The Flow of Progress - PUB

The Flow of Progress - PUB
Our Water:

The Flow of Progress
              ANNUAL REPORT 2014/2015
The Flow of Progress - PUB
     The Flow of Progress                1

     Board of Directors                  2

     Chairman’s Message                  3

     Chief Executive’s Message           4

     Milestones                          6

     Our Beginnings:
     - Remembering Lee Kuan Yew          10

     - PUB and Urban Water Management:
       A Retrospective Assessment        14

     Our Four National Taps:
     A Story of Innovation               16

     Our Future:
     A Thriving Global Hydrohub          26

     Our Life:
     Managing and Conserving Water       38

     Our People:
     Another Crucial Resource            50

     Financial Highlights                58

The Flow of Progress - PUB

The Flow of Progress
In the 1960s, Singapore was so lacking in water that this precious resource had to be rationed island-wide.
Today, we are worry-free when we turn on our taps. Good water management in Singapore has made this
possible – we have come a long way in a short five decades.

It all began from the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew, who was a visionary in water sustainability. Singapore’s water
security was his lifelong obsession. Today, his vision continues to guide PUB, Singapore’s national water
agency. By focusing on an integrated approach to water management and investing in R&D, PUB has created
a robust, diversified and sustainable water supply system for Singapore.

The mission never ends. It is in the heart of every PUB leader, innovator, engineer and technical officer
to provide adequate and affordable water. Yet, we are not alone in this journey. PUB works closely with
local and international partners to innovate, and we rally the public to care for water, which is now more
precious than ever.

In short, the Singapore water story is one of progress: water, once a vulnerability, has become the nation’s
strength. We have a compelling water story. And we are excited to share it with the world.

The Flow of Progress - PUB

    MR TAN GEE PAW           MR NG JOO HEE                     MR ZAINAL BIN SAPARI       MR LIM HOW TECK                  MS JANET ANG
    Chairman                 Chief Executive                   Director                   Chairman                         Vice President
    PUB                      PUB                               National Trades            Redwood International Pte Ltd    IBM Asia Pacific
                                                               Union Congress

             MR QUEK TONG BOON            MR CHAN BENG SENG               PROF CHAN ENG SOON               MS RACHEL ENG                  MR TAN WAH YEOW
             Chief Defence Scientist      Director, Sector Development    Vice Provost (Special Duties)    Joint Managing Partner         Deputy Managing Partner
             Ministry of Defence          and Commissioning/              National University              WongPartnership LLP            KPMG Singapore
                                          Healthcare Finance,             of Singapore
                                          Ministry of Health

The Flow of Progress - PUB

                                                                                                                  MR TAN GEE PAW
As our nation celebrates our golden         1970s, but it was not till the 1990s that                             Chairman
jubilee, I cannot help but think about      technological breakthroughs made these                                PUB
how Singapore’s water story has             feasible in terms of cost. We eventually
unfolded. In 1963, shortly after we were    reached a milestone with NEWater in
granted self-governance, the country        2003 and desalinated water in 2005 –         “Our quest may have
experienced a drought so severe that        our third and fourth national taps.          changed from survival
even as a teenager I realised this would
be a matter of survival in the long run.    Meanwhile, there were some major             to sustainability, but the
                                            challenges to tackle. We built more          importance of long-term
Fortunately for us, Singapore had a         reservoirs and a proper stormwater
visionary at the helm. When Singapore       drainage network to harvest our tropical
                                                                                         planning and innovation
achieved independence, Mr Lee Kuan          rainfall. We built a sewerage network to     has not changed.”
Yew was Prime Minister and he was           replace the night soil collection system.
determined to drive Singapore towards       We also cleaned up the Singapore River       generation at PUB have ensured that
water sustainability. As he would later     and resettled pig and duck farmers in the    Singapore has a sustainable water
recount, he immediately recognised that     process. This paved the way for Marina       supply for generations to come.
“every other policy had to bend at the      Reservoir, created when the Marina
knees for water survival”. Mr Lee tasked    Barrage was built. As an urban reservoir,    While their foresight, innovativeness
a team of engineers to systematically       an instrument of flood control and a         and sheer hard work have made us
collect and turn every drop of water in     venue for recreation and celebration, the    reasonably secure for now, we should
Singapore into potable water. This was      Marina Reservoir is an icon of Singapore’s   not be complacent. Our quest may
a seemingly impossible task, but as in      success in water resource management.        have changed from survival to
so many other areas, the architect of                                                    sustainability, but the importance of
Singapore’s water story saw possibilities   As a result of all these efforts, two-       long-term planning and innovation
rather than impossibilities. With his       thirds of Singapore’s land is now water      has not changed.
usual perceptiveness, he foresaw that       catchment, and up to 30% of our water
technology would one day make his           supply comes from reclaimed water. This      As we enter the next chapter of
vision a reality.                           makes us one of the very few urbanised       Singapore’s history, the best way for
                                            cities in the world to harvest stormwater    us to repay the debt to Mr Lee and
PUB took its cue from Mr Lee. We            as well as practise water reuse on a large   Singapore’s water pioneers is to carry on
began researching desalination and          scale. More importantly, the efforts of      their good work with the same “can-do”
water reclamation as far back as the        our founding fathers and the pioneer         attitude. I wish us all a happy SG50.
The Flow of Progress - PUB
                                                                                            MR NG JOO HEE
                                                                                            Chief Executive
    OUR MISSION                                  the responsibility of the dedicated men
    Singapore’s continued ability to ensure      and women of the PUB. This is a heavy
    water security and sustainability            and difficult responsibility, but also a
    guarantees our national survival and         noble and awe-inspiring one.                “By supplying good water,
    economic prosperity. This was the case
    at independence as it is now when            It is one that our 3,400 hardworking        reclaiming used water
    Singapore turns 50.                          staff execute every day with pride and      and taming stormwater,
                                                 dedication. By supplying good water,
    As the national water agency and the sole    reclaiming used water and taming
                                                                                             they make everyday life
    water utility in Singapore, PUB is tasked    stormwater, they make everyday life         possible.”
    with this hallowed mission, and we hold it   possible. And because our officers take
    to be paramount.                             their work seriously and work hard          demand for water to more than double
                                                 at it, they also make a successful and      by 2061 to 800mgd a day. This is also
    In Singapore, we like to say that we         prosperous Singapore possible.              around the time our water agreement
    have closed the water loop. So PUB is                                                    with Malaysia will end. By 2030, 15 years
    responsible for not just supplying good      SUPPLY GOOD WATER                           from now, total demand would have
    potable water, but also for reclaiming       Singapore’s demand for water is 400         reached 560mgd, or a third more than
    all used water and taming stormwater.        million imperial gallons a day (mgd),       today’s. This is water that we do not
    As such, we operate waterworks and a         roughly 760 Olympic-size pools full of      have now. Water that we will need to find
    reticulation network that bring drinking     the life-giving stuff.                      and to treat.
    water to every customer. We also operate
    the sewerage system that collects liquid     There is just not enough space on           Consequently, we spend a lot of time
    waste and brings it to water reclamation     Singapore to collect and store all          and devote a lot of resources in PUB to
    plants for treatment. And PUB builds,        the water that we need. As such,            planning for the future. In PUB, we always
    operates and maintains drains and canals,    although right on the equator and in        build ahead of demand. Singapore’s
    which channel stormwater for storage in      the tropics, Singapore is actually a        third desalination plant has just been
    our system of freshwater reservoirs.         water-challenged country.                   announced. When commissioned in
                                                                                             2017, it will add another 30mgd to our
    Operating, maintaining, sustaining and       Even so, industry and commerce grow,        capacity for water supply, and bring total
    improving this expensive and critical        our population increases, and the demand    desalination capacity to 130mgd, about a
    infrastructure is, of course,                for water can only rise. We expect total    third of present demand.

