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09 October 2020
04 Rising Covid-19 infections hold back the recovery of passenger demand in
   H2 2020
05 A blow to new plane deliveries, especially wide-bodied jets
07 Lowered production rates put aerospace players’ profitability at risk
09 Creating a hydrogen-powered plane by 2035: too ambitious a challenge
Allianz Research

                                                                 Rising Covid-19 infections will hold back the recovery of passenger
EXECUTIVE                                                         demand in H2 2020. After a summer season cut short in Europe and
                                                                  North America by rising Covid-19 infections, along with continued
                                                                  low willingness to fly, global air traffic as measured by Revenue
SUMMARY                                                           Passenger Kilometers (RPKs) contracted by -75% year-on-year in
                                                                  August, following an -80% drop in July. As sanitary restrictions tight-
                                                                  en again, we now expect full-year 2020 air traffic to be down 60% -
                                                                  vs. a 40% decline in our previous forecast - compared to 2019 and
                                                                  to recover to its pre-crisis level only in 2024.
                                                                 This has dealt a blow to new plane deliveries, especially for wide-
                                                                  bodied jets. The challenges facing airlines have been passed onto
                                                                  the upstream global aircraft industry by the deferral of new plane
                                                                  deliveries, along with a slump in new orders, if not outright cancella-
                                                                  tions, depending on the type of aircraft. Breaking down the data,
                                                                  we find that the Covid-19 crisis has hit demand for wide-body (twin-
                                                                  aisle) aircraft more than narrow-body (single-aisle) ones since long-
 Marc Livinec, Sector Advisor for Transportation, Transport       haul international travel has suffered the most. Taken together, we
 Equipment, Agrifood, Pharmaceuticals and Chemicals
                                                                  expect Airbus and Boeing to see a drop in new plane deliveries by -
 +                                                57% and -26% in 2020 and 2021, respectively, compared to 2019. In                                     this context, aircraft manufacturers have had no choice but to slow
                                                                  down their production-rates to around 40 aircrafts a month, well
                                                                  below their target of 60 a month a year ago.
                                                                 Lowered production rates put aerospace players’ profitability at
                                                                  risk. We expect plane makers as a whole to post a USD4bn operat-
                                                                  ing loss in 2020 and the average aircraft manufacturers’ operating
                                                                  margin rate to plunge into the red at -2.5% after an all-time high of
                                                                  9% only two years ago. This gloomy outlook stems from Airbus and
                                                                  Boeing’s (most) profitable wide-bodies facing the highest produc-
                                                                  tion rate cuts. However, aircraft part and engine suppliers should
                                                                  get away with an operating margin rate divided by three to around
                                                                  3% in 2020 and 2021, compared with their global average of 11%
                                                                  over the latest decade.
                                                                 In the long-run, European aircraft manufacturers and suppliers are
                                                                  heading for a harder time. Unlike U.S. players, which can count on
                                                                  large and unchanged defense budgets, European players will not
                                                                  only have to wait for the production rates of new planes to bounce
                                                                  back but also cope with losses of capacities, given the vast R&D
                                                                  spending required to meet ambitious expectations for the develop-
                                                                  ment of a zero-emissions hydrogen-powered plane by 2035.

09 October 2020

                          Photo by Markus Spiske on Pixabay

   Forecasted decline in
global air traffic in 2020.

Allianz Research


 After a summer season cut short in Eu-           60% (vs. a -40% decline in our previous        in the delivery of new planes, in addi-
 rope and North America by rising Covid           forecast) compared to 2019. It will still      tion to a fall in new orders, if not order
 -19 infections, along with continued low         be 35% below the 2019 level in 2021,           cancellations, depending on the type of
 willingness to fly, global air traffic as        and is not likely to recover to its pre-       aircraft manufactured. In this context,
 measured by Revenue Passenger Ki-                crisis level before 2024.                      aircraft makers are unlikely to be able
 lometers (RPKs) contracted by -75%               Even as domestic markets in the EU             to deliver more than half the output
 year-on-year in August, following an -           and Asia are seeing a slight rebound,          planned before the Covid-19 outbreak.
 80% drop in July (Figure 1). Looking             we do not see overall demand soaring
 ahead, with the lack of convenient tes-          again unless business travel strongly
 ting and compulsory quarantines on               resumes by the end of the year. Amid
 arrival, global air passenger demand             low demand, airlines have significantly
 will take longer to recover than pre-            curtailed flights, leaving them strapped
 viously expected. For the full year 2020,        for cash. This is now hitting the aeros-
 we now expect air traffic to be down -           pace industry, which is seeing deferrals

