The Foreign Agents Registration Act - (FARA) - Wiley Rein

The Foreign Agents Registration Act - (FARA) - Wiley Rein
The Foreign
Registration Act
The Foreign Agents Registration Act - (FARA) - Wiley Rein
The FARA Handbook

                                                            or whose principal place of business is in a
                                                            foreign country.
                                                            Further, the statute defines an “agent of a
                                                            foreign principal” to include any person (i.e.,
                                                            individual, partnership, association, corporation,
Introduction                                                etc.) who has an agency relationship with the
                                                            foreign principal, and directly, or through any
This handbook provides a general overview of
                                                            other person, is engaged in one of four covered
the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), the
                                                            activities in the United States. These activities
regulatory and statutory provisions that govern
whether an entity must register with the U.S.
Department of Justice (DOJ), the registration                     (1) Engaging in political activities for or in
process, the obligations of registered agents, and                    the interests of such foreign principal;
the penalties that may be imposed for FARA                        (2) Acting as a public relations counsel,
violations                                                            publicity agent, information-service
                                                                      employee, or political consultant for or
Overview                                                              in the interests of such foreign
Enacted in 1938 and administered by the FARA
Registration Unit of the Counterintelligence and                  (3) Soliciting, collecting, disbursing, or
Export Control Section (CES) in the National                          dispensing contributions, loans,
Security Division (NSD) of the DOJ, FARA is a                         money, or other things of value for or
disclosure statute that seeks to ensure that all                      in the interest of such foreign principal;
persons acting politically or quasi-politically on                    or
behalf of foreign entities in the United States                   (4) Representing the interests of such
properly disclose their activities to the United                      foreign principal before any agency or
States government. As a result, the statute                           official of the government of the
requires that all persons acting as an “agent of                      United States.
a foreign principal” register with the DOJ unless
                                                            “Political activities” are defined as “any activity
an exception applies. In general, all of the
                                                            that the person engaging in believes will, or that
information disclosed in FARA registration
                                                            the person intends to, in any way influence any
materials is made publicly available online.
                                                            agency or official of the government of the
                                                            United States or any section of the public within
Is There a Registration                                     the United States with reference to formulating,
                                                            adopting, or changing the domestic or foreign
Requirement?                                                policies of the United States or with reference to
Pursuant to the statute, any person who                     the political or public interests, policies, or
engages in certain political or quasi-political             relations of a government of a foreign country or
activities on behalf of a foreign principal (i.e., an       a foreign political party.” Notably, the definition
agent of a foreign principal) must register under           of political activities is broad and could include a
FARA unless an exception applies.                           wide range of activities, such as lobbying U.S.
The statute broadly defines a “foreign principal”           government officials; engaging in public relations
to include not only foreign governments and                 activities for the purpose of changing or
foreign political parties, but also persons and             enhancing the U.S. public’s perception of a
organizations outside of the United States, and             foreign government; or arranging meetings,
corporations and other entities that are                    planning itineraries, or supplying a forum for
organized under the laws of a foreign country,              foreign officials to promote their programs.

