The Future of Yellowstone Bison Management

The Future of Yellowstone Bison Management

The Future of
Yellowstone Bison

The Future of Yellowstone Bison Management
Table of
    4    Executive Summary
    10   Bison History in the
         Greater Yellowstone
    14   The Interagency Bison
         Management Plan (2000)
    18   Highlights of IBMP
    28   Catalysts for Change in
         Bison Management
    38   Policy Recommendations
    42   Literature Cited

The Future of Yellowstone Bison Management
Bison in the
    Lamar Valley.
  © Neal Herbert

 Bull bison in the
Yellowstone River.
     © Jim Peaco

The Future of Yellowstone Bison Management
Executive T                    he bison of Yellowstone National Park (YNP)
                               in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem comprise
                               the nation’s only continuously wild population
                       of the species—a symbolically and genetically important

                       remnant of the vast herds that once played a domi-
                       nant ecological role across the American landscape.
                       The survival of Yellowstone bison has been an ongoing
                       struggle, as the species barely escaped extinction only
                       to endure a changing series of management approaches
                       by the National Park Service within YNP and by state
                       and federal agencies on adjacent lands in Montana in the
                       ensuing decades. Much of the stringent management
                       approach to-date for bison has been driven by fear of the
                       animals transmitting brucellosis, a nonnative livestock
                       disease, to cattle found in areas adjacent to the park.

Bison in Yellowstone
National Park.
© Jonathan Eden/

The Future of Yellowstone Bison Management
Within YNP, bison thrive as a population largely             Fortunately, the opportunity exists today to create a
managed by natural factors such as weather and preda-        new era in management for Yellowstone bison. The Park
tors. The park provides abundant seasonal habitat, but       Service and the State of Montana along with cooper-
in the winter when snow within the park grows impen-         ating agencies from Native American tribes and other
etrable, bison often migrate beyond park boundaries to       federal agencies are in the process of developing a new
find suitable forage. Along the edge of the park and on      Yellowstone-area bison conservation plan to replace the
public and private lands in Montana, bison face intensive    outdated 2000 IBMP. The development of a new plan
management including hazing, a practice where bison          offers the opportunity to set Yellowstone bison manage-
are driven away from areas where they are not currently      ment on a better path that will ensure the long-term
allowed, and shipment to slaughter. Such management is       survival of the herd, while limiting the risk of disease
guided by state and federal agencies and Native Amer-        transmission to domestic livestock.
ican tribes under the direction of the 2000 Interagency
Bison Management Plan (IBMP). This approach to bison
management costs taxpayers millions and has created
consistent controversy.

                                              Pre-Settlement and
                                              Current Yellowstone-Area
                                              Bison Distribution
                                              (adapted from Plumb et al. 2009).


                                               North                               Bison Distribution

                                                       ID                 YELLOWSTONE
                                                                          NATIONAL PARK

                                              0   5    10    20     30      40    50
The Future of Yellowstone Bison Management
Summary of
Catalysts for Change
in Bison Management

                                                          Bison in the snow.
                                                             © Neal Herbert

    SPOTLIGHT     The World Health Organization defines brucellosis
                  as a zoonotic disease found in cattle that is
                  transmitted through blood, placenta, fetuses, uterine

                  secretions, or through consumption of raw animal
                  products. In humans it is known as undulant fever.
The Future of Yellowstone Bison Management

     ince the original IBMP was signed in 2000, managers have been incrementally moving
     toward managing Yellowstone bison like other migratory wildlife, but controversy
     and issues persist. The IBMP was designed to enable management adaptations based
on advancements in science, gained management experience, and changes in the legal
framework, social setting, and the landscape. Such amendments to the plan have led to
increased tolerance for bison on habitat adjacent to YNP during winter months. Some of the
key areas where change has occurred include our understanding of the risk of brucellosis
transmission, our understanding of viable alternatives to the yearly bison slaughter, and our
understanding of how we are managing the disease in other species.

Brucellosis                               evaluate alternative management          of brucellosis seroprevalence in
The risk of brucellosis transmis-         approaches for bison. We should          Montana’s elk population were quite
sion from bison to cattle drives the      consider options that are not as risk    low, and found only in areas close to
management requirements under             averse in the interest of reducing       YNP. Over time, seroprevalance rates
the current IBMP. The seropreva-          costs of current management efforts      have increased in some Montana elk
lence rate of Yellowstone bison is        and improving our ability to better      herds and spread to a larger area,
approximately 50%, which indicates        manage bison as wildlife.                which has led to an expansion of the
exposure to the disease but does not                                               DSA. Recent seroprevalence rates
necessarily mean an active infection      Ongoing Bison Slaughter                  were reported at just over 50% in elk
or the ability to transmit the disease.                                            found in the Paradise Valley north of
                                          Shipping bison to slaughter triggers
However, the assumed risk is not                                                   YNP. That rate is similar to the rate
                                          sharp criticism from the public. The
as great as once thought in terms of                                               historically occurring in the Yellow-
                                          traditional approach for managing
the length of time that the disease                                                stone bison herd. While bison have
                                          the distribution and population of
remains viable in the environment.                                                 been aggressively managed, Montana
                                          wild game species in North America
This understanding can enable the                                                  elk have been more appropriately
                                          has been through public hunting. By
use of targeted situational separation                                             managed through tactics such as
                                          providing more bison habitat outside
of the two species rather than broad                                               situational spatial and temporal
                                          of YNP, this model could be used to
separation. Additionally, advances in                                              separation of elk and cattle.
                                          more effectively manage the size and
science have indicated that oppor-        distribution of the population.
tunities exist to use quarantine                                                   The many state, federal, and tribal
programs to reduce the need to ship                                                interests that have been driving
                                          The retirement of key grazing allot-     decision making through the
animals to slaughter. These quaran-
                                          ments over the last 15 years has         IBMP specific to Yellowstone bison
tine programs could be utilized to
                                          substantially reduced the risk of        management should be applauded
relocate some Yellowstone bison to
                                          brucellosis transmission from bison to   for the advances they have made
new appropriate locations to estab-
                                          cattle on lands adjacent to YNP. The     to-date. We have come a long way
lish new conservation herds where
                                          new Yellowstone-area bison conserva-     from the bison management poli-
interest exists.
                                          tion plan should recognize the value     cies of the 1980’s. However, it is
                                          of voluntary grazing retirements to      time to adjust our approach once
The economic implications of brucel-
                                          increase public hunting opportunities    again and fully replace the outdated
losis infection in cattle have also
                                          and reduce the risk of brucellosis       IBMP. Simply put, we know much
dramatically changed in recent years.
                                          transmission from bison to cattle.       more today than we did when the
This is largely due to the adoption
of the Designated Surveillance Area                                                original IBMP was developed, so the
(DSA), which is a defined geographic      Brucellosis Beyond Bison                 opportunity exists to take what we
area where there is increased brucel-     It is important to recognize that        have learned and make a significant
losis testing and vaccination requir-     brucellosis threats go beyond            change in how we work to ensure
ments for cattle. Such risk-reduction     bison in the Greater Yellowstone         the long-term conservation of these
should substantially alter how we         Ecosystem. For many years, rates         iconic bison.
The Future of Yellowstone Bison Management
Development of the New
                                   Yellowstone-Area Bison
                                   Conservation Plan
Summary of                         • The management agencies should
                                     evaluate different models for

                                     stakeholder involvement to better
                                     incorporate stakeholder
                                     interests into the new plan and

for a
                                     plan development. The selected
                                     model should require, among
                                     other things, input in plan

New Yellowstone-                     development from a stakeholders
                                     group representing a broad set of
                                     interests. For example the group

Area Bison                           should include: sportsmen,
                                     livestock producers, wildlife
                                     advocates, and local businesses.

