go Luna                         stars as Agatha Christie and
                                                     5:30 Wild Kratts                     3:30 Molly of Denali                       Jonah Hauer-King is Max
                                                    6:00 Arthur                           4:00	Xavier Riddle and the                Mallowan, the archaeologist
                                                     6:30 Nature Cat                            Secret Museum                        vying for her affection.
                                                     7:00 Molly of Denali                 4:30 Odd Squad                       2:00 Agatha and the Midnight
                                                     7:30 Hero Elementary                 5:00 Arthur                                Murders See Sat. Sept. 4
                                                    8:00	Xavier Riddle and the                                                      at 9:00 pm. [R]
                                                                                                                               4:00 Corporate Welfare: Where’s
                                                           Secret Museum                 Saturday Mornings                           the Outrage? A Personal
                                                     8:30	Wild Kratts
                                                    9:00 Curious George                   6:00 Molly of Denali                       Exploration by Johan
                                                     9:30 Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood     6:30 Wild Kratts                           Norberg This program
                                                   10:00 Donkey Hodie                     7:00 Hero Elementary                       examines the many ways
                                                                                                                                     government support of big
                                                   10:30 Elinor Wonders Why               7:30	Xavier Riddle and the
                                                                                                                                     business can harm small
                                                    11:00 Sesame Street                         Secret Museum
                                                                                                                                     businesses and com-
                                                    11:30 Pinkalicious                    8:00 Curious George
                                                                                                                                     munities, and often fails to
                                                                                                                                                                         Guilt on Masterpiece
                                                                                          8:30 Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood           meet the intended goal.             “It’s not the crime, it’s the cover-
                                                   Afternoons                                                                  5:00 The Revolutionist: Eugene            up,” goes the old saying. But that
                                                                                         Sunday Mornings                             V. Debs One of the most             doesn’t stop brothers Max and
                                                   12:00   Dinosaur Train                                                            prominent socialists in             Jake, played by Mark Bonnar and
                                                   12:30   Clifford the Big Red Dog       8:00   Donkey Hodie                        American history, Eugene V.         Jamie Sives, from committing
                                                    1:00   Sesame Street                  8:30   Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood         Debs emerged as a passion-          more and more serious crimes
                                                    1:30   Donkey Hodie                   9:00   Curious George                      ate labor leader when he led        to hide their culpability after
                                                    2:00   Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood    9:30   Arthur                              the nationwide Pullman strike       crashing into an elderly pedestrian
                                                                                                                                     in 1894 and later helped es-        during an inebriated drive home
                                                                                                                                     tablish the U.S. Socialist Party.   from a wedding. This new four-
                                                                                                                                     This film explores the political    part “black comedy” is written
                                                                                                                                     legacy of this controversial        and created by Neil Forsyth.
                                                                                                                                     and influential progressive.
                                                                                                                                     Actor Danny Glover narrates.
                                                                                                                                                                         Sundays, September 5
                                                       Elinor Wonders Why                                                      EVENING
                                                                                                                               6:00 Chicago Tonight:
                                                                                                                                                                         and 12, 8:00 pm

                                                                       Mondays-Fridays                                               Black Voices
                                                                                                                               6:30 PBS NewsHour Weekend

                                                                         at 10:30 am                                           7:00 Lucy Worsley’s Royal Myths
                                                                                                                                     & Secrets: Kings George III
                                                                                                                                                                                of legendary Texas songwriter
                                                                                                                                                                                Ray Wylie Hubbard. The veter-
                                                                                                                                     and IV & The Napoleonic War                an troubadour plays favorites
                                                                                                                                     Follow Lucy as she reveals                 and songs from his collabora-
                                                                                                                                     how mental health problems                 tive album Co-starring.
                                                                                                                                     forced King George III to relin-
                                                                                                                                     quish power to his debauched
                                                                                                                                     and extravagant son. Was
                                                                                                                                                                         Monday 6
                                                                                                                                     this really an era of elegance      Labor Day
                                                                                                                                     and regal splendor, or an age
                                                                                                                                     of radicalism and revolution?       EARLY MORNING
                                                                                                                               8:00 Guilt on Masterpiece (Part           12:00 Midsomer Murders: Breaking
                                                                                                                                     1 of 2) Returning intoxicated             the Chain (Part 1 of 2) See
                                                                                                                                     from a wedding, Jake and                  Fri. Sept. 3 at 7:59 pm. [R]
                                                                                                                                     Max run down an old man and         1:00 Midsomer Murders: Breaking
                                                                                                                                     decide to tell no one. Their              the Chain (Part 1 of 2) See
                                                                                                                                     cover-up quickly snowballs in             Fri. Sept. 3 at 8:48 pm. [R]
                                                                                                                                     complexity, as the detec-           2:00 To be announced
                                                                                                                                     tive closes in on damaging
                                                                                                                                     evidence. Sheila adds a             MORNING-AFTERNOON
                                                                                                                                     new wrinkle to the case.            6:00-5:30 WTTW Kids
                                                                                                                               10:00 The Great British Baking            5:30 BBC World News America
                                                                                                                                     Show: Masterclass 4 Watch
                                                                                                                                     Mary and Paul re-create             EVENING
Credit: Courtesy of Pipeline Studios, © SHOE Ink

                                                                                                                                     bakes from the final weeks.         6:00 PBS NewsHour
                                                                                                                                     Paul makes a wheat-free             7:00 Chicago Tonight
                                                                                                                                     crusty rye loaf and sweet           7:30 Haymarket: The Bomb,
                                                                                                                                     and savory pretzels. Mary                The Anarchists, The Labor
                                                                                                                                     makes Sussex Pond pudding                Struggle In this local Labor
                                                                                                                                     and choux pastry religieuse,             Day special, learn what hap-
                                                                                                                                     and puts her own twist on                pened when a Chicago work-
                                                                                                                                     the classic opera cake.                  ers’ protest rally turned deadly
                                                                                                                               11:00 Austin City Limits: Sarah                when a bomb was thrown into
                                                                                                                                     Jarosz/Ray Wylie Hubbard                 the ranks of police in May
                                                                                                                                     Enjoy the roadhouse rock                 of 1886, resulting in a trial and