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The FARA Handbook

                                                           principal. This initial statement includes a variety
Does an Exemption to                                       of information, such as: the registrant’s contact
                                                           information; the status of the registrant; the
Registration Apply?                                        contract between agent and foreign principal or,
Even if an activity triggers a registration                if no contract exists, a full statement indicating
requirement under the statute, an exemption may            the circumstances by reason of which the
apply. Specifically, the statute provides                  registrant is an agent of a foreign principal; the
registration exemptions for the following                  nature and amount of contribution, income,
persons/reasons:                                           money, or thing of value that the registrant has
                                                           received; a detailed statement of the activities
      Diplomatic or consular officers
                                                           that the agent is performing in connection with
      Officials of foreign governments                    its representation of the foreign principal; and a
      Staff members of diplomatic or consular             detailed statement of the money and other
       officers                                            things of value spent by the registrant in
      Private and nonpolitical                            connection with his/her representation of the
       activities/solicitation of funds                    foreign principal. A $305 filing fee per foreign
                                                           principal is required.
      Religious, scholastic, or scientific pursuits
                                                           Supplemental Registration Statements
      Defense of foreign government vital to U.S.
       defense                                             Every six months, registered agents must file a
                                                           supplemental registration statement with the
      Persons qualified to practice law
                                                           DOJ. The supplemental registration statement
      Agents registered under the Lobbying                includes the following information: any changes
       Disclosure Act, provided that the foreign           in agent management, personnel, or termination
       principal is not a foreign government or            of representation; a description of any activities
       foreign political party                             or services performed on behalf of the foreign
Importantly, the party claiming an exemption               principal during the six-month reporting period;
from the registration requirement bears the                any monies or things of value expended and
burden of demonstrating qualification for the              received in connection with the representation;
exemption under these provisions. When in                  and information concerning any “informational
doubt as to the applicability of a given                   materials” disseminated. In addition, a $305 filing
exception, potential agents of a foreign principal         fee per foreign principal is required.
may pursue a request for a formal advisory                 Short Forms
                                                           Every partner, officer, director, associate,
                                                           employee, and agent of a registrant is required
What are the Registration                                  to file a short form, unless: (1) the partner, officer,
                                                           director, associate, employee, or agent of the
Requirements Under FARA?                                   registrant does not engage directly in
An agent of a foreign principal must file an initial       registerable activity that is in furtherance of the
registration statement, short forms, and                   interests of the foreign principal, or (2) the
supplemental statements via FARA’s electronic              employee or agent of a registrant whose
filing system. Pursuant to the statute, the agent          activities further the interests of a foreign
must also properly label and file “informational           principal are provided in a clerical, secretarial, or
materials” with the DOJ.                                   similar capacity. No filing fee is required to file
Initial Registration                                       short forms.
The initial registration statement must be
submitted to the DOJ within 10 days of when an
agent enters into an agreement with the foreign

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The FARA Handbook

Labeling and Filing Requirements of                       eFile, new registrants must submit their
Informational Materials                                   registration package by selecting “New
                                                          Registration” on the eFile website and then
Two copies of all “informational materials” that
                                                          uploading their documents to the system. The
are transmitted or caused to be transmitted to
                                                          DOJ will then review the submission and provide
two or more persons on behalf of or for the
                                                          an account number and password via mail.
benefit of the foreign principal must be filed with
                                                          Registrants must use their online user account
the DOJ within 48 hours of their distribution.
                                                          number and password to upload any subsequent
“Informational materials” include, but are not
limited to, the following: radio and television
broadcasts, advertising, magazine or                      The registration fee associated with the various
newspaper articles, motion picture films,                 FARA filings can be paid either online with a
pamphlets or other publications, letters or               credit card or electronic funds transfer, or by
telegrams, and lectures or speeches. In addition,         mail with a check. Once a document has been
all informational materials must contain a                successfully submitted, the eFile system will
conspicuous statement that the materials are              provide a confirmation with a transaction
distributed by the agent on behalf of the foreign         number to track the submission.
principal, and that additional information is on          New eFile System for Initial Registrants
file with the DOJ.                                        The DOJ implemented a new online FARA eFile
Recordkeeping Requirements                                system in September 2019 for new FARA
Registered agents are required to maintain all            registrants. This new system is a web-based
records related to the activities subject to              format, which requires the online entry of
registration under the statute for up to three (3)        information for most responses as opposed to
years after the termination of an agent’s                 PDF uploads of FARA registration forms (uploads
registration. The recordkeeping requirement               are still permitted for certain supporting
covers: financial statements; correspondence              documentation such as contracts between a
between relevant persons; memorandums;                    registrant and foreign principal). This new system
written communication; informational materials;           allows for more standardized responses to
bank statements; records containing the names,            questions and allows for inputted information to
titles, and contact information of individuals that       be searchable on the DOJ’s online FARA
either provided services to the foreign principal         database. While the information requested in the
or were contacted by the agent in relation to the         new system largely tracks the information
foreign principal’s agenda; and any other                 requested in the old FARA registration forms (the
documents prepared for, distributed to promote,           initial registration statement, Exhibit A, Exhibit B,
or containing information regarding the agent’s           Exhibit C, and short form), there are slight
representation of the foreign principal. If the           variations in certain questions, among other
registered agent is a corporation or other such           differences.
entity, then it is also required to retain meeting        Notably, while the old eFile system remains the
minutes.                                                  same for existing FARA registrants, the DOJ is
Upon request, these records must be made                  expected to transition all filings to the new
available for inspection by the NSD and the               system in the near future.
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
Electronic Filing Requirement
The DOJ requires that all registration statements
and informational materials be submitted
electronically using the agency’s eFile system. In
order to file documents electronically using

