Page created by Lucille Pratt
Hybrid CoE Trend Report 6

                        APRIL 2021

                        The future of
                        cyberspace and
                        hybrid threats

                                       Hybrid CoE
Hybrid CoE Trend Report 6

The future of
cyberspace and
hybrid threats
Hybrid CoE Trend Reports are an outcome of expert pool meetings on a given theme. They highlight the main trends of
the theme, provide multiple perspectives on current challenges as well as academic discourse on the topic, and serve as
background material for policymakers. They aim to distinguish between what really constitutes a threat, what appears to be
a threat but is not necessarily one, and what has the potential to become one. Hybrid CoE’s Research and Analysis engages
expert pools on relevant themes in the landscape of hybrid threats.

The European Centre of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats tel. +358 400 253800

ISBN 978-952-7282-69-4
ISSN 2670-1804

April 2021

Hybrid CoE is an international hub for practitioners and experts, building participating states’ and institutions’
capabilities and enhancing EU-NATO cooperation in countering hybrid threats, located in Helsinki, Finland.

The responsibility for the views expressed ultimately rests with the authors.

FOREWORD                                                                       7
INTRODUCTION                                                                   8
  Increasing surprises and cascading effects from the cyber-physical domain    9
  Increasing importance of AI in state-backed subversive psychological and
  information operations                                                      11
  Issues to monitor                                                           12
  The use of cyber during the pandemic                                        13
  Manipulative information interference during the pandemic                   14
  Issues to monitor                                                           15
  Issues to monitor                                                           17
CONCLUSION                                                                    18
APPENDIX 1: LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS                                              19
BIBLIOGRAPHY                                                                  20

The European security environment is becoming             The expert pools are an ongoing process and pro-
increasingly complex in nature. In addition to the        vide content for the Centre’s work.
traditional military domain, security threats are             Engaging with the expert pools and the related
trickling down to all aspects of social life as dem-      activity is in line with Hybrid CoE’s founding memo-
ocratic states encounter threats from actors who          randum of understanding, which states that Hybrid
are willing and more able than ever before to attack      CoE is to act as a hub of expertise, to offer collec-
domains not perceived as belonging to the core            tive expertise and to encourage strategic dialogue.
field of security, using a creative combination of        This activity should adopt a multidisciplinary and
multiple tools to achieve their goals and push their      academic approach. Thus, the purpose of engag-
strategic interests in unacceptable ways.                 ing with the expert pools is not to pursue a single
    Analyzing emerging trends related to security         truth, but rather to provide multiple perspectives
and highlighting long-term undercurrents will help        on current challenges, to provide perspectives on
in understanding the changing security environ-           the academic discourse on the topic, and to serve
ment, and in being better prepared to respond to          as a background for policymakers. The added value
potential hybrid threats in the future. Being able        of this work is that it examines the subject from a
to read trends makes it easier to place current           hybrid-threat perspective. Each Participating State,
events in context and to distinguish between what         the EU and NATO can then consider which facets
is a threat, what looks like a threat but is not neces-   of knowledge will be most useful from its own per-
sarily one, and what has the potential to become a        spective.
threat in the future.                                         This report is based on Hybrid CoE’s Cyber
    The European Centre of Excellence for Coun-           Expert Pool’s first meeting, which was held in Hel-
tering Hybrid Threats (Hybrid CoE) operates               sinki, Finland on 12–13 February 2020. The report
expert pools to support its Participating States and      was compiled by Dr Catharina Candolin, from the
the activities of the Centre’s Communities of Inter-      Defence Command Finland, based on the meeting
est. The expert pools work as a forum for exchang-        outcomes and expert pool members’ comments,
ing information, building connections and gaining a       together with Hybrid CoE Director of Research
comprehensive understanding of the trends under           and Analysis Hanna Smith, Deputy Director of COI
a specific theme. These trends are then linked            Strategy and Defence Josef Schröfl, and Coordina-
through Hybrid CoE to potential hybrid threats.           tor Emma Lappalainen.


