The Formation of Chevron Cracks in Submerged Arc Weld Metal

Page created by Calvin Price
The Formation of Chevron Cracks in Submerged Arc Weld Metal
The Formation of Chevron Cracks in
                        Submerged Arc Weld Metal
                       Chevron crack formation is a multi-stage process, and its
                        morphology is explained in terms of a model of crack
                       nucleation within shear bands intersecting columnar grain

                                              BY D. J. ALLEN, B. CHEW AND P. HARRIS

ABSTRACT. The cause of chevron crack-         longitudinal-vertical sections —Fig. 1. In     measures. Similar observations were
ing in multipass submerged arc weld           plain view, the cracks are approximately       made by Chitty and Brown (Ref. 4), who
metal has been investigated by welding        transverse to the welding direction.           suggested that the tendency to cracking
trials and fractographic studies. The             Chevron cracks are partly intercolum-      increased with section thickness. The
quenching procedure of Tuliani was used       nar and partly transcolumnar. Near-verti-      consensus view at the time was that
in a series of test welds in which the same   cal "intercolumnar" components, run-           chevron cracking was probably caused
flux and wire were used throughout, but       ning mainly through proeutectoid ferrite       by hydrogen, associated with the use of
the weld metal hydrogen content was           and thus approximately following prior         hygroscopic agglomerated fluxes. As a
varied by baking the flux.                    austenite grain boundaries, are linked by      result, the flux manufacturing process
    Chevron cracking was observed at          short horizontal transcolumnar compo-          was modified in 1971 by raising the flux
high hydrogen leveis, but cracking was        nents. The intercolumnar and transco-          baking temperature to the region of
entirely eliminated at low hydrogen lev-      lumnar segments tend to alternate and          800°C (1472°F), which reduced the initial
els. Electron fractography demonstrated       produce a stepped morphology on a              moisture content and also reduced the
that both the intercolumnar and transco-      microscopic scale, while maintaining the       tendency to moisture reabsorption on
lumnar crack components were formed           overall average 45 deg inclination to the      exposure. As a result, chevron cracking
at low temperature. Thermal etching and       vertical on a macroscopic scale.               ceased to be a problem for some
surface smoothing were observed on               Chevron cracking was first recognized       years.
some crack surfaces, but these effects        in submerged arc welded structural steel          Unfortunately, in 1974-1975 a new
were shown to be caused by reheating          fabrications in 1969 (Ref. 1, 2) and           outbreak of chevron cracking occurred in
on deposition of subsequent weld beads        occurred in several submerged arc weld-        submerged arc welded oil production
and thus did not imply a high crack           ments within the next t w o years (Ref. 3,     platform components and heavy section
formation temperature.                        4). This initial outbreak of chevron crack-    engineering fabrications. According to
   Ultrasonic  and magnetic       particle    ing was associated with the introduction       the flux manufacturer, the cracking coin-
inspection were used to detect chevron        of a particular commercial agglomerated        cided with a temporary increase in flux
cracks and the sensitivity of these tech-     flux of high basicity. This type of flux       moisture content associated with the
niques was determined by comparison           produced cleaner weld metal and                introduction of new drying equipment.
with optical microscopy. The morpholo-        improved notch toughness compared              Considerable confusion arose, because
gy and preferred locations of chevron         with the previously used fused fluxes, but     there were several instances when
cracking were investigated by optical         was susceptible to moisture pick-up.           hydrogen control measures such as flux
metallography. A new model of crack              Hamilton (Ref. 3) found two types of        drying and raised preheat and interpass
nucleation in shear bands is used to          crack: short, isolated intercolumnar           temperatures did not overcome the
explain the observations.                     cracks aligned with the proeutectoid fer-      problem (Ref. 5). It is still not clear wheth-
                                              rite, and larger "staircase" cracks com-       er these measures were inadequately
                                              posed of a series of intercolumnar cracks      controlled or were simply insufficient.
                                              linked by transcolumnar cracks. He noted       These difficulties and uncertainties gave
    The occurrence of chevron cracking        that the fractographic features did not        rise to a burst of research activity, which
 has only been recognized as a problem        correspond with the traditionally ac-          is reviewed below as a background to
for the UK welding industry within the        cepted picture of hydrogen cracking, but       the present work.
last decade. The cracks appear most           nevertheless found that the problem
commonly in multipass submerged arc           could be overcome by hydrogen control          Review of Previous Research
mild and low alloy steel weld metals.
They are typically 0.25-3 mm (0.01-0.12                                                          Tuliani (Ref. 6), in collaboration with
in.) long and may be recognized by their      D. /. ALLEN. B. CHEW, and P. HARRIS are Taylor and Farrar of Southampton Uni-
characteristic stepped or staircase mor-      Research Officers, Central Electricity Generat- versity, was able to reproduce chevron
phology and by their overall 45 deg           ing Board, Marchwood Engineering laborato- cracking using a relatively simple labora-
inclination to the plate surface as seen in   ries, Southampton, England.                     tory test. Cracking was obtained by intro-

212-s | JULY 1982
The Formation of Chevron Cracks in Submerged Arc Weld Metal
                                                                                                                                   i — crack

                                                  room temp,

Fig. I - Example of chevron cracking: A — cracking in a vertical longitudinal section (weld 7, section A3), X5.6; B - surface observed in SEM after
breaking open at room temperature, X26.5 (Reductions as follows on reproduction: A - 12%; B— 14",,)