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The FARA Handbook

                                                          August 2019, the DOJ directed the Turkish Radio &
What are the Penalties for                                Television Corporation to register its U.S. affiliate.
Noncompliance?                                            Additionally, according to press reports, the DOJ
                                                          ordered Qatari news outlet Al Jazeera to register
The DOJ may impose criminal penalties on
                                                          U.S. operations of its affiliate AJ+ as a foreign
agents that intentionally and willfully violate any
                                                          agent in September 2020. While the DOJ has not
provisions under the statute, including fines up to
                                                          confirmed these reports, AJ Jazeera publicly
$10,000, imprisonment for no more than five (5)
                                                          condemned the move. The move follows a years-
years, or both. Agents that willfully make false
                                                          long campaign from Congress urging the moves.
statements or intentionally fail to provide
                                                          These recent registrations underscore the DOJ’s
material information in support of their
                                                          continued heightened focus on FARA
registration or supplemental statements are also
                                                          enforcement, specifically, ensuring that all entities
subject to these sanctions. In the majority of
                                                          that trigger a registration requirement and are
cases, however, the DOJ has found
                                                          not eligible for an exemption – whether lobbyists,
noncompliance with registration requirements to
                                                          public relations companies, or even media outlets
be unintentional, permitting agents to remedy
                                                          – are registered under the statute.
any deficiencies instead of instituting criminal
proceedings.                                              Heightened Focus on China and U.S. Tech
Recent Developments in FARA                               The Trump Administration has signaled that
                                                          certain activities by U.S. tech companies could
Enforcement                                               trigger a FARA registration requirement. In July
In recent years, the DOJ has begun to enforce             2020, Attorney General William Barr gave a
FARA more aggressively, such that FARA has now            speech urging U.S. business leaders to remain
been thrust into the national spotlight. Given the        alert about how the Chinese Communist Party
broad scope of the statute, the potential                 (CCP) may use them to promote policies or
consequences of noncompliance, and the DOJ’s              politicians to advance the CCP’s interests, which
heightened focus on FARA enforcement, it is               could implicate FARA. Barr’s statements
important that individuals and companies                  underscore that the statute is not limited to
representing foreign individuals, governments, or         lobbying; it also includes public relations, image-
companies in the United States in a political or          making, and other less formal activities. It also
quasi-political capacity carefully evaluate               covers activity for not only foreign governments
whether their activities may trigger registration         and foreign political parties, but also private
under FARA and consult counsel when in doubt.             foreign corporations and private foreign persons.
Recent developments in FARA enforcement are               Nor must a foreign agent be paid or even have a
outlined below.                                           contract to trigger a FARA registration
                                                          requirement. Secretary of State Michael Pompeo
Media Registrations
                                                          also called on think tanks and foreign policy
There have been several recent press                      organizations to disclose their ties. While Pompeo
registrations under the statute. Russian network          noted that such disclosure would not be required
RT was identified in January 2017 as having an            for the State Department to engage with such
impact on the 2016 U.S. presidential election.            entities, Department staff will “be mindful of
After months of pressure from the DOJ to register,        whether disclosure has been made and of specific
T&R Productions LLC, the production company               funding sources that are disclosed when
responsible for all English language content on           determining whether and how to engage.” The
RT, registered with FARA on November 10, 2017. In         policy is distinct from FARA, but in the same vein.
February 2019, Chinese state-run media
company CGTN America (CGTN) registered as a
U.S.-based agent of the Chinese government. In

