Frenchville State School HANDBOOK 2019
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TOPIC PAGE NUMBER Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Perspectives 5 Absences from School 5 Accountable Planning Documents 5 Administration Team 4 Admissions to our School Campus 6 After School Care 6 Anaphylaxis 6 Assemblies 7 Asthma Sufferers 7 Bicycles/Scooters 7 Brief History of Frenchville State School 3 Calendar 2018/2019 4 Car Parking 7 Class Photographs 7 Community Links 7 Complaints & Grievances 7 Crossing Supervisors 8 Custody Orders/Parenting Agreements 8 Dental Clinic 8 Facilities, Grounds & Environment 8 Head Lice 9 Homework 10 Information & Communication Technologies (ICT’s) 10 Instrumental Music Program 10 Inter-School Sports 10 Leave Passes 10 Library/TWiST Centre 11 Lost Property 11 Lunch Box Storage 11 Media Permission 11 Medication During School Hours 12 Mobile Phone Policy 12 Money Collections 12 Music 12 Newsletter 12 Parent & Citizens’ Association 13 Parent Involvement 13 Privacy Statement 13 Religious Instruction 14 Reporting 14 School and House Patrons 14 School Curriculum Programs 14 School Directory 5 School Dress Code 15 School Routine 5 School Rules 16 School Security – Sign-in Policy 14 Sickness at School 17 Special Education Program 17 Sports Houses 17 State Education Allocation 17 Student Banking 17 Student Transfers 18 Supervision Duties 18 Tuckshop 18 Walking to and From School 18 Welcome 3 APPENDICES 1. Frenchville SS Campus Plan 6. Copyright/Media Release Form 2. Asthmatic Management Plan 7. Exclusion Due to Illness Reference Table 3. Anaphylaxis Form 8. Building Fund Contributions Scheme/Joining P & C 4. Medication Form 5. Internet Access Agreement Frenchville State School Handbook 2019 2
WELCOME TO FRENCHVILLE STATE SCHOOL Thank you for choosing Frenchville State School as the provider of your child’s education. Our school was established in 1900 and has a proud history in academic, sporting, social and cultural pursuits for youth in Rockhampton. To complement this history, we strive to educate our students for the 21st Century and are committed to providing quality futures curriculum, rich in technology experiences, creative and divergent thinking and real life application. We appreciate your support in working with us as a united team to ensure each student achieves to his/her full potential. Open communication is the key to this partnership. Please share the expectations and information contained in this booklet with your child/ren. If you have any further queries, please contact us to arrange an interview. Welcome aboard. Martin Krehlik Acting Principal BRIEF HISTORY OF FRENCHVILLE STATE SCHOOL Frenchville School began as Frenchman’s Creek Provisional School on 22 November 1900. The original building consisted of one main room with front and back verandahs. Average enrolment for 1900 was 22 pupils. In 1909 the school was upgraded to State School status. On 7 January 1925 the Department changed the name of the school to Frenchville State School. 1977 saw 991 student enrolments with 32 permanent classrooms, three temporary classrooms under buildings plus office, library, health room, special needs room, music room, two activities areas and three storerooms. The school continued to grow with the opening of the following buildings: Preschool Centre was opened in 1973 Library opened in 1974 Dental Clinic opened in 1979 Administration Block opened 19 November 1982 Music Block opened in February 1991 Two additional classrooms 2002 Relocatable building 2003 All classrooms air-conditioned by 2004 School Activity Centre opened 2005 Prep classroom refurbishment 2005 Senior amenities Block 2006 The TWIST Centre (incorporating our Library, Computer Lab, Theatrette, and Science Lab) 2011 Prep Modular 3 2012 Prep Modular 7 2013 Shade Structure alongside the TWiST in 2017 An administration upgrade in 2017 A new Special Education Facility in 2018 Today classes are accommodated in eight permanent buildings and five relocatable buildings with a current enrolment of approximately 950 students. Frenchville has an enrolment management plan which is strictly adhere to in order to manage future enrolment projections. We aim to reduce the size of our school in coming years. Frenchville is within the Central Queensland Region. Frenchville State School Handbook 2019 3
ADMIN TEAM A/Principal: ................................................................................. Martin Krehlik Deputy Principal: ........................................................................ Bill Smith Deputy Principal: ........................................................................ Susan Wilkinson Deputy Principal:…………………………………………………….Donna Earle-Morrison Head of Special Education Services:.…………………….….…..Steve Hull Head of Curriculum:……………………………………..….………Lenore Olive Business Services Manager: ..................................................... Michele Bailey Administration Officers: .............................................................. Karen Ware ………………………………………………………………………..Emma Newman ……………………………………………………………………… .. Fiona Moore ................................................................................................... Sheree Dunbar CALENDAR 2019 SEMESTER ONE: TERM ONE (10 weeks) Pupil Free Days .........................................................24 & 25 January 2019 School Recommences ..............................................29 January 2019 Easter Vacation .........................................................8 April – 18 April 2019 TERM TWO (10 weeks) School Recommences ..............................................23 April 2019 Winter Vacation .........................................................1 July - 12 July 2019 SEMESTER TWO: TERM THREE (10 weeks) School Recommences ..............................................15 July 2019 Spring Vacation .........................................................23 September – 4 October 2019 TERM FOUR (10 weeks) School Recommences ...............................................8 October 2019 School Finishes .........................................................13 December 2019 Summer Vacation ......................................................16 December 2019 – 28 January 2020 STATE SCHOOL TERMS 2019 SEMESTER ONE: TERM ONE School Recommences ........................................................... Monday 29 January 2019 PROPOSED PUBLIC HOLIDAYS 2019 Australia Day: Monday 28 January Good Friday: Friday 19 April Easter Monday Monday 22 April Anzac Day: Thursday 25 April Labour Day: Monday 6 May Show Holiday: Thursday 13 June Queen’s Birthday: Monday 7 October Frenchville State School Handbook 2019 4