                                                   8    SEPTEMBER         2021
THE GUIDE The Member Magazine for WTTW and WFMT
In the Spotlight                                                                                                         In the Spotlight
                                          EVENING                                       and extreme, far beyond
                                          6:00 PBS NewsHour                             any practical need?
                                          7:00 Chicago Tonight                    10:00 The Future of Work:
                                          8:00 Frontline: America After 9/11            Futureproof (Part 2 of 3) How
                                                Frontline’s investigative team          can we predict job growth,
                                                reveals the secret history              training needs, and the role
                                                of two decades defined by               of education to prepare for
                                                what happened on that                   the work of the future? What
                                                fateful Tuesday in September            are the challenges and conse-
                                                2001. Drawing on new                    quences of the pandemic and
                                                interviews and one of the               their effects on America’s ra-
                                                richest archives in television,         cial and economic disparities?
                                                this film will reveal how the     11:00 BBC World News
                                                9/11 attacks ushered in an        11:30 Amanpour and Company
                                                era of fear, mistrust, and
                                                division in America, and
                                                how the choices made after
                                                                                  Thursday 9
                                                the attacks reshaped our          EARLY MORNING
                                                world and our democracy.          12:30 Frontline: America
                                          10:00 Native America: Cities of the           After 9/11 See Tues.
                                                Sky (Part 3 of 4) Discover              Sept. 7 at 8:00 pm. [R]
                                                the cosmological secrets          2:30 Native America: Cities of the
                                                behind America’s ancient                Sky (Part 3 of 4) See Tues.
Haymarket: The Bomb,                            cities. Scientists explore              Sept. 7 at 10:00 pm. [R]
                                                                                                                         Frontline: America
The Anarchists,                                 some of the world’s largest       3:30 Antiques Roadshow:                After 9/11
The Labor Struggle                              pyramids and 3D-scan a                  Winterthur Museum, Garden        Frontline’s investigative team reveals
                                                lost city of monumental                 & Library (Part 1 of 3) [R]      the secret history of two decades
In this local Labor Day special,
                                                mounds on the Mississippi         4:30 Chicago Tonight [R]               defined by what happened on
learn what happened when a
                                                River, as native elders reveal                                           that fateful Tuesday in September
Chicago workers’ protest rally                                                    MORNING-AFTERNOON
                                                ancient powers of the sky.                                               2001. Drawing on new interviews
turned deadly when a bomb was
                                          11:00 BBC World News                    5:30-5:30 WTTW Kids                    and one of the richest archives in
thrown into the ranks of police in
                                          11:30 Amanpour and Company              5:30 BBC World News America            television, this film will reveal how
May of 1886, resulting in a trial
and execution of presumably                                                                                              the 9/11 attacks ushered in an
innocent workers’ rights activists.       Wednesday 8                             EVENING
                                                                                  6:00 PBS NewsHour
                                                                                                                         era of fear, mistrust, and division
                                                                                                                         in America, and how the choices
                                          EARLY MORNING
Monday, September 6                                                               7:00 Chicago Tonight                   made after the attacks reshaped
                                          12:30 Haymarket: The Bomb,              8:00 Downton Abbey Season 3            our world and our democracy.
7:30 pm                                         The Anarchists, The                     on Masterpiece (Part 6 of 7)
                                                Labor Struggle See Mon.                 Change arrives in a big way      Tuesday, September 7
                                                Sept. 6 at 7:30 pm. [R]                 for several key characters       8:00 pm
                                          2:00 Antiques Roadshow:                       at Downton Abbey. A yearly
                                                Winterthur Museum, Garden               cricket match with the village

                                                                                                                                                                   Photo: Courtesy of © imageBROKER / Alamy Stock Photo
                                                & Library (Part 1 of 3) See             sees old scores settled
        execution of presumably inno-           Mon. Sept. 6 at 9:00 pm. [R]            and new plots hatched.
        cent workers’ rights activists.   3:00 Lucy Worsley’s Royal               10:30 Secrets of the Royal
9:00    Antiques Roadshow:                      Myths & Secrets: Kings                  Servants Historian Kate
        Winterthur Museum, Garden               George III and IV & The                 Williams illustrates life at
        & Library (Part 1 of 3)                 Napoleonic War [R]                      Buckingham Palace through
        From the stunning grounds         4:00 Rick Steves’ Europe:                     the eyes of those who see the
        of Winterthur Museum,                   Scotland’s Islands [R]                  royals in a way no one else
        Garden & Library, watch a         4:30 Chicago Tonight [R]                      does: the royal servants.
        heartwarming valuation of a                                               11:30 BBC World News
        $125,000 family treasure.         MORNING-AFTERNOON
10:00   POV Shorts: Where I’m From
        Two short films: A Debtor’s
                                          5:30-5:30 WTTW Kids
                                          5:30 BBC World News America
                                                                                  Friday 10
        Prison and Public Money.                                                  EARLY MORNING
11:00   BBC World News                    EVENING                                 12:00 Amanpour and Company
11:30   Amanpour and Company              6:00 PBS NewsHour                       1:00 Nature: Natural Born
                                          7:00 Chicago Tonight                          Rebels – The Mating
Tuesday 7                                 8:00 Nature: Natural Born
                                               Rebels – The Mating Game
                                                                                        Game See Wed. Sept. 8
                                                                                        at 8:00 pm. [R]
EARLY MORNING                                  As this episode of Nature          2:00 NOVA: Extreme Animal                Gunnison’s Prairie Dogs
12:30 Lucy Worsley’s Royal                     reveals, getting ahead in the            Weapons See Wed.
      Myths & Secrets: Kings                   mating game requires some                Sept. 8 at 9:00 pm. [R]
      George III and IV & The                  astonishing behavior from          3:00 The Future of Work:               Nature: Natural
      Napoleonic War See Sun.                  promiscuous prairie dogs,                Futureproof (Part 2 of 3) See
      Sept. 5 at 7:00 pm. [R]                  to backstabbing manakins,                Wed. Sept. 8 at 10:00 pm. [R]
                                                                                                                         Born Rebels -
1:30 Guilt on Masterpiece                      kidnapping macaques,               4:00 Check, Please! Robert’s           The Mating Game
      (Part 1 of 2) See Sun.                   and hyenas with a bad                    Pizza & Dough, Entente,          As this episode of Nature reveals,
      Sept. 5 at 8:00 pm. [R]                  case of sibling rivalry.                 Red Hot Ranch [R]                getting ahead in the mating
3:30 Secrets of the Royal                 9:00 NOVA: Extreme Animal               4:30 Chicago Tonight [R]               game requires some astonishing
      Kitchens See Sun. Sept. 5                Weapons Explore the                                                       behavior from promiscuous prairie
      at 10:00 pm. [R]                         secrets that underlie nature’s     MORNING-AFTERNOON
                                                                                                                         dogs, to backstabbing manakins,
4:30 Chicago Tonight [R]                       battleground. Every animal         5:30-5:30 WTTW Kids                    kidnapping macaques, and hyenas
                                               has some kind of weapon,           5:30 BBC World News America            with a bad case of sibling rivalry.
MORNING-AFTERNOON                              whether claws or horns,
5:30-5:30 WTTW Kids                            fangs or stings. But why           EVENING                                Wednesday, September 8
5:30 BBC World News America                    are some armaments huge            6:00 PBS NewsHour                      8:00 pm
                                                                                                                                   2021    SEPTEMBER           9
THE GUIDE The Member Magazine for WTTW and WFMT
In the Spotlight
                                                                                                              Sunday 12

