THE FUTURE OF MOBILITY - Imagining how Roland, Nathalie, Mark and Maya will get around in 2040 - Webflow

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THE FUTURE OF MOBILITY - Imagining how Roland, Nathalie, Mark and Maya will get around in 2040 - Webflow
January 2020

Imagining how Roland, Nathalie, Mark
and Maya will get around in 2040
THE FUTURE OF MOBILITY - Imagining how Roland, Nathalie, Mark and Maya will get around in 2040 - Webflow
The Future of Mobility


                                                  The ultimate societal or economic outcomes         discussion about future studies is also           This last purpose is often neglected. Future
                                                  to which a new technology will lead, for           connected to the even broader discussion          studies help us understand the evidence,
                                                  example, are very difficult to predict, and will   about science and technology policies,            which is so often incomplete and unclear. By
                                                  always be so. But this is not the point of         since this conversation began at a time (the      placing current knowledge in the context of
                                                  future, or foresight, studies. Rather, the aim     1960s) when the issue of the responsi-            our prior expectations, future studies show us
                                                  is to build a transparent, inclusive process       bilities of the scientific community (which       when reality began to take a different turn,
                                                  through which different stakeholders voice         was then promoting contentious technologies       and might help us understand why and how.
                                                  their assumptions, ideas and concerns              such as nuclear energy) came to the fore.
                                                  so they can develop plausible evolutionary                                                           The report you are reading is an excellent
                                                  trends together.                                   Since then, future studies have been widely       example of this approach to future studies. It
                                                                                                     used in academic, industry and policy             offers a concise, transparent discussion of
Stefano Brusoni
Professor of Technology and                       Of course, specific outcomes may be                circles alike. Expert interviews, Delphi          the future of mobility, and what that might
Innovation Management                             discussed – often in the form of scenarios,        methods, scenario analyses and many               bring about. It builds on expert interviews,
ETH Zurich                                        which can help articulate assumptions,             other methods have developed over time            needs analysis, panel discussions and iterative
                                                  illuminate specific risks, or highlight poten-     in order to support decision makers in            feedback workshops. It concerns itself
                                                  tial change triggers and crucial turning           their efforts to make sensible choices, as well   with the interaction of societal, technological,
                                                  points. Yet, the value of such scenarios is        as to enable interested stakeholders to           economic, environmental and political
The effort to predict the future helps us         not as plausible future outcomes, but              understand which criteria and assumptions         factors that might lead all of us to very differ-
understand the present                            rather as devices to focus our attention –         informed such choices.                            ent places. It is about predicting, not
                                                  and, in so doing, make transparent the                                                               making predictions. It is about checking
“It is very difficult to make predictions,        assumptions on which we base our decisions     Future studies cannot take away respon­               assumptions, rather than making them.
especially about the future.” This sentiment,     in the present day.                            sibility, but they can guide, inform and              As such, it provides valuable guidance and
often attributed to the physicist Niels Bohr                                                     illuminate the key issues at stake. Crucially,        advice to all those who are interested in
(but most likely originating in an older Danish   In other words, the foresight is less impor-   they enable people to pause and think                 understanding where the domain of mobility
proverb), perfectly encapsulates the diffi­       tant than the “foresighting”: the structured   of possible unintended outcomes – for other           is going, whether we look at it as investors,
culties – and disbelief – faced by those who      process of engagement that makes future        people, organizations or society as                   managers, academics or users.
attempt to make sense of the future.              studies predictive, but not prescriptive. When a whole. They can offer no guarantee of
                                                  well implemented, future studies enable        success, and are not intended to do so.
Both the difficulty and the disbelief originate   us to “check our assumptions” as their conse- Rather, they offer a structure and a process
in the all-too-common misunderstanding            quences unfold. They are about trans­          to continuously update our beliefs
about the goal of such efforts. Prediction is     parency and responsibility, not choice and     about the future, based on whatever
not about identifying a specific end-state.       normativity. It is no accident that the        evidence emerges along the way.
THE FUTURE OF MOBILITY - Imagining how Roland, Nathalie, Mark and Maya will get around in 2040 - Webflow
The Future of Mobility                                                                                                                             Foreword

                                                  motor insurance industry worldwide.             emission public transportation. Such trends      swered focus on the impact of different
                                                  Autonomous and connected cars are more          and offerings might also enter European          trends, the likelihood that they will
                                                  than just a vision; we are already seeing       markets in the foreseeable future.               materialize, and the possible picture of
                                                  them on our roads. Electric mobility is                                                          our mobility experience in Europe in
                                                  booming, driven also by the sustainability      These changes in the field of mobility will      2030 and beyond. Together with Spark Labs
                                                  challenges that humankind is facing. A          open up new service and risk coverage            and Spark Works, we have developed a
                                                  growing sharing economy is emerging out         needs. This situation is a unique opportunity    map of trends and scenarios that will help us
                                                  of different economic and social trends.        for Baloise as an innovative front-runner.       find the best way forward for Baloise in
                                                  We may be best in class in what we do today,    The future of mobility requires new solutions    these turbulent times. New opportunities for
                                                  but the world is changing faster and faster.    and business models, and we are in a             Baloise in the mobility space are there –
                                                  We assume that the need for individual          strong position to offer them – across not       we just need to find them.
Patrick Wirth
Director Investment and                           car insurance will decline, and that autono-    only traditional risk-coverage solutions,
Innovation, Group Strategy                        mous cars will make driving safer in the        but also new mobility-focused service offer-
and Digital Transformation                        future. We call this scenario for the           ings. For example, we have started to
Baloise Insurance                                 future of mobility “The Three Zeros”: zero      explore new mobility opportunities with our
                                                  emissions, zero ownership and zero              investments in Carhelper and Gowago,
                                                  accidents. This will fundamentally change       but also with our internally incubated spin-
When entering new territories, you are            the insurance industry and the solutions        off Mobly in Belgium. We also know
lost without a map and compass                    it offers to customers and partners.            how to build and scale new companies, as we
                                                                                                  have shown with Friday, our greenfield
The world is changing. The fourth industrial      As Baloise, we have a responsibility towards    digital insurance spin-off in Berlin, Germany.
revolution changed our daily life dramatically.   our customers, employees and stake-             Thanks to our retail and commercial
Smartphones and the internet are enablers         holders. In this context, we want to play       insurance business, we have a broad partner
for new, customer-centered business models.       an active part in the transformation of         network in the field of mobility. With our
Rapid access to scalable cloud services           our industry and adjust our service offerings   startup investments, managed by our
and emerging AI technology are additional         accordingly. The entire mobility market         Anthemis Baloise Strategic Venture team,
drivers for change and innovation across          is undergoing major changes. Big players –      we have access to companies that are
most industries.                                  strong brands – are struggling with their       already offering different types of solutions
                                                  existing business models. The established       for the mobility ecosystem.
Nowadays, 30–50 percent of the premium            automotive OEMs, for example, are
of a Property & Casualty (P&C) insurer is         under attack from pioneers such as Tesla        We are convinced that Baloise has the
typically based on classical motor-insurance      and the shift away from combustion              capabilities to be a relevant future player in
products. Baloise fits into that category. We     engines. Uber has changed the taxi business,    the new mobility ecosystems. However,
are proud to say that our insurance ex­-          and newcomer Flixbus is redefining the          focus and an intelligent use of our resources
cellence helps us to run the motor insurance      way we travel. China is at the forefront of     will be key. To this end, we want to under-
business very well. But a range of mega           the development and usage of new tech-          stand the most likely scenarios of how the
trends are set to have a huge impact on the       nologies in many areas, such as zero-           future might look. Questions to be an-
THE FUTURE OF MOBILITY - Imagining how Roland, Nathalie, Mark and Maya will get around in 2040 - Webflow
The Future of Mobility