                             Figure 1: Air (passengers) demand, RPK change (m/m)


                               -20%                 Asia
                                                    North America

                               -60%                 World


                                      2015        2016          2017         2018   2019      2020      2021

                             Sources: IATA, Allianz Research, Euler Hermes

09 October 2020


Figure 2: Yearly deliveries of commercial planes (in number)                  Figure 3: Yearly deliveries of commercial planes by type (in number)

                                                                                                                                          Widebody jets
1500                                                                Airbus     1750
                                                                    Boeing                                                                Narrowbody jets
1250                                    806
                    748       763                                              1250
1000      761                                     379
                                                                               1000                                    1282
                                                                                        1004      1038       1173
 750                                                                                                                              818
                                                                       411      750
 500                                                         159                                                                                          728
                                        804       864                           500
          654       693       731
 250                                                                                                                                         399
                                                                       498      250
                                                             380                         411       403       321        328       425
                                                                                                                                             140          182
   0                                                                              0
         2015      2016       2017      2018      2019      2020f     2021f             2015      2016       2017      2018       2019      2020f         2021f

Sources: Companies, Bloomberg, Allianz Research, Euler Hermes estimations     Sources: Companies, Bloomberg, Allianz Research, Euler Hermes estimations

Airlines and plane makers have been in                   liver a total of 539 and 910 new planes              wide-body (twin-aisle) aircraft more
heated negotiations over who should                      in 2020 and 2021, respectively, com-                 than narrow-body (single-aisle) ones,
bear the biggest part of the deferral                    pared with 1,610 in 2018 and 1,243 in                given the fact international travel has
costs. Though the financial aspects of                   2019. The lower number in 2019 is the                suffered the most. Moreover, longer-
these negotiations have not been dis-                    consequence of the flying ban imposed                range narrow-bodies such as the Airbus
closed, we believe deferral costs will                   on Boeing’s 737 Max jets since March                 A320neo and Boeing 737 Max – once it
eventually fall on aircraft manufactur-                  2019. While 2021 should see a slight                 is allowed to fly again – are likely to
ers, which want to avoid cutting off cus-                recovery, the number of new plane de-                keep taking market share at the ex-
tomers, given the potential growth of                    liveries is still likely to remain far below         penses of wide-bodies such as the A350
the Asian region. In this region, new                    its pre-pandemic level of 1,600 units a              or the B777. Deliveries of wide-body
planes are expected to constitute                        year as long as the global economy                   jets are expected to slump by -67% in
around 40% of the global fleet by 2040.                  remains off track.                                   2020 and -57% in 2021, compared to
According to our forecasts (Figure 2),                   Breaking down the data, we find that                 declines of -51% and -11% for narrow-
Airbus and Boeing are expected to de-                    the Covid-19 crisis has hit demand for               body jets.

Allianz Research

               Figure 4: Plane deliveries (units) by type for Airbus and Boeing taken together

                         Units                       2019                        2020e             2022f               2024f
                   Narrow-bodies*                     818                            399           763                 1,330
                   Wide-bodies**                      425                            140           146                  200
                        Total                       1,243                            539           910                 1,530

               *Narrow-body jets: A320, A220 (ex-Bombardier), B737 NG and B737 Max
               **Wide-body jets: A330, A350, A380, B747, B767, B777 and B787
               Sources: Companies, UBS, Allianz Research, Euler Hermes estimations

 Following the delivery deferral negotia-               duction in the medium run, especially        their exposure to the jeopardized long-
 tions, aircraft manufacturers’ build                   for the Boeing 737 Max, we consider          haul fliers. According to our calcula-
 rates have been revised down, es-                      that monthly build rates on a down-          tions, we expect the narrow-body mar-
 pecially given the already significant                 trend might be bearable only if there        ket share to jump from 70% to 84% bet-
 size of parked fleets amid the sharp                   are no renewed lockdowns ahead. Ne-          ween 2020 and 2022 (Figure 4).
 drop in flying (the cost of parking a                  vertheless, this will anyway affect the
 plane is estimated at EUR1,000 a day).                 financial results of both aircraft manu-
 As deliveries are likely to exceed pro-                facturers and suppliers, depending of