                                          Photo: Grasshopper Films
                                                                     11:30 Amanpour and Company                                                             400 Black American families
                                                                                                                                                            are being displaced. While
                                                                     Saturday 11                              EARLY MORNING
                                                                                                              12:40 9/11 Inside the Pentagon
                                                                                                                                                            their neighborhood is literally
                                                                                                                                                            being torn apart, residents
                                                                     EARLY MORNING                                  On September 11, 2001,                  maintain friendships and
                                                                     12:30 Firing Line with                         Flight 77 slammed into the              traditions while fighting for
                                                                           Margaret Hoover                          Pentagon, killing 184 people.           respect and compensation
                                                                     1:00 The Chavis Chronicles                     What happened behind                    they deserve. Through their
                                                                     1:30 Great Performances:                       the walls of the Pentagon               experiences, the film weaves a
                                                                           Yannick – An Artist’s Journey            is a largely untold chapter             complex story about the con-
                                                                           See Fri. Sept. 3 at 9:35 pm. [R]         in history. 20 years later,             tinued expropriation of Black
                                                                     3:30 Austin City Limits:                       survivors and first responders          wealth and the strength of lo-
                                                                           Sarah Jarosz/Ray                         shed light on that tragic day.          cal, grassroots resistance.
                                                                           Wylie Hubbard See Sun.             1:40 Midsomer Murders: A Dying
                                                                           Sept. 5 at 11:00 pm. [R]                 Art (Part 1 of 2) See Fri.        EVENING
                                                                     4:30 Samantha Brown’s Places to                Sept. 10 at 7:59 pm. [R]          6:00 Chicago Tonight:
                                                                           Love: Budapest, Hungary [R]        2:30 Midsomer Murders: A Dying               Black Voices
                                                                     5:00 Chicago Tonight: The                      Art (Part 2 of 2) See Fri.        6:30 PBS NewsHour Weekend
                                                                           Week in Review [R]                       Sept. 10 at 8:47 pm. [R]          7:00 Lucy Worsley’s Royal Myths
     Deborah Payne                                                   5:30 Happy Yoga with Sarah               3:30 The Future of Work:                     & Secrets: The Romanovs &
                                                                           Starr: Island Sunset                     Futureproof (Part 2 of 3) [R]          The Russian Revolution Join
                                                                                                                                                           Lucy as she explores how
                                                                     MORNING                                  MORNING                                      the spontaneous February
America ReFramed:                                                    6:00-9:00 WTTW Kids                      4:30-8:00 To be announced                    1917 popular uprising was
The Area                                                             9:00 Step It Up with Steph:              8:00-11:00 WTTW Kids                         the real Russian revolution
When Deborah Payne discovered                                              Balancing Act                      11:00 Pritzker Military Presents             that swept the Czar from
that her neighborhood was being                                      9:30 Conscious Living:                         Sergeant Major of the                  power, not the famed October
demolished to make way for a freight                                       Escape to Bali                           Army Michael Grinston is               event in the history books.
yard, she vowed to be “the last                                      10:00 Ask This Old House:                      the Army Chief of Staff’s         8:00 Guilt on Masterpiece (Part 2
house standing.” This film follows the                                     Spring Projects – Paint,                 personal adviser on matters            of 2) Spurred by Angie, Jake
five-year odyssey of a South Side                                          Prune, Spigots                           affecting the enlisted force,          probes Max’s control of his
Chicago community, highlighting                                      10:30 Kevin Belton’s                           and travels throughout the             finances. Jake also grows
the continued expropriation                                                Cookin’ Louisiana                        Army to observe training               suspicious of Angie. Roy
of Black wealth and the strength                                     11:00 Lidia’s Kitchen                          and interact with soldiers             tightens the screws on Max by
of local, grassroots resistance.                                     11:30 Flavor of Poland: Warsaw                 and their families.
                                                                                                              11:30 Lives Well Lived
Sunday, September 12                                                 AFTERNOON                                      Encompassing more than
5:00 pm                                                              12:00 Cook’s Country:                          3,000 years of experience,        In the Spotlight
                                                                           Tacos Two Ways                           forty people aged 75 to