The concept of mobility can be interpreted         last 10 years, international arrivals at Euro-
                                                                                                     HISTORY OF MOBILITY
in several ways. The immediate connotations        pean cities – an indicator for tourist
of “being mobile” include the daily commute        activity – have grown by 45%. While there
to work, the school run or a trip to the grocery   were 488 million arrivals in 2008, by                                         SUBMARINE
                                                                                                                                                         WHEELCHAIR                         STEAM
store. Some go on foot, some catch the             2018 the number had surged to 710 million.3                  BOATS           PROPELLED BY
                                                                                                                                                         WITH CRANKS                     LOCOMOTIVE
metro, some use pedal power, a few even                                                                      after 5000 B.C.        1620                      1655                           1769
take a boat – and more and more people             Active sports or walking for pleasure are
mix various means of transport. In fact, the       other ways to experience mobility. Forty                                                               INTERNAL
                                                                                                            ELECTRIC CABLE      BICYCLE WITH                                                HOT-AIR
dominant means for commuting varies                percent of Europeans exercise or play a sport                 CAR               PEDALS
widely depending on the city. In Paris, more       at least once a week. Mostly this is done                     1879               1861                    1860                             1782

than 50% walk, in Vienna almost 75% of             outdoors, in locations such as parks, and some-
citizens commute by public transport and in        times even combined with the commute to                                                                 POWERED
                                                                                                             AUTOMOBILE         MOTORCYCLE                                               HELICOPTER
Copenhagen and Amsterdam most inhabi-              work (23%). Europeans exercise to improve                                                               AIRCRAFT

tants cycle to work or school.1 In general, the    their wellbeing, to relax or for the pure                     1885               1894                      1901                           1937

level of commuting into a city depends, at         fun of it.4
least partly, on the population density and                                                                   ARMORED
                                                                                                                                HIGH-SPEED             CONTAINER SHIP                    JET AIRCRAFT
patterns of urban development in sur­              Sadly, too many people do not get the chance                                   RAILWAY
                                                                                                                 1995               1964                      1956                           1939
rounding areas.2 Overall, this is mobility         to walk, hike or exercise at all. For them,                                        FCP

out of necessity – a means to a desired            physical mobility is a desire that can only be
                                                                                                             HYBRID CARS         FUEL-CELL-
end. No one would commute without a job            achieved through aids and workarounds.                      IN SERIAL       POWERED CAR AS           E-SPORTS CARS
                                                                                                                                                                                       SOLAR AIRPLANE
                                                                                                                                                                                       FLYING BY NIGHT
to get to. The journey itself can still be fun,    Eight out of 100 EU citizens experience a                 PRODUCTION
                                                                                                                                    2000                      2006                           2010
comfortable or pleasant – but the point is the     barrier to personal mobility.5                                    A                 A                         PA                              A

arrival, not the travelling.                                                                                AUTONOMOUS         AUTONOMOUS         PARTIALLY AUTONOMOUS                  AUTONOMOUS
                                                   These four perspectives underline the vital               E-BICYCLES,         E-BUS, 3D        ELECTRIC CARS IN SERIAL                 E-CAR AS
                                                                                                             PROTOTYPE           PRINTED               PRODUCTION                        PROTOTYPE
When we travel, however, the journey is the        importance of mobility and its subliminal                    2019               2016                    2015                             2013
destination. We may not even know the              ubiquity for every European. They sketch the
exact route in advance, making the discovery       multifarious angles on mobility, especially
exciting in itself. However, we will still need    when considered from a personal level. This
to do far more planning and adjustment to          is a topic with myriad distinctions and
local behaviors, cultures and routines. But        delineations, and they depend heavily on
more importantly, we have more freedom to          personal experiences, preferences, back-          Land   Water        Air                    A: Autonomous PA: Partially Autonomous AFE: Artificial Fuel Engines

explore and feed our curiosity. Within the         grounds and regions.
THE FUTURE OF MOBILITY - Imagining how Roland, Nathalie, Mark and Maya will get around in 2040 - Webflow
The Future of Mobility                                                                                                                                       Introduction

One universal constant, however, is the fact        of the other dimensions within the chapter.
                                                                                                    FUTURE OF MOBILITY
that mobility – and how we think about it –         Additionally, at the end of the research pro-
is always in flux. New means of transport are       cess, all trends were related to the Euro-                      4LVL

always being introduced, thanks to con-             pean Commission’s megatrends, which can                                           E-AIRPLANES FOR
                                                                                                            AUTONOMOUS                                             VR/AR VIRTUAL                    SOLID-STATE
tinual technological advances. From 1762,           be found at the end of the chapter. The                 CAR AT LEVEL 4
                                                                                                                                      DISTANCES UP TO
                                                                                                                                                                    TRAVELLING                       BATTERIES
steam locomotives took passengers                   report concludes with four scenarios about
from A to B, while the first rideable bicycles      how four very different individuals – Roland,                                                                           AFE

appeared in 1861. Every new invention               Nathalie, Mark and Maya – will get around               AUTONOMOUS
                                                                                                                                     AUTONOMOUS CAR               AIRPLANES WITH
                                                                                                                                                                  ARTIFICIAL FUEL
transforms how we as individuals think about        in the year 2040. Their stories delimit the              DRONE TAXI
                                                                                                                                      AT LEVEL 5 WITH
                                                                                                                                        PASSENGERS                    ENGINES
mobility today, and what products, services         space in which the actual future will come to
and jobs are available to us. But how will this     pass, and will take you on a journey to
evolve in the future?                               experience, at first hand, how it might be to           INTERNATIONAL             EXOSKELETONS TO
                                                                                                                                                                    HYPERLOOP IN
                                                                                                           BAN OF CARS WITH          ENHANCE PHYSICAL
                                                    travel in Europe 20 years from today.                  STEERING WHEELS           MOBILITY AND SPEED
                                                                                                                                                                      EUROPE                           2040

Society is continuously changing in ways that
affect needs, desires and preferences when
commuting, travelling, exercising or dealing                                                                                                                      TELEPORTATION?!
with a disability. All in all, mobility offerings
change, and so do their underlying drivers and
influencers. One thing is clear: Mobility in
2040 will be different from today, and what-
ever is coming, the path that takes us there
will not be linear.

This study, carried out in collaboration
between Spark Labs and Baloise Insurance,
aims to provide a glimpse of mobility in
20 years’ time. The process of “foresighting,”
which traces how trends in society,
tech­nology, economy, the environment and
European politics might evolve over the
next 20 years, also offers a way to imagine
how mobility will develop within society
over the same period. The Trend Radar gives
an overview of these trends, their impor-
tance for mobility, their likelihood of coming
true and their time horizons. Technological                                                         Land    Water    Air     Other                        A: Autonomous PA: Partially Autonomous AFE: Artificial Fuel Engines

Trends are related specifically to the trends
THE FUTURE OF MOBILITY - Imagining how Roland, Nathalie, Mark and Maya will get around in 2040 - Webflow
The Future of Mobility

This project was carried out in tight colla-     BALOISE INSURANCE
boration between Spark Labs, Spark Works
and Baloise Insurance. Spark Labs con-           − Project Lead
tributed with expertise in the field of Human-     Patrick Wirth
Centered Innovation and bridging it with         − Project Manager
a future foresight approach. Spark Works           Anna Sigrist
supported with project management,               − Support
workshop facilitation and design resources.        Fabienne Gisiger
Baloise Insurance has a strong interest            Corsin Sulser
in understanding how people will move in
the future to support this transition and
make upcoming journeys more pleasant with
the utmost efforts.


