The Forecast - Ventura Yacht Club January 2023

Page created by Alfred Oliver
The Forecast - Ventura Yacht Club January 2023
The Forecast
 2023 Bridge & Their Ladies
Change of Command story and photos on page 9

           January 2023

   Ventura Yacht Club
         Established 1938
The Forecast - Ventura Yacht Club January 2023
The Forecast - Ventura Yacht Club January 2023
2023 Ventura Yacht Club
1755 Spinnaker Drive • Ventura • CA • 93001
                 Flag Officers
  Commodore                           Garrett Baum
  Vice Commodore                      John Sugden
  Rear Commodore                      Don Clark
  Secretary                           Catie Calderwood
  Treasurer                           Rena Mills
  Port Captain                        Bryan Drew
  Fleet Captain/Sail                  Dwight Rowe
  Fleet Captain/Power                 Dan Cahn
  Fleet Surgeon                       Dave Chase, M.D.
  Judge Advocate                      Rob Miller
  Chaplain                            Judi Balcerzak, PhD
             Board of Directors
                   (Term Ending)
   Don Clark (25)                      Rena Mills (24)
   Sean Guiltinan (25)                 Garrett Baum (23)
   John Sugden (25)                    Joel Bozarth (23)
   Carolyn Cahn (24)                   Dwight Rowe (23)
   Donald Hurley (24)                  John Spille (23)
   Dave Merrick (24)                   Miguel Valdes (23)

               Yacht Club Staff
   General Manager
   Assistant Manager                  Kai Salazar
   Waterfront Activities Manager      Braedon Baum
   Head Chef                          José Silva
   Sous Chef                          Carlos Islas

                 Office Hours
                   Daily 0900-1700

            Telephone Number
            Web Page:

                 Marine Radio
      VHF: WRV 530       VYC Group MMSI: 036713092
          In case of an EMERGENCY
   contact The Commodore or a Flag Officer
The Forecast - Ventura Yacht Club January 2023
2023 VYC Committees
Audit                   Jon Everhart, Chair
Bylaws                  Stan Whisenhunt, Chair
Cannoneer               David Boatner/Bob Beck, Co-Chairs
Communications          Stan Whisenhunt/Sheri Green,
Community Outreach      Don Hurley, Chair
Cruise                  Joel Bozarth/Hans Larson, Co-Chairs
Finance                 Rena Mills, Chair
Fishing                 Rob Miller, Chair
Historian               Don Mills
Human Resources         Don Hurley/John Sugden, Co-Chairs
Insurance               Don Hurley/John Sugden, Co-Chairs
Junior’s Program        Christina Baum, Chair
Marina Management       Bryan Drew, Chair
Membership Enrichment   Don Hurley
Membership              Peter Acutt, Chair
PHRF Representative     TBD
Predicted Log Race      Ed Kutchma, Chair
Property Management     David Merrick, Chair
Race                    Don Clark, Chair
Social                  Tracie West/Shelia Reilly, Co-Chairs
Ventura Cup             TBD
Webmaster               Belinda Del Pesco
The Forecast - Ventura Yacht Club January 2023
From the Commodore
                      By Commodore Garrett Baum

H       appy New Year
        and cheers to
2023! The month of
                                                rade of Lights, as always,
                                                was a great way to enjoy
                                                the mid-month. Don and
December was certainly                          Rena Mills and a handful
busy, beginning with our                        of club volunteers deco-
Change of Command and                           rated the Leo Robbins so
Commodore’s Ball, and                           VYC could once again
extending to the annual                         participate. Christina and
Parade of Lights and                            I welcomed our daugh-
ending with Christmas and                       ter, Trevor-Kane, back
New Year’s Eve                                            to town for the
celebrations.                                             remainder of
     Change of                                            December and
Command cer-                                              our family Christ-
tainly was really an                                      mas was com-
incredible night                                          pleted with the
and the VYC staff                                         engagement of
outdid themselves!                                        our son, Braedon,
Members and                                               to his long-time
guests enjoyed                                            girlfriend, Bren-
their meal, and the                                       nyn. The Baum
official ceremony                                         Squad’s hearts are
was filled with                                           truly full.
tradition, laugh-                                              As the new
ter, and comrad-                                          year begins, I look
ery. Outgoing Commodore, Dave        forward to serving as your Commo-
Boatner, presented members with      dore, am hopeful for the continued
perpetual trophies (see the Change   progress of the dock replacement,
of Command social article) and       long for the club’s cruising season,
the outgoing Directors with gifts of and the enjoyment of the friendships
appreciation. Afterwards, members    here at VYC.
danced the night away and fun was
had by all.
     The annual Ventura Harbor Pa-   Garrett Baum
January 2023                   VYC Forecast                               5
Vice Views
                        By Vice Commodore John Sugden