09 October 2020


Long lead times between orders being                 several years of backlog for their most              In a nutshell, plane makers across the
placed and planes being delivered                    popular planes (Boeing’s 737 and Air-                Americas and Asia are expected to post
make the aerospace sector less cyclical              bus’s A320).                                         a negative operating margin rate of -
than many others, with high develop-                 Costs for aerospace manufacturers rise               5.8% in 2020 while those across Europe
ment costs acting as a substantial barri-            as production rates fall. According to               are expected to post an operating mar-
er to new entrants. So the very much                 our estimations (Figure 5), we thus ex-              gin rate of +1.1%, four times lower than
deteriorated business conditions of air-             pect strongly depressed earnings for all             the average of 4% over the latest dec-
lines all over the world have led aircraft           the main aircraft manufacturers in 2020              ade. The tumble in the margin rate for
manufacturers to significantly slow                  across regions but especially for those              European plane makers would have
down output as of this year. As monthly              located in the North America region                  been stronger over 2020 vs. 2018 if we
production rates of large commercial                 (including Boeing and Textron). The                  had not included the struggling Cana-
aircrafts are the core growth driver for             European region includes Airbus, Bom-                dian Bombardier among the European
the entire aerospace and defense sec-                bardier – following its takeover by Air-             players since the beginning of the dec-
tor, we expect these cuts for 2020 and               bus - and Dassault, while the other re-              ade because of its takeover by Airbus
beyond to pressure cash flow and                     gions include the Russian UAC, the Bra-              two years ago.
profitability for most players, notably              zilian Embraer and the Chinese state-
the Airbus-Boeing duopoly, even with                 owned Comac.

                      Figure 5: Operating margin rate* of main aircraft manufacturers (yearly average), by region

                          -3%               North America
                          -6%               Other regions
                                 2010    2011    2012       2013   2014   2015    2016   2017   2018   2019   2020e 2021f

                         (*) Operating margin rate = Operating Income / Revenue
                         Sources: Companies, Bloomberg, Euler Hermes, consensus estimates

Allianz Research

                                           Figure 6: Operating margin rate* of main aircraft suppliers (yearly average)





                                             6%           Aircraft engines
                                             4%           Aircraft parts


                                                   2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020e 2021f
                                           (*) Operating margin rate = Operating Income / Revenue
                                           Sources: Companies, Bloomberg, Euler Hermes, consensus estimates

 As production rates are expected to                         6), compared with its global average of                most battered wide-body plane seg-
 remain much lower than 60 a month                           11% over the latest decade.                            ment.
 among the main plane makers next                            From that point of view, it is important               As a result, permanent cuts in the well-
 year, there have been some cascading                        to distinguish engine makers (GE, Sa-                  paying jobs found across this high-tech
 effects through suppliers in terms of                       fran, MTU, Rolls-Royce and IHI) from                   industry are unavoidable. In the U.S.
 higher overhead costs. Commercial                           aircraft part-suppliers (UTC, AAR, Spirit,             alone, at the end of August, job cuts in
 aerospace suppliers need to cope with                       Thales, Avic, Transdigm, Triumph, Meg-                 the aerospace sector rose by +649%
 further downsizing of operations while                      gitt and CAE). Engine makers’ opera-                   year-over-year to an all-time high of
 aircraft lessors and aviation bankers                       ting margin rate is expected to be es-                 77,000.
 see lower profit as a surplus of aircraft                   pecially hit by the Covid-19 fallout, at               The need for investing in additional
 reduces new deliveries and financing.                       less than 2% expected in 2020 as a re-                 R&D to build new hydrogen-powered
 All in all, engine and aircraft parts-                      sult of a large number of older aircraft               planes also remains very strong. We
 manufacturers have to contend with                          being parked and airlines using planes                 find it hardly possible for aerospace
 slumping demand for new aircraft                            that need less engine maintenance.                     suppliers to invest less than USD10bn a
 components as ailing airlines delay all                     This poor trend also stems from the UK                 year over the next two years (Figure 8)
 but necessary maintenance. Conse-                           engine maker Rolls-Royce, which                        to be able to meet governments’ ex-
 quently, our estimations for aerospace                      posted a GBP5bn net loss in the first                  pectations for a greener aircraft by
 suppliers’ average operating margin                         half of the current year due to the re-                2035.
 rate is expected to be divided by three                     pair costs of its Trent 1000 engines for
 to around 3% in 2020 and 2021 (Figure                       Boeing 787s and its positioning on the