SCHOOL DIRECTORY ADDRESS FRENCHVILLE ROAD, FRENCHVILLE, NORTH ROCKHAMPTON QLD 4701 POSTAL ADDRESS P O BOX 9870, FRENCHVILLE, QLD 4701 TELEPHONE Primary (07) 49315333 Special Ed Unit (Enrichment Centre) (07) 49315373 Dental Clinic (07) 49262874 After-school & Vacation Care Contact Camp Australia (online portal) Student Absence Line (07) 49315366 E-MAIL: Website: Department of Education (DoE) Website: (for departmental policies, information about government financial assistance and Queensland schools) Office Hours: Monday – Friday 7.30am-3.30pm All teacher email addresses are also published on our website. SCHOOL ROUTINE Time Routine 7.30am School Administration Office Opens 8.00am Crossing duties commence 8.40am Class instruction commences 10.15-10.45am Small lunch years 4-6 10.45-11.30am Lunch years Prep-3 12.45-1.30pm Lunch years 4-6 1.30-2.00pm Small lunch years Prep-3 2.45pm Classes conclude 3.30pm School Administration office closes ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER PERSPECTIVES Approximately 10% of Frenchville students identify as being of Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander or both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent. Our school is committed to embedding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives in order to provide quality outcomes for Indigenous students every day in every classroom. We publish a special Indigenous newsletter at least once a term. Targeted funds are used to provide support to close the gap between the performance and attendance of Indigenous and non-Indigenous students. We also have a Reconciliation Action Plan developed with and for our school community and a number of rich Indigenous curriculum related perspectives are embedded across our school programs. ABSENCES FROM SCHOOL Student absences from school should be reported by written note or email to the class teacher on the first day of the absence or alternatively by phone call to the school office on the first day of the illness. The student absence line can also be used to leave a message about absenteeism. The number is 49315366. Please leave your child’s name, class and reason for the absence so that we are able to update attendance records and meet departmental requirements. Unexplained absences greater than three days will be followed up by the Administration Team. Regular attendance at school is very important for all students. A full record of student attendance is maintained and reported on the student report card. Every day counts – good attendance patterns promote long term educational success. At Frenchville we strive to maintain a 95% attendance rate. If your child will be absent for ten consecutive days or more, please apply for an enrolment exemption through the principal before the planned absence. ACCOUNTABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS The strategic direction of Frenchville State School is recorded in the following documents that are available upon request: -Strategic Plan -Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) -School Annual Report -Responsible Behaviour Plan for Students All of these documents are available on the Frenchville website. Frenchville State School Handbook 2019 5
ADMISSIONS TO OUR SCHOOL CAMPUS Enrolments are conducted through the school administration office. At present enrolment processes are strictly managed according to our enrolment management plan and catchment area. From time to time, vacancies may present in certain year levels and a small number of students may be enrolled from out of catchment addresses, but this is dependent on actual student numbers in the school and the principal’s decision to fill these vacancies. Addresses can be checked on the Ed Map guide provided on our school website to check whether your residential address falls within our catchment zone: Please note that the School Enrolment Management Plan provides that any decision made by the principal in relation to the plan is final. There is no internal review of this decision. Information about complaints processes available to you in relation to the EMP can be located at: The Department of Education Complaints Management Framework: https://qed.qld, complaints; and Queensland Ombudsman: Please contact the school office to arrange a suitable appointment time prior to enrolment. Enrolment procedures include completion of an application for enrolment form (which may be done beforehand) and an interview with a member of the administration staff. It is preferable that the children to be enrolled also attend the interview. At the interview you will be provided with or referred to: School Handbook Application for Enrolment Form Enrolment Agreement Copyright & Media Release Permission Internet Access Agreement Religious Instruction Form Official Dress Code Statement (on our website) The Responsible Behaviour Plan (on our website) Homework Policy (on our website) You will need to provide: Birth Certificate of children or proof of enrolment at a previous State school Visa (if applicable) Proof of residence in our catchment area (one primary source such as a current lease agreement or unconditional contract of sale or deed in the enrolling parent’s name, plus one secondary source such as a power bill or telephone account in the enrolling parent’s name at the address stated on the enrolment form). At interview, class placement and starting time will be discussed. In order to ensure appropriate placement and classroom support, in some cases the student’s starting time may be delayed until appropriate support is in place. In rare instances, an interim placement will be made until further information is available (eg overseas enrolments). If enrolling a student following a period of attendance in another State school, we will contact the school through the One School process to ensure enrolment records are updated and transfer requirements are met. Students enrolling in year one must turn six (6) by 30 June in the year they enrol in Year One. DETE requires evidence of the date of birth of the child, if not previously sighted during Prep admission. This evidence may take the form of any of the following:- 1: An official Birth Certificate or extract. 2: A newspaper cutting announcing the birth. Date to be shown. 3: A certificate from a Doctor or Clergyman – provided the date of birth and the year is clearly stated. 4: A Statutory Declaration made by a parent or guardian and signed by a Justice of the Peace (Statutory Declaration forms are available at the Post Office) For Prep Enrolment children must turn five (5) by 30 June in the year they enrol in Prep. The Prep Year is also a full time program and is not compulsory. The above evidence of the date of birth of the child applies before enrolments can be processed. Principals may now consider enrolling (into Prep) a child who turns five between 1 and 31 July in the year of proposed attendance if the principal is satisfied that the child is ready for education after considering the child’s attributes. This change provides a one month period of flexible early entry to children who are considered developmentally ready for school. In making the decision, aptitude and ability, social and emotional competence, physical development, and level of knowledge and understanding will be considered. Parents must complete a written application if you wish your child to be considered for early entry. Please call the principal for more information about early entry applications. AFTER SCHOOL CARE Camp Australia provides the outside of school hours care program at Frenchville. The serviced operates out of the Frenchville School Activity Centre (SAC) & P Block on our campus, with P Block being the administrative hub. The service is for students from Prep to Year 6, before school from 6.30am to 8.40am, and after school until 6.00pm. During vacations and pupil-free days the service is provided from 7.00am to 6.00pm. You can register your child on the Camp Australia website: or by calling 1300 105 343 or emailing Frenchville State School Handbook 2019 6
