The eXtra! - Down Syndrome Association of Central California

Page created by Lorraine Norton
The eXtra! - Down Syndrome Association of Central California
January/February 2021
Volume 21, No. 1
                                                                 the eXtra!
                       A publication of Down Syndrome Association of Central California
         Our mission is to enhance the quality of life for all people whose lives are touched by Down syndrome.

                                                                   DID YOU KNOW?
                                                                   The GLOBAL Medical Care Guidelines for Adults
                                                                   with Down Syndrome is published! They provide first
                                                                   of-kind, evidence-based medical recommendations
                                                                   to support clinicians in their care of adults with Down
                                                                   syndrome. This life-changing resource covers 9 topic
                                                                   areas deemed critically important for the health and
                                                                   well-being of adults with Down syndrome and outlines
                                                                   critical future research needs.
                                                                   Be sure to review the GLOBAL Guidelines with your
                                                                   clinicians to ensure that they are receiving care the
                                                                   best care.
                                                                   Download them today at:

                                                                   Thank you everyone who came out to Drive Thru
                                                                   Donuts with Santa on December 5!
                                                                   We had so much fun waving to you and filling you full
                                                                   of sugar! We handed out more than 17 dozen donuts,
                                                                   100 milks, 50 orange juices, 5 gallons of coffee & hot
                                                                   cocoa, and 85+ gifts!
                                                                   None of this would have
                                                                   been possible without some
                                                                   incredible supporters &
                                                                   Volunteers; Lithia Subaru
                                                                   of Fresno, Frank Perez, JD
                                                                   Foods, Producers Dairy,
                                                                   Krispy Kreme, Christie Vick
                                                                   & parents, Ruth Reyes, John
                                                                   Dyrda, Larry Collins, and all
                                                                   of the incredible elves who
                                                                   came out to help.

In this issue...
Conservatorship.......... P. 1         Supporting DSACC...... P. 3                Birthdays .................... P. 7
Adult HC Guidelines.... P. 1           Lori Negrete Fund........ P 4-5            Calendar of Events....... P. 8-9
DSACC Updates.......... P. 2           Kids Corner................. P. 6          Calendario de eventos. P. 10-11
The eXtra! - Down Syndrome Association of Central California
A letter from our Executive Director, Jennifer Whiting

                                              Was it just me or did 2020 take        Together, with help and input
                                              a decade to get through? No?           from the community- DSACC is
Contact Information:
                                              Just felt like it? Only 365,000        excited to bring to life the DSACC
Down Syndrome Association
                                              days long.                             Skills Center; a program which will
of Central California
1491 W. Shaw Avenue                                                                  assist one-on-one or small group
Fresno, CA 93711                              While Covid and economic               tutoring to help our loved ones
Phone: (559) 228-0411                         struggles continue, there at least     with Down syndrome improve and
Fax: (559) 228-0414
                                              seems to be a light at the end         sustain skills they feel need extra
Website:                        of the tunnel, and some hope.          support. The ultimate goal is to
Jennifer Whiting- Executive Director          Life will never be the same. But       offer support for all ages, however,                                  going forward, I will definitely be    initially we will roll out support
Ruth Reyes Program Manager                    bringing along the silver linings      for adults who are out of the
                                              and new traditions I found this        education system and run the risk
Statement of Policy and                       past year- like spending more          of losing the skills they built up
                                              time with my family, each night        being in the education system.
The Extra is the periodic newsletter of
(DSACC) Down Syndrome Association             writing down three things that
of Central California, which serves           brought joy that day (the family       If you are interested in helping
Central California. Subscription is free to
members & friends of the Association.         does this together), zoom parties      create and build this program from
DSACC is affiliated with N.D.S.C and          with friends and family across the     the ground up, please contact
N.D.S.S. The Extra reports items of
interest related to Down syndrome, so         country, and a renewed passion         me at 228-0411, pd@dascc.
that the reader may make informed             for staying in my pj's all day- lol!   org. We are looking for educators,
decisions concerning Down syndrome
related issues. Any opinions, findings                                               professionals and parents with
and conclusions, or recommendations           I am excited to see DSACC              talent and skills to share!
expressed in The Extra are those of the
individual authors and do not necessarily     programs grow and touch lives
reflect the views of the officers, Board      in the coming months. While we         Be sure to check our website for
of Directors, DSACC organization or its
membership. All medical related issues        remain virtual for the first few       upcoming programs, workshops,
should be thoroughly discussed with           months, I am hopeful there will        and details for our spring Gala!
your doctor before being implemented.
DSACC does not endorse the writings           soon be a day we can all connect
of any individual, professional, or           again in-person.                       No one knows what this new year
                                                                                     holds, however I do know that
2020 Officers & Board of                      We start this year off with a very     we at DSACC will continue to
Directors                                     enthusiastic and passionate set        enhance the quality of life for all
Mike Bowman- President
                                              of board members, welcoming            people whose lives are touched by
Deepali Desai- Past President
Paul Carter- Vice President                   many new faces to the group.           Down syndrome to the best of our
Dee Dee Belliston- Treasurer                  Thank you Mike, DeAndra, Paul,         ability.
DeAndra Inman- Secretary
                                              Tori, Erin, Renee, Donna Marie,
Members at Large- Erin Bell,
Renee De La Rosa, Victoria                    Ruth, Rosemary & Adrian for            Happy New Year's!
D'Ambrosi, Ruth Soderlund,                    your dedication to DSACC.              Jenn
Rosemary & Adrian Jilote, Donna
Marie Ferrer                                                  2
The eXtra! - Down Syndrome Association of Central California
YOU make a difference!