The Flow of Progress - PUB

RECLAIM USED WATER                        TAME STORMWATER                               waterways for public access and             Today’s Singapore is not short of water,
The H2O molecule is never lost. Water     Although too much water is always             use. Our targets for the Sustainable        and if we do our work well, it should
can always be reclaimed and retreated     preferred to too little, because we live in   Singapore Blueprint 2015 are to have        always be so. This is only possible
so that it can be drunk again. PUB is a   the tropics, we are sometimes subjected       1,039ha of reservoirs and 100km of          because we have used our imagination,
world leader in this.                     to overwhelming precipitation. Climate        waterways open for recreational use         researching and testing continuously,
                                          change and global warming mean that           by 2030. These targets should be            and have exploited technology to
We reclaim every drop of sewage           the weather will become more variable.        easily surpassed.                           overcome our water challenges. In
and turn most of it into drinking         Rain storms can be more intense and                                                       this way, we have managed to turn a
water again, in the form of NEWater.      the ensuing rainfall go on to defeat our      PUB’s Active, Beautiful, Clean Waters       disadvantage into a strength, and a
Everything our customers flush down       drainage system.                              (ABC Waters) Programme is our main          vulnerability into an opportunity.
the sewers is collected in a tunnel,                                                    leverage for Singaporeans to get close
the deepest thing in the ground,          Since the 2010 Orchard Road floods,           to water, to love and cherish our waters,   OUR VISION
and brought by gravity to a water         PUB has invested great effort                 and therefore to protect our catchment      In this special year of our nation’s
reclamation plant at the end of the       into reviewing and upgrading our              and waterways. Since its inception in       Golden Jubilee, PUB can look back
tunnel to be treated. A deep sewerage     stormwater management regime.                 2006, 28 ABC Waters projects have been      half a century with justifiable
tunnel now runs from Kranji to Changi.    The resulting Source-Pathway-Receptor         completed. The best known of this is        satisfaction. At the same time, as we
We are in advanced preparations to        approach is a far smarter way to tame         of course the re-naturalisation of the      mourn the passing of the architect of
extend this Deep Tunnel Sewerage System   stormwater. Over the next few years,          Kallang River that runs through Bishan-     Singapore’s remarkable water story,
in the coming years, building another     many Source-Pathway-Receptor projects         Ang Mo Kio Park.                            we also look forward.
line from the city to Tuas, and then to   will come to fruition. These include
connect the two tunnels.                  the Bukit Timah First Diversion Canal,        Our plan is to implement 100 projects       Mr Lee Kuan Yew may no longer be
                                          Stamford Detention Tank and Stamford          by 2030, and we are working hard to         with us. But his legacy lives on. His
The water reclamation plant to be built   Diversion Canal, all very expensive           make this a reality.                        legacy drives us to accomplish our
at the end of the new tunnel in Tuas      projects.                                                                                 daily mission of supplying good water,
will be a special one. The Tuas Water                                                   TECHNOLOGY, INNOVATION,                     reclaiming used water and taming
Reclamation Plant will, of course, have   In addition, drainage improvement             INGENUITY                                   stormwater to the best of our abilities.
a NEWater factory integrated into it.     works at 190 locations across Singapore       If we just do more of the same, the         This is a sacred mission that he has
This new NEWater plant will debut the     were completed from 2012 to 2014.             next drop of water will always be more      bequeathed to us.
latest membrane-based technology that     Another 119 are ongoing, and 35 will          expensive to collect, treat and deliver.
we have been working on the last few      begin this year. Our aim is to ultimately     So, PUB is perpetually looking for          His vision for a Singapore that will
years. More excitingly, the Tuas Water    reduce flood prone areas to 23ha, which       new ways of doing things, for new           always have enough water, and for
Reclamation Plant will be developed       would be just 0.3% of Singapore’s total       innovations that will let us produce        every Singaporean to cherish every last
jointly with NEA’s planned Integrated     land area.                                    life-giving water cheaper and in an         drop of water, endures and continues.
Waste Management Facility. This keenly                                                  easier way.
anticipated combined facility will be     ACTIVE, BEAUTIFUL, CLEAN                                                                  Every one of us in PUB owes it to Mr Lee
a world first and bring unprecedented     Almost everyone loves to be near clean        Because the heavens do not give us          to ensure that Singapore will never ever
synergies in terms of land take, energy   water, to see water and to interact with      enough water or the space to keep it, we    go thirsty.
savings and operational efficiency.       water. Because of this, PUB has over the      have to look to clever science and high
                                          years been opening up waterbodies and         technology, and to human ingenuity.
The Flow of Progress - PUB
         A brief history of our water journey. A reflection on
         where we came from and where we are today.

