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Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation; 32(3)
                                                                   ISSN 2651-4451 | e-ISSN 2651-446X

                   TWO CROPS OF 2020-2021

                                     Nguyen Van Chuong1, Le Ngoc Tuan2
                Department of Crop Science, Faculty of Agricultural, 2 Master student of crop science
           An Giang University, Vietnam-Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam, 18 Ung
                      Van Khiem St., Long Xuyen city, An Giang province 880000, Vietnam


    The aim. Overuse of inorganic fertilizers has significantly been its negative effects on the soil health,
    environment and crop yield. Co-appliation of cow manure, lime and mineral organic fertilizer (Vian), which
    has been organic fertilizer sources replaced to reduce the use of inorganic fertilizers, environmental pollution
    and ensure sustainable crop production in agriculture.Materials and methods.This studyevaluate the effects of
    lime, cow manure, Vian with inorganic fertilizers on the growth and yield of rice. A field experiment, which
    was executed during two crops of 2020-2021 in ChauThanh district, An Giang province included the NPK
    application (85kgN-45 kgP2O5 -45 kgK2O per ha) of four treatments with four replications for both crops. In
    the Winter-spring (crop1), different rates of lime, Vian and cow manure were applied by the control-T1 (0),
    T2 (500 kg CaO/ ha), T3 (320 kg Vian/ ha) and T4 (10 tons cow manure per ha). On the prior experimental
    sites of Winter-Spring crop were laid by the NPK application four treatments in the Summer-summer-autumn
    crop (crop 2). Results. Co-application of cow manure, Vian as well as lime with NPK raised positive effects
    on yield composition, quality and yield of rice Jasmine85 in the crop 2.The amendment of 10 tons cow manure
    with 85 kgN - 45 kgP2O5 - 45 kgK2O per ha was maximum values of yield components, yields, grain protein,
    grain lipide of rice in crop 2. The rice Jasmine85 yield of the cow manure combined with NPK treatment
    raised24.5% compared to the NPK treatment in crop 2. Conclusions. The effect of cow manure was clearly
    showned after one rice crop and lime has been remained until crop 2.The further studies of different lime ratios
    with different organic fertilizers are carried out to draw valid conclusions.

    Keywords: Cow manure, lime, Vian, rice Jasmine85, yield. nutrient uptake.

                                                I.    INTRODUCTION
The continuous flooding cultivation of rice has led to soil degradation, increased plant diseases and rice yield.The
crop intensification and increase of rice, which has been one of the reasons for reducing the soil fertility, increasing
pathogens and weeds reduced the quality and productivity of rice (Thuc et al., 2021).Although inorganic fertilizers
used to raise the level of nutrients in the soil. The nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium nutrients, which required
for plant growth have applied to the soil in the form of chemical fertilizers. However, There are significantly
disadvantages of inorganic fertilizers compared to naturally organic fertilizers. It produced several acids (HCl,
H2SO4) that reduced soil pH and soil porosity(Ning et al., 2017).

Organic amendments, which have been a positive method to optimize the use of inorganic fertilizers in rice
cultivation decreased pathogens, pests and weeds and increased soil fertility and rice yield (Bolan and Duraisamy,
2015).The organic fertilizers, which content the high organic matter and nutritional elements improve the physical
and chemical properties of the soil. It can also improve the biological and biochemical properties of the soil and
optimize the microbial community in the soil structure (Mitu et al., 2017).the toxicity of aluminum and iron that
restricts the plant growth exists on acidic soils. Co-application of lime and manure fertilizers, which both increases
soil pH and decreases Absorption of heavy metals from the soil to plants helps the well plant growth and high yield
(Chuong et al., 2021; Mitu et al., 2017). This study, the incorporation of lime, cow manure, mineral organic and                                                                                 6786
Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation; 32(3)
                                                                      ISSN 2651-4451 | e-ISSN 2651-446X

NPK fertilizer that was applied during both rice crops of 2020 -2021 investigated effects of organic fertilizer and
lime amendment on the growth and yield of rice Jasmine85.