I  hope everyone had a
   happy holiday season. The
December 3, 2022 Change
                                                        mas party, the Parade of
                                                        Lights and the New Year’s
                                                        Eve party. I hope everyone
of Command Dinner                                       has the time to take part in
included swearing in the                                events or at least to simply
new Bridge and Board of                                 hang out at the club and
Directors for 2023. While                               enjoy the warmth of the
Belinda Del Pesco will no                               club’s delightful fireplace
longer be on the Board, her                             (even if Ventura’s weather is
husband, Don Clark, is the                              not particularly frightful),
new Rear Commodore and                                  the beautiful decorations
Sean Guiltinan will fill Belinda’s place as and some holiday cheer with friends and
the newest Board member.                    family.
    Commodore David Boatner has                  And finally, since it is never too
been “promoted” to Junior Staff Com-        soon to plan for next year, I am looking
modore but still has a lot to do to assist  forward to getting back to Wet Wednes-
the Board/Bridge and to finish the dock days, to cruises to the islands, and to
project.                                    fixing up Yankee’s brightwork.
    As the Vice Commodore, per the
Bylaws, my duties will change to include
acting as the Chief Executive Officer in
the Commodore’s absence (not likely to John Sugden
happen very often since Garrett Baum,
the new Commodore, literally lives at           Don’t Forget the
the club), assisting the Commodore,
being responsible for membership                 New Year’s Day
matters including the Members’ roster,
and acting as the executive officer for
social events and related activities for                   10 a.m. in the
the maintenance and development of                        downstairs patio
the club’s structures and grounds. I will
focus my attention and future articles                     Bring a dish
on these issues, and I will need a lot of                 to share
    I am looking forward to working                      Hope to
with this excellent team.                           see you there.
    In December, we have the Christ-

6                                 VYC Forecast                         January 2023
From the Rear
                    By Rear Commodore Don Clark

2    023 is here and I am
     excited to get started
in my role as your Rear
                                                     ager & Youth Sailing
                                                     Head Instructor Brae-
                                                     don Baum shared that
Commodore.                                           the Green Fleet Race
     Once I committed to                             Team attended Cabrillo
be a candidate, Dave Boat-                           Beach Yacht Club’s Holi-
ner and the Bridge invited                           day Opti Regatta in
me to participate in many                            early December. All eight
discussions to further my                            members of our team
understanding and the                                attended. Four of the
context for many of the projects        eight ended up in the top 10.
underway, how things work, and              As the new year gets underway
to ask questions. I also attended       and you’re planning your 2023
the last three board meetings as        getaways, look at the VYC Master
part of the gallery hoping it would     Calendar and plan to attend one of
jumpstart what I needed to know.        the many Cruises in 2023. Be sure
I figure it gave me a two-month         to consider the Catalina Cruise July
head start. I am so grateful to Dave,   23 -28. Last year we had 24 boats.
Garrett and John for encouraging        Let’s set a stretch goal of 30 boats
this approach. Still much to learn      this year.
and I’m continually amazed at the           With 2022 behind us along
amount of activity that goes on         with many of the pandemic chal-
behind the scenes.                      lenges, we can go full speed into
     Racing is one of the most popu-    2023. I will always be open to sug-
lar programs at the club. For 2023      gestions and if I have a blind spot,
we have a tremendous number of          please don’t hesitate to reach out to
experienced people who will con-        me directly.
tinue to stay involved and drive the        I wish you all a Happy New Year
program forward. The Race Awards        and hope to see you at the club and
Dinner is scheduled for Saturday        on the water.
January 28 and is open to all and a
great way to get involved.
     Our Waterfront Activities Man-     Don Clark

January 2023                   VYC Forecast                                 7
8   VYC Forecast   January 2023
Change of Command &
            Commodore’s Ball
                                By Christina Baum