                                                                                                                                                                                              Photo: Courtesy of National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution
                                                                     12:30 Steven Raichlen’s Project                100 years old share their
                                                                           Fire: Sustainable Seafood                secrets and insights to
                                                                     1:00 Simply Ming                               living a meaningful life.
7:00  Chicago Tonight: The                                           1:30 Sara’s Weeknight Meals:
      Week in Review                                                       Amalfi Lemons                      AFTERNOON
7:30 Washington Week                                                 2:00 America’s Test Kitchen              12:30 To be announced
7:59 Midsomer Murders: A                                                   from Cook’s Illustrated:           2:00 Great Performances at
      Dying Art (Part 1 of 2) Art                                          Italian Classics                         the Met: Sonya Yoncheva
      comes to the picturesque                                       2:30 America’s Test Kitchen                    in Concert The soprano
      Midsomer village of Angel’s                                          from Cook’s Illustrated                  performs in this special
      Rise with the opening of a                                     3:00 Christopher Kimball’s                     concert recorded in February
      new sculpture park. But                                              Milk Street Television                   2021 at the Baroque Library
      when its launch is marred by                                   3:30 Pati’s Mexican Table                      in Schussenried Cloister in
      murder, DCI Barnaby and DS                                     4:00 A Chef’s Life:                            southwest Germany accompa-
      Nelson have to get creative                                          Turnips – The Roots                      nied by Julien Quentin on
      to crack the case where art                                    4:30 Check, Please! Giant,                     piano. The program includes
      imitates death, and everything                                       Blossom Café, Saucy Porka                arias from Verdi’s Aida and Il
      has a deeper meaning.                                          5:00 Rick Steves’ Europe:                      Trovatore; Puccini’s Madama
8:47 Midsomer Murders:                                                     Glasgow and Scottish                     Butterfly, La Bohème, and the
      A Dying Art (Part 2 of 2)                                            Passions                                 rarely performed Le Villi.
                                                                                                                                                        Sandra Day O’Connor
9:30 Sweet Home Chicago Blues:                                       5:30 Samantha Brown’s Places             3:00 Great Performances:
      Celebrating 50 Years of                                              to Love: The Florida                     Leonard Bernstein Mass
      Alligator Records This                                               Keys and Key West                        Enjoy Ravinia Festival’s pro-
      once-in-a-lifetime concert                                                                                    duction of Leonard Bernstein’s
                                                                                                                                                      Sandra Day O’Connor:
      features performances from                                     EVENING                                        theater piece starring Tony       The First – American
      four of Alligator Records’                                     6:00 Chicago Tonight:                          Award-winning baritone            Experience
      most popular artists: Billy                                          Latino Voices                            Paulo Szot and featuring the
      Branch and the Sons of                                         6:30 PBS NewsHour Weekend                      Chicago Symphony Orchestra.       During her 25 years on the Supreme
      Blues, Grammy-nominated                                        7:00 Frontline: America                        Marin Alsop conducts.             Court, O’Connor was the critical
      vocalist Shemekia Copeland,                                          After 9/11 [R]                     5:00 America ReFramed: The              swing vote on cases involving
      slide guitarist Lil’ Ed Williams,                              9:00 Great Performances at the                 Area When Deborah Payne           some of the 20th century’s most
      and guitarist and songwriter                                         Met: Verdi’s Requiem - The               discovered that her neighbor-     controversial issues, and she was
      Toronzo Cannon. The label’s                                          Met Remembers 9/11                       hood was being demolished         the tiebreaker on Bush v. Gore. Forty
      founder and president Bruce                                    10:40 Generation 9/11 [R]                      to make way for a freight yard,   years after her confirmation, explore
      Iglauer hosts, sharing                                                                                        she vowed to be “the last         the story of a pioneering woman who
      behind-the-scenes stories                                                                                     house standing.” This is the      both reflected and shaped an era.
      about discovering Chicago’s                                                                                   story of the five-year odyssey    Monday, September 13
      brightest blues stars.                                                                                        of her South Side Chicago
11:00 BBC World News                                                                                                community, where more than        9:00 pm

10      SEPTEMBER       2021
In the Spotlight

                                                                                                                                                                                                         Photo: Johan Persson
      threatening Jake. With facts                                                      Winterthur Museum, Garden               encoded in Aztec manuscript,
      surrounding Walter’s death                                                        & Library (Part 2 of 3) Finds           and a grass bridge in the
      increasingly in question, Max                                                     include Stephen King first              Andes that spans mountains
      risks all to come out on top.                                                     editions from 1974-1977, an             and centuries of time.
10:00 The Great British Baking                                                          Ilya Schor silver plate, and      11:00 BBC World News
      Show: Masterclass 1 Learn                                                         a Louis Comfort Tiffany oil,      11:30 Amanpour and Company
      from Mary how to make                                                             circa 1870. Which is valued
      classic Madeira cake and
      frosted walnut cake. Paul
                                                                                        at $100,000-$150,000?
                                                                                  9:00 Sandra Day O’Connor: The
                                                                                                                          Wednesday 15
      makes hazelnut and orange                                                         First – American Experience       EARLY MORNING
      biscotti and technically tricky                                                   When Ronald Reagan                12:30 Antiques Roadshow:
      arlettes. Mary closes the                                                         nominated Sandra Day                    Winterthur Museum, Garden
      show with the retro clas-                                                         O’Connor as the Supreme                 & Library (Part 2 of 3) See
      sic Black Forest gateau.                                                          Court’s first female justice            Mon. Sept. 13 at 8:00 pm. [R]
11:00 Austin City Limits: The                                                           in 1981, the announcement         1:30 Sandra Day O’Connor:
      Very Best of John Prine                                                           dominated the news. During              The First – American
      Savor an hour of stirring                                                         her 25 years on the Supreme             Experience See Mon.
      performances from the late                                                        Court, O’Connor was the                 Sept. 13 at 9:00 pm. [R]
      singer/songwriter John Prine’s                                                    critical swing vote on cases      3:30 Lucy Worsley’s Royal Myths
      episodes of Austin City Limits.                                                   involving some of the 20th              & Secrets: The Romanovs &          Ashley Shaw
                                                                                        century’s most controversial            The Russian Revolution See
Monday 13                                                                               issues, and she was the
                                                                                        tiebreaker on Bush v. Gore.
                                                                                                                                Sun. Sept. 12 at 7:00 pm. [R]
                                                                                                                          4:30 Chicago Tonight [R]
EARLY MORNING                                                                           Forty years after her confir-
                                                                                                                                                                 Great Performances:
12:00 To be announced                                                                   mation, explore the story of a    MORNING-AFTERNOON                      The Red Shoes
                                                                                        pioneering woman who both         5:30-5:30 WTTW Kids                    Experience Hans Christian
MORNING-AFTERNOON                                                                       reflected and shaped an era.      5:30 BBC World News America            Andersen’s dark fairytale from
6:00-5:30 WTTW Kids                                                               11:00 BBC World News                                                           acclaimed director-choreographer
5:30 BBC World News America                                                       11:30 Amanpour and Company              EVENING
                                                                                                                                                                 Matthew Bourne with this
                                                                                                                          6:00 PBS NewsHour                      Olivier Award-winning stage
6:00 PBS NewsHour
                                                                                  Tuesday 14                              7:00 Chicago Tonight
                                                                                                                          8:00 Nature: Remarkable Rabbits
                                                                                                                                                                 adaptation starring Ashley
                                                                                                                                                                 Shaw, Adam Cooper, Dominic
7:00 Chicago Tonight                                                              EARLY MORNING                                 There are more than 100          North, and Michaela Meazza.
8:00 Antiques Roadshow:                                                           12:30 Lucy Worsley’s Royal Myths              domestic and wild kinds
                                                                                        & Secrets: The Romanovs &               of rabbits and hares, from       Friday, September 17
                                                                                        The Russian Revolution See              snowshoe hares to Flemish        9:30 pm
                                                                                        Sun. Sept. 12 at 7:00 pm. [R]           giants. Despite their remark-
In the Spotlight                                                                  1:30 Guilt on Masterpiece                     able ability to reproduce,
                                                                                        (Part 2 of 2) See Sun.                  many wild rabbits are in
                                        Photo: Paul Mailman for Frontline (PBS)