Conservation Plan                  • The agencies should create an
                                     independent science panel to
                                     provide review and recommen-
                                     dations on the science applied in
The development of the new           development of the new plan.

bison conservation plan creates    • The analysis of new alternatives
                                     should include an explicit
an opportunity to set bison          assessment of risk that
                                     describes the probability and
management on a better               magnitude of environmental
informed path that will ensure       and economic impacts.

the long-term survival of the
Yellowstone herd, while limiting   General Goals and Provisions
                                   for the New Yellowstone-Area
the risk of disease transmission   Bison Conservation Plan:
to domestic livestock in           • Management of a wild bison
                                     population in YNP and on adjacent
Montana. The important               lands in Montana.
elements of this new approach      • Manage Yellowstone area bison to
are outlined here and provided       limit the risk of the spread of
                                     brucellosis from wild bison to cattle.
in detail in the full report.      • Manage for bison outside of YNP
                                     under the principles of the North
                                     American Model for wildlife
                                   • Provide for adequate conservation
                                     measures to prevent the listing
                                     of bison under the Endangered
                                     Species Act.
The Future of Yellowstone Bison Management

• A wild population of bison should       • The management unit definition           owners that incur bison caused
  be defined as: One that roams             must reflect the goals of the new        damage to personal property, or
  within a conservation area that is        plan as outlined here, and more          economic loss due to brucellosis
  large enough to sustain ecological        specifically ensure that bison are       infection in cattle.
  processes such as migration and           welcome on year-round habitat
  dispersal, sufficiently abundant          in Montana.
  to mitigate the loss of existing                                                 Bison Population
  genetic variation, subject to forces                                             • The bison population addressed
  of natural selection such as compe-     Management Tools                           by the new plan should be
  tition for breeding opportunities       • Risk of brucellosis infection should     managed to preserve the ecological
  and food, predation, and substan-         be primarily addressed through           integrity of the population
  tial environmental variability, and       situational use of spatial and           (as outlined in our definition of
  not owned but managed for the             temporal separation of bison and         a wild bison population) and main-
  public good (adapted from White           domestic cattle. During high-risk        tain or improve genetic diversity,
  and Wallen 2012).                         periods the plan should prevent          while not increasing the risk of
                                            co-mingling of bison and cattle.         brucellosis transmission.
• The new plan should focus on
  managing the risk of brucellosis        • The abundance and distribution of      • Develop population objectives for
  infection rather than targeting           bison should be managed as much          different habitat locations that
  brucellosis eradication. Eradication      as possible through state licensed       reflect the unique human needs
  of brucellosis in wildlife is not a       hunting and tribal treaty rights         and ecological characteristics asso-
  realistic goal given currently avail-     hunting outside of YNP. Bison            ciated with the current or potential
  able disease management tools.            hunting should end by March 31st         bison habitat in that location.
                                            each year.
• The new plan should remain an                                                    • Use the Northern Wildlife Range
  adaptive management plan that is        • Pursue an ongoing and successful         Working Group (i.e. the multi-
  adjusted over time given changes          quarantine program that would            agency collaborative that currently
  in relevant science, land manage-         create the opportunity for YNP           exists) to annually review bison
  ment, the ecological environment,         bison to be transferred to tribal        harvest levels, habitat manage-
  and the socio-political landscape.        lands, federal lands, and other          ment needs, and inventory needs.
                                            potential habitat that meets
                                            predefined standards.
Management Units                                                                   Research and Education
                                          • In extreme circumstances
• We expect there will continue                                                    • Research and Monitoring:
                                            when bison numbers have far
  to be a need to establish bison                                                    The new plan should include an
                                            exceeded acceptable population
  management units where different                                                   assessment of research and moni-
                                            ranges it may be appropriate to
  types of management techniques                                                     toring priorities and identify key
                                            use the Stephens Creek capture
  are appropriate or required.                                                       management questions that must
                                            facility. However, all other
                                                                                     be addressed to advance the
• The management objectives and             management tools and approaches
                                                                                     adaptive framework articulated
  techniques should be tailored to          should be attempted before use
                                                                                     by the plan.
  different locations based on envi-        is considered.
  ronmental conditions, biological                                                 • Education and Public Outreach:
                                          • Livestock vaccination should
  needs, and social tolerance.                                                       The new plan should include
                                            continue as prescribed under the
                                                                                     a communications strategy that
• Inside YNP, bison should continue         current rules for the DSA.
                                                                                     articulates clear targets,
  to be managed largely through             Vaccinating bison is not a cost
                                                                                     strategies, and channels for
  natural regulation.                       effective tool for managing risk of
                                                                                     communicating with the public
                                            brucellosis infection and should
                                                                                     about bison management.
                                            not be pursued.
                                          • Develop a publicly funded
                                            compensation program for land-

The Future of Yellowstone Bison Management
Bull bison near
                                                                                                           Soda Butte Creek.
                                                                                                                © Jim Peaco

            Bison History in the
            Greater Yellowstone
         nce estimated at 30 million in North America        From the early 1900s until the 1930s, YNP took a more
         (Meagher 1983), bison roamed most of the            hands-on approach to bison management in order to
         continent, but the highest concentration of bison   conserve the few remaining bison and increase the size
occurred on the rich Great Plains. Commercial slaughter      of the herd. The park supplemented the herd with three
of the massive herds is well known and documented            bulls from the Goodnight herd in Texas and 18 cows from
(Hornaday 1889). By 1889, total bison numbers had            the Pablo-Allard herd in western Montana (Gates 2005).
been reduced to an estimated 1,091 in North America.         The Park Service managed the imported bison separately
Most of those were under private ownership in captive        from the wild herd until the 1920s. This was the period
herds and in zoos. Only YNP and Wood Buffalo National        when brucellosis first appeared in YNP bison.
Park in Canada contained wild herds of bison by the turn
of the 20th century, and 23 were all that remained in        The World Health Organization defines brucellosis as
Yellowstone. Finding refuge in the park’s high mountain      a zoonotic disease found in cattle that is transmitted
valleys, the few surviving bison were protected from         through blood, placenta, fetuses, uterine secretions, or
poachers by the U.S. Army. Those bison, in addition to a     through consumption of raw animal products. In humans
small number later introduced from other herds, are the      it is known as undulant fever. The infection in Yellow-
progenitors for the nearly 5,000 bison found in Yellow-      stone bison most likely came from exposure to domestic
stone today.                                                 cattle infected with brucellosis, or from feeding infected
                                                             cow’s milk to bison calves (USDI, NPS et. al. 2000a).
of the American
Bison to 1889