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The FARA Handbook

DOJ Public Advisory Opinions                                        and disqualifying the agent from the
                                                                    commerce exemption.
In June 2018, the DOJ released over 50 redacted
FARA advisory opinions addressing common                           Legal Exemption: A U.S. law firm
exemptions. The release of the opinions to the                      submitted an advisory opinion request
public was likely in response to the 2016 IG                        claiming that the legal exemption at 22
report’s recommendation. A few important                            U.S.C § 613(g) applied to its representation
exceptions are outlined below, but for a full list of               of a foreign person and foreign bank. The
the advisory opinions, visit the DOJ website.                       DOJ agreed, noting that the law firm’s
                                                                    activities were limited to the provision of
       Definition of Agency: In response to a
                                                                    legal services to the foreign person and
        recent advisory opinion request, the DOJ
                                                                    foreign bank in the context of a U.S.
        concluded that a commentator hosting a
                                                                    sanctions-related investigation and
        television show that was produced by a
                                                                    enforcement proceeding and were not
        U.S. production company registered
                                                                    intended to influence U.S. sanction policies
        under FARA (because it was producing
                                                                    beyond the law firm’s representation of
        programming for a foreign state-owned
                                                                    the foreign person and foreign bank,
        network) was not required to separately
                                                                    which would have disqualified the firm
        register under FARA given the lack of an
                                                                    from the exemption.
        independent contractual relationship
        between the commentator and the                            LDA Exemption: A U.S. law firm
        foreign state-owned network. As the DOJ                     representing a foreign bank submitted an
        explained, “[The commentator]’s                             advisory opinion request claiming the LDA
        contractual relationship is with [the U.S.                  Exemption under 22 U.S.C. § 613(h)
        production company], a FARA-registered                      applied. As part of its representation of the
        U.S. entity. Therefore, it cannot be said                   foreign bank, the law firm intended to
        that the [commentator] is an ‘agent of a                    lobby Congress, special interest groups,
        foreign principal’ who is acting ‘at the                    and the public. The DOJ concluded that
        order, request, or under the direction or                   the law firm could not avail itself of the
        control of a foreign principal.’”                           LDA exemption because the foreign bank
                                                                    was part of the foreign government,
       Commerce Exemption: A U.S. company
                                                                    making the foreign government the
        providing compliance and consulting
                                                                    principal beneficiary of the law firm’s
        services to a foreign state bank
                                                                    efforts. As DOJ noted, the LDA exemption
        submitted an advisory opinion request
                                                                    does not apply where, as here, a foreign
        seeking confirmation that FARA’s
                                                                    government is the principal beneficiary of
        commerce exemption at 22 U.S.C. §
                                                                    an agent’s activities. See 18 C.F.R. § 5.307.
        613(d) applied. The company
        characterized its services for the bank as          Since June 2018, the DOJ has released 52
        private and non-political, claiming that            additional advisory opinions on its website. These
        its services do not serve a foreign                 opinions continue to help clarify the DOJ’s
        interest. The DOJ disagreed, however.               exemptions to FARA registration and help
        Specifically, the DOJ concluded that the            highlight current FARA enforcement efforts. For
        U.S. company did not qualify for the                example, an opinion released in August 2019
        commerce exemption because the                      clarifies that foreign foundations are foreign
        company’s activities were intended to               principals for which FARA registration may be
        demonstrate the bank’s fitness to                   required.
        establish relationships with U.S. financial         While the DOJ’s advisory opinions shed some light
        institutions, thereby directly promoting            on its application and interpretation of the FARA
        the public interests of the foreign country         statute, they also reinforce the heavily fact-