ANAPHYLAXIS The procedures for anaphylactic students are: i. Parents/caregivers provide an Anaphylaxis Medical Plan from the doctor. On enrolment or diagnosis this plan is discussed and necessary arrangements are made eg. alternate eating area, handwashing procedures, communication system in the roll folder; ii. Students should have access to their EpiPens at all times. A designated area will be negotiated in the classroom; iii. Staff are informed about steps in the plan and training is provided; iv. Discussions with parent about participation in special school events will be arranged as necessary. Emergency EpiPens are available from the First-aid room and will be taken to sporting events, excursions, etc, along with the student’s Management Plan. ASSEMBLIES Student assemblies are held on a weekly basis in the School Activity Centre. Year 4-6 Assembly is held on Wednesday from 2.15pm, Prep to Year 3 Assembly is held at 2.15pm on Tuesday afternoon. Weekly announcements are made, achievements are celebrated and awards are presented. We also say a weekly prayer: Year Prep – 3 Year 4 - 6 Loving God, help me make today Loving God, Give your blessing to each My very best in every way. And every one of us. The good I think, and speak, and do, means happiness tomorrow too. Help us to be unselfish and thoughtful to one another. Amen Amen ASTHMA SUFFERERS The procedures for asthmatic students are: i. Parents/caregivers provide permission for students to administer their own medication as deemed necessary by the student. This permission is provided through the Asthmatic Form that is available from the school office. An Asthma Health Management Plan from the doctor is also encouraged for students with severe cases of asthma. ii. Students are responsible for their inhalers at all times. iii. Students should not be denied access to their inhalers. Emergency inhalers are available from the First-aid room. Where applicable, parents should provide the school with the child’s Asthma Management Plan. We also encourage the use of spacers to ensure adequate dosage of the medication. BICYCLES/SCOOTERS Bicycles or scooters should be parked in the racks provided. Entry to the grounds may be by either Geordie Street or off Frenchville Road. Children should not ride their bikes or scooters in the school grounds, nor near the school. All bikes/scooters should be secured by a safety chain and lock to avoid theft. CAR PARKING Car parking around Frenchville State School is limited and therefore, must be strictly regulated. We have been working closely with the Rockhampton Regional Council, Queensland Police Service and The Department of Transport & Main Roads to enhance traffic flow and to ensure safety of children. We operate a SafeST (Safe School Travel) Committee to address traffic and school travel concerns. This committee meets once per term at the school. The locations and guidelines for parking around Frenchville State School are shown below. Geordie Street (on school side): Loading Zone 7.30am - 9.00am (Passengers 2 minutes max.) Disabled Parks Two only We encourage parents to employ a ‘delay by Bus Zone 6.00am - 6.00pm 5 or 10 minute’ campaign to stagger car ¼ hour parking only 7.30am - 9.00am and 2.30pm - 4.00pm pickups at the end of the school day. This No Standing 7.30am - 9.00am and 2.30pm - 4.00pm (near shop) strategy works effectively for a number of our Frenchville Road: families. We also encourage students to walk Loading Zone 7.30am -9.00am (Passengers 2 minutes max.) to school, preferably with parents who park Bus Zone 6.00am - 6.00pm the car outside of the direct school zone. Disabled Park in front of School Activity Centre Frenchville State School Car Park – inside gates off Frenchville Road Remember: Stop, Drop, Go, as the signs show. CLASS PHOTOGRAPHS Class photographs are taken annually by a commercial photographer, who is engaged by the P & C. These are usually taken during Term 1. Photographs are purchased through a pre-order system and are a transaction between the photographer and the parent. Frenchville State School Handbook 2019 7
COMMUNITY LINKS We enjoy close community links with the Adopt-a-Cop program, Fire and Ambulance services. Our Adopt-a-Cop is Cameron Barwick and our Fire Brigade Education Officer is Mr John Mathers. COMPLAINTS AND GRIEVANCES Concerns regarding your child’s education should be discussed with your classroom teacher. Appointments are best facilitated through the office or by note or email to the classroom teacher. Unresolved concerns may be raised with a member of the Administration Team. CROSSING SUPERVISOR Crossing supervision is provided at the following sites and times: Geordie Street 8.00am to 9.00am (at front of school office) 2.35pm to 3.05pm CUSTODY ORDERS/PARENTING AGREEMENTS If your child becomes the subject of either of the above documents, it is imperative that you provide a copy of these documents to the administration and make an appointment to share the implications for your child. We keep a copy of these documents on file and inform the class teacher of the arrangements. We work with you and relevant authorities including Child Safety and Queensland Police to ensure these orders are followed. However, we can only do this effectively if documents on file are kept current and any changes are shared immediately with us. DENTAL CLINIC School Dental Service The School Dental Service provides oral health care universally to children from four years of age to those who have not yet completed year 10. The majority of treatment is carried out by dental or oral health therapists who are highly trained and skilled in dentistry for children. More specialised treatment may be carried out by the Dentist who also advises parents with respect to orthodontics or other dental specialties. For further information please contact your local service: Rockhampton Allenstown School Dental: 07 4922 2673 Berserker School Dental: 07 4926 2319 Frenchville School Dental: 07 4926 2874 Park Avenue School Dental: 07 4922 2729 FACILITIES GROUNDS AND ENVIRONMENT A safe and attractive physical environment is paramount to the school environment. This is being achieved by: engaging students in garden projects and a litter free environment; fully automated irrigated ovals; air-conditioned learning environments; school activity centre; music & computer rooms, TWIST library complex; flexi-pave tennis courts adventure play areas, ovals, Bushtucker garden; networked classrooms with interactive whiteboards wireless connectivity upgrade Frenchville State School Handbook 2019 8