− Project Lead                                   − Christoph Neye and Ulli Palm
  Alan Cabello                                     of MotionLab Berlin for providing
− Project Manager                                  space and insights for the
  Daniel Perschy                                   Design Thinking Workshop.
− Researchers                                    − Aaron Broderick of the International
  Alexis Terrée                                    School of Zug and Luzern for
  Barbara Schnyder                                 helping organize the Children’s
  Céline Heim                                      Future Lab.
  Laura Mählmann
  Michael Augsburger
  Sebastian Niederberger
  Thomas Möckel
− Design
  Lilian Hörler
THE FUTURE OF MOBILITY - Imagining how Roland, Nathalie, Mark and Maya will get around in 2040 - Webflow
The Future of Mobility

     07 METHODOLOGY                               28   Decentralization                            43   Suburbanization
                                                  28   Autonomous Robotics                         44   Pollution
        08     Research Design                    29   Power Sources and Energy Storage            45   Recycling
        10     Data Collection                    30   Digitally Enhanced Realities                45   Extreme Weather Events
                                                  30   Digital Replication and Simulation
                                                  31   Human Enhancement                           47   POLITICAL TRENDS
     14 TREND RADAR                               32   Trend Relations
                                                                                                   47   E-Governance
        16     SOCIETAL TRENDS                    34   ECONOMIC TRENDS                             47   Decentralization of Politics
                                                                                                   48   Big Tech in Politics
        16     Anywhere, Somewhere, X-Where       34   Meaningful Consumption                      48   Predictive Governance
        17     Smart Responsive City              35   Rising Inequality and Extreme Markets       48   Digital Warfare
        17     Real and Virtual                   35   Localization                                49   Euro-Pessimism
        17     Community Culture                  35   Sustainable Value Propositions              49   Rise of Nationalist Politics
        18     Social Participation               36   Convenience and Price over Sustainability   50   Green Wave
        18     Mind-Lifting and Post-Humanism     36   Public and Private Convergence              50   Migration
        18     New Work                           36   Emergence of Hidden Platforms               50   Emerging Technologies vs. Legislation
        19     Simplification                     37   Sharing Economy                             51   Separatism
        19     Slow Culture                       37   Consumption Equality                        51   Securitization
        20     Sustainable Behavior               37   Cities and Rural Areas                      51   Aging Voters
        21     Education Revolution               38   Monetary Substitution
        21     Digital Reputation                 38   Safety Culture                              52   Megatrends
        22     Technology Fear                    38   Data Infrastructure and Governance
        22     Health as a Status Symbol          39   Integrated Systems
        23     Co-Living for the Single Society   39   Post-Scarcity Economy                       53 SCENARIOS
        23     Hyper-Personalization
        24     Personal Cloud                     40   ENVIRONMENTAL TRENDS                        54   Human+
                                                                                                   57   EchoTech Archipelago
        25     TECHNOLOGICAL TRENDS               40   Global Warming                              61   Digital Venice
                                                  41   Rising Sea Levels                           65   Swiss Flow
        25     Artificial Intelligence            41   Decarbonization
        26     Autonomous Transportation          42   Resource Availability
        26     Processing Power                   43   Land-Use Change                             70 REFERENCES
        26     New Means of Mass Transportation   43   Environmental Regulations
THE FUTURE OF MOBILITY - Imagining how Roland, Nathalie, Mark and Maya will get around in 2040 - Webflow
1.1 Subtitle   Explanation   7


Sharing methodology makes the research process
transparent and explains how the results of this study
came about. The approach can be divided into
three phases: information collection, scenario build-
ing, and testing. Seven researchers were involved
in the study, which followed a highly exploratory
approach and predominantly relies on primary data
obtained through in-depth, semi-structured inter-
views with experts and extreme users. All references
can be found towards the end of this report.
THE FUTURE OF MOBILITY - Imagining how Roland, Nathalie, Mark and Maya will get around in 2040 - Webflow
Methodology                                                                                                                                                                                  8

The research corresponding to this report     leading experts from universities, public      mation from the entire research group could       bility. This matrix then served as a foun-
was carried out between September and         institutions and corporates, as well as        be considered without neglecting continu-         dation to build scenarios, which aim to out-
December 2019. Its focus is to explore the    interviews with extreme users. Furthermore,    ous exploration, which a study of such scope      line potential futures through intuitive
future of mobility for people in Europe       interactive formats were used to make          requires. Throughout the process, the in-         storylines, and take account of the many ways
until 2040. The research process was divided  sense of the gaps that emerged between the     formation found was structured into trends,       in which the world could develop. None
into three main temporal phases. First,       findings from experts and extreme users.       which represent delimited subunits of             of these stories will transpire exactly as des-
evidence was collected in a highly exploratoryMore details about the different sources and   streams and a graspable entity for discussions.   cribed. In all likelihood, nothing remotely
manner from a broad range of sources,         formats can be found in Data Collection.       Based on the insights, these trends were          like them will come to pass. However, in com-
and clustered into trends. Second, scenarios  Interviewees were contacted via e-mail and     then rated by the responsible researcher on       bination, they provide a space to imagine
were built connecting these trends in         selected based on upfront desk research,       the dimension’s impact, likelihood and            and trace the various trajectories within
order to express uncertainty, pluralism and   or following a previous interview that gene-   level of maturity. Maturity reflects when         them. Trends with a high impact and a high
interactions between the trends, as well      rated insightful findings or a recommenda-     the respective trend is expected to have          likelihood are reflected in most of the sce-
as the myriad ways they might combine.        tion to consider another relevant topic.       reached full diffusion or manifestation within    narios, while those trends with lesser impact
Third, trends and especially scenarios were   This illustrates the aforementioned highly     society. As these ratings were carried out        and likelihood are present in just one. To-
tested and adjusted to improve their          exploratory format of this study, where        by one researcher, the validity of the quanti-    gether, they draw a picture of the possibilities
validity and quality.                         paths were built and redirected along the      fications are rather weak. In consequence,        for mobility in 2040.
                                              way, rather than planned from the be-          the quality could be improved by a follow-up-
Information and data were collected fol-      ginning. Most interviews were carried out      study which involves all interviewees in         To strengthen validity and quality, the sce-
lowing the STEEP structure. This means five by phone, although a few were also con-          the rating process.                              narios and trends were presented to experts
different perspectives were taken on the      ducted face-to-face. Audio recordings and                                                       and students, most of whom had not been
topic. How these streams relate to each other documentation of the interviews, events        Following this, all researchers participated in involved during the first phase of information
is illustrated on the following page. A team  attended and interactive formats are avai-     a two-day synthesis workshop where all           collection. They provided feedback and
of seven researchers was tasked with focu-    lable upon request.                            information was brought together to create critically discussed the research outcome.
sing on Societal, Technological, Economic,                                                   a holistic understanding in respect of the       Several adjustments were made after
Environmental or Political developments       Each of the researchers worked rather inde-    scope of the research. In detail, the previously this process, and some of their reflections
over the next 20 years. Within each of these pendently to avoid group-thinking. However,     mentioned trends were clustered based            are presented alongside the scenarios.
five streams, the focus was on understanding weekly meetings allowed for information to      on their relationships with each other, and
major developments or major drivers of        be exchanged, and for the research path        their co-dependency was described. More-         For reasons of transparency and reliability,
change, to subsequently make sense of how     to be adjusted based on findings from other    over, they were located within an impact         all references and figure sources can be found
they will impact mobility until 2040. The     streams and for engagement in a careful        and likelihood matrix to get an understand-      at the end of this report.
main sources during data collection were in- and preliminary synthesis. Overall, this al-    ing of which combination of trends will
depth, semi-structured interviews with        lowed for an open process where infor-         predominantly influence the future of mo-
THE FUTURE OF MOBILITY - Imagining how Roland, Nathalie, Mark and Maya will get around in 2040 - Webflow
Methodology                                                                                                      Research Design                   9