Figure 7: Job cuts in the U.S. aerospace sector (monthly numbers)                      Figure 8: Capex of main aircraft suppliers worldwide
90 000                                                                                                                                          Aircraft engines
                    yoy change
80 000                                                                                  12
                                                                                                 3.6                           3.7              Aircraft parts
                                                                                                              3.3     3.8
70 000                                                                                                                                4.0
60 000
50 000                                                                                   8
40 000                                                                                   6                                                     3.4
30 000                                                                                           9.5          9.4     9.1      9.6
                                                                                         4                                            8.5
20 000
                                                                                         2                                                     4.4         4.9
10 000
         09   10   11    12      13   14    15    16    17     18       19   20   21
                                                                                                2015      2016       2017     2018   2019     2020e       2021f

Sources: Challenger, Gray & Christmas, Allianz Research, Euler Hermes                  Sources: Bloomberg, companies’ estimations

09 October 2020


The U.S. aerospace sector can at least       one of these projects, which is expected    racteristics will require Airbus to re-
count on unchanged demand from               to cost around EUR20bn. To develop its      frame all its future planes to integrate
defense, which accounts for around           new plane, Airbus needs to extend its       an efficient onboard hydrogen storage
one third of Boeing’s revenue. As milita-    usual ecosystem to include hydrogen         system.
ry projects remain critical to national      production facilities and an associated
                                                                                         Moreover, hydrogen is mostly produced
defense, the U.S. has focused on streng-     distribution network. In order to do so,
                                                                                         through fossil fuel energy sources, so to
thening its defense industrial base, with    Airbus will have to work with experien-
                                                                                         achieve its zero emission travel plan,
yearly defense budgets amounting to a        ced subcontractors in the sector such as
                                                                                         Airbus, alongside the whole supply
total of USD720bn. We do not expect          Safran but also with companies seeking
                                                                                         chain of aerospace players, would
the outcome of the November elections        to develop their own hydrogen chan-
                                                                                         need to find a way to produce hydro-
to change the size of future defense         nel.
                                                                                         gen via renewable energy sources. All
budgets, at least until 2023, nor to bring
                                             To get things started, France announ-       in all, the forecasted capital expendi-
on any big disruptions in the U.S. aeros-
                                             ced a EUR15bn support plan for the          tures of main aerospace suppliers
pace supply chain as a result. As for
                                             domestic aeronautic industry as a           worldwide amount to USD8bn a year.
Russia’s Uac and China’s Comac, being
                                             whole. While most of this plan was de-      Especially in the wake of the Covid-19
state-owned means they can bear a
                                             signed to keep the industry afloat,         crisis, this seems to be very far from
long regime of structural losses as long
                                             EUR1.5bn was allotted for investments       enough to make a hydrogen-powered
as they are bailed out.
                                             in aerospace R&D over the next three        plane possible by 2035.
However, Airbus and its subcontractors       years to encourage the sector’s energy
appear to be more exposed to chal-           transition. An additional EUR7bn has
lenges, given their quasi-exclusive posi-    been earmarked to specifically develop
tioning in the commercial aerospace          the hydrogen sector across types of
sector. Nevertheless, last month Airbus      transportation (jet, truck, and car).
announced its goal to build a brand          However, the use of hydrogen as a new
new zero-emission aircraft fueled by         (jet) fuel presents numerous challenges:
hydrogen, to be ready to fly by 2035.        it must be stored in liquid form at -253°
Airbus’s goal is to test three prototypes:   C, which requires the implementation of
one turbojet engine (for 120 to 200          a heavy cryogenic system. In addition, it
passengers), one turboprop (up to 100        takes four times more hydrogen in vo-
passengers) and one flying wing (up to       lume than kerosene to obtain a similar
200 passengers), and to proceed with         performance in propulsion. These cha-

     Chief Economist of Allianz and Euler Hermes

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     Allianz and Euler Hermes
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