         1963                        1965                      1972                             1987                      1995                        2000

         Forming PUB                 Small Beginnings          Strategising for                 A Cleaner City            Streamlining Water          Collecting Every
         PUB formed to               At independence,          the Future                       Last nightsoil            Management                  Drop of Used Water
         replace the City            Singapore had three       Singapore’s first Water          bucket phased             Electricity and gas         Construction work
         Council as a                reservoirs and a          Master Plan drawn                out; replaced by          entities corporatised       for the Deep Tunnel
         statutory board             catchment area            up. The plan outlined            alternative on-site       as Singapore Power.         Sewerage System
         in charge of                covering a mere           strategies for water             sanitation system.        PUB continues               (DTSS) Phase 1 began.
         electricity, piped          11% of the land.          resources to ensure                                        to manage water.            Completed in 2008.
         gas and potable                                       a diversified and                A Cleaner River
         water.                      Water consumption         adequate supply that             The Singapore                                         Scaling New Heights
                                     was 70mgd.                could meet future                River clean-up                                        NEWater
    1961 and 1962                                              requirements.                    was successfully                                      demonstration
                                                                                                                      Precious at
                              1964                                                              completed.                                            plant at Bedok
                                                                                                                      Every Drop
    Water Agreements                                                                                                                                  commissioned.
                                                           1971                                                       Introduction of Water
    Two bilateral             End of Water Rationing                                     1977                         Conservation Tax
    agreements signed         Water rationing carried                                                                                             1997
                                                           Educating the Public                                       as a pricing tool to
    with Johor to import      out in Singapore for 10                                    The Big Clean-up
                                                           “Water is Precious”                                        encourage water
    water. The 1961           months starting in 1963                                    Launch of                                                Modernising
                                                           public education                                           conservation.
    agreement expired         and ending in February                                     Singapore River                                          Sanitation
                                                           campaign launched.
    in 2011 and the 1962      1964.                                                      clean-up.                                                100% of Singapore’s
    agreement will expire                                                                                                                         population served by
    in 2061.                                                                                                                                      modern sanitation.

The Flow of Progress - PUB

       2003                            2006                                      2008                                  2010                        2013

       Breaking Through                Developing the Industry                   Making Way                            Bigger and Better           Better with Two
       with NEWater                    The Environment and Water                 The first conventional water          Singapore’s largest         Singapore’s
       NEWater launched                Industry Programme Office set up to       reclamation plant at Kim Chuan        NEWater plant               second
       with the official opening       spearhead the development of the          phased out, in line with the          officially opened in        desalination
       of NEWater plants at            environment and water industry.           completion of DTSS Phase 1.           Changi.                     plant opened.
       Bedok and Kranji.
                                       Creating a City of Gardens and            Co-creating Solutions with         2009                      2011                    2015
       Engaging the Public             Water                                     the World
       The NEWater Visitor             The Active, Beautiful, Clean              The inaugural Singapore            The Heart Beats           Catching Every          Nurturing
       Centre officially opened.       Waters (ABC Waters) Programme             International Water Week           The Changi Water          Rain Drop               NEWater
                                       launched to transform Singapore’s         launched.                          Reclamation Plant –       Punggol and             Construction
                                       waterbodies beyond their utilitarian                                         the heart of DTSS         Serangoon               work for
                                       purpose into beautiful and clean          Creating Singapore’s 15th          Phase 1 – officially      reservoirs              the second
                                       streams, rivers and lakes.                Reservoir                          opened. Water             officially opened.      NEWater
Managing the Water Cycle
                                                                                 Marina Barrage officially          reclamation plants        Together with           plant in
PUB reconstituted to become
                                       On the World Stage                        opened. The Barrage creates        at Bedok and Seletar,     Marina Reservoir,       Changi began.
Singapore’s national water
                                       PUB named Water Agency of the             Singapore’s 15th reservoir – the   in the eastern            Singapore’s
agency, taking over sewerage
                                       Year at the Global Water Awards.          Marina Reservoir – the first of    part of Singapore,        water catchment
and drainage functions
                                                                                 such in the heart of the city.     decommissioned.           increased from
from the Ministry of the
                                   2005                                                                                                       half to two-thirds
                                                                              2007                                                            of Singapore’s
                                   The Sea, Our Future                                                                                        land area.
                                   Singapore’s first desalination             Winning Ways
                                   plant opened.                              PUB wins the prestigious
                                                                              Stockholm Industry Water
                                   Building a Dam                             Award, widely regarded as one
                                   Construction of the Marina                 of the highest accolades in the
                                   Barrage began.                             water sector.                                                                                           7
The Flow of Progress - PUB
Our Beginnings
      Singapore’s 50-year journey towards water sustainability started
      with one visionary who made the precious resource a national
      priority. Then, the hard work of water education, conservation
      and innovation began.



     Lee Kuan Yew

     From day one of taking office as the first Prime Minister of
     Singapore, the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew was determined to see
     the small island-state achieve water sustainability.

     “I never believed it would be impossible forever; I thought
     sometime, some place, technology will be found that would
     make it nearly possible,” said Mr Lee in a 2008 dialogue at the
     inaugural Singapore International Water Week.

     Today, thanks to his vision for self-reliance, Singapore is
     making significant strides towards water sustainability.


                                                  Prime Minister’s Office in 1971. The Unit drew up the                    With the Singapore River flowing free, Mr Lee issued a second
                                                  nation’s first Water Master Plan in 1972, which studied new              challenge: to create a reservoir in the heart of the city. This
                                                  conventional sources (such as unprotected catchments)                    vision was finally realised in 20 years when the Marina
                                                  and unconventional sources (such as water reuse and                      Barrage was completed in 2008.
                                                  desalination). This pioneered PUB’s holistic approach to water
                                                  management, which evolved into today’s Four National Taps.               Marina Barrage not only creates a reservoir – the Marina
                                                                                                                           Reservoir – for water supply, but also helps in alleviating
                                                  During the opening ceremony of the Upper Peirce Reservoir                floods in the city centre. In the process, Marina Barrage has
                                                  in 1977, Mr Lee challenged the then Ministry of Environment              become a new lifestyle attraction as well.
                                                  to work with various ministries and agencies on one of the
1963: Mr Lee chairing a meeting with PUB staff.   nation’s largest water projects back then: to clean up the               Five decades after independence, Mr Lee’s unflinching vision
                                                  Singapore River in ten years. A clean river would allow a dam            for a water-sustainable Singapore is now seen in the island’s
WATER AS NATIONAL PRIORITY                        to be built across the Marina Channel to increase Singapore’s            17 reservoirs, four NEWater plants and two desalination
Water struggles were aplenty when                 water supply.                                                            plants. Evidently, Singapore did not just stop at survival – its
Singapore gained independence in 1965.                                                                                     continuous investments in technology and innovation would
To begin with, Singapore was lacking in           It was no mean feat, but it was successfully accomplished.               later turn its water vulnerability into a strength.
water resources. Thus, since the early            By 1987, the Singapore River was completely transformed.
days, Mr Lee had always made water a              The waters flowed freely, the fishes returned and people could
top priority in government policies.              engage in recreational activities there.

“Every other policy has to bend at the
knees for our water survival,” Mr Lee
once declared. “Water is a precious
resource; without it you die. You can
live without energy ... But without water
you dehydrate and die,” he explained.

So began Mr Lee’s challenge to civil
servants and engineers: find ways
to make Singapore’s water supply
sustainable and to “capture every
drop of rain” that fell on the island.