Original Range   1870 Range   1889 Range
     5000                                                    Bison Population
                                                             from 1901–2014
                                                             Figure 1. (USDI, NPS et. al. 2000a,
     3000                                                    White 2015)
                                                                        OF BISON


            1901   1920   1940   1960   1980   2000   2014

                                                                         Bison in the Lamar Valley.
                                                                                    © Neal Herbert

The arrival of brucellosis in YNP bison proved          Despite best intentions, developing a shared bison
seminal, setting the stage for modern bison             management plan for multiple agencies in the
management in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem         GYE proved difficult to achieve, particularly given
(GYE)—management that revolves around the               their different missions, constituencies, and legal
perceived risk of brucellosis transmission from         authorities. These complexities led to, among
bison back to cattle that range adjacent to the park.   other things, four interim management plans
                                                        issued between the Notice of Intent in 1990 and
Bison numbers in YNP grew to over 1,000 in the          the signing of the final plan in 2000. Two of the
1930s, when the Park Service began capping the          interim plans were prepared by the Park Service,
population at 1,000 (USDI, NPS et. al. 2000).           one by the State of Montana, and one was jointly
From the early 1930s through 1966, YNP main-            prepared by the Park Service and the state.
tained bison numbers below 1,000 by shipping
surplus animals to slaughter or to private estates,     All interim plans essentially called for removing
zoos, and public parks. In 1967, YNP adopted a          bison at the park boundary to protect private
new reliance on natural regulation, an approach to      property, provide for human safety, and to prevent
management that ended the practice of reducing          the spread of brucellosis from bison to domestic
bison numbers through removal from the park.            livestock. In the mid-80s, the Montana Legislature
The Park Service’s new approach was to manage           authorized licensed hunters to take bison adjacent

YNP as an ecological entity, providing for resto-       to the park. The hunters were guided by state
ration, protection, and maintenance of native           employees, and the hunt had all the appearances
complexes (Gates 2005). With this change came           of an administrative removal of bison rather than
a periodically fluctuating but generally steady         a fair chase hunt. The hunt generated intense
increase in the numbers of bison in the park            national media coverage and controversy, eventu-
(Figure 1) (USDI, NPS et. al. 2000a, White              ally prompting the Montana Legislature to stop 2015).                                           bison hunting in 1990. After 1990, it fell to state
                                                        and federal employees to shoot bison outside the
In 1968, the Park Service began controlling bison       park as needed for control of population numbers
movement across the park boundary to address            and movement outside Yellowstone’s borders. In
concerns from the livestock industry that bison         addition, the last interim plan in 1997 called for
could spread brucellosis to cattle in Montana.          trapping bison as they left or attempted to leave
Bison movement was limited by redirecting bison         the park, as well as slaughter of captured bison
back into the park using rangers on foot and horse-     that tested positive for brucellosis. This provision
back (i.e. commonly referred to as hazing).             became a key feature of the final adopted plan.

As bison numbers grew, the State of Montana             The struggle to prepare a bison management
and federal agencies recognized the need for            plan that all partners could agree on led to a
some type of comprehensive management plan              lawsuit by the State of Montana in 1995. Montana
for bison. In 1990, a Notice of Intent was filed in     claimed the conflicting actions of the Park Service
the Federal Register by the Park Service and U.S.       and federal authorities governing brucellosis
Forest Service to prepare a bison management            control—APHIS —were delaying preparation of a
plan along with Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks        long-term management plan for bison. The state
(MFWP). This was followed by a memorandum               argued that the delay could lead to a downgrade in
of understanding (MOU) in 1992 that defined             Montana’s brucellosis-free status, creating negative
roles and responsibilities for preparing the bison      economic impacts. The lawsuit led to a settlement
management plan. That MOU was signed by the             that resulted in an agreement on the last interim
Park Service, Forest Service, State of Montana, and     management plan, and a re-commitment to coop-
the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service          erate to complete the final bison-management plan
(APHIS) (USDI, NPS et. al. 2000a).                      and associated environmental impact statement
                                                        (EIS). The Interagency Bison Management Plan
                                                        (IBMP) and EIS were completed in 2000.
The Interagency
 Bison Management Plan
        he IBMP record of decision       The fundamental management                Step 1 on the northern side calls
        was signed in December           approach prescribed in the IBMP           for no bison on private or public
        2000 by Montana’s Governor       is to maintain temporal and spatial       lands north of the park boundary.
and U.S. Secretaries of the Interior     separation between bison and              Hazing will be used to maintain
and Agriculture. Their signatures        domestic livestock. This ensures that     this boundary, along with capture of
reflected agreement among all the        bison and cattle do not concurrently      bison at the Stephens Creek capture
federal and state partners involved      occupy the same area, although they       facility in YNP when bison attempt
with development and implementa-         may occupy the same area when the         to leave the park. Captured bison
tion of the IBMP: APHIS, (i.e. agency    other is not present. This is achieved    testing negative for brucellosis (i.e.
with U.S. regulatory authority for       in the plan by establishing three         seronegative) will be held in the trap
livestock disease); Forest Service       bison-management zones, each with         and released in the spring, while
(U.S. agency responsible for manage-     unique management requirements.           those testing positive (i.e. seroposi-
ment of bison habitat on federal         Zone 1 is within the boundaries of        tive) will be sent to slaughter.
land outside of YNP); National Park      YNP. Zone 2 is an area outside the
Service (i.e. U.S. agency responsible    YNP boundaries where there is             Step 1 on the western side calls
for bison and habitat management         some level of tolerance for bison         for no untested bison on private
within the boundaries of YNP);           during part of the year. Zone 3 is an     or public lands outside of the park
MFWP (i.e. state agency responsible      area where there is zero tolerance        boundary, with hazing used to
for wildlife management); and the        for bison.                                maintain the integrity of the park
Montana Department of Livestock                                                    boundary. Escaping bison will be
(i.e. (MDOL) state agency with state     The IBMP is adaptive so that “future      trapped and tested for brucellosis.
regulatory authority for livestock and   management actions could be               Seropositive-tested bison are to be
bison diseases).                         adjusted, based on feedback from          sent to slaughter and as many as
                                         implementation of the proposed risk       100 seronegative-tested bison can be
The goals of the plan are to “main-      management actions.” This adaptive        released (i.e. “seropositive” means
tain a wild, free-ranging population     management approach has been              that blood tests show the animal
of bison and address the risk of         applied over the past 15 years, and is    has been exposed to the disease and
brucellosis transmission to protect      also explicitly reflected in the form     “seronegative” the opposite). This
the economic interest and viability of   of prescribed management steps.           step also includes detailed limita-
the livestock industry in Montana.”      The IBMP identifies three manage-         tions on seronegative bison that are
The plan clearly states that the         ment steps for the northern side of       pregnant. Any tested seronegative
eradication of brucellosis is not the    the park and three for the western        bison tolerated outside the park
target. Rather, the plan focuses on      side. All steps link more tolerance       under the terms of the IBMP must be
preventing transmission of brucel-       for bison outside of the park to the      hazed back into YNP by May 15.
losis between bison and livestock        completion of efforts to limit the risk
(USDI, NPS et. al. 2000b).               of brucellosis infection (Table 1).