                                                                               NOW YOU CAN
                                                                              TEXT TO GIVE!
                                        Amazon donates 0.5% of the
     Sign Up. Shop. Earn!                    price of your eligible
                                                                          Text "GIVE" plus the amount
  It’s free. Earn for your favorite
                                           AmazonSmile purchases            you want to donate to:
                                         to the charitable organization
        schools & nonprofits.
  Register store cards, credit/debit
   cards, or buy digital gift cards.
                                                 of your choice.            1-833-609-3589
                                           AmazonSmile is the same         Sample text: "Give + 50"
 Shop, dine out or even take a               Amazon you know.
cruise to earn easily and auto-                                             If it's your first time donating
matically when you shop with mer-       Same products, same prices,          by text to DSACC there will
      chants that give back.                  same service.                   be a one-time, simple set
                                                                                  up process that takes
Make A Difference! Automatically           Support your charitable                 less than a minute!
earn for your favorite causes when       organization by starting your
 you buy things your normally buy                shopping at
             every day.
                                                                               Then you are ready to
                                                                                   Text to Give!

Mail in donation:
One time donation (yes/no)				                   Recurring Monthly (yes/no)
CC Number:
Exp Date:             		                      Security code:
The eXtra! - Down Syndrome Association of Central California
Lorene "Lori" Negrete July 25, 1963- November 25, 2020
Written by Carol Yoder