                                                                                        Sept. 12 at 8:00 pm. [R]                danger of being eradicated.      3:30   Austin City Limits: The Very
                                                                                  3:30 Lives Well Lived See Sun.          9:00 NOVA: Bat Superpowers                    Best of John Prine See Sun.
                                                                                        Sept. 12 at 11:30 am. [R]               The bat is at the top of the            Sept. 12 at 11:00 pm. [R]
                                                                                  4:30 Chicago Tonight [R]                      COVID-19 contamination           4:30   Chicago Tonight [R]
                                                                                                                                chain, but also the object
                                                                                  MORNING-AFTERNOON                             of fantasies. A consortium       MORNING-AFTERNOON
                                                                                  5:30-5:30 WTTW Kids                           of international research-       5:30-5:30 WTTW Kids
                                                                                  5:30 BBC World News America                   ers is trying to unravel         5:30 BBC World News America
                                                                                                                                the secrets of this little
                                                                                  EVENING                                       animal’s superpowers, and        EVENING
                                                                                  6:00 PBS NewsHour                             determine whether they are       6:00 PBS NewsHour
                                                                                  7:00 Chicago Tonight                          transposable to humans.          7:00 Chicago Tonight
                                                                                  8:00 Finding Your Roots:                10:00 The Future of Work:              8:00 Downton Abbey Season 3
                                                                                        Grandparents and Other                  Changing Work, Changing                on Masterpiece (Part 7
                                                                                        Strangers Host Henry Louis              Workers (Part 3 of 3) Do               of 7) The Crawleys head to
                                                                                        Gates, Jr. helps actor Andy             businesses need offices? Is            a Scottish hunting lodge,
                                                                                        Samberg and author George               a 9-5 workday valid? Does              while the downstairs staff
                                                                                        R. R. Martin solve some                 the nation need a drastic              stays behind at Downton
                                                                                        family mysteries when DNA               rethinking of the social               Abbey. New romances flare
                                                                                        detective work uncovers new             safety nets? Does America              up and a crisis unfolds.
                                                                                        branches of their family trees.         face a “post-work” era, or       10:10 Secrets of the Royal Jewels
                                                                                  9:00 Frontline: Boeing’s Fatal                increased inequities in how            Take a close look at the
                                                                                        Flaw Frontline conducts an              we make our livings?                   tiaras, earrings, rings, and
Frontline: Boeing’s                                                                     investigation of Boeing’s         11:00 BBC World News                         neckpieces that make up the
Fatal Flaw                                                                              flawed 737 Max jet and            11:30 Amanpour and Company                   royal collection, and hear the
Frontline conducts an investigation                                                     the crashes that killed 346                                                    incredible stories behind them.
of Boeing’s flawed 737 Max                                                              people. With The New York
                                                                                        Times, revealing the commer-
                                                                                                                          Thursday 16                            11:00 BBC World News
                                                                                                                                                                 11:30 Amanpour and Company
jet and the crashes that killed
                                                                                        cial pressures, flawed design,    EARLY MORNING
346 people. With The New
York Times, revealing the                                                               and failed oversight behind
                                                                                        the creation of Boeing’s
                                                                                                                          12:30 Finding Your Roots:
                                                                                                                                Grandparents and Other
                                                                                                                                                                 Friday 17
commercial pressures, flawed
                                                                                        fastest selling plane.                  Strangers See Tues.              EARLY MORNING
design, and failed oversight
behind the creation of Boeing’s                                                   10:00 Native America: New                     Sept. 14 at 8:00 pm. [R]         12:30 Nature: Remarkable
fastest selling plane.                                                                  World Rising (Part 4 of 4)        1:30 Frontline: Boeing’s                     Rabbits See Wed.
                                                                                        Discover how resistance,                Fatal Flaw See Tues.                   Sept. 15 at 8:00 pm. [R]
Tuesday, September 14                                                                   survival, and revival are               Sept. 14 at 9:00 pm. [R]         1:30 NOVA: Bat Superpowers See
9:00 pm                                                                                 revealed through an empire        2:30 Native America: New World               Wed. Sept. 15 at 9:00 pm. [R]
                                                                                        of horse-mounted Comanche               Rising (Part 4 of 4) See Tues.   2:30 The Future of Work:
                                                                                        warriors, secret messages               Sept. 14 at 10:00 pm. [R]              Changing Work, Changing