ducing a nickel-bearing welding wire (i.e.,       the Tuliani test procedure with a molyb-          als, but long vertical cracks with few
electrode) and quenching the weld after           denum-bearing instead of a nickel-bear-           transcolumnar components were found
each run. This form of test has been used         ing welding wire. This produced stepped,          in higher strength weld metals. The verti-
in much of the subsequent work, includ-           45 deg angled cracks. However, unlike             cal crack components of 45 deg cracks
ing the present research. Tuliani studied         the cracks studied by Tuliani, these fre-         were observed to be not exclusively
laboratory and industrial cracks by optical       quently showed extensive fine branching.          intercolumnar. Their fracture surface
metallography, scanning electron micros-          Tests in which slices were cut from the           morphologies were commonly quasi-
copy (SEM) and transmission electron              weld after each bead was laid indicated           cleavage; some possible indications of
microscopy (TEM).                                 that cracks appeared in the lower runs            thermal faceting were found but were
   Optical metallography showed that              only after several upper runs had been            not considered significant as they only
intercolumnar crack components were               deposited. This was rationalized in terms         appeared in small areas. These regions
often of appreciable width but that trans-        of the build-up of hydrogen and residual          were apparently "smoothed" by reheat-
columnar components were always thin.             stress during the course of welding,              ing (Ref. 13). In associated work, Crouch
TEM examination of carbon replicas indi-          assuming purely cold cracking.                    (Ref. 14) found that a high heat input
cated that the intercolumnar fracture sur-          Farrar and Taylor (Ref. 8, 9) attempted         promoted chevron cracking.
faces were generally smooth and feature-         to avoid the possible complications of                Wright and Davison (Ref. 5) made a
less, but showed evidence of thermal             reheating effects by examining crack sur-         comprehensive study using the Tuliani
faceting and grain boundary grooving.            faces taken from the final bead. They             test with SD3 1Ni wire and 28 commer-
This was taken to be definitive evidence         found ductile regions and also smooth             cially available submerged arc fluxes.
of crack formation at high temperature.          areas on intercolumnar crack surfaces,            These included fused and agglomerated
However, the cracks did not coincide             with some evidence of solidification              types and covered a wide range of basic-
with the dendritic solidification structure      structure. Thus, their observations sup-          ity. Twelve of these fluxes produced
as revealed by a selective etchant; also,        ported the hot component hypothesis.              cracked welds. Correlations were sought
they did not exhibit surface films or               Hart (Ref. 10) studied examples of             between cracking and flux particle size,
precipitates.                                    chevron cracking from production and              weld bead shape, flux and weld metal
    Solidification and liquation cracking        laboratory sources, using SEM. He                 compositions, flux moisture content, and
were, therefore, eliminated, and a "duc-         observed features such as quasicleavage           weld metal hydrogen content.
tility dip" mechanism involving decohe-          and microvoid coalescence fractures.                  Flux moisture content and weld metal
sion of the austenite grain boundaries           These were taken to indicate a hydrogen           hydrogen content were found to be
was suggested. The transcolumnar frac-           cracking mechanism.                               significant; a particularly clear correlation
ture surfaces, however, showed ductile              Mota, Jubb and Apps (Ref. 11-13) stud-         was observed between cracking and
shear dimples with no evidence of ther-          ied chevron cracking in multi-run shielded        hydrogen content. Of the fluxes which
mal faceting. Accordingly, they were             metal-arc welds, using a water-cooled jig.        initially gave < 10 ml NTP H 2 /100 g weld
considered to be a secondary interlinking        Basic electrodes produced chevron                 metal, all but one produced crack-free
phenomenon occurring later at low tem-           cracking at intermediate weld metal               welds and the exceptional flux yielded a
peratures. The stepped crack morpholo-           hydrogen levels. Severe microfissuring            higher carbon equivalent weld deposit.
gy, and the considerable differences in          occurred at high hydrogen levels, while           Cracking was most prevalent with
width of intercolumnar and transcolum-           cracking was generally reduced or elimi-          agglomerated fluxes of high basicity.
nar segments, were cited as supporting           nated when electrodes were baked to               However, it was also observed with
evidence in favor of this two-stage              yield low hydrogen levels. It was sug-            fused and/or low basicity fluxes. It was
model of crack formation.                        gested that chevron cracks form at inter-         also shown that chevron cracking could
  Subsequently, Keville (Ref. 7) argued          mediate hydrogen levels because higher            be induced by wetting a flux which had
that the thermal etching effects observed        hydrogen levels promote extensive fis-            previously yielded sound weld metal.
by Tuliani could have been produced by           sure nucleation, and thus reduce the              However, a trial using the reverse proce-
the reheating (on deposition of subse-           tendency for subsequent crack growth.             dure of baking a crack-prone flux down
quent weld beads) of cracks which                The cracks maintained an overall 45 deg           to 8.6 ml H 2 /100 g did not eliminate
formed at low temperatures. Keville used         orientation in medium strength weld met-          cracking.

                                                                                              WELDING RESEARCH SUPPLEMENT I 213-s
The Formation of Chevron Cracks in Submerged Arc Weld Metal
Workers outside the UK have also               would be expected to eliminate the cold          metal-arc welding where the heat input is
observed cracks which, in the present             cracking component, but would leave a            lower. The expected trend of decreasing
terminology, may be recognized as chev-           residue of vertical intercolumnar hot            hydrogen level with increasing flux bak-
ron cracks. Killing and Orlikowski (Ref.          cracking. However, if chevron cracking           ing temperature is clearly observed in
15) found such cracks in submerged arc            were purely cold cracking, it would be           Fig. 2.
welds, observed a variety of cleavage-            possible to eliminate both the vertical and         Two tests to check for moisture regain
type fracture surfaces, and attributed the        horizontal components of cracking and            in the holding oven were included, since
cracking to hydrogen.                             achieve sound welds by means of hydro-           it was realized that because of the time
                                                  gen control alone.                               required to make the cracking test welds,
Present W o r k                                                                                    the flux would have to be baked on the
                                                                                                   day before welding. The results show
    Summarizing previous work, welding            Experimental W o r k                             that holding the baked flux at 150°C
trials have generally indicated that chev-                                                         (302°F) for up to 24 h does not cause any
                                                  Flux Baking Trials
ron cracking is a form of hydrogen-                                                                significant increase in weld metal hydro-
induced cold cracking in weld metal;                 It was necessary to carry out a prelim-       gen content.
metallographic studies, however, have             inary flux baking exercise in order to
shown several features which do not               anticipate the likely weld hydrogen levels
                                                                                                   Production of Test Welds
correspond with the traditional picture of        associated with the cracking tests. A 200
hydrogen cracking. The choice of correct          kg (441 Ib) stock of the agglomerated                Eight welds were produced according
remedial action against chevron cracking          basic flux OP41TT was obtained from              to the procedure given by Tuliani (Ref. 6).
during fabrication is made difficult by this      Oerlikon Electrodes Limited, which               Two 380 X 150 X 25 mm (15 X 5.9 X 1
conflict of evidence. The present work            agreed to withdraw the experimental              in.) mild steel test plates were butt-
was aimed at resolving this difficulty by         material from their standard production          welded together using a 16 mm (0.63 in.)
testing the hypothesis that the interco-          sequence before the normal final high-           root gap and 20 deg included angle — Fig.
lumnar components of the cracks form at           temperature bake. It should be noted,            3. The plates were pre-set so that, after
high temperature.                                 therefore, that all observations of hydro-       movement during welding, they became
   The plan was to make a series of welds         gen levels and cracking reported in this         flat as required for ultrasonic testing and
with the same flux-wire combination, but          work apply to this experimental batch of         sectioning. The welding conditions,
to use a flux which had been withdrawn            flux, and not to the regular production          which were the same as those used in the
from manufacture before high tempera-             grade of OP41TT.                                 hydrogen determinations and in Tuliani's
ture baking, and to bake this flux at                Samples of flux were each baked for           work, are given in Fig. 2.
several selected temperatures to provide          1h at a series of temperatures ranging              After each run, the assembly was left
a range of moisture contents and hence            from 150 to 850°C (302 to 1562°F).               to stand for specified times (following
hydrogen levels for the different welds.          Weld metal hydrogen determinations               Tuliani) of 5, 10 and 15 minutes (min) for
In this way, a series of test welds could be      were carried out on single-pass sub-             the bottom, center, and top third of the
produced in which weld metal hydrogen             merged arc deposits using these samples          joint respectively, to assist diffusion of
content would be the only variable and            with Oerlikon SD3 1Ni wire according to          hydrogen out of the deposit. Then,
all other composition and process vari-           the method given in BS 639, but with a           before the next run was laid, the joint
ables would be held constant.                     non-standard copper jig to clamp the             was deslagged, quenched in water to
   If the high temperature crack compo-           base strips on which the deposit was laid.       20°C (68°F), and then carefully dried.
nent hypothesis was correct, a progres-           This change was necessary because the            The exact procedure was as set out by
sive reduction in weld hydrogen content           BS jig is intended for use in shielded           Wright and Davison (Ref. 5), except that