In 1990, as parents of a           unconditional love naturally     discernment, truth, values,
new-born son, Brian Yoder,         influenced the circles of love   tutoring skills, therapy
who happened to be born            she created in the Fresno        interventions, discipline,
with Down syndrome and             area. The past 20 years Lori     ethics, morals, homemaking
numerous medical challenges,       was a teacher in the Kings       surprises, new food flavors,
we were advised by multiple        Canyon Unified School District   and a front row seat into
professionals to expand            where her true mission was to    a heart of compassionate
our resources to include           make an impact on students       companionship caregiving
compassionate caregivers           and their families by simply     that turned into a forever best
into our family life. We had       believing in themselves and      friend for all of the Yoder
no idea of how this would          embracing their unique being.    family in Lori Negrete. Lori
influence our lives forever.                                        stayed in our life forever.
                                   When Lori came into our life,
On Valentines Day, February        she immediately embraced         As a family we cried our way
14, 1991 a forever gift of         Brian’s personhood and           through Thanksgiving Day
love was personally delivered      abilities. Lori’s BIG HEART      2020, and gave thanks for
to our family as Lori Negrete      added so much to our Yoder       the rich deposit of love that
walked into our lives to           family. We were blessed by       Lori imparted into our lives.
provide compassionate care         Lori’s continual unconditional   In a moment of time, Lori’s
for our 6 month-old son,           love, acceptance, profound       life here on earth ended and
Brian Yoder. Lori’s profound       laughter, incredible             Lori’s rich legacy and spirit
love, compassion, care,            care, giggles, play,             lives on all
humor, wisdom, laughter,           lightheartedness, humor,         those individuals and families
ethics, values, and friendship
became a vital part of our
whole family for the next 29
1/2 years. We shared Lori
with other families that had
babies with special needs as
she had a natural capacity to
see all individuals for exactly
how they were created, and
instinctively knew the needs of
the baby and all their family
members. Lori utilized her
natural immense love for
individuals with special needs
to deposit nurturance and
acceptance into all persons
who came in contact with
their highly valued life. Lori’s                  4
The eXtra! - Down Syndrome Association of Central California
that Lori poured her life into...
and in all of mankind that
embraced her profound joy
of accepting and believing in
individuals exactly how they
were created.
We are honored when asked
by Lori’s family to select an
agency to be the recipients of
Lori’s memorial funds. Lori
participated with our family
in the “Step Up for Ds Walk”.
Lori called it the gathering
where family and friends
come together to support and
celebrate life’s little slice of
heaven. Ironically, I always
introduced others to Lori as
what an angel looks like on
earth. Thank you for allowing
me to share an angel’s
profound influence and

A Lori Negrete Fund has been
created to directly support the
2021 launch of the DSACC
Skills Center; a program
which will assist one-on-
one or small group tutoring
program to help our loved
ones with Down syndrome
improve and sustain skills
they feel need extra support.
The ultimate goal is to offer
support for all ages, but
initially DSACC will roll out
support for adults who are
out of the education system
and run the risk of losing the
skills they built up being in the
education system.
   To make a contribution to the Lori Negrete Fund, visit
The eXtra! - Down Syndrome Association of Central California
Footprint Penguin
Footprints and handprints are treasured
keepsakes for grandparents and parents.
This cute Footprint Penguin is a wonderful
addition to the collection. It’s always fun for
kids to look back and see how much they
have grown since they made their prints.

Black, white, and orange paint
                                                      4. Paint on an orange beak
Paint brush
                                                      5. Glue on 2 googly eyes
Googly eyes
                                                      Cupid's Heart Shaped Brownies
                                                      • 1 pkg. (4 oz.) Unsweetened Chocolate
1. Paint your child's foot black and stamp on
                                                      • 3/4 cup butter
the paper. Allow to dry.
                                                      • 2 cups sugar
2. Using your black paint, paint some wings
                                                      • 3 eggs
on your penguin
                                                      • 1 tsp. vanilla
3. Using your white paint, paint a body on
                                                      • 1 cup flour
your penguin
                                                      • 1 cup coarsely chopped walnuts
                                                      • 1 cup ready-to-spread vanilla frosting
                                                      • 1/4 cup multi-colored sprinkle
                                                      • Heart shaped cookie cutter

                                                      1. Heat oven to 350°F. Line 13x9 inch pan
                                                      with foil, with ends of foil extending over
                                                      sides; spray with cooking spray.
                                                      2. Microwave chocolate and butter in large
The eXtra! - Down Syndrome Association of Central California
   If your birthday is not listed here, please call us and let us know. We will publish missed birthdays.