    Although the concepts pertaining to hybrid threats                                  These three phenomena of the modern world
    have received much criticism, they have proved to                                   increase prosperity and interconnectedness, and
    be very useful characterizations in relation to the                                 the vast opportunities are enjoyed by both big and
    changing security environment, and in rethinking                                    small, friendly and hostile states, as well as crimi-
    security, solidarity and alliances in the 21st cen-                                 nals. States consider cyberspace fertile ground for
    tury. The characterization of an activity as a hybrid                               information campaigns, whereas criminals utilize
    threat is based on identifying activities that – when                               it for economic purposes for the most part. It is
    deliberately combined and synchronized by an                                        worth noting that most political and military con-
    actor with malicious intent – pose a unique threat                                  flicts now have a cyber dimension. This emphasizes
    to the interests of the target state.                                               the increasing importance of the cyber domain for
        Cyber is but one of the domains in which hybrid                                 unconventional hybrid threats, as it is particularly
    threats occur.1 It should be noted that hostile                                     empowering for states that do not have the military
    activity in the cyber domain alone does not con-                                    capacity of larger powers. Cyber proficiency levels
    stitute a hybrid threat, but becomes such when                                      the playing field – or battleground – to a certain
    multiple tools, and vulnerabilities in other domains                                extent.
    are simultaneously used by an actor in order to                                          The main objective of this report is to discuss
    reach the same goal. Most hybrid threat activity                                    the development of cyberspace as an enabler of
    comprises elements of both cyber and information                                    both cyber operations and cyber-enabled informa-
    operations.                                                                         tion operations, and to cover future developments
        There are underlying conditions that increase                                   of cyberspace and hybrid threats. The Hybrid CoE
    the prominence of the cyber domain in the frame-                                    Cyber Expert Pool meeting identified three cur-
    work of hybrid threats. First of all, states base                                   rent trends of hybrid threats in the cyber domain:
    their development on the rapid advancement                                          an increase in the disruptive use of artificial
    of technology. While this has been beneficial for                                   intelligence; the expansion of the role of cyber
    states on a multitude of levels, it has also made                                   during times of crisis; and growth in dependen-
    them vulnerable to threats in cyberspace. Second,                                   cies between policy and technology. The three
    the capabilities of states and criminals to operate                                 trends are examined from the point of view of
    in cyberspace have developed; some are highly                                       relevant technological developments and the pos-
    advanced, while others are mainly persistent. Nev-                                  sibilities for cascading effects. Also of note is the
    ertheless, the number of successful cyberattacks                                    fact that each of these trends has a cross-cutting
    has increased. Third, cyberspace is the main ena-                                   information-operation element enabled by cyber.
    bler of the global dissemination of information.                                    The chapters conclude with open questions that
    However, this also includes disinformation and                                      the reader can take into account when consider-
    misinformation.                                                                     ing future developments of the cyber domain and
                                                                                        hybrid threats.

    1 According to the conceptual model developed by Hybrid CoE and the EC’s Joint Research Centre, hybrid threats can be observed in 13 different
    domains: administration, culture, cyber, diplomacy, economy, information, infrastructure, intelligence, legal, military, political, social, and space. See
    Giannopoulos et al, ’The Landscape of Hybrid Threats: A conceptual model’, 26–32.

TREND 1: Increase in the disruptive use
of artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the main technol-                       by exploiting the vulnerabilities of AI systems them-
ogy trends affecting the cyber domain at the pres-                             selves (e.g. through adversarial examples and data
ent time. AI and machine learning are developing                               poisoning).2
at a tremendous pace and an increasing number of
applications utilize AI as a part of their solutions. At                       Increasing surprises and cascading effects
the moment, the use of AI is largely restricted to a                           from the cyber-physical domain
specific task that is either routine or that requires
the processing of a huge amount of data; tasks that                            An increasing number of operations in the physical
human beings are not really qualified to do. Com-                              domain are dependent upon the cyber domain. This
puters are more capable of performing repetitive                               has given rise to the concept of the “cyber-physical
tasks and are also able to process large quantities                            domain”.
of data in a short space of time, all while learning.                              When it comes to the cyber-physical domain,
While advancements in AI are not as striking as                                critical infrastructure is particularly relevant. For
imagined, the development has increased produc-                                example, in logistics and transportation, land (road
tivity and performance quality, improving deci-                                and rail), sea, and air traffic control is reliant upon
sion-making capabilities, for example. However, this                           digital systems in several ways. The disruption to,
technology has its dark side as well: an actor that                            or destruction of, critical infrastructure (systems,
wants to inflict harm can find AI a useful instrument                          plants, processes, networks, and devices) would
for malign – or disruptive – purposes.                                         have a serious impact on the health, safety, eco-
     The technological advancements in AI will                                 nomic and social wellbeing of the population, as
have increasing implications for the cyber domain.                             well as the functioning of governance structures.
Cyberattacks can become more cost-efficient as AI                              Critical infrastructure includes, but is not limited
is incorporated into tasks currently performed by                              to, energy production and distribution (e.g. the
people. This will enable a growing number of actors                            electrical grid, heating), communication systems,
to carry out attacks at an increasing speed, towards                           transportation and logistics, healthcare, and water
an increasing number of targets. Furthermore,                                  supplies.
new threats will emerge as AI solutions can accom-                                 Many infrastructures such as the energy infra-
plish tasks that are too complex for human beings,                             structure rely on autonomous systems. The health-
for example, exploiting the vulnerabilities of the                             care system relies on the availability of information
defenders’ AI systems. Offensive cyber operations                              systems to ensure that patient data, for example,
supported by AI solutions will be highly efficient,                            can be collected from the necessary sources and
precisely targeted, and difficult to attribute.                                used when and where needed, sometimes even in
     In the near future, some of the main AI-sup-                              emergency situations. Critical infrastructure and
ported cyber threats might be produced by using                                fundamental functions and services are intercon-
automated hacking, speech synthesis used to                                    nected.
impersonate targets, finely-targeted spam emails                                   In addition to the benefits of increased effi-
using information scraped from social media, or                                ciency and effectiveness, the dependencies give