The urgency for water solutions
compelled Mr Lee to set up the
Water Planning Unit under the
                                                  Then: The Singapore River in the 1930s — home to street hawkers, farms   Now: After the 1977 to 1987 clean-up, the Singapore River flows with clear
                                                  and illegal gambling dens — was a hotbed of garbage, industrial waste    waters, breathing new life into the city. Today, people enjoy recreational
                                                  products and oil spills.                                                 activities alongside the healthy river.

 MARINA BARRAGE: FIRST RESERVOIR IN THE HEART OF THE CITY                                  Throughout his years of leadership,         The first experiment in recycled water
 In the eighties Mr Lee had envisaged the damming of Singapore’s Marina Channel            Mr Lee constantly made the clarion          had taken place in 1974 with a pilot
 to create a freshwater reservoir.                                                         call to citizens that water is everyone’s   plant. While the idea was strong, the
                                                                                           responsibility: water conservation is to    water membrane technology remained
 The Marina Barrage is an engineering feat. It comprises nine steel crest gates –          be a part of everyday life.                 expensive and undependable.
 each 30m long and 5m tall – that are built across the 350m-wide Marina Channel
 to separate seawater from freshwater.
                                                                                           He understood that managing water           Mr Lee told PUB not to give up.
 The Barrage was opened in 2008 along with Marina Reservoir, the first reservoir           demand – especially in the context of
 in the heart of the city. It added 10,000ha to Singapore’s catchment area – one-          increasing population and urbanisation      The defining moment came some
 sixth the size of the country.                                                            – is equally, if not more important, than   three decades on, when membrane
                                                                                           managing water supply.                      technology matured and became
 Together with two newer reservoirs – the Serangoon and Punggol Reservoirs – the                                                       more reliable, and its costs had come
 Marina Reservoir increased Singapore’s water catchment from half to two-thirds
                                                                                           Water campaigns became the norm             down. Finally, PUB engineers could
 of its land area.
                                                                                           from the seventies, and the public          string together the various tested
                                                                                           was encouraged to reduce its daily          technologies. They put in research and
                                                                                           consumption by 25%.                         development (R&D) efforts to make
                                                                                                                                       sure the entire NEWater process, which
                                                                                           The outreach efforts worked when            involves microfiltration, reverse osmosis
                                                                                           Singapore experienced a drought in          and ultraviolet disinfection, could work.
                                                                                           1971. Public consumption of water
                                                                                           reduced significantly and Singapore         And it did. In 2003 NEWater was
                                                                                           managed to stave off water rationing.       introduced as the Third National Tap.
                                                                                                                                       United Nations Secretary-General
                                                                                           In 1973 PUB introduced a tiered tariff      Ban Ki-moon called NEWater the “elixir
                                                                                           system to manage wasteful water users:      of life”. Today, Singapore has four
                                                                                           careful users would benefit while those     NEWater plants that can meet up to
                                                                                           that consumed more had to pay more.         30% of the island’s current water needs.

                                                                                           “Saving water must become a way of          Riding on the success of NEWater, PUB
                                                                                           life,” Mr Lee again urged in his speech     continued investing heavily in water
                                                                                           at the opening of the new Upper Peirce      R&D, supporting local water industries
                                                                                           Reservoir in 1977.                          and establishing global platforms for
                                                                                                                                       the co-creation of water solutions.

 2005: Mr Lee at a ceremony to mark the construction of the $226 million Marina Barrage.


Who would have thought? Singapore,
once desperate for water, had turned a     “I never believed it would be impossible forever;                                                        THE LEE KUAN YEW WATER PRIZE:
                                                                                                                                                    INSPIRING WATER INNOVATORS
need into a thriving industry.             I thought sometime, some place, technology will be
                                                                                                                                                    PUB launched the Lee Kuan Yew
In an interview for his book Hard Truths
                                           found that would make it nearly possible.”                                                               Water Prize in 2008 to honour the
to Keep Singapore Going, Mr Lee reminded                                                                                                            global community’s achievements
                                           Mr Lee in a 2008 dialogue at the inaugural Singapore International Water Week, on the seemingly
                                                                                                                                                    in confronting the world’s water
young Singaporeans on the reality of       impossible task to systematically turn every drop of water in Singapore into potable water
the city-state and the water journey
it took.                                                                                                                                            The prize was named after Mr Lee
                                                                                                                                                    to embody his spirit of ingenuity, as
WATER AS PASSION                                                                                                                                    well as his foresight and leadership
What transformed Mr Lee’s vision                                                                                                                    in sustainability.
for water sustainability into a reality
                                                                                                                                                    “It has taken on special significance
were the decades of hard work of many
                                                                                                                                                    and meaning after Mr Lee’s recent
PUB employees.                                                                                                                                      passing, and will be a testament to
                                                                                                                                                    his enduring legacy as the architect
Mr Lee ultimately left behind a legacy                                                                                                              of Singapore’s water story,” says
of passionate commitment.                                                                                                                           Mr Tan Gee Paw, Chairman of PUB.

Singapore is now at a turning point.                                                                                                                The Prize has since been awarded to
                                                                                                                                                    six innovators.
While the past decades have been about
attaining water security for Singapore,                                                                                                             It will continue to grow and become
the next 50 years will be about                                                                                                                     synonymous with water excellence,
becoming a model sustainable city.                                                                                                                  shine the spotlight on positive
                                                                                                                                                    groundbreaking work and promote a
Through good planning, hard work                                                                                                                    passion for a sustainable tomorrow.
and strong will, Singapore can do it.
This would be our greatest tribute to
Mr Lee.

                                           1977: Mr Lee at the opening of the Upper Peirce Reservoir, where he urged all Singaporeans to join the
                                           nation’s journey towards water security.

                                                                                                                                                    2008: Mr Lee shared historical episodes of
                                                                                                                                                    Singapore’s water journey during the Lee
                                                                                                                                                    Kuan Yew Water Prize Award Ceremony.
PUB and Urban Water Management:

     A Retrospective Assessment                                        By Asit K. Biswas and Cecilia Tortajada