     Aaron Ray          Carlos Williams     Gerardo Reynoso           Julio Ramirez       Natalie Dream
  Abraham Benitez            Recinos             Gisele Cody       Katie Rose Cosby           Pimentel
   Adrian Pedraza        Charis Crisco      Guadalupe Ramos           Kelly Klepper      Natividad Garcia
   Adriana Romo        Charlie Allshouse            Ian Frantz       Kensy Molina-          Nihan Rojas
     Aleksander       Christopher Yepez         Isabella Meza            Monges                Herrera
     Wickstrom        Cristopher Vasquez    Isaiah Richardson      Lauren Bergquist       Noah Sanchez
  Alessandra Colin      Crystal Alvarez          Isaias Arzola         Leanna D.       Paola Beatriz Garcia
     Alex Mejia          Dana Paderna              Jack Welsh           Hutchings           Phillip Sims
   Alexa Pacheco          Dante David           Jacob Chavez         Levi Gonzalez        Richard "Ricky"
      Villasenor             Rossette          Jaime Rayo Jr.     Lilianna Bourgeois          Peterson
 Alexandria Maggio      Darae De Alba             Jairus Allen        Logan Dewey            Rosy Lazo
    Alina Garcia        Diego Cisneros               Almenar         Logan Vincent       Salvador Albino
   Aliyah Isabella          E.J. Smith            Jan P. Mona            Monroy            Scott "Scottie"
         Tovar             Edith Mojin       Jarron Jefferson      Loriann Sanchez            Nerland
  Alyius Chhoeum      Eleena Avila Rivera        Jason Mullis     Lourdes Cervantes     Sebastian Vidales
 Alyson Zarate Diaz      Elijah Johnson        Javier Sanchez     Lyndsey Gonzales            Sibastian
   Andrea "Andy"       Elijah Michael De    Jayden Gallegos-       Mariana Guillen     Hernandez- Lorenzo
        Varela              La Cerda                   Silva              Gomez            Skyler Mantle
      Angel Jeff      Elizabeth Reynoso        Jaylynn Rivera        Mario Silva Jr.       Sophia Lopez
    Angel Torres           Emily Smith       Jennifer Johnson      Mark Puentes, Jr.       Sophia Marie
      Santiago         Emma Sandoval         Jeremiah Zuniga       Matthew Schaak        Mendoza Ybarra
     Anna Davis        Emmanuel Reyna             Jose Piceno     Max Aaron Vargas        Stephanie Cruz
 Armando Rosales,         Ethan Hunter        Joshua Morales               Perez        Steven Sztukowksi
           Jr.             Eva Conner          Joshua Silmon         Melissa Marie           Uma Kirby
  Audrey Gutierrez         Evan Forbis                Lopez              Alvarez         Vanessa Castillo
   Ava Fernandes        Fatima Macias         Joshua Vazquez          Mia Figueroa        Victoria Castro
 Benson Benavides        Felipe Basulto               Pineda       Micah McDaniel         Vita Hernandez
  Brenda Anderson      Fernanda Ramos          Julian Carrillo      Michelle Villeda   Ximena Lopez-Ballin
  Brogan Kerrigan       Fransico "Keko"        Juliana Estrella        Mike Wright
 Caidus Coronado              Huerta                  Bernal         Monica Ruano

microwaveable bowl on              6. Bake 30 to 35 min. or until       8. Cut into heart shapes with
HIGH 2 min. or until butter is     toothpick inserted in center         2-inch cookie cutter. Reserve
melted. Stir until chocolate is    comes out with fudgy crumbs.         scraps for snacking or other
completely melted.                 (Do not overbake.) Cool              use.
3. Add sugar; mix well.            completely.                          9. Decorate cutouts with
4. Blend in eggs and vanilla.      7. Use foil handles to lift          frosting and sprinkles.
5. Stir in flour and nuts;         brownies from pan.
spread into prepared pan.
The eXtra! - Down Syndrome Association of Central California
Calendar of Events
Parent2Parent/South Valley 5            Important 2020 dates to take note of...
& Under Parent Education and
                                        • Personal Protection Gear available now until we run out. Pick up Mon-
Support Group
This (all ages) group offers              day or Wednesdays at the DSACC office between 10-1 pm. If you
emotional support, connections            need to arrange an alternate time or pick up location, contact us at
and education for families                559.228.0411
touched by a disability (not just
                                        • Virtual Conservatorship Workshop ...................... January 14, 2021
Down syndrome!). The purpose is
to connect new friends and old,         • Look out for details for our 2021 Gala
gain valuable tools and support
for a variety of topics relating to     Please note, dates may be subject to change
raising a child or adult with a
disability. Questions? Contact
Ruth at
                                         When: First Thursday of the
                                         month, from 10:00-11:00 am             When: 6:00-8:00 pm, Second
When: 6:00-8:00 pm, First
                                         unless otherwise noted                 Wednesday of the month
Wednesday of the month
                                         Where: Virtually on Zoom!              Where: Virtually on ZOOM-
Where: Virtually on ZOOM-
                                         To register and get ZOOM     
                                         meeting details, please contact        6038862?pwd=VzBnN1BobjlwR
                                         Stephanie Caldera at Bright Start-     GUzVXk4MlZqVTl2dz09
                               , (559) 740-          Meeting ID: 890 9603 8862
Meeting ID: 932 8947 2001 •
                                         4321 ext. 6528                         Passcode: 0321
Passcode: 0321