                                 OP41TT "Special batch"                                         3 8 0 x 1 5 0 x 2 5 mm
                                                                                                mild steel base plates

                                      *    Baked as indicated
                                           plus24h at 150°C                      SMAW
                                                                                sealing runs
                                      J.   Spread of results (3)

                                      O    Mean value

                                     Welding conditions -
                                         500 A
                                         30 V
                                         6.3 mm/s
                                                                                                                           hole 3mm deep

                                                                                             1 6mm root gap

                  250     350    450 550 650        750      850       450 x 50 x 12 mm
                        Temperature of lh bake, ° C                    mild steel backing
Fig. 2 —Hydrogen potential as a function ol flux baking tempera-       bar
ture                                                                      Fig. 3 - Details of weld test assembly, after Tuliani (Ref. 6)

214-s | JULY 1982
The Formation of Chevron Cracks in Submerged Arc Weld Metal
length of the w e l d p r e p a r a t i o n . The
Table 1—Weld Hydrogen Content and Cracking                                                                                                              remaining runs r e q u i r e d t o fill the g r o o v e
                                                                                                                                                        (13-14 passes in all) w e r e laid only along
                                                Weld                                                                                                    half the w e l d length. The o b j e c t w a s t o
                           flux               hydrogen,
                                                                                                          CRACKS                                        determine whether overlaying affected
                                                                                                                           MPI                          crack f o r m a t i o n in the l o w e r runs.
    Weld                 temp.,                100 g
   number                   °C               weld metal                     Ultrasonics                            All             Long(b)
                                                                                                                                                        Examination of Test Welds
        2                 440                      11.2                        49                                  174                7
        3                 530                       7.6                            (c)                             124                2                      O n c o m p l e t i o n , w e l d s w e r e left for
        4                 720                       3.4                          0                                   0                0                 b e t w e e n one and t w o weeks before
        5                 370                      16.6                        34«                                 385               20                 ultrasonic inspection w a s carried o u t . This
        6                 550                       4.3                          0                                   0                0                 i n v o l v e d machining o f f the backing strip
        7                 350                      17.7                        60                                 2160               82                 f o l l o w e d b y examination using Wells-
        8                 465                       7.6                        27(a)                               155               10                 Krautkramer U.S.M.B.2 e q u i p m e n t w i t h
        9                 350                      18.5                        39(a)                           n.d.             n.d.< d '
                                                                                                                                                        C D 1 0 / 5 c o m p r e s s i o n w a v e p r o b e s (5
       10                 350                     n.d.'d>                      90< »     a
                                                                                                               n.d. (d >           n.d.< d '
                                                                                                                                                        M H z ) and M A P 6 0 and 7 0 d e g , T M A P 45,
(a) Original ultrasonics data referred to non-standard weld sizes: these numbers have been scaled up accordingly for comparison                         6 0 , a n d 70 d e g shear w a v e p r o b e s (4
with the other welds.                                                                                                                                   M H z ) . T h e n , f o l l o w i n g Tuliani, w e l d s
(b) Appearing as > 2mm length in MPI records, and thus including cracks of true length > 1mm, see text.
|c) Ultrasonic inspection incomplete: see "Results" section.                                                                                            w e r e sectioned vertically along the cen-
(d) n.d. — not determined                                                                                                                               ters of each o f t h e t w o t o p beads. This
                                                                                                                                                        e x p o s e d f o u r longitudinal-vertical sec-
                                                                                                                                                        tions, labelled A 1 , A 2 , A 3 , A 4 in succes-
                                                                                                                                                        sion across the w e l d , w h i c h w e r e g r o u n d
Table 2—Chemical Composition of Filler Metal Wire and Weld Metal, %
                                                                                                                                                        flat and s u b j e c t e d t o magnetic particle
                                                                                                                                                        inspection (MPI).
                                Mn                          Ni         Cr                    Mo                                              Cu
                                                                                                                                                            T w o MPI techniques w e r e used — o n e
                                                                                                                                                        in w h i c h A C c u r r e n t w a s passed t h r o u g h
SD3 INi           0.11          1.95       0.39         1.56       0.18                  0.09              0.024           0.027          0.38
Weld 2            0.10          1.51       0.35         1.37       0.12                  0.06              0.014           0.027          0.23          the s p e c i m e n , the s e c o n d involving a
Weld 4            0.10          1.50       0.33         1.33       0.10                  0.07              0.014           0.026          0.22          magnetic y o k e — t o d e t e c t transverse and
Weld 5            0.10          1.52       0.35         1.23       0.10                  0.06              0.014           0.027          0.21          longitudinal defects, respectively. Perma-
Weld 6            0.10          1.50       0.38         1.37       0.12                  0.06              0.016           0.027          0.23          nent records w e r e o b t a i n e d o n adhesive
Weld 7            0.10          1.56       0.37         1.34       0.10                  0.07              0.015           0.026          0.22          labels placed o n the s p e c i m e n surfaces
                                                                                                                                                        b e f o r e energizing.
                                                                                                                                                            O p t i c a l m e t a l l o g r a p h y w a s used t o
those authors used slightly shorter h o l d                        exceeding 50 m m (2 in.). Eight t h e r m o -                                        check the N D T findings a n d d e t e r m i n e
times b e f o r e q u e n c h i n g .                              couples w e r e placed at various depths                                             the sensitivity of MPI, t o study the crack
     Flux baking t e m p e r a t u r e s f o r each                a n d locations t o c o n f i r m that an e v e n                                    m o r p h o l o g y , a n d t o p r o v i d e quantitive
cracking test w e l d w e r e selected (using                      distribution of baking t e m p e r a t u r e w a s                                   data o n the o c c u r r e n c e and size distribu-
t h e results of the baking trials) t o give                       achieved. T h e flux was sieved b e f o r e use                                      tions of cracks in different beads a n d
target h y d r o g e n levels. D u r i n g t h e p r o -           t o r e m o v e particles greater t h e n 2 m m                                      microstructural zones. Electron f r a c t o g r a -
d u c t i o n of each w e l d , f u r t h e r h y d r o g e n      (0.08 in.) in diameter. A f t e r baking, the                                        p h y , using TEM examination o f c a r b o n
determinations w e r e carried o u t at the                        flux was s t o r e d o v e r n i g h t at 1 5 0 ° C                                  replicas and SEM studies, p r o v i d e d fur-
beginning, m i d d l e , and e n d o f w e l d i n g .             (302 °F) a n d used directly f r o m the tray t o                                    ther i n f o r m a t i o n o n t h e fracture m e c h a -
These h y d r o g e n values w e r e averaged t o                  m a k e the test w e l d : only sufficient flux                                      nisms. Sample chemical analyses (Table 2)
give a measure of the h y d r o g e n potential                    f o r o n e r u n w a s r e m o v e d f r o m the tray                               s h o w e d n o significant c o m p o s i t i o n a l dif-
associated w i t h each particular cracking                        at any given t i m e . The plate a n d cooling                                       ferences (other than h y d r o g e n level)
test w e l d —Table 1. The actual h y d r o g e n                  w a t e r t e m p e r a t u r e s prior t o each w e l d                             b e t w e e n different w e l d s .
c o n c e n t r a t i o n s w i t h i n the multipass w e l d      run w e r e r e c o r d e d , and the plate t e m -
can b e assumed t o b e different f r o m , but                    peratures immediately b e f o r e q u e n c h i n g                                  Results
p r o p o r t i o n a l t o , the h y d r o g e n levels           w e r e also n o t e d .
                                                                                                                                                        Incidence of Cracking
measured in single-pass w e l d s .                                    W e l d s 9 a n d 10 d i f f e r e d f r o m the rest
  T h e flux was b a k e d in 4 5 0 X 4 5 0 m m                    in that only six runs ( w e l d 9) or f o u r runs                                      Cracks w e r e d e t e c t e d b y N D T in all
(17.7 X 17.7 in.) trays filled t o a d e p t h not                 ( w e l d 10) w e r e d e p o s i t e d along the full                               w e l d s e x c e p t n u m b e r s 4 a n d 6. W e l d 3