     This year is the 50th anniversary of     In 1942, the British blew a 70ft gap in      office which assessed all government
     Singapore’s independence. One major      the causeway to slow Japanese advance.       policies through the lens of water. As he
     issue that has received inadequate       This meant the pipe that brought water       told us: “Every other policy has to bend
     attention is how Singapore improved      from Johor was ruptured. Singapore           at the knees for our water survival.”
     its water management from a below        then had only three reservoirs, with two
     average Asian developing city in 1965,   weeks’ water supply. The Japanese            Mr Lee’s personal and continuous
     to one of the best in the world within   crossed Johor Straits in collapsible boats   lifelong interest in water ensured
     about two decades.                       to take over Singapore. The island’s         Singapore’s urban water management
                                              water vulnerability made a profound          became the envy of the world. National
     Singapore’s history of urban water       impression on young Lee.                     leaders everywhere are interested in
     management is not long. In 1857,                                                      water only when there is a drought,
     philanthropist Tan Kim Seng donated      The second event was in 1965. The            flood or natural hazard. The moment
     S$13,000 for constructing an initial     then British High Commissioner,              the crisis disappears, water vanishes
     waterworks and piped water system.       Anthony Head, informed Mr Lee that           from political agenda. Mr Lee is the only
     The first reservoir was constructed      the Malaysian Prime Minister had told        leader who was consistently interested
     in 1868 and was later expanded in        him: “If Singapore’s foreign policy was      in water throughout his entire political
     1891. The expansion was overseen by      prejudicial to Malaysia’s interests,         career. This has not been replicated
     the city’s municipal engineer, James     they (Malaysia) could always bring           in history.
     MacRitchie. It now bears his name.       pressure to bear on them (Singapore)
                                              by threatening to turn off the water         Singapore’s progress has been
     In 1965, architect of modern Singapore   in Johor.”                                   remarkable. Consider floods. In
     Lee Kuan Yew took a special interest                                                  December 1969, floods resulted in
     in water. Mr Lee realised water was      These two events shaped Mr Lee’s view        five deaths and damages of S$4.3
     a strategic and existential issue for    of the strategic importance of water.        million (1969 prices). Nearly 6,900ha,
     Singapore and thus must receive high     Following the Malaysian threat, he           or 12.8% of the country, was flood-
     national priority. This decision was     asked for an estimate of how much rain       prone. Singapore has not had a single
     based on two facts.                      fell in Singapore and how much could         fatality due to floods over the past
                                              be used. He established a unit in his        three decades. Flood-prone areas have
                                                                                           been reduced to 34ha. An average flood

“National leaders everywhere are interested in water only
when there is a drought, flood or natural hazard. The moment
the crisis disappears, water vanishes from political agenda.
Mr Lee is the only leader who was consistently interested in
water throughout his entire political career.”

currently lasts less than 30 minutes.        performance was made possible by
The last night soil removal service          consistent strong political support from
was phased out on 24 January 1987.           the highest levels of government and
It now has an outstanding wastewater         long-term visionary planning.
collection, treatment, recycling and reuse
system to produce ultra-clean reclaimed      This remarkable success story was
water (NEWater) that has become one of       possible because of excellent future-
four sources of water supply.                oriented plans and their timely
                                             execution by PUB, Singapore’s national
Another example is the cleaning of           water agency. It was consistently
the Singapore River and Kallang Basin.       underpinned by responsible and
In 1977, as part of the re-development       proactive political and administrative
efforts of the city, Mr Lee set a target     leaderships, a relentless pursuit of
of 10 years for their cleaning. True to      economic growth that has contributed
Singapore style, following the political     to steady improvements in living
decision, this was completed within          standards, and a perpetual quest for
time, requiring a resettlement of            excellence. The net result has been a
more than 45,000 squatters who were          true success story of self-resilience,
discharging liquid and solid wastes,         creation of consistent growth
and phasing out 610 pig farms and 500        opportunities and good governance.
duck farms. People were resettled in         This is in spite of scarcity of natural
new housing estates with tap water and       resources, including water, which could
sanitation and a superior quality of life.   have easily torpedoed such a fairy story.

                                             Cecilia Tortajada is Senior Research Fellow
An analysis of the benefits of the clean-
                                             at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy.
up shows significant economic, health,
social and environmental benefits,           Asit K. Biswas is Distinguished Visiting Professor at
                                             the same school. Both are co-founders of the Third
confirming the wisdom and foresight          World Centre for Water Management, Mexico.
of political leaders. This extraordinary

           A Story of Innovation
             Driven by a passion to be sustainable in water,
             we are excited about new ideas, technology and
             holistic approaches to challenges.


                                                                                                                               RESERVOIR SYSTEM

                                                                                                                               PUB is studying the technical and
                                                                                                                               economic feasibility of developing
                                                                                                                               an integrated Underground Drainage
                                                                                                                               and Reservoir System (UDRS), which
                                                                                                                               could help Singapore mitigate
                                                                                                                               the impact of climate change and
                                                                                                                               enhance drought resilience.

                                                                                                                               The study will look into design
                                                                                                                               options that integrate three key
                                                                                                                               components: stormwater conveyance
                                                                                                                               tunnels, underground reservoir
                                                                                                                               caverns and a pumped storage
                                                                                                                               hydropower system.

                                                                                                                               The tunnels can convey excess
                                                                                                                               stormwater to underground caverns
                                                                                                                               for storage. The caverns add to
                                                                                                                               Singapore’s reservoir water storage
                                                                                                                               and enhance drought resilience. The
                                                                                                                               hydropower system aims to recover
                                                                                                                               energy from water that flows off
                                                                                                                               the surface of waterbodies into the
                                                                                                                               underground caverns.

CAPTURING EVERY DROP OF RAIN                                                                                                   The 24-month study is expected to
                                                                                                                               be completed by end 2017, and the
                                                                                                                               findings will allow PUB to decide if
Singapore would be an ever-thirsty nation if not for its       LOCAL CATCHMENT WATER                                           UDRS can be pursued further.
Four National Taps: local catchment water, imported water,     In the 1960s we had only three reservoirs. Today, we have
                                                                                                                               NEW WATER PIPELINE
NEWater and desalinated water.                                 17 reservoirs with a catchment covering two-thirds of
                                                               Singapore’s land area. This makes us one of the few countries   To meet future water demand in the
These diversified water sources form a robust water supply     that harvests urban stormwater on a large scale for water       city area, a new trunk water pipeline
system managed by PUB, the national water agency. Our Four     supply. We aim to increase the catchment area to up to 90%      will be laid from Murnane Service
National Taps are not a story of overnight success. Instead,   of Singapore’s land area in the long run by tapping into the    Reservoir, which is located in central
they have been developed through decades of innovation.        remaining rivulets.                                             Singapore. Construction work on this
                                                                                                                               22km-long pipeline begins in 2016
                                                                                                                               and the underground pipeline will be
                                                                                                                               ready by 2019.

The pillar of our water sustainability strategy and the key innovation
in Singapore’s water story is our high-grade reclaimed water, also known
as NEWater.

NEWater is produced by further purifying treated used water with
advanced membrane technologies – namely, microfiltration, reverse
osmosis and ultraviolet disinfection.

NEWater allows every drop of water to be used and re-used, creating a
multiplier effect. NEWater is mainly used for industrial and air-cooling
purposes at wafer fabrication parks, industrial estates and commercial
buildings. During dry months, NEWater is also used to top up our
reservoirs, and is blended with raw water before undergoing treatment at
the waterworks, after which it is supplied to customers for potable use.

