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Langston University Digital Commons @ Langston University LU Gazette, 1970-1979 LU Gazette (Student Newspaper) 5-1974 The Gazette May 1974 Langston University Follow this and additional works at: archives_gazette_newspaper_19701979 Recommended Citation Langston University, "The Gazette May 1974" (1974). LU Gazette, 1970-1979. Book 5. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the LU Gazette (Student Newspaper) at Digital Commons @ Langston University. It has been accepted for inclusion in LU Gazette, 1970-1979 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Langston University. For more information, please contact
Commencement Services Are Tomorrow 0 0 ' £ The seventy-fourth com Artelia Lanita Marsh, gee; Prinson Lee Poindexter, Guthrie; Vivian Faye Currin, ston; Gregory Don Shaw, busi mencement exei'cises at Lang sociology, Guthrie; Leanear history, Memphis, Tenn.;! language arts, Henryetta; ness administration, Oklahoma ston University are scheduled Berkeley Randall, biology, Slyvia G. Smith, business Joyce Leach, social science, City; and Jake Bernard Sim for 7:30 p.m. Saturday, May 11 Ruthet Glen, Virginia; and education, Langston; Renaye Guthrie; Alpha Nesbitt, Jr., mons, elementary education, in the stadium. Graduating this Earlean Lavon Walker, mathe Tyce Whitaker, bookkeeping social scien ce, Muskogee; Guthrie. year are 152 seniors. , matics, Lawton; Sharon Spratt, and clerical, Spencer; Richard Sherell L. McKinney, e le biology, Boley. Whitaker, social science, Mus mentary education, Chickasha; Graduating with distinction R eceiving Summa Cum kogee; and Veronica L. Wil Denise E. Parson, health and are Florence Givens, sociology, Laude honors are Charlene Graduation Magna Cum liams, social science, Tulsa. physical education, Oklahoma Muskogee; Cheryl F. Harris, Green, elementary education, Laude are Andrinee E. Hilliard, o tl City; Essetta Yvonne Reed, vocational home econom ics, Langston; Erma Hill, business elementary education, Tulsa; Receiving Cum Laude honors health and physical education, Guthrie; Sharon K. Spratt, pre- adm inistration, Littld’ Rock, Barbara Adele Hinton, biology, this year are Erma Abner, ele Langston; Wilma Y. Sanders, med, Boley; and Brenda L. c Ark.; Wayne Jones, mathe Langston; Shirley A. Jefferson, m atics, Kansas City, Mo.; elementary education, Musko mentary education, Spencer; Jethro Currie, Jr., biology. sociology, Harris; Jacquelyn Shoats, language arts, Lang SuUivan, business education, Guthrie. Outstanding Students Former Honored At Ceremony School Langston U niversity students N orth in g to n , G ail P o r te r , Head w ere honored at 10 a.m . May 1 L a n e a r R a n d a ll, and G reg in the I. W. Young Auditorium. S h aw ; a lso Sharon S p ra tt, The speaker for the annual R on ald T rib b le, E a r le a n Honors Convocation w as Mrs. W alker and Virginia W illiam Valarie Carolina, the Oklahoma T eacher of th e Y ear from W ewoka,High School. At the convocation each de son w ere selected for the honor. Dies D r. W illiam H. Hale, fo rm er partm ent gave aw ar& to in- p re sid e n t of I^angston U n iv er d iv id u a l stu d e n ts d iW a y in g sity died of c a n c e r T h u rsd ay , o u tsta n d in g c h a r a c fl^ i and M ay 2 a t th e L a tte r Day S aints ability in that area of study. H ospital in L ogan, U tah. He was Students receiving the Most 59. Last rite s w e re held here O u tsta n d in g S tu d en t aw ard W ednesday, M ay 8 in th e I.W. w ere Donald Dixon, agricul Young A uditorkm L’ B urial was ture; Arthur Finch, art; and in M cA lster, Okla. Lanear Randall, biology. Clara Luper, a noted B la ck O klahom a CiJtV? At tn e tim e of his d ea th Dr. Also Erm a Hill, business ad- H ale w as an a sso c ia te professor m in istr a tio n ; Issa M oham - activist told the a u d ien i# gathered! to be m ilitant, a \ of sociology at U tah S ta te Uni m a d i, c h e m is tr y ; B ern ard v ersity ah d c h a irm a n -of the W a r r e n , c o m m u n ic a t io n : Langston Umoja (Unity) ras celebrated G o v e rn o r’s B lack Policy Ad D e x te r P a tip p n , coop era,tivi visory Council in U tah. with song, poetry and m es sa g es of unity. 13f. T\a\e w as m ost n o ted tor e d u c a tio n ; and his $4 m illion^ 10-year cap ital Schoats, English. May 1 had been declared im p ro v em en t p ro g ram at L ang R eceiving the Most Outstand Langston Umoja Day by sto n U n iv ersity . He w as the ing award in Health & P hysical the Black P eop le’s Union. tenth p re sid e n t and ^ /tb e-iicsL Education w as E ssetta Reed; According to an official L an g sto n g ra d u a te toc hold the m usic, Charlotte Davis; social B P U le a fle t, L an gston post. His p resid en cy b eg an in scien ce, Prinson Poindexter; Um oja Day m eans “ w e are 1960 a f te r a 12-year p ro fesso r technology, Julius Jackson; and working for u n ity /’ The sh ip a t C lark-C ollege in A tlan ta. m athem atics, Cynthia Jacksop. program w h u ^ w as held Ga. f __ In the highest class average W ednesday evening in the He is7 su rv iv ed by his wife, b u c k e t T heresa Sheets, B ar Young Auditorium, cele L a r z e t t V - A son, W alter of bara Giddings and S. K. Noor- brated the progress m ade M a s s a c h u s e tts , th re e m ohammacy, all freshm en re toward the goal of unity on d a u g h te rs, M rs. P au lin e J a c k corded a perfect 4.00 average. cam pus. DR. WILLIAM H. HALE son of C olum bus, Ohio, Mrs. B e v e r ly B ruton took th e J a n is H a rb e rt of F o rt W orth, sophom ore„honor with a 3.94 T he Langston University T ex as a n d G ina, of th e home. average. In the junior class band began the program by In ad d itio n , D r. H ale leaves Keith Northington received the rendering a* m ini-concert. th re e g ra n d c h ild re n and a host award with jin average of 3.94 Lanear Randall set the also. Senior Sharon M, Spratt took the senior cla ss honor with tone for the program ip J iir rtiessage of unity, .spying Vernon Jordan Is Guest ' —*- of re la tiv e s. a 3.89 overall average. “ w e m ust get tdgether. LU Recruiting \ Students selected for Who’s „ Whe-Among Students in A m eri can^ U n iversities and C olleges Also giving a m essa g e of unity w as Sidney Butler, president-elect of the SGA. Graduation Speaker „ •• ~ In a la st effort to recruit qualified students to com e to were: H alp h L. Conley, Jethro Langston University, Mr. T. Currie, F lorence Giyensj^Qheryl A religious,:
Langston Bids Fond Farewell Arts Hometown To Three Faithful Servants Mrs. Rosa L. Wigley began to which she belongs and to tra time in retirement writing a working at Langston Univerity vel extensively throughout the history of Langston. in September, 1949, during the United States and abroad. Administration of Dr. G. Lamar Mrs. Wigley stated her most Much of the history of the Harrison. Her first position was enjoyable years have been college is already collected in Director of Sanford Hall Dor associated with the students Mrs. Patterson’s memory, for it mitory. In 1959, she was ap and her colleagues. She also was in the fall of 1923 that she pointed as acting Dean of Wo stated she considers herself an came to the campus as a high men followed Dy A ssociate honorary alumnus. school freshman. BACHELOR of ARTS In EDUCATION Dean of Women and her present Social Science Okmulgee Mrs. Izola Scott is also among Muaic Lanpton position is director of housing. the retiring personnel here at She received the Outstanding History Guthrie She is a greaduate of Tillston Achievement Award in higher History Ardmore Langston. Mrs. Scott has given Hemyetta College in Austin, Texas and 10 years of service, two of those Education for 1972, and Memphis cam e to Oklahoma from Langston Federated Club’s Memphis years were spent in the Health Science Outline Houstofo where she taught Center and tne remaining eight Woman of the year titled in 1959 Bristow Home Economics in the public and she has been named to S S S W . Muskogee ij years as a dorm counselor. Tulsa schools for several years. She is International Biographical & a s r Aru Memphis While working at the Health Association, the World Who’s * w Arts Okmulgee a member of the First Baptist Center, she received a Nurse’s clence Tulsa Church, Guthrie, where she Who of Women, Dictionary of i Arts Langston Aid certificate from the Alberta International Biography, and Tulsa serves as secretary of the Ida B. Heights Hospital. Before SMffiTctonM Muskogee Jones Missionary Circle and a Personalities of tne south. Social Science Fairfax, Ok. coming to Langston, Mrs. Scott 8oclal Science Tulsa member of the fifth Sunday spent nine ana a half years at Choir. In additidiftivspending her re BACHELOR ct SCIENCE Oklahoma State University and tirement timfe with her history Alvin Eugene Borders Industrial Arts. Guthrte Mr. Wigley is a member of Cole’s R est Haven. While several organization including: of Langston, Mrs. Patterson Business Admin. Stillwater employed at Langston, Mrs. plans to reserve a little time for S X & ’f & K t A u , Business Admin. Guthrte Beta Phi Zeta Chapter of Zeta Ralph Leonard Conley Animal Science Tulsa Phi Beta Sorority of which she Scott has attended classes in another book, one on her 1Jetnro Currie. Jr. Langston counseling. genealogy. She plans to call it ICherry LdeDavls ment Boston, Ga. serves as the president, Decag IDonald Dixon Ag. Economics Boley ynian Club, Heroine of Jericho, “Out of the Dark.” IWUliam Francis Gaffney Industrial Arts Guthrie Presently she is the dor 1Frank Edward Ooff Business Admin. Blxby, Ok. Court of Calantha, Oklahoma mitory mother at Breaus Hall. IFreddie Ward Guy, Jr Health A Phys. Ed. Jones, Ok. College Personnel Association, | Clifton James Haney Business Admin. ■ton When Mrs. Zella Patterson I Michael Antoine Harrison Business Admin. Southern College Personnel | Cleo Hearn Business Admin. Association, and a member of retires at the end of this WardelLMlchael Hfcnley Business Aflmln. Fort Smith, Ark. semester she will be bringing to IErma Grade Hill Business Admin. Little Rock, Ark. SWACHUHO. She is listed in Bernadette Holller Office Management Oklahoma City Who’s Who among Dean of a close an association with , Brenda Joyce Harbin Jones Business Admin. Spencer Langston that stretches back 51 Wanda Fay King Home Economics Guthrie Women of American Colleges. IGloria Ann Lovelacie Business Admin. Guthrie S ix o f h er ch ild r en by years. Alfred Joseph Mooon Business Admin' Oklahoma City TerreU Moore Mathematics McAlester m arriage attended Langston However, it w ill not be a Sherry Suzette McCarroU Office Management Langston - University. term ination of her jela tio n sh ip Kenneth Eugene Payne Health A Phys. Ed. Choctaw „ Darnell Wendell Pruitt Business Admin. Chicago Mrs. W igley plans to continue with the university, for s h e h a s , Leanear Berkley Randall Biology Ruther Glen, Va her work with the organizations {ilans laid out for sp en d in g lier Denoval Dwayne Reed Business Admin. Muskogee | Gregory Don Shaw Business Admin. Oklahoma City russfe W. Simpson Home Economics Langston ’ , aron Kaye Morgan Spratt Pre-Med “ Boley' [Lee WUbur Thomaa Business Admin.I. Muskogee Alumnus to Receive M.D. \ , Keith Scott Tietz IJanice Marie Williams Maeoma Williams Beniamin W.W. Wills ii III: Pre-Med Business Admin. Stillwater Henryetta „ Office Management Meridian •• Business Admin. Oklahoma City v In Spring Commencement • BAOTE SCIENCE In EDUCATION Erma C. Abner Robert Adams, Jr. Michael Allen Elementary Educ. Elementary Educ. Health A Phys. Ed. spencer Frederick, Ok. Oklahoma City Vicki Louise Baker k Mathematics Guthrie Henry L. Milam of Miufrogee Norva Ann Bowie * Elementary Educ. Tulsa has com pleted all of m e re Lawrence Braddy Bkpg. A Clerical Langston MRS. WIGLEY ~ sllyn E. Bridgewater Elementary Educ. Langston quirem ents for the Doctor of , rl Wayne Buckner Bkpg. ahd Clerical Oklahoma City Carlotta K. Carruthers Elementary Educ. Guthrie M edicine D egree from Meharry 1Shirley Jean Davis Elementaiy Educ. Langston M edical College to be presented William Deloney Health A Phys. Ed. Oklahoma City Cheryl D. Dobbs Business Education Oklahpmfi City on June 9. Com m encem ent | Margaret Ann Foreman Health A P h y s Ed. Oklatfsma-CuL activities will be held at 11:00 Kevin R. Galbreath Bkpg A Clerical enci Guthrie a .m . at T e n n e s s e e S ta te Brenda Joyce Gallimore Home Economics _ Muskogee Charlene Green Elementary Educ. Langston U niversity in N ashville, Tenn. Cheryl F. Harris Voc. Home Economics Guthrie Milam spent the 'sum m er of Sharon R. Harris Voc. Home Economics Oklahoma City Theodore Harrison 9 Bkpg A Clerical Muskogee ’73 at the U niversity of Min Andrinee E. Hilliard Elementary Educ. Tulsa Barbara Adele Hinton Biology Langston nesota Hospital in Minneapolis Nettie House Health A Phys. Ed. Langston ta k in g h is e le c t iv e q u a r ter Jo Ann Huffman Mathematics Kansas City, Mo. Sandra L. Jackson Biology Oklahoma Clity focusing on Neurosurgery. He Linda F. Jenkins Elementary Educ. Fort Towson o b serv e d and a s s is te d Shirley Ann Jefferson Elementaiy Educ. Muskogee neurosurgeons in daily and Carrie Lee Johnson Business Educ. Boley Charlesetta Q. Jones Elementaiy Educ. Coyle e m e r g e n c y o p era tio n s a lo n g Lawrence F. Jones Health A Phys. Ed. Oklahoma City Wayne 'ay:_______ Jones _________ Mathematics Oklahoma City with doctors in the resident, Jollye Henderson Meadows Elementary Educ. Tulsa training program. The sum m e Jasper N. Myles Industrial Arts. ,/ Wichita Falls, Tex e le c tiv e a d v a n c ed him t Sherell L. McKinney Elementary Edud. Chickasha • Sharon Louise Nephew Elementary Educ. Guthrie com plete all of the require Evelyn Lorain Nixon Elementaiy Educ. Oklahoma City m e n ts for graduation on March Viola Marie Nunn Business Educ. Guthrie Charles S. Parker Health A Phys. Ed. Oklahoma City ^rg t Meharry. Fayetta J. Parker Business Educ. Tulsa A fter 20 consecutive years of Denise E. Parson Health A Phys. Ed. Langston MRS. SCOTT Essetta Yvonee Reed Health A Phys. Ed. Oklahoma City school Milam is pursuing his Chris A. Richardson Business Educ. Boley career in Neurosurgery and Gwendolyn Roland Business Educ. Oklahoma City | Jake Bernard Sommons Elementary