                          MPI                                                                                                                     Ultrasonics                                                     cf
       2000                                                                                                                        60
                         ©                                                                        /

  o                                                                                                                                40
 u-                                                                                          /                                                                                               /
                                                                                         /                                                                                               /
       1000                                                                                                                                                                          /
                                                                               /                                             o                                                   /
                                                                        /                                                    E 20        -                                   /
  £                                                                /                                                         3
 Z                                                                                                                                                                   /
        200 -                                8--                                                                                                                 S
            0              -0-0-                                         _L                               J
                                                                                                                                    0               -o-a^-                                                             J
                                   5                  10               ~T5                                55
                                                                                                                                                             5               10                      15                20
                  [ H ] In w e l d m e t a l , m l N T P / l O O g d e p o s i t e d                      metal                         [ H ] in w e l d m e t a l , ml N T P / l O O g d e p o s i t e d metal

Fig. 4 — Cracking as a function of test weld hydrogen content: A - detected by MPI; B — detected by ultrasonics

                                                                                                                                                  W E L D I N G RESEARCH S U P P L E M E N T I 2 1 5 - s
The Formation of Chevron Cracks in Submerged Arc Weld Metal
1) and morphologies did not appear to
Table 3—Correlations Between MPI and Optical Crack Detection Showing That MPI                                           change significantly. However, there
Overestimates Crack Size                                                                                                were considerable random variations in
                                                                                                                        the incidence of cracking. Detailed
                                    Measured                                        Number of cracks per                studies (Ref. 16) showed a general
   Observation                      crack size                                     "apparent weld bead '(a)
                                                                                                                        absence of cracking in the top beads and
    technique                         range                       1                 2         3           4        5
                                                                                                                        a marked fall-off in crack density towards
     MPI                       > 2 mm                            0                  0            9          2      3    the sides of the weld; however, no other
     Optical                   > 1 mm                            0                  0            6          2      4    systematic correlations were revealed
                                                                                                                        between cracking and position within the
     MPI                       1-2 mm                            0                  1         36           11       7
                                                                                                                        weldment. These studies also showed
     Optical                   0.5-1 mm                          1                  2         31           10      14
                                                                                                                        only minor variations in cracking density
     MPI                       All cracks                        0                  2         56           15      30   between the reheated and as-welded
     Optical                   > 0.5 mm                          1                  2         37           12      18   regions.
     Optical                   < 0.5 mm, wide                    0                  1         29            9      11
                                                                                                                            Welds 9 and 10 provided information
     Optical                   < 0.5 mm, narrow                  1                 26         82           55     290
                                                                                                                        on the effects of overlaying on crack
(a) "Apparent w e l d beads   are those shown bv MPI — see Results" section                                             formation. In weld 9, the uppermost
                                                                                                                        beads in the part-filled region were beads
                                                                                                                        5 and 6, while in weld 10 the uppermost
                                                                                                                        bead was bead 4. In weld 9, beads 5 and
contained a region of gross porosity                              Fig. 5B were the intercritical reheated               6 appeared uncracked in the half-filled
which was not examined by ultrasonics,                            regions, and not the fusion boundaries.               region, and contained a few small cracks
but MPI revealed cracking in and around                           Hence, the apparent "beads" identifiable              in the fully-filled region; beads 3 and 4,
the porous region. The results of MPI and                         in Fig. 5B did not coincide with the true             however, were highly cracked, with no
ultrasonics were in agreement on all oth-                         weld beads.                                           apparent difference between the half-
er welds —Table 1; they showed that the                              To assess the sensitivity of MPI, the              filled and fully-filled regions. In weld 10,
severity of cracking increased with                               cracks on weld 5 section A3 were                      bead 4 contained several 2-3 mm (0.08 —
increasing hydrogen potential (Fig. 4) and                        counted and classified in terms of size               0.12 in.) cracks within the fully-filled
decreasing flux baking temperature.                               using the MPI magnetic yoke method,                   region, but was crack-free in the part-
Specimens from the A3 sections of welds                           and assigned to the relevant apparent                 filled region.
4 and 6 were thoroughly scanned for                               "bead" using the MPI AC current
cracks at a magnification of X250 in the                          records. These results were compared to
optical microscope after etch-polishing                           crack counts on the same section                      Crack Morphology
and etching in 2% nital. Two side bend                            obtained by optical metallography,                       The cracks showed all the characteris-
tests were also carried out on each of                            showing apparently poor agreement.                    tics generally attributed to chevron crack-
these welds and no cracks of any kind                             However, reasonable correlations be-                  ing. The stepped morphology was com-
were found.                                                       tween the t w o sets of results can be                mon (Fig. 6) but not universal; some
   The t w o MPI techniques gave comple-                          obtained if it is assumed that MPI overes-            cracks were mainly intercolumnar, and
mentary results. While the magnetic yoke                          timates the sizes of cracks —Table 3. This            there were also numerous microcracks
method (Fig. 5A) gave better chevron                              is plausible because the magnetic field               (20-500 /xm) within the grain boundary
crack detection, the AC current method                            perturbation will be larger than the crack            ferrite. The cracks were often clustered.
(Fig. 5B) also indicated the weld bead                            causing it. Thus, it appears that a 1 mm              Microcracks often appeared in horizontal
sequence. Comparison with optical met-                            (0.04 in.) length crack is shown as ~ 2               bands —Fig. 1A. They ran along weld
allography showed that the dark zones in                          mm (0.08 in.) on the MPI records, and                 beads, apparently uninfluenced by the
                                                                  that MPI detects all cracks over                      microstructure formed after reheating.
                                                                  ~ 0.5 mm (0.02 in.) in length plus many               Intercolumnar microcracks were also
                                                                  of the wider microcracks. Subject to                  observed in "staircase" arrays —Fig. 7;
                                                                  these limits of sensitivity, therefore, MPI           these were similar to full-length chevron
                                                                  gives a reasonable measure of the sever-              cracks but without transcolumnar inter-
                                                                  ity of cracking.                                      linking segments. Larger chevron cracks
                                                                     Despite order of magnitude variations              were often associated with microcracks
                                                                  between welds in the total number of                  near their tips, again positioned in the
                                                                  cracks, the crack size distributions (Table           "staircase" orientation but not linked to