Currently, there are four NEWater plants which can meet 30% of
Singapore’s total water demand. The plan is to expand NEWater capacity
so that it meets up to 55% of our future water demand by 2060.

 IN 2016

 In 2014 BESIN-UEN Consortium, led by BEWG International Pte Ltd
 and UE NEWater Pte Ltd, was selected to build a NEWater plant, the
 second such plant in Changi.

 The plant is expected to commence operations in 2016 and will
 add another 50 million gallons of NEWater per day to the nation’s
 water supply.

                                                                                 THIRD DESALINATION PLANT TO
     The opening of Singapore’s first desalination plant in 2005 was another     OPEN IN 2017
     milestone in our water journey. Like NEWater, desalination is a weather-
     resilient source that strengthens our water security, particularly during   To meet our growing needs and
     dry spells.                                                                 prepare for periods of drought and dry
                                                                                 spells, a third desalination plant will
     Today, we have two desalination plants. The SingSpring and Tuaspring        be constructed in Tuas.
     desalination plants can produce 100 million gallons of desalinated water
                                                                                 With this plant, Singapore can produce
     a day to meet up to 25% of Singapore’s current water demand. The plan is    up to 130 million gallons of drinking
     to grow Singapore’s desalination capacity so that the Fourth National Tap   water a day from seawater, up from
     can meet up to 25% of future water demand by 2060.                          the current 100 million gallons a day.


Used water from both the domestic and non-domestic sectors         TUAS WATER RECLAMATION PLANT TO LEAD SINGAPORE’S WATER-ENERGY-
                                                                   WASTE NEXUS
is collected by a network of underground sewers. It is then
sent to the water reclamation plants for treatment before          A highlight of DTSS Phase 2 – now in its planning stages – will be the new energy-
going to the NEWater plants for further purification, or           efficient Tuas Water Reclamation Plant and an integrated NEWater factory.
discharged into the sea.
                                                                   As a strategic move to ensure water and environmental sustainability, the National
                                                                   Environment Agency’s Integrated Waste Management Facility (IWMF) will be located
Since 2009, the eastern half of Singapore’s used water system
                                                                   at Tuas Water Reclamation Plant. The aim is to reap the potential synergies of the
has been connected to the Deep Tunnel Sewerage System              water-energy-waste nexus.
(DTSS) – a super highway for used water and the first of its
kind in the region.                                                The co-location marks Singapore’s first initiative to integrate used water and solid
                                                                   waste treatment processes to maximise both energy and resource recovery, while
This first phase of DTSS, which was completed in 2008,             minimising land footprint. It will allow IWMF to supply electricity to Tuas Water
conveys used water by gravity and centralises the used water       Reclamation Plant, while Tuas Water Reclamation Plant will supply treated used
                                                                   water to IWMF for cooling and washing purposes.
treatment at the Changi Water Reclamation Plant. Work for
Phase 2 began in 2014 and will be completed in 2024. It will
extend the tunnels to collect used water from the western
part of Singapore and centralise its treatment at the Tuas
Water Reclamation Plant.

A major benefit of DTSS is that it frees up land in Singapore
for other uses. Previously, Singapore collected and transported
water via pumping stations that dotted the island. DTSS
runs entirely underground and eradicates the need for the
pumping stations.

More important, by collecting every drop of used water, DTSS
allows for efficient, large-scale water recycling, thus ensuring
the sustainability of NEWater.

WATER                 As Chief Technology Officer of PUB, Harry Seah’s role is to source for good ideas and technologies that
                      help PUB achieve its mission of providing clean, adequate and affordable water. He also facilitates

VOICES                research with as many stakeholders as possible, including universities, companies and individuals.
                      He began as an engineer in the then Ministry of Environment, and worked on sewerage systems.
                      “Never in my wildest dreams did I expect to end up in my current role,” he says. “I’ve had little
                      guidance for it, but I have a good understanding of engineering, and more important, a good team
                      behind me.”

On innovation:        Harry Seah remembers NEWater as one        NEWATER: HISTORY IN THE                    our morale up,” says Harry. The team
                      of the most satisfying projects he has     MAKING                                     itemised every problem, and within
“PUB nurtures good    ever worked on. NEWater was set to be      Harry was one of two engineers who         a month and a half, they resolved all
                      a game-changer in the water industry,      had made a significiant trip to the        of them. “In August 2000, we saw a
ideas like a loving   and everyone on board the project          United States in 1998 to explore water     straight, calm line on the SCADA chart,
parent”               was excited about it. This motivated       reuse. During that trip, they witnessed    and we knew we had it: a stable plant
                      the team to work as one and devote         technologies that later formed part of     that worked. The rest is history.”
                      themselves entirely to it.                 the NEWater process. They submitted
                                                                 a report that quickly garnered the         A MEETING OF MANY MINDS
                      “The engineers, equipment suppliers        ministry’s approval, and soon, a           “The NEWater process is about
                      and those who built the plant, we all      NEWater demonstration plant costing        producing clean water by the hundreds
                      went the extra mile, day and night, and    $14 million was in the works.              of thousands of cubic metres a day,
                      the commitment was, in a word, wow,”                                                  where every drop is safe,” says Harry.
                      says Harry. “Even the private sector       NEWater’s key idea, that is, membrane      “We’re talking about how technology
                      contractors who had to worry about         technology, has been around for many       can benefit on a municipal level.”
                      their bottom line drew no boundaries       years. The turning point was when
                      and sped up their work.”                   Harry, then an engineer, and his team      Harry learnt from the NEWater
                                                                 made sense of it. “We thought about the    experience that innovation is a meeting
                      Harry sees NEWater as a very unifying      ways to exploit the technology so it can   of many different minds towards a
                      project because it allowed the team        be efficient and reliable,” he says.       common goal. “We had people with
                      to play a part in Singapore’s history –                                               different expertise coming together,”
                      and future. “It was a ground-breaking      It did not come without challenges.        he says. “NEWater called for a multi-
                      project that continues to contribute to    The team lacked experience and were        disciplinary team, and I learnt about
                      our country’s development,” he says. “It   learning on the go. Numerous problems      water quality data, auditing, mechanical
                      has been very purposeful work.”            plagued the demonstration plant when       engineering, instrumentation, computer
                                                                 it began running in 2000. “There were      programming and even people
                                                                 naysayers, so one challenge was to keep    management. All this while, I was
                                                                                                            just a structural engineer!”