Educ. Guthrie N europharm acology Research, Sylvia Gwendolyn Smith Business Educ. Langston which will require an additional , Robert Muriel Spratt Health A Phys. Ed. Castle, Ok. Donna Carol Stalling Elementary Educ. Oklahoma City \ e v e n to eight years of training. Brenda L. Sullivan Business Educ. Guthrie State Position Milam said that in pursuing his education, finance has been Arthur W. Walker IEarlean LaVon Walker elores Ward Health A ^ h y s. Ed. Mathematics Eleniefitary Educ. Lawton Oklahoma City Frederick, Ok. To Mrs. West a c o n s is te n t and p ro b leim H is ctist per year at m ajor r Lee Warrior lay.Wells I Chestlne Ren enaye ~ Alycia . . . West .... Tyce Whitaker Elementary Educ. Elementary Educ. Business Educ. Bkpg. A Clerical Oklahoma City Tulsa Tulsa Spencer Mrs. Annie West sLwvas a elected Meharry was approxim ately Bobby Joe Wigley Elem entaiy Educ. Guthrrle ch a ir m a n of tfieth e T e a c h e r 6j dollars, of which 75 per Cheryl Denise wfllla]ms Business Educ. Edu Tulsa „ Education Section of the Statfe^ cei or more was financed by I Doretha C. Williams Elementary Educ. Washington, D.C. Dorothy R. Woodard Business Educ. Boley A m e rica n H o m c ^ E c o n o m ic ^ loa s. Annette M. Wright Elementary Educ. Oklahoma City Associatiom at the state m eeting ilam is a g r a d u a te o f ADDITIONALS held in March. Som e of-’NIrs. M uskogee Manual High School, West duties will consist o f at in 1966 and Langston University Verlyn James Coby Sociology Gloria Ann Armstong Health « Phys Ed. tending sem in ars, participation in 1970. y Sherra Ann Jernigan Home Economics Tulsa _ in workshops, and being in on Milam will start his Intern Leroy C. Jones Health A Phys Ed. Oklahoma City Donald O'Conner Music Oklahoma City som e panel discussions. ship in straight general surgery Embry D. Pendarvis Health A Phys, Ed. Oklahoma City The % A m e rica n . H om e at Hurley Hospital in Flint , Donald ______ ThThornton History Memphis Joseph P. McGlon, Jr. Sociology Oklahoma City E conom ics National M eeting Michigan affiliated with the Curas J. Hall Jr. Elementary E d u c./,* Tulsa will be held in June and Mrs. University of Michigan on July I Robert Anderson Pre-Med * V Oklahoma City afayette Tilford Elementary Educ. Las Vegas, Nev. West is looking forward to atf~ 1. , Cddle E. Celestlne English , La Rue. Texas t e n d in g . C o n g ressw o m a n He is the son of Mr. anS,M rs. Donald Eugene Williams Health A Phys. Ed. McAlester Tlornce C. Givens Sociology Tulsa Yvonne Braithw aite Burke will b sc a r L. Milan. 2125 North 17th Chester Arthur Henderson Sbciology be the speaker for the occasion. treet. He is a m em ber of thoderick Mason History John Henry Mayse Health A Phys. Ed. Lubbock, Texas Mrs. W est w ill bring a report Antioch Baptist Church and a Thomaa E. Malone Sociology Oklahoma City back to the state com m ittee on former m em ber of Jerusalem James Harold Morrow Elementary Educ. Tulsa Oliver Stripling, Jr. Health .& Phys. Ed. Oklahoma City the even ts of the National B a p tist Church both of I Rex Barry Jackson_______ History Langston m eetin g^ . , -*»'>>, Muskogee. , , , . ,. . MRS. PATTERSON
Students Find New Department Offers New Ideas, Interests The department of Com- was presented to approximately TV; Mr. Mai Goode, United munication, the first new 1,000 off-campus guests. The Stations; Mr. Edgar Hooper. department at Langston five evening and five matinee Ziff Publishing Company; and University in over twenty performances were attended by Miss Rita Atkinson, dance in years, initiated courses this many high school students in structor, Oklahoma City. semester leading to majors in the area. The play was Recruiting efforts to bring theatre arts and broadcast presented in the Little Theatre interested students to the journalism . The department of Hargrove Music Hall, university have kept the faculty also offers minors in these “L.U. Network at Work” was members of the department' areas and in humanities, the theme of the float designed active in speaking to various Twenty-nine students have by students of the' Corn- groups. Mr. Paul Forte declared majors in this munication department which presented a workshop on Black department. < ^ t e a second place in the Dialect to the faculty of North Ellis Fanklin, a graduating English major, and Dr. Elwyn E.o varied activities took place Miscellaneous-Youth division in east High School, Oklahoma Breaux, chairman of the English departiweftt exchange plagues during the sem ester. The the ’89ers Parade held in City, on April 6. He gave a talk during the appreciation party Franklin gave to the Department. department hosted the Carl Guthrie. The float featured Miss recently to a Ponca City Albert Oratorical Contest and Julie Haydon and students in Women’s Club on ‘‘The Death of the Third District Carl Albert the Department of Com Rhetoric.” On May 3, Mr. Keith Oratorical Contest. Seven state m unication. The float was Slothower addressed students Student Presents Plaque colleges were represented, with designed and constructed by . working with the Pylon Drama the winner being a sophomore Wardell Dodd, Rod Johnson, Cohnpa ny in Oklahoma City on “I didn’t know that I was the just say ‘You’re wrong’ and stop theatre arts m ajor from Burnell Smith, and Charles “The Drama of Today.” Dr. Joy first student to ever do at that,” he said. Langston University, Bernard Willis, all majors in the new Flasch spoke in February to the something like this,” was a In the fall of 1970, a s a fresh Warren of Hattiesburg. department. Drumright Delphian Club on remark made by Ellis Franklin, m an,* E llis started writing. “ I Mississippi. Several seminars were held “The Poetry of Melvin B. Tol- when he gave an appreication w as rather to myself** he said, The Spring dram atic on related fields in Communica- son.” party for the members of “and I w as not clo se to my hom e production starred Miss Julie tion. Speakers for the seminars o S e le c te d a s O u tstan d in g Langston University’s English p eople.” He projected his ideas Haydon, former broadway were Mr. John Taylor, R. K.O., S tu d en L -fo r 1973-74 in th e and Foreign Language Depart by w riting. “ Mrs. Toliver read actress,' and the Dust Bowl New York; Mr. Dale Hogg, TV Departm ent o f .Com m unication ment. He also presented the de one o fm v poem s and asked m e Players. Spoon Rover News commentator, Tulsa; Mr. w as Bernard Warren, sophmore partment with a lovely plaque, to attend one of the C reative Anthology, (under the direction Richard Townley, former News theatre arts major. Mr. Warren in which the occasion and the Writing Club m eetings. I w as of Mr. Keith Slothower, Editor, for channel 9, Oklahoma w as also honored a s the C o m name of the host were in enthralled by the club and assistant professor of speech,) City ; Mr. George Wesley, WKY- m u n ica tio n m a jo r w itn ^ th e scribed. wanted to becom e a part of it.” ? ••s. V highest cum ulative average. The gala occasion took place As a final attem pt to explain Fulltim e faculty m em bers of Tuesday afternoon, April 23, th e g e s tu r e h on o rin g h is the newly-formed