O       h, what a night! The VYC staff
        really went all out to deliver an
impeccable evening for this semi-
formal tradition. The tables were
set with care and Judy Cunningham
and her crew put together gorgeous
floral centerpieces arranged in crystal
boats donated by Mary Beck. Mem-
bers and guests were met at the top
of the stairs and escorted to their
tables where they were offered drinks
of their choice before diving into
yummy shrimp cocktail and stuffed
mushroom hors d’oeuvres. Conversa-
tions floated while soft music played
and before long the salad course of
the meal was delivered. The perfectly
plated fillet mignon and lobster tails
accompanied by grilled asparagus
and pearled cous-cous arrived with
precision, and when dinner was
done, decadent chocolate and lemon
mousse deserts followed.
    With the meal done and the staff
thanked by a member-led standing
ovation, the official ceremony began
led by outgoing Commodore, Dave
Boatner. Perpetual awards were given
in the following categories: The
Guardian Award is new this year and
salutes a member who has displayed

       Continued on page 10

January 2023                   VYC Forecast         9
Change of Command & Commodore’s Ball
                             Continued from page 9
exemplary action that helped safe-
guard a fellow member, or VYC prop-
erty from danger, damage, or loss.
The recipient was Cate Calderwood
for her action and assistance to Rob
Miller during the Catalina cruise. The
Burgee of Merit was awarded to Jim
Dembowski; Bryan Drew took home
the Seamanship Trophy; The Mer-
rill C. Alynn Memorial Trophy was
awarded to Dan Cahn; Dwight Rowe
was the recipient of the Don Mills
Service Award; The Commodore’s
Award was presented to Bill Crew;
and Joel Bozarth was the proud win-
ner of the dubious Screwball Award.
     After Dave gave his address, it was
time for incoming Commodore, Gar-
rett Baum, to take his oath of office.
The swearing-in of the Directors for
the 2023 term followed and the cer-
emony closed with the pinning of the
Bridge Officers and Garrett’s closing
remarks, which included some anec-
dotes about sailing sabots with Amy
West and playing beach football on
Santa Cruz Island with Pete Rusher
in days gone by. Garrett wrapped up
his remarks by asking everyone to
stick around to watch incoming Vice
Commodore, John Sugden’s awesome
dance moves. And boy, did we dance!
A big shout out to Emilie West who

        Continued on page 11

10                               VYC Forecast        January 2023
Change of Command & Commodore’s Ball
                            Continued from page 10
not only put together a great play list,
but also created a QR code which
was placed on every table so members
could “dump” their photos from the
night into a shared file.
    A hearty congratulations to all
incoming officers, and heart-felt
gratitude to those who are wrapping
up their terms. Garrett, John and Don
Clark are all looking forward to see-
ing you at Meet the Bridge.

January 2023                      VYC Forecast       11
12   VYC Forecast   January 2023
Distinguished VYC Sailors
           Thirty-Six Years Ago
                       By Donald F. Mills, Club Historian

W        ith the election and installation the outstanding achievements of three
         of Garrett Baum Commodore
for 2023, I started thinking how long
                                           VYC youth. The story included Gar-
                                           rett, Kevin Hall, and Ryan Cox. What
he had been actively sailing at Ventura    should make VYC extremely proud is
Yacht Club. Soon I found a newspa-         that today, thirty-six years later, these
per clipping from the Star-Free Press      same men continue to excel in their on-
of September 17, 1986, reporting on        the-water or vocational activities.

                                                          Continued on page 14

January 2023                       VYC Forecast                                   13
Distinguished VYC Sailors
                  Thirty-Six Years Ago
                              Continued from page 13
     So, what has been happening in
the lives of these three men in the last
36 years?
     Kevin Hall represented the US
Olympic team in Athens in Finns, in
2004, and competed on four America
Cup Teams as Navigator. He is now
“retired” in New Zealand, writing and
enjoying guitar, song writing and play-
ing music. His mother, Susanne Lam-                   Kevin Hall
mot, is long-time member of VYC.
     Garrett Baum has continued
competitive sailing to this date in
many different boat classes. He has an
active sailing family, including his son,
Braedon, who is now in charge of the
Junior's Program at VYC. Garrett’s
parents, Dave and Nancy Baum, were
members of VYC until they relocated
to northern California. Garrett is cur-
rently an estimator for Goldenwood
Truss in Ventura.                                    Garrett Baum
     Ryan Cox is a graduate of the
United States Naval Academy in
Annapolis and served as a U.S. Navy
SEAL. He was on the Navy sailing
Team. He continues to be a competi-
tor sailor and is teaching his young son
to be the same. Ryan is a real estate
professional with Strategic Holdings
in Westlake Village. Ryan’s parents,
Ivan and Liz Cox, are long-time VYC
members.                                              Ryan Cox