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specific nature of FARA registration obligation                    Whether the position advocated aligns
determinations.                                                     with the person’s subjective viewpoint;
Given that this considerable gray area exists,                      and
individuals and companies representing foreign                     The nature of the relationship between
individuals, governments, or companies in the                       the person and the foreign principal.
U.S. in a political or quasi-political capacity
should seek counsel for specific advice on FARA             Additional Indictments Under
registration obligations and exemptions.
New DOJ Guidance on ‘Agency’
The DOJ published new Guidance entitled The                 Since the indictment of Paul Manafort in October
Scope of Agency Under FARA in July 2020. The                2017, the NSD has begun to enforce FARA more
new Guidance recognizes that: “[B]ecause FARA               aggressively than it has in decades, resulting in a
regulates expressive activities by U.S. persons             significant increase in criminal indictments. The
that implicate the rights protected under the First         DOJ has also expanded FARA’s reach, using it to
Amendment, it is important that the standards               target covert state action.
governing its application be clear.” As a result,           In February 2019, Gregory Craig, former Skadden
the Guidance presents the DOJ’s “understanding              Partner and former White House Counsel to
of a key threshold determination in assessing               President Obama, was charged with making false
when the requirements of the Act apply – i.e., the          statements to the DOJ in connection with his work
definition of ‘agent of a foreign principal.’” The          for Ukraine. Skadden settled the DOJ’s claims in
Guidance next makes clear that “whether a                   January 2019. The terms include retroactively
person is an agent for purposes of FARA depends             registering as a foreign agent, reviewing
on whether the relationship between the foreign             Skadden’s policies for responding to government
principal and the person is such that the latter’s          inquiry, and paying the U.S. Treasury Department
enumerated activities within the United States              over $4.6 million made from its Ukraine work. In
may be fairly attributed to a foreign principal.”           September 2019, Gregory Craig was acquitted of
The DOJ’s “ultimate test for agency under FARA is           the felony charges.
whether it is ‘fair to draw the conclusion that an          On July 23, 2019, a federal jury convicted Bijan
individual is not acting independently, is not              Rafiekian, an Iranian-American businessman and
simply stating his or her own views, but is acting          Michael Flynn’s partner in pro-Turkey lobbying,
as an agent or alter ego of the foreign principal.’”        on charges of conspiring to act as an agent of a
Accordingly, the government looks for evidence              foreign government, conspiring to make false
of “some level of power by the principal over the           statements and wilful omissions in a FARA filing,
agent or some sense of obligation on the part of            and acting in the U.S. as an unregistered agent of
the agent to achieve the principal’s request.” As           a foreign government. On September 24, 2019, a
part of this analysis, the DOJ considers the                judge in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern
following factors:                                          District of Virginia overturned the conviction.
       Whether those requested to act were                 In October 2020, Trump fundraiser Elliott Broidy
        identified with specificity by the principal;       pleaded guilty to conspiracy to violate FARA for
       The specificity of the action requested;            his role in a “back-channel lobbying campaign”
       Whether the request is compensated or               for the U.S. government to drop an investigation
        coerced;                                            into a matter involving the embezzlement of
                                                            billions from 1Malaysia Development Berhad
       Whether the political activities align with
                                                            (1MDB), a strategic investment and development
        the person’s own interests;
                                                            company wholly owned by the Government of
                                                            Malaysia, and to remove and return a Chinese
                                                            citizen to the People’s Republic of China. Nickie

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The FARA Handbook

Lum Davis (a U.S. businesswoman) and a former             gain access to non-public and classified
DOJ employee also pleaded guilty for their roles          information.
in the conspiracy.
The Trump Administration has also used FARA to            Wiley Experience with FARA
target internet domains used by Iran’s Islamic
                                                          Wiley’s FARA practice is an established practice
Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). In October
                                                          that has been in existence for well over 20 years.
and November 2020, the FBI seized eight domain
                                                          Our attorneys routinely counsel clients on whether
names because the sites violated FARA’s
                                                          registration is required under FARA and, if so, the
registration and disclosure requirements. The
                                                          requirements for registration. We also regularly
seized websites purported to be independent
                                                          draft advisory opinion requests on behalf of
news outlets when in reality, they were operated
                                                          clients to the NSD of the DOJ, which is tasked with
by or on behalf of the IRGC to target the United
                                                          administering and enforcing the statute. Wiley has
States with pro-Iranian propaganda without
                                                          drafted dozens of advisory opinion requests in
notifying the American public that the content of
                                                          recent years, most of which have resulted in a
the websites was published on behalf of the IRGC
                                                          positive result for our clients.
and the Iranian government.
                                                          Wiley attorneys actively assist clients with
In addition, and as mentioned above, the DOJ
                                                          completing and executing their FARA filings and
has used FARA to target Chinese espionage
                                                          ensuring full compliance with the law. We also
efforts in the United States. For instance, in
                                                          provide FARA trainings to foreign agents and
October 2020, eight Chinese officials involved in
                                                          potential foreign agents on an individual and
a “multi-year campaign of harassment and
                                                          company-wide basis. Additionally, our attorneys
stalking” directed at U.S. residents to force their
                                                          have assisted clients with preparing for and
return to China as part of “Operation Fox Hunt”
                                                          participating in DOJ FARA audits as well as
were charged with conspiring to act in the United
                                                          responding to DOJ FARA-related subpoenas.
States as illegal agents of China. The DOJ also
charged a New York City Police Department                 Our attorneys have handled FARA matters for a
official with acting as an illegal Chinese agent in       variety of clients, including 501(c) entities, public
September 2020. Additionally, the DOJ charged a           relations firms, law firms, media companies,
Singaporean doctoral student with acting as an            government affairs practices, public policy
illegal Chinese agent for attempting to cultivate         consulting firms, tourism agencies, and foreign
relationships with Americans with high-level              governments/foreign political parties.
security clearances so that China could seek to

Contact Us

 Daniel B. Pickard         Tessa Capeloto
 202.719.7285              202.719.7586

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