departm ent 1974, as a group of surprised teachers and friends in the are Dr. Joy F lasch , professor of teachers w ere both stunned and departm ent, E llis com m ented. E nglish, and actirtg-qhairman; thrilled. “ I felt rather clo se to the Mr. Keith Slothower," assistant E llis, a social scien ces major- E nglish departm ent and the of s p e e c h ; M iss who is president of the Creative in s tr u c to r s . T he in stru cto r s u an ita C otton, a s s is ta n t Writers Club, read an driginal treat you on a m ore personal professor of art and hum ani poem , w hich he dedicated to the le v e l ... they alw ays find tim e to ties; and l if t . Paul Forte, in d e p a r tm e n t in str u c to r s. T he rap with the students.” str u c to r of b r o a d c a st jo u r in sp ir a tio n for th e poem nalism . ■* EU\s worked in the sum m er to s te m m e d from E l li s ’s e x pay for the plaque. “ I wanted to Faculty m em bers in other periences, as a student worker departm ents who Work part- le a v e so m e th in g th a t o th er in the O ffice of the D epartm ent students could see so they could tim e in the new departm ent of E n g lis h and F o r e ig n include Mrs. Maurine Fran discover th ejiow erfu l effect of L anguages and his involvem ent the unity /Which ex ists in the cisco, a ssista n t professor of with the E nglish instructors. m u sic ; Mr. J o e Jord an , departm ent.” E xtension; Mr. Louis Cozby, E llis said, “ E nglish so m e E llis,/o r ig in a lly enrolled in Public R elations; and Mrs. what epitom ized m y four years L a n g s tW ^ U n iv e r s ity a s an P a m e la G reen , in stru cto r. of b e in g h e r e .. .m y ex E n g lish m a jo r, but w h en D epartm ent of Music. periences. All m y life I’v e had problem s in course work arose, som ew hat of a speech im pedi he c h a n g e d h is m a jo r to m en t. P e o p le dou b te d sociology. The main reason for m * .. they s a id ^ * n e e 3 e c T fo "1 Above m em bers of the band prepare them selves for the 89’er Day parade in Guthrjp. The band took first place in the special bands English Profs im prove m y E nglish. I w anted the ch ange seem ed to be a ^ fa ilin g m ark r e c e iv e d id to prove to them that I could get division of the parade. The m arching group is under the super vision of Mr. Thigpen. ^ AttenctNational off into E nglish and get involved in it.” He recalls that w hile E nglish literature. He said, “ l \ decided to change m y major CLA Meeting working in the E nglish depart ment, corrections w ere alw a y s because I didn’t want to redo that co u rse.” Music Department In Two L an gston m em bers, M iss Helen Stephens fa c u lty being m ade by the instructors on his speech, and writing aided Now a senior sociology m ajor from O klah om a C ity, E llis an a M rs. Louise Latim er, from Annual Concert th e E n g lish la n g u a g e and foreig n d ep a r tm e n t re him. They a lso hpjped, by p o in tin g him to c e r ta in graduates this sem ester with fu tu r e hopes* of a tte n d in g references w h ifh would help g r a d u a te sc h o o l a t A tla n ta Concluding a fine year, the achieving a su ccessful year for sp ectively, attended the College hinrIm prove. “ They n e v e r did U n iv e r s ity - Langston U niversity band pre the LU band. Language A ssociation m eeting sented its annual concert May 8 April 18-20 in Baltim ore. in th e L ittle T h ea tre of Hargrove Hall. M em b ers of th e m u sic Group Visits OCPA The author of the textbook used in LU’s Black American L ite r a tu r e c o u r s e s, B lack Career Development d ep a rtm en t h a v e e x p r e sse d feelings that it has been a Six m em bers of the ne\ft N e w sw r itin g c la s s and th e sponsor of the G azette jour W riters o f A m e r ic a , and n a tio n a l p r e sid e n t of this Finds Jobs for Grads successful year and that they organization Richard Barks feel that things will be even-', neyed to Tulsa for the spring dale presided over the meeting. The serv ices rendered by the jobs upon graduation w ere the better next year. s e s s io n of the O klahom a ° T h ere w e r e 30 c o lle g e s Career D evelopm ent Center are o n es who su cceed ed in C o lle g ia te P r e s s A sso c ia tio n ^ r e p r e s e n te d by ^ o v e r , 300 those which qid in settiqg^up acquiring jobs. Among those P la n s h a v e a lr e a d y been (OCPA). Most state colleges d elegates in the m eeting o fth e interview s for Job p lacem ents com panies and firm s who have —- m ade for several out of state \ p e r fo r m a n c e s in clu d in g a and universities w ere in at 37-year old national organi-, upon graduation for seniors. b een s e le c te d by L a n g sto n tendance. - za tio n o f c o lle g e Qla n g u a g e Each year, monthly schedules students a re the J. C. P enney’s com petitive m arching festival. T he m e e tin g fe a tu r e d teachers. The host colleges are arranged by the Center for Company, Ford Motor Coqi; The m usic departm ent has s e s s io n s w ith p rofessiQ n al w ere Morgan State co lleg e personal i r e v i e w s with school pany, E quitable Life Insurance, turned in a year of eapfiest re m em bers of the journalism B owie State -C ollege, Coppin s y s te m s ^ and' c o r p o r a tio n s, Hertz Rent-a-Car, Southwestern cruiting of high school students field that have been, successful State College, Howard .Uni enabling students to b ecom e Bell, Job Corps, Skelly Oil to add to the departm ent. Staff in different areas of the pro: versity and D istrict of Columbia fam iliar with a more, varied C o m p a n y , B o ein g s A irc ra ft, m em bers feel that,/they have fession. The purpose of the trip T eachers College* selection of job openings. Also, Arthur Shaw, Arthur Anderson been quite fruitful afid that their w as for further understanding The thefpP’ofThe'm eeting was a Career F air is planned e^ch and th e S oil Conservartion wprk will build a bigger and of journalism and fellowship “ Literature, Language and Lib year offering the sa m e op- F orestry. b etter band of “ M arch in g with other m em bers of the field. eration.” Several papers were portunites. The main purpose P r o fe s s io n fo o tb a ll te a m s Lions” for next year; and a T h o se a tte n d in g w e re : p r e se n te d by o u tsta n d in g for the Career Fair is not only have also been selected by greater m usic departm ent as E z e llm o s S tep b n es, John authors in the literary field, open to Langston student# but talented Langston graduates
Cooperative Education Enables Student Work in Many Areas During the recent Career Eustacia Dawson, Mrs. Gwenda leaves the campus scene with a Week, two sem inars on Young, Mr. John Alexander, degree and valuable ex Cooperative Education were Mr. Maurice Clark, and Mr. perience. conducted. The seminars were Henderson Gardner, class of Some employers give finan