14                             VYC Forecast                     January 2023
January 2023   VYC Forecast   15
Social Report
                     By Tracie West and Sheila Reilly

G      reetings and Happy Holidays!
       A huge thank you to Judy and
her group of volunteers that worked so
                                         and effort kicking off the holiday
                                              Sheila and I are thrilled and hon-
hard trimming the tree, and decorat-     ored to be your new social chairs. We
ing the club.                            are looking forward to serving you and
    A special thanks to Sandy Swan-      are planning lots of fun and exciting
son, Sheila Reilly, and Jean Crew for    events in the new year.
creating the origami Opti sailboats           We welcome all comments and
that hang among the garland.             suggestions you may have and would
    The club is really decorated quite   love to hear from you ideas you may
beautifully and set the tone for the     have for social events. Please join us
tree trimming event which was so         for the Social Committee Meetings
lovely. What an honor to have Leslie     Every Second Sunday of the month at
Rigney perform for us.                   2 p.m.
    We appreciate all the hard work           We're looking forward to this year!

16                              VYC Forecast                       January 2023
Junior's Program
                                  By Braedon Baum

I  n an effort to recap this last year had
   by VYC and find my favorite mo-
ments from it, I pulled copies of The
                                           tion; and a whole race team created in
                                           the last year. Junior Members amongst
                                              these youth sailors have been invited
Forecast that I’ve saved. Before I             to Clean-Up Day; Labor Day BBQ;
had even started reading, some-                  Father’s Day BBQ; Wet Wednes-
thing struck the fringes of my                     days; Trim the Tree; and a few
mind: the Forecasts of a year                       other social events throughout
ago felt lighter than those                           the year, fostering an interest
of 2022. A quick investi-                               in VYC amongst both the
gation found that the                                     kids and their families.
difference in number                                             In success, our entire
of pages wasn’t                                              Opti Race Team at-
immense, but                                                  tended Cabrillo Beach
the difference in                                               Yacht Club’s Opti
number of articles,                                             Holiday Regatta at the
reports, event                                                  beginning of Decem-
notices, etc., was.                                            ber, and their growth
My search wasn’t                                               illustrated there
finding a black-and-white separation       when compared to their first regatta at
between years as in “We had no suc-        SBYC—even when comparing Day 1 to
cess in 2021, but did in 2022”; rather, I  Day 2 at CBYC—made me proud of ev-
found this club of ours showing growth ery one of them. Sections of my debrief
in the number of achievements at-          on Day 2 included comments on how
tached to the respective successes! VYC many moved from back-of-the-pack to
hosted more social and sailing events      mid-fleet; made improvements on their
this calendar year than one might have     fleet tactics as a whole; and constantly
expected. Moreover, such events were       exemplified sportsmanship qualities. I
often held at capacity, or at least with   am pleased to announce that this team
more attendees than many could recall      will finish the Carrie Series next semes-
ever seeing before.                        ter and begin to prepare for moving into
     As some of you might expect, I        the Championship Fleet in Fall 2023.
am most capable of commenting on                Junior Members were able to take
the growth and success of the Junior       full advantage of their benefits in the so-
Program (who would’ve “thunk” it?).        cial aspect of VYC by attending our first
In growing of the program, youths have Christmas event, Trim the Tree, with
had Saturday Training Events; Spring
Break Camp; the Opening Day Exhibi-                  Continued on page 18

January 2023                       VYC Forecast                                     17
Support Our Junior's Sailing Program by
     Signing up for AmazonSmile
T      he Ventura
       Youth Sail-
ing Foundation
                                                               or AmazonSmile
                                                               on your Amazon
provides money                                                 Shopping app, you
for equipment and scholarships to our      will be prompted to select a charitable
junior sailing program. AmazonSmile        organization to receive donations from
is a simple way for you to support the     eligible purchases before you begin
Ventura Youth Sailing Foundation           shopping. Amazon will remember
every time you shop, at no cost to you!    your selection, and then every eligible
AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of your       purchase you make on AmazonSmile
eligible purchases to the our junior       will result in a donation. After selecting
youth sailing program.                     a charitable organization, you can also
      All you need to do is go to smile.   activate AmazonSmile on the Amazon On your first visit to         Shopping app.