                                                          ECONOMIC                                                         TECHNOLOGICAL


1    Curiosity and human desire for
     progress drive technological research.
2    Early funding fosters technology

3    New technology arriving as product
     or service on the market experiences
     societal selection.

4    Further investment appetite and                                         8                  8
     subsequent growth is mediated by
     societal acceptance.                                        4
                                                                     5               8
5    Impactful innovations are regulated       SOCIETAL                                                                                POLITICAL
     by politics.
6    Adoption of products or services
     impacts the environment either
     negatively or positively.

7    Environmental effects influence
     societal and political choices.

8    Continuous economic decisions
     mediate product or service growth
     based on societal acceptance, political                                                 ENVIRONMENTAL
     regulations and environmental impact.
Methodology                                                                                                                                                                            10

                                               − Max Bergmann                                − Yves Farge                                     − Patrick Hofstetter
                                                 University of Basel                           Academie des technologies                        WWF
                                                 Chair of Social Research and Methodology      Senior Scientist                                 Head of Climate and Energy Policy
                                                 at the Department of Social Sciences        − Markus Farner                                  − Patrick Hunger
                                               − René Bohnsack                                 Federal Office of Civil Aviation Switzerland     CEO Saxo Bank Switzerland until
                                                 Smart City Innovation Lab Lisbon              Co-Leader Innovation and Digitalisation          March 2019
                                                 Founder and Assistant Professor             − Claudio Feser                                  − Stefan Innerhofer
                                               − Ulrik Brandes                                 McKinsey & Company                               VividQ
                                                 ETH Zurich                                    Senior Advisor                                   Business Development Manager
                                                 Professor at the Department of              − Pieter Fourie                                  − Michael G Jacobides
EXPERTS                                          Humanities, Social and Political Sciences     ETH Zurich                                       London Business School
Seventy-six pre-selected experts from          − Alice Charles                                 Urban Mobility Senior Researcher and             Sir Donald Gordon Professor of
universities, public institutions and corpo-     World Economic Forum                          Expert in Digital Twin Simulation                Entrepreneurship and Innovation;
rates around the globe have shared their         Project Lead, Cities, Infrastructure and    − Mickaël Gandecki                                 Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship
knowledge and provided the foundation for        Urban Services Platform                       myfood                                         − Stephan Karpischek
the predictable development of the trends.     − Chiara Cortinovis                             Founder                                          Etherisc
                                                 Lund University                             − Anja Guelpa                                      Founder
− MiMi Aung                                      Postdoctoral Fellow at the Centre for         Civic Lab                                      − Nikolaos Kastrinos
  Expert in Extraterrestrial Autonomous          Environmental and Climate Research            Chief Executive Officer                          European Commission
  Robots                                       − Michael Cusumano                            − Lothar Harings                                   Policy Officer
− Kay Axhausen                                   MIT Sloan School of Management                Kuehne + Nagel                                 − Alexander Klimburg
  ETH Zurich                                     Expert in Strategy and Innovation,            Member of the Board                              The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies
  Professor at the Institute for Transport       Especially in Digital Platforms             − Ekaterina Herzig                                 Director of the Global Commission on
  Planning and Systems                         − Bas de Geus                                   Dufry Group                                      the Stability of Cyberspace Initiative and
− Gery Balmer                                    Brussels Centre for Urban Studies             Managing Director Switzerland                    Secretariat and Director of the Cyber
  Federal Office of Transport                    Professor of Human Physiology               − Dmitri Hitrov                                    Policy and Resilience Program
  Vice-Director, Head of Policy Division       − Claus Doll                                    inlusion Inc.                                  − Finn Köhler
− Carsten Beck                                   Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and          Founder                                          Space10
  Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies       Innovation                                  − Volker Hoffman                                   Resident Learning Designer
  Director and Futurist                          Coordinator of Business Unit Mobility         ETH Zurich                                     − Benjamin Leiding
                                                                                               Professor for Sustainability and                 University of Goettingen
                                                                                               Technology                                       Research on Blockchain Technologies
Methodology                                                                                                                             Data Collection                           11

− Jana Lév                                   − Monique Morrow                           − Armin Reller                                  − Erik Schönenberger
  sharoo                                       The VETRI Foundation                       University of Augsburg                          Digital Gesellschaft
  Head of Strategic Business Development       Top Digital Shaper Switzerland and Top     Professor Emeritus at the Department for        General Manager
− Kevin Liggieri                               50 Women Globally in Tech                  Materials Resource Management                 − Anja Schulze
  ETH Zurich                                 − Caroline Mullen                          − Tobias Reusch                                   University of Zurich
  Chair of Science Studies                     University of Leeds                        Holoeye                                         Professor of Technology and Innovation
− Janina Loh                                   Senior Research Fellow at Insititute       Development Engineer for Microdisplay           Management
  University of Vienna                         for Transport, Focus on Mobility           Technology                                    − Tony Seba
  Research on Roboethics and Critical          Management and Policy                    − Marc Roland                                     RethinkX
  Posthumanism                               − Karla Münzel                               FarmBot                                         Expert in Technological Disruption, Serial
− Bart Los                                     Utrecht University and TNO                 Director of Marketing and Sales and             Entrepreneur and Educator
  University of Groningen                      PhD Candidate and Mobility Consultant      Reliability Engineer                          − Rainer Selvet
  Professor of the Economics of Tech-        − Christoph Neye                           − Rolien Sandelowsky                              Wolf 3D
  nological Progress and Structural Change     MotionLab Berlin                           Creative Activist and Philosopher               Chief Technology Officer
− Ernst Lutz                                   Founder                                  − Murod Saymudinov                              − James Shell
  ESM Foundation: Research and               − Alexander Norta                            Swissloop                                       Expert in Space Communication
  Development Activities in the Field of       Tallinn University of Technology           Project Manager and Expert about              − Roland Siegwart
  Rare and Critical Elements                   Research on Decentralization               Hyper Loop                                      ETH Zurich
  Chairman of the Board                      − Petr Novák                               − Christian Schaffner                             Professor of Autonomous Systems
− Cathy Macharis                               ETH Zurich                                 ETH Zurich                                    − Slavko Simic
  Brussels Centre for Urban Studies            Professor at the Department of             Executive Director of the Energy                DB Systel
  Professor of Mobility and Logistics          Chemistry and Applied Biosciences and      Science Center                                  Consultant, Mobility Expert and Team
− William Maloney                              Expert for Battery Technologies          − Michael Schetsche                               Fermata
  The World Bank                             − Guido Palazzo                              University of Freiburg                        − Bob Sumner
  Chief Economist, Equitable Growth,           HEC Lausanne                               Research on Futurology, Xenology                ETH Zurich
  Finance and Institutions                     Professor of Business Ethics               and Exosoziology                                Professor at Game Technology Center
− Anna Kathrin Meier                         − Anthony Patt                             − Ulrich Schimpel                               − Gladman Sydney
  Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty         ETH Zurich                                 IBM                                             Harvard University
  Chief Risk Officer                           Professor at the Department of             CTO IBM Switzerland and Expert in               Expert in Materials Science and
− Jürg Michel                                  Environmental Systems Science              Blockchain Technologies                         Engineering
  PostBus                                    − Aurélie Pezous                           − Gerhard Schmitt                               − Minoru Tsuru
  Project Manager “Smart Shuttle”              CERN                                       ETH Singapore                                   Tesla
− Philippe Monnier                             Knowledge Transfer Officer                 Director of Singapore-ETH Centre,               Senior Product Engineer for
  WayRay                                     − Sigrid Pirkelbauer                         Principal Investigator of Big Data Informed     Superchargers
  Director and Expert for True                 Schweizerische Bundeskanzlei               Urban Design and Governance Project           − Oliver Väärtnõu
  Augmented Reality                            Head Mobility- and                                                                         Cybernetica
                                               Innovationmanagement                                                                       Chairman
Methodology                                                                                                                          Data Collection                           12