                                          II.     MATERIALS AND METHODS
Fertilizers and Seed collection
Cow manure, with was significantly dried and mixed with Trichodermaspp. applied before 15days before sowing.
The rice Jasmin85 and mineral organic fertilizer (Vian) of LocTroi group was used during both crops. The cow
manure, which was purchased from local farmers mixed Trichodermasp. to decompose. Cow manure and lime
were applied fifteen days before rice seeding. Vian and NPK were applied at stages -1, 6, 17, 37 and 6, 17, 37, 48
days after seeding, respectively.

Location site and experimental structure:
Fourfield treatments and four replications were performed during Winter-Spring and Summer-Autumn crops of
2020-2021 at ChauThanh district, An Giang province, Vietnam. Total experimental area was 320 m2(each plot area
was 20 m2x 4 replications x 4 treatments = 320 m2). Cow manure was significantly decomposed by Trichoderma
sp.Application of chemical fertilizer (NPK) combined with Cow manure (CM), mineral organic fertilizer (Vian)
and lime (CaO) amendment, which was only used in the season 1 (Winter-Spring) was not used in the season 2
(Summer-Autumn).In the Summer-Autumn crop, all treatments that were only applied the NPK fertilizer repeated
on prior experiment sites. The experimental setup of Winter-Spring crop has four treatments with four repeats: The
control-P1(85 kgN - 45 kgP2O5 – 45 kgK2O per ha; P2- 0.5 ton CaO + NPK;P3- 320 kg Vian + NPK; P4-10 tons
CM. The Summer-Autumn season (crop 2), the prior treatment sites of crop 1 were repeated for crop 2. All
treatments of crop 2 applied NPK (Without CM, Vian and lime)(Table 1).

                           Table 1. All different fertilizers of treatments from to crop 1 to crop 2

                    Inorganic                                         Organic              Lime        Mineral organic
                    (kg/ha)                                           (ton/ha)
                    Nitrogen       Phosphorus        Potassium        Cow manure           CaO         Vian
 Control (T1)  85                  45                45               0                    0           0
 T2            85                  45                45               0                    0.5         0
 T3            85                  45                45               0                    0           0.32
 T4            85                  45                45               10.0                 0           0
 Control (T1)  85                  45                45               0                    0           0
 T2            85                  45                45               0                    0           0
 T3            85                  45                45               0                    0           0.32
 T4            85                  45                45               0                    0           0
                  Table 2.physical and chemical characteristicof Soil before the experiment at 20 cm depth

 Parameters                 Value                                 Parameters                                  Value
 Silt (%)                   30.5                                  Total N (%)                                 0.276
 Clay (%)                   64.0                                  Available P (ppm)                           14.3
 Sand                       5.5                                   Exchangeable K (ppm)                        178
 Textural class             Silt clay Loam                        Organic matter (%)                          4.69
 pH                         5.5                                   C/N ratio                                   9.85

Collection of Soil and crop samples
Soil samples that were collected before and after the experiment for each cropanalysed at the central laboratory of
An Giang university. The rice growth data, which were the number of tillers and plant height determined at 15, 35,
55 and 100 days after sowing. the area of each frame, which was 4 × 0.5 m2were counted for tillers. Plant heights
that were measured average from 10 plants per plot selected during 15, 35, 55 and 100 days after sowing. Yield
component (filled and unfilled, 1000-grain weight, moisture) was measured average the whole panicles per m2.The
rice yield was measured tonnes of rice grains per ha at 14% of moisture content. Soil chemical parameters that are                                                                                        6787
Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation; 32(3)
                                                                        ISSN 2651-4451 | e-ISSN 2651-446X

pH, organic matter, total nitrogen, available phosphorus and exchangeble potassium, which analyzed by the AOAC
and the Bray–Krutz method were the most suitable for determination methods of the laboratory(Wayne Sabbe,
1980, Bray and Kurtz, 1945). Results of soil physical and chemical properties were presented in Table 2.