                                                                                                            . /

                                                      I           Fig. 6 — Chevron crack morphology, showing
Fig. 5 — Typical cracking records obtained by                     intercolumnar and transcolumnar components
MPI (weld 2. Section A2): A — magnetic yoke                       with an unlinked microcrack at the foot of the                            II•
method; B — AC current method. X2.5 (re-                           "staircase." X77 (reduced 30% on reproduc-           Fig. 7 —Unlinked microcracks in a "staircase'
duced 52",, on reproduction)                                      tion)                                                 array. X75 (reduced 29% on reproduction)

216-s JULY 1982
The Formation of Chevron Cracks in Submerged Arc Weld Metal
In the as-welded regions, cracks were
                                                                                               stepped (Fig. 1B) and intercolumnar and
                                                                                               transcolumnar surfaces were readily dis-
                                                                                               tinguished. The intercolumnar segments
                                                                                               showed cleavage-type fracture surfaces.
                                                                                               These, however, differed from the frac-
                                                                                               tures produced at liquid nitrogen temper-
                                                                                               atures in that they were more broken up
                                                                                               into flakes, exhibited holes and protru-
                                                                                               sions, were more curved and had less
                                                                                               clearly developed river patterns— Fig. 10.
                                                                                               These features may be evidence of a
                                                                                               limited amount of ductility. Flat grain
                                                                                               boundary facets were not observed, indi-
Fig. 8 —A crack X arrested by the fine-grained Fig. 9 —Crack "melted off" at fusion boundary
reheated region, in line with a microcrack Y in above. X29 (Saspa-Nansa etch)                  cating that intergranular fracture did not
the coarse-grained reheated region, X22 (re-                                                   occur. The transcolumnar segments
duced 30% on reproduction)                                                                     exhibited rough ductile shear fracture
                                                                                               surfaces —Fig. 10. Some cracks showed
                                                                                               temper colors when examined by eye,
           Transcolumnar                                                    Transcolumnar      indicating slight oxidation. These did not
                                                                                               appear very different from cracks with
                                                                                               non-oxidized surfaces when examined in
                                                                                               the SEM.
                                                                                                  In the reheated regions (including the
                                                                                               intercritical regions), cracks were also
                                                                                               stepped and were often slightly oxidized.
                                                                                               The oxidized intercolumnar segments
                                                                                               were fairly similar to those observed in
                                                                                               the as-welded regions, except for some
                                                                                               fine-scale roughening on the cleavage
                                                                                               facets, which may have been caused by
                                                                                               transformation on reheating. By contrast,
                                                                                               non-oxidized intercolumnar segments
                                                                                I*"            were quite different to those observed in
                                                                                               the as-welded regions. Smoothed sur-
          Intercolumnar                                                                        faces appeared in patches of varying size
Fig. 10 — Fracture morphologies in the as-welded regions (SEM): A — X490;
                                                                        -X2720 (A and .        within most of the unoxidized interco-
reduced 34 % on reproduction)

the main crack —Fig. 6.                        the arrested main crack X, in the coarse-
    In the as-welded regions, vertical crack   grained reheated region.
segments generally followed the colum-            Cracks tended to be confined within a
nar grain boundaries, but were not             single bead. Many cracks ended at the
entirely confined to the proeutectoid fer-     fusion boundary of the bead above and
rite. These crack segments were often          had blunted tips —Fig. 9; this indicated
quite wide —Fig. 6. The overall directions     that parts of these cracks had been
of the cracks appeared to depend on the        melted off during deposition of subse-
columnar grain orientation — that is, when     quent weld beads. However, cracks also
the columnar grains pointed forward            often arrested close to the fusion bound-
along the weld, the cracks usually also        ary as they approached it from above. A
pointed forward. However, the cracks           few of the longest cracks did cross the
maintained a constant overall inclination      fusion boundary and continue into the
of approximately 45 deg, despite marked        coarse-grained reheated region of the
variations in columnar grain inclination.      bead below, but these cracks were
The crack step spacing was of the same         sharply reduced in width as they entered
order as the columnar grain width,             the lower bead —Fig. 8. Thus, the longest
~ 5 0 - 1 0 0 )j.m. Thus, the columnar         cracks observed in welds 2-8 were only
microstructure clearly exerted a strong        slightly longer than the bead depth. A
influence on crack formation.                  few longer cracks, 10-15 mm (0.39-0.59
   In the reheated regions, many cracks        in.), did appear in the full-height regions
exhibited the stepped structure, and thus      of welds 9 and 10.
appeared to have formed prior to
reheating. However, they were often
                                               Electron Fractography
wider than cracks in the as-welded
regions, probably as a result of widening         Several chevron cracks were examined
during the reheating cycle. There were         in the SEM after breaking open at room
indications that delayed cracks could          temperature or at liquid nitrogen temper-       Fig. 11 — Fracture morphologies in the
have been arrested by the ductile fine-                                                        reheated regions (SEM): A - smoothed area
                                               ature. In describing these observations, it
                                                                                               showing grain boundary grooving and indica-
grained reheated region — Fig. 8. A com-       is necessary to distinguish between             tions ot thermal faceting. X2640; b-
mon feature which is also shown in this        cracks in the as-welded and reheated            smoothed (prompt) and unsmoothed (de-
figure is the occurrence of a microcrack,      regions, and between oxidized and non-          layed) fracture areas in juxtaposition, X2620 (A
marked Y, directly ahead of the line of        oxidized fracture surfaces.                     and B reduced 38",, on reproduction)