a Foreign Language Club Celebrates Week With Variety of Activities, April 8-12 The Foreign Language Club celebrated Foreign Language Grand champions were Lans Week April 812. ing Lee and Florence Givens. There were various activities Scheduled for Friday was the held during the week. Monday initiation for the incoming April 8 was Public Relation members of Alpha Mu Gamma, Day; Tuesday was Indentifica- but it was postponed until 1 p.m. tion Day, where the students Thursday ®May 2, in the library wore name tags with titles in room of Jones Hall. The candi Spanish, French and German. dates are; Herschel Smith. The buildings were also labeled. Beverly Reid, Thad Avery, Wednesday and Thursday there Samuel Crowell, Florence was the Pot-pourri Day, and Givens, Jewel Houston and Presentation Day respectively. Cynthig^Jackson. Also to be Pot-pourri Day was a presenta initiated into the organization tion of skits by the students in are Dexter, Patmon. Nannette Spanish, French and German Sanders, Wilma Sanders, classes. Presentation Day in Members of the International Club are; (Front row left to right) Mrs. Kendall, sponsor, Ralph Arvita Smith, Wilma Walker cluded a poetry reading contest. Conley, Gregory Bonemy, Saum Moorhamadi and Berhani Kiros. and Clara Woodbury. The winner of the contest in Second Row Mildred Twickler, Donna-Jones, Elizabeth Conley. M. Jalol. Issa Mohammadi, Hu Sharon Spratt, president, German were Bernard Warren, bert Starr, Sanfa Dura, Saidu Sisay. Ellis Franklin, marshall and first place, Cecil Beasley took Third Row Tsega Bahta, Asfow Berhe, Joseph Gabriel-Michael and Wallace Owens, sponsor. Bernard Warren, secretary will second place and Ronald Fourth Row Cynthia Jackson and Haile Belay. install the new members. Primus, third place. _ Fifth Row Olvin Rees. Honorary degrees will be con In Spanish, the winner in ferred for Mrs. William E. Group 1-3 hrs. were Victor Car- Theresa A. Cooper, and Debra second and third place. Jewel B everly Reid second place and Sims, Rachel Ellis and Evelyn ruthers who received first Simmons third place. Group III- Houston took fourth place Oscar P atricia H o k r eslh ir d place. Nettles. place, Thaddeus Avery and 2 and 3-year student winners Franklin and Anthony Baker Sydney HUffer was the first Ronald Hickerson, second and third place respectively. Group were: Florence Givens first place,'-Paul Knox and Vyaya r e c e iv e d six th and sev e n th place. place winner in the prose read ing contest. D exter Patmon Banquet Tops II-6 hrs., first place went to Lark tied for second, David F ren ch w in n ers in clu d ed , received second and third place Brenda Walker, second place to Manning, Cynthia Jackson N an cy D a v is, fir st ^ lace; winner w as Mike Gibson. (Continued from P age 4) Kappa9 (> s 40th LU D e p a r tm e n t O b s e rv e s The Brothers of Alpha Pi W e e k F o r L ib ra rie s Cooperative Ed. Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi D o ren e D o u g la s, F lo r e n c e celebrated their 40th an niver The L an gston U n iv e r sity D ouglass, Andrea Flew ellen, sary with a banquet and vesper Library Department presented Melodi H olm es, Bonita *faey, s e r v ic e . C. F e lto n “ Z ip ” an o b se r v a n c e of N ation al W illiam L ittlejo h n , R obert G ayles, an Alpha P i founder, Library Week April 21-27. The M cCormicIf* S te v e M iddle- w as the guest speaker. them e was “ L et’s Get It On At brook, Debra Moore, Margaret Three Brothers of Alpha Pi ■The L ibrary;” RdadL Moore, D exter Patm on, Jam es w ere also acknow ledged at the The program included a book Thom as, Donald . Vick, _Ken vesper serv ice for their recent review given by Mrs. Virginia Whited, Clinton Wilbur, Al- ■election to the Student Govern Scohoats on the book “ The Late fredia Wright, Gwenda Young, ment A ssociation. They are Great Planet Earth” by Hal M ichael p ig g s, "Sharon Banks, Brother Sidney Butler, Brother Lindsey, at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday Ralph Conley, Jam es Warren. S tep h en A lex a n d er, and April 23. Mrs. Schoats &as Ronald Vick, and E velyn F a r Brother M arcellus F ield s, the presented a book for her review. rell. c. organization exprssed faith that Winners of the book drawing Dr. E llis i& a m em ber of the their reign will be a prosperous were from four categories: W ays and Means Com m ittee. one. Brother Kenneth Payne Y von n e M aria C otton, the Mr. Patm on w as a d elegate to also w as acknowledged for his la b o ra to ry sch o o l; L aV are the student division of the o u tsta n d in g a c h ie v e m e n t in D avis, nursery sd lool; Don association. ° k sports. Shoulders, a student attending Langston University and Dr. Lab school students perform at sixth grade day. Breaux, a m em ber of the staff here at LU. Panhellenic Elects SENIORS This literary work is dedicated to the Seniors. On Special Day 100 r Smith ’74 President Robert Smith of Kappa Alpha Has it been that long ago? Why, I can rem em ber during our freshm an year, w e w ere called “ cra b s,” when w e w ere sur rounded by upper-classm en. I hated the word “ sen ior,” but Students Hit LU Campus som ehow I respected it. The word “ sen ior” had som e m ean P si fr a te r n ity w as ele c te d ing behind it, som e dem and, so m e superiority and seniority. president of th e Pan-Hellenic WhenJ. w as a “ crab ” , I didn’t asso cia te with those on the Council for next year at the last sam e revehns-T, because I felt they had nothing to offer me. 1 A p p ro x im a te ly 100 six th The day began with registra m eeting of the organization. hung out with the seniors becau se they la d so much to offer grade students from various tion followed by a morning Nancy D avis, Alpha Kappa and teach m e. I felt the seniors could fill m e in on every de schools throughout the state of snack. The young people were Alpha sorority, was elected tail, strong and w eak points. Oklahoma, invaded the Lang then directed to the Little vice-president. Corresponding “ Senior” the word itself m eans service, energy, nobility, ston cam pus Saturday, April 27 T h e a tre w hich had been secretary will be Margaret integrity, opinion, respect, and charism a. T hese titles bring A special day of activities was. decorated by the pupils from Bates, Zeta Phi Beta. »** about and m ake true “ Seniors” . Well, here w e are, on the p la n n ed jo r the young guests the Laboratory school under the Other officers etected were vdty top, “ Seniors” . We have reached that final destiny * direction of the principal, Mrs. M arvin B a ttle , A lpha Phf which w as so hard and w eary to conquer, but now we have T V S p e c ia l H o n o rs Lula Holloway, and the other Alpha, secretary; Ronald Trib found out it w as not incredible as w e thought. m em bers of the staff, Mrs. Dora ble, Omega Psi Phi, treasurer; And to my Senior fraternity brothers, I shall m iss all of you B la c k M usic W o m e n Thigpen and Miss Elfred Maloy. Gale Ware, Delta Sigm a Theta, to the truest and deepest of my m ental heart. I know w e m ay “ A m e r ic a n s A ll,” a TV The w elcom e extended by parliam entarian; Alvin Cole never see each other again, or cross each other’s path in the special from ABC that is a Lecia Swain helped to set the man, Phi Beta Sigma, sergeant- future. I sh a ll rem em ber the things w e went through, and documentary series will explore tone of the activities for the day. at-arm s and Vivian