                                         January 2021- No Meeting               January 8, 2021: parent to parent
January 2021- No Meeting
                                         February 4, 2021: Speech               meet, greet and chat!
February 3, 202: Self
                                         Therapy                                February 10, 202: Introducing
Determination 101
                                         March 5, 2021: Financial               Central Valley Regional Center
March 4, 2021: parent to parent
                                         Planning 101                           March 10, 2021: What is an IEP

                                         Grupo Apoyo                            DSACC Self Advocate
South Valley Education and
                                         This (all ages) group offers           Committee
Support Group
                                         emotional support, connections         On the Advocate committee our
This early start group offers
                                         and education for families             adults with Down syndrome will
emotional support, connections
                                         touched by a disability (not just      learn public speaking skills, build
and education for families
                                         Down syndrome!). All presenters        and maintain social skills, and be
touched by a disability (not just
                                         are bi-lingual. The purpose of         a voice for members with Down
Down syndrome!). Meetings are
                                         Grupo is to connect new friends        syndrome.
facilitated by DSACC & Bright
                                         and old, gain valuable tools and
Start staff. The purpose is to
                                         support for a variety of topics        When: 1:00-2:00pm the 2nd
connect new friends and old, gain
                                         relating to raising a child or adult   Tuesday of every month unless
valuable tools and support for a
                                         with a disability.                     otherwise noted
variety of topics relating to raising
                                         Questions? Contact Ruth at om@         Where: Virtually on ZOOM
a child or adult with a disability.                        8
Please contact Jennifer for          Need personal protection                    COVID-19 ONLINE RESOURCES
meeting details. Contact by phone    gear?
                                                                                 Q&A on Covid-19 and Down
at 559.228.0411 or by email at       We've got you COVERED! Thanks               syndrome                         to an incredible donation from    
                                     our friends at State Council on             19-down-syndrome-resource/
Virtual Conservatorship              Developmental Disabilities, we              Global Down Syndrome
Workshop                             have face masks, face shields and           Foundation (has info in Spanish
DSACC is excited to welcome          hand sanitizer for our families!            & English)
Fresno Paralegal Services for
a virtual workshop to help us        You can pick up your supplies
learn about - Why you would          at the DSACC office Monday &                Lumind IDSC
need to be a conservator, What       Wednesdays from 10-1 pm, or
is a Conservatorship? Types          contact us to arrange an alternate
of Conservatorship, Power of         meet up 559.228.0411, om@                   Centers for Disease Control:
Attorney vs. Conservatorship, the                                   coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html
process and so much more! This       -------------------------------------
                                                                                 National Institutes of Health:
is a workshop you are not going      Do you have an event or
to want to miss, especially if you   program to share with DSACC                 information/coronavirus
have a young adult nearing or at     readers? You can submit written
                                                                                 California Department of Public
the age of 18.                       information for approval to info@           Health
Thursday, January 14, 2021 from by February 1, 2021     
6:00-8:30pm                          -----------------------------------------   CID/DCDC/Pages/Immunization/
$5 per participant                        DSACC will be open by                  ncov2019.aspx
Register today online at https://            appointment only                    California Corona Virus
                                      You can reach staff members by    programs-news/
                                     phone Monday- Wednesday 10-2
upcoming-programs/                   pm at 559.228.0411, or by email;
or contact DSACC staff at            Ruth-, Jenn- pd@               If you think you or anyone in