NORTH OF YNP                                          WEST OF YNP

                                                 MANAGEMENT                                           MANAGEMENT
                         TRIGGERS                                             TRIGGERS
                                                   ACTIONS                                              ACTIONS

  STEP             At initial plan
                                             1. Haze bison to keep
                                                them in YNP.
                                                                        At initial plan
                                                                                                   1. Haze bison
                                                                                                      exiting YNP back

                                             2. When hazing                                           into YNP.
                                                ineffective, capture                               2. When hazing
                                                and ship seropos-                                     ineffective, capture
                                                itive bison to                                        and test bison
                                                slaughter, and hold                                   exiting YNP; send
                                                and release up to                                     seropositive bison
                                                125 seronegative                                      to slaughter;
                                                bison back into                                       release up to 100
                                                YNP in spring.                                        seronegative bison.
                                             3. Vaccinate eligible                                 3. All bison will be
                                                bison in trap.                                        hazed back into
                                                                                                      YNP by May 15.

  STEP             When cattle
                   removed from
                                             1. Same as step
                                                1 with some
                                                                        When a safe and
                                                                        effective brucellosis
                                                                                                   1. Haze bison back
                                                                                                      into YNP.

                   Royal Teton Ranch            tolerance outside       vaccine is available       2. All untested
                                                YNP in Zone 2.          that can be remotely          eligible bison
                                             2. Initially tolerate 25   delivered to bison.           outside YNP will
                                                seronegative bison                                    be remotely
                                                outside YNP in                                        vaccinated.
                                                Zone 2 and up to                                   3. All bison back in
                                                100 depending on                                      YNP by May 15.
                                             3. All bison hazed
                                                back into YNP by
                                                April 15.

  STEP             When:                     1. Same as step 2
                                                except allow up
                                                                        When:                      1. Remotely
                                                                                                      vaccinate bison in

                   1. Complete research                                 1. Complete research
                      on brucellosis            to 100 untested            on brucellosis             and outside YNP.
                      persistence and           bison in Zone 2            persistence and         2. Allow up to 100
                      disappearance.            outside YNP.               disappearance.             untested bison
                   2. Initiate effective     2. Those untested          2. Initiate effective         outside of YNP.
                      vaccination               bison must still be        vaccination
                      program in YNP            back in YNP by             program in YNP
                      using remote              April 15.                  using remote
                      delivery.                                            delivery.
                   3. Demonstrate                                       3. Demonstrate
                      ability to provide                                   ability to provide
                      spatial separation                                   spatial separation
                      of bison and                                         of bison and
                      cattle to control                                    cattle to control
                      maximum number                                       maximum number
                      of bison in Zone 2.                                  of bison in Zone 2.

Table 1. Summary of IBMP Management Triggers/Management Actions by Plan Step and Management Zone                           15

The trigger or prompt on the           under the terms of the IBMP must be     Creek/Bear Creek area northeast of
northern side of the park to go from   hazed back into the park by April 15.   Gardiner, the Absaroka Beartooth
Step 1 to Step 2 occurs when cattle                                            Wilderness north of YNP, the
are removed from the Royal Teton       On the western side of YNP, the         Cabin Creek Recreation and Wild-
Ranch, which is a private ranch        transition from Step 1 to 2 begins      life Management Area, and in the
north of Yellowstone. The triggers     when a safe and effective brucellosis   Monument Mountain Unit of the Lee
to go from Step 2 to Step 3 on the     vaccine can be remotely delivered.      Metcalf Wilderness. There is also
northern side are the completion of    The requirements to transition from     some tolerance for untested bison
research related to persistence of     Step 2 to 3 on the western side are     in the Taylor Fork above the Gall-
brucellosis in the environment, the    the same as on the northern side        atin River, as long as they stay out
initiation of a vaccination program    of YNP.                                 of the cattle allotment in the Upper
in YNP using an effective remote                                               Taylor Fork that was leased for cattle
delivery system, and demonstrated      Although most of the area in and        grazing at the time the IBMP
ability to provide for spatial sepa-   around YNP where bison may be           was adopted.
ration and to control the maximum      found is labeled Zone 1, 2, or 3, a
number of bison in Zone 2 outside      few areas have special management       Other key provisions in the IBMP are
the park. Any bison that are toler-    designation. Untested bison are         important to note. The IBMP makes
ated outside of the park boundary      allowed year-round in the Eagle         a commitment that removal of bison

                                                                                                  Bison cow nursing her
                                                                                                calf in the middle of the
                                                                                                   road in Lamar Valley.
16                                                                                                        © Neal Herbert
                                                                  THE INTERAGENCY BISON MANAGEMENT PLAN (2000)

Reducing Wildlife Livestock Conflict

                                                                     Gallatin                                              North


                                 Royal Teton
                   Wapiti          Ranch

                                                                                                  NWF National Forest

                                                                                                  Domestic Livestock

                                                                         ll o
                                                                                                  Grazing Retirement
                                            Y ELL O WS T O NE

                                                                                                  Private Land Grazing

                                                                               tone Riv
                      Lake                 N A TIO NAL PAR K
                                                                                                  Rights Lease
         Horse Butte                                                     er                       IBMP Bison
                                                                                                  Management Zone
                                                                                                  National Park
                                                                                                  National Forest
                                    West Yellowstone

                                      South Fork
                                                           Lake                                               Montana
                                     Mission River