                           In fact, Harry became a well-trained       Harry says. “It’s no use having cheap
                           extrovert because NEWater invited          water that compromises on quality and
                           more questions than answers. “I            causes the industry to worry.”
                           had to systematically address these
                           questions and convince people              Third, PUB’s role is to nurture
                           through presentations,” he recalls.        technology and ideas “like a loving
                           “Who knew that such a highly               parent,” Harry describes. “For example,
                           technical project could actually help      reverse osmosis has been around
                           in my personal development?”               for 30 years, but it took time for the
                                                                      technology to be applicable and
                           HOW NEWATER CHANGED                        cost-efficient. We will nurture such
                           R&D IN PUB                                 technologies, where the engineering and
                           PUB had invested in R&D all along. But     science make sense. It’s only a matter of
                           NEWater expanded and reshaped PUB’s        time before they get adopted.”
                           R&D work in the past decade. “Through
                           NEWater, we learnt how to manage,          PEOPLE BEFORE TECHNOLOGY
                           mitigate and address risks. This gave us   “The right technology must be
                           the framework to move into R&D in a        coupled with the right people,” Harry
                           big way,” Harry explains. “We are now      emphasises. “In the end, it’s people who
                           more focused. After NEWater, we have       drive our innovations.”
                           become clearer about what we want,
                           and we can tell the world what we were     Harry returns to the example of the
                           and are looking for.”                      NEWater team: “We began with two
                                                                      people, then grew to six, and now
                           Today, three attitudes guide PUB’s R&D     we have more than 30 working with
                           work, and thus, its innovation approach.   NEWater,” he says. “Many of them were
Harry Seah                 First, PUB does not claim to know          part of the original team. We still meet
Chief Technology Officer   everything. “We have the whole world to    regularly to share our experiences.
                           learn from,” says Harry. “We’re excited    It’s important that we grow and learn
                           about creating opportunities where we      together – this has been key in making
                           can exchange and source for new ideas.”    NEWater memorable for all of us.”

                           Second, although PUB is very open to
                           ideas, it will remain conservative in
                           applying them. “As a utility provider,
                           we cannot afford to make mistakes,”

Then: Bedok Reservoir was all but a sand quarry in the 1970s, but that did not stop PUB from imagining its
     possibilities. In 1983 construction works to turn it into a reservoir began.

     Now (right): Bedok Reservoir was completed in 1986 and in 2004 it was opened for water activities.



         A Thriving Global Hydrohub
            A water industry is flourishing here, positioning
            Singapore well to take global leadership as a provider
            of water solutions.


PUB cannot walk alone in the journey of ensuring water
     sustainability, increasing water resources and keeping
     costs competitive. To arrive at the best water solutions
     for Singapore’s needs, we work closely with the local and
     international water industry — which includes various
     governments, international organisations, research
     institutions and industry players — to foster strong and
     mutually beneficial networks.

     These efforts in turn aid the successful organisation of the
     Singapore International Water Week, the world’s flagship
     water event focused on business, technology and solutions,
     and where the global water community comes together to
     share and co-create innovative water solutions.

     For innovators, agencies, institutions and companies to meet,
     collaborate and innovate, a vibrant R&D community must
     come hand in hand with a thriving industry – this is the
     vision for Singapore as a global hydrohub.

     Set up in 2006, the Environment and Water Industry
     Programme Office (EWI), a multi-agency effort headed by
     PUB, spearheads the development of the water industry. EWI
     adopts a three-pronged strategy: technology development,
     cluster development and internationalisation of Singapore-
     based companies.

     The Singapore water industry has since grown significantly.
     The number of water companies here has increased from
     50 in 2006 to 180 today, and there are 26 research institutes.
     These have created around 14,000 water-related jobs. With a
     vibrant water ecosystem, Singapore’s water industry is poised
     to continue its growth momentum.


ENHANCED ENERGY GENERATION                                                                                                      TO COLLABORATE ON SMART
                                                                PUB and Korea Water Resources Corporation (K-water),            WATER AND ENERGY-EFFICIENT
In June 2015 PUB and Anaergia Pte Ltd announced                 Korea’s national water utility, signed a Memorandum of          WATER TECHNOLOGIES
Singapore’s first project aimed at producing more biogas        Understanding (MOU) in April 2015 to collaborate in four R&D
for electricity generation.                                     areas: smart water grids, water quality monitoring, green       PUB and SUEZ environnement,
                                                                energy and water treatment processes.                           a world leader in resources
This will be done via a co-digestion demonstration                                                                              management, signed an MOU in June
facility, where used water sludge from Ulu Pandan Water         Within the four topics, identified common focus areas include   2015 to share expertise and further
Reclamation Plant is mixed with food waste collected from       automatic meter reading (smart water grids); rapid detection    explore potential collaborations
the Clementi district, and then treated.                        of contaminants (water quality monitoring); photovoltaic        towards water resilience and
                                                                systems (green energy); and membrane technology (water          sustainability. The MOU reinforced
The co-digestion plant can treat up to 40 tonnes of             treatment processes).                                           three project agreements signed
combined food waste and used water sludge. It has the                                                                           in May 2015 to collaborate on R&D
potential to produce more biogas due to food waste’s            LINKING WITH THE WORLD FOR BETTER WATER IDEAS                   projects in used water treatment,
higher calorific value.                                                                                                         stormwater management and
                                                                PUB signed two MOUs in June 2015 to deepen Singapore’s R&D      automated meter reading.
Construction for the plant will be completed by September       collaborations with global partners.
2015. If successful, the process could be implemented                                                                           In this partnership, information and
at the future Tuas Water Reclamation Plant and the              An MOU with the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) Water                communication technologies and
National Environment Agency’s Integrated Waste                  Resources Research and Development Centre will allow the        analytical software solutions will be
Management Facility.                                            Centre to tap into Singapore’s experience in water quality      used to develop a smart water grid.
                                                                management and energy recovery from the used water              This includes the development of a
PUB EMBARKS ON SOLAR PROJECTS                                   reclamation process, while enabling PUB to access ASEM          decision support tool for stormwater
                                                                networks for a better understanding of leading-edge solutions   management; and an automated
Choa Chu Kang Waterworks (CCKWW) is now partially               in Asia and Europe.                                             meter reading to track water
powered by solar energy, following the installation of a                                                                        consumption and induce proactive
1MWp solar photovoltaic system in its compound in May           PUB’s MOU with VCS Denmark will accelerate the sharing          consumer behaviour towards water
2015. The solar panels can harness solar energy to meet         and creation of solutions. Both parties will tap into each      conservation.
about 7% of the plant’s average daily energy needs for          other’s strengths in areas such as wastewater technology and
lighting, air-conditioning and water treatment operations.      operations, energy reduction and climate adaptation.            A pilot project to develop an energy-
This allows the plant to reduce its carbon footprint by                                                                         efficient used water treatment process
replacing some of the energy drawn from the national grid                                                                       by integrating smart monitoring and
with a more sustainable and renewable source.                                                                                   advanced control strategies will also
                                                                                                                                be carried out. SUEZ environnement
Tengeh Reservoir will also house a testbed for floating solar                                                                   also announced the opening of its
panels with a total capacity of 3MWp. With this system,                                                                         new Innovation Centre, composed of
Tengeh Reservoir has the potential to double up as an                                                                           15 research scientists and engineers,
energy catchment to channel generated solar power into the                                                                      to support, through innovation,
national grid. Environmental studies have commenced, and                                                                        projects development in Singapore.
construction for the testbed will begin by the end of 2015.