2 Roberts, ‘Global AI experts sound the alarm’; Hybrid CoE expert-pool discussion 2020.

rise to new types of vulnerabilities. Advances in                             repurpose such systems for harmful ends, such
     automation engender new remote attack threats.                                as crashing fleets of autonomous vehicles, turning
     As systems start to utilize more AI-based solutions,                          commercial drones into face-targeting missiles, or
     and as AI-supported cyberattacks are more likely                              holding critical infrastructure to ransom. 4
     to emerge in the near future, one possible cyber                                   The rise of autonomous weapons systems on
     trend will involve increased attacks on critical                              the battlefield risks the loss of meaningful human
     infrastructure.                                                               control and presents tempting targets for attack.
         A failure in a system may cascade through                                 The use of drones seems to be changing several
     other systems, which may be difficult to foresee.                             perceptions connected to war. Drones can be
         Attacks designed to cause cascading effects are                           argued to have lowered traditional disincentives
     likely to inflict severe and widespread damage to                             for outside combat zone attacks. When an attack
     societies. The disruption to, or destruction of, criti-                       is launched from a distance without physical prox-
     cal infrastructure would have an immediate impact                             imity, the perceived barrier of entry is lowered due
     on day-to-day life, societal safety and the economy.                          to the disconnect. This can lead to an impression
     The eventual results can be far more severe than                              of the battlefield being ‘global’.5 Furthermore, the
     the effect on the initially affected system: loss of                          increased physical distance between the drone
     power can result in loss of communications, food,                             operator and the target appears to affect the moral
     water, energy, and so forth. 3                                                judgement of the operator by increasing the dehu-
         Actors who seek to cause severe damage to the                             manization of the target.6 This indicates that AI
     critical functions of a society may be tempted to                             will increasingly enable war or interference mech-
     carry out attacks against critical infrastructure with                        anisms which bring the activity into the internal
     cascading effects. Although critical infrastructures                          space of the target, while the ‘battlefield’ is viewed
     are commonly designed, implemented and main-                                  as global. Simultaneously, the human factor in
     tained based on rigorous standards, it is not easy                            operations will decrease, resulting in fewer human
     to identify all of the relevant factors contributing                          errors, but also potentially fewer decisions based
     to cascading effects. New technologies introduce                              on moral considerations.7 This can even lead to the
     unknown vulnerabilities to hybrid threats when                                legal framework at both national and international
     taken into use in real systems. A cascading effect                            levels being put under strain.
     might be the objective of hybrid threat activity                                   Irrespective of warfare, when coupled with
     aimed at destabilization, but also a means to                                 AI as a tool of disruption, drones have significant
     an end. Attributing the attacker becomes more                                 power, and are an example of easily available tools
     complicated when the cause and effect chain is                                that anyone can use to disturb the functioning of
     extended. Moreover, cascading effects, when they                              critical infrastructure. Airports are a case in point.
     create enough confusion, can function as a cover                              For example, Gatwick Airport in London was com-
     for hybrid threat operations in the same and/or                               pletely shut down for 36 hours after drones were
     other domains.                                                                spotted flying in the immediate vicinity. The disrup-
         Another example of how AI can affect the                                  tion had global cascading effects, and came with
     cyber-physical domain concerns the way in which                               little or no cost to the perpetrators. 8Drones are
     drones are harnessed to use facial recognition, for                           already efficient tools for actors engaging in hybrid
     example, or other AI solutions to detect targets and                          threat activity, but combined with AI solutions,
     deliver explosives to eliminate them for terrorist                            their destructive power could be multiplied.
     purposes. Drones may allow attackers to deploy or

     3 Hybrid CoE Expert-pool discussion 2020.
     4 Ibid.
     5 The International Committee of the Red Cross, ‘Drones and the challenges of remote warfare’.
     6 Ibid.
     7 Ibid.
     8 Shackle, ‘The mystery of the Gatwick drone’.