Statistical Analysis
The analysis of variance (ANOVA) was done by Statgraphics Centurion XVII. Means of variance that was
separated by Duncan’s Multiple Range Test was represented at Pvalue= 0.05probability distribution.

                                            III.     RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Agronomic characteristics
Plant height

                              Table 3.The rice Jasmine85 height (cm) in both cropsof 2020-2021

                                                          Days after seeding (DAS)
                                                          15               35                   55          100
 T1                                                       33.8               64.6a              76.9ab      86,1ab
 T2                                                       33.7               65.4a              74.8a       84.7a
 T3                                                       33.5               67.7a              78.0ab      89.5ab
 T4                                                       35.3               72.6b              80.2b       90.8b
 T1                                                       32.4               54.3a              65.9a       80.5a
 T2                                                       32.7               56.4a              68.9ab      81.7ab
 T3                                                       34.3               57.9a              73.8c       86,7bc
 T4                                                       34.8               66.5b              73.5bc      87.8c
 F(A)                                                     ns                 **                 **          **
 F(B)                                                     ns                 **                 **          **
 CVA(%)                                                   5.10               5.26               4.20        4.47
 CVB(%)                                                   5.64               9.61               5.98        5.29
ns: insignificant differencesat the Pvalue=0.05; **significant differencesat the Pvalue= 0.01

The results of Table 3 proved that rice Jasmine85 heights were significantly different at 1% during growth stages
except for the first stage(15 DAS) was insignificant. Co-application treatments of lime, cow manure, Vian with
NPK had higher plant height than the control treatment during development stages of rice in both crops. The
amendment treatments of lime, cow manure and Vian, which impacted clearly the rice height during the rice growth
of two crops developed slowly at 15 days after seeding. The growth of the rice height is related by environment
factors such as water, fertilizer, soil, farming techniques. However, fertilizers is one of the most important factors.
Nowadays, there are different types of fertilizers and rice applied techniques that have affected on the growth and
yield of rice (Anas et al., 2020; De Ngoc Nguyen et al., 2017).

                            Table 3.The stillers of rice Jasmine85 (cm) in both crops of 2020-2021

                                                            Stillers (DAS)
                                                            15                  35                   55        100
 Winter-Spring (A)
 T1                                                         518a                549a                 393a      350a
 T2                                                         577ab               575ab                446a      402ab
 T3                                                         729bc               683bc                533b      482b
 T4                                                         766c                762c                 538b      484b
 T1                                                         655ab               496                  397       361a
 T2                                                         661b                539                  407       383ab
 T3                                                         578a                553                  413       393ab
 T4                                                         654ab               549                  428       405b                                                                                         6788
Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation; 32(3)
                                                                        ISSN 2651-4451 | e-ISSN 2651-446X

 F(A)                                                       **                  **               **          **
 F(B)                                                       **                  ns               ns          **
 CVA(%)                                                     21.8                17.8             16.5        16.9
 CVB(%)                                                     9.25                12.2             8.42        7.31
ns: insignificant differencesat the Pvalue= 0.05; **significant differencesat the Pvalue= 0.01