− Daniel Vogt                                                                            − Erik
  Harvard University                                                                       Lives self-sufficiently in the Emmental
  Academic Fellow for Research &                                                         − Patrick
  Technology Transfer                                                                      Art and culture geek
− Heinz Wanner                                                                           − Joshka
  University of Bern                                                                       Retired at an extremely early age
  Professor Emeritus and Founding                                                        − Louise
  Director of the Oeschger Centre for                                                      Oldest gas station carrier in Europe
  Climate Change Research                                                                − Sandro
− Tara Welschinger                                                                         Anti-food waste campaigner
  FOIFI ZeroWaste Ladencafé               EXTREME USERS                                  − Bernhard                                  EVENTS
  Co-Founder                              Expert knowledge was complemented                Hitchhiked all the way to South America   Attending mobility-related events gave
− Hans Werder                             by insights from extreme users. They exhibit   − Eva                                       insights into expert opinions, as well as
  Avenir Mobilité                         off-grid positions or behaviors today, and       Producing all her cosmetics and laundry   allowing observations of audience reactions
  President                               might act as a role model for the masses of      detergent herself                         towards the topic. This provided early
− Mehmet Fatih Yanik                      the future. Therefore, they account for        − Kathrine                                  glimpses into the development of certain
  ETH Zurich                              the “unknown unknowns” and take account          Author at online future magazine          trends. Furthermore, product prototypes
  Professor at the Department of          of what we cannot see clearly today.           − Alice                                     exhibited at events cultivated hands-on
  Information Technology and Electrical                                                    Bitnation person                          understanding of certain technologies, and
  Engineering and Expert in Brain-        − Chris                                        − Luise                                     helped to contextualize them with related
  Computer Interfaces                       Founder of a micro living movement             “Illegal” migrant                         trends in order to predict diffusion.
                                          − Sandra                                       − Fred
and countless others who have supported     Sailed to COP 25                               Super rich and overprotected individual   − Future of Mobility Summit
this research, but cannot be named.       − Alex                                         − Lukas                                       September 5, 2019 in Berlin
                                            Bike activist                                  Digital hacker                              An international meeting for mobility
                                          − Nadine                                       − Jim                                         experts and a showroom for disruptive
                                            Police officer in Berlin                       Leader of a seperatist movement             technological applications. Key speakers
                                          − Lisa                                         − Thomas                                      included Mars Geuze of Hyperloop,
                                            Promotes zero waste                            President of a young right-wing party       Felix Lee of EHang 116 and Sebastian
                                          − Simon                                                                                      Straubel of Interstellar Ventures.
                                            Owns multiple 3D printing machines in
                                            his flat                                                                                 − Tour to Empa Research Center
                                          − Anton                                                                                      September 9, 2019 in Dübendorf
                                            Inventor of winter mobility solution                                                       Empa is a Swiss Federal research institute
                                          − Birgit                                                                                     focused on “post-fossil mobility”. The
                                            Lives without a home                                                                       event included a presentation by Christian
                                                                                                                                       Bach (Head of the Automotive Power-
Methodology                                                                                                                                   Data Collection                               13

  train Technology Laboratory) on the             corporate applications. The field research                                                     structured poster to provide a frame for
  challenges and solutions for post-fossil        was executed by talking to various                                                             the taskset. The children used Lego as
  mobility. This was followed by a visit          types of market actors and by evaluating                                                       prototyping material to make the
  to the demonstration labs to experience         the customer experience of some                                                                story more tangible. Later on, they
  these new technologies.                         available products.                                                                            were asked to create a timeline
                                                                                                                                                 of events (2020–2040) that lay behind
− Social Democracy in Europe                    Other events that contributed to the                                                             their character’s life.
  September 30, 2019 in Zurich                  research of this study included the
  The Europa Institut of the University         McKinsey Quarterly Insights about Auto-                                                        − Expert Dinner
  of Zurich invited Peer Steinbrück to speak    nomous Driving on September 4, 2019,                                                              November 4, 2019 in Zurich
  on the topic of “Social Democracy in          the ETH Week about Mobility from Sep-           INTERACTIVE FORMATS                               To refine and improve the quality of the
  Europe”. In front of a packed lecture hall,   tember 8 to 13, 2019, the Meeting of            Interactive workshops were set up to gene-        final outcome, the findings from the
  the former German Federal Minister            the Digital Society Initiative UZH “Mobility”   rate new knowledge from different sources         research process and the scenarios were
  explored the reasons for the social demo-     on September 12, 2019 and the Future            to further broaden the discussion and             discussed, questioned and challenged
  cratic crisis, and reflected on possible      Cities: Actions 2019 FCL Conference on          take into account perspectives from beyond        during an expert dinner. Twelve experts
  pathways to a successful future. The          September 24, 2019 in Zurich as well            the mainstream. They were also held in            from various disciplines met to discuss
  majority of the audience was male, white,     as the Dialoganlass “Multimodalität – Vision    order to synthesize information, challenge        the preliminary findings on trends and
  old and of upper-class origin.                und Realität” on October 17, 2019 in Biel.      the findings and find common ground               offer their opinion on the Scenarios.
                                                                                                between expert and extreme user positions.        First, they were divided into three sub-
− Brexit: The last chapter?                                                                                                                       groups for in-depth discussions, and
  October 8, 2019 in Lucerne                                                                    − Children’s Future Lab                           then gathered in a plenum to reflect on
  Mr. Allioth contextualized the emergence                                                         October 5, 2019 in Zurich                      the interconnectedness of the work.
  and potential consequences of Brexit.                                                            In a society where “our children are […]       The overall criteria for the evaluations
  Drawing on historical data and analyses,                                                         our future”, this event aimed to explore       were feasibility and probability.
  he explained the reasons that lead to                                                            the acceptance for certain technologies
  the Brexit vote, how the popular petition                                                        and the mobility offerings of the next      Furthermore, a Generation Y Workshop
  changed its nature from a soft to a hard                                                         generation. The storytelling method was     in Zurich, a Design Thinking Workshop
  Brexit and estimated the consequences.                                                           designed to provide a sneak peek into       on October 14, 2019 at the MotionLab
  The majority of the audience was male,                                                           the subconscious of the younger genera-     Berlin, and an online Art Competition
  white, old and of upper-class origin.                                                            tion and help the creation of scenarios.    were hosted to collect findings from
                                                                                                                                               diverse groups.
− AWE EU 2019                                                                                      This workshop provided space for 22
  October 17, 2019 in Munich                                                                       children from Zurich, aged 8–16, to create
  This major AR/VR conference featured                                                             a Story of the Future in five mixed-age
  contributions from many companies                                                                teams. Their task was to imagine one day
  engaged in creating and using AR/VR                                                              in the life of an imaginary character in
  products, for both consumer and                                                                  the future of 2040. Facilitators provided a
1.1 Subtitle   Explanation   14