                                                                                                  Idaho             Wyoming

     0    5   10            20        30        40         50

under the terms of the plan “…will not jeopardize                 under the plan—less so when the population is
the ecological integrity of the bison herd within                 substantially under that target. The population
the park”. The plan includes specific recognition                 target of 3,000 bison was adopted in order to limit
that cattle vaccination and management of cattle                  the number of bison that would exit YNP during
on public lands are important tools for managing                  severe winter conditions (USDI, NPS 2000a).
the risk of brucellosis transmission from bison to                When populations get beyond 3,000 bison, the
cattle. The IBMP directs the State of Montana to                  outmigration of bison is closely related to winter
encourage voluntary vaccination of eligible cattle in             severity (NAS 1998).
the area that may be occupied by bison under the
plan and called for mandatory vaccination by 2001                 The federal and state agencies responsible for
if 100% voluntary compliance is not achieved.                     implementing the IBMP have used the plan’s
                                                                  adaptive language to make changes in the appli-
The IBMP identifies a population target of 3,000                  cation on the ground. Those adaptive changes are
bison. When the population exceeds that level,                    summarized next.
agencies may lean more on lethal control measures

Highlights of IBMP

                   s we consider a new conservation plan for
                   managing Yellowstone-area bison, it is also
                   important to fully understand how bison
                   have been managed under the IBMP from
                   adoption in 2000 until 2015. To help chart
     a new course, we must examine what has and has not
     been successful over the past 15 years under the IBMP.
     Implementation was initially guided by interpretation of
     the language in the IBMP, but the plan has been managed
     as a living document that has evolved over time through
     adaptive management. These adaptive changes were
     triggered by changes in the knowledge base on bison
     management through on the ground experience, research
     findings, land management changes outside the YNP
     boundaries and changes in the legal framework. The
     details of implementation are summarized here.

2000   Interagency Bison Management Plan Adopted

                         2002   Operating Procedures Developed

                         2003   Horse Butte Grazing Allotment Retired

                         2004   Bison Quarantine Tested

                                Bison Hunting Reconsidered

                         2005   Tribes Asserted Their Right to Hunt
                                Based On Historical Treaties

                                Completed “A Status Review of
                                Adaptive Management Elements 2000-2005”

                         2006   Adaptive Changes Altered Operating Procedures

                         2008   Government Accountability Office (GAO)
                                Completes Audit of IBMP Performance

                                IBMP Managers Produce Adaptive Management
                                Changes Captured in a Format Responsive to
                                GAO Audit Findings

                                Royal Teton Ranch Grazing Rights Leased

                                Cache Eldridge Grazing Allotment Retired

                         2009   Tribal Representatives Added to the
                                IBMP Managers’ Committee

                         2010   Official Order Creates Designated
                                Surveillance Area for Brucellosis

                                Wapiti Grazing Allotment Retired

                         2011   Slip and Slide Grazing Allotment Retired

                                Citizen’s Working Group Presents
                                Recommendations to IBMP Managers

                                Adaptive Changes to Allow for Greater Tolerance of Bison

                         2012   Adaptive Changes With Detail on Bison Use
                                North of the Park Line

                         2013   Adaptive Changes to Address Hazing
Photo © L.C. Nøttaasen

                                Bison Away from Zone 3 Boundary

                         2014   Adaptive Change to Consistently Document
                                All Previous Adaptive Changes

2002                                                     2003
Operating Procedures                                     Horse Butte Grazing
Developed                                                Allotment Retired
                                                         One of the key areas for bison/livestock conflict
                                                         on the west side of the Park was on the Horse
                                                         Butte peninsula where the Gallatin National Forest
                                                         (GNF) had issued a public land domestic livestock
                                                         grazing lease. This conflict was eliminated when the
                                                         National Wildlife Federation worked with the lessee
                                                         and the GNF to find other grazing opportunities
                                                         for the lessee outside of the Yellowstone area. This
                                                         allowed the GNF to then permanently retire this
                                                         grazing allotment. This action created more flexi-
                                                         bility for the IBMP managers to manage bison on the
                                                         western side of the park and better facilitate spatial
                                                         and temporal separation of bison and livestock.
Bison in winter. © George Peters/ISTOCKPHOTO

After the IBMP was formally signed and adopted
in December 2000, the five agencies bound by the
management commitments in the IBMP immedi-
ately began to implement the terms of the IBMP.
They also began efforts to reach agreement on a          Bison Quarantine Tested
set of operating procedures that would guide IBMP
implementation. That agreement was not completed         The 2000 IBMP EIS and record of decision allowed
until December of 2002. It described the details of      for the possibility of sending bison that test negative
the on-the-ground management tasks called for in         (i.e. seronegative) to a quarantine facility. The signa-
the IBMP and assigned lead and secondary respon-         ture agencies agreed quarantine was a legitimate tool
sibilities for completing those tasks to the various     for removing bison from YNP, but more research was
agencies. For example, they addressed who would          needed to explore whether quarantine procedures
have responsibility for hazing bison when the species    could be effectively applied to wild bison.
migrates outside of YNP, who would have responsi-
bility for trapping and transporting bison, etc. The     In 2004, APHIS and MFWP prepared an environ-
2002 Operating Procedures remained the guiding           mental review that evaluated phase one of an exper-
document for management actions until they were          imental quarantine (MFWP 2004). There were three
revised in 2007. Since then they have been reviewed      objectives for pursuing experimental quarantine:
and revised several times. The reviews and revisions
have generally focused on necessary operational          1. Develop quarantine procedures that would allow
changes that respond to the previous year’s experi-         Yellowstone bison that went through quarantine
ence in implementing the IBMP, or to reflect adap-          to be accepted as brucellosis free and suitable for
tive changes agreed to by the IBMP management               establishment or augment of other bison herds;
agencies. Those adaptive changes were typically a
response to new research findings, changes in the        2. Explore the possibility of conserving Yellowstone
legal framework, and changes in the social setting, as      bison genetics by establishing new herds that are
well as experience in implementing the IBMP.                also brucellosis free;
0     1.25    2.5             5

                                                                                           HIGHLIGHTS OF IBMP IMPLEMENTATION

Western Management Area for the Interagency Bison Management Plan

                              U .S . FO RE S T S E RV I C E   YELLO WSTO NE NATIO NAL PAR K

                                                                                                           Yellowstone National Park
                                                                                                           Bison Conservation Area

                                                                       ek                                  River
            Hebgen                                            Duc k Cre
             Lake                                                                                          Private Land
                                                                                                           Cattle Ranch

                                    Horse Butte

                               South                                                               k

                                                              Baker's Hole           Cougar Meadow

                                                 North              Barns Hole
     0     1.25   2.5          5                                                                                             Madison