HEADLICE We are a ‘Health Promoting School’, which means we value the physical and emotional health of everyone in our school community. When we deal with a particular issue (such as head lice) we consider: the need for accurate information and support to decrease any myths or blame; the importance of feeling good about ourselves and others; the need for everyone to work together. Detecting and treating head lice is the responsibility of families. Our school supports families in that role in a number of ways as demonstrated in the Managing Head Lice at Home package available from the school office. In the event of your child contracting headlice, it is recommended that you use: The conditioner and combing technique as a treatment alone or The conditioner and combing technique in between the use of a chemical treatment. It is essential to check for effectiveness after each application of a chemical product (refer to instructions below). Some head lice are resistant to some chemical treatments. This means that this treatment will not be effective in killing head lice. Using Chemical Treatments: Use only chemicals designed to treat head lice. Apply chemical only if you actually find live head lice. Cover the child’s eyes. Apply product to dry hair (if wet hair is advised in the instructions, use the least amount of water). Apply product thoroughly to scalp and all hairs from roots to tips. Comb through to spread evenly. Comb several times if hair is long. Leave product in hair for the time recommended by the manufacturer. Check for effectiveness: Use a fine-tooth headlice comb to comb all of the hairs from roots to tips. If product has dried, apply some water to moisten the hair. After each sweep, wipe the combings onto a tissue. Repeat until all hair has been combed at least twice. Wait 5 minutes for the head lice to dry off. Observe the lice for movement and decide if the treatment is effective or not. Ineffective: Effective: Some lice run around or wave their legs and antennae. All lice are dead. Select a product with a different active ingredient. Show Apply same product every 7 days (maximum 3 times) to the pharmacist your head lice record and request advice on kill the lice hatching from the eggs. Use conditioner and choosing an alternative treatment or consider using the combing every 2 days in between to improve the conditioner and combing technique. effectiveness of the treatment. After first application eggs will be present. In 7 days use conditioner and combing to detect lice. If lice are found apply product again. Remember: After second application, if there are still lice, apply product again in 7 days. Anyone can get head lice. Check weekly, treat quickly After third application, if lice are still present, continue using and tell the school. conditioner and combing only. Frenchville State School Handbook 2019 9
HOMEWORK Learning work is followed up through homework. Teachers will communicate expectations at the start of each year but homework generally consists of participation in the Reading Knights Program, spelling and number facts drill and practice. We encourage you to discuss and check homework with your child. For further details see our Frenchville Homework Policy, 2015, on our website. It is our main priority that every child participates in our ‘Reading Knights’ program. Students collect tokens as they achieve nights of home reading targets. This program promotes a love of reading and literature. INFORMATION & COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES (ICT’S) At Frenchville we believe that computers engage learners and motivate them to want to learn. All Frenchville classrooms have Promethean Interactive Whiteboards and these are used daily. These are large white boards which are interactive. The children use a large pointer or pen to drag images, write, select objects etc as you can do on a computer with a mouse. In addition, all classrooms have computers and students also access iPads for learning during the year. A one to one laptop program is offered to senior students. A levy applies to be part of this program. INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC PROGRAM The Frenchville Instrumental Music program is a comprehensive tuition program in which students learn orchestral or band instruments and follows the DET Curriculum Guidelines. The instructors are employees of DET. Tuition is offered on orchestral/band instruments and the emphasis is placed on group teaching. Sizes of groups vary according to factors such as type of instrument, teaching space, age and ability of students. Groups of 3 to 10 are suggested as the group size on a common instrument especially at beginner level with an average class size of five. Weekly instruction usually includes one 30-minute small group lesson and one ensemble rehearsal. There is no charge for this service but a levy was introduced in 2008 to support equipment replacement and transport to performances. Tuition is offered from year four (age eight years) in strings, woodwind, brass and percussion instruments. Students can commence any instrument later than these ages if there are places available at the school. Lesson times and rehearsals are considered as part of the normal school day but in the case of large ensembles it is usual to schedule rehearsals before/after school or in lunch breaks. There are four sources of instruments available to the School and the students:- (a) Privately owned instrument (b) Departmental purchased instrument (d) P&C funded instruments (e) Hired instruments School instruments are returned to the school at the end of the school year unless by prior arrangements with administration. Children transferring return instruments to the school before leaving. Students are strongly encouraged to purchase their own instruments after the first 12 months of instruction if they wish to continue in the program. Some very large, expensive instruments are exempt. Students are encouraged to purchase tutor books, cork grease, reeds etc. and be responsible for minor repairs to instruments in their care eg. new strings for violins, corks for clarinets etc. School ensembles have been formed and are very active in providing performances for community audiences and participating in local competitions eg. play outs and eisteddfods. More detailed information will be issued to parents of these children commencing instruction on an instrument. INTER-SCHOOL SPORTS Years 5 and 6 children are eligible to compete in school fixtures. A winter and summer program of sports is played most Friday afternoons. Annual Inter-School athletics and swimming carnivals are held. LEAVE PASSES Once children arrive at school, they are to remain in the school grounds unless permission is granted to leave. Parents need to report to the office to sign out their child and to collect a sign out slip which must be shown to the teacher before early departure. Frenchville State School Handbook 2019 10
LIBRARY / TWIST CENTRE Together We Shape Tomorrow through information, interaction and imagination – this belief underpins Frenchville State School’s vision and beliefs around 21st Century learning and comes to life in the TWiST Centre. The TWiST Centre is the information hub of the school. It came about through the Federal Government “Building the Education Revolution Initiative” and was opened in 2011. This multi-purpose wireless space enables all students an opportunity to come together and share information. It houses: TWiST Theatre: This is a Multimedia Classroom capable of showing computer, video and DVD presentations to a large audience. TWiST Lab: This Computer Lab incorporates 28 new computers for whole class access. Teachers use the ceiling mounted data projector, screen and speakers to demonstrate new applications, effective internet use and ICT skills. TWiST STIC (Science and Technology Interactive Centre): The Library is home to a large collection of children’s literature, information books, teacher resources as well as iPods and iPads. Use of the Library provides all children with the opportunity to develop information skills and a love of literature. All classes have weekly timetabled borrowing times. Children can also borrow library books independently as often as they wish. Several outdoor learning areas which are used for internet cafes and break out spaces TWiST Centre Library The TWiST Centre Library is open daily for student borrowing from 8.15am-8.40am and then again at lunchtimes as follows: Monday – Thursday Years 1-2 11.00-11.30am Years 3-6 1.00- 1.30pm It is requested that each child has a library bag when borrowing resources as this helps protect our valuable resources from wear and tear. Through the school network, teachers and students can access the Resource Centre catalogue from their classrooms at any time. Borrowing Policy The following borrowing limits apply: Year 1 2 fiction books Years 2-3 1 non-fiction or 2 fiction books Years 4-6 4 books The loan period is 2 weeks however students are encouraged to return their books as soon as they have finished reading them and borrow again. They do not have to wait until their scheduled library lesson to do this. Students may have borrowing rights restricted due to lost, damaged or consistently overdue books. LOST PROPERTY It assists the school if all items of clothing are clearly marked. Articles of lost clothing are collected and kept under “C” block and "E" block for at least one month. Parents may inspect the boxes at any time to recover lost items. Any items unclaimed are donated to a worthy charity after inspection for nametags etc. LUNCH BOX STORAGE Students are provided with baskets to store their lunch boxes during playtime at each break. These boxes are located in the eating areas. MEDIA PERMISSION FORM Photographs of students are often taken by school staff on school excursions and at special events and may be published in school newsletters, on the school’s web page on the Internet and in local newspapers. Parents NOT wishing for their child’s photograph to be published are requested to advise the school principal and child’s teacher in writing. A media release form is also signed on enrolment. Frenchville State School Handbook 2019 11
MEDICATION DURING SCHOOL HOURS Medication, prescribed by a doctor or dentist may be administered to students by school staff. It is necessary to complete the medication form available from the office or forward a letter indicating the child’s name, the type of medication and dosage. The medication must be sent to the school office in its prescription container and administered according to the doctor’s instructions. (Panadol and cough mixtures will not be administered.) Departmental regulations prohibit students carrying their own medication to school. We require that parents deliver medication to the administration and collect after school or before weekends as needed. A person authorised by the principal may administer medication, provided it is given strictly in accordance with instructions written on the medication container by the pharmacist. Pharmacists will provide additional containers upon request. A school register is kept of all medication issued. Non-prescribed medications should not be brought to school and will not be administered by school staff. Students with severe medical conditions eg. diabetes, severe asthma, epilepsy, anaphylaxis, long QT etc. need to submit a detailed health plan prepared with a member of the administration team. MOBILE PHONE POLICY There are times when it is genuinely appropriate for students to have access to a mobile phone for emergencies or change of arrangements with parents. The mobile phone use should be restricted so as not to detract from the school educational program. 1. Mobile phones must be turned off during school hours – not visible. 2. Students are encouraged to keep their mobile phone out of sight at all times when on our campus. 3. It is important to display courtesy, consideration and respect for others when using a mobile phone. 4. In-phone cameras are not to be used anywhere a normal camera would be considered inappropriate, such as change rooms or toilets. 5. Mobile phones are used at their owner’s risk. No liability will be accepted by the school in the event of loss, theft or damage of any device, unless it can be established that the loss, theft or damage was from the department’s negligence. This policy also applies to students during school excursions, camps and extra-curricular activities. MONEY COLLECTIONS Maintaining the security of your child’s money in the school environment is difficult. The following procedures are in place to help provide the best possible security: All money for school must be sealed in an envelope or ziplock bag marked with your child’s name, grade and name of the excursion/collection. This envelope must be handed to the class teacher upon arrival at the classroom. This money is then placed in the class bank bag and forwarded to the office where it is receipted and banked. Your child will receive a receipt on the following day, via the class teacher. Students are advised to keep money for other purposes in a small wallet or money purse on their person. Students are strongly advised not to leave money in their school bags or tidy trays. MUSIC Children access a developmental classroom music program. Children may also access the choral program. Junior (Years 1 and 2) Senior (Years 3 to 6) Signing Choir NEWSLETTER & FACEBOOK PAGE The Frenchville Focus is emailed each Wednesday to all families. It is also posted as a link on our Facebook page. It is only distributed in hard copy upon request to those families who do not have an email address or web access. We regard the newsletter as an important means of communication with you and encourage students and parents to read it each week. Newsletters are also published on our website. At times we include community notices if space permits. Email if you have a request for inclusion and/or would like to receive the newsletter via email. Parents can also access the newsletter via the QSchools App which can be downloaded for free from the iTunes store and Android site. Our school also maintains an active Facebook page for school communications. Frenchville State School Handbook 2019 12
PARENT AND CITIZENS’ ASSOCIATION The P&C Association meets at 6.30pm on the second Thursday of each month. The annual general meeting of the P&C is conducted in February each year. The Frenchville State School P&C Association plays a very important role in your school community. Services provided include tuckshop, clothing pool, school banking. P&C has also delivered a number of facilities upgrades including classroom air-conditioning through the Cooler Schools Program, and the construction of the School Activity Centre, as well as the provision of several shade structures and playground projects and our digital school sign. Major annual or regular fundraisers include spell-athon, school fete, tuckshop, building fund activities and sponsorship. PARENT INVOLVEMENT Parent involvement is welcomed and encouraged. You can be involved in: Classroom and school activities, P & C activities (meetings on the second Thursday of each month) Special annual events such as multicultural day and NAIDOC assembly PRIVACY STATEMENT Enrolment Form Details The Department of Education, Training and Employment collects the student and family information on the enrolment form for the purpose of school enrolment and student management as outlined in the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 and Information Privacy Act (2009). Information collected on the enrolment form will be stored securely. If you wish to access or correct any information stored on the enrolment form, or discuss how it has been stored, managed or disclosed, please contact the school in the first instance. However, please be aware that in accordance with Information Sharing Protocols and Memoranda of Understanding, some of this information may be passed on to government agencies. Some of these State government agencies include Queensland Health, Queensland Transport, Queensland Police Service and Department of Child Safety. The Commonwealth Government, through Centrelink, may require information for matching purposes in relation to the payment of study assistance benefits to some students. In addition, the Commonwealth Government may access de-identified information concerning parents’ school and non-school education, occupation groups and main language other than English spoken at home, sex and Indigenous status. This is in accord with the Commonwealth Department of Education, Employment and Workforce Relations and State government funding agreements. Personal information on the enrolment form can be disclosed to other third parties without the individual’s consent where authorised or required by law. Attendance/Achievement/Behaviour While students are enrolled in and attend State schools, school staff will collect personal information about their academic performance, attendance and behaviour for the purpose of monitoring their educational progress and providing educational programs to suit the needs of the student. Year 11 and 12 student details and academic profiles will be passed on to the Queensland Studies Authority for the purpose of processing Senior Certificates and Tertiary Entrance Statements. Year 3 and 5 student names are passed on to the Queensland Studies Authority for the purpose of issuing individual reports in relation to the assessment of numeracy and literacy skills of students. This personal information can be disclosed to other third parties without the individual’s consent where authorized or required by law. Wellbeing, Protection and Safety During a student’s attendance, the Department of Education, Training and Employment may also collect personal information that relates to the wellbeing, protection and safety of the student. This personal information may be passed on to agencies with DETE’s Student Protection Policy and other policies relating to student behaviour. This personal information can be disclosed to other third parties without the individual’s consent where authorized or required by law. Children and Young People in the Care of the State – Data-Matching The Department of Education and Department of Families conduct a data-matching program to improve school achievement outcomes for children and young people in care. The data-matching program involves a comparison, through a unique identifier, of certain personal information of children and young people in care and those children of similar age in the general school population, including those who have specific needs. This personal information may include: Achievement levels School year levels Retention rates School disciplinary absences Age Student movement between schools You may obtain further information about the Queensland Government’s privacy regime by contacting the Legal and Administrative Law Branch in the Department of Education and Training via email If you have any questions about privacy or access to information, you may contact DETE’s Privacy Contact Officer on 3237 0819. Frenchville State School Handbook 2019 13
RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTION Religious Instruction is given each Thursday afternoon for 30 minutes to year 1 – 6 students. The school offers large group instruction for Anglican, Roman Catholic and Ecumenical (combination of other Christian religions eg. Uniting, Methodists, Presbyterians etc). Other denominations take small group instruction. In addition, a basic non-denominational prayer is said each week on assembly. Religious instruction is not compulsory. REPORTING School-home liaison is facilitated through: Parent-teacher nights held at the beginning of each school year to inform you of curriculum, school and class expectations; End of semester written reports; and Regular parent-teacher interview opportunities, as negotiated with the teacher. SCHOOL AND HOUSE PATRONS School Patrons: Mr Paul Eckel Mrs Judy Grosskopf Mrs Jan Plumb House Patrons: Archer: Mr Chris Hewitt Capricorn Mr Graeme Cowley Fitzroy Mrs Robyn Morgan Keppel Mr Greg Lewis SCHOOL CURRICULUM PROGRAMS Frenchville offers schooling from Prep to Year 6. Frenchville State School has established a new vision statement Together We Shape tomorrow and five principles of school-wide pedagogy. These principles of school wide pedagogy are to be incorporated into classroom programs to position Frenchville children to be life-long learners and with the skills and attributes we value now and in the future. The school-wide pedagogical principles are: Valuing self and others Being active local and global citizens Being a responsible risk taker Being an effective communicator Challenging thinking and problem-solving Curriculum Offerings Our vision and school wide pedagogical principals are embedded in the curriculum offered to our students. Teaching and learning at Frenchville State School reflects the National Curriculum in the bracketed subjects below: English Maths Science (Primary Connections program) Integrated units of work incorporating the national curriculum learning areas of History, Geography, Civics & Citizenship, Economics & Business, The Arts, Technology and Health known as HASS (Humanities & Social Science) Specialist lessons are taught by specialist staff in Music, Japanese and Physical Education. Support is offered to students and staff through: Processes conducted by our Support Teachers, Literacy & Numeracy (after referral by the classroom teachers). Individual Curriculum Plans for students with disabilities or who are considerably below year level expectations – in collaboration with classroom teachers, parents and Special Education Program Staff. Advisory Visiting Teachers provide support upon request for areas such as Speech Language and Physiotherapy. Counselling can be provided for many issues (including behaviour management and bullying) by our school guidance officer, chaplain or other community organisations on referral. Specialist intervention programs are on offer in literacy and numeracy. Gifted and Talented programs embedding digital pedagogy, and our BLOOM extension program in years 4-6 More information about the quality curriculum we offer students can be found in the School Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Plan. SCHOOL SECURITY – SIGN IN POLICY Security – Sign In Policy All persons entering the school facility are required to report to the administration building and sign on upon arrival. Visitors receive an “Authorised Visitor” receipt. On completion of the visit the sign-in register must be signed off. This is a legal requirement. Frenchville State School Handbook 2019 14
SCHOOL DRESS CODE Endorsed by school community at P&C Meeting 9/11/06. Amended 21/2/08, 17/7/08. For All Students: General all-purpose royal blue, striped Frenchville State School Polo shirt (available from the school Uniform Convenor) to be worn tucked in and with either of the following: For Girls: - Royal blue wrap-around electrically pleated skirt (available from the school Uniform Convenor) - Royal blue rugby knit shorts (available from the school Uniform Convenor) - Royal blue skorts (can be ordered from the school Uniform Convenor) * It is advisable for girls to wear shorts for physical education lessons. For Boys: - Royal blue rugby knit shorts (available from the school Uniform Convenor) - Royal blue ruggers with: - Black shoes / black sneakers and plain white sports socks for all official formal school occasions as notified in correspondence ie. Choral festival, instrumental music play outs, school leadership functions - Velcro or lace up shoes/joggers (black or white preferred) with plain white socks for regular school activities day to day - Royal blue Frenchville wide brimmed hat. (Available from the school Uniform Convenor) NB: Caps and bucket hats are not to be worn. For Inter-School Sports & Cultural Activities: Inter-School sport and cultural activity participation is not part of the core curriculum program. A condition of voluntary participation is that the prescribed uniform must be worn for games, competitions and events. Softball and T. Ball: Royal blue, pleated skirt / shorts and general all purpose shirt and hat. Cricket: Royal blue shorts and general all purpose shirt. Netball: Position bibs and dresses are provided. Tennis: Royal blue skirt / shorts and general all purpose shirt. Football: Royal blue football shorts (no pockets or buttons). Jerseys provided (League and Soccer) Soccer: Soccer sponsored shirt provided. Royal blue shorts. Athletics: Royal blue shorts / skirt and general all purpose shirt. Music: General all purpose shirt. Royal blue skirt / shorts / skorts. Long white socks (available from school Uniform Convenor). Black shoes. Ribbon (if worn) royal blue. Winter Uniform: On cold days children are permitted to wear: 1. *Royal blue tracksuits. 2. *Royal blue jumpers or cardigans (available from Uniform Convenor in Term 1). (Sew on badges with Frenchville Logo are available from Uniform Convenor). 3. Royal blue/navy full length tights/stockings, underneath skorts and skirts. *NB: These items are available by order only at set times of the year. See the newsletters for ordering dates. Jewellery: Jewellery is not to be worn or brought to school. For pierced ears or other body piercings, small studs only may be worn. The wearing of a religious cross or jewellery of personal or religious significance may be negotiated with an admin member. All jewellery must be removed before any form of sport. Medic alert bracelets are in exception and should be worn at all times. Frenchville State School Handbook 2019 15
SCHOOL RULES FRENCHVILLE STATE SCHOOL SCHOOL RULES Be Be Be Respectful Responsible Safe Wear our uniform with pride (shirt Take responsibility for own actions Wear enclosed shoes at all times tucked in) Be honest: Always tell the truth Wear only approved jewellery (wrist Show courtesy and respect to all Leave valuable property at home watch, stud earrings, medic ALL AREAS and their property: use manners e.g. toys, electronic devices, etc) bracelet, cultural/religious Speak appropriately to all at all Be a proud ambassador of our significance) times (no bad language or threats) school Walk on hard surfaces such as Respect all visitors Place waste in the appropriate concrete, stairs and floors Care for and respect all school places Stay in school grounds unless given property Be in the right place at the right time permission Co-operate fully with all staff Clean up after yourself Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself. Take pride in your work Be on time Only enter classrooms with Respect others’ right to learn Be prepared with necessary permission. CLASS Be a good listener. equipment Walk Complete set tasks with effort and Enter and exit room in an orderly to the best of your ability at all times manner Ask permission to leave classroom Keep work space tidy Play fairly: take turns, invite others Eat in designated eating areas Play safely and co-operatively (no to join in and follow agreed rules Sit during eating times until tackling games or bulrush) BREAK Play in the assigned areas TIMES dismissed by the adult on duty. Care for environment by reducing Stay out of out-of-bounds areas waste and conserving energy & Be sun safe: wear a royal blue, wide water brimmed hat Don’t share food Respect privacy of others Use toilets during breaks Wash hands TOILETS Leave the toilets as you would like Keep noise to a minimum Walk them left for you Do your business then exit Go in pairs, but remember to Use soap and toilet paper respect privacy appropriately Follow instructions from adults on Look out for your car Bikes, scooters & skateboards are BUS / PICK UP / BIKES duty If walking or riding home, leave to be walked in the school grounds. Follow instructions from bus driver school immediately Wait in the supervised areas Show respect for public Walk or ride in groups if possible Sit still on the bus Wear seatbelt in bus Show respect for public Demonstrate sensible behaviour at Remove or tape jewellery for sport EXCURSION S Respect your opposition for sport all times Use all required safety equipment, Follow set rules / SPORT including hat Use appropriate language online - Follow procedures for looking after Keep passwords private COMPUTERS at school and at home ICT equipment Keep personal details private Report inappropriate use Only communicate with people you immediately know At school, use ICT equipment for school related purposes Use school internet for school related topics Frenchville State School Handbook 2019 16
SICKNESS AT SCHOOL Occasionally, children become ill while at school. If this happens, we contact you by telephone and arrange for your child to go home. If you are not available, we will contact the emergency number given to us or contact you at work. Failing that, we will do our best to make your child as comfortable as we can. However the school is not the best place for an ill child and we do ask you to ensure you have adequate arrangements in the event of illness or accident. On collection of your child, please sign the sickness register at the Office. In the case of a seriously ill or injured child we will arrange for the ambulance to attend to your child and be guided by their advice should we be unable to contact you. When a child is ill or injured they need the comfort of parents or family friends and we do ask all parents to keep us up to date with changes in telephone numbers, addresses and information relating to emergency contacts. SPECIAL EDUCATION PROGRAM Children with disabilities are supported through the Special Education Program. The areas of disability are: Autistic Spectrum Disorder Hearing Impairment Intellectual Impairment Physical Impairment Visual Impairment Speech Language Impairment We refer to our Special Education Program as ‘The Enrichment Centre’. SPORTS HOUSES For the purpose of Inter-House sports, the school is divided into four (4) houses with members of the same family placed in the same house. The houses and colours are as follows: Archer – Gold Capricorn - Red Fitzroy – Green Keppel – Blue On Sports Day children wear their general uniform or have the option of wearing a coloured t-shirt in their house colour. Coloured bibs are also available. STATE EDUCATION ALLOCATION All students may: Access 24 semesters of state education i.e. 12 years of schooling. Apply for an additional four semesters (up to two allocations of two semesters) provided at the discretion of the principal, and In exceptional circumstances, apply for a further two semesters at the discretion of the Director-General of Education. Principals must inform all parent / carer(s) of students enrolled at this school of their child’s remaining allocation of semesters. This information is included with, or attached to, your child’s end of year report. If, when you receive your child’s report you do not agree with the information provided please discuss this matter with the school administration. If a resolution cannot be reached the matter will be referred to the Regional Director (Schools), at Department of Education, PO Box 138, Rockhampton, requesting that this decision be reviewed. Details of this process will also be made available to you at this time. STUDENT BANKING The P & C facilitate student banking through the Commonwealth Bank each Thursday morning. Application forms are obtained by writing a note to the class teacher or by contacting the school office. Frenchville State School Handbook 2019 17
STUDENT TRANSFERS Upon acceptance of enrolment, your child’s enrolment information is recorded in One School by our enrolment officer. We will have access to your child’s previous records if he/she was enrolled in a Queensland State School prior to arrival at Frenchville. This process replaces the transfer note system. Information accessed from One School ensures continuity of the student's educational program and meets the principal's duty of care obligations in relation to the student and the school community. The information stored in One School includes: 1. student-identifying information; 2. custody or guardianship orders; 3. medical details; 4. school details; 5. level of schooling; 6. allocation of State education; 7. school attendance; 8. educational performance; 9. educational support; and 10. behavioural issues. SUPERVISION DUTIES Staff supervise children in the grounds at first and second recess and while waiting for buses. NO teacher is on duty to supervise the playground before school as preparation is being carried out for the day’s teaching. Under no circumstances should children arrive prior to 8.00am. Children arriving at school prior to 8.30am are to play quietly in designated areas. Staff supervise bus departures after school. Students arriving after 9.00am should report to the school office to register for a late slip. This slip should then be handed to the classroom teacher. TUCKSHOP The Tuckshop is open each school day. The Tuckshop menu and price list are updated regularly. Our tuckshop has implemented the latest Healthy Schools’ guidelines, with all foods classified as red, amber and green. Ordering Procedure: 1. Orders are to be pre-ordered by placing the child’s name and class, big lunch or little lunch on a paper packet. The packet is to be folded in a way that the money does not fall out. 2. Alternatively, parents can order online using the Flexischools App. Register for Flexischools by visiting Add your student, their school and form class to get started. 3. Class monitors collect the pre-ordered lunches from the tuckshop prior to each break for delivery to the classroom. 4. Items such as snacks and ice-blocks may be purchased at play time (big lunch only). The Tuckshop operates and is reliant upon volunteers rostered each week. Please consider offering your services by contacting the Tuckshop Convenor. WALKING TO AND FROM SCHOOL Misbehaviour that occurs on the way to and from school is the responsibility of the parents. However, the school will intervene if a student’s conduct whilst in school uniform impacts on the school’s reputation or affects the good order and management of the school. As school commences at 8.40am, it is appreciated if your child doesn’t leave home before 8.00am. At 8.35am children are to use the toilet, wash hands and have a drink and be ready to start school at 8.40am. After school, children are to go straight home without any detours. If children will be going to visit friends unexpectedly, please have them come home first. This may decrease the number of phone calls from distressed parents after 2.45pm. Children are discouraged from using the school phone to get permission from their parents to visit a friend. After school activities should be organised in the morning before the children leave for school. Crossing supervisors work at the pedestrian crossing on each school day. Frenchville State School Handbook 2019 18
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