The Trend Radar presents all 65 trends relevant
for mobility, along with in-depth descriptions of each.
It should help you to get a quick overview of the
different drivers of change that impact the future of
mobility, to guide you through the landscape of
the future. The Technological Trends are followed
by 10 illustrations that clarify their links to Societal,
Economic, Environmental and Political Trends.
Trend Radar                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     15

                                                                                                                                                     Smart                   & Post -
                                                                                                                                                   Responsive              Humanism                       Social
                                                                                                                                                      City                                             Participation
                                                                                                                              Real &
                                                                                                                              Virtual                                                                                       Anywhere,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   New                                   Processing
                                                                                                                               Slow                                                                                Work                                    Power
                                                                                                                              Culture       Education

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Digital                      New Means
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Replication &                     of Mass

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Simulation                    Transportation
                                                                                                                                                                                   Reputation           Personal

                                                                      E-Governance                                                                                                                       Cloud
                                                                                                                                                      Fear                                       Hyper-


                                                                                                 Predictive                                                                                     Persona-
                                                                                                  Gover-                  Digital                                                                                                                                                    Decentra-
                                                                                                   nance                  Warfare                                  Co-Living for                                                                     Power                            lization
                                                                                                                                                                    the Single

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Sources &

                                                                                                                                                                     Society                                                                         Energy
                                                                 Decent-                                                                                                                                                                             Storage
                                                               ralization of
                                                                                                               Separatism                                                                                                                                                                 Autonomous
                                                                                                                                                                         Health as a                                                                                                     Transportation

                                                                                                                                                                        Status Symbol
                                                                                                                             Migration      Euro-                                                                                                                      Digitally
                                                                                    Big Tech                                                                                                                                                                          Enhanced
                                                                                   in Politics                                                                                                                                                                        Realities
                                                                                                          Rise of
Low impact            High impact                                                                        Nationalist
                                                                                                          Politics                                                                                                                                                                            Autonomous
                                                                                                                                         Securitization   Voters

                                                                                                                        Green Wave
                                                                                                           Emerging                                                                                                                                              Enhancement
                                                                                                            Tech vs.
Low likelihood      High likelihood
The radar on the right gives a holistic                                                                                      Sub-
                                                                                                                                                                                        Economy                        Safety
perspective on the trends affecting mobility                                                                                                Environmental
                                                                                                                                             Regulations                                             Data Infra-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    & Price over

until 2040. The inner circle contains all                                                         Land-
                                                                                                                                                                                                     structure &

                                                                                                 Change                                                                                                                                                                             Meaningful
trends arising within the next five years,                                                                                                 Extreme                                                                                                                                 Consumption
                                                                                                                                           Weather          Recycling
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Cities & Rural
those in the middle circle will materialize by                                                                                              Events                                      Integrated
                                                                                                                                                                                         Systems                                     Sharing           Areas
2030 and all those in the outer band                                            Sea

will impact our understanding of mobility
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Consumption                        Localization
by 2040. The size of the bubble reflects                                                                                                                                                                                           Equality
the impact that specific development will                                                                                                        Resources                                 of Hidden
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Public & Private
                                                                                                                                                 Availability                              Platforms                                              Rising
have on mobility, while the different
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Inequality &
                                                                                                                                                                                 Monetary                                                        Extreme


shades illustrate its likelihood of coming true



as described: light shading reflects low                                             RO                           Global
                                                                                                                 Warming                                                                                                  Sustainable
probability, medium shading indicates mode-                                                      NM

rate probability and dark shading means                                                                  EN                                                                                                                                     E
high probability. Detailed descriptions of all                                                                     TAL
trends follow this radar.
Trend Radar                                                                                                                                                                                       16

By 2040, there will be 525 million people        ANYWHERE, SOMEWHERE, X-WHERE                     It means access to information, influen-          group belonging and particular places.”
living within the European Union region          For some parts of society, the “home base”       cers and power, and therefore determines          It is this, rather than educational level or
(including UK), with a median age of 45. The     of the future will be everywhere. It will        the biographies and geographies of life           social class, that binds them together:
proportion of people aged 65 and older           encompass everything that happens at the         for many.”11 As a result, the main fault line     they earn, live, work, and vote in widely
will be around 27 percent; the number of         traditional dwelling and the workplace,          in contemporary society is not between            differing ways, but they are typically
over-65s is projected to rise from 84.6          as well as third spaces in between, such as      right and left, nor between capitalists and       more local in outlook. They are communi-
million in 2008 to 130 million in 2040.6 As      railway stations, airports, waiting areas        socialists. Rather, as David Goodhart             tarian, stable, patriotic, traditional, mind-
a result, the old-age-dependency ratio           and retail environments. As such places be-      argues in The Road to Somewhere: The New          ful of security and tied to specific places.12
– meaning the relation between economic          come increasingly important, they will be        Tribes Shaping British Politics (which                   Zooming out, the future belongs to
contributors and economic beneficiaries          confronted with new demands from their           probably applies to most other European           the growing group of “Glocalists,” as mobility
– is changing rapidly. The challenges arising    users. This could mean a higher level of         countries too), the true division is “be-         is becoming increasingly affordable (see
from demographic shifts, climate change          comfort than they can offer today, or adjusted   tween the people who see the world from           Consumption Equality), which blurs these
and the rise of new technologies are sure to     infrastructure depending on the purpose          Anywhere and the people who see it                current distinctions. Glocalists unite
influence everyday life of the European          they will serve in the future. And of course,    from Somewhere.”12                                both elements at a new level of integration,
citizen. Societal values will evolve under the   vehicles are another sort of “X-Space,”               In Goodhart’s analysis, “Anywheres,”         combining home with an open horizon
influence of technological advances –            because being “on the way” to somewhere          who represent about 25 percent of the UK’s        on the prosperity that has arisen in the big
although whether these changes will enhance      is becoming a space in its own right. This       population today, dominate British culture        cities through digitalization. For example,
progressive, liberal thinking or lead to         development will potentially make the mobi-      and society. They pass exams, do well at          numerous socially cohesive villages are
further polarization is unclear. Optimists       lity journey an experience in itself once        school, go on to a residential university, work   growing within cities, in the form of co-living
speak of human-centered, responsive              more, and less of a transitional necessity       in a major city at some stage, marry late         projects.13 These are cooperative forms
design, integrating nature-based digital         when going from A to B. Thus, a vehicle          and comprise almost all of the political, jour-   of housing in which the residential communi-
systems as solutions for livable envi-           could become a connected education space,        nalistic, corporate and artistic elites. They     ties of the 70s are enjoying a renais-
ronments.7 Pessimists, meanwhile, point          a café, a bank, an insurance branch, a           have identities that are “portable” and           sance.14 This effect is related to the trend
to numerous ecological disasters, poten-         shopping mall or a meeting room, reducing        “achieved,” and pride themselves on being         Real and Virtual.
tial nuclear war and man-made virus              the relevancy of any start and end point.        tolerant, meritocratic, egalitarian, auto-               In terms of mobility, this shift of power
epidemics – or argue that artificial super-      “Gas guzzlers” will no longer be judged on       nomous, open to change, internationalist          will most likely result in a new class of
intelligence has already started taking          their horsepower, but instead by connec-         and individualist.12                              working nomad. These people will work in
control.8 Overall, the key decision-makers       tivity or ecosystem power, increasing their           “Somewheres,” meanwhile, who consti-         a very different place, and will have
of the future are science and technology,        current mobility supremacy still further.10      tute about 50 percent of the UK population,       very little real attachment to their home
politics, religion and business.9                      “At the moment, access to such a           “are more rooted and usually have ‘ascribed’      base – if any. While this lifestyle was
                                                 decentralized and mobile lifestyle mainly        identities – Scottish farmer, working-class       previously considered highly exclusive and
                                                 depends on profession and societal status.       Geordie, Cornish housewife – based on             lucrative, the Glocalists are now the new
Trend Radar                                                                                                                                                       Societal Trends                                        17