3. Use a step-wise approach to examine the feasi-                       herds with brucellosis to produce brucellosis-free
   bility of quarantine of Yellowstone bison and                        bison (Clarke et al, 2014). The next challenge was
   whether that tool could be used to conserve bison                    determining the final location for those bison that
   on larger grassland landscape outside of the GYE.                    graduated from the quarantine process. Neither
                                                                        previous bison quarantine environmental reviews
Phase one was approved and implemented in 2005                          evaluated a specific location for the bison that could
with the gathering of seronegative bison in a double                    come out of quarantine as brucellosis-free. This
fenced pasture near Corwin Springs, MT. A subse-                        decision was addressed in subsequent environmental
quent environmental review considered phases two                        reviews that led to those bison being transferred
and three of a quarantine, which called for more                        to Native American tribes in eastern Montana. The
breeding, testing, and culling as needed to estab-                      relocation decision became the focus of great debate
lish whether the quarantine process could produce                       in the court of public opinion, the legal system, and
brucellosis free bison (MFWP 2005). Those phases                        the Montana Legislature. However, court rulings
were also approved and the Quarantine Feasibility                       have upheld the transfer of bison to the Fort Peck
Study was then fully implemented.                                       and Fort Belknap reservations in Montana. Those
                                                                        transfers have now occurred, and bison are managed
Ultimately, the quarantine study demonstrated                           as wildlife by the Assiniboine and Sioux tribes of the
that the approved USDA quarantine protocol could                        Fort Peck Reservation and the Assiniboine and Gros
be applied to wild bison that originate from those                      Ventre tribes of the Fort Belknap Reservation.


2004                                                     2005
Bison Hunting                                            Native American Tribes
Reconsidered                                             Asserted Their Right
                                                         to Hunt Based On
                                                         Historical Treaties
                                                         The Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes and the
                                                         Nez Perce Tribe asserted their rights under historical
                                                         treaties to hunt bison on public land outside of YNP
                                                         in 2005, and those rights were formally recognized
                                                         by the State of Montana. That formal recognition
                                                         involved a review by the Montana Attorney General’s
                                                         Office as well as MFWP agency counsel. The tribes
                                                         began hunting bison in 2005. Since 2005, two more
                                                         tribes, the Shoshone Bannock of Idaho, and the
                                                         Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla from the State
                                                         of Washington, were recognized to have treaty-based
Cowbirds on bison. © George Peters                       hunting rights for bison, and they have exercised
                                                         those rights. Each tribe establishes and enforces its
                                                         own hunting regulations.
In 1991, the Montana Legislature took action to
eliminate bison hunting in Montana because of the
public controversy surrounding the hunt. Despite
that action the 2000 EIS considered several alterna-
                                                         Completed “A Status
tives that included public hunting of bison. The final
selected alternative did not include public hunting as
                                                         Review of Adaptive
a primary tool for managing bison.                       Management Elements
The 2003 Montana Legislature reinstated statutory
authority to conduct the public hunting of bison.
MFWP responded to that legislative change the            The IBMP partners conducted a 2005 performance
following year by completing an environmental            review of their own efforts to implement the
review of public bison hunting, and the decision was     IBMP. They concluded that management efforts
made in 2005 to once again allow public hunting of       had allowed the responsible agencies to fulfill the
bison that leave YNP. The hunt that began in 2005        fundamental goals of the IBMP to-date. However,
was structured differently than earlier attempts.        they documented slow progress to advance to
The number of hunters allowed on the landscape           management Steps 2 and 3. They also introduced
at any one time was very limited, and hunters were       and endorsed the first adaptive change in the
left to their own skills to hunt bison in an effort to   IBMP that allowed for public bison hunting to be
make the hunt similar to other big game hunts. The       used as a management tool when bison migrated
restructured approach to hunting was successful          into Montana.
in avoiding the controversy of previous hunts, and
allowed for a modest hunter harvest of bison.


2006                                                              2008
Adaptive Changes                                                  U.S Government
Altered Operating                                                 Accountability Office
Procedures                                                        (GAO) Completes Audit
The IBMP partners agreed to three adaptive                        of IBMP Performance
changes in the form of signed adjustments to their
operating procedures:                                             The management of bison in YNP has been the
                                                                  focus of GAO reviews in 1992, 1997, 1999, and
Strategic hazing: Under this agreement bison could                2008. The GAO is an independent non-partisan
be hazed away from high-risk areas to low-risk areas              agency that works for Congress to investigate how
where cattle are not found or bison are not likely                the government is spending taxpayer dollars. The
to otherwise come in contact with cattle. This was                2008 GAO review concluded the management
a shift from previous routine efforts to haze bison               agencies needed to “…improve their accountability,
all the way into the park even at times with high                 transparency, and management of Yellowstone bison
snow pack. These previous efforts were an exercise                by developing measurable objectives and reporting
in futility as bison would often come right back                  yearly on progress, among other actions” (U.S. GAO
out of the park after hazing. This practice resulted              2008). These conclusions led to a dramatic change in
in expensive hazing efforts, and increased the risk               how the IBMP managers approached their respon-
of wildlife-vehicle collisions as bison moved more                sibilities to implement the IBMP. They developed a
frequently across Highway 287 north of                            more well defined approach to adaptive management
West Yellowstone.                                                 that included measurable objectives and monitoring,
                                                                  a comprehensive website to increase transparency,
Tolerance of bull bison: This provision allowed for               and an annual report to also increase transparency
more tolerance of bull bison outside of the park.                 and accountability.
It was an attempt to allow for more hunting
opportunity of bulls. It was based on the
acknowledgement that there was generally less
brucellosis risk associated with bull bison, although
that was not explicitly stated in the adaptive change.

Bison Population: Identified a population of 3000
bison in YNP as a trigger for risk management
actions rather than a goal to be achieved.

                                               Bison in winter.
                                             © George Peters/


IBMP Managers Produce
Adaptive Management
Changes Captured in                                                                             Herd of bison in

a Format Responsive to                                                                Yellowstone National Park.
                                                                                           © imagebroker/Alamy

GAO Audit Findings
In response to the 2008 GAO audit the IBMP
managers released several adaptive changes that         Royal Teton Ranch
listed a goal, objective, management actions, moni-
toring metrics, and management response for each        Grazing Rights Leased
adaptive change. A similar format for subsequent
adaptive changes has endured through the present        In order to go to Step 2 as prescribed in the IBMP
implementation of the IBMP.                             the grazing rights had to be purchased from the
                                                        Royal Teton Ranch (RTR). The RTR is located a few
Some of the important 2008 adaptive changes were:       miles north of the park boundary and they have
                                                        routinely run domestic livestock on their
• Increased tolerance for mixed groups of bison         property. The cattle on their property were
  during winter and spring in Zone 2;                   essentially a bottleneck for any bison movement
                                                        to the north out of YNP. After years of negotiation
• A commitment to apply the results of the research     the grazing rights for the Royal Teton Ranch were
  on brucellosis persistence in the environment;        purchased under a 30-year lease agreement. This
• Tolerance for bachelor bull groups in Zone 2;         lease was negotiated and purchased by MFWP
                                                        on behalf of the IBMP partners and was funded in
• A commitment to work with private livestock           part by MFWP, YNP, and non-government organi-
  producers and private landowners to create            zations including National Wildlife Federation and
  conflict-free habitat for bison;                      National Parks Conservation Association.
• Pursue a better understanding of bison population
  dynamics and genetics;
• Minimize use of shipping bison to slaughter as a
  management tool;
                                                        Cache Eldridge Grazing
• Re-commitment to vaccination as a risk manage-        Allotment Retired
  ment tool for both bison and cattle;
                                                        The Cache Eldridge allotment was one of two the
• Re-commitment to spatial/temporal separation          Gallatin National Forest (GNF) livestock allotments
  of bison and cattle (i.e. essentially continued use   leased in the Taylor Fork drainage near the north
  of hazing, trapping, and ship to slaughter) with      boundary of YNP off of the Gallatin River drainage.
  a change of the haze back date on the north side      The Taylor Fork grazing allotments were mentioned
  from April 15th to May 1st.                           in the final record of decision as a rationale for
                                                        limiting the presence of bison in that area.