Increasing importance of AI in state-backed                                      The ability to collect, analyze and act upon citizens’
subversive psychological and information                                         information at scale using AI could enable new
operations                                                                       levels of surveillance and invasions of privacy. This
                                                                                 has the potential to fundamentally shift power
AI’s disruptive use potential in the political realm                             between individuals, corporations and states. For
derives from the increased usage of cyberspace as                                example, an authoritarian state could use auto-
a domain for, but also enabler of, politics. Detailed                            mated surveillance systems that utilize image and
analytics, targeted propaganda, and cheap, highly                                audio processing and combine this information
believable fake videos present powerful tools for                                with intelligence to control citizens and counter
manipulating public opinion on previously unimagi-                               opposition.
nable scales.                                                                         Furthermore, the importance of visual infor-
    Micro-targeting in particular will be increas-                               mation has increased in almost all information
ingly supported by AI. This means that the emer-                                 production, largely due to social media. The visuali-
gence of ‘hyper-personalized influence targeting’                                zation of communication habits is not only visible in
(HPIT) will be used to achieve political, military                               journalism and politics, but also in acts of violence
and geopolitical objectives. HPIT has been used                                  such as the live streaming of terrorist attacks.
by Russian forces in Ukraine, for example, where a                               Techniques for creating visual content are increas-
combination of electronic warfare equipment, com-                                ing and becoming easier to access, while tradi-
mercial drone technology and fake mobile towers                                  tional forms of video and image manipulation are
have been combined with psychological operations                                 rapidly improving. This points to a trend whereby
to intimidate citizens and sow mistrust.9 It is highly                           the trustworthiness of visual and audio material
probable that technology enabling HPIT will be                                   will be increasingly contested. The decrease in
accessible to state and non-state actors at a low                                trustworthiness can be observed, for example, in
cost in the future. This, combined with advance-                                 filters used to change the background of images,
ments in AI, will increase the accuracy and efficacy                             algorithms that credibly alter the features of the
of microtargeting.                                                               person in an image, and deepfake videos – created
    Developments in big-data harvesting will allow                               with deep-learning AI technologies – in which a
malicious actors to design and conduct HPITs on                                  person’s face or body is digitally manipulated so
an industrial scale. State and non-state actors have                             that they appear to be someone else. Until now, the
the ability to harvest massive amounts of data                                   quality of the deepfakes has been mediocre and
by using AI. In a recent example, private Chinese                                easy to spot, but high-end and highly realistic fakes
company Zhenhua Data was shown to have har-                                      will probably be accessible in the near future. The
vested data on high-level individuals from Western                               increasing visual information culture together with
countries. The Overseas Key Information Data-                                    advances in AI will facilitate deception and disinfor-
base (OKIDB) has been systematically collecting                                  mation operations. Audiences will be bombarded
names since 2017 and currently contains over 2.4                                 with individualized and manipulated messaging,
million. The aim has been to gather details about                                meaning that tactical psychological operations are
countries’ infrastructure, military deployments and                              combined with strategic communications.12
public opinion, as well as an analysis of individuals                                 China’s social surveillance system can be cited
with foreign military, political and business back-                              as an example of a trend where data-driven tech-
grounds.10 Essentially, the use of AI to gather and                              nologies, facial recognition and AI enable the state
comb through big data, combined with micro-tar-                                  to monitor and target people such as ethnic minor-
geting, blurs the traditional conceptual divide                                  ities and political opponents. These technologies
between the tactical and strategic levels.11                                     can be used by corporations to allow people

9 Hybrid CoE, ‘Trends in the Contemporary Information Environment’.
10 Sihi, ‘Chinese firm harvests social media posts, data of prominent Americans and military’.
11 Hybrid CoE, ‘Trends in the Contemporary Information Environment’.
12 Ibid.

to withdraw cash, check in at airports, and pay for                              Issues to monitor
     goods purely through facial recognition. However,
     they are also used by the Chinese government                                     1. When will the first AI-supported cyberattack
     to enforce its rule by monitoring and scoring its                                   take place and due to what kind of events?
     citizens. The authorities insist that the social scor-                              How will attribution be carried out?
     ing system allows them to improve security for                                   2. What are the interconnections between critical
     citizens, using the commonly known “if you have                                     infrastructure in the cyber-physical systems?
     nothing to hide you have nothing to fear” fallacy. In                               How can the possible cascading effects be
     practice, however, using surveillance technologies                                  anticipated, and what kind of actors have the
     to build a social scoring system is a tech-enabled                                  capability, motivation and will to use cascading
     way to wield political power through social and                                     effects?
     economic development, and to strengthen the                                      3. How will non-Western governments utilize AI?
     power of the Communist Party.13                                                     How will it be deployed against their own
         It is expected that AI-backed technology used                                   citizens? What kind of threat will this pose to
     for information operations will most often be                                       Western countries? Will such technologies be
     employed by malicious actors under the threshold                                    exported to other countries with weak democ-
     of war. This area of conflict legally and politically                               racies, thereby contributing to further
     creates a grey zone that Western countries should                                   de-democratization?
     respond to and aim to deter. In the absence of                                   4. How will Western states strike a balance
     effective policies and organizational structures, the                               between using technology to enable national
     populations in Western democracies will increas-                                    security and protecting the privacy of their
     ingly fall victim to information operations by mali-                                citizens?
     cious actors.14

     13 Based on information from Liang et al., ’Constructing a Data-Driven Society: China’s Social Credit System as a State Surveillance Infrastructure’.
     14 Hybrid CoE, ‘Trends in the Contemporary Information Environment’.