elite, since they combine the privilege of          or increasing the efficiency of existing                       imposed in real time with additional infor-    lization illustrate. In response, a newtype
high mobility and deep relatedness to their         infrastructure.”7 Therefore, Citizen Design                    mation that appears to be part of the          of collectivism has emerged. It is character-
local community.                                    Science has huge potential to fulfill the                      real object.20 Projects such as Google Glass   ized by situational orientation towards
                                                    unused potential in our current system.                        give a sense of the next step: augmented       groups and engagement with the community,
SMART RESPONSIVE CITIES                             enviroCar16 is one example, using citizens,                    reality becomes detached from the smart-       while retaining a focus on the self.24 Tech-
In 2040, living will be smart,15 so cities will     traffic planners, scientists and companies                     phone hardware.21 This represents a            nology has enabled new forms of situational
need to continuously adjust to changes              to collect and analyze vehicle information in                  real advance over current solutions, and       communities, collaborations and coopera-
in their environment through sensor data            various traffic situations, and gain insights                  will most likely lead to higher diffusion      tion. Therefore, “local co-working and
and connected information systems. How-             that can support the development of sustain-                   and acceptance. At the same time, companies    co-learning communities”25 are booming, as
ever, such a “technology-based Smart                able traffic concepts. Other initiatives are                   such as Samsung, Sony, Novartis and            is as the hunt for meetup events. Specia-
City is often disconnected from the citizens.”7     bikeable,17 bike citizen18 and CitieS-Health.19                Sensimed, as well as research centers across   lized communities such as Transition Town
To mitigate these effects, an urban mana-                                                                          the globe, are working on “smart contact       Totnes are focusing on strengthening the
gement system shared between humans and                                                                            lenses.” Applications for these beyond the     local economy, reducing environmental
machines, with citizens ultimately in control,                                                                     medical realm include thermal imaging,         impact and building resilience for a short-
will continually create touchpoints to allow                                                                       “long-distance” vision, augmented reality or   term future in which more expensive energy
discussions around these technological                                                                             controlling devices just by blinking.22        and a changing climate might begin to
changes. A responsive city with “smart tools                                                                            These technological advancements          manifest themselves.26
can be used to improve convenience and                                                                             could lead to completely new ways of                 On the one hand, community culture
to support participation in the interest of                                                                        interacting with computer systems. Instead     is growing as an essential way to organize one-
society.”7 In this case, “everyone will be better                                                                  of entering inputs via buttons or key-         self in a new and meaningful way in a highly
informed about what is happening in the                                                                            boards, voice could become the preferred       complex world.27 On the other, in a world full
city, not through a surveillance system, but                                                                       way to interact with your car or smart-        of autonomous individuals, self-chosen group
through an informative system.”7                                                                                   phone. Additionally, the use of technology     membership is becoming more significant
      Furthermore, cities will have unique                                                                         that enhances the visual field will create     for one’s own identity and way of life. Part of
local elements – integrated, digital systems                                                                       new ways of navigating and open up new         this collaborative lifestyle is participating
that are based in nature and rooted in                                                                             business opportunities – especially for        in the Sharing Economy.28 Since this youthful
the concept of Citizen Design Science (illu-                                                                       entertainment and location-based marketing.    lifestyle is seen as hip and desirable,A it is
strated in Figure 1). “Citizen Design                                                                                   By 2040, “most needs will still be        likely to be picked up by older generations
Science is a participatory design approach                                                                         met physically and locally, while specific     too. However, it does have its limits: “Shar-
                                                    Figure 1: Citizens will engage directly and digitally in the
that engages citizens through online                                                                               interests will be realized virtually. The      ing platforms such as Sharoo, Berlkönig or
                                                    urban planning process.
design tools in the planning process. It can                                                                       importance of individual transport will        Clevershuttle will not reach the masses, since
be considered as a symbiosis of traditional         REAL AND VIRTUAL                                               therefore decline in the long term.”8          people prefer to choose how they use their
participation in urban planning (citizen            The online and offline worlds are slowly                                                                      personal car, or who they share a car with.”29
design) with modern participation methods           merging, and interconnectivity is increasing                   COMMUNITY CULTURE
that build a form of citizen science.”7             too. Using virtual reality technology or                       Lately “we’ve gone a little overboard with     A
                                                                                                                                                                   A hipster is a person who follows the latest trends and
      For mobility, a major question will           augmented reality software, the view through                   individualism,”23 as the trends Co-Living      fashions, especially those regarded as being outside the
be whether to “invest in new technologies           a mobile phone camera can be super-                            for the Single Society and Hyper-Persona-      cultural mainstream.
Trend Radar                                                                                                                                                                     Societal Trends                             18

     On this theme, in terms of mobility, we      design of processes. It is the first time in                                political opinion or even vote at the bus         enhancements could potentially replace
can expect that as ownership declines,            history that so many people are living                                      stop, influenced by the arbitrary information     some of the currently used modes of trans-
private-vehicle sharing will require comple-      so close together in urban systems. And as                                  and impressions impinging on them right           portation in micro-mobility. Depending on
mentary services that regulate access             a consequence, governance systems,                                          at that moment.”30                                the improvement delivered in terms of speed
based on the owner’s preferences. This            which were originally set up for far fewer                                                                                    and physical strength, it’s even possible that
could increase the importance of monetary         people and far lower population density,                                    MIND-LIFTING AND POST-HUMANISM                    many places will ban the use of such technol-
substitution through the use of virtual           need to evolve.”7                                                           “Futurologists like Nick Bostrom predict          ogies, since they could be regarded as
currencies (e.g. a points system) and make             However, “the rise of social media is                                  that AI will soon be able to keep pace with       weapons and make people feel threatened.
customer ratings even more crucial for            accompanied by a strong tendency towards                                    human intelligence, a super-intelligence
the service provider (see Digital Reputation).    the formation of monopolies.”30 And “par-                                   will eventually emerge and it could take con-     NEW WORK
Furthermore, since these trends will lead         ticipation, especially in the online world, is                              trol of Earth – resulting in the enslave-         Start-ups are increasingly putting established
to much higher car-usage rates, companies         often associated with an informal pressure to                               ment of humanity.”8                               companies and industries under pressure
providing services such as vehicle clea-          conform – the fear of ‘dislikes.’ People                                          To keep up in the “race” with AI, the       to innovate.39 The contingent workforces at
ning, maintenance and refueling will grow         decide in favor of their image.”34 At the same                              digital offerings of the future will aim at en-   such start-ups reject both the well-paid
in importance.                                    time, however, the scrutiny put into eva-                                   hancing humans’ mental and emotional              existence of an employee and the comfort
                                                  luating opinions is declining. “The result could                            performance. Tech innovators want to link         zone of the welfare state, preferring to stay
SOCIAL PARTICIPATION                              be that people will rashly share their                                      the brain directly to a computer so that          independent. Hence, they are becoming
Social media has risen in just a few years from                                                                               humans merge with AI.35,36 However, huma-         an increasingly important economic factor.40
a marginal phenomenon to a central part                                                                                       nists see this as folly. “It is very naïve, how   With their interdisciplinarity, business
                                                        RISE OF CITIZEN-SCIENCE PROJECTS
of everyday life.30 In the same way, focused                                                                                  we glorify the ratio,”23 and “the entire corpo-   ideas, working style and approach to prob-
internet communities are increasingly                   The SciStarter repository has been documenting                        reality of man is not taken into account.”37      lems, contingent workers create an economic
                                                        the rise of citizen-science projects and events.
used in the private and public sphere to ex-            The field is largely decentralized, and dates on
                                                                                                                              However, the real danger in this race is “that    ecosystem in which an enormous amount
change information in a semistructured                  this chart reflect the year in which the initiatives                  we lose sight of the human being.”25              of resources and knowledge are exchanged,
manner. In the future, new open and regu-               were added to SciStarter’s records.                                         In 2040, the first regulatory discussions   because they operate in such a highly
lated networks will be established that                                                                                       will emerge on how and where to limit             networked way.39 “At least 90 percent of
focus primarily on tools for providing direct                                     800
                                                                                                                              cybernetic augmentation of the human body.        millennials say they would rather work
                                                      Projects and events added