Currin. they shall alw ays burn in our hearts a s college days sw iftly the genius that Black women Joining the Laboratory School Sigm a Gamma Rho, reporter. pass imbued with m em ories fond, and the recollection truly singer#1iave-broijght to Ameri students w ere high school aqd fades away. can m usic Sunday, May 12. c o lle g e stu d en ts who had Seniors, Check Seniors, I can ’t b elieve it. Why, it w as only yesterday when The show will feature such participated in previous Sixth we enrolled, and now when I look at you and see how you all immortals a s B illie Holiday, Grade Day activities in en Career Center haye-grown m entally—I feel proud to see the finest of men Sarah Vaughan, D ella R eese, tertaining the ^visiting sixth Notice To Seniors: men brought out in all of you. N o w ,^ o and spread Mahalia Jackson and Roberta graders. If you have not been b> w hat low ledge you have gained, to light the road for our F la ck . T h e se u n fo r g e tta b le A special concert by the Career Developm ent Cenf people to follow. There are things that keep a m em ory voices and figures will be pre L an gston J a zz P la y e r s please do so before school is out. rem em bered, and there w ere things that w ere degrading, sented in actual perform ances clim axed the d ay’s activities. Your placem ent papers with dumb, stupid, em barrassing, and unpleasant, used against and in interview s with som e of re co m m en d a tio n s sh ou ld be us at one tim e or another, but w e dare not forget these things them op. how they feel about being Black and gifted. The p rd gram w r itten , Senior filed in this* office. When you apply for a job.'Hhe em ployer m ay write to this office for your because they were part of the learning process that everyone m ust go through. Seniors, here w e 'hre on the very top: It takes a lot taJGnow who you are and what you are; it does not produced and d ir ected by Rowar Enders outlines the his Reception resum e and other credentials. See us before you graduate. pay to pretend to be wnat you are not. Now that we have found ourselves, w e are surely the KINGS and QUEENS of tory of Black women singers There will be a reception after When you are hired on a job, happiness. and their m usic starting with com m encem ent for graduating please let us know your position Today we reach out for a bachelor’s degree; tomorrow it gospel to blues. seniors and parents in the Hale location, and salary. Your co m ay be a m aster’s or a doctor’s. R egardless, let us alw ays be The s e rie s highlights the con Student Union Ballroom. This is operation is appreciated. SCHOLARS. tributions of ethnic groups to an annual affair given by the We a re located in Sanford P re sid e n t, faculty and staff. Hall Annex. —E .«Jonathan F ra n k lin ^ A m erican cu ltu re.
ran Si - M) 111 W I % Graduation Time Lets Seniors Reflect Five Grad-Elects Respond If Stay at L.U. a Success To find how the seniors for the Rex Johnson, plans to work a ^ class of ’74 feel about there stay while at Langston until his wife at Langston University and completes her studies. When their plans for the future; the asked if Langston has prepared following two questions where him for society? He said, “No. put to them. not toally but has prepared me 1. What plans do you have for in some aspects. To be totally the future? ready for society one must know 2. Do you feel that your stay at a little street knowledge which Langston University has pre one can ’t receive here at pared you socially, mentally Langston. - and academically to go forth as i a productive citizen in our L. Randall, said that he plans society? to attend Purdue University to Denoval D. Reed said “I wish continue studies in Micro to become a successful Black Biology or Medical School. He Busilffessifian I know that to ob also said that Langston has tain this goal it will depend to prepared him for this society, tally upon my own personal but “socially no, Political no. effort and drive. There are But I do not care to much for the many downfalls in life, but I political or social society.” know that when I fall, I will be strong enough to pick my self Janice Williams, said that she Denaval I). Reed Patricia Walter up. This is how personal' will be working for Gulf Oil satisfaction ip-obtained, and this Production in Oklahoma City, is something I will and must as an Accountant. & have.” Patricia Walter said “A stay When asked if Langston has at Langston can prepare you for prepared her for the future her a future that will be look upon responces were “Yes, even with great respect. Because of though Langston is a small •vthe closeness of the faculty and black college there is a wide student body. I feel that the stu range of students from all parts dents have a better chance of of the country. Langston has a being more of a rounded person. good staff of instructors who' are True Langstpn University is -willing to aid student. I believe small but you can accomplish a the faculty and student body lot of things if you try.” lends to work as a family.” .A Proposed Proclamation WHEREAS the Oklahoma Division of Student A ssistance i^a p r o fe s sio n a l s ta te w id e o r g a n iz a tio n co m p o sed of educators directly involved in program s sponsored by the United States Office of Education ( hereinafter referred to a s OE program s) and hosted by the follqwmgHnstitutions of higher education: Bacone College, CarL Albert Junior College, E ast Central State College, Langston University, Murray State College, Oklahoma Baptist U niversity. Oscar Rose Junior College, Sem inole Junior College, Southeastern State College, Southwestern State College, University of Oklahoma, and U niversity of Tulsa; and WHEREAS these educational program s are known in dividually a s Special Services, Talent Search, and Upr ward Bound; and (—
M II, 1 0 4 - Pap Urn Langston’s lio n ’s Roar to Last 0 ( Dwight Guy Tabbed Outstanding The LU’s Lions showed gre^t felt as if we had a couple of let strength when they walked downs, but was still glad we away with the crown for the last won. Coach Nivens plans to take Oklahoma Collegiate Track the mile and 440-relay team to Conference held in Edmond be thedNAIA National meet. fore succession of the six state There was little if any sur colleges on May 3-4. The lions prises as to who would take the displayed great vigor when they crown as LU fans looked on. LU won all three relays. tyiannized the whole two-day The Lions ended with a 30 affair. Dwight Pankey another point lead over Cameron with a outstanding performer for the final scoring totaling 82 points Lions took first in the 880, plus for the mighty Lions. Cameron ran a leg in the mile relay. Carl scored 52Vj points and the ton Green came out of his bag former champions South running in the 440-relay, the 880- western finished third. relay, and the mile relay. Ralph Langston has long deserved Tilley a vigorous man also did the crown because in the past 10 well when he flayed a deter years the lions have been rated mining factor in the 440 relay, in the top three of the con not to mention him taking first ference. Freshman Dwight Guy in the 