TREND 2: Expansion of the role
of cyber during times of crisis

Times of crisis have usually functioned as a magnet                             vaccines. Some attacks, on the other hand, target
for cyber and information operations. This has                                  the end users, and take advantage of the fact that
been evident during the coronavirus pandemic,                                   people try to find information about the corona-
when the number of both cyber and information                                   virus online and/or are working from home with
operations has increased. Hostile actors take                                   insufficient protection in cyberspace.
advantage of crises, when society is focused on                                      For example, in the United Kingdom in early
resolving the crisis rather than on combating exter-                            2020, the criminals behind the Maze ransomware
nal malicious activities. For example, the WHO                                  attacks targeted the Hammersmith Medicines
reported that it has seen a fivefold increase in                                Research facility (HMR). The HMR is a British com-
cyberattacks.15                                                                 pany that has been on standby during the Covid-
    The damage these operations can cause is not                                19 pandemic to perform the clinical trials for any
so much dependent upon the ingenuity of the                                     coronavirus vaccine. The hacker group’s mode of
attacker or propagandist, but on the resilience                                 operation was to steal information from the target,
of the target. In fact, much of the malware used                                inject malware that encrypts the target’s systems,
has been rather latent according to Interpol. The                               and then demand a ransom. If the target refused
attacks reveal that old malware has been taking                                 to pay, threats were made about publishing the
new forms, as well as using Covid-19 as a theme on                              stolen information online. In this case, as the HMR
which to build social engineering and disinforma-                               refused to meet the ransom demand, the hackers
tion tactics.16                                                                 published thousands of former patients’ records
                                                                                online on the dark web.
The use of cyber during the pandemic                                                 In March 2020, the Brno University Hospital in
                                                                                the Czech Republic was hit by a cyberattack, which
When it comes to the use of cyber, the actor aims                               disrupted operations at the hospital and forced
to achieve its goals by targeting devices connected                             it to reschedule surgeries. The hospital houses
to cyberspace, by penetrating networks, spreading                               one of the largest coronavirus testing facilities in
malware, or launching denial-of-service attacks.                                the Czech Republic. While recovering from the
Through these actions, the actor is able to conduct                             attack, the hospital lacked major ICT capabilities,
espionage, prepare the battlefield for a possible                               such as data storage, which forced medics to make
conflict or war, steal or extort money, and disrupt                             and transfer notes manually. While the various
vital functions of society in order to influence polit-                         laboratories at the hospital were still able to func-
ical decision-making. The actor may be a state, a                               tion, there was no way to transfer the information
criminal organization, a terrorist organization, or                             to the database systems. As a result, processes
a group of activists.                                                           slowed down, the lives of patients may have been
    Some attacks during the Covid-19 pandemic                                   endangered, and new patients had to be directed
have been targeted at hospitals and medical                                     elsewhere.
research centres in an attempt to extort money                                       Other EU member states as well as the US
through ransomware or information theft, or to                                  reported increased cyber activities during the
gather intelligence about treatment, tests, and                                 pandemic. The US Health and Human Services

15 World Health Organization, ‘WHO reports fivefold increase in cyber attacks, urges vigilance’.
16 Interpol, ‘Global Landscape on COVID-19 Cyberthreat’.