feedback. They will be used for purposes                                                                                      Otherwise, if left unchecked, the trend will      at a startup than a corporate giant”41 – even
such as running Smart Responsive Cities, e-                                       500
                                                                                                                              open up an unbridgeable divide between            though many corporates adjust and slowly
voting, etc. Some concrete examples of                                            400                                         those who can afford to become cyborgs and        allow a similar work-style.
citizen science projects include birdwatch,31                                     300                                         those who cannot.38 In terms of mobility                Mobility-wise, these preferences indi-
PatientsLikeMe32 and Galaxy Zoo.33 Figure 2                                       200                                         advances, prostheses, powered wheelchairs         cate a shift towards more flexible life-styles,
illustrates the rise in citizen involvement.                                      100                                         and exoskeletons will maintain, reactivate or     including frequent changes of location and
      As outlined in the trend Anywhere,                                                2010   2012   2014   2016     2018*
                                                                                                                              even improve human capabilities of move-          working from everywhere, plus high demands
Somewhere, X-Where, “Digital technology                                                                 *As of October 2018   ment and walking. Some disabilities might         for accessibility, seamlessness, simplicity
enables citizens to contribute to and to                                                                                      become a thing of the past. These advances        and speed of mobility. The underlying require-
participate in science, but also in design:       Figure 2: Citizens increasingly play a part in shaping their                in individual human mobility will lead to a       ments for such behavior are described in
design of objects, design of buildings,           own environment.                                                            more inclusive society. Furthermore, human        the trend Anywhere, Somewhere, X-Where.
Trend Radar                                                                                                                                                        Societal Trends                             19

      “Robots were originally built to make                      Another important value of the future            Furthermore, work processes are in-              SLOW CULTURE
certain tasks easier for people.”42 Progressive             of work is collaboration. Technology is          creasingly being reorganized to meet                  Today, professional, leisure and family
automation begs the question: Who will                      mediating new possibilities to work together     changing preferences and adapt to ongoing             life are all under considerable time
still have work in the future? “Why work at                 in teams, faster and more intensively, on a      Societal Trends. This change in the nature            pressure – and mobility is contributing
all? Can’t we imagine a society where                       global basis, without the need to be gathered    of work, combined with the increase of livable        to this development. “Until 5000 years ago
people have time, based on an unconditional                 in the same physical space.7 Additionally, the   and affordable housing-workplaces in                  we were nomadic hunters and gatherers;
basic income, for instance, to do whatever                  uniform nine-to-five life rhythm of the          neighborhoods, will drastically reduce daily          only then did we settle down. Now, since the
they like?”42 The likelihood of full automation             industrial era, with its fixed business hours    commuting time.7 For mobility, “this                  20th century, we have had a new incentive
by 2040 is small, because most of the tasks                 and rigid separation of work and leisure         structural change would ease the current              for mobility in the form of the car, which sti-
we do are still too complicated for machines.               time, is giving way to a more flexible and       rush hour problem.”45 Simplified, less                mulated a completely new behavior: Suddenly
However, there is a good chance that we                     mobile lifestyle. Accordingly, expecta-          crowded commutes will increase people’s               it seemed desirable to move continuously
will have more free time to spend on leisure                tions of round-the-clock availability of ser-    acceptance of flexible work hours, and                from A to B.”8
activities – creating a need for better op-                 vices are rising – from shopping oppor-          even a shift toward 24-hour work.41, 46                     Beyond a certain point, great flexibility
tions in terms of leisure mobility.43 Figure 3              tunities, whether through e-commerce or                                                                and speed are no longer perceived as a
shows the likelihood of automation for                      stationary retail, and mobility to permanent     SIMPLIFICATION                                        benefit, but rather as a burden.23 In response,
a range of types of work.                                   access to resources in the business world.44     People increasingly prefer simplicity over any        people turn towards a more mindful life.
                                                                                                             other criterion. Therefore, they tend to              Mindfulness is the countertrend to perma-
                                                                                                             rely on digital assistants to optimize decisions      nent stimulus overload, media-driven
    AUTOMATED FOR THE PEOPLE                                                                                 such as choosing the best flight, food or             excitement and mounting demands on our
                                                                    info b
    Automation risk by job type, %                                                                           insurance.10 As assistants’ algorithms improve        cognitive resources. “More and more
                                       0          10          20             30      40            50   60   and their use becomes more mainstream,                often we question the way we deal with
    Food preparation                                                                                         this reliance is likely to increase. This, in turn,   ourselves and the world. Mindfulness
                                                                                                             will improve the market position of data              arises when you let go and take a few steps
    Driving                                                                                                  aggregators such as Google, and other tech-           back to observe yourself and the world.”23
    Agricultural labor                                                                                       nological and data-driven companies too.10            This is why more and more people in our hyper-
    Garment manufacturing                                                                                    The trend is crucial for mobility, especially         mobile society are looking for ways to
    Personal service                                                                                         considering the rise of “mobility as a ser-           slow down, not speed up. “Standstill is beco-
                                                                                                             vice” and the use of platforms.47 The user base       ming a luxury.”23 On the flip side, however,
    Customer service
    Business administration
                                                                                                             of any data-aggregation company provides              reducing time spent travelling to work
    Information technology                                                                                   an excellent foundation for offering mobility         is paramount – especially for commuters.
    Science & engineering                                                                                    services and providing options such as                “In 2040 the reason for travelling will
    Healthcare                                                                                               entertainment services. Because of this re-           change, and we will not commute to work,
    Hospitality & retail management                                                                          liance on data, privacy regulations in                but instead travel for pleasure. We are
    Upper management & politics
                                                                                                             Europe will determine the structure of the            wasting too much time on lonely journeys
                                                                                                             mobility market in the year 2040 (see                 for work purposes.”45
                                                                                                             Emerging Technologies vs. Legislation).
Figure 3: Jobs in food preparation, construction and cleaning are most vulnerable to automation.
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