the Table 3 results performed sufficiently that Co-application treatments of lime, cow manure, Vian with NPK had
higher number of tillers than the control treatment during growth stages of rice in both crops. The amendment
treatments of lime, cow manure and Vian affected on the number of tillers during the rice growth of two crops.
However, rice stillers were insignificant difference at 35 and 55 days after seeding in the Summer-Auturnm season
(crop 2).Different kinds of cow manure, Vian and lime application were insignificantly affected on rice tillers
during growth stages. Tillers developed rapidly at 15 DAS and reached the highest number of tillers at 35 DAS in
the both crops. Maybe young stage of rice might be affected by soil fertility soil and rich rooting. Tillers of 55 and
100 DAS, which slightly reduced in both seasons were periods of rice to produce flowers. Rice tillers were already
lessening from flowering stage until harvest. The highest number of available shoots reached at treatments of cow
manure combined with NPK (NT4) and the lowest value of rice shoots were at control treatments (NT1) in the
Winter-Springand Summer-Auturnm crop (Table 3).The positive ability of rice produces many stillers, which is an
important role to help the good growth and raise the yield of rice (Duan et al., 2015).

productivity and its components
                         Table 3. The yield components of rice Jasmine85 in both crops of 2020-2021

                           Yield components
                           Panicle length (cm)          Fill grain (%)                              Fresh moisture(%)
                                                                                weight (gr)
 Winter-Spring (A)
 T1                        20.8                         92.0                    30.5a               23.0
 T2                        21.2                         91.2                    33.2ab              24.9
 T3                        20.7                         89.6                    30.3a               26.5
 T4                        21.1                         92.6                    34.4b               25.5
 T1                        21.4a                        74.0a                   29.7                22.2
 T2                        22.2ab                       75.8ab                  30.8                24.8
 T3                        22.3ab                       78.8bc                  29.2                24.1
 T4                        23.0b                        80.0c                   32.2                24.5
 F(A)                      ns                           ns                      **                  ns
 F(B)                      **                           **                      ns                  ns
 CVA(%)                    4.24                         2.25                    7.20                11.0
 CVB(%)                    4,67                         3,65                    9.27                7.79
ns: insignificant differencesat the Pvalue= 0.05; **significant differencesat the Pvalue= 0.01

Panicle length
Co-application of lime, cow manure, Vian and NPK was insignificant effects the fresh moisture of rice Jasmine85
in both crops. Panicle length of rice, which ranged from 20.7 to 23.0 cmand insignificant differences in the Winter-
Spring season had significant differences in the Summer-Autumn season (Table 3).

Fill grain
The rate of fill grains depends on the organic fertilizer condition after one crop. Table 3 showed

The percentage of fill grains increased significantly with application of cow manure application in crop 1.The fill
grain of rice had no differences in crop 1 and varied in the crop 2. Fill grains of rice Jasmine85 ranged from 74.0%
to 92.4% in both crops. Co-application of lime, cow manure, Vian and NPK (T4) was higher than that of other
treatments. The number of fill grains is affected by rice varieties, fertilizers, and cultivation techniques (Nguyen,
2009). The prior stydy of Chuong et al., 2021 proved that application of cow manure, lime combined with NPK
fertilizer increased the yield of peanuts in the next crop.                                                                                      6789
Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation; 32(3)
                                                                        ISSN 2651-4451 | e-ISSN 2651-446X

1000-grain weight and Fresh moisture
Results in Table 3 showed components of rice Jasmine85 that were the 1000-grain weight and fresh moisture had
insignificant differences (Except 1000-grain weight of Winter-Spring season).The weight of 1000 grains is due to
the genetic stability of the variety because the grain size is tightly controlled by the size of the hull. Therefore,
grains cannot grow larger than the rice husk despite advantage conditions of soil fertily (Yoshida, 1981).