                                                                                          WELDING RESEARCH SUPPLEMENT I 217-s
The Formation of Chevron Cracks in Submerged Arc Weld Metal
low temperature —Figs. 10, and 12. O n
                                                                                               the other hand, the smooth surfaces of
                                                                                               Figs. 11 and 13 were found only on
                                                                                               non-oxidized cracks from the reheated
                                                                                               region. These appear to have been
                                                                                               formed by diffusional surface smoothing
                                                                                               of a cleavage-type fracture, and their
                                                                                               appearance can be attributed to the
                                                                                               effects of reheating. Slight oxidation
                                                                                               appears to pin the surface and prevent
                                                                                               surface diffusion, thus preserving the
                                                                                               original crack features during heating.
                                                                                                 It can be shown theoretically that sur-
Fig. 12 — Fracture morphologies in the as-welded regions (TEM): A — intercolumnar cleavage. face smoothing, thermal faceting and
X2440; B - transcolumnar ductile dimples, X3200 (A and B reduced 29% on reproduction)       grain boundary grooving can be pro-
                                                                                            duced in multipass welds during quite
                                                                                            moderate temperature reheat cycles, and
                                                                                            that the observed grain boundary groove
                                                                                            widths are consistent with peak reheat
lumnar crack segments (Fig. 11), typically    and Davison (Ref. 5). In their tests, crack-  temperatures of ~ 500-900°C (932-
covering half the area. However, the          ing was usually eliminated at hydrogen         1652°F) (Ref. 17). The patchy nature of
remaining intercolumnar areas showed          levels below 8.5-10.5 ml NTP/100 g. In        surface smoothing on non-oxidized
sharp cleavage-type fractures.                Mota's work (Ref. 13) crack-free welds        cracks from the reheated region cannot
   A view of a junction between               were only obtained at < 3.7 and < 7.3 ml      be due to variations in peak reheat tem-
smoothed and unsmoothed regions (Fig.         NTP/100 g for SA and SMA deposits             perature. This is because smoothed and
 11B), demonstrates the real difference in    respectively.                                 unsmoothed surfaces appear only a few
appearance. Grain boundary grooving on           These differences between workers          microns apart (Fig. 11B), and differences
the smoothed surfaces was fairly com-         could readily be accounted for by differ-     in the reheat thermal cycle must have
mon—Fig. 11 A. There were also indica-        ences in experimental procedure. Wright       been insignificant. Therefore, it is neces-
tions of thermal faceting in many of the      and Davison used much reduced heat            sary to assume a combination of prompt
smoothed areas, but only a few rather         inputs for their hydrogen determinations,     cracking (providing cracks which are
coarse facets were clearly resolved by        while the continuous cooling technique        open during reheating) and subsequent
SEM. A comparison between the                 used by Mota could have resulted in           delayed crack growth which produces
smoothed and unsmoothed intercolum-           higher retained hydrogen contents. It         unsmoothed fracture surfaces by crack-
nar surfaces suggests that their underlying   should be remembered that hydrogen            ing after reheating has occurred.
features are the same, but that all the       determinations in single-pass welding              In summary, the metallographic evi-
sharp surface features on the un-             tests do not give more than a guide to the    dence does not imply crack formation at
smoothed cracks have been rounded off         actual hydrogen concentrations which          high temperature and is entirely consis-
on the smoothed cracks.                       build up during multipass welding.            tent with a low temperature hydrogen-
   TEM examination of carbon replicas,           The "safe" hydrogen level for avoid-
taken from the cracks discussed above,        ance of chevron cracking must be
again showed unsmoothed intercolum-           expected to vary in practice with welding
nar cleavage-type fractures and transco-      procedure, restraint, and consumable           *lt is emphasized that at present there are no
lumnar    ductile   shear    dimples     on   and base metal composition.* The              British or International Standards for the deter-
as-welded     region    cracks —Fig.    12.   effects of these parameters on cracking       mination of weld hydrogen in submerged arc
Smoothed surfaces were found only on                                                        welding. The data for hydrogen in weld metal
                                              in the weld metal are much less well
                                                                                           given here should not be confused with values
replicas from reheated region cracks.         understood than is the case in HAZ            to be found in the technical literature pub-
Thermal faceting and grain boundary           hydrogen cracking. There is a need for       lished by consumable manufacturers, for
grooving were detected at high magnifi-       more work in this area.                       which different methods of determination may
cation on some of these smoothed areas                                                     have been used. Where information on the
(Fig. 13) but were not found on uns-          Fractographic Evidence                       drying process, hydrogen potential of consum-
moothed areas. Details of these features                                                   ables or welding procedure is required, users
are described elsewhere (Ref. 17).               The cracks in the as-welded regions       should seek advice directly from the manufac-
                                              showed clear evidence of formation at        turer.

The Cause of Chevron Cracking
   The original aim of this work was to
isolate any "hot cracking component" of
chevron cracking by progressively reduc-
ing the weld metal hydrogen content. All
cracking was eliminated by this means (as
shown in Fig. 4 and Table 1) and con-
firmed by careful optical examination and
bend-testing of the crack-free welds. At
hydrogen contents corresponding to test
values less than 5-7 ml NTP/100 g depos-
ited weld metal (attained at flux baking
temperatures of about 550°C and
above), cracking was eliminated in this
work.                                          Fig. 13 —Fracture morphologies in the reheated regions (TEM), showing grain boundary grooving
   Similar behavior was found by Wright        and thermal faceting: A-X16600; B-X13800 (A and B reduced 28% on reproduction)

218-s | JULY 1982
The Formation of Chevron Cracks in Submerged Arc Weld Metal
assisted cracking mechanism.                                                                                 Maximum shear
                                                         Verfica                                             stress directions
Crack Detection
   The comparison between optical and                                                                                            shear band
MPI examination techniques shows that                     Weld
MPI is a reasonable tool for detecting                   direct
chevron cracks over 0.5 mm (0.02 in.)                                                  grain
long on ground surfaces. However, since
the surface beads contain few or none of
the cracks, MPI would be of little value in                                            astic zone
the absence of sectioning. Ultrasonic                                                  rack
inspection is capable of detecting chev-                                                                                           Longitudinal
ron cracks in all weld locations, but                                                                                              tensile stress
appears to have an identification limit of
about 2 mm (0.08 in.) —Table 1. Because
of this, it might be feared that ultrasonic                 A ) Microcrack nucleation                 ( g ) Blunting and arrest
inspection could allow a heavily micro-
cracked weld to be passed as sound. This                                 Dislocation
did not occur in the present work, since                                 pile-up              Shear band
microcracks were generally associated
with larger, ultrasonically detectable
    It should be emphasized that chevron
                                                                               •&K-. Nucleation
cracks will not generally be detected
                                                Direction                      W     site of
unless an appropriate ultrasonic inspec-                                             Crack 3
                                                of shear
tion technique is selected, using 45 deg
angled probes to inspect the weld met-