559.228.0411,                                    your care may have COVID-19,
                                                                                 call your doctor or other health
                                      2021 Board Meeting Schedule                professional immediately. Calling
Do you need assistance
                                      Board meetings take place from             first is important. Going to an office
buying diapers, pull ups or                 6-8 pm via Zoom.                     or a hospital makes your risk of
wipes?                                     Board meetings are                    possibly catching or spreading the
DSACC is here to help! Thanks to            open to the public.                  virus greater. If you call first, the
a partnership with CVRC, we are                                                  office or hospital will be prepared
                                             Meetings dates:                     for you.
now helping families who cannot             January 20, 2021                     If you have an emergency,
afford it, purchase diapers and             February 17, 2021                    please call 911.
wipes during the pandemic.                     April 21, 2021
                                               June 16, 2021
                                           September 15, 2021                    It’s important to take care of
If you need assistance please
                                      November 6, 202: Board Retreat             yourself. If you are sick or too
contact Ruth at               December 15, 2021                     tired, you cannot care for others.
or 559.228.0411 to get on our          ***The President may call for             Stay healthy! Others depend on
distribution list.                                                               you. When you can, check in with
                                         additional meetings when                family and friends. They may have
                                                 necessary                       problems with this health emergency
                                                         9                       and could use your help.
Calendario de eventos
Mantente a salvo y sano         Necesitamos saber el             Dónde: Virtualmente en
amigos. Si necesita             tamaño del pañal y su            ZOOM - Únase a Zoom:
ayuda durante el refugio,       información de contacto
déjenos un mensaje al           para organizar una fecha         3289472001?pwd=ajkzMVF
559.228.0411.                   y hora de entrega o              rMFg2MDJKdkNNbVA3WXc
                                recogida.                        xUT09
Mientras todos luchamos                                          ID de la reunión: 932 8947
por encontrar el equilibrio y   De Padre a Padre                 2001
la calma en esta pandemia       Este grupo (para todas           Código de acceso: 0321
siempre cambiante y             las edades) ofrece apoyo
preocupante, sepa que           emocional, conexiones y          13 de Enero de 2021:
todavía estamos aquí para       educación para familias          3 de Febrero de 2021:
ayudarlo. Puede parecer         tocadas por alguna               autodeterminación 101
muy diferente a lo que          discapacidad (no solo            4 de Marzo de 2021:
estamos acostumbrados,          síndrome de Down).               Reunion de padre a padre
pero el objetivo principal de
DSACC es servir como un         ¡Estamos buscando a              Grupo de Apoyo y
sistema de apoyo y vincular     alguien que intervenga como      Educación del Valle Sur
a los recursos locales          nuestro nuevo líder de grupo     Cuándo: primer Jueves del
para cualquier necesidad        P2P! Si está interesado,         mes, de las 10:00-11:00 am
que pueda tener: puede          comuníquese con Jennifer al      a menos que se indique lo
ser información sobre           559.228.0411, pd@dsacc.          contrario
hitos y atención médica,        org. ¡El único requisito es el
puede estar relacionada         entusiasmo!                      Dónde: ¡Virtualmente en
con la educación , citas,                                        Zoom! Para registrarse
habilidades, lo que sea         El propósito de P2P es           y obtener los detalles de
... si no podemos ayudar,       conectar a nuevos y antiguos     la reunión de ZOOM,
encontraremos a alguien que     amigos, ganar valiosas           comuníquese con Stephanie
pueda.                          herramientas y apoyo para        Caldera en Bright Start-
                                una variedad de temas  , (559)
Vamos a trabajar en             relacionados con la crianza      740-4321 ext. 6528
estrecha colaboración           de un niño o de un adulto
con el Centro Regional          con alguna discapacidad. Se
para asegurarnos de que         proveerá cuidado de niños.          ¿Preguntas sobre los
sus bebés y niños tengan        Si tiene preguntas, contacte a       próximos eventos?
pañales. Si necesita ayuda      Ruth a                      Póngase en