Department suffered a cyberattack against its                                 as social media. Through such actions, the actor is
     computer system, while the website of a pub-                                  able, for example, to increase people’s distrust in
     lic health department in Illinois with more than                              the government, healthcare system, the authori-
     200,000 registered clients was taken offline fol-                             ties, and fellow citizens. The actor may be a state, a
     lowing a ransomware attack.                                                   criminal organization, a terrorist organization, or
          Both states and criminal groups have been                                a group of activists.
     connected to these attacks, which underlines the                                  As a consequence of openness and liberal
     difficulty of attribution during a time of crisis. The                        values, Western societies are vulnerable to disin-
     challenge of attribution translates into the dif-                             formation initiated by foreign state and non-state
     ficulty of obtaining and maintaining correct and                              actors. The disinformation fed into the internal
     up-to-date situational awareness, as well as coor-                            information system is also fuelled by domestic
     dinating responses. Some of the attacks during the                            actors seeking political or economic gain.
     crisis have apparently been backed by China, North                                As the coronavirus began to spread around the
     Korea and Russia.17 As an example, the UK National                            world, people started to search for information
     Cyber Security Centre has assessed that the Rus-                              about it online. This opened up a new opportunity
     sian cyber threat actor APT29, also known as ‘Cozy                            for malicious actors to exploit the situation in var-
     Bear’ has attacked British organizations, such as                             ious ways. Websites have appeared that provide
     drug companies and research groups working with                               both accurate and inaccurate information. Some
     vaccine development.18 The hacker group has been                              coronavirus scam examples include selling counter-
     identified by Britain, Canada and the US as “almost                           feit medical equipment, not delivering purchased
     certainly” being part of Russian intelligence                                 goods, fake charities, fake websites selling medical
     services.19                                                                   equipment, phishing attacks, and impersonations.
          Discussion on whether cyber threat activity                              There was, for example, a phishing attack in the
     can be compared to strategic weapons and their                                name of the World Health Organization, and an
     potential for destruction in conventional warfare                             impersonation case involving the Johns Hopkins
     has been ongoing for a long time. Up to now, cyber                            University, which manages an interactive dash-
     threat activities have legally, as well as in the field                       board on coronavirus infections. Furthermore, in
     of policy, been regarded as acts under the thresh-                            December 2020 the European Medicines Agency
     old of actual war. During the pandemic, the ques-                             was subject to a cyberattack in which data includ-
     tion of whether a cyberattack can be related to a                             ing internal and confidential email correspondence
     conventional act of war has resurfaced again. Some                            was stolen, manipulated and leaked online. The
     of the attacks against critical health infrastructure,                        leaked information included schematics of drug
     such as hospitals, have raised questions about the                            structures and correspondence about the evalua-
     legal thresholds of cyber war.                                                tion processes of vaccines.20 Correspondence that
                                                                                   has been tampered with can constitute a useful
     Manipulative information interference                                         disinformation tool, as the highly specific biotechni-
     during the pandemic                                                           cal language can easily sow mistrust among people
                                                                                   who do not understand the specific jargon.21
     When talking about manipulative information                                       The most provocative or interesting content
     interference, tools used by an actor to achieve its                           starts circulating on the internet, feeding people’s
     goals relate to targeting the cognition of the indi-                          increased hunger for information, and creating
     vidual by using a device connected to cyberspace.                             what the World Health Organization has called an
     This may be conducted by disseminating disinfor-                              infodemic. The overabundance of information com-
     mation using services residing in cyberspace, such                            ing from a multitude of sources does not satisfy the

     17 Wiggen, ‘The impact of COVID-19 on cyber crime and state-sponsored cyber activities’.
     18 National Cyber Security Centre, ‘UK and allies expose Russian attacks on coronavirus vaccine development’.
     19 Ibid.
     20 European Medicines Agency, ‘Cyberattack on EMA – update 5’.
     21 Lomas, ‘EMA warns over doctored COVID-19 vaccine data hacked and leaked online’.

need to gain information, but rather makes it more                         example, criminals motivated by monetary gain or
difficult for people to know what to trust.22                              fame in the short term.
    During the pandemic many different ways of                                 Secondly, cyberattacks against institutions, and
disseminating disinformation have been observed;                           scams perpetrated in the guise of distinguished
on social media four main account types have been                          organizations leading the discussion, such as the
identified: authentic human accounts, accounts                             WHO, influence people’s sentiments and create
operated by bots, cyborg accounts run partly by                            vulnerabilities that hybrid threat actors can exploit.
bots and partly by human users, and stolen and                             One way to counter hybrid threats is to increase
hacked accounts.                                                           the overall societal resilience, which entails trust
    Disinformation may also be used during a crisis                        in organizations and institutions, which must duly
to incite physical attacks against infrastructure                          earn this trust. Should they fail to respond to and
with the aim that action incited online will turn into                     mitigate the effects of such scams, this would dam-
offline action. During the coronavirus pandemic,                           age their credibility and people’s trust in them, and
there has been an increase in arson attacks against                        compromise societal resilience.
5G masts, for example. Ever since 5G technology
became viable in 2019, the fear that 5G radiation                          Issues to monitor
causes health problems has proliferated on social
media. Disinformation video clips that feature peo-                        1. Lessons learnt from the coronavirus pandemic
ple appearing as experts explaining the health haz-                           about malicious behaviour in cyberspace.
ards, or dead birds next to 5G towers, started to                          2. Interfaces between the domains of cyber,
emerge. In 2020, matters took a more drastic turn                             society and security; will the widespread and
as anti-5G groups started spreading rumours that                              effective use of cyber and manipulative infor-
5G had caused the coronavirus outbreak, and that                              mation interference affect how people perceive
the virus could be transmitted over 5G waves or                               the role and trustworthiness of institutions in
was likely to spread more quickly in areas with 5G                            future crises?
connections. This resulted in physical harassment                          3. How states change the way they attribute
of telecom engineers, and in arson attacks against                            and respond to malign cyber and information
base stations in several European countries.                                  activities, especially when they occur during
    However, any criminal activity is relevant                                a time of crisis.
when it comes to responding to hybrid threats, for                         4. The gaps in international collaboration in the
several reasons. First of all, when they occur on                             cyber domain, which is required to protect
such a massive scale as they have done during the                             critical functions while dealing with a crisis.
pandemic, they obscure the situational awareness                           5. Interfaces between the information and cyber
and hinder the attribution of hybrid threat actors.                           domains and the physical realm; can violent
The more actors and motives included in the pic-                              hostility against 5G be utilized, or even repli-
ture, the more difficult it becomes to differentiate                          cated by a hostile actor against other techno-
between relevant hybrid threat activity and strate-                           logical advancements in Western countries?
gic behaviour with escalation potential and, for