WATER                      Maurice Neo leads industry development in PUB. He and his team are responsible for the formulation
                           and implementation of strategies to establish Singapore as a global hydrohub and to grow a vibrant

VOICES                     water industry here. Closer to home, the Environment and Water Industry Programme Office (EWI)
                           looks into adding value to the Singapore economy, creating jobs in the water industry and nurturing
                           the next generation of talents. Maurice joined the then Ministry of Environment in 1994 as an
                           engineer in the drainage department. Having worked on the Kallang River project, he recalls: “A lot
                           of engineering work went into it. The learning curve was definitely very steep.”

On industry development:   WHY IS INDUSTRY                             water management. We went around            Singapore’s GDP, increasing job
                           DEVELOPMENT A PRIORITY                      the world speaking at conferences,          opportunities and allocating funding
“PUB cannot innovate       IN PUB?                                     joined international panels as members      where the best solutions are. It also
                           Industry development is important for       and even won prestigious awards such        makes the water industry development
alone – we need the        our journey towards water sustainability.   as the 2007 Stockholm Industry Water        work here even more coherent. We do
industry”                  PUB cannot innovate alone – we need         Award. To attract more companies,           that by collaborating with agencies such
                           the industry to work together.              organisations and experts to partner        as the Economic Development Board,
                                                                       us, we first have to let others know        International Enterprise Singapore and
                           Take NEWater as an example.                 who we are.                                 SPRING to grow our water cluster and
                           We have NEWater because of our                                                          its capabilities.
                           partnership with experts around the         In 2004 WaterHub was set up as a
                           world and various companies. It was         strategic platform for PUB and the          TELL US MORE ABOUT HOW EWI
                           an international expert panel that          industry. It works as an incubator for      DRIVES THE WATER INDUSTRY
                           endorsed NEWater. And the World             companies and start-ups to develop          — BOTH IN SINGAPORE AND
                           Health Organisation tested it to make       their water innovations. There is also an   GLOBALLY.
                           sure NEWater meets drinking water           academy at the hub to build capabilities,   EWI’s work focuses on a few key
                           standards. It is PUB’s role to lead the     so water professionals can join our         strategies – cluster development,
                           development of the entire industry          training courses to advance their           technology development,
                           if we want to ensure the next generation    learning or stay abreast of the latest      internationalisation and capability
                           of solutions for water sustainability.      developments. WaterHub is meant to be       development. First, our work in
                                                                       a place for networking as well. It offers   cluster development aims to attract
                           WHAT HAVE BEEN SOME                         shared facilities and hosts conferences,    companies to set up base in Singapore
                           OF PUB’S MILESTONES IN                      talks and seminars.                         with a long-term view to growing their
                           DEVELOPING THE INDUSTRY?                                                                regional presence. Companies around
                           I will share three key milestones. When     Then, in 2006, EWI was set up. It           the world ask: “Why should I be based
                           we first started, our NEWater and           connects our water solutions to the         in Singapore?” We share about the
                           desalination projects helped propel         market, and looks into how the water        opportunities and convince them that
                           Singapore to the world stage. PUB began     industry can benefit the country – for      they have a business case here.
30                         profiling Singapore’s experiences in        example, in ways such as growing

                                                                                           Second, our work in technology development accelerates
                                                                                           the commercialisation of new technologies to market,
                                                                                           priming Singapore as a global test-bed while strengthening
                                                                                           international R&D ties. Third, our work in internationalisation
                                                                                           is a relentless effort to profile Singapore’s water successes and
                                                                                           innovations by the companies we support. This will attract
                                                                                           innovators around the world to work with us.

                                                                                           Last but not least, we also emphasise on capability development.
                                                                                           There is a need to continue grooming our talent base here
                                                                                           to support the industry’s growth. This is one of our biggest
                                                                                           challenges as many young people are not going into engineering
                                                                                           these days.

                                                                                           WHAT IS EXCITING ABOUT THE WATER INDUSTRY?
                                                                                           WHAT WOULD ATTRACT THE YOUNG TO BE A PART
                                                                                           OF IT?
                                                                                           Water is one industry where many cutting-edge solutions
                                                                                           take place. The need for such solutions will not end because
                                                                                           water is scarce, and urbanisation will create a greater – if not
                                                                                           necessary – need for water sustainability.

                                                                                           In Singapore, young engineers get to work on mega, city-wide
                                                                                           projects. They will be involved in projects that are large in
                                                                                           scale, and thus, large in impact. Also, there is a deep sense of
                                                                                           purpose in the work because water is an everyday resource
Maurice Neo                                                                                that affects the lives of everyone. In PUB, it is our commitment
Director of Industry Development Department, PUB; and Director of Planning & Operations,   to ensure a steady supply of water at an affordable cost for
Environment and Water Industry Programme Office (EWI)
                                                                                           citizens – and providing this is very meaningful work for many
                                                                                           of our engineers.

                        Singapore plays a key role in forging dialogue amongst
                        policymakers, water experts and industry leaders on water
                        issues, challenges and solutions. We host SIWW, a meeting
                        place for the who’s who in the water industry on a biennial
                        basis. While EWI’s key initiative is to showcase the capabilities
                        of the Singapore water industry, SIWW is the global platform
                        for the sharing and co-creation of water solutions.

                        The conversations just did not stop flowing after SIWW
                        2014. Held in between the main SIWW editions, the SIWW
                        Spotlight Series are exclusive by-invitation events that
                        continue the dialogue from SIWW. They focus on critical
                        issues and challenges faced by the water industry worldwide,
                        and the outcomes will shape the programme and content
                        for SIWW.

                        The SIWW Technology and Innovation Summit (STIS) 2015
                        was held on 16 and 17 June 2015. It brought together leading
                        experts from water and wastewater utilities, industrial water
                        users, solution providers, research institutes, international
                        organisations, investors and technology multipliers to identify
                        the key technology focus areas for the global water industry.
                        These included low-energy seawater desalination, network
                        asset management and energy efficiency in wastewater
                        treatment, amongst others.

                        The outcomes from the two-day summit will be compiled
                        into a global blueprint for water solutions, and will help
                        shape the content and discussions for SIWW 2016.

You can also read