para obtener pañales                                                       contacto
                                Cuándo: 6:00-8:00 pm,                        Ruth
durante la pandemia,
                                                                      al 559.228.0411,
infórmenos en om@               primer Miércoles del mes              o, 559.228.0411.                      10
Enero de 2021: sin reunión      tutela, a favor y en contra           COVID-19 ONLINE RESOURCES
4 de Febrero de 2021:           el poder legal y tutela, el
                                                                      Q&A on Covid-19 and Down
Terapia del habla               proceso y mucho más. Este             syndrome
5 de Marzo de 2021:             es un taller que no querrá  
Planificación financiera        perderse, especialmente si            19-down-syndrome-resource/
                                tiene un joven que se acerca          Global Down Syndrome
Grupo de Apoyo                  o que tiene 18 años.                  Foundation (has info in Spanish
                                                                      & English)
Cancelado hasta nuevo           Jueves, 14 de Enero de 2021           https://www.globaldownsyndrome.
aviso. Únase a nosotros         de 6:00-8:30pm                        org/covid-19/
virtualmente el primer                                                Lumind IDSC
miércoles de cada mes para      $ 5 por participante        
recibir asistencia.             Regístrese hoy en línea en            t21covid/
                                      Centers for Disease Control:
Cuándo: 6:00-8:00 pm,           programs-news / next-       
segundo Miércoles del mes       programs/
Dónde: Virtualmente en          o comuníquese con el                  National Institutes of Health:
ZOOM - Únase a Zoom:            personal de DSACC al                  information/coronavirus      559.228.0411, om@dsacc.
                                                                      California Department of Public
89096038862?pwd=VzBnN           org                                   Health
dz09                            DSACC estará abierto solo con         CID/DCDC/Pages/Immunization/
                                            cita previa               ncov2019.aspx
ID de reunión: 890 9603             Puede comunicarse con los
8862                                                                  California Corona Virus
                                    miembros del personal por
Código de acceso: 0321           teléfono de lunes a miércoles de
                                  10 a 2 pm al 559.228.0411, o        Si cree que usted o alguien
                                por correo electrónico; Ruth- om@     bajo su cuidado puede tener
13 de Enero de 2021:    , Jenn-       COVID-19, llame a su médico
¡Reunion de padre a padre!                                            u otro profesional de la salud
10 de Febrero de 2021:           2021 Board Meeting Schedule          de inmediato. Llamar primero
Presentación del Centro         Las reuniones de la junta se llevan   es importante. Ir a la oficina o
                                 a cabo de 6 a 8 pm a través de       al hospital aumenta el riesgo de
Regional del Valle Central       Zoom. Las reuniones de la junta      contraer o propagar el virus. Si
10 de Marzo de 2021: ¿Qué            están abiertas al público.       llama primero, la oficina o el
es un IEP? Con Exceptional                                            hospital estarán preparados para
Parents Unlimited                       Fechas de reuniones:          usted.
                                        20 de enero de 2021           Si tiene una emergencia, llame al
                                      17 de febrero de 2021           911.
Taller de tutela virtual                21 de abril de 2021
DSACC se complace en                    16 de junio de 2021           Es importante que se cuide. Si está
                                    15 de septiembre de 2021          enfermo o demasiado cansado,
dar la bienvenida a Fresno                                            no puede cuidar de los demás.
                                6 de noviembre de 202: Retiro de
Paralegal Services para un                     la Junta               ¡Mantenerse sano! Otros dependen
taller virtual para ayudarnos        15 de diciembre de 2021          de ti. Cuando pueda, consulte con
                                                                      familiares y amigos. Es posible
a aprender sobre: ¿Por qué       *** El presidente puede convocar
                                                                      que tengan problemas con esta
necesitaría ser una tutela?     reuniones adicionales cuando sea
                                                                      emergencia médica y podrían
¿Qué es una tutela? Tipos de                                          necesitar su ayuda.
1491 W. Shaw Avenue
Fresno, CA 93711
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