2009                                                      2010
Tribal Representatives                                    Official Order Creates
Added to the IBMP                                         Designated Surveillance
Managers’ Committee                                       Area for Brucellosis
The Salish-Kootenai and Nez Perce Tribes along            The Montana Board of Livestock approved an official
with the Inter-Tribal Bison Cooperative requested         order that created a designated surveillance area
representation on the Managers’ Committee for the         (DSA) for brucellosis. The order addressed live-
IBMP. The five existing agencies represented on           stock testing requirements, animal identification,
the Manager’s Committee agreed and those entities         and vaccination requirements within the boundary
were welcomed to the table as voting members at           of a defined geographic area (i.e. the DSA). This
the IBMP’s November meeting. This critical change         important change limited the financial and logis-
brought an important perspective and voice to the         tical impacts of brucellosis on livestock producers
bison management discussions.                             to a portion of a four-county area (i.e. those coun-
                                                          ties with known reservoirs of brucellosis in elk
                                                          and bison—portions of Park, Madison, Gallatin
                                                          and Beaverhead counties). Prior to this order, the
                                                          entire state’s livestock industry could be affected by
                                                          the state’s loss of brucellosis-free status caused by
                                                          multiple livestock infections with brucellosis.

                                                          Wapiti Grazing
                                                          Allotment Retired
                                                          The Wapiti Grazing allotment was the only
                                                          remaining allotment on the GNF in the Taylor Fork
                                                          Drainage and the upper Gallatin in general. So with
                                                          this grazing allotment retired there were no more
                                                          cattle grazing on public land in the entire upper
                                                          Gallatin area.

                                                    Bison walking through deep
                                                    snow near Tower Junction.
                                                    © Jim Peaco


      Northern Management Area for the Interagency Bison Management Plan

                  Yankee Jim                                                                              Yellowstone National Park
                    Canyon                                                                                Bison Conservation Area
                              Cutler Meadows                             reek
                                                                   dar C
                                                                 Ce                                       Private Land
                                                                                                          Capture Facility
                                                                                                          Cattle Ranch

                                                                                g le Creek

                                                                                                                  U . S . FO R E S T S E R V IC E
                                                          Stephens Creek

                                                          Capture Facility                         Y E L L O W S T O N E N A T IO N A L P A R K
                                              Re e Cre

      0    1.25         2.5       5

2.5         5

      Slip and Slide Grazing                                                     Citizen’s Working
      Allotment Retired                                                          Group Presents
      The Slip and Slide Grazing allotment is in an area                         Recommendations to
      north of Gardiner and south of Yankee Jim Canyon
      on the eastern side of Highway 89 in Montana. It is
      in an area of the GNF that could be frequented by
                                                                                 IBMP Managers
      bison if allowed. There were two separate sections                         Since the adoption of the IBMP, the managers strug-
      of this allotment leased by two different livestock                        gled to effectively involve the public in deliberations
      producers. This retirement only affected one of                            regarding implementation. After much discussion in
      the two leases. The other section of the allotment                         2010, the managers endorsed the idea of a self-
      remains active.                                                            formed citizen’s group and offered to provide funding

Bison calf. © Neal Herbert

for its facilitation. The Citizen’s Working Group was
formed and following a year’s work, presented its
recommendations to the IBMP managers in 2011.
The managers chose to adopt some but not all of the
recommendations. Their recommendations focused
on brucellosis risk reduction, bison population
management, and bison habitat.

Adaptive Changes
                                                                   Adaptive Changes to
to Allow for Greater
                                                                   Address Hazing
Tolerance of Bison
                                                                   Bison Away from
The IBMP managers agreed to allow for greater
tolerance of bison on approximately 70,000 acres                   Zone 3 Boundary
in the Gardiner Basin. The original language in
the IBMP only allowed for very few bison north of                  Bison found their way across the Zone 3 boundary
YNP after the RTR grazing rights were leased. This                 north of Gardiner on the east side of Highway 89
adaptive change allowed for bison to migrate north                 when the IBMP managers began to implement the
of the park boundary but they would be limited on                  2011 Adaptive Change that allowed for bison
the northern extent of the Gardiner Basin by the                   tolerance in the Gardiner Basin. To address this
Yankee Jim Canyon. This important adaptive change                  concern the Managers agreed to a further adaptive
allowed the managers greater flexibility in managing               change that allowed for strategic hazing of bison
bison in years where a large out-migration from YNP                as they approached the Zone 3 boundary to avoid
occurred. Bison outside of the park under this adap-               further breaches.
tive change would still be hazed back in the park by
May 1 as agreed to in the 2008 adaptive changes.

2012                                                               Adaptive Change to
Adaptive Changes with                                              Consistently Document
Detail on Bison Use                                                All Previous Adaptive
North of the Park Line                                             Changes
The 2012 adaptive changes simply provided more                     In 2014 the IBMP Managers chose to format all
detail with monitoring metrics regarding the 2011                  previous adaptive changes in a consistent manner.
adaptive changes that allowed for tolerance of bison               The Managers did not agree to any additional
north of the park line in the Gardiner Basin.                      adaptive changes in 2014.

Catalysts for Change
     in Bison Management
       Adaptive changes in the current IBMP occurred as
       a result of advancements in science, changes in the
          legal framework, changes in the social setting,
     changes on the landscape, and management experience
       gained by implementing the IBMP. Those changes
         are further reviewed and considered here as we
      embark on developing a new Yellowstone-area bison
                   conservation plan and consider
           fundamental changes in bison management.

                                                          Bison in the
                                                    Yellowstone River.
28                                                       © Jim Peaco
                      in Science
When the IBMP was established, agencies recognized that future research find-
ings could be cause to reconsider elements of the IBMP, and make appropriate
management changes based on those findings. Here we focus on a limited number
of research efforts that should be further considered in the development of a new
Yellowstone-area bison conservation plan.