22 World Health Organization, ‘Managing the COVID-19 infodemic: Promoting health behaviours and mitigating the harm from misinformation and

TREND 3: Growth in dependencies
     between policy and technology

     There has typically been little dialogue between                from a manufacturer from another state can be
     policymakers and technology developers, who have                trusted not to pose a risk to national security by
     increasingly influenced developments in the cyber               providing not only a back door, but rather a front
     domain. Technology has always developed more                    door to the critical infrastructure of the state.
     rapidly than policy and legislation, and the pace is            This possible “cultural coding” of technology will
     increasing exponentially.                                       increase the dependencies between policymakers
         According to leading cyber security expert                  and technology companies.
     Bruce Schneier, “policy is how society mediates                     As a result of the China and Huawei case,
     how individuals interact with society, whereas                  several Western states had to have a technology
     technology has the potential to change how indi-                and policy dialogue addressing the issue. On the
     viduals interact with society.” 23 Constant friction            one hand, deploying 5G is seen as important from
     exists between technology and policy, a situation               an economic and functional perspective. On the
     caused by technologists perceiving policymakers as              other hand, deploying technology that may not be
     constantly being in the way of innovation, and pol-             trustworthy could pose a risk to national security.
     icymakers continuously demanding that technolo-                 While some Western states have banned the use
     gists should slow their pace and conform to policies            of Huawei technology completely, some make
     more obediently.24 However, as the emerging tech-               compromises by allowing non-sensitive parts of the
     nologies become more vital to society and technol-              infrastructure to contain a limited amount of Hua-
     ogy companies take actions that policymakers may                wei equipment. However, some states already have
     not have considered, it is clear that dependencies              Huawei equipment installed, and changing it would
     between technology companies and the policy                     be expensive. Moreover, the European Union has
     side are growing, which creates new challenges for              had to address the issue of 5G technology by con-
     both. A constructive dialogue is needed between                 ducting a risk assessment, leading to an EU toolbox
     policymakers and technology developers for the                  25
                                                                       outlining how to securely deploy 5G in the EU.
     purposes of economic growth, social development,                    Another example of dependency between pol-
     and state security.                                             icy and technology are manipulative information
         With the proliferation of 5G technology, the dis-           interference activities. In 2018, as a response to
     cussion around the use of technology from “third                the European Commission’s objectives to tackle
     states” has emerged on a larger scale than ever                 disinformation, representatives of online plat-
     before and is perhaps one of the best examples                  forms, leading social networks, advertisers and the
     of how policy and technology have become inter-                 advertising industry agreed on a self-regulatory
     dependent. The discussion has revolved around                   Code of Practice to address the spread of online
     China and Huawei up to now, but the issue could                 disinformation and fake news.26 This code is, as
     and should be generalized as emerging technolo-                 the name suggests, self-regulatory, underlining
     gies are deployed, especially for critical functions.           the responsibility of the social media companies.
     One of the questions technologists and policymak-               Furthermore, on 15 December 2020, the EU pub-
     ers should address is whether technology acquired               lished the Digital Services Act Package, which pro

     23 Schneier, ‘Policy vs. Technology’.
     24 Ibid.
     25 European Union, ‘Transport cybersecurity toolkit’.
     26 European Commission, ‘Code of Practice on Disinformation’.