Yield and quality
Fresh yield of rice

The rice yield was strongly affected by cow manure, lime and Vian amendment. The environmental conditions of
Winter-Spring crop were more suitable for growth of rice than those in the Summer-Autumn crop. the maximum
yield was 8.1 t/ha (T1) in the Winter-Spring crop and 5.83 t/ha (T4) in the wet season (Summer-Autumn crop)
(Table 4). Fresh yield of rice valued from 6.79 t/ha to 8.10 t/ha (Winter-Spring crop) and 4.40 t/ha to 5.83 t/ha,
respectively. The highest yield (8.10 t/ha) was the control and lowest value (6.79 t/ha) reached at the cow manure
treatment in the crop 1. Application of organic fertilizer could reduce the yield because soil microorganisms take
soil nutrients to increase its biomass (Hoqueet al., 2018; Chuong et al., 2021; Anaset al., 2020). the rice yield of
Summer-Autumn crop, which was lower than the yield of Winter-Spring crop due to weather conditions was no
application of lime, Vian and cow manure (Table 1). However, The rice yield of T2, T3 and T4 resulted higher
than that of control treatment. The highest value reached 5.83 t/ha at the T4 treatment and lowest yield (4.40 t/ha)
at the control; although the cow manure was not added in crop 2 but on the experimental background of crop. Many
prior studies proved that application of organic fertilizers for crops increased the yield of plants after one crop
(about three months) because organic fertilizers are completely digested by microorganisms and become useful
nutrients for plants (Przemysław et al., 2020; Chuong et al., 2021, Hoque et al., 2018)

                          Table 4. The yield and quality of rice Jasmine85 in both crops of 2020-2021

 Treatments                            Characteristic
                                       Protein (%)                    Lipide (%)                 Yield (t/ha)
 Winter-Spring (A)
 T1                                    8.50                           1.20c                      8.10b
 T2                                    8.20                           0.90b                      7.22ab
 T3                                    8.10                           1.00b                      6.79a
 T4                                    8.50                           0.70a                      7.83ab
 T1                                    7.00a                          0.90a                      4.40a
 T2                                    7.10ab                         1.00a                      4.84b
 T3                                    7.40ab                         0.80a                      5.55bc
 T4                                    7.50b                          1.60b                      5.83c
 F(A)                                  ns                             **                         **
 F(B)                                  **                             **                         **
 CVA(%)                                3.94                           22.6                       9.05
 CVB(%)                                4.50                           31.7                       12.3
ns: insignificant differencesat the Pvalue= 0.05; **significant differencesat the Pvalue= 0.01

Similar results in Table 4 were showed for the quality of rice Jasmine85 grains. The maximum protein and lipide
values of Winter-Springcrop (8.50% and 1.20%, respectively) had at control treatment while the highest protein
and lipide values (7.50% and 1.60%, respectively) were observed for T4 treatment in the Summer-Autumn season.
There was insignificant difference among treatments for protein and lipid contents in rice grains in the crop 1. In
Summer-Autumn crop, the values for protein and lipide ranged from 7.00 to 7.50% and 0.90 to 1.60%, respectively
(Table 4).

The highest results for protein and lipide of rice grains, which were reached at T4 treatment (7.50 and 1.6%),
respectively obtained on the prior experimental background of the Winter-Spring crop.The prior studies has proved
that application of cow manure with NPK fertilizers obtained higher concentrations of protein and lipide in rice
Jasmine85 grains compared to the control treatment (Saha et al., 2014; Hossain et al. 2010; Myint et al., 2010)                                                                                  6790
Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation; 32(3)
                                                                                   ISSN 2651-4451 | e-ISSN 2651-446X

                                                               IV.      CONCLUSION
Application of NPK fertilizer amended cow manure, Vian and lime for rice, which has insignificantly resulted
positive effects on yield components, yield and nutrient values of rice in the Winter-Spring crop were positive
impacts on growth, yield and quality of rice Jasmine85in the Summer-Autumn crop. The cow manure and lime
residue of the Winter-Spring cropaffected on the the growth and yield of the Summer-Autumn crop. The
amendment of 10.0 tons cow manure +85 kgN - 45 kgP2O5 – 45 kgK2O per ha had higher values of grain protein,
grain lipide and rice yield than the control treament. The highest yield of rice jasmine85 reached 5.83 tons per haat
the T4 treatment (cow manure amendment treatment of crop 1), which raised 24.5% compared to the T1 treatment
in the Summer-Autumn crop.

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