                                                                                                                                                                          2021   SEPTEMBER          11
In the Spotlight

                                        Photo: Courtesy of Field Studio
                                                                                director-choreographer                 Offered Fallacy Relieved                     of Raul Julia, the charismatic,
                                                                                Matthew Bourne with this               to finally have a client,                    award-winning actor and
                                                                                Olivier Award-winning stage            Frank and Lu visit Emelia                    humanitarian known for
                                                                                adaptation starring Ashley             Merchant about her missing                   versatile roles on stage and
                                                                                Shaw, Adam Cooper, Dominic             husband, but she seems to                    screen, from Shakespearean
                                                                                North, and Michaela Meazza.            think they’ve met before.                    plays to The Addams Family.
                                                                          11:30 BBC World News                   9:00 Death in Paradise Jack faces           3:30   How the Monuments Came
                                                                                                                       a life-changing decision while               Down In the summer of 2020,
                                                                          Saturday 18                                  investigating the murder of a
                                                                                                                       man found dead in a boat.
                                                                                                                                                                    demonstrators filled the
                                                                                                                                                                    streets to protest against
                                                                          EARLY MORNING                          10:00 Guilt on Masterpiece                         systemic racism in response
                                                                          12:00 Amanpour and Company                   (Part 2 of 2) [R]                            to the murder of George
                                                                          1:00 Firing Line with                                                                     Floyd. This documen-
                                                                                Margaret Hoover
                                                                          1:30 The Chavis Chronicles
                                                                                                                 Sunday 19                                          tary reveals the historic roots
                                                                                                                                                                    of white supremacy and Black
                                                                          2:00 Great Performances:               EARLY MORNING                                      resistance in Richmond,
                                                                                Leonard Bernstein Mass See       12:00 To be announced                              Virginia, uncovering how
                                                                                Sun. Sept. 12 at 3:00 pm. [R]                                                       Confederate monuments
                                                                          4:00 Great Performances at             MORNING                                            came to shape the city’s
 Christy Coleman                                                                the Met: Sonya Yoncheva          10:00 America’s Test Kitchen                       landscape and why protestors
                                                                                in Concert [R]                         from Cook’s Illustrated                      demanded they come down.
                                                                          5:00 Chicago Tonight: The              10:33 America’s Test Kitchen                5:00   In Their Own Words:
                                                                                Week in Review [R]                     from Cook’s Illustrated:                     Muhammad Ali Follow
How the Monuments                                                         5:30 Happy Yoga with Sarah                   The Chicken or the Egg?                      Muhammad Ali’s path
Came Down                                                                       Starr: Peaceful Wood Glen              Hosts Bridget Lancaster and                  from a gym in Louisville to
In the summer of 2020,                                                                                                 Julia Collin Davison make                    boxing successes, conver-
                                                                          MORNING                                      the best Charcoal-Grilled                    sion to Islam, opposition
demonstrators filled the streets
to protest against systemic                                               6:00-9:00 WTTW Kids                          Barbecued Chicken Kebabs.                    to the draft, exile from
racism in response to the murder                                          9:00 Step It Up with Steph:                  Tasting expert Jack Bishop                   the ring, comeback fights,
of George Floyd. This documentary                                               Weight Loss Right Now                  challenges Julia to a tasting                Parkinson’s disease, and his
reveals the historic roots of white                                       9:30 Conscious Living: The                   of sparkling water, and test                 inspirational re-emergence
supremacy and Black resistance                                                  Many Faces of the Divine               cook Elle Simone makes                       at the Atlanta Olympics.
in Richmond, Virginia, uncovering                                         10:00 Ask This Old House:                    simple Curry Deviled Eggs.
                                                                                Ultimate Garage Workshop         11:06 America’s Test Kitchen from           EVENING
how Confederate monuments
came to shape the city’s                                                  10:30 Kevin Belton’s                         Cook’s Illustrated: Mexican           6:00 Chicago Tonight:
landscape and why protestors                                                    Cookin’ Louisiana                      Comfort Food Test cook                      Black Voices
demanded they come down.                                                  11:00 Lidia’s Kitchen                        Erin McMurrer shows Julia a           6:30 PBS NewsHour Weekend