Brucellosis                                       • “…the brucella bacteria can persist on
                                                    fetal tissues, soil and vegetation from 21
Persistence/                                        days to 81 days depending on month,
                                                    temperature and exposure to sunlight.” So

Disappearance                                       the bacteria persist longer (i.e. 81 days)
                                                    in colder temperatures with less exposure

Study                                               to sunlight that occurs for contamination
                                                    events started in February, and that the
                                                    length of time the bacteria persists grad-
The current IBMP called for a study of the          ually declines (i.e. 21 days), as days get
persistence/disappearance of brucellosis            longer and warmer into May.
when shed in birthing materials in natural
settings. Agency managers wanted to know          • No brucella bacteria persisted beyond
how long the brucellosis bacteria would             June 10th.
persist in the environment when shed by           • Fetuses were more quickly scavenged
bison in birthing material. That information        within YNP than outside the park
could better inform them on how to provide          boundary, and by a variety of both birds
for adequate temporal separation of bison           and mammals. They attributed the differ-
and cattle that could occupy the same land-         ence to higher numbers of scavengers
scape, and thereby reduce the risk of brucel-       within YNP.
losis infection to cattle. For example, the
IBMP managers wanted to know whether it
was appropriate to haze all bison back into       MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS
YNP by May 15th in order to reduce risk of        The IBMP managers did not feel the need
brucellosis infection to cattle (i.e. as called   to significantly alter the haze back dates
for by current IBMP).                             in the current IBMP in response to the
                                                  completed research on persistence/disap-
Aune (2012) key findings                   pearance. No change was made in the date
regarding persistence/disappearance of            when bison must be hazed back in YNP on
brucellosis were:                                 the west side (i.e. remained May 15th). The
                                                  haze back date on the north side of YNP
                                                  was extended from April 15th to May 1st.


There is an opportunity to better       • Provide a source of bison with          the country with expertise in wildlife
apply the research results and            unique genetics to supplement           disease management. There were
fine tune efforts to manage for           or develop conservation herds           representatives from academia, the
situational separation in high            of bison in other locations in          private sector, and government agencies.
risk locations (i.e. where cattle         North America.
currently occupy or where they                                                    Some of the expert panel’s key
will be for spring/summer pasture)                                                findings were:
and during high risk periods rather
than the broad stroke management
                                        Bison Bull                                • Remote vaccination of bison would
techniques applied in the current
IBMP (e.g. all bison must return to
                                        Semen Study                                 not be cost effective in reducing
                                                                                    the risk of spread of brucellosis;
the park by May 15th on the west
                                        The IBMP managers have generally          • Encourage more incentive based
side of YNP).
                                        considered bull bison to provide            approaches to managing brucel-
                                        less risk of brucellosis transmission       losis in bison that could be
Quarantine                              to cattle than cow bison. This was
                                        evidenced by the 2006 and 2008
                                                                                    explored through work with stake-
                                                                                    holder groups. For example, these
Study                                   IBMP adaptive changes that allowed
                                        for more tolerance for bull bison as
                                                                                    approaches could include financial
                                                                                    incentives for cattle producers
                                        described previously. These manage-         who take steps to reduce the risk
As described in the previous section,
                                        ment actions were supported by              of brucellosis infection through
the current IBMP also called for
                                        Frey (2013) in their research        animal husbandry techniques, etc.
a study of whether a quarantine
                                        that tested whether bull bison could
protocol could be developed that
                                        shed an infectious dose of brucella
produced brucellosis free bison.
                                        in their semen. They concluded that       MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS
That study successfully demon-
                                        although bull bison can shed brucella     The expert panel’s findings
strated that operational quarantine
                                        in their semen it is at concentration     discouraged use of remote
could be used to identify brucellosis
                                        levels that are not an infectious dose.   vaccination of bison as a tool
free bison from the Yellowstone
                                                                                  to effectively (both costs and
herd. In 2014 all of the bison that
                                        MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS                   operationally) reduce the risk of
successfully emerged from quaran-
                                                                                  spread of brucellosis from bison.
tine were transferred to tribal lands   It is clear now that bull bison pose
                                                                                  They pointed out how ineffective
in eastern Montana.                     almost no risk of brucellosis infec-
                                                                                  current vaccines are in bison, and
                                        tion for cattle. That reality should
                                                                                  the tremendous expense of a fully
MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS                 allow managers more flexibility in
                                                                                  implemented vaccine program.
                                        managing bull bison, and eliminate
YNP is reviewing the establish-                                                   Remote vaccination of wild bison
                                        any disease related requirement
ment of an operational quaran-                                                    was a key feature of the current
                                        for spatial and temporal separation
tine program through a National                                                   IBMP and it now appears to be an
                                        between bull bison and cattle.
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)                                                   ineffective management alternative
review process. If the Park Service                                               for reducing risk.
is successful in creating that
program, then quarantine could:
                                        Brucellosis                               The panelists described the

• Become one tool for managing
                                        Science Review                            potential value of stakeholder
                                                                                  involvement in the development
  the size of the bison population                                                and implementation of a bison
                                        In 2013, the Park Service and MFWP
  in and around YNP;                                                              management strategy. Their
                                        sponsored a workshop to review the
                                                                                  recommendation suggests a
• Reduce the reliance on ship           science of brucellosis and to inte-
                                                                                  different approach to how the
  to slaughter to cull the bison        grate that science into disease-man-
                                                                                  agencies approach public
  population when it exceeds the        agement strategies for bison (NPS
                                                                                  involvement in the development
  acceptable population target;         and MFWP 2013). They assembled a
                                                                                  of the revised IBMP.
                                        panel of eight experts from across

     Bison in Yellowstone National Park.
     © Lorcel G/

                               Changes in the
                              Legal Framework
Bison management in YNP and on adjacent lands in Montana is guided by federal laws and regulations
as well as Montana laws and rules. Important changes have occurred with both since the IBMP was
originally adopted. These changes provide significant opportunity to improve how we manage Yellow-
stone bison in the new bison conservation plan.

Legal Authority for                                     Some tribal governments began to assert their right
                                                        to hunt bison under existing treaties shortly after the
Bison Hunting Reinstated                                State of Montana reinstated its hunt. Both the state-
                                                        licensed hunters and tribal treaty hunters participated

and Tribal Treaty                                       starting in 2005.

Hunting Recognized                                      MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS
                                                        Although bison hunting was considered in the 2000
As mentioned previously, the Montana Legislature        IBMP EIS and record of decision, hunting was not a
reinstated the authority for MFWP to offer a public     key feature of the final IBMP. Hunting began slowly
hunting opportunity for bison in 2003. This authority   as both Montana and tribes explored methods to
had been revoked in 1991 by the Montana State           establish fair-chase and culturally acceptable hunts.
Legislature as a result of controversy surrounding      State-licensed and tribal treaty hunters harvested
bison hunting in the late 1980s.                        only 46 bison in 2005, and by 2014 that harvest

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