440 hurdles. Dwight Guy, a freshman, won the 440 and placed second Chevez a freshman, Briggs. totalea 16‘/i 1 6 poinl points in the con* in the 220, plus ran in all three Boose, Cunningham all put on a ference meet at Edmond last relays; was voted the “Out great showing along with the weekend. For his efforts he was standing -Performer” totaling wild man Thomas Henderson The Lion Relay Team provided the strength the team needed to named “ Outstanding P er 16'/5» points. * who took second in the Long bring back the crown to Langstotv. Members of the relay squad are former”. Coach (Big Daddy) Nivens Jump. D w ight Pankey, Dwight Guy, Carlton Green and Ralph Tilley. AUSports Banquet Rewards Athletes for Good Year Shoats, Cudjoe _ ** _ _ c*’ As Former Pro Footballer Talk Keynotes Service Named to AD, Langston U niversity honored its coaches and athletes at the an Head Cage Job nual All Sports Banquet at 7:30 p.m ., Saturday, May 4. The banquet, held in the Ballroom of Hale Student Union Build ing, featured an address by Curtis R. McClinton Jr., president and Head football Coach Albert executive director since 1970 of Black Econom ic Union of Greater Schoats w as promoted to the K ansas C ity, Mo. positiori of Athletic Director and The speaker is a form er professional football star, having played (o m aintain his present post for for the K ansas'City Chiefs from 1962 to 1970. n ex t fa ll. A lso P r e sid e n t A native of M uskogee, Oklahoma, he m oved to Wichita, Kansas, William Sim s announced that from where he w as graduated at Wichita High School North, Lawrence Cudjoe, l^ead cage played football and w as nam ed Athlete of the Year and received the coach at Douglas for the past 18 Wisefnan trophy for his high school playing. His college playing at years will be the head basket the University of K ansas won for him the College Sporting News ball coach for the 1974-75-cam All-American title. McClintori’s playing a s a professional brought paign. him the All-Pro Am erican Football League Rookie of the Year Schoats guided the Lions to an award, and he is listed in Who’s Who of Outstanding Young Men of 11-1 season mark with the lone Am erica in 1971. blem ish being put there' by na During his professional football years he worked a s insurance tional champion Abilene Chris salesm an, brqpdcaster, bank execu tive and as securities broker tian College. For his efforts this and dealer. year Schoats w as named the The Langston Lions.can point to a successful year, particularly in OCAC of the Year. football, having com pleted the season with an 11-1 record, losing Coach Cudjoe has gained a only in the sem i-finals. The Lions took the Oklahoma Collegiate su ccessful reputation during his Conference title easily, 8-0, and w ere ranked first in d efense in stay with the Douglass Trojans NAIA ratings. having taken the Mid-State title The Associated Press ranked the Lions 13th in the nation, but seven tim es and from 1965-68 they moved up to third place in NAIA ratings and cam e out second the team took the title three am ong Black colleges. y e a r s in s u c c e s s io n . Other Coach Albert Schoats w as named Coach of the Y ear for the Okla su ccessful years with the Tro homa Collegiate Conference and the Pittsburg Courier ga v e him jans included three tim es in the the sam e honor. finals out of eleven ( 11) tim es Two players m ade the AP Little All-American team . Thomas going into the state tournament. Henderson defensive end, was named to the first team on the AP His m ost successful season as poll, and Prinson Poindexter, quarterback, m ade the third team. coach of the Trojans cam e in Henderson also m ade the UPI team and was named also on the 1966 when the team won 22 NAIA team . ^ ’i gam es out of 23. The next year The Pittsburg Courier saw two Lions on the first team All-Ameri w as a ^ io s t as successful with ca. They w ere Kenneth Payne, wide receiver, and Poindexter, 21 wins and only two defeats. quarterback. T he y e a r s b etw e en 1955-73 ^ Henderson took the title of D efensive P layer of the Year on the pushed the gam e totals to 361 QGAC, and Poindexter was nam ed the Offensive P la y e r of the wins and 110 losses. Y ear. All conference players included Ananias Carson, Poindexter. £ o a c h Cudjoe is a graduate of Henderson, and Jerry Johnson. BopKer T. Washington High In basketball Alex Hanna took the OCAC scoring crown, was School in Sem inole and starred ^ named to the second team for the conference, and to the first team on that team . He and his twin in NAIA District Nine r a t in g s Alphonso Bryndon took the OCAC b ro th er L ance a tten d e d rebound title for the Lions, antrthe season ended with 11 w ins to 14 Langston U niversity on basket losses. * ball scholarship and that team Both the baseball and track team s are still buried in the season, w as able to defeat the fam ous with titles yet to be determined. H a rlem G lo b e tro tters. T he Reservations for the banquet are available for $4 from Langston gam e led to the selection of the University Business Manager Floyd Jam es Jr., with a cutoff date Cudjoe twins to join the Globe of April 29 for purchase of tickets. trotters Following several successful ^ Graduation Grabs 15 Athletes years with the Globetrotters, Coach Cudjoe returned to Okla We Say ‘Good-bye, Good Luck9 homa to beconwe involved in education and, as he expressed Congratulations and farewell, Leroy C. Jones it, “to help the youth oL the v to all the^graduating athletes John Henry Mayse state.” ' :who have ^ p resen ted Langston Jasper N. Myles He coached and taught at Lin U niversity proudly in the past Alpha Nesbitt Jr. coln High School in Pawnee and few years. Good Luck in the fu Kenneth Eugene Payne at Moon Junior High School be ture. \ — *, Embry D. Pendarvis fore joining the staff at Doug Prinson Lee Poindexter lass. Thaddeus O’Brien Avery Denoval Dwayne Rood The appointm ent is subject (Top) Curtis R. McClinton, Jr., former Kansas City Chief star in Freddie Guy, Jr. Alphonso Rider only to tne Board of R egents the NFL, highlighted the All-Sports Banquet while (next two pic Alex Sherman Hanna Oliver Stripling, Jr.. m eeting in May, said President tures) both faculty and students alike enjoyed the meal. Rex Barry Jackson Richard Whittaker Sims. r