                                                                          11:30 Flavor of Poland: Rzeszow              simplified recipe for Ground          7:00 Muhammad Ali Round One:
Sunday, September 19                                                                                                   Beef and Cheese Enchiladas.                 The Greatest (1942-1964)
3:30 pm                                                                                                                Tasting expert Jack Bishop                  Boxer Cassius Clay rises
                                                                          12:00 Cook’s Country:                        challenges Bridget to a tasting             up the amateur ranks to win
                                                                                Tacos Two Ways                         of 6-inch flour tortillas. Finally,         gold at the 1960 Olympics.
                                                                          12:30 Steven Raichlen’s                      test cook Keith Dresser                     He turns professional,
                                                                                Project Fire: Social                   reveals the secrets to perfect              sharpening his boxing skills
       Workers (Part of 3) See Wed.                                             Distance Tailgating                    Grilled Flank Steak Tacos.                  and honing his genius for self-
       Sept. 15 at 10:00 pm. [R]                                          1:00 Simply Ming                       11:39 America’s Test Kitchen                      promotion. In 1964, he upsets
3:30   America ReFramed: The                                              1:30 Sara’s Weeknight Meals:                 from Cook’s Illustrated:                    Sonny Liston to become
       Area See Sun. Sept. 12                                                   Costa Brava Tapas                      Summer Picnic Party Test                    heavyweight champion.
       at 5:00 pm. [R]                                                    2:00 America’s Test Kitchen                  cook Dan Souza and Julia              9:30 Muhammad Ali Round One:
4:30   Chicago Tonight [R]                                                      from Cook’s Illustrated:               demonstrate how to make                     The Greatest (1942-1964) [R]
                                                                                New Flavors on the Grill               the ultimate Grilled Chicken          11:30 In Their Own Words:
MORNING-AFTERNOON                                                         2:30 America’s Test Kitchen                  Thighs. Tasting expert Jack                 Muhammad Ali [R]
5:30-5:30 WTTW Kids                                                             from Cook’s Illustrated                Bishop then challenges
5:30 BBC World News America                                               3:00 Christopher Kimball’s
                                                                                Milk Street Television
                                                                                                                       Bridget to a fresh mozzarella
                                                                                                                       tasting, and gadget critic Lisa
                                                                                                                                                             Monday 20
EVENING                                                                   3:30 Pati’s Mexican Table                    McManus reviews popsicle              EARLY MORNING
6:00 PBS NewsHour                                                         4:00 A Chef’s Life: Turnips –                molds. Next, test cook Keith          12:00 Father Brown: The
7:00 Chicago Tonight: The                                                       The Greens                             Dresser makes Bridget a                     Queen Bee See Sat.
     Week in Review                                                       4:30 Check, Please! Go 4 Food,               foolproof Italian Pasta Salad.              Sept. 18 at 7:00 pm. [R]
7:30 Washington Week                                                            Dos Ricco’s, Tied House                                                      1:00 Shakespeare & Hathaway –
7:59 Midsomer Murders: Saints                                             5:00 Kitchenistas This Latina-led      AFTERNOON                                         Private Investigators: The
     and Sinners (Part 1 of 2)                                                  movement works to raise          12:12 America’s Test Kitchen                      Offered Fallacy See Sat.
     The discovery of a Saint’s                                                 the health, wellbeing, and             from Cook’s Illustrated                     Sept. 18 at 8:00 pm. [R]
     bones at an archaeological                                                 resilience of the community,     12:45 America’s Test Kitchen                2:00 Death in Paradise See Sat.
     dig causes a stir in the village                                           revealing how a range of small         from Cook’s Illustrated                     Sept. 18 at 9:00 pm. [R]
     of Midsomer Cicely. But                                                    advocacy actions over time       1:18  America’s Test Kitchen                3:00 Great Performances:
     when the leader of the dig                                                 leads to big changes.                  from Cook’s Illustrated:                    The Red Shoes See Fri.
     is murdered, DCI Barnaby                                                                                          Childhood Favorites, Grown                  Sept. 17 at 9:30 pm. [R]
     and DS Nelson soon realize                                           EVENING                                      Up Elle Simone shows Bridget
     that it’s not only skeletons                                         6:00 Chicago Tonight:                        a new way to make Classic             MORNING-AFTERNOON
     that have been long buried                                                Latino Voices                           Sloppy Joes. Equipment                5:00-5:30 WTTW Kids
     in the hallowed ground.                                              6:30 PBS NewsHour Weekend                    expert Adam Ried reviews              5:30 BBC World News America
8:47 Midsomer Murders: Saints                                             7:00 Father Brown: The                       kitchen sponges, and science
     and Sinners (Part 2 of 2)                                                 Queen Bee Father Brown                  expert Dan Souza explains             EVENING
9:30 Great Performances: The                                                   investigates the mysterious             why cookie size matters.              6:00 PBS NewsHour
     Red Shoes Experience Hans                                                 death of a beekeeper.             2:00 Raul Julia: The World’s a              7:00 Chicago Tonight
     Christian Andersen’s dark                                            8:00 Shakespeare & Hathaway –                Stage – American Masters              8:00 Muhammad Ali Round
     fairytale from acclaimed                                                  Private Investigators: The              Discover the life and career               Two: What’s My Name?