poses two pieces of legislation that aim to protect                                indicators that the cyber domain has produced a
citizens on online platforms: the Digital Services                                 new type of dependency in democratic states with
Act aims to create a framework to handle illegal or                                liberal economies. This has likewise resulted in calls
potentially harmful content on online platforms by                                 for dialogue between policymakers and technology
increasing transparency, while the Digital Markets                                 developers. As examples of national and interna-
Act aims to regulate large online platforms in their                               tional efforts start to bear fruit, states and interna-
role as gatekeepers of online markets.27 Both of                                   tional organizations should strive to establish more
these regulatory projects illustrate the need to                                   structured forms of dialogue to enable a balance
maintain a dialogue between policymakers and                                       between policy and technology in an environment
technology companies.                                                              where technological change is led by private com-
    The 5G and disinformation issues have high-                                    panies.
lighted the new dependencies between policymak-
ers and technology developers, at both national                                    Issues to monitor
and international levels, which may serve to point
the way to much-needed discussion on other topics                                  1. What are the main drivers of dialogue between
as well. Another emerging technology family that                                      policymakers and technology companies?
merits similar discussion is artificial intelligence. A                            2. How will the European Commission’s Code of
report on the dual use of artificial intelligence calls                               Practice on Disinformation be followed and
for policymakers and technology experts to work                                       how will the newer platforms be included in it?
together to understand and prepare for the mali-                                   3. What might cause discussion, similar to that
cious use of AI, and to actively expand the range                                     which revolved around 5G, to emerge in other
of stakeholders engaging in preventing and mitigat-                                   areas as well, such as AI?
ing the risks of its malicious use.28 Further, the                                 4. What structural forms could emerge to enable
EU’s recent white paper on artificial intelligence29                                  discussion on the balance between policy and
serves as an example of balancing between policy                                      technology?
and technological development. These are strong

27 European Commission, ‘The Digital Services Act package’.
28 Brundage et al., ‘The Malicious Use of Artificial Intelligence: Forecasting, Prevention and Mitigation’.
29 European Commission, ‘On Artificial Intelligence’.


     The three trends identified in this report – increase       The trend indicating an expansion of the role of
     in the disruptive use of artificial intelligence;           cyber during times of crisis has become highly visi-
     expansion of the role of cyber during times of              ble during the Covid-19 pandemic when different
     crisis; and growth in dependencies between pol-             cyber and manipulative information interference
     icy and technology – all highlight the changes that         activities increased. This highlights how the tools
     the cyber domain has brought about in the security          that cyber enables are becoming an integral part
     environment.                                                of the toolkit used by hostile actors, and how the
         The trend reflecting an increase in the disruptive      security environment during a crisis becomes even
     use of artificial intelligence shows how AI has created     more challenging, indicating that hostile actors are
     new tools for disruptive use. The cyber-physical            increasingly viewing crisis situations as an oppor-
     domain has given rise to new features where                 tunity to enhance their own strategic interests.
     AI-supported cyberattacks are likely to emerge              Added to this, hostile actors themselves are able
     in the form of increased attacks against critical           to draw lessons from the crisis, and the malicious
     infrastructure with the aim of creating cascading           activity in cyberspace will continue to evolve and
     effects. A similar idea depicting the transfer of           affect phenomena outside the cyber domain, such
     action from online to offline can be identified in the      as health hazards.
     use of disinformation during the Covid-19 crisis to             The trend pointing to a growth in dependencies
     incite attacks against infrastructure, covered under        between policy and technology also demonstrates
     the expansion of the role of cyber during times of crisis   the way in which cyber has affected the relation-
     trend. This means that more unexpected events               ship between the public and the private sector. It
     and cascading effects are likely in the near future         is a new situation for both sides but the increas-
     when AI is used in disruptive ways. Furthermore,            ing dependencies are clear. Without a constant
     drones, big data possibilities, micro-targeting, and        dialogue between the policy side and different
     deep fakes are also changing the understanding of           technology companies (including social media), the
     war, privacy and influencing. While AI can provide          dependencies might erode the basic principles of
     many benefits in the future, it also has a dark side        democratic systems and liberal economies. This is,
     and its disruptive use could prove to be a real chal-       after all, the primary aim of hostile actors behind
     lenge to counter.                                           the malign use of the cyber domain.

APPENDIX 1: List of contributors

Catharina Candolin (main author), Special Advisor, Defence Command Finland

Stephanie Carvin, Assistant Professor, Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, Carleton

Eugenio Cusumano, Lecturer in International Relations, Leiden University

Guillaume Lasconjarias, Research Fellow, Institut Français des Relations Internationales

Lauri Lindström, Researcher, NATO CCD COE

Madeleine Myatt, Research Associate, University of Bielefeld, RTG “World Politics”

Reijo Savola, Principal Scientist, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland

Mariëlle Wijermars, Assistant Professor in Cyber-Security and Politics, Maastricht University

Hanna Smith, Director of Strategic Planning and Responses, Hybrid CoE

Josef Schroefl, Deputy Director, Community of Interest of Strategy and Defence, Hybrid CoE

Emma Lappalainen, Coordinator, Hybrid CoE

Jarno Välimäki, Coordinator, Hybrid CoE


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