Pip Eight - May 10, 1974 Opinions and Correspondence Meet the Gazette Staff Response from SGA Officers If you have ever wondered there w a s little equipm ent to D ear Editor, lectiv e action and a collective Dear Editor: just who is responsible for the work w ith, John w as able to do action destroyed slavery. Now a ublication of the G azette, then K ere are a few brief character his p art. He believes that the sta ff n eed s a perm anent place The SGA m ust take a m ore productive and functional role co llective action is n ecessary to free our m inds from bondage. T h e o ffic e of A c tiv itie s outlines about the interesting to work. He wants to see the During m y adm inistration, D irector is one of the m ost, if p eo p le w ho c o m p r is e th e in relation to student life. I have paper b ecom e a viable part of th e in n er w o r k in g s of th e not the m ost, important o ffice in G azette staff. found th at a p a th y and in the student body with m ore of university w ill be publicized so the SGA. I will be responsible M rs. A u d rey P r e w itt, difference are a m onum ental an interchange of ideas. that the students m ay be better for the social atm osphere of my a lth o u g h e m p lo y e d by th e obstacle in my path. I b elieve John w ill re tu r n next in fo rm e d . L et us d e str o y fellow students. This should university, is a lso a student and that the organization of the s e m e s te r, so the ed ito rial p ag e rumors. For m e to be su c consist of m ore than ju st a so works on the staff. Her beat is student legislative bodies will will be in good hands. cessful, I will need participation cia l scene, but other activities the Student Union and she is provide an area for ex c ess A nother nice lady on o u r sta ff student energy. The SGA for and understanding. When will that w ill interest the students as responsible for page four of this is D ’Ju a ru f Stephens. D ’J u a n a w e realize that physical wealth w ell. v issue. Her presence tends to 1974-75 will initiate numerous sees a b rig h t fu tu re a h e ad for p ro g ra m s th a t m u st h a v e is not the key to the restoration lend an air of m aturity to the the p a p e r. She believes th a t we of Black m inds. The student body m ust decide ofteq, hectic job of getting the stu d en t in v o lv e m e n t to be need m o re stu d e n ts on the s ta ff successful. B la ck p e o p le , l e t ’s break w hat kinds of a ctivities they paper out on tim e. * next se m e s te r. down the classification s and would like. I will have m y ideas "W e a r e a congenial group At this tim e I would like to “ W orking on th e p a p e r w as a m ake an appeal to the moral deal with each brother and put into a survey form to see a n d w ork well to g e th e r,” sh e nice ex p e rien ce . We w ere in a sister on their individual merit. w hich ones they would like for say s, “ but a lack of facilities obligation of our people. A new d e p a r t m e n t but s till com plete rejuvenation of our One of our largest hang-ups is m e to put into effect. By an d in ex p erien ce held us up a co m p leted a lo t,” sa y s D ’J u a n a . su b ju g a tin g o u r s e lv e s to working along with the other l i tt l e th is s e m e s t e r . N ext value system is n ecessary if we, She is so right. as a people, are to 1realize that categories which restrict our SGA officers, next year should s e m e s te r w e ’ll do all rig h t. ' mobility and our effectiven ess. be a prosperous one. C overing th e so-called social tangible, physical wealth is only S am Hill, a biology m a jo r, is new s is none o th e r than T h e re sa The tim e has arrived for us to m om entary. What you have and responsible for copyediting an d get involved in life. A. C ooper (1 don’t know w h at what you want m ay, at m ost, re w ritin g . S ince he is a co n the A s ta n d s for.) She sa y s th at provide tem porary satisfaction. Sidney Butler, M arcellus F ields v e r te d E n g lis h m a jo r , th e we did o u r p a r t this s e m e s te r We w ere underm ined and President-elect D irector-elect of A ctivities position w as a n a tu ra l for him . alth o u g h inexperience held us subjugated to slavery by a col SGA SGA lie a ls o c o v e r s th e h a r d up som e. N ext s e m e ste r, she scien ces d e p a rtm e n ts. He feels sa y s w hen we sa y we m ust th a t it w as difficult to s ta rt a m ak e a dead lin e, w e should p a p e r in one s e m e s te r but that d esp ite this ev e ry th in g went well. m e a n e x a c tly th a t. O .K ., T h eresa. J a m e s G reenhow ard, co m Better Information System Needed “ Next s e m e s te r w e c a n do it,” sa y s S am . A lthough he w on’t be m only know n a s B unyan, is our As an o th er sch o o l y e a r te a c h e r . E x a m p le s of th is designated w eeks, which for ab le to devote a s m u ch tim e to ad sa le s m a n . H ow ever. I d o n ’t rapidly screeches to a halt, an nature abound due to the lack of Langston is practically every the G azette next y e a r a s he does think h e has sold too m any ads. audible sigh of relief is heard an effectiv e means, of relaying other w eek ; or those unplanned now, he will still g ive th e p ap e r N ev erth eless, our m an B unyan echoing through the halls of information between the ad and unannounced ab sen ces of som e co n sid eratio n . js also a g re a t re p o rte r, being Langston. The fireworks will m in istr a tio n , fa c u lty and faculty m em bers. Most other C heryl W illiam s, a w om an ot ab le to.;pick sto rie s from out of soon be over; only the sm oke students. information is of a personal m any- ta le n ts, co v e rs so m any the sky. I hope he sells m o re rem ains. At this tim e of the In th e fin a l a n a ly s is , nature, i.e. financial or social, d e p a rtm e n ts th at th e re is n ’t ad s next se m e ste r. P le a se try . year, Langston d issolves into a sp r e a d in g su ch in fo rm a tio n w h ich in v o lv e an e x is tin g room to m ention them all. We B unyan. s k e le ta l S u m m er School actually lies within the realm of m otivation. E veryone see m s to know th at w hen if co m es tinrje T he a u th o r of this a rtic le is structure as the m ajority of the adm inistration, sin ce it is know where the m oney and for a sto ry to he. co v e red , wejpflh m e, Opio T oure. I a m th e co- students scatter to the four they who are in a position of parties are. a lw a y s depend on her. editor o t the G azette so if you winds. Som e will follow 74 years knowledge about every hap “ B ecau se w e w e re ju st re ally have a n y co m p lain ts’ co n c ern of L ab gsto n tr a d itio n and p en in g , w h e th e r s o c ia l or Here are two suggestions gettin g involved, we w e re n ’t ing the p a p e r o r about not being r e c e iv e th eir h o n o ra b le educational, that takes place on w hich a re free for the taking a b le to do a s m uch as we w anted in it, s e e the ad v iso r, Mr. J o t discharge, only to return as cam pus. and discarding. 1) Create a lo ," sh ejsay s. H er ad v ic e to the Jo rd a n , a little m an iu .th e Ex visitors or teachers. Others |will The problem with d issem in slfudent -sta ffed in fo rm a tio n re tu rn in g sta ff m e m b e rs is to tension Office. m ove along else where and ating inform ation is th e /p e a n s center located either near the "g et m o re o rg a n iz e d .” le a v e L a n g sto n b eh in d , a by which it is dissem inated. source of information (P a g e T he p h o to g rap h y is th e fault, com m onplace happening at any There are obvious flaw s with H all), or near an area where er, the w ork of W illie Hill from university.; still others will work thd m ethods currently in use: students often congregate, such C hicago. 111. W illie is m ajo rin g Poets’ Night or play for a few m onths then Second-hand information from as the Student Union. This center should be visually ob in B ro a d c a st J o u rn a lis m and
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