12     SEPTEMBER        2021
In the Spotlight
                                                                                                                          In the Spotlight

                                                                                                                                                                 Photo: Courtesy of Michael Gaffney
      (1964-1970) Cassius Clay                   (1974-2016) [R]                    11:30 BBC World News
                                                                                                                            Muhammad Ali talks
      publicly joins the Nation
                                                                                                                            with the press
      of Islam and takes the name
      Muhammad Ali. When he
                                          Thursday 23                               Saturday 25
      refuses induction into the          EARLY MORNING                             EARLY MORNING
      Army, he is stripped of his title   12:00 BBC World News                      12:00 Amanpour and Company
      and forced into exile. After        12:30 Amanpour and Company                1:00 Firing Line with
      three years, he returns to the      1:30 Muhammad Ali Round Three:                  Margaret Hoover
      ring, but he’s lost a step.               The Rivalry (1970-1974) [R]         1:30 The Chavis Chronicles
10:00 Muhammad Ali Round                  3:30 Midsomer Murders: Saints             2:00 Raul Julia: The World’s
      Two: What’s My Name?                      and Sinners (Part 2 of 2) See             a Stage – American
      (1964-1970) [R]                           Fri. Sept. 17 at 8:47 pm. [R]             Masters See Sun. Sept. 19
                                          4:30 Chicago Tonight [R]                        at 2:00 pm. [R]
Tuesday 21                                MORNING-AFTERNOON
                                                                                    3:30 How the Monuments
                                                                                          Came Down See Sun.
EARLY MORNING                             5:30-5:30 WTTW Kids                             Sept. 19 at 3:30 pm. [R]
12:00 BBC World News                      5:30 BBC World News America               5:00 Chicago Tonight: The
12:30 Amanpour and Company                                                                Week in Review [R]
1:30 Muhammad Ali Round One:              EVENING                                   5:30 Happy Yoga with Sarah
      The Greatest (1942-1964) [R]        6:00 PBS NewsHour                               Starr: Ocean Mist
4:00 Chicago Tonight:                     7:00 Chicago Tonight
      Black Voices [R]                    8:00 Downton Abbey Season 4 on            MORNING
4:30 Chicago Tonight [R]                        Masterpiece (Part 1 of 8) Six       6:00-9:00 WTTW Kids
                                                months after Matthew’s death,       9:00 Step It Up with Steph:
                                                                                                                          Muhammad Ali:
MORNING-AFTERNOON                               family and servants try to                Working From Home               A Film by Ken Burns
5:30-5:30 WTTW Kids                             cure Mary and Isobel of their       9:30 Conscious Living:                This four-part film follows the
5:30 BBC World News America                     deep depression. Meanwhile,               Ready, Set, Go!                 life of a three-time heavyweight
                                                O’Brien causes a final crisis.      10:00 Ask This Old House:             boxing champion who captivated
EVENING                                   10:30 Henry Louis Gates, Jr.:                   Kitchen Upgrades                the world with his combination
6:00 PBS NewsHour                               Uncovering America                  10:30 Kevin Belton’s                  of speed, agility, and power in
7:00 Chicago Tonight                            Courtney B. Vance hosts this              Cookin’ Louisiana               the ring, and his charm, wit, and
8:00 Muhammad Ali Round Three:                  celebration of the renowned,        11:00 Lidia’s Kitchen                 outspokenness outside of it. At the
      The Rivalry (1970-1974)                   respected, and popular histo-       11:30 Flavor of Poland: Bialystok     height of his fame, Ali challenged
      Muhammad Ali battles his                  rian, author, and filmmaker.                                              Americans’ racial prejudices and
      fiercest rival Joe Frazier,                                                   AFTERNOON
                                                                                                                          religious biases, and inspired
      and the U.S. government, as
      he attempts to regain the
                                          Friday 24                                 12:00 Cook’s Country:
                                                                                          Tacos Two Ways
                                                                                                                          people worldwide with his message
                                                                                                                          of pride and self-affirmation.
      heavyweight title. He first         EARLY MORNING                             12:30 Steven Raichlen’s Project
      loses to and then defeats           12:00 BBC World News                            Fire: Little Italy              Sunday, September 19
      Frazier, but to become              12:30 Amanpour and Company                1:00 Simply Ming                      7:00 pm
      champion again, he will have        1:30 Muhammad Ali Round                   1:30 Sara’s Weeknight Meals:
      to beat George Foreman.                   Four: The Spell Remains                   Paella in Spain                 Monday-Wednesday,
10:00 Muhammad Ali Round Three:                 (1974-2016) [R]                     2:00 America’s Test Kitchen           September 20-22
      The Rivalry (1970-1974) [R]         3:30 In Their Own Words:                        from Cook’s Illustrated:
                                                Muhammad Ali See Sun.                     Latin Summer Favorites          8:00 pm
Wednesday 22                                    Sept. 19 at 5:00 pm. [R]
                                          4:30 Chicago Tonight [R]
                                                                                    2:30 America’s Test Kitchen
                                                                                          from Cook’s Illustrated
EARLY MORNING                                                                       3:00 Christopher Kimball’s
12:00 BBC World News                      MORNING-AFTERNOON                               Milk Street Television
12:30 Amanpour and Company                5:30-5:30 WTTW Kids                       3:30 Pati’s Mexican Table                   for when investigating the
1:30 Muhammad Ali Round                   5:30 BBC World News America               4:00 A Chef’s Life: Chicken Lickin          mysterious death of a young
      Two: What’s My Name?                                                          4:30 Check, Please! Steak 48,               woman at the unveiling of a
      (1964-1970) [R]                     EVENING                                         Chez Moi, Nella Pizza E Pasta         luxury timeshare resort.
3:30 Midsomer Murders: Saints             6:00 PBS NewsHour                         5:00 Rick Steves’ Europe:             10:00 Voces on PBS: The Pushouts
      and Sinners (Part 1 of 2) See       7:00 Chicago Tonight: The                       Austrian and Italian Alps             Meet Victor Rios, a high
      Fri. Sept. 17 at 7:59 pm. [R]            Week in Review                       5:30 PBS NewsHour Weekend                   school dropout and former
4:30 Chicago Tonight [R]                  7:30 Washington Week                                                                  gang member-turned-award-
                                          8:00 Midsomer Murders: Harvest            EVENING                                     winning professor, author,
MORNING-AFTERNOON                              of Souls (Part 1 of 2) The           6:00 Chicago Tonight:                       and expert who works with
5:30-5:30 WTTW Kids                            annual harvest fair and the               Latino Voices                          young people who have been
5:30 BBC World News America                    daredevil riders of the Wall         6:30 Chicago Tonight:                       “pushed out” of school for
                                               of Death come to Midsomer                 Black Voices                           reasons beyond their control.
EVENING                                        village. When the owner              7:00 Father Brown: The Scales         11:00 Voces on PBS: Adios
6:00 PBS NewsHour                              of an equestrian center is                of Justice Father Brown                Amor – The Search for
7:00 Chicago Tonight                           trampled by his horse, DCI                races to save Bunty from               Maria Moreno The discovery
8:00 Muhammad Ali Round Four:                  Barnaby and DS Nelson                     the hangman’s noose when               of lost photographs sparks a
      The Spell Remains (1974-                 have to unravel a complex                 she is tried for murder.               search for Maria Moreno, an
      2016) Muhammad Ali shocks                feud from the past, where            8:00 Shakespeare & Hathaway –               eloquent migrant mother of 12
      the world by defeating George            nothing is what it seems.                 Private Investigators:                 who became an outspoken
      Foreman, winning back the           8:44 Midsomer Murders: Harvest                 Nothing Will Come                      leader for farmworker rights.
      heavyweight title and becom-             of Souls (Part 2 of 2)                    of Nothing Compulsive
      ing the most famous man on
      earth. After retiring in 1981, he
                                          9:32 Sammy Davis, Jr.: American
                                               Masters Explore the
                                                                                         gambler Lorenzo Foyle disap-
                                                                                         pears, and Lorenzo’s pregnant
                                                                                                                          Sunday 26
      travels the world spreading his          entertainer’s vast talent and             wife Ava approaches Frank        EARLY MORNING
      Islamic faith, and becomes a             journey for identity through              and Lu, desperate to find him.   12:00 Henry Louis Gates, Jr.:
      symbol of peace and hope.                the shifting tides of civil rights   9:00 Death in Paradise New                  Uncovering America
10:00 Muhammad Ali Round                       and racial progress during                arrival DI Neville Parker gets         See Thurs. Sept. 23
      Four: The Spell Remains                  20th-century America.                     more than he bargained                 at 10:30 pm. [R]

                                                                                                                                   2021      SEPTEMBER      13
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