                         Junior's Program
                              Continued from page 19
great fun had by all. Junior and Regu- items! Right before the parade, Coach
lar Members and their families had a      Skyler, Coach Chase, and I were pre-
chance to come to the patio to deco-      sented gifts and cards from the Race
rate cookies and make their own orna- Team and the whole group for our
ments to be placed on one of the club’s efforts towards instruction.
Christmas trees. On December 17,               My favorite moments through
many of you may have seen the Annual this year were attached to the return
Juniors Christmas Party being hosted      of a youth program similar to what I
in the downstairs patio. A potluck-       experienced as a kid. More than for my
style get-together, Junior Members get own sake of reminiscence, however, I
this exclusive event to gather and tell   wanted to share those kind of incred-
tales of a year shared at the club. Not   ible, fostering, and coming-of-age
exclusive to Junior Members, however, experiences with the children of today.
are the decorating stations for cookies I hope that next year I can look back
and ornaments; I was overjoyed to see and find Forecasts have been filled out
children and grandchildren of mem-        even more. Regardless, I am sure that
bers, members themselves, and even        2023 will be filled with its very own
our very own staff member Kuwesi          special moments!
Shakur and his family decorating these

18                               VYC Forecast                         January 2023
January 2023   VYC Forecast   19
20   VYC Forecast   January 2023
2022 Parade of Lights
                                   By Don Mills

T     he Ventura Yacht Club launch
      Leo Robbins was awarded 1st
Place – Best Non-Profit in this year’s
Ventura Harbor Parade of Lights.
This is the ninth year that VYC
has participated. The theme this
year was “Out of This World.” The
designer considered this to mean
not earthly. Last year the theme was
“SEAing is Believing” and exhibited          Don Mills with the Leo Robbins.
an 8’ high Santa being towed on wa-
ter skis by a porpoise, accompanied
by a pelican, startled seagulls and
swimming fish. The 2022 theme re-
quired something quite different, so
our 8’ high Santa straddled a rocket
and encountered flying saucers as
he was leaving earth. The rocket is
named “Dasher 2” and has a flashing
red nose.
     Our Leo Robbins decorating          dismantling the boat and storing
committee has been very success-         materials. Don Mills’ commit-
ful, winning an award every year         tee consisted of Belinda DelPesco,
that it has participated, winning one Dawnita Fendley, Dave Boatner,
2nd Place – Non-Profit, six 1st Place    Jim Albert, Tom Henderson, Dean
– Best Non-Profit, and two Show          Prophet, Dave Merrick, Jim Graves,
Stopper prizes. Our experienced          Brian Drew, Don Clark, Rena Mills
design team has down most of the         and Jan Lawson.
techniques that the judges appar-             Additionally, two VYC Mem-
ently like. VYC repurposes various       bers also entered this year’s compe-
materials effectively from year to       tition. Peter Acutt’s boat won the
year.                                    People’s Choice award and 1st place
     Thanks go to all the VYC volun- in the Over 30’ Sailboat category.
teers who participated in the deco-      Sean Guiltinan’s boat won 2nd place
ration of the Leo Robbins launch,        in the Over 30’ Sailboat category.

January 2023                    VYC Forecast                                21
Having a Party?
     Tired of Cleaning UP?
      Call the Ventura Yacht Club and
     have your party or function here!

 O     ne of the great benefits of membership is that you have access to a
       great facility for weddings, anniversary celebrations, birthday parties
 – you name it. The club is available for your friends and family members
 who are having a party. All you have to do is be a sponsor.
       Reasonable prices and Great location!!
                      Club rental fees:
 Club Facilities Fee (Non-staffed events)
 Member-hosted only
 13 to 25 persons: $100 26 to 50 persons: $175
 51 to 75 persons: $225 76+ persons: $350
 No regularly scheduled club food service or events will be cancelled for
 these member hosted, non-staffed events. Outside caterers or staffing
 is prohibited. Rental times from 9 a.m. - 10 p.m. only, not to exceed five
 hours. Events extending beyond 5 hours will be billed double.

