The First post-Mugabe Elections: A Fresh Start for Democracy in Zimbabwe?

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The First post-Mugabe Elections: A Fresh Start for Democracy in Zimbabwe?
The First post-Mugabe Elections:
A Fresh Start for Democracy in Zimbabwe?

               POLICY BRIEF / AUGUST 2018

                    CHARLES NWEZE
The First post-Mugabe Elections:
 A Fresh Start for Democracy in Zimbabwe?
       Policy Brief – Charles Nweze, August 2018

       The tale of a hero that now became an       order to maintain the support of
       autocrat is the depiction of Robert         traditional allies. The decision to
       Mugabe who was a revolutionary              concede to 50,000 liberation war
       guerilla leader and fought white-           veterans gratuity of Z$50,000 (USD
       minority rule in Zimbabwe. His fight for    4,300) and the entry into the
       freedom made him to spend several           Democratic Republic of Congo war to
       years in jail as a political prisoner. He   support the President Kabila also
       helped to orchestrate an armed              brought about two massive unbudgeted
       resistance army, this made him to           expenditures which precipitated the
       emerge as a war hero and subsequently       crash of the Zimbabwean dollar in the
       became the first President of the newly     stock market and brought about soaring
       independent Zimbabwe (CNN 2017).            inflation and heavy food prices (Moretti
       Mugabe ascended into power in a             2017).
       nation with a prosperous agricultural
       sector and manufacturing industry           In year 2000, Mugabe passed a law
       contributing 25% to GDP (Moretti            introducing land dispossession of white
       2017). He inherited a relatively modern     farmers without compensation and
       economy which was among the most            openly resorted to intimidation against
       advanced in the region.                     them and their workers. By 2009, 12
                                                   million hectares of land had been taken
       The hyper-inflation and economic            away from white farmers and only
       issues sparked growing discontent and       about 200 of them remained in the
       anti-government protest in Zimbabwe         country. The subsequent eviction of
       called for Mugabe’s ruling party            white skilled landowners had a
       (ZANU-PF) to step down, despite all         disastrous consequences and a country
       this Mugabe never wanted to leave the       once considered the food basket of
       helm of power. The adoption of the          Southern      Africa     witnessed    a
       Economic     Structural    Adjustment       tremendous drop in agricultural
       Programme (ESAP) prescribed under           production which was caused by the
       the     recommendation       of    the      inability of the new land owners
       International Monetary Fund (IMF)           (Mugabe’s family and affiliates) to run
       also failed to re-launch a startled         the farms productively. Another issue
       economic growth and gave further rise       was fiscal mismanagement and
       to civic unrest (Moretti 2017).             unsustainable public expenditure,
       Following the economic hardship             mostly devoted to the payment of civil
       caused by ESAP, in the year 1997-1998,      servants made the government unable
       the government resorted to populism in      to ratify the debt contracted with IFI,

POLICY BRIEF | August 2018
leading IMF to suspend Zimbabwe            decades. With rising economic and
       voting right in 2003(CNN 2017). The        hyper-inflation, the discontent and
       crash of Zimbabwean stock, loss of         anger in the country reached an
       investors’ confidence and drainage of      unprecedented intensity galvanizing
       banks fund, also hundreds of               pro-democracy activist and fed up
       companies were forced to close. This led   citizens to demand for change and
       to several job lost and the capacity       accountability for ruling elites.
       utilization of the manufacturing sector
       declined from 44.9% in 2012 to 39.6%       This protest erupted first in Beitbridge
       in 2013 (Moretti, 2017). This              as a result of the abrupt ban on imports,
       subsequently led the country to accrue a   this protest had a wide-range of grass-
       cumulative deficit of $25 billion          roots movement, attracting thousands
       between 2013 and 2015.                     of Zimbabweans to join in national

       Source: Forbes 2017.

       Robert Mugabe held his fist of power by    shut-down in Harare and other major
       making sure that he massively rigged       cities in the country. This riots swept
       each election organized in Zimbabwe,       also in the largest city of Bolawayo,
       by using the military to intimidate the    Gweru, Kwekwe and Masviage where
       voters, thereby ensuring that his          citizens joined the shut down
       political party ZANU-PF dominated          demanding the dismissal of the bank
       political position in the country for      notes and the resignation of Mugabe.