Crack Formation Sequence
                                                                        Crack 1
    The observations described earlier
may be used to relate the times at which                                   /
crack nucleation and growth occurred to         \Cj   Crack formation within              D) Macrocrack formation
the sequence of welding operations. Lit-
                                                      the shear band
tle cracking is found in the last bead to be
deposited. This is shown most clearly by       Fig. 14 — Proposed mechanism of chevron crack formation associated with dislocation shear bands:
the observations on welds 9 and 10. It         A—microcrack nucleation; B — blunting and arrest; C—crack formation within the shear band;
                                               D — macrocrack formation
suggests that a critical requirement for
crack formation in a given bead is that
there should be one or more overlaying
beads.                                         growth probably also occurs. The obser-
                                                                                                    A Mechanism for Chevron Cracking
    Few cracks are likely to be formed         vations of smoothed and unsmoothed
during the initial quench. However, many       fracture     surfaces    in    juxtaposition           The above observations give some
cracks definitely form prior to the reheat-    (Fig. 11 B) directly demonstrate crack              indication of the reasons for the stepped
ing cycle which takes place on deposition      growth both before and after reheating.             crack structure. However, a full explana-
of the overlaying bead. This is shown          Thus, cracking appears to begin early in            tion of the crack morphology requires a
by the observations of cracks with             the welding sequence and continue dur-              more detailed model.
smoothed surfaces within the reheat            ing and after completion of the weld,                  The restraint provided by the cracking
region and by the common observation           with individual cracks experiencing more            test assembly, and the transverse nature
of cracks "melted off" at the fusion           than one stage of growth.                           of the cracks, indicate that the highest
boundary above the bead containing the             The way in which this discontinuous             stress is in the longitudinal direction. O n
crack —Fig. 9.                                 form of crack growth takes place may                this assumption, Keville (Ref. 7) pointed
    It is not entirely clear why cracks        perhaps be inferred from the observa-               out that the 45 deg crack orientation
should be largely absent from a bead           tions of clustered microcracks —Figs. 6             coincides with the direction of maximum
which has just been deposited and              and 7. These clusters appear to represent           shear stress. However, she did not
quenched, yet appear in considerable           intermediate stages in the formation of a           advance a specific crack formation mech-
numbers before the bead experiences a          macroscopic chevron crack. Thus, a                  anism. It will be shown here that a model
reheating cycle. It may be noted, howev-       series of intercolumnar microcracks may             (adapted from that of M o t a - R e f . 13) of
er, that there is generally one weld run       first form in a staircase array as in Fig. 7,       crack nucleation in shear bands intersect-
interposed between a given bead (e.g.,         and subsequently link up by transcolum-             ing the columnar grain boundaries can
bead 7) and its overlaying bead (in this       nar shear. Alternatively, a crack may               account for the main morphological fea-
case, bead 9). One speculation is that         grow by nucleation of a microcrack                  tures of chevron cracking.
cracks may form in bead 7 ahead of the         ahead of the main crack tip as suggested               The suggested sequence of events is:
arc while bead 9 is being deposited, in        by Fig. 6, followed by transcolumnar                   1. Longitudinal tensile stresses build up
regions which are then subjected to ten-       linking back to the main crack. In either           as the weld bead cools, and approach or
sile stresses but are not close enough to      case, the appearance of the cluster sug-            exceed yield point magnitude (Ref. 18).
the arc to be heated above hydrogen            gests a discontinuous, multi-stage crack            Plastic strain is initially concentrated in the
cracking temperatures.                         growth mechanism in which microcrack                soft intercolumnar proeutectoid ferrite.
  While many cracks form before                nucleation seems to be aided by the                 When enough hydrogen is present, the
reheating, considerable subsequent crack       presence of nearby cracks.                          ductility of the proeutectoid ferrite is

                                                                                              WELDING RESEARCH SUPPLEMENT | 219-s
The Formation of Chevron Cracks in Submerged Arc Weld Metal
much reduced, and so an intercolumnar           readily explained in terms of the shear         metal hydrogen cracking. The present
microcrack may nucleate (Ref. 19, 20) —         nucleation model. Shear bands in one            work provided no evidence to indicate
 Fig. 14A.                                      bead are unlikely to coincide with shear        that hot cracking is even partially respon-
    2. As the crack grows, the size of the      bands formed in neighboring beads,              sible. The thermal etching and surface
plastic zone at the crack tip will tend to      owing to differences in columnar grain          smoothing effects observed on chevron
increase. Hence the crack may be                orientation and in the times at which           crack surfaces are attributed to the
blunted and arrested. The plastic zone          deformation takes place. Consequently,          reheating of cracked regions on deposi-
may then form the nucleus of a long-            cracks are often confined within one            tion of subsequent weld beads.
range transcolumnar shear band at 45            bead. Larger weld beads would be                   2. Chevron crack formation is a multi-
deg to the longitudinal direction (Ref.         expected to contain more well-devel-            stage process. The morphology of crack-
21) —Fig. 14B. (The reason why one              oped shear bands; this may account for          ing can be satisfactorily explained in
particular 45 deg direction is preferred is     the correlation between chevron crack-          terms of a model of crack nucleation
discussed later.)                               ing and high heat input observed by             within shear bands intersecting the
    3. Plastic flow within the shear band       Crouch (Ref. 14).                               columnar grain boundaries.
then leads to dislocation pile-ups at the           In Fig. 8, crack X in the as-welded            3. Cracks over 2 mm (0.08 in.) long
neighboring columnar grain boundaries.          region is in line with a microcrack Y in the    were detected by ultrasonic inspection.
The stress concentration at the head of         coarse-grained reheated region. This can        Since optical metallography established
the pile-up nucleates a second, separate        be associated with variations in ductility      that microcracks occurred only when
intercolumnar crack, either directly by         within the weld bead. The fine-grained          longer cracks were also present, the
causing decohesion at a weak zone such          reheated region is too ductile to crack,        ultrasonic technique successfully identi-
as an inclusion, or indirectly by promoting     but the 45 deg shear band passes                fied crack-free welds in this case.
further plastic flow in the proeutectoid        through it to cause microcracking in the
ferrite. Hydrogen transport to the colum-       coarse-grained reheated region.                               Acknowledgments
nar grain boundary by moving disloca-              Mota and Apps (Ref. 12, 13) found a             The authors are indebted to Mr. J.
tions assists crack formation (Ref. 13,         transition from chevron cracking to "ver-       Eariss, who developed the MPI tech-
22).                                            tical" intercolumnar cracking with in-          niques used in this work and carried out
   4. The second intercolumnar crack in         creasing weld metal strength. They sug-         the welding program. Thanks are also
turn grows (upwards and downwards)              gested that, because plasticity is limited in   due to Oerlikon Electrodes Limited,
and blunts. In this way, an array of            the harder materials, an intercolumnar          which supplied the flux and wire elec-
intercolumnar crack segments forms by           crack does not blunt and arrest and can,        trodes for this investigation. The authors
repeated nucleation on columnar grain           therefore, propagate along the columnar         also acknowledge useful discussions with
boundaries within the shear band. As            grain boundary without interruption.            Dr. J. M. F. Mota and Professor R. L. Apps
each segment relaxes the longitudinal           Mota noted that a decrease in the               of the Cranfield Institute of Technology.
tensile stress on either side of it, the base   amount of proeutectoid ferrite occurred
of crack 2 tends to arrest at about the         together with the increase in strength and                        References
same height as the top of crack 1 — Fig.        transition to vertical cracking. It seems
                                                                                                    1. Thomas, S. N. C. 1969. Contribution to
14C.                                            likely that proeutectoid ferrite plays a        discussion: Conference on cracking in welds.
   5. The crack array forms a zone of           significant part in suppressing vertical        Met. Const. I(2s): 142.
weakness. This promotes further plastic         cracking by the blunting mechanism, thus           2. Cotton, H, C. 1969. Contribution to dis-
flow between the microcrack tips. Hori-         promoting chevron cracking.                     cussion: Conference on cracking in welds.
zontal transcolumnar cracks therefore              The model thus suggests that chevron         Met. Const. 1(2s): I44.
form by ductile shear, assisted by hydro-       cracking is a special form of weld metal           3. Hamilton, I. G. 1972. Trends in user
                                                                                                 requirements for welding consumables. Inter-
gen. These cracks link the intercolumnar        hydrogen cracking. Chevron cracking             national conference on welding research re-
microcracks together to produce a mac-          involves a significant amount of deforma-       lated to power plant: 285-292. England: Univ.
rocrack —Fig. 14D.                              tion, while vertical weld metal cracking        of Southampton.
   This model successfully accounts for         and heat-affected zone hydrogen crack-             4. Chitty, A., and Brown, I. M. 1972. Weld-
the 45 deg crack orientation and pro-           ing do not. This suggests that there may        ing consumables for the turbine-generator
vides a plausible explanation for the dis-      be important differences in hydrogen            industry. International Conference on Welding
connected, multi-stage growth behavior          cracking behavior between weld metals           Research Related to Power Plant: 293-309.
observed.                                       and heat-affected zones. In a multipass         England: Univ. of Southampton.
                                                weld, the weld metal undergoes much                5. Wright, V. S„ and Davison, I. T. 1978.
Implications of the Mechanism                   more deformation during welding than            Chevron cracking in submerged arc welds.
                                                                                                 Conference on Trends in Steels and Consum-
   Several features of the crack morphol-       does the HAZ. Thus, HAZ hydrogen
                                                                                                ables for Welding: paper 38, London. Also
ogy can now be rationalized. The crack          cracks form by a brittle mechanism in           (abridged) in Met. Const. 11(3): 129-133.
orientation is clearly affected by micro-       microstructural zones of high hardness,            6. Tuliani, S. S. 1976 (April). A metallograph-
structure as well as stress. There are t w o    but weld metal hydrogen cracks may be           ic study of chevron cracks in submerged arc
directions of maximum shear stress at 45        able to form in softer material via the          weld metals. CEGB Report R/M/R234. Also in
deg from the vertical (Fig. 14B) and a          relatively ductile chevron cracking mech-        Welding Res. Int. 6(6): 19-45.
marginal difference in shear resistance         anism. Thus, carbon equivalent formulas            7. Keville, B. R. 1976. An investigation to
                                                derived from studies of HAZ cracking are        determine the mechanisms involved in the
between these two different directions
                                                unlikely to be directly applicable to weld      formation and propagation of chevron cracks
could result in almost all the deformation                                                      in submerged arc weldments. Welding Res.
being concentrated in a single shear            metal cracking.
                                                                                                Int. 6(6): 47-66.
band. The proeutectoid ferrite in the              Chevron crack length is often re-               8. Farrar. R. A. 1977. The nature of chevron
present material forms easy shear zones         stricted to the size of the weld bead.          cracking in submerged arc weld metals. Weld-
along the columnar grain direction. Shear       While it would clearly be unsafe to ignore      ing Res. Int. 7(2): 85-89.
along these soft zones is, therefore, max-      the possibility of longer cracks, this may         9. Farrar, R. A., and Taylor, L. G. 1977
imized by formation of shear bands in the       be the reason why chevron cracking              (Nov.). A metallographic study of chevron
45 deg orientation which is closest to the      does not appear to have caused any              cracking in submerged arc weld metals. Weld-
columnar grain direction. Thus, the cracks      major failures of components in service.        ing and Metal Fab., 45(9): 575-578.
also have this orientation.                                                                        10. Hart, P. H. M. 1978. Weld metal hydro-
                                                Conclusions                                     gen cracking, Weld. Inst. Res. Bull. 19(11):
   The tendency of chevron cracks to                                                            320-324.
arrest at the fusion boundary is also             1. Chevron cracking is a form of weld            11. Mota, |. M. F., |ubb, |. E. M.; and Apps,