 Club Usage Fee (VYC staffed events)
 Member-hosted parties		      Member-sponsored parties
 13 to 50 persons: $100		     Under 50 persons: $300
 51+ persons: $200		          50 to 99 persons: $500
 		                           100 persons or more: $800
                Bartender and catering available.
   Bartender charge for member-hosted parties: $30 per hour.
 Bartender charge for member-sponsored parties: $45 per hour.
       The best place in town to have a party and you save the
       headaches of hosting in your own home. Call the club at
         642-0426 for more details or to make a reservation.

22                               VYC Forecast                        January 2023
January 2023   VYC Forecast   23
Membership Report
                                     Peter Acutt

A      s the year rounds out, we are
       pleased to introduce two new
                                            would like to take a minute to reflect on
                                            another great productive and healthy
trial members and to celebrate two trial year at VYC. In addition, we'd like
members who have converted to regular to take a moment to wish everyone a
membership.                                 Merry Christmas along with a Happy
     The Membership Committee               and Healthy 2023.

     Trial Members Tim Neavin & Alice Hsu
S    ince I was a kid, I was
     always enamored by
boats and the ocean. My
                                                              ing childhood.
                                                                  Today my slip is in
                                                              Santa Barbara, but I live
parents owned a little                                        and work as a plastic
cottage in Ocean City,                                        surgeon part time in
NJ, where I used to spend                                     both Los Angeles and
much of my summers.                                           Santa Barbara and
My favorite store on the                                      passing Ventura every
boardwalk was the “Smug-                                      day I felt it was the
gler’s Shop,” a unique store                                  right place to take out a
that sold all kinds of sea                                    membership and meet
memorabilia and fishing items which             new people.
planted the seeds of my fascination for            Alice looks forward to learning
boats. Yes, I finally got a boat; I feel like   more about boats and also meeting new
owning one is an extension to my amaz-          people.

                   Trial Member Jill Langley
M      om of three
       adult kids,
new sailboat owner
                                                                the travel and tour-
                                                                ism industry all my
                                                                life and continue to
with dreams of sailing                                          have a heart and soul
in beautiful places                                             full of wanderlust. I
around the world. Not                                           am always open to
very experienced but                                            good conversation.
eager to learn.                                                      I moved to Ox-
    I have lived in Cal-                                        nard from Woodland
ifornia most of my life,                                        Hills right before
but have also called Hawaii, London             COVID shut us down. I love my new
and Sydney (AU) home. I’ve been in              hometown.

24                                    VYC Forecast                       January 2023
Race Report
                                By Jim Dembowski

T     he achievements and good
      times sailboat racing in
2022 will be celebrated in the
                                              the area for the upcoming year. As
                                                always, there’s going to be tasty
                                                    food (Pasta Bar), ample liba-
evening of Saturday, January                           tions, and (of course) good
28, 2023 at the club. This year                            company! Sign up and/
will not only recognize those of                              or notify the office so
us of a more advanced age; this                               we’ll have an idea as
year the Juniors will be there                                to attendance. Fair
to celebrate their own. There                                 Winds and Smooth
will be info provided as to the                               Seas for 2023!
racing program at VYC and in

                       Membership Report
                               Continued from page 24
   Regular Members Donna Morris, Kate
  Crandall and Atiana, Amber and Allison
D      onna, Kate and the three girls be-
       came Trial members in September
2022 and have now joined as Regular
     We look forward to seeing them all
in and around the club with their boat
as the girls are participating in the youth
sailing program year-round. Welcome
on board!

Regular Members Wolfgang & Judy Kanschat

W        olfgang and Judy became Trial
         members in February 2022 and
have now joined as Regular members.
    They have become active members
and will be remembered for their efforts
during the Oktober Fest. Welcome on

January 2023                        VYC Forecast                                   25
26   VYC Forecast   January 2023
January 2023   VYC Forecast   27
28   VYC Forecast   January 2023
VYC Staff Commodores at the International Organization of the Blue
Gavel holiday party.