POLICY BRIEF | August 2018
In 2017, Mugabe sacked his long-time          conditions were not equal; the state
       ally and vice president Emmerson              media devoted itself practically
       Mnangagwa, thereby paving the way for         exclusively to the government and
       his wife Grace to succeed him. This           Mnangagwa. Mnangagwa being the
       sparked a general uproar and there was        incumbent president had more access
       a military intervention/coup which            to state money than his opposition
       subsequently led to the resignation of        candidates leading to a more prominent
       Robert Mugabe on 21st November, 2017          campaign, especially in the remote
       as the President of Zimbabwe after long       parts of Zimbabwe. It was also alleged
       37 years in power. This was highly            that the chiefs of local tribes were
       unprecedented and a new face for              supporting the ruling party because
       democracy in Zimbabwe. After he               they are dependent on financial support
       resigned his political party ZANU-PF          from the state (Lindner 2018).
       appointed Mnangagwa to be the interim
       president of Zimbabwe. He promised            The ZANU-PF won the majority seats in
       more economic stabilization and               parliament in Zimbabwe's historic first
       reforms in order to help solve the            election since Robert Mugabe was
       critical state of hyper-inflation in          ousted. Results from the electoral
       Zimbabwe.                                     commission showed Zanu-PF won 109
                                                     seats against 41 seats for the opposition
        For the first time in history Zimbabwe       Movement for Democratic Change
       had its first presidential election in July   (Whitfield 2018). The incumbent
       30, 2018, and it was the first election       Emmerson Mnangagwa also won the
       that did not have Robert Mugabe as a          presidential election according to the
       contending candidate.          Emmerson       electoral commission. He won 50.8% of
       Mnangagwa has attempted to rebrand            votes compared to 44.3% for opposition
       Zanu-PF, pledging to heal divisions and       leader Nelson Chamisa (BBC News
       rebuild the country. Millions of              2018). The opposition party did not
       Zimbabweans queued for hours to cast          accept this and they accused Zanu-PF of
       their ballots. The vote attracted a high      manipulating the election results to
       turnout of 70% and was monitored by           their favor. The supporters of the
       international       observers        (CNN     opposition party also held a wide spread
       2018). This is the first election for the     protest in major cities in Zimbabwe
       former British colony since long-             against this result. Soldiers scrambled
       serving ruler Robert Mugabe was               hard over protest against alleged
       ousted in a military coup in 2017.            electoral frauds and they did not
                                                     hesitate to shoot dead 6 demonstrators
       The main contenders to take the               (Lindner 2018).
       presidency were the interim President
       Emmerson Mnangagwa, of Zanu-PF                The European Union election observing
       party, and an opposition leader Nelson        committee criticized the delay in
       Chamisa of the Movement for                   announcing the presidential results,
       Democratic Change (MDC) Alliance              other problems they observed where
       (BBC News 2018). The campaign was             media bias in favor of the ruling party,
       free of violence and open. However, the
POLICY BRIEF | August 2018
voters intimidation and mistrust in the      retained power under a different ruler
       electoral commission, adding that there      that was once the vice-president to
       was an “improved political climate, but      Mugabe. Representatives of Zanu-PF in
       un-level playing field and lack of trust”    the campaign advocated that the party
       (BBC News 2018). The African Union           has changed and would no longer
       had a different perception of the            subject the citizens to economic
       election in Zimbabwe and viewed that         hardship and civic un-rest that was
       the election “took place in a very           experienced during the regime of
       peaceful environment and were highly         Mugabe. They promised to pioneer a
       competitive” (BBC News 2018). They           better     economic        development,
       categorically stated that they could not     reduction in inflation and social
       confirm opposition party’s complaint of      benefits and welfare for the citizens. But
       vote-buying, intimidation by the state       only time will reveal if this is truly the
       and bias by traditional leaders.             new face of democracy in Zimbabwe or
                                                    simply another face of autocracy by
       The inconsistencies and post-election        Zanu-PF under a different mask.
       violence seriously threaten the main
       goal of last year’s coup against Mugabe
       – ending international isolation and
       attracting foreign investment. That is
       why in the past months the President
       Mnangagwa has been stripped of
       Mugabe’s isolation and confrontation
       policies with the West, he also offered
       compensation to white farmers who
       were violently expelled from the
       beginning of the millennium (Lindner
       2018). Mnangagwa before his election
       triumph also signed an application with
       the British Commonwealth invariably
       not excluding Zimbabwe again from the
       partnership which happened during
       Mugabe’s regime, thereby achieving
       a milestone success.

       The citizens of Zimbabwe for the first
       time in 37 years have exercised their
       civic right of voting and participating in
       a much freer and fairer election. It is
       still a puzzle in Zimbabwe since the
       Zanu-PF that was once the party that
       Mugabe used during almost four
       decades of his autocratic regime

POLICY BRIEF | August 2018
       Forbes. Graph. Zimbabwe Hyperinflates Again, Entering the Record Books For A
       Second Time In Less Than A Decade. Author: Professor Steve Henke. 28 October

       “Zimbabwe election: Emmerson Mnangagwa declared winner in disputed poll.” BBC
       NEWS, 3.8.2018
       Jamie Tarabay. “Big turnout in Zimbabwe for first Mugabe-free vote.” CNN, 30.7.2018
       David McKenzie & Angela Dewan. “Robert Mugabe resigns after 37 years as
       Zimbabwe's                 leader.”               CNN,                21.11.2017
       Jamie Tarabay & Tricia Escobedo. “Robert Mugabe: Zimbabwe's war hero turned
       brutal                 autocrat.”                CNN,              6.12.2017
       Josephine Moulds, “These charts show the economic challenges facing Zimbabwe post-
       Mugabe”.             World         Economic            Forum,           22.11.2017.
       Kate Whitfield, “Zimbabwe election results 2018: Who is winning election? Will
       Chamisa       or     Mnangagwa        win?”     Express   News,      31.7.2018

       Joe Devanny, “What should we expect from the Zimbabwean elections”. Mail &
       Guardian online, 30.5.2018

       “Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe resigns, ending 37-year rule” BBC NEWS, 21.11.2017

       Moretti Vittoria, “Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe: The Endgame”, Sub-Saharan African
       Programme,                                                                1/2017.

POLICY BRIEF | August 2018
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