220-s | JULY 1982
The Formation of Chevron Cracks in Submerged Arc Weld Metal
R. L. 1978 (Nov.). Chevron cracking: initiation      Investigation of damage caused by the pres-        Steels for Fast Reactor Steam Generators,
and propagation. Welding and Metal Fab.              ence of hydrogen in submerged arc weld             paper 78. London: BNES.
46(9): 625-627.                                      metal. Schweissen u. Schneiden 29(8): 286-            19. Watkinson, F. 1969. Hydrogen cracking
   12. Mota, I. M. F.; Apps, R. L; and lubb, |. E.   288.                                               in high strength weld metals., Welding journal
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arc welding. Conference on trends in steels          1980. The formation of chevron cracks in              20. Konkol, P. )., and Domis, W. F. 1979.
and consumables for welding: paper 18. Lon-          submerged arc weld metal. CEGB Report RD/          Causes of grain-boundary separations in elec-
don.                                                 M/R295.                                            troslag weld metals. Welding lournal, 58(6):
   13. Mota, |. M. F. 1979. Chevron cracking            17. Allen, D. |. 1981. Thermal etching and      161-s to 167-s.
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Cranfield Institute of Technology.                   temperatures. Metals Technol., 8 (10), 395-        gen blister-crack array in linepipe steels. Metall.
   14. Crouch. S. |. 1978. The influence of          404.                                                Trans.. 9A(II): 1581-1590.
heat input on weld metal transverse cracking.           18. )ones, W. K. C , and Alberry, P. |. 1977       22. Savage, W . F.; Nippes, E. F.; and Toku-
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                                                        WRC Bulletin 273
                                                        December, 1981
           Design Implications of Recent Advances in Elevated Temperature Bounding Techniques
           by J . S. Porowski, W. J . O ' D o n n e l l a n d M . Badlani
              Recent advances in bounding {i.e., limiting) techniques and simplified methods of analysis for
           components operated in the creep regime are used herein to obtain some very useful design guides.
           Damage mechanisms are determined for a wide range of dimensionless design parameters, operating
           pressure and cyclic thermal conditions, and material properties.
              Publication of this report was sponsored by the Subcommittee on Elevated Temperature Design of the
           Pressure Vessel Research Committee of the Welding Research Council.
             The price of WRC Bulletin 273 is $10.00 per copy, plus $3.00 for postage and handling. Orders should
           be sent with payment to the Welding Research Council, 345 E. 47th St., New York, NY 10017.

                                                       WRC Bulletin 274
                                                        January, 1982
           International Benchmark Project on Simplified Methods for Elevated Temperature Design and Analysis: Problem II—The Saclay
           Fluctuating Sodium Level Experiment; Comparison of Analytical and Experimental Results; Problem III—The Oak Ridge Nozzle to
           Sphere Attachment
           by H. Kraus
              Problem II. Recently, experimental results became available on the second benchmark problem on
           simplified methods for elevated temperature design and analysis: the Saclay fluctuating sodium level
           experiment. These are compared to previously published numerical and analytical results in WRC Bulletin
           258, May 1980.
              Problem III. The Oak Ridge Nozzle to Sphere Attachment is analyzed by finite element computer
           programs and by approximate analytical techniques. The methods are described and the results
           obtained by each are compared. No experimental data are available.
              Publication of these reports was sponsored by the Subcommittee on Elevated Temperature Design of
           the Pressure Vessel Research Committee of the Welding Research Council.
             The price of WRC Bulletin 274 is $10 per copy, plus $3.00 for postage and handling. Orders should be
           sent with payment to the Welding Research Council, 345 East 47th St., New York, NY 10017.

                                                                                                    WELDING RESEARCH SUPPLEMENT I 221-s
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