                          Port Captain
                                    By Bryan Drew

O       ur seasons are changing and here
        come the winds and hopefully
some rain too. Our boats and dinghies
                                             connections for the coming rains. Our
                                             Slip Waiting Lists are doing well with
                                             a smooth transition and five-way team
and other “Rain Collectors” will appre-      agreement on each renter’s assignment.
ciate being stowed in a position which       I’m confident to say that there is little
allows the water to run off and dry eas-     room for ambiguities in our approved
ily. The sun is low and mildew chances       club rules. And remember, “Our Boats
are high if fresh water collects. I watch    are Missing Us.” See you on the Docks!
every storm and our marina yachts are
well furled and tied with little problems
in a blow – Well Done club! Be wary of
our surging currents this winter, espe-
cially along C-Dock, and keep those
lines tight; the cleat bolts fatigue quickly
when repeatably tugged upon by a heavy
yacht. Please also check your electrical

January 2023                        VYC Forecast                                    29
30   VYC Forecast   January 2023
January 2023   VYC Forecast   31
Club Hours
       Dinner ..........................................................................................1700-2030
       Lunch ............................................................................................1100-1400
       Grill Night ....................................................................................1700-2030
       Breakfast .......................................................................................0800-1230
       Rolling Sunday Munchies ..........................................................1230-1700
  New Extended Bar
       Friday ............................................................................................1600-2130
       Saturday ........................................................................................1100-2130
       Sunday ...........................................................................................0800-1800
  Office Hours
       Daily ..............................................................................................0900-1700
     Meeting Notice: The Annual Meeting of the Membership is held on the fourth Friday
of October at 7 p.m. Regular Meetings of the Membership are usually held on the fourth
Friday of the months of January, April, July, August, and September and are held after dinner.
The Board of Directors usually meets the third Thursday of every month except December at
7 p.m. Notice of a change to Regular Meetings of the Membership, or of a change to Board
of Director meetings, and Notice of Special Board of Director meetings will be via the VYC
website Master Calendar.

                            The Forecast
T    he Forecast is distributed to the membership by the first of
     each month. Contributing articles and photographs should be
sent to both the editor and graphic designer by the copy deadline
or left at the club office.

     Copy deadline: The 15th of the month prior to publication.
     (i.e. Content for the January Forecast is due December 15.)

     Editor: Stan Whisenhunt, 805-919-0555;

     Copy Editor: Sheri Green, 661-414-6915; sheriholz@

     Graphic Designer: Cindy Daly, 805-701-0882;

32                                              VYC Forecast                                       January 2023
January 2023   VYC Forecast   33
Andrew B. Clark, January 1.                   Loretta Palmer-Lyon, January 20.
Floyd Hester, January 2.                      Jim Suley, January 20.
Sean Marquart, January 3.                     Rudy Nodar, January 21.
Dan Danska, January 4.                        Sam Daley, January 22.
Carolyn Vanbenthuysen, January 4.             Mike Leary, January 22.
Velvet Satin Heller, January 5.               James Wise, January 22.
John Berry, January 6.                        Shoshanna Hnat, January 23.
Pierre Gastonguay, January 6.                 Sheila Reilly, January 24.
Susan Nelson, January 6.                      Susan Nodar, January 26.
Diane DiConti, January 7.                     Ken Collin, January 27.
Heidi Francke, January 8.                     Fred Vance, January 27.
Jan Hester, January 8.                        Debbie Gastonguay, January 28.
Tom Henderson, January 10.                    Richard Heller, January 29.
Mary Beck, January 20.                        Eric Rigney, January 30.
Doug Farrell, January 20.                     Brooks Jenson, January 31.
Gregory Frank, January 20.                    Eleanor West, January 31.
Henry Meyers, January 20.

         Ventura Yacht Club 2023 Advertising Rates
  Business Card (3” wide x 2” tall)*                               $ 50 per month
      ($45 if advertiser commits for 6 months)
  Half-page (5” wide x 3 1/2” tall)*                               $ 75 per month
      ($65 if advertiser commits for 6 months)
  Full-page (5” wide x 7 1/2” tall)*                               $105 per month
      ($95 if advertiser commits for 6 months)
  Full-page - inside cover - color (5” wide x 8” tall)*            $150 per month
      ($125 if pay in advance 6 months or more)
  Full-page - back cover - color (5” wide x 8” tall)*              $175 per month
       ($150 if pay in advance 6 months or more)
 *Prices are for camera ready ads. If not camera ready, an additional charge will apply
 for set-up. Ads are black and white except for the inside cover and back cover.
 To place an ad please contact the VYC office at 805-642-0426.

34                                  VYC Forecast                            January 2023